HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2006-0082UDI -1.1 / rvv 1 4.0 1 -f-f I n?% 06/18/2007 1 11:33 'FAX BLACKMORE ESCROW rh 002/002 oly vo, HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER APPLICA 71ON 829 Harbor Isletnd Or, Newport Beath, CA 92880 949-644.3034/Fa,x 949-723-0589 loate� of Applicatow. Permit Nurnl3er:— �301-207 Property AcIdress: ,,. I Bal oa IsIdzdt CA Buyer's Names' Bruce & Riersten Allan Billing Address: Telephone Nc Buyer's signature POMP Seller's Names' Seller's Signatures: joint Owner Signature: wil-ijam Justin Blackmore 88crow Sacrow COMP211Y', ---r i u Newport center '15.rive FI -40 Address " 07 -3M -DM 49 716-2910 Escrow Number: Fax #-. 9 Closing Date (EstIMAte): 06 Inspection Date: (6122107 Reirispection Date, Fee Amount: — 444 -Lab Date Paid; (Wcl( jtq2::!� -Check Number: 4D i -7Q08 Application Complal I HarborPesour a- -sigtratureliDate Speo/01 ConditI0,1s: "Fhis permit is revocable �y the City councll /11 aocordar)c5 With 77t/e 17 or the NeWpOrt ge6ch Munloipal Code. I oo/lAII)hn7 MnW 11-dn tTW/PW On "."I rAnAl AD J 1 0 /e)Af)7 T1117 i o - e) e) rTV YE)V kin 9-100 1 M A A 1) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 829 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92659 I` Y111 -ox-) 949-644-3044/Fax 949-723-0589 June 22, 2007 Blackmore Escrow Fax: 949.718.2910 Re: HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER Pier Permit # 801-217 Escrow#07-3631-DIVI 217 Grand Canal The Harbor Resources division has received the completed & signed application and fee for the pier permit transfer. The pier inspection performed by our office has determined that it meets City standards. The permit will be transferred into the buyer's name. Thank you for your help. For further assistance in this matter, please contact me at 949. 644. 3044. Sincerely, Cbso waLters Harbor Resources Division Date: Inspection Requested By: INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department GJA 107 Inspector Don Duffy Pier Address: 219 Gn,4 0ou Pier TranY� GFI Present Anti -Siphon / Backflow Present Other Comments (,/2,4&7 Reinspection Yes Need None NSwded Yes Need Eelgrass Da e Time F] Eelgrass Within 15'of Project E] Eelgrass Within V'- 30'of Project No Eelgrass in Project Area Pump Out Pier Location Yes No Operational "�4Re'co mmended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description CF Number Location on Dock Comments / Observations Other Request Map Output Page I of 1 http://www6.city.newport-beach.ca.uslservleticom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=n... 06/19/2007 DAPI,NAI kd1re"! G i I', Az/- Sliffl; C ,_) u -30-0� P-1 g WORKSHEET FOR BUILDING / FIRE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR RESOURCES DIV, BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLEASE PRINT OK I YFt FLOOR SUITE NO. 1. PROJECT ADDRESS (NOT MAILING ADDRESS) 2 (7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION No. UNITS LOT BLOCK TRACT AZZWVPW� z "I 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK —�USE 1# OF STORIES 9, VALUATION $ N E D DEMO El !SQ FT ALTER F� I '(NEW/ADDED/EXTG) f '11h®r"po __ V-Ae ; 4- Q +t%r Artnlitnnf %�'uiecll% A I I cl w W^ FIR�T 3. OWNER'S NAME LAST OWNER'S ADDRESS OWNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP 1A, > PHONE NO. '> ) I f 6 5 F] 4. ARCH ITECT/DESIGNER'S NAME LAST FIRST LIC. NO. ARCH ITECT/DESIGNER'S ADDRESS ARCH ITECT/DESIGNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. F] 5. ENGINEER'S NAME LAST FIRST STATE LIC. NO. I ENGINEER'S ADDRESS ENGINEER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 6. CONTRACTOR'S NAME BU�IN ?S E IS� Ojte/ 3Y I STAT LIC. E Class No. CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS -�-- -7 -dO­NTWACTOR'S E-MAIL ADDRESS 2!-o y�1'14,egq CITY STATq:��--- zIpw6 HHUZ51`,�� c' W\,_ OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NO. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK NO. PLAN CHECK FEE $ 0 CUPANCY- GROUP PLAN CHECK ENG. Forms0idgapplication otze/04 City of Newport Beach: Revenue Division 3300 Newport Blvd. PO BOX 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 05 March 1994 re: Pier Permit #0801-0217-1 To Whom it May Concern: 1z Z' My records show that on Friday, -25 ... FEBRUARY Z` 994 1 made out and mailed a check (#1993) dated Ll MARCH 1994 for---�$65.00 as payment in full due for —77-77�� the annual Pier Permit at my home at 217 Grand Canal, Balboa Island. Today I received your Notice of Delinquent Payment, which, according to the Postmark, was mailed just yesterday, March 4th. But my check mailed Feb. 25th still hasn't gotten to you, a week after it was mailed? sigh - I give up! Next time around I'll row it over! Judging by this delay, even at 70 and with arthritic shoulder joints, I could do it faster! Seriously, I hope by the tune you get this note you will also have received my payment as due and,as mailed, and shall be able to immediately clear my record of any (unjust) charges. And speaking of "records," once again I request for a change of name on the permit inasmuch as my husband, Sidney Justin, died precisely two years ago and I have been paying all bills ever since. It's not really all that important, but as long as the house is in my name, perhaps the Pier ought be the same. But please, first find my check, that's what's important! And please let me know if it hasn't turned up this coming week - I will have wells Fargo cancel the check and will write you a new one. In advance, thanks for your help and cooperation - 'tis appreciated. Sincerely, Bunty Jdstin 217 Grand Canal Balboa Island, CA 92662 LOCATION STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER PERMIT No. �10 /- Sel I er 7) Buyer rc Date Application Received: Date Fee Received: Request for Inspection made by: EscrowCo. Date Escrow Offir-e.r Escrow No._.r�� /A Address )Y) 0 Phene: -7 2_ Date Inspection made: - Deficiency Letter sent: Deficiency corrected: Transfer completed: Date Inspection: 0c) 1. Location 2. Plumbing: 3. Electrical: All - 4. Structural: 5.OTHER: REMARKS: 4 - Inspected by: 6 C 0 P (- -,L17 e P, n4 �!,�t CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWTOR'r BEACH, CA 92663-3884 February 21, 1984 Judith Hancock P.O. Box 428 Kamuela, Hawaii 96743 Dear Sir: A check of the City's Harbor Permit files has revealed that the permit for the pier and float at 217 Grand Canal , Newport Beach is registered to Mrs. Horace Parker. A transfer application must be completed and a transfer fee paid each time the permit has changed ownership. Chapter 17.24.030 of the Municipal Code addresses the transfer of a permit and reads as follows: "No person shall transfer a permit for a pier, float or similar structure granted under the provisions of this chapter without prior written approval of the City". Failure to pay the transfer fees can be grounds for revocation of the Harbor Permit in accordance with Chapter 17.24.090 of the Municipal Code. Your cooperation in bringing this permit up to date will avoid any action by the City. Yours truly, 1-5-1-1*11 /40? /�"V-,"� Tqny Melumy Tidelands Administrator TM:db 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach