HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2009-0033Feb, 1. 2012 10:OOAM Mariners Escrow i Date of AppllcatQp: Joni Froperty Address: 225 Buyer's Names: J351 Billing Address: Telephone No. - "Buyer's Signatures: ' HARBOR PERMIT ZANS APPLICATION 829Ha orislandDrive rt Newport each, CA 92660 2012 Permit Number. - Canal, New�ory Beach, CA 92662 No. 19 16 P . I B_ Hutchinson a�d Rebecca 1. Hutchm'son CA q[ 43 — Seller's Names. The Jill C. Wondries L!lvlag Trust dated Februlo 12.2003 Sellers Signatures - Joint Owner Signature� A� Escrow Company: Mariners Escrow Colration 11 Address: 1100 Newport CentarDrive, Wte 200, Newport Deach, CA, 92600 Eacrgw NUmber: 42331 -BY 1 1* Fox Number: 949-721-8167 Escrow officer; Rrl3n Foxcroft I Fhone Number 949-640-6040 Cfoslng Dato (Estimatod), - February 10, 2012 "STARRED ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED TO BEGIN TtiE PROCESS. Inspection Data-. W Rnlnspoaon Oate: Fee Paid! Check No.: Application Completed; arborResoumbs SignatureeVate SpocialCondfilons: 7his p�rmlt Is fovagable by the City Cound In aGcofdanGe vvfth Tiffe IT of Newport Beach Munialpal Code PLEASE S!jN AND. RETURN Feb, 1, 2012 10:OOAM Mar�ners Escrow No. 19 16 P. 2 HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFERAPPUCA77ON 829 Harbor Island Dffve Newport Beach, CA 92660 " Date of Application: December 6,2011 Permit Number C).( 2 " Property Address: 225 Grand Canak Newport BC04 CA, 9260 " BuYees Namis: tj 1�. 40 rk 5 "Z: 5; Billing Address: Telephone No.: " Buyers Signatures; sellses Names: Jill C. Wondria, Truske of the AK C. Woudries Living Trust dated February 12, 2003 Seller's Skinstures: eoalil, -AA Joint Owner Signature: ** Escrm Comony: Markiers Escrow Corpordfion Address: I 100 Newport Center Drive, Suft 200, Newport Beach, QAk 92OW Escrow Number. 42110-13F " Fax Number. 949-721-8157 Escrow Offiew: Brian FOXMIX Ptume Nmber 904AO-6"O CWng Date (Estimalled): -Jenuary3,2012 "STARRED ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED TO BEGIN THE PROCESS. Inspection Date: Reinspecdon Date: Fee Paid: Check No-: Application Completed: Spedal Condikons This permit is revocable by ft Gmy Counoff In acoordaime Wth Me 17 ofAfe%port Beach Municipal Code PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN November 3, 2011 Mariners Escrow Fax# 949.721.8157 Re: Pier Permit 801-225 225 Grand Canal Escrow #41932 -BF Dear Mariners Escrow, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 829 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92659 949-644-3044/Fax 949-723-0589 The City of Newport Beach has inspected the above pier and found it to meet City standards. Once we receive the application signed by the buyer and seller the pier will be transferred. Thanks for your help and if you require further assistance in this matter please call 949.644.3044. Sincerely, 46�4 A&V Lisa Walters Harbor Resources Division INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department Date: , I I I � I ( Inspection Requested By: Inspector. - Pier Address: Pier Tr nsfe GFI Present Anti -Siphon / Backflow Present Other Comments Eelgrass Reinspection Y N d None Needed Yes Ne -ed Date Time F] Eelgrass Within 15' of Project F] Eelgrass Within 15' - 30' of Project No Eelgrass in Project Area Pump Out Pier Location Yes No Operational Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description CF Number Location on Dock Comments / Observations Other Request Map Output. Page I of I http://www6.city.newport-beach.ca.us/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=n... 11/02/2011 Worksheet for Building Combo Per" pri City of Newport Beach - Building DeplrtAB"�MRCES Please print 3 copies CITY OF NEWPORT BE 1. Project Address (Not mailing address) Floor Suite No ra # Units (if Residential) Tenant Name(if Applicable) 2. Description of Work k. Use ............... do, C�. XXV ......... ... ........ Valu Exist House SF Demo House Add/Reconstruct House SF F77 ............ ............ ........... Exist Gar Gr | | Demo Garage op ' � | *uu�eonnx�u�GumgFo8p| /--- - ' ---� # Stories F7 TOTAL HOUSE ap | Nev . Add F..Alte f—Demo i__'----' -'''-�� cuYuCut ToT��o�a�ossp � | cuYun||i | � F-: 3. Owner's Name Last First Owner's Address Owner's E-mail Address ............ .............. �"4 .......... ................. State City Zip Telephone f— 5. Engineer's Name Last Engineer's Address First ............. ................ F Engineer's E-mail Address city State Zip Telephone| | F-6. Contractor's Name Last First Uc.No. Class Contractor's Address OFFICE USE ONLY ENERGY P/C FEE $ | Rev 1118107 MP/C Contractor's E-mail Address Zip | Telephone) fly \5�//7� PLAN CHECK NO. PLAN CHECK FEE $ "�49G313122 I P"T p A G E F!, LI 24 tvk,� go Nt,,xokT- MAt I g�A V H A"RIBOR RESOURCES DI I FLWPORT I PY 0 F �EWPO RT B EK Ham-, 0,4 11,5 �'A AJO ,6 /,? c WA e- e 57 7- /8' r7 �UA 4 -Ckcc- ck. OWNER: HAROLD. MCINTIRE 12/28/2,000 08:18 9496313122 S�4IFT PAGE LoolF ul 7r— \/I C, I i TY 5 K E 71,- H �i! N —Pokr C5,4�1� 0 Q a F, IA ?-r'-'7a! <7t 110'W /�7 a IS &A �JO PRO .5 T, ------- r I,- 1-7 �e4 Allo 1A-/,9 aUe-k'1-14'AZ� L 0 7- C,4 �UA S6 C. 6,4 6, /S6,44/0 HAROLD- PICINTIRE Jun 18 03 02:36p JILL WONDRIES Jun -16-03 12:40P Watt -s Law Building 714 973 4990 ZVJT_O�rMl Date otAppticaton: 11'�Illul permItNumber. 901-225 Property Address: 225 The Grand canal, Balboa Island'Ca. Buyer's Names: jill C. Wondries Billing Address: Telephone No.: Buyees Signatures: Y V Seller's Names: Sellers Signatures: Joint owner Signature. - p - 2 P. 06 92663 Escrow Company. "I'dom Escrow Address 2 Civic Plaz a, Suite, 200, newport Beach, Ca. 92660 Escrow NUMber: 41268-1 Fax M 949 644-3938 Closingi Date (Eseimate): 6-20-03 Inspection Date: - Reinspection Date: Fee Amount: 4 / r) '12 -5-2-1) q(- 4/ �7.77 Date Paid; -,f)Check Number: 1 '2 Application Complete: d 4�:� — V " 0_3 Harbor ResourcwftfinfurWDate Special CondlbFivns: This Pormit IS rGVOC9bjQ LlythO City Council in iq=rdancs with Title 17 of the Newpoff Sesa Municipal Code. W.P H BOR PERMIT AR TRANSFER APPLICATTON Date of Applicaton: Permit Number:— Property Address: Buyer's Names: Billing Address: Telephone No.: Buyees Signatures: Seller's Names: g,4vo /j ",V,/ bmi'vol Seller's Signatures:&iggaa��A Joint Owner Signature: Escrow Company: Address Escrow Number: Fax Closing Date (Estimate): Inspection Date: Reinspection Date: Fee Amount: Date Paid: Check Number: Application Complete: Harbor Resources SignaturelDa te Special Conditions. This permit is revocable by the City Council in accordance with Title 77 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. "I"'Y OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 'T June 9, 2003 Freedom Escrow Attn: Joanie Watrous 949-644-3938 Re: 225 The Grand Canal, Balboa Island, CA 92662 Permit #801-225 Escrow #40268-J Dear Sirs: The City of Newport Beach has inspected the above pier and found it to meet city standards. The permit will be transferred when we receive the Harbor Permit Application signed by both buyer and seller and the balance of the transfer fee of $192.50. If you require further assistance in this matter, please call 644-3034. Sinc ely, norrieArcese, Dept. Asst. Harbor Resources Division 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach www. city. newport-beach. ca. us law ..a ENVFREEDOM V E S C R 0 W Telephone (949) 644-3939 - 2 Civic Plaza - Suite 200 - Newport Beach, CA 92660 - FAX (949) 644-3938 www.freed orn escrow. co rn Date : May 30, 2003 Escrow No. : 40268-J Ms. Lorrie Arcese, Fire and Marine Department P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92657-1768 RE: 225 The Grand Canal, Balboa Island, CA 92662 Harold & Deanna McIntire Family Trust a Please accept this writing as our request for a Pier/Dock Inspection pending the transfer of ownership of our escrow scheduled to close on June 20, 2003. Please contact the Real Estate Agent, Gwenn Abrams at Abrams Coastal Properties, 315 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island, Ca. 92662. You may reach her at the office; 949 675-4822 or her Cell # 949 697-0784 for the inspection if necessary. We enclosed our check in the amount of $192.50 representing one-half of the transfer fee to begin the process. We understand the balance of $192.50 will be due upon the approval of your inspection and transfer of ownership to the new Buyers. Please call our office if you need anything additional at this time. Please forward copies of your inspection with any corrections needed. We will be forwarding the signed and completed Permit at the close of escrow. Thank you for your cooperation and prompt attention. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. Best regards, FREEDOM ESCROW ��Joa �'Watr�ous� Escrow Officer 0 1 M1 U X" I LON1 RM N ivil Harbor Resources Department Date: Inspection Requested By: Inspector: Don Du Pier Address: (:;Pie;rTra;nsf�e�r) Reinspection GFI Present Yes Need None Needed Yes Need ------------- ;,77 - Anti -Siphon Backflow Present Other Comments Eelgrass Yes No Presentl I I Pump Out Pier Location Yes No OperationalF___�_ Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description CF Number Location on Dock Comments / Observations Other Request 12,/'2G1/2ET,@ 08:18 9496313122 SvIIFT PAGE 02 -4 -7 XF I ............ ITY SKETCH' Nt C 7- &A �JP PRops'oe T 11610C WALe e)�1677' B4 IUA S6 C, 4 64 OWNER: HAROLD- �-ICINTIRE BUYERS' NAME(S) ADDRESS OF FACILITY: P ERMIT # MAILING ADI;RESS I* cow - TELEPHONE FfE CHECK NO. DATE 4&%1#DAX"Wt *Mk"h I APREfta"" APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO TRANSFER HARBOR PERMIT El OCHD �ENG SfSft1*E("1 .1 "E Nh E ("S (ABOVE NAMES TO BE TYPED) �COIINCIL ELLER < -Sir _�'tlja�,IATWREOF S 3NATURg': bEPT-, TSCROW, F_ '�OFL� SIG ER"-- ILPE, % 4' �tfb URE O'F­_0IWT.."DW I PP ;k SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS PERMIT 15 REVOCABLE BY THE: CITY COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF. WX FORM 66-1013 REV. DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT EARTH ESCROW CO., INC. THE ATTACHED CHECK f -kYMENT OF ITEMS DESCRIBED BELOW. IF NOT CORRECT PLEASE NOTIFY US PROMPTLY NO RECEIF 11/05/93 ESCROW NO. PROPERTY STUB 1-1 2622 -AT 225 The Grand Canal (Balboa Is Newport Beach CA 92662 BUYER: Clem, Brent E. SELLER: Halter, Adeline Funds due you on above escrow. Pier Transfer 300.00 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS PERMIT IS REVOCABLE BY THE (flTy COUNCI IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 OR THE MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. WX FORm 66-1013 REv. BUYER'S NAME .--MCINTf ADDRESS OF FACILIT) C 'An C ,p ANA], PERMIT # TRUST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 MAILING ADDREs�' 7405 WHITE GATE AVI IELEPHONE NO. '0 FEE FEE CHECK NO. CHECK NO RIVERSIDE, CA 92506 (909) 780-669 8:0-:66T9 APPROVED BY: DATE APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO TRANSFER HARBOR PERMIT OCHD El A e d k' 4 p'q m 1h v t lov Tj9( 14USr ENG El S LE 'S NAME(S) BUYER'S NAME(S) NAMES TO BE PE COUNCIL PUBLIC WORKS SIGNAT RE OF ELLER SIGNATURE OF RUYER DEPT. ESCROW SIGNATURE OF SELLER SIGNATURE OF BUYER INSPECT-riON 5alONU E JOINT W R 0 t APPLI N AP ED TE) cl R INSPJEMR SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS PERMIT IS REVOCABLE BY THE (flTy COUNCI IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 OR THE MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. WX FORm 66-1013 REv. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH April 28, 2000 P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 Heritage Escrow 23 Corporate Plaza, Suite 120 Newport Beach, Ca 92660 Re: Pier Permit 80102251 for 225 Grand Canal, Escrow #13009-GJP Dear Sirs: The City of Newport Beach Marine Environmental Management Division has inspected the pier and float for the above-mentioned property and has found that it meets the City standards. . The pier permit will be transferred once we receive $163 for the balance of the Transfer Fee. . If you require further assistance in this matter, please call 644-3043. Sincerely, i eA Wes Armand r - Fire and Marine Department Marine Environmental Management 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach April 14, 2000 Wes Armand C/O The City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA Re: 13009-GJP Dear Mr. Armond, 23 Corporate Plaza, Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 640-2225 Fax (949) 720-8012 Enclosed please find the application for pier inspection for the property located at 225 Grand Canal along with check payable to the City of Newport Beach in the amount of $163.00. Please inspect pier as soon as possible. Should you have any questions please either contact Don Abrams of Rumbold Realty at (949) 675-4822 or myself at the above shown number. The remaining balance of transfer fee in the amount of $163.00 shall be forwarded to you upon close of escrow. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you in this transaction. Should you have any questions, please call us at the telephone number referenced above. Sincerely, 7RITAGE,ESCRO/VV COMPANY 7 Gret hin Of Ic E W Officer G6P 4 4�/ ?"4// elz 'P V P0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 0 P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 '141 ro V?Ct4*��' September 17, 1993 Earth Escrow 833 Dover Dr. #29 Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 Re: Harbor Permit'0801-0225-1 for property at 225 Grand Canal Escrow # 2547 (attention Audrey) Sirs: Regarding a pier permit transfer for the property located at 225 Grand Canal, Newport Beach. The structure was inspected on September 10, 1993, at which time it was determined that it conforms to City standards. once we have received the pier transfer card, signed by both the previous owner and the new owner, and the $300 transfer fee, we will be able to transfer the pier permit. sincerely J�nd Harbor Inspector 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach STATUS SHEET YtARBOR PFRMIT TRANSFER 4pel-e9z PERMIT NO._ LOCATION S e 11 e r- Buyer Cate Application Received: Date Fee Receive Request for Inspection made by: Escrow Co.-64e-/-�Z4- Date Escrow Off ice-rAr/VAA�� Escrcm No. Addressi-51. -Phnne: Date Inspection made:. Deficiency Letter sent:- Deficiency corrected: Transfer completed: Date Inspection: 1. Location - 2. Plumbing: - 3. El ectri 4. Structural:- 5.OTHER: REPARKS: Inspected by, BUYERS' NAME(S) AWN MA(FPIG ADDRESS ' i • S-vxb_ Ll �•AfQPy ��•+�1 PERMIT # Y K NO. DATE 0jARBOR. PERMIT LOCATION STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER > PERMIT NO. Sel I er Buyer Date Application Received:. Date Fee Received: Request for Inspection made by: Escrow Co. 6(1 - Escrow Officer Date Escrow No. Address (a fi& Phene: Date Inspection made: Deficiency Letter sent: Deficiency corrected: Transfer completed: Date Inspection: 1. Location 2. Plumbing: 3. Electrical:. 4. Structural:-- 5.OTHER: REMARKS: Inspected by: PrRMl- NAME ADDRESS OF PROPOSED FACILITY 226 ro grafw �25 I IK,MME & Kmu FEE CHECK NO. I DATE MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. I APPROVED BY: DATE APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO TRANSFER HARBOR PERMIT N OCHD Ca Fvgm Ij .4 ca"I #1 Kay" 14. ENG (SELLER). jBUYER) COUNCIL SIGNATURE OF TRANSFER8R i�!�GNAIUKE OF TRANSFEREE- PUBLICIWORKSM DEPTm El SIGNATURE OF TRANSFEROR SIGNATURE OF TRXINISFEREF,...�, ESCROW Y INSPECTION SIGNATURE OF JOINT OWNER APPLICATIONAPPROV,ED.. (DATE) ORIN CITY HARBOR A SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS PERMIT IS REVOCABLE BY THE EITV COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH riTLE 17 OF THE MUN`ICIPAL C -OPE, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF WX FORM 60-1013 tBORPERMIT pqYER STATUS SHEET HARBOR. PERMITS TRANSFER Location Date Application Received E- --q- -7)1' Oral Request for I . 0 Escrow Co.. Date Inspection Made Permit Fee Rec1d Date Date Deficiency Letter Sent (if applicable) Date Deficiency Corrected (if applicable) Date Orange County Notified (if applicable) �Date Transfer Completed ( K &Aj August 14, 1975 City of Newport Beach 3300 W. Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Attention: Dave Harschberger Marine Safety Department Re: Escrow No. 2461 BUTLER/RIVETT 225 Grand Canal, Balboa Island Gentlemen: Please find enclosed Pier Permit Transfer Form card, original and three copies attached, and our Check No. 17734 in the amount of $110.00 representing your transfer fee in connection withthe above referenced property. Pier Permit Transfer Form card is executed by Robert Butler, Lee H. Butler, Richard C. Rivett and Carol J. Rivett. The Transferor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butler are the former owners of the above described property. The