HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 - OCSD Draft EIR on Newport Trunk Sewer & Force Main ReplacementCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH
Agenda Item No. 14
January 11, 2005
FROM: City Manager's Office
Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager
644 -3222, swood @city.newport- beach.ca.us
SUBJECT: Comments on Orange County Sanitation District Draft EIR on Newport
Trunk Sewer and Force Main Replacement
Approve and authorize the Mayor to send comments on the Draft Environmental Impact
Report (DEIR).
The Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) proposes to replace its existing Newport
Trunk Sewer and force main system. This system runs from the Bitter Point Pump Station,
located at the entrance of the West Newport oilfield on Coast Highway, to OCSD's plant in
Huntington Beach. The DEIR prepared for the project studies seven alignments, which follow
either of two basic routes: along PCH, or through the Santa Ana River Marsh and West
Newport oilfield. OCSD's preferred alternative follows the latter route, minimizing disruption
to residents and businesses along the Coast Highway corridor. This route, however, has
greater impacts on coastal wetlands within the marsh.
Comments on this DEIR were due to OCSD on January 3. Due to the meeting schedules for
our Environmental Quality Affairs Committee (EQAC) and City Council, OCSD staff agreed to
accept Newport Beach's comments on January 12. EQAC is considering DEIR comments at
their meeting of January 10. Draft comments prepared by the EQAC subcommittee are
attached for the City Council's information. Staff will provide the comments approved by the
full Committee, and a recommended comment letter, at the Council meeting.
Submitted by:
Sharon Wood
Assistant City Manager
Attachments: Draft EQAC Comments
To: Mayor Steve Bromberg and Members of the City Council City of Newport Beach
Cc: Homer Bludau, City Manager
From: Orange County Sanitation District Subcommittee ( "EQAC ")
City of Newport Beach
Subject: Orange County Sanitation District Draft Environmental Impact Report for
the Newport Trunk Sewer and Force Mains Replacement Project (the
Date: January 5, 2005
Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments on the Drafl Environmental
Impact Report ( "DE1R ") for the above - captioned Project prepared by the Orange County
Sanitation District ( "District "). EQAC's comments are as follows:
Chapter I Introduction
As discussed below, the proposed Project is the replacement of the existing Newport
Trunk Sewer and force mains with a new force main system from the Bitter Point Pump station,
located at the entrance of the West Newport oilfield on Pacific Coast Highway ( "PCH ") in the
City of Newport Beach, to the District's Treatment Plant No. 2, located in the City of Huntington
Chapter 2 Project Description
This chapter discusses alternate routes for the proposed Project — one along PCH and the
other through the Santa Ana River ( "SAR ") Marsh and the West Newport Oil Field. Seven (7)
alignments were studied, with the District's preferred alternative being Alternative 2C, which
runs through SAR Marsh and West Newport Oil Field. The District's preferred alternative
almost entirely eliminates disruption to residents and businesses along the PCH corridor during
the construction of the proposed Project, and also assures that future maintenance and repair
work will have minimum impact on residents and businesses in West Newport. However,
Alternative 2C could have significant impacts on the coastal wetlands within the SAR Marsh.
While some members of EQAC applaud the District for their thoroughness in the
preparation of this DE1R, others felt that the extensive level of review given to so many
alternatives made the document confusing and cumbersome. Because the District's preferred
alternative is Alternative 2C, we recommend that the Final E1R provide a more focused, detailed
review of the impacts and mitigation measures associated with Alternative 2C.
Mayor Steve Bromberg
Members of the City Council
City of Newport Beach
Page 2
January 5, 2005
Several issues are raised in Chapter 2 that are not addressed in the DE1R. Section 2.1.3
discusses Alternative 2C and states that "existing 8 and 10 -inch waste oil gravity lines .... would
be abandoned inn place." if these abandoned lines are not sealed properly, this could pose a
potentially hazardous situation. The Final EIR should provide a full discussion of the measures
that will be taken to assure that the lines are properly sealed.
