HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - 210 41st St Condo Conversion - PA2013-173COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT October 24, 2013 Agenda Item No. 3 SUBJECT: 210 41st Street Condominium Conversion - (PA2013 -173) 210 41 st Street Condominium Conversion No. CC2013 -003 APPLICANT: Bill Caskey PLANNER: Melinda Whelan, Assistant Planner (949) 644 -3221, mwhelan @newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: R -2 (Two - Family Residential) • General Plan: RT (Two -Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY A condominium conversion to convert an existing duplex into a two -unit condominium project. There are no waivers of Title 19 condominium conversion development standards proposed with this application. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Condominium Conversion No. CC2013 -003 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 9 210 4151 Condominium Conversion October 24, 2013 Page 2 DISCUSSION The site is located in West Newport, between River Avenue and Balboa Boulevard, in the R -2 zoning district. • In 2007, an existing duplex was demolished and a new duplex was constructed to condominium specifications with separate utilities, separate garage spaces, and separate water meters. The building permit was issued April 27, 2007 and construction was finaled July 10, 2008. A tentative parcel map for condominium purposes was also approved concurrently with the construction of the duplex. However, construction of the new duplex was finaled and the parcel map was never recorded at the County. Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2007 -023 (County Map No. 2007 -202) was approved by the Zoning Administrator on October 27, 2007 and remains valid until October 2020, per state - mandated extension (Government Code Sections 66452.21, 66452.22, 66452.23, and 66452.24). A condominium conversion is now required to implement the existing Parcel Map and convert the duplex into condominiums. • Pursuant to Section 19.64.040 (Tenant Notification) the existing tenants have been notified informing them of this application and their rights in regards to their tenancy. • The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site as Two -Unit Residential (RT), and the Coastal Land Use Plan designates this site as Two - Unit Residential (RT -E). The current development is consistent with these designations. • One garage parking space and one tandem carport parking space are provided for each dwelling unit, consistent with the off - street parking requirements of Chapter 20.40 (Off- Street Parking) of the Municipal Code. • A special inspection was completed pursuant to Section 19.64.070 F by the Building Inspector on September 25, 2013, for the purpose of identifying any building safety violations. Only one violation was identified which was to replace the batteries in all smoke detectors. The violation was corrected and the inspection was approved by the Building Inspector on October 9, 2013. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) and Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions). TmpIt:05 -24 -13 S 210 4151 Condominium Conversion October 24, 2013 Page 3 The division of existing multiple family or single - family residences into common interest ownership is exempt under Class 1 of CEQA. The division of property in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial use into four or fewer parcels is exempt under Class 15 when the division is in conformance with the General Plan and zoning, no variances or exceptions are required, all services and access to the proposed parcels to local standards are available, the parcel was not involved in a division of a larger parcel within the previous 2 years, and the parcel does not have an average slope greater than 20 percent. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of- way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal of the Condominium Conversion may be filed with the Director of Community Development within fourteen (14) days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644 -3200. Prepared by: Melinda Whelan Assistant Planner GR/msw Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans ZA 4 County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2007 -202 TmpIt:05 -24 -13 0 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 w A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION NO. CC2013 -003 FOR A TWO -UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 210 41ST STREET (PA2013 -173) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Bill Caskey, with respect to property located at 210 41St Street, and legally described as Lot 6, Block 140, of the Canal Section in the City of Newport Beach, as per map thereof recorded in Book 423, Page 30 of miscellaneous maps in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, requesting approval of a condominium conversion. 