HomeMy WebLinkAbout112-0615CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 7, 1969 TO: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: City Harbor Coordinator SUBJECT: WASHINGTON STREET END 1. I previously furnished you copies of correspondence from Croft & Neville Company to Mr. Kearns of the Southwest Capital Corporation and to me. It appears to me that we should take steps in the very near future to get that area cleaned up prior to the coming summer season. 2. Subject to your concurrence, I intend to write a letter to Mr. Kearns and advise him that his permit has expired and to request his prompt removal of the piling and other riff-raff that is lying around on the end of Washingf6h Street that belongs to him. Prior to doing so, however, I would like a rundown on what our involvement is. For instance, do we have pilings down there and if so, do we want them removed or do we want them put in place to accomplish our portion of the original agreement on the con- struction? 3. Would you please have somebody check it out and give me an idea of what course of action the City should take in this regard. UA Ili�j�JLot2_Di�t? e'S 7 Co'2St��t1��NC;v� iE�11 E t` cc C60 LAC. -t-- A'V, AS 4 1c- (,,D P t. & 7,b -rite i Zc-L,: Ivl �7c i�i i?2 I-4 t S. -DO SOT w N'\I T -r�K, �S-Ce-eZ ENS /\ S -rfl.zc r e N) a FA c,r--i I NT"net LETT�_,R Sw�7 i L c�J�bss�( cJV� Z Lk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MEMORANDUM: From Administrative Assistant to City Manager TO George Dawes, City Harbor Coordinator February 6--------, 19- 69.- On Thursday, January 30, I received a telephone call from Mr. Curt Herberts relative to some temporarily abandoned cement bulkhead structures located on the beach at 701 Edgewater in the Balboa Fun Zone area. These bulkheads were apparently to be used with the now abandoned bulkhead re- construction project in this vicinity. It was my understanding that Mr. Herberts owns property in this vicinity and was concerned about the safety hazard and nuisance factor of these structures. I discussed this matter with Guy Prewit and was advised you will be communicating with officials of Southwest Capital Corporation about this matter. Would you please telephone Mr. Herberts at 4@MMWM and discuss this with him. Reply wanted ❑ Reply not necessary ❑ N B-to- - s . By ---- ----=a- .............................. CROFT & NEVILLE Co. M A R I N E CONTRACTORS 223-21ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92660 • AREA CODE (714) 675.3728 January 28, 1969 Harbor Coordinator City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, California Re: Harbor Permit # A--1486 Attention: George Dawes Dear George: Enclosed, please find copy of letter which was sent to Mr. R. W o Kerns in regards to the above subject job, which is self-explanitoryo As you know, the City of Newport Beach was to participate in this project to the extent of installing 10' of the bulkhead at the end of Washington Street, Because of the fact that Mr. Kerns and the City of Newport Beach have been unable to reach an agreement on the pipeline involved, and therefore I am unable to complete my contract with Mr. Kerns, I feel some action must be taken to alleviate the liability which exists in the area. I would appreciate knowing what will be done about this. Thanks for your kind attention. Very truly yours, CROFT & NEVILLE CO. A. D. Penhall ADP/b BULKHEADS RFCFIVFD AN 2.