HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-09_BVAC_Approved_Minutes CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BALBOA VILLAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Location: ExplorOcean 600 East Bay Avenue Wednesday, July 9, 2014 - 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Henn called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. The following persons were in attendance: Balboa Village Advisory Committee Members: Michael Henn, Council Member (Chair) Tony Petros, Council Member Grace Dove, Central Newport Beach Community Association Tom Pollack, ExplorOcean Representative Jim Stratton, At-Large Representative Ralph Rodheim, Balboa Village Merchant Association Member Gloria Oakes, Balboa Peninsula Point Association Staff Members: Kimberly Brandt, Community Development Director Brenda Wisneski, Deputy Community Development Director Tony Brine, City Traffic Engineer Fern Nueno, Associate Planner II. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS Interested parties were invited to address the Committee on Non-Agendized Items. Jim Mosher complimented the consultant for having the PowerPoint on the City's website in advance of the meeting. He noted problems downloading attachments on Novus because the software limits downloads to two (2) minutes and can result in illegible text if time limit is exceeded; he wished to bring it to the City's attention. There was concurrence that there was a problem with the Novus software. Fern Nueno, Associate Planner, provided an update to Jim Mosher's June 11, 2014 request for clarification on the Balboa Village budget. She noted that all maintenance improvement plans, except for the $12,500 for trash cans, were incorporated into the last budget. The Nelson\Nygaard contract was for $93,100.00 and the RRM Design contract was for $149,751.00 for a total of $255,351.00 since the start of the Balboa Village Advisory Committee (BVAC). Diane Dixon, candidate for City Council, and Peter Koetting, the new Planning Commissioner, were introduced. There being no one further wishes to address the Committee, Chair Henn closed the Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items portion of the meeting. III. ITEMS FOR REVIEW 1. MINUTES of June 11, 2014 Recommended Action: Approve June 11 , 2014. Jim Mosher provided suggested changes to the minutes. Action: Committee Member Rodheim moved to approve the minutes of the June 11, 2014 meeting as amended; Committee Member Pollock seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0-1, with Committee Member Dove abstaining. 2. WAYFINDING SIGN PROGRAM AND STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLAN Recommended Action: Review program components and provide comment and direction on the Wayfinding Sign Program and Streetscape Improvement Plan. Chairman Henn introduced the item. Jami Williams of RRM Design Group introduced her team, Brian Hannegan, of RRM Design Group and Simon Andrews, the wayfinding and signage consultant, with Graphic Solutions. She noted that RRM Design Group's work effort has three (3) components. The first component is focused on the initial wayfinding and gateway signage concepts. It presents an overview of the before and after fagade improvement exhibits. It also provides updates to the architectural guidelines that include three (3) or four (4) fapade improvement examples that could be done over time. She announced a future update on the streetscape plan which will be the focus of next month's meeting and will be presented by Brian Hannegan of RRM Design Group. The September meeting will be the final presentation. Ms. Williams gave details of how the preliminary selections will be voted on at the conclusion of the meeting. She explained that the Committee would vote for the favorite and least favorite logo and signage examples. In addition, the Committee would vote for the three (3) architectural buildings that would be chosen for before and after renderings. Simon Andrews of Graphic Solutions provided an overview based on input from the last meeting. At the last meeting, they noted the descriptors of the present perception and the future aspirations for Balboa Village. In addition, they received valuable feedback from the signage examples they had presented. Based on that input, a review of the master plan, the Urban Land Institute Technical Advisory Panel report, and the current 2 design guidelines, they created a package for presentation. An assessment was made of the ways that Balboa Village was described and represented. Various ideas, treatments, type styles, and imagery were considered. Also considered was a slogan that would express the aspirations of Balboa Village. Mr. Andrews noted that the goal was to attract people in the offseason. Committee Member Rodheim stated that Newport Beach and Company was previously hired to design a logo, noting that they conducted an outreach to thousands of people because of Balboa's identity crisis. Most people think of the Island, so "The Home of the Fun Zone" was created. The ferry, Ferris wheel, and Fun Zone are the recognized identifiers of the Village. Committee Member Rodheim, agreed, adding that the logo had been adopted, vetted and approved by the Balboa Village Merchants Association (BVMA). He stated that spending time on logo choices and names would be counterproductive, noting their website, banners, and flags display the logo. Alison Ryffel, resident, clarified that the logo was approved by the BVMA, not the BVAC. Chair Henn noted that the BVMA logo was based on market research, and asked if there were any limitations on the application of the logo for broad use. Mr. Andrews stated that it was adaptable to all applications, including signage and gateways. Committee Member Rodheim noted that there is a stylebook to address differing applications of the logo. A member of the public, Kay Mortenson, expressed that while she liked the graphics of the tagline "Home of the Fun Zone," she feels it is not representative of the current vision and was limited in scope. She stated that ExplorOcean, a new theater, and new dining establishments and merchants were a broader scope. The Fun Zone, which has diminished in size, represented the past. The goal is to look to the future. Chair Henn reported that, of the consumer research that was conducted, only 33 percent of respondents correctly identified the location of Balboa Village. The other respondents misidentified it as Balboa Island. The disconnect was diminished significantly when Balboa Village was connected to the Fun Zone. The goal is to be forward thinking and maintain the connection to the historic past. Chair Henn added that he did not know if that precluded her issues. Committee Member Pollack stated that based on market research, ExplorOcean was very happy about the logo approved by the BVMA. He expressed surprise that the logo was being reconsidered, and felt it might be a waste of time. Chair Henn noted that while the logo had been approved by the BVMA, the BVAC is a different group. He wanted input from the Committee on the logo. Committee Member Stratton reviewed the grand vision statement for 2020. He noted that the vision of 3 Balboa Village would be more than the Fun Zone. Committee Member Rodheim stated that the logo and tagline do not preclude the new vision, noting that the Fun Zone is just a descriptor to differentiate Balboa Village from Balboa Island. Committee Member Dove offered that the target market is baby boomers and they know the Fun Zone. Committee Member Oakes agreed with Committee Member Dove. The Fun Zone exists and the others are hopeful and welcomed but they are not here. Howard Hall, resident, questioned how committed ExplorOcean was to the future of the Ferris wheel. Committee Member Pollack stated that the Ferris wheel would be staying. He noted there is a long term lease, and if it ever changed, ExplorOcean would still keep and run the Ferris wheel. Mr. Hall mentioned that he continually has to educate people on the location of Balboa Village; a logo would help identify it. Action: Chair Henn recorded a unanimous decision to move forward with the current BVMA logo. Mr. Andrews resumed his presentation. He noted that at the previous meeting a concern about adding light to the area was expressed, and a logical location is the gateway arch. Using the existing BVMA logo, a gateway would span Balboa Avenue. The entry gateways would be lighted and landscaped. Lights would be presented in a variety of forms. Using technology, the lights could twinkle and glow, making the gateway visible blocks away, day or night. Chair Henn stated that Adams Street is the dividing line for the commercial district, and asked the Committee for thoughts on the archway location. Committee Member Stratton expressed concern about the residents that live on Adams Street, and offered that Palm Street would be a more appropriate site for the gateway arch. Discussion ensued regarding the location. Tony Brine, City Traffic Engineer, noted there is a traffic signal at Palm Street which would conflict with the gateway arch. In addition, the Balboa Village Gateway sign is there. Mr. Andrews noted that the lighting could be controlled and turned off at night. Ms. Wisneski suggested placing the gateway arch on the crosswalk side of Adams Street. Mr. Brine stated that wherever the gateway arch is placed, it should not interfere with traffic signals. Committee Member Petros noted a secondary benefit of illuminating the crosswalk. Committee Member Stratton questioned whether or not the gateway could be moved farther down towards Palm Street if there was pushback for locating on the corner at 4 Adams Street. Mr. Brine responded noting that that would cause sight line problems with the traffic light. Action: Chair Henn asked if there was a consensus on the location of the gateway. No opposition was noted to the location. Committee Member Rodheim requested that those factors be taken into consideration during planning. Committee Member Petros suggested leaving the light poles as light poles and for hanging banners, stating that directional signs should be placed on their own poles. Chair Henn stated that that idea would give more flexibility about size configuration and font size. Ms. Ryffel reported that she had suggested local art banners. She had been advised by Committee Member Rodheim that those would be an obstruction for trucks coming down the roadway. Committee Member Rodheim responded that on some of the existing poles, they had wanted to go out and over, causing interference with the UPS trucks. With this design plan, the local art banners would be placed on other poles, helping bring in the community. Mr. Brine, City Traffic Engineer, explained that drivers have minimal time to read directional signs and warned of overload from signage. Residents have expressed that existing signs have too much information and font size is too small. A focus on the message is required to prevent confusion, so the driver can read it and make their decision. Committee Member Petros stated that it is important to rationalize a system, where a light pole is a light pole and may have a seasonal banner. Kimberly Brandt, Community Development Director, recommended brackets on the light standard which would provide a consistent size for the banners. Consistent sizing would help with cohesiveness, which would be helpful for the Village to get their information. Committee Member Rodheim wondered if there would be gateway banners that spanned the gateway to let people know about events. Mr. Andrews, Graphic Solutions, recommended retrofitting the existing gateway monument sign with an electronic message board in place of gateway banner. The illumination and style could be controlled and modified. Committee Member Stratton reported that it is difficult for him to read electronic signs while driving especially if they are changing. Committee Member Rodheim noted he preferred electronic light banners to gateway banners. 