HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - The Waffle Affair MUP - PA2014-099COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT July 10, 2014 Agenda Item No. 3: SUBJECT: The Waffle Affair MUP - (PA2014 -099) 1064 Bayside Drive Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -022 APPLICANT: Irvine Company PLANNER: Benjamin M. Zdeba, Assistant Planner (949) 644 -3253, bzdeba @newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: CN (Commercial Neighborhood) • General Plan: CN (Neighborhood Commercial) PROJECT SUMMARY A minor use permit to allow the operation of a new food service eating and drinking establishment within an existing commercial shopping center. No late hours (after 11:00 p.m.) or alcohol service is requested as part of the application. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- approving Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -022 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION • The subject tenant space is located within the Bayside Shopping Center. Adjacent uses include multi - family residential communities to the north and south, single - family residential properties to the east across Jamboree Road, and the Bayside Restaurant to the west. 1 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 9 The Waffle Affair MUP Zoning Administrator July 10, 2014 Page 2 • The proposed project includes a Food Service, Eating and Drinking Establishment use which requires a minor use permit when proposed within 500 feet of a residential zoning district. In this case, the nearest residential zoning district is approximately 100 feet directly north of the project site (PC -12, Promontory Point). • The proposed project will be located in a vacant tenant space formerly occupied by a retail bakery (Java Bakery Cafe) in the multi- tenant building of the shopping center. Access to the center is obtained through three separate driveways along Bayside Drive. The shopping center is developed with approximately 56,000 square feet of gross building area comprised of one large multi- tenant building and one smaller pad building. Existing uses within the shopping center include retail sales, personal services, restaurants, and a bank. The nearly 5 -acre site is also developed with a 267 -space parking area. • The General Plan designates this site as Neighborhood Commercial (CN) and the Zoning Code designates the site as Commercial Neighborhood (CN). The CN designation is intended to provide for a limited range of retail and service uses developed in one or more distinct centers oriented to primarily serve the needs of and maintain compatibility with residential uses in the immediate area. The proposed project is consistent with this land use designation as it will provide an additional service within the Bayside Shopping Center to the nearby residential communities. The operation has also been conditioned to help ensure it maintains compatibility with both commercial and residential uses in the immediate area. • The proposed project will improve the 1,316- square -foot vacant tenant space with a 330 - square -foot net public area with seating for up to 20 patrons as well as a kitchen, storage area, and restroom facilities. • The requested hours of operation are between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday, and 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. Staff recommends allowing the establishment to operate between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., daily to allow for greater flexibility. • The Bayside Shopping Center utilizes a shopping center parking requirement consistent with Zoning Code Section 20.40.050 (Parking Requirements for Shopping Centers). Under this section, the shopping center may be parked at a rate of one parking space per every 200 square feet of gross floor area on the condition that it is less than 100,000 square feet in gross building area and has a limited amount of eating and drinking establishment uses (15% of the gross floor area). The change of use from a retail bakery (Java Bakery Cafe) to a food service, eating and drinking establishment use will not necessitate any additional parking space requirements as the eating and drinking establishment uses will comprise 11 % of the gross floor area. • Staff believes the project is compatible with existing and allowed uses within the shopping center and surrounding area and that findings for approval can be made. TmpIt:10 -15 -13 S The Waffle Affair MUP Zoning Administrator July 10, 2014 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilities). This exemption includes the ongoing use of existing buildings where there is negligible or no expansion of use. The proposed project involves interior improvements to an existing tenant space formerly occupied by retail bakery to a food service, eating and drinking establishment which is a negligible expansion of use. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of- way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD An appeal may be filed with the Director following the date of action. For additional Planning Division at (949) 644 -3200. Prepared by: . 1� Be ja i M. eba As ' tant Planner GR/bmz of Community Development within 14 days information on filing an appeal, contact the Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description and Justification ZA 4 Project Plans TmpIt:10 -15 -13 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE w RESOLUTION NO. ZA2014- A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MINOR USE PERMIT NO. UP2014 -022 FOR A FOOD SERVICE, EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT USE LOCATED AT 1064 BAYSIDE DRIVE (PA2014 -099) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by the Irvine Company, with respect to property located at 1040 Bayside Drive, and legally described as Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA 98 -06 requesting approval of a minor use permit. 2. The applicant proposes a minor use permit to allow the operation of a new food service, eating and drinking establishment use within an existing commercial shopping center. No late hours (after 11:00 p.m.) or alcohol service is requested as part of the application. 3. The subject property is located within the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Neighborhood Commercial (CN). 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Neighborhood Commercial (CN). 5. A public hearing was held on July 10, 2014, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15315, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). The Class 1 exemption includes the ongoing use of existing buildings where there is negligible or no expansion of use. 2. The proposed project involves interior improvements to an existing retail bakery tenant space to establish a food service, eating and drinking establishment use and no expansion of gross floor area. Therefore, the project qualifies for a categorical exemption under Class 1. 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Page 2 of 7 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.020.F (Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), the following findings and facts in support of the Minor Use Permit are set forth: Finding: A. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. Facts in Support of Finding: The General Plan Land Use designation for this site is CN (Neighborhood Commercial). The CN designation is intended to provide for a limited range of retail and service uses developed in one or more distinct centers oriented to primarily serve the needs of and maintain compatibility with residential uses in the immediate area. The proposed project is consistent with this land use designation as it will provide an additional service within the Bayside Shopping Center to the nearby residential communities. The operation has also been conditioned to help ensure it maintains compatibility with both commercial and residential uses in the immediate area. 2. The subject property is not part of a specific plan area. Finding: * 'Or� B. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The site is 1` ed in the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) Zoning District. This designation is in tided to provide for areas appropriate for a limited range of retail and service uses developed in one or more distinct centers oriented to serve primarily the needs of and maintain compatibility with residential uses in the immediate area. The proposed food service, eating and drinking establishment use will provide a service to the neighboring residential areas. 2. Within Section 20.20.020 (Commercial Zoning Districts Land Uses and Permit Requirements) of the Zoning Code, the CN District allows food service, eating and drinking establishment uses subject to the approval of a minor use permit when proposed within 500 feet of a residential zoning district. 3. The Bayside Shopping Center utilizes a shopping center parking requirement consistent with Zoning Code Section (20.40.050 Parking Requirements for Shopping Centers). Under this section, the shopping center may be parked at a rate of one parking space per every 200 square feet of gross floor area on the condition that it is less than 100,000 square feet in gross building area and has a limited amount of eating and drinking establishment uses (15% of the gross floor area). The change of 10 -15 -2013 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Page 3 of 7 use from a retail bakery (Java Bakery Caf6) to a food service, eating and drinking establishment use will not necessitate any additional parking space requirements as the eating and drinking establishment uses will comprise 11 % of the gross floor area. Finding: C. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The food service, eating and drinking establishment use will occupy an existing 1,316- square -foot tenant space within the Bayside Shopping Center. The space will be improved with a small -scale kitchen and related storage areas, a restroom, and a dining area with seating for up to 20 patrons. 2. The project is located within the Bayside Shopping Center. Nearby uses include residential, personal services, retail sales, eating and drinking establishments, and a bank. The operational characteristics of the project are conditioned to help ensure the use is compatible with the residential and other commercial uses in the vicinity. 3. As conditioned, the allowed hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., daily, thereby limiting the likelihood of late night/early morning land use conflicts with nearby residences and business ' SOW Finding: D. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Bayside Shopping Center is approximately five acres and is developed with approximately 56,000 square feet comprised of one large multi- tenant building, one smaller pad building, and a parking lot area. The existing buildings and parking lot have functioned satisfactorily with the current configuration which allows vehicular access from three separate driveways along Bayside Drive. 2. Adequate public and emergency vehicle access, public services, and utilities are provided within the existing property and the proposed project will not negatively affect emergency access. Finding: E. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to 10 -15 -2013 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Page 4 of 7 the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The use will serve the surrounding commercial and residential community, as well as visitors to the area. 2. The operation has been conditioned with limited hours of operation to help minimize any potential detriment to the area. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -022, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A ", which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 (Planning and Zoning), of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF JULY, 2014. o� 10 -15 -2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Page 5 of 7 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. All proposed signs shall be in conformance with the approved Comprehensive Sign Program for the project site and provisions of Chapter 20.42 (Signs) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 3. Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -022 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.54.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 4. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 5. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Use Permit. 6. This Minor Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if it is determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 7. The hours of operation for the establishment shall be limited to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., daily. 8. A maximum number of 20 seats may be provided inside the establishment. 9. No alcohol sales or service shall be permitted unless an amendment to this Use Permit is obtained. 10. Any change in operational characteristics, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, may require an amendment to this Minor Use Permit or the processing of a new use permit. 11. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 12. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Minor Use 10 -15 -2013 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Page 6 of 7 Permit file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Minor Use Permit and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 13. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 14. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise - generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Noise - generating construction activities are not allowed on Sundays or Holidays. 15. No outside paging system shall be utilized in conjunction with this establishment. 16. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a self - latching gate) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick -up by refuse collection agencies. The trash enclosure shall have a decorative solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes. 17. The exterior of the business shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. 18. The applicant shall ensure that the trash dumpsters and /or receptacles are maintained to control odors. This may include the provision of either fully self- contained dumpsters or periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters, if deemed necessary by the Planning Division. Cleaning and maintenance of trash dumpsters shall be done in compliance with the provisions of Title 14, including all future amendments (including Water Quality related requirements). 19. Deliveries and refuse collection for the facility shall be prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., daily, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Community Development, and may require an amendment to this Minor Use Permit. 20. Storage outside of the building in the front or at the rear of the property shall be prohibited, with the exception of the required trash container enclosure. 21. A Special Events Permit is required for any event or promotional activity outside the normal operational characteristics of the approved use, as conditioned, or that would attract large crowds, involve the sale of alcoholic beverages, include any form of on- site media broadcast, or any other activities as specified in the Newport Beach Municipal Code to require such permits. 10 -15 -2013 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014- Page 7 of 7 22. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the The Waffle Affair MUP including, but not limited to, the Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -022 (PA2014 -099). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Building Division 23. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City - adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. Approval from the Orange County Health Department is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. 24. Pursuant to Section 422.2 of the California Plumbing Code, separate toilet facilities shall be provided for each sex. Fire Department 25. A type I hood protected with an approved automatic fire - extinguishing system will be required for cooking of products which produce grease laden vapors. 10 -15 -2013 13 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 14 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 15 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 20 VICINITY MAP Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -022 PA2014 -099 1064 Bayside Drive 27 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 28 Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description and Justification 19 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 20 ® ti CAA PLANNING May 30 2014 Ms. Brenda Wisneski Deputy Community Development Director City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Minor Use Permit Application, 1064 Bayside Drive, Bayside Shopping Center Dear Ms. Wisneski: On behalf of Irvine Company, CAA Planning, Inc. (CAA) submits the enclosed Minor Use Permit application to allow a food service establishment within 500 feet of a residential zoning district, doing business as Waffle Affair, to be located at 1064 Bayside Drive within the Bayside Shopping Center (Center). Background The space located at 1064 Bayside Drive is one of the inline spaces within the Center with an existing floor area of 1,320 square feet. The previous tenant was Java Bakery Cafe, a retail establishment selling coffee and pre- packaged baked goods with no indoor seating. The parking requirement for the Java Bakery Cafe was 7 spaces per the Zoning Code requirements for shopping centers (Section 20.40.050) which is 1 space /200 square feet of gross floor area. Proposed Project Waffle Affair proposes to prepare and offer for sale waffles and specialty coffee drinks for consumption onsite or takeout. The establishment will provide seating for 20 patrons and will have 4 employees on site. The hours of operation for the establishment are Monday- Thursday 7am -6pm, Friday - Saturday 7am -8pm, and Sun 8am -5pm. The improvements at the site will be limited to tenant improvements inside the space, with no increase in floor area. The Center is parked using the shopping center criteria of 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area for the Pavilions and 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area for the balance of the Center provided that the amount of floor area for the food service establishments does not exceed 15 %. The existing floor area for the Center is 55,941 square feet and maximum floor for food service establishments is 8,392 square feet (15% of 55,941). The only food service establishment of record at the Center is the Sapori Restaurant which has a floor area 3,311 square feet (UP3335). The Sapori Restaurant recently received Zoning Administrator approval to expand to a floor area of 4,687 square feet (UP 2013 -014). The approval of the proposed Waffle 65 Enterprise, Suite 130 • Aliso Viejo, California 92656 • (949) 581 -2888 • Fax (949) 581 -3599 21 44 Ms. Brenda Wisneski May 30, 2014 Page 2 of 2 Affair project will increase the food service establishment floor area by 1,320 square feet resulting in a total of 6,007 square feet and well within the maximum total of 8,392 square feet of allowable food service establishments for the Center. As detailed above, there is no change to the floor area and therefore, the required parking for the establishment will remain at 7 spaces. We believe that the Zoning Administrator will be able to make the appropriate findings for approval Waffle Affair. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 949 -581 -2888. Sincerely, CAA PLANNING, INC. Shawna L. Schaffner Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Minor Use Permit Application w /Application Fee Authorization Letter Findings Tenant Improvement Plans — 3 standard sets, 4 reduced sets, and CD -R Public Noticing Materials c: Ms. Paulette Alexander, Irvine Company Retail Properties 22 Findings — Minor Use Permit In accordance with Section. 20.52.020.F of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a use permit are set forth: Finding A. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan Facts in Support of Finding Al. The proposed project is a food service establishment located in the Bayside Shopping Center, which is designed and operated as a neighborhood- serving shopping center. A2. The General Plan land use designation for the site is CN (Neighborhood Commercial), which is intended to provide for a limited range of retail and service uses developed in one or more distinct centers oriented to primarily serve the needs of and maintain compatibility with residential uses in the immediate area. A3. The proposed food service establishment is consistent with the General Plan Neighborhood Commercial land use designation, as it is intended to serve a limited range of food and beverage projects primarily to the residents of the adjacent neighborhoods. A4. The subject property is not part of a specific plan area. Findin B. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding BL The site is located within the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) Zoning District. This district is intended to provide for areas appropriate for a limited range of retail and service uses developed in one or more distinct centers oriented to serve primarily the needs of and, maintain compatibility with residential uses in the immediate area. The proposed food service establishment is consistent with the land uses permitted within this zoning district. B2. Section 20.40.050 (Parking Requirements for Shopping Centers) establishes off - street parking standards for shopping center developments and allows up to 15 percent of the total gross floor area to be food service uses. The existing shopping center is approximately 55,941 square feet with the Pavilions grocery store occupying 29,440 square feet of that area. Since the Pavilions tenant space is over 10,000 square feet in area, a retail parking requirement of one space for each two hundred and fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area is used with the remaining square footage being parked at one space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area. The addition of the proposed food service establishment will not exceed the allowable floor area for food service uses within this shopping center and sufficient parking exists for the shopping center development. 23 Findings — Minor Use Permit Finding C. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. Facts in Support of Finding Cl. The proposed project involves interior alterations to a vacant retail tenant space within the Bayside Shopping Center to a food service establishment which is a typical use in a neighborhood shopping center and is compatible with the surrounding uses. C2. The proposed food service, eating and drinking establishment will provide seating for 20 customers. The operational characteristics of the use are that of a food service, eating and drinking establishment, which is a typical use in neighborhood shopping centers. C3. The hours of operation for the establishment are Monday - Thursday 7am -6pm, Friday - Saturday 7am -8pm, and Sun 8am -5pm. These hours will be compatible with the other uses in the shopping center and are not considered to be late by definition of the Zoning Code. C4. The proposed establishment will be located within a shopping center in a nonresidential zoning district. Although it is located less than 500 feet of a residential district directly to the northeast (within approximately 100 feet upslope), it is not facing the residential properties and is separated from them by a block wall, landscaped area, and parking lot. The separation provides screening and protection from view and any noise generated by the establishment. Trash and litter control around the subject property will be provided. Finding D. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.,. fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. Facts in Support of Finding D1. The existing building and parking lot within the Bayside Shopping Center function satisfactorily with the current configuration. The proposed project, which includes interior alterations to convert a vacant retail tenant space to a food service establishment, will not negatively affect emergency access. The design, size, location, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the existing uses within the shopping center and the surrounding area. D2. Adequate public and emergency vehicle access, public services, and utilities are provided within the Bayside Shopping Center and the surrounding area. 24 Findings — Minor Use Permit Finding K Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the city, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding El. The operator will take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance in parking areas, sidewalks, and areas surrounding the subject property and adjacent properties during business hours, if directly related to the patrons of the establishment. E2. The proposed food service establishment will help provide an economic opportunity for the property owner to provide additional services to the residents and visitors in the surrounding area 25 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 20 Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 27 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 22 17 I 16 15 1 14 1 13 I 12 11 1 10 9 I 8 7 6 1 5 I 4 3 2 1 1 A B G C L F Le 7 rd L M N THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY %o FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF N 17 16 15 14 TENANT IMPROVEMENT BAYSIDE CENTER 1064 BAYSIDE DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH., CA 92660 P R O J E C T T E A M ARCHITECT MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL &PLUMBING FOOD SERVICE STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. CRO ENGONEERING GROUP, INC. 18022 COWAN SUITE 285 18652 FLORIDA ST, SUITE 100 IRVINE, CA 92614 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 T : (949) 833 -9066 T : (714) 847 -7100 F : (949) 833 -9159 F : (714) 841 -6000 E : steve @sladesign.com 13 1 12 11 1 10 1 9 CLAY ENTERPRISES 3100 AIRWAY AVENUE, SUITE 101 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 T : (714) 426 -9914 F : (714) 429 -9915 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 7 � A STEVEN • - ARCHITECTS INC. 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 B IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE - INTERIORS - DESIGN .0 w p D THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY %o FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF N BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCNIIECTS, INC.. O� ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. Q W U 3 PROJECT No. 13 -025 ° DATE LuoU ZLL 0 Q E LL 1"I W UNm SHEET om0 o: t/! CL ° ' Q O W m � Z IF I 7 1 THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF K STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCNIIECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP T O Ln a 0 3 PROJECT No. 13 -025 ° DATE i 0 0 a M COVER SHEET a ° ° T -1 SHEET OF �9 1 N�� -� �. �I N e F E _ I.__. 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN O� WoU 11-- LU Q z j3 W UNm LU om0 t/! ' CL Q Q W THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD KNIECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE PROJECT DATA AND INFORMATION T -2 SHEET OF 3O 17 1 1 16 1 15 1 14 1 1 13 1 1 12 1 11 1 10 9 1 1 8 7 7 6 6 1 5 1 1 4 3 3 2 2 1 ABBREVIATIONS S SYMBOLS C CODES & BUILDING INFORMATION P PROJECT INFORMATION S SHEET INDEX A A AC. ACOUSTIC JAN. JANITOR B ROOM E BUILDING: CODE 4 AMENDMENTS P PROJECT ADDRESS: BAYSIDE CENTER A A ADD. ADDENDUM J NAME N ENFORCED BY: N 1064 BAYSIDE DRIVE INTRODUCTION ADD'N. ADDITION J NEWPORT BEACH, GA 92660 I ABC AGG, BASE COURSE KEG KITCHEN EQUIPMENT ® ® ROOM NAME T AGG. AGGREGATE CONTRACTOR T -1 COVER SHEET A/C AIR CONDITIONING K.P. KICK PLATE C CODE AUTHORITY LIST: T T -2 PROJECT DATA AND INFORMATION BUILDING CODE 2 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, AS AMENDED P PROJECT DESCRIPTION T ALT. ALTERNATE LDG. LANDING O O DOOR NO B T -4 ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS AQMD AIR QUALITY MANAGE- LTH. LATH 2 2013 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING CODE MENT DISTRICT LAV. LAVATORY A.B. ANCHOR BOLT P SPECIFICATIONS PLUMBING CODE: 2 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE S LG. LENGTH MECHANICAL: 2 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE T B A ARCH. ARCHITECT L.O.R. LANDLORD OR # # KEYNOTE M TENANT IMPROVEMENT WORK OF EXISTING 1,316 S.F. COFFEE SHOP INTO 8 8 ASP. ASPHALT S NEW RESTAURANT. S SP -1 SPECIFICATIONS AT LT. R ELECTRICAL: 2 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE SP -2 SPECIFICATIONS 4 AND L.W.G. L.W. CONCRETE A ACCESSIBILITY: 2 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, CHAPTER 115 S SP -3 SPECIFICATIONS LVR. LOUVER S SP -4 SPECIFICATIONS BSMT. BASEMENT M �O WALL TYPE E ENERGY COMPLIANCE 2 2013 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE D DEFERRED SUBMITTAL B M.B. MACHINE BOLT � FIRE CODE: 2 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE A BM. BEAM M.G. MECHANICAL CON- F ARCHITECTURAL B.M. BENCHMARK BLKG, BLOCKING NOTE: THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO ARCHITECT S ST -I SITE PLAN BD. BOARD M MAT M AND CITY FOR REVIEW 4 APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. D D -I DEMOLITION PLAN CODE ANALYSIS: A C B BOTT. BOTTOM MAT'L.. MATERIAL A-1.0 BLDG. BUILDING MFR. MANUFACTURER C • EXTERIOR SIGNAGE A A-2-0 B.N. BOUNDARY NAILING MAX. MAXIMUM A A -40 EXTERIOR ELEVATION 4 DETAILS ZONING GROUP: R RSG - RETAIL SERVICE COMMERCIAL MECH. MECHANICAL A A LUINDOW TYPE A A -6.0 SCHEDULES 4 MATERIAL KEY INDEX OCCUPANCY GROUP: A A2 A IRVINE COMPANY REQUIREMENTS A CAB'T. CABINET MET. METAL O A -10 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS G.B. CATCH BASIN METER C CONSTRUCTION TYPE CLASSIFICATION: E EXISTING BUILDING - TYPE V NON SPRINKLERED A A -00 INTERIOR DETAILS NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 1 A CLG. CEILING MIN. MINIMUM N CLCS. HT: 0 0 CEILING INCA I-4E ICI-4T 1 A -8.1 WATERPROOFING DETAILS CEM. CEMENT C 1. BARRICADES CANNOT BE REMOVE[) UNTIL LANDLORD'S TENANT COORDINATOR HAS A A -8.2 ROOF DETAILS MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: N N/A F CG. CENTIGRAM MULL, MULLION M PROVIDED WRITTEN APPROVAL THAT STOREFRONT MODIFICATION WORK IS F -1 OVERALL FIXTURE PLAN CM. CENTIMETER C COMPLETE AND THE WORK IS ACCEPTED AND APPROVED AND THE TENANT IS F F -2 FIXTURE DETAILS D D C CL. CENTER LINE N/A NOT APPLICABLE L LEASABLE AREA: 1 1,316 SF. P PREPARED TO OPEN FOR BUSINESS. D CER. CERAMIC N.G. NATURAL GRADE 2 2, INSULATION TO EXISTING UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF STRUCTURE FOR ALL DEMISING G.T. CERAMIC TILE NOM• NOMINAL I I W WALLS BY TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR P PLUMBING CHAN, CHANNEL N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT A A_� D OCCUPANT LOAD TABULATION 3 CLR. CLEAR N.T.S. NOT E SCALE - I O 3 INSTALLED SECURITY IN THE MANNER THAT IS CONCEALED FROM PUBLIC VIEW. ALLASECURIITTY F FLI G.O. GLEAN OUT N - I GLOB. CLOSET D DEVICES AND SYSTEMS SHALL BE INTEGRATED WITHIN THE STOREFRONT DESIGN AND P P1.2 GENERAL NOTES COL. COLUMN OBS, OBSCURE F FINISHES. FREESTANDING SENSOR PEDESTALS ARE PROHIBITED. P P2.0 WASTE AND VENT PIPING PLAN O.C. ON CENTER a a P P2.1 WATER PIPING PLAN GONG, CONCRETE O DETAIL SECTION KEY L LOAD FACTOR F'ER 2013 CBC TABLE 1004.1.1 4 4, ANY HARD LID CEILINGS AND SOFFITS CANNOT CONNECT TO THE STOREFRONT BELOW P P22 GAS PIPING PLAN E O GONE). CONDITION O 0 T THE STOREFRONT FRAMING SYSTEM. P P3.0 ROOF PLAN E E CONS. CONNECTION O.F.S. OVERFLOW SCUPPER A AREA DESCRIPTION AREA LOAD FACTOR OCCUPANTS GONST. CONSTRUCTION 5 5. ANY NON - ILLUMINATED, AND/OR ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE CANNOT BE PLACED AT THE G.J. CONTROL JOINT L INSIDE OF THE STOREFRONT SYSTEM WITHIN THE PREMISES. SIGNAGE MUST BE E O.F.G.I. OWNER FURNISHED, CONSTRUCTION JOINT I LOOSE SEATING AREA: 330 S.F. 1 / I5 S.F. (NET) 22 I INSTALLED AT LEAST 3' -0' OFF THE INSIDE OF THE STOREFRONT SYSTEM. ELECTRICAL GONT. CONTINUOUS GENERAL CONTRACT- R FIXED SEATING: 1/ 24' 13 OR INSTALLED F RXE4] F KITCHEN: 348 S.F. I l 200 S.F. (GROSS) 2 6. BUG -EYE TYPE EMERGENCY LIGHTING OR COMBO TYPE EXIT LIGHT FIXTURE IS NOT E ELO LEGEND 4 SYMBOLS LIST GOR'G. CORRUGATED PTD. PAINTED A STORAGE AREAS: 435 SF, 1/ 300 S,F. (GROSS) 2 ALLOWED IN THE AREAS THAT ARE VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC. E EI.1 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES GTR. COUNTER PG. PAGE E RESTROOM: 59 5F. N/A 1 1. TENANT MUST USE A RECESSED MOUNTED CLEAR ACRYLIC BLADE EXIT SIGN AT THE E E1.2 ELECTRICAL DETAILS GTSK. COUNTERSUNK PNL. PANEL I I S STOREFRONT ENTRY. E E2.0 G F D G.M.U. GONG. MASONRY UNIT PTN. PARTITION T TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD: 39 OCCUPANTS E 8. EQUIPMENT, EXHAUST FANS, AND UTILITY VENTS CANNOT BE HIGHER THAN THE E E3,0 F I DB. DECIBEL PL PLATE 4 4 A- 2 ELEVATION -INT. KEY P PARAPET WALL IN THE ROOF WALL AREA. E E5.0 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM 4 PANEL SCHEDULES D.F. DOUGLAS FIR PLBG. PLUMBING . - -- E MINIMUM CLEAR DOOR WIDTH OPENING = 32 INCHES (PER CBC 2013 SEC IOOS.I.1) 9 9. ALL ROOF EQUIPMENT, VENTS, AND ASSOCIATED CONDUIT LINES INSTALLED DURING E E6I0 T24 CALCULATIONS .F - THE TENANT IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION ON THE ROOF MUST BE PAINTED. THE DIAL. DIAGONAL PT. POINT 3 3 P MAIN ENTRY DOOR NO. O = 42' CLEAR WIDTH PROVIDED PAINT COLOR SPECIFICATION IS SINCLAIRE CB 9019, SEMI -GLOSS ENAMEL. DIM, DIMENSION P.T.D.F. PRESSURE TREATED 1 10, EQUIPMENT AND VENTS CAN ONLY BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE ROOF WALL AREA. NO M MECHANIICAL DISP, DISPENSER DOUGLAS FIR E EQUIPMENT AND VENTS TO BE PLACED AT MANSARD (TILE) ROOF AREA. DWL. DOWEL P.S.I. POUNDS PER SQ, IN, M M1.0 SCHEDULES, NOTES 4 SPECIFICATION DN, DOWN P.S.F. POUNDS PER SQ. FT. 1 11. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND CONDENSATE [DRAIN LINES MUST IMMEDIATELY M MI.1 DETAILS G D D.S. DOWNSPOUT P.C. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR G PENETRATE ROOF AND RUN ALONG THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF STRUCTURE. ALL M M2.0 MECHANICAL DEMO FLOOR PLAN G DW P PROJECT CONTACT LIST G GENERAL NOTES G CONDENSATE DRAINS MUST RUN INSIDE TENANT'S PREMISES AND DRAIN TO EITHER A M M3.0 MECHANICAL FLOOR PLAN FLOOR SINK OR MOP SINK INSIDE THE TENANT'S PREMISES. M4.0 T24 FORMS B PLATE M M4.1 T24 FORMS EA. EACH 1 12. TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SIGN CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL SIGNS IN E.C. ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR R.A. RETURN AIR O OWNER / TENANT LANDLORD C COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL LAWS, CODES AND ORDINANCES EL. ELECTRIC RAE). RADIUS E ELEONORE ZETRENNE M.D. THE IRVINE COMPANY A A. THE DOCUMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF STEVEN A AND THE TENANT DESIGN CRITERIA. IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH SIGNS, TENANT SHALL K KITCHEN E.W.G. ELEC. WATER COOLER REG. REGISTER 4 4116 BARRANCA PARKWAY 100 INNOVATION AVE L LANGFORD ARCHITECTS AND ARE SUBJECT TO ALL INSTRUMENTS OF P PROVIDE ALL STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS, ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS TO ELEV, ELEVATION REQ'D. REQUIRED I IRVINE, CA 92604 IRVINE, CA 92611 E ENFORCEMENT BY LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAWS. L LANDLORD PROVIDED J -BOX, ATTACHMENT TO LANDLORD'S BUILDING AND ALL E.N. EDGE NAILING REV. REVISION A E EZETRENNE�YAHOO.GOM T :949- 120 -3161 U USE AND /OR ALTERATION OF THESE DOCUMENTS, IN PART OR IN P PATCHING, SEALING AND REPAINTING. TENANT SHALL PROVIDE APPROPRIATE K K -1 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT FLOOR PLAN T : 516 -691 -1584 F : 949 -120 -2303 W ACCESS AND /OR TEMPORARY CATWALKS IF REQUIRED FOR TENANT'S SIGN K K -2 FOOD SERVICE PLUMBING ROUGH -IN PLANS EQ, EQUAL REG. RECOMMENDATION T T : 949 - 381 -1404 WHOLE WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF STEVEN I INSTALLATION. K K -3 FOOD SERVICE ELECTRICAL ROUGH -IN PLAN Di R EQUIP. EQUIPMENT T LANGFORD ARCHITECTS IS A DIRECT VIOLATION OF SAID COPYRIGHT K K -4 FOOD SERVICE CURB 4 WALL BACKING F'LAN5 H H EXH. EXHAUST RFC. ROOFING L LAWg 1 13. TENANT IS REQUIRED TO HAVE A FIRE ALARM MONITORING SYSTEM OR LIFE SAFETY K K -5 EXHAUST HOOD PLAN EXPAN. EXPAN. RM. ROOM S SYSTEM, TENANT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL HOOK -UPS AND CONNECTIONS TO K K -6 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ELEVATIONS E.J. EXPANSION JOINT RGH. ROUGH B BUILDING / PLANNING / FIRE ARCHITECT L LANDLORD'S FIRE ALARM MONITORING AND LIFE - SAFETY SYSTEMS, INCLUDING THE K K -1 FOOD SERVICE DETAILS EXISTING RND. ROUND B B. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS ARE I INSTALLATION OF DESIGNATED PHONE LINES AND MONITORING EQUIPMENT, AS EX EXTERIOR C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STEVEN LANGFORD ARGHITECTS R RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ALL DOCUMENTS WITH EXISTING R REQUIRED BY LANDLORD, LANDLORD'S DESIGNATED FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 F FIELD CONDITIONS. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, IT IS THE A AND STATE AND LOCAL CODES. TENANT MUST USE LANDLORD'S DESIGNATED FIRE S.A. SUPPLY AIR 3 3300 NEWPORT BLVD. IRVINE, GA 92614 A ALARM SUBCONTRACTOR F.G.O. FLOOR GLEAN OUT SCR. SCREW N NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 T : 949- 833 -9066 R RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE FT, FEET SECT. SECTION T T : 949 - 644 -3215 F : 949 - 833 -9159 A ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK 1 14. TENANT'S CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT FOR THE FIN. FINISH SEL. SELECT PREMISES AND CONNECTIONS TO THE MAIN PANEL BOARD. 7 F F.N. FACE NAILING BHT. SHEET C C. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE PREMISES TO VERIFY 1 FIXT. FIXTURE SDG. SLIDING A HEALTH DEPARTMENT C ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF 1 15, TENANT'S CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DISTRIBUTION FROM THE 1 F.D. FLOOR DRAIN SIM, SIMILAR C ORANGE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION, AND SHALL REPORT ALL DISCREPANCIES TO THE T THE PREMISES AND APPLICATION FOR SERVICE FROM THE APPLICABLE UTILITY BLDG, SLIDING O ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 4 FOOD SAFETY A ARCHITECT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE IN STRICT C COMPANY, AT THE IRVNE COMPANY OPTION, LANDLORD SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO SM. SMOOTH I 1241 E. DYER RD. SUITE 120 C CONFORMANCE WITH ALL CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES, INSURANCE, INSTALL THE GAS SERVICE LINE FROM THE MANIFOLD LOCATION TO THE PREMISES. IN FND. FOUNDATION SPEC. SPECIFICATION S SANTA ANA, CA 92105 A AND POLICIES AS SET FORTH BY THE APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE S SUCH EVENT, TENANT SHALL REIMBURSE LANDLORD FOR THE ACTUAL COST OF THE FR. FRAME T T :l14- 433 -6014 A DAYS F F.H.C. FIRE HOSE C AND FEDERAL GOVERNING AGENCIES AND THE OWNER. R L T VICINITY PLAN CABINET 6T S K S F.S.E.G. FOOD SERVICE S D. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF 1 16, TENANT'S CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL PLUMBING FOR THE PREMISES, a K IRVINE COMPANY L a U SW.BD. SWITCHBOARD B SHALL PERFORM ALL CONCRETE SLAB REINSTATEMENT WORK PURSUANT TO 1 r �Qa. K GA. GAUGE S PROPRIETARY SUB - CONTRACTORS \ BUILDING, FIRE, HEALTH, ACCESSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS- L LANDLORD'S SPECIFICATIONS. WHEN PROVIDED BY LANDLORD, TENANT SHALL MAKE V V� C GL. GLASS T45 TOP 4 BOTTOM W LANGFORD ARCHITECTS. SAID DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY GD. GRADE TELCO TELEPHONE COMPANY ' 'S PLUMBING LINES WITHOUT LANDLORD PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL. y y cOo ii r G. GRAM T.G. TEMPERED GLASS THE OWNER ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ALTERATIONS AND /OR �i GIRL. GRILLE T.C. TOP OF CURB R ROOFING A PROJECT OR F GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S OFFICE ON SITE DURING ALL TENANT'S WORK AND J J G. GROUND T.O.P. TOP OF PARAPET L ROOFING C LANGFORD ARCHITECTS. / RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE ON THE JOB -SITE TO RECEIVE ALL ' p cot. r � j ,� T.S.D. TOP OF STEEL DECK S GARRY A / p L G GYP. GYPSUM T SANTA ANA, CA 92105 D E. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL R DELIVERIES OF MATERIALS, FIXTURES OR MERCHANDISE. LANDLORD RESERVES THE � �� •. i O L i URAL NOTES R WARRANTY ROOF CONTRACTOR- AS E PROPOSED DESIGN. UPON COMMENCING PROJECT, CONTRACTOR J REPRESENTATIVE IS NOT PRESENT. TENANT SHALL STAGE ITS CONSTRUCTION t t .o p y U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE W DIRECTED BY LANDLORD. p SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL UTILITIES AVAILABLE. P PURPOSE BY LANDLORD. � O - U.T.R UP THROUGH ROOF \ STRUCTURAL C F. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UTILITY n 18. TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CAUSE ITS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND O . P c ` VERY. VERTICAL P PREMISES AND THE JOB -SITE IN A CLEAN CONDITION AND TO PROVIDE DAILY a a i n V.G. VERTICAL GRAIN D DYER 4 ASSOCIATES O OBTAIN SERVICE IN A TIMELY MANNER FOR THIS PROJECT. R REMOVAL, CLEANUP AND PROPER DISPOSAL OF ALL TRASH, RUBBISH, REFUSE AND / Rim Aid Pharmacy a S / LL HTR. HEATER VEST. VESTIBULE m 24 EXECUTIVE PARK, SUITE 200 C CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS IN DUMPSTERS AND OTHER APPROPRIATE _ m Newpot Beach O Enca Duran Vemational / M 2 HT. HEIGHT V.G.T. VINYL COMPOSITION TILE _ _ - - O M VCP VITREOUS CLAY PIPE C IRVINE, CA 92614 F FACILITIES, AND NOT BY DEPOSITING ANY SUCH TRASH, REFUSE AND CONSTRUCTION _ _ -- � H.P. HIGH POINT V CONTACT: JEFF DYER D DEBRIS AND SPOILS WITHIN OTHER TENANT SPACES OR THE JOBSITE COMMON U U //v eC� Rofessional Organizing v v H.M. HOLLOW METAL T T : 949 -296 -8858 A AREAS. IF LANDLORD INCURS COSTS TO CLEAN UP THE JOB -SITE AND /OR ADJACENT � �"`"PVa °neciSno aySraPO� HORIZ HORIZONTAL W.W.M. WELDED WIRE MESH T TENANT SPACES DUE TO THE FAILURE OF TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND H.B. HOSE BIBB W.C. WATER CLOSET S SUBCONTRACTORS THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL BE CHARGED CLEAN UP ` J H.W. HOT WATER W.H. WATER HEATER L LOCK SMITH E EXPENSES. ` W.F. WIDE FLANGE B BALPORT 1 19. REFER TO SHEET A -8.1 FOR IRVINE COMPANY WATERPROOFING GENERAL B Balboa Island I.D. INSIDE DIAMETER W/O WITHOUT IRVINE LOCK - (TOM OR DAVE) R REQUIREMENTS AND DETAILS. B Beacon Bay North Channel a a 7:949 -624 -3585 OR INSUL, INSULATION WD. WOOD T T : 949 - 416 -1019 2 20, REFER TO SHEET T -3 FOR IRVINE COMPANY ROOF INSTALLATION GUIDELINES AND INT. INTERIOR WDW. WINDOW INV. INVERT W.R. WATER RESISTANT S SHEET A -8.2 FOR ROOF DETAIL STANDARDS. N NonnH yFo Front I� 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN O� WoU 11-- LU Q z j3 W UNm LU om0 t/! ' CL Q Q W THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD KNIECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE PROJECT DATA AND INFORMATION T -2 SHEET OF 3O 4 III] K 1 IRVINE COMPANY ROOF INSTALLATION GUIDELINES I. GENERAL CRITERIA: a. A CITY PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED. UPON COMPLETION OR WORK, A COPY OF THE SIGNED OFF CITY PERMIT CAR OR OTHER FORM OF THE FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE IRVINE COMPANY. b. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER'S STAMPED DRAWINGS FOR ALL NEW FRAMED OPENINGS WITHIN THE PLYWOOD SUBSTRATE SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR MECHANICAL UNIT INSTALLATIONS. c. WHERE REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF BUILDING OWNER, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREENS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHIN THE IMPROVEMENTS SCOPE OF WORK. EQUIPMENT SCREENS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 26GA, PRE - PAINTED, CORRUGATED SHEET METAL PANELS INSTALLED ON FLASHED SLEEPER SUPPORTS. cl. ALL CURBS AND PLATFORMS SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM a INCHES ABOVE THE ROOF MEMBRANE SURFACE AND SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE EXISTING ROOF ASSEMBLY PER THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE SPECIFICATION. e. ALL ABANDONED, UNUSED MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT UNITS, PENETRATIONS, LINES, SUPPORTS, ETC., ARE TO BE REMOVED AS PART OF THE IMPROVEMENTS SCOPE OF WORK. UNUSED OPENINGS INN SUBSTRATE ARE TO BE ELIMINATED (TO MATCH EXISTING) AND THE AFFECTED MEMBRANE AREA IS TO BE REPAIRED WITH THE MATERIALS INDICATED ON SHEET A -8.2 F. COLOR OF ROOFING MATERIALS USED TO INCORPORATE ROOFING MATERIALS INTO ROOFING IS TO MATCH THE COLOR OF THE EXISTING ROOF SYSTEM. 2. NEW MECHANICAL UNIT INSTALLATIONS: a. NEW MECHANICAL UNITS ARE TO BE INSTALLED ON EITHER PLATFORMS, PREFABRICATED METAL CURBS OR WOOD SLEEPERS. ALL EXPOSED WOOD SLEEPERS ARE BE EITHER PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER OR REDWOOD INSTALLED ON GAPPED WALKPAD MATERIAL. b. NEW MECHANICAL UNIT PLATFORMS ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WITH 22GA GALVANIZED SHEET METAL FLASHING PANS WITH INDEPENDENT WATERPROOFING UNDERLAYMENTS. c. MECHANICAL UNITS INSTALLED ON PLATFORMS OR WOOD SLEEPERS ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WITH INDEPENDENT ISOLATOR PADS, MINIMUM 4 PER UNIT, AND SHEET METAL SEISMIC STRAPS, MINIMUM 4 PER UNIT. cl. CONDENSATION DRAIN LINES ARE TO PROVIDED FOR ALL MECHANICAL UNIT INSTALLATIONS. CONDENSATION DRAIN LINES ARE TO BE CONNECTED TO INTERIOR DRAINS WHERE FEASIBLE OR EXTENDED TO THE CLOSETS INTERNAL DRAIN / PRIMARY SCUPPER. 3. NEW PLUMBING / ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS: a. ALL PENETRATIONS ARE TO RECEIVE NEW LEAD FLASHINGS WHERE FEASIBLE OR GALVANIZED SHEET METAL ROOF JACKS. 4. MECHANICAL UNIT REPLACEMENTS: a. REPLACEMENT OF MECHANICAL UNITS IS TO INCLUDE REPLACEMENT OF SHEET METAL PAN COVER AT EXISTING PLATFORM OR REPLACEMENT OR WOOD SLEEPER SUPPORTS. b. REPLACEMENT OF UNIT IS TO INCLUDE PROVIDING ISOLATOR PADS AND SHEET METAL STRAPS IDENTIFIED IN ITEM "2 -C" ABOVE. c. WORK FOR IMPROVEMENT IS TO INCLUDE CLEANING AND RESEALING OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DUCT WORK. 5. MISCELLANEOUS: a. SHEET METAL / LEAD FLASHING ARE TO BE PROVIDED AT ALL PENETRATIONS. b. PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL LINES TRANSVERSING THE ROOF MEMBRANE SURFACE ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WITH WOOD BLOCK SUPPORTS WITH WALKPAD MATERIAL BASES AT 5 FOOT ON CENTER INTERVALS. WOOD BLOCKS ARE TO BE SECURED TO LINES WITH SHEET METAL STRAPS. 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 17 16 15 1 14 1 13 1 12 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 7 6 5 G E N E R A L NOTES GENERAL REQUIREMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES ACCESSIBILITY NOTES I. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS ON DRAWINGS FOR CONFLICTS 1. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF 2A105C RATED FIRE EXTINGUISHERS IN I. ACCESS TO THESE FACILITIES SHALL BE PROVIDED AT PRIMARY ENTRANCES, AS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR WILL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. ORDER THAT ALL PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING ARE WITHIN 15 FT. TRAVEL DISTANCE OF SAID EXTINGUISHER AND SO THAT AT LEAST ONE 2A1015C RATED FIRE EXTINGUISHER IS PROVIDED REQUIRED PER ADA AND CBC. FOR EACH 3000 50. FT. OF FLOOR SPACE OR PORTION THEREOF. 2. WALKS AND SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE A CONTINUOUS COMMON SURFACE NOT 2. BIDDERS ARE INSTRUCTED TO CAREFULLY REVIEW THE CONSTRUCTION INTERRUPTED BY STEPS OR BY ABRUPT CHANGES IN LEVEL EXCEEDING; 1/2 ", AND DOCUMENTS AND SITE. 2. PROVIDE A PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER WITH A RATING OF NOT LESS THAN 40 -5 FOR SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4a" IN WIDTH. KITCHEN. LOCATE EXTINGUISHERS PER LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT / AUTHORITY DIRECTION. B 3. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE STAGING AREAS AS REQUIRED WITH DEVELOPER. PER G.F.C. SECTION 904.11.5 FIRE EXTINGUISHER WITH A GLASS K RATING SHALL BE PROVIDED 3. SURFACE GROSS SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE UNIT VERTICAL IN 50 UNITS FOR HAZARDS WHERE THERE IS A POTENTIAL FOR FIRES INVOLVING COMBUSTIBLE COOKING HORIZONTAL (2- PERCENT SLOPE) PER C5C SECTION 11335.1.1.2 4. ANY DAMAGE BY G.G. OR SUBCONTRACTOR TO EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT MEDIA VEGETABLE OR ANIMAL OILS AND FAT. MAXIMUM TRAVEL DISTANCE SHALL NOT AND /OR EXISTING LANDSCAPING OUTSIDE OF CONSTRUCTION LIMIT LINE SHALL BE EXCEED 30 FEET FROM THE HAZARD TO THE EXTINGUISHER. 4, SURFACE CROSS SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE VERTICAL UNIT TWO UNITS REPAIRED AT NO COST TO OWNER. HORIZONTAL OR 2 PERCENT MAXIMUM. _ 3, PROVIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPT. FIELD INSPECTOR. 5. NO MATERIALS SHALL BE STORED ON PUBLIC PROPERTY UNLESS AN 5, WALKS, SIDEWALKS AND PEDESTRIAN WAYS SHALL BE FREE OF GRATING ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS FIRST OBTAINED FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 4. ALL EXIT DOORS SHALL SWING IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. WHENEVER POSSIBLE. FOR GRATINGS LOCATED IN THE SURFACE OF ANY OF THESE AREAS, GRID OPENINGS IN THE GRATINGS SHALL BE LIMITED TO 1/2" IN THE 6. WALLS CONTAINING PLUMBING PIPING 1 -1/2" OR MORE IN DIAMETER SHALL HAVE A 5. ALL EXIT DOORS SHALL BE OPEN ABLE FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC FLOW. C MINIMUM OF 6" METAL STUDS. EFFORT (NO DEAD BOLTS, NO SLIDING BOLTS, ETC.) 6. WHEN THE SLOPE IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OF ANY WALK EXCEEDS I 1. TEMPORARY TOILET FACILITIES SHALL BE PROVIDED, IF REQUIRED. 6. AN OCCUPANT CONTENT SIGN SHALL BE POSTED IN EACH ASSEMBLY ROOM HAVING AN VERTICAL TO 20 HORIZONTAL, IT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF A OCCUPANT CONTENT OF 50 OR MORE. PEDESTRIAN RAMP. a. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETE SECURITY AND SAFETY OF THE SITE WHILE THE JOB IS IN PROGRESS AND UNTIL THE JOB IS COMPLETE. 1. MAINTAIN MINIMUM 44" AISLES TO EXIT OR PUBLIC WAY, 1. ABRUPT CHANGES IN LEVEL ALONG ANY ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/2 ", WHEN CHANGES IN LEVEL DO OCCUR, THEY SHALL BE BEVELED WITH A 9, CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF 8, PROVIDE EXIT SIGNS ABOVE EXITS WITH MINIMUM 3/4° X 6° LETTERS LIGHTED ON SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 1:2, EXCEPT THAT LEVEL CHANGES NOT EXCEEDING 1/4" THE OCCUPANTS AND WORKERS AT ALL TIMES. CONTRASTING BACKGROUND, MAY BE VERTICAL. WHEN CHANGES IN LEVELS GREATER THAN 1/2" ARE NECESSARY, THEY SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR CURB RAMPS, D 10. ALL DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES AND WORK AREAS SHALL 9. EXIT SIGNS MUST BE INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED. BE LEFT IN A GLEAN (BROOM) CONDITION AT ALL TIMES. 8. EVERY REQUIRED EXIT DOORWAY SHALL BE SIZED FOR A DOOR NOT LESS THAN 10. PROVIDE TWO (2) SEPARATE POWER SUPPLIES FOR EXIT SIGNS CONFORMING TO CODE 3 FT. WIDE BY NOT LESS THAN 6 " -8° HIGH CAPABLE OF OPENING 90° AND 11, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS, 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND LOCAL RULES AND SECTION. 11. PROVIDE EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTING PROVIDING A VALUE OF ONE FOOT CANDLE AT FLOOR MOUNTED SO THAT THE CLEAR WIDTH OF THE EXIT WAY IS 32" MINIMUM 9, THRESHOLD TO BE A MAXIMUM 1/2" ABOVE ADJACENT FINISH FLOOR, REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSING WHICH THE APPLICABLE GOVERNING LEVEL. AUTHORITY MAY HAVE ADOPTED. 10. MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE DOORS SHALL NOT EXCEED 5 LBS. FORCE SUCH 12, ADDITIONAL EXIT SIGNS WILL BE PROVIDED AS /IF DIRECTED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR. PULL OR PUSH EFFORT BEING APPLIED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO HINGED DOORS AND 13. ALL WEATHER- EXPOSED SURFACES SHALL HAVE A WEATHER - RESISTIVE BARRIER AT THE CENTER PLANE OF SLIDING OR FOLDING DOORS, COMPENSATING DEVICES E TO PROTECT THE INTERIOR WALL COVERING. EXTERIOR OPENINGS SHALL BE 13. SEE 'ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE" FOR SMOKE DENSITY RATING AND FLAME SPREAD RATING OF OR AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS MAY BE UTILIZED TO MEET THE ABOVE FLASHED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO MAKE THEM WATERPROOF. MATERIALS USED. STANDARDS. 11, THE BOTTOM 10" OF ALL DOORS EXCEPT AUTOMATIC AND SLIDING SHALL HAVE A PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 1411. INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES FOR ASSEMBLY AREAS SHALL NOT EXCEED AN END SMOOTH UNINTERRUPTED SURFACE. POINT FLAME SPREAD RATING OF 20. 12. PROVIDE LEVER - TYPE HARDWARE PANIC BARS, PUSH - PULL ACTIVATING BARS, 14.1.2. ANY DECORATIONS USED SHALL BE NON - COMBUSTIBLE OR FLAME PROOFED IN AN OR OTHER HARDWARE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE PASSAGE WITHOUT REQUIRING THE I. PROVIDE VENTILATION FOR KITCHEN AND FOOD PREPARATION ROOMS.- APPROVED MANNER. ABILITY TO GRASP THE OPENING HARDWARE. (30" TO 44" A.F.F.) REFER TO MECHANICAL DRAWINGS, F 14.1.3. DRAPES AND OTHER DECORATIVE MATERIALS SHALL BE FLAME RETARDANT. 13. PROVIDE 16" TO la" FROM WALL TO CENTERLINE OF W.C. AND 48" IN FRONT OF W.C. 2. PROVIDE R-30 INSULATION AT ROOF AND R -19 INSULATION IN WALLS. CERTIFICATION THEREOF SHALL BE PROVIDED. EXITS, EXIT SIGNS, FIRE ALARM STATIONS, VERIFY AND MATCH CONDITIONS, MATERIALS. HOSE CABINETS AND EXTINGUISHER LOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE CONCEALED BY 14, PROVIDE 30" X 4a" LONG SPACE IN FRONT OF TOILET AND WITHIN THE TOILET DECORATIVE MATERIALS. ROOM THAT ALLOWS THE DOOR TO CLOSE, 3. SIGNS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL ELECTRICAL ROOMS, PATIO, MECHANICAL ROOMS, JANITOR CLOSETS, TELEPHONE CLOSETS AND SIMILAR ROOMS, 15. ALL DECORATIVE MATERIALS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A FLAME - RETARDANT CONDITION. 15. GRAB BARS LOCATED ON EACH SIDE, OR ONE SIDE AND THE BACK OF THE ALSO THE MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD OF THE BUILDING IS REQUIRED TO PHYSICALLY DISABLED TOILET STALL OR COMPARTMENT SHALL BE SECURELY BE POSTED AND THE SIGN TO BE ADJACENT TO THE MAIN ENTRANCE. ALL 16. INSULATION SHALL BE INSTALLED TO MEET FLAME SPREAD AND SMOKE DENSITY ATTACHED 33 INCHES (36 INCHES FOR TANK - TYPE TOILETS AT REAR BAR ONLY) SIGNS TO HAVE A MINIMUM OF 1" LETTERING ON A CONTRASTING REQUIREMENTS PER LB.C. ABOVE AND PARALLEL TO THE FLOOR. GRAB BARS AT THE SIDE SHALL BE BACKGROUND. LETTERING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM STROKE WIDTH OF 1/a ". LOCATED 15' TO 16 -112" FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE WATER CLOSET STOOL AND G 11. AN APPROVED SET OF NUMERALS, MINIMUM HIGH PER CITY ORDINANCE WITH A STROKE WIDTH SHALL BE AT LEAST 42" LONG WITH THE FRONT END POSITIONED 24" IN FRONT OF OF NOT LESS THAN 1/2 INCH, SHALL BE PLACED ON THE BUILDING. THE NUMBERING SHALL BE THE WATER CLOSET STOOL. GRAB BARS AT THE BACK SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN PLACED IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR 36' LONG. THE DIAMETER OR WIDTH OF THE GRIPPING SURFACES OF A GRAB BAR ENERGY NOTES ROAD FRONTING THE THE PROPERTY. SAID NUMERALS SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR SHALL BE 1 -1/4" TO 1 -1/2" OR THE SHAPE SHALL PROVIDE AN EQUIVALENT BACKGROUND. IF ADDRESS THAT IS POSTED NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF THE DRIVEWAY AND THE PUBLIC STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. ADDITIONAL ADDRESSES POSTING GRIPPING SURFACE. IF GRAB BARS ARE MOUNTED ADJACENT TO A WALL, THE SPACE BETWEEN THE WALL AND THE GRAB BARS SHALL BE 1 -1/2" DIAMETER. 1. ALL EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL LIMIT AIR INFILTRATION AROUND THEIR NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF THE DRIVEWAY AND THE PUBLIC STREET IS REQUIRED. (VERIFY PERIMETER WHEN IN A CLOSED POSITION. REQUIREMENT) 16. WATER CLOSET HEIGHT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 11" AND A MAXIMUM OF 19° MEASURED TO THE TOP OF THE TOILET SEAT. CONTROLS SHALL BE OPERABLE H 2. PROVIDE SEAL AT HEAD, SILL AND JAMB OF ALL WALL PENETRATIONS. 18. VERIFY FIRE DEPT. ACCESS REQUIREMENTS FOR AFTER HOURS BY KEYED LOCK BOX, WITH ONE HAND AND SHALL NOT REQUIRE TIGHT GRASPING, PINCHING OR TWISTING OF THE WRIST. CONTROLS FOR FLUSH VALVES SHALL BE MOUNTED ON THE WIDE 3. OPEN EXTERIOR JOIST AROUND WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, BETWEEN 19, EXIT SIGNAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED AND MAINTAINED FOR CORRIDORS AND AISLE WAYS SIDE OF TOILET AREAS, NO MORE THAN 44' ABOVE THE FLOOR. THE FORCE WALLS AND FOUNDATION, BETWEEN WALLS AND ROOF, BETWEEN WALL LEADING TO EXITS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 1016 AND 1011 SIGNAGE SHALL STATE: REQUIRED TO ACTIVATE CONTROLS SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 5 POUNDS PANELS AT PENETRATIONS OF UTILITIES THROUGH THE ENVELOPE, SHALL 'OBSTRUCTIONS, INCLUDING STORAGE, SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN THE REQUIRED WIDTH OF AN FORCE. PER RULE 120 -3 -20- 21(5). BE SEALED, CAULKED, OR WEATHER STRIPPED TO LIMIT AIR LEAKAGE. EXIT OR EXIT PASSAGE WAY.' Il. (i) URINALS SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF Il" ABOVE THE FLOOR AND PROJECT A 20. BUILDING OCCUPANT SHALL SECURE PERMITS REQUIRED BY THE FIRE DEPT. FROM THE FIRE MINIMUM 14" FROM THE WALL AND MAXIMUM OF 11" FROM THE WALL. URINAL TO HAVE DEPT, PRIOR TO OCCUPYING THIS BUILDING. A CLEAR SPACE OF 30" X 48' IN FRONT. FLUSH VALVE TO BE HAND - OPERATED ELECTRICAL NOTES AND SHALL BE MOUNTED NO MORE THAN 44" ABOVE THE FLOOR. 7 21. FIRE DEPT. FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED. SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS PAYS IN ADVANCE. la. PROVIDE 30" X 4a" CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF LAVATORY WITH MINIMUM 19" 22. STORAGE, DISPENSING OR USE OF ANY FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS, FLAMMABLE CLEAR KNEE SPACE UNDER COUNTER AND 29" CLEAR FROM FLOOR TO BOTTOM I. THE CENTER OF ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECEPTACLE OUTLETS SHALL AND COMPRESSED GASES, AND OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH UNIFORM OF APRON. NOT BE INSTALLED LESS THAN 15° ABOVE THE FLOOR OR WORKING PLATFORM. FIRE CODE REGULATIONS. OF 2. THE CENTER OF THE GRIP OF THE OPERATING HANDLE OF CONTROLS OR SWITCHES INTENDED 23, ALL EXIT DOORS AND INTERVENING DOORS ON THE EXIT PATH, IF PROVIDED WITH A LOCK 19, LAVATORIES ADJACENT TO A WALL SHALL BE MOUNTED WITH A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF la" TO CENTERLINE OF THE FIXTURE. ALL ACCESSIBLE LAVATORIES SHALL BE T BE USED THE OCCUPANT OF THE ROOM OR AREA TO CONTROL LIGHTING AND OR LATCH, MUST BE PROVIDED WITH PANIC HARDWARE. MOUNTED WITH THE RIM OR COUNTER SURFACE NO HIGHER THAN 34" ABOVE RECEPTACLE OUTLETS, APPLIANCES, OR COOLING, HEATING, AND VENTILATING EQUIPMENT FINISHED FLOOR AND WITH A CLEARANCE OF AT LEAST 29" FROM THE FLOOR TO SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 48° ABOVE THE FLOOR OR WORKING PLATFORM. 24, A TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD SIGN MUST BE POSTED BY THE MAIN ENTRANCE. PER LOCAL THE BOTTOM OF THE APRON WITH KNEE CLEARANCE UNDER THE FRONT LIP CODE, ORDINANCE. EXTENDING A MINIMUM OF 30" IN WIDTH, WITH a" MINIMUM DEPTH AT THE TOP. TOE 3. THE CENTER OF FIRE ALARM INITIATING DEVICES (BOXES) SHALL BE LOCATED 48° ABOVE CLEARANCE SHALL BE THE SAME WIDTH AND SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 11" DEEP THE LEVEL OF THE FLOOR, WORKING PLATFORM, GROUND SURFACE, OR SIDEWALK. 25, A 4050 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SHALL BE WITHIN 10 FT. OF ALL COOKING SURFACES. FROM THE FRONT OF THE LAVATORY AND A MINIMUM 9" HIGH FROM THE FLOOR. 20, HOT WATER AND DRAIN PIPES UNDER LAVATORIES SHALL BE INSULATED OR OTHERWISE COVERED. THERE SHALL BE NO SHARP OR ABRASIVE SURFACES SECURITY NOTES FIRE ALARM SYSTEM UNDER LAVATORIES. 21. FAUCET CONTROLS AND OPERATING MECHANISMS SHALL BE OPERABLE WITH ONE I. ALL PIN -TYPE HINGES WHICH ARE ACCESSIBLE FROM OUTSIDE THE SECURED AREA WHEN 1. PER FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. HAND AND SHALL NOT REQUIRE TIGHT GRASPING, PINCHING OR TWISTING OF THE L THE DOOR IS CLOSED SHALL HAVE NON REMOVABLE HINGE PINS. IN ADDITION, THEY SHALL WRIST. THE FORCE REQUIRED TO ACTIVATE CONTROLS SHALL BE NO GREATER HAVE MINIMUM 1/4" DIAMETER STEEL JAMB STUD WITH 1/4" MINIMUM PROJECTION UNLESS THE 2. THE FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT PLANS AND CALCULATIONS SEPARATELY TO THAN 5 LBS. LEVER- OPERATED PUSH - TYPE, AND ELECTRONIC CONTROLLED HINGES ARE SHAPED TO PREVENT REMOVAL OF THE DOOR IF THE HINGE PINS ARE THE LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW AND PERMIT. MECHANISMS ARE EXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE DESIGNS. SELF - CLOSING VALVES REMOVED, ARE ALLOWED IF THE FAUCET IS OPEN FOR AT LEAST 10 SECONDS, 2. THE STRIKE PLATE FOR LATCHES AND THE HOLDING DEVICE FOR PROJECTING DEADBOLTS 3. THE FIRE ALARM SHALL BE AN AUDIO / VISUAL EMERGENCY WARNING SYSTEM IN CONFORMANCE WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS LISTED IN CODE AND VISUAL ALARM SHALL ALSO 22, LOCATE TOWEL, SANITARY NAPKIN, AND WASTE RECEPTACLES WITH ALL OPERABLE PARTS WITHIN 40" FROM FINISH FLOOR. IN WOOD CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SECURED TO THE JAMB AND THE WALL FRAMING WITH BE VISIBLE IN ALL AREAS OF THE RESTAURANT. SCREWS NOT LESS THAN 2 -1/2' IN LENGTH. 