HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2011-0002not Fara€ Piea print 3 copies Worksheet for Building Combo Perm URCE WP°R City of Newport Beach - Building Depa I BEA - _ F—,Building `: Grading F—Drainage I— Eiec Cts_ Tenant Name(if Applicable) 2. Description of Work 6��..... ............ Extg Building SF Demo Building SF Add/Reconstruct Bldg SF Extg Gar sf Demo Garage sf Add/Reconstruct Garage sf ...............................:.................: TOTAL BLDG SF New f7 Add F. Alter Dema 141 A- Aitw +Ybe y� TOTAL GARAGE SF X61-011RIGNUWf%T' G * .a :r Floor Suite No # Units (if Residential)��� Use Valuation $�� ................................., ..........: # Stories Cu Yd Cut t... .................. Cu Yd Fill F_ 3. Owner's Name LastFirst ............................................................. Owner's Address .6 ........... City - - L&6.� State 4. Arch itect/Desig ner's, Name Last Architect/Designer's Address .............. _................................ ................................. _...._................................................ ..........._....._: City € State Owner's E-mail Address ......................................... Zip ( Telephone�q __05, R First I Lic. No. .............................................................. Architect/Designer's E-mail Address F_ Zip Telephone 5. Engineer's Name LastFirst- Lic. No. . ._ .......... ................. Engineer's Address City State ....................................................... ...................... .................. Engineer's E-mail Address .. ....... .... ............... ..... ............. . ...: Zip Telephone . r ,me LastFirst j Lic. �. Contractor's Address ILk 1700 W Of City...: ij ........6.ii ... .. State ..... OFFICE USE ONLY ENERGY P/C FEE $ GRADING P/C FEE $ FIRE P/C FEE $ Contractor's E-mail Address y� Y�Telephone .................... ................. Zip ��.(.. PERMIT NO. PLAN CHECK NO. QQ2Q I _ Rev 4/16/09 ELEC/MECH/PLUM P/C FEE $ PLAN CHECK FEE $ A = z�,' i34K -�k �r-.fig P J ITE J �i r L a ti g To Loyd Boo<h ,rr t".3' i S tt.0 40 ' 'off Xo B.scBoA Q e� •v r �. ._ `jrC3Ci � 3'30 • � -�" _ C e ocEo9 <eG� ��P53`.+`rjf� g 3 > C04a Na 40 leo V I C I Ili 1 T Y SKETCH 'v"r JETTY I,, E as r NEwCo Rr 5Ay CAL 1Foa NfA n Jerry ���� t r= ��" r o Yz i G /L S6Uh0'/n95 are e.Cpresscd ,n feel ono' d&note depths below y/,-�-or? Lorvee Low Wo{er. Mo f„in zs, ron9e of lr"de oPproX,rrolel�r /O cel Hgrbor 11ne5 Ore esiob/,'sheo' Jn his secr�ion of NewPorf Bor ?C®0D d r1-)C7'2.51� 3Z= Y US!V. -- "FV -NE PORI IJ y � i f F k r � ® / % � J�'1 ;�YluhC� ,M�! 1!/b'1i`!�(.r. co a I -U AOa L� T)c�AcT A07-19 March 20, 1978 CITY OF NEWPORT Richard Bare 700 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mr. Bare: The City of Newport Beach, Marine Department and City Attorney's Office have jointly received complaints from the Board of Directors of the Promontory Bay Homeowners Association regarding vessel(s) moored at your float which are registered to or owned by persons other than the occupants of the abutting upland property. The City Council's Harbor Permit Policies, Section 1-A specifically states: "1. HARBOR INSTALLATIONS GENERAL A. Shore connected piers and zoned areas shall be reserved abutting upland property." floats bayward of residential for the occupants of the To comply with the above stated policy, the Marine Department is hereby requesting your voluntary compliance in relocating the vessel(s) not registered to the occupant(s) of the upland property within the next ten days. Failure to comply could result in one or both of the following course of action as prescribed by the Newport Beach Municipal Code being enforced. These are: (1) Section 17.08.020 "(b) To order any vessel improperly anchored, moored or berthed in any area outside the jurisdiction of the District to change its position to such a one as he may designate, and in case his orders are not complied with, or the vessel is unattended, to cause such vessel to be so moored, and to collect the cost thereof from the vessel, or owner thereof. City Hadi ® 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 Page Two (2) Section 17.24.090 REVOCATION OF PERMIT "7. The permittee has breached or failed to comply with the terms or conditions contained in the permit or upon which the permit was granted." If you have any questions in this regard, please contact the undersigned at the Marine Department, 70 Newport Pier, telephone number 640-2156. Sincerely, r'r' Glen E. Welden Tidelands Administrator Marine Department GEW: I I Pierson Pedley Mr. Burstein Mr. Barclay Mr. Fettel Mr. Nemec Roger Pannier Judson Blair 'j"ST Of Vie41 CUT m Rm 'PT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 2711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053 mr. Ucharld 14. Save 