HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 - Vaughan Residence Condominium Conversion - PA2014-076COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT July 10, 2014 Agenda Item No. 2: SUBJECT: Vaughan Residence Condominium Conversion - (PA2014 -076) 618 and 618'/2 Poinsettia Avenue • Condominium Conversion No. CC2014 -004 • Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2014 -006 County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2014 -114 APPLICANT: Robert Vaughan PLANNER: Benjamin M. Zdeba, Assistant Planner (949) 644 -3253, bzdeba @newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: R -2 (Two - Family Residential) • General Plan: RT (Two -Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY A condominium conversion and tentative parcel map to convert an existing duplex into a condominium project. The code required two -car parking per unit is provided and no waivers of Title 19 development standards are proposed with this application. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- approving Condominium Conversion No. CC2014 -004 Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2014 -006 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION • The site is located in Corona del Mar, south of Fourth Avenue and north of Third Avenue, in the R -2 Zoning District. The adjacent properties are also zoned for 1 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 9 Vaughan Residence Condominium Conversion Zoning Administrator July 10, 2014 Page 2 residential use. The area of the lot is approximately 3,540 square feet (30' X 118'), which is typical in this neighborhood. • The site is developed with a duplex built to condominium standards with separate utility connections for each unit. The building permit to add a second unit and related parking was issued in May 2010 and construction was completed in March 2011. A subsequent building permit was issued in July 2013 for a remodel and addition which is still under construction. • The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site as Two -Unit Residential (RT), and the current development is consistent with this designation. • The property is not located within the Coastal Zone. • This property is ineligible for the exemptions within Section (Park Fee, Applicability) since the new unit was finaled less than five years ago on March 8, 2011. • One garage parking space and one tandem carport parking space are provided for each dwelling unit, which satisfies the off - street parking requirements of Chapter 20.40 (Off- Street Parking) of the Municipal Code. • A tentative parcel map for two -unit condominium purposes has been submitted in conjunction with the condominium conversion application for the purpose of creating two separate ownership units. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301, of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilities). This exemption authorizes minor alterations to existing structures involving negligible or no expansion of use including but not limited to the division of existing multiple - family or single - family residences into common - interest ownership, and subdivision of existing commercial or industrial buildings, where no physical changes occur which are not otherwise exempt. The proposed project involves the division of an existing duplex where no significant physical changes are proposed. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of- way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal TmpIt:05 -24 -13 S Vaughan Residence Condominium Conversion Zoning Administrator July 10, 2014 Page 3 Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal of the Parcel Map and Condominium Conversion may be filed with the Director of Community Development within fourteen (14) days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644 -3200. Prepared by: . Be ja i M. eba As ' tant Planner GR/bmz Attachments: ZA 1 ZA 2 ZA 3 ZA 4 ZA 5 TmpIt:05 -24 -13 Draft Resolution Vicinity Map Project Plans Condominium Inspection Report County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2014 -114 21 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE w A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION NO. CC2014 -004 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. NP2014 -006 FOR A TWO -UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 618 AND 618 '/z POINSETTIA AVENUE (PA2014 -076) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: 1. An application was filed by Robert Vaughan with respect to property located at 618 and 618 '/2 Poinsettia Avenue, and legally described as Lot 20, Block 643, Corona del Mar as shown on a Map recorded in Book 3, Pages 41 and 42 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California, requesting approval of a condominium conversion and tentative parcel map. 2. The applicant proposes a condominium conversion and te`ltive parcel map to convert an existing duplex into a condominium project. The code required two -car parking per unit is provided and no waivers of Title 19 development standards are proposed with this application. 3. The subject property is located within the R -2 (Two -Unit Residential) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is RT (Two -Unit Residential). 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on July 10, 2014, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15315, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). 2. The Class 1 exemption involves negligible or no expansion of an existing use. This classification includes the division of existing multiple - family or single - family residences into common - interest ownership, and subdivision of existing commercial or industrial buildings, where no physical changes occur which are not otherwise exempt. The proposed project involves the conversion of an existing duplex into a two -unit condominium development. 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Paqe 2 of 11 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Condominium Conversion In accordance with Section 19.64.070 (Standards for Condominium Conversions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings are set forth: Finding A. The minimum number, and the design and location of off- street parking spaces shall be provided in conformance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of approval of the conversion. Facts in Support of Finding A-1. The existing duplex consists of 3,326 square feet inc, hing two, single car garages and two covered spaces. A -2. The four spaces provided meet the number tpaces sired (2 per unit) per Chapter 20.40 (Off- Street Parking) of the Zoning Ordinance, Finding B. Each dwelling unit within a building sewer. 'Allb.. Facts in Support of Finding B -1. The duplex has two, atevei Finding "1 sewer connection to the City connections to the City sewer. C. Each sewer lateral shall be retrofitted /fitted with a cleanout at the property line. Facts in Support of Finding C -1. The duplex has two separate sewer cleanouts located at the property line. Finding D. Each unit shall maintain a separate water meter and water meter connection. Facts in Support of Finding D -1. The duplex has two separate water meters and water meter connections. 04 -24 -2013 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Paqe 3 of 11 Finding E. The electrical service connection shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 15.32 (Underground Utilities) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding E -1. The duplex complies with the requirements of Chapter 15.32. Finding F. The applicant for a condominium conversion shall request a special inspection from the Building Division for the purpose of identifying any building safety violations. The applicant shall correct all identified safety violations prior to approval of a final map for the condominium conversion. Facts in Support of Finding F -1. A special inspection was completed by the Building Division on June 26, 2014, and one safety violation was identified inasmuch as carbon monoxide detectors were not provided in all required locations. F -2. Since the front unit is currently undergoing renovation, several items in the special inspection could not be verified in the field; however, the building permit set indicates the required improvements will be constructed. F -3. As conditioned, the project will not be condominiums until all housing and safety violations have been corrected and verified. Finding G. Permanent lot stakes and tags shall be installed at all lot corners by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer unless otherwise required by the City Engineer. Facts in Support of Findinq G -1. As conditioned, the project will comply with this requirement prior to recordation of the final parcel map. Finding H. For residential conversions, the project shall be consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan, particularly with regard to the balance and dispersion of housing types within the City. 04 -24 -2013 q Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Paqe 4 of 11 Facts in Support of Finding H -1. The project is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the Land Use Element and other Elements of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan. The project site is designated as RT (Two -Unit Residential) by the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The proposed project is consistent with the RT land use category, which is intended to provide for a range of two - family dwelling units such as duplexes and townhomes. H -2. An existing, remodeled two -unit dwelling rental will be converted into a two -unit condominium project. The residential density on the site will remain the same. Finding 1. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for shall not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Facts in Support of Finding 1 -1. The application of the project conditions will ensure the health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood and the City. 1 -2. The proposed project is to convert an existing, remodeled duplex into two condominiums on property located within the R -2 zoning district. 1 -3. Public improvements will be required of the Applicant per the Municipal Code and the Subdivision Map Act. Tentative Parcel map The Zoning Administrator determined in this case, that the proposed parcel map is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and is approved based on the following findings per Section 19.12.070 (Required Findings for Action on Tentative Maps) of Title 19 (Subdivision Code): Finding: A. The proposed map and the design or improvements of the subdivision are consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan, and with applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this Subdivision Code. Facts in Support of Finding: A -1. The proposed parcel map is for two -unit condominium purposes. The existing duplex was constructed in 2011 to condominium standards. The residential density on the site (two- units) will remain the same. The proposed subdivision and improvements are 04 -24 -2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Paqe 5 of 11 consistent with the density of the R -2 Zoning District and the "Two -Unit Residential' General Plan Land Use designation. A -2 The proposed parcel map does not apply to any specific plan area. Finding: B. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of development. Facts in Support of Finding: B -1. The lot is physically suitable for two -unit development because it is regular in shape and has a slope of less than 20 percent. Finding: C. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, the decision making body may nevertheless approve such a subdivision if an environmental impact report was prepared for the project and a finding was made pursuant to Section 21081 of the California Environmental Quality Act that specific economic, social or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. VA -q9hkk- Facts in Support of Finding: C -1. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it qualifies for a Class 1 and a Class 15 categorical exemption pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Sections 15301 and 15315, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act). Under Class 1 (Existing Facilities), the division of existing multiple family or single - family residences into common interest ownership is exempt under Class 1 of CEQA. Under Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions), the division of property in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial use into four or fewer parcels is exempt when the division is in conformance with the General Plan and zoning, no variances or exceptions are required, all services and access to the proposed parcels to local standards are available, the parcel was not involved in a division of a larger parcel within the previous 2 years, and the parcel does not have an average slope greater than 20 percent. Finding: D. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 04 -24 -2013 22 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Paqe 6 of 11 Facts in Support of Finding: D -1. The proposed parcel map is for residential condominium purposes. The development will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes, which are in place to prevent serious public health problems. Public improvements will be required of the developer per Section 19.28.010 (General Improvement Requirements) of the Municipal Code and Section 66411 of the Subdivision Map Act. All ordinances of the City and all Conditions of Approval will be complied with. Finding: E. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the decision making body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements, for access or for use, will be provided and that these easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This finding shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to the City Council to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within a subdivision. Facts in Support of Finding: E -1. The design of the development will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of property within the proposed development, because there are no public easements located on the property. Finding: �� F. That, subject to eth detailed provisions of Section 66474.4 of the Subdivision Map Act, if the land is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act), the resulting parcels following a subdivision of the land would not be too small to sustain their agricultural use or the subdivision will result in residential development incidental to the commercial agricultural use of the land. Facts in Support of Finding: F -1. The property is not subject to the Williamson Act because the subject property is not designated as an agricultural preserve and is less than 100 acres in area. F -2. The site, which is developed for residential use, lies in a residentially zoned area. Finding: G. That, in the case of a "land project" as defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code: (1) There is an adopted specific plan for the area to 04 -24 -2013 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Pace 7 of 11 be included within the land project; and (2) the decision making body finds that the proposed land project is consistent with the specific plan for the area. Facts in Support of Finding: G -1. The property is not a "land project" as previously defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code because the existing subdivision does not contain 50 or more parcels. G -2. The project is not located within a specific plan area. Finding: H. That solar access and passive heating and cooling design requirements have been satisfied in accordance with Sections 66473.1 and 66475.3 of the Subdivision Map Act. Facts in Support of Finding: H -1. The proposed parcel map and improvements are subject to Title 24 of the California Building Code that requires new construction to meet minimum heating and cooling efficiency standards depending on location and climate. The Newport Beach Building Division enforces Title 24 compliance through the plan check and inspection process. The existing duplex was constructed in compliance with Title 24. Finding: The subdivision is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of the California Government Code regarding the City's share of the regional housing need and that it balances the housing needs of the region against the public service needs of the City's residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. Facts in Support of Finding: 1 -1. The proposed parcel map is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of the California Government Code regarding the City's share of the regional housing need. The residential density on the site will remain the same, which allows two units in the R -2 Zoning District. Therefore, the parcel map for condominium purposes will not affect the City in meeting its regional housing need. Finding: J. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the existing sewer system will not result in a violation of existing requirements prescribed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 04 -24 -2013 '�3 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Paqe 8 of 11 Facts in Support of Finding: J -1. Wastewater discharge into the existing sewer system will remain the same and does not violate Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements. Finding: K. For subdivisions lying partly or wholly within the Coastal Zone, that the subdivision conforms with the certified Local Coastal Program and, where applicable, with public access and recreation policies of Chapter Three of the Coastal Act. Facts in Support of Finding: K -1. The subject property is not located within the Coastal Zone. SECTION 4. DECISION. I,,\ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: ,, 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2014 -006 and Condominium Conversion No. CC2014 -004 (PA2014 -076), subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A ", which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. The Condominium Conversion and Tentative Parcel Map action shall become final and effective fourteen days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 101h DAY OF JULY, 2014. N/ 04 -24 -2013 '14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Pace 9 of 11 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Parcel Map and Condominium Conversion. 3. No more than two- dwelling units shall be permitted on the site. 4. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code or other applicable section or chapter, additional street trees may be required and existing street trees shall be protected in place during construction of the subject project, unless otherwise approved by the General Services Department and the Public Works Department through an encroachment permit or agreement. 