Transferee, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Rivatt, are the new owners of the abutting upland property described as Lot 16 Block 11 Section 4 Balboa Island. ince 'Yours, Jo Blough Escrow Offi- JB/jh encl. DOVER AT SIXTEENTH STREET * NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 e 645-5333 0 CITY OF NEWPORTBEACH 1-1.0. BOX 17 68, N EWPOR,r BEACH, CA 92663-3884 2/18/86 Adeline Halter 7227 Milton Avenue Whittier, CA 90605 Dear Sir: A check of the City's Harbor Permit files has revealed that the permit for the pier and float at 225 Grand Can -al , Balboa Island, Newport Beach is registered to Medusa, Ltd A transfer application must be completed and a transfer fee paid each time the permit has changed ownership. Chapter 17.24.030 of the Municipal Code addresses the transfer of a permit and reads as follows: "No person shall transfer a permit for a pier, float or similar structure granted under the provisions of this chapter without prior written approval of the City". Failure to pay the transfer fees can be grounds for revocation of the Harbor Permit in accordance with Chapter 17.24.090 of the Municipal Code. Your cooperation in bringing this permit up to date will avoid any action by the City. Yours truly, 1-;-11, �J!UI1041-itl- Tpny Melum Tidelands Administrator TM:db kl& `T� ig 3300 Newport Boulevard. Newport Beach VVV e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �CPJPT CITY C N I EWPORT SEAC'H NFEWPORT BEACH,�CAYFORNIA 62663 No. 0.3292 LIFOIL % - - - - - - - tTTE $ FROM RECEivED FOR: AMOUNT ----------- ----------- DEPARTMENT BY- ------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - z 0 c m >. cc LU 0 0 0 CL — CL 4) > �1_ c co C. LL 0 0 ui m ui Co a). CL LU Cn 10 ui r t2 0. ca LU -CIO, ci a) E cc t: U) U. 0 C3 -4 ca W C? clelo z M. V-4 M 04 P.4 _;rt %A-4 IZY tj Aw co V) to C; C.) 4M C-4 Q ik %ft 4M. -cr ru LIL. ar w LL S, CC LU CL 0 LU U to. 0 IL 0-4 40 --* _j _j N tj Lu LU 0 Z z cr ir tj ui Z u C.) Z LL 72- 0 -CITY OF NEWPORI" BEACH -H. CA 92063-3884 P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEAC February 21, 1984 Pierro Serra 1100 South Bay Front Balboa Island, CA 92662 Dear Sir: A check of the City's Harbor Permit files has revealed that the permit for the pier and float at 225 Grand Canal,' Newport Beach is registered to Eugene J. Lippnik. A transfer application must be completed and a transfer fee paid each time the permit has changed ownership. Chapter 17.24.030 of the Municipal Code addresses the transfer of a permit and reads as follows: "No person shall transfer a permit for a pier, float or similar structure granted under the provisions of this chapter without prior written approval of the City". Failure to pay the transfer fees can be grounds for revocation of the Harbor Permit in accordance with Chapter 17.24.090 of the Municipal Code. Your cooperation in bringing this permit up to date will avoid any action by the City. Yours truly, Tqny Melum Tidelands Administrator TM:db 3300 Nev.,port Boulevard, Newport Beach -STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS TRANSFER lt=-O�,.P.ERMIT� Y01-21-) LOCATION. U 'Sel er- Bu yer D -te -'v: a Appl,icati.on Rec Date� Fee Rec- V: Oral Req ues t for -In/s,pection Escrow Co. Date� Escrow Offtcer Escro,v Date Inspect.ion' Made J�72_ Date Deficiency Lette� -Sent .'(If appli Icabl e). Date -Deficiency Corrected (if applicable) ..Date Orange County Notffi6d,jif applicable) Date Transfer-' Coftipl et -ed 1. Location: 2 Plu M-' bi ng .3.. Electric 4. Structural: . -or: REMARKS:, Inspector's Lni ti -al s . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WINE DEPARTMENT F A 640-2156 -Apri 1 13, 1982 -Western Mutual E§crow 324 North Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Sir; The City of Newport Beach has received an application to transfer pier permit # 802-225 for the property located at 225 Grand Canal, Balboa Island. The structure was inspected on 3/12/82 'at which time it was determined that the following deficiences existi i. No deficiencies exist. However we lack a permit drawing for our files. 9 3. 4. 