HomeMy WebLinkAbout18 - Amended Preservation of Special Trees ListCity Council Agenda
Item No. is
January 25, 1999
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: General Services Director
SUBJECT: Amended Preservation of Special Trees List
Approve the amended Preservation of Special Trees list for attachment to City Council
Policy G -1.
The Special Trees section of the G -1 Policy, which includes Dedicated Trees, shall be
established, mapped, recorded, and maintained by the Parks, Beaches, & Recreation
Commission (PB &R). Staff prepared the list of newly dedicated trees that have been
donated by the public, approved by the Commission, and subsequently planted in City
parks. The PB &R Commission approved a list of additional Dedicated Trees at their
January 5 meeting.
The amended Preservation of Special Trees list (Attachment A, changes in boldface)
includes all of the Dedicated Trees planted in City parks since the last amended Policy G-
1 list was published on July 14, 1997.
Very respectfully,
David E. Niederhaus
A. G -1 Policy: Preservation of Special Trees List — Amended (Pages 6 -7)
G -1
The purpose of this policy is to establish definitive standards for the retention,
removal, maintenance, reforestation, and supplemental trimming of City trees.
City street trees arc an important part of the character and charm of certain
communities and regular care, trimming, maintenance and programmed
replacement are necessary to preserve this charm while protecting public and
private property.
It is the City's policy to retain City trees categorized as landmark, dedicated, or
neighborhood trees which contribute to and give character to an entire
neighborhood. Landmark, dedicated, and neighborhood trees arc identified on
Attachment 1, and shall hereinafter be referred to as Special Trees. Trees within
these categories shall be established, mapped, recorded and maintained by the
Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission ( "Commission ").
Special Trees shall be retained, unless there are exceptional problems which
require their removal. Prior to consideration for removal of Special Trees, the
General Services Director, or designee, shall prepare a report identifying and
implementing specific treatment to retain the tree(s). If specific treatment is
unsuccessful in retaining a tree(s) then a full report shall be made to the
Commission before any further action considering removal is taken. Prior to any
removal of Special Trees, the City must comply with the noticing provisions of the
Removal of City Trees section set forth in this policy.
During normal sidewalk, curb, and street repair activity requiring root pruning, all
steps will be taken to retain Special Trees. If tree roots are to be pruned in
association with hardscapc improvements, sufficient timing in advance must be
planned to ensure that pruning will not destabilize or kill the tree. If both sides of
a tree's root arc to be pruned, one side should be pruned a year in advance of the
other side.
It is the City's policy to retain all other City trees unless removal is necessary for
one of the following reasons:
Attachment A
G -1
L The City tree has had a history of damaging public or privatc sewers,
water mains, roadways, sidewalks, curbs, walls, fences, or foundations
based on City records or other competent and reliable authority despite
specific trcatmcnt by the City to allcviatc rcpcatcd damage.
2. The City tree has had a rcpcatcd history of interfering with street or
sidewalk drainage, despite spccific trcatmcnt by the City to allcviatc
rcpcatcd damage.
3. The City tree is dead, diseased, or dying.
4. The trec(s) must comply with the critcria for reforestation as
contained in the Reforestation of City Trees scction of this policy.
5. The trec(s) havc been requested to be removed in conjunction with a
City Council- approved neighborhood or community association
beautification program.
The initiation to rcmovc any City tree may be madc by the Gencral Scrviccs
Department, Public Works Department, a legally established community
association, or a privatc property owner by making application with the General
Scrviccs Dircctor.
After receipt of the application a tree inspection rcport shall be prepared by the
City's Urban Forester (Attachment 2) to determine if the trec(s) meets the criteria
outlined above for consideration for removal. Simultaneously, a notice shall be
provided to the affected property owncr and the owners immediately adjacent to
the applicant's property, and the appropriate community association if applicablc.