This section (and others) also discusses "open trench" methods for installation of the
new mains, but never discusses backfilling these open trenches after installation to return the area
to its original appearance. The Final EIR should provide a full discussion of the measures that
will be taken to assure that the areas where the new mains are installed are returned to their
original appearance.
Chapter 3 Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigation
Section 3.2 Biological Resources
The proposed Project is "located within the South Coast Bioregionn and, as a marine
ecosystem, within the Southern California Bight." The DE1R makes note of the fact that most of
the wetlands along the Southern California Bight are estuarine salt marshes, and "coastal
wetlands have declined by 80 to 90 percent and those remaining are frequently degraded."
The DE1R goes oil to state that the impact area for Project Alternative 2 is within a
wetlands area that was restored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ( "USACE ") in 1989 as
mitigation for biological impacts. The restoration of 92 acres of the Marsh has been successful,
and is functioning as intended for the target endangered plant communities and wildlife.
Alternative 1, which is outside the SAR Marsh altogether, is the preferred Alternative of
some members of EQAC for the very reason that its alignment is outside the sensitive areas of
the SAR Marsh. Even though the proposed Project Alternative 2 would use the existing utility
easement, which, according to the DEIR, "is assumed to be outside of the jurisdictional wetland
area," members of EQAC we would like to propose that OCSD consider a wetlands enhancement
program designed to provide mitigation beyond the impacts that will occur as a result of
construction or operation of the pipeline.
Alternative 2C appears to be the least expensive of the alternatives to build, as the route
follows the existing easement, and little or no land acquisition expenditures appear to be
required. Alternative 2C would allow the proposed Project to proceed without the impacts to land
use and traffic that would result front the Alternative I alignment, but a wetlands enhancement
program could help alleviate some of the concerts that the Alternative 2C alignment poses a risk
to the fragile estuariue salt marsh.
Mayor Steve Bromberg
Members of the City Council
City of Newport Beach
Page 3
January 5, 2005
The Final EIR should provide a detailed discussion of the measures that will be taken to
prevent impacts to biological resources, as well a program for enhancement of wetlands within
the SAR Marsh.
Section 3.4 Geology and Soils
Section 3.4.1 contains detailed descriptions of the seismology and local geology in the
proposed Project area. It emphasizes that these sewer mains will be installed in an area which is
seismically active (Newport- Inglewood Fault Zone) and subject to liquefaction, subsidence and
landslides. Specifically, "Landslides and Spreading" defines the "cliffs at the edge of the utility
road and oil field as seismic landslide hazard areas." However, there is no mention of any
relevant hazards during the proposed Project construction and after completion. The Final EIR
should discuss and analyze whether construction traffic and trenching along the utility road cause
a risk of land slide from the cliffs adjacent to the utility road and propose necessary mitigation.
Under the "California Building Code" and "General Plan" discussions (DEIR P. 3.4 -7)
there are general references to UBC (Uniform Building Code), CBC (California Building Code)
and city and county General Plans, but no specific references is made to what pipeline building
standards will be utilized. (Note: The distinction between underground construction (i.e.
pipeline) and surface construction (i.e., buildings) is never clarified. Therefore, it is not clear
what construction codes and what hazards /mitigation should apply. The Final EIR should
provide this clarification.
Section 3.4.2, "Impacts and Mitigation" emphasizes exposure of "structures" to adverse
effect due to seismic and other geological factors. The Final EIR should clarify that "structures"
includes the underground portion of the proposed Project. The DEIR states that "Mitigation
Measures 3.4 -1 and 7.6 -1 of the 1999 PEIR would reduce any potential landslide impacts to a
less than significant level." DEIR P. 3.4 -9 However, neither of these mitigation measures
discusses how to avoid /eliminate Project- induced landslides in the bluffs area during the
construction of the proposed Project. The Final EIR should fully analyze the potential for
Project - induced landslides and provide necessary mitigation.
Impact 3.4 -3 deals with potential damage to bridge and /or channel foundations, but only
discusses Alternative I near PCH under the Talbert Channel. The Final EIR should analyse
possible damage to the SAR channel due to the very long tunneling associated with Alternative
2C, and any provide appropriate mitigation measures. DEIR P.3.4 — 13, 14
Table 2 -1 shows the need to remove 44,510 cubic yards of material due to Alternative 2C
trenching and tunneling. Some of this material is coming from areas near old sewer mains and
old oil fields and may be contaminated and in need of special handling. This should be fully
addressed in the Final EIR. DEIR P. 2 -13
Mayor Steve Bromberg DRAFT
Members of the City Council
City of Newport Beach
Page 4
January 5, 2005
Section 3.5 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Impact 3.5 -2 states that improperly abandoned oil wells may exist within the excavation
for Alternative 2 alignments. The mitigation measure for this impact that prior to construction,
the District will identify existing and abandoned oil wells, using the California Department of
Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources ( "DOGGR ") maps. In addition, if
any unsnapped wells are uncovered during construction, the District will notify DOGGR, and the
well will be abandoned following proper procedures. The Final EIR should discuss the steps that
will be taken to ensure that no seepage or spillage for the wells occurs before the District advises
Section 3.6 Hydrology and Water Quality
Impact 3.6 -4 states that "the operation of the sewer could result in sewage spills." The
DEIR further states that the Project is being proposed to minimize the potential for sewage spills;
however, the DEIR does not provide any specific measures to that end. The Final EIR should
fully discuss the measures being proposed to ensure that the existing sewer lines will not be
breached or damaged during construction, creating a serious spill, particularly within the SAR
Section 3.7 Land Use and Recreation
Alternative 2C traverses open space, marsh lands, and habitat conservation areas. The
DEIR states the Friends of Harbors Beaches and Parks has developed plans to link currently
undeveloped parcels along the south side of the SAR for use as a regional park, the Orange Coast
River Park. The SAR Marsh area is planned to become a part of the park. Although the park
"project is in the early stages of development and is not officially endorsed by the local cities or
county," the Final EIR should provide a full analysis of the proposed Project impacts to the areas
being planned for the River Park and propose necessary mitigation.
Section 3.8 Noise
Impact 3.8 -1 deals with construction - related noise impacts on nearby sensitive noise
receptors. Since such noise receptors are farthest away from construction activities in Alignment
2C, the noise study reconfirms the choice of Alignment 2C. Mitigation measures 7.4 -1a to 7.4-
I d are needed to assure mitigation to less than significant and should be strictly enforced.
The DEIR states that the proposed Project would increase sewage pumping capacity from
240 to 480 million gallons per day. The Final EIR should address the issue of operational noise
associated with this increase in capacity, including the increases in continuous noise due to
Mayor Steve Bromberg DRAFT
Members of the City Council
City of Newport Beach
Page 5
January 5, 2005
doubled flow rates and doubled pump capacity after Project completion.
Impact 3.8 -2 deals with ground borne vibration impacts near the construction site and
concludes that no mitigation measures are needed to assure less that significant impact on
Alternative 2C residences. However, prolonged or intermittent vibration and /or shocking due to
pile driving can have an effect on nearly slide -prone bluffs. An evaluation of this impact should
be made.
Section 3.10 Traffic
This section addresses the impacts of the proposed Project on traffic. The DEIR states
that the "(i)mplementation of Alternative I (Alignments IA, IB, and I C), would require lane
Closures on PCH during construction of the proposed Project which would temporarily reduce
roadway capacity." This would be highly disruptive to the community of West Newport, as well
as commuters that use PCH. The only impacts on traffic for Alternative 2C would be those
associated with dirt hauling operations.
Mitigation Measure M- 3.10 -1 states that "(d)irt haul operations occurring during the peak
summer months shall not occur during peak AM or PM periods (6:00 -9:00 AM and 3:00 -6:00
PM.)." The Final EIR should clarify "summer months" to be consistent with City of Newport
Beach Department of Public Works definition, to insure a minimum of conflict with peak PCH
Chapter 4 Project Alternatives
The District's preferred alternative is Alternative 2C: however, the text on Page 4 -10 is
not complete in its discussion of this alternative. It appears that part of the text is missing.
EQAC supports the District's preferred alternative, Alternative 2C, because will have the
least impacts with respect to land use and traffic issues to residents and businesses in West
Newport. However, we strongly urge the District to prepare a wetlands enhancement program
that will provide mitigation beyond the impacts identified in this DEIR to the SAR Marsh that
would be associated with Alternative 2C.
1-Ii -0S
January 12, 2005
Mr. Jim Herberg, P.E., Engineering Manager
c/o Angie Anderson
Orange County Sanitation District
10844 Ellis Avenue
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Comments on DEIR for the
Replacement of NewportTrunk Sewer and Force Mains
Dear Mr. Herberg:
Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report
(DEIR) for the above- captioned Project, as well as your courtesy in presenting the Project to the
Newport Beach Environmental Quality Affairs Committee (EQAC), and allowing the City to submit
comments after your deadline to allow for review by EQAC and the City Council. As you may
know, EQAC reviews and prepares continents on DEIRs for the City Council's consideration. The
continents in this letter are based on review of the DEIR by EQAC and City staff. and were approved
by the City Council on January 11, 2005.
Section 3.2 Biological Resources
The proposed Project Alternative 2 would use the existing utility easement, which, according to the
DEIR, "is assumed to be outside of the jurisdictional wetland area." Alternative 2C would allow the
proposed Project to proceed without the impacts to land use and traffic that would result from the
Alternative I alignment, but there is the possibility of impacts to the fragile estuarine salt marsh.
Although the DEIR includes a number of mitigation measures to reduce these impacts, because of
the significance of the wetlands, the City would like the District to consider a wetlands enhancement
program designed to provide mitigation beyond the impacts that will occur as a result of construction
or operation of the pipeline.
Section 3.4 Geology and Soils
Section 3.4.1 contains detailed descriptions of the seismology and local geology in the proposed
Mr. Jim Herberg, P.E.
Orange County Sanitation District
January 12, 2005
Project area. It emphasizes that these sewer mains will be installed in an area which is seismically
active (Newport - Inglewood Fault Zone) and subject to liquefaction, subsidence and landslides.
Specifically, "Landslides and Spreading" defines the "cliffs at the edge of the utility road and oil
Yield as seismic landslide hazard areas." The City urges the District to take these conditions into
consideration in the final design of the pipeline, and follow recognized industry standards.
Table 2 -1 shows the need to remove 44,510 cubic yards of material due to Alternative 2C trenching
and tunneling. Some of this material is coming from areas near old sewer mains and old oil fields
and may be contaminated and in need of special handling. This should be addressed in the Final
Section 3.6 Hydrology and Water Quality
Impact 3.6 -4 states that "the operation of the sewer could result in sewage spills." The DEIR further
states that the Project is being proposed to minimize the potential for sewage spills; however, the
DEIR does not provide any specific measures to that end. The Final EIR should discuss the
measures being proposed to ensure that the existing sewer lines will not be breached or damaged
during construction, creating a serious spill, particularly within the SAR Marsh.
Section 3.8 Noise
The DEIR states that the proposed Project would increase sewage pumping capacity from 240 to 480
million gallons per day. The Final EIR should address the issue of operational noise associated with
this increase in capacity, including the increases in continuous noise due to doubled flow rates and
doubled pump capacity after Project completion.
