HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-15 _EQAC_AgendaDATE /TIM E LOCATION: Roll Call AGENDA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Monday, December 15, 2008 7:00 p.m. Police Department Auditorium 870 Santa Barbara Drive 1. Minutes of November 17, 2008 (attachment) 2. Discussion of 2009 meeting schedule (attachment) 3. Task Force on Green Development Representatives' Report 4. Coastal /Bay Water Quality Committee Representatives' Report s. Economic Development Committee Representative's Report 6. Report from Staff on Current Projects 7. Public Comments 8. Future Agenda Items g. Adjournment NEXT MEETING DATE: January 18, 2009 ? ?? 'Attachments can be found on the City's website http_ _ / /www.city.newpo_rt= b_each._ca us. Once there, click on Agendas and Minutes then scroll to and click on Environmental Quality Affairs. If attachment is not on the web page, it is also available in the City of Newport Beach Planning Department, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Building C, 2nd Floor. Page 1 file:IIIFIIAppsl W EBDATAI Intemetf EnvironmentalQualityAffainCommitteeAgendas lmn l 1- 17- 08_draft.htm City of Newport Beach ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES 11 -17 -08 Draft minutes of the Environmental Quality Affairs Committee held at the City of Newport Beach City Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Boulevard, on Monday, November 17, 2008. Members Present: X Nancy Gardner, Council Member X Barbara Thibault X Michael Henn, Council Member E? Laura Curran X Kenneth Drellishak, Chair X Robert Rush X Kimberly Jameson X Sandra Haskell X Kevin Kelly X Arlene Greer X Michael Pascale X Barry Allen X IMichael Smith E jKristine Adams X Timothy Stoaks E Laura Dietz X Joan Penfil E Susan Knox X Bruce Asper Ray Halowski X Merritt Van Sant X Michael Alti Staff Representatives: X ISharon Wood, Assistant City Manager Guests: Chairperson Ken Drellishak called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 1. Introduction of new member Michael Alti Chairperson Drellishak introduced Michael Alti, who provided information on his background, including experience in land use law and CEQA. 2. Minutes of July 21, 2008 and September 15, 2008 file:III FII AppsIWEBDATAMt emeLl EnvironmentalQualityAffairsCommitteeAgendas /moll- 17- 08_draft.htm (1 of3) [12115/2008 3:15:14 PM] file: / / /F''„ „'Apps / W E6 DATA /Internet / Eli, ironmentalQual ityA ffairsCommitteeAgendas/mn I 1- 17- 08_draft.htm Barbara Thibault moved to approve the minutes of July 21, 2008, and Sandra Haskell seconded the motion. Arlene Greer moved to approve the minutes of September 15, 2008, and Joan Penfil seconded the motion. Both motions passed unanimously 3. Report on and discussion of meeting attendance Chairperson Drellishak referred to the attendance report attached to the agenda and discussed the importance of having a quorum at meetings to conduct EQAC business. The Committee directed Sharon Wood to prepare letters to all members with more than 3 absences from the Mayor, pursuant to the Resolution establishing EQAC. 4. Discussion of possible regulation of leaf blowers Council member Gardner reported on citizen complaints regarding noise and air quality problems from use of leaf blowers. She noted that alternatives that don't result in unintended impacts are difficult to find, and asked if EQAC was interested in exploring the issue. Mike Pascale volunteered to do research into what other cities may be doing to regulate leaf blowers. 5. Appointment of subcommittee to review DEIR for Marinapark project Chairperson Drellishak asked those who would be unable to serve on the subcommittee to notify him, and he will suggest appointments at the December meeting. 6. Task Force on Green Development Representative's Report Arlene Greer and Kevin Kelly reported on outreach to the Youth Council and homeowners associations, and through cable television. 7. Coastal /Bay Water Quality Committee Representative's Report Council Member Gardner reported that the Committee and staff are working on an ordinance to limit the time that boats may anchor off Big Corona. She also reported on the results of recent studies of spikes in water quality issues in Huntington Beach, which show bacteria present in dry sand. 8. Economic Development Committee Representative's Report Chairperson Drellishak and Sharon Wood reported on EDC and City Council action to extend the period of time when temporary banners may be displayed, to help businesses in this difficult economic time. Council member Henn reported on the progress of parking studies in the City's commercial districts. 9. Report from Staff on Current Projects Sharon Wood reported that the Hyatt Regency project received the Planning Commission's file: / / /F/ Apps /WEBDATA /IntemetlEnvironmental Quali tyAffairsCommitteeAgendas /nml1- 17- 08_draft.hon (2 of3) [12/15/2008 3:15:14 PMJ ti le:'IIF'', /AppsI W E6 DATA /Intemeti FnvironmentalQual ityA ffairsCommitteeAgendas/mn I 1- 17- 08_draft.htrn recommendation for approval on November 6, and would be before the City Council in January. 10. Public Comments Kimberly Jamieson raised concerns about the River Avenue beautification project and conversion of some streets to one -way. 11. Future Agenda Items None 12. Adjournment Chair Drellishak adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. file:ll,F/ Apps/ WEBDATA/ IntemetlEnvironmental QualityAtTairsComniiueeAgendes /nml1- 17- 08_draft.hon (3 of3) [12/15/20093:15:14 PM] "ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - FULL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 2009 MEETING DATES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, EQAC MEETS EVERY 3RD MONDAY 7:00 PM - POLICE DEPARTMENT AUDITORIUM 777 *(31d Monday -Jan 19 is a holiday) 777 *(3rd Monday -Feb 16 is a holiday) March 16 April 20 May 18 June 15 July 20 August 17 September 21 October 19 November 16 December 21 Page 1 of 1 *Third Monday is a holiday — City is closed. MEETING TO BE HELD AT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AUDITORIUM. "http: / /www.city.newport- beach. ca. us/ EnvironmentalQualityAffairsCommitteeAgendas /i... 12/15/2008