5. Two -car parking, including one enclosed garage space and one covered or enclosed parking space, shall be provided on site for each dwelling unit per requirements of the Zoning code. All parking spaces shall be maintained clear of obstructions for the parking of vehicles at all times. 6. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 7. Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 8. Prior to the final of the building permit for the special inspection, the applicant shall resolve all building safety violations identified in the Condominium Conversion Inspection Report dated June 26, 2014. 9. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Condominium Conversion and Parcel Map including, but not limited to, Condominium Conversion No. CC2014 -004 and Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2014 -006 (PA2014- 076). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether 04 -24 -2013 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Paqe 10 of 11 incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 10. The parcel map shall expire if the map has not been recorded within 24 months of the date of approval, unless an extension is granted by the Planning Director in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.16 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Public Works Conditions 11. Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, the applicant shall pay a park dedication fee for one (1) unit in accordance with the fee amount in effect at the time of recordation. 12. A parcel map shall be recorded. The map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD88). Prior to recordation of the map, the surveyor /engineer preparing the map shall submit to the County Surveyor and the City of Newport Beach a digital - graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7 -9 -330 and 7 -9 -337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. The map to be submitted to the City of Newport Beach shall comply with the City's CADD Standards. Scanned images will not be accepted. 13. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the surveyor /engineer preparing the map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Sections 7 -9 -330 and 7 -9 -337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. Monuments (1- inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set on each lot corner unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 14. All improvements shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 15. An encroachment agreement is required for any private improvements in the public right -of -way and shall comply with City Council Policy L -6 (Private Encroachments in Public Rights -of -Way). 16. Each dwelling unit shall be served by its individual water meter and sewer lateral and cleanout. Each water meter and sewer cleanout shall be installed with a traffic -grade box and cover. Water meters and sewer cleanouts shall be located within the public right -of -way. 17. An encroachment permit is required for all work activities within the public right -of -way. 04 -24 -2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Paqe 11 of 11 18. The existing damaged curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the Poinsettia Avenue frontage shall be reconstructed. Limits of reconstruction shall be determined by the Public Works Inspector. 19. In case of damage done to public improvements surrounding the development site by the private construction, additional reconstruction within the public right -of -way could be required at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 20. All on -site drainage shall comply with the latest City Water Quality requirements. 21. All above ground improvements shall stay a minimum 5 -foot clear within the alley setback, including planting. 22. Existing street trees on Poinsettia Avenue shall be protected in place. Removal of street trees shall require the approval of the Parks and Trees Division of the Municipal Operations Department and the Public Works Department. 04 -24 -2013 17 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 28 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 19 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 20 VICINITY MAP Condominium Conversion No. CC2014 -004 Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2014 -006 PA2014 -076 618 and 618'/2 Poinsettia Avenue ::,j INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 22 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 23 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE M, • R'Nw �. eesea' ° O o I , z ��1 0 FD - ff L LJ + INTERIOR P'R. ROOM A. B. ANCHOR BOLT D.P. DAIP PROOF 14G .4T. I .. `" A/C AYR COPEDIT104ING DR. DOOR INV. EL. INVERT R.O. ROUGH c a . a s�' 'CPT _ p,.. u' p 17 gyp ' fZ-(% DRESSG. DRESSNG ELEVATION R.O. R0.4GH OPE4s4G Ca $� �G A.C. ASPHALTIC R/5 RESddY d I 6 D t7 F� �°I ~" II e s�FMT. ( P 6 CONCRETE U.S. DaaNSVauT" �I`e -. Td N N ` L� N t °� e I D.S.P. DRY STANDPIPE JAN. CLO. ' JANITORS RUB. RUBBER] apoN/� N®�' ACOUS. ACOUSTIC k 1 E?< j j I f; i�,'�' — - ". I AC. T. ACOUSTIC TILE D.W. 01SHdASHER CLOSET RDWq° REDWOOD :. ° rr06�0i r&'I� DWG, DRAaING OR JST, JOIST ROUND (DR.DI'AMETER) � �� A.D. ACCESS DOOR " A. D. AREA DRAIN DRAWINGS JT. JOINT :S SOUTH ADJ. ADJUSTABLE DWR. DRAWER ^F A.F.F. ABOVE FINISH 0 DIAMETER (OR ROUND) K. D. KILN DRIED S, a. P. SHELF AND POLE; FLOOR w DITTO KIT. KITCHEN S.A.G. SUPPLY AIR ea as ° -�,�l .m \ �r� ems..' (i0 j�%1�.+�+i�' ✓C� { i f3 LJ z K.P. KICK PLATE GRILLE j '� /�� AGGR. AGGREGATE _ 1 _. .. . —_ -_.i "•� "�I �j AIA AMERICAN E EAST S.C. SOLID CORE y �: (: „� Q�! INSTITUTE OF EA. EACH LAD. LADDER SCHED, SCHEDULE $RtiP� A4 -' I°�I�1f I J ARCHITECTS E.C, EVAPORATIVE LAFI. LAMINATE SCUP. SCUdPER ____ AI•SC AMERICAN COOLER LAUND. LAUNDRY S.O.: SOAP J15PE4SER INSTITUTE OF E.G. EXISTING GRADE LAV. LAVATORY SECT. SECTION STEEL E.J, EXPANSION JOINT LBS° (orb) POUNDS SEL. STR. SELECT CONSTRUCTION . EL. /ELEV. ELEVATION LDG. LANDI "IG ( "ar S.,S.) STRUCTURAL ;' ��0 °U ?,�° • p,4trA r�¢ AL. ALUMINUM. ELEC. ELECTRIC/ LE V. LEVEL S. F. SAND FINISH q.; ELECTRICAL LIN. LINEN CLOSET SH. SHELF ! �' I" G r ANSI ALTERNATE EMER`. EMERGENCY " VIN, FT, LINEAR F007 5HR. SHOVER ae� ( " g . NATIONAL E.N. fOGE NAILING" LINO. LINOLEUM $HT. SHEET = i -- 4�� '�e Ili STANDARDS ENCL. ENCLOSURE LIV. RM< LIVING ROOM SH.TG, SHEATHING ,N INSTITUTE ENT. ENTRANCE /ENTRY L.P. LOW POINT SIM. SIMILAR I P rz.,w �/", �R� E fed RC = — INCORPORATED k. P. ELECTRIC PANEL L.T. LAUNDRY TRAY S:L.. SLOPE 0 (? A. P. ACCESS PANEL EQ. EQUAL LT. LIGHT St. GL, SLIDING GLASS APPROX. APPROXIMATE EQUIP, EQUIPMENT LUM. LUMINOUS S,L`PG. SLOPING UPI A.S.F. ASPHALT EST. EST114ATE LVR. LOUVER SM. DET. SMOKE DETECTOR �� °�f'�. SATURATED FELT E.W. EACH WAY SPEC. SPECIFICATION MATERIAL S'PR. SPRINKLER ASPH. ASPHALT E.W.W.M. ELECTRICALLY MAIL. v I AS TM AMERICAN SOE %ETV__..._. WELDED MAX, MAXIMUM. S.Q. or I$ SQUARE 1 E WIRE MESH M.B. MACHINE BOLT SQ. FT < SQUARE FOOT or FOR TESTING C MATERIALS EXH. EXHAUST N.C. MEIIICINE CABINET SQUARE FEET " AUTa" AUTOMATIC EXIST" EXISTING MECH. MECHANICAL S.S. SINGLE STRENGTH AVE, AVENUE EXP. EXPANSION MED. 'MEDIUM S.SK. SERVICE SINK A AND EXP. EXPOSZD MET. METAL .; StST1. STAINLESS STEEL L_ ANGLE EXT. EXTERIOR MEZZ. MEZIANI.NE ST. STREET AT MFR< MANUFAL7URER STA. STATION OGGtI �i�uG`� �'ifb f I F.A. FIRE ALARM M.H. MANHOLE STD. STANDARDI,� j BALC. BALCONY F.A.U. FORCED AIR UNIT MIN. MINIMU9 STGR. STAGGER y BATH BATHROOM F.B. FLAT BAR MISC. MISCELLANEOUS STL. STEEL G' _ BD. BOARD F.C. FURRED CEILING M.L. METAL LATH STN. STONE �J.t�I3 � BITUM F.D. FLOOR DRAIN M.L. & P. METAL LATH AND STOR. STORAGE ITUM . BITUMINOUS B BUILDING FDN. FOUNDATION PLASTER ST'RUC. STRUCTURE 2 v D l G f G BLK._ BLOCK F.E. FIRE EXTINGUISHER MLOG. MOULDING 'STRUCT. STRUCTURAL I �L. BLOCKING FIRE EXTINGUISHER M.O. MASONRY OPENING SUSP. SUSPENDED KG D �'� , ° F.E.C. lL BEAM CABINET 'MOD. P061FIED S.W.R. SIDE WALL B;N. BOUNDARY. F.F.E. FINISH FLOOR M.P. MOVABLE PARTITION REGISTER _ f ELEVATION MPS MINIMUM PROPERTY SYM. SYMMETRICAL NAILING_: BOT. BOTTOM F.G. FUEL GAS STANDARDS SYN'. SYNTHETIC j BR. /HORN. BEDROOM F.H. FIRE HOSE MTD. MOUNTED VS. SYSTEM BRM. BROOM F.N. FLATHEAD S4S SURFACED FOUR BRNG. BEARING FHA FEDERAL HOUSING -N NORTH SIDES BOTH SIDES ADMINISTRATION ,*AT. NATURAL 4�0 B.T.U. BRITISH 7NE04AL F "H.C. FIRE HOSE CABINET NAT. GR. NATURAL GRADE T. TOILET UNITS FIN. FINISH N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT T i. ®. TOP AND BOTTOM FIN. GR.. FINISH GRADE N0. (or#) NUMBER T A .G TONGUE AND GROOVE i CAB" CABINET FIX:. GL. FIXED GLASS NOM. NOMINAL T..9". TOWEL BAR C.H. CA ?CH ".BAS,IN FIXT. FIXTURE N.S. NON- tL.IP T.G> TIME CLOCK C:D, CEILING DIFFUSER F.L. FLOW LINE N.T.S. Not to SCALE t' "C. TOP OF CURB /TOP CEM° CEMENT F.I. FLUSH LIGHT D.A. "aal1(' OF CONCRETE _ � TEL. TELEPHONE ytr<" t t+c+uwt4 " FLOOR OBSC. OBSCURE TEMP, TE'1PERED t. CER.T. CERAMIC TILE PLR• O.C. ON CENTER C.F.M. CUBIC,FEET FLUOR. FLUORESCENT TER." RRAllO PER MINUTE F.N, FIELD NAILING O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER THK, THICK OR CH. CHIMES F.O•B. FACE OF BEAM OFF. OFFICE THICKNESS j O.H. OVERHEAD TtiR£S,. THRCSHQLO C.I. CAST .IRON F.O.C. FACE OF 'CONCRETE gPNG. OPENING CIN° BL. CINDER BLOCK F.D.F. FACE OF FINISH DPP. OPPOSITE T;O. TRIMMED'OPE4ING r`� C.J. GOLD DINT OR F:O.H.C>, FREE OF HEART T.P, tO1LET PAPER 0.5 A. OUTSIDE AIR �.. -. -. - sa ' CONTROL JOINT CENTER T:P. TOP OF PAYE'9ENT , t CENTER LINE r F.O.M. FACE OF MASONRY PANTRY T:RAN. TRANSOt4 PAN. CLG. CEILING F.O.S. FACE OF STUDS TRO. (or T) TREAD CLKG. CAULKING FPRF. FIREPROOF PAR, PARALLEL T.S. TOP OF P.B < PUSH BUTTON SOCATH14G Q ° CLUB. CLOSET FR. FRAME4d CdF •t CITY OP NEY4PORT DEACH DUILDING DEPARTMENT w ° P.C. IN CMAIN 111 CLR. CLEAR F.S. FLOOR SINK TgSTAT tMERatOSTAfi - pp f `� OR IMPLIED .,, % • FT. FEET nR FOOT P.G" PAINT FADE T.Va TELEVISION �I �' �f�s��1 �� — APPROVALGFTHESEPlAN3D0E5NOTCONSTITUTEEXPRESS C.N1 U. CONCRETE PH. PHONE ) �i �«,!'��-�f AUTHORIL"'NTO CONSTRUCT AtdY BI{iLDIAG IN VIOLATION OP OR INCONSI ILNT FTC° FOOTING � _ �IHE CITY OFIJEWPJJRTSEe,�'THIS MASONRY UNIT +N pr T.N.' TDP OF WALL �f7Li ', V I 'Y r y WITHTHEGRDINANCEa:ARPN 6fC T1ATITH SP PLANS ARE fN ALL RESPECi•'N / nl, E APP UILDING AND �OINC CRDWANElUIREANY PCRIM1�TCETD 1/ f,NTR° C.t111NTFR FORA, FIIR2I'eP< T "" " TY "I; it T P.L. - PROPERTY `L1NE Co �'�' � `� G' `� 3 A C.O. CASED OPENING q�'• T GN _ RGVAL DGES NOT COMPUANCEWITH CITY, h1THE : .I GLEAN OUT' GA, GAUGE PL. Gl. PLATE GLASS U.B,C, UNIFORM RFV SIETHE B'�LDMG6TR CTI,� OR iI / °{p fir Yi`IdT AUTHORV.ED BYTHCSE hLAidS Y C.O. � DURING OR AFTER CONBTRL'� l 10N, IF NECESSARY TE COMPLY W I COL. COLUMN CAI. GALLON PLAS, PLASTER QRDINANCES,P4ANSAND PGLICIES 01=ThIEGITI OF NEYdPOR wio i COMB. COMBUSTION GALV. GALVANIZED PLST. PLASTIC U.N.O. UNLESS 40TEO GAR. GARAGE PLYWO. PLYWOOD UNPIN. UNFINISHED BUILDING CODE' /@RMITiEE'BA(�NOWU:OOEMENT l� ATU - OAT yy�'�) COMBO. COMBINATION H U " w J o W L CONPO. COMPOSITION G "B. GRAN HAR PR. PAIR ' ' r ¢ u PRECAST OTHER,aISE - A PRC5T " - -- — H = Q GOMRT. COMPARTMENT G.D. GARBAGE DISPOSAL UR. URINAL _- - ~`� CONC. CONCRETE G•F<I, GROUND FAULT PREFAB. PREFABRICATED uo 1 � I COND. CONDITION INTERRUPTER PROP. PROPERTY , V. VENT _ �I APPro A TDI .;E 4W ,FN ! GL. GLASS P.S.F. POUNDS PER nA - - oQ.z CONST, CONSTRUCTION GLU. LAM./ GLUED PRESSURE SQUARE FOOT VAR. VARIES er.__ — CONY. CONTINUOUS 4 -- V.C.P° VITRIFIED. CLAY �11/����' �. �,w. /� w °w z ,}i I CONTR. CONTRACTOR G.L.H, LAMINATED BEAM P "5.1. POUNDS PER PIPE , az Z GR. GRADE SQUARE INCH Pal' 1 }sA' l l� 4-L sae ns�z� CORR. CORRIDOR YEN. VENEER I f ?= 0 — j COV. PL. COYERPLATE G.S. GALVANIZED- STEEL PT, POINT VENT. VENTILATE OR?0 -? j2 Q ®.Q I°j r _ l v CST CONSTRUCTION G.S.M. GALVANIZED PTO. PAINTED VENTILATOR �Ylirlifg'• `� ( ��w "mx SPECIFICATION . SHEET PETAL M.D. PAPER TOWEL Y£RT.' G �� - 4 INSTITUTE GYP. BD. GYPSUM BOARD DISPENSER VERTICAL p ..0 rI >s VEST. VESTIBULE fly ? ° I y-Z 0 �E eel 2 s� 0A I CTR. CENTER P.T.O.�R. COMBINATION Y:G.D,f. VERTICAL G4AIN r' f - N y�o1� H.B. HOSE BIBB PAPER TOWEL "" iTa , CTSK. COUNTERSUNK DOUGLAS FIRm N C. _ =w' CU. FT. CUBIC FEET OR HOLLOW CORE. DISPENSER AND VOL. VOLUME y _ o�,2, N.D. HOLD DOWN RECEPTACLE CUBIC .FOOT Y.T.R. VENT THROUGH , d HOBO. HARDBOARD P.7.D.f. PRESSURE TREATED �p� i" CU. YD. CUBIC YARD ROOF D G✓ j, C.W, COLD HATER HDR. HEADER DOUGLAS FIR Y.T.W. VENT THROUGH n NE HOW. HARDWARE PIN. PARTITION - J �w� CHAN L wA L. 1 i w e z i b \ / RD1� ,a �i�IGy �^rf11 G��P?� �"��.''"I�io} .bi(fi "��: �s�(1�31'+� O.C. CENTER TO CENTER: HDWD. HdRDW00D d PENNY PD ENTER GT. HEIGHT 1 PERPENDICULAR w WEST �� ��� ( g R N N i ON CENTER W. wnsHER U�'I ►d2�i:I yS.i �--w. N.M. HOLLOW METAL LHS. (orY) POUNDS 9' y. HORIZ. HORIZONTAL D. DRYER W/ or W/O W[TH OR WITHOUT I DOUBLE ACTING 7 ARRY TILE WARDROBE i,''�(. O.A. H. ➢. HIGH- POINT Q QU WARD. . DOORBELL NR. HOUR W.C. � �� ., �--(' t D.B. WATER CLOSET `� tDI�>P 4 4•i ✓ 1 . ✓ ti ") . HTR; HEATER I� �l }� ✓� O 1 j i DBL. DOUBLE. WD. woo0 - o i3Y p �� > Y/� r DECOR. DECORA.7IYE HUD DEPARTMENT OF R. RISER I )` , .. wow. wlNaaW 1rI� �,�' t` ., AT HOUSING AND R i 0 RANGE AND .OVEN -. G DRAWN E DEG (or ) DEGREE W.F. WF h WIDE FLANGE!'I URBAN RAb. RADIUS DEPT. DEPARTMENT w.N. WATER HEATER DEVELOPMENT RAFT. RAFTER " DETAIL W.I. WROUGHT IRON I . I I) DET. DRINKING FOUNTAIN M.W. HOT WATER R.A.G. RETURN AIR wIO. WIDTH `�a t JOB, NO 0 i D.f./L DOUGLAS FIR /LARCH GRILLE W.P. "WEATHERPROOF N ++ I I' 1. fl %AG. DIAGONAL ICBO INTERNATIONAL R.D. ROOF DRAIN W.P.G. WATERPROOFING CONFEREN.E RfG. RECESSED a DRAWING NUMBER ' LEA b OIAII" DIAMETER W.R. WATER RESISTANT ° LNANGf OF'BUILOING REF, REFERENCE DIM. DIMENSION WSCT. WAINSCOT VE • ` DIFt. SW. DIMMER SWITCH OFFICIALS REFR. REFRIGERATOR, W.S. WOOD SCREd ('�, -"�° I..D. INSIDE DIAMETER REG. REGISTER ,DIN. RIP. DINING ROOM W.T, WATERTIGHT %N. INCH. REINF, REINFORCED , wT. WEIGHT , OISP. DISPENSER INCL. INCLUDE REQD. REQUIRED I' DISTANCE 1.�-.� P , t f �altsarS ��^. DIST. DIS RET. RETURN IHSUL. INSULATE OR DN. DOWN e ,• T INSULATI N BEY. I ".. . iSl IIIIIIItIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;I'SENEKA�'.-OOTES AN SPEC I FI CAT IIII d WALL BRACING: All walls shall be temporarily braced until joists or rafters S i4H NJD, :EQU IT ft 'S Inot more than two ports 3/811 maximum size.pea gravel by volume, and shall are nailed in place; sufficient additional braces shall be also employed to IIIIIIrefer A i s of age. 40 - itess, squareness and straightness of all walls until the Yor IIImaintain the plumbn -6UCT-WDRJK ti 4 d IA. upp:,y; UCt*S SIhall b,� bIs 6c I f 1 CA t i ons. are separated into titled sections. Such .0r:4r_ rve 6 on construction has advanced to a point where all portions of the building are SECTION 9-A GYPSUM DRYWALL CdNSTRUCTION- Uucti4ork shall I C'01001 IIIiepatia.tions s hai tl a a i e Diagonal brace all exterior and interior . wl th -the in N i ffi6re ue Igh t, d s As ;�z I....... ... ifi n the On:i f" hi d IIIIan the:Contractor and Subcontractors, Gibc6 lk. "Mort-R-Fat" e, a y lin. ft., unless - -All work specified herein shall, be in cccridance with "American 5 IG' 1": II:bi�twe ec a 144 d hiet Meta. Z' I ;be a tIoIIr r o Standard pecifications for the Application and Finishing of Gypsum Wallboard" d Iotherwise noted on plans, refer to floor plans for shearwall bracing 'and f I' P rov I do. a&tmati't ifIIIage tted In mortar used for structural units. All as approved by the American Standards Assoc! At ion, laiesi edition; app I ic'ble tmaterials for mortars shal I be measured by volume, sand and cement mixed dry, parts thereof are hereby made a part of this:specificaltion texcept where ftl F`ABRI' 6 CAT'I -ON AN INS, TAL LAI I 00- IitjD NTS: "Mort-R*-Fat" added, and then water added to bring to the proper'consistency st _NTE qents are called for in this Specification, in local cod AND BLOCKING: (Maximum concealed space' 10"O") and at mid-height;. as, IIIIfor use. No mortars that have stood for more than one hour shall be used. or by the manufacturer of the gypsum Wallboard, Whose re uIrements shall. be A. fiJoACE t Iceiling coves, boxed a ves and floors, as well. as soffit II&hs' I Ii l"d vi brn I 0. . C ifv, NUMBER TITLE '.' Block mid-height al I Wal Is to receive stuc followed. CO. I. .. ... IIa IIIICONSTRUCTION (GENERAW It . .. .. . ... ... IGENERAL REQUIREMENTS PtUM ALLBOARD: ASTM-C36 with recessed longitudinal ed SECTION PLATES: Lap um 41-.011. Provi GY AM---P— do Simpson St rong Tie St-21 I a it2 SITEVORK A. GENERAL- Walls shall be straight, plm6, )rIn thedir wings and.true, with all courses be S called fc tI(II6 Ga 14" X 11 5/811) at plates where laps are hot possible. Interior .3 u e I olted with approve into concrete as I I. I I � ? RULES AND REGULATIONS' All -st S c a II e laid up with LS, ed nails, ASTM C-3130 1 3/8"or I j". Nailing shall be anr .. ..... -METALS, STRUCTUR pse, ; lai Clean units before pl n ing Department prior to taping joints. th ns or td f, P CARPENTRY saw for cutting. 'P.P. A Ir �t,i'- IMOiSTURE rAOTEICTION. C06 rili I n to, t IIIIitIIInstal I pressure treated lumber in contact with -Bi LATHING AND PLASTERING: h 9 fllIConcrete. I'8. DOORS, WINDOWS AND :GLASS 8. llIISECTION Masonry shall be built to preserve II : (Prepar ld' 'E. II9 nuity,of the cells. The vertical IlIIBUILDING PAPER: Feder I Specif! 'ation UU-8-790. MATERIALS . a C I Or I..... . 10 n ufficient to maintain a clear, unobstructed IIEQUIPMENT S nd carefully Apply so as to form a watertight membrane. Each A. Plumbing cant r4c t aworded'bld vertical opening not less than 3 inches' in all directions. Lay units IIsha.,'l subin I, A. ' ' 1. . .1 It . . r, I all overlap the course be 1` materials And their 'OPP I i Cl: ion riser s A n d Call 0 neath it 611 minimum. Where paper I d i agr am 12 a by, t!t ib shal -strict accordance. J d their application e in . ... ... e all be carefully la II3 SP itprevent the passage of Water behind the frame.. Install sisalkraft paper at with the applicable sections of the lkliaind600k of Rec9mmendied Speci.fica-' for purpos6s'o.f. IICONVEYING EQUIPMENT .....,Y And. he'I'rglIt', 'r eanout opening shall be provided at the bottoms of all exterior door and wind tions for Lathing, Furring, and Plastering", of the. National Foundation diagrarnin IL 'P 'roany. ib IMECHANICAL ceilS t� e filled at each lift or pour of grout, when such lift or atic,,.to t e.lextan t r. t IliCi Ifoe Lathing and Plastering Inc. an d,Oxa IIct locAt'idns At. 0: in ot ELECTRICAL pour of.grou.t is in excess of 4 feet Vn height. Cleanouts shal I be SE I ai I d II n a o t he -&on i irAc, a ata t t0o sealed after inspection and before grouting. B. W1 . I I . ". % Iinformati RE'lMESH.: lj" mesh, seventeen. gauge, galvanized before or after IIwl n or app ....... .. r cture millwork and casework per Manual of Millwork of qed C S : Grade "A" hollow. load-bea�ring. units per ASTM C-90. IIIIIN ;Iocdwork Institute of Californi' W, X 1459 i0i-ROV 7W oco 12AVg,&4 fE:R, TO STE 'A I� D,. ., .. _ traile unless'-noted otherwise. COPP a, custom g C. WAT . ERPROOF PAPER: Plastler' IIIkraf building paper, Federa I Specti f I cat i-ons made Wi ih ol��tjZT I L: rs at splice 4h I 1 titLap reinforcing not less than 30 bar d;amete t 4 on, IIIUU-108-790,, or eqTa�lf�614A IIDIVISION I -.