Section 3.10 Traffic
Mitigation Measure M -3.7 -2 regarding the rerouting of bicycle traffic on West Coast Highway is not
realistic. Coast Highway is a major regional bicycle facility with hundreds of cyclists using it on
peak days. Even on winter weekdays, groups of cyclists travel this road including during peak traffic
periods. It is the City's experience that these cyclists will not divert to the proposed alternate route,
but will occupy one of the 10' lanes, resulting in substantial traffic congestion and increased risk of
collisions between vehicles and bicycles as well as between vehicles making last tninute lane
changes to avoid slower moving cyclists.
Mitigation Measure M- 3.10 -1 states that "(d)irt haul operations occurring during the peak summer
months shall not occur during peak AM or PM periods (6:00 -9:00 AM and 3:00 -6:00 PM.)." The
Final EIR should clarify "summer months" to be consistent with City of Newport Beach Department
of Public Works definition, to insure a minimum of conflict with peak PCH usage.
Mr. Jint Herberg, P.E.
Orange County Sanitation District
Page 3
January 12, 2005
Chapter 4 Project Alternatives
The District's preferred alternative is Alternative 2C; however, the text on Page 4 -10 is not complete
in its discussion of this alternative. It appears that part of the text is missing.
The City of Newport Beach commends the District for the thoroughness of this DEIR, especially the
analysis of a range of alternatives. The City supports the District's preferred alternative, Alternative
2C, because it will have the least impacts with respect to land use and traffic issues to residents and
businesses in West Newport. However, we encourage the District to prepare a wetlands
enhancement program that will provide mitigation beyond the impacts identified in this DEIR to the
SAR Marsh.
Thank you again for the opportunity to participate in the review of this project. If you have questions
about the City's comments, please contact Assistant City Manager Sharon Wood at 949 -644 -3222.
Steven Bromberg
To: Mayor Steve Bromberg and Members of the City Council City of Newport Beach
Cc: Homer Bludau, City Manager
From: Orange County Sanitation District Subcommittee ("EQAC ")
City of Newport Beach
Subject: Orange County Sanitation District Draft Environmental Impact Report for
the Newport Trunk Sewer and Force Mains Replacement Project (the
Datc: January 5, 2005
Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments on the Draft Enviromnental
Impact Report ( "DEIR ") for the above- captioned Project prepared by the Orange County
Sanitation District ( "District "). EQAC's comments are as follows:
Chapter I Introduction
As discussed below, the proposed Project is the replacement of the existing Newport
Trunk Sewer and force mains with a new force main system from the Bitter Point Pump station,
located at the entrance of the West Newport oilfield on Pacific Coast I lighway ( "PCH ") in the
City of Newport Beach, to the District's Treatment Plant No. 2, located in the City of Huntington
Chapter 2 Project Description
This chapter discusses alternate routes for the proposed Project — one along PCH and the
other through the Santa Ana River ("SAR ") Marsh and the West Newport Oil Field. Seven (7)
alignments were studied, with the District's preferred alternative being Alternative 2C, which
runs through SAR Marsh and West Newport Oil Field. The District's preferred alternative
almost entirely eliminates disruption to residents and businesses along the PCH corridor during
the construction of the proposed Project, and also assures that future maintenance and repair
work will have minimum impact on residents and businesses in West Newport. However,
Alternative 2C could have significant impacts on the coastal wetlands within the SAR Marsh.
While some members of EQAC applaud the District for their thoroughness in the
preparation of this DEIR others felt that the extensive level of review given to so many
alternatives made the document confusing and cumbersome. Because the District's preferred
alternative is Alternative 2C, we recommend that the Final EIR provide a more focused, detailed
review of the impacts and mitigation measures associated with Alternative 2C.
