HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 - Bari Studio Minor Use Permit_PA2013-230COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT December 23, 2013 Agenda Item No. 2: SUBJECT: Bari Studio Minor Use Permit - (PA2013 -230) 2125 San Joaquin Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -026 APPLICANT: Bari Studio Newport Beach, Inc. PLANNER: Benjamin M. Zdeba, Assistant Planner (949) 644 -3253, bzdeba @newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: PC-46 (Block 500 Newport Center) • General Plan: MU -H3 (Mixed -Use Horizontal) PROJECT SUMMARY A minor use permit to allow a 3,176- square -foot health and fitness facility in a vacant tenant space within a multi- tenant building. The facility would have a maximum of 24 patrons and three employees. Required parking is provided within two parking areas for the building at a rate of one parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area. The proposed hours of operation are from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., daily. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -_ approving Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -026 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION • The Block 500 Newport Center office site is developed with 10 multi- tenant office buildings which are occupied by general business offices, medical offices, and ancillary light commercial uses. Included is a large parking area that is shared by all 1 2 Bari Studio Minor Use Permit Zoning Administrator December 23, 2013 Page 2 buildings and regulated by the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions placed on the development by the Irvine Company (Property Owner). • Bari Studio will occupy a 3,176 - gross- square -foot tenant space within a 12,929 - gross- square -foot, multi- tenant building. Access to the office development is obtained through driveways along San Joaquin Hills Road, Avocado Avenue, San Nicolas Drive, and Santa Rosa Drive. • The General Plan designates the sites Mixed -Use Horizontal (MU -H3). The MU -H3 land use category is intended to provide for the horizontal intermixing of regional commercial office, hotel, multi - family residential and ancillary commercial uses. The proposed health and fitness facility is an ancillary retail /service use consistent with this land use category. • The subject property is located in the Block 500 Newport Center Planned Community (PC -46) Zoning District. A health and fitness facility is permitted as ancillary light commercial; however, a minor use permit is required when the gross floor area exceeds 2,000 square feet of gross floor area. • The project is compatible with existing and allowed uses within the office development, which include offices, light general commercial, and medical /dental offices. Patrons of the health and fitness facility are expected from the surrounding businesses and residential neighborhoods. • Sixteen parking spaces are required for the proposed use at the parking rate of one parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area as identified in the Zoning Code. The proposed health and fitness facility creates an additional parking requirement of eight parking spaces compared to the parking standard for general office uses (2,938 net square feet/375 = 8 spaces). In total 51 parking spaces are required for the subject multi- tenant office building based on the existing tenant mixture. • A surface parking lot containing 21 parking spaces is provided immediately adjacent to the multi- tenant office building and 29 parking spaces are delegated to the building by way of the nearby shared parking lot for a total of 50 parking spaces. In 2008, however, one parking space was lost due to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades triggered by a tenant improvement for a medical office. Pursuant to Section 20.40.110.A (Adjustments to Off - Street Parking Requirements), the Director may administratively reduce parking requirements due to a loss of parking spaces because of ADA requirements associated with tenant improvements. Prior to the ADA upgrade, 51 parking spaces existed to serve the building; therefore, the parking requirement of eight additional spaces can be accommodated. Refer to the attached parking memo and summary (Attachment Nos. ZA 4 and ZA 5). TmpIt:10 -15 -13 S Bari Studio Minor Use Permit Zoning Administrator December 23, 2013 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilities). This exemption allows for the operation, repair, maintenance, and minor alteration of existing buildings. The proposed business is located within an existing building where only minor interior alterations are required to accommodate the new use. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of- way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644 -3200. Prepared by: . Be ja i M. eba As ' tant Planner GR/bmz Attachments: ZA 1 ZA 2 ZA 3 ZA 4 ZA 5 ZA 6 TmpIt:10 -15 -13 Draft Resolution Vicinity Map Applicant's Description and Justification Parking Memo Parking Summary Project Plans 0 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 0 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2013- A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MINOR USE PERMIT NO. UP2013 -026 FOR A LARGE -SCALE HEALTH AND FITNESS FACILITY (BARI STUDIO) LOCATED AT 2125 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD (PA2013 -230) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Bari Studio Newport Beach, Inc., with respect to property located at 2125 San Joaquin Hills Road, and legally described as Parcel 1 of Resubdivision No. 259 requesting approval of a minor use permit. 2. The applicant proposes a minor use permit to allow a 3,176- square -foot health and fitness facility in a vacant tenant space within a multi- tenant office building. The facility would have a maximum of 24 patrons and three employees. Required parking is provided within two parking areas for the building at a rate of one parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area. The proposed hours of operation are from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., daily. 3. The subject property is located within the Block 500 Newport Center Planned Community (PC -46) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Mixed -Use Horizontal (MU -1­13). 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on December 23, 2013, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). 2. This exemption allows for the operation, repair, maintenance and minor alteration of existing buildings. The proposed business is located within an existing building where only minor interior alterations are required to accommodate the new use. 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Page 2 of 6 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.020.E (Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a use permit are set forth: Finding A. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The General Plan land use designation for this site is Mixed -Use Horizontal (MU -H3). The MU -H3 designation is intended to provide for the horizontal intermixing of regional commercial office, hotel, multi - family residential and ancillary commercial uses. The proposed large -scale health and fitness facility use is consistent with the MU -H3 designation as an ancillary commercial use. 2. The subject property is not part of a specific plan area. Finding B. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The site is located in the Block 500 Newport Center Planned Community (PC -46) Zoning District. The PC -46 Zoning District is intended to permit the location of a combination of business and professional office uses, and light general commercial activities engaged in the sale of products to the general public. The proposed health and fitness facility is consistent with land uses permitted by the PC -46 Zoning District. 