HomeMy WebLinkAbout19 - Parking Restrictions in CDM• �� =il �_�•,i�ii� it Tk # [ t Agenda Item No. 19 October 22, 2013 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Public Works Department David A. Webb, Public Works Director 949 - 644- 3330,dawebb @newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Antony Brine, City Traffic Engineer, 949 - 644 -3329, tbrine @newportbeachca.gov APPROVED: TITLE: Parking Restrictions - Corona del Mar High School Area ABSTRACT: Residents and property owners in the area surrounding Corona del Mar High School have expressed concerns with High School students parking in their neighborhoods. After reviewing the field conditions and working with the residents as well as the High School, staff is now providing two different options in this report for Council to consider in an effort to reduce student parking impacts on the surrounding neighborhood streets of Aralia Street, Amigos Way, and Domingo Drive. RECOMMENDATIONS: (Choose only one) Adopt Resolution No. 2013- 73 establishing a One -Hour Parking Time Limit between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on School Days on Aralia Street between Aleppo Street and Alta Vista Drive; on Amigos Way; and on the south side of Domingo Drive; or Adopt Resolution No. 2013- 73 and hold the first reading of Ordinance No. 2013- 20 establishing a Preferential Parking Zone for a One -Hour Parking Time Limit, 7:00 am — 4:00 pm on School Days, except by permit; for parking on Aralia Street between Aleppo Street and Alta Vista Drive; on Amigos Way; and on the south side of Domingo Drive. Direct the City Clerk schedule the second reading of Ordinance No. 2013- 20 for adoption at your November 12, 2013 City Council Meeting; or 3. Provide Staff with alternative direction regarding this issue. 1 of 10 Parking Restrictions - Corona del Mar High School Area October 22, 2013 Page 2 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Staff anticipates there will costs associated with the installation of traffic signage, administration of a permit program, and necessary enforcement. DISCUSSION: In October of 2011, the Eastbluff Homeowners Association first contacted city staff with a request for some form of residential parking restrictions on Aralia Street to address the overflow high school student parking issues. Staff began a review of parking in the entire area surrounding Corona del Mar High School ( "High School') recognizing that the off -site student parking impacts were not confined to just Aralia Street. The streets surrounding the apartments on Domingo Drive and Amigos Way were also impacted, in addition to the parking lot at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church ( "OLQA "). It is important to note that two large construction projects were taking place, or planned, in the area at the time of this review. The first was the new OLQA Church, which was under construction. Over the years, students had become accustomed to using the church parking lot, and the church construction project was displacing this student parking back into the surrounding streets. The second project involved the Newport Mesa Unified School District ( "NMUSD ") plans to start construction in the summer of 2012 on the new middle school buildings. Approximately 80 parking spaces were planned to be temporarily removed in the "back" student parking lot. In our initial discussions regarding possible parking restrictions, the residents were made aware that residential parking permits are a last option. Chapter 12.68 of the Municipal Code indicates that residential parking permits should not be considered unless "no alternative solution is feasible or practical'. With those guidelines, staff began the process to determine if other improvements could be made to reduce or eliminate the encroachment of students parking on the surrounding neighborhood streets. In March of 2012, a meeting was held with the High School Principal, a representative of NMUSD, two residents and City staff. At this meeting the Principal committed to providing more parking permits for students to park on -site. Traditionally the parking lot on Eastbluff Drive is designated for seniors only; however this often resulted in many un- parked stalls. In the spring of 2012, juniors were also allowed to park in the Eastbluff lot. Additionally at this meeting, the School District confirmed that they would be expanding the student parking lot on Eastbluff Drive by 50 parking spaces. City staff discussed the existing permit program in the area around Newport Harbor High School as well as enforcement problems with students moving their vehicles during school breaks. It was decided at this meeting that with the additional 50 parking spaces being added to Eastbluff lot, more student permits for on -site parking, and student parking education by the District, the need for further residential parking restrictions would be 2 o 10 Parking Restrictions - Corona del Mar High School Area October 22, 2013 Page 3 alleviated. In May of 2012, "No Student Parking in Neighborhood" signs were installed by the City as an additional effort to deter students from parking on Aralia Street. After the 2012 Summer break, the Police Department reviewed the parking on Aralia Street and noted that there was sufficient on- street parking available for the entire length of the street. The next communication received from the residents was in the middle of October 2012. After several cancelled and /or re- scheduled Eastbluff Homeowners Association meetings, City staff met with the Association in April 2013. At this April meeting, staff discussed the results of their latest parking review, and outlined issues to be further researched. Staff had subsequent conversations with the High School, Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, and the Eastbluff Apartment Owners Association. Staff provided a summary of those conversations and detailed