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS INSTALLATION: Install all shelving, casework, millwoirk, doors, hardware Stagger splices in. Wall rei-riforctrig. Lap horizontal reinforcing a I�41 WO. Irailing, tri counters ... .. . utility bakboards and other finish carpentry. WASTE& A S NO VENT YSTEM; All minimum of 1 n rners� Horizontal reinforcing steel shal I be hg sh4ll a Ii z" it11 be s d ........ D. METAL LATH., Sha tndard diamon mesh, galvanized weighing ABS. Al I pipl laqu, re PY b� d 9 "d 'b y instolled i 6.: b beams, I I ntel s, etc. as the work progresses. ref u I I iIJoic :$ECT ION, 1 TIS-STATU$. SECTION 6-C INSOLAT16 I be provided and installi par Title 24, three 3 pounds' per Sq. ft. C. leanqq .. .... ... A* bev tIfiZ=I;� A. lieritic#1 reinfor c o aying the wal I and, shal I be tj IYield in place by. standard reinforci,n a itIII,Iantte the Contractor's performance, And no E. RIBI.4ATH: er �td a Itect.d Shall b flat IAII�s:., :P Sq. Y. 9 . be*t :not' blan insulation At roofs and Olt wal IS. ass noted 6thqrw' I se, v - un its s,hal I reco i I !in g supports.. Horizont I bars shall be Califo r0a Administrati a Code.. Dweltirig IsIb I IRig ket -unl Ias be embedded in grout. Ivertical bars the work progresses and Shal tied to . . .... ovislo S I s r 0 I-abl I.1 incom etenoo or a of walls,.fitted tightl'y'betwao studs.. L. be T; P� n .of the c6htrict.documents shall irelie've the Contractor from Any rovide thermal insulation in all exterl6r stod walls, exte eght m l not be permitted. P Placin§.of horizontal einforcing in: j flfi Fty due t I p .9 rtag :19enceF of .1. ISS.joh the C at IitISTAND 14 -n-T I... ... .. ... ... IIIfill VA, V 4. EQ 9. d- .... . omm CIIIMETALS-, S IDIVISION 5 TR -I.SCELLANEOUS ifIIIUCTURAL,AND,M III. I .. ........ VIVI 14k 7 - MO I STURE PROTECTION �19 irved s r' ...... GAS SER'TC IIDOME TI-C IAllf.�odes hay.i:hg ur. i.sdj ct i on sh� li f, :be cbse I c�t I y in the suion Iwater terS, ncluaing ta 'icabli� State and county, building, APPLiCAT1.01N. of" t he p roj,6c t' I I 00PI city ifIf4'zQn PrIg't 6 1 et tr ical ll T r Ica plumbing, and fire codes. Imechar, Contractor sh II all SEE LLANEOUS.. AND iS ��!��URAL ME%S ECTION 7�A R FI.NG AND,MEKDRANES:- 00 struction. And bring lil y-41 I �-oda raqU' rep ricies. between: 'code`teqW'rementS and the.const Liction documents WORKMANSHIP: Work shall comply with A.I.S.C. "Manival of Steel Construction" IIr ICEDAR SHINGLE ROOF: Number .1 gr d a' a ingles; 5" to SE Iic�ta� on interior 61:e4d :1. . , 5 iI�atestedltlon, unless S e C-TI04-9-4 $YNTHETI.C, COU�TER -TOP$ - Wher ih4 tion , Ii , . , A I 'A more exacting retiiii t PLL.IMB A It& t�la...att rition 6f. It illf F , f;Apply over I x 6 sheathing $.paced @ 9J11 o.c. (apply over I1 66 selected b randomi.jol sha I I 'be cqItLired:mArble r cor:ion With s�,I,ash. Colors I: Y j nts. Documents IIIp I ywood S hea t h 1.nJ ). See p a t. for tire 'ardant treated shingles n ret II r. A I I "pu 1; ,tops will be coveted w:s t h. y paper. arvd IA I c taped securel. r ST ASTM A-�6. ASiIH A 9 92��s �v try. installer... R ........... . .. . . . ... .. ..... y I. .. . ... Id' 'sSions Wh1ch, may occur :4i Contract,00cuments shall b u I 7 IIIA /y,_ Cl -wr it I IMll 6f,'the ructions shall PIPE Ito,,t he 'atiten It ion ArChitect in"I'' ' * d a e pe ASU A53.,.Grl or as specificaliy. noted ol ru I I:marI tqps 0411 have one pioci integrl type III wa IN IIItbe be r's �tr, VV �J- f 'folre roc6edinq with 'the he I-d "P, a drawing Itoof' tile shall be -ins-tilled Pei m aniltif a C t color and shapp tIq -Spec ppkic,vlad Iifications. Wei-gli a ISpOnSi til ...... discrepancies, SECTI ON 2;E RESILIENT FLOORING- Ire by -Ar Qwner,. the Aont cro -ed'tb f . Hisc related com fIa I I anebtis iriotali I tems. And their ponents I1 r fai I it I y the::Arthitect of before constructi.on and/or "to Igone. rxie roofs k are noi necess asicri'bleA. the most ilopo,fitant and those I NsTALLAT. Install all work in strict accordance wi th mnUfact I ... ... ... IIId iring detailed desc.ri -items not de- i Unistrottions And owly by Cont pprc '��'by the 4n�n f9'p' Itequ p ct it�ion are spectf. ied. Mi'scel ianeous Hurricane; qlipa, or i�viceo Qn- the writ to" u a u re r., % ith co lice reCommendat.lofis o.' t IJOB -CONPITION.So FICTION. I' ibed.shal"I be furnished and irrstalleo in acc I - orrdance with the Intent of the Apply pri r. in ac rda f manuf ao' first course of Gave tiles and all hip and riog he t0iror., required to compliete the wor II:Drbwfngs'aM Specifi,cation and'as a alillimunt of' �-6d nails per 61ipt ftIIA tractor sha J.. irtA W.941DI, SECTIJGN 9-� �A�NTIN� ECTJ ON 4 6, CoKit �kvq r afid SQb-con verify all dimensions and Job "', ax IA N; III-upped at IT Y yrp- 0/'- lc�bnd I t I dffS'� �i t the job S%i te suffici6n:kly i n advianqe of work to be performed Iit-AND �REGMA Ilk .60ncreta� tile roor 31, hoad lap�/30 .1b. --falt to assure 6r a ly.. p6 S cf!,th�workl . S T 19 d. g.res gill Iley f lashing RUL IjoiriLa., 26,,gau a Q.S. va I-9 if 6. CARPENTRY IIISECi ON �E'.: -r is 'c:t *c rdlanc T WOAK',4ECESSA 0.,L�TE CONSTRUCTION. IIA. Appli iA I, ail Ication f paint or ther coating shall 4:Oe i n St 9 e.. these'g ans,b Iked: 4. Valley. tiles shall b t -b thi Ia �,(Sreaking +ilL­j at valley will s, d i r otions. ReadyImmi e . :n Ad ain shall not� n to these.co est. - t. Its tha,_ -to describe a comp. I e t e. ti ns uc I Ill I. .... . except as permitted in t,: IIIthes lans and specifications cit. -bg accepted) h app.) icA, OnA Iitpthe� than jr.t!.em*. SECTio" 6-,A 0 iod f ini sh�d-- pro e6 marked "N. I 0ot in contract) R UGH CARPEflTRY IIII5... %�Openings through tiles foe verits, shall be rece. i va the pointers f ini sh IREFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS. AND S71ANIDAR6.S.. B. A] I exterior and Interior surfaces ihal IfIIIIb* CTIION' I -f­ y a framing except olll. coordiriated factor fi.nish Surfaces. IS adequii"­ -support'ed b additional biackin4 ir y A E f. ... .. IIIrewo If finished !hall be oreign, trash,, debris IIlmneyb, et a e aluminum,� or other IIVM. -as rlai around pipes, vent:87 flues, I U 5 7 .0, required, ':'s' ha ilia inta i the premliSes clean and free of all itch IIIn tok C ad-jacdh't woirkJrbm­-dama9e­, soi-ling, paint everspray, 043 C.I Iapproved f laxible materials (dirt, Asphalt,. rust and at , .,,An0 a It. 1: . X u res, equipriti f I '4�* ;iiatch'. contOti a 6t tile 6qrs, etc. shall- be left c I ean r IetC All t iif�t, j'tazin IR P B. UOUGLAS F P.5-145and rules for DFPA - - --------- IId d'' oi etion. of the project. W 0: Product S D. Appl I cat ion tilial I t6ai in a.#orkmanto ke lnirvne�. providing a Iy yo, upancy upon coRpl grade trademai American Pi' III-0 sh 6 be that by h wa surfite. ApplicatbOh rat r omme, Ia h an r" ��LksOO? aIIllII aji n t 'is f6rmplated ItAppIJ catioln may e by. brush or rotler or by s�or'ay I f -B ALI wood II nd ti:mber shall be marked with its grade and ply SEC MET IZ TION 7 SHEET for spray.op P'l i Cat ionI. IIcco Iwith its grade trademark in a anc with the referenced standards. IIIIIfi IVIIION I C L ts rendering it:.uns:ui table for use intended shall MEASUREMENTS: Verify all dimensions shown on -drawings by talking field ifIMIATERI aaALS: I .s of grading.. measurements tacmet on All parts is required. III'.or approved equal. II-A EARTH I. . .... RK: 4.�N 61111AFAS AAA rk included in this seciton:0411 be peri"o . I P LUMBER GRADIN[G: Unless otherwise noted hihiber Shall conform to the following., STANDARDS; All wo A. P IAT Dunn�-Ed�ards C IV] Ll II;;I ththe Recommendation ont est edition of the manual "Suggitted. 'OR roved. eq uld I $01L REP Tt­i:- and rafters shall be Spec ii f I CA t i ons 'for Architktural Sheet Metal Wo A. Floor joists, headers. lintels, teliling joists B. .1161: Olympic Stain. or app.. tS4S seasoned No. 2 grade or b tt oketal and Air C6hditioiiing Cohtractor$,s National. Association. Ie a Douglas Fir unless otherwise IIIIPterf oem -a I I n this section in conformance with the Final Solis, noted on todrawing. FINISHES, I'R -COATED (GA and on Ii a ms, roof beams And posts sha I 1, be S4S seasoned 'ther a Federal Spec. QQ S' I -E- etttic IA. EXTERIOR WOOD: Two Coats stain. Comp.a.ctig(t af,,3,4 Gii.Olbqltal, eports, iii1yanized iroWl hereinafter Z19C LVAIZEID) STEEL. (Called 11g . . ... .. 0 A r Arawirigs.) Conform to -S775A, Type 1. Cl-as 4: a s otherwi,se noted on the drawings. I s t me ta I p"rimeri �e No. I D A�93, Coating class I.5O.oz4 per Sq. ft. Unless IIle de r I zed.. AST14, i-glqs'�s enamel over one cob re-e-6 W 101 EXTERIOR METAL-, One,,.!Coo.t sem t IMu Ir f a'of tiiart-Centr. LIM ass otherwise n6ted on T C. 0',tL be by -otheriW ted, al-1, 'meta 26 guAge. p -it Ise indicA a6d poi;ts -sized seasoned ICONCRE F C I"Posed floor beams,, roof beams ha I I be saw MIQN 3 re e7141 IIWid9l N4, n ad wide F i" VALLEY FLASH 146 't�tgluage go I va i z i r6n, I SP wi de f or sh Ing I as ZW No. I Douglas e n oshliil II1 f": h i gh) raLsod :center diverter,. The center of all f) Iishings� for all throu iLACE); ICT I GO: 3.� 4. LST- I �N- gh roof vents4nd all' elgictrital service Connections, s�hiiiill not .... . IIIIIAll studding, blocking,. furring. ohId p)qtes shall be'S4S seasoned than 1�4.1 frowco A; Cori�u I it..p i�,o Intgr of any,Wley. Douglas Fir uroi�s otherwise rioted on the.drawings. I"stud" grade It8l I beti- ,Rq A r.. 2 days, 7.5 Alflons water 'maximum per sack of cement. ICA ALT I ..... .. COMBUSTION Al-R:, 'Shail I be aken from attic space; Attitto re DIVISION 0. 5RE calve 2 son-ed sel t tight knot rkfingql# �e ts siioc- 6r cross ventil tion Ia Ia a Ventilation required'. ASTM C-i'50 Type I A I kall mill tested and 'P. qn-46� NT I: I Low, od �slzed sea the drawings., Codar or Pine unless otherwl'se noted on 2 n um. Opt im9s silialti P: I­'Se ;Tp stOntalning-sulphote conic hot Oar .100.9 B.T.-U. With 200 Sq. ificheS mli im IIII lbe 17160 Ie V.,ceithent for 56i I imlget ioll Of PAL, SPEC I.Ak II. ..... ISE kj,.04 GENE be Covered w Inon: corrosive mesh screen. tIA select ti§:ht knot IIF. Exterior wood Sid ing, S ha III, be saw, sized,seatono. fle IITALLATION, %All -items shol I O!q lill ad In strict, .'aicco rqahce,wi�th t I he: I-Ffio . i . 6 . , dom" t qou . rce Cedar or P i Fie or better in pot 6' IS as' 0own 06 the draw ings. 4 Ventil'ating area openings shall be not less than 1/150 It rn WATER s, elean:Ano:.free frorr.all organic orother TION. pectivemahufac 6t ibn and approved Iep res A. 4wings. dITic sliazi be 060 At lias:t.'50 percent of turer's published in'WO of �t t. rea mo.) IIdr hi i�stai lotion wi I tryotl i4 knot Cedar or required ar it f s,' than 3 Ia t irg Oall 66 select tight r s: rovidid I upper portion o I"ASTM it'AGGAI50ATE'S.: above eave co.r Ica ven s p. I-better IIIPine or (see plan). t C/ -8 SH) - SECTION I HARLWA�E (F I N I II'A W l.be plywood shl�,athi'ng exterior grade (set plan). I.$AND.- ASTM-4.Z-33 by, Vhe it� I-of -.all hardw4rej 'a 40 '�3 HADWARE'.LiST: The. Coptractor Shall .provide a dotii-tid Hsi: II4111 rhe exteri c �J IIli, 'manufacture: and cital- 1, Plywood sheathing sli.all 66 Group I Standrd (C-D) INT-DFPA, C�-C EST II a 99 riMbees; This schedule shall 4e.,prepared IlADMI,XTUREi- .JudonerItRed.Label T-DFPA. 'DIVISION 'DWS J14 GLASS ene not atey I8.- ym.ks., W INO'. A by the hardiarie s' -lor and' rii:tted to the JG IDFPA, Structural I (C-D) �14T-DFPA,or Structural I CC EXT 4pg]. de one. Ithan' 15., days of h Ill sh Iid P IT ctuded in ih;ise 'drawing' or a ter, w.jnning t a oward of the fi hardware ..con pract. roy I. e PUROATLONS*- - Insta. as in S samended by the IIftCopies. Sq0pl let- itiall be respo is i.bl Ip 2 or L 5/81' T G� for a C. tight C i rcu I III r not Subf loors shal I bo :,$A-cl*� plugged, Grou a Ior% IIISECT164 8�A 'I i-sted� rA - 1'-q I - 0 dt A.) 1) O)P,iZ L C 1.) lan) WOOD DOORS4, underlaymerit grade. (see p, . ...... I4 -a IAE II-ffl-- D. cap uirements o se I2. Mall sheathing shall be 3/8" thick, unless oth4grwi STAUD noted. ARM: A.) I doors Shall comp,Iyl.wi:tN V* f the, Woodwork Institute-of C I I fornia., staiidar.& 91 VNIA, a e Clifoenia.A4mirlistative IIA) I w6A�.sha'll comply (See pl"i) IIwith the requirements set. forth in the DIVISION:ll IMANSH �V4 6APTI1,,SV T 24 P_V9) Code. I for Detailling Reinforced Concrete Structvres," CIt, Cie A H .51 t-1 A;IS % fOA 0 *,-04 9L IllIITALL Plywood (54 sh0-I I be secured to framing. ftPO I ed 6, cncrete institute except where�,more exacting 5URFLOORI-No INS bl , h the -AA&r16an C "Plast[kon 40011.6r eq(jd I) II6flo6d in the Cont' '8d ommi6n If�dh roo and I 1; A giremel .,are sp..e., -ract Dootimeint.s. qvich APP�iANCE AND. U E NT IIor. 6d deformed sha ot -over 1211 6/� late . ... ... IItIA. FLUSH WO�2 11 , , I rknalis spaced n fAt' r3d a 4 nite riliod �.:kIN-FQR` ST, u otg:otherwise.' Wood f lbo'rs Shall 1. 'be l6vel to within 118i ;2RI: lot: a,iot groili tempered. EEL*.. Iwings by ta. I rig f iel d ZA-s—ont te uh S MEASUREMENTS: Verify all dimensions shown on the DiIi k' C I;N.G in 48" and 1/41, in Imeasurements. proper f i t- and a ttathment of 41.1 -pi)'rtst iis III!M�ATE �Rj ail tIW. F01 'A -4 WALLS�.. ;AST11 A-61! tR7 tS At D B. ENItRY ODORS. See -aw I rig ,isi Iborft_tp VAANGERS FRAMINGANCHORS,AND FASTENERS- Stamped and fabricated steel of 5, :Grade 40 rK4 W41Z) IIINai Is,to be -those furnished by man And the i r 46e) sorvii'd AND PILASTEPS. _ries Tll.-A415, Grade 60(*62 bo ks Of- rrd. IfDW�l� :F.69N I S' . .... .. Rio . .... .... I'I nd -4KA-V4­- I � .. , , HI.NIGS NTE :.'M'i�N,II,lUM . �O E.RAGE - for this specifi.c use Wills 'sbal'T be (Lilly driven in all holes in the IM iln,i mum. V concirete.for steel where c a IItInot fdrmed� fr t, surface of slab unless' anchor. "Teco", "Trirnfast", 4!Siiiipson" or "Artedr," conforming to the, �equire� . ..... MIS41EL�AAE04S.� om, 0 Not 'Included in these Imints indicated shall be fA 1 3/0" hollow-core, pa 1 NLe face, he �w I se notgd -on' ;nt gracie maso� specifications. tt, provided. All hal"ers and anchors shal I be galvanized IfIa o 0 th rust inhibitive paint. -dcorq unless therw n to& (Ucof� ifor sh p painted wi Ver i ty and' .100�tz' ar IifIli-185 electrically t I NG 06-1�ra.de b6i I 01 h slabs shall be ASTM A DIVISId IN 7 PECIAL CONSTRUCTION 9. WARDROBE DOORS Sha I! :be GlWg-ali or Approved eq0al(,�with Glide-all IIbricl.size's And auges �as Shown on the drawings. it nails in. strap connectors that] be 16d nails in all nail sI a S Io 3/81' hoilow Il#WEM' 177-1 or Acme A000, S rie: hardware or 'I 1/8" , I IINot i cluded in those tpec,i f i .... .. Icore,. �.ql I nted. ma-gon I t a d unless iotherw e fN,ted-. rts-tal "Ith f W. .. ...... . .... IIIIP)2- 'US )(2,E, INAI LS All. wood framing members shall be%wdll rai.led in acco rdan Cie w I t Ill the IIZ DOORS AND:,W,I WDOWS IIIIitD 1. Ile. All .exterior "ils-shal) be galvanized, Minimom VISION IA.- C on s app I Icab SECTION 8-B. I DIVi sION 4.. MASONRY iEYING ELVIP04ENT i*. 1. " I D-& A I -I:%. stwf'tchidd -na rig framing,shail vSLIDING 'S:- f in be pe r, WINDOW ItItIfV!:,W it h 6 tI'terlor e LX3 ECTI ........ iIst,ructura I i'n u It s otherwi se noted. r ;O- ra 1-4 Z-Ap) Nqt. included 1p.theso speificAticiAS POWER DRIVEN STUDS FOR �RO%IN4 �OOD PLATES: For norr- oSRI'C DRAY AND:PAVER.S. Id washers. Place A32 inches on n I- nch�r 7 pirti-6 Olt$ IIth Ail n center.9 and not mpret than 9.incilhes from end of member at a joint or corner SLIDING DOORS. D I V I,S I 614 MECHAWCAL IIr C S 0 o plate therwise noted. 44­ Iabb'r, pikerials,t equipment and other se. vi a t c in 0 II-as for%plates orr sills, Studs shall be driven to penet' I s' than IIIII.frame Ia I,bLilf'r 'Brick and pavers as. 'I remerits of ,k "'masonry. where indicated 'on drawings, nor'mo.re than IV' using a power accua.ted i.00lme tinq. requ ISCREENS: Provi e� d f berq:l ass screen at each open. vent. selecte coiIf6niiing to ASTM C62 Grade,.MW.sJze as indicated' on -f- �V SECTION 15-A ICal-OSHA. d' III'by, '-Ar61 teet. Usi Sha I I be. s I zed in conformarice: x brior be colored using colors by "Admixture .1 . .. 4EAT ING drawo ns nas Iort-R-Faf�' as distributed by.Gibco Inc., Tulsa GLASS:. w' h C,,, glass ISTUD WALLS: 2 x A at 161, a. us p o I n Q!:101 I EG �All wl and poieriaj shol I be i6 fut'l arcor'd6n.r'e provide pedestrian protection adjacent to public way 161lows: tsRA`FI be installed W an requfired;by -Dk. I ih66a -6 nd pattern as indicated on drawings. rfsta i . . . . t itn, I V A I exterior stu4s s:fval. e u ong tIo ng I in- action "CONCRETS UNIT MASONRY" and Ti. le Counct I of Ite 1, Sta.to.and lo 1. rules, And Noth,ing, IIIIIIUnbroced.studs over. 14'-.OIF and less than Zgt�041 sball b, If. wq k:not a 2 x 6.. 14 theso' plans or so icativiliv sha I I- e. Construed. .pe r Av* r; ta ah,06ok Method" fl 12-7.7 for, f i rst f lo'Or And F14.1-77 for second STANDARDS: Title 24, Colifornia Adirkristrative Codei' Sa fety Standard for act Ionformi.nq to these codes I0'$.t,a G)ozin%. materials -(16 CFR,12.01) is ued by the Consumer Product IaO&s. HEADER9. AND BEAMS.. $Afety Commi�tion 10, -DRAWINGS: I:�C*ETJE -UNIT (if size Oesi,gnad do pl.ins, a I I beams h 14— . . i ; (Proparo by Owhir's Mer- hical E ng i r4e, III) 1�11 minimum bearing, and shal I be% OP MASONRY: ft. A 911 VIV % A. IIICantilevered beams -Z i.n.Sta I I ad as indicated on dro I'however' chab"90 ades' whbSe work relates tD bl,ock 7", ... .,:. '. installed with crown p unless otherwise, noted.. A. The'wbrk sha III Oe wings RD I:g ciaid i n t'd i th All 0�her Tr -crown down. -a�cc t wor o il i'n prdee.f'to ilition. for placing of-%ofl reqqired blocking., sub-fiamingi ris shall be installed with to omodAte instalflation or :this work with oth'r I k hR f meet �rchitfiactLie4l -or Conditions, uaj I bi: imadi w I tho"': proper locations.. kc -to insure Iif2 x 4 studs.minimum Under. all beams and add I I: I onal' Iit4 8, Prbvi i do 4 x 4 posts,or 2 Iheaders unleis'otherwise noted. M IL IPlace anchors, bolts; I pet, Ii0f S T 6BY OTHER WS WN % - TABLE 330&1 PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS, HEIGHT OF CONSTRUCTION DISTANCE FROM CONSTRUCTION TO LOT LINE TYPEOrt'..... CTION RE 1, D Less.than 5 feet Construction railings 8 feet or less 5 feet or more Nonet:. Less than 5 feet Barrier and covered walkway 5 feet or more, but not more than one-fourth the height of construdon a nd covered walkway I More then 8 feet 5 feet or more. but between one-fourth and on"alf the height of construction _p2riler 1.8arrier: oiherorefbdet witbsiw rilisq! . iry, I-ait,d 5 feet or more, but exceeding one-half the height of construction None IlSCA _S oloCk6utt, re§Iets., fititi.rigs, eondu.i -ts., etc. provided 'by. R A C., I -.0 IN rr 0 ylf� Ill I N legi bi 1:1. ty the drawings entJ#.j:,I.y ror purposes;.o.r clarity ahO ts ifId ITeevis-I�-parlers. oiherorefbdet witbsiw rilisq! . iry, I-ait,d Cooperate with trades involve. All subs I I Is. love r 8 n length shall be double,2 x 4. rar*4t 1:c. to. :r a extentithat ff�e IS i . Spec a -Yt t I no's "anc. tC. i I' 1 ag, ts '�"e A- Ibcati.ons b4i -ma kt jndjcdted� C tr When required, fence barrier and walkway Gover to be Constructed per EBC 3306A 8306.6 and 4 wiltio IIContract ,.Saia III I. . ...... I' di�merwsions shown drawings by taking field D. Do.ub-I a 2 x 4 s sp toget her -may be used in liou of 4 x A pos is data. in 1 1 o the nd 4ho t h ts in, ormati I3306.7. 