2. The proposed use will comply with all applicable development and parking standards. Finding C. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. Facts in Support of Finding 1. Light general commercial uses such as health and fitness facilities are commonly located within office developments as an ancillary use that provides a service to both employees of the surrounding businesses as well as residents in the surrounding neighborhoods. The establishment will be compatible with the land uses permitted within the surrounding vicinity. 10 -15 -2013 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Paqe 3 of 6 2. The proposed use will be located in a vacant tenant space within an existing multi - tenant office building. 3. The multi- tenant office building is adjacent to residential land uses located to the north within the Big Canyon Planned Community (PC -8) Zoning District; however, the project site is located along the eastern edge of the office development site, is oriented towards the parking lot away from the residential uses, and is separated from these uses by a roadway /parkway buffer. 4. The surrounding commercial uses along San Joaquin Hills Road and within Newport Center contain various business office, medical office and general commercial uses. The proposed health and fitness facility is compatible with the existing and permitted uses in the vicinity. 5. The hours of operation for the health and fitness fatty will be from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., daily. Finding D. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. Facts in Support of Finding 1. Adequate circulation and code required parking are provided within the Block 500 Newport Center office site to accommodate the existing and proposed uses. The existing multi- tenant office building is 12,929 gross square feet and a total of 50 parking spaces are provided. The number of total parking required for the shopping center is 51; however, one parking space was lost in 2008 due to Americans with Disability Act (ADA) upgrades. Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.40.110.A (Adjustments to Off - Street Parking Requirements), the Director may reduce parking requirements when a parking lot is upgraded for ADA compliance. 2. Adequate public and emergency vehicle access, public services, and utilities are provided within the existing office development. 3. The tenant improvements to the project site will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes. All ordinances of the City and all conditions of approval will be complied with. Finding E. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard 10 -15 -2013 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Page4of6 to the public convenience, health, interest, a safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The project has been reviewed and includes conditions of approval to ensure that potential conflicts with the surrounding land uses are minimized to the greatest extent possible. 2. The proposed use and hours of operation are compatible with existing uses within the Block 500 Newport Center office site. 3. A health and fitness facility of this size is a common retail /service use that can be expected within and nearby office developments such as the Block 500 Newport Center office site. 4. The proposed health and fitness facility will serve the surrounding business community as well as residents of the adjacent neighborhoods. This will provide an economic opportunity for the property owner to update tenant mixture to best serve the quality of life for the surrounding business and residential community. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -026, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF DECEMBER, 2013. Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator 10 -15 -2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Minor Use Permit No. UP2012 -026 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.54.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, or an extension is otherwise granted. 2. The Zoning Administrator may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Minor Use Permit or revoke this Minor Use Permit upon a determination that the operation, which is the subject of this Minor Use Permit, causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 3. The project shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plan, and elevations dated October 1, 2013. 4. Any change in operational characteristics, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, shall require an amendment to this Minor Use Permit or the processing of a new use permit. 5. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner, or the leasing agent. 6. The project and all tenant improvements must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. 7. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use will be cause for revocation of this Permit. 8. A Special Events Permit is required for any event or promotional activity outside the normal operational characteristics of this health and fitness facility that would attract large crowds, include any form of on -site media broadcast, or any other activities as specified in the Newport Beach Municipal Code to require such permits. 9. The use shall be limited to a maximum of three employees and 24 patrons at any time during the business hours 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., daily. 10.The doors and windows shall remain closed at all times that the facility is open for business. 11.The operator of the facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated on the subject facility. Pre - recorded music may be played in the tenant space, provided exterior noise levels do not exceed the provisions of Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 12. Prior to implementation of the proposed operation, the applicant shall install noise - abating material to both the interior walls and ceiling of the tenant space which abuts any 10 -15 -2013 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Page 6 of 6 neighboring tenant space that may be adversely impacted by daytime operations of the facility. The proposed material shall be reviewed and approved by both the Planning and Building Departments for installation requirements. 13.Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the use permit file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11- inches by 17- inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Planning Director's Use Permit and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 14.To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Bari Studio Minor Use Permit including, but not limited to, Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -026 (PA2013 -230). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 10 -15 -2013 12 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 13 VICINITY MAP y. ' Y ' INV v- r�r Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -026 PA2013 -230 2125 San Joaquin Hills Road -4 Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant's Description and Justification 15 Project is located at 2101 - 2131 San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach California. The proposed project is located in MU -H3 (Mixed Use Horizontal) General Plan Land use, the zoning district is PC 46 on the Block 500 Newport Center. Proposed project will be housed in an existing commercial building with a total size of 12,929 gross square feet. There is no proposed enlargement to the existing building, as well as no change in egress. The dedicated address for the proposed space is 2125 San Joaquin Hills Road. This existing space consist of 3,176 gross square feet that will include a reception area, 2 exercise studios, bathrooms and changing facilities for male and female and a small private office. 