HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 - General Plan Update - Guiding PrinciplesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No 15 September 14, 2004 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Planning Department Tamara J. Campbell, AICP, Senior Planner (949) 644 -3238, tcampbell @city.newport - beach.ca.us SUBJECT: General Plan Update — Guiding Principles RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file General Plan Update Guiding Principles DISCUSSION: The Guiding Principles have been reviewed by the GPAC and revisions were incorporated into the full text document to reflect the comments received. This was reviewed by the General Plan Update Committee (GPUC) on May 10, 2004 and at a joint study session of the City Council and Planning Commission on June 22, 2004. GPUC comments were summarized in the meeting minutes and City Council comments in EIP's July 28, 2004 memorandum. These were forwarded to the Planning Commission for consideration in its deliberations on August 5, 2004. The Commissions recommended changes to the GPAC- approved Guiding Principles are presented in the attached Memo, with additional text indicated by underline and deletions by strikeout. These changes were presented to GPAC and GPUC once again on August 23, 2004 as informational items. Prepared by: Submitted by: V Q Tamara J. Campbell, AI P Sharon Z. Wood Senior Planner Assistant City Ma ger Attachment: Memo from EIP dated August 6, 2004 including Guiding Principles EIP Memorandum To City of Newport Beach City Council and Planning Commission From Woodie Tescher, EIP Associates Subject Guiding Principles for the General Plan Update Date August 6, 2004 INTRODUCTION In May 2004 the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) began a process to define Guiding Principles that will be used as the basis for framing and assessing the land use alternatives for the General Plan Update. Essentially, these principles will function as benchmarks for the development of land use alternatives and will constitute the rules by which the alternatives will be judged. Guiding Principles may be thought of on a level with General Plan goals, from which more detailed policies and implementation measures will be developed. The Guiding Principles elaborate and expand upon the Vision Statement that was defined through the public process during the past year and a half. Five sets of Guiding Principle discussion papers were developed that address Economic Development. Community Character, Workforce and Special Needs Housing, Mobility, and Environmental Conservation issues. Each discussion paper contains Guiding Principles and descriptions of their applicability and implications for land use decisions. The Guiding Principles have been reviewed by the GPAC and revisions were incorporated into the full text document to reflect the comments received. This was reviewed by the General Plan Update Committee (GPUC) on May 10, 2004 and a joint study session of the City Council and Planning Commission on June 22, 2004. GPUC comments were summarized in the meeting minutes and City Council comments in EIP's July 28, 2004 memorandum. These were forwarded to the Planning Commission for consideration in its deliberations on August 5, 2004. The Commissions recommended changes to the GPAC - approved Guiding Principles are presented below, with additional text indicated by underline and deletions by strtkeeaE. E I P .ASSO(I A I E.S 12301 WILSIIINE Bo(LEVAHU Sum 430 Los ANGELES. CA 90025 Telephone (310) 268 -8132 Facsimile (310)268 -8175 LIST OF ALL GUIDING PRINCIPLES Refer to the full text Discussion Papers for the summation of key issues, opportunities, and applications of the Guiding Principles listed below. Note: The Planning Commission recommended that the Guiding Principles be flexible to consider trade -offs among potentially competing Principles to account for planning objectives that may be unique to a specific property or condition. To this end, the mandatory direction of the GPAC's Principles ( "shall" and "will ") have been revised as general benchmarks ( "should" and "encourage "), which will be reviewed on selection of a preferred land use plan and may be re- worded as final plan policies are prepared. Discussion Paper 1: Guiding Principles for Economic Development I. General Plan policies w 4l- should maintain the City's positive fiscal balance. Z. General Plan land use policies w414- should facilitate an economically viable concentration of marine uses. 3. General Plan policies w4-should encourage the revitalization of older commercial areas. 4. The General Plan should encourage mixed -use development. 5. General Plan policies w44- should support City efforts to optimize retail sales capture in the community. 6. The quantity of land designated for commercial use and the development standards that regulate such uses shad should reflect the market support that can reasonably be anticipated during the General Plan time horizon. 