'f a I - Vt I f y f ocumen, S. -on Ion _S oloCk6utt, re§Iets., fititi.rigs, eondu.i -ts., etc. provided 'by. R A C., I -.0 IN rr 0 ylf� Ill I N legi bi 1:1. ty the drawings entJ#.j:,I.y ror purposes;.o.r clarity ahO ts ifId ITeevis-I�-parlers. oiherorefbdet witbsiw rilisq! . iry, I-ait,d Cooperate with trades involve. All subs I I Is. love r 8 n length shall be double,2 x 4. rar*4t 1:c. to. :r a extentithat ff�e IS i . Spec a -Yt t I no's "anc. tC. i I' 1 ag, ts '�"e A- Ibcati.ons b4i -ma kt jndjcdted� C tr When required, fence barrier and walkway Gover to be Constructed per EBC 3306A 8306.6 and 4 IIContract exact not a ct6r shall -o I' di�merwsions shown drawings by taking field D. Do.ub-I a 2 x 4 s sp toget her -may be used in liou of 4 x A pos is data. in 1 1 o the nd 4ho t h ts in, ormati I3306.7. 'f a I - Vt I f y f ocumen, S. -on Ion Iliked where Contained within. walls unless speclfically':n6tod otherwise on at the a.' Provide construction fencing for new construction and for addition plus rerno del projects t Id it and aftachmoht of All block, masonry,it required. 10 A woo 75% of the area of propose structure. Fence height to be between 72" and 8,V' high. Ieul".6mants'; " IIIII Iiexceeding ItI2 IIIIitIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIitI.... ..... . . .. ItitIitIItI. . . . .. . . A . a . . - . - _ .... . - . . . . I . . . I . - .._- ..... I . - ..... -- _ . - .. - ... .. -. , _ _ .. 11 I ... - . .... . . - .. .- . . .. . - .. I . . . . . - - ..... . . . . - . I . . . . .. .... . . - TITLE 24 REQUIREMENTS PROJECT- Robert Vaughn Residence 618 Poinsettia Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 Project Designer: Don Monteleone Associates 2115 North Moody Avenue Fullerton, Ca. 92831 (714) 879 -5208 Report Prepared by: James H Terry Terry Engineering 14742 Newport Avenue, Suite 105 Tustin, Ca. 92780 (714) 838 -1124 Job Number: 100044 Date: 2/12/2010 The EnergyPe computer program has bean used to porform the calculations summarized in this eonpllance report. This program has approval and Is authorized by the Collimate Energy Commission for use with bath the Residential and Nonresidential 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by EnargySoll, LLD - wermenemyseffcom. - E : nergy ro g 100 _ __. _ ..... . PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential Part 1 of 5 CF -1R Project Name Robert Vaughn Residence Building Type 0 Single Family 0 Addition Alone 1 13 Multi Family ❑ Existing +Addlticn /Alteration Date 211212010 Project Address 618 Poinsettia Corona Del Mar California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 06 Total Cond. Floor AMR 1,443 Aeration nla Hof Btones 3 FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST ❑ Yes ONO HERS Measures --If Yes, A CF -4R must be provided per Part 2 of 5 of this form. El Yes ❑ No Special Features --If Yes, see Part 2 of 5 of this form for details. INSULATION Construction a Area Special Cavity ttr Features see Part 2 of 5 Status Wall Wood Framed R -13 1,708 Now Dear Opaque DOOr Nona B0�__ New Slab Unhealed Slab•on -Grade None 100 Now Root Wood Framed Afllc R -22 318 New Roof Wood Flamed Rafter R -30 100 Now _ ^ __ - _ Floor Wood Framed udCrewl Space R -13 410 New Flom' Wood FmIrld wb Crawl Specs RSO 447 New Roo/ Wood Framed Afile R -22 360 New FENESTRATION U- Exterior Orientation Area(ft) Factor SHGC Overhang Sidefins Shades Status RearfsF) 39.8 0,080 0.65 nano Bug Screen New Right (SM 450 0,580 _ -need _ 0.65 none Irons Bug Swoon Now Font (NW) 82.6 0.580 0.65 none now Bug Screen Now - Left (NE) 6.0 0.560 _, _ _ 0.65 none none Bug Screen New Left(NE) 25.0 01580 0.65 13.0_ Bug Screen New Left (NE) 40.0 0.530 _ _none _ ­ 0.67 13.0 u0ne Bug Strome New Leh (NE) 16.6 0.530 0.67 11.7 11.710.0_ Bug Screen Newt Len (NE) 146 0.580 __ _ 0.65 117 11.710.0 Bug Screen New Company Torry Engineering 211272010 14742 Newport Avenue, Suite 105 James 11 Teny Address Name _QgylSlat,s;,p Tustin, Co. 92760 , phona(7f4) 838-1124 Sgned .......... ,- Date _ The individual with overall design responsibility hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application, and recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verification of refrigerant Charge, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) r / Company Doti MontelsonsAssociates HVAC SYSTEMS 011Y. Heating- Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eft Thermostat Status I Central Furnace 80 %AFUE Splr1 AirGondhimer 13.0 SEER Setback New luminaries In garages, laundry rooms, closets greater than 70 square feet, and utility rooms are high efficacy and controlled by a _,_ §1 50(k)9: Permanently Installed lighting that Is internal to cabinets shall use no more than 20 watts of power per linear foot of 225 90 New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Duct Cooling Duct Location R -Value Status New HVAC Darted Dueed AMC, Calling Ins, vented BA Exrsting _ _ R -13 DAMIlt uhls it _ __ V ..__. -_ -. ._.�._- ._ _- W R HEATING ------'- __..- ___ -_ ATE Orly. Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status Ledge Gas 0 0.81) Kitchen PgRe fns Now 4.5.7 -A4 First Floor Well 36 0.102 R-13 System J W EnnerryPe, 6.0 byErlorgySoft User Number. 2448 RunCodo: 2010 -02-12710:00:1 ID: 100044 Page 3 or 12 CALCULATED CFM OF CONTINUOUS VENTILATION RATE IS: (SgFt House Area /100 + (Bedrooms + 1)•7.5 CFM) TITLE 24 REQUIREMENTS PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential Part 2 of 5 CF-1R Project Name Robert Vau hn Residence Building Type 0 Single Family ❑ Addition Alone 13 Multi Family ❑ Existing+ AdditionlAlleadIunn Date 211212010 SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified In this checklist. These Items require special written jusliflcation and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach, The enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justificatlon, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the on and documentarian submitted. uRtlael The W sm RgB (a GPH) (i) Is a non-NAECA large storage gas water heater. Verify DHW delalls. D 211212010 ANNUAL ENERGY USE SUMMARY Standard Proposed Mworin TDV (Whoa to -Yr) Space Heating 10.36 12.51 -2.15 Space Cooling 3.64 7.12 -3.47 Fans 1.88 2.86 -7.00 Domestic Hot Water 21.19 12.47 8.73 Punts 0.00 0.00 0.00 Totals 37.06 34.96 2.10 Percent Better Than Standard: 5.7% BUILDING COMPLIES - NO HERS VERIFICATION REQUIRED HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION Items in this section require field testing and /or verification by a certified HERS Rater, The Inspector must receive a completed CF -4R form for each of the measures listed below for final to be given, Building Front Orientation: INtM 315 deg Ext. Walls /Roof Wall Area Area Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 (Tim 546 93 Fuel Available at Site: Nafum/ Gas (NE) 438 105 Raised Floor Area: 857 (SE) 654 40 Slab on Grade Area: too (SW) 414 45 Average Coiling Height: 8.0 Roof 887 0 Fenestration Average U- Factor: 0.57 TOTAL: 283 Averse SHGG: 0.65 Fenaslratlon /CFA Ratio: 19.6% REMARKS Equipment sizing tenla0ve pending owner's approval. As sizing Is changed to accommodate sectional deslgu coterie, efficiencies may not be reduced. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE 90 This certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed F_no Pro b.0 b Ena Soo User Number. 2448 RunCode: 2010-02- 12TI0:00:1 10:100044 Page 4 or 12 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential Part 3 of 5) CF -1 R Project Name Building Type M Single Family ❑ Addition Alone Dala Robert Vaughn Residence ❑Multi Family ❑ Existing+- Addition /Alteration 211212010 ANNUAL ENERGY USE SUMMARY Standard Proposed Mworin TDV (Whoa to -Yr) Space Heating 10.36 12.51 -2.15 Space Cooling 3.64 7.12 -3.47 Fans 1.88 2.86 -7.00 Domestic Hot Water 21.19 12.47 8.73 Punts 0.00 0.00 0.00 Totals 37.06 34.96 2.10 Percent Better Than Standard: 5.7% BUILDING COMPLIES - NO HERS VERIFICATION REQUIRED Fenestration Building Front Orientation: INtM 315 deg Ext. Walls /Roof Wall Area Area Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 (Tim 546 93 Fuel Available at Site: Nafum/ Gas (NE) 438 105 Raised Floor Area: 857 (SE) 654 40 Slab on Grade Area: too (SW) 414 45 Average Coiling Height: 8.0 Roof 887 0 Fenestration Average U- Factor: 0.57 TOTAL: 283 Averse SHGG: 0.65 Fenaslratlon /CFA Ratio: 19.6% REMARKS Equipment sizing tenla0ve pending owner's approval. As sizing Is changed to accommodate sectional deslgu coterie, efficiencies may not be reduced. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE 90 This certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed 4.3.1 -A3 to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 the Administrative Regulations and Part 6 the Door Efficiency Standards of the California Code of Regulations. 0.500 The documentation author hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Company Torry Engineering 211272010 14742 Newport Avenue, Suite 105 James 11 Teny Address Name _QgylSlat,s;,p Tustin, Co. 92760 , phona(7f4) 838-1124 Sgned .......... ,- Date _ The individual with overall design responsibility hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application, and recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verification of refrigerant Charge, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) r / Company Doti MontelsonsAssociates Address 2115 North Moody Avenuo Name Mr Don Menfeleo 2.QL City /StntelZlp Fullerton, Co. 82831 Phone (714) 87g -5208 Signed License N Date 4-13 h7.7VPM 6.0 by EnemYSoft User Number:2"13 Reposes: 2010- 02 -12Tle -00:1 10;1 00044 page 5 Of f CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Part 4 of 5 CF -1 R Project Name Robert Vaughn Residence I Building Type 53 Single Family ❑ Addition Alone I o Multi Family ❑ Existfng+ Addition /Alteration 1211212010 Date OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS Surface Area U- Factor Insulation Insulation Azm Tilt Status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comrienta Cavll Exterior Frame Interior Frame --Type Wall 88 0.102 R -13 R -13 083 - -_ §114(a): Any pool or spa heating system shall be certified to have: a thermal of iclency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency 13_5 90 New 4.3.1 -A3 First Floor Door 20 0.500 None R -13 __ §150(k)3: The wattage of permanenty installed luminaires shall ba determined as specified by $130(d). ­- _ _ 78G _gQ New - 4.5. i -A4 First Floor Well 12 _ 0,102 4-13 R43 luminaries In garages, laundry rooms, closets greater than 70 square feet, and utility rooms are high efficacy and controlled by a _,_ §1 50(k)9: Permanently Installed lighting that Is internal to cabinets shall use no more than 20 watts of power per linear foot of 225 90 New 4.3.1 -A3 Flat Floor Door 20 0.500 14one R -13 DAMIlt uhls it _ __ V 225 90 New 4.5.7 -A4 First Floor Well 36 0.102 R-13 System J W W Woo 45 90 New 73.1 -A3 Flrsf Floor Door 20 0.500 None Sryant(31/JAV03604_61113ANA036) 33,868 c U 45 80 New 4.54A,, Fire! Floor Slab 100 0.730 None 386.7.. 4 - ��r W W 00 180 New 4.4.7 -41 First Floor Roof -_ 318 0.043 R -22 Outside Air tattersall) _ TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK �.- .- ....... j. 0. Note: values above given at ARI conditions New 421•AG Second Floor Roof 189 0.036 R -30 _- 02/09/2010 _i - - 0 i__0 ONew 422 -416 Second ricer Well �' 339 0.102 R -73 70 IF q�-�-� (� HVAC SYSTEMS _ Name 935 80 New -^ J 4.3.1 -A3 Second Flow' Well 170 0.102 R43 Central Furnace 80 %AFUE Split COndfHOner 13.0 SEER 225 90 New 4.3.1• -03 Second Floor Well 285 0902 R -13 Eneig Pro 5.0 by Eno y,SOft User Number: 2446 RunCode: 2010 -02.12T10:00rf5 to: 100044 Pee 120712 315 90 New Second Floor Weal 144 0,102 R -f3 N!f� 45 90 Now 4,3.1-13 Second Floor Floor 0.046 R -13 ___,_ I r _ _ 0 _ 1s0 -- New 4.4A A3 Second Floor Floor _410 447 01033 RRUO Ducts _. T_este. ? ❑ _Status Exhulll 0 180 NOW__ 4.4.2 -A 15 Second Flour Roo/ 360 0.043 R -22 ❑ 0 0 Now 421 -At. Third Flaw FENESTRATION FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS ID Typo Area U- Factor ­­ SHGO _ _Azm Status I Glazing T Lee tionloomments I Window 8.8 0.580 Default 0.65 Defeuit 136 New IDoubte Non- MafafOperable Socund Floor 2 Window 6.0 0580 q0 /cull 0,05 Dafeult 135 New Double NOn- Mofpf Operable aeLUlid Floor 3 WI ow 6.0 0.580 Defeull 0.65 Dafeult 135 New Double Non- MetalOperable Second Floor` 4 Window 20.0 0,680 Default 0.65 Default R25 New _ Double NolaMOfal Operable Second Floor 5 Window _ 25.0 0.580 Dobson 0.65 Default 225 New_ Double Non -Metal Operable Second Flaw 6 _ Window 25.0 0.580 Default 0.65 Default 315 New OouW0 Non -Motel Operable Second Floor 7 - Window 0,560 Default 0.65 Default 315 Now Doubts Non- MefaiOperable Second Floor 8 Window _ _25,0 _ - 12.5 0.580 Default 0.65 Default 315 _ New Double Non-Motal Op&MLN Second Floor 9 Window 12.5 0.680 Default 0.66 Defaulk 315 New Counts Nan -Moral Operable Second How 10 Window GA 0.580 Ueraull 0.65 beraull 45 Now Ceuble No1141etel Operable Second Floor N Window 26.0 0.580 Default 0.65 Default 45 New Double Non- MelalO arable Second Floor i2 Window 40.6 0.530 Delaull _ -0.67 Delaolt 45 Now Double Non -Metal French Door ----- Second Flea 13 Window 150 0.560 Default 0.65 Default 135 Now Double Non -Metal Operable Third Floor 14 Window 4.0 OSair cause) ! 0.65 Cafa,it 135 Naw Double Non -Metal Operable _ Third Floor V 15 Window 8.8 0.500 Default 0.66 Default 315 New Double Nmr•MOtal Operable Third Floor 16 Window 8.B 0.580 Default 0.66 Dafeult 315 Now I Double Non -Motel Operable Thrill Floor (1) U- Factor Type: 1-16A- Delault Table from Standards ,NFRC - l.abolod 2 ) SFIGQTypre 11 Oe- Default Table from Standards, NFRC. Labeled Value Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID a Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window Overran Left Fin Rka ht Fin H t Wd Len H t LExt _.._..__ LExt RExt Dist Len Hgt _Dist _ Len ..__ Hod 1 Bu sweep 0.76 6.7 2.5 11.7 1.0 20.0 12.5 0.3 11.7 0 0.0 0.0 0 .. 2_. Bug Screen.__- __.--___._ 0.76 _ _ _ _ _ - 1.0 20.0 3.5 7.0 11.7 0 0.0 0.0 _ 3 Bug Screen 0.76 _ _-4 i Screen ___ -_ -_._ 0.76 __._ __ __ _ -_ _.. . _. - 5 __ -. a 56Yeeo 0.76 __.. - - - -. --- __ 6 sea Se'rseu 076 7 - D Sueue, 6.76 e Bug SC,aen aid _..._ 9 . -_ - ._ Biersome, 0.76 .. -_. 10 79 au Screen __ am Screen ale 0.76 _.0 _ 6.0 -130-1.0. 8.0 ­­f _ 3,0 _ 12 Bu Screnn 13.0 1.0 8.0 3.0 _ 73 Bu Screen 0.7G _ - -- _ 19 l8vot Screen 0.76 mm- 15 Sup, Screen 0.76 gi 16 later Screen 0.7G 1 1 1 1 ----+- Eno1gyPro 5.0 by FnemirSoft floor Number: 2448 RunCOtle: 2010.02421`10:00:1 ID: 1OW44 Pa 80/72 i i . I I PROVIDE CONTINUOUS VENTILATION RATE OF XXX CFM AND MIN 50 CFM FANS FOR EACH BATH /SHOWER ROOM AND MIN 100 CFM FAN FOR KITCHEN CONTINUOUS FANS TO BE < =1 SONE, TITLE 24 REQUIREMENTS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (Part 4 of 5 ) CF -1 R Pailect Name Robert Vaughn Residence I Building Type 0 Single Family ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Mulll Family ❑ Existing +Addition /Alteration I Date 1211212010 OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS surface Type Area U- Factor Insulation Year Built Azm Tilt ' Status Joint Appendix 4 LocallonComments Cavil Exterior Frame Inteder Frame Wall 167 0.102 R -13 083 Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment Measures: §114(a): Any pool or spa heating system shall be certified to have: a thermal of iclency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; an on -off switch mounted outside of the heater; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions; and 135 90, New 4.3,1 -A3 Third Floor Well 167 0.102 R -13 contained in Table 150 -C and Is not a low efficacy luminafre as specified by 6150(k)2. ___ §150(k)3: The wattage of permanenty installed luminaires shall ba determined as specified by $130(d). ­- §1 50(k)4: Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 Watts or greater shall be electronic and shall have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz. _ 226 90 lNew 4.3.1--03 Third Floor Well 166 0.102 R43 luminaries In garages, laundry rooms, closets greater than 70 square feet, and utility rooms are high efficacy and controlled by a manual -on Occupant sensor. §1 50(k)9: Permanently Installed lighting that Is internal to cabinets shall use no more than 20 watts of power per linear foot of Illuminated cabinet. 315 901 New 4.8.1•A3 Third Flow Well 133 0.102 R -13 DAMIlt uhls it 24 .0 V V I_ 45 90 New 4.11.43 Third Flaw Z LL - �. System J W W Woo o CO It Tom, (0 _Air CFM per System _ 1,160 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION 0 _ Afrllow form) _1,16D Sryant(31/JAV03604_61113ANA036) 33,868 c U 35-000 Mallow cirnls it 0.80 It , D Airflow a/mlTon 386.7.. 4 - ��r W W r__ outside Air (%) 0.0 % Total Adjusted SYStem Output (Adjusted for Peak Design conditions) 33,868 0 3511, at 0 Outside Air tattersall) 0.00 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK F Aug 3 PM Jen 1 AM Note: values above given at ARI conditions HEATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Tom endures at Time of Heating Peak 0 r" ^ 2 34 "F 69 "F 69 IF 87 IF : _ - - -- 0.` � oq � 02/09/2010 Outside Air ° - -JL. _�._ 0 cfm Supply Fan Healing Coll 96 "F Totals 1,443 0 0 0 70 IF q�-�-� (� HVAC SYSTEMS _ Name Qt . Heating Type Min. Eff. ^ Coolingype Min. Eff. Thermostat Type Status VASystem New HC 1 Central Furnace 80 %AFUE Split COndfHOner 13.0 SEER Setbadr New p�nna I ROOM '. 76156 "P ._ _ _... 75i5b "F _L_ _� ��_.$y j Eneig Pro 5.0 by Eno y,SOft User Number: 2446 RunCode: 2010 -02.12T10:00rf5 to: 100044 Pee 120712 N!f� _ _ HVAC DISTRIBUTION System Name New HVAC Heating Dueled Conlin _;_ Dueled __ Duct Location__ -__- _ Attic CoillnithilL, vented Duct R-VAlue_ 80 Ducts _. T_este. ? ❑ _Status Exhulll --- ❑ I I I I I - FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS ID Type Area U. Factor O SHOO' Distribution Azm Status I Glazind Type Location /Comments 17 Window 16.6 0.530 oefaull 0.67 Default 45 New Double Non -Metal Door Third Floor 18 Window 17.5 0.580 Oefeuft 0.65 Default 45 New Double Non-Me,M)O erable Total Floor MULTIFAMILY WATER HEATING DETAILS HYDRONIC HEATING SYSTEM PIPING --- Control - - GI V, IiP F3 R° ur °- Hot Water Piping Length �- -- Plenum Outside Bunetl o � 5 & w System Name Pipe Lan th Pipe 1 Inaul, Diameter Thick. ❑ ❑ - ___. ❑ - I ❑ -- - ❑ -- - -0 -- - ;;; ❑ Ene Pro 5A6 Ene, Soo User Number. 2448 RumG,d : 2010.0242710:00:1 10: 100044 Page 8 of 12 I I I (i) .