2125 San Joaquin Hills Road will have access to 16 parking spaces as required by the Planning Department. The parking spaces includes 2 ADA compliant parking spaces as well as a ramp for access. The proposed use classifies us as a large fitness center over 2,000 square feet. The proposed use of the space will be a fitness center for group fitness classes as well as personal training. The maximum number of occupants per classroom will be 12 occupants, with a total of 24 patrons plus 3 employees. The hours of operation will be from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The operation of the large fitness establishment at 2125 San Joaquin Hills Rd. will not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of Newport Beach, nor endanger, jeopardize or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. 10 Attachment No. ZA 4 Parking Memo Tmpit:10 -15 -13 27 Memorandum CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (949) 644 -3200 To: File No. PA2013 -230 (UP2013 -026) From: Benjamin M. Zdeba, Assistant Planner on behalf of Kimberly Brandt, AICP, Community Development Director Date: December 17, 2013 Re: ADA Compliance Parking Adjustment, 2101 — 2131 San Joaquin Hills Road The subject multi- tenant commercial building was constructed in 1969. All on -site parking complied with the parking requirements in effect at the time it was constructed. In 2008, a medical office tenant improvement, authorized under building permit number X2008 -0457, required an upgrade to the site in order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Due to this upgrade, one parking space was replaced by an accessible offloading area resulting in a total of 21 parking spaces being located on site. Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.40.110.A (Adjustments to Off - Street Parking Requirements), the Director may administratively reduce parking requirements due to a loss of parking spaces because of ADA requirements associated with tenant improvements. In this case, the Director is recognizing the preexisting total of 22 parking spaces to serve the multi - tenant commercial building with the additional required parking space reduced due to the upgrade. im /_nm IT i - IM ki C•w�I_vi Parking Summary TmpIt:10 -15 -13 O� PA2013- 230(UP2013 -026) Block 500 Newport Center (2101 - 2131 San Joaquin Hills Road) Parking Summary 12/23/2013 Address Tenant Use Gross Area Net Area Ratio Required 2105 Newport Dental Center Medical 1,458 1,350 1/250 Gross 5.83 2111 Ortho Sport Medical 2,051 1,898 1/250 Gross 8.20 2121 Hair Clinic Medical 1,565 1,448 1/250 Gross 6.26 2131 Cambridge Foot & Ankle Medical 1,061 982 1/250 Gross 4.24 2115 Power Fitness Health /Fitness Facility' 1,998 1,849 1/250 Gross 7.99 2101 Brentwood Management Business Office 981 908 1/375 Net 2.42 2125 Proposed Bari Studio Health /Fitness Facility 3,176 12,938 11 /200 Gross 115.88 Total Required 51 Total Available 50 'Small -Scale Health and Fitness Facilities are less than 2,000 square feet in area and are required one parking space per 250 gross square feet. 2Parking lot was reduced by one parking space with plan check number 0442 -2008 for a tenant improvement to 2121 San Joaquin Hills Road. printed 1211712013 20 Attachment No. ZA 6 Project Plans TmpIt:10 -15 -13 21 22 GENERAL NOTES 1. CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODES, ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO LABOR AND MATERIALS. 2. THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFE MAINTENANCE OF THE BUILDING AND ITS FACILITIES (C27- 127 -C27 -128) 3. NO WORK TO BE DONE BEYOND THE BUILDING LINES WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND ARCHITECTS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS. 5. ALL CONSTRUCTION, DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS SHALL CONCUR WITH AND BE DETERMINED FROM THESE DRAWINGS ONLY. 6. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION TO BE INCORPORATED IN THE WORK SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE ASTM SPECIFICATIONS APPLICABLE, AND TO CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE VARIOUS TRADE INSTITUTES (A.C.T., A.I.S.S. ETC) WHERE APPLICABLE. ALL MATERIALS INCORPORATED INTO THE WORK SHALL BE NEW. 7. CONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADEQUENTLY BRACING AND PROTECTING ALL WORK DURING CONSTRUCTION AGAINST DAMAGE, BREAKNESS, COLLAPSE, DISTORTIONS AND OFF - ALIGNMENT ACCORDING TO APPLICABLE CODES, STANDARDS AND GOOD PRACTICE. 8. WHERE PIPES, WIRES, CONDUITS, DUCTS, ETC., PIERCE FIRE PROTECTION OD INDIVIDUALLY ENCASED STRUCTURAL MEMBEERS, SUCH PENETRATION SHALL NOT EXCEED 2 PERCENT OF ANY FACE SUCH PROTECTION, AND SHALL BE CLOSED OFF WITH CLOSE FITTING METAL ESCUTCHEONS OR PLATES (C27 -324) 9. CEILINGS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THE REQUIRED FIRE RESISTANCE RATING OF A FLOOR OR ROOF ASSEMBLY SHALL BE CONTINOUS BETWEEN FIRE DIVISIONS, FIRE SEPERATIONS OR VERTICAL PARTITIONS HAVING THE SAME FIRE RESISTANCE RATING AS THE CEILING. CONCEALED SPACE ABOVE SUCH CEILING, UNLESS SPRINKLERED, SHALL BE FIRESTOPPED INTO AREAS NOT EXCEEDING 3,000 SQ.FT. ACCESS TO SUCH SPACE MAY BE THROUGH ONE OR MORE OPENINGS NOT EXCEEDING 9 SO. FT. AND PROTECTED BY SELF - CLOSING OPENING PROTECTIVE. (C27 -327) 10. FIRESTOPPING: CONCEALED SPACES WITHIN PARTITIONS, WALLS, FLOORS, ROOFS, STAIRS, FURRING PIPE SPACES, COLUMN ENCLOSURES, ETC. SHALL BE FIRESTOPPED (EXCEPTED WHERE CONCEALED SPACED IS SPRINKLERED OR IS CONSTRUCTED AS A SHAFT) AS FOLLOWS: A. CONSTRUCTION GROUP 1: WITH NON - COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. B. NON - COMBUSTIBLE FIRESTOPPING MAY BE MASONRY SET IN MORTAR, CONCRETE MORTAR OR PLASTER ON NON - COMBUSTIBLE LATH, PLASTER BOARD AT LEAST 3/8" THICK, SHEET METAL OF AT LEAST 0.002" THICK SOLID WEB METAL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS, '' /d' MINIMUM CEMENT BOARD OF EQUIVALENT MATERIALS, MINERAL, SLAG, OR ROCKWOOL WHEN COMPACTED INTO CONFINED SPACES. (C27 -345). 11. INTERIOR FINISH: MATERIALS SHALL BE CLASSIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURFACE FLAME - SPREAD RATING OBTAINED AS PRESCRIBED IN ASTM E -84 -1961 "STANDARD METHOD OF TEST FOR SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING MATERIALS" AS PER C27 -345. 12. ALL EXITS SHALL BE KEPT READILT ACCESSIBLE AND UNOBSTRUCTED AT ALL TIMES. 13. ALL INTERIOR TOILETS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY VENTILATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION C27 -759 OF THE BUILDING CODE. 14. INTERIOR REQUIRED STAIR SHALL BE ENCLOSED WITH 1 HOUR FIRE RATING IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEW YORK CITY BUILDING CODE -TABLE 3 -4. 15. ALL VENT DUCT SHAFTS SHALL BE ENCLOSED WITH 1 HOUR ENCLOSURE. NO DUCT VENTS TO PASS THROUGH STAIR ENCLOSURES. % HOUR AUTOMATIC SELF - CLOSING FIRE DAMPERS TO BE INSTALLED IN VENT DUCTS WHEN THEY PIERCE PUBLIC CORRIDORS. 16. WOOD REQUIRED TO BE FIREPROOFED SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REFERENCED STANDARDS RS 5 -3 AND RS 5 -4. 17. TOILET ROOM SIDE PARTITIONS SHALL BE 5/8" WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM WALLBOARD. 