23. LOCATE TISSUE DISPENSERS ON THE WALL WITHIN 1" TO 9" OF THE FRONT EDGE OF 4. THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS REQUIRE TO BE MONITORED BY AN APPROVED CENTRAL D THE TOILET SEAT TO THE CENTERLINE OF DISPENSER 3. DEAD BOLTS SHALL CONTAIN HARDENED INSERTS. STATION. INSTALL KELTRON BASED RADIO TO SEND FIRE ALARM SIGNAL TO FIRE DEPT. m DISPATCH CENTER. COORDINATE FIRE ALARM WITH THE IRVINE COMPANY PREFERRED FIRE 4. STRAIGHT DEADBOLTS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THROW OF I' AND AN EMBEDMENT OF NOT ALARM COMPANY. LESS THAN 5/8 °, 5. LOCATE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL IN THE OFFICE. 5. A HOOK - SHAPED OR AN EXPANDING LUG DEAD BOLT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THROW OF 3/4'. 6. THE REQUIRED DUCT SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE TIED INTO THE BUILDING MONITORING SYSTEM. 6. CYLINDER GUARDS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL CYLINDER LOCKS WHENEVER THE CYLINDER PROJECTS BEYOND THE FACE OF THE DOOR OR IS OTHERWISE ACCESSIBLE TO 1. (FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR) SHALL OBTAIN A FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PERMIT FROM CITY OF GRIPPING TOOLS. NEWPORT BEACH FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE. N 17 16 15 1 14 13 12 11 1 10 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 III] K 1 IRVINE COMPANY ROOF INSTALLATION GUIDELINES I. GENERAL CRITERIA: a. A CITY PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED. UPON COMPLETION OR WORK, A COPY OF THE SIGNED OFF CITY PERMIT CAR OR OTHER FORM OF THE FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE IRVINE COMPANY. b. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER'S STAMPED DRAWINGS FOR ALL NEW FRAMED OPENINGS WITHIN THE PLYWOOD SUBSTRATE SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR MECHANICAL UNIT INSTALLATIONS. c. WHERE REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF BUILDING OWNER, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREENS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHIN THE IMPROVEMENTS SCOPE OF WORK. EQUIPMENT SCREENS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 26GA, PRE - PAINTED, CORRUGATED SHEET METAL PANELS INSTALLED ON FLASHED SLEEPER SUPPORTS. cl. ALL CURBS AND PLATFORMS SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM a INCHES ABOVE THE ROOF MEMBRANE SURFACE AND SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE EXISTING ROOF ASSEMBLY PER THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE SPECIFICATION. e. ALL ABANDONED, UNUSED MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT UNITS, PENETRATIONS, LINES, SUPPORTS, ETC., ARE TO BE REMOVED AS PART OF THE IMPROVEMENTS SCOPE OF WORK. UNUSED OPENINGS INN SUBSTRATE ARE TO BE ELIMINATED (TO MATCH EXISTING) AND THE AFFECTED MEMBRANE AREA IS TO BE REPAIRED WITH THE MATERIALS INDICATED ON SHEET A -8.2 F. COLOR OF ROOFING MATERIALS USED TO INCORPORATE ROOFING MATERIALS INTO ROOFING IS TO MATCH THE COLOR OF THE EXISTING ROOF SYSTEM. 2. NEW MECHANICAL UNIT INSTALLATIONS: a. NEW MECHANICAL UNITS ARE TO BE INSTALLED ON EITHER PLATFORMS, PREFABRICATED METAL CURBS OR WOOD SLEEPERS. ALL EXPOSED WOOD SLEEPERS ARE BE EITHER PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER OR REDWOOD INSTALLED ON GAPPED WALKPAD MATERIAL. b. NEW MECHANICAL UNIT PLATFORMS ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WITH 22GA GALVANIZED SHEET METAL FLASHING PANS WITH INDEPENDENT WATERPROOFING UNDERLAYMENTS. c. MECHANICAL UNITS INSTALLED ON PLATFORMS OR WOOD SLEEPERS ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WITH INDEPENDENT ISOLATOR PADS, MINIMUM 4 PER UNIT, AND SHEET METAL SEISMIC STRAPS, MINIMUM 4 PER UNIT. cl. CONDENSATION DRAIN LINES ARE TO PROVIDED FOR ALL MECHANICAL UNIT INSTALLATIONS. CONDENSATION DRAIN LINES ARE TO BE CONNECTED TO INTERIOR DRAINS WHERE FEASIBLE OR EXTENDED TO THE CLOSETS INTERNAL DRAIN / PRIMARY SCUPPER. 3. NEW PLUMBING / ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS: a. ALL PENETRATIONS ARE TO RECEIVE NEW LEAD FLASHINGS WHERE FEASIBLE OR GALVANIZED SHEET METAL ROOF JACKS. 4. MECHANICAL UNIT REPLACEMENTS: a. REPLACEMENT OF MECHANICAL UNITS IS TO INCLUDE REPLACEMENT OF SHEET METAL PAN COVER AT EXISTING PLATFORM OR REPLACEMENT OR WOOD SLEEPER SUPPORTS. b. REPLACEMENT OF UNIT IS TO INCLUDE PROVIDING ISOLATOR PADS AND SHEET METAL STRAPS IDENTIFIED IN ITEM "2 -C" ABOVE. c. WORK FOR IMPROVEMENT IS TO INCLUDE CLEANING AND RESEALING OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DUCT WORK. 5. MISCELLANEOUS: a. SHEET METAL / LEAD FLASHING ARE TO BE PROVIDED AT ALL PENETRATIONS. b. PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL LINES TRANSVERSING THE ROOF MEMBRANE SURFACE ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WITH WOOD BLOCK SUPPORTS WITH WALKPAD MATERIAL BASES AT 5 FOOT ON CENTER INTERVALS. WOOD BLOCKS ARE TO BE SECURED TO LINES WITH SHEET METAL STRAPS. 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 B IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 C X L F L 7 1 rd 0 0 L n 0 M 0 a M 0 a ARCHITECTURE - INTERIORS • DESIGN O %0 N O� Q W U WoU ZLu Q z j3 W UNm Lu om0 t/! ' CL Q O W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE GENERAL NOTES 0 0 T=3 0 SHEET OF 31 .......... 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 B IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 C X L F L 7 1 rd 0 0 L n 0 M 0 a M 0 a ARCHITECTURE - INTERIORS • DESIGN O %0 N O� Q W U WoU ZLu Q z j3 W UNm Lu om0 t/! ' CL Q O W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE GENERAL NOTES 0 0 T=3 0 SHEET OF 31 17 16 15 1 14 13 12 11 1 10 9 8 7 6 1 5 4 3 2 1 SWITCH THERMOSTAT A � A PAPER TOWEL TOILET TISSUE $ FEMININE PAPER TOWEL MIRRO DISPENSER / WASTE SEAT COVER NAPKIN DISPENSER CONTAINER VENDOR URINAL TOILET PAPER FEMININE NAPKIN 18" e // DISPENSER DISPENSER LAVATORY GRAB BAR DRINKING FACE OF MJ', ,IV T -4 FOUNTAIN LL WALL i Y Q RECEPTACLE L a OUTLET Q f p u X 16' TO IS' ~ 0 0 i All. 10 IL o 80 �xO Q wW _� XWU 8 8 =� 8 0 0 INSULATE HOT WATER Q p LL ❑❑ v �a1 t v v S DRAIN PIPES. NO M IS' N q1 6' LU _� F SHARP OR ABRASIVE Tn MIN r d) Z O m SURFACES SHALL BE U V O N Q r O r M BELOW LAVATORY m Ep FINISH FLOOR FINISH FLOOR G G PER 2013 GBG SEC. 111 -7.6 ITEM #5 RECEPTACLE & SWITCHES SCALE, 13 FIXTURE AND ACCESSORY MOUNTING HEIGHTS SCALE: 1 CLEAR, LEVEL NOTE: IS" MIN. FLOOR SPACE INT. DOORS 3, MIN 12' 42' GRAB BAR WATER FAUCET TEMPERATURE SHALL NOT EXCEED HO' 4.13(14) D 24" MIN, MAX 1' -5" D EXT. DOORS \ 24' MIN MIN z_ 12' 12' MIN MIN ADJACENT WALL PULL SIDE 4' MIN. 12' MAX. \ Z PUSH SIDE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL NOTE: X = 12" ? OF ACCESSIBILITY \ ,n "' Y E IF DOOR HAS `r SEE DETAIL I2 �_ "—' F LAVATORY - Z E BOTH A I T -4 \ o CLOSER AND II_ Etl LATCH X O MIN BACK WALL SIDE ELEVATION FRONT APPROACH CLEAR, LEVEL / FLUSH I-!" MIN NOTE: X = 36" / ACTIVATOR ON MIN. IF Y= 60 "; FLOOR SPACE WIDE SIDE X = 42" MIN. IF 141" MIN F Y= 54" 60' MIN. F } ? MIN MIN. f X 1. PLAN PULL SIDE MIN. )( o o I' -5" — MIN. MIRROR 19" MAX G LAVATORY SCALE: �I = Z PUSH SIDE ENTRY DOOR SIGNAGE X AND DRAIN PIPES. NO 10 i SHARP OR ABRASIVE X - SURFACES SHALL BE H �y Z BELOW THE LAVATORY r � N MOTET i 1 8" MIN. (KNEE CLEARANCE). SIGNAGE ROOM NUMBE BRAILLE NOTE: NUMBER BRAILLE G HAS BOTH A LATCH } G,B.G. 11115.8.5 CONTRACTED GRADE 02 BRAILLE F \ AND OL05FR G.B.G. 11117.5 .8 CONTRACTED GRADE "2 DOTS ARE 1/10" ON CENTER IN EACH CELL WITH 2/10" SPACE BETWEEN CELLS. BRAILLE DOTS ARE RAISED A lz MIN. HINGE SIDE APPROACH MINIMUM OF 1/40" ABOVE THE BACKGROUND. MOUNTING LOCATION SHALL BE DETERMINED w N UI Z r Lu I SO THAT A PERSON MAY APPROACH WITHIN 3 V 0 G� INCHES OF SIGNAGE WITHOUT ENCOUNTERING DAP I PROTRUDING OBJECTS OR STANDING WITHIN \ NOTE: Y = 54" MIN. IF DOOR HAS CLOSER THE SWING OF A DOOR. / CLEAR, LEVEL H FLOOR SPADE / SIGN MOUNTED -a +60" ON WALL AT LATCH SIDE OF DOOR. 4' MIN. / APPROXIMATE SIZE - 8"x6° 12' MAX. X 124.. `r f MIN. > PULL SIDE 8' e>Ur IS° 32" MIN. PUSH SIDE ROOM MIN CLR. X NUMBER H:24 3/8' MAX. EXIT 7 �- " "••• °° 0 6" MAX } L J (TOE \ CLEAR) CONTRACTED GRADE MIN. MIRROR 19" MAX G LAVATORY �I = Z NOTE: Y = 48" MIN. IF DOOR HAS OL05ER #2 BRAILLE \ PER 2013 GBG MIN. DEPTH PER: G5G- GHP -11 PLAN LATCH SIDE APPROACH SEG 115C. IB5A32 SIDE ELEVATION DOOR CLEARANCE SCALE: 15 TACTILE EXIT SIGN SCALE: 11 SINGLE TOILET FACILITY SCALE: 7 LAVATORY CLEARANCE SCALE: 3 K - - - - K RESTROOM NUMBER FIGURES TO BE COLOR WHITE, TYP. G.B.G. I I115.B.5 2" MIALT5yfi, G.B.G. 1111-1.15.5 O ADE 2 TY . �' ILLE p = (�0 I I/4" TO I I/2" DOOR YMBOL �t NOMINAL NOTE: R A.R.F. I IR' CLEAR DIAMETER LE R SEE BRAILLE NOTE u. 0 � ON DETAIL 4/T -4 0 L WOMEN BLUE BACKGROUND (COLOR L n RESTROOMS 'Q 4'M IN O ®. ° ® ®. No. 15090 IN FEDERAL 12' MAX. C) STANDARD 5958) SIGN MOUNTED Q +60° ON WALL APPROXIMATE SIZE - 8 "x6 "_ 12„ 12„ 12„ 0 4" AT LATCH SIDE OF DOOR. o i i SYMBOL DESCRIPTION N051GNAGE TO BE PLASTID, VERIFY W/ ARCHITECT. 6" HIGH RAISED (� 16 2. APPROX. LOCATIONS DEPICTED ON FLOOR PLAN CMAIN ENTRANCE WHEELCHAIR LOGO o DOORWAYS LEADING TO MEN'S SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY AND PHONE / i 4 M AN EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE 1/4 INCH THICK WITH EDGES 12 INCHES LONG AND A ATM). LOCATE ON CENTER LINE OF WALL TO THE RIGHT SIDE OF 3 /$' M RESTROOM M VERTEX POINTING UPWARD. WOMEN'S SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED DESIGNATED BY A CIRCLE 1/4 INCH THICK AND 12 INCHES IN DIA. UNISEX SANITARY FACILITIES AREAS AND 60° ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR WALL FINISHq SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A CIRCLE 1/4 INCH THICK, 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER WITH 3. VERIFY FORMAT, VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND INSTALL ACCORDING TO CONTRACTED GRADE M A 1/4 INCH THICK TRIANGLE SUPER IMPOSED ON THE CIRCLE AND WITHIN THE 12 2013 GBG "2 BRAILLE INCH DIAMETER. THESE GEOMETRIC ACCESSIBILITY CODE_ SYMBOLS SHALL BE CENTERED ON THE / e DOOR AT A HEIGHT OF 60 INCHES AND THEIR COLOR AND CONTRAST SHALL BE 4. FIGURES a CHARACTERS TO BE RAISED 1/32" MIN., W/ GRADE 2 DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT FROM THE COLOR AND CONTRAST OF THE DOOR. BRAILLE BELOW. PER 2013 GBG I" RAISED LETTERS FIG IIA -9C N RESTROOM DOOR SYMBOL SCALE: 16 SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SCALE: 12 RESTROOM GRAB BAR SCALE: 8 RESTROOM SIGNAGE SCALE: 4 N 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN Q W U Ix WoU ZLu Q z j3 W UNm Lu om0 t/! CL Q O LU m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT OFTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS T -4 SHEET OF S2 G LAVATORY INSULATE HOT WATER X AND DRAIN PIPES. NO i SHARP OR ABRASIVE X - SURFACES SHALL BE H �y Z BELOW THE LAVATORY r � N 1 8" MIN. (KNEE CLEARANCE). NOTE: Y = 48" MIN. IF DOOR HAS OL05ER #2 BRAILLE \ PER 2013 GBG MIN. DEPTH PER: G5G- GHP -11 PLAN LATCH SIDE APPROACH SEG 115C. IB5A32 SIDE ELEVATION DOOR CLEARANCE SCALE: 15 TACTILE EXIT SIGN SCALE: 11 SINGLE TOILET FACILITY SCALE: 7 LAVATORY CLEARANCE SCALE: 3 K - - - - K RESTROOM NUMBER FIGURES TO BE COLOR WHITE, TYP. G.B.G. I I115.B.5 2" MIALT5yfi, G.B.G. 1111-1.15.5 O ADE 2 TY . �' ILLE p = (�0 I I/4" TO I I/2" DOOR YMBOL �t NOMINAL NOTE: R A.R.F. I IR' CLEAR DIAMETER LE R SEE BRAILLE NOTE u. 0 � ON DETAIL 4/T -4 0 L WOMEN BLUE BACKGROUND (COLOR L n RESTROOMS 'Q 4'M IN O ®. ° ® ®. No. 15090 IN FEDERAL 12' MAX. C) STANDARD 5958) SIGN MOUNTED Q +60° ON WALL APPROXIMATE SIZE - 8 "x6 "_ 12„ 12„ 12„ 0 4" AT LATCH SIDE OF DOOR. o i i SYMBOL DESCRIPTION N051GNAGE TO BE PLASTID, VERIFY W/ ARCHITECT. 6" HIGH RAISED (� 16 2. APPROX. LOCATIONS DEPICTED ON FLOOR PLAN CMAIN ENTRANCE WHEELCHAIR LOGO o DOORWAYS LEADING TO MEN'S SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY AND PHONE / i 4 M AN EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE 1/4 INCH THICK WITH EDGES 12 INCHES LONG AND A ATM). LOCATE ON CENTER LINE OF WALL TO THE RIGHT SIDE OF 3 /$' M RESTROOM M VERTEX POINTING UPWARD. WOMEN'S SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED DESIGNATED BY A CIRCLE 1/4 INCH THICK AND 12 INCHES IN DIA. UNISEX SANITARY FACILITIES AREAS AND 60° ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR WALL FINISHq SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A CIRCLE 1/4 INCH THICK, 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER WITH 3. VERIFY FORMAT, VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND INSTALL ACCORDING TO CONTRACTED GRADE M A 1/4 INCH THICK TRIANGLE SUPER IMPOSED ON THE CIRCLE AND WITHIN THE 12 2013 GBG "2 BRAILLE INCH DIAMETER. THESE GEOMETRIC ACCESSIBILITY CODE_ SYMBOLS SHALL BE CENTERED ON THE / e DOOR AT A HEIGHT OF 60 INCHES AND THEIR COLOR AND CONTRAST SHALL BE 4. FIGURES a CHARACTERS TO BE RAISED 1/32" MIN., W/ GRADE 2 DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT FROM THE COLOR AND CONTRAST OF THE DOOR. BRAILLE BELOW. PER 2013 GBG I" RAISED LETTERS FIG IIA -9C N RESTROOM DOOR SYMBOL SCALE: 16 SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SCALE: 12 RESTROOM GRAB BAR SCALE: 8 RESTROOM SIGNAGE SCALE: 4 N 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN Q W U Ix WoU ZLu Q z j3 W UNm Lu om0 t/! CL Q O LU m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT OFTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS T -4 SHEET OF S2 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN O %0 %0 N O� Q W U I _ WoU ZLu Q LJJ j3 W UNm om0 N ' CL Q O W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE SITE PLAN ST -1 SHEET OF ss 17 16 15 14 A 1. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITY A. THE CONTRACT INCLUDES FURNISHING OF ALL LABOR, MATERIALS, APPLIANCES, TRANSPORTATION AND SERVICES REQUIRED FOR A SATISFACTORY CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. B. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT ALL ALTERATIONS, ADJUSTMENTS TO DELIVER A COMPLETE PROJECT CONFORMING TO THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. C. THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INSTALL FIXTURE WORK OR TO USE PORTIONS OF B THE CONSTRUCTION AREA AFTER SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION BY THE CONTRACTOR. SUCH OCCUPANCY SHALL IN NO IMPLY ACCEPTANCE OF ANY PORTION OF THE WORK. D. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ONE SUPERINTENDENT ON THE JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES. SUPERINTENDENT SHALL WORK EXCLUSIVELY ON THE PROJECT FROM START OF CONSTRUCTION THROUGH SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE OWNER WITH TELEPHONE SERVICE 24 HOURS PER DAY FOR DURATION OF PROJECT, E. FOR SIZE AND OPENINGS FOR ALL MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, REFER TO MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. G F. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ANY AND ALL CUTTING, PATCHING, REPAIRING, RESTORING, AND THE LIKE TO COMPLETE THE WORK THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO RESTORE ANY DAMAGED OR AFFECTED SURFACES (RESULTING FROM THIS WORK) TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION AND TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ARCHITECT. G. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE WORK PERFORMED BY THE G.C.'S SUB - CONTRACTORS FOR RESOLUTION BEFORE PROCEEDING. H. SHOULD CONFLICTS OCCUR WITHIN THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS, THE HIGHER QUALITY OR LARGER QUANTITY SHALL BE ADOPTED FOR ESTIMATION D PURPOSES AND SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED. I. IF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS APPEAR IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER, ARCHITECT, STRUCTURAL ENGINEER IN WRITING OF SUCH ERROR OR OMISSION. J. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TIMELY ARRIVAL OF ALL SPECIFIED FINISH MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, AND ANY OTHER MATERIALS UTILIZED ON THIS PROJECT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER IN WRITING WITHIN TEN C10) DAYS OF DATE OF CONTRACT OF THOSE SPECIFIED ITEMS THAT MAY NOT BE READILY AVAILABLE. IF NOTIFICATION IS NOT RECEIVED BY OWNER WITHIN THAT TIME FRAME THE CONTRACTOR ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PROPER E ORDERING AND FOLLOW -UP OF SPECIFIED ITEMS AND SHALL PURSUE WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO ASSURE AVAILABILITY OF ALL SPECIFIED ITEMS SO AS NOT TO CREATE A HARDSHIP ON THE OWNER AND NOT DELAY THE PROGRESS OF THE WORK. NO EXTENSION OF TIME TO THE CONTRACT WILL BE ALLOWED. K. WHEREVER THE TERM 'OR EQUAL' IS USED, IT SHALL MEAN EQUAL PRODUCT AS APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE ARCHITECT. L. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL ACQUAINT HIMSELF WITH THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL EQUIPMENT UNDER THIS CONTRACT SO THAT SUFFICIENT CLEARANCES AND ADEQUATE F FLOOR AREA IS AVAILABLE FOR RECEIPT AND STORAGE OF THAT EQUIPMENT. FURNISHED BY OTHERS. M. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CAUSE THE WORK TO BE DILIGENTLY PURSUED TO ENTIRE COMPLETION. SHOULD HE /SHE FAIL TO SUPPLY A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF WORKERS OR MATERIALS OR FAIL TO MAKE TIMELY ARRANGEMENTS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED FOR PROGRESS, THEN THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE OWNER AND ARCHITECT THAT SAID DEFICIENCIES ARE DUE TO CAUSES BEYOND THE CONTROL. UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR PROVIDES SUCH EVIDENCE, THE OWNER SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT, AFTER ONE (1) DAY NOTICE IN WRITING, TO TO MAKE SUCH ARRANGEMENTS AND SUPPLY SUCH WORKERS AND MATERIALS AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. THE SAME RELATIONSHIP SHALL EXIST BETWEEN THE G GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUB - CONTRACTORS. N. INSPECT SITE AND VERIFY FIELD DIMENSIONS BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES THAT OCCUR, O. THE PLANS FOR PROJECTS WHICH ARE TENANT IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN AN EXISTING LEASE SPACE OR REMODELING PROJECTS OF AN EXISTING BUILDING HAVE BEEN PREPARED BASED UPON THE BEST AVAILABLE DATA. THE DIMENSIONS FOR THESE EXISTING SPACES AND THE ELEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THE EXISTING DIMENSIONS OF THE LEASE SPACE OR BUILDING WITH THOSE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT H OF WORK IF DISCREPANCIES OCCUR NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. P. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. Q. ALL CONTRACTORS SHALL ONLY BUILD FROM SETS NOTED AS "CONSTRUCTION SET ", AND ANY BULLETINS ISSUED BY THE ARCHITECT. DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 01000 Supplementary General Conditions INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK Section 02200 Site preparation /Earth work DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE - Section 03010 Concrete Work DIVISION 4 - MASONRY IC NOT A PART DIVISION 5 - METALS - Section 05010 Structural Steel - Section 05500 Miscellaneous Steel DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS Section 06200 Finish Cerpentry DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION - Section 01200 Insulation - Section 01900 Caulking 4 Sealants DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS - Section 05210 Wood Doors - Section 00100 Finish Hardware - Section 05500 Glass and Glazing M DIVISION 9 - FINISHES - Section 09210 Exterior Plaster - Section 09250 Gypsum Board - Section 09300 Tile - Section 09510 Acoustical Ceilings - Section 09900 Painting - Section 09955 Fiberglass Reinforced Panels 17 16 15 14 13 I 12 11 DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES - Section 10000 Building Specialties - Section 10510 Toilet Accesssories DIVISION I" - EQUIPMENT NOT A PART DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS SEE SHEET PLANS, SHEET F -I DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION NOT A PART DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS NOT A PART DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL - Section 15400 Plumbing - Section 15600 Fire Alarm System DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL, POWER S LIGHTING - Section 16000 - Electrical, Power and Lighting END INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 10 9 I 8 SPECIFICATIONS 00100.11 GENERAL Bid the project exactly as drawn and specified. Complete all proposals and include all work as shown and /or specified and as required by all applicable building codes. The Contractor is held to have fully examined all drawings and specifications, not only of his/her particular concern but of allied trades as well, and to be fully familiar with conditions under which he /she will assume his /her work. Particular attention is drawn to the General Conditions and the General Conditions of the specifications. The Contract is in the form of a single, lump sum of type of agreement. 00100.12 PROPOSALS: Sealed proposals will be received at such time and place designated. Submit proposals in accordance with the "Invitation to Bid ". Sign proposals by legal authorized parties of companies only and state titles of same. The Owner retains the right to reject any and /or to reject any and /or all proposals. 00100.13 ACCEPTANCE OR WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS: Any Contractor who has submitted a proposal may withdraw this proposal at any time prior to the scheduled time for opening of samei however, once proposals are opened the Contractor agrees to honor same for a minimum of thirty (30 days). 00100.14 DISCREPANCIES: Should a bidder find discrepancies or ambiguities in, or omissions from, the drawings and /or the specifications, or be in doubt as to their meaning or intent, notify the Architect in time to allow for issuance of clarification by means of Addenda for delivery in sufficient time before proposals are due. 00100.15 QUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS: The Owner reserves the right to require any Contractor submitting a proposal to furnish any or all of the following information prior to award of the Contract. I. Performance record of project completed over the previous two (2) years. 2. Address and description of plant or permanent place of business. 3. An itemized list of equipment. 4. Additional information as required to satisfy the Owner that the Contractor is adequately prepared to fulfill all requirements of the Contract, such as contained in A.I.A. document 4305- Contractor's Qualification Statement. 00100.16 DISTRIBUTION OF DOCUMENTS: Only approved contractors as determined by the owner mayobtain drawings, specifications and Supplemental Bidders Package.Drawines and specifications remain the property of the Architectand are to be returned complete and in good condition. Use by unauthorized persons for any purpose whatsoever is strictly prohibited and is punishable to the full extent of the law. 00100.11 CONDITIONS: Submittal of a proposal by any Contractor constitutes full acceptance by that Contractor of all conditions as herein stated_ 00100.10 ADDENDUM& Addendums and instructions issued by the architect during theperiod of bidding will be incorporated in the contract documents. 00100.19 ALTERNATES AND SUBSTITUTIONS: Specific manufacturers for various Contractor Furnished items are noted on the Drawings. IF any alternate manufacture's products are furnished, note this information on the Proposal. Additionally, provide proposed substitutions of non - approved manufacturers in compliance with the respective section of the general conditions. No alternates or substitutions shall be permitted without prior review and acceptance for design conformance by the architect, and approval by the owner. G.G. to submit reason for substitutes, lost savings, data and specifications in order to compare contract document specifications. Any revisions to plans due to acceptance of alternate /substitution shall be borne by G.G. 00100.20 NOTICE TO PROCEED AND PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING No work will be started without a pre- construction meeting attended by the Contractor, or his /her representative, and the receipt by the Contractor of a formal "Notice to Proceed" from the Owner. 00100.21 RECORD DRAWINGS Prior to release of the final retention, furnish the Owner a complete set of drawings red -lined with all deviations made during construction plus the permit set of drawings and specifications maintained at the site. END DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01000 - SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS 01000.1 GENERAL: 01000.11 DEFINITIONS: A. Owner:The Owner is defined as The Owner's representative for administrating the Contract is the Construction Manager. B. The Owner's Consultant:The Owner's Consultant is referred to as 'Consultant" for purposes of this project. He /she may be an Architect and /or Engineer, or other technical representative, responsible For assisting the owner's representative, the Construction Manager, in administrating the contract. 13 I 12 11 10 7 6 5 C. Contractor: The person(s), company(ies) or corporation(s) with whom the Owner makes a direct Contract for the work or any portion thereof, or for any materials or related services required thereto. D. Sub - Contractor: Any person(s), company(ies), or corporation(s) with whom a contractor makes a Contract to furnish labor and /or service and /or material in connection with the project.Within the drawing and specifications, the term "Contractor" Is interpreted to mean Sub - Contractor where applicable unless further defined. E. Project: the project is defined as the complete labor, materials and service required for the construction and all related work as described on the Contract document. F, Site: The property on which the project is located, G. Contract Documents: the contract documents consist of (1) The Construction Contract, (2) The Drawings (3) The Specifications, (4) Soils Report. Include the dates and revision dates of all drawings and specification on the proposal form. 01000.12 GENERAL CONDITIONS A. The Standard Form of General Conditions published by the American Institute of Architects (A.I.A.) form A201, latest edition, is binding and the General conditions included herein included are supplementary thereto. In the event of conflict, the Supplementary General Conditions govern over General Conditions, and the Owner's Construction Contract governs over the Supplementary General Conditions, B. It is accepted as a fact that all Contractors have inspected the site prior to submitting their bid and no additional compensation is allowed for failure to fulfill this requirement. It is to be construed however, that the Contractors have included in their bids amounts to cover unforeseen conditions of obstacles other than those indicated on the drawings or visually apparent at the site. Should unforeseen conditions arise, notify the Owner immediately. C. The Following specifications are divided into chapters and each Contractor is to figure on that portion in which each is concerned. It is the responsibility of each Contractor to read and familiarize himself with the General Conditions and Supplementary General Conditions which are considered equally binding with the remaining specifications. D. Settle any controversy or claim arising due to a labor conflict caused by the wording of assignment or these specifications in accordance with local governing labor practice. E. List alternates, whether specified by the Owner or suggested by the Contractor, separately on the proposal. Indicate the cost of materials and labor required to complete the alternate and the credit due the Owner For any materials and/ or labor not required due to the alternate installation. 01000.13 DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS A. Execute all work according to the true meaning and intent of the drawingsand specifications which are intended to include everything required and necessary for the proper and entire finishing of the work, notwithstanding, that each and every item necessarily involved in the work is not specifically mentioned. Deliver the completed work to the Owner in a perfect and undamaged condition without exception. B. The drawings and specifications are intended to be cooperative. Furnish and perform the work or materials called for by the drawings and not mentioned In the specifications or vice -versa in as faithful a manner as though treated by both. C. Before submitting n estimate careful) check the drawings and specifications and should a g y g K' conflict, uncertainty or discrepancy be found, report to the Architect immediately, who will notify all bidders as to the resolution. 01000.14 PRECEDENCE OF DRAWINGS: The order of precedence of drawings is as follows: I. Larger scale drawings over smaller scale drawings. 2. Figured dimensions over scale dimensions. 3. Supplementary General Conditions over A.I.A. General Conditions, 4_ Architectural drawings over mechanical and electrical drawings. 5. Any addenda over all material of an earlier date. 01000.15 SUBMITTALS: A. Shop Drawings: Submit Four copies of Shop Drawings with the following information included on themi name of project, address of address of project, name of Contractor, name of Subcontractor, corresponding specification section, Project Number and submittal number. Prior to submitting any Shop Drawings, review and approve Shop Drawings indicating that they are complete and conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Shop Drawings shall show all pertinent information, methods of erection and methods of fabrication for the Work Requests for deviation shall be brought to the Architect's attention in the Shop drawings. Shop Drawings shall be submitted, and no Work shall be performed prior to the receipt of the approved Shop Drawings. B. Product Data: Submit four copies of ManuFacturer's Literature or Product Data. Size of sheets to be 0 -1/2" x II in. Product information shall be bound in a plastic binder and shall have all the information required for Shop Drawings as stated above, indicated on the cover sheet. C. Samples, When Required: Submit four samples of all samples requests. Submit samples in 0 -1/2 x II in. size wherever practicable. Samples shall show extreme range of color to extreme texturing of materials. Obtain Owner's approval on all required samples prior to performing Work of this Section. 01000.16 SUBSTITUTION: Any substitution must be approved in ADVANCE OF CONSTRUCTION in writing by the Architect after receipt and study of complete information regarding same, including any credits or additional costs. 01000.11 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP: Unless otherwise particularly stated, furnish and install ALL materials and labor mentioned in these specifications and /or shown on the drawings. Execute all work in a neat and skillful manner to the entire satisfaction of the Owner. 