700 Haxboz Island Drive sovPort Beach, tA 92660 . Dear 'Mr. Save: 10 rospo"o to your taqoeo of U J� 1974 (74-174), tbo" am 1=� two eopi"'of a 4raft per"t autboru"g the 4000ttudti" A" Ulat "ll'ation of B :: pgj#g*, ramp a" jaoat, to oxtark& fovoy-6ur (44) fs� bayw*X4 of tho C 4014�"a "40* Inns pasitT zs NOT MID Imm SIGM V mxk tour attrn is P"tloularxy 12wit" to tim s 0 Both copies 44� be, siga" and dated by an mmmt Or 40tbbrl0edV4000n"V: official, vi : b1s: title sb*Vn thereou' and votoroad to, this of 40'� The peruit vill then be validatod aud one 00" wia be rotUts*d to Y"- If t�M 0aft copUs Ua Uot O*Zo" od rat� witbin 30 40o from the date of: t1as letter, ymr req"st for the ptopoWba WitbAr $Uterely yours, I laci (dupe) JOHN v - Fmay As stated Distrz.4t Emsigeer /'C�Ilvvymf Newport Beach (Mariuo gafat7 Dept.) COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION COMMISSION Tis pro'ect has been,avp§,7,,:,3roved by. the South Coast Conservation Comission. -1. U L - I U �L Pro*ed Name '-!'1'-E",')1'1at4on. o-�a boat d(.-jck ex -end -n, Poro'gect Address-ZLO s" a,. -rid D�r- , TIN12norp,ort -Beach 6 -gm a t a Septeniber 30, 1971-� Pern-d"t N o. P-7-31-74-3785 MUSIF BE -H P0,STED PROMINENTLY Xf CONSTRUCTION SITE Melvin J. Carpenter E-xecutiye Director South Coast Conservation THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92663 (714) 644-3011 July 21, 1974 Mr. Richard L. Bare 700 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, California Dear Mr. Bare: SUBJECT: Deck and Ramp Addition Lot 19, Tract 3867 Promontory Bay The subject plans for your residence on Promontory Bay have been reviewed and approved by your Community As- sociation Architectural Committee. Sincerely, William E. Mader Committee Member WEM:CVD Enclosure cc: File `• STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS LOCATION �20 �7�vz/j2;!, 44 Revision Dredging Date Rec ° v 7 Fee Amt.® 1 Fee Processed 4a----- Date Reviewed by M. S. D. 7--// 7,- 7 sL Approved/ Denied Correction Req'd. - Desc. City Council; Approved Remarks DATE MATERIAL SENT/APPROVED C.O.E. SCRZCC 1. Application -7./�� -7-/,g/ 2. Consent Letter r! / rr 3. "Waste" Letter er 4. Drawings f fr 5. Staff Report b. 7. 8. REMARKS / Denied SARWQCD J.H.C.Or.Co. T.I.C. 7'r�� DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY` LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 2711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053 Public Notice No. 74-174 15 October 1974 YOU ARE INVITED TO COMMENT ON THIS APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT APPLICANT: Mr. Richard L. Bare 700 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 ACTIVITY: Proposed construction and installation of anchor pilings, ramp, and float to extend forty four (44) feet bayward of the City Bulkhead Line in front of Lot 19, Tract 3867, Newport Beach, Orange �- County, California, as shown on the drawing accompanying this notice. PURPOSE AND USE: To provide a private boat dock. FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORIZATIONS: Approved by the City of Newport Beach; and the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission -South Coast Region, Permit No. P-7-31-74-3785. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This office does not intend to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement on this activity unless significant detrimental effects are brought to our attention. CRITERIA: Your written comments or objections should include the number and date of this notice and must reach this office within thirty (30) calendar days. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact of the activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the activity must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the activity will be considered; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use classification, navigation, recreation, water supply, water quality, and, in general,., the needs and welfare of the people. Details of changed conditions on the final permit action will be provided upon request. FOR THE DISTRICT ENGINEER: ROBERT H. REINEN LTC, CE Deputy District Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION COMMISSION -/ r SOUTH COAST REGIONAL COMMISSION �, L 6,66 E. OCEAN BOULEVARD, SUITE 3107 P.O. SOX 1430 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90301 (213) 436-420I (714) 846-0648 RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL AND PEPS• RONALD REAGAN, Governor r .Application Number: P-7-31-74-37$5 ; Name of Applicant: Richard L. Bare 700 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach 92660 Permit Type: Standard [� Emergency Development Location: 700 Harbor Island Dr., Newport Beach Development Description:,— Installation of a boat dock extending 44' to pierhead line, in front