� 1969 11111.;IC, WORK' S bff li DREDGING • MOORINGS • FLOATS • PIERS • TOWING CROFT & NEVILLE Co. M A R I N E CONTRACTORS 223-21ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92660 • AREA CODE (714) 675-3728 January 10, 1969 R. W . ferns 5500 Ladybird Lane La Jolla, California Re: Fun Zone Sulkheading Dear Bill; On January l6, 1969, your harbor permit No. A-19$6 becomes void, as we have not completed the wall as per city requirea- ments. slaving not heard from you, I presume you wish to abandon the project. We have considerable liability In the exposed steel projecting from the concrete panels which have not been driven, and I therefore suggest these steel rods be out cif immediately if the panels will not be used. Please advisee Immediately. Thank you, CROFT & NIEVILLE CO. A. D. Penhall ADF/b RE�EIV�D JAN 2 � 1 P I lC N hkl v►.,; t BULKHEADS • DREDGING • MOORINGS • FLOATS • PIERS • TOWING P. W- Q CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT _ . f, HARBOR PERMIT -R*W* XCANSS $*W Wt$T9 IN CAPITAL 41611 p"AI� s*" NAME OF APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS APR r L 40 1967 sm Dirsai S AL I CtI!lllt t o IN COMPLIANCE -.WITH YOUR APPLICATION OF , 196 ,lAwuAaY i�- --�— AND SUBJECT TO ALL TERMS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS WRITTEN BELOW OR PRINTED AS GENERAL, OR SPECIAL PROVISIONS ON ANY PART OF THIS FORM, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO CowavitucT 167' pP d' COMINCT9 $LAS SEAWALL AND 24' OF 20' SEAWALL AT END OF WAS" 1 NQTbN Stage -to PsePosED Wastmt. Lots 2s3s4s5* AM 60 BLOCK IS TOACT DAYSIOC ALL WORK TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND DRAWINGS ATTACHED OR REFERENCED THERET09 THIS PERMIT SHALL BE VOID -UNLESS THE WORK HEREIN CONTEMPLATED SHALL HAVE BEEN COMPLETED BEFORE lic 19� APPROVED BY r CITY ENGINEER AUTHORIZED BY THE CITY COUNCIL.OF TH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, AT A MEETING HELD ON THE __L DAY OF , 19&:l- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR HARBOR PERMIT DATE Jan. 16 1967: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA GENTLEMEN: APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT 167 " OF 1811 CONCRETE SLAB SEA11ALL PPLICANT WILL DESCRIBE HERE FULLY WHAT HE WISHES TO DO AND PURPOSE OF IMPROVEMENT ge�•So C(Tr I5$-5'0 ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK: APPLICANT IS OWNER OF LOT 2,3,4. 5.6. BLOCK R 7 y TRACT Bayside Tract THE UNDERSIGNED AGREES TO DO THE WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES, REGULATIONS AND SPECI- FICATIONS AND SUBJECT TO THE INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE APPLICATION AND PERMIT ARE SUBJECT TO THE GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR HARBOR PERMITS ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF AND TO ANY SPE)A ITIONS IMPOSED. �. CONTRACTOR CROFT & NEVILLE REC°D FEE 133,50 i SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT CHECK No. 5S58 SOUTHGJESTERN CAPITAL CORPORATION DATE 1_16-67 Cd+ IL: 2005 U. S. NATIL BANK .BLDG. FROM CROFT & NEV]LIE y--6 7 MAILING ADDRESS u:.,_ ,; ; .� - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA f�: 234-7941 r I HLE: yti C4�r� PHONE l7 APPLICATION SHALL BE IN DUPLICATE 11,W 7a� _ j- v�F . %qx ' `� No. A — 1486 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR HARBOR PERMITS 1. ACCEPTANCE OF PROVISIONS. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY THE PERMITTEE THAT THE DOING OF ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT SHALL, CONSTITUTE AN ACCEPTANCE,OF ALL OF THE PROVISIONS° 2. PERMIT FROM OTHER AGENCIES-. THE PARTY OR PARTIES TO WHOM THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED SHALL, WHENEVER THE SAMEISREQUIRED BY LAW, SECURE'THE WRITTEN,ORDER OR CONSENT TO ANY WORK HEREUNDER FROM THE Ue S. CORPS OF.ENGINEERS OR ANY OTHER PUBLIC 'BODY HAVING JURISDICTION, AND THIS PERMIT SHALL BE SUSPENDED IN OPERATION UNLESS AND UNTIL -SUCH ORDER OR CONSENT IS OBTAINED. o ?? TRANSFERRING PERMIT- THIS PERMIT.IS NOT TRANSFERABLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OR OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 11II'F COUNCIL APPROVAL IS REQUIRED- 4. INSPECTION-. THE WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE SUPERVISION AND APPROVAL OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. THE PERMITTEE SHALL NOTIFY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT LEAST 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE OF THE DATE WORK IS TO BEGIN AND BEFORE ITS COMPLETION. 50 PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC- ADEQUATE PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. BARRICADES SHALL BE PLACED ON STREETS, WITH LIGHTS AT NIGHT, ALSO FLAGMEN EMPLOYED, ALL AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE PARTICULAR WORK IN PROGRESS. THE PERMITTEE SHALL NOT ATTEMPT TO FORBID THE FULL AND FREE USE BY THE PUBLIC OF ALL NAVIGABLE WATERS AT OR ADJACENT TO THEWORKOR STRUCTURE. IF THE DISPLAY OF LIGHTS AND SIGNALS ON ANY WORK HEREBY AUTHORIZED IS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW,'SUCH LIGHTS AND SIGNALS, AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY BUREAU OF LIGHT HOUSES, DEPARTMENT OF COM— MERCE, SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE PERMITTEE.' STRUCTURES SHALL BE SO CONSTRUCTED AS NOT TO OBSTRUCT, INTERFERE WITH OR PRE— VENT THE FREE USE OR PASSAGE OF ANY SIDEWALKS, STREET, ALLEY, PUBLIC WAY OR NAVIGABLE CHANNEL. 6. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES- THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE WHICH MAY ARISE OUT OF WORK HEREIN PERMITTED, OR WHICH MAY ARISE OUT OF THE USE OR POSSESSION OF SAID WORKS.,. AND IN THE EVENT ANY CLAIM IS MADE AGAINST THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OR ANY DEPARTMENT, OFFICER, OR EMPLOYEE THEREOF, THROUGH, BY REASON OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH WORK, PERMITTEE'SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THEM, AND EACH OF THEM, HARMLESS FROM SUCH CLAIM. 7. REVOCATION OF PERMIT- THE RIGHTS GIVEN UNDER THIS PERMIT ARE PERMISSIVE ONLY, AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RESERVES FULL RIGHT, POWER, AND AUTHORITY TO REVOKE THIS PERMIT AT ANY TIME. IN THE EVEN THE PERMITTEE FAILS TO REMOVE SAID WORKS WITHIN THE TIME SPECIFIED, THEN THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO IMMEDIATELY REMOVE SAME AT THE COST AND EXPENSE OF THE.PERMITTEE. 8. REPAIRS- THE PERMITTEE SHALL KEEP THE STRUCTURES IN GOOD REPAIR AT ALL TIMES. FAILURE TO REPAIR, WHEN WRITTEN NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN BY THE CITY 'ENGINEER, SHALL BE CAUSE FOR THE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. Gentlemen: As a result of our conference between Messrs. Devlin, Perry, Kerns and Countryman on March 7, 1968, we are hereby setting forth our understanding of the agreement reached regarding the completion of the sea- wall at the Fun Zone property: (1) ` City of Newport Beach engineers will prepare engineering drawings, at city expense, detailing work to be done in connection with lowering the water line. ?IZCVEV.LY LAG6036D Avo ov5v8�iD (2) Southwestern Capita orporation will enter into an agree ment with a reliable contractor to effect a lowering of the City of Newport each's water line at the end of Washington Street. (3) The City of Newport Beach will work with Mr. Al Penhall, of Croft & Neville, in coordinating the work to be done, including dredging and backfill. GOVg I YVC.TID (4) The City of Newport Beach will reimburs outhwestern Capital Corporation for one-half of the tota t cost resulting from the lowering of the water line, 3V 6.164f . " o XjfjL*wA.L.. o G Z ►a F u v 1 � Ge9''CS . is �-'T�.16- C t-f�(, :..:: - - __ __. (5) The City of Newport Beach will repair and improve, at its expense, all surface improvements at the end of Washington Street. 