01000.IS SUB - CONTRACTS: Provide a list of Subcontractors proposed prior to award of the Contract. The Subcontractor is bound by the specifications. No Contractor or Subcontractor may sublet or assign his Contract or any part thereof without the written approval of the Owner. 01000.19 LAWS AND ORDINANCES Comply in all respects with all laws and ordinances having jurisdiction over the work and /or materials or methods employed. No additional compensation willbeallowed. Contractors for failure to Familiarize themselves with all conditions under which they will perform their work unless these conditions are brought to the Owner's attention prior to signing of Contracts, and provisions for adjusting costs are made at that time. 01000.20 PERMITS, BONDS, LICENSES: Take out and pay for all permits, bonds, licenses and similar items.Should separate Contracts be awarded, each Contractor is responsible for permits, fees, bonds, licenses, and similar items as may be required by work covered under his /her portion of the Contract. Turn over receipts For same to the Owner upon completion.At the Owner's election, the Owner may obtain any of the Permits. 0100021 PROTECTION: A. Barricade and /or shelter the work as to protect it From damage.Arrange all barricades so as to insure a reasonable visual and physical warning for workmen and the public.Provide flashing type blinkers around open trenches. B. The Contractor(s) is held responsible for any damage to his /her work as may be due to negligence of the above, or as may be caused by accident, wind, rain snow, freezing, riot, malicious mischief, theft, or similar reasons, if due to his /her acts, omissions or negligence. If such damage occurs, restore the work to its previous condition at no cost to the Owner. C. Protect all adjoining property from damage during the course of the work If required by local laws or ordinances, issue notices to Owner of said property. No use of adjacent privately owned property by a Contractor without written permission by its Owner is allowed. D. Contractor is responsible for any damage or loss to Owner's building package or equipment in said Contractor's possession.At Owner's election, the cost of repair or replacement of any missing items will be borne by said Contractor. 9 I 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01000,22 INSURANCE: A. In general, maintain such insurance to protect Contractor, Owner and the Owner's agents and representatives from any and all claims under Workmen's Compensation Acts and from all claims for damages because of bodily injury, including death, and all claims for property damage arising from Contractor's operations and /or the operations of Sub - Contractors employed by him, in the amount stated herein. For Sub- contractor(s) not covered by the Contrar-tor(s) insurance, provide similar insurance of their own. Obtain coverage from a company holding a General rating of "A" or better as set forth in the most current issue of Best's Key Rating Insurance Guide. B. "Hold Harmless' Clause: Provide certificate stating that this endorsement is included in the policy(ies). C. This Contractor assumes the liability for all losses, damages (including loss of use), expenses, demands and claims in connection with or arising out of any injury or alleged injury to persons (including death) or damages or alleged damage to property, sustained or alleged to have been sustained, in connection with or to have arisen out of the performance of the work by the Contractor, his Sub - Contractors, and their agents, servants and employees, including losses, expenses, or damages sustained by the Owner and the Architect. The Contractor hereby undertakes and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Architect, their agents, servants, and employees, from any and all such losses, expenses damages (including loss of use), demands and claims, and defend any suit or action brought against any of them, based on any alleged injury (including death) or damage (including loss of use) and pay all damages, judgments,costs and expenses, including attorney'sfees,in connection with said demands and claims resulting therefrom. D. The above clause applies in all states unless restricted by state statute. Should this be the case. Provide the maximum form of "Hold Harmless" allowed by the law. E. Provide Comprehensive General Liability Insurance including a Broad Form endorsement and a Broad Form Property Damage endorsement with limits not less than $1 million CSL (Combined Single LimitAF appropriate, also maintain scaffolding and demolition insurance. F. Provide Workers Compensation Insurance in accordance with applicable state requirements. G. Provide Employers' Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $100,000. H. Provide Comprehensive Automobile Liability including owned, non- owned and hire coverage in an amount not less than $500,000 CSL (Combined Single Limit). I. Satisfy any insurance requirements necessitated by any pertinent governmental authority. J. At Owner's election, maintain Builder's Risk insurance covering the premises. Have such insurance written on an all risk basis and covering all the work until Owner's final acceptance of same. K, Provide insurance policies immediately after award of contract and prior to any work being performed. Upon obtaining policies, notify the Owner and file certificates and /or duplicate policies from insurance companies with the Owner showing policy numbers, dates policies are in effect, and all limitations and exclusion. Provide certificates stating that the insurance company will notify the Owner by registered mail thirty (30) days prior to the expiration or cancellation of any policy. 01000.23 PERFORMANCE, MATERIAL AND LABOR BONDS: When requested, provide performance bonds, labor and material payment bonds to the Owner, prior to start of work. 01000.24 CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFIED JOB SITE SUPERINTENDENT Havethe Contractor or his /her designated and qualified representative /job superintendent, with full authority to act on behalf of Contractor under the Construction Contract, in attendance at the job site and supervising said work, at all times during the progress of the work 01000.25 TEMPORARY FACILITIES: A. A.Take charge of the premises from the start to the completion of the project and furnish the following: I. Laying out of all work and establishing building lines and levels, confirm this information with the Owner. 2. Temporary electric power, two telephone lines, and one Contractor provided fax machine, during the period of construction. This does not include portable generators for use of other trades. 3. Heating of building for working and drying purposes during the period of construction. 4. Temporary ladders as required for access to all work 5. Water for construction use. 6. Acceptance, unloading and storage of Owner's equipment delivered to the site are the responsibility of the Contractor. 1. Temporary toilet facilities. 5. The minimum of one construction trailers in the range of 25' -40' in length. 01000.26 INSPECTION AND TESTS: A. Call for all inspections as required by local authorities, allowing a minimum of two (2) day notice for inspections to be made. B. Notify the Owner for inspection one week prior tothe installation of the items specified in the "Invitation To Bid" C, The Owner has the right to order tests and /or laboratory examination of any material or work used or performed on the project should he suspect such material or work to be of lesser quality than specified herein. The costs of all such tests will be paid by the Owner unless they indicate work or materials to be of lesser quality, in which case the Contractor pays the costs along with any expenses incurred in correction of the work 01000.21 PRECEDING WORK: Before starting work, examine work previously installed and immediately report to the Owner any visible defects or conditions which adversely affect the quality and /or completion of this work It is assumed all conditions are acceptable if no such report is received. 01000.25 CUTTING AND FITTING: A.Execute all cutting and fitting of work as may be required by other trades so as to insure as near perfect fit of materials as possible. 01000.29 DAMAGED WORK: Pay for replacement of any work damaged in connection with the Contract, and perform such patching or replacement byskilled personnel specializing in the particular trade so as to restore damagedworktocompletelyacceptablecondition. Should responsibility for damage be unable to be determined, prorate the cost of repairing same among Contractors working on the job at the time the damage occurred as determined by the Owner. The decision of the Owner is final. 01000.30 ADVERTISING: No advertising is allowed. 01000.31 COMPLETED WORK: A. Deliver completed work as called for by the Contract to the Owner free from liens, claims or encumbrances of any description whatsoever against the Owner. Acceptance of such work is defined as approval of final payout. B. If Owner receives 'notice of claim" to be filed or if a claim is filed as a result of Contractor's non - payment, Owner possesses the right under the Construction Contract to either settle the claim and deduct same from the Contract sum or to require the Contractor to bond over such small claims, including any associated expenses as defined in the Construction Contract and to promptly defend to conclusion Owner and Owner's interest against said claim of claims. C. Completion of Work on the project requires the submission by the Contractor of certain documentation in order for the Final Retention Draw to be paid to the Contractor. The submission of these documents is defined in the Construction Contract and is inclusive of the following items: Record Drawings and Specifications including microfiche copies: Lien Waivers from Contractor and Subcontractors and Materialmen; List of all Subcontractors and Materialmen: Contractor's Guarantee and Completion Affidavit; Final Signed Punch List; any Work Orders and Associated Contract Change Orders; Certificate of occupancy and any related public agency; Certification of project completion; Copies of project Inspection Reports; Permitted Set of Drawings and Specification; All warranties; all certifications noted in the drawings including civil drawings, the bid documents and Construction Contract; and any required test and /or engineering reports. 4 3 2 1 A B C No E F G I:■ 1 0 0 L° 0 3 a 0 0 a M 0 a a 3; 0 N� 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN %0 %0 N O� Q W U W o U Z W Q W W UNm W Q 0 o0 m 9L Q 0 - OO Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OFFERS VIBOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP P R 0 1 E CT No. 13 -025 DATE SPECIFICATIONS SP -1 SHEET OF 34 17 I 16 15 14 13 I 12 11 10 9 I 8 7 6 5 I 4 3 2 1 01000.32 MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING: A. Throughout the period of construction, be responsible for satisfactorily maintaining the premises in a neat and clean condition. This means removal of all refuse and debris from A the premises. B. Store all equipment and materials in a neat manner and protect them from any damage from the elements. Maintain building in a generally clean condition during the period of construction, and upon final completion provide a professional service to thoroughly clean all glass, floors, furniture and equipment. C. General contractor shall provide (1) 40 cubic yard dumpster load for owner's operation's to use after project turn -over. 01000.33 GUARANTEE: Fully and unconditionally guarantee all labor, materials, and equipment required by the B Owner - contractor agreement(s) for a period of one(1) year from the date of final acceptance or the date the building is opened for business by the Owner, unless otherwise specified in specific chapters herein. 01000.34 CHANGES: A. The Owner, without invalidating the Contract, may order changes in the work within the general scope of the Contract, consisting of additions, deletions, or other revision. The Contract sum and the contract time will be adjusted accordingly. B. The cost or credit to the Owner resulting from a change in the work will be determined by mutual agreement. Perform all work under the applicable conditions of the Contract documents. G. Obtain written authorization for changes in the work (Construction Work Order) from the Owner prior to completion of the work 01000.35 RECEIPT OF EQUIPMENT: During the course of construction, the Contractor is the receiving party for deliveries of equipment and miscellaneous items made to the job site by common carrier. If, during the receipts of those items by the Contractor's representatives, any missing or damaged items are observed, the receiving person must: I. Make a notation of the discrepancy on the delivery ticket. 2. Call PFS (114) 453 -4500 and advise of the problem within 24 hours. D 3. Call the delivery carrier and /or vendor to file a claim. END DIVISION 2 - SITE SECTION 022008ITE WORK REFER TO PLANS FOR SCOPE OF WORK LIMITED TO CONCRETE STOOP, RAMP, RAILING, E LIGHTS, PAINT 4 MEATAL ROOF COVER AND SUPPORTS. - SEE PLANS. END DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 0301000NCRETE WORK 03010.1 GENERAL F 03010,11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings, Specifications, Division i and Contract 03010.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The extent of concrete work shown on drawings. 03010.13 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Comply with provisions American Concrete Institute 318 "Building code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" and 301 "Structural Concrete for Buildings" except where more G stringent requirements are shown or specified. B. Form all footings and foundations.Unformed placement of concrete is not allowed. C. Conform to ACI 3058 when concreting during hot weather. D. Conform to ACI BOOR when concreting during cold weather. 03010.2 PRODUCTS 03010.21 FORM MATERIALS: A. Forms for Concrete Surfaces: Plywood, lumber, metal, or other industry acceptable material. B. Provide commercial formulation form - coating compounds that will not bond with, stain nor H adversely affect concrete surfaces. 03010.22 REINFORCING MATERIALS: A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A -615 Grade 60, deformed. B. Welded Wire Fabric: Plain cold -drawn welded steel wire, ASTM A- 185. C. Provide metal bolsters, chairs and other devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing bars and welded wire fabric in place. 03010.23 CONCRETE MATERIALS: 7 A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type II. B. Normal Weight - Aggregates: ASTM C33, with maximum 1 -1/2" for footing and other mass concrete and 3/4" maximum for other concrete. C. Water: Clean and not detrimental to concrete. D. Calcium Chloride: Not permitted. E. Admixtures: Do not use without approval from Construction Manager. 03010.24 ACCESSORIES: A. Provide 6 mil polyethylene vapor barrier cover over prepared base material for all floor slabs. K B. Provide base course for all floor slabs of evenly graded natural gravel 3/8" maximum to 1 /8" minimum (pea gravel) or natural sand. C. Non - shrink Cement Grout Below Column Base Plates: Non - metallic, flowable, high strength (4000 psi min. at 1 days) conforming with CRD -C 621. D. Membrane Curing Compound: ASTM C309. E. Absorptive Mats: ASTM Clll F.Bonding Agent: Polymer resin emulsion. 03010.25 PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES: A. Use proprietary standard design mix that meets the following qualities and furnish satisfactory evidence of such. Accompany each mixer truck with a delivery ticket noting L type of concrete and materials. Note placement location of each load on these tickets and file all tickets on the job site. B. Concrete: Proportion to design strengths indicated on drawings. 03010.26 CONCRETE MIXES: Ready -Mix Concrete: Comply with requirements of ASTM C 94, and as herein specified. I. Addition of water to the batch with insufficient slump is not permitted. 2. When air temperature is between S5 degrees F (30 degrees C) and 90 degrees F (32 degrees C), reduce mixing and delivery time from 1- 1/2 hours to 15 minutes, and when air temperature is above 90 degrees F (32 degrees C), reduce mixing and delivery time M to 60 minutes. 03010.3 EXECUTION 03010.31 FORMS: A. Arrange and assemble form work which is readily removable without damage to cast -in -place concrete surfaces and adjacent materials. B. Construct forms to sizes, shapes, lines and dimensions shown, and to obtain accurate alignment, location, grades, levels and plumb work. Support brace and maintain form work N to support vertical and lateral loads until such loads can be supported by concrete. G. Use factory - fabricated, adjustable - length, removable or snap -off metal form ties. D. Provide openings in concrete form work to accommodate work of other trades. 17 16 15 14 0301032 PLACING REINFORCEMENT: A. Accurately position, support and secure reinforcement against displacement by form work, construction, or concrete placement operations. 1. All bars shall be continuous in longest length possible with minimum 36 bar diameter laps. 2. Bent corner reinforcing shall be provided to lap and match horizontal reinforcement. 3. Minimum coverage for any reinforcing steel shall be 2'.Verify actual minimum w /local codes. 4. Welding for fabrication and installation and is not permitted. B. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable. Lap adjoining pieces at least two Full mesh and lace splices with wire. 050103 EXECUTION 0501031 ERECTION: A. Allow for erection loads, and for sufficient temporary bracing to maintain structure safe, plumb, and in true alignment until completion of erection and installation of permanent bracing. B. Do not field cut or alter structural members without approval of Architect. C. After erection, touch -up all damaged finish surfaces. D. Place specified grout under all base plates. 05010.32 ERECTION TOLERANCES: 03010.33 INSTALLATION OF EMBEDDED ITEMS: A. Maximum Variation From Plumb: 1/4 -inch per story. Set and build into work anchorage devices and other embedded items required for other work B. Maximum Offset From True Alignment: 1/4 -inch, that is attached to, or supported by, cast -in -place concrete. END 03010.34 PREPARATION OF FORM SURFACES: Coat contact surfaces of forms with a form - coating compound before reinforcement is placed. 0301035 FORM CLEANING: A. Clean forms to remove foreign matter within forms. B. During cold weather, remove ice and snow from within forms. Do not use de -icing salts. Do not use water to clean out forms, unless form work and concrete construction proceed within heated enclosure. Use compressed air or other means to remove foreign matter. 03010.36 CONCRETE PLACEMENT: A. Comply with American Concrete Institute 304, and herein specified. B. Install vapor barrier under interior slabs on grade. Lap joints minimum 6- inches and seal watertight. C. Deposit concrete continuously or in layers of such thickness that no concrete will be placed on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams or planes of weakness. D. Consolidate placed concrete by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand spading, rodding or tamping (except for slabs). E. Deposit and consolidate concrete slabs In a continuous operation. F. Bring slab surfaces to correct level with straightedge and strikeoff.Use bull floats or derbies to smooth surface, free of humps or hollows. G. Maintain mesh reinforcing in approximately the middle of slab during concrete placement operations, H. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength which could be caused by Frost, Freezing actions, or low temperatures. I. Do not use calcium chloride, salt and other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators. J. When hot weather conditions exist that would seriously impair quality and strength of concrete, place concrete in compliance with American Concrete Institute 3058. K. When cold weather conditions exist that would seriously impair quality and strength of concrete, place concrete in compliance with American Concrete Institute 3068. 03010.31 FINISH OF FORMED SURFACES: Concrete surfaces exposed -to -view in the finish work shall not have texture imparted by form facing material used. Repair and patch tie holes and defective areas and chip off fins and other projections exceeding 1/4" in height. 03010.35 MONOLITHIC SLAB FINISHES: A. Apply float finish to monolithic slab surfaces. After screeding, consolidating, and leveling concrete slabs, do not work surface until ready for floating. Begin floating when surface water has disappeared or when concrete has stiffened sufficiently to permit operation of power driven floats. Check and level surface plane to a tolerance not exceeding 1/4" in 10' when tested with a 10' straightedge. B. Provide 1/2" pitch in 4' -0" diameter of all floor drains. 03010.39CONCRETE SLAB CURING AND PROTECTION: A. Protect Freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. B, Provide moisture curing by one of the following methods for a period of 1 days. I_ Cover concrete surface with specified absorptive cover, thoroughly saturating cover with water and keeping continuously wet. 2. Cover concrete surfaces with moisture - retaining cover for curing concrete, placed in widest practicable width. 3. Curing compounds in accordance with ASTM C -309 may be used as directed by the Owner. 03010310 REMOVAL OF FORMS: Form work may not be removed in less than 5 days or until concrete has attained sufficient strength to carry loads. 03010.311 CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIRS: A. Cut out honeycomb, rock pockets, voids over 1/4" in any dimension, and holes left by tie rods and bolts, down to solid concrete, but in no case, to a depth of less than 1 ". Make edges of cuts perpendicular to the concrete surface. Thoroughly clean, dampen with water and brush -coat the area to be patched with specified bonding agent.Place patching mortar after bonding compound has dried. B. Excessive honeycomb or embedded debris in concrete is unacceptable. END DIVISION 5 - METALS SECTION 05010 STRUCTURAL STEEL 05010.1 GENERAL Drawings, Specifications, Division 1 and Contract 05010.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Structural steel, bolts, and welds. 05010.13 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Fabricate structural steel members in accordance with AISC Code of Standard Practice. B. Conform welding with AWI DI-1- C. Use welders holding valid certificates issued by accepted testing agency. 050102 PRODUCTS 05010.21 MATERIALS: A. Rolled Sections and Plates: ASTM A361A36M, except where specifically noted on drawings. B. Structural Tubes: ASTM 4500, Grade B, FY= 46 C. Bolts, Nuts, Washers, and Anchor Bolts: ASTM A -301. D. Welding Materials: AWS DI.I'- type required for materials being welded. E. Grout: Non - shrink type, pre -mixed compound consisting of non - metallic aggregate, cement, and water reducing and plasticizing additive. F. Shop and Touch -Up Primer: SSPC 15, Type I, red oxide. G. Touch -Up Primer for Galvanized Surfaces: SSPC 20, Type I. 05010.22 FINISH: A. Prepare structural component surfaces in accordance with SSPC SP Standards. B. Shop prime structural steel members. Do not prime field welded surfaces or surfaces in contact with concrete. C. In high humidity areas similar to Florida and Hawaii, galvanize structural steel members including connectors to ASTM A123 with minimum 1.25 02.sq. ft. galvanized coating in lieu of shop priming. 13 12 11 10 SECTION 05500 MISCELLANEOUS STEEL 05500.1 GENERAL 05500.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings, Specifications, Division I and Contract. 05500.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Provide miscellaneous metal fabrication as needed to complete work as indicated, specified or required. 055002 PRODUCTS 05500.21 MATERIALS: A. Steel Sections: ASTM 436. B. Bolts: ASTM A301 C. Primer for Interior Members: Sinclair No.15 Red Oxide Primer or equal. D. Galvanizing for Exterior Members: Hot -dip galvanizing ASTM A123, for plates, bars and shapes and ASTM A153 for hardware, bolts, nuts, etc. 05500.22FA15RICATION AND INSTALLATION: Conform to current "Code of Standard Practice" of the American Institute of Steel Construction. Welding shall conform to DI.O "Code for Welding in Building Construction" of the American Welding Society, and to requirements of ASTM. END DIVISION 8 - WOOD AND PLASTICS SECTION 08200 FINISH CARPENTRY NOTE: ALL WOOD SUBSTRATE SHEATHING SHALL BE FIRE RETARDANT TREATED PLYWOOD OR BETTER 06200.IGENERAL 06200.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings, Specifications, Division i and Contract. 06200.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Finish carpentry includes carpentry work which is exposed to view, and is non - structural. Types of finish carpentry work in this section include: I. Exterior trim. 2. Plastic laminated cabinets, countertops and backsplashes. 3. Wood shelving, 4. Prefinished paneling. 06200.13 QUALITY ASSURANCE: Perform work in accordance with AWI Premium Quality Standards. 06200.14 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: Protect finish carpentry materials during transit, delivery, storage, and handling. 06200.15 JOB CONDITIONS: A. Do not install interior finish carpentry materials until the building is weather tight and wet work has been completed in installation areas. B. Perform installation of all finish carpentry materials to coordinate with application of finishes without undo exposure. 06200.2 PRODUCTS 06200.22 MATERIALS: A. Nominal sizes are indicated, except as shown by detailed dimensions_ Provide dressed or worked and dressed lumber. B. Provide kiln -dried lumber having a moisture content not greater than values required by the applicable grading rules. C. Exterior Trim: "C Select' (IWP- Choice) SS Douglas Fir or Southern Pine. D. Shelving Material: I. A -A interior grade Douglas Fir plywood with solid wood edge band (exposed edges). 2. "Clear" 545 Douglas Fir or Southern Pine. E. Plastic Laminate Cabinets, Countertops and Backsplashes: I. Interior grade plywood or 45*1 particle board of minimum 3/4" thickness. 2. .039" thick, General Purpose Type (high- pressure) plastic laminate with Glossometer rating lengthwise of 6 + -2. 3. Fabricate countertops and backsplashes as single units. F_ Provide nails, screws and other anchoring devices of the proper type, size, material and finish for application indicated to provide secure attachment, concealed where possible. G. Provide cabinet hardware as indicated on drawings. 06200.3 EXECUTION 06200.31 INSTALLATION: A. Discard units of material which are unsound, warped, bowed, twisted, or too small to Fabricate work B. Install the work plumb, level, true and straight with no distortion.Shim as required using concealed shims.lnstall to a tolerance of 1 /5" in V -O" for plumb and level countertops. C. Scribe and cut work to fit adjoining work, and refinish cut surfaces or repair damaged finish at cuts. D. Install trim with minimum number of joints possible, using full- length pieces. Stagger joints in adjacent and related members.Cope at returns, miter at corners and use scarf joints for end -to -end joints. E. Anchor finish carpentry work to blocking with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing as required for a complete installation.Use fine finishing nails for exposed railings, countersunk and filled flush with finished surface. F. Install Prefinished paneling in accordance with manufacturer's instructions using the manufacturer's adhesive, clips and suggested nailing.lnstall division, corner and edge moldings as supplied by paneling manufacturer for color and design of paneling. G. Anchor countertops securely to base units and other support systems using concealed screws. Seal joint between backsplashes and vertical /horizontal surfaces with continuous silicone rubber sealant. 06200.32 ADJUSTMENT, CLEANING, FINISHING AND PROTECTION: A. Repair or replace damaged and defective finish carpentry work whenever possible to eliminate defects functionally and visually. B. Clean finish carpentry work on exposed and semi - exposed surfaces. Touch -up A shop - applied finishes to restore damaged or solid areas. END DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07200 INSULATION 01200.1 GENERAL B 01200.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings, Specifications Division 1 and Contract. 01200.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Extent of insulation work is shown on drawings, be generic names or by abbreviations. Applications of insulation specified include the following: 1. Foundation wall rigid insulation. 2. Blanket /batt building insulation. C 01200.13 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: Do not install rigid insulation adhesives when temperature or weather conditions are detrimental to successful installation. 01200.14 PRODUCT HANDLING: ADO not allow insulation materials to become wet, soiled, or for handling, storage and protection during installation. D 012002PRODUCTS 01200.21 MATERIALS: Rigid Insulation: Extruded polystyrene plastic board insulation with integral high density skin; minimum 30 P.s.i. compressive strength; k -value of 020; 0.1% maximum water absorption; manufacturer's standard lengths and widths_ 1. 'Styrofoam SM" by Dow Chemical U.S.A. 2. U.G. Industries "Foamular 400 ". B.I"Ifneral /Glass Fiber Blanket /Batt Insulation: Inorganic fibers formed into flexible resillent blankets; density as indicated, but 1.0 pound minimum; k -value of 0.21; manufacturer's standard lengths and widths as required to E coordinate with spaces to be insulated; Type III, reflective aluminum foil facing with integral nailing flanges, at exterior wall and roof insulation flame spread rating of 25; R =11 for interior walls; R =19 for exterior walls; R =30 for roof insulation. 01200.3 EXECUTION 0120031 INSPECTION: Installer must examine substrate and condition under which insulation work is to be performed and must notify contractor of unsatisfactory conditions. F 01200.32 INSTALLATION: A, GENERAL: 1. (Comply with manufacturer's instructions for particular conditions of installation in each case. 2. Extend insulation full thickness as shown over entire area to be insulated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions, and fill voids with insulation. 3. Apply a single layer of Insulation of required thickness, unless otherwise shown. B. Rigid Insulation: Set units in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. General Building Insulation: 1. Apply insulation units to substrate complying with manufacturer's recommendations to provide permanent placement and support. 2. Set vapor barrier to warm side of construction. Do not obstruct ventilation spaces, except For firestopping. 3. Provide continuous support of insulation with netting as indicated to maintain position between trusses at top chord elevation. 01200.33 CLEANING AND PROTECTION: A.Clean exposed metal surfaces, removing substances which might cause corrosion of metal or deterioration of finishes. END H SECTION 07900 CAULKING AND SEALANTS 01900.1 GENERAL 01900.