5, I In accordance with Section 10-D of the City Harbor Permit Policies, "All structural deficiencies must be corrected..." A permit for this wQrk must be obtained from the Building Department, Would you please advise this department when this requirement has been met, If you have any questions, pleas�_contact me at 640-2156. Thank you lor your cooperation. �a_zv_- Sincerely, Tony MeZum' Tidelands Administrator TM: ak CHN, I Lill - 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 4c -A gol- �,2 5- CITY OF NEWPORT BEA,,CH CALIFORNIA % -September 20, 1974 -Mr. Robert Butler 223 Grand Canal Newport Beach, Calif. Dear Mr. Butler: City Hall 3300 W. Newport Blvd. Area Code 714 673-2110 On March 1 of this year, in accordance with Chapter 17 (Pier Registration Fees) of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code, a statement was mailed to all bayfront property owners who have a pier and float facility bayward of their property. According to our records, payment of the subject fee has not been received by the City's Finance Department. Section 17.33.050 of the Municipal Code states: PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO PAY FEES. Any owner or permit holder who fails to pay any fee required by this Chapter within thirty (30) days after the same is due shall be subject to a penalty in the amount of ten per cent (10%) of the uncollected fee. Failure to pay the fee plup any accrued penalty within sixty (60) days after the fee was originally due shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit by the City Council. To avoid further action,by the City on this matter, please remit the following amount. Sincerely, Glen E. Welden Tidelands Operations Marine Department GEW: lf Pier Registration Fee: Past Due Penalty: TOTAL FEE Coordinator 10.00 801-225 4.00 14.00 T rL61. Al 60 la " mr-,. t B e Isity of NeWPOr 3 - 300 -Newport B"vc NewPort Beacllv May -y22, 1973 Finance Director City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, Calif. Dear Sir: Regarding the enclosed bill for Pier Registration it has not been our intention to completely ignore this matter, however, it is our under- standing that there is a legal action pending and therefore, should not be collected until the Outcome of the decision. More important, we feel it is completely un- fair to charge $10-00 for a pier on the Grand Canal since we are unable to get our boats in or out of the canal until they dredge it. As' You know, the Piers on the Grand Canal are not what anyone would consider "something to tie UP tolle Ver truly,y rs, ;Y Mrd. Rober Butler 223 Grand banal Balboa Island California Robert Butler 225 Grand Canal Newport Beach., CA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DELIQUENT NOTICE May 1, 1973 Harbor Permit No. 801-225 ,PIER REGISTRATION FEE . . . . . . . . . . $10,00 Penalty Fee 1.00 11. 00 The above annual fee and penalty is in accordance with Newport Beach City Ordinance No. 1387. Direct all inquiries to Marine Safety Department. Please make check or money order payableto City of Newport Beach, and mail to: Finance Director, City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Section 17.33.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, stipulates that failure to pay the fee plus any accured penalty within (60) days after the fee was originally due (March 1, 1973) shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit by the City Council. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT Robert butler 225 Grand Cawl fiewport Beachg CA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DELIQUENT NOTICE May 1, 1973 Harbor Permit No. 801.,225 PIER REGISTRATION FEE . . . . . . . . . . $ 10*00 Penalty Fee 1&00 M.00 The above annual fee and penalty is in accordance with Newport Beach City Ordinance No. 1387. Direct all inquiries to Marine Safety Department. Please make check or money order payable to City of Newport Beach, and mail to: Finance Director, City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Section 17.33.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, stipulates that failure to pay the fee plus any accured penalty within (60) days after the fee was originally due (March 1, 1973) shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit by the City Council. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT Robert Butler 223 Grand Canal Nemport Beach., CA. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DELIQUENT NOTICE May 1, 1973 Harbor Permit No. 801-223 PIER REGISTRATION FEE . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 Penalty Fee 1100 $ 11.00 The above annual fee and penalty is in accordance with Newport Beach City Ordinance No. 1387. Direct all inquiries to Marine Safety Department. Please make check or money order payable to City of Newport Beach, and mail to: Finance Director, City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Section 17.33.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, stipulates that failure to pay the fee plus any accured penalty within (60) days after the fee was originally due (March 1, 1973) shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit by the City Council. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DELIQUENT NOTICE May 1, 1973 Febert Butler 223 Orand Caml Newport Beach, CA Harbor Permit No. PIER REGISTRATION FEE . . . . . . . . . . $:L0,00 Penalty Fee 1000 f"111.50 The above annual fee and penalty is in accord' ance with Newport Beach City Ordinance No. 1387. Direct all inquiries to Marine Safety Department. Please make check or money order payable to City of Newport Beach, and mail to: Finance Director, City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Section 17.33.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, stipulates that failure to pay the fee plus any accured penalty within (60) days after the fee was originally due (March 1, 1973) shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit by the City Council. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT MARINE SAFETY DEPARTMENT 70 Newport Pier June 11, 1973 Dro Ho L. Cline 2409 Prince Albert Dr. Riverside# California Dear Dr. Clinet I have received your note and check for the pier registration fee. I can understand your concern with the condition of the Grand Canal, As a matter of information, the City has diligently been pursuing a permit for maintenance dredging of the Canal for approti- mately two years, The California Regional Water Quality Control Board has approved the City's proposed dredging project and application is now being made to the U. So Army corps of Engineers. Hopefully the project can get underway within the next few months. Sincerely, Do Harshbarger, Captain Marine Safety Department DII: lf I " 1=6 'f Mro and Mrse Jack R, Alward 4208 River Avenue Newport Beach, California 92660 May 10, 1973 Finance Director, City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Gentlement we are enclosing the $11.00 fee per attached statement demand under dure"o, The amountp granted, Is small$ but considering we pay higher taxes living on the water and must be responsible to keep our dock area dredged with no assist- ance from the City of Newport Beach, we feel this pier registration fee extremely unfair& In the last three years our cost was $365.00 just for dredging* our sourrounding neighbors, both channel and bay, have also gone to great expenses through the years. Without this there would be no bay or floating docks,, beeause everything would be sitting In mud thanks to the city storm drain system,, If the residents in this area did not keep the areas dredged there mould be no access for patrol beats, pleasure boats# etc* We feel there should be an eli- mination of ±nj jVe of "fee plan" or any future pier tax. We resent the Insinuation that If this fee is not paid our permit may be revoked by the City Councilo Eight years ago we paid our expensive fees for our pier and float, which made no mention of any future costs to us by the City Or County* If the City or County wish to assist-T—n maintaining the Imperative dredging to keep the waters navigable we would be more than happy to pay our fair shares Sineerely, L �^ ��JA �K R. ALWARD M)SCVA ��E- ALWARD cc: City Council of Newport Beach Marine Safety Department Board of Supervisors, 515 No Sycamore, Santa An& 92701 Editor, Daily Pilot# 330 W. Bay, costa Mesa Date COPIES SENT TO: 0 AlAyor B.M--iger A �t.rae) 1'.toi, Work.m Director I'mmONg Oirector 01her councibnen: 01 fib -