2001 SuiteVffi0X, 1010 Second Avenue, San Diego, California 92101 Y Southwestern _ ' Ca ital 1� p . Corporation A Federal Licensee Under The Small Business Investment Act Of 1958 City of Newport Beach, The Honorable Mayor and City Council Representatives 3300 West Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California Gentlemen: Telephone (714)234-7941 February 7, 1968 Approximately one year ago our firm applied for a harbor permit to complete the seawall in front of its property known as the Balboa Fun Zone. After several meetings with city officials and with the City Council, Harbor Permit No. A-1486 was granted. Thereupon Croft & Neville, marine engineers, started construction of a seawall in accordance with the permit. When the contractor was approximately three -fourths finished his work was stopped because a 12" water line was discovered on city property at the end of Washington Street, The entire project came to a standstill and has been in limbo ever since. We have asked the city to proceed with the lowering of this water line in order that the slabs comprising the seawall can be properly installed in accordance with the permit and accompanying engineering drawings. The Public Works Department has indicated it would prefer to leave this water line where it is and install the seawall astride the line. Such a procedure would not be suitable for us because it would defeat the very purpose for which the project (costing approximately $25, 000) was intended, since the sand surround- ing the water line cannot be dredged out to a depth sufficient to permit utiliza- tion of the waterfront. Such dredging has been our primary objective. We have the northwesterly half of the waterfront leased to the Fun Zone Boat Co., Inc., for $12, 500 per year. However, we were unable to lease the other half of this frontage because of incomplete work by the general contractor, who was halted by your engineers. We feel, therefore, that we have been 10 Suited 1010 Second Avenue, San Diego, California 9 1 1 20U! g Southwrasterfi Capita Corporation City of Newport Beach, The Honorable Mayor and City Council Representatives Page 2 February 7, 1968 damaged to the extent of $12, 500 as a direct result of your failure to lower the water line at the end of Washington Street. We would prefer not to get into a court action although our counsel feels that we have just cause. We have repeatedly brought this matter to your attention by conference and telephone discussions with yours Messrs. Devlin, Perry and Nolan - without results. We feel that the lowering of the water line is the responsi- bility of the City of Newport Beach and theirs alone. It is somewhat amazing . that the existence of the line was discovered only when it was reached by the sand dredge and that no mention of it was made in the permit. Messrs. Devlin and Perry will recall that I specifically inquired about the existence of ease- ments for underground utilities in the area and was advised that there were none. Please take whatever action is necessary to effect the lowering of this water line in order that the work on the seawall may be concluded at the earliest possible time, thus enabling us to lease this property as soon as possible. Yours very truly, R. W. Kerns, President SOUTHWESTERN CAPITAL CORPORATION RWK:cjc cc: City Manager Public Works Director City of Newport Beach Newport Beach, California January 2, 1968 Croft and Neville Mari ne Contractors 223 21st Street Newport Beach, California Attention: Mr. A.D. Penhall SubJect: Concrete SCa Wall Bayward of Fun Zone and at Washington Street End (Harbor Permit No. A-I486) Gentlemen: The City is concerned with the unfinished state of the sea wall construction project at the end of Washington Street at Neaiport Say. The beach is currently occupied by a number of uncompleted concrete bulkhead slabs and other ► aterials of construction which are unsightly, a hazard to the public, and which prevent use of the beach by the public, It is reco„gnixed that, you are encountering difficulty in completing the seat gall in front of the Fun Zone prooerty, but the street end must be cleared, It is therefore requested that you clean up the Washington Street end and restore it to its natural condition with- in