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings, Specifications, Division I, and Contract. 01900.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 1 The applications for joint sealers includes the following: 1. Expansion joints. 2. Caulking compounds. 01900.13 JOB CONDITIONS: Do not proceed with installation of liquid sealants under unfavorable weather conditions, as recommended by manufacturer for installation, K 01900,2 PRODUCTS 01900.21 MATERIALS: A. Provide colors indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, as selectedby Owner's Representative from manufacturer's standard colors.Select materials for compatibility with joint surfaces as recommended by manufacturer for each application indicated. B. Silicone Rubber Sealant:Sflfcone rubber - based,one -part elastomeric sealant, recommended by manufacturer for exterior joints. C. Expansion Joints: Provide one of the following: o I. Resilient and non - extruding type premolded cork units. L ° 2. Resilient and non - extruding type premolded bituminous impregnated fiber board units. D. Sealant Backer Rods:Compressfble rod stock of flexible, manufacturer for compatibility with sealant. 01eO03 EXECUTION 0 01900.31 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION: A.Comply with manufacturer's printed instructions except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified. M= 01900.32 JOINT PREPARATION: A. Clean joint surfaces immediately before installation of sealant or caulking compound. Where required on masonry construction, etch concrete and masonry joint surfaces as recommended by sealant manufacturer. a B. Prime or seal joint surfaces where indicated, and where recommended by sealant manufacturer. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN %0 N O� Q W U = _ W o U Z W Q W W UNm LU a CL Q 0 - OO III- Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIAOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD KHHECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP P R 0 1 E CT No. 13 -025 DATE SPECIFICATIONS SP=2 SHEET OF 3� 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01900.33 INSTALLATION: A. Set joint filler units at proper depth or position in joint to coordinate with other work, includin g installation of backer rods and sealants. A B. Install sealant backer road for liquid elastomeric sealants as recommended by sealant manufacturer for application indicated. C. Employ only proven installation techniques which will ensure that sealants are deposited without gaps or air pockets, with complete °wetting" of joint fill sealant rabbet to a slightly concave surface. Where horizontal joints are between a horizontal surface and vertical surface, fill joint to form a slight cove to eliminate trapped moisture. D. Install sealant to depths recommended by sealant manufacturer. E. Do not allow sealant or compounds to overflow or spill onto adjoining surfaces. Clean adjoining surfaces by whatever means may be necessary to eliminate evidence of spillage. B 01900.34 CURE AND PROTECTION: Cure sealants and caulking compounds in compliancewith manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. END DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS SECTION 08210 WOOD DOORS 08210.1 GENERAL C 08210.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A.Drawings, Specifications Division 1, and contract. 08210.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Extent and location of each type of wood door is shown on drawings and in schedules. Provide following: 1. Solid core flush wood doors with medium density overlay faces. IBM 08210.13 QUALITY ASSURANCE: Submit written agreement on door manufacturer's standard form signed by Manufacturer, Installer, and Contractor agreeing to repair or replace defective doors which have warped (bow, cup or twist) or which show photographing of construction below in face veneers. Provide warranty in effect for a five (5) year period following date of substantial completion. 08210.14 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING: Protect wood doors during transit, storage and handling to prevent damage, soiling and deterioration. E 082102 PRODUCTS 08210.21 MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS: A. Face Panels: Manufacturer's standard 4 -ply face panels, unless otherwise indicated. B. Exposed Surfaces:As specified with same exposed surface material on both faces. 08210.22 SOLID CORE WOOD DOORS: F A. Provide solid core wood doors by one of the following: I. Cal -Wood 2. Eggers B. Core Construction: Mat formed particle board. C Face Panels: Manufacturer's standard 4 -ply face panels of premium hardwood veneers over manufacturer's standard thickness hardwood face veneer. Provide any close grain hardwood for exposed edges and other exposed solid wood components. provide edge banding as required to cover all edges and exposed surfaces premium hardwood veneer or solid stock trim 08210.23 SHOP - PRIMING: G Before delivery of door to project site, shop -prime exposed portion of wood doors. 08210.3 EXECUTION 0821031 INSPECTION: Examine door frames and verify that frames are correct type and have been installed as required for proper hanging of corresponding doors and notify architect of conditions detrimental to proper and timely installation of wood doors. H 08210.32 INSTALLATION: A. Condition doors to average prevailing humidity in installation area prior to hanging, by delivery to site four (4) days prior to installation. B. Install wood doors in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as indicated. C. Align doors to frames for proper fit and uniform clearance at each edge and machine for hardware. Seal cut surfaces after fitting and machining. Bevel doors 1 /8" in 2° at lock and hinged edges. D. Provide clearances of 1116' at jambs and headst- and 1/4" from bottom of door to top of decorative floor finish or covering. Undercut by 1" for HVAC where indicated. Mill 08210.33 ADJUST AND CLEAN: Rehang or replace doors which do not swing or operate freely, as directed by Owner's Representative. END SECTION 08700 FINISH HARDWARE IC 08100.1 GENERAL 08100.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. 'Finish Hardware" includes items known commercially as builders hardware which are required for swing, sliding and folding doors. Types of items in this section include (but are not necessarily limited to): I. hinges 2. locks, lock cylinders, and keys 3. exit devices 4. push /pull units L 5. closers 6. door trim units 1. weather - stripping and threshold for exterior doors. 08100.13 QUALITY ASSURANCE: Obtain each kind of hardware (latch, and lock set, hinges, closers, 4 related items) from only one manufacturer. B.Perform working accordance with the following requirements: ANSI AI11.1. 08100.14 JOB CONDITIONS: M Coordinate hardware with other work Furnish hardware items of proper design for use on doors and frames of the thickness, profile, swing, security and similar requirements indicated, as necessary for proper installation and function. IiN ■ 08100.2 PRODUCTS 17 16 15 14 08100.21 SCHEDULED HARDWARE: Products are identified by using hardware designation numbers of one manufacturer for each hardware t yp e required. All items (except locks) are listed by Manufacturer for the purpose of establishing minimum requirements. I. Supply locks and lock cylinders only by the listed manufacturer and supplier. 2. Provide all other hardware from listed alternate manufacturers. 08100.22 MATERIAL AND FABRICATION: A. The drawings show the direction of swing or hand of each door. Furnish each item of hardware for proper installation and operation of the door movement as shown. B. Produce hardware units of the base metal and forming method using the manuFacturer's standard, C_ Conform manufactured hardware to published templates, generally prepared for machine screw installation. D. Furnish screws for installation, with each hardware item. Provide Phillips Flat -head screws with Finish of exposed (exposed under any condition), screws to match the hardware finish. E. Provide concealed fasteners for hardware units which are exposed when the door is closed, except to the extent no standard units of the type specified are available with concealed fasteners. 08100.23 HINGES, BUTTS: A. Provide only template- produced units. B. Furnish Phillips flat -head all- purpose or machine screws for installation of units. Finish screw heads to match surface of hinges or pivots. C. Hinge Pins: Non - removable and non - rising. I_ Provide interior hinges (non -ball bearing) with steel pins. 2. Provide exterior hinges and ball bearing interior hinges with stainless steel pins. D. Interior Hinges:Two (2) knuckle steel with oil- impregnated stainless steel bearing. McKinney TA -2131. I.Doors Over 36" Wide and /or 15' High: Five (5) knuckle steel with ball bearing. McKinney T5-3386. E. Exterior Hinges: Five (5) knuckle brass, bronze, or stainless steel with ball bearing. McKinney T4B -3386. R Size of All Hinges: 4 1/2" x 4 1/2 ". G_ All Doors:l 1/2 pair of hinges per leaf, unless otherwise noted. I. Doors Over 36" Wide and /or 12" High: Two (2) pair of hinges per leaf H. Alternate Manufacturers: Hager and Stanley. I. Hinges for Serving Area Door: Invisible from the public side of the door. 08100.24 LOCKS, LOCK CYLINDERS, AND KEYING: A_ Provide all locks and lock cylinders with six (6) pin interchangeable core tumbler, as manufactured by Falcon Lock Provide construction cores for exterior doors during the construction period. I. Ship permanent inserts to the Owner, who will remove and replace the construction cores. 2. Provide one (1) additional core for Detex alarm system provided by the Owner. B. Provide manufacturer's standard wrought box strike for each lock bolt, with curved lip extended to protect Frame; Finish to match hardware set. C. Provide 1/2" minimum throw of latch bolts. Provide 1" minimum throw of dead bolts. D. Lock Cylinders Parts: Construct from brass /bronze, stainless steel or nickel silver_ E. Back Set: 2 3/4" 08100.25 PANIC DEVICES AND ASTRAGALS: Provide matching panic hardware from equals listed below. I. Dor- o -matic 990 with nightwatch astragal and matching pulls. 2. Paneling with Reese 393D astragal (Alt. Panelguard astragal). 3. Dor- o -matic 2090 rim type with removable RIM 10 mullion For pairs of doors. 08100.26 CLOSERS AND DOOR CONTROL DEVICES: A_ Except as otherwise specifically indicated, comply with the manufacturer's recommendations For size of door control unit. Install closers on kitchen or restroom sides of interior doors unless indicated otherwise. B. Toilet Doors: LCN 1461 (prime finish) Doors over 36° wide: LCN 4114H SNB (prime finish). C. Exterior Doors:LCN 4116H SNB (aluminum finish). D. Alternate Manufactures:Yale and Norton. 08100.21 DOOR TRIM UNITS: A. Provide manufacturer's standard exposed fasteners for door trim B. Fabricate protection plates not more than 1 1/2" on stop side smaller than the door width. I.Metal Plates: Stainless steel, IS gauge, Brookline IS" high, exterior kitchen door. C. Provide all interior doors with a stop, D. Alternate Manufactures: Quality and Hiawatha. 08100.28 WEATHER - STRIPPING AND THRESHOLDS: A. Weathestripping at Jambs and Heads: Spring type stripping of manufacture's standard design. I.I"ietal:Spring bronze, 0.009' minimum thickness forsliding compression, 0.006" minimum thickness for direct compression, units, B. Weather - stripping at Door Bottoms; Threshold contact -type resilient insert and metal housing. I. Extruded aluminum with natural anodized finish, 0.062" minimum thickness of main walls and Flanges. 2. Flexible vinyl wiper of sweep seal strip. C. Provide single piece extruded aluminum threshold .125 thick with smooth commercial finish and grooved tread in manufacturers standard with strips of abrasive finish. Profile and width as necessary to fit the conditions as shown on the drawings, D. Exterior doors: I. Head and Jamb Weather - stripping: Reissue 350. 2. Sill Weather - stripping: Reese 362 A. 3. Threshold: Reese 5512AO E.Alternate Manufacturers: Zero and Pemko. 08100.29 HARDWARE FINISHES: A. Provide matching finishes for hardware units at each door or opening, to the greatest extent possible, and unless otherwise indicated. B. Provide protective lacquer coating on all exposed hardware finishes of aluminum, except as otherwise indicated. C. The designations used in schedules and elsewhere to indicate hardware finishes are the industry - recognized standard commercial finishes, except as otherwise noted, D. Finish on miscellaneous hardware: US 26D Satin chrome Plate finish. 08100.3 EXECUTION 08100.31 INSTALLATION: A. Mount hardware units at heights indicated in "Recommended Locations for Builders Hardware" for Standard Steel Doors and Frames, by the Door and Hardware Institute, except as specifically indicated or required to comply with governing regulations. B. Install each hardware item in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Do not install surface mounted items until finishes have been completed on the substrate. C. Set units level, plumb and true to line and locations. Reinforce the attachment substrate as necessary for proper installation and operation. D. Drill and counter sink units which are not factory - prepared for anchorage fasteners. E. Thresholds: I. On concrete substrates, install lead - shield anchors, accurately placed to receive machine screw anchors at locations pre - drilled and evenly spaced in threshold units (spaced not more that 12" o /c.). 2. Screw thresholds to substrate with No. 10 or larger screws, of the proper type for permanent anchorage. 3. Set thresholds in a bed of sealant to completely fill concealed voids. 4. Set threshold units level and accurately aligned with frames and doors, and at proper elevation for door operation. 08100.32 ADJUST AND CLEAN: A. Adjust and check each operating item of hardware and each door to ensure proper operations or function of every unit. B. Final check and adjust all hardware items. Clean operating items as necessary to restore proper function and finish of hardware and doors.Adjust door control devices to compensate for final operation of heating and ventilation equipment. END 13 12 11 10 SECTION 08800 GLASS AND GLAZING 08800.1 GENERAL 08800.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings, Specifications Division I, and Contract. 08800.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: "Glass" includes prime glass, processed glass, and fabricated glass products and 'Glazing" includes glass installation and materials used to install glass. Types of work included herein I. Windows. 2. Doors. 08800.13 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Certified and experienced installers as described under general conditions B. Prime Glass Standard: Federal Specification DD -G -451 C. Safety Glass Standard: CPS( 16 CFR 1201 08800.14 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: ADC not install glazing when ambient temperature is less than 50 degrees F. 08800.20 PRODUCTS A.Acceptable Manufacturer: Provide one of the following: I. Guardian Industries Corp. 2, Libbey- Owenes -Ford Company 3. PPG Industries, Inc. 08800.21 GLASS PRODUCTS: Float /plate Glass: Type I, clear unless otherwise indicated. 08800.22 FABRICATED GLASS UNITS: A. Tempered Glass: Clear 3116" thick float glass. B. Plate Glass: Clear 1/4" thick plate glass. C. Decorative Glass: Clear 1/2" thick sandblasted glass. 0925031 GENERAL GYPSUM BOARD INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: A. Locate exposed end -butt joints as far from center of wall and ceilings as possible. B. Install exposed gypsum board with face side out.Butt boards together for a light contact at edges and ends with not more than 1/16" open space between boards. C, Locate either edge or end joints over supports. Position boards so that both tapered edge joints abut, and mill -cut or field -cut end joints abut. Stagger vertical joints over different studs on opposite side of partitions. Locate end -butt joints as far as possible from center of wall and ceiling. D. Attach gypsum board to framing and blocking as required for additional support at openings and cutouts. E. Space fasteners in gypsum boards in accordance with referenced standards and manufacturer's recommendations. F. Attach gypsum board directly to direct -hung metal support system for ceilings with member spacing 16" o.c. maximum. 09250.32 METHODS OF GYPSUM BOARD APPLICATION: A. Install exposed gypsum board in single layer application as follows. 1, On paritions /walls over 8' -I" apply gypsum board vertically (parallel). 2. On partitions /walls 8' -1" less in height apply gypsum board horizontally (perpendicular); use maximum length sheets possible to minimize end joints. 3. On ceilings, apply prior to installation of partitions /walls. B. Where gypsum board is base for thin -set ceramic tile, and in toilet rooms, install water - resistant board. C. Where gypsum board is base for stainless steel, install Durock. D. Apply gypsum boards to supports with screws or nails for walls and screws only for ceilings. 09250,33 INSTALLATION OF DRYWALL FINISHING: A. Apply treatment at gypsum board joints (both directions), flanges of trim accessories, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects and elsewhere as required to prepare work for decoration. 1. Apply joint tape at joints between gypsum boards, except where a trim accessory is indicated. 2. Apply joint compound in 3 coats (not including prefill of openings in base), and sand between last 2 coats and after last coat. B. Tape joints at water - resistant gypsum board base for ceramic tile, prefinished panels and textured finish. C. Spray apply textured finish where indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. END 08800.23 GLAZING SEALANTS AND COMPONENTS: A. Provide exposed sealant /compound in bronze color. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for selection of hardness, depending upon the location of each application, SECTION 09300 TILE B. Provide 2 -part polysulfide glazing sealant. NOTE: REFER TO SHEET A -8.1 FOR TILE SPECIFICATIONS. 08800.24 GLAZING GASKETS: Provide molded or extruded EPDM gaskets of the profile and hardness required for watertight construction, END DIVISION 9 - FINISHES SECTION 09250 GYPSUM BOARD 09250.1 GENERAL 09250.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS A.Drawing, Specification Division 1 and Contract 09250.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A.Types of Work Includes: I. Gypsum board applied to stud framing and Furring. 2. Finishing (joint tape- and - compound treatment). 3. Gypsum board ceiling on direct suspension system. 09250.13 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A.Gypsum Board Standard is GA -216 by Gypsum Association. B.Where gypsum board systems with fire resistance ratings are required to comply with governing regulation, provide materials and installation identical with applicable assemblies which have been tested and listed by recognized authorities. 09250.14 PRODUCT HANDLING: A.Deliver, identify, store and protect gypsum drywall materials to comply with manufacturer's recommendations. 09250.2 PRODUCTS 09250.21 GYPSUM BOARD PRODUCTS: A. Exposed Gypsum Board: Type "X° with tapered long edges and thickness of 5/8° except where otherwise indicated. I. Sheet Size: Maximum length available which will minimize end joints, 2. GB -I: Gypsum Wallboard: ASTM C36, tapered edges for exposed surfaces, regular grade except use Type X where indicated or required by the Code. Type W/R (Water- Resistant) for walls in toilets, wet areas (such as in kitchen dishwashing area, ice machine area, sink area, etc.), walls receiving ceramic tile and where indicated provide Gypsum Wallboard Type W/R floor to ceiling. Type X WI boards as required at rated partitions where wet areas such as defined above in Type W /R. 3. 5/8° DensGlass Gold Fireguard Exterior Sheathing where indicated on plan. 4. 5/8° Cementous sheathing, Wonder Board or equal, at all wall applied tile, stone and exterior stucco. U.N.O. B. Attachment I. Screws: ASTM C646, corrosion - resistant self- tapping bugle -head spiral- threaded type, minimum I° long except 1 -5/8" for double layer walls, lengths to penetrate all supporting metal at least 3/8 ". Furnish specially hardened type screws for supports heavier than 25 gage. 2. Drywall Nails: ASTM C514, supplied or recommended by the wall board manufacturer, No. 13 gage I -5/8" long, 19/64' head, Dry Tite, acid etched or No. 098 gage, 1 -3/8' long annular ringed 6d, cooler nails. 09250.22 TRIM ACCESSORIES: Provide standard trim accessories of types indicated for gypsum board work, formed of electrogalvanized steel, with either knurled and perforated flanges for nailing or stapling, and beaded For concealment of flanges in joint compound. Metal Trim and Corner Beads: Of electrogalvanized steel with taping flanges, as manufactured or recommended by drywall manufac- turer, corner beads at all outside corners and 'J' shaped trim members where abutting other materials. 09250.23 JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS: A. Type recommended by the manufacturer for the application indicated. B. Joint Tape: PerForated type. C. Joint compound: Ready -mixed vinyl -type for interior use. 09250.24 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS: A. Provide auxiliary materials for gypsum board work of the type and grade recommended by the manufacturer of the gypsum board. B. Textured Finish Materials: Latex based texturing material containing fine aggregate± manufactured by 09250.25 DIRECT SUSPENSION SYSTEM: Direct Suspension System: Manufacturers standard zinc - coated system of furring runners, furring tees and accessories designed for concealed support of ceiling. 092503EXECUTION 9 8 7 6 5 A B C No E F G I:■ 1 M 0 0 Lo 0 0 a M 0 a a 0 N� 4 3 2 1 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN O %0 %0 N O� Q W U Ix _ W o U Z W Q W W UNm LU om0 t/! ' O. Q O W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OFFERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE SPECIFICATIONS SP =3 SHEET OF 3o 17 16 15 I SECTION 09510 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 09510.1 GENERAL A 09510.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A.Drawings, Specifications Division 1 and Contract 14 09510.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Extent of each type of acoustical ceiling is shown and scheduled on drawings and includes: I. vinyl faced panel ceilings, exposed suspension. 2. Acoustical lay -in panel ceilings, exposed suspension. B 09510.13 QUALITY ASSURANCE: Where acoustical ceilings and components of roof or beam assemblies are required for compliance with governing regulations, provide acoustical materials and application or suspension bearing UL Classification Marking For applicable UL design number listed in UL 'Fire Resistance Index' 09510.14 JOB CONDITIONS: Do not install interior acoustical ceilings until space is enclosed and weatherproof, wet -work in space is completed, work above ceilings is completed, and ambient conditions of minimum 60 degrees F temperature and maximum 40 percent F humidity are continuously maintained. C 09510.2 PRODUCTS 09510.21 CEILING= UNITS: (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON SHEET A -Co.O A. Provide United States Gypsum 1/2" x 24' x 45" white stipple shell vinyl faced fire code panels with square edge for kitchen and office. B. Provide United States Gypsum 3/4" x 24" x 24" 0412 Frost Acoustone lay -in panels with square edge where shown on the Drawings. C. Alternate for regions requiring Fire rated panels United States Gypsum 3/4" x 24" x 24" 0413 Frost Acoustone lay -in panels with square edge where shown on the Drawings. D 09510.22 CEILING SUSPENSION MATERIALS: (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON SHEET A -6.0 A. Coordinate with other work supported by or penetrating through ceilings, including light fixtures and HVAC equipment. B. Type of System: Either direct -hung, or indirect -hung suspension system, at contractor's option. C. Exposed Suspension Systems: USG Interiors, Inc. by Donn with exposed cross runners coped to lay flush with main runners.No. "212&06 -ZXA. Color: Flat white "050. (.Provide commercial quality,hot- dipped galvanized steel body,painted aluminum cap, stainless steel DX clips, exposed aluminum face pre - finished in manufacturer's standard baked enamel whitepaint E finish. D. Alternate for regions requiring Fire rated suspension systems: USG Interiors, Inc. by Donn with exposed cross runners coped to lay flush with main runners. No. " 212io06 -ZXLA Color: Flat white 0050. I. Provide commercial qua Iity,hot-dipped galvanized steel body,painted aluminum cap, stainless steel DX clips, exposed aluminum face pre - finished in manufacturer's standard baked enamel whitepaint finish. E.Provide compression post as detailed at seismic zones 3 and 4. 09510.23 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS: Provide standard spring steel hold -down clips. DI 09510.3 EXECUTION 09510.31 INSPECTION: Examine conditions under which acoustical ceiling work is to be performed and notify Architect of unsatisfactory conditions. 09510.32 PREPARATION: G Establish layout of acoustical units to balance border widths at opposite edges of each ceiling. Avoid use of less- than -half width units at borders and comply with reflected ceiling plans whenever possible. 09510.33 INSTALLATION: A. Install materials in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, and comply with governing regulations, fire resistance rating requirements as indicated, and industry standards applicable to work B. Install suspension systems with hangers supported only from building structural members. Locate hangers near each end and space 4' -0" along each carrying channel or direct -hung H runner, unless otherwise Indicated, leveling to tolerance of 1 /S" in 12' -0 ". (.Secure wire hangers by looping and wire - tying, either directly to structures or to inserts, eye - screws, or other devices which are secure. C. Install edge moldings at perimeter of acoustical ceiling area and at locations where necessary to conceal edges of acoustical units. 1.Attach moldings to substrate at intervals not over ICo' o.c, and not more than 3" from ends, leveling with ceiling suspension system to tolerance of 115" in 12' -0 ". Miter corners accurately and connect securely. D. Install acoustical panels in coordination with suspension system, with edges concealed by support of suspension members. Scribe and cut panels to fit accurately at borders and at penetrations. l.lnstall hold -down clips in all areas. 09510.34 ADJUST AND CLEAN: Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical ceilings including trim, edge moldings, and suspension members* comply with manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and touch -up of minor finish damage. DI M 17 16 END 15 14 13 I 12 11 10 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING 09900,1 GENERAL 0990.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings, Specifications Division I, Contract. 09900.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The extent of work includes painting and finishing of interior and exterior exposed items and surfaces throughout project as indicated on the drawings. I. Surface preparation, priming, and coats of paint specified are in addition to shop - priming and surface treatment specified under other sections of work 09900.13 DELIVERY AND STORAGE: Deliver materials to job site in original, new and unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label. 09900.14 JOB CONDITIONS: A. Apply water -base paints only when temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) and 90 degrees F (32 degrees C), unless otherwise permitted by paint manufacturer's painted instructions. B. Apply solvent- thinned paints only when temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 45 degrees F (1 degrees C) and 95 degrees F (35 degrees C), unless otherwise permitted by paint manufacturer's painted instructions. C. Do not apply paint in snow, rain fog or mist. 099002 PRODUCTS 09900.21 COLORS AND FINISHES: A. Paint colors, surface treatments, and finishes, are indicated In 'schedules' on the contract Documents. B. Provide finish coats which are compatible with prime paints used. Notify Regional Construction Manager of any anticipated problems using specified coating systems with substrates primed by others, C_ Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog or mist_ 09900.22 MATERIAL QUALITY: A.Products of a single manufacturer are listed but products of one of the following manufacturers will be accepted so long as they are similar in quality and identical in finish (color and texture): I. Benjamin -Moore 2. Pratt and Lambert 3. Pittsburgh 099003 EXECUTION 0990031 INSPECTION: Examine areas and conditions under which painting work is to be applied and notify Architect of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work 09900.32 SURFACE PREPARATION: A. Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in accordance with paint manufacturer's instructions, for each particular substrate condition. B. Remove and reinstall hardware, hardware accessories, plates, lighting, fixtures, and similar items in place and not to be finish- painted, or provide surface - applied protection. C. Seal tops, bottoms, and cut -outs of unprimed wood doors with a heavy coat of varnish or equivalent sealer. 09900.33 MATERIAL PREPARATION: A. Mix and prepare painting materials in accordance with manufacturer's directions. B. Stir materials before applications to produce a mixture of uniform density, and stir as required during application. 09900.34 APPLICATION: A. Apply paint in accordance with manufacturer's directions.Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of material being applied. Spray application is recommended for general exterior stucco painting. B. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture same as similar exposed surfaces. Paint surfaces behind permanently -fixed equipment or Furniture with prime coat. C. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms and side edges same as exterior faces, unless otherwise indicated. D. Sand lightly between each succeeding enamel coat. E. Apply sufficient time between successive coatings to permit proper drying. F. Apply first -coat material to surfaces as soon as practical. G. Apply materials at not less than manufacturer's recommended spreading rate. H. Apply one (1) coat of primer (if indicated) and two (2) coats of the finish paint or other paint indicated for all items interior and exterior to be painted. (.Tint the First finish coat to a shade lighter than the Final coat noted on the schedule. I. Perform kitchen equipment touch -up as necessary. J. Miscellaneous: For any items not specifically shown or specified that require a paint finish, apply 3 coats of paint as directed. K. Duct Interiors:Paint with flat black fire - retardant paint to extent visible through grilles and registers in finished rooms and spaces. L. Fire Extinguisher and Fire Hose Cabinets: Apply 2 coats of paint finish, inside and out, matching finish and color of adjoining areas, unless otherwise noted or directed. M. Color Coding: In mechanical and electrical equipment rooms and spaces, paint all ducts, Piping, conduit, equipment, and machinery, except such items having a complete factory Finish, as specified for interior metal, colors as directed. Not more than 0 colors will be required. N. Weatherstripping or Sound Seals: Paint exposed metal surfaces to match the door frame, whether or not unfinished, furnished with factory prime coat, or factory treated for paint adhesion. O. Painted Signs: Provide on walls in interior areas as .shown or directed. Paint signs as specified For interior enamel on noted surface. Employ a skilled and experienced sign pa inter. P. Curtain Wall Fixed Glazing: Paint inaccessible gypsum wallboard surfaces behind curtain wall Fixed glazing with two coats of approved dark color 1300 Stuc -O -Life before glazing is Installed. Q. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Carefully review Divisions 15 and 16 of the Specifications regarding painting performed there under and other painting required to be performed under this Section. Perform all painting of mechanical and electrical equipment and materials that are not expressly speciFied to be painted under Division 15 or 16, including required identification and color code painting, stenciling, and banding. 0990035 CLEAN -UP AND PROTECTION: A. During progress of work, remove from site discarded paint materials, rubbish, cans and rags at end of each work day. B. Protect work of other tradesman, whether to be painted or not, against damage by painting and finishing work C. At the completion of work of other trades, touch -up and restore all damaged or defaced painted surfaces. 13 12 END 11 10 E 8 7 6 5 SECTION 09955 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PANELS Provide fiberglass reinforced polyester panels (FRP) as indicated, specified and required SUBMITTALS: Submit to Architect for review 12" x 12' sample of FRP board and 12" length of trim cap. Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals, PRODUCT HANDLING: Deliver product to jobsite with all finish surfaces protected against scratches stains and all dama e. La panels and trim flat in original containers raised off floor g Lay awa y from moisture. FIBERGLASS REINFORCED POLYESTER (F.R.P.) PANELS: Panels shall be 4' x S', 9' OR 10' X 3/32" fiberglass reinforced polyester panels.FRP panels shall be installed with O'or 10' with harmonizing moldings, adhesive and sealant as supplied by the Commercial Division, Masonite Corporation, Dover, Ohio. Material must be applied strictly in accordance with the printed installation instructions provided. INSTALLATION: Install per manufacturer's instructions, including sealant in moldings_ Prepare all surfaces for proper installation against clean untextured smooth sanded taped gypsum board. Room temperature during installation must by &0 degrees or above. Place FRP board before vinyl base is installed. Panels shall be flush, level and plumb. All trim and joints shall be level, plumb and true. Use large 4 x 10 or 4 x 0 panels so as to create no seams in small rooms. (10' -0" dimension or less). In larger rooms, coordinate panels seams with Architect. GLEAN -UP: Clean panels and trim for final acceptance with products as recommended by manufacturer. Protect from damage until construction is complete. Remove all scrap, debris and packaging from site. END DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES SECTION 10000 BUILDING SPECIALTIES 10000.IGENERAL 10000.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A.Drawings, Specifications, Division 1 and Contract. 10000.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. Building specialties include the following items: I. (Portable Fire extinguishers. 2. Toilet accessories including grab bars, mop rack, partitioning, monitor poles. 3. Tube for "As- built" drawings. 4. Meta I, 5. Lockers. 6. Louvers. B. Consult drawings to verify items provided by owner and installed by contractor. 10000.13 QUALITY ASSURANCE: Provide portable fire extinguisher units conforming with ANSI /UL 711, 10000.14 COORDINATION: A. Coordinate the work with the placement of interval wall reinforcement to receive anchor attachments. B. Coordinate locations of the work with other work to avoid interference and to assure proper operation and servicing units. 10000.2 PRODUCTS 10000.21 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: A. Dry Chemical Type: UL 299, stainless steel tank, with pressure gauge'- size and claseiFication as indicated on drawings. B. Provide with manufacturer's standard chromed bracket. 10000.22 TOILET ACCESSORIES: A. Extent of each accessory is Indicated on drawings. B. Proprietary names are used to designate design and construction of specific products Similar items of the following manufacturer's are acceptable: I. Bobrick 2. Bradley 3. Watrous C. Master key all accessories. 10000.23 TUBE FOR ",45- 5UILT" DRAWINGS: A. Provide 6 inch diameter PVC tube with removable caps on each end length to match drawing size. B. Provide with two brackets. 100003 EXECUTION 10000.3 EXAMINATION: Examine substrates and other conditions under which installation is to occur, and notify Architect of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. 10000.32 INSTALLATION: A. Install accessory and fire extinguisher units in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, using fasteners which are appropriate to substrate and recommended by manufacturer of unit.lnstall units plumb and level, firmly anchored in locations indicated. B. Install all items in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, ANSI 4111.1, ADA, and local codes. 10000.33 ADJUST AND CLEAN: A. Adjust units for proper operations and verify that mechanisms function smoothly. B. Clean and polish all exposed surfaces of factory finished units after removing protective coatings. r END 7 6 4 3 2 1 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT 11010.1 GENERAL 11010.11 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings, Specifications Division 1 and Contract 11010.12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Provide Food Service Equipment work complete as indicated, specified and required. Refer to Food Service Drawings for specifications, details and notes. Section 11400 Food Service Equipment (SEE "K" SHEETS) DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS REFER TO PLANS, SHEET F -1 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION NOT A PART DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS NOT A PART DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL NOT A PART SECTION 15400 - PLUMBING Division I applies to this Section. Provide plumbing work complete as indicated, specified, and required. Refer to plumbing consultant's Drawings for specifications, details and notes. SECTION 15600 - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SECTION 15600 - AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SCOPE: (Design Build) Provide all labor, materials, appliances, tools, equipment, facilities, transportation and services nece trades. Prepare a fire alarm layout drawings for Owner, insurance agency and Fire Dept. approval. DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16000 - ELECTRICAL. POWER AND LIGHTING: Division I applies to this Section. Provide electrical work complete as indicated,specified, and required. Refer to Electrical Drawings for specifications, data, phone, musak, details and notes by owner /contractor. 4 3 2 1 A B C E F G I:■ 1 0 0 Lo 0 a 0 a M= 0 a 0 N11� 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN %O %0 N O� Q W U I= _ W o U Z W Q W W UNm LLI om0 CL Q 0 - Im Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OFFERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD KHHECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE SPECIFICATIONS SP =4 SHEET OF 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN O %0 %0 N O� Q W U I _ WoU ZLu Q LJJ j3 W UNm om0 N ' CL Q O W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE DEMO PLAN D -1 SHEET OF se A B c C L F Le 7 7 Id L M 17 17 O 16 15 1 14 1 13 I 12 11 1 10 1 9 I 8 7 6 1 5 "goal IX I CON -I SF -I / / DRY STORAGE _ F,—oTi ❑ D SCULLERY �a CCON-1 ® r ` ■ I�O�G1: i iFLo ■ DOZE_ Y.OiG `OiG �� • � III `C I O 2- JANITOR CLOSET 4 mom I 7 6 2 - 111 I I I 1 A -1.1 3 DINING 100 i II I I I CON -I SF -I � II I I rel FINISH FL I O OOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /4" = 1'_011 K/ PROJECT NORTH i vT e <r FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /4" = 1'_0` 1G/ PROJECT NORTH 16 15 1 14 1 13 I 12 11 1 10 1 9 I 8 7 6 1 5 v 20 GA. 3 5/8" MTL. STUDS e 16" O.C. W/ 5/8' GWB ON ONE SIDE TO MIN. 6" ABOVE CLG. USE W.R. GWB ON KITCHEN SIDE AND 5/8" BACKER BOARD WHERE TILE OCCURS. OFULL HEIGHT INTERIOR WALL 20 GA. II STUDS 6 16" O.C. WITH 5/811 GWB ON BOTH SIDES TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF DECK ABOVE. USE W.R. GWB ON KITCHEN SIDE 4 5/8" BACKER BD. WHERE TILE OCCURS. SEE DETAIL 2/A -8.0 OPARTIAL HEIGHT INTERIOR WALL 20 GA. 6' MTL. STUDS f) 16" O.C. WITH 5/8' GWB ON ONE SIDE TO MIN. 6" ABOVE CLG. USE W.R. GWB ON KITCHEN SIDE AND 5/8' BACKER BOARD WHERE TILE OCCURS. 4 3 T O II Lo 3 oPROJECT No. 13 -025 ° DATE I 0 a FLOOR PLAN M= Ll o & FINISH FLOOR PLAN M A-1.0 N HEET OF 4 3 2 1 A •'•._ GENERAL NOTES I. ALL ITEMS ARE NEW UNLESS NOTED AS EXISTING, 2. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS WHICH WILL REMAIN AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES THEREOF. , ' 3. SEE 5HEET5 A -2.0, A -4.0, A -1.0 4 A -1.1 FOR ROOM FINISHES. • ' • 3. SEE 5HEET5 A -6.0 FOR MATERIAL FINISH SCHEDULE 4 MATERIAL INDEX. STEVEN LANGFORD 4. REFER TO SHEET F -I FOR CUSTOM FIXTURE INFORMATION. ARCHITECTS INC. 5. ALL FIRE EXTINGUISHER LOCATIONS PER FIRE DEPARTMENT. 6. G.C. SHALL CRO65 REFERENCE DIMEN51ON5 SHOWN ON THIS PLAN AGAINST FOOD 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 SERVICE EQUIPMENT PLANS. B I. PROVIDE WALL BACKING AND BRACING AT WALL MOUNTED PLUMBING FIXTURES, PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 EQUIPMENT 4 CUSTOM FIXTURES. REFER TO PLUMBING PLANS, "K' SHEETS 4 11F' SHEETS. SEE DETAILS II 4 12/A -8.0 FOR BLOCKING INFORMATION AT METAL STUD WALL FRAMING. — ARCHITECTURE - INTERIORS • DESIGN 8. ALL DOORS INSTALLED OVER TILE NEED TO BE 3/4" HIGHER. 9. RESTROOM FLOOR TILE 4 COVE BASE THROUGHOUT SHALL BE SMOOTH FINISH. ALL COVE BASE TILE SHALL HAVE MIN. 3/8" RADIUS 4 EXTEND AT LEAST 4' UP THE WALL. 10. ALL WALLS AND CEILINGS AT FOOD OR UTENSIL AREAS SHALL BE SMOOTH, WASHABLE, C AND LIGHT- COLORED (MINIMUM 10% LIGHT REFLECTANCE VALUE). • • KEY NOTES Ol REFER TO SHEET T -4 FOR RE5TROOM ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. r2 CUSTOM BOOTH SEATING, REFER TO SHEET F -1. D � N r3 REFER TO FOOD SERVICE DRAWINGS SHEET K -6 FOR KITCHEN ELEVATIONS. 0% ® LOW WALL W/ 20GA 3 -5/8" MTL. STUD FRAME. REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. ; V PILASTER WITH WOOD FINISH. REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. SEE DETAIL 19/A -8.0 _ w ® P05 COUNTER WITH STONE TOP. REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. Z W W E P05 COUNTER LOW WALL BELOW. REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. . m U ® FLOOR SAFE (5F52200) WWW.5AFEANDVAULT.COM. VERIFY LOCATION WITH OWNER. W w CUSTOM COFFEE CONDIMENT CART, REFER TO SHEET F -1. O LU lm CENTER COMMUNITY TABLE WITH ADJACENT PILASTER. Q O W m F Z SYMBOL LEGEND EI KEYNOTE O DOOR NO - SEE DOOR SCHEDULE SHEET A -6.0 _ G AO WALL TYPE - SEE WALL LEGEND R F- IN DATE DESCRIPTION 3/15/14 15T CITY SUBMITTAL I I 30 'x48' WHEELCHAIR SPACE IL J H WALL LEGEND NOTE: REFER TO SHEET A -6.0 4 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR WALL FINISH INFORMATION. HEIGHT INTERIOR WALL OFULL 20 GA. 3 5/8" MTL. STUDS e 16'1 O.C. WITH 5/8" 1 GWB ON BOTH SIDES TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF DECK ABOVE. USE W.R. GWB ON KITCHEN SIDE 4 5/8" BACKER BD, WHERE TILE OCCURS. SEE DETAIL 2/A -8.0 PARTIAL HEIGHT INTERIOR WALL THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY 20 GA. 3 5/8" MTL. 5TUD5 e 1611 Q.C. WITH 5/8" FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF GWB ON BOTH SIDES TO MIN. (o" ABOVE CEILING. K STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE BY DINERS VNIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. PROVIDE 45 DEGREE MTL. STUD BRACING 43' ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. O.C. ABOVE CLG. LINE TO STRUCTURE ABOVE. STAMP SEE DETAIL 9/A -8.0 v 20 GA. 3 5/8" MTL. STUDS e 16" O.C. W/ 5/8' GWB ON ONE SIDE TO MIN. 6" ABOVE CLG. USE W.R. GWB ON KITCHEN SIDE AND 5/8" BACKER BOARD WHERE TILE OCCURS. OFULL HEIGHT INTERIOR WALL 20 GA. II STUDS 6 16" O.C. WITH 5/811 GWB ON BOTH SIDES TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF DECK ABOVE. USE W.R. GWB ON KITCHEN SIDE 4 5/8" BACKER BD. WHERE TILE OCCURS. SEE DETAIL 2/A -8.0 OPARTIAL HEIGHT INTERIOR WALL 20 GA. 6' MTL. STUDS f) 16" O.C. WITH 5/8' GWB ON ONE SIDE TO MIN. 6" ABOVE CLG. USE W.R. GWB ON KITCHEN SIDE AND 5/8' BACKER BOARD WHERE TILE OCCURS. 4 3 T O II Lo 3 oPROJECT No. 13 -025 ° DATE I 0 a FLOOR PLAN M= Ll o & FINISH FLOOR PLAN M A-1.0 N HEET OF A B c C L F Le 7 1 Id L M 17 17 16 15 14 13 I 12 11 10 9 I 8 7 6 5 IAKII ^m_ FIXTURE NO. 12 GAUGE WIRE (NO.'3 GAUGE WIRE IF 'J2V CLO ET SUPPORT WIRE FIXTURE WEIGHTS 56 LBS, OR MORE 4 105 ACT: 9' 0' PENpANT HUNG FIXTURE) FIXTURE SUPPORT JI ® JI I ACT -I WIRES AT OPPOSITE CORNERS OF LIGHT FIXTURES. IDENTIFY THIS WIRE IF LOCATED — WITHIN THE CAVITY OF FIRE RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES PER SECT. 3001-11(,4-142) ACT: 9'-0' ACT -I 4 JI g'_0 JI e 12GA WIRE FASTENEID DF Y STORAGE TO STRUCT. ABOVE 4 104 WITHIN 311 OF ALL FOUR CORNERS OF LIGHT FIXTURE GROSS RUNNERS FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE T -BAR MA RUNNERS 16 3/4" 11(o SCREWS (4) OR MFR. SUPPLIEI) RESTRAINS SUSPENDED LIGHT FIXTURE el NOT TO SCALE r 1 I 1111= � 1111- =11111 r® r® I =11111 IIIIIIII r® RESTROOM r® 1 r VIII =I _� r® =1111 T 0 MI i 4---F 2 Bfj 106 I De :K 12 0 BB DINDIDNG B� B � MI IP14' rx r Fc - j J4/J34 #� i tTR &I i 1 2 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN CLG. HT.: +9' -0' 1 SCALE:: 1/4" = I'-oil Y/ PROJECT NORTH 15 1 14 1 13 I 12 11 1 10 1 9 I 8 7 6 1 5 4 3 2 1 GENERAL NOTES �'•._ I. ALL EXITS SIGNS SHALL BE VISIBLE OVER LOW WALLS AND UNDER SOFFITS. •` 2. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR ALL BULB TYPES, WATTAGES AND T� QUANTITIES. ' 3. ALL HEIGHT DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN FROM FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ±0' -0" ` • 4. PROVIDE CEILING ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED. MFR.: "ACCESS STYLEMARK T 0 MI i 4---F 2 Bfj 106 I De :K 12 0 BB DINDIDNG B� B � MI IP14' rx r Fc - j J4/J34 #� i tTR &I i 1 2 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN CLG. HT.: +9' -0' 1 SCALE:: 1/4" = I'-oil Y/ PROJECT NORTH 15 1 14 1 13 I 12 11 1 10 1 9 I 8 7 6 1 5 4 3 2 1 GENERAL NOTES �'•._ I. ALL EXITS SIGNS SHALL BE VISIBLE OVER LOW WALLS AND UNDER SOFFITS. •` 2. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR ALL BULB TYPES, WATTAGES AND A QUANTITIES. ' 3. ALL HEIGHT DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN FROM FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ±0' -0" ` • 4. PROVIDE CEILING ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED. MFR.: "ACCESS STYLEMARK STEVEN LANGFORD PANELS" ARCHITECTS INC. 5. REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR EMERGENCY LIGHTING. 8 6. REFER TO MECH. PLANS FOR SIZE, TYPE 4 EXACT LOCATION OF AIR SUPPLY / 18022 COWAN, SUITE IRVINE, CA 92614 285 RETURN GRILLS. B 1. ALL LIGHT FIXTURE TRIM ANp HVAG GRILL NEEID TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH 949.833.9066 FA FAX: 949.833.9159 AIDJACENT CEILING OR SOFFIT COLOR. 8, CENTER IDOWN LIGHTS IN CEILING TILE UNLESS NOTEID OTHERWISE. — ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN 9. PROTECT EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES AND REUSE IF POSSIBLE AT NEW LOCATIONS. 10. ADEQUATE VENTILATION SHALL BE PROVIDED TO REMOVE GASES, ODORS, STEAM, HEAT, VAPORS, AND SMOKE FROM ALL ROOMS PER MECHANICAL COPE. • • . KEY NOTES O Q BOXED BEAM WITH 2OGA X 3 -5/8' MTL. STUD FRAME AND IX WOOD FINISH. D .%p N r2 EXPOSED RIGIC) DUCT WORK - PAINTED. REFER TO MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. 0% �3 EXHAUST HOOD - REFER TO MECHANICAL AND FOOD SERVICE DRAWINGS. W V > ® 24 "X48' SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILING SYSTEM, SEE DETAIL 5/A -8.0 I= , _ w ]DIGITAL MENU BOARDS. G.C. TO VERIFY AND COORDINATE WITH OWNER'S � W Q SUB- CONTRACTOR FOR MENU BOARD MANUFACTURER AND INSTALLATION INFORMATION. Z j3 Lu E Lu m © EXISTING EXPOSED ROOF STRUCTURE AND UNDERSIDE OF ROOF DECK 70 BE PAINTED. U Lu om0 CL SYMBOL LEGEND Q ° 3 b A EXTERIOR ADJUSTABLE ACCENT LIGHTING B ADJUSTABLE MONOPOINT LIGHTING ® C 40 WATT INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE 0 D RECESSED ADJUSTABLE LED LIGHTING 0 E RECESSED ADJUSTABLE LED LIGHTING G TRACK LIGHTING H CUSTOM PENDANT FIXTURE JI 2X4 RECESSED FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE SEE DETAIL I /A -20 — — — — M COVE LIGHT 4 3 2 F Le 7 1 THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF K STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS INHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCNIIECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP 0 T O II Lo ¢i PROJECT No. 13 -025 ° DATE 0 v 0 REFLECTED ME CEILING PLAN & ROOF PLAN E 0 A=290 N SHEET OF 1 40 A B C C L F 7 L M 17 I 16 I/Y IiVIV . BACKER ROD a SEALANT BOTH SIDES � 4 mol � H 4 15 14 13 I 12 11 10 EXISTING DEMISING WALL WALL FINISH, SEE 3X3XI/4' STL 3/4' GDX PLYWD IAITr[llnrt rl r" Ti lOr rr AMr n/ O /A11 Cl It- ATI IIAI/ IX WOOD TRIM BELOW TO MATCH WINDOW SILL DOOR JAMB 9 SCALE: 3 "= I' -0" GENERAL NOTES: I. ALL EXPOSED WINDOW / DOOR WOOD FRAME 4 TRIM SHALL BE VERTICAL GRAIN DOUGLAS FIR OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2, COUNTERSINK 4 CONCEAL ALL FASTENERS THROUGHOUT - FINISH SMOOTH. 3. PROVIDE R -19 BATT INSULATION AT NEW EXTERIOR WALL. 4. PROVIDE 5 "XS'XI 14" STEEL TOP PLATE WELDED TO 3X3 STEEL GOLUMNS. ATTACH TO EXISTING HEADER WITH (4) 1/2' LAG BOLTS. PROVIDE BLOCKING A& REQUIRED. a INTERIOR SIDE 5. WI NDOW PANEL FINISH TO MATCH IP -I EP -1 a EXTERIOR SIDE EXTERIOR ELEVATION LAG SCREW COUNTERBORED 3X3XI14" STL Akim [ l 1111tH rlhmr rn AMr SCALE: 3/0" = 1' -0" THRU BOLT AND FIXED WINDOW PANEL WASHER a 24" BY ANDERSEN OR eIn A/lkll A rf[lrfn� il-M rn1 I Al SILL BELOW 0/ 3/4' SHEATHING BLOCKING BOTH SIDES 0/2X6 FRAME WINDOW JAMB 7 SCALE: 3"=I'-0" NOTE: PER 2013 G5G 5EG. 11248 4 11335 THE FLOOR OR LANDING SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 1/2 INCH LOWER THAN THE THRESHOLD OF THE DOORWAY. CHANGE IN LEVEL BETWEEN 1/4 INCH AND 1/2 INCH SHALL BE BEVELED WITH A SLOPE NO GREATER THAN ONE UNIT VERTICAL IN 2 UNITS HORIZONTAL (50— PERGENT SLOPE). CHANGE IN LEVEL GREATER THAN 1/2 INCH SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY MEANS OF A RAMP. PROVIDE METAL KICK PLATE SEE FLOOR LANDING KEYNOTE ABOVE ]DOOR SWEEP DOOR THRESHOLD .. TEMPERED GLASS 9 I 8 7 6 FIXED W BY AND APPRO\ WINDOW GLAZING DOOR HEAD 4 SCALE: 3 " =1' -0" WINDOW PANEL BY 5 WINDOW GLAZING SHIM AS REQ'D CONT.SEALANT BOTH SIDES 3X3XI14" STL TUBE FRAME IX WOOD STOP WEATHER STRIPPING wl-/VV I Nil I 3X3XI/4" STL TUBE — FRAME WELDED TO BASE PLATE BELOW IX WOOD TRIM 1/4' GONG. CURB REVEAL REINFORCED GONG.— CURB, STAIN TO MATCH INT. FLR SLAB VXS'XI 14" STL. BASE — PLATE 0/ NON- SHRINK LEVELING GROUT AS REQUIRED WINDOW Jt MB 5 SCALE: =1' -0 3/4" GDX PLYWD 0/ 3/4" SHEATHING 0/2X6 FRAME 4 3 2 1 WINDOW GLAZING HOPPER WINDOW BY ANDERSEN 01 APPROVED EQU> SELF TAPPING SC COUNTERBORED PLUGGED AFF. FIXED WINDOW PE BY ANDERSEN Oi APPROVED EQU< WINDOW FIXED W ANDERS APPRO\ Ali 2' -8 M (2) CONT. 03 REBAR / \ d d O. ° n d A °O J a 1 *4 DOWEL BEYOND a 16 1 O.C. - EMBED MIN. 2 1 1X WOOD TRIM INTO (E) FLOOR SLAB ° WITH EPDXY GROUT d °b II L (4)1/2" HILT[ 0/3/4' EXPANSION ANCHORS 0/ 2X6 f I -1/2' FROM EDGE OF BASE PLATE, TYPICAL WINDOW BASE N SCALE: 3 " =1' -0" " SCALE: 3 " =1' -0" 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 WINDOW HEAD SCALE: 3"=I'-0" WINDOW SILL 2 SCALE: 3"=I'-0" A 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 B IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN IG MESH -EN X L MESH :EN AS REQ'D F SEALANT SIDES — :1/4' STL FRAME G WINDOW SILL 3 SGALEE: 3"=I'-0` 5 4 3 2 1 1 O %0 %o N 01% W Q >U w I= 2 W o U Z W Q W to% W UNm Lu om0 CL t/! Q O Lu m Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF K STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCNIIECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP T 0 II Lo a PROJECT N". 13 -025 ° DATE 0 v 0 EXTERIOR M� ELEVATION 0 & DETAILS E s A=490 SHEET OF J 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN O N O� Q W U Lu 0 U 11-- LL Q z j3 W UNm Lu om0 t/! CL Q O Lu m r Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE SCHEDULES & MATERIAL KEY INDEX A -6.0 SHEET OF 42 17 1 16 15 14 13 1 12 11 10 9 1 8 7 6 5 1 4 3 2 1 FINISH GENERAL NOTES FINISH SCHEDULE BASE NORTH WALL EAST WALL SOUTH WALL WEST WALL CEILING A 1. A MINIMUM OF (5) SAMPLES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO ARCH. FOR APPROVAL OF NO. ROOM NAME MATERIAL FINISH NO. A MATERIAL FINISH MATERIAL FINISH MATERIAL FINISH MATERIAL FINISH MATERIAL FINISH HEIGHT ALL FINISH MATERIALS PRIOR TO ORDERING UNLESS SPECIFICALLY RELEASED BY OWNER. Imo DINING ROOM CON -1 (1) 6F -1 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) Imo 101 WAFFLE LINE CON -1 T -2 SF -1 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) 101 2. PAINT SUBMITTAL TO BE SUPPLIED ON A MIN. 81 /2' x 11' SAMPLE CARD. 3, INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISH MATERIALS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN 102 RESTROOM CON -1 (1) SF -I (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) G5-2 IP -3 9' -0" 102 ACCORDANCE W/ 2001 CBC AND AMENDMENTS. 4. PROVIDE TILE FOR TOILET ROOM FLOORS WITH A MINIMUM 511/2" HIGH AND 3/8' 103 SCULLERY CON-1 t -z SF -I (v (U (v (U (v (U (u (u (v (2) (v 103 104 DRY STORAGE CON -1 T -2 6F -1 G5-2 FRP -1 G15-2 FRP -1 G5-2 FRP -1 G5-2 FRP -1 ACT -1 - 9' -0" 104 COVE RADIUS BASE, B 5. WALLS 4 CEILING: SMOOTH, DURABLE, NONABSORBENT, WASHABLE. (EXCEPTION: 105 JANITOR CLOSET CON -1 T -2 5F -1 GB -2 FRP -1 GB -2 FRP -1 GB -2 FRP -1 G15-2 FRP -1 ACT -1 - 9' -0" 105 B UNOPENED FOOD PRODUCT STORAGE, DINING, AND BAR, EXCEPT WALL NEXT TO BAR SINK). (1) VARIES - SEE INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR FINISH. 6, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND (2) VARIES - SEE REFLECTED CEILING PLAN FOR FINISH AND HEIGHTS. REQUIREMENTS. (3) VARIES - SEE FLOOR FINISH PLAN SHEET A -I.0 1, G.C. SHALL PROVIDE WOOD BACKING FOR ALL WALL MOUNTED /RECESSED ITEMS DOOR SCHEDULE (U.O.N.) 8. G.C. C.SHALL HAND SELECT WOOD AND WOOD TRIM TO INSURE MATERIAL IS FREE FROM WARP, CHECKS, GOUGES, SPLITS AND IN GENERAL, OF EXCELLENT VISUAL G QUALITY. INSTALL MATERIAL OF THE LONGEST PRACTICAL LENGTHS 4 SIZES TO DOOR x x x E„ x i E„ :E DETAILS DOOR SCHEDULE KEYNOTES G MINIMIZE THE NUMBER OF JOINTS. H �.,- h �- � FRAME anQ �Q 4. INTERIOR FINISHES AND COMBUSTIBLE DECORATIVE MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY NO. LOCATION TYPE SIZE (WXH) MATERIAL a a MATERIAL a a HEAD JAMB THRESH. HARDWARE / KEYNOTES NO. I SELF - CLOSING HARDWARE 1 MAIN ENTRY A 3' -6" X 1' -2' WD / GL IP -1 EP -I WD IP -1 EP -I 4/A -4.0 9/A -4.0 8 /A -4.0 I WITH CFC 801. 2 TACTILE DISABLE ACCESS SIGN, SEE DETAIL 10/T -4 5. INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES FOR DINING AND BAR AREAS SHALL NOT EXCEED A FLAME - SPREAD CLASSIFICATION OF 200 (CLASS C) 3 POST SIGN ABOVE DOOR (ON THE INTERIOR SIDE) STATING: 'DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED' 2 RESTROOM DOOR B 3' -0' X 1' -0' WD / GL LP -1 LP -1 WD IP -1 IP -1 18/A- 8.0151M.) IS /A -8.0 I G 1 ®12 13 14 2 3 DOUBLE ACTING DOOR C 3' -0' X 1' -0' LP -1 LP -1 MTL IP -1 IP -1 16 /A -8.0 (51M) 16 /A -8.0 I 6 18 3 AND EXIT SIGN PER CBC 100819.3 CLASS FLAME SPREAD INDEX 4 TACTILE EXIT SIGN, SEE DETAIL 11/T -4 4 JANITOR CLOSET D 3' -0' X 1' -0' HM IP IP HM IP IP 15/A -8.0 141A -8.0 I G 8 15 4 A 0 -25 5 WEATHERSTRIP TIGHT FITTING 5 B.O.H SERVICE DOOR E 3' -0° X l' -m' HM IF IF HM IF EP I 4 5 G S 9 IG 11 5 � B 26 -15 G ACCESSIBLE THRESHOLD, SEE LANDING KEYNOTE ON DETAIL 8/A -4.0 C 16-200 C 1 PULL BAR MAXIMUM FLAME - SPREAD CLASS FOR GROUP OCCUPANCY "A° IS GA S/S BOTH SIDES \ S METAL KICKPLATE CLASS AREA 16 GA. HOLLOW METAL 16 GA. HOLLOW METAL EIE TEMPERED GLASS DOOR, FLUSH PANEL, DOOR, FLUSH PANEL, TACTILE 51GN,�® UNISEX DOOR 16 VIEW WINDOW PAINTED FINISH PAINTED FINISH g LOGKSET 10 IMPACT RESISTANT TEMPERED GLASS A ENCLOSED VERTICAL -I SEE DETAIL SYMBOL, SEE T -4 11 POST MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD SIGN IN CONSPICUOUS PLACE B EXITWAYS OTHER !� TEMPERED GLASS PANIC HARDWARE ❑� / 4 \ 2' S.S. FRAME NEAR MAIN EXIT OF ROOM - VERIFY LOCATION WITH OWNER E C EXITWAYS ROOMS OR AREAS i -4 _ 30' HI. X 18 GA. ST /STL 12 TACTILE RESTROOM SIGN, SEE DETAIL 4/T -4 E NOTE: IMPACT PLATES AT 30' HI. X 18 GA. ST /STL 48' HIGH IS GA. 5/5 IMPACT KITCHEN SIDE IMPACT PLATES AT LA D 13 PUSH PLATE ANY DECORATIONS USED SHALL BE NON COMBUSTIBLE OR FLAME - RETARDANT METAL KICK PLATE ST /STL KICK PLATE PLATES BOTH SIDES KITCHEN SIDE 14 PRIVACY LOCKSET TREATED IN AN APPROVED MANNER (CURTAINS, DRAPES, SHADES, HANGINGS BOTH SIDES BOTH SIDES 15 WALL OR FLOOR DOOR STOP ETC.) UNLESS PROTECTED BY AN APPROVED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM. 16 EXISTING DOOR AND HARDWARE TO REMAIN UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE MAIN ENTRY DOOR �1 RESTROOM DOOR i1 ELIASON DOOR %+1 INT. HOLLOW METAL �\ EXT. HOLLOW METAL %1 � � •r' L. 1-1 EXISTING PANIC HARDWARE TO REMAIN I8 HARDWARE BY DOOR MANUFACTURER - ELIA50N F DOOR GENERAL NOTES FINISH MATERIAL KEY INDEX F CONCRETE (DIV.3) GYPSUM BOARD (DIV. 9) PAINT - INTERIOR (DIV. 9) ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE (DIV. 9) I. EXIT DOORS SHALL BE OPERABLE WITH MAX. 5.0 LBS, FORCE AT LATCH SIDE. 2. EXIT DOORS SHALL BE READILY OPENABLE FROM THE EGRESS SIDE WITHOUT THE CON -1 EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB G5-1 5/8' GYPSUM BOARD IP -1 MANUFACTURER: SHERWIN WILLIAMS ACT -1 MANUFACTURER: USG USE OF A KEY OR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGEOR EFFORT. To BE CLEANED AND RE- SEALED NOTE: ALL GYP BD WALL 4 CEILING FINISH SHALL BE SMOOTH COLOR: 5W1008 ALABASTER CEILING TILE: GYPSUM LAY -IN TILE VINYL $13210 (NON - PERFORATED) SEALER: SF -I FINISH: SEMI -GLOSS SIZE: 24'X 48' 3. ALL GLASS IN DOORS, ADJACENT TO DOORS WITHIN 24' AND WITHIN IS" OF FLOOR LOCATION: RESTROOM FLOORS 515-2 5/8' WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD LOCATION: BRICK WALL 4 SERVICE CORRIDOR 4 INT. STOREFRONT TILE COLOR: WHITE G ARE TO BE TEMPERED GLASS. NOTE: MUST MEET SLIP COF .6 WHEN WET GRID: EXPOSED TEE 15/16' SYSTEM, HEAVY DUTY, ALUMINUM CLAD G 4. TOILET ROOM AND LOCKER ROOM DOORS TO BE SELF - CLOSING, TIGHT - FITTING. IP -2 MANUFACTURER: GLIDDEN PROFESSIONAL GRID FINISH: WHITE BACKER BOARD (DIV. 9) COLOR: 20YY 31/106 - BRUSHWOOD 'A1198 LOCATION: DRY STORAGE 4 JANITOR CLOSET 5. POOR LEAF HAVING AUTOMATIC FLUSH BOLTS SHALL HAVE NO POOR KNOB OR FINISH: SEMI -GLOSS STONE (DIV. 4) SURFACE MTD. HARDWARE. THE UNLATCHING OF ANY LEAF SHALL NOT REQUIRE LOCATION: BAR SOFFIT MORE THAN ONE OPERATION. CBI 5/8' CEMENT BACKER BOARD GLASS (DIV. 9) IP -3 MANUFACTURER: SHERWIN WILLIAMS 6. THE WIDTH OF THE LEVEL AREA ON THE SIDE TO WHICH THE DOOR SWINGS SHALL 5T -1 MANUFACTURER: CAESARSTONE COLOR: SW 6105 DIVINE WHITE TILE (DIV. 9) EXTEND A MINIMUM 24'' PAST THE STRIKE EDGE OF THE DOOR FOR EXTERIOR PRODUCT: 04230 SHITAKE FINISH: SEMI -GLOSS GL -1 MANUFACTURER: PPG ARCHITECTURAL GLASS FINISH: POLISHED LOCATION: BATHROOM WALLS COLOR: CLEAR DOORS AND A MINIMUM 18° PAST THE STRIKE EDGE FOR INTERIOR DOORS. THICKNESS: 2CM STYLE: STARPHIRE (ULTRA - CLEAR) 1. DOORWAYS LEADING TO MEN'S SANITARY FACILITY SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY ADA LOCATION: P05 COUNTERTOP T -I MANUFACTURER: DALTILE IP -4 MANUFACTURER: SHERWIN WILLIAMS LOCATION: STOREFRONT GLAZING H AND STATE AGENCY APPROVED SYMBOLS SHALL BE CENTERED ON THE DOOR AT CONTACT: ROXANNE BENNETT (818)394 -6000 PRODUCT: WALL TILE - SEMI GLOSS COLOR: SW 6083 - SABLE SIZE: 3 "x6' FIELD TILE (RITTENHOUSE SQUARE) FINISH: SEMI -GLOSS GL -2 MIRROR A HEIGHT OF 60" A.F.F. PROVIDE BRAILLE SIGNS AT RESTROOM DOORS. COLOR: BISCUIT KI15 LOCATION: (E) ROOF STRUCTURE 4 UNDERSIDE OF DECK COLOR: ANTIQUE SILVER WOOD (DIV. b) 8. STRIKE PLATE = 16 GA,. SCREWS = MIN. 2'' INTO WOOD FRAMED DOORS. 9. NON REMOVABLE EXTERIOR HINGE PINS MRP) REQUIRED ON OUTSWINGING DOORS. THICKNESS: 5116' GROUT: CUSTOM BUILDING PRODUCTS - 0381 BRIGHT WHITE NOTE: G.C. TO PROVIDE SAMPLE OF ALL PAINT SPECIFIED, THICKNESS: 3/8' LOCATION: CUSTOM MIRROR CONTACT: DALE ROBERTS 951.255.0243 TO SLA FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALATION 10, EXIT DOORS SHALL SWING IN THE DIRECTION OF EXIT TRAVEL WHEN SERVING ANY WD -I AMERICAN OAK LOCATION: KITCHEN WALLS GL -3 MANUFACTURER: WALKER GLASS HAZARDOUS AREA OR WHEN SERVING AN OCCUPANT LOAD OF 50 OR MORE. FINISH: WIRE BRUSHED TO MATCH SAMPLE PRODUCT: ACID- ETCHED GLASS LOCATION: BAR DIE 4 WAINSCOT T -2 MANUFACTURER: DALTILE PAINT - EXTERIOR ( DIV. 9 ) FINISH: TEXTURES VELOUR 1 11. EXIT DOOR LOCKS SHALL BE LEVER TYPE (NOT A THUMB TURN LOCK). NOTE: SAMPLE TO BE APPROVED BY SLA PRODUCT: SEMI -GLOSS CERAMIC THIN LIP SANITARY COVE BASE COLOR: BLACK 1 12. PROVIDE APPROVED PANIC HARDWARE ON REQUIRED EXIT DOORS, SIZE: 6'X6' THICKNESS: 6MM 13. ALL DOOR HARDWARE SHALL BE LEVER TYPE FOR DISABLED ACCESSIBILITY WD -2 AMERICAN OAK COLOR: BISCUIT KI15 EP -I MANUFACTURER: SHERWIN WILLIAMS LOCATION: RESTROOM DOOR FINISH: BLEACHED WHITE - STAIN TO MATCH SAMPLE GROUT: CUSTOM BUILDING PRODUCTS 0381 BRIGHT WHITE COLOR: SW OOL3 ALABASTER CONTACT: WALKER GLASS (514) 352 -3030 / (888) 320 -3030 LOCATION: TABLETOP NOTE: SAMPLE TO BE APPROVED BY SLA LOCATION: KITCHEN COVE BASE FINISH: SEMI -GLOSS LOCATION: EXTERIOR STOREFRONT PLASTIC LAMINATES (DIV. 9) T -3 MANUFACTURER: M05A SCHEDULE ABBREVIATIONS WD -3 AMERICAN OAK PRODUCT: M05A MURALS 'BLENDS' NOTE: G.C. TO PROVIDE SAMPLE OF ALL PAINT SPECIFIED, FINISH: WIRE BRUSHED - STAIN TO MATCH SAMPLE SIZE: 6'X12' TO SLA FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALATION LOCATION: INTERIOR BOX BEAMS PATTERN: PM 1231 LP -I MANUFACTURER: OCTOLAM NOTE: SAMPLE TO BE APPROVED BY SLA COLORS: 032010, 032030 COLOR: 953: CLAAO MAPLE K QUARRY TILE (DIV. 9) ACT ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE LOCATION: BATHROOM WALLS FINISH: MATTE ALUM ALUMINUM NOTE: G.C. TO PROVIDE SAMPLE OF ALL STAINED WOOD SPECIFIED, LOCATION: KITCHEN CABINETS EXTERIOR WHERE NOTED BRZ BRONZE TO SLA FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION METAL COVE TRANSITION (DIV. 9) CONTACT: CB CEMENT BOARD QT -I MANUFACTURER: METROPOLITIAN CERAMICS PRODUCT: QUARRY BASICS PLASTER (DIV. 9) SPECIAL FINISH (DIV. 9) GLR SILVER OR CLEAR ANODIZED MET -I MANUFACTURER: SCHLUTER SYSTEMS COLOR: °501 PURITAN GRAY (E) EXISTING PRODUCT: DILEX -AHKA 3/8" RADIUS ALUM. COVE TRANSITION SIZE: 6'X 6' X 1/2" THK, EP EXTERIOR PAINT FINISH: SATIN GROUT: CUSTOM BUILDING PRODUCTS, 100% EPDXY GROUT FF FACTORY FINISH PL -I MANUFACTURER: TEXSTON - MARMORINO ACCESSORY: 190 /AHKA /AE 90 DEG CORNER TRANSITIONS GROUT COLOR: "185 NEW TAUPE, SF -I MANUFACTURER: SCOFIELD L FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PANEL PRODUCT: INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SPECIALTY PLASTER LOCATION: RESTROOM GROUT SPACING: I /4' PRODUCT: CEMENTONE - CLEAR SEALER CODE: VPC- 11133/5D5 NOTE: VERIFY W/ WALL TILE THICKNESS LOCATION: UNDER EQUIPMENT LOCATION: EXISTING SLAB GL INSULATED GLASS CONTACT: (818)221 -4812 CONTACT: GINA AGUIRRE FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PANEL (DIV. 9) GB GYPSUM BOARD WWW.TEX5TON.COM QT -2 MANUFACTURER: METROPOLITIAN CERAMICS PHONE: (160) -688 -8103 HC HOLLOW CORE WOOD HM HOLLOW METAL 16 GA. LOCATION: DINING ROOM WALLS PRODUCT: QUARRY BASICS ABRASIVE TILE COLOR: "501 PURITAN GRAY UPHOLSTERY (DIV. 12) IP INTERIOR PAINT FRP -I MANUFACTURER: MARLITE SIZE: 6' X 6' X 1/2" THK. JSF JOB SITE FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING BRICK (DIV. 9) PRODUCT: SYMMETRIX GROUT: CUSTOM BUILDING PRODUCTS, 100% EPDXY GROUT ; COLOR: P -100 WHITE GROUT COLOR: °185 NEW TAUPE a LP PLASTIC LAMINATE LRV: 53% GROUT SPACING: 1/4' UP -1 MANUFACTURER: ARGHITEX M MET METAL BRK -1 MANUFACTURER: PACIFIC CLAY LOCATION: PATIO BAR LOCATION: SERVICE STATION HIGH TRAFFIC AREAS PATTERN: HIGH BEAM Mw 1 QT QUARRY TILE PRODUCT: AGED TUMBLED BRICK VENEER TO MATCH CONTACT: MARLITE s 114- 523 -2500 COLOR: DIMMER SC SOLID CORE WOOD APPROVE[) SAMPLE QT -3 MANUFACTURER: METROPOLITIAN CERAMICS WIDTH: 54 INCHES VINYL BASE (DIV. 9) STL STEEL FINISH: RED PRIMERO - PAINTED WITH IF-I PRODUCT: QUARRY BASICS COVE BASE - Q3656 LOCATION: BOOTH BACK 4 SEAT SJ DINING a ST /STL STAINLESS STEEL TG TEMPERED GLASS TEXTURE: HEAVILY TUMBLED GROUT: MAPEI "95 ALMOND LIGHT COLOR: "501 PURITAN GRAY SIZE: 6'X 6' X 1/2" THK. CONTACT: LEE -ANN KIRKENDALE PHONE: 160.333.1181 « CONTACT: DOUG PERSON (951) 614 -6383 V -1 MANUFACTURER: BURKE FLOORING GROUT: CUSTOM BUILDING PRODUCTS, 100% EPDXY GROUT WD WOOD LOCATION: ENTRY WALL PRODUCT: 6" RUBBER COVE BASE GROUT COLOR: 1185 NEW TAUPE WS WOOD STAIN COLOR: 103 ESPRESSO GROUT SPACING: I /4' d LOCATION: BOOTH BASE INTERIOR LOCATION: SERVICE STATIONS N CONTACT: LESLIE BUNNEY (866) 534 -0228 N° 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN O N O� Q W U Lu 0 U 11-- LL Q z j3 W UNm Lu om0 t/! CL Q O Lu m r Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE SCHEDULES & MATERIAL KEY INDEX A -6.0 SHEET OF 42 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SHELVES C1$ -I IP -2 - WD -2 GB -I PL -I RK -1 IP -1 A A 11 11 11 11 ji I 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 - 1 °� �_ 12' T °r °°°°° – °� 1 °�- °°°C °°oC ° ° ��00000C o° o °�000CC000C C1$-I IP-I ° a ° h e d 7OC�1— IC�OOC�r�OC I �ODOOC= �I --IDOC IC _ $ -0 J1 a ° ® ° _ ° a 1C�f�OC�OOC�f�C If�OC'^�'� -1— 'HOC ° ° a — 1LJC�C�CJC�C�C�C�C L-= C�C�C�C e --_ -~a ° e 8 °°� o_o_ 000 �0000C ` SS -0 `� ---- ° p� ° B - a a 0 — 000000000C I I �o °00000 °000l T C$ I T -1 I 2 -0 00000°oo oo°oo 0000 °� I 1� SNEEZE a °°°F_ F_ I I I i°°°°o°I I F_ F_ T i ( A -S0 GUARD ° ° ° °° �_o_or�_o_o_oC�r�_oC I �00000l�00000l III � _ °°oI ° °C I °°o° °❑ �°� �° °—°mac. I I = -- -- I) 0 00°1 0000= C1 _ _ I FIN. FLRFLR FIN. FLR ST -I Wp -I CsB -1 IP -1 D MENU BOX - WD-2 GB -1 7 -2 2m BAR TOP 5' 4 10' RANDOM D BY OWNER SLIM -FOOT SANITARY A $� LENGTH BOARDS COVE BASE, 5EE DETAIL INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8 " =1' -0" 1 INTERIOR ELEVATION I SCALE: 3/8 " =1' -01, 2 E E GB -I IP I GB -I PL -I - IP -1 - GL -I GL -I I21 -01 - 07� EL. 12 ° a ° ° a o a IV > v D ° a a a v ° v v 101 -0' -- ° - ° — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i - - F ° °v ° a 7� B.O.GLG EL, 10' 0' F v- -- °` ° 3' FX - GU5TOM� ° MIRROR ° a v v � ° ° 4 ° a ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑❑ ° ❑------- - - - - -v ° - - - -- — v❑ vw ❑❑ 1111 11E ❑ ° °a — °v — - - -- 4 0 —.— — — — -- - -- ° ❑❑ ° a° a v v d a° ° v a V a — — o a ° °1 °I V ( T Ta °° oIT - - °a ° TI° [jot. — — — -- (I I) ❑❑ m / a ILLLL ----- L ----- L ----- L ----- L ----- JJ _1_J1 _ _ ter, - - - - -- —_ Lo m - 4111 ❑ FIN. FLR. j, -- WD I IP -1 CsL I 5' 4 10' RANDOM LENGTH BOARDS INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8 " =1' -0" 3 INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8 " =1' -0" 4 7 1 121.0 C1$ -I IP -I CB -1 T -I GB -2 FRP -1 OL G5 I IP -2 G5 1 IP I 5 -91/2° K 7.O.CLCx 1 e 9 0 _ C Cx. NT. L 2 11 57/57L 0� CASING T 1 o Leo L 2X WOOUD�C CAP / 0 — ¢ � _ � 00 mevov - 1 0 I - -- �, ol'iiiil� iii m ❑ ° o ¢ 0' -0e � ' o00 0 M °� 1111111 m FIN. M IIII 0' -0' 0 FIN. FLR 2m CB -1 T -2 SLIM -FOOT SANITARY A $� SLIM -FOOT SANITARY o ST-1 - WD I COVE BASE, SEE DETAIL COVE BASE s 0 0 INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8 " =1' -0" 5 INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8 " =1' -0" 161 INTERIOR ELEVATION I SCALE: 3/8 " =1' -0" 7 "o 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN O �O a Q W U Lu 0 U ZLL Q LL j3 W U 4n om0 t/! CL Q O mrNNNNN Z No. DATE DESCRIPTION 3/15/14 15T CITY SUBMITTAL /1\1 4/01/14 1 PLAN CHECK CORRECTIONS THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS INC.. THEY ARE NOT i0 BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS WITOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM SffVEN LANGFORD ARCN ITCTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP P R 0 1 E CT No. 13 -025 DATE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A -7.0 SHEET OF 43 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN O %0 %0 N O� Q W U I _ Lu 0 U ZLL Q LL j3 W UNm om0 N ' CL Q O W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE INTERIOR DETAILS A -7.1 SHEET OF 44 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 1 4 3 2 1 NOTE: ALL 24 °X48' CEILING LIGHT 8' 121-0' O.C. 8' FIXTURES AND 24'X24' HVAC AIR STUD WALL FRAME METAL STUD BRACE SCHEDULE MAX BOTH DIRECTION MAX. REGISTERS SHALL BE SUPPORTED PER FLOOR PLAN METAL STUD BRACE a 48' 4 TOP PLATE BY A MIN. OF (2J TWO HANG=ERS g A 'H' (MAX.) BRACE SIZE O.G. PER SCHEDULE. SEE OFF. CORNERS. CEILING SYSTEM / A -SID CONNECTION A E 3/8' FLAT POLISHED EDGE, 5/8" CEMENT 4' -0' 250 CS20' CONNECTION DETAIL ,� SHALL NOT SUPPORT OTHER ITEMS / CLEAR TEMPERED C=LASS BOARD BACKING 6' -0' '362 C520' "$.0 L "12 WIRE HANGER W/ 3 WATERPROOFING 8' -0' (2) '362 C520' TWISTS IN I' MIN. WRAP BRUSHED ST /STL SNEEZE 1 / GUARD SUPPORTS 0' -0' (2)'362 G520' PERIMETER MEMBER / Z E TILE FINISH PER INT. ELEV. Q SECTION STARTER WALLS B.O. EXISTING \ 17, 12' -0' (2)'362 C520' ROOF STRUCTURE / MAIN RUNNER (TYP.) B SHIM UNDER FLANGE 3/8' RADIUS ALUM. COVE TRANSITION 14' -0' (2) '362 XC518' I X NORTH EAST B TO PROVIDE 1/16' MIN. SET IN MORTAR AND BONDED TO X ? E INSTALL COMPRESSION FLOOR WITH EPDXY RESIN PER 16' -0' (2) '362 XCSIS' O X� 12'-0" ( EXTEND GYP. Bp. CLEARANCE X 45° 4 DIRECTION OR EVERY -$(D FINISH 6' ABOVE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS X 144 SO. FT. OF CLG. HIGHEST ADJ. CLG. 16GA BENT 0 48' O.C. SPLAY�� MAIN T (3) A E 4 EA. LEG WIRE 4g• 4g• RUNNER TO BRACE 4 CONT, TRACK TYPICAL GROSS RUNNER 012 WIRE CEILING JOIST CLEAR SILICONE WEST SOUTH SPLAYED IN THE PLANE OF SUSPENDED CEILING COUNTERTOP CAULKING 9 ALL EA. RUNNER m 45° MAX. SYSTEM, SEE CLG. S SIDES PLAN 4 DETAIL e NOTE: METAL STUDS C CARRY WATERPROOFING PER FLOOR PLAN NOTE: SUSPENDED CLG. FRAMING SYSTEMS Q-S.0 12' MIN. UP FACE OF CEMENT AND LT. FIXTURES ARE DESIGNED FOR BOARD BACKING LATERAL FORCES W /Gp =O.154Wp(MIN.) =4psf SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: SNEEZE GUARD DETAIL 17 COVE TRANSITION 13 WALL BRACING 9 SUSPENDED T -BAR CLG. Y = V -0" N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. (4)"10 SMS 9 EACH STUD, TYP. INTERIOR FINISH, SEE E ATTACH TO STRUGT. ;" FINISH SCHEDULE D 2X6 o 16' O.G. IN CONT. 2X6 BLOCKING EXISTING ABOVE REFER TO DETAIL r, D X3 WOOD CASING HOLLOW METAL 'HU' HANGERS ATTACHED TO (E) ROOF DECK 3/4' CONDUIT COMPRESSION STRUGT 20GA. MTL. STUD 9 16" BOTH SIDES DOOR FRAME BTWN (E) TRUSS TRUSS, TYPICAL PRESSURE FIT BETWEEN ROOF O.G. SEE FLOOR PLAN A S(D FOR STUD SIZE WOOD SHIM WALL FINISH 9 1RUOT OGpEA.IWAY W FIRST PONT ARE NEW UNLESS ASSEMBLY NOTE: NEW 2X WOOD JAMB PER INT. ELEV. WITHIN 4' -0' OF PERIMETER WALLS NOTED AS EXIST. L.I IX3 WOOD STOP METAL ANCHOR X (3) 010X2 WD S WRAP WIRE THRU PRE- WALL BASE PER -,,.. SCREWS PER Q-S� DRILLED SLOTS IN FINISH SCHEDULE STUD, TYPICAL RUNNERS AND AROUND DOOR PER PERIMETER WIRE AT EA. BOTTOM OF CONDUIT �t DOOR PER #10 SCREW -7 SCHEDULE (� SCHEDULE —(E) ROOF TURE "12 SPLAY WIRE EACH STUD TYP. E �� STUDS SEE TERMINATION POINT 20Gq, CONTINUOUS FLOOR TRACK E FLOOR PLAN MTL. TRACK 20GA MTL X ' ' ° X 8' FASTENER 6 24" O.C. MAX T ROSS RUNNER 6 2'- 0' O.G. 3625162 -43 ,' 3625162 -43 ®48' t:: \ fit 16' O.C, II II �� O.G. W/ (3) AIO ROUGH OPENING ROUGH OPENING SCREWS EA. END FLOOR FINISH PER 0' -0' EXISTING FLOOR WALL FINISH 2OGA MTL 5/8' GWB FINISH <I FINISH SCHEDULE SLAB F 00 OPENING 4' PER INT. ELEV. DOOR O NIN 2 STUDS SEE REFER TO INT. WALL FINISH AIN RUNNER ® 4' -0' O.C. F 3/4' FLOOR PLAN ELEV 4 CLG PLAN - ----------------------- ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE ALE: C INTERIOR DOOR JAMB N.T.S. SCALE: 18 INTERIOR DOOR JAMB N.T.S. SCALE: 14 SUSPENDED SOFFIT �� SALE: 10 COMPRESSION STRUT SCALE: N.T.S. 6 FULL HEIGHT WALL SCALE: N.T.S. 2 G NOTE: / G USE THIS DETAIL FOR THE EXIST. ROOF STRUCTURE 20GA X 3 -5/8' NEW WALL FINISH I I I FOLLOWING ITEMS B.O. EXISTING CONT. 16 GA. DEEP MTL. STUD FRAME DEMISING WALL PER INT. ELEV. - RESTROOM GRAB BARS 1'X2' STEEL STRAP 12GA. MIN. ROOF STRUCTURE LEG SLIP TRACK {% I -WALL MOUNTED SINKS m -v 20GA MTL STUDS I� WALL FINISH PER -WALL MOUNTED SHELVES ATTACHED TO STRUCTURE O y q DRILL -IN EXPANSION ANCHOR £ SEE FLOOR PLAN I I SCHEDULE METAL STUD FRAME PER PLAN 5/8' GYP. BD. 3 TURNS IN I' MIN. 1 m F" BOTH SIDES SPLAYED SEISMIC WIRE BOXED MTL. I GAP TO ALLOW FOR Di �( STUD HEADER I ( I SPLAY BRACE ANCHORAGE® H + t iD 3) SM.S. I VERTICAL DEFLECTION I I PER STUD CONT. CAPPING TRACK \ � EXIST. ROOF STRUCTURE 010 SHEET METAL 20GA. MTL. STUD SCREW 6 EACH FLANGE HOLLOW METAL \ z z_ CEILING CLIP ATTACHED g 16" O.G. PER DOOR FRAME \ w z TO STRUCTURE W/ SHOT -IN FLOOR PLAN ASSEMBLY 0 ANCHOR WALL FINISH PER IL IS GA MTL. TRACK 7 \ = SCHEDULE 1 IX WOOD FINISH O/ 1/2' NOTE: \ CLIP FLANGES TO METAL ANCHOR O 3 TURNS IN I' MIN. PLYWOOD BACKING BOXED BEAMS SHALL BE 0 0 Flt OVER STUDS W/ MITERED CORNERS SIMILAR IN CONSTRUCTION ATTACH FRAMING TO (E) DOOR PER \ VERTICAL HANGER WIRE STRUCTURE ABOVE SCHEDULE SUSPENSION ANCHORAGE ® PERPENDICULAR TO JOISTS SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: PILASTER DETAIL N.T.S. 1 9 INTERIOR DOOR HEAD N.T.S. 15 WALL BLOCKING N.T.S. 11 WIRE SUSPENSION ANCHOR N.T.S. 7 K (E) ROOF DECK (N) 2X4 BLOCKING o CONT. 16 GA. DEEP NOTE: 0/(E)2X ROOF 48' O.G. ATTACHED LEG SLIP TRACK STUD WALL FRAME USE THIS DETAIL FOR THE JOISTS, V.IF. TO (E) ROOF JOISTS PER FLOOR PLAN FOLLOWING ITEMS -WOOD BOARD FINISH VERTICAL COMPRESSION STRUT ELECTRIC- METALLIC TUBING (EMT) SIZE (DIAMETER) HEIGHT ('H' MAX) 1/2" WATERPROOFING 14 GA STEEL 5/8' W.R. GYP, 20GA MTL STUDS -MENU BOARDS - CUSTOM MIRROR 5' -2" 200 1' 6' -5' 200 1 1/4' 8' -6' 200 1 1/2' DOOR CASING, BD. BOTH SIDES SEE FLOOR PLAN METAL STUD -WALL MOUNTED ARTWORK 2' 12' -l' 200 21/2' 16' -6' 200 3' FRP O/ 5/8' W.R. GWB SEE SCHEDULE FRAME PER PLAN 26' -0' 200 L .I CONT. SEALANT TOP SHIM AS REQ'D 20GA. MTL. STUD ® I6' O.G. PER AND BOTTOM FLOOR PLAN WALL FINISH PER M� SCHEDULE o M a O SLIM -FOOT SANITARY COVE BASE PER (2) S.M.S. PER STUD I SCHEDULE DOOR PER - - - - y 5/8' CEMENT SCHEDULE M BOARD BACKING OUGH OPENING CONT. 20 GA k WALL FINISH 4' WIDE PLATE 00 OPENING 2 PER SCHEDULE NOTE VERTICAL COMPRESSION STRUT ELECTRIC- METALLIC TUBING (EMT) SIZE (DIAMETER) HEIGHT ('H' MAX) 1/2" 4' -0' 200 3/4' 5' -2" 200 1' 6' -5' 200 1 1/4' 8' -6' 200 1 1/2' 9' -10' 200 2' 12' -l' 200 21/2' 16' -6' 200 3' 20' -2' 200 4' 26' -0' 200 E) ROOF AP TO ALLOW FOR STRUCTURE � VERTICAL DEFLECTION ° \ Lao CARRY WATERPROOFING PARALLEL TO JOISTS 12° MIN. UP FACE OF CEMENT BOARD BACKING FE SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: ° " SLIM -FOOT COVE BASE N.T.S. 20 INTERIOR DOOR JAMB N.T.S. 16 WALL BLOCKING N.T.S. 12 VERT. COMPRESSION STRUT N.T.S. 8 NON- BEARING WALL N.T.S. 4 N� 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 .e ARCHITECTURE - INTERIORS • DESIGN %o O� W Q LuU I _ W o U Z W Q W W m UN� Lu o k0 t/! ' CL Q O W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PRO)E CT Ho. 13 -025 DATE INTERIOR DETAILS A -8.0 SHEET OF 415 II II II O CONT. CAPPING 010 SHEET METAL q TRACK SCREW aEACH FLANGE 20GA. MTL. STUD ® I6' O.G. PER FLOOR PLAN WALL FINISH PER M� SCHEDULE o M a CARRY WATERPROOFING PARALLEL TO JOISTS 12° MIN. UP FACE OF CEMENT BOARD BACKING FE SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: SCALE: ° " SLIM -FOOT COVE BASE N.T.S. 20 INTERIOR DOOR JAMB N.T.S. 16 WALL BLOCKING N.T.S. 12 VERT. COMPRESSION STRUT N.T.S. 8 NON- BEARING WALL N.T.S. 4 N� 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 .e ARCHITECTURE - INTERIORS • DESIGN %o O� W Q LuU I _ W o U Z W Q W W m UN� Lu o k0 t/! ' CL Q O W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PRO)E CT Ho. 13 -025 DATE INTERIOR DETAILS A -8.0 SHEET OF 415 17 16 15 1 14 1 13 1 12 11 1 10 9 WATER PROOFING GUIDELINES A MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD ONE TILE SET OVER MER -KRETE THESE DESIGN GUIDELINES SET THE MINIMUM ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TO REDUCE 108 PRECONSTRUCTION LATEX 200 WITH 211 FILLER AND TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, PREVENT WATER LEAKAGE AND /OR MOLD GROWTH IN OR AROUND THE A. A PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED A MINIMUM OF 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF OVER MEMBRANE = PREMISES, ADJACENT SPACE(S), AND SHOPPING CENTER WORK. B. ATTENDEES AT THE PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE: WATERPROOFING CONSULTANT, GENERAL THINSET MER -KRETE 7DUO It THE DESIGN GUIDELINES SHALL APPLY 70 ALL TENANTS IN ALL AREAS WHERE 'WET ]ASKS ARE PERFORMED" CONTRACTOR, WATERPROOFING SUBCONTRACTOR, WATERPROOFING MATERIAL MANUFACTURER'S SLOPE THIS WOULD INCLUDE ALL AREAS OR TASKS AS DESCRIBED AND WOULD INCLUDE ALL AREAS THAT HAVE WATER REPRESENTATIVE, THE IRVINE COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE AND ALL OTHER TRADES THAT WILL INTERFACE WITH FLOW INTO OR OUT OF THE PREMISES. A 'WET TASK" SHALL INCLUDE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY EQUIPMENT THE WATERPROOFING. FLASHING) USING WATER OR OTHER LIQUID, OR ANY SPACE(S) THAT EMPLOY TANKS, WATER CONTAINING SINKS, FLOOR C. AT THE MEETING, THE PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK SHALL BE REVIEWED ALONG WITH RELATED DETAILS THAT PARTSYSTEM. SINKS, MOP SINKS, DISHWASHERS, FOUNTAINS, RESTROOMS, SHOWERS, TUBS, WATER SPRAY FIXTURES, STEAM TABLES, WET FOOD PREPARATION AREAS, PREP KITCHENS, KITCHENS, FOOD SERVICE STATIONS, BARS, COLD OR WILL IMPACT THE WATERPROOFING. EACH OF THE SUBCONTRACTORS THAT INTERFACE WITH THE FROZEN STORAGE AREAS, ETC. WATERPROOFING SHALL HAVE THEIR SCOPE OF WOW REVIEWED. NOTES FROM THE MEETING SHALL BE PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. RECORDED AND DISTRIBUTED BY THE WATERPROOFING CONSULTANT. 12" MIN. B SPECIFICALLY, THE DESIGN GUIDELINES SET FORTH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR THE INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION 1. AT THE PREMISES OF (1) THE WALLS AND THE WALL SYSTEMS (WHICH INCLUDE, THE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE, ANSI. MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 WATERPROOF FLASHING, THE FASTENERS, GROUT, WALL PANELS, MOVEMENT JOINTS, AND WALL PENETRATIONS), PART 2 PRODUCTS MASTIC BENEATH "C" CHANNEL (IU FLOORING AND THE FLOOR SYSTEMS (SAME AS A WALL SYSTEM, ABOVE), (III) CEILING SYSTEMS, (IV) s MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD ONE PLUMBING, (V) ELECTRICAL, (VI) KITCHEN EQUIPMENT, (VII) WATER FEATURES, AND (VIII) VAPOR/MOISTURE 2.01 TILE CEMENT BOARD /MOLD RESISTANT O VENTILATING. NOTE: REFER TO SHEET A -6.0 FOR TILE STYLES AND MANUFACTURER AND /OR DESIGN y; A KEY COMPONENT OF A WATER PROOFING SYSTEM IS THE WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE. ALL WALL AND FLOOR 2.02 SETTING MATERIAL MANUFACTURER FLOOR SINK DRAIN n SYSTEMS INSTALLED IN AREAS HAVING WET TASK OR SPACES WHERE WET TASK ARE PERFORMED, SHALL HAVE A. MER -KRETE SYSTEMS PAREXLAHABRA INC. 800 - 851 -6303 WLWMERKRETE.COM LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE TIM v � O A WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE INSTALLED BENEATH THE WALL FINISH. THE WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE SHALL MCDONALD. NOT TO SCALE CEMENT BOARD /MOLD RESISTANT BE INSTALLED THE HEIGHT OF THE WALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS AND I. SUBSTITUTIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. OF AMERICA GUIDELINES SHALL BE CONTINUOUS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. IF CONTIGUITY IS NOT POSSIBLE, THE WATERPROOFING GP DENS SHIELD BOARD C MEMBRANE SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN A WEATHERBOARD FASHION WITH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LAP JOINTS OF r � AT LEAST 6 INCHES. 203 MORTAR BED WITH WATERPROOF MEMBRANE AND TILE z A. PRE SLOPE AND MORTAR BED I. MER -KRETE UNDERLAYMENT C; A POLYMER MODIFIED UNDERLAYMENT FOR = IN ADDITION, A MEMBRANE FLASHING SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE WALL -TO -FLOOR TRANSITION. THIS MEMBRANE PRE SLOPE OF SUBSTRATE AT 1/4 INCH PER FOOT- 2, MER -KRETE UNDERLAYMENT M; A CEMENT BASED FLASHING SHALL BE INTEGRATED WITH THE WALL WATERPROOFING AND FLOOR WATERPROOFING. 17 SHALL PROVIDE MORTAR BED MIXTURE. UNDERLAY M SHALL BE GAUGED WITH 150 ACRYLIC LATEX; LATEX ADMIXTURE. MOP SERVICE BASIN A WATERTIGHT BARRIER TO PREVENT WATER MIGRATION INTO THE ADJACENT FLOOR OR WALL AREA. TENANT SHALL B. MER -KRETE HYDRO GUARD 2000; A NEOPRENE ASPHALTIC BASED ELASTOMERIC WATERPROOFING AND 2" MIN. INTEGRATE THE WALL MEMBRANE WITH THE FLOOR WATERPROOFING AND ENSURE THAT THE WATERPROOFING CRACK ISOLATION MEMBRANE. LOAD BEARING, BONDED, WATERPROOF MEMBRANE FOR THIN -SET CERAMIC MEMBRANE IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE ADHESIVE SPECIFIED FOR THE PANEL SYSTEM. IN CERTAIN INSTANCES TILE AND DIMENSION STONE INSTALLATIONS; ANSI A118.10 MASTIC BENEATH "C" CHANNEL OTHINSET TO ENSURE COMPATIBILITY WITH THE PANEL INSTALLATION ADHESIVE, TENANT MAY BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL THE C- MER -KRETE THIN -SET 135; A SUPERIOR GRADE FLEXIBLE LATEX MODIFIED PORTLAND CEMENT DRY SET WALL TO FLOOR DETAIL WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE BENEATH THE WALL SUBSTRATE MATERIAL. MORTAR FOR DEMANDING INSTALLATIONS. S D. WATER CLEANABLE TILE SETTING AND GROUTING EPDXY; ANSI A1183: PROEPDXY A 100% SOLIDS EPDXY NOT TO SCALE ALL TENANT'S WORK IN THE PREMISES SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 'FINAL PLANS" AS GROUT AND MORTAR FOR EXTRA HEAVY PERFORMANCE. DEFINED IN EXHIBIT C TO LEASE AND BE BUILT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE D ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION WHERE THE SHOPPING CENTER IS LOCATED. PRIOR TO OPENING FOR 203 THINSET WITH WATERPROOF MEMBRANE AND TILE CONCRETE SLAB BUSINESS TO THE PUBLIC IN THE PREMISES, TENANT SHALL CERTIFY TO LANDLORD, IN WRITING, THAT TENANT'S WORK MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE MINIMUM STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THE DESIGN GUIDELINES AND TENANT A- MER -KRETE UNDERLAYMENT C; A POLYMER MODIFIED UNDERLAYMENT FOR PRE SLOPE OF SUBSTRATE AT 1/4 HAS PEII TENANT'S WORK 70 THE EXTENT AND IN SUCH A MANNER THAT ALL MANUFACTURER'S INCH PER FOOT PREVIOUS TO WATERPROOF MEMBRANE. ' WARRANTY(IES) ARE IN EFFECT. B- CONCRETE SUBSTRATE SLOPED 1/4 INCH PER FOOT. FLASHING) C. MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000; AN ASPHALTIC BASED ELASTOMERIC WATERPROOFING AND CRACK DURING THE TERM, TENANT SHALL DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT A BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE PLAN (THE 50LATION MEMBRANE. LOAD BEARING BONDED WATERPROOF MEMBRANE FOR THIN -SET CERAMIC TILE AND 'PLAN 'J TO MINIMIZE WATER USAGE FOR CLEANING AND /OR SANITATION, WHICH SHALL INCLUDE, WITHOUT DIMENSION STONE INSTALLATIONS; ANSI A118JO. LA CITY RR LISTED 4321 ICC -ES LISTED LIMITATION, AN EQUIPMENT LEAK PREVENTION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. TENANT SHALL PROVIDE D. MER -KRETE THIN -SET 135; A SUPERIOR GRADE FLEXIBLE LATEX MODIFIED PORTLAND CEMENT DRY SET LANDLORD WITH A COPY OF ITS PLAN WITHIN 30 DAYS FOLLOWING THE COMMENCEMENT DATE, AND DURING MORTAR FOR DEMANDING INSTALLATIONS. THE TERM, WITHIN 15 DAYS OF LANDLORD'S REQUEST. E, WATER CLEANABLE TILE SETTING AND GROUTING EPDXY; ANSI A1163: PROEPDXY A 100% SOLIDS EPDXY GROUT AND MORTAR FOR EXTRA HEAVY PER=ORMANCE- E PART 3 - EXECUTION 2-MIN 7 PART GENERAL 3.01 EXAMINATION 8 7 6 5 4 3 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A- BEFORE WORK COMMENCES, EXAMINE THE AREAS TO BE COVERED AND REPORT ANY FLAW OR ADVERSE (CHOOSE ONE of THE FOLLOWING INSTALLATION OPTIONS.) CONDITION IN WRITING. DO NOT PROCEED WITH THE TILE WORK UNTIL SURFACES AND CONDITIONS COMPLY WITH A. INSTA LL ATION OF PORCELAIN TI LE USING A UNDERLAYMENT FO R PRE S O PE AT THE SUBSTRATE, A WAT ERPR OOF THE REQUIREMENTS INDICATED IN THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND IN ANSI AI085 MEMBRANE, B. VERIFY THAT SLOPE, WHEN REQUIRED, IS IN SUBFLOOR. MORTAR BED, POLYMER MODIFIED THIN SET, AND 100% SOLIDS GROUT. (MUD BED - PORCELAIN) G. PROTECT ADJOINING WORK SURFACES BEFORE TILE WOR< BEGINS. A, INSTALLATION OF PORCELAIN TILE USING A UNDERLAYMENT FOR PRESLOPE AT THE SUBSTRATE, A WATERPROOF MEMBRANE, POLYMER MODIFIED THIN SET, AND 100% SOLIDS GROUT. (THIN SET WITH SLOPE - PORCELAIN) 3.02 PREPARATION: F A. INSTALLATION OF PORCELAIN TILE USING A WATERPROOF MEMBRANE, POLYMER MODIFIED THIN SET, AND 100% SOLIDS A- FLOOR FLATNESS: INSTALL LEVELING MATERIAL IF NECESSARY TO BRING FLOORS TO REQUIRED FLATNESS. GROUT ON MAXIMUM VARIATION FROM PLANE: A PRE SLOPED CONCRETE SUBSTRATE. (THIN SET WITH PROVIDED CONCRETE PRE SLOPED - PORCELAIN) 1. L/4 INCH IN 10 FEET FOR INSTALLATIONS WITH A THICK MORTAR BED. A. INSTALLATION OF QUARRY TILE USING A UNDERLAYMENT FOR PRESLOPE AT THE SUBSTRATE, A WATERPROOF MEMBRANE, 2. L/8 INCH IN 10 FEET FOR THIN -SET MORTAR MORTAR 3. LEVELING, WHEN NECESSARY, IS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED USING LEVELING MATERIALS SPECIFIED IN PART 2. BED, POLYMER MODIFIED THIN SET, AND 100% SOLIDS GROUT. (MUD BED - QUARRY) 4. MORTAR BED AND WATERPROOF MEMBRANE MUST BE PRE- SLOPED USING LEVELING MATERIALS SPECIFIED A. INSTALLATION OF QUARRY TILE USING A UNDERLAYMENT FOR PRESLOPE AT THE SUBSTRATE, A WATERPROOF MEMBRANE, IN PART 2. POLYMER MODIFIED THIN SET, AND 100% SOLIDS GROUT. (THIN SET WITH SLOPE - (2UARRY) A. INSTALLATION OF QUARRY TILE USING A WATERPROOF MEMBRANE, POLYMER MODIFIED THIN SET, AND 1009, SOLIDS 303 INSTALLATION - GENERAL GROUT ON A A- COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE ANSI 108 SERIES OF THE 'AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRE SLOPED CONCRETE SUBSTRATE. (THIN SET WITH PROVIDED CONCRETE PRE SLOPED - QUARRY) THE INSTALLATION OF CERAMIC TILE.' 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS B. COMPLY WITH TGA INSTALLATION METHODS INDICATED OR, IF NOT OTHER OTHERWISE INDICATED, AS G A. SECTION 03 35 00 - CONCRETE FINISHING. APPLICABLE TO INSTALLATION CONDITIONS SHOWN. 5. SECTION 09 30 00 - TILE C- COVERAGE AND TERMINATIONS: EXTEND TILE WORK INTO RECESSES AN UNDER OR BEHIND EQUIPMENT AND G. SECTION 22 42 00 - PLUMBING FIXTURES FIXTURES, TO FORM A COMPLETE COVERING WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SHOWN. D. INTERSECTIONS AND RETURNS: ACCURATELY FORM INTERSECTIONS AND RETURNS. PERFORM CUTTING AND 1.03 REFERENCES DRILLING OF TILE WITHOUT MARRING VISIBLE SURFACES , CAREFULLY GRIND CUT EDGES OF TILE ABUTTING A. ANSI A108 SERIES - AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF CERAMIC TILE. TRIM, FINISH OR BUILT -IN ITEMS FOR STRAIGHT ALIGNED JOINTS. B. ANSI A108.IA INSTALLATION OF CERAMIC TILE IN THE WET SET METHOD WITH PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR. E. JOINTING PATTERN: UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN, LAY TILE IN GRID PATTERN. ALIGN JOINTS WHEN ADJOINING C. ANSI A108.18 INSTALLATION OF CERAMIC TILE ON A CURED PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR SETTING BED WITH DRY -SET OR FLOOR TILE WITH TILE, BASE, OR TRIM ON WALLS WHEN WALL TILE, BASE OR TRIM ARE SAME SIZE. LAYOUT TILE LATEX - PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR WORK AND CENTER TILE FIELDS IN BOTH DIRECTIONS IN EACH SPACE OR ON EACH WALL AREA. ADJUST TO D_ ANSI A1085 INSTA LL ATION OF CERAMIC TI LE WITH DRY-SET PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR O R LATEX-PORTLAND CEMENT MINIMIZE TILE CUTTING. PROVIDE UNIFORM JOINT WIDTHS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. MORTAR F. EXPANSION JOINTS: LOCATE EXPANSION JOINTS AND OTHER SEALANT FILLED JOINTS, INCLUDING CONTROL, E. ANSI A108.6 INSTALLATION OF CERAMIC TILE WITH CHEMICAL RESISTANT, WATER CLEANABLE TILE SETTING AND GROUTING CONTRACTION AND ISOLATION JOINTS, WHERE INDICATED, OR IF NOT INDICATED, AT SPACING AND LOCATIONS H EPDXY. RECOMMENDED BY EJ Ill IN THE TGA 'HANDBOOK FOR CERAMIC TILE INSTALLATION', AND APPROVED BY F. ANSI A108.10 INSTALLATION OF GROUT IN TILEWORK G. ANSI 3 INSTALLATION OF LOAD BEARING, BONDED, WATERPROOF MEMBRANES FOR THIN -SET CERAMIC TILE AND ARCHITECT. DIMENSION 51ON STONE. 1. PREPARE JOINTS AND APPLY SEALANTS TO COMPLY WITH REFERENCED INSTALLATION STANDARDS AND H. ANSI AII8.1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRY -SET PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR SEALANT MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. 1- ANSI A116.3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHEMICAL RESISTANT, WATER CLEANABLE TILE SETTING AND GROUTING EPDXY. G. WATERPROOF MEMBRANE: INSTALL WATERPROOF MEMBRANE, WHERE REQUIRED, TO COMPLY WITH J. ANSI A118.4 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LATEX- PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. K ANSI A108.1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYMER MODIFIED CERAMIC TILE GROUTS. 1. MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALL PROPRIETARY COMPONENTS TO COMPLY WITH MANUFACTURER'S L. ANSI 4118,10 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOAD BEARING, BONDED, WATERPROOF MEMBRANES FOR THIN -SET CERAMIC TILE AND INSTRUCTIONS AT ALL WET FLOOR AND WET WALL AREAS. WET WALL AREAS ARE WALLS BEHIND MOP SINKS, DIMENSION STONE INSTALLATIONS. DISHWASHER WALLS, SHOWER WALLS, MANDATED WASHABLE WALLS, WALLS THAT ARE REQUIRED TO M. TCA 'HANDBOOK FOR CERAMIC TILE INSTALLATION'! TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA METHOD 0 F121 -01 4 F122 -01. RECEIVE STAINLESS STEEL CLADDING OR MARLITE, ETC. THESE WALLS SHALL RECEIVE THE WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE FROM FLOOR TO CEILING AND EXTEND AROUND CORNERS BEYOND THE WIDTH 1.04 SUBMITTALS OF THE SINKS OR COUNTERS. NOTE: WATERPROOFING CONSULTANT MUST REVIEW AND APPROVE PRODUCTS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS PRIOR TO 2, FLASHING REQUIRED IN ALL CHANGES IN PLANE, DISSIMILAR MATERIALS, PLUMBING FIXTURES, DRAINS AND PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING AND COMMENCEMENT OF WORK THROUGH OUT THE FIELD. A. SUBMIT UNDER PROVISIONS of 01300. 3. THE WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE SHALL EXTEND OUT THROUGH WET AREA DOORS A MINIMUM 6 FEET. B. PRODUCT DATA FOR MORTARS, , GROUT S, AND ADHESIVES: GROUT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF METAL STUD WALL BOTTOM "C" CHANNELS, APPLY A LAYER OF THE 4. 1. SUBMIT MANUFACTURER'S PRODUCT DATA DEMONSTRATING COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFIED REQUIREMENTS. 2. SUBMIT MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE. WATERPROOFING SELF- ADHERING MEMBRANE BENEATH THE "C" CHANNEL AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. ANY 3. SUBMIT MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATION THAT MATERIALS ARE SUITABLE FOR THE AND ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH THE "C" CHANNEL MUST BE SEALED TO CREATE A WATERTIGHT 4. INTENDED USE. CONDITION USING THE WATERPROOFING MANUFACTURER'S MASTIC. C. SAMPLES: SUBMIT SAMPLES OF EACH TYPE AND COLOR OF GROUTING MATERIAL AND TILE. H. INSTALL TILE TO COMPLY WITH REFERENCED TGA AND ANSI INSTALLATION STANDARDS, USING SETTING IN RIALS INDICATED. D. TILE CERTIFICATES: MATERIALS D L SUBMIT MAST ER GRADE CERTIFICATES ISSU ED AND SIGNED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND THE CONTRACTOR WHEN THE I. CURING SET TILE: TILE IS SHIPPED. STATE GRADE, KIND OF TILE, AND IDENTIFICATION MARKS FOR TILE PACKAGES. 1. 12 HOURS BEFORE GROUTING WHEN THE TEMPERATURE IS LOW OR THE HUMIDITY IS HIGH. K 2. SUBMIT CERTIFICATION FROM TILE MANUFACTURER OF SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF FROST PROOF TILE. 2. 48 HOURS BEFORE GROUTING WHEN HOT, DRY CONDITIONS EXIST. 3. CHECK THE BOND STRENGTH CAREFULLY BEFORE GROUTING. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE J- GROUT THE TILE TO COMPLY WITH REFERENCED INSTALLATION STANDARDS USING GROUTING MATERIALS A. MOCK -UPS: PROVIDE MOCK -UP PANEL USING MATERIALS SPECIFIED FOR FINAL UJORiC CONSTRUCT MOCK -UP AS INDICATED. DIRECTED, AND OF FULL THICKNESS. OBTAIN ARCHITECT'S ACCEPTANCE OF VISUAL QUALITIES OF THE SAMPLE PANEL. 