18. FINISHED FLOORING IN ALL EXITS SHALL BE OF NON - COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. (C27 -351) 19. REMOVE ALL EXISTING WALLS, PARTITIONS, DOORS, FLOORING, CEILINGS, FIXTURES, ETC. AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS OR AS REQUIRED TO INSTALL NEW WORK. 20. WHERE EXISTING BEARING WALLS, BEAMS OR ANY OTHER STRUCTURAL SUPPORT OF THE EXISTING BUILDING IS BEING REMOVED. CONTRACTOR SHALL DO AL NECESSARY SHORING, NEEDLING, UNDERPINNING, ETC. AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN THE SAFETY OF THE STRUCTURE, THE WORKERS, AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC. 21. ALL NEW STEEL RESTING ON MASONRY SHALL HAVE THREE COURSES OF BRICK UNDER SAME AND BEARING PLATES UNDER STEEL. 22. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL FABRICATION AND ERECTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST ASTM SPECIFICATIONS FOR A -36 AND A -50 STEEL. 23. NEW MASONRY SHALL BE LAID UP IN TYPE M OR S PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR, 1:3 MIX WITH NOT MORE THAN 1 LIME BY VOLUME, AS PER RS 10-46, ASTM C270,1964. 24. BRICK SHALL BE ANCHORED TO BLOCK WITH TRUSS -TYPE GALVANIZED METAL ANCHORS EVERY 160 SQUARE INCHES. 25. ALL PLUMBING WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED PLUMBER AND SHALL CONFORM TO ALL CODE REQUIREMENTS. 26. ALL FIXTURES SHALL BE PROPERLY VENTED AND SHALL HAVE SHUT -OFF VALVES AT EACH FIXTURE WITH WATER SUPPLY IN COPPER PIPES. 27. ALL SOIL, WASTE AND VENT LINES IN FLOOR 2" AND LARGER, SHALL BE E.H.C.I., AND SHALL HAVE CLEAN OUTS AT THE BASE OF ALL LINES. VENTS SHALL PROJECT THROUGH THE ROOF, 4 " -0 ". 28. ALL SERVICE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE MEA APPROVED AND AN EQUIPMENT USE PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED BY THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR FOR ALL SUCH EQUIPMENT. METAL STUDS AND JOISTS NOTES: 1. STUDS AND /OR JOISTS AND ACCESSORIES SHALL BE OF THE TYPE, SIZE, GAUGE AND SPACING SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 3. STUDS SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE (AISI) "SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESIGN OF COLD FORMED STEEL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS ", LATEST EDITION. 4. STUDS AND RUNNERS SHALL BE FORMED FROM CORROSION- RESISTANT STEEL, CORRESPONDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A446, WITH A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 40 KSI. METAL STUDS AND JOISTS NOTES: 5. PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF FRAMING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT FABRICATION AND ERECTION DRAWINGS TO THE ARCHITECT TO OBTAIN APPROVAL. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SIGNED AND SEALED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER LICENSED IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 6. FRAMING COMPONENTS SHALL BE CUT SQUARELY FOR ATTACHMENTS TO PERPENDICULAR MEMBERS, OR AS REQUIRED, FOR AN ANGULAR FIT AGAINST ABUTTING MEMBERS. 7. FASTENING OF COMPONENTS SHALL BE WITH SELF - DRILLING SCREW OR WELDING. SCREWS OR WELDS SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO INSURE THE STRENGTH OF THE CONNECTION. WIRE TYING OF COMPONENTS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. ALL WELDS SHALL BE TOUCHED UP WITH A ZINC -RICH PAINT. 8. RUNNERS SHALL BE SECURELY ANCHORED TO THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. ABUTTING LENGTHS OF RUNNER SHALL EACH BE SECURELY ANCHORED TO A COMMON STRUCTURAL ELEMENT, BUTT - WELDED OR SPLICED. 9. STUDS SHALL BE PLUMBED, ALIGNED AND SECURELY ATTACHED TO FLANGES OF BOTH UPPER AND LOWER RUNNERS. 10AACK STUDS OR CRIPPLES SHALL BE INSTALLED BELOW WINDOW SILL, ABOVE WINDOW AND DOOR HEADS, AND ELSEWHERE TO FURNISH SUPPORTS, AND SHALL BE SECURELY ATTACHED TO CONNECTING MEMBERS. 11.LATERAL BRACING SHALL BE PROVIDED BY USE OF HORIZONTAL STRAPS OR COLD - ROLLED CHANNELS. 12.JOISTS SHALL BE LOCATED DIRECTLY OVER BEARING STUDS OR A LOAD DISTRIBUTION MEMBER SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE TOP OF THE BEARING WALL. 13.WEB STIFFENERS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT REACTION POINTS AND AT POINTS OF CONCENTRATED LOADS WHERE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. GENERAL PLUMBING NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH B.O.C.A., NFPA, STATE CODES AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. 2. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE BUILDING STANDARDS, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO MEET WITH BUILDING CONTRUCTION MANAGER IN ORDER TO BECOME TOTALLY FAMILIAR WITH BUILDING CONSTRUCTION RULES. THERE SHALL BE NO DEVIATION FROM THE BUILDING STANDARDS WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. 3. CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS, INSPECTION AND FEES, ETC. 4. WATER LINES -TYPE L COPPER ASTM B -88 ABOVE GRADE, 5. TEST: ONE HOUR AT 150 PSI FOR DOMESTIC WATER. SOIL & WASTE FILL TO ROOF & BE GAS & WATER, TIGHT FOR 24 HOURS. 6. WASTE & VENT - 3" AND LARGER. SERVICE WEIGHTS Cl ASTM A74, CISP 301 -684. 7. WASTE & VENT - 2 1/2" AND SMALLER. GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE WITH GALVANIZED THREADED FITTING AS PER CODE. 8. EXPOSED WATER AND WASTE PIPING CONNECTIONS TO PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL BE CHROME- PLATED AS PER CODE. 9. PROVIDE SHOCK ABSORBERS PER CODE ON WATER SUPPLY TO FIXTURES WITH QUICK CLOSING VALVES. 10. VENT LINES TO SLOPE UP TO VTR. 11. WASTE PIPING TO SLOPE IN THE DIRECTION OF FLOW AS PER CODE. 12. INSULATION: H & CW 1" ARMAFLEX FR. FOAM INSULATION. 13. INSULATING UNIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT JUNCTIONS OF DISSIMILAR METALS 14. UNIONS - GROUND JOINT BRASS SEAT. 15. CONTRACTOR COORDINATE PLUMBING AND FIRE PROTECTION PIPING WITH WITH OTHER TRADES PIPING APPROXIMATE, MAKE CHANGES TO AVOID CONFLICT. 16. WHEN WATER PRESSURE TO PLUMBING FIXTURES EXCEEDS 80 PSI PROVIDE PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE. 17. PROVIDE FIRE & SMOKE STOPPING FOR ALL PLUMBING AND FIRE PROTECTION PIPING PASSING THROUGH RATED WALLS OR SMOKE PARTITIONS. 18. PROVIDE CLEAN -OUTS AT ALL WASTE PIPE CHANGE OF DIRECTIONS. PROVIDE ACCESS DOORS, 12x12, AT ALL CLEAN -OUTS. ACCESS DOORS TO BE FIRE RATED TO SUIT THE WALL /SHAFT CONSTRUCTION. 19. CORDINATE ALL FIXTURES AND APPLIANCE WITH THE ARCHITECT AND CM. DESIGNER WOODLAB TENANT IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS I oESIGNaFAeRICarIoN LOCATION PLAN O� >P 2125 SAN JOAQUIN w z 1710 CD 9ST BLOCK PLAN AREA OR WORK AT 2125 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD 1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL SPACE A: 122 DIKEMAN STREET HILLS ROAD SUITE #1 BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11238 P:917- 664 -4163 NEWPORT BEACH, O 92660 E: PENA @WOODLABNYC.COM PROJECT ENGINEER: THANG LE, S.