2. The applicant proposes a condominium conversion to convert an existing duplex into a condominium project. No waivers of Title 19 condominium conversion development standards are proposed with this application. 3. The subject property is located within the R -2 (Two -Unit Residential) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is RT (Two -Unit Residential). 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is RT -E (Two -Unit Residential). 5. A public hearing was held on October 24, 2013 in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to the State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) and Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions). 2. The division of existing multiple family or single - family residences into common interest ownership is exempt under Class 1 of CEQA. The division of property in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial use into four or fewer parcels is exempt under Class 15 when the division is in conformance with the General Plan and zoning, no variances or exceptions are required, all services and access to the proposed parcels to local standards are available, the parcel was not involved in a division of a larger parcel within the previous 2 years, and the parcel does not have an average slope greater than 20 percent. 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Paqe 2 of 6 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Condominium Conversion In accordance with Section 19.64.070 (Standards for Condominium Conversions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding A. The minimum number, and the design and location of off - street parking spaces shall be provided in conformance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of approval of the conversion. Facts in Support of Finding A -1. The existing duplex provides two, single -car garages and two covered spaces, for a total of four spaces. A -2. The four spaces provided meet the number design and location of parking spaces required per Chapter 20.40 (Off- Street Parking) of the Zoning Ordinance. Finding B. Each dwelling unit within a building shall have a separate sewer connection to the City sewer. Facts in Support of Finding B -1. The duplex has two separate sewer connections to the City sewer. Finding C. Each sewer lateral shall be retrofitted /fitted with a cleanout at the property line. Facts in Support of Finding C -1. The duplex has two separate sewer cleanouts located at the property line. Finding D. Each unit shall maintain a separate water meter and water meter connection. Facts in Support of Finding D -1. The duplex has two separate water meters and water meter connections. 04 -24 -2013 2 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Paqe 3 of 6 Finding E. The electrical service connection shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 15.32 (Underground Utilities) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding E -1. The duplex was constructed with electrical service connections in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 15.32. Finding F. The applicant for a condominium conversion shall request a special inspection from the Building Division for the purpose of identifying any building safety violations. The applicant shall correct all identified safety violations prior to approval of a final map for the condominium conversion. Facts in Support of Finding F -1. A special inspection was completed pursuant to Section 19.64.070 F by the Building Inspector on September 25, 2013, for the purpose of identifying any building safety violations. Only one violation was identified which was to replace the batteries in all smoke detectors. The violation was corrected and the inspection was approved by the Building Inspector on October 9, 2013. Finding G. Permanent lot stakes and tags shall be installed at all lot corners by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer unless otherwise required by the City Engineer. Facts in Support of Finding G -1. As conditioned, the project will comply with this requirement prior to recordation of the final parcel map. Finding H. For residential conversions, the project shall be consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan, particularly with regard to the balance and dispersion of housing types within the City. Facts in Support of Finding H -1. The General Plan does not include any specific goals for the dispersion of rental housing within the area. Housing Program 2.1.1 of the Housing Element of the General Plan which restricts the conversion of rental units to condominiums in developments containing 15 or more units does not apply. 