the next 30 days.. If you have any further questions, please contact Ken Perry of this office at 673-2110. Ver truly yours, J seph Devlin Pu l i storks Director KLP:naj CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA SOUTHWESTERN CAPITAL CORPORATION 4� 1010 1IND AVtNut Ii Sum 2005 SAN Diteof CALIFORIVIAl 92101 ATTENTION MR. R.W. KeR11SPRES ' E $UIiJECtI FIARSGIB PERMI No.; A«1 (BALBOA FUR z GENTLEMEN,. N,. Vo. 4S4 - 4g58 55�oo LApj B«O �AIJ�� 4 1OuA / c4L, l r-, REGARDING YOUR EXPRESStO DESIRE TO 1-OWER THE CITY'$ 12-INC l CAST IRON WATER MAIN WHICH 13 CONSTRUCTED ON CITY TIDELANDS SAYWAAD OF YOUR SAL80A Fum Z131IE PROPERTY.. LET ME ADVISE YOU OF THE PRESENT STATUS Or THC OR04E CT: I. THE COST OF LOWERING THE WATER MAIN IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, AS THE CITY WOULD RECEIVE NO ADVANTAGE FROM HAVING THE MAIN LGARED. 2. As YOUR CONTRACTOR$ CI40.FT AND NEY ILLE j MAS NOT HAD EXTENSIVE EX+l PERIENCE IN UNDERWATER WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION., ARID AS YOU HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN A PAOJECT Of *HIS SORT HEPORE AND CONSIDER IT TO BE A RELATIVELY SIMPLE CONSTRUCTION TASK$ I SUGGEST THAT YOU ADVISE CROFT AND NEVILLE HOW TO PROCEED WITH THE PROJECTS OR C.LSE ENSAGIC AN EXPER IENC99 WATER 11A IN C*N$TRUC.T! ON CONTRACTOR TO 00 TIME e3pRlt. 3. THE k4S. PIPE AND FoumoltY Co. is wT ILL PRa+ is I wo to Fuitir 1oh I t+It: oR* 14ATIOM To THE CITY ON LOWERING THE O1PE1 HOWEVIrRo TO DATE NO iMF"- 14ATION HAS SEEN FORTHt*1011fi1B. NO WORK MAY BE 1301E ON THE WATER MAIN W ITi' OW PR I OR APPROVAL BY THE C I r'Y OF, THE TYKE OF WORK To BE DOME AND THE CONTRACTOR 0:RQPOS9D TO, DO THt,-..WORK. ir+ THERE ARE ANY QUEST IONSp PLEASE CALL ME. Q� , w a` i VERY TRULY YOUR$, KEAiNETII L. I ERRY AssT. CITY Eme I I to CC: CROFT AND ITV nu KLP & mAi �Jo � T E Ni A - i/I, re.6lo UNITED STATES PIPE AND FOUNDRY COMPANY 2600 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90057 TELEPHONE: 385-2828 AREA CODE 213 June 22, 1967 WE SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DELAYS CAUSED BY STRIKES. EMBARGOES. FIRES. ACCIDENTS. OR ANY OTHER CAUSES BEYOND OUR CONTROL. WE AGREE TO FURNISH NEW MERCHANDISE IN EXCHANGE FOR ANY MERCHANDISE SOLD THAT IS FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE IN MANUFACTURE. WE ASSUME NO FURTHER LIABILITY OF ANY KIND SUCH AS FOR LABOR COSTS. EXPENSES. OR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES DIRECT OR INDIRECT RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE MERCHANDISE CLAIMED DEFECTIVE. Mr. Kenneth L. Perry Asst. City Engineer City of Newport Beach City Hall 3300 W. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, California City of Newport Beach Lowering Washington St. USIFLEX Pipeline Dear Mr. Perry: The following suggestions are made as a result of the study and rough layout of the proposed 12" USIFLEX line relocation as shown on your marked drawing attached.to your letter of May 22, 1967: 1. Using the new line location as marked onthe drawing, it is evident that a new 450 bend fitting will be required where the line goes under the new sea wall. This 450 fitting would be required regardless of the condition of the USIFLEX joints in the old line. It would not be possible to move all of the old line to the new line position by dredging alone. The new 22hD bend at the tie-in toward the middle of the line may or may not be required as shown in the City of Newport's second plan. Much will depend on where the tie-in is made and the actual slope of the old line. It may be possible to accommodate the change in direction at this point with the salvaged USIFLEX pipe by taking the deflection in several of the joints. 