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'It2 [ ?�; �' , � 1,;_ , '4 , I I �,i, s, s I I " I I I I I _` , , I -,�,-,��,, - ,, t" t.,� 1i t " " � I I I I " " _'t ssili ­1­1 4, , , ­ � 11 - *,, , '� I - I I ' I I .11 I :: . , �,,,.,�'rilo5,-"�,,,�,-,-,,�,,�,��,�",-,.��'llI " - , - - '' "t ," '�e_,Ii�-_�s'jjtf_:" kyl I I ' I . i, " -, , I Is " , --- I �!;, sit - , ' lists, , 4 " I I " I " �" e�'�'.It`s� ,,�', I,`I,,;; , ,� �%j, "t, "" -,A " i ' '� �' ' '' �: , ;I I , - ss� - I _ss I' , , I , - � .. �, . �' 4 I , I. �, � ,��,�:,�,s , :i�-';, �--,,,�'��,,,'-,,'�.'�,,�"",!-.-', � , I'4�'� �s4' ' , I .,,,��,, ­" 'i" ,,,,, .�, " " , I' I " � j , � ,, t- ,j I . STATE OF CALIFORNIA -THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COASTAREA PO Box 1450 200 Oceangate, 10th Floor LONG BEACH, CA 90602-4416 (662)590-5071 NOTICE OF PERMIT WAIVER EFFECTIVENESS DATE: January 20, 2000 TO: N. Carey Her, Jr., Trustee FROM: Peter M. Douglas, Executive Director SUBJECT: Waiver De Minimis Number 5-99-404-W Please be advised that Waiver Number5-99-404-W, which was reported to the Commission on January 11,.2000, became effective as of that date. Any deviation from the application and plans on file in the Commission office may require a coastal development permit for the entire project. APPLICANT: N. Carey Her, Jr., Trustee LOCATION: 1641 Bayside Dr., Corona Del Mar (Orange County) (APN(s) 050-401-38) DESCRIPTION: Construction of a new boat dock, including a new float with one 4'x37' finger, one 5'x37' finger, a 3'x23' backwall, and a 3'x22' gangway. The project also involvesthe installation of three new 10" diameter steel piles to support the proposed boat dock. No dock or gangway currently exists at the project site. No eelgrass is present in the project vicinity. Should you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, PETER M.'DOUGLAS Executive Director By: ANNE KRAMER Coastal Program Analyst dt CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90e02-4302 (562) 590-5071 December 9, 1999 Swift Slip Dock and Pier Builders Attn: Pete Swift 2027 Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 SUBJECT: Waiver of Coastal Development Permit Requirement/De Minimis Developments -Section 30624.7 of the Coastal Act Based on your project plans and information provided in your permit application for the development described below, the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission hereby waives the requirement for a Coastal Development Permit pursuant to Section 13238.1, Title 14, California Code of Regulations. If, at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect or the plans revised, this decision will become invalid; and, any development occurring must cease until a coastal development permit is obtained or any discrepancy is resolved in writing. WAIVER#: 5-99-404 APPLICANT: N. Carey Iler, Jr. LOCATION: 1641 Bayside Drive, Corona Del Mar (Newport Beach), Orange County PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Construction of a new boat dock, including a new float with one 4' x 37' finger, one 5' x 37' finger, a 3' x 23' backwalk, and a 3' x 22' gangway. The project also involves the installation of three new 10" diameter steel piles to support the proposed boat dock. No dock or gangway currently exists at the project site. No eelgrass is present in the project vicinity. RATIONALE: The proposed project involves construction of a new boat dock and piles within the U.S. Pierhead Line. The portion of proposed development which will result in fill of coastal waters, the piles to support the boat dock float, is an allowable use under Section 30233 of the Coastal Act. The proposed project will not include the construction of a new platform area. A 50' long x 5' deep cantilevered deck currently extends from the existing bulkhead. The proposed boat dock will connect to the existing cantilevered deck. Boat docks exist on either side of the subject property. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the current pattern of development in the project area. An inspection performed by the City determined that no eelgrass exists in the vicinity of the project. Consequently, no eelgrass will be affected by the proposed project. In addition, the Regional Water Quality Control Board has determined that the proposed project will not adversely impact water quality if standard construction methods and materials are used. The proposed development will not result in adverse impacts to coastal access, coastal resources, public recreation or coastal views. The proposed development would not prejudice the City's ability to prepare a Certified Local Coastal Program and is consistent with the land use designation in the City's certified Land Use Plan, past Commission actions in the area and Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act. This waiver will not become effective until reported to the Commission at their January 11-14, 2000 meeting and the site of the proposed development has been appropriately noticed, pursuant to 13054(b) of the California Code of Regulations. The enclosed Notice Card shall remain posted at the site until the waiver has been validated and no less than seven days prior to the Commission hearing. If four 4) Commissioners object to this waiver of permit requirements, a comma velop enlpermitfflll be required. DEBORAH LEE Deputy Director cc: Commissioners/File \\HAMMERHEAD\akramer9\W aivers\DM-waiv\5-99-404D W ICDMI.doc Two — I I - • i' CITY OF NENPORT BERCH r oT O BRY Pqc jFIC OCe�N Pam 1 \� ER wm VICINITY MRP T:JETTY E%7 Wfau Nw,JE EEL GRASS INSPECTION NO EEL GRASS ❑ EEL GRASS IN THE D PROJE AREA SIGNATURE PERMITS OAT _ t r dl 0it�wrint /Of gi4 J� -- so-- , 3� 5'/ 0• a �s �xFsTi�` PROFILE 1' = 40' �r � a+• •r vm a u t a � a- propasrd / 37 XS�Ajr� W u / 37'x y' m _ 3n 73' ba<1c �p�C su � � 14�j�Posed 3 - 10 z Q 1�t, cc f a * \ PraPoS=�1 3xZ1 g�„f� A,r w c` 1 � LL. t% i P1151 V I �juc. 1 PLAN VIEW 1' = 40' RPPLICRNT'S NW L'AREV �L-C-t'2- JOB RDDRESS 16Y/ �," "J. r DRTE' ;' - STATE OF CALIFORNIA —THE RESOURCES ADEN CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION GRAY DAVIS, Governor SOUTH COASTAREA PO Box 1450 200 Oceangate, 10th Floor LONG BEACH, CA 90e02-4416 (552) 590-5071 NOTICE OF PERMIT WAIVER EFFECTIVENESS DATE: January 20, 2000 TO: James J & Linda Fondren Trustee FROM: Peter M. Douglas, Executive Director SUBJECT: Waiver De Minimis Number 5-99-443-W Please be advised that Waiver Number 5-99-443-W, which was reported to the Commission on January 11, 2000, became effective as of that date. Any deviation from the application and plans on file in the Commission office may require a coastal development. permit for the entire project. APPLICANT: James J & Linda Fondren Trustee LOCATION: 106 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach (Orange County) DESCRIPTION: Removal of an existing 10'x12' pier, three (3) 12" square guide piles, two (2) 12" pier t-piles and a 3'x22' gangway, and modification of an existing 5'3"x50' floating dock with 8'x15' backwalk. A new 3'6" x 12' seaward extension will be added to the existing 5'3" x50' floating dock. The dock will remain within the U.S. Pierhead line. The existing piles and gangway will be replaced with four (4) new 18" square guide piles and a new 3' x 28' gangway. No new pier is proposed. The newly lengthened floating dock, piles and gangway will be located closer to the existing bulkhead to accommodate a larger boat slip. Should you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, PETER M. DOUGLAS Executive Director By: ANNE KRAMER Coastal Program Analyst dt CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 (562) 590-5071 December 30, 1999 George Brimmer Brimmer Construction Co. 1906 Clay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 SUBJECT: Waiver of Coastal Development Permit RequirementfDe Minim Is Developments -Section 30624.7 of the Coastal Act Based on your project plans and information provided in your permit application for the development described below, the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission hereby waives the requirement for a Coastal Development Permit pursuant to Section 13238.1, Title 14, California Code of Regulations. If, at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect or the plans revised, this decision will become invalid; and, any development occurring must cease until a coastal development permit is obtained or any discrepancy is resolved in writing. WAIVER #: 5-99-443 APPLICANT: Jim Fondren LOCATION: 106 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, Orange County PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Removal of an existing 10' x 12' pier, three (3) 12" square guide piles, two (2) 12" pier t-piles and a 3' x 22' gangway, and modification of an existing 5'3" x 50' floating dock with 8' x 15' backwalk. Anew 3'6" x 12' seaward extension will be added to the existing 63" x 50' floating dock. The dock will remain within the U.S. Pierhead line. The existing piles and gangway will be replaced with four (4) new 18" square guide piles and a new Tx 28' gangway. No new pier is proposed. The newly lengthened floating dock, piles and gangway will be located closer to the existing bulkhead to accommodate a larger boat slip. RATIONALE: The proposed development consists of the removal of an existing dock and replacement with a new floating dock, piles and gangway within the U.S. Pierhead Line. The subject site is located on Lido Island within Newport Harbor in the City of Newport Beach. Vertical public access to the harbor exists via a walkway at the 300 block of Via Lido Nord, approximately 350' east of the subject site. Lido Island, like the majority of islands in Newport Harbor, is surrounded by private recreational boat docks associated with residential development. Therefore, the proposed dock is similar in function to other residential docks in the immediate vicinity. An inspection performed by the City determined that no eelgrass exists in the vicinity of the proposed project. Therefore, no eelgrass will be affected by the proposed project. Also, the Regional Water Quality Control Board has determined that the proposed project will not adversely impact water quality if standard construction methods and materials are used. The proposed development will not result in adverse impacts to coastal access, coastal resources, public recreation or coastal views. The proposed development would not prejudice the City's ability to prepare a Certified Local Coastal Program and is consistent with the land use designation in the City's certified Land Use Plan, past Commission actions in the area and Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act. This waiver will not become effective until reported to the.Commission at their January 11-14 2000 meeting and the site of the proposed development has been appropriately noticed, pursuant to 13054(b) of the California Code of Regulations. The enclosed Notice Card shall remain posted at the site until the waiver has been validated and no less than seven days prior to the Commission hearing. If four (4) Commissioners object to this waiver of permit requirements, a coastal de ent permNwwIll be r ired. /! . e by: DEBORAH LEE Deputy Director cc: Commissioners/File H:\Akramer\Waivers\DM-waiv\5-99-443D W )NB).doc CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FIRE MARINE DEPARTMENT HARBOR P. lMIT APPLICATION (Please print all ii mation) 1. Applicant (Prop/erty Owner) Aq'dress Telephone 2. Project Address (Street7Revision s) 3. New Construction Harbor Permit Number Maintenance Dredging 4. FeeP 7,� 0 V Check No. �a `>L37 Date /O// 9�9� 14s4ah Ntul -(16g4- tre4l�i /— Y� 37'./'iage,/ 5. Brief Description of Proposed Work: 3 x 13 ' bar/_ wa /ic-LnS66/ 3 - /0 ";4*J . 6. Submit 8 1/2" x 11" Drawings (3), Include: 1). Location and dimension of proposed structure including piles and location of existing structures. on adjacent properties. 2). Location of bulkhead, pierhead and project lines. 3). Location of property lines. 4). Location of channel markers within 200 feet. 5). Lot sizes and lot numbers, if available. 6). Existing ground profile beneath proposed structure. 7). Elevation of top and bottom of bulkheads and piles with respect to M.L.L.W. 8). Area and profile of any proposed dredging with elevations showing depths with respect of M.L.L.W. 9). Any special conditions affecting the construction or affecting boating operations. 10).Complete all information required in information block, bottom of sheet. Note that the OWNER. of the property is the applicant. 11).Drawing size shall be 8 - 1/2" x 1 V. 12).Scale shall be adequate to clearly show the above information. 13).Existing structures shall be shown in light dashes. New work shall be shown in heavy solid lines. r � /- Sr 3 7 7. Owner -Builder Declaration must be c eted (o ev rse side of this sheet) 8. Applicant's/Agent's Signature: Date: Joint Permittee Signature (If appl- able): Date:'/O / ry 9. Work can begin once the City has received evidence of the following additional approvals and you have been notified to proceed. If you begin prior to the notice you will be in violation of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and subject to penalties. 10. Your permit will not. be final until we have conducted an on site inspection once construction is completed as per Municipal Code, Section 17.24, if we have not been contacted for a final inspection. OFFICESE ONLY , Approval in Concept. Approval of the City of Newport Beach Council. Approval of the Army Corps of Engineers Approval of the California Coastal Commission. Approval of the City's Public Works Department. 70 VJV 1-;Z -99 Approval of the City's Building Department. Approval of County of Orange. Electrical and/or plumbing permit (Building Department) ✓ Issued. (Permit is stamped drawing) Site Inspection. (call 644-3043 for appointment) Site Re -Inspection Conditions: Date /O J. z-4j Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date 2-el -left) Date Z- Date OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the contractor's license law for the following reasons: (Sec. 7031d.5, Business and professions Code). Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provision of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000, of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pernnit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty for not more than five hundred dollars ($500). I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply town owner of property.who. builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have. the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to . construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's, License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with.a. Contractor(s) License pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I am exempt under Sec. of Business and Professional Code. for this. reason: Owner's Signature: Date: Contractor: Telephone: . Address: License class: State Board No. City License No. License Contractor's Declaration I hereby affirm that I am 7000) of Division 3 of the effect. under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and Contractor's Signature 4/ Date: �I CITY OF NEWPORT _ CITY OF NEWPORT SERCH Pq�IFIC OcggN fx %srA4- y WEST -1 JEM 1�1, VICINITY MRPm PROFILE 1' =.40' NafwT Mr. OLVO ma , JETTY SOUNDINGS ARE END IN FEET AND DENOTE — ELEVATIONS DRSED ON MEAN LOWER LOW WATER. N�I��aRT B�-r 4t-1 D prapfsra HwhN.dark- /-37xs bask✓ ro"�d �3`- /0'� r �repos�d 3><a�'��fwAy U.S. PIELNEaIO G►NE -- - j l E (L5. �uctitlEAO UN ''fix Trvr. N++e: Thet'e ;s na d�k,. PLAN V I LIN . V = 40' APPLICRNT's NAME CARES I LE IL JT3 RDDREss 16` 1 L'VV-0E pR - DRiE/r7 Art, ';/rlC l-IARIAIA IA 06�5 rr 5 41,0141•.4i'JgF-t$kTATI$N; .INCE'nrrnRA-rco— U4 1615 Monrovia Avenue X Costa Mesa, CA 92627 r (711) 615-2812 X Telex 678308 THOMPSON CSMA r Flange width 3' on all 4 sides 7 B FIGURE 2- FLOATATION UNIT DIMENSIONS Dimenelons (in) Wei ht (lbe) Buoyancy (lFbs) wit�l plywood in ealt water Madel A 8 C atop cover per Inch totcl 1117 63 � 08 36` 3c! _ 16 20 96 iO3 68.95 68.95 1,103.2 1,379.0 .1.ib ills j"'8 63 363' 1�. 9� 58.95 973.9 i129 s' 6'.? 1011 l - �09 81.06 _ 1;1fl-7 1130 t— 72 is f--1;----- 122— - 102.71- 1,451.2 1131 F'96 4o i4 l01 110.01 1,978,8. 1230 --48 _ 128 - - 102.71 1,557.7 1231 96 48 16 167 110.01 2,259.0 1130 � .--"8 - 23 115 102.71 2,376.0 1431 196 48 25 198 110.04 3,519,E P41 mt No. 0 270 529 f California R. -ional Water Quality ( ntrol Board Santa Ana Region ' Winston Hlekox IntemetAddress: http://www.swicb.ca.gov G Secretaryfor 3737 Main Street, Suite 500, Riverside, California 92501-3339 Davis Gray ray Environmental Phone (909) 782-4130 • FAX (909) 781-6288 rnor Protection November 22, 1999 Beth Swift Swift Slip Dock and Pier Builders 2027 Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF A BOAT DOCK, COREY ILER, 1641 BAYSIDE DRIVE, CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY Dear Ms. Swift: If standard dock construction methods and materials are utilized, this project should not adversely impact water quality. A statement has been submitted that there will be no waste discharged from the proposed project. Based on these assurances, clearance is provided. However, should the Army Corps of Engineers determine that this project requires a Section 404 permit, it will be necessary for the project proponent to obtain from this Board a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Should you have any questions, please contact Jawed Shami at (909) 782-3288, cc: California Coastal Commission, Long Beach Arrgy Corps of Engineers - Bruce Henderson sty of Newport Beach, Marine Department - Tony Mellum City of Newport Beach, Building Department - Faysid Jurdi JIS/blutag64.let California .Environmental Protection Agency 0 Recycled Paper