04 -24 -2013 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Page 4 of 6 H -2. Although the conversion from rental to ownership will reduce the number of rental opportunities in the area, the elimination of two rental units will not create a detrimental impact to housing opportunities in the area or City, as two units represents a very small fraction of the City's supply of rental housing (estimated to be approximately 17,500 units). Finding 1. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for shall not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Facts in Support of Finding 1 -1. The use of the property will continue to be used for two -unit residential purposes and there is no evidence suggesting the use has been detrimental to the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. 1 -2. The proposed project is to convert an existing duplex into two condominiums on property located within the R -2 zoning district. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Condominium Conversion No. CC2013 -003 (PA2013 -173), subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. The Condominium Conversion action shall become final and effective fourteen days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 241h DAY OF OCTOBER, 2013. Patrick Alford, Zoning Administrator 04 -24 -2013 2O Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Paqe 5 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Parcel Map and Condominium Conversion. 2. No more than two- dwelling units shall be permitted on the site. 3. Two -car parking, including one enclosed garage space and one covered or enclosed parking space, shall be provided on site for each dwelling unit per requirements of the Zoning code. All parking spaces shall be maintained clear of obstructions for the parking of vehicles at all times. 4. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 5. The applicant shall apply for a building permit for a description change of the subject project development from "duplex" to "condominium ". The development will not be condominiums until this permit is finaled. 6. The applicant shall verify that monuments (1 inch iron pipe with tag) are set On Each Lot Corner. 7. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Condominium Conversion including, but not limited to, Condominium Conversion No. CC2013 -003 (PA2013 -173). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Building Division Conditions 8. Any building modifications or alterations may require the sound rating to be verified by wall and floor ceiling assembly where the units are adjoined or overlapped for a minimum STC 50. 04 -24 -2013 22 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Paqe 6 of 6 9. Any building modifications or alterations may require horizontal fire separation to show the firewall alignment does not stack. 10. Any building modifications or alterations may require penetration of light fixtures or other MPE systems in the one hour fire and sound rated assembly quantified to meet the required fire rating and sound rating (STC 50). 11. Any building modifications or alterations may require that all walls that support fire resistive floor assemblies meet one hour fire resisting assembly. 12. Any building modifications or alterations may require stairway elements to have an approved fire rating and sound rating assembly where the stairs of each individual unit overlap the other. Details substantiating the requirements shall be verified. 13. Any building modifications or alterations may require area over the garage or carports to meet the required fire resistive assembly and sound rating including light penetrations or MPE systems. Public Works Conditions 14. Prior to the final of the building permit for a description change, Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2007 -023 (County Parcel Map No. 2007 -202) shall be recorded and all of the conditions of approval implemented. 04 -24 -2013 12 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 13 Condominium Conversion No. CC2013 -003 PA2013 -173 210 41 st Street M Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 15 10 ZF'H-'*'kT RESIDENCE/DUPLEX 210 41 ST STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92625 STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTES CODE INFORMATION PROJECT DIRECTORY PROJECT STATISTICS VICINITY MAP 10 PluerkIII NmfOrm10 NC Requimhnsha l TNe 24 or Me Cdunnia AMMiNSPULM, CORONA DEL MAE, CA92425 WV,\_'EP: TEL: Q .j@<.1M6 I Code. See oraNiOBa lw She, COmWance F.. ALL WIXM SHALE BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH WE STATE PHI ]LOCAL LODES EMVL' b:0Yeu9n @zGykOar.xl LEGPLDESCRIP➢ON: R014Lga10y Eaetay Comea ion Pequ'vemehe ford. Stale O: Call:omis CPUFOl STATE BUILDING S.ANDAACS, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPp1 ffgT.113i. STREET, LLG HAT 5, BLOCK 140 OF TR4CT CANAL SECTION, IN WE CITY OF N ONTO ED BEACH, Ere a, Ainda!ing,veattlea rG,o:'i conehiosing Cr'dvve;LVna0 n9 NUlpram ibalnml¢'I IIIO ElACen GaremadS CCQESAND; ISO) QUAL ST.. SUITE 290 NEWPORT BEACH, CA WORD LOWVtt OFORNIGE, BTAIE OF CPLIFOgt.9h /SPERhIMgECORDE01NBO0N /For Xy ¢quhemess.1 the AmP!ca^,'e h' and toil he ceoil'ed,.the Calilolnlo Enagy COmmisslon. BLDG. CODE CDC 2031 pNtiH BLAiEANOIOCAL AMENDMENTS) ATID': SIEVE ZOiONCH 423; PAGE 30, INCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MASS. IN WE OFFICE OF THE .e` = AIx9 p� lWJ 000NTYRE.CORDEROFSAIDCOIINtt w ¢. suld, 0e Lh beelldsm. SoMp.mal a 61 rh he Metal ea e.is cq ' Cedi'mor. C. Ma l all moss, c0rdahm, h m pumps, Shall be eq po 'IC sh suld"Ske samack MI. Ola mr, 10' 9 rxPlumeal On ReNder, a droareadca"ar beck Izd 1p S Ica' I MECHANICAL! CMC 2001 PLUM8ING:CPC2O31 ARCHITECT BILL CASKEY t ASSOCIATES, INS 630 CAMEO SIG HL IDS DRIVE CORONA DEL MAR CA Iy/625 AFN AC -Ol LoipPEA:2,9250. ST. 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PmNd^_ Smoke delectorsin Seem Dal leading lO sleepnguebms, eadrs'egXgwm TEL: RAF) MR-MA FAX: (999)6593939 TOTALUNITALMNGA9EA 21Ii0B2SOFi. 1,371, NEW'OU LEXCOiNDOMU HUMS: FRONTUNITHISTHRECBEOROONSM'D 6. PLIJUNGASUABLEAvTOWSESM' eDPAhT FLWR� ag<m_ po oryol lne pmlen.ln pinsly and MS'J =tmcbn, op l9 Is:dmrys.antlin eeCn sl evconSlmC✓On Ne zmdte tle:enns ae:o Ce ha'tl vivTdvAN ba!lery NCkup,UBC Ai11J'RON NJEOENA (UNIT B): T-EREAR'JNITNPSIWOBEDPOOAIS- PRIOR TO PERFO FROAS.EM6WNEt CSALANL 6fJISLES SN^L'BE SEp's'04NMPPFiDVED PEFMANENTBESIUENT a delectF Doothas iBarrel SECOND FLOOR ]2),625 S0 56) SENNJT Ersh9lbe M8..NOTto or W ll 3u SamUhessmefae, M8 .NOT be 1pcdeC inblchen,g¢'agC or Will 3�9'I,dn Hour 19NXtl:en,OalM1rw -mw TITLE 2t ENERGY COMPUANCE -FI. THIRD FLOOR MIMES SO. 426 WORK IN LvNir RIC C:FLLHIGIDCCNDUITS, DUCIB. PLUMBINGPIPES,ANDAPFUPNCEVEN85 supplyw'MUHh'X HE+ITAGEENERGYCBWP '[pHSyAI] ROOF DECK (THIRD BOOR) 3]625050. 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KITCHEN COOKING FACIUTES AND SATNNI NEED NOT BE UNED)MJNEPAL Glass to See elctm MM, DUIEE.NGNEERS ATTIC (LESS) FI'EB INSULATION SHALL BE INSTALLED IN JOIST SPACES TO A POINT I2 15MATNSSEORCIE N7SOKS9SD.FT.) �- BE YOND WE PIPE OP. OUCT ,WHENEVERAP-UM&N3PPE CRDULT Fronde emergenn•vress!:Cmba9ttm per U0C31JG2o •MCe %2c F.I9`I,a>sq.A. AL3GNEJO, CA9265E TOTALIANK RBA 3.135.,00 SC.Fi ue'.,`% PENETMTE5 AFLOOR CEILING ASSEMBLY THAT REQUIRES A SOUND MING OR VWHERE S'JCH UNIT PASSESIHHOUGH THE PINJEOF W E r ODRC-IUNG MLimum. TEL (919) S05 93211 FAA : (OR) 30.5ffiM ASSEMELYFROMWESNAWALL. Hlnimum W. ndo'- c ENOmmemcmllocrarea Combratteinortryl0'IlVa aea CEM GNM 29SI SEIPACKS lull, Open e0'e, pet UBC Ip3, ATTN: ?ANIE ^_EM4ALq DRAWING INDEX E, SUBMIT SOU14D ATTENUATION DESIGN FOR WAC EQUIPMENT PER AIR STD. 275. EMF4: RLD @DTNENET FROM lb4 SOUND I EVELNOT TO EXCEED 59 SEA (55 d3AW'SIIM'e'n., E5dFA1'dWTIAIEfl Ar."lls-vaart'inlmumolVISOdNeWte- AND NEIGHBORS COMMENT) PER SECTON IOMO150F THE NBIdc. LOCATION NEAR gp O?MEASUR "EM9MTOBEATS'ABOVE GRADEATPROPEFP.' UNE. LOCATE Pounovld.uams are 0 minimum w VEDOS, maue"Nore uea.PNVd52Zxw ar" PUBLIC IRIUTI "ES: LLO TIPS SHEET, DPAWINGINOEXABE9EVIABONa' EQUI?MENTIN EQUIPMENTWOU. ONRIX] ?1- NECESSARY. a.(25bm al atli¢ ro"m hot= UBC IYd3 SIDES 3q CODE INFORMATION, PROJECT DESCRIPTION. 6 MCINP(Wd OIGD!SON (E03)TLR2!i�T Ll.l GENCRAL NOTE$ F.ONLOU'll BOXES IMLL BE PERMITTED IN VASAS OP SOUND RATED Tie 24 Erer/ g CM,p'ia'IW SOUTHERN' CAUFORORNIAISON (]1P )S9Sffi46 ALL WHICH RUM u2TKDOP SOL'i HEPNLAL7.ER& Gt COVER RECESSEDR PANELEOARDS. HATER. SOLED PRODUCING BOARDS. Wa'IS: EGAS CiN (999)659 3011 last BISECALREPCR! 601 COVER SHEET IN,SOUNDPBOD RATE EQUIPMENT. ETC SHALL NO BE SOUND FRO TURAL. RI FlOas:R -IC EULTEC3FVER PACIFIC EELLTELEPHDNE 2356 UNLESS PRIOR RAPPR4LNOT6BEENOBA NO WE EVI WS BEE60BTAMFD FROM W "e MTR!CNPFL CeI[na:fl30 H?,O]A PDELEHIA (6CJ)__ 602 GRADING RESEARCH ENCNEE4 RESEARCH WEER EROSION osiml PLAN GO3 ERCS!ON CONTROL FIPN P..4cetl pa'ang spaces a Iu0 size card 511ef bC ITS' %14L"tJd3 uvl G DUBOi BOXES uecCSrvcle0. (93'x 198 fainEAidualcers) 'a. d? -3. nme PL1 FIANNING !COASTALOpCUM ?NTS)6L'ILCING MOpIFlCATONS SYMBOLS MICHPENETRAE THE WALEINWNORATE9O0OBASFOLLIXAS: a eO%I:NSTALLED ON THE SAME SwALL 9INTHE! SAME SPACE SEEME SHALL BETV.ER THE SANE 3WJOBINTdNTO PonSSpa$wllamdpbAkX Owvets anC wM1n RCeztonb ;nv- s:mtlurss rtgpre PARKING SUMMARY suRl sLF.VE 2SPACES TOTAL PER OU ?LEX SALTS CISTALE00N SNOSCETNGABO% MICH ANO9ACE =ACR sspua:e reWn'rs and Penfa. ARCHITECTURAL OCCUPANCY. WE EI£L` OUGUEF.O O COYSIPUCTION NOTES 53 ?ACE610TP1 SITE FACES OF SEW WAUAY BE SE ARATED HORIZONTALLY TESIDENTOMh'LY OPPOSRBfKAN ,madelMacsea rtqu'res 'Cr Pnyremcvtlothe SIDEOF BOXES1'TOBESALBE ITS.IR SIDES CFMMINERAFI SEW.EDWTOIA S.NevpaneaJldnearam. app9v.L lrcm the Generals^IJresGepvOrc'm. ADO SITE PLAN. SURVEY PLAN AND DETAILS WvTERCCM OfT MINIMUM AND SACKED WIN TVVSIUeNTSAND 'E AND Aid SECOND FLOOR S INSTALLED INBONS ACCORDINGLY.) IM19ERCCM OJREiS MUSTB61NSTP1E0IN BOXES ACCGP.DINGLY.) -ETS at @e pmpepylinelo lC be tllanadhe E.Napy.;h ea. ihea, Oj WINDOW NUMBER A2,0 TtlIflOFLOORAVO ROOF FLANS THIRD ANDR ROOF b. WERE SHALL 'aE ONE SOLID SNC6ET'@EN'CUtETBO %ES Flytelsl dtl Ill cmmayuu1101Y SlaidW ilmy�'1Ndle ng:m-hOnsxmr, IS. A1a'at!on l.eeovildbarea A3.0 EXIERIOF4F'A➢Olv'S ber.*.e. b.Add lion.NPCdtingi ext4'Ie. ASO SECTION c EOLOCIJNGWILLEECON50-SVIESGJp MID IN ORDER TO n.lw ,qulreirlaeasei09ii, ilM'. c. WnenAls /OUnd lndl Ne b.Iitlln95ev2tls lnslal•••Ninm legLaunsul.:ayrvnnet. O OOORNUMBEfi A5.0 DETAILS INNDCW SCNEOULESA6O DETALS LACE ONE PLACE ONE BO %ABOVE WEOWERIN iHE$AME 84Y b.Ilvea015WCrvral temoCel+ dtldili0n isgrea'sr Plan 53X OlttisinS a:Ca, q60 CEilJ15 D CUM -T BOXES SHALL HAVE A DEPTH NOT MO NS THAN I N`2, SO AS MALLOW EXCEPTION:Bn.fr lateral dArd NOT hate to be Headed It ascedatl l:aidg a=Ma DEFERRED TIE ROU;SO) S UNCOMPRESSED INSULgIIWTO BE INSTALLED IN A Malire.6ntl torsed Cya Fi2tc Le�kor apfn, 1. be in Good cmdlim tOlM SUBMITTAL STRUCTURAL STANDARD Y x CWN1 ON WALLS OF DEEPER EXIS LE. DOUBLE SNO leal'O.1 N Critics Damerab(Ed SulN9,7l&3402). RENSIONNUSMOER Q 1. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. (OBTAIN FIRE SPRINKLER PERNAT PRICE TO WALLS, BOXES OF GgEATEg0EPM3 MAY BE PERMITTED, SN9 GFRERALSTRUCNPALNOTES - Slopeticeili:g lO o¢T6'minimumaer 50k (nvnJ d LOW ama. CALLING FOYY HOOF OFFERED M'IIALi09E S9 L CONDPROVIEDTHE PACEWASS THE BOUND CT ARCHITECT PA OR TO PROJECTggCNITECi PBORTO _ °UBI /J?h'_) ITTAL) FOUNDATONPLW CONDUIT IS COVERED COVEPEOAi THE PENETRATION PO'JUT WITH Far Call r13ol: he City 01 Nary Beach MUrvape'Code M6NO), maker lR <sCa!I APPUANCErI%NPCENO� 2FIRE ALARM p FIRE EgIE 92 2ND FLOOR FRAMNG AND FLOOR WALLS APERMV0`ADE RESUENC0111TA APERAM"cNRYFC31pEMSEPLANL OedmledNmg NadssuSAVmEe SOn;e3e. A FIRE 3.P'nDNOEAFIPE SPRINKI ?fl SYSTEM iHPOJGHCUt UNITS 'A' AND 9L 2ND SHEAR 53 AND POOR FWJAINGgND 2ND FLOOR 9HEAH WALLS J. WE REOUIBEMEMS FOR OUTLET BOXES INE(AUED FOR TERA NNE, An applcvad m`MA MAX Detail is tyuired for all Plu MN'rn Me prellc aghla4vakl S. PBONOE A LOW VOLTAGE ALARM SYSTEM IN WE UNIT VAW A LOW VOLTAGE S +4 ROOF: FARMING AND 3RO FLOOR SHEAR WALES TELEPHONE&NO Wi SMOSTATS(ELECTRC MID PNEUMABC) SKAL BE THE Pot dppOVed ennocN!meal{c,m:as mqui:etl 1p d3nonslantlard p'ivaleimsrov_mems H CEILING HEIGHT PANEL IN UNIT 16% SGI STRUCNPALO?TALS - RAISE AS FOR PECEPTACLESCRSWRCHES , FASTER RINGS, OPEN BACK BOXES OR MOUNTNG PIATESSHALL NOT BE PERARTED IN SOUND RATED PARBTON'S. a11Nn 111E puClicdflhta4vay. SD@ STRUCTURN.00TAIS WALL LEGEND A9 Naie; bwMCp cmnadvers shall be mad,unde:arWho spa STRULTURALDETNLS K FRONDBSEPp ML'TUIESF�E CHUNIT(POMNT1ALCONCD I 6ETNUMI'SRENCE SDI STRUCTURALOETNIS COVrRElO1J) lObC rEJnuCtl by PrOlad OrcMlM wenfltRfr Ol femMeM xNM1ed I.O mictradte, -Jura p'l9f 1p buEIti11811V plat lCnnv. PEtluldOn paterich ad)xem to pubic way: NEW WALLS MECHANICAL 0!9ance Per Structure,. wepe¢y wa(Be) FrAirear 1 ELEVATION REFERENCE q1 SOUND WALLARATED I:'AUSICEIUNGS MLO MECHANXk PLAN P-LO PLUCARNGPLNJ SBe6 Fmee6 loopy SB, plegmblNmnpmlq Fmo.8dents, ELECTRICAL (Swmwe heigbU2), SB s(Swaum he Fmwronry ED:(Shum.a.11dg0U2) etmP 1 ® SECTONREFERENCE 9.1,0 ELECTRICAL PLAN 1Vbpmequmed,ImS. and canopy to be WnstNnnl per UED esi J.3 and 33031n Al T24 TT£24ENERGYCOMPUANCESHCGT PROJECT ADDRESS 210 e1STSTAGET Nfl'+FOBi BEACHCA92E6", ),pv YEN ) a I r .I AlI NOTICR 1 �1 I DRAWING INDEX, PROJECT DESCRIPTION, CODE INFORMATION, VICINITY MAP AND ABBREVIATIONS O O _Ho BILL CASKEY �\ + ASSOCIATES, INC. p 630CAVEOHIGHANOSDAfie O CORONA DEL MAE, CA92425 TEL: Q .j@<.1M6 I FAX: d"g)759-ONS EMVL' b:0Yeu9n @zGykOar.xl O y ORA'.NJ 6Y: PO 2a'f SHEETNNMSER T -1.0 3 0 4" CLIENT It C a: 2FPl A15i 3iPEEl.IIG QQ N 1W]OVNL9tflEET, SAKE 299 JO a NEVf.OFi DFACN.CA926S11 p� lWJ u � PROJECT ADDRESS 210 e1STSTAGET