-ramoI Type: 116 -A = 00faua Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value 2 SHGCT e: 116 -B- Default Table from SlerMams ,NFRC - Labeled Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Exterior Shade 7 e SHGG _ Window Over and Left Fin Rt ht Fln Hgt Wd Len lit LExt RExI Dist Len H t Dist Len H t 17 Rugg Screen 0.76 6.7 2.5 11.7 1.0 20.0 12.5 0.3 11.7 0 0.0 0.0 0 18 Bug Screen 0.76 3.5 5.0 11.7 1.0 20.0 3.5 7.0 11.7 0 0.0 0.0 0 :J�----- -- �N_- L - -- -- mm- -L--7----- gi 1 1 1 1 ----+- ... - - FrIalrypno liobyEneglysoft User Number. 2448 RunCOde: 2010.02.12710 :00:1 1D: 100044 Pe o70i 72 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Part 5 of 5 CFA R Project Name Robert Vaughn Residence Building Type 0 Single Family ❑ Addition Alone I ❑ Multi Family ❑ L=xistingi Addition /Alteration I Date 1211212010 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Date System Name____ Zone Name Floor Ara_ast_ applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181 A, or UL 1016 or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is Volume Year Built _ New Exls[in Altered Removed New HVAC _ 1st Floor }DO dampers. _ §150(m)g: Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, end wind.. Cellular foam Insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar 600 bi 50IT t D: Flexible ducts cannot have porous Inner cores. §150(0): All dwelling units shall meet the requirements of ANSI /ASHRAE Standard 62.2 -2007 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air 2nd Floor 083 Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment Measures: §114(a): Any pool or spa heating system shall be certified to have: a thermal of iclency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; an on -off switch mounted outside of the heater; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions; and 7,864 §14(b)l: Any pool or spa heating equipment shall be Installed Win at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater, or dedicated suction 1 ____ ____ 3rd Flaw 360 prop rammed to run only during off-peak electric demand p8riods. 750 : Residential ool s stems ore ul ment meet the um sizr , flow rate In flllors, and valve r uirements of 150 Residential Lighting Measures: 2,880 contained in Table 150 -C and Is not a low efficacy luminafre as specified by 6150(k)2. ___ §150(k)3: The wattage of permanenty installed luminaires shall ba determined as specified by $130(d). ­- §1 50(k)4: Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 Watts or greater shall be electronic and shall have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz. §15Utk)5: Permanently Installed night lights and night lights integral to a permanently installed luminafre or exhaust tan shall contain only high efficacy lamps meeting the minimum efficacies contained In Table 150 0 and shall not contain a line- voltage socket or line - voltage lamp holder; OR shall be rated to consume no mare than five watts of power as determined by §130(d), and shall not contain a medium screw -base, socket _ -__ __ 150(k)6: Liphtinp Integral to exhaust fans In rooms other than kitchens, shall meet the applicable requirements of IIi 150(k). §150(k)7: All switching devices and controls shall meet the requirements of II60(k)7. §I50(k)6: A minimum of 50 pement of the total rated wattage of permanently Installed lighting In kitchens shall be high efficacy. EXCEPTION: Up to 50 watts for dwelling units less than or equal to 2,500 fix or 100 watts for dweliing units larger than 2,500112 may be exempt from the 50% high efficacy requirement when: all low efficacy luminaires In the kitchen are controlled by a manual on occupant sensor, dimmer, energy management system (EMCS), or a multi -scene programmable control system; and all permanently installed luminaries In garages, laundry rooms, closets greater than 70 square feet, and utility rooms are high efficacy and controlled by a manual -on Occupant sensor. §1 50(k)9: Permanently Installed lighting that Is internal to cabinets shall use no more than 20 watts of power per linear foot of Illuminated cabinet. Total output (stub) 1 ) Ro Istratlon Number; Registration Date7Turse HERS Provider: C- nergyPro 5.0 by Gnarg Soft User Number. 2440 RunCode: 201060242T10,00:15 10:100044 Page 10 of 12 875 D Total Output (Tonal 3,0 I a63 1,036 DAMIlt uhls it 24 .0 V V I_ _Iotql Total Output s -OTon 481.0 J 20174 __ 22,878 Z LL - �. System J W W Woo o CO It Tom, (0 _Air CFM per System _ 1,160 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION 0 _ Afrllow form) _1,16D Sryant(31/JAV03604_61113ANA036) 33,868 c U 35-000 Mallow cirnls it 0.80 It , D Airflow a/mlTon 386.7.. 4 - ��r W W r__ outside Air (%) 0.0 % Total Adjusted SYStem Output (Adjusted for Peak Design conditions) 33,868 0 3511, at 0 Outside Air tattersall) 0.00 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK F Aug 3 PM Jen 1 AM Note: values above given at ARI conditions HEATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Tom endures at Time of Heating Peak 0 r" ^ 2 34 "F 69 "F 69 IF 87 IF : _ - - -- 0.` � oq � 02/09/2010 Outside Air ° - -JL. _�._ 0 cfm Supply Fan Healing Coll 96 "F Totals 1,443 0 0 0 70 IF q�-�-� (� HVAC SYSTEMS _ Name Qt . Heating Type Min. Eff. ^ Coolingype Min. Eff. Thermostat Type Status VASystem New HC 1 Central Furnace 80 %AFUE Split COndfHOner 13.0 SEER Setbadr New p�nna I ROOM '. 76156 "P ._ _ _... 75i5b "F _L_ _� ��_.$y j Eneig Pro 5.0 by Eno y,SOft User Number: 2446 RunCode: 2010 -02.12T10:00rf5 to: 100044 Pee 120712 _ _ HVAC DISTRIBUTION System Name New HVAC Heating Dueled Conlin _;_ Dueled __ Duct Location__ -__- _ Attic CoillnithilL, vented Duct R-VAlue_ 80 Ducts _. T_este. ? ❑ _Status Exhulll ❑ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS System Name O Type Distribution Rated Input (Stub) Tank Cap. al Energy Standby Factor Loss or or RE Pilot Ext. Tank Insul. RF Value Status Rlnnaf R96_(!I f 1 LoMe Gas Kitchen Pjt2hur 1 237.0001 0 0.85 0.00% I Be liven, MULTIFAMILY WATER HEATING DETAILS HYDRONIC HEATING SYSTEM PIPING --- Control - - GI V, IiP F3 R° ur °- Hot Water Piping Length �- -- Plenum Outside Bunetl o � 5 & w System Name Pipe Lan th Pipe 1 Inaul, Diameter Thick. ❑ ❑ ___. ❑ - I ❑ -- - ❑ -- - -0 -- - ;;; ❑ Ene Pro 5A6 Ene, Soo User Number. 2448 RumG,d : 2010.0242710:00:1 10: 100044 Page 8 of 12 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential (Page 1 of 3 MF -1R Project Name Date Robert Vaughn Residence 211212010 NOTE: Low -rise residential buildings subject to the Standards must comply with all applicable mandatory measures listed, regardless of the compliance approach used. More stringent energy measures listed on the Certificate of Compliance (CF -1 R, CF -1 R -ADD, or CF- 1R -ALT Form) shall supersede the Items marked with an asterisk I') below. This Mandatory Measures Summary shall be incorporated Into the permit documents, and the applicable features shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance spe0ieations whether they are shown elsewhere In the documents or In Flits summary. Submit all applicable sections of the MF -1R Form with plans. Buildina Envelope Measures: 116 a 1: Doors and windows between conditioned and unepnditionod spaces a_ro manufactured to Ilmit air teakeye. §116Ma 4: Fenestration proeucis (except field -fa ronated windows) have a label list(ng the certified U--Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain �- Coeificient SHGC and Infiltra }bn that meets the requirements of 10 -11 i a)_ __ _ 117: Exterior doors and windows am weather -stripped: ed; all joints and penetrations are owilrod and sealed. 118(x): ma ---- 11 specified or Installed meets Standards for insulating Material, Indicate type and Include on CF -6R Form. -,__, _ _ §118(1): The thermal sentience and solar reflectance values of the cool rooting material meets the requkomonls of §118(,) when the Installation of a Cool Root is spschied on the CF -1 A Form. _ _ 150(a): Minimum RA 9 Insulation in wood4rame calling or equivalent U-fector. 615D(b): Loose ri_II insulation shelf conform with manufacturer's Installed design labeled R- Value. _1150 0 : Minimum R -13 insulation In wood -frame wall or equivalent U- factor. - ^_ d " 150 : Minimum R -13 Insulation in raised wood -frame floor orequivalent U- faotor. - §150 : Air rotardl_ng __ wrap is tested, labeled: and installed accoMing to A6TM Ei677. 95(20001 when spedlled on the CF -i R Form. 1�gj --: Mundatojy_Vapor barrier installed In_Cllmate Zones t4 -pi 16. �„___ §150(1): Watery absorption rate for slab edge insulation material alone without lacings is no greater than e,.3 %; water vapor permeance rata is no realer than 2.0 ermlInch and shall be rotecled from physical damage and UV light deterioration. Fire laces Decorative Gas A (lances and Gas Log Measures: 150 e)1A: Masonry or factory -built fireplaces Have a closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of too firebox. §150(e)16: Masonry or haciory-built fireplaces have a combustion outside air Intake, whicb Is at least six square inches in area and is equip ad with a with a readily aocessis�le operable and ligh4 9129 !npor and or a crmbusflon -air control device. _,__ ,_ ac e §150(e)2: Continuous bunting pilot lights and the use of indoor air for cooling a firebox 1 ket, when that Indoor air Is vented to th outside of the building, are prohibited. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: §110- §113: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads, faucets and all other regulated appliances are certified by the Energy Commission. §113(c)5: Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelling units and High -Rise residential occupancies meet the air release valve backfiow prevention, pump Isolation valve, and recirculation loop connection recittimments, of fil 13(c)5. §115: Continuously burning pilot lights are prohibited for natural gas: fan -type central furnaces, household cooking appliances (appliances with an electrical supply voltage connection with pilot lights that consume less than 150 Btu/hr are exempt), and pool and -V am hestor6. 150 h .Heating and /or cookno loads are calculated In accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. 1150(i): Heating systems. are equipped with thermostats that meet the.setback regulremerrts of Section 1120, __ §150(1)IA: Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor no greater than the federal minimal standard are externally wrapped with insulation haviregi an installed thermal resistance of R -12 or reater. §i50(i)16: Unfired storage tanks, such as storage tanks or backup ranks mrsolar water - heating system, or other Indirect hot water tanks have 19-12 external insulation or R- 16 Intel net insulation where the internal Insulation R -value Is Indicated on the exterior of the tank. ____ §150(1)2: First 5 feet of hot and cold water pipes closest to water heater lank, non - recirculating systems, and entire length of recirculating sections of hot water pipes are insulated per Standards 1 "able 150 -B. §150(1)2: Cooling system piping (suction, chilled water, or brine lines),and piping insulated between heating source and - indirect hot water tank shall be insulated to Table 150 -B and Equation 150 -A. §150(1)2: Pipe insulation for steam hydronlc heating systems or hot water systems a15 psi, meets the requirements of Standards Table 123 -A. 4150(1)3A: Insulation is protected from damage, Including that due tp sunlight moisture,, syui mant maintenance, end wind, §750(j)3A: Insulation for chilled water piping and refrigerant suction lines Includes a vapor retardant or is enclosed entirely in conditioned space. A150(1)4; Solar WataFhaviting systems and/or collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation. Re Istration Nunibor. He istration Darla Time: HERS Provider: Engrg Pro 6.0b Engrg Son User Number. 2448 RunCode: 2010 -0242TIM00:16 ID: 100044 Parts 9 of 12 UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION: CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN CF -6R FORMS FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION AT: www.energy.co.gov /title24 . ..- TITLE •24. • ••R EQUIREMENTS ;- a . . ... . ... . . MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential (Page 2 of 3 MF -1 R Project Name Dale Robert Vaughn Residence i 211212010 Date §150(m)1 All air - distribution system ducts and plenums installed, are sealed and insulated to meet the requirements e,1 CMG Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, 605 and Standard 6 -5; supply -air and return -air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum installed level of R- 4.2 or enclosed entirely In conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape or other duct- closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181 A, or UL 1016 or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal opaningsgreater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used §150(m)l: Building covifies, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned ale Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts, Ducts Installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross- sectional area of the ducts, §150(m)3D: Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be seated with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape Is used In combination with mastic and draw bands. §150(m)7: Exhaust fans stems have back draft or automatic dampers. §150(m)8: Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or modify accessible, manually operated dampers. _ §150(m)g: Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, end wind.. Cellular foam Insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material, bi 50IT t D: Flexible ducts cannot have porous Inner cores. §150(0): All dwelling units shall meet the requirements of ANSI /ASHRAE Standard 62.2 -2007 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low -Rise Residential Buildings. Window operation is not a permissible method of providing the Whole Building Ventilation re ulred In Section 4 of that Standard. Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment Measures: §114(a): Any pool or spa heating system shall be certified to have: a thermal of iclency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; an on -off switch mounted outside of the heater; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions; and shall not use electric resistance healing or epllot Itgm. _ §14(b)l: Any pool or spa heating equipment shall be Installed Win at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater, or dedicated suction 1 and return lines or built -up connections for future solar heatilttl. - - ____ -_ 114(b)2: Outdoor pools ors as that have a heat pump or gas heater shall have a cover. §114(6)3: Pools shall have direction al i nlets that adequately m i x the pool water, a nd e time switch th at will allow all pumps t o he set o r prop rammed to run only during off-peak electric demand p8riods. 750 : Residential ool s stems ore ul ment meet the um sizr , flow rate In flllors, and valve r uirements of 150 Residential Lighting Measures: §150(k)1: High efficacy luminaires or LED Ught Engine with Integral Heat Sink has an efficacy that Is no lower then the efficacies contained in Table 150 -C and Is not a low efficacy luminafre as specified by 6150(k)2. ___ §150(k)3: The wattage of permanenty installed luminaires shall ba determined as specified by $130(d). ­- §1 50(k)4: Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 Watts or greater shall be electronic and shall have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz. §15Utk)5: Permanently Installed night lights and night lights integral to a permanently installed luminafre or exhaust tan shall contain only high efficacy lamps meeting the minimum efficacies contained In Table 150 0 and shall not contain a line- voltage socket or line - voltage lamp holder; OR shall be rated to consume no mare than five watts of power as determined by §130(d), and shall not contain a medium screw -base, socket _ -__ __ 150(k)6: Liphtinp Integral to exhaust fans In rooms other than kitchens, shall meet the applicable requirements of IIi 150(k). §150(k)7: All switching devices and controls shall meet the requirements of II60(k)7. §I50(k)6: A minimum of 50 pement of the total rated wattage of permanently Installed lighting In kitchens shall be high efficacy. EXCEPTION: Up to 50 watts for dwelling units less than or equal to 2,500 fix or 100 watts for dweliing units larger than 2,500112 may be exempt from the 50% high efficacy requirement when: all low efficacy luminaires In the kitchen are controlled by a manual on occupant sensor, dimmer, energy management system (EMCS), or a multi -scene programmable control system; and all permanently installed luminaries In garages, laundry rooms, closets greater than 70 square feet, and utility rooms are high efficacy and controlled by a manual -on Occupant sensor. §1 50(k)9: Permanently Installed lighting that Is internal to cabinets shall use no more than 20 watts of power per linear foot of Illuminated cabinet. Total output (stub) 1 ) Ro Istratlon Number; Registration Date7Turse HERS Provider: C- nergyPro 5.0 by Gnarg Soft User Number. 