7. General Plan policies v414-should facilitate the development and retention of a variety of business types that strengthen the vitality of the local economy. S. Additional development entitlement needs to should demonstrate significant fiscal, economic or other community benefit. 9. General Plan policies should protect the high value of residential property. 10. General Plan policies sha44- should prepare the City to capitalize on market and demographic changes and opportunities that emerge in key economic centers of the community. 11. The General Plan 01.44- should support the careful expansion of visitor - serving businesses and facilities, including hotels and meeting facilities. 12. The General Plan shall should offer a distinct land use concept and policy framework for the Airport Area. Page 2 Discussion Paper 2: Guiding Principles for Community Character 1. Protect and. where feasible, enhance the natural setting that contributes to the character and identity of Newport Beach and the sense of place it provides for its residents and vlsltOI's. Maintain and, where feasible. enhance the beneficial and unique character of the different neighborhoods and business districts that together identify Newport Beach. =. Future development shall- should consider the scale, urban form, design, character and quality of the community. 4. Balance developed lands with adequate open space and recreation areas and preserve opporlunities for maintaining healthy lifestyles in Newport Beach. 5. Preserve the community's heritage. Discussion Paper 3: Guiding Principles for Workforce and Special Needs Housing 1. Promote a balanced residential community, comprised of a variety of housing types, designs, and opportunities for all social and economic segments including very low, low, moderate, and upper income households. 2. Maintain quality residential development through the application Of sound planning principles and policies that encourage the preservation, conservation and appropriate renewal of the City's housing stock. 3. Consider mixed -use development as a means to create additional housing opportunities. 4. Consi Encourage the reFeiii g redevelopment of under- performing commercial areas to allow residential or mixed -use development. 5. General Plan policies shag- should protect the high value of residential property. 6. The General Plan should preserve. promote and respect the existing goals and policies set forth in the City's currently certified Housing Element. Discussion Paper 4: Guiding Principles for Mobility and Alternative Transportation Modes 1. r..' ; Encourage General Plan land uses and density /intensity limits that. on balance, will have less impact on peak hour traffic. 2. Consider the potential benefits and costs (housing, social, community character, fiscal and economic) of land use and circulation system alternatives as part of the process of adopti:.Ig goals regarding acceptable levels of service for the circulation system. Page 3 3. Regional traffic will be included in the analysis of land use alternatives, but such traffic should not be the sole reason for rejecting a land use alternative that would have net benefits to Newport Beach. 4. In selecting land use and circulation system alternatives, greater scrutinywill be given to uses that create traffic congestion that i a g. &- e ccurs throuehout the day compared to uses that create congestion that is limited to a few hours of the day or a few months of the year. 5. The community w444 -may accept additional congestion NN:lietrif it chooses to maintain the current urban form/community character by limiting roadway widening or other circulation system improvements. 6. Consider establishing a different level of service standard for the airport area, °'�deration subicct to evaluation of possible impacts on residential areas. 7. Improve. where feasible. parking supply and use of existing resources, and reduce congestion in tourist areas. 8. Consider urban scale development in areas where there is potential for development patterns that will minimize traffic. 9. 114c ..,ase r:,,...i, ateg:.,s and preg..a„,.. to epAiR e Encourage the development and use of alternative transportation modes, including bicycles and mass transportation. and implementation of transportation systems management. 10. Plan the arterial roadway system to accommodate projected traffic at a level of service acceptable to the community while minimizing neighborhood intrusion. Discussion Paper 5: Guiding Principles for Environmental Conservation I . Encourage the pp-'rotection, tn4-rehabilitatione or enhancement- of terrestrial and marine habitats located within the City through careful siting of future development. 2. I?ncouragc the P- protection and improvement of water quality within the bay, estuaries, tidelands, and ocean. 3. Minimize air quality degradation through land use practices and circulation improvements. that _,auee _.,liar,.. e, ti,_ ftuiamebile-. 4. Encourage the maintenance of natural landforms. 5. Encourage the protection and, where feasible and appropriate. creation of public viewsheds within the City. Page 4