Nfl'+FOBi BEACHCA92E6", ),pv YEN ) a I r .I AlI NOTICR 1 �1 I DRAWING INDEX, PROJECT DESCRIPTION, CODE INFORMATION, VICINITY MAP AND ABBREVIATIONS O O _Ho l7 O N N N U m V o 0 N N Q U) gJ N Flo �- n�CMm DATE: �nSW ORA'.NJ 6Y: PO PROJECT NUMBER SHEETNNMSER T -1.0 V SCALE V=8' SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL PERMANENTLY MONUMENT PROPERTY CORNERS OR OFFSETS BEFORE STARTING GRADING, LEGEND IPTION RdM SURVEYING INC. RON MIEDEMA L.S. 4653 23010 LAKE FOREST DRIVE 4409 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 858 -2924 OFFICE (949) 858 -3438 FAX RDMSURVEYING @CO %.NET W I w W � RIVER AVENUE F— — — — — I — — — — — — — — — — — — 7 — — — — — — — — — — — I 2 STORY RESIDENCE I c L — f N37 °13'30 "W __84,99' _ J I I (� p� aj .,I% 2 STORY RESIDENCE V J N W O ood to w� I � N ze —9, ws Como _ - -_ '13 30 N 3� mxc A SET LEAD AND TAG, L.S. 4653 ON P.L. PROD., 1 FOOT FROM THE CORNER, SET LEAD AND TAG L.S. 4653 AT THE PROPERTY CORNER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY JOB;<42 -71) DATE; 3- 22 -2ou o.s Z ° c ' 2 STORY RESIDENCE n �u V L - - - -- - - - - - - - - { -� LiJI I ��I PREPARED FOR; BILL CASKEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION; BENCH MARIO PARCEL 6, PARCEL MAP NO.82 -704 4J782 EL -7,142 NAVD89 0 (0'wv9 ADDRESS OF PROJECT 210 41ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CA s UM 1 WALL.. — — — — — — BUILDING LOT LINE WM WATER METER F,F, FINISH FLOOR G,F, GARAGE FLOOR CONC, CONCRETE M.H. I MAN —HOLE RdM SURVEYING INC. RON MIEDEMA L.S. 4653 23010 LAKE FOREST DRIVE 4409 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 858 -2924 OFFICE (949) 858 -3438 FAX RDMSURVEYING @CO %.NET W I w W � RIVER AVENUE F— — — — — I — — — — — — — — — — — — 7 — — — — — — — — — — — I 2 STORY RESIDENCE I c L — f N37 °13'30 "W __84,99' _ J I I (� p� aj .,I% 2 STORY RESIDENCE V J N W O ood to w� I � N ze —9, ws Como _ - -_ '13 30 N 3� mxc A SET LEAD AND TAG, L.S. 4653 ON P.L. PROD., 1 FOOT FROM THE CORNER, SET LEAD AND TAG L.S. 4653 AT THE PROPERTY CORNER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY JOB;<42 -71) DATE; 3- 22 -2ou o.s Z ° c ' 2 STORY RESIDENCE n �u V L - - - -- - - - - - - - - { -� LiJI I ��I PREPARED FOR; BILL CASKEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION; BENCH MARIO PARCEL 6, PARCEL MAP NO.82 -704 4J782 EL -7,142 NAVD89 0 (0'wv9 ADDRESS OF PROJECT 210 41ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CA s UM 1 PERCOLATION PIPE @ YARD ecwumw NE YR4[pm Weer PA.wn ¢+6qm MM1V"U4JLCPE SWALE AREA DRAIN 0q DMN1 NORB'. d+Miv�N°mmn ma mm�auvc 9.n@YAL O'. se_ Ian sxs RD� IN- • S + ^r faP h°i rof � a H4m NeIW tE bktPblu mi o � J .._ "' I a ppA0HJnM/ IA Pobtmmmmd NmkevaLgvWPaetmPNn FePmMn M'rvmwn.ellSyP NCrynx O`YM1UyA Wm mtlHMe leeer°GnmyY 4oPmNhm n� ____�9UAUN.n'IIF.INfUOPWNFSF. _ EV NIN11r G iy PoA isYe ,GPL 9Y610.'A I N. OL 1 EIINN CANK S iiPWU N911GA VNU M plC ietl %OICb% qM Fm.MW MwL+v ue 'jjf F a t.lmuns oGw Iwe 'maaya m E' P •.• ..... NA, END W® s."G PM[ABIlNC4E I In Oenem oven -- E %sINF/9 WInsCA L va4 nE09UBGMnP. Byrep4n Gy prpra{WAL WIix4m N¢T mw GnetaI6...... ... an,FP ._ mn oaMOAw. Pome= �; uwraslwe •me„Fawl,mPmmn.naur°Pdmrn,onumm RETAINING WALL Ill PLANTER DRAIN AT WALL 18 SWALE IN WALK 15 PAVERS OVER CONCRETE 12 �NCFMPPVrNfO ureevlrb Mnrv(SFlM'NBR1'. � "� pxh y4.sEEPIArv{itN.tll2 WMUartleNYanYdWNmWWmmi¢Lmamv.: __ NYtlN.LTMAiiCPZYO /�nMY1GPnm _ ______ ,C eMn NaSmeNammrlaame. NAYIIBM.BNOyE / � snnpMnFSlEP.4 � F.N tlSUUI�NtlyllXrwmteM+oMrmtuF WwdlNCnvuwlna. 1 PAOECNUIWxN11NRMS4 PNNIMf)IY. PEx0FI11LS � PMb19LINMCG tV2 „o4 ^IV'Lp,G61ELLVM e ' JBrelYrdMFyeXnmlatm .4l.FanvgrywrmtmbNrmmner. FNh4HiCOL E �n4NiU E &EFIEG EE U d vef mrtl B 0.AHAN WiNn91,IPWA nY5P9inR4L1 /� /— RNMJ r Po . 9 /AE LI LENUE NLF / PPVeuG CN.1p PiG A�1GHCPUL �° " nv M1 M`s' F '°LMNa VFS EUIMWH � / >n OEPM t FO i1V txN7J. —J S.NU 9PE9GRAii f /- °inEOAP A �IN PF pU`F➢ �GGV mm� weN G.OIUWSJ, E1Po%NM.flLnfE / ". / �� / —MAU' O°i 0 ^N MN nU.me VGLPW'AGI[-06VVnN0E ,d opzlma4(P�n R4 I� E NFV qI nIWN - t � j� a.yx .e II L xv - rrt Pu: snaA^mm �m ti— nEPx +G =PIPevuvnrr r .