HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2012-0016Pf1�tY�C3 tai Please print 3 copies Worksheet for Building Combo Permit Application City of Newport Beach - Building Department ;Building J7 Grading (`;Drainage Elec Tenant-Name(if Applicable) HARBOR MOURCES �a r # Units (if Residential) I................................... 2. ®ascription of Work Use F x,7, .... .............. ................. Valuation $ Extg Building SF i Demo Building SF Add/Reconstruct Bldg SF i ........... ... . r,. Extg Gar sfDemo Garage sf Add/Reconstruct Garage sf # Stories F F L __ ...... ...........................................: TOTAL BLDG SIF Cu Yd Cut New Add F7 Alter emo F TAL GARAGE SF Cu Yd Fill E lyt'T�«T7 F_ 3. Owner's Name Last ! First 17 6. Contractor's Name Last First Class .......'!� .... Flo W7 Contractor's Address City ....'�.......� ....... i State .......... OFFICE USE ONLY ENERGY P/C FEE $ GRADING P/C FEE $ FIRE P/C FEE $ Contractor's E-mail Address F777 ............................... ..................... zip GJ L/� Telephon. .. .......e P_. ....... f°% PERMIT NO. PLAN CHECK NO D, nncInn FI Pr1.1AAP:r1.H/PI I IAA PK: FFP PI ANI r`I-IPr`v G! : Q a /, Pdrifform Worksheet for Building Combo Permit Application F- Comm'IJX Residential City of Newport Beach - Building Division NOTE: PLAN CHECK FEE DUE AT TIME OF FX -Building ;u Grading --"Drainage (_', Elec f— Mech ea QY�A/�/ b iA! 9a j— Plum Cu Yd c lL ��(�j,RT EACH (� Project Address (Not mailing address) 1621 Bayside Drive 170 or Suite N r _ Description of Work Use Replace three 12" steel pilin "��""P9s � 1 JV� !' # Stories #Units (if Res) Valuation $ New/Add SF Remodel SF Garage/New/Add Material/Labor $6,00.00 OWNER'S NAME Last Westphal FirstRuth Owner's Address Owner's E-mail Address 621 Bayside Dr. City Newport Beach State CA Zip 92660 Telephone APPLICANT'S NAME Last South First. Charles Applicant's Address Applicant's E-mail Address 177 Riverside Ave Ste. F ablesouth@yahoo.com City Newport Beach, State CA Zip 92663 Telephone 1 949-645-0334 ARCHITECT/DESIGNER'S NAME Last First I _ Lic. No. — Architect/Designer's Address Architect/Designer's E-mail Address City State Zip Telephoner ENGINEER'S NAME Last Bazley First Timothy Lic. No.1C 50.019 Engineer's Address Engineer's E-mail Address 2500 Via Cabrillo Marina Ste. 200 City San Pedro State CA Zip 1907€ 31 Telephone CONTRACTOR'S NAME/COMPANY South Mooring Co Lic. No. 957414 ClassA Contractor's Address Contractor's E-mail Address 1177 Riverside Ave Ste. F ablesouth@yahoo.com City Newport Beach State CA Zip 92663 Telephone 1 949-645-0334 ENERGY P/C FEE $ FIRE P/C FEE $ PERMIT NO. GRADING P/C FEE $ PLANNING P/C FEE $ PLAN CHECK NO. ELEC/PLUM/MECH P/C FEE $ PLAN CHECK FEE $ DEVELOPMENT # TOTAL FEES PAID $ 10 IiE21 E Lmlz 121 !,lFrr.,ny CrAt-.,TSD AND WjAMTA^-N THz FAC;UTY 9- Co AT THE SVrc- ass Ya THE 'MARISUF�AN -q, ANY 6P-E.C."L ccr-4�: EW ]t - THE AND tv"If 7, G U -N IN VV47i -Mk*L,=-. 17 OF PERMIT N DAT F— Con"- -Z -2 F -3o--74- r. t CONSf D Pi T rE ......... SEE PJ T Mul I E- D ;S4,E E -1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1.,._.. CALIFORNIA, COASTZONE CO1",41SERVAT{ON COMMISSION SO'JTH COAST REGIONAL � OMWSSION 666 E. OCEAN BOULEVARD, SUITE 3107 P.O. BOX 1450 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 40801 J RONALD REAGAN, Gavern3r (213) 43&4201 (714) 846-0648 2"7/� ? RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL I PER:NH T I"Ivv Application Number: P-8-20-74-389 Name of Applicant: Fred Westphal P.O.Box 2176, Huntington Beach 92647 Permit Type: Standard Emergency Development Location: ^ 621 Bayside Drive, Promontory Bay, Newport Beach Development Description: Con.struc a new ramp, float and cantilevered deck Commission Resolution: I. The South Coast Conservation Commission finds that the proposed development: A Will not have a substantial adverse environmental or ecolog- ical effects B. Is consistent with the findings and declarations set forth in Public Resources Code Sections 27001 and 27302® Cb Is subiect to the -Follooin- otherres?.ltant statLitory -pro- visions and policies: City of Newport Beach ordinances D. Is consistent with the aforesaid other statutory provisions and policies in that: approval in concept has been issued. Eo The following language and/or drawings clarify and/or facil- itate carrying out the intent of the South Coast Regional Zone Conservation Commission: application, site map; plot plan and approval in concept. l t e%, " LOS ANGELES Du STRIC. CORPZ OF ZGa NZERS LOS ANGELES, CAL FORN;A ✓ooS;B r S 2 L 3- 22 October 1974 _._ . regi Westplalk 621 Bayside Drive �eGrpor=` Beach, CA 92660 Dear fir. Westphal: Your permit, dated 22 October 1974 (74-198,, has been validated and is inclosed. Notice of Authorization for each permittee, and copies for reporting the status of wore., are also i, -.closed. 3 incl i. Permit 2. Notice of Authorization 3. Work status form (dupe) Sincerely yours, 41 RO'BERTI H. LINEN L'1. t. , C Acting District Engineer Application No. 74-198 U. S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles Name of Applicant Fred ties i phs $ Corps of Engineers E-ffective Date ,���. Los Angeles, California c to:b. _ - Expiration Date bio DEPARTMENT OF THE ARl�' PERMIT Referring to written request dated ' ",,,, gust @ 74 for a -oerml ( Perform word{ in or affecting navigable waters of the United States, upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, pursuant to Section 10 of the � „vers and Harbors A c~ of March 3 1899 (33 U...S, C 403) ( ) Discharge dredged or fill material into navigable waters upon the issuance of a permit from the Secretary of the Army acting through the Chief of ?engineers pursuant to Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (86 Stag. 516. P 92-500)• ( ) Transport dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waLers upon the issuance of a permit from the Secretary of the Arany acting through the Chief of Engineers pursuant to Section 103 0 the Marine Protection$ Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1052; P. L. 92-532).. - — -- ro Fred Udestp'a 1 P.O.. Box 2176 Hun-�lno+on Beach, Ca11forn1a 92647 is hereby authorized by the Secretary of the Army: to cons '^U's' ain ;;-;s cant Ilever deck, ramp and rjoat .o ex-end=s-;i"y (50) feet bayward of the C ty Bu s knead L', ne �n ieW�Crr \ Bay (Pac;fic Ocean Lot No. 49, Traci 3867, Newport Beach, Orange Cou n i y, Ca d C - of n E accordance with the plans and drawings attached hereto which are incorporated and made a part of this permit on drawl-ngs . '`Fred 10JesIrpha i , 62i Bays f d: 7raC i 3867, Lot 49, Drawn by ; rate yve r Bros,Oa ed 2 August 1974,'° — Subject to the following conditi �. FORM Sq MAY 74 (ER 1145-2-303) PREVIOUS EDITIONS A;-. E: Page 1 of 5 II. Special Conditions STRUCTURES FOR SMALL BOATS: 'hat perM i ttee hereby reco:., i zes '-he poss i b i y that the S rructu re permitted herein ,nay be subject to damage by wave wash fr-o",i passing vessels. The, issuance of this ;ermit does not relieve the perm ''tee from taking all proper steps to insure the i ntear i ty of the s i ructure permitted herein and +he Safety of boats f.,00red thereto tE^om damage by wave wash and the permittee sib G I not hold the United States iiabJe for any such damage. This permit shall become effective on the date of the District Engineer's signature,. Permittee hereby accepts and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. Permittee 0 741 Date By Ori ;Secretary of the Army: 1OTERT H. REINEN. LTC, CE Acting Dis:tri.ct Engineer 22 October 1974 Date Transferee hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. Transferee P,n,ge.. 5 o I- _i I � 22 p yCj C GC1 y i a,i c __ i G��y �u±i s:Ead L� e h.` a - G 3f��f (Jl�) i2C� oaywar C� G .c y�aC if'C vCaa ) o ty, L• 9 Tract '3567 q iW0'G Ji C _ o �c= _Von 9 22 vctoO'�_ es 7 6 v x 2. 92v t �Ld BaC:' -1iC3"LiliG C=. 7NUM" ER =T: 74•--•' 98 - lsi, r�3a af�Seei�� fit,'i6s �v��EinJ.,,, 9o.V.��*caro" L 70 L e f. COASTAL ZONE CON Cq� L..sw`T This project has been Qp,ovejby she SoWh Cast Conservation Co ► &oo . Project MGM : Construction of a new ramp, float and cantilevered deck PIrOject AddreS 621 Bayside Drive, Promontory Bay, Newport Beach Out September 30, 1974P-$— e� ®.