The Urban Forestcr shall determine whether in his /hcrjudgmcnt additional spccific
treatment can be initiated to retain the tree. If a trec(s) is to be removed, the trce(s)
will be marked at Icast 30 days prior to the rcmoval with a white X (using
temporary paint) and posted with a sign notifying the public that they havc the
right of appcal. The sign shall also note a staff contact. Oncc a. rcconuncndation is
madc by the Urban Forestcr and the Park and Trec Superintendent to the Gcncral
Scrviccs Dircctor, and the Gcncral Scrviccs Director or designee concurs, then the
applicant, the adjoining owncrs, and the community association, if applicablc,
shall be notified of the dccision to rcmovc or retain the tree within 30 days of the
proposed rcmoval. The Gcncral Scrviccs Dircctor, or his designee, shall rcport at a
regularly scheduled PB &R Commission meeting of all trees rcconuncndcd for
rcmoval using the Trccs Activities Rcport, except for those trees categorized in
paragraph 3 in the preceding scction on All Other City Trccs. An applicant, an
adjoining property owncr, or any interested party may appcal the dccision of the
G -1
General Services Director to the Commission, and if the appeal cannot be resolved
at the Commission level, then the final resolution will be determined at the City
Council level. The Commission and Council, in considering any appeal, shall
determine whether the removal meets the criteria outlined in this policy, as well as
any unique factors which may be pertinent to the removal or retention of trec(s).
An appeal to the Council regarding a Commission tree decision must be received
by the General Services Department no later than 14 calendar days following the
date of the Commission decision. The General Services Department will delay
any tree removals until the appeal period has expired or until the Council has acted
upon the appeal.
It is recognized and acknowledged that City trees were planted many years ago
and in sonic cases were planted with specific species that when fully mature create
significant problems in curb, gutter, sidewalk or underground utilities. In certain
neighborhoods, mature City street trees may encroach into blue water views from
public and private property depending on the length of time since the trees were
last trimmcd.
Today, arborists have developed lists of tree species which are able to grow in
restricted parkway areas without causing significant future problems to curb,
gutter, sidewalk, utilities or views. The concept of systematically replacing mature
trees which are creating hardscape and/or view problems and cannot be properly
trimmed, pruned or modified to alleviate the problems they create, or those which
are reaching their full life and are declining in health, is referred to as reforestation.
As a City which understands the importance of trees and the beauty it brings to a
community, the City desires to continually improve the urban forest through
reforestation. In areas where City trees have been removed through City initiation,
the City should expeditiously replace them with the appropriate designated City
tree. Reforestation may also be initiated by residents utilizing the process outlined
below. The City shall require the proper care and watering of replacement trees to
ensure thcir proper growth and development as outlined in City Council Policy G-
G Furthermore, no person shall tamper with replacement trees in violation of
Section 13.08.040 of the Municipal Code.
Individuals or parties desiring to reforest City trees in their respective area, may
submit a request to the General Services Director for consideration by the
Commission that meets the following requirements:
a. The proposed area must have clearly defined contiguous
boundaries that include the trees proposed for removal and
G -1
rcplaccmcnt, strcct addresses, block numbers, or other geographical
b. Residential communities, neighborhoods or business
organizations must submit a petition signed by a minimum of 60% of
the property owners within the area defined for rcforestation. A
neighborhood is defined for the purposes of this policy as ten or more
homes in any given area of the City. As an alternative, areas
represented by a legally established community association
empowered with CC & R's, may submit resolution of the Board of
Directors formally requesting reforestation with a statement that all
members of the community association have been officially notified
and given an appropriate opportunity to respond before the Board
voted on the request.
C. A written agreement by the petitioning sponsor to pay 100% of
the costs of the removal and rcplaccmcnt of the public trees in
advancc of any rcmoval activity. The actual rcmoval and replanting
will be coordinated by the General Services Department. The total
costs shall include only the contractor's rcmoval and replacement
costs and be paid in advancc of any removal actions.
d. The replacement tree must be the designated strcct tree as
prescribed by City Council Policy G -6 or the organization must
icquest and have approval from the Commission of the designation of
a different tree spccics.
e. Therc shall be a minimum of a onc- for -onc replacement of all
trees removed in rcforestation projects. Replacement trees shall be a
minimum size of 24" box trees.