of a single-family dwelling Commission Resolution: Io The South Coast Conservation Commission finds that the proposed development: A. ti'>>ill not have a substantial adverse environmental or ecolog- ical effect. Bo Is consistent with the findings and declarations set forth in Public Resources Code Sections 27001 and 27302° Ce Is subject to the following other resultant 'statutory pro- visions and policies: City of Ne -v -port Beach ordinances. D. Is consistent with the aforesaid other statutory provisions and policies in that: approval in concept has been issued. E. The following language and/or drawings clarify and/or facil- itate carrying out the intent of the South Coast Regional Zone Conservation Commission: application, site map, plot plan and approval in concept. C, All .Application Number: P-7-31-74-37$5 ; Name of Applicant: Richard L. Bare 700 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach 92660 Permit Type: Standard [� Emergency Development Location: 700 Harbor Island Dr., Newport Beach Development Description:,— Installation of a boat dock extending 44' to pierhead line, in front of a single-family dwelling Commission Resolution: Io The South Coast Conservation Commission finds that the proposed development: A. ti'>>ill not have a substantial adverse environmental or ecolog- ical effect. Bo Is consistent with the findings and declarations set forth in Public Resources Code Sections 27001 and 27302° Ce Is subject to the following other resultant 'statutory pro- visions and policies: City of Ne -v -port Beach ordinances. D. Is consistent with the aforesaid other statutory provisions and policies in that: approval in concept has been issued. E. The following language and/or drawings clarify and/or facil- itate carrying out the intent of the South Coast Regional Zone Conservation Commission: application, site map, plot plan and approval in concept. 11 C: .7VJ.. l,7.V1-V 11 v1.. nj.JN1v V-'.�k1.' C.0 v. II. Whereas, at a public hearing held on September 16, 1974 date at Long Beach' _ by e nanimous vote here- ( -location) by approves the application for Permit NUMber P-7-31-74--3785 pursuant to the California Coastal Zone Conservation Act of 1972, subject to the following conditions imposed pursuant to the Public Resources Codes Section 274030 None III. Said terms and conditions shall be perpetual and bind all future owners and possessors of the property or any part thereof unless otherwise specified herein. IV. The grant of this permit is further made subject to the folio -wing. A. That this permit shall not become effective until the attached verification of permit has been returned to the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission upon which copy all permittees have acknowledged that they have received a copy of the permit and understood its contents. Said acknowledgment should be returned within ten working days following issuance of this permit. B. That said development is to be commenced on or before 360 days from effective date of issuance. V. Therefore, said Permit (Standard, _) No. P-7-31-74-3785 is hereby granted for the above described development only, sub- ject to the above conditions and subject to all terms and pro- visions of the Resolution of Approval by the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission. VI. Executed at Long Beach, California on behalf of the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission on September 30_, 1974 . 2474 M.J. Cpentr Executive Director wk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I PERMiSSION IS IMERMSY 0- T AND ;z- P f. ov, MAINTAM 7LlE FACZLYly :fMc,,lVN C*t, AT 72-&E S.'TZ WDSC;�YZD, 5 5 THE Ml;,!LIIIROn ANY C I," V H4AR,S'fj P", c 0-�a IV31 I V, IC il 1AN"EI'l AND TZIAS q a1r. MAVq 0 XL, S 17 CZ7 IN ACCO RDARCE W.�-x 61-1 a+8.... OR C17 -i A-AREGiF-C 17" UA6 U;�""r-T! CONIM 7RHINAS: Corpo'; c;'7 'Permit cm-'ge other. S C 12 // —eq f— 7v ,7-3c)-7� T 77D DATE ... SEE ATTAGkO SrlE I ro to < ao mac- S A, 8,4490A' lSC4AID 33 e3e' HAc geq do V VICIMITY SkETCH Iv— NEvvpomr E3'AY/ Jerry CAL IFORNIA 0 alt I ,5'0(/,,) Q'Ings Ore -ARrcssecl /P? feel 0-,)(;( cienole &eP y',A 5 belOW 1?7c--O.7 1-0,vep- ZOW -On.?e of I'l'&e /0 beef Harbor iihes are esichIt'skecl secl," 07rNe,w ASTRO 5/4" PLY Ll -A-PP- -w CA r,17 --7p,:Zl V as 74, pi4 a 00 M 0 kn CD S :. 2 ♦: st Q A -I ti t 0.0 t, ; ca 0 X.AAso go Z7JM 4 - �" � �• 9:. �;,'�� i} '�1 is ;3 i •ta,, ai ct t . 2 '.E' CD 0 00 ra :71 i r p Y OWNERS OF LOTS WITHIN 100 FT OF LOT 19 ® PROMONTORY BAY LOT 17 Ronald B. Schwartz 610 Newport Center Dr Newport Beachg Calif LOT 18 Dasco, Inc® 3300 Sirius Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada LOT 20 Devon M. Bisel 2416 Bayside Drive Corona Del Mar LOT 21` Irvine Company Newport Center Drive (550) i" ,r Newport Beach, Calif,