2440 RunCode: 201060242T10,00:15 10:100044 Page 10 of 12 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential (Page 3 of 3 MF -1R Project Name Date Robert Vaughn Residence 1 211212010 Date §150(k)l1: Permanently Installed luminaires located in rooms or areas other than in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, closets, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy lummnaims. EXCEPTION 1: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided they are controlled by either a dimmer switch that complies with the applicable requirements of §119, or by a manual- on occupant sensor that complies with the applicable roquiraments of §119. EXCEPTION 2: Lighting in detached storage building less than 1000 square feet located on a residential site is not required tU comply_with §15fLkL11___ __ §150(k)12: Luminaires recessed into insulated ceilings shall be listed for zero clearance insulation contact (IC) by Underwriters Laboratories or other nationally recognized lesting /rating laboratory; and have alabel that certifies the lumiunaire is airtight with air leakage less then 2A CFM at 15 Pascals when tested in accordance with ASTM 8263; and be sealed with a gasket or caulk between 1he luminafre housing and oeilina_ §150(k)13: Luminaires providing outdoor lighting, including lighting for private patios in low -rise residential flings with lour or more dwelling units, entrances, balconies, and porches, which are permanently mounted to a residential building or to other buildings on the same lot shall be high efficacy. EXCEPTION 1: Permanently installed outdoor low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided that they are controlled by a manual on /off switch, a motion sensor not having an override or bypass switch that disables the motion sensor, and one of the following controls: a photowntrol not having an override or bypass switch that disables the photocontrol; OR an astronomical time clock not having an override or bypass switch that disables the astronomical time clock; OR an energy management control system (EMCS) not having an override or bypass switch that allows the luminaire to be always on EXCEPTION 2: Outdoor luminaires used to comply with Exception) to §150(k)l3 may be controlled by a temporary override switch which bypasses the motion sensing function provided that the motion sensor is automatically reactivated within six hours. EXCEPTION 3: Permanently installed luminaires in or around swlmming pool, water features, of other location subject to Article 680 of the California Electric Code need not b¢ hl h olflcac luminalms. §150(k)14: Internally Illuminated address signs shall comply with Section 148; OR not contain a screw-baso Socket, and consume no mere than five watts 0f ewer as determined accon in to 1$9 d . §750(k)15: Lighting for parking lots and carports Will a total of for 8 or more vehicles per site shall comply with the applicable requirements In Sections 130,132, 134, and 147- Lighting for parking garages for or more vehicles shall comply with the applicable requirements of Sections 130, 131, 134 and 146. _ _ §150(k)16: Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non - dwelling spaces of low -rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units shall be high efficacy luminaires. EXCEPTION: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided that they are controlled by an occpant zimsor(ai ratified la comply with the applicable requirements of 0119. v j r r x Re istration Number: Registration Date/Time: - HERS Provider: Enw Pro 5.06 Enor Sag User Number: 2448 Reticent.: 2010.0242F10:0095 ID: 100044 Page 11 of 12 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY Project Name Date Vaughn Residence 2/12/2010 _Robert __ System Name Floor Area New HVAC Z cc 1,443 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD W Number of systems 1 Coil CFM Total Room Loads 665 Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation o__ supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COOLING PEAK I COIL HTG. PEAK Heating System Sensible Latent CFM Sensible _,_ Ou btper System v j r r x 18,448 075 726 20,006 Total output stub _35,000 3500 0 _ _ __ Oa t osteNlt), ___ 24.3 863 _ 1,036 _ Cooling system 0 D Ortpul'per SV51em ,_can 0 0 0 0 Total output (stub) 1 ) 36,000 0 875 D Total Output (Tonal 3,0 I a63 1,036 DAMIlt uhls it 24 .0 V V I_ _Iotql Total Output s -OTon 481.0 J 20174 __ 22,878 Z LL - �. System J W W Woo o CO It Tom, (0 _Air CFM per System _ 1,160 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION 0 _ Afrllow form) _1,16D Sryant(31/JAV03604_61113ANA036) 33,868 c U 35-000 Mallow cirnls it 0.80 It , D Airflow a/mlTon 386.7.. 4 - ��r W W r__ outside Air (%) 0.0 % Total Adjusted SYStem Output (Adjusted for Peak Design conditions) 33,868 0 3511, at 0 Outside Air tattersall) 0.00 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK F Aug 3 PM Jen 1 AM Note: values above given at ARI conditions HEATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Tom endures at Time of Heating Peak 0 r" ^ 2 34 "F 69 "F 69 IF 87 IF : _ - - -- 0.` � oq � 02/09/2010 Outside Air ° - -JL. _�._ 0 cfm Supply Fan Healing Coll 96 "F 1,160cfm CL _ -__,._ , 'ROOM _ _._..... '' wS , 69 ^r- 70 IF q�-�-� (� Plot Date: I lf�._.;�1 _._ -ld ' Job No: COOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak 100044 801mlvr 7fi589= 76156 "F 49/47 °F Sheet: ,, r Outside All rr' "" F - 0sea Bupply Fan Cwling COil 49147T 1,160 cfm 35.4% p�nna I ROOM '. 76156 "P ._ _ _... 75i5b "F _L_ _� ��_.$y j Eneig Pro 5.0 by Eno y,SOft User Number: 2446 RunCode: 2010 -02.12T10:00rf5 to: 100044 Pee 120712 THESE FORMS SHALL BE COMPLETED, SIGNED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE FOR THE PERUSAL OF THE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. I I "I'll' .`" V Z cc Cr. W Z UJ Z W Q 40 L.J °e N (�1� H 10 OO n N °Nr Ir v j r r x Z LL G H CU Ri N' T C-� Z Ch 26 a O^O err I- N -W .-r ..-r I-v r �No. 17014^ * Exp. 3 -31 -2010 * s1+ KHAN \G\1 9� OF CAO L/ to Z dillift is- V V I_ W Ir W Z LL d �. 0. Ix J W W Woo o CO It Tom, (0 < 0 0 U V/ L/U�r It , D r, -_ 1- 4 ��r W W U. �/ //o t 2 = at 0 0 F- a) LL 4 i- V Z CM ra a) 0 r" ^ 2 Dote: 02/09/2010 Scale: AS NOTED Drawn: CL Checked: JT Plot Date: 02/1212010 Job No: 100044 Sheet: T24 "I'll' .`" �21 2. Dust shalt be controlled by watering andlgr dust palliative. eng meet or or to piece mg a •V •'- - .. N $• Fitts shall be keyed or benched into competent material. ELEVATION AREA DRAIN DRAIN 3, Sanitary facilities shalt be maintained on the site during the construction period. _ PLAN VIEW - 4. Work hours are limited from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM MONDAY through FRIDAY; 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM 'SATURDAYS; and NO NOtPR 6. All existing fills shall be approved by the soils engineer or removed before any additional fills are added. SECTION X -X PLAN SECTION - ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS per Section 10.28 of the NBMC. I : 7. Anyexistirvg irrigation lines and cisterns shall be removed or crushed in pieta and backfiilad and approved by j engineer. �) A- DIG A 24" WIDE X 18° MIN DEPTH TRENCH. the soils e Noise, excavation, delivery and removal shall be control "led per Section of the NBMC. 11 .,. � e B- PLACE FILTER CLOTH IN THE TRENCH. LAP 12" 0 TOP. 5, ! - 8. The engineering geologist and soils engineer shaft, after clearing and prior to the placement of fill in I C- FILL BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH WITH CRUSHED ROCK. TYP 6, The stamped set of approved plans shall be on the job site at all limas. canyons, inspect each canyon for areas of adverse stability and determine the presence of, or possibility of o . I future accurutation of, subsurface water or spring flow. If needed, drains will. be designed and constructed x •,,.: = Oi - D- FORM AND POUR PERIMETER CONCRETE CURB. 4" T_ 4" _ d E- ALL THE REST OF THE TRENCH WITH CRUSHED ROCK TO 4° FROM THE TOP OF TRENCH. ll EROSION BAGS i 7, Permittee and Contractor are responsible for locating and protecting utilities. prior to the placement of flit in each respective canyon. Ii 8 q rSiO e @ 2r/o' 9.. The exact location of the sutdrains shall be surveyed In the field for tine and grade. �IIIIiii� o b III' =v (-� g, Approved drainage provisions and protective measures moist be used to protect adjoining properties during the I A i ' o ,_�.__=�I'I�1 BOTTOMLESS TRENCH DRAIN grading operation. 10. ALL trench backfills shall be compacted throughout to a minimun of 90 percent relative aompactian, and APPROVES I ICI \�i' / o d o lilt -A111I ` _ q, Cesspools and septic, tanks shall be abandoned in camptianca with the Uniform Plumbing Cade and approved by the BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. The Building Department may require coring of concrete flat work placed over untested "I _ R ..t1�! -A1ll EROSION BAGS backfilts to facilitate testing. bl 0 , O G Building Official. ' � 1"TtE�IG a � FROST w 99. The stockpiling of excess material shall be approved by the City Grading Engineer. fI i - '- - -- 10, Haul routes for import or export of materials shalt be approved by the City Traffic Engineer and procedures Soil: 6 �.; '. ' JOTRjOT pit ; �! I shall conform with Chapter 95 of the NBMC. 12, Landscaping of all slopes and pads shell be in accordance with Chapter 15 of the NBMC. ' , i.'. 't1'� :I'Apjj` Tji�N - �.� ��T� 6#t1'P'i;E EI>•�'�� �i Positive drainage shalt be maintained away from all building and slope areas, 13. All cut slopes shall be investigated both during and after grading by an engineering geologist to determine it Al ,.... BASIN �I 1. CATCH any stability problem exists. Should excavation lest lase any geological cal hazards or potential geological eat _T -- .._ "'°^° i.... '' "" ^•°^:.':ms's...' . "..� .ri i tRA: �. Failure to request inspections andlor have removable erosion control devices on -site at the appropriate times hazards, the engineering geologist shall reco,ameend and submit necessary' treatment te, the City Grading Engineer H 84 . A2 shalt result in forfeiture of the construction site cleanup deposit. for approval. ,,. �dC+ 8 2A 43: }r. 47 v PURPOSED INSTALL i { 18 8' '� 5a. A ' SILT PROTECTION 1$. All Plastid drainage pips shall consist of PVC or 'ABS plastic and either ASTM 2751, ASTM D1527, ASTM 03034 or ; 74, geologist support of buttressing he cut and ine rat slopes ia. approval si n, necessary by the engineering ti s fom I .'� ?� ` 8 .iii ,fete :q. - ASTM D978 5. geologist and soils engineer, the sails engineer will obtain approval of design, local, on and calculations from I •- Z '• :x,.73,;,,- .. '� �:�.:, i' the City Grading Engineer prior to construction. ?a'9$89'r W,I�'ii STE! TSili Jai" ' A eAA?A Cif wl,IA sfE @L TiSd # fi �. 74. No paint, plaster, Dement, sail, mortar or other residue shall be allowed to enter streets, curbs, .gutters or storm I �� 75. The engineering geologist and soils engineer shalt inspect and post the et ion.ucti on of all buttress fills and r drains. All, material end waste shall be removed from the site. NBMC 17.32.020 attest to the stability of the steps and adjacent structures upon eaaptetion. I , iatale'iS'Uj.'ggi ,dlrgijsWida uipBfeArJ,aSSU hyHI,DBding :i3elnps i'ii6jlwayUdi{pt• W t 44" a#�E)I?catW WOW, csuer i useJ Saf.iiilNti -1 L 101 1 %e `lBfl Ai i CONTROL acr a® P1101:1011 G I d b h oar rods the an inearin [ t h t! d to 'f th !>ed k ' y j#ffS j9G�$wBy$Bnd ViDMkip -A+ Yyjh i ![ a., 10FOP,` GENERAL GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 3. ALL fills shalt be compactod throughout to a mtmmum o pe test method 1557, and approved by the soils engineer. Cdepaction testa shall lYa performed approximately every to attest to the overall compaction effort applied to l I oo F..., i wri. l? r '_ i•-�: 8.r ` .n.'v.t;�`v n`%s:yiry� ^gj ^„ty": 'a . :�'$ 6" MI DIMENSIONS. DETERMINED N WIDE PEDESTRIAN SAFE 3� BY FRAME i 1. G N RAL N " ST Exterior GRATE FRAME DIMENSIONS. &GRATE 3/8 SLOT OPENING. EA �f ��""..,, a I Ji•/IN - ryWFp 19 k Rp CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 2. Dust shalt be controlled by watering andlgr dust palliative. eng meet or or to piece mg a •V •'- - .. N $• Fitts shall be keyed or benched into competent material. ELEVATION AREA DRAIN DRAIN 3, Sanitary facilities shalt be maintained on the site during the construction period. _ PLAN VIEW - 4. Work hours are limited from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM MONDAY through FRIDAY; 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM 'SATURDAYS; and NO NOtPR 6. All existing fills shall be approved by the soils engineer or removed before any additional fills are added. SECTION X -X PLAN SECTION - ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS per Section 10.28 of the NBMC. I : 7. Anyexistirvg irrigation lines and cisterns shall be removed or crushed in pieta and backfiilad and approved by j engineer. �) A- DIG A 24" WIDE X 18° MIN DEPTH TRENCH. the soils e Noise, excavation, delivery and removal shall be control "led per Section of the NBMC. 11 .,. � e B- PLACE FILTER CLOTH IN THE TRENCH. LAP 12" 0 TOP. 5, ! - 8. The engineering geologist and soils engineer shaft, after clearing and prior to the placement of fill in I C- FILL BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH WITH CRUSHED ROCK. TYP 6, The stamped set of approved plans shall be on the job site at all limas. canyons, inspect each canyon for areas of adverse stability and determine the presence of, or possibility of o . I future accurutation of, subsurface water or spring flow. If needed, drains will. be designed and constructed x •,,.: = Oi - D- FORM AND POUR PERIMETER CONCRETE CURB. 4" T_ 4" _ d E- ALL THE REST OF THE TRENCH WITH CRUSHED ROCK TO 4° FROM THE TOP OF TRENCH. ll EROSION BAGS i 7, Permittee and Contractor are responsible for locating and protecting utilities. prior to the placement of flit in each respective canyon. Ii 8 q rSiO e @ 2r/o' 9.. The exact location of the sutdrains shall be surveyed In the field for tine and grade. �IIIIiii� o b III' =v (-� g, Approved drainage provisions and protective measures moist be used to protect adjoining properties during the I A i ' o ,_�.__=�I'I�1 BOTTOMLESS TRENCH DRAIN grading operation. 10. ALL trench backfills shall be compacted throughout to a minimun of 90 percent relative aompactian, and APPROVES I ICI \�i' / o d o lilt -A111I ` _ q, Cesspools and septic, tanks shall be abandoned in camptianca with the Uniform Plumbing Cade and approved by the BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. The Building Department may require coring of concrete flat work placed over untested "I _ R ..t1�! -A1ll EROSION BAGS backfilts to facilitate testing. bl 0 , O G Building Official. ' � 1"TtE�IG a � FROST w 99. The stockpiling of excess material shall be approved by the City Grading Engineer. fI i - '- - -- 10, Haul routes for import or export of materials shalt be approved by the City Traffic Engineer and procedures Soil: 6 �.; '. ' JOTRjOT pit ; �! I shall conform with Chapter 95 of the NBMC. 12, Landscaping of all slopes and pads shell be in accordance with Chapter 15 of the NBMC. ' , i.'. 't1'� :I'Apjj` Tji�N - �.� ��T� 6#t1'P'i;E EI>•�'�� �i Positive drainage shalt be maintained away from all building and slope areas, 13. All cut slopes shall be investigated both during and after grading by an engineering geologist to determine it Al ,.... BASIN �I 1. CATCH any stability problem exists. Should excavation lest lase any geological cal hazards or potential geological eat _T -- .._ "'°^° i.... '' "" ^•°^:.':ms's...' . "..� .ri i tRA: �. Failure to request inspections andlor have removable erosion control devices on -site at the appropriate times hazards, the engineering geologist shall reco,ameend and submit necessary' treatment te, the City Grading Engineer H 84 . A2 shalt result in forfeiture of the construction site cleanup deposit. for approval. ,,. �dC+ 8 2A 43: }r. 47 v PURPOSED INSTALL i { 18 8' '� 5a. A ' SILT PROTECTION 1$. All Plastid drainage pips shall consist of PVC or 'ABS plastic and either ASTM 2751, ASTM D1527, ASTM 03034 or ; 74, geologist support of buttressing he cut and ine rat slopes ia. approval si n, necessary by the engineering ti s fom I .'� ?� ` 8 .iii ,fete :q. - ASTM D978 5. geologist and soils engineer, the sails engineer will obtain approval of design, local, on and calculations from I •- Z '• :x,.73,;,,- .. '� �:�.:, i' the City Grading Engineer prior to construction. ?a'9$89'r W,I�'ii STE! TSili Jai" ' A eAA?A Cif wl,IA sfE @L TiSd # fi �. 74. No paint, plaster, Dement, sail, mortar or other residue shall be allowed to enter streets, curbs, .gutters or storm I �� 75. The engineering geologist and soils engineer shalt inspect and post the et ion.ucti on of all buttress fills and r drains. All, material end waste shall be removed from the site. NBMC 17.32.020 attest to the stability of the steps and adjacent structures upon eaaptetion. I , iatale'iS'Uj.'ggi ,dlrgijsWida uipBfeArJ,aSSU hyHI,DBding :i3elnps i'ii6jlwayUdi{pt• W t 44" a#�E)I?catW WOW, csuer i useJ Saf.iiilNti -1 L 101 1 %e `lBfl Ai i CONTROL acr a® P1101:1011 G I d b h oar rods the an inearin [ t h t! d to 'f th !>ed k ' y j#ffS j9G�$wBy$Bnd ViDMkip -A+ Yyjh i ![ -. 10FOP,` GENERAL GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 3. ALL fills shalt be compactod throughout to a mtmmum o pe test method 1557, and approved by the soils engineer. Cdepaction testa shall lYa performed approximately every to attest to the overall compaction effort applied to l I oo F..., i wri. l? r '_ i•-�: 8.r ` .n.'v.t;�`v n`%s:yiry� ^gj ^„ty": 'a . :�'$ 6" MI DIMENSIONS. DETERMINED N WIDE PEDESTRIAN SAFE 3� BY FRAME i 1. G N RAL N " ST Exterior GRATE FRAME DIMENSIONS. &GRATE 3/8 SLOT OPENING. EA �f ��""..,, a I Ji•/IN - ryWFp 19 k Rp CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH USE FRAME AS A FORM. JORDAN IRON WORKS OR EQUAL X fff oncrete olab -• (800)874 -4100 CONTROL PER DETAIL C41iSTRIsCj _tJR.�pinfNC1��!yJJI 2. ., P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 -1708 C P CITY of MIENPORT MACH - BUIL0111G GEFAR'nEtlT ix page 2 General Grading Specifications -continued I - 0 "0 "�" �� o lope t gO " GRATE s o '. o /' "•l „.. --1 I^ 3 #4 REBAR TOP &BOTTOM I 2• Fill slopes shalt be compacted to no less than 9n percent relative compaction out to the finished surface. it ll"•" i II b. :o 6 + �. ' >, Z f 90 roam raletive coepaction as determined by ASTM �6" i. 2. Dust shalt be controlled by watering andlgr dust palliative. eng meet or or to piece mg a •V •'- - .. N $• Fitts shall be keyed or benched into competent material. ELEVATION AREA DRAIN DRAIN 3, Sanitary facilities shalt be maintained on the site during the construction period. _ PLAN VIEW - 4. Work hours are limited from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM MONDAY through FRIDAY; 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM 'SATURDAYS; and NO NOtPR 6. All existing fills shall be approved by the soils engineer or removed before any additional fills are added. SECTION X -X PLAN SECTION - ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS per Section 10.28 of the NBMC. I : 7. Anyexistirvg irrigation lines and cisterns shall be removed or crushed in pieta and backfiilad and approved by j engineer. �) A- DIG A 24" WIDE X 18° MIN DEPTH TRENCH. the soils e Noise, excavation, delivery and removal shall be control "led per Section of the NBMC. 11 .,. � e B- PLACE FILTER CLOTH IN THE TRENCH. LAP 12" 0 TOP. 5, ! - 8. The engineering geologist and soils engineer shaft, after clearing and prior to the placement of fill in I C- FILL BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH WITH CRUSHED ROCK. TYP 6, The stamped set of approved plans shall be on the job site at all limas. canyons, inspect each canyon for areas of adverse stability and determine the presence of, or possibility of o . I future accurutation of, subsurface water or spring flow. If needed, drains will. be designed and constructed x •,,.: = Oi - D- FORM AND POUR PERIMETER CONCRETE CURB. 4" T_ 4" _ d E- ALL THE REST OF THE TRENCH WITH CRUSHED ROCK TO 4° FROM THE TOP OF TRENCH. ll EROSION BAGS i 7, Permittee and Contractor are responsible for locating and protecting utilities. prior to the placement of flit in each respective canyon. Ii 8 q rSiO e @ 2r/o' 9.. The exact location of the sutdrains shall be surveyed In the field for tine and grade. �IIIIiii� o b III' =v (-� g, Approved drainage provisions and protective measures moist be used to protect adjoining properties during the I A i ' o ,_�.__=�I'I�1 BOTTOMLESS TRENCH DRAIN grading operation. 10. ALL trench backfills shall be compacted throughout to a minimun of 90 percent relative aompactian, and APPROVES I ICI \�i' / o d o lilt -A111I ` _ q, Cesspools and septic, tanks shall be abandoned in camptianca with the Uniform Plumbing Cade and approved by the BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. The Building Department may require coring of concrete flat work placed over untested "I _ R ..t1�! -A1ll EROSION BAGS backfilts to facilitate testing. bl 0 , O G Building Official. ' � 1"TtE�IG a � FROST w 99. The stockpiling of excess material shall be approved by the City Grading Engineer. fI i - '- - -- 10, Haul routes for import or export of materials shalt be approved by the City Traffic Engineer and procedures Soil: 6 �.; '. ' JOTRjOT pit ; �! I shall conform with Chapter 95 of the NBMC. 12, Landscaping of all slopes and pads shell be in accordance with Chapter 15 of the NBMC. ' , i.'. 't1'� :I'Apjj` Tji�N - �.� ��T� 6#t1'P'i;E EI>•�'�� �i Positive drainage shalt be maintained away from all building and slope areas, 13. All cut slopes shall be investigated both during and after grading by an engineering geologist to determine it Al ,.... BASIN �I 1. CATCH any stability problem exists. Should excavation lest lase any geological cal hazards or potential geological eat _T -- .._ "'°^° i.... '' "" ^•°^:.':ms's...' . "..� .ri i tRA: �. Failure to request inspections andlor have removable erosion control devices on -site at the appropriate times hazards, the engineering geologist shall reco,ameend and submit necessary' treatment te, the City Grading Engineer H 84 . A2 shalt result in forfeiture of the construction site cleanup deposit. for approval. ,,. �dC+ 8 2A 43: }r. 47 v PURPOSED INSTALL i { 18 8' '� 5a. A ' SILT PROTECTION 1$. All Plastid drainage pips shall consist of PVC or 'ABS plastic and either ASTM 2751, ASTM D1527, ASTM 03034 or ; 74, geologist support of buttressing he cut and ine rat slopes ia. approval si n, necessary by the engineering ti s fom I .'� ?� ` 8 .iii ,fete :q. - ASTM D978 5. geologist and soils engineer, the sails engineer will obtain approval of design, local, on and calculations from I •- Z '• :x,.73,;,,- .. '� �:�.:, i' the City Grading Engineer prior to construction. ?a'9$89'r W,I�'ii STE! TSili Jai" ' A eAA?A Cif wl,IA sfE @L TiSd # fi �. 74. No paint, plaster, Dement, sail, mortar or other residue shall be allowed to enter streets, curbs, .gutters or storm I �� 75. The engineering geologist and soils engineer shalt inspect and post the et ion.ucti on of all buttress fills and r drains. All, material end waste shall be removed from the site. NBMC 17.32.020 attest to the stability of the steps and adjacent structures upon eaaptetion. I , iatale'iS'Uj.'ggi ,dlrgijsWida uipBfeArJ,aSSU hyHI,DBding :i3elnps i'ii6jlwayUdi{pt• W t 44" a#�E)I?catW WOW, csuer i useJ Saf.iiilNti -1 L 101 1 %e `lBfl Ai i CONTROL acr a® P1101:1011 G I d b h oar rods the an inearin [ t h t! d to 'f th !>ed k ' y j#ffS j9G�$wBy$Bnd ViDMkip -A+ Yyjh i ![ -. 10FOP,` GENERAL GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 3. ALL fills shalt be compactod throughout to a mtmmum o pe test method 1557, and approved by the soils engineer. Cdepaction testa shall lYa performed approximately every to attest to the overall compaction effort applied to ,, wo ( ill= ����/ °� %, I oo F..., i wri. l? r '_ i•-�: 8.r ` .n.'v.t;�`v n`%s:yiry� ^gj ^„ty": 'a . :�'$ , ! i. i 1. G N RAL two feet in vertical height and of sufficient quantity �f ��""..,, a I Ji•/IN - GGB.. tit'S'td SS`- iIJEBdt' YaNb;^ VJ" jij046aGi910'; DCavgyk! '(?j,BC$tigtli9 "' :'Dpt(jBK$'UO' " 24 CONTROL PER DETAIL C41iSTRIsCj _tJR.�pinfNC1��!yJJI 2. 9, All work shall conform to Chapter 15 of the Newport Reach Municipal Code (NSM0, the project sails report and the fit( af¢a3. I oy 6' CRUSHED ROCK FILL THIS PORTION WITH CRUSHED , AFTER POURING GRATE -^i j ,?/2 X7,9 >� 31 spee{al requiranents of the permit, 4. Areas to receive fill shall be cleared of alt yegetati,on and debris, sesrifiad :red approved the salts I the fill _ Concrete: 3" W/ FILTER CLOTH a .ROCK SUPPORT CURB X 2. Dust shalt be controlled by watering andlgr dust palliative. eng meet or or to piece mg a •V •'- - .. N $• Fitts shall be keyed or benched into competent material. ELEVATION AREA DRAIN DRAIN 3, Sanitary facilities shalt be maintained on the site during the construction period. _ PLAN VIEW - 4. Work hours are limited from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM MONDAY through FRIDAY; 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM 'SATURDAYS; and NO NOtPR 6. All existing fills shall be approved by the soils engineer or removed before any additional fills are added. SECTION X -X PLAN SECTION - ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS per Section 10.28 of the NBMC. I : 7. Anyexistirvg irrigation lines and cisterns shall be removed or crushed in pieta and backfiilad and approved by j engineer. �) A- DIG A 24" WIDE X 18° MIN DEPTH TRENCH. the soils e Noise, excavation, delivery and removal shall be control "led per Section of the NBMC. 11 .,. � e B- PLACE FILTER CLOTH IN THE TRENCH. LAP 12" 0 TOP. 5, ! - 8. The engineering geologist and soils engineer shaft, after clearing and prior to the placement of fill in I C- FILL BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH WITH CRUSHED ROCK. TYP 6, The stamped set of approved plans shall be on the job site at all limas. canyons, inspect each canyon for areas of adverse stability and determine the presence of, or possibility of o . I future accurutation of, subsurface water or spring flow. If needed, drains will. be designed and constructed x •,,.: = Oi - D- FORM AND POUR PERIMETER CONCRETE CURB. 4" T_ 4" _ d E- ALL THE REST OF THE TRENCH WITH CRUSHED ROCK TO 4° FROM THE TOP OF TRENCH. ll EROSION BAGS i 7, Permittee and Contractor are responsible for locating and protecting utilities. prior to the placement of flit in each respective canyon. Ii 8 q rSiO e @ 2r/o' 9.. The exact location of the sutdrains shall be surveyed In the field for tine and grade. �IIIIiii� o b III' =v (-� g, Approved drainage provisions and protective measures moist be used to protect adjoining properties during the I A i ' o ,_�.__=�I'I�1 BOTTOMLESS TRENCH DRAIN grading operation. 10. ALL trench backfills shall be compacted throughout to a minimun of 90 percent relative aompactian, and APPROVES I ICI \�i' / o d o lilt -A111I ` _ q, Cesspools and septic, tanks shall be abandoned in camptianca with the Uniform Plumbing Cade and approved by the BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. The Building Department may require coring of concrete flat work placed over untested "I _ R ..t1�! -A1ll EROSION BAGS backfilts to facilitate testing. bl 0 , O G Building Official. ' � 1"TtE�IG a � FROST w 99. The stockpiling of excess material shall be approved by the City Grading Engineer. fI i - '- - -- 10, Haul routes for import or export of materials shalt be approved by the City Traffic Engineer and procedures Soil: 6 �.; '. ' JOTRjOT pit ; �! I shall conform with Chapter 95 of the NBMC. 12, Landscaping of all slopes and pads shell be in accordance with Chapter 15 of the NBMC. ' , i.'. 't1'� :I'Apjj` Tji�N - �.� ��T� 6#t1'P'i;E EI>•�'�� �i Positive drainage shalt be maintained away from all building and slope areas, 13. All cut slopes shall be investigated both during and after grading by an engineering geologist to determine it Al ,.... BASIN �I 1. CATCH any stability problem exists. Should excavation lest lase any geological cal hazards or potential geological eat _T -- .._ "'°^° i.... '' "" ^•°^:.':ms's...' . "..� .ri i tRA: �. Failure to request inspections andlor have removable erosion control devices on -site at the appropriate times hazards, the engineering geologist shall reco,ameend and submit necessary' treatment te, the City Grading Engineer H 84 . A2 shalt result in forfeiture of the construction site cleanup deposit. for approval. ,,. �dC+ 8 2A 43: }r. 47 v PURPOSED INSTALL i { 18 8' '� 5a. A ' SILT PROTECTION 1$. All Plastid drainage pips shall consist of PVC or 'ABS plastic and either ASTM 2751, ASTM D1527, ASTM 03034 or ; 74, geologist support of buttressing he cut and ine rat slopes ia. approval si n, necessary by the engineering ti s fom I .'� ?� ` 8 .iii ,fete :q. - ASTM D978 5. geologist and soils engineer, the sails engineer will obtain approval of design, local, on and calculations from I •- Z '• :x,.73,;,,- .. '� �:�.:, i' the City Grading Engineer prior to construction. ?a'9$89'r W,I�'ii STE! TSili Jai" ' A eAA?A Cif wl,IA sfE @L TiSd # fi �. 74. No paint, plaster, Dement, sail, mortar or other residue shall be allowed to enter streets, curbs, .gutters or storm I �� 75. The engineering geologist and soils engineer shalt inspect and post the et ion.ucti on of all buttress fills and r drains. All, material end waste shall be removed from the site. NBMC 17.32.020 attest to the stability of the steps and adjacent structures upon eaaptetion. I , iatale'iS'Uj.'ggi ,dlrgijsWida uipBfeArJ,aSSU hyHI,DBding :i3elnps i'ii6jlwayUdi{pt• W t 44" a#�E)I?catW WOW, csuer i useJ Saf.iiilNti -1 L 101 1 %e `lBfl Ai i CONTROL acr a® P1101:1011 G I d b h oar rods the an inearin [ t h t! d to 'f th !>ed k ' y j#ffS j9G�$wBy$Bnd ViDMkip -A+ Yyjh i ![ STORM DRAIN EROSION BAGS L PIPE � CATCH BASIN BERM DETAIL 2 BAGS MIN, EROSION BAGS i PICAL TYPICAL SECTION ELEVATION porforotlon @ bottom. 16• NOTES: nspeet ohs will be outlined at the meting. I Sheet flow through law' awn I. GRAVEL BAGS ARE ENCOURAGED OVER THE USE OF SANDBAGS AND MAY BE REQUIRED IN SRAOING ftLLSlCt1T9 3. A geologic e, grading report prepared by the engineering geologist, including a final description effect off geology AREAS WHICH ARE PARTICULARLY SENSITIVE S OF S of the site, including any now 9pprovef.ion disclosed during the grading and the effect h same cy area or 15' Min. French Crushed Rock 5 • 2. PLACE EROSION BAGS TO COVER TOP OF AREA DRAINS RAIN DEPOSITION. EXPECTED PRIOR TO I recommendations incorporated in the approved grading plan. Ha shalt provide written approval as 4n the adequacy I % �a MIN 4` PIPE A E LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. 9, Graded stopas shall be no steeper than 2 horizontal to t vertical. of the site for the intended uese as affected by geologic factors. i drain in crushed rock bed Filter Cloth { wrapped with filter cloth Lop 6" p Top. f \Genera( GradingSpec 4.91 I is acce table.. Loca French te 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach I drain in the front BRASS AREA D R A I t\I ® E TA I L ' A yard away from foundations. PEni on a rc» PiFC 5 N .T.S. LEGEND - 1} A �Ii T•!w`0.". ."AL 47[ 1 ;' � a -' -- A ' u: =: � t MVAL OFANYa,Y TREES REQUIRES PREVI�AP A� O N S TR U C TI O N NOTES: , t L FROM GENERAL SERVICESDEPARTMOgT•. s r 1 S I sw I Ci.' nT i 1l�£} ? FtJ Li£3 #D i� iV1 T4%Ii7%?: PROViDETREESINTHEPA AWAY AM OTNING THIS are To 1 INSTALL 4" DIAMETER PVC SDR 35 AREA DRAIN PIPE. FL TC TOP CUR = FLOWLINE� ,. W -AMLPi �pl TkT f L T SIv�i# tN � k4 i' T ; YHESATISFAMONOF7H9.6ENNERAI zvlCt"C9E!'M7MENr 2 CONSTRUCT 6° THICK P.C.C. DRIVEWAY (onsfte) PER GE07ECHNICAL FS = FINISH SURFACE 12 :SJz t (949) 644 3083. APPROVAL FROM GeHENALSMWCEsIS o- RECOMMENDATIONS. l REQUIRED%THE BUILDING INSPECTION CARS PRIOR TO TIM =TOP WALL III • L7At11 4Nmu-nrw ' Q-- CONSTRUCT 4" CONC SID �... �. �/v'f,' n r ✓4LL I 22j AT T T ITi1 T Y b 1 5' fl 3i i°1 GTTC3IjIS $L !Ti z TT ]7 i�JLi f7PI )3I i`k ` AAA 0irc u Ia-s I� SH'AL I B� ItiL�kJ�E LIi�ITJF��D, (Nit �� .: t1T.Z itJCJJ i ACi1 i T 1J S° 'i l i "R Tad3�GIC �13ff 27I �A Tx. ' ER ®SOON �N1T� ®ET Al IS ,T, , 5 G��;Kf�C1ot S /��J f� >3J� P3//Il�il �>� w j ll/l c.4/✓%�1 CL EWALKS (onslte) PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL BAGS PER DETAIL. I 16, When cut pe s are rang t to n 9 9 g Sao agts s a a rmenet a nee es extens,veiy fractured or faulted and will readily transmit water. If considered necessary by the engineering geologist and :....�a'. ) QY,dt! CG$ sSlO -Tta}Ttbh :tprACi710YgtOrAd•: dlil4u'.xilneG , ! i. i 1. temporary erosion control tans are e r ampo Y P e requ,r d from October 95 to May 9S. I soils engineer, a compacted fill blanket will be placed. I - GGB.. tit'S'td SS`- iIJEBdt' YaNb;^ VJ" jij046aGi910'; DCavgyk! '(?j,BC$tigtli9 "' :'Dpt(jBK$'UO' - "Z446 (:O iW+l+ CONTROL PER DETAIL C41iSTRIsCj _tJR.�pinfNC1��!yJJI 2. Erosion contral devices shall be available on site between October 95 and May 15. � 77. The engineering geologist shalt perform periodic inspections during grading. I _ Sgai;b f ter) g TDY'e pDUnng >onuet�., lipids °frame.m pb$91ion; inisii :'811u nino.US pbti(i "tx�rai4udlxGd: iulf : f n np� io SE,':� "A•2�I)t piriGE "u ^$S ` ,?/2 X7,9 >� 31 Between October 15 and May 15, erosion control measures shalt be in place at the end of each working day whenever the Ia. Notifidation of Noncompliance: if, in the course of fulfilling their responsibility, the civil engineer, the I ® a " ENHANCED PATIO AND WALKW TRW = "ve -day probability of rain exceeds 3o percent. During the remainder of the year, they shalt be in place at the end soils engineer, the engineering geologist or the testing agency finds that the work is not being done in I d e NOS 6" of the working day, whenever the daily rainfail probability exceeds 50 percent. W conformance with the approved grading plans, the discrepancies shalt be reported immediately in writing to the Q FINISHED ROUND BRASS GRATE �x person In charge of the grading work and to tho City Grading Engineer, Recommendations for corrective measures, I SURFACE . 4. Landscaping plans shalt be submitted for approval, work completed and a certificate of conformance received by if necessary, shall be submitted to the City Grading Engineer for approval, I 111 THIOKOL i „ qtr �,` C� � �_. the City Grading Engineer prior to closure of permit, unless waived by the City Grading Engineer, { _rte SEAL DaCUMF.NTATIDN I PITCH 5, T ram desittin basins, what) r e Y g squired, shall be installed and maintained for the duration of the project. 1• An as•built grading plan shall be prepared by the civil engineer including original ground surface etevations, " ' PITCH REtlUIRED_INSPEL`TfONS 2. ' as-graded ground surface elevations, lot drainage pasterns and locations, and elevations of all surface and sub- ! Desi the gn drainage _ ,; .: , ,• .,.' • : ^. >: ,,., :' ;�',;..,.'•.•• ., -. - , . .. ,.. j surface facilities. No shell provide written approval that she work was done in accordone with she system to retain •.. x j 9. A mooting shat( be scheduled hours prior to start of grading with the following � Job proved g ,final approved grading plan and steto the nttr6aer of yards of cut nw! /ar fill moved during the operation. I ra 'concentrated 4.' Concrete or 6" Topsoil i Of Sheets people present: owner, grading en swoon, grading contractor, design civil engineer, soil$ engineer, geologist, city Grading Engineer ar their re r anent ' 2. R Soils grading < i ( g report prepared by the soils engineer, including locations and elevation of field density tests. and surface _� III p aL7V as. Required field inspections ns Will be outlined at the meeting. y sutmaries of field and Laboratory results and saber substantiated data and comments on any changes made during ; sheet flow.waterfrom dry- - -�-I�"-- °- °°- �"'_ -•-- - 4" Z. A re• I P paring meeting shall be scheduled 48 hours prior grading and their effect on the recommsrdations made in the Sail$ engineering investigation report. He shall weather run off and minor SDR -35 PIPE to start of the sub -grade preparation for the paving with I the fallowing People owner, contractor, provide written approval as to the adequacy of the site for the intended use and completion of work in ... .-I „ . present: paving design civil engineer, soils engineer, City Grading accordance with the job specifications. rain events w' Rhin the. 3 French dra ' Engineer or their re resenYaYives Required field t site.. in STORM DRAIN EROSION BAGS L PIPE � CATCH BASIN BERM DETAIL 2 BAGS MIN, EROSION BAGS i PICAL TYPICAL SECTION ELEVATION porforotlon @ bottom. 16• NOTES: nspeet ohs will be outlined at the meting. I Sheet flow through law' awn I. GRAVEL BAGS ARE ENCOURAGED OVER THE USE OF SANDBAGS AND MAY BE REQUIRED IN SRAOING ftLLSlCt1T9 3. A geologic e, grading report prepared by the engineering geologist, including a final description effect off geology AREAS WHICH ARE PARTICULARLY SENSITIVE S OF S of the site, including any now 9pprovef.ion disclosed during the grading and the effect h same cy area or 15' Min. French Crushed Rock 5 • 2. PLACE EROSION BAGS TO COVER TOP OF AREA DRAINS RAIN DEPOSITION. EXPECTED PRIOR TO I recommendations incorporated in the approved grading plan. Ha shalt provide written approval as 4n the adequacy I % �a MIN 4` PIPE A E LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. 9, Graded stopas shall be no steeper than 2 horizontal to t vertical. of the site for the intended uese as affected by geologic factors. i drain in crushed rock bed Filter Cloth { wrapped with filter cloth Lop 6" p Top. f \Genera( GradingSpec 4.91 I is acce table.. Loca French te 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach I drain in the front BRASS AREA D R A I t\I ® E TA I L ' A yard away from foundations. PEni on a rc» PiFC 5 N .T.S. LEGEND - 1} A �Ii T•!w`0.". ."AL 47[ 1 ;' � a -' -- A ' u: =: � t MVAL OFANYa,Y TREES REQUIRES PREVI�AP A� O N S TR U C TI O N NOTES: , t L FROM GENERAL SERVICESDEPARTMOgT•. s r 1 S I sw I Ci.' nT i 1l�£} ? FtJ Li£3 #D i� iV1 T4%Ii7%?: PROViDETREESINTHEPA AWAY AM OTNING THIS are To 1 INSTALL 4" DIAMETER PVC SDR 35 AREA DRAIN PIPE. FL TC TOP CUR = FLOWLINE� ,. W -AMLPi �pl TkT f L T SIv�i# tN � k4 i' T ; YHESATISFAMONOF7H9.6ENNERAI zvlCt"C9E!'M7MENr 2 CONSTRUCT 6° THICK P.C.C. DRIVEWAY (onsfte) PER GE07ECHNICAL FS = FINISH SURFACE 12 :SJz t (949) 644 3083. APPROVAL FROM GeHENALSMWCEsIS o- RECOMMENDATIONS. l REQUIRED%THE BUILDING INSPECTION CARS PRIOR TO TIM =TOP WALL III • L7At11 4Nmu-nrw ' Q-- CONSTRUCT 4" CONC SID �... �. �/v'f,' n r ✓4LL I 22j AT T T ITi1 T Y b 1 5' fl 3i i°1 GTTC3IjIS $L !Ti z TT ]7 i�JLi f7PI )3I i`k ` AAA 0irc u Ia-s I� SH'AL I B� ItiL�kJ�E LIi�ITJF��D, (Nit �� .: t1T.Z itJCJJ i ACi1 i T 1J S° 'i l i "R Tad3�GIC �13ff 27I �A Tx. ' ER ®SOON �N1T� ®ET Al IS ,T, , 5 G��;Kf�C1ot S /��J f� >3J� P3//Il�il �>� w j ll/l c.4/✓%�1 CL rri4i rs°�a.7 t AYS'PER DETAILS BY OTHERS. 'T APOE '�T" T x,13 13ll' sT7 (it. ALL I Q- "5L a7 PAAi % � S�4 fO%G '..9' v > WV = WATER VALVE.. INM T*Fp;TI�ST-AKPA ;f' 7 ATl ;'•iITP C3 I++1BT3; wtTH FBI LC I 9Q- CONCRETE SLAB PER GEOTECHNJCAL RECOMMENDATIONS. T5 _ WATER TAIRS Rl., .X T o '�ii'A5', CONSTRUCT 4" DIA. PRIVATE D AIN THROUGH CURB PER CITY STD N0. 184 =L BS = BOTTOM STAIRS CONSTRUCT TRENCH DRAIN PER DETAI fjjS �r TO =TOP GRATE J Ternporary Excavation Along'Prperty Line � 6) Il FXTS ll ('I d fie t T ? T2 Ez MOCf WO F )I4iST AY A1.0 CLJ,'ANOU'T ,.:...:....,_ . SITf�xi.1: 6� W "I A�'1 ' : OUR 'A I a.... _ .._._.. it .. ... o Ag .. - ,. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. i� dlX) AS REQUIRED Y THE INV = INVERT T14- 1r XIS'T'640 ANN) pTL`(D�'4} L�# WATfik- 3i4E R3 JN T l ;Lli�'y DF = DEEPEND FOOTING iALi, l CrL T 1yll�f� i i1 P)D VL C 1 1'R.f� 'I% fill /� C� w 5,�-'Cf Gj/LO�a7� J3ET &t WIV i s A , J " ....: ;, yO,P.' :x ..,;:..1 ..... y..91 .� • -fir : t �1j ,{y¢ytJa, �� ��ivn,.� '/ T'• b. L_' t,. i- ' ; L,',.� '+�'.•.•rn+e•... ... ,: rnw.,.v,m+:e...wrc:n.,' :•n::Ma tm ,/' �y� R•MN' n`.,,N. rMa,[ tinf?,'ICJW. fjl'.+ ,.