�: ImpFa a mFJ -� m �„ �`GwYm D � BBEAN qw0 LSANPOWSnIAiTAIYWYTtIKI GN t �I _ 1 p'it1 bM {vp RYhn duaF� °ry _.._... �1. a ilia sMCU m fl WipnGEPENF ],UWMM'AY'n A.tM`lnttPEinEiN.Lfa j — �vWF N�Aw IOYdtnw4mrtYmw vhmmW I �t11 I �w' �' L •dU Vaw�INb.mmmWwe trvl F.W. qyy p: {Yhn F6JNFCp:FxIFMME IIII OMWINti tA.NPie& bM Wn F" '.IMwHe. NYOIWLLAU - iYMWEP YFyaN' l'NAONL 1 [ 'ul l ¶j R f F nI ,IxEx ,uAao r. N B III Is,a w, eue my>, NnaVAat.ntsf eymea; a'wExfYra'Ix r,naw v'R AufxE rv.nuLOSlufl Ili _ �t�a�, r. Mx.. swxY „ns;uea.,t'..orwmwm,dNnw�'PoN VJWYi BPEW G11lOq[NCgVA1ph6CEFPFJITWJ9. WTM CONCRETE STEPS 191 FLATWORK DRAIN 16 EXPANSION JOINT Cal PAVERS 131 SITE NOTES I C, I I w, I 6oevuuiT- I y I � I I ranrao r.I.mmre+;,meomF<Ia yue. sFnLNawmxne it F -0 l MG saeApfrmtMe..,i M1.V»e;,mN.nmmG +aYl �. x:me wYrrvMmur. I I I �9 J QI T survinvi - "' � n� �OR £Xf�' Co uRT Cf.EP.k ax�CaS� �" ND nwepit f..I'e whl -I.. ny r'E ✓cE' Af -tawfi 'Ya •5 A'I -DJG T,is I hlclm vztir� r<, v. yuTen Av"r� F..e Ca>rin E'ti � e c nN Pw1n,�-io T`IN I+L I mom” x\,� SURVEY PLAN NE: 114• -1w• BILL CASKEY + ASSOCIATES, INC. B30 CnM1IEO WGIIIAN[L400NE COFONn CFLMM,fAfl2625 F f,1Aj62L]U69 FM AM'. (UA9)7640095 CMNC. bNnaly „@abcpluDnl.nel CLIENT ZWA1BT9TREETLLC tow DUAW.SIMR, EUXEM rNEVVPOKEEACH, CA026M PRUJECTADDRESS 41S1'3TREET NMnFil IMEC I,CA926A0 a�10 C! *'mU r + 0 Sf SITE PLAN SURVEY PLAN DETAILS MORMON DATE IBBIIEDMEPM'L K 0 "m•M PurvclaFCrccauECnoN e'v'a ry31Jm EfM1010 DAIS 011E. •• —.•.. 6CAI.E: ABNOT. pHUJECTMIMBER', SHEETNUMBERI A —O to s SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN i I C 4 R I PmmllYW.ol iUNITA NOT 6.b LQ W P. \TO pINNp II II II I a II II I sw n emi � Gail cm f. r•. BI' o 0 r'WNCUN rpv,�•pa'4 X.GLNI V ® o II I aRrcgr I I ma'nnOlubl_0.R) i,a� I FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALL:,,A'-lb' ; 1 LJ APPLIANCE SCHEDULE f r4YMBOL]E OESCSIPTION MOOELNO, SIZE NV lllxoj BILL CASKEY +ASSOCIATES, INC. WDCAMEOHI311AND60HNE CO90NAOELNAR CARNME TEI, th ).24 ID99 FAk (0N)r1QOM5 EM L pPHL`I9npspcgloEa.ne1 CLIENT ZFRT Af 97 STROU, LC fOCOOLNIL5,P GH CATEQ80 NEVJPOFRBFPLH, CA 9PB6C PROJECTADII 210 416r STREET NEWPORT MPCH, CA MOOD aW or FRST6SECONDFL OAPLANS A -1.0 FLOOR PLAN NOTES A APCHITECNMLNOIFS WIE WE Aa � pNl'WFLMWP G Al p Al VI{F..O CfAEiNIONOWNI S INTERIOR NOTES VWEfl GASIxfTXJ,ONFI.f NLPllNpMF0.A GNLY NGLMP➢IF61'AFF.{ xxDO CA4NGf oBNLTVIUWWE! r uxemnowEr B9 Rs LwiTSeEiF°�PmlcmrlWe 4 C STNRS AND IPNORAIL NOTES 0 B 1POPATDAIIpUmEA..r, ce a ISPAVmbnxp 9 mNTRO a fIgIBLRSPI nn'u+plBmumnnr a f•msFR9a+m'Mpintnuc9 nrm a� ]bXe,x RAPmw cF mmax<wMGwG'L o FIREPIACE N0IES 4 p f NYV %MNN Gm( EiM' NE/ PLIp�CMe9UBINL6M41EW /LVBXALl1iNOLP4CE LN RPSNACEpPEI+xPPRV.Rmm E.NO. M do] 4 REFPaMeRIGTED NEPLFEENA9�ArxIMMEl futlLbJIF pv 5u3p1(W PPEBWI2CLEA0IOLOMWBMJ.M W ORL94EW4LCNINNEY E1Y :1114'GINAEIR1kpLW CILII " ..NFM. f6'MLLCIOn C CODE NOTES k E2' n11. pF11VFLLBFC..I{ 0P.IA NOfyVNf.V001IX9.]q➢ EQ . OUPLVFLL PEII VBGIS.fMBLYmn]Rx_j�PG� U MUIJ iP� LLWNam AAII4q u V MVI 46 WALL N1rN0fGP4fIXL0V lMpMWIMIM6EE CEiNLtUAbO OPT. EB NOiVYW A WNMYM OCfiLILIP.910pP FE IX,FgIOgppLKu fe IMKK61F9 AL W16V.VIp Up U9 FD ?yA'MEXGFn'IML ®CF.4Y,P 410 Ntl G ONE9l Tllllll NPaV m6XTEl0lllAU n. pmExrwnnvnwtFnpm roEG{Eq;om+nLt F EArHROOrvISrvuuoavwoTEs Il LpVPLUAIrG4RItepW0.VExl PO SINN P TDINR. m D.L ' evmmpu9sewLwunF W9vwbaxpweN TO h .R, pPMR AOR,PgpNGF.]PNWA EII gIIM] IALLAPMCEM105N CMY'HNWG l0 M6 u* 6iATEgxF019rNIiMA1FAIkNP61{ p .VENINLLUfiMLPNp1YHppW4YS41BlFb9 vie llaw � ,NgN n TLEW v 011 ppWnEP»fIu.GPR16V R A4'AlEg11FNGiANipY19UMBMXp PJNVY a q SPECIALTY NEMNOTE6 c, ELFCmICUPU+m FLECIflxNengPgNEL s oes reLEwlaxErvnin aPRrvlc,aensrflnwvnrvR. h o EnmpENm EPSESV wRpox r:G:EN.ERAL,NOTES m amErmEweaRxplwEreiwllanuxGEro FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALL:,,A'-lb' ; 1 LJ APPLIANCE SCHEDULE f r4YMBOL]E OESCSIPTION MOOELNO, SIZE NV lllxoj BILL CASKEY +ASSOCIATES, INC. WDCAMEOHI311AND60HNE CO90NAOELNAR CARNME TEI, th ).24 ID99 FAk (0N)r1QOM5 EM L pPHL`I9npspcgloEa.ne1 CLIENT ZFRT Af 97 STROU, LC fOCOOLNIL5,P GH CATEQ80 NEVJPOFRBFPLH, CA 9PB6C PROJECTADII 210 416r STREET NEWPORT MPCH, CA MOOD aW or FRST6SECONDFL OAPLANS A -1.0 m a6 ROOF PLAN 6GllF', tl4' ®1'0' J. _THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN �P SCA1E 1/4' -1'1V l L t l FLOOR PLAN NOTES A ARCHPE MRALNOTES Al MNEOFFLMPAb;WE PP MOx.WA+NO H uxcae AEFnumcwnu 8 INTERIOR NOTES bl VPPEx CAtlN[ i{VrAINFI ®WIFVM1CMAFGONLYMCVNfrps W`AfF] 83 .11-N N 'I 01 uNFl10AHINEi G9 OECOR%0.cgiW6PEx ICnOMl9.41 6E LLMEi6MEIF C STAIFSAND11ANORAILNOTES Cl a P16m6pieNIC 61PG09. \TIP CE aP 1Maia= m &V6Ai Y.^ 0 1 RIMATi.l+'µOfE RFAMATH' U nF.GMAT+F9MOUVO5Ar11' CB SlI H6IN lL 0 RREPLACENOMS 01 CCMtlV9n.1 MARV.LCWNLLNOi..l WW APP➢IACC6L10'k N1Yr4t18NLFNEPPFWLEfiEI1WfE PEAVMBpfr2NFj 'EN NOfOEV1AL6U M FORAVNUIEA FI6P1ACEjAWq OA6 >9)iMfIC60 LEnSZ1 W MEiNNMIEVFlFEF1ACE - ITAV4JL 1111:p0Y5.pHT AI80.NgyflHFWKr$'IXE1A10CPNllI mR9) 01 OCY@E WALLPIIMNEYN1q \OPAM1IEIEAfYCNM1IEi[A pA BmeprEUan fYMFwrJE E CODENOMS ii in"iaa6wAU inv9p�six grlavii�ANnwNxouwlwu9.e n NmUaEo EI +�NOUAHOd149PE1A 81,YiEq VBC1LfB.1e 14 W 0TUM<LLN1RI6ti MnN0oigtW4WMVIA ,9EC'OF.iR411 /A9q Fq oLV9E0 mINA:VM9r6LWPE91WYArIXIFAIW 0.1]IU p fWY61[VAi Wi6MWxOWx6 FD Pq'tl1YV6NpPWlnLL ®f.FAw4 EI1 pMk'P\2N15 e�p MAY L�"tl1 M1p EVNIJII�W��N� F 6AMRDDNS /UUNOMNOTES 61 \OWNUSH1Pµiff,6 W4FW91(i GB 6wx Po 6A1HYUfiVAFNefICWFA 1aMVttLx` n Ewe GrvcL09VxE f6 h6 .IeUN Wrd4 rah n r wnSA1En w onxinn HoIOPxawE>alwxxoxneBa Fnrwul.1A 11Tro 6xaNm ANOwvel. MIF MYNao'AAOr4. NN00P exNONFI'MJRfNA2APf919iANOIwM1F'N uWA91UF'PB LF69 rtnMnlm FaarcEMeewoar9xo.