�-- 20-74-3892 MUST BE POSTED PROMINENTLY AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Melvin J. Carpenter Executive Director South Coast Conservation Commission "ATE CALIFORN14 COASTAL LONE CONSERVAT ON SS ION SOUTH COAST REGIONAL COMMISSION 666 E. OCEAN BOULEVARD, SUITE 3107 P.O. BOX 1450 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90801 (21i3) 43G-4201. (714) 8464648 RESOLUTIM, OF APPROVAL Ar;D PERMIT Application Number: P-8-20-714-3$92 Name of Applicant: Fred Westphal P.O. Box 2176, Huntington Beach 92647 Permit Type: Q Standard [� Emergency Development Locations 621 Bayside Drive, Promontory Bay, Newport Beach Development Descriptions Construe a new rarnp, float and cantilevered deck Commission Resolution: I. The South Coast Conservation Commission finds that the proposed development,: A. Will not have a substantial adverse environmental or ecolog- ical effect. B. Is consistent with the findings and declarations set forth in Public Resources Code Sections 27001 and 27302. C. Is subject to the following other resultant statutory pro- visions and policies: t,y Of Now`lort 13o,,101 D. Is consistent with the aforesaid other statutory provisions and policies in that: approval in concept has been issued. E. The following language arid/or drawings clarify and/or facil- itate carrying out the intent of.the South Coast Regional Zone Conservation Commission: application, site map, plot plan and approval in concept. Resolution of F:pproval and Perl"it P age IT III. IV. V. Vi. 7C�bl_i r }ze��.9.n.g held on Sept .. ember 16, 1974 at Long -Beach by a ung s ,,_ vote here -(location)_ by approves the application for Permit NumberP-8-20-74-3892 2_ 74_ 3Act 892 pursuant to the California Coastal Zone Conservation 1972, subject to the following conditions imposed pursuant to the Public Resources Codes Section 27403 Said terms and conditions shall be perpetual and bind all. future owners and possessors of the property or any part thereof unless otherwise specified herein. The grant of this permit is further made subject to the following: A. That this permit shall not become effective until the attached verification of permit has been returned to the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission upon which copy all permittees have acknowledged that they have received a copy of the permit and understood its contents. Said acknowledgment should be returned within ten working days following issuance of this permit. B® That said development is to be commenced on or before 360 days from effective date of issuance. Therefore, said Permit (Standard, No. P-8-20-74-3$92 is hereby granted for the above described development only, sub— ject to the above conditions and subject to all terms and pro— visions of the Resolution of Approval by the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission. Executed at Long Beach, California on behalf of the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission on September 30 , 197.L-- M.J. 974-M.J. C ente Executive Director '..�_ COA-. T�! LZ SO J /^ ...� L 3 6" E. C:.EA'4 5J.:EVA; D, P.O. zcX 14_0 COtiC: e: rri. CA.'FC,.'4t. , '!I August 26, 1974 (213) A,lb 4:'Jl ;714) RA& Ct,41 Pursuant to order of the California Coastal Zone Conservation b, ri _s .ere„ , �;,,�nn d public hearlr is scheduled nd�al ed on t ie C. .. 6, -7 Q'7! :?ge_nda for J application for Pe=nit, !.',a lber *** as submitted by Fred �'7estphol The subject request is to permit Construction of a new ramp, float and contilevered deck at 621 Bayside Dr., Pro_.-Icntory Bay, I, er-:port Reach Said agenda pzblic hearings will cc=ence at 9:00 am on September 16, 1974 at Long Beach Harbor Department 924 Harbor Plaza Long Beach, 6th Floor, Board Room during which ti:-ne all persons either favoring or opposing the application will be heard. Any i•.ritten correspondence regarding the application should be directed to this office prior to the hear— ing date. All interested individuals who wish additional information may con— tact this office. ,I M.. J. C-pentt.� Kecutiia Director wk *** FOR APPLICANT ONLY... COPY OF THIS NOTICE IS TO BE POSTED ONT SUBJECT PROPERTY Resolution of Approval and Permit Page 2 II. Vhereas, at a public hearing held on September 16, 1974 date at Long Beach by a unanimous -t vote here - location by approves the application for Permit Number P-8-20-74-3892 pursuant to the California Coastal Zone Conservation Act of 1972, subject to the following conditions imposed pursuant to the Public Resources Codes Section 27403: None III. IV. V. VI. 2474 Said terms and conditions shall be perpetual and. bind all future owners and possessors of the property or any part thereof unless otherwise specified herein. The grant of this permit is further made subject to the following: A. That this permit shall not become effective until the attached verification of permit has been returned to the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission upon which copy all permittees have acknowledged that they have received a copy of the permit and understood its contents. Said acknowledgment should be returned within ten working days following issuance of this permit. B. That said development is to be commenced on or before 360 days from effective date of issuance. Therefore, said Permit (Standard, Vie✓ ) No. P-8-20-74-3$92 is hereby granted for the above described development only, sub- ject to the above conditions and subject to all teams and pro- visions of the Resolution of Approval by the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission. Executed at Long Beach, California on behalf of the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission on September 30_, 1974 e M.J. C enter Executive Director wk STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS LOCATION ,c' New Revision Dredging Date Rec'v ?- 7 Fee Amt. % Fee Processed Date Reviewed by M.S.D. Approved ' Denied Correction Req'd. - Desc. { City Council: Approved Denied Remarks DATE MATERIAL SENT/APPROVED C.O.E. SCRZCC SARWQCD J.H.C. Or.Co. T.I.C. 1. Application 3 ='" ` �,�z -7, 2. Consent Letter 3. "Waste" Letter 4. Drawings 5. Staff Report 6. 7. 8, REMARKS k el f S t U. S. Corps of .Engineers Post Office Box 2711 Los Angeles, California 90053 Attention: Waterways Control Section Subject: harbor Permit Application No . / Dear Sir: I hereby request a U. S. Corps of Engineers`, Permit =or the consiruction and installation of a and appurtenances thereto, to be locat d in Newport Bay, bayward of Lo No. 49 , Block No. - , Tract 3867 , New',:;or-C- Beach, Ci;]= ornia. I am EH -e owner of the a oremertioned property, have made application for a Harbor Permit to the City of Newport The adjoining property owners are: :mot 48 , Block _race 3867 Irvine Pac. Dev. Co. Lot 50 , Block - Tract 3867 Irvine Pac. Dev. Co. 610 Newport Center Drive 610 Newport Center Drive y Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 Date 8/2Z74 :'nc.Plans dated 8/2/74 3 Sepia 7 copies Respect'-'ully submitted, Fred Westphal P.O. Box 2176 Hungtington Beach, Ca. 92647 CITY OF NEWPOR.L BEACH APPROVAL The harbor and Tidelands Administrator of tk�Le Citof Newport Beach gas reviewed Harbor Permit application by x,,A and subject to the approval of the U. S. Corps of Engineers, w�I Ssue harbor Permit No. �iarshbarger, capt 1, al rL Date *','.. '� y M�rine Safetv Depart��. nt 4 Santa Ana River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board 6848 Magnolia Avenue Riverside, California 92506 Dear S it : ,his letter is to assure the above agency that there will be no overniqht occupancy on vessels moored at the proposed harbor ins tallation l and further that there wilbe no waste discharge fromtie vessel {s) moored at the proposed installation. Sincerely: Fred Westphal 621 Bayside Drive Newport Beach, Calif. 92660 copy to: Resources Agency of California State Water Resources Control Board 1416 Ninth St. Room 1140 Sacramento, California Los Angeles District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 2711 Los Angeles, California 90053