•Fr 'v- .,.i�LY3.9M4MryT Iry t \4 �• � ��t1�t�f I` NA '. �, -• ��: :fit',. ���'�'I����Ic t : i 1 rrrrrrrrrrr .s EWALKS (onslte) PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL BAGS PER DETAIL. FF = GFF = FINISH FLOOR GARAGE FINISH FLOOR BY 5a - i INSTALL 6" GREEN NOS 80 OR APROVED SIMILAR AREA DRAIN AND EROSION BW = BACK WALK - - �14, Y°� O- CONTROL PER DETAIL C41iSTRIsCj _tJR.�pinfNC1��!yJJI TBM = SCO =SEWER TEMPORARY BENCFG ARK CLEANOUTI I ,?/2 X7,9 >� 0/S = OFFSET �,��� t-y I 0 I ® a i Q7 -- ENHANCED PATIO AND WALKW TRW = TOP RETAINING WALL a ro d e rri4i rs°�a.7 t AYS'PER DETAILS BY OTHERS. 'T APOE '�T" T x,13 13ll' sT7 (it. ALL I Q- "5L a7 PAAi % � S�4 fO%G '..9' v > WV = WATER VALVE.. INM T*Fp;TI�ST-AKPA ;f' 7 ATl ;'•iITP C3 I++1BT3; wtTH FBI LC I 9Q- CONCRETE SLAB PER GEOTECHNJCAL RECOMMENDATIONS. T5 _ WATER TAIRS Rl., .X T o '�ii'A5', CONSTRUCT 4" DIA. PRIVATE D AIN THROUGH CURB PER CITY STD N0. 184 =L BS = BOTTOM STAIRS CONSTRUCT TRENCH DRAIN PER DETAI fjjS �r TO =TOP GRATE J Ternporary Excavation Along'Prperty Line � 6) Il FXTS ll ('I d fie t T ? T2 Ez MOCf WO F )I4iST AY A1.0 CLJ,'ANOU'T ,.:...:....,_ . SITf�xi.1: 6� W "I A�'1 ' : OUR 'A I a.... _ .._._.. it .. ... o Ag .. - ,. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. i� dlX) AS REQUIRED Y THE INV = INVERT T14- 1r XIS'T'640 ANN) pTL`(D�'4} L�# WATfik- 3i4E R3 JN T l ;Lli�'y DF = DEEPEND FOOTING iALi, l CrL T 1yll�f� i i1 P)D VL C 1 1'R.f� 'I% fill /� C� w 5,�-'Cf Gj/LO�a7� J3ET &t WIV i s A , J " ....: ;, yO,P.' :x ..,;:..1 ..... y..91 .� • -fir : t �1j ,{y¢ytJa, �� ��ivn,.� '/ T'• b. L_' t,. i- ' ; L,',.� '+�'.•.•rn+e•... ... ,: rnw.,.v,m+:e...wrc:n.,' :•n::Ma tm ,/' �y� R•MN' n`.,,N. rMa,[ tinf?,'ICJW. fjl'.+ ,.•Fr 'v- .,.i�LY3.9M4MryT Iry t \4 �• � ��t1�t�f I` NA '. �, -• ��: :fit',. ���'�'I����Ic t : i 1 rrrrrrrrrrr .s \.k,: �9 a REVISIONS BY W � I t-y I 0 I ® a C - U _ O a ro d e W Q a o �x O N 111 i „ qtr �,` C� � �_. , • `,t..r, �' _rte 2. ' i Date YI Drawn Job Sheet Of Sheets \.k,: �9 a a 31_ . � ' �' ` .. � �. ;/ __ :.G,y�. �l�n i= .:,.. ?''.=-`'`. `"`�� ���i.:J � � � � flu �. P'� < � - � � .. 'C.. I�`� 0 , �R:. ✓: �/': �I' � .. .. � l �� f � � � i. ! X l SYM SIDE OFT FOUNDATION PLAN NOTES —NAILS EDGE FRAMING NOTES: CRD. 91008 UPPER F112. A35 �g ONE 180 BI(gCED LATH LC.B.O.O11823 UNEILK'D W/16 CA. STAPLES 6 12 1. SEE SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEET SN -1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 24° D.C. � N ONE 280 2. BUILDING PAD SOIL BEARING VALUE SHOULD BE AT LEAST 1500 P.C.f. 6 1, USE SD2 FOR TOP PLATE SPLICE, 16d O 6' 16' O,Q 3. CEMENT USED IN FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE TYPE V. UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER. o 2, p ROOF DIAPHRAGM PER 1/2° COX, PLYWOOD W /ed ®6;6:12 WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILL, 3X STUDS O BOUNDARIES, & 3X TOP PLATE, OFFSET ADJOINING PANELS ON OPPOSING SIDES. USE MIN. 4X END POST. - C THE FLOOR SLAB SHALL BE POURED LEVEL TO WITHIN 1/8 INCH IN 10 FEET. WALL CONSTRUCTION: 2X SILL. STUDS. & TOP PLATES. USE END POST PER HOLDOWN REQUIREMENTS x SAP T S WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILLO FOUNDATION, 2X SILL O RAISED FLOOR OR SECOND STORY, 3X STUDS O ADJOINING PANELS, & 2 -2X TOP PLATES. USE 3X END POST (MIN) OR AS REOD BY HOLDOWN TWO 18641 3/8 PLYWD (24/0) 1 8d 1 4 1 12 5/0" O 16' 3 /6'OO7- 0.4 5.5' O.C. T WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILL, 3X STUDS 0 BOUNDARIES, & 3X TOP PLATE, OFFSET ADJOINING PANELS ON OPPOSING SIDES. USE MIN. 0 END POST. (COMMON NAIL) PANEL_ SPAN RATING 24/0 OR BETTER. ;sAx ONE 550 3/8° PLYWD (24/0) 1 8d 1 3 1 12 1 5/8" O 2el 16d O 3' 1 8' O.C. 5. THE FLOOR SLAB AND FOUNDATION MAY BE POURED HOMOGENEOUSLY (AT THE T1N0 F 1 3/8' PLYMD (24/0) 8d 3 12 5/8' O i6' /B "DOT O.q 8° O.C. 0 ES. �� DECK & FLOOR DIAPHRAGM 3/4° COX, PLYWOOD T& G W /10d 0 6:6:10 WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILL- 3X STUDS O BOUNDARIES, & 3X TOP PLATE, OFFSET ADJOINING PANELS ON OPPOSING SIDES. USE MIN. 4X END POST. 3AX ONE 730 3 /B° PLYWD (24/0) 1 8d 1 2 1 12 5/8' O 16-1 16d O 2° 1 6° O.C. SAME TIME) OR IN TWO POURS, WITH A COLD JOIN BETWEEN THE SLAB AND FOUNDATION, WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILLO FOUNDATION, 2X SILL 0 RAISED FLOOR OR SECOND STORY( 3X BLK'G, 3X STUDS O ADJOINING PANELS, & 2 -2X TOP PLATES. USE 3% END POST (MIN) OR AS REO'0 Y HOLDOWN' (COMMON NAIL), U.N.O. PANEL I.D. RATING 32/16 OR BETTER, TWO 114641 3/8" PLYWD (24/0) 1 8d 1 16-1/2'007.5- 07p- 6° O.C. 0 E.S. i " WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILL. 3% STUDS O BOUNDARIES, & 3X TOP PLATE. OFFSET. ADJOINING PANELS ON OPPOSING SIDES. USE MIN. 4X END POST. AT THE CONTRACTORS DISCRESSION. THE DETAILS DRAWN GENERALLY SHOW TWO POURS. ONE 870 15/32" PLYWD (32/lr3)1 10d 1 2 1 12 5/8° O 16'1 16d O 2° 5' O.C. 3. ROOFING MATERIAL ON THE ROOF SHALL NOT EXCEED 6.5 POUNDS, 7W0 1740 15/32° F'LYWD (32/16) tOd 2 12 5/8' O e° /2 °W06° O. 5' O.0 DES. 6. ANCHOR BOLTS: AT ALL EXTERIOR' WALLS, INSTALL A 5/8" DIA, ANC. BOLTS 0 48" D.C. Date 4. SIZE OF EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR STUD WALLS SHOULD Drawn WITH MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 7 INCHES INTO CONCRETE- tIA-0. ON SHEAR WALL SCHE0-, Sheet' = 'r. MATCH WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS, Sheets INCLUDING AT LEATST ONE WITHIN A MAXIMUM OF 12" FROM EACH END. PLATES SMALLER CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: THAN 24" IN LENGTH, SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AT LEAST TWO ANC. BOLTS UNLESS �I - ALL INTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE 2x4 STUDS 0 16" o.C., U,N.O. - EXTERRIOR WALLS: FIRST STORY SHALL BE 30 SECOND & OTHERWISE INDICATED ON PLANS. PROVIDE ALL EXTERIOR WALLS AS INDICATED ON PLANS. THIERD STORY SHALL BE 2x4 STUDS @ 16" ox. SEE FLOOR FRAMING PLAN FOR REFERENCE IN PROVIDING AN EXTENSION OF.ANCHOR BOLTS 5, SEE STRUCTURAL NOTES FOR HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ABOVE CONCRETE. HARDWARE SHALL BE TIED INPLACE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. 6. ALL HARDWARE PRODUCTION PRONDE BY SIMPSON STRONG- TILCOM. 7. SHOT PINS: 7" 7 0 12Z - 1.95' -4,0 •. . - 7. ALL STRUCTURAL BEAM/BEAM, BEAM /COLUMN AND COLUMN /FOUNDATION MUST BE - POSITIVELY CONNECTED WITH SIMPSON OR EQUIVALENT CONNECTORS IRREGARDLESS 8. FOUNDATION SILL PLATE SHALL BE TREATED LUMBER OR FOUNDATION RED WOOD. OF LACK OF CONNECTION DETAILING ON PLANS. !I STANDARD CONNECTIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. HOLDOWNS: SEE FOUNDATION PLAN OR FLOOR FRAMING PLAN FOR REFERENCE TO HOLDOWN LOCATION AND HARDWARE EXTENSIONS TO CONCRETE FOUNDATION. F BEAM /COLUMN SIMPSON "CCQ" OR EQUIVALENT U.N.O. PLAN BEAM/BEAM SIMPSON "HUY" OR EQUIVALENT U.N.O. ON PLAN SEE: FOR HOLDOWN DETAILS. 8. ANY PLUMBING DRAIN PIPE OR VENT PIPE CUT THROUGH STUD WALL SHALL BE 2x6 STUD SD2 WALL OR TWO 20 STUD WALLS WITH PLYWOOD SHEAR PANEL ON NON- PLUMBING WALL ' 10. RESIDENTIAL FLOOR SLAB: PLACE SLAB REINFORCEMENT IN CENTER OF SLAB. REINFORCEMENT i 9. CUTTING AND NOTCHING: IN EXTERIOR AND BEARING PARTITIONS, ANY WOOD STUDS �. SHALL BE CHAIRED AND TIED IN PLACE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. A VISQUEEN VAPOR MAY BE CUT OR NOTCHED TO A DEPTH NOT EXCEEDING mss nF ITC unTH mirnNC na kmrNINn nr Q' inC Tn A SYM SIDE OFT MATERIAL —NAILS EDGE FIELD CRD. 91008 UPPER F112. A35 �g ONE 180 BI(gCED LATH LC.B.O.O11823 UNEILK'D W/16 CA. STAPLES 6 12 5/8" 0 48" 96d O 8' 24° D.C. � N ONE 280 3/8° PLYWD (24/0) 8d 6 1 12 5/8° O 48' 16d O 6' 16' O,Q W . WALL CONSTRUCTION: 2X SILL, STUDS, & TOP PLATES. USE END POST PER HOLDOWN REQUIREMENTS o TWO 552 3/8"' PLYWD (24/0) 8d 6 92 5/8' O 24-1 318 "007' 0 . 10' O.C. pw] Z WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILL, 3X STUDS O BOUNDARIES, & 3X TOP PLATE, OFFSET ADJOINING PANELS ON OPPOSING SIDES. USE MIN. 4X END POST. ONE 1350 1 378° PLYWD (24/0) 1 8d 1 4 1 12 5/8° O 32-1 16d O 3' 12' O.C. QT WALL CONSTRUCTION: 2X SILL. STUDS. & TOP PLATES. USE END POST PER HOLDOWN REQUIREMENTS x ONE 14301 3/8° PLYWD (2470) 1 8d 1 4 1 12 5/8' O 32-116d 0 3° 1 10 O.C. T S WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILLO FOUNDATION, 2X SILL O RAISED FLOOR OR SECOND STORY, 3X STUDS O ADJOINING PANELS, & 2 -2X TOP PLATES. USE 3X END POST (MIN) OR AS REOD BY HOLDOWN TWO 18641 3/8 PLYWD (24/0) 1 8d 1 4 1 12 5/0" O 16' 3 /6'OO7- 0.4 5.5' O.C. T WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILL, 3X STUDS 0 BOUNDARIES, & 3X TOP PLATE, OFFSET ADJOINING PANELS ON OPPOSING SIDES. USE MIN. 0 END POST. ;sAx ONE 550 3/8° PLYWD (24/0) 1 8d 1 3 1 12 1 5/8" O 2el 16d O 3' 1 8' O.C. AZ\ WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SLLO FOUNDATION 2X SILL O RAISED FLOOR OR SECOND STORY, 3X STUDS O ADJOINING PANELS, & 2 -2X TOP I Xki. USE 3X END POST (MIN) OR AS REDO BY HOLDOWN T1N0 F 1 3/8' PLYMD (24/0) 8d 3 12 5/8' O i6' /B "DOT O.q 8° O.C. 0 ES. WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILL- 3X STUDS O BOUNDARIES, & 3X TOP PLATE, OFFSET ADJOINING PANELS ON OPPOSING SIDES. USE MIN. 4X END POST. 3AX ONE 730 3 /B° PLYWD (24/0) 1 8d 1 2 1 12 5/8' O 16-1 16d O 2° 1 6° O.C. 6A 3\ WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILLO FOUNDATION, 2X SILL 0 RAISED FLOOR OR SECOND STORY( 3X BLK'G, 3X STUDS O ADJOINING PANELS, & 2 -2X TOP PLATES. USE 3% END POST (MIN) OR AS REO'0 Y HOLDOWN' TWO 114641 3/8" PLYWD (24/0) 1 8d 1 16-1/2'007.5- 07p- 6° O.C. 0 E.S. i " WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILL. 3% STUDS O BOUNDARIES, & 3X TOP PLATE. OFFSET. ADJOINING PANELS ON OPPOSING SIDES. USE MIN. 4X END POST. 3AX ONE 870 15/32" PLYWD (32/lr3)1 10d 1 2 1 12 5/8° O 16'1 16d O 2° 5' O.C. A WALL. CONSTRUCTION: 3X SILL* FOUNDATION, 2X SILL O RAISED FLOOR OR SECOND STORY(O /3X BLK °G, 3% STUDS O ADJOINING PANELS, & 2 -2X TOP PLATES. USE 3X END POST MIN) OR AS REOII Y HOLDOWN; 7W0 1740 15/32° F'LYWD (32/16) tOd 2 12 5/8' O e° /2 °W06° O. 5' O.0 DES. In` _ i WALL CONSTRUCTION: 3% SILL. 3X STUDS O BOUNDARIES, & 3X TOP PLATE, OFFSET ADJOINING PANELS ON OPPOSING SIDES. USE MIN, 4X END POST. BY I � N I b—M U0 6 V _ ZO W . I O o I—� pw] Z Q x n, , i. j ' ( r f i " In` _ i Date Scale Drawn Job Sheet' = 'r. Of ` Sheets REVISIONS BY N CJ � a O Lill .wa z a W a _ z W, o o _''�%�- �.�`•, -rte` J 9 ifc `i z v A i 1 pate Scale ,, 't Drawn Job Sheet OV : 9h'eets 30 %42 PRINTED ON NO. 1000H CLEARPRINT® _ —_ y i i 80X42 PRINTED oN No.J008N CLEARPRINT® LEGEND I , pry r �- 't t-4}i Light Switch (3 =3 way) Surface Mount Ceiling Light Fixture ! f - Surface Mount Wall Light Fixture S K� t Recessed Can Light Fixture s 'Duplex Outlet (l IOV) ti ¢ =Q)Z-' /z Hot Outlet J22 0 Volt Outlet � ' GF). Outlet (WP= Waterproof) Exhaust Fan - „ �VlICable TV Sts �✓�. — Phone Jack SD= Smoke Detector — NOTES • Edison Co. approval is required for meter location, prior to installation. • Electrical Service shall be underground. • Field Inspector shall review and approve underground service prior to pouring concrete. • Service shall be grounded to 20' long rebar placed in foundation. • Maintain 3 feet clearance from face of meter to any wall, fence or obstruction. • Fixtures on plan noted with "flrsc" shall be fluorescent . o Electrical outlets, lighting, and smoke detectors in bedrooms shall be on Arc -Fault circuit interrupter. e Lighting integral with exhaust fans in rooms other than kitchens shall comply -- p T J� with efficiency requirements. e Permanently installed high efficiency luminaries shall be switched separately. ® I3xhaust fans shall be switched separately, unless fan has integral lighting system' with manual on/off switch, allowing fan to operate independently of integral w. lighting system. • 50% minimum of kitchen lighting wattage is to be high efficiency and switched } separately. • Lighting in bathrooms, garage, laundry room, closets and utility morns shall be } high efficiency OR equipped with manual -on occupant sensor. ® Lighting in all bedrooms, halts, living room, den, family rooms shall be high '. � � � : ; /t� � " °• „,�„„,��,`' efficiency OR controlled by manual -on occupant sensor or dimmer. ® Exterior buildin g mounted li g htin g shall be hi gh efficiency, unless controlled. b y manual -on/off switch, motion sensor Wout override or bypass switch that disables motion sensor AND: a) photo control not having an override or bypass switch, j OR b) astronomical time clock not having an override or bypass switch, OR. c) ` energy management control system (FMCS) w /out an override or bypass switch that allows luminaries to always be on.__ I. I f e o� s�9 fi1,t� r I r cl 6 a� M 1 N % T,. VL/ 4� V I/F S% ✓:Gab i! ° 9°l h - ? T j'! ►� 3 Ica �I M Ni mow: w a e Cfll' OP NEWP01 \T BLACK PUILDING DEPARTMENT ER A fl F' CTNOWLEDGE111 J1'. R IDAMA(l . SIT", URL (SIGNATBRE) riP IS tSf h _ -- 1 Br Pt r�,a, u" ,1L f PREVISIONS., BY'. 6' ,� U0 w H . � u d a C) �-v R w z 0 ° o o - z a 1... {: �x n 1° y i I � 1 p 4 I r ( 1 f i IJ 4 Date , Scale P Drawn Job Sheet AV of Sheets d, I ,t�- INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE M. Attachment No. ZA 4 Condominium Inspection Report 15 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 3o CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 www.newportbeachca . gov 1(949)644-3200 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION INSPECTION REPORT (CHECKLIST) Inspection Fee: $246.00 per unit No. Units Condo Conv. No. ($123.00/hr -2 hrs minimum) Address: &\ Date: 6(0 Existing Occ: Grp Q3 (o Type of Construction: Owner: V A 0 6KAr► Phone Number: Assigned to Inspector: Db �'LZV Date: OG 26-/ Phone: (949)644-32(9- THE FOLLOWING CHECKLIST WILL BE USED DURING THE INSPECTION TO VERIFY EXISTING BUILDING CONDITIONS AND COMPLIANCE TO MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR THE CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION. A. EACH UNIT MUST COMPLY WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Does the unit(s) meet minimum sanitation requirements? (y)X- (n) Comment. 2. Does the unit meet minimum structural and occupancy standards? (y) f� ±(n)F(�'�r Comment. �L U(J RO U vNbt_ Cr]n1S�2ue'irO N'S> N0 Cor'x?l_kPINY q77 S Tt^^� 3. Does the unit meet minimum exiting safety standards? (y) l7-r- -(n) Or- ",- % Comment. —1� rCpA_ Uri iT Qom. 1— A20rr4 'T UrJ�T USER C6NSTn13c"rtaP3 kt'�D r`v0 % Q M,PLtAa�% Fa cK�S 'Fk^ IF . 4. Does the unit meet minimum plumbing standards? (y) (n) Is there a garbage disposal installed on a dedicated circuit? (y) L (n) Comment. 5. Does the unit meet minimum standards of heating and venting? (y) 4 (n) Forms%Condaminium Conwrsion lnspeplion Repon 06109114 1 O7 6. Does the unit meet minimum standards for electrical safety? (y)'� Comment. 14C-R4L Jr, +r-(L0r3 + ur l t T UtJbL1Z CUrJS� RucS70oJ B. EACH UNIT MUST COMPLY WITH CURRENT MINIMUM LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. 7. Do the existing stairs and handrails comply with minimum safety requirements of Chapter 10 Section CRC 2013 R311.7? (y) i{n) ( -aOlf Did they comply when originally constructed? (y) =n) Comment. t 2 J rl i A 0 V-- . QRdoJ T Ja1 t`4 ur to (L Cocas "rk J e7-r W-1 P'es0 007 C6w.QL-,mi da % 8. Do the existing guardrails comply with minimum safety requirements of Section CRC 2013 R312? (y) —gcP*) Did they comply when originally constructed? (y) X (n) C:nmment_ fZtSA(1 -Uf-I '�, 6V-- C�Xdr,$ t)a.1IT- UrJ60NL d�3SI RJL tJc� f�,sSU !g+ THIS Tir.nrL. 9. Are smoke detectors /carbon monoxide alarms installed in each bedroom and other required locations per Section CRC 2013 8314 & R 315? Comment: a-/JS�,-Ia'u -- C/zs,Q f &3 r^ 6r-b&,nls Sl IFZrP,e 1r (W &IKS ✓cZ N O m tN i m uw, 6 rJc o rJ !rimer-! L,r1 -CL. 10. Is there a required occupancy separation rating? -L hr(s) (y) (n) If so, does it meet the requirements of _ Section CRC 2013 8302.2? (y) n) t= i1'ad" Comment: k2 e(,Nz Uri--, ®�4, C-p4r -j yra;. i j jj Le- eorsS.- ZucTidN Pr--1 l� is O C&-- tit.. I. ANA !? i - fA i S —\ 1 evv� 11. Is the roof a minimum Class C fire retardant roof? (y) -L(n) Owner to submit letter of certification by a licensed roofing contractor of fire retardancy and remaining life of the roof. (y) _(n) -L_ Comment (f Lralss fL IL P46f ' t>J OM B'� r rg'> Nrr-W C.L-l� S /� JW6F o J k_C-o4z- u,� i % X0 ( I , 12. Is safety glazing installed in areas subject to human impact ?(y) -7L(n) Other FormslC.rdominlum Conversion Inspection Report 06/09/14 2 32 C. EACH UNIT IS REQUIRED TO BE INDIVIDUALLY SERVED BY SEPARATE UTILITIES. Note: the City does not consider it feasible to separate sewer piping when existing units are integrally piped through lower units to units above. (Please demonstrate for the inspector that utilities serving the units are not connected.) 13. Is this unit served by its own water meter and piping? (y) (n) Are the materials used in the system approved for the use? (y) (n) Are there apparent cross connection hazards in the system ?(y) �(n)= NOTE: New water service and water meter must go to the secondary unit. Existing water meterand service line must remain with original address. (Contact Water Meter Division with any questions: (949) 644 -3019) Comments: 9 _�I� t� - mrz- i is (—L2 Us i,7- SL` 2 Vic 0. 14. Is this unit served by its own gas meter and piping? (y) X(n) Are the materials used in the system approved for the use? (y) >< Are there apparent safety hazards in the system? (y) 15. is this unit served by its own electric meter and wiring? . (y) )� (n) Is the unit served by a minimum 100amp service? (y) =n) Is a new or relocated service required to be fed underground? (y) (n) Are there apparent safety hazards in the system? (y) ,_____.(n) 16. Is this unit served by its own sewer and piping? (y) (n) Are the materials used in the system approved for the use? (y) (n) Is there an approved cleanout installed at the property line? (y) X (n) Comments: L ra-36L C'L- CAa44vT- S F612ur,-) (-7- S.Cs'2V80. Other Signed By: q'Y rorms\Condominlum Conversion Inspeofion Report 08109/14 %im f❑ Date: 2-2 -) U 3J° INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 40 /_ISM IT i - ,A ki C•w�I_T•lI County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2014 -114 KIM INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 42 POINSETTIA AVENUE °� -- - - - - -- CIL TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 20'4 -114 iin FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES �o�s existing curb and gutter •i 'ms's LOT 20 BLOCK 643 CORONA DEL MAR % ry b s,9�a existing sidewalk •:y OWNER- DEVELOPER go : N 40-34-43'7E 30.02' '•'•.• 7x �•. ' ROBERT VAUGHAN Nw . z un V co 01 116��. 113 EXISTING 2 -STORY RESIDENCE 'FF = 114.16 FA Co 9 w cS io w 77 ?9y N 40 034'04" E U 1 1966 29.99' ' -------- ALLEY 8" vcp sewer on C/L C%L -- - - -''8 -- 6" ACP water < Q 18 and 618 %1 Poinsettia Avenue 201 61 -006 Robert Vaughan 618 POINSETTIA AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR CA 62625 Date of Survey March 10, 2014 20' 40' Scale 1"= 20' No. PLS gnnl Prepared in the office of � Leonard C. Stiles PLS 5023 License expires 12/31/2015 STILES SURVEYING 2209 Carrie Avenue Orange, CA 92667 714- 538 -4276 Fax 714- 289 -4442 e -mail lcstiles@earthllnk.net 3