In the event that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission does not approve
the reforestation request, the applicant has the option to appeal the proposal to the
City Council. The applicant shall have tcn calendar days to appcal the decision of
the Commission, by letter, to the General Scrviccs Dircctor. The Gcncral Scrviccs
Dircctor shall submit the appcal to the City Council for review within 30 days of
receipt of the appcal.
The City Council has adopted tree trimming cycics for trees of diffcrcnt ages and
spccics. The current tree trimming cycics and trimming standards represent the
maximum feasible frequency and extent of trimming given current fiscal
conditions. Exccpt as provided in this Scclion, trimming shall be in accordance
with the standards of the International Socicty of Aboriculturc (ISA).
G -1
The City will considcr, and as a gcneral rulc approvc, rcqucsts to trim ccrtain trecs
morc frcqucntly or to trim trccs consistent with practices applied prior to the
adoption of ISA standards (to enhancc public and privatc views, preservc required
sight/distancc standards, or other public purposcs) which arc submitted by affcctcd
residents or the board of a Icgally establishcd community association and the
requcst is accompanied by a completed "Supplemental Trce Trimming Fonn" and
full payment for any costs of trimming.
The Gcneral Scrviccs Director shall establish proccdures to implcmcnt the
supplemental trimming provisions of this Policy. An approval must be obtained
from a legally cstablished association by the requestor in areas with an active
homeowners' association.
Notcr (Attachment 1 — Preservation of Spccial Trccs)
(Attachment 2 —Trcc Inspcction Rcport)
Adoptcd —
May 9, 1966
Amcndcd —August 14, 1967
— Novcmbcr 9, 1976
— November 12, 1985
— Novcmbcr 28, 1988
Amcndcd— August 10,1998
Amcndcd — March 14, 1994
Amcndcd — April 11, 1994
Amcndcd — Fcbruary 26, 1996
Amcndcd —July 14, 1997
Amcndcd (Administrativcly) —Nov.
24, 1997
G -1
Balboa Library
Eucalyptus globulus
Balboa Library
Phoenix canaricnsis
West Jetty (near Historical Marker)
Phoenix canariensis
Dover Drive at Westcliff
Liquidanibar styraciflua
400 block Poinsettia
Eucalyptus corynocalyx
Ocean Blvd. Corona del Mar
Plioneix canariensis
Westcliff & Dover (Groves)
Eucalyptus globulus
Main Street (between East Bay
Ficus nitida
Ave. and Balboa Blvd.)