2. According to the layout, part of the line (approximately 3 lengths) could be lowered by dredging; however, we doubt that the joints will move freely. Much depends on the condition of the joint, particularly the exposed portion of the ball. It may be possible to clean the exterior of the joints, loosen the joint bolts and carefully lower a number of pipe lengths. Some damage may occur to the gaskets; however, if done with care, we would not expect the bells to fail. UNITED STATES PIPE AND FOIINDRY COMPANY PAOE.2._._._ June 22, 1967 Since only three to four lengths of pipe are involved, we suggest that the joints be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned. New bolts and gaskets should be used when the pipe is reassembled. 3. Your suggestion is good on maintaining adequate clearance when installing the new line under the footing of the new sea wall. 4. We note that the plan view of the drawings supplied by you that the existing 12" USIFLEX line contains two 450 bends just before crossing the U. S. Bulkhead line. The new sea wall falls in between these two bends. The relocation of these fittings will be involved in the vertical changes discussed above. It is difficult to layout a change such as this without measurements and locations of the fittings and pipe in the actual line. This could also be quite a problem in ordering new material needed to relocate the line. We trust the above information will be of assistance to you. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, UNITED STATES PIPE & FOUNDRY CO. R. K. Harris Sales Representative RKH:cjh Ss Auausy 4, 1967 SAi'3 DisM'.ao v�- w'N7 L,LCM W.- ` uc F'''UPPOSE OV THIS LETTeR @S To INVOCATZ THE CMOs POSITION WITH 7NE SAY fr"3 OMA ?He END OV WAS030?JGTON STRICS7r I s:A MUCH AS TEEC PTcC?POSM LV14C & NG OF Tfit WATER L 6 NC IS PR B `w3AR I LY OF BvNEVIT TO YOUR PR'ra'PER Y.9 I7 OS FELT 7&EAR' THE COST OF THC OF THE LINE WOULD 044HC 67 LCSS SUSCCP7IOLC TO ACCODENVaL DA74ACCO AMD 1IL" RCa�A.`"'aE 7f'iE F'C5G'eNTIAL US406LI Y OF T.'.0 STRCCT END AREA. FOF2 THES REASON THE STAVV WOULD BE WILLM TO RCC0.%vjZ X-) To Tne CITY COs"SC CgL THAT THE CCyY SNARE ZQUALLV IN THE COST OF THC W-ORKq UP TO A MAXIMUM or 97 YCU DCS4RE 7O LCAJER THE WATER Lime RASHER THAN 7O LEAVE IT IN PLACE AND iESTROCT 7E"4: DPE0GI.%Q0 PLEASE ADVOSZ US 30 THAT COUNCIL APPROVAL OF' C Q TY PARS' 8 C 9 PA7 B OU CAN Be R'E� UES Y EDo THE NEXT REGULAR tdC WOULD Cw C9icAD TO HZeT A7 YOUR CONYEsNOENCE TO DISCUSS THIS �8ATTeR. 17 Tt'E C ARE ANY 5�UCS7IONS� PLeASC CONTACT a 5°�WR MYSELF Chi Ass 8STANT A35057-ANT PUBLIC %4ORKS DIRECTOR -M Cm7Y q-IANA CR Aw"T 4. 196T SOYTMICSTt1111 CAPIM CORPORATION a. So NAT IOUL BAN W46 SAN Noes*# CAL iromm ATTCW Im MR* No W Ktnn,# P*951091a $USJCCTI NAvown fta111T No* A-4WK (®ALmOA fun tone �WCHtrL�11EN: TUC PU41POSC Or TVlO VCMII 15 TO IN11ICATC THC CITY*11 POSITION WITH 119"010 TO THt LOCATION Or TUC 12 111Cri waTEa LIME antuO1NS UNOCx TUC NAY FR" Tug CIO Or WASHINNTON SvatgT* I NA1 Mcu AS Trig P" Mev L"CA i N1I Of T" WAT$a L i Ng 49 rA I NAa 1 LY Or ""CrIT TO YOUI1 loftarvo IT IS FELT TWAT Trig POST or THC "ft WOULD 09 YOUR 111 SPONSISI .ITV0 IvEa* IT IS a com"IEto THAT THt11t +110YLN ALSO a A nNern to ime C/TV IN YmAT TWM LOMta1N0 Or T1M LOW WOULD $Me IT 1. " SUSCIMIN 9 TO "6111901TAL DAUM# AND INCaEAS9 THE Pall TIAI. 00ANILITY Or Trig "Mgt RIOT MwA. ROa TriIS MASON Tug STAFF WOULD NE W i LL 1 NWI TO agam MENM TO Tug CITY COUNC I L THAT THt CITY OHM 1C4U"Lv IN Twe COST O/ Tug W"Rp UP TO A NAIIINW Or $%O If YOU NCSIaC TO LOWII Ttig WATER 1.119 aATWO THAN TO LtAVt IT IN PLACC AM MCSTII I CT TUC O tpN I N0o PLCASC AOV I SE US SO THAT COUNC I L &VpfK VAL Or CITY PART I C I PAT SON CAN SC age"STCoo Trig MtLXT REOYLAW COUNCIL *6VIN® 1S ON AY�ST 1llp 1967o, We WGUM 49 MAD TO NeXT AT YOUR CONI/ENICUCC TO DISCUSS THM HATTC to IF Tucat An ANY WREST IO p PLaAw CONTACT Comm NYStLr OR +ASSISTANT City ENSINECIIf Kamen to. ftmm.# AT 611100, Exro 260 VCRY TRULY YOUasp i11:N4N111 Bo NOLAN AILS I STANT MINI. I C WOWS D I RECTON MAIN CCt cw0c LNAN NoomeaS CITY Numa