•reln aSPECIALLY ITEM NOMS I R�ciwaxvu+a 0 tfl[pNC CPW1nnN iL 6i EMLPGEAIC/N6E661WaptlN ROOF NOTES cn9E•A'ImoF PZ ECELNW9Nu'GMIOECN'M1T1 Ex9LOPLl01NA1gPCW OPAN M LvmTrlenEwcorcurwxlxrsA vcwmEnnn9,+xu na i•owufpxooeMMWa6eYnNnM1WEO NV>w'nllmoEn s9ro'coaaE»mlAeu Mcoxca.•Exnar) xP mEatz•xc).cuwcnmpn=vEWF AUM VE"WDON CA0CU ON muza- +ruseuoq.a.x.+u m.ET..ess9o.w. (.NM1'P4ENRAif0090..11 C / orveFOgLmv 'A'AmompoNel•rnMxrc ®'Amcl ROOFSPF.CIRC0ON', nwn.evexra.i6raale IC�Ug pw+mEZ AMm BILL CASKEY + ASSOCIATES, INC. bap aAMED raaHwNas DRIVE CORONAOELMAR,UA92625 ift: IT14)62b1Wfi EAK (FbCgOb4E $x EIrWL: [6We910CM16ECpICbN.nfit CLIENT 2£Ai4i61STAE6LLLC I= OVAL BT eM. BUTE 20 NlrYn PBBACH, CA92660 PROJECTACDRESS 210 O1 T6TPEET NSWPORTDVA H Mao obf o/ THRID FLOOR &ROOF RAMS A -2,0 J ........... _ .. yy p 10 OE E+C L6 pk165 UoIrrIA� cnJ eKe'•`O ryyla "Plfum may. ¢� 1 _ _ 4 I m _ - plr.6 p1A'w" fop chN E/.UTRD 9V' T 4 fu _UNIT 9 � B wloou i �„ o� ,],N +N1 am_1 <T h— ® j x � Fq Fe m _ '' MYx cic9Er I -o NHlrsx =.osvncEl me NxxlaoxNSenaq 6 Nal PtwE itlPiA"IS �Brir.ry ww Row - — N'�F`.' 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MIF MYNao'AAOr4. NN00P exNONFI'MJRfNA2APf919iANOIwM1F'N uWA91UF'PB LF69 rtnMnlm FaarcEMeewoar9xo.•reln aSPECIALLY ITEM NOMS I R�ciwaxvu+a 0 tfl[pNC CPW1nnN iL 6i EMLPGEAIC/N6E661WaptlN ROOF NOTES cn9E•A'ImoF PZ ECELNW9Nu'GMIOECN'M1T1 Ex9LOPLl01NA1gPCW OPAN M LvmTrlenEwcorcurwxlxrsA vcwmEnnn9,+xu na i•owufpxooeMMWa6eYnNnM1WEO NV>w'nllmoEn s9ro'coaaE»mlAeu Mcoxca.•Exnar) xP mEatz•xc).cuwcnmpn=vEWF AUM VE"WDON CA0CU ON muza- +ruseuoq.a.x.+u m.ET..ess9o.w. (.NM1'P4ENRAif0090..11 C / orveFOgLmv 'A'AmompoNel•rnMxrc ®'Amcl ROOFSPF.CIRC0ON', nwn.evexra.i6raale IC�Ug pw+mEZ AMm BILL CASKEY + ASSOCIATES, INC. bap aAMED raaHwNas DRIVE CORONAOELMAR,UA92625 ift: IT14)62b1Wfi EAK (FbCgOb4E $x EIrWL: [6We910CM16ECpICbN.nfit CLIENT 2£Ai4i61STAE6LLLC I= OVAL BT eM. BUTE 20 NlrYn PBBACH, CA92660 PROJECTACDRESS 210 O1 T6TPEET NSWPORTDVA H Mao obf o/ THRID FLOOR &ROOF RAMS A -2,0 I ,& FS2 FLOOR o3-'ra '— SECOND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR S.6r 4 5,9 nl wA_5 ?_— __.-- .._ -... 9 $iPI- .PF�.OF -iMPJ1 F!(1HSi.. 3].0] 'I ROROOR _._ w.]< *-%sr seYO Waal Cxisl'NS CRAOE U.'J.N SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /A' -1W NORTH ELEVATION SCALE, 1N -1w' EAST ELEVATION 1 SCALE: IIA'= RP WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/P. 1W' V BILL CASKEY F ASSOCIATES, INC. 69UCAMEOWGHIANGSORVE CORGNAOELMAF,CA62R6 TEC. Irf a)REJae6 FA%: ("< ?s9 9095 EMNL l CLIENT LFBT418TSTPRU U.0 IW OUNLMiflET, SWEM NMPORTGEACH, CA 99OW PROMT ADDRESS 210 116TSTFEET NENPORT8M- H, cF9ZeW I� ELeVAMNS A -3.0 SECTION O SC E'. 1/4' =1RO' BILL CASKEY +ASSOCIATES, INC. 630 CAMEO HI0HLANO60FIVE CORONA OELktkR CA Mn TEL ( >14f62gd0Bfi FA%'. 190B1i69 S0D5 ENAL G�Weei9n^esbrylobatnel CLIENT ZMT 4161 STREET, LLC I OW OUNL STREET, SURE 290 NEWPORT EEACH, CA 92600 PROJECTADDRESS 210 41ST 6TRC£T NM- OMREACH, NOEW or SEORON ru' Attachment No. ZA 4 County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2007- 202 25 20 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO, 2007 -202 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF: LOT 6, BLOCK 140, NEWPORT BEACH TRACT FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES, 1 PARCEL, 2 UNITS SCALE 1' =8' ADDRESS OF PROJECT: DATE: 8 -22 -07 210 41ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH OWNER AND SUBDIVIDER: Z ❑T❑VICH DEVELOPMENT CO. 1000 QUAIL STREET #290 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 41ST PREPARED BY: R❑N MIEDEMA L.S. 4653 23010 LAKE FOREST DRIVE #409 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 858 -2924 OFFICE (949) 858 -3438 FAX RDMSURVEYING @C❑X.NET 4p STREET RMMEDM f(•27a,� N52 °45119 "E I ` NIA %LV% 928.57 9 N**,,kl _ p 9 r # I ti 0 I 0 I I �---9 Cl < I _ z m I f N Im , rn IF I � I, - - -� 1 28.5_7 I N 2 °45120'E I _ J ALLEY I I I ro I 'z of ro I 0 �£I A I rn 00 ti I 41 z ICI I I I 'I ICI I I qI I � J NOTES ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ARE EXISTING GRADES BEFORE CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING IS THE PROPOSED BUILDING. i0 H G D fTl z C fTl I I I I I BENCH MARK: I#J782 EL =7.142 NAVD88 PA2007 -186 for NP2007 -023 210 41ST STREET DATE OF MEETING - October 22 007