Several issues are raised in Chapter 2 that are not addressed in the DEIR. Section 2.1.3
Mayor Steve Bromberg
Members of the City Council
City of Newport Beach
Page 2
January 5, 2005
discusses Alternative 2C and stales that "existing 8 and l0 -inch waste oil gravity lines .... would
be abandoned in place." If these abandoned lines are not sealed properly, this could pose a
potentially hazardous situation. The Final EIR should provide a hill discussion of the measures
that will be taken to assure that the lines are properly sealed.
This section (and others) also discusses 'open trench" methods for installation of the
new mains, but never discusses backfilling these open trenches after installation to return the area
to its original appearance. The Final EIR should provide a full discussion of the measures that
will be taken to assure that the areas where the new mains are installed are returned to their
original appearance.
Chapter 3 Environmental Selling, Impacts and Mitigation
Section 3.2 Biological Resources
The DEIR stales that the impact area for Project Alternative 2 is within a wetlands area
that was restored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ( "USACE ") in 1989 as mitigation for
biological impacts. The restoration of 92 acres of the Marsh has been largely successful, and is
functioning as intended for the target endangered plant communities and wildlife.
The proposed Project Alternative 2 would use the existing utility easement, which,
according to the DEIR, "is assumed to be outside of lhejurisdiclional wetland area." As
members of EQAC, we would like to propose that OCSD consider a wetlands enhancement
program designed to provide mitigation beyond the impacts that will occur as a result of
construction or operation of the pipeline.
Alternative 2C appears to be the least expensive of the alternatives to build, as the route
follows the existing easement, and little or no land acquisition expenditures appear to be
required. Alternative 2C would allow the proposed Project to proceed without the impacts to land
use and traffic that would result from the Alternative I alignment, but a wetlands enhancement
program could help alleviate some of the concerns that the Alternative 2C alignment poses a risk
to the fragile estuarine salt marsh.
The Final EIR should provide a detailed discussion of the measures that will be taken to
prevent impacts to biological resources, as well a program for enhancement of wetlands within
the SAR Marsh.
Section 3.4 Geology and Soils
Section 3.4.1 contains detailed descriptions of the seismology and local geology in the
proposed Project area. It emphasizes that these sewer mains will be installed in an area which is
Mayor Steve Bromberg
Members of the City Council
City of Newport Beach
Page 3
January 5, 2005
seismically active (Newport- Inglewood Fault Zone) and subject to liquefaction, subsidence and
landslides. Specifically, "Landslides and Spreading' defines the "cliffs at the edge of the utility
road and oil field as seismic landslide hazard areas."
Under the "California Building Code' and "General Plan" discussions (DEIR P. 3.4 -7)
there are general references to UBC (Uniform Building Code), CBC (California Building Code)
and city and county General Plans. but no specific references is made to what pipeline building
standards will be utilized. (Note: The distinction between underground construction (i.e.
pipeline) and surface construction (i.e., buildings) is never clarified. Therefore. it is not clear
what construction codes and what hazards /mitigation should apply. The Final FIR should
provide this clarification, and pipeline construction should adhere to recognized industry
Section 3.4.2, "Impacts and Mitigation" emphasizes exposure of "structures" to adverse
effect due to seismic and other geological factors. The Final EIR should clarify that "structures"
includes the underground portion of the proposed Project. The DEIR states that "Mitigation
Measures 3.4 -1 and 7.6 -1 of the 1999 PEIR would reduce any potential landslide impacts to a
less than significant level." DEIR P. 3.4 -9 However, neither of these mitigation measures
discusses how to avoid /eliminate Project- induced landslides in the bluffs area during the
construction of the proposed Project. The Final EIR should fully analyze the potential for
Project- induced landslides and provide necessary mitigation.