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Pow\\ AREA OF E� WORK �v J� Q Q 1. Wil ® GENERAL PARKING AREA SUITE / / / / / / //% SUITE 2121 SUITE 2131 EXISTING SUITE .AREA =1,565 S.F 2125 G. AREA= ADA RAMP 2115 1,061 S.F. . S. G. AREA = 1,998 S.F. AREA= 3,176 ADA SIGN SUITE PUBLIC 2111 BATHROOMS AREA =2,051 S.F. GAREA =6395F. SUITE 2105 G. AREA= 1,458 S.F. SUITE 2101 N. AREA = 908 S.F. SUITE NAME 2101 BRENTWOOD MANAGEMENT 2105 NEWPORT DENTAL CENTER 2111 ORTHO SPORT 2115 POWER FITNESS 2121 HAIR CLINIC 2125 BARI STUDIO 2131 CAMBRIDGE FOOT & ANKLE PUBLIC BATHROOM & PUBLIC CC PARKING SPACE ANALISYS USE GROSS AREA NET AREA RATIO OFFICE 981 S.F. #gS968sS!F! I NET / 375 = 2.42 MEDICAL -I -x 1f458 #S�F # "w` i 1,350 S.F. GROSS / 250 = 5.83 MEDICAL �,y,2'051y,S�F�; 1,898 S.F. GROSS / 250 = 8.20 HEALTH /FITNESS K'w331L998IS�F:"` 1,849 S.F. GROSS / 250 = 7.99 MEDICAL ..1J56SF7 1,448 S.F. GROSS / 250 = 6.26 HEALTH / FITNESS;,E3176;'SF'.4 2,938 S.F. GROSS / 200 = 15.88 MEDICAL +' 1*,661 ;5 F ; 982 S.F. GROSS / 250 = 4.24 N/A 1 639 S.F. 592 S.F. TOTALS 1 1 12,929 S.F. 1 11,965 S.F. TOTAL NUMBER OF REQUIRED PARKING SPACES = 50 TOTAL AVAILABLE PARKING SPACES = 21 (ON -SITE) + 29 ( GENERAL AREA) = 50 = 50; O.K. PARKING STALL ANALYSIS REQUIRED P.S. 2 6 8 8 6 16 4 50 VAN ACCESSIBL SPACE ADA PARKING STALL 8' -6" BUILDING AREA: 12,537 S.F. AREA OF WORK 0 SITE PLAN o AREA OR WORK AT 2125 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD 1ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL SPACE ADA SIGN DRAWING LIST ARCHITECTURAL AN ACCESSIBLE SPACE T -001 TITLE SHEET A -100 1 ST FLOOR PROPOSED PLAN A -101 BATHROOM DETAIL PLAN A -102 EXERCISE STUDIO DETAIL PLAN A -103 VARIOUS DETAILS A -104 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A -200 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN PROJECT INFORMATION B JILDING ADDRESS: 2125 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD B JILDING TYPE: V -B ONING: PC -46 BLOCK 500 NEWPORT BEACH CENTER U E: MU -H3, MIXED USE HORIZONTAL A 3N NUMBER: 44208103 N JMBER OF STORIES: 1 O DCUPANCY GROUP: B, BUSINESS S OPE OF WORK SQUARE FOOTAGE: 2,984 S.F. S RINKLERS: NO S OPE OF WORK: INTERIOR TENANT IMPROVEMENT P ROJECT, NEW PLUMBING FIXTURES, NEW ELECTRICAL, N W PARTITIONS AND NEW FLOORING AS INDICATED. THERE IS NO PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE, EGRESS OR ADA PARKING _ 29 SPACES AVAILABLE -PER BUILDING TOTAL SPACES = 363 DADA PARKING SPOT SYMBOLS AND MATERIALS A: 3029 Eisenhower Avenue Arcadian, CA 91007 P: 626- 731 -1539 E: thangle @sbcglobal.net 1Q 10/01/2013 REISSUED FOR PRICING 08/28/2013 ISSUED FOR PRICING 07/16/2013 ISSUED FOR LANDLORD REVIEW Rev. Date ISSUE REVISIONS /ISSUED PROJECT NAME: ■ 0� - cf) 0 J � ® J N Q � U V cy Q MW O W O cl) W Q L0 z N_ N RELATED NEW BUILDING /ALTERATION REFERENCE NO DOB BSCAN STICKER: DOB EMPLOYEE STAMPS AND SIGNATURES: NEW DRYWALL PARTITION TT1TTnTNIT NEW 2HR RATED DRYWALL PARTITION CONCRETE DRAWING TITLE: BRICK TITTLE SHEET CONCRETE BLOCK 4 INDICATES PARTITION TYPE DRAWING NO.: INDICATES WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD TOP LETTER DENOTES DETAIL NUMBER T,,,,,,,,,,001 ■ 0 0 x xx BOTTOM NUMBER DENOTES DRAWING NUMBER TOP DENOTES DOOR TYPE (SEE DOOR SCHEDULE) SEAL & SIGNATURE : DATE: 07/1/2013 xx BOTTOM DENOTES HARDWARE (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) PROJECT NO.: E DRAWN By EK ZEXIT & EMERGENCY LIGHT SCALE: AS NOTED OSMOKE / CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR SD /CD SHEET a® a® a ®® a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a® a® a® a a a a a a a a a a a a a/ PROPOSED 1 ST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" APPROX. GROSS AREA: 2.984 S.F. FLOORING LEYEND CERAMIC TILE 250 S.F. POLISHED CONCRETE FLOORING 750 S.F. ® DANCE FLOORING 1,620 S.F. SHOWER FLOORING 20 S.F. a Ilk 101 102 108 103A 104 105 106 107 107A 108 109 1110 1111 112 113 PT -1 PT -2 PT4 LT -1 CT-2 CT-8 CT-4 WD -2 BO' CB CT EX Cab PC P WD 1 A -102 INTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE BENJAMINE MOORE PAINT COLOR WHITE WATER (2120.60) BENJAMINE MOORE PAINT COLOR TBD BENJAMINE MOORE PAINT COLOR TBD CERAMIC TILE -1 SALEIRNO PORCELAIN TILE • HAMPTON WOOD SERIES; WALNUT 6" X 24" CERAMIC TILE -2 KASKA PORCELAIN TILE - EURO SERIES; BIANC06" X 24" CERAMIC TILE -3 SOLISTONE RIVER ROCK; 12" X 12" GRAY NATURAL STONE CERAMIC TILE -4 KESIR MOSAIC TILE - MARBLE SERIES; TURKISH CARRARA WHITE POLISHED ZENTERRA BAMBOO FITNES FLOORING; 5" X 76" PLANKS BLACK ONYX ACID STAIN, FABCRETE LLC MATERIALS LEGIEND CONCRETE (BOARD CERAMIC TILE EXISTING MATERIAL TO REMAIN GYPSUM (BOARD POLISHED CONCRETE PAINT WOOD -PAINT GRADE DOOR AND FRAME SCHEDULE DOOR MAT'L IFINISH COLOR MAT'L IFINISH COLOR MAT'L FINISH ICOLOR MAT'L IFINISH COLOR Receptlon 18581. PC AS SO WD PG PT -1 GB PS TBD GB PS TBD Corrldor 462 s.f. PC AS BO WD PG PT -1 GB PS TBD GB PS TBD Men Changing Room 79,5 a.f. CT 04 CT -1 CT NIA CT -1 GB PS / WP TBD GS PS TBD Male Shower 9 s.f. CT CT -3 N/A NIA N/A CT N/A CT-4 CIB PG TBD Unisex ADA Bath 58.23 s.f. CT CT -1 CT N/A CT -1 CT N/A TBD GS PS TBD Storage Rom 36 s.L EX. N/A N/A WD PG PT -1 EX. NIA NIA GB PS TBD Spa Room 79 s.f. CT CT -1 CT N/A CT -1 GB PS / WP TBD GS PS TBD Fen'mal ®Changing Room 886.1. CT CT -1 CT N/A CT -1 GB PS /WP TBD GB PS TBD Femmale Shouter 9 e.f. CT CT -3 N/A N/A N/A CT N/A CT-4 Ci8 PG TBD Laundry Closet 40 s.f. CT CT -2 CT NIA CT -2 GB PS TBD GB PS TBD Exercise Studio A 855.25 e.f. WD -2 FF EMS WD PG PT -1 GB PS TBD GS PS TBD Exercise Studio B 788 s.f. WD -2 FF EMS WD PG PT -1 GB PS TBD GB PS TBD Coat & Shoe Closet 44 8.f. PC AS BO WD PG PT -1 GB PS TBD GB PS TBD Storage Closet 24.58.1. PC AS BO WD PG PT -1 GB PS TBD GB PS TBD CfficeArea 101.58.1. PC AS SO WD PG PT -1 GB PS TBD GS PS TBD BENJAMINE MOORE PAINT COLOR WHITE WATER (2120.60) BENJAMINE MOORE PAINT COLOR TBD BENJAMINE MOORE PAINT COLOR TBD CERAMIC TILE -1 SALEIRNO PORCELAIN TILE • HAMPTON WOOD SERIES; WALNUT 6" X 24" CERAMIC TILE -2 KASKA PORCELAIN TILE - EURO SERIES; BIANC06" X 24" CERAMIC TILE -3 SOLISTONE RIVER ROCK; 12" X 12" GRAY NATURAL STONE CERAMIC TILE -4 KESIR MOSAIC TILE - MARBLE SERIES; TURKISH CARRARA WHITE POLISHED ZENTERRA BAMBOO FITNES FLOORING; 5" X 76" PLANKS BLACK ONYX ACID STAIN, FABCRETE LLC MATERIALS LEGIEND CONCRETE (BOARD CERAMIC TILE EXISTING MATERIAL TO REMAIN GYPSUM (BOARD POLISHED CONCRETE PAINT WOOD -PAINT GRADE DOOR AND FRAME SCHEDULE DOOR FRAME ACID STAIN FIRE RATING LABEL NOTES MARK SIZE MATL GLAZING MATL EL WD HGT THK 01 T -0" T -0" 1 -3/4" WOOD NO STEEL NEW DROP CEILING NO SOLID CORE DOOR 02 6' -0" T -0" 1 -3/4" WOOD NO STEEL NEW DROP CEILING NO SOLID CORE DOOR 03 6' -0" T -0" 1/2" GLASS N/A FRAMELESS -- NO DOUBLE FULL GLASS FRAMELESS DOOR W/ PIVOT HINGES 04 5' -0" T -0" 1 -3/4" WOOD NO STEEL I -- I NO I SOLID CORE DOOR SCOPE OF WORK FINISH CALLOUT LEGEND AS ACID STAIN FF FACTORY FINISH PS PAINT SATIN FINISH PQ PAINT SEMI -GLOSS FINISH SL CLEAR SEALER NIA NON AVAILABLE WP WALLPAPER TBD TO IBE DETERMINED EXISTING REPAIR FOR LEVEL 5 FINISH CEILING EXISTING REPAIR FOR LEVEL 5 FINISH CEILING 10' -0" WALL PAPER ONE WALL, NEW DROP CEILING V -0" NEW DROP CEILING, WET AREA 10' -0" NEW DROP CEILING 10' -0" NEW DROP CEILING 1D' -0" NEW DROP CEILING 10' -0" WALL PAPER ONE WALL F -0" NEW DROP CEILING, WET AREA 10' -0" NEW DROP CEILING EXISTING REPAIR FOR LEVEL 5 FINISH CEILING EXISTING REPAIR FOR LEVEL 5 FINISH CEILING 10' -0" NEW DROP CEILING 10' -0" NEW DROP CEILING EXISTING REPAIR FOR LEVEL 5 FINISH CEILING • PROVIDE NEW ROUGH FRAMING FOR GYPSUM BOARD PARTITIONS AS INDICATED. • PROVIDE PLYWOOD SUBFLOORING FOR HARDWOOD FLOORING AT CORRIDOR, RECEPTION, COAT & SHOE CLOSET, STORAGE CLOSET AND OFFICE AREA. • PROVIDE ENGINEERING IF REQUIRED FOR ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. • PROVIDE NEW PLUMBING ROUGHING FOR ALL FIXTURES INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. • PROVIDE INSTALLATION OF ALL CERAMIC TILE AT WET AREAS, HARDWOOD FLOORING AT CORRIDOR, RECEPTION, COAT & SHOE CLOSET, STORAGE CLOSET AND OFFICE AREA, PROVIDE INSTALLATION OF EXERCISE STUDIO AREAS. • PROVIDE NEW HVAC DUCTWORK INTO EXISTING HVAC UNIT. • PROVIDE ALL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, SWITCHES, OUTLETS AND PREPARATION FOR ALL LIGHTING FIXTURES. • INSTALL ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. • INSTALL ALL VENTILATION FANS ON BATHROOM, CHANGING ROOMS AND LAUNDRY CLOSET. • INSTALL ALL HARDWOOD FLOORING ON CORRIDOR, CLOSETS AND RECEPTION AND BAMBOO FLOORING AT EXERCISE STUDIOS AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. • INSTALL DOORS AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. DOORS WILL BE WOOD SOLID CORE. GLASS DOORS TO BE INSTALLED BY FABRICATOR. • PROVIDE LEVEL 5 FINISHES FOR ALL PARTITIONS. • PROVIDE SOUND INSULATION AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS FOR SOUTH WALL AND PORTION OF CEILING. • PROVIDE INSTALLATION OF ALL MIRRORS IN EXERCISE STUDIOS. • PROVIDE MIRROR DETAILS IN BATHROOM AND CHANGING ROOM AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. • PROVIDE LIGHT WALL DETAIL AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. • PROVIDE NEW DROP CEILING WITH DETAILS AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. • INSTALL SHELVING ON COAT CLOSET, LAUNDRY ROOM AND STORAGE CLOSETS. • NEW PAINT THROUGHOUT. • NEW WALL PAPER INSTALLATION ON SELECTED CHANGING ROOMS AND BATHROOM WALLS. "THIS IS NOT AN ALL ENCOMPASSING LIST OF REQUIRED ITEMS, THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE FOR CONTRACTOR PRICING. DESIGNER: WOODLAB DESIGN & FABRICATION A: 122 DIKEMAN STREET SUITE #1 BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11238 P:917- 664 -4163 E: PENA @WOODLABNYC.COM PROJECT ENGINEER: THANG LE, S.