1. CHEMICAL RESISTANT, WATER CLEANABLE GROUTING EPDXY! ANSI A108b B. INSTALLER QUALIFICATIONS: ENGAGE AN EXPERIENCED INSTALLER WHO HAS COMPLETED TILE INSTALLATIONS SIMILAR IN 2, LATEX PORTLAND CEMENT GROUT ANSI A108.10 MATERIAL, DESIGN, AND EXTENT TO THAT INDICATED FOR THIS PROJECT AND WITH A RECORD OF SUCCESSFUL IN- SERVICE PERFORMANCE. C. SOURCE LIMITATIONS FOR TILE: OBTAIN EACH COLOR, GRADE, FINISH, TYPE, COMPOSITION, AND VARIETY OF TILE FROM 304 WATER TEST ONE SOURCE WITH RESOURCES TO PROVIDE PRODUCTS FROM THE SAME PRODUCTION RUN FOR EACH CONTIGUOUS AREA A. A. A WATER TEST SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT ALL HORIZONTAL WATERPROOFING LOCATIONS AFTER THE OF CONSISTENT QUALITY IN APPEARANCE AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES WITHOUT DELAYING THE WORK MEMBRANE HAS HAD A PROPER CURE. THE WATER TEST SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 1 INCH OF STANDING D. SOURCE LIMITATIONS FOR SETTING AND GROUTING MATERIALS: OBTAIN INGREDIENTS OF A UNIFORM QUALITY FOR EACH WATER FOR A 4 HOUR PERIOD. IF BREACHES IN THE MEMBRANE OCCUR, REPAIR THE MEMBRANE IN L MORTAR, ADHESIVE, AND GROUT COMPONENT FROM A SINGLE MANUFACTURER AND EACH AGGREGATE FROM ONE ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S CRITERIA AND RETEST. SOURCE OR PRODUCER. B. THE TENANT AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A WRITTEN LETTER TO THE IRVINE COMPANY THAT A E. SOURCE LIMITATIONS FOR OTHER PRODUCTS: OBTAIN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION SUCCESSFUL WATER TEST HAS BEEN CONDUCTED. FROM ONE SOURCE AND BY A SINGLE MANUFACTURER FOR EACH PRODUCT. R MANDATORY INSPECTIONS: THE WATERPROOFING CONSULTANT AND THE MATERIAL MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE 3.05 CLEANING AND PROTECTION SHALL ATTEND A PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING AND PROVIDE ONE (D FIELD AUDIT DURING INSTALLATION OF THE A. UPON COMPLETION OF SETTING AND GROUTING, CLEAN ALL CERAMIC TILE SURFACES SO THEY ARE FREE OF WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE. ONE ADDITIONAL INSPECTION SHALL ALSO BE PROVIDED FOR THE WATER TEST AND FINAL FOREIGN MATTER. INSPECTION. B. ACID CLEANING: TILE MAY BE CLEANED WITH SULFAMIC ACID SOLUTIONS COMPLYING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING 1. ONLY IF PERMITTED BY TILE AND GROUT MANUFACTURER'S PRINTED INSTRUCTIONS. A. PROVIDE HEATED AND DRY STORAGE FACILITIES ON SITE. 2. NO SOONER THAN 14 DAYS AFTER INSTALLATION. B. DELIVER AND STORE ALL MATERIALS ON SITE A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS BEFORE USAGE. 3. PROTECT METAL SURFACES, CAST IRON AND VITREOUS PLUMBING FIXTURES FROM EFFECTS OF ACID C. DELIVER AND STORE TILE AND PACKAGED MATERIALS IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERS WITH SEALS UNBROKEN AND LABELS CLEANING. M INTACT UNTIL TIME OF USE. PREVENT DAMAGE TO MATERIALS SUCH AS CHIPPING, BREAKAGE, FREEZING, OR EXCESSIVE 4. FLUSH SURFACE WITH CLEAN WATER BEFORE AND AFTER CLEANING. HEAT. PREVENT CONTAMINATION BY WATER, MOISTURE, FOREIGN MATTER, OR OTHER CAUSES. 5. DO NOT CLEAN CHEMICAL RESISTANT, WATER CLEANABLE GROUTING EPDXY (AII83) WITH ACID. C. PROTECTION: WHEN RECOMMENDED BY TILE MANUFACTURER, APPLY A PROTECTIVE COAT OF NEUTRAL 1.01 PROJECT CONDITIONS PROTECTIVE CLEANER TO COMPLETED TILE WALLS AND FLOORS. PROTECT INSTALLED TILE WORK WITH KRAFT A. MAINTAIN AMBIENT AND SURFACE TEMPERATURES AT NOT LESS THAN 60 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT DURING PAPER OR OTHER HEAVY COVERING DURING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD TO PREVENT STAINING DAMAGE AND INSTALLATION OF CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS AND FOR 12 HOURS THEREAFTER MAINTAIN AMBIENT AND SURFACE WEAR TEMPERATURES BETWEEN 65 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT AND 135 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT DURING INSTALLATION OF 1. PROTECTIVE COATINGS: BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION, REMOVE PROTECTIVE COVERINGS AND RINSE NEUTRAL EPDXY SETTING AND GROUTING MATERIALS AND FOR 12 HOURS THEREAFTER. CLEANER FROM TILE SURFACES. B. VENT TEMPORARY HEATERS TO OUTSIDE TO AVOID CARBON DIOXIDE DAMAGE TO NEW TILE WORK D. FINISHED TILE WORK: LEAVE FINISHED INSTALLATION CLEAN AND FREE OF CRACKED, CHIPPED, BROKEN, C- PROVIDE ADEQUATE LIGHTING FOR GOOD GROUTING AND CLEAN -UP. UNBONDED, OR OTHERWISE DEFECTIVE TILE WORK. E. PROTECT TILE INSTALLATION FROM TRAFFIC AS SPECIFIED IN ANSI SPECIFICATIONS. F- PROTECT TILE INSTALLATION FROM TRAFFIC ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS, N 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 1 5 I 4 3 2 NOTES: 1. TILE INSTALATION PER TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA& ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER- KRETE "UNDER- LAY'M" TWO PART SYSTEM. TILE SET OVER MER -KRETE 700 SERIES THINSET OVER MEMBRANE CONCRETE SLAB MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 THINSET MER -KRETE 7D10 TILE THINSET DETAIL 1 NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. TILE INSTALATION PER TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA& ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER -KRETE 'UNDER-LAY -M" TWO PART SYSTEM. 1 2 -KRETE FILLER CONCRETE SLAB MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 ;LOPE IA" IUM TILE MORTAR BED 2 NOT TO SCALE MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD ONE NOTES. WALL FINISH PER CODE 1. TILE INSTALLATION PER TILE COUNCIL OFAMERICA &ANSI. AND/OR DESIGN 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER- KRETE "UNDER -LAY 'M "TWO PARTSYSTEM. 3. PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIREDAROUND PIPE PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. PIPE PENETRATION POLYURETHANE SEALANT (MER -KO PUC 1000) CEMENT BOARD /MOLD RESISTANT GP DENS SHIELD BOARD POLYURETHANE SEALANT (MER -KO PUC 1000) PIPE PENETRATION FIRE STOP PER CODE VERTICAL PENETRATION WEEP HOLES FLOOR SINK DRAINS BY JR SMITH MODEL #2005( -UDC) CRUSHED TILE OR STONE SLOPE I ' a CONCRETE SLAB NOTES: 1. TILE INSTALLATION PER TILE COUNCIL OFAMERICA S ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER -KRETE "UNDER -LAY'M "TWO PARTSYSTEM. 3. PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIRED AROUND PIPE PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. TILE SET OVER MER -KRETE LATEX 200 WITH 211 FILLER OVER MEMBRANE 2000 PIPE PENETRATIONS 4 NOT TO SCALE MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD ONE TILE SET OVER MER -KRETE CEMENT BOARD /MOLD RESISTANT LATEX 200 WITH 211 FILLER GP DENS SHIELD BOARD OVER MEMBRANE = PIPE PENETRATION POURABLE URETHANE SEALER THINSET MER -KRETE 7DUO It MERTHANE 5000 SLOPE MER -KRETE PNS40 (SELF- ADHERING FLASHING) 3: PARTSYSTEM. NOTES: 1. TILE INSTALLATION PER TILE COUNCIL OFAMER /CA &ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER -KRETE "UNDER-LAY'M "TWO PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. PARTSYSTEM. 12" MIN. MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 3. PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIRED AROUND PIPE 1. PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. ANSI. MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER -KRETE "UNDER -LAY'M "TWO MASTIC BENEATH "C" CHANNEL PARTSYSTEM. s MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD ONE PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIRED AROUND PIPE CEMENT BOARD /MOLD RESISTANT O GP DENS SHIELD BOARD AND /OR DESIGN y; METAL STUD FLOOR SINK DRAIN n WALL FINISH PER CODE v � O AND /OR DESIGN NOT TO SCALE CEMENT BOARD /MOLD RESISTANT EXPANSION JOINT PER TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA GUIDELINES GP DENS SHIELD BOARD TILE SET OVER MER -KRETE r � LATEX 200 WITH 211 FILLER z OVER MEMBRANE = THINSET MER -KRETE 7D70 MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 MOP SERVICE BASIN CONCRETE SLAB 2" MIN. MASTIC BENEATH "C" CHANNEL OTHINSET WALL TO FLOOR DETAIL S MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. TILE INSTALATION PER TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA& ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER -KRETE 'UNDER-LAY -M" TWO PART SYSTEM. 1 2 -KRETE FILLER CONCRETE SLAB MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 ;LOPE IA" IUM TILE MORTAR BED 2 NOT TO SCALE MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD ONE NOTES. WALL FINISH PER CODE 1. TILE INSTALLATION PER TILE COUNCIL OFAMERICA &ANSI. AND/OR DESIGN 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER- KRETE "UNDER -LAY 'M "TWO PARTSYSTEM. 3. PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIREDAROUND PIPE PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. PIPE PENETRATION POLYURETHANE SEALANT (MER -KO PUC 1000) CEMENT BOARD /MOLD RESISTANT GP DENS SHIELD BOARD POLYURETHANE SEALANT (MER -KO PUC 1000) PIPE PENETRATION FIRE STOP PER CODE VERTICAL PENETRATION WEEP HOLES FLOOR SINK DRAINS BY JR SMITH MODEL #2005( -UDC) CRUSHED TILE OR STONE SLOPE I ' a CONCRETE SLAB NOTES: 1. TILE INSTALLATION PER TILE COUNCIL OFAMERICA S ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER -KRETE "UNDER -LAY'M "TWO PARTSYSTEM. 3. PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIRED AROUND PIPE PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. TILE SET OVER MER -KRETE LATEX 200 WITH 211 FILLER OVER MEMBRANE 2000 PIPE PENETRATIONS 4 NOT TO SCALE PORCELAIN FLOOR DRAINS TILE SET OVER MER -KRETE MODELS #FD2376/2377 LATEX 200 WITH 211 FILLER MANUFACTURE BY ZORN OVER MEMBRANE NOTES: POLYURETHANE SEALANT (MER-KO PUC 1000) THINSET MER -KRETE 7DUO SLOPE 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER- KRETE "UNDER -LAY'M "TWO SLOPE 3: PARTSYSTEM. E, rd PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. CONCRETE SLAB MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 NOTES: 1. TILE INSTALLATION PER TILE COUNCIL OFAMERICAS ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER -KRETE "UNDER -LAY'M "TWO PARTSYSTEM. s 3. PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIRED AROUND PIPE O PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. AND /OR DESIGN FLOOR SINK DRAIN n v � NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. TILE INSTALATION PER TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA& ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER -KRETE 'UNDER-LAY -M" TWO PART SYSTEM. 1 2 -KRETE FILLER CONCRETE SLAB MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 ;LOPE IA" IUM TILE MORTAR BED 2 NOT TO SCALE MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD ONE NOTES. WALL FINISH PER CODE 1. TILE INSTALLATION PER TILE COUNCIL OFAMERICA &ANSI. AND/OR DESIGN 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER- KRETE "UNDER -LAY 'M "TWO PARTSYSTEM. 3. PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIREDAROUND PIPE PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. PIPE PENETRATION POLYURETHANE SEALANT (MER -KO PUC 1000) CEMENT BOARD /MOLD RESISTANT GP DENS SHIELD BOARD POLYURETHANE SEALANT (MER -KO PUC 1000) PIPE PENETRATION FIRE STOP PER CODE VERTICAL PENETRATION WEEP HOLES FLOOR SINK DRAINS BY JR SMITH MODEL #2005( -UDC) CRUSHED TILE OR STONE SLOPE I ' a CONCRETE SLAB NOTES: 1. TILE INSTALLATION PER TILE COUNCIL OFAMERICA S ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER -KRETE "UNDER -LAY'M "TWO PARTSYSTEM. 3. PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIRED AROUND PIPE PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. TILE SET OVER MER -KRETE LATEX 200 WITH 211 FILLER OVER MEMBRANE 2000 PIPE PENETRATIONS 4 NOT TO SCALE TILE SET OVER MER -KRETE LATEX 200 WITH 211 FILLER OVER MEMBRANE THINSET MER -KRETE 7010 SLOPE p a r MER -KRETE HYDRO-GUARD 2000 FLOOR DRAIN n v NOT TO SCALE A 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 B IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE - INTERIORS • DESIGN c C L F L 7 1 %0 Q `W U i WoU 11-- Lu Q z j3 W UNm Lu om0 CL N 2 Q Q W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF K STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VNHOUT OFTEN PERMISSION FROM SIEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP 0 0 n Lo m PROJECT No. 13 -025 ° DATE 0 a WATER - ME PROOFING 0 DETAILS E 0 u7 A -8.10 N of SHEET OF 2 1 1 40 PAINT PER CODE AND /OR DESIGN NOTES: 1, TILE INSTALLATION PER TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA & ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER- KRETE "UNDER -LAY'M "TWO 3: PARTSYSTEM. 3. PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIRED AROUND PIPE 0 PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. Or MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD ONE s WALL FINISH PER CODE O AND /OR DESIGN CEMENT BOARD /MOLD RESISTANT 0 GP DENS SHIELD BOARD r � METAL STUD r- MOP SERVICE BASIN 0� OTHINSET MER -KRETE 7D10 MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 2000 CONCRETE SLAB MER -KRETE PN840 (SELF- ADHERING ' FLASHING) MOP SINK DETAIL 2-MIN 7 MASTIC BENEATH "C" CHANNEL NOT TO SCALE 8 7 6 5 4 3 TILE SET OVER MER -KRETE LATEX 200 WITH 211 FILLER OVER MEMBRANE THINSET MER -KRETE 7010 SLOPE p a r MER -KRETE HYDRO-GUARD 2000 FLOOR DRAIN n v NOT TO SCALE A 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 B IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE - INTERIORS • DESIGN c C L F L 7 1 %0 Q `W U i WoU 11-- Lu Q z j3 W UNm Lu om0 CL N 2 Q Q W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF K STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VNHOUT OFTEN PERMISSION FROM SIEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP 0 0 n Lo m PROJECT No. 13 -025 ° DATE 0 a WATER - ME PROOFING 0 DETAILS E 0 u7 A -8.10 N of SHEET OF 2 1 1 40 A B C C L? F L li•I L M 17 I 16 15 14 13 I 12 11 10 9 I 8 7 6 5 I 4 3 2 1 GENERAL NOTE: THE MOISTURE RETARDER SHOULD BE LAPPED, TAPED OR SEALED PER THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. ALL PENETRATIONS FOR UTILITIES AND PIPING THROUGH THE MOISTURE RETARDER SHOULD ALSO BE TAPED OR SEALED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATONS. FF11EXISTING REINFORCED CONC. SLAB EXISTING CONSTRUCTION KEY EXISTING 04 ®18" O.C., EXTEND R -0" TO BLOCKOUT AREA SLAB BLOCKOUT, SEE PLANS .NEW SLAB- -._...__ �. _y w. NEW "4 a 18" O.C. EACH WAY - -I I _ A n _ t x' III - 1�1= 1�1 -11i II ; I I I ;, ICI _.I II ill- i I �T Iillll�llll I- - :III - III =1 � 1 =1 I � ll _ -III -1 Ell 1 11 -1 11 11 11 I-I I I -I I I-I I I -I I I--I 11 -1 I -I 11 IIII,IIIII;IIII1;111 „ 11111,1111 , III„ IIIII,IIIII,IIII „IIII,IIIII,III 11;1111 REPLACE COMPACTED SOIL AS REQ'D FOR TENANT CONNECTIONS WHERE OCCURS EXISTING UTILITY LINE WHERE OCCURS NEW VAPOR BARRIER INSTALLED WITH 6" MIN OVERLAP OVER EXISTING VAPOR BARRIER, SEAMS TAPED, PENETRATIONS AND EDGES SEALED REPLACE GRAVEL AS REQ'D - EXISTING VAPOR BARRIER CONTINUOUS ACROSS BLOCKOUT. CUT BACK LEAVING- A MIN OF 6" AT ALL SIDES. SLAB BLOCK INFILL n NOT TO SCALE GENERAL NOTE: DO NOT ATTACH TO OR PENETRATE EXISTING ROOF SHEATHING CONTINUOUS 2X BLOCKING FOR GYPSUM BOARD NAILER ATTACH WITH SIMPSON A34 CLIPS EXISTING INSULATION EXISTING STRUCTURE - -- I i1 NEW GYPSUM BOARD EACH -j SIDE OF STUD WALL TO UNDERSIDE OF SHEATHING BY TENANT EXISTING DEMISING WOE) - PARTITION, METAL STUD WALL, SIM. EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB ��_� < I 1 ° 4 TENANT SHEATHING 18 NOT TO SCALE GENERAL NOTE: DO NOT ATTACH TO OR PENETRATE EXISTING ROOF SHEATHING CONTINUOUS 2X BLOCKING FOR GYI BOARD NAILER ATTACH WITH SIMPE A34 CLIPS EXISTING INSULATIL EXISTING WOOD TR EXISTING BRACING i NEW 2S GA. G.I. UMBRELLA HOOD EXISTING SLIP TRACK 4 "MIN. CONNECTION AT METAL STUD /%O V WALL Q NEW GYPSUM BOARD EACH U SIDE OF STUD WALL TO SHEET METAL FLANGES SET UNDERSIDE OF SHEATHING BY . TENANT o I I EXISTING DEMISING WOOD Q PARTITION, METAL STUD WALL EXISTING BUILT -UP ROOF ASSEMBLY- THOROUGHLY CLEAN, PRIME, AND SIM, MEMBRANE EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB- --��_� OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN FLASHING N DRY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF NEW TIE -IN TENANT SHEATHING 2 E - TORCH APPLIED 19 W m NOT TO SCALE 17 16 15 PAVERS NOTES: 1. SATELLITE BASE SHALL NOT BE RACED IN VALLEY WAYS, AND OR RESTRICT DRAINAGE. 2. PROTECTION MATERIAL TO BE PLACED UNDER BASE OF SATELLITE. SATELLITE DISH SUPPORT 14 NOT TO SCALE ROOF HATCH ASSEMBLY PAIN, 1/2" PLYWOOD BACKER UNIT COUNTERFLASHING NEW BASE FLASHING FASTENE]APLL ' . NEW 24 GA. G.I. COUNTERFLAS NEW 3/8" HEAD SCREW THROU STEELINEOPRENE WASHER - M SIDE NEW FIBERGLASS BASE SHEET NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT SHEET SET INTO HOT ASPHALT GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED fX FLASHING MEMBRANE - TORCH NEW 4" FIBER CANT STRIP NEW 1/2" ROOF PROTECTION MATERIAL EXISTING SUBSTRATE STRUCTURAL FRAMING AT OPENING NOTES: 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA 2. SEAL ALL CORNERS WITH 3- COURSE APPLICATION OR 8" OVAL GUSSET OF GRANULAR SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN, 3. COAT SURFACE OF ALL ROOF CEMENT WITH ALUMINUM COATING. ROOF I " HATCH DETAIL n iv I NOT TO SCALE 6"MIN. HOT ASPHALT OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN 8"MIN. FLASHING MEMBRANE -TORCH APPLIED EXISTNG r-. -4" (�-- 12, -{ ROOFING BUILT -UP NEW 4 "FIREPROOF CANT STRIP EXISTING BUILT -UP ROOFING 7 MATCH 9 EXISTING SUBSTRATE I I EXISTING SUBSTRATE EXISTING NOTES: 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA 2. SEAL ALL CORNERS WITH 3- COURSE APPLICATION OR W OVAL GUSSET OF GRANULAR SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN. 3. COAT FLANGED VENT 10 ALUMINSURFACEOFALLROOFCEMENTWITH TYPICAL CURB 6 ALUMINUM COATING. NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NEW STAINLESS L - I NOTES: 1. CLEAN AND PRIME THE ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA. 2. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE LEAD SOLDERED. 3. USE 3/8' HEAD NAILS, SPACED AT 4" O.C. AND STAGGERED FOR SECUREMENT OF METAL FLANGE TO PLYWOOD DECK. STEEL SCREW CLAMP B0000ao NEW 2S GA. G.I. UMBRELLA HOOD 4 "MIN. NEW 24 GA. METAL CAP FLASHING /%O V Q WEEPER (MIN. 4 "x4" SIZED TO SPAN A MIN. (2) STRUCTURAL U `W > SHEET METAL FLANGES SET . LN o U INTO ROOF CEMENT OVER ui Q IES OF FIBERGLASS FELT & CAP SHEET SET INTO HOT j3 EXISTING BUILT -UP ROOF ASSEMBLY- THOROUGHLY CLEAN, PRIME, AND UNm MEMBRANE Lu om0 OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN FLASHING N DRY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF NEW TIE -IN 2 E - TORCH APPLIED Q W m r Z 1z^ 0 EPROOF CANT STRIP NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT & NEW EXISTING FIBERGLASS CAP SHEET SET INTO HOT ASPHALT OR NEW ROOF CEMENT 0 0 12" -I BUILT -UP ROOFING GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIE D BITUMEN FLASHING MEMBRANE - TORCH APPLIED (FOR MODIFIED BITUMEN USE EXTEND 18' ONTO EXISTING MEMBRANE) 0 NEW SPECIFIED FASTENERS EXISTING PLYWOOD 6" B' 1 EP SPACED AT 4'O.C., STAGGERED NEW SIMPSON ANGLE BRACKET DECK SECURING SLEEPER TO / NOTES: UNDERLYING STRUCTURAL OR 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA COUNTERSUNK LAG BOLTS MIN. 2 _- .------ --- ---- - - - --� PER SLEEPER 2. SEAL ALL CORNERS WITH }COURSE APPLICATION OR NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT S. OVAL GUSSET OF GRANULAR SURFACED MODIFIED &CAP SHEET SET INTO HOTASPHALT BITUMEN. IF 1 -PC. CAP FLASHING OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED CANNOT BE UTILIZED, EXISTING SUBSTRATE BITUMENT FLASHING MEMBRANE - 3. COAT SURFACE OF ALL ROOF CEMENT WITH INSTALL NEW 24 GA. G.I. EXISTING SUBSTRATE TORCH APPLIED ALUMINUM COATING. AND CARAT ENDS W/ SECURED SOLDERED 4. APPLY URETHANE SEALANT TO SEAL SCREWSBOLTS SEAMS EXISTING ROOF MEMBRANE SURFACE THROUGH METAL CAP FLASHING. NOTES: 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA 2. COAT SURFACE OF ALL ROOF CEMENT WITH ALUMINUM COATING. TIE -IN TO EXIST. ROOF DETAIL TYPICAL FLANGED UNIT FLASHED SLEEPER 13 9 5 NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NEW UNIT COUNTERFLASHING NEW BASE FLASHING FASTENER AT S" O.C. NEW 2" X 2" WOOD NAILER (IF REQUIRED) 4' SECURE UNIT USING 31T HEAD SCREW THROUGH 518" SOLDERED END CAP- BOTH SIDES STEEL/NEOPRENE WASHER NOTES: UPPORT 1. CLEAN AND PRIME THE ENTIRE TIE -IN 8 "MIN. NEW METAL CURB ASSEMBLY AREA. NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT 2. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE LEAD SOLDERED. & CAP SHEET SET INTO HOTAS PHALT OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED 3. USE 318" HEAD NAILS, SPACED AT 4' O.C. AND BITUMEN FLASHING MEMBRANE - STAGGERED FOR SECUREMENT OF METAL TORCHED APPLIED FLANGE TO PLYWOOD DECK. NOT TO SCALE &IATRUTE CABLE PENETRATION WITH WEATHERHEAD PROTECTION MATERIAL PAD EXPEND STRIP -IN FLANGE WITH 2 -PLIES TO NEW 2 "X10 "WOOD CURB MATERIAL MINA' OUT PAST BASE OF MATCH EXISTING ROOF SYSTEM - NEW WIRE MESH SCREEN OVER VENT OPENING SUPPORT PRIME FLANGE PRIOR TO NEW UNIT COUNTERFLASHING INSTALLATION NEW 24 GA. G.I. FLANGED VENT -SET FLANGE INTO ROOF CEMENT OVERTHE EXIST ING PRIMED MEMBRANE SURFACE AND - NEW BASE FLASHING FASTENER AT 6"O.C. > FASTEN TO THE SUBSTRATE USING 318" HEAD NAILS AT 4" O.C., STAGGERED SECURE UNIT USING 3/8' HEAD SCREW THROUGH 5/8" STEELMEOPRENE 4" WASHER - 4� MIN. NEW MODIFIED FLASHING GRADE ROOF CEMENT NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT & CAP SHEETSET INTO IASPHALT NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT & CAP SHEET SET INTO HOT OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN FLASHING MEMBRANE TORCH APPLIED PAVERS NOTES: 1. SATELLITE BASE SHALL NOT BE RACED IN VALLEY WAYS, AND OR RESTRICT DRAINAGE. 2. PROTECTION MATERIAL TO BE PLACED UNDER BASE OF SATELLITE. SATELLITE DISH SUPPORT 14 NOT TO SCALE ROOF HATCH ASSEMBLY PAIN, 1/2" PLYWOOD BACKER UNIT COUNTERFLASHING NEW BASE FLASHING FASTENE]APLL ' . NEW 24 GA. G.I. COUNTERFLAS NEW 3/8" HEAD SCREW THROU STEELINEOPRENE WASHER - M SIDE NEW FIBERGLASS BASE SHEET NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT SHEET SET INTO HOT ASPHALT GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED fX FLASHING MEMBRANE - TORCH NEW 4" FIBER CANT STRIP NEW 1/2" ROOF PROTECTION MATERIAL EXISTING SUBSTRATE STRUCTURAL FRAMING AT OPENING NOTES: 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA 2. SEAL ALL CORNERS WITH 3- COURSE APPLICATION OR 8" OVAL GUSSET OF GRANULAR SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN, 3. COAT SURFACE OF ALL ROOF CEMENT WITH ALUMINUM COATING. ROOF I " HATCH DETAIL n iv I NOT TO SCALE 6"MIN. HOT ASPHALT OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN 8"MIN. FLASHING MEMBRANE -TORCH APPLIED EXISTNG r-. -4" (�-- 12, -{ ROOFING BUILT -UP NEW 4 "FIREPROOF CANT STRIP EXISTING BUILT -UP ROOFING 7 MATCH 9 EXISTING SUBSTRATE I I EXISTING SUBSTRATE EXISTING NOTES: 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA 2. SEAL ALL CORNERS WITH 3- COURSE APPLICATION OR W OVAL GUSSET OF GRANULAR SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN. 3. COAT FLANGED VENT 10 ALUMINSURFACEOFALLROOFCEMENTWITH TYPICAL CURB 6 ALUMINUM COATING. NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NEW STAINLESS L - I NOTES: 1. CLEAN AND PRIME THE ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA. 2. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE LEAD SOLDERED. 3. USE 3/8' HEAD NAILS, SPACED AT 4" O.C. AND STAGGERED FOR SECUREMENT OF METAL FLANGE TO PLYWOOD DECK. STEEL SCREW CLAMP B0000ao NEW 2S GA. G.I. UMBRELLA HOOD 4 "MIN. - NEW HEAT VENT PIPE - NEW URETHANE SEALANT (HEAT SENSITIVE) - NEW 24 GA. G.I. PIPE FLASHING - SET FLANGE INTO A FULL BED OF ROOF CEMENT OVER EXISTING ROOF MEMBRANE SURFACE AND SECURE TO SUBSTRATE USING 3/8 "HEAD NAILS AT4 "O.C„ STAGGERED - NEW MODIFIED FLASHING GRADE ROOF CEMENT NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT& CAP SHEET SET INTO HOT ASPHALT OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN FLASHING MEMBRANE - TORCH APPLIED EXISTING BUILT -UP (- 12" ROOFING EXISTING SUBSTRATE HEATER VENT FLASHING r1 NOT TO SCALE AYYLIIiAIIUIV IVV V V YYXI CR �RVIVI VRIYYIIVV IIV V BUILDING GOWN PIPES NOTES: 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA 2. COAT SURFACE OF ALL ROOF CEMENT WITH ALUMINUM COATING, PENETRATION CLEARANCE 8 "MIN. 4" EXISTING METAL DUCT NEW ELASTOMERIC SEALANT NEW TECH SCREW THROUGH STEEL/NEOPRENE WASHERS AT T O.C. NEW TWO -SIDED RUBBERIZES BUTYL TAPE NEW 24 GA. G.I. SURFACE MOUNTED COUNTERFLASHING NEW BASE FLASHING FASTENERS AT 8" O.C. NEW OR EXISTING CURB (ADD NAILER TO MAINTAIN A MIN. B" HEIGHT ABOVE THE NEW ROOF) NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT & CAP SHEET SET INTO HOT ASPHALT OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN FLASHING MEMBRANE - TORCH APPLIED NEW 4" FIREPROOF CANT STRIP - EXISTING BUILT -UP ROOFING 12" I EXISTING SUBSTRATE NOTES: 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA 2. SEAL ALL CORNERS WITH 3- COURSE APPLICATION OR 8" OVAL GUSSET OF GRANULAR SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN. 3. COAT SURFACE OF ALL ROOF CEMENT WITH ALUMINUM COATING. DUCT FLASHING n i I NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. IF SPLIT LEAD SLEEVE IS NECESSARY, A CONTINUOUS LEAD SOLDER WILL BE REQUIRED. 2 CLEAN AND PRIME THE ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA. S. COAT EXPOSED ROOF CEMENT WITH ALUMINUM. NEW PLUMBING OR ELECTRICAL PENETRATION NEW CONTINUOUS URETHANE SEALANT NEW STAINLESS STEEL SCREW CLAMP NEW 4S LEAD FLASHING SLEEVE - SET FLANGE INTO ROOF CEMENT OVER EXISTING BUILT -UP ROOFING NEW MODIFIED FLASHING GRADE ROOF CEMENT NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT & CAP SHEET SET INTO HOT ASPHALT OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN FLASHING MEMBRANE - TORCH APPLIED 12" -1 EXISTING BUILT -UP ROOFING EXISTING SUBSTRATE LEAD PIPE FLASHING CLAMP , IL C NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 CURB OR PLATFORM WALL 8' MIN. 1 B" MIN. 18" MIN. \ 4' NOTE: ALL PENETRATIONS SHALL BE LOCATED A MIN. 1&" OUT OF WATERWAYS S DRAINAGE AREAS, AS WELL AS A MIN. 18" FROM OTHER PENETRATIONS OR PROJECTIONS, SUCH AS PIPES, WALLS, CURBS, ETC. PENETRATION SPACING 1 NOT TO SCALE NEW METAL PRE - FABRICATED CURB WITH WOOD NAILER NEW BASE FLASHING FASTENER AT 6" O.C. TT NEW 24 GA. G.I. COUNTERFLASHING INSERT SECURED USING SIB' HEAD SCREW THROUGH 5/8' STEEL/NEOP RENE WASHER AT 12" O.C. 4" NEW REPUTE INSULATION TO MATCH THICKNESS OF WOOD NAILER L NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT & CAP SHEET SET INTO HOT ASPHALT OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN FLASHING MEMBRANE -TORCH APPLIED 8" MIN. NEW FIBERGLASS BASE SHEET - SET IN ROOF CEMENT NEW 4" FIREPROOF CANT STRIP EXISTING BUILT -UP ROOFING 12 EXISTING PLYWOOD DECK STRUCTURAL MEMBER NOTES: 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA 2. SEAL ALL CORNERS WITH }COURSE APPLICATION OR 8" OVAL GUSSET OF GRANULAR SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN. 3. COAT SURFACE OF ALL ROOF CEMENT WITH ALUMINUM COATING, PREFABRICATED CURB 2 NOT TO SCALE NEW BASE FLASHING FASTENERS AT 6" O.C. NEW 3/8" HEAD SCREW THROUGH STEEVNEOPRENE 3" WASHERATI2"O.C. u NEW 24 GA. G.I. COUNTERFLASHING INSERT NEW RIGID INSULATION TO FIT FLUSH WITH NAILER PREFABRICATED CURB ASSEMBLY WITH WOOD NAILER NEW FIBERGLASS CANT STRIP (FIELD VERIFY SIZE) 8 " MIN. NEW (2) PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT & CAP SHEET SET INTO HOT ASPHALT OR GRANULE SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN FLASHING MEMBRANE -TORCH APPLIED NEW FIBERGLASS CANT STRIP (FIELD VERIFY SIZE) (STING BUILT-UP ROOFING 72 �1 NEW WOOD LEVELING NAILER I (STING SUBSTRATE STRUCTURAL MEMBER NOTES: 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA 2. SEAL ALL CORNERS WITH 3- COURSE APPLICATION OR S" OVAL GUSSET OF GRANULAR SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN. 3. COAT SURFACE OF ALL ROOF CEMENT WITH ALUMINUM COATING. PREFABRICATED CURB n -v' I NOT TO SCALE • A 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 B IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN C 4w D /%O V Q U `W > T` LN o U I-- z ui Q E LU j3 W UNm Lu om0 �f N 2 Q Q W m r Z F L I•I 1 THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF K STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VATHOUT VIRIITEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD KNIECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP NOTES: 1. CLEAN & PRIME ENTIRE TIE -IN AREA 2. SEAL ALL CORNERS WITH 3- COURSE APPLICATION OR 8" OVAL GUSSET OF GRANULAR SURFACED MODIFIED BITUMEN. 3. COAT SURFACE OF ALL ROOF CEMENT WITH ALUMINUM COATING. ° 4. ANY SECUREMENT OF UNITS OR SUPPORTS INTO THE ° o HORIZONTAL PLATFORM SURFACE SHALL BE SEALED 0 WITH URETHANE CAULKING APPLICATION. ° SPOT WELDED AND FULL Y SOLDERED CORNERS L o NEW OR EXISTING PLATFORM 3 ASSEMBLY NEW WATERPROOFING m UNDERLAYMENT (EPOM MEMBRANE a 13 -025 SELF ADHERING MODIFIED BITUMEN) PROJECT No. NEW 22 GA. FLASHING PAN (ALL SEAMS SOLDERED) ° DATE -------------------- -- ---- i NEW BASE FLASHING FASTENER AT S' O.C. � L NEW 2 -PLIES OF FIBERGLASS FELT & CAP SHEET SET INTO HOT ASPHALT `¢ OR MODIFIED BITUMEN FLASHING MEMBRANE -TORCH APPLIED ROOF 8" MIN. NEW FIBERGLASS BASE SHEET- SET IN ROOF CEMENT M NEW 4" FIREPROOF CANT STRIP N EXISTING BUILT -UP ROOFING 1Y' DETAILS M i a E EXISTING PLYWOOD DECK n co PLATFORM 4 A -8.2 N �; NOT TO SCALE HEFT OF 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SYMBOL LEGEND A 20' -5 I/2' n FX -1 FIXTURE NUMBER I/F -2 DETAIL NO. / SHEET NO. TT -1 TABLE NO. III UP�= TB -I TABLE BASE NO. SEAT 4 BUTTON TUFTED BACK B CH- I CHAIR TYPE s m FU RN- FURNITURE BY OWNER 2 F -2 L - j 1- - - ' 30'X48' WHEELCHAIR X I ACCESSIBLE SPACE — L - - - -�j C MILLWORK FIXTURE SCHEDULE 2 FX -I CUSTOM CURVED SETTEE F -2 FX -2 CUSTOM CONDIMENT STAND FX -3 CUSTOM MIRROR � FX -5 CUSTOM POS COUNTER I FX -1: CUSTOM SETTEE CHAIRS CH -1 DINING CHAIRS E II pog MFR: DE51GNFORM FURNISHINGS E PRODUCT: NEL50N CHAIR 20'-5 1/2' / I METAL FINISH: No, 5 White (Matte) SEAT: M -004 OAK ORIGINAL (WHITE WASHED) SEAT HEIGHT: 18.5' LOCATION: DINING ROOM THROUGHOUT ° CONTACT: BURKE SCHECHTEL F x x X x x x x x x x x ° F PHONE: 1.888322.4460 x x x X x x X x x X x x E -MAIL: BURKE ,@GLOBAL50URCEINDU5TRIE5.COM CH -2 COMMUNITY TABLE STOOLS — I II k BY OWNER 0111' °I' 41 °il VIII III °II CI °III II TABLES \ TT -1 FREESTANDING 2 TOP TT -2 ADA FREESTANDING 4 TOP CARVED WOOD LEGS u u TT -3 CUSTOM COMMUNITY TABLE - SEE SHEET F -1 SETTEE BACK J/ d H ®® TT -I TABLE BASE ----- - - - - -- FX -1: CUSTOM SETTEE '-'- IT5-1 T5-1 2 TOP FREESTANDING PATIO TABL SCALE: I/2 -I 0 FX -I FX -5 CH -1 F_1 T5-2 2 PRONG FREESTANDING BASES FOR ADA 4 TOP F'2 T5-3 2x 4' POST CORE DRILLED TT a 42' AFF INTERIOR WALLS 7�'// TT- PER I TB -2 NOTE: ALL TO BE POWDER COATED BLACK WRINKLE FINISH � PER PLAN4 I/4 21-10 � J 1 FX -3 6 1/2' I' -6 1/2' "l� � - F -2 TT -3 rt CH -I TT -I TABLE DATA BUTTON TUFTED 1 �� T5-1 SEAT BACK, FABRIC v IJ I K WRAPPED BACK L - L K � x INTERIOR DINING TABLE COUNT: TT I T5-1� LOOSE TABLES: FX -2 2 TOP X (3) ZQ 4 TOP X(1) CORNER DECK F -2 8 TOP X (U (WD -3) 0 0 0 o TOTAL: (5) LOOSE TABLES 0 L l SEATING COUNT (FIXED 4 LOOSE): L DINING = 16 SEATS ZQ TOTAL ACTUAL SEATS = 1(o SEATS X — U i 3' OVERALL FIXTURE PLAN ACCESSIBILITY M W 6C.4L.EE: 1/4' V-0" 51 WHEELCHAIR SPACE FOR EACH 20 SEATS PER 2010 CBC 11048514) o DINING 16 SEATS / 20 = 15 ° FX -1 TUFTED SETTEE SCALE: 1'=]'-O' PROVIDED: E 0 g OF FIXED SEATING TO BE ACCE551BLE PER 2010 CBC 110455(4) DINING N/A ° 0 N N 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE - INTERIORS • DESIGN O %0 %0 04 O� W Q LuU W o U ZW Q W I W UNm LU om0 t/! ' a Q O W Im�Z No. DATE DESCRIPTION 3/15/14 15T CITY SUBMITTAL /I\ 14/01/14 1 PLAN CHECK CORRECTIONS THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VATBOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCNIIECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE OVERALL FIXTURE PLAN F -1 SHEET OF 42 18022 COWAN, SUITE 285 IRVINE, CA 92614 PH: 949.833.9066 FAX: 949.833.9159 ARCHITECTURE • INTERIORS • DESIGN O %0 %0 N O� Q W U I _ WoU ZLu Q LJJ j3 W UNm om0 N ' CL Q O W m � Z THE CONCEPTS, IDEAS, DESIGNS AND IMAGES DEPICTED ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED ON THIS SHEET AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED BY OTHERS VIHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC.. ©STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC. STAMP PROJECT No. 13 -025 DATE FIXTURE DETAILS F -2 SHEET OF �9