Impact 3.4 -3 deals with potential damage to bridge and /or channel foundations, but only
discusses Alternative I near PCH under the Talbert Channel. The Final EIR should analyse
possible damage to the SAR channel due to the very long tunneling associated with Alternative
2C, and any provide appropriate mitigation measures. DEIR P.3.4 — 13, 14
Table 2 -1 shows the need to remove 44.510 cubic yards of material due to Alternative 2C
trenching and tunneling. Some of this material is coming from areas near old sewer mains and
old oil fields and may be contaminated and in need of special handling. This should be fully
addressed in the Final EIR. DEIR P. 2 -13
Section 3.5 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Impact 3.5 -2 states that improperly abandoned oil wells may exist within the excavation
for Alternative 2 alignments. The mitigation measure for this impact requires that prior to
construction. the District will identify existing and abandoned oil wells. using the California
Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources ("DOGGR ") maps.
In addition, if any unmapped wells are uncovered during construction, the District will notify
DOGGR, and the well will be abandoned following proper procedures. The Final EIR should
discuss the steps that will be taken to ensure that no seepage or spillage for the wells occurs
Mayor Steve Bromberg
Members of the City Council
City of Newport Beach
Page 4
January 5, 2005
before the District advises DOGGR.
Section 3.6 I lydrology and Water Quality
Impact 3.6 -4 states that "the operation of the sewer could result in sewage spills." The
DEIR further states that the Project is being proposed to minimize the potential for sewage spills;
however, the DEIR does not provide any specific measures to that end. The Final EIR should
fully discuss the measures being proposed to ensure that the existing sewer lines will not be
breached or damaged during construction, creating a serious spill, particularly within the SAR
Section 3.7 Land Use and Recreation
Alternative 2C traverses open space, marsh lands, and habitat conservation areas. The
DEIR states the Friends of Harbors Beaches and Parks has developed plans to link currently
undeveloped parcels along the south side of the SAR for use as a regional park, the Orange Coast
River Park. Although the park "project is in the early stages of development and is not officially
endorsed by the local cities or county," the proposed Project should not change conditions within
the SAR Marsh to preclude the park use.
Section 3.8 Noise
Impact 3.8 -1 deals with construction - related noise impacts on nearby sensitive noise
receptors. Since such noise receptors are farthest away from construction activities in Alignment
2C, the noise study reconfirms the choice of Alignment 2C. Mitigation measures 7.4 -1a to 7.4-
I d are needed to assure mitigation to less than significant and should be strictly enforced.
The DEIR states that the proposed Project would increase sewage pumping capacity from
340 to 480 million gallons per day. The Final EIR should address the issue of operational noise
associated with this increase in capacity, including the increases in continuous noise due to
doubled flow rates and doubled pump capacity after Project completion.
Section 3.10 Traffic
This section addresses the impacts of the proposed Project on traffic. The DEIR states
that the `(i)mplemenlalion of Alternative I (Alignments IA, IB, and I C), would require lane
closures on PCH during construction of the proposed Project which would temporarily reduce
roadway capacity." This would be highly disruptive to the community of West Newport, as well
as commuters that use PCH. The only impacts on traffic for Alternative 2C would be those
associated with dirt hauling operations.
Mayor Steve Bromberg
Members of the City Council
City of Newport Beach
Page 5
January 5, 2005
Mitigation Measure M- 3.10 -1 states that "(d)irt haul operations occurring during the peak
summer months shall not occur during peak AM or PM periods (6:00 -9:00 AM and 3:00 -6:00
PM.)." The Final EIR should clarify "summer months" to be consistent with City of Newport
Beach Department of Public Works definition, to insure a minimum of conflict with peak PCH
Chapter 4 Project Alternatives
The District's preferred alternative is Alternative 2C% however, the text on Page 4 -10 is
not complete in its discussion of this alternative. It appears that part of the text is missing.
EQAC supports the District's preferred alternative, Alternative 2C, because it will have
the least impacts with respect to land use and traffic issues to residents and businesses in West
Newport. however, we strongly urge the District to prepare a wetlands enhancement program
that will provide mitigation beyond the impacts identified in this DEIR to the SAR Marsh that
would be associated with Alternative 2C.