information to the Aralia representatives in early May 2013. The High School indicated that during the 2013 -2014 school years, more seniors and juniors would be in attendance leading to more students driving to school and needing parking. The church also indicated that although they have been fairly lenient with allowing student parking in their lot in the past, they were going to be more restrictive starting in the fall of 2013 as they now needed all of their parking. During these discussions, the Apartment Owners also confirmed that they are impacted by the overflow of students parking in the neighborhood and that the school construction has worsened the problem. Additionally, the Aralia Street Parking Committee stated in an e-mail that they had completed a survey with overwhelming support of 75 % of residents on Aralia Street in favor of residential parking restrictions. In general, staff has been observing more noticeable parking impacts during the spring semester of the school year. This has been previously confirmed by NMUSD, who noted that many older sophomores turn 16, receive a license /car and start driving to school in the second half of the school year. On September 25, 2013, Councilmembers Hill and Petros, the City Manager and staff attended a meeting with NMUSD Superintendent Dr. Fred Navarro and NMUSD staff including the High School's new Principal - Kathy Scott. The meeting was productive, with the City and the NMUSD agreeing to continue to work together on a range of solutions to address the issue of student parking in the neighborhoods at both High Schools in the City. During this meeting it was discussed that some students do not park in the Eastbluff parking lot because of congestion in exiting the parking lot to take their short lunch. NMUSD indicated that they would consider changing the lunch schedule in an effort to ease that congestion, and to also review allowing both seniors and juniors to use either student lot. In addition to the above measures proposed by NMUSD changes could also include more efficient use of the school parking lots by assigning parking spaces. Even with possible changes and improvements on the school property, staff recognizes there will be continued pressure for students to park in the surrounding neighborhoods. 3 of 10 Parking Restrictions - Corona del Mar High School Area October 22, 2013 Page 4 Because of this, staff is presenting the two primary options available for consideration for implementing parking restrictions on the adjacent neighborhood streets. Those options are: 1) One -Hour Parking Limit, 7:00 am — 4:00 pm, School Days Only. This would greatly reduce, if not eliminate, the number of students parking on the street. The one -hour limit would eliminate the potential of students leaving the campus to move their vehicles between breaks. The breaks for students currently occur every two hours. The negative for this option is that it would also restrict parking for residents, guests, and contractors, etc. to one hour. The proposed hours match the school bell schedule, with early bell at 6:50 a.m. and end of instruction at 3:00 p.m. 2) One -Hour Parking Limit, 7:00 am — 4:00 pm, School Days Only, except by permit. The permit program does not limit parking to residents only. It provides for one hour of open parking for individuals without a permit. After the initial one - hour period, a residential permit would then be required. This option would address the student parking, and would eliminate the potential of students leaving the campus to move their vehicle. This option provides for limited guest or contractor parking, while also giving residents unrestricted parking (with a permit). The negatives associated with this option are primarily related to administrative and enforcement issues. On Aralia Street there would be 34 residences in the zone. On Amigos Way and Domingo Drive there are a total of over 200 apartment addresses. The Municipal Code allows up to 3 permits per address. With a Residential Permit Program, there could be over 700 permits issued in the new zone area. For information purposes, the annual administrative cost for the current permit zones with 626 permits is approximately $8,000 - $10,000. Another potential issue is the turnover of street parking by residents within apartment areas. This unknown variable could lead to constant revisions to the permit zone, and issuance of many additional permits resulting in higher administration costs. With resident turnover, there could potentially be dozens of invalid or outdated permits in the neighborhood at any time. Over the years, staff has also processed numerous revisions to the existing Zone 2 permit area based on requests to add or remove individual residences. It is staffs belief that implementing One -Hour Time Limit parking restrictions from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm, School Days Only, would basically address the off - campus student parking issues without including the cost and issues associated with permits. Staff believes Option 1 would be an effective way to start to address this issue. The locations of the one -hour parking zone would include Aralia Street between Aleppo Street and Alta Vista Drive; the entire length of Amigos Way; 4 of 10 Parking Restrictions - Corona del Mar High School Area October 22, 2013 Page 5 and on the south side of Domingo Drive. The proposed segment of Aralia Street is the section primarily impacted by student parking. The north side of Domingo Drive will remain without parking time limits to accommodate the OLQA Church and school employees. Much of Amigos Way is currently used by students and would benefit from time restrictions. If the one -hour time limits are approved, staff will monitor the new parking restrictions and recommends that we review their effectiveness at the end of a one year period. This should be a sufficient period to determine if the time restrictions are achieving the goal of controlling student parking, or if they should be modified or eliminated. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Submitted by: David A. Webb Public Works Director Attachments: A. Resolution B. Ordinance 5 of 10 Attachment A RESOLUTION NO. 2013 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH LIMITING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES ON STREETS ON ARALIA STREET, DOMINGO DRIVE AND AMIGOS WAY WHEREAS, Section 12.44.150 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code provides that the City Council shall by resolution designate streets or portions of streets on which the parking or standing of vehicles is to be prohibited, and shall designate in the resolution the days of the week and the exact hours during which such prohibition shall be in effect; and WHEREAS, in order to address parking conditions relating to students attending Corona del Mar High School, the City Council now desires to limit the parking of vehicles on Aralia Street between Aleppo Street and Alta Vista Drive; on the south side of Domingo Drive; and on Amigos Way between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on days when school is in session. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach as follows: 1. The parking of vehicles between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on days in which school is in session shall be limited to one (1) hour duration on Aralia Street between Aleppo Street and Alta Vista Drive; on the south side of Domingo Drive; and on Amigos Way. The City Traffic Engineer is authorized and directed to cause signs to be erected at the above locations giving notice of such parking restrictions. ADOPTED this 22 "d day of October, 2013. Keith D. Curry Mayor ATTEST: Leilani I. Brown City Clerk 6 of 10 Attachment B ORDINANCE NO.2013 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA AMENDING SECTION 12.68.060 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH A RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT PROGRAM FOR ARALIA STREET, DOMINGO DRIVE, AND AMIGOS WAY WHEREAS, residents and property owners in the area surrounding Corona del Mar High School have expressed concerns about students parking in their neighborhoods and impacting parking conditions on the neighborhood streets on days in which school is in session; and WHEREAS, on October 22, 2013, the City Council adopted Resolution No. finding that parking in the area of Aralia Street between Aleppo Street and Alta Vista Drive; on the South side of Domingo Drive; and on Amigos Way is regularly and substantially interfered with by the use of students parking for the purposes of attending Corona del Mar High School between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m, on days in which school is in session; and WHEREAS, by its action in adopting Resolution No. City Council limited the parking of vehicles on Aralia Street between Aleppo Street and Alta Vista Drive; on the South side of Domingo Drive; and on Amigos Way between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on days in which school is in session; and WHEREAS, the City has explored possible improvements with representatives of the Newport Mesa Unified School District but recognizes that there will be continued pressure for students to park in the surrounding neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the majority of residents adjacent to the streets on which parking is limited pursuant to Resolution No. desire, agree and request preferential parking privileges; and WHEREAS, Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 12.68,060 authorizes the City Council to designate certain residential streets or any portion thereof as preferential parking zones for the benefit of residents adjacent thereto, in which zones vehicles displaying a permit may be exempt from parking prohibitions or restrictions otherwise posted, marked, or noticed; and WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find that a preferential parking zone for the streets where parking is limited between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4 p.m. on days in which school is in session pursuant to Resolution No. is required to enhance and protect the quality of life in the area of Aralia Street, Domingo Drive and on Amigos Way; is desirable in order to alleviate parking impacts resulting from long- Poste online r 5282013 -1- 7 of 10 term nonresident parking; and, necessary to provide reasonably available and convenient parking for the benefit of the adjacent residents. THE CITY COUNCIL OF NEWPORT BEACH DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Section 12.68.060 C. is added to the Newport Beach Municipal Code to read as follows: 12.68.060 C. Zone "3" — Aralia Street, Domingo Drive, and Amigos Way. Parking on the following streets shall be limited to one (1) hour duration on school days between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., except by permit. 1. Aralia Street — Aleppo Street to Alta Vista Drive 2. Domingo Drive — South side. 3. Amigos Way. Section 2: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section 3: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance, or a summary thereof, to be published in the official newspaper of the City, and it shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption. Posted online: 92912013 _2 8 of 10 This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the _ day of 2013, and adopted on the day of 2013, by the following vote, to -wit: NOES, COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS MA ATTEST: Keith D. Curry LEILANI I. BROWN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE �34 wt 4�--- 1 AARON C. HARP, CITY ATTORNEY Pcs :? cnllrt: 5l SW -3- 9 of 10 Attachment C Proposed CDM HS Parking Restrictions Vista Del Oro Alba St Corona Del Mar v High School d -� is � rt O Mar Vista pr Domingo Dr to ,po egos �a� 10 of 10