5 Committee Member Stratton noted that visitors primarily need to know the location of the parking and the ferry; the rest of the destinations are within walking distance. He feels too much clutter on the wayfinding signs is unnecessary. Chair Henn stated that every public pier is designated by a blue finial that indicates a public pier, and that boaters use the blue finial to identify public piers. Mr. Andrews, Graphic Solutions, reported an opportunity to place a median mounted sign on the east end of the Village, noting that its placement would require the existing striped median be filled in. Mr. Brine, City Traffic Engineer, stated that the median would need to be constructed and include clearance. He questioned the need for a sign that identified the entrance to Balboa Village, as it would be read by people who have either gone through the village or live on the Point. He was not clear what would be gained by putting a sign there. Committee Member Rodheim stated that for cost reasons and possible graffiti, he felt that it was not needed. He agreed that the only people using it would be residents. Ms. Ryffel concurred that a sign was not needed. Mr. Andrews stated that the pedestrian entry does need a sign for people exiting the ferry. Chair Henn noted that signs would reinforce the brand and tie together a sense of place at the main entry points to the Village. Committee Member Petros, in response to an inquiry, confirmed that Mr. Seymour Beek owns the property. He thought that Mr. Beek would allow changes to the current signs if the City paid for the changes. Chair Henn noted that Mr. Beek is a very well-informed civic-minded person. Ms. Brandt noted the historical significance of the existing ferry sign. Committee Member Petros stated that they would have to take into consideration the signs currently on the property, noting that the signs may have a utilitarian purpose. He stated a need to research the policies regarding signage requirements. Committee Member Pollack noted the sign was not lighted. Mr. Andrews suggested uplights to illuminate the sign. Ms. Nueno addressed Committee Member Stratton's previous concern regarding the electronic sign. She clarified that it would have just one message displayed for a long period of time, and would not necessarily have a rotating message or scrolling marquee. Mr. Andrews explained that the sign could be modified to different displays, and the timing could be varied. 6 Committee Member Stratton stated that if there was a way to post current events elsewhere, he would prefer no posters. It was stated that consistency was very important. Mr. Andrews, Graphic Solutions, proposed that as soon as visitors exited their car, there should be an opportunity to greet and invite them to the attractions. Committee Member Rodheim noted that maps stating "You are here" are very helpful. Chair Henn questioned how many pedestrian informational signs were envisioned. Mr. Simon, Graphic Solutions, responded that each of the streets leaving the big parking lot would have signs, also along Balboa Blvd., and bayside. Key locations would be selected. Mr. Andrews identified that another concern was to inform the public that there is no outlet. He suggested that they provide a turnaround sign. Mr. Brine, City Traffic Engineer, explained that a U-turn was not a standard sign and that U-Turns cannot be mandated. He suggested a sign saying "Thank you for visiting" and to post a no outlet sign. Ms. Ryffel reported that thousands of visitors turn around there creating traffic problems. She suggested a traffic circle. Committee Member Rodheim stated that residents would probably not approve of a round-a-bout in front of their homes. Committee Member Rodheim left the meeting at 5:02 p.m. Mr. Andrews, Graphic Solutions, informed the Committee that his presentation was complete. Chair Henn requested a review of the pedestrian informational signs. He hoped that the design would coordinate with the motorist wayfinding signs. Committee Member Petros suggested taking a page from the landscaping palette from Superior Avenue, with consideration to the street grates and the plant structure. Mr. Mosher expressed disapproval of the electronic message board. He referred to McFadden Square where the electronic message board has not worked for many years. He also questioned why, if someone wanted to use the ferry, the current sign directs them to the Balboa Pier parking lot. Chair Henn explained that it meets the circulation requirement; noting a left turn cannot be made onto Palm Street. It was stated that the signage could be improved, stating an example would be "Ferry Access." Committee Member Pollack recommended a sign informing drivers on the availability of parking spaces. Committee Member Petros suggested adopting an app that can be used on smartphones to identify available parking spaces, noting it is used in several cities, including Santa Monica. Ms. Ryffel wondered if having an archway that coordinated with Balboa Island's design style would more be aesthetically pleasing. Mr. Stratton noted the planning of Balboa Village incorporated distinct characteristics. Chair Henn offered that he felt that Balboa Village should be distinctive from Balboa Island and preserve a distinctive experience. Kristen Monson, resident, suggested a sign informing people they are leaving the Village, noting that visitors come through the neighborhood believing they are still in the village, looking for restaurants. Also, she pointed out that it may help the merchants between Main Street and A Street attract more customers. Conversation ensued indicating that the Committee agreed that they do want a sign informing visitors they are exiting the Village. A sign informing that they are entering the Village is not necessary. Mr. Hall, resident, reported that the ferry sign decor did not enhance Balboa Village. The new sign is a significant improvement. He assured the Committee that the previous sign did not have historical value. Ms. Williams, RRM Design Group, gave direction of how to vote for the examples. Committee Member Dove questioned if fagade improvement meant modernizing it. Ms. Williams of RRM Design Group stated that the design guidelines would be followed and that low cost options would be offered, such as painting or adding an awning. In some cases, alterations have been made to the original structure. She proposed removing the alterations and restoring the integrity of the original building. Ms. Williams noted that at next month's meeting, Brian Hannegan would focus the presentation on the streetscape environment. Mr. Mosher suggested that for the public record the vote with the dots should not be private. Chair Henn explained that the vote was not restricted to the Committee, and that everyone present could vote. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT None. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Balboa Village Advisory Committee, Chair Henn adjourned the meeting at 5:16 p.m. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday August 13, 2014 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 8