No. Mariners Park (Marcie Schrouder)
Pinus radiata
Mariners Park (Frank Tallman)
Pinus radiata
No. City Hall grounds (Billy Covert)
Ficus benjamina
City Hall grounds (Walter Knott)
Pinus halepensis
City Hall grounds
(Calif. Bicentennial)
Pinus halepensis
Las Arenas Park (Ed Healy)
Mclalcuca linarifolia
Mariners Park (Isy Pease)
PInLIS halepensis
City Hall grounds
(U.S. Bicentennial Freedom Tree)
t-larpcphyllum caff'rum
Buffalo Hills Park (Bahia
Community Earth Day Celebration)
Erythrina caffra
Peninsula Park
(Gray Lunde Memorial Tree)
Chamacrops humilis
Parkway in Shorecliffs
Erythrina caffra
Marguerite Avenue
Phoenix canaricnsis
Goldenrod Avenue
Washington robusta
Dover Drive (Mariners to Irvine)
Eucalyptus globulus
15th Street (Newport Heights)
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
Irvine Avenue Median
Eucalyptus globulus
Holiday between Irvine & Tustin
Eucalyptus globulus
Along Avon Avenue
Eucalyptus globulus
Via Lido Bridge
Eucalyptus globulus
Marine Avenue (Balboa Island)
Eucalyptus rudis
Scaview Avenue (Corona del Mar)
Pinus radiata
Poppy Avenue (Corona del Mar)
Eucalyptus rudis
Heliotrope Avenue (Corona del Mar)
Pinus radiata
Attachment I
Candlestick Lane, etc. (Baycrest)
Adopted - May 9, 1966
Amended - November 9, 1976
Amended - November 28, 1988
Amended - October /1993
Amended — July 14, 1997
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus citriodora
G -1
Phone Number
Botanical Name
Common Name
Designated Street Tree
Estimated Tree Value
Parkway: Concrete _Brick _Turf _Other
Inspected by
Reviewed by
G -1
Attachment 2
TREES Balboa Library
Eucalyptus globulus
Balboa Library
Phoenix canariensis
West Jetty (near Historical Marker)
Phoenix canariensis
Dover Drive at Westcliff
Liquidambar styraciflua
400 block Poinsettia
Eucalyptus corynocalyx
Ocean Blvd. Corona del Mar
Phoneix canariensis
Westcliff & Dover (Groves)
Eucalyptus globulus
Main Street (between East Bay
Ficus nitida
Ave. and Balboa Blvd.)
TREES No. Mariners Park (Marcie Schrouder)
Pinus radiata
Mariners Park (Frank Tallman)
Pinus radiata
No. City Hall grounds (Billy Covert)
Ficus benjamina
City Hall grounds (Walter Knott)
Pinus halepensis
City Hall grounds
(Calif. Bicentennial)
Pinus halepensis
Las Arenas Park (Ed Healy)
Melaleuca linarifolia
Mariners Park (Isy Pease)
Pinus halepensis
City Hall grounds
(U.S. Bicentennial Freedom Tree)
Harpephyllum caffrum
Buffalo Hills Park (Bahia
Community Earth Day Celebration)
Erythrina caffra
Peninsula Park
(Gray Lunde Memorial Tree)
Chamaerops humilis
Cliff Drive Park
Quercus agrifolia
(Gary Lovell)
Begonia Park
Prunus cerasifera
(Cheryl Bailey Ringwald)
Castaways Park
Quercus agrifolia
(Jan Vandersloot)
Peninsula Park
Ravenea rivularis
(Don Perdue)
Grant Howald park Metrosideros excelsus
1 (Pete Munro)
2 (Mark Munro)
Veterans Park Lagenstroemia
(Rosemary Rae Hill Hansen) indica faueri
Mariners Park Stenocarpus
(Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club) sinuatus
(Christopher and Marisha Thompson) Pinus eldarica
Attachment 1
G -1
(Meghan and Camielle Thompson) Pinus eldarica
TREES Parkway in Shorecliffs
Marguerite Avenue
Goldenrod Avenue
Dover Drive (Mariners to Irvine)
15th Street (Newport Heights)
Irvine Avenue Median
Holiday between Irvine & Tustin
Along Avon Avenue
Via Lido Bridge
Marine Avenue (Balboa Island)
Seaview Avenue (Corona del Mar)
Poppy Avenue (Corona del Mar)
Heliotrope Avenue (Corona del Mar)
Candlestick Lane, etc. (Baycrest)
Adopted - May 9, 1966
Amended -November 9, 1976
Amended - November 28, 1988
Amended — October, 1993
Amended —July 14, 1997
Amended — January 25, 1999
Erythrina caffra
Phoenix canariensis
Washington robusta
Eucalyptus globulus
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
Eucalyptus globulus
Eucalyptus globulus
Eucalyptus globulus
Eucalyptus globulus
Eucalyptus rudis
Pinus radiata
Eucalyptus rudis
Pinus radiata
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus citriodora
Eucalyptus citriodora
G -1
Attachment 1 7