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A: 3029 Eisenhower Avenue Arcadian, CA 91007 P: 626- 731 -1539 E: thangle @sbcglobal.net Q 10/01/2013 REISSUED FOR PRICING 08/28/2013 ISSUED FOR PRICING 07/16/2013 ISSUED FOR LANDLORD REVIEW Rev. Date ISSUE REVISIONS /ISSUED PROJECT NAME: ■ 0� — Cf) 0 J � ® J N _ rn � U V w 0 O^ n LU Q L0 z N N RELATED NEW BUILDING /ALTERATION REFERENCE NO DOB BSCAN STICKER: DOB EMPLOYEE STAMPS AND SIGNATURES: DRAWING TITLE: 1ST FLOOR PROPOSED PLAN DRAWING NO.: A- 100.00 SEAL & SIGNATURE: DATE: 07/01/2013 PROJECT NO.: DRAWN By EK SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET MATCH LINE TO A -102 E L O f C in 1 BATHROOMS DETAIL PLAN 6'6 MJPTO1`60A'3 To P11T'1 ,Cc BOWL AND PIPES MUST CLEAR FLOOR BE CONTAINED WITHIN SPACE 2'6" X 4'0" THIS SPACE ACCESSIBLE FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES 2 TYPICAL LOCATIONS PER ICC A117.1 NOT TO SCALE L C r LL a LL X U. � > _ F ih LL LL LL F I CER. TILE BASE ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM ELEVATION 'A' 1A TYPICAL SCALE 1/2 " =1' -0" h 5' -4 J Q Z LL ' N - Z LL 6" o Z LL 7' MIRROR W /STAINLESS STEEL FRAME 1' -10" SUPPLY ELBOW WITH 6 3 BREAKER 2' -0" `n 3'4" b ro V_c GRAB BAR T-6 1' 6" MA AL G AB AR SLIDE RAIL Ti oX <V Q � cV "v 4_7 f r EO _T T� f I CER. TILE BASE ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM ELEVATION 'A' 1A TYPICAL SCALE 1/2 " =1' -0" h I CER. TILE BASE ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM ELEVATION 'B' TYPICAL SCALE 1/2 " =1' -0" J J Z Z LL LL NEW G.B. FURRING AT WINDOW LOCATIONS NEW G.B. FURRING AT WINDOW LOCATIONS NEW G.B. FURRING AT WINDOW LOCATIONS NEW G.B. FURRING AT WINDOW LOCATIONS MATCH LINE TO A -102 1" - 10' -1'1" N.T.S. J Q Z LL ' N O m B SUPPLY ELBOW WITH 6 3 BREAKER 3'4" V_c HAND HELD T-6 Qc Z 2 MA AL G AB AR SLIDE RAIL f r EO f m SOAPTRAY r` GRAB B S.N. m 4{ 3,_6.. � ih C7 0 T w I O N � I I CER. TILE BASE ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM ELEVATION 'B' TYPICAL SCALE 1/2 " =1' -0" J J Z Z LL LL NEW G.B. FURRING AT WINDOW LOCATIONS NEW G.B. FURRING AT WINDOW LOCATIONS NEW G.B. FURRING AT WINDOW LOCATIONS NEW G.B. FURRING AT WINDOW LOCATIONS MATCH LINE TO A -102 1" 36" INTERIOR m B SUPPLY ELBOW WITH 6 3 BREAKER 7/8" HAND HELD - SHAPED GRAB SHOWER HEAD AR, 1 1/2" DIA. I WITH 24" SLIDE RAIL f r EO f m SOAPTRAY r` 4{ M I B FRONT ELEVATION SECTION B -B NON -SKID BOTTOM 22 1/2" SEAT DIMS; L- SHAPED FOLD -UP SEAT PLAN VIEW 1" DIA. CURTAIN � ROD I I' I� I' 18" GRAB BAR I I� L m a w o _ o w � - 03114" DRAIN I — 19" 38" O.A. SHOWER DETAILS SCALE: 1/2" = V -0 1C ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM ELEVATION'C' TYPICAL SCALE 1/2 " =1' -0" >Q Z LL 0 in CER. TILE BASE >Q Z LL VACUUM li I (h �I 18" � PRESSURE �I BALANCING li 10 10" MIXING I VALVE I Q it I I m I i 31 1 /2" (GRAB BAR) a C7 �w 0 II II 3/8" RISE/ 12" ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM ELEVATION 'D' 1D TYPICAL SCALE 1/2 " =1' -0" DESIGNER: WOODLAB DESIGN & FABRICATION A: 122 DIKEMAN STREET SUITE #1 BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11238 P:917- 664 -4163 E: PENA @WOODLABNYC.COM PROJECTTHANG LE, S.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A: 3029 Eisenhower Avenue Arcadian, CA 91007 P: 626- 731 -1539 E: thangle @sbcglobal.net 1Q 10/01/2013 REISSUED FOR PRICING 08/28/2013 ISSUED FOR PRICING 07/16/2013 ISSUED FOR LANDLORD REVIEW Rev. Date ISSUE REVISIONS /ISSUED PROJECT NAME: ■ - If I O J � ®J cN _ rn = Q � U = U 'QI W '^�r' ry O LU Q _ I z N_ N RELATED NEW BUILDING /ALTERATION REFERENCE NO DOB BSCAN STICKER: DOB EMPLOYEE STAMPS AND SIGNATURES: DRAWING TITLE: BATHROOM DETAIL PLAN DRAWING NO.: A- 101.00 SEAL &SIGNATURE: DATE: 07/01/2013 PROJECT NO.: DRAWN BV.: EK SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET m SHOWER DETAILS SCALE: 1/2" = V -0 1C ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM ELEVATION'C' TYPICAL SCALE 1/2 " =1' -0" >Q Z LL 0 in CER. TILE BASE >Q Z LL VACUUM li I (h �I 18" � PRESSURE �I BALANCING li 10 10" MIXING I VALVE I Q it I I m I i 31 1 /2" (GRAB BAR) a C7 �w 0 II II 3/8" RISE/ 12" ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM ELEVATION 'D' 1D TYPICAL SCALE 1/2 " =1' -0" DESIGNER: WOODLAB DESIGN & FABRICATION A: 122 DIKEMAN STREET SUITE #1 BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11238 P:917- 664 -4163 E: PENA @WOODLABNYC.COM PROJECTTHANG LE, S.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A: 3029 Eisenhower Avenue Arcadian, CA 91007 P: 626- 731 -1539 E: thangle @sbcglobal.net 1Q 10/01/2013 REISSUED FOR PRICING 08/28/2013 ISSUED FOR PRICING 07/16/2013 ISSUED FOR LANDLORD REVIEW Rev. Date ISSUE REVISIONS /ISSUED PROJECT NAME: ■ - If I O J � ®J cN _ rn = Q � U = U 'QI W '^�r' ry O LU Q _ I z N_ N RELATED NEW BUILDING /ALTERATION REFERENCE NO DOB BSCAN STICKER: DOB EMPLOYEE STAMPS AND SIGNATURES: DRAWING TITLE: BATHROOM DETAIL PLAN DRAWING NO.: A- 101.00 SEAL &SIGNATURE: DATE: 07/01/2013 PROJECT NO.: DRAWN BV.: EK SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM ELEVATION 'D' 1D TYPICAL SCALE 1/2 " =1' -0" DESIGNER: WOODLAB DESIGN & FABRICATION A: 122 DIKEMAN STREET SUITE #1 BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11238 P:917- 664 -4163 E: PENA @WOODLABNYC.COM PROJECTTHANG LE, S.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A: 3029 Eisenhower Avenue Arcadian, CA 91007 P: 626- 731 -1539 E: thangle @sbcglobal.net 1Q 10/01/2013 REISSUED FOR PRICING 08/28/2013 ISSUED FOR PRICING 07/16/2013 ISSUED FOR LANDLORD REVIEW Rev. Date ISSUE REVISIONS /ISSUED PROJECT NAME: ■ - If I O J � ®J cN _ rn = Q � U = U 'QI W '^�r' ry O LU Q _ I z N_ N RELATED NEW BUILDING /ALTERATION REFERENCE NO DOB BSCAN STICKER: DOB EMPLOYEE STAMPS AND SIGNATURES: DRAWING TITLE: BATHROOM DETAIL PLAN DRAWING NO.: A- 101.00 SEAL &SIGNATURE: DATE: 07/01/2013 PROJECT NO.: DRAWN BV.: EK SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET DRAIN ND COLD HOOKUP L. — - - - -- - -- — — - - — — — — — - - -- -- — — — — — — — - - -- - - -- i� �. — - - -- _ EXISTING GLUE = LAM - BEAM -ABOVE Z u -- - - ° ¢ ANCHOR ANCHOR_ ANCHOR A CHOR ANCHOR_ ANCHOR 0 to iflZillm :ISE STUDIO 909 E 6 4 A -104 & 3 iiZillm I T T' 1 BATHROOMS DETAIL PLAN SCALE: 11Z= 1' -0" I I- W J J Q m I -- Ci --O- - - - -- 6' -8" BALLET BARRE 6' -89 T_4'I --- 6--0 -- 1' -4" I -- 6' -8" BALLET BARRE 6' -8'1 V -41 I -- 6- -0- - -- - - - - - - — - - I --O- -- - MIRROR 36'-)" TOT L M RROR LEN TH MIRROR 36'- " TOTAL M RROR LEN TH MIRROR 6 -0" MIRROR 6' -0" IRROR 6' -0" 6' -8" 6' -0" 6' -8" 6' -0" l' -4" 1-4" 6' -0" MI RO I 6' -8" MIRROR I MIRROR I I MIRROR MIRROR I IRROR I I T T' 1 BATHROOMS DETAIL PLAN SCALE: 11Z= 1' -0" I I- W J J Q m I -- Ci --O- - - - -- A -103 — — --- 6--0 -- I - - -- - -- --- 6--0 -- — I -- I -- --- 6--0 -- - - -- - - - I -- 6- -0- - -- - - - - - - — - - I --O- -- - MIRROR EXIS- T�ING- GLUE = LAM =BEAM MIRROR -ABOVE MIRROR 36'- " TOTAL M RROR LEN TH MIRROR MIRROR IRROR 1'4" 6' -8" 6' -8" l' -4" 1-4" 6' -8" 6' -8" 1' -4" 16' -0" 3 BARRE TO 15' -0" AT STRAIGHT\ ING WALL. 38' -7" 2 6 A -10a > 3 5 EXERCISE ST 910 L, SEE DETAIL. SOUND INSULATION FROM ING. \ , INFRONT OF EXISTING V AI„ 3 DUCTS ABOVE BARRE 3 A -m3 K MATCH LINE TO A -102 DESIGNER: WOODLAB DESIGN & FABRICATION A: 122 DIKEMAN STREET SUITE #1 BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11238 P:917- 664 -4163 E: PENA @WOODLABNYC.COM PROJECT ENGINEER: THANG LE, S.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A: 3029 Eisenhower Avenue Arcadian, CA 91007 P: 626- 731 -1539 E: thangle @sbcglobal.net 1\ 10/01/2013 REISSUED FOR PRICING 08/28/2013 ISSUED FOR PRICING 07/16/2013 ISSUED FOR LANDLORD REVIEW Rev. Date ISSUE REVISIONS /ISSUED PROJECT NAME: ■ - cf) O J � ® J N _ rn � U U cy LU O O c / LU Q Lc) z N_ N RELATED NEW BUILDING /ALTERATION REFERENCE NO DOB BSCAN STICKER: DOB EMPLOYEE STAMPS AND SIGNATURES: DRAWING TITLE: EXERCISE STUDIO DETAIL PLAN DRAWING NO.: A- 102.00 SEAL & SIGNATURE: DATE: 07/01/2013 PROJECT NO.: DRAWN By EK SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ HANGERS @ �4 !� 4'-0" O.C. MAX. 7/8" FURRING CHANNEL @ 24" O.C. (TYP.) ,— WIRE TIE 5/8" GYP. BD. SHED GYPSUM BOARD LEVEL 4, 5" FINISHED GYPSUM BC WATER/MOLD 8 METAL TRIM RESISTANT - SEALANT 00 -IT STRIP (SEE SPECS) A2 L E D LIGHT STRIP (SEE SPEC EXISTING WALL 1 SECTION DETAIL @ VANITY SINK SCALE 12" = I -0" ALUMN. "U" EDGE 6" METAL STUD -1/2" 14 GAUGE METAL STUD BEHIND ALUMN. "U" EDGE 6" METAL STUD 2 -1/2" 14 GAUGE METAL + + STUD BEHIND + � � LEVEL 5, 8" FINISHED GYPSUM BC 2X 1/2" PAN HEAD SELF - DRILLING SCREWS EVERY 8" 2X 1/2" PAN HEAD SELF - DRILLING SCREWS EVERY 8" 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD 2X 1/2" PAN HEAD SELF- DRILLING SCREWS EVERY 8" 2 -1/2" METAL TRACK d' a 2 LIGHT WALL DETAIL SCALE 3" = V -0" 1 3/4" + 1 3/4" 2 1/2" LEVEL 5, 8" FINISHED GYPSUM BC 3/4" 5/8" 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD STUUD / 6" METAL STUD 6 2 -1/2" 14 GAUGE METAL STUD BEHIND STUD + WOOD STRIP BLOCKING 3/4" PLYWOOD 1/4" PRE - FINISHED WHITE MASONITE Al L E D LIGHT STRIP (SEE SPEC Eu ALUMN. "U" EDGE -13- 1/4" PRE - FINISHED ll WHITE MASONITE 1/2" Itllll 2)1/2" 11111 2 1/25/8" BACK WALL SECTION DETAIL SCALE 3" = V -0" CONT. BEADS OF CAULKING AROUND PERIMETER OF P TOP & BOTTOM STUD RUNNER 5/8 " FIRE CODE'I GYP. WALLBOARI (WATER RESI T " "T @ BATHROOP KITCHENS) BATT 30 SOUND PROOFING 4TION LOADED VINYL BARRIER IPSUM BOARD RUNNER BEADS OF ,ING AROUND ETER OF PART. TOP & BOTTOM '3raa461019i 4 DETAIL AT TYPICAL PARTITION SCALE 3" = 1' -0" 2 HEAD ANCHOR CLIPS LOCATE JAMB ANCH CLIPS ABOVE HINGE REINF. & JUST BELO TOP REINF. 4 PER H' HINGE SIDE. 5 PER h ON STRIKE SIDE JAMB ANCHOR CLIP: ABOVE AND BELOW DUST BOX HINGE REINFORCED LOOR FLOOR ANCHOR CLIP ELEVATION 5 LOCATION OF DOOR BUCK A ORY SCALE 3" = 1'-0" METAL STUD SLIT TAPE 5/8 " GYP. WP 1" SHAFTWALL LINER 5/8 " GYP. WALLBOARD AS INDICATED ON PLAN 21/2 "OR 4 "MET.'E'STUD 'C -H' STUD CORNER BEAD J TYP. DRYWALL PARTITION @ CORNERS SCALE 3" = V -0" DESIGNER: WOODLAB DESIGN & FABRICATION A: 122 DIKEMAN STREET SUITE #1 BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11238 P:917- 664 -4163 E: PENA @WOODLABNYC.COM PROJECT ENGINEER: THANG LE, S.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A: 3029 Eisenhower Avenue Arcadian, CA 91007 P: 626- 731 -1539 E: thangle @sbcglobal.net 1Q 10/01/2013 REISSUED FOR PRICING 08/28/2013 ISSUED FOR PRICING 07/16/2013 ISSUED FOR LANDLORD REVIEW Rev. Date ISSUE REVISIONS /ISSUED PROJECT NAME: ■ Ir / 0 J � ® J N V W O LU Q L0 z N N RELATED NEW BUILDING /ALTERATION REFERENCE NO DOB BSCAN STICKER: DOB EMPLOYEE STAMPS AND SIGNATURES: DRAWING TITLE: VARIOUS DETAILS DRAWING NO.: A -1 SEAL & SIGNATURE: 03.00 DATE: 07/01/2013 PROJECT NO.: DRAWN By EK SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET: EXERCISE STUDIO A LIGHT WALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" �.. 2 EXERCISE STUDIO EAST WALL ELEVATION A -103 3 SCALE: 1/4 " =1' -0" irr m A o y O EXERCISE STUDIO B SOUTH WALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" 1 I s STORAGE / OFFICE SPACE EXERCISE STUDIO B LIGHT WALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" EXERCISE STUDIO A NORTH WALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" 4 (V . u I�L�. I I _" - E. - 2' -8" 1'_4" .. 2'-8" _- 1'_4" I II I, gll A EQ.: 4' -0" -" 4' -0' u II l Nti ,I II i l I II u = - MIRROR 1i MIRROR , I ii i II I i i I \�0.�11 I I ii I II i ii II i ii I II I Ili, I ii - Z i i ii 9 1 1 1 ( ' ii \l EXERCISE STUDIO B SOUTH WALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" 1 I s STORAGE / OFFICE SPACE EXERCISE STUDIO B LIGHT WALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" EXERCISE STUDIO A NORTH WALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" 4 (V . u I�L�. I I _" - E. - 2' -8" 1'_4" .. 2'-8" _- 1'_4" I II I, gll A EQ.: 4' -0" -" 4' -0' u II l Nti ,I II i l I II u = - MIRROR 1i MIRROR , I ii i II I i i I \�0.�11 I I ii I II i ii II i ii I II I Ili, I ii 3 ® A -200 A� A[ 4,_0.. � 4,_0" EQ. .: II � � � EQ. 4' -0 4' 70" 4' -0 _ ii II ii II ( II ( ii II ii II Q EQ . i iIN, I ii l u l ii I I I i ii I li � liy`i�u i ii a ii u l u ii a i��i li - i I h"ti'+o ..- MIRROR I III MIRROR' II II L 'MIRROR II L-1 I MIRROR . I '. III 1, . u I�L�. I I II I II I II I II I, gll 1 II u I', � I u II l Nti ,I II i l I II u I it - MIRROR 1i MIRROR , MIRROR MIRROR - i i ii 9 1 1 1 ( ' ii \l il��P 0 MIRROR I� ''. MIPROd ! yy MIRROR !I �. �O bN I Ri�� II II I ii r II II ii r i«„I� II MIRROR 1... i MIRROR, -ii. -ii- MIRROR PSEROPRO EXERCISE STUDIO WEST WALL ELEVATION 6 SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" EQ. 4' -0 4' 70" 4' -0 _ ii II ii II ( II ( ii II ii II Q EQ . i iIN, I ii l u l ii I I I i ii I li � liy`i�u i ii a ii u l u ii a i��i li - i I h"ti'+o ..- MIRROR I III MIRROR' II II L 'MIRROR II L-1 I MIRROR . I '. III <A DESIGNER: WOODLAB DESIGN & FABRICATION A: 122 DIKEMAN STREET SUITE #1 BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11238 P:917- 664 -4163 E: PENA @WOODLABNYC.COM PROJECT ENGINEER: THANG LE, S.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A: 3029 Eisenhower Avenue Arcadian, CA 91007 P: 626- 731 -1539 E: thangle @sbcglobal.net 1Q 10/01/2013 REISSUED FOR PRICING 08/28/2013 ISSUED FOR PRICING 07/16/2013 ISSUED FOR LANDLORD REVIEW Rev. Date ISSUE REVISIONS /ISSUED PROJECT NAME: ■ - cf) O J � ® J N _ rn = Q � U = U Q Q w O LU w Q _ I z IN N RELATED NEW BUILDING /ALTERATION REFERENCE NO DOB BSCAN STICKER: DOB EMPLOYEE STAMPS AND SIGNATURES: DRAWING TITLE: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS DRAWING NO.: A- 104.00 SEAL & SIGNATURE: DATE: 07/01/2013 PROJECT NO.: DRAWN By EK SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET 1, 1 II u I', � I u II l Nti ,I II i l I II u I it - MIRROR 1i MIRROR , MIRROR MIRROR <A DESIGNER: WOODLAB DESIGN & FABRICATION A: 122 DIKEMAN STREET SUITE #1 BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11238 P:917- 664 -4163 E: PENA @WOODLABNYC.COM PROJECT ENGINEER: THANG LE, S.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A: 3029 Eisenhower Avenue Arcadian, CA 91007 P: 626- 731 -1539 E: thangle @sbcglobal.net 1Q 10/01/2013 REISSUED FOR PRICING 08/28/2013 ISSUED FOR PRICING 07/16/2013 ISSUED FOR LANDLORD REVIEW Rev. Date ISSUE REVISIONS /ISSUED PROJECT NAME: ■ - cf) O J � ® J N _ rn = Q � U = U Q Q w O LU w Q _ I z IN N RELATED NEW BUILDING /ALTERATION REFERENCE NO DOB BSCAN STICKER: DOB EMPLOYEE STAMPS AND SIGNATURES: DRAWING TITLE: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS DRAWING NO.: A- 104.00 SEAL & SIGNATURE: DATE: 07/01/2013 PROJECT NO.: DRAWN By EK SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET T -4_, 2 1 EQ. EQ. EQ. SINGLE LAYER PANELS DOUBLE LAYER PANELS Q SCALE: 1/4" = V -0" USG METAL FURRING CHANNEL HANGER SPACING 4' -0" O.C. MAX. USG METAL FURRING CHANNEL CLIP 1 1/2" CHANNEL 4' -0" O.C. MAX. REFLECTED CEILING DETAILS SCALE: N.T.S. LIMITING SPAN - METAL FURRING MEMBERS (1) FOR BEAMS, JOISTS, PURLINS, SUB - PURLINS; NOT INCLUDING 1 1/2" COLD ROLLED CHANNEL SUPPORT SPACED 4' -0" MAX. (2) LIMITING SPANS FOR 1/2" AND 5/8" THICK PANELS. MAX. L/240 DEFLECTION AND UNIFORM LOAD SHOWN. INVESTIGATE CONCENTRATED LOADS SUCH AS LIGHT FIXTURES AND EXHAUST FANS SEPARATELY. USG "" °T"' FUR[ CHAI 7 E KEY LOCATION SINGLE LAYER PANELS DOUBLE LAYER PANELS TYPE MEMBER (2.5 PSF MAX.) (5.0 PSF MAX.) FURRING SPACING 147 Lft. Warm White LED Strip A2 Wall Flourescent Light 20 units double T5 fixture, remote ballast MEMBER (IN.O.C.) 1 -SPAN 3 -SPAN 1 -SPAN 3 -SPAN DWC -25 16 5' -9" T -1" 4' -7" 5' -8" AS 24 5' -0" 6' -2" 4' -0" 4' -11" DWC -20 16 6' -11" 8' -6" 5' -5" 6' -9" A9 24 6' -0" T -5" 4' -9" 5-11" 158ST 16 T -2" 8' -10" 5' -8" T -0" STUD 24 61-3„ T -9" 5' -0" 6' -2" (1) FOR BEAMS, JOISTS, PURLINS, SUB - PURLINS; NOT INCLUDING 1 1/2" COLD ROLLED CHANNEL SUPPORT SPACED 4' -0" MAX. (2) LIMITING SPANS FOR 1/2" AND 5/8" THICK PANELS. MAX. L/240 DEFLECTION AND UNIFORM LOAD SHOWN. INVESTIGATE CONCENTRATED LOADS SUCH AS LIGHT FIXTURES AND EXHAUST FANS SEPARATELY. USG "" °T"' FUR[ CHAI 7 E KEY LOCATION NO. OF FIXTURES TYPE OF FIXTURE Al Light Wall LED Strip 147 Lft. Warm White LED Strip A2 Wall Flourescent Light 20 units double T5 fixture, remote ballast A3 Corridor Pendant light 10 units 20" industrial pendant light- CFL A4 Bathroom Recessed LED Light 15 units 5" 600 Lumen Recessed A5 Recessed LED Light 7 units 8" CFL Recessed AS Shower Recessed Halogen Light 2 units 3" LED Recessed A7 Vanity Mirror Light 6 units Linear Incandescent A8 Under Vanity Cabinet Light 2 Lft. + 2.5 Lft. + 4.6 Warm White LED Strip Wet Area A9 Soffit LED Strip 150 Lft. RGB LED Stri A10 NOT IN USE N/A N/A All Bathroom Wall Sconces 3 units I Halogen Glo -Ball PANELS GRILLAGE SUSPENSION XISTING CEILING SCOPE OF WORK IM AND REMOVE OLD EXISTING PLUMBING. MOVE ALL OLD CEILING HANGERS AND ANY MAIMING ITEMS. ISTING PLUMBING TO REMAIN TO BE PAINTED 4CK. TCH AND REPAIR EXISTING GYPSUM BOARD. L JOINTS AND INTERIOR ANGLES SHALL HAVE PE EMBEDDED IN JOINT COMPOUND AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY WIPED WITH A JOINT KNIFE WING A THIN COATING OF JOINT COMPOUND 'ER ALL JOINTS AND INTERIOR ANGLES. /O SEPARATE COATS OF JOINT COMPOUND SHALL APPLIED OVER ALL FLAT JOINTS AND ONE PARATE COAT OF JOINT COMPOUND SHALL BE PLIED OVER INTERIOR ANGLES. STENER HEADS AND ACCESSORIES SHALL BE NERED WITH THREE SEPARATE COATS OF JOINT IMPOUND. L JOINT COMPOUND SHALL BE SMOOTH AND FREE TOOL MARKS AND RIDGES. EPARE ALL CEILING AREAS WITH A PRIMER PRIOR FINAL FINISH. PLY 2 COATS OF FLAT PAINT AS A FINISH RFACE. HANGER USG METAL FURRING CLIP 1 1/2" CHANNEL F JOINT TREATMENT EXISTING GLUE LAM BEAM ALIGN A9 LIGHT FIXTURE WOOD SOFFIT TO MATCH GLUE LAM BEAM BLOCKING EXISTING GLUE LAM BEAM ALIGN A9 LIGHT FIXTURE WOOD SOFFIT TO MATCH GLUE LAM BEAM m co BLOCKING LEVEL 4, a' FINISHED GYPSUM V.I.F. V. 1. F. DESIGNER: WOODLAB DESIGN & FABRICATION A: 122 DIKEMAN STREET SUITE #1 BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11238 P:917- 664 -4163 E: PENA @WOODLABNYC.COM PROJECT ENGINEER: THANG LE, S.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A: 3029 Eisenhower Avenue Arcadian, CA 91007 P: 626- 731 -1539 E: thangle @sbcglobal.net 1\ 10/01/2013 REISSUED FOR PRICING 08/28/2013 ISSUED FOR PRICING 07/16/2013 ISSUED FOR LANDLORD REVIEW Rev. Date ISSUE REVISIONS /ISSUED PROJECT NAME: ■ - cr) O J � ® J N _ rn = Q � U U CY W O O LU Q _ I z IN N RELATED NEW BUILDING /ALTERATION REFERENCE NO DOB BSCAN STICKER: CONCRETE FLOOR A9 L E D LIGHT STRIP (SEE SPE S) 00 DOB EMPLOYEE STAMPS AND EXPANSION BOLT ST'L. ANGLE CLIP A9 LIGHT FIXTL R ST'L HANGERS UNDERSIDE OF SLAB 2 -1/2" 14 GAUGE METAL STUD YI� HANGERS 4' -0" O.C. ^ WOOD SOFFIT O MATCH GLUE LAM BEAM WIRE TIE 2 3/4" LEVEL 5, 8' FINISHED GYPSUM 3" 3/4" v m DRAWING TITLE: 1ST LOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN DRAWING NO.: A- 200.00 QUIET BATT 30 SOUND PR OFING SEAL & SIGNATURE : DATE: 07/01/2013 INSULATION PROJECT NO.: MASS LOADED VINYL BA RIER DRAWN BY.: EK JOINT SCALE: AS NOTED GYPUSM COMPOUND USG CONTROL PANELS JOINT #093 - 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD CONTROL JOINT BACK WALL SOFFIT DETAIL 4 LE: 3" = 1' -0" SCA SHEET Additional Materials Received Mosher Comments for Items B, 1 and 2 December 23, 2013 Zoning Administrator agenda comments - Jim Mosher Page 2 of 2 in'cfeas f sew ign area of 20.7X and 16.3X. While I would agree that the existing entry signs (apparent ad without a modification permit and in violation of PC -56) seem small and out of scale with the ldiug,�the proposed increase seems excessive to me. 6. Condition of Approval #2 seems a less precisely wo rsion of Condition #12. I would suggest deleting #2. Item Pacts Bari Studio Minor Use Permit (PA2013 -230) in Support of Finding C.3 says the project "is oriented towards the parking lot away from the residential uses." The orientation of the project plans provided in Attachment ZA 6 is difficult to follow, and the statement may be correct with respect to the entry areas (which I think are shown to the left) but I have the impression that Exercise Studios A & B are designed to have windows (on the right) looking out over San Joaquin Hills Road towards Big Canyon. It is unclear if they are large enough to be readily visible from there. 2. Facts in Support of Finding D.1, at the end of the fourth line, refers to the overall project area as a "shopping center." My impression is it is not a shopping center. 3. Facts in Support of Finding D.1 concludes by saying "the Director may reduce parking requirements when a parking lot is upgraded for ADA compliance." Has the Director in fact done that? Or does Attachment ZA 4 mean the Director has delegated the authority to make this decision to an Assistant Planner? 4. Regarding Condition of Approval #9, which limits the use "to a maximum of three employees and 24 patrons," I have no personal familiarity with fitness centers, but my understanding is that patrons often work out with "personal trainers." Is this ratio of 3 employees to 24 patrons adequate? Or are trainers not regarded as employees? If not, are trainers counted towards the 24 patrons allowed? 5. One might also note that Condition 9 could be read to say there is no limit on the number of occupants outside the hours stated. I would suggest rephrasing it to say: "9. The use shall be limited to the business hours of 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. with a maximum of three employees and 24 patrons at any time." 6. In Condition 11, to clarify the concern about noise outside the unit, it might be preferable: "The operator of the facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated era t1 the subject #ast{i#y use. ..." 7. The suite numbers shown on the first sheet of the "Tenant Improvement Drawings' in Attachment ZA 6, and repeated in the "Parking Summary' on handwritten page 20, differ substantially from the tenant addresses shown on the City's GIS map (including not only a different arrangement of the numbers within the building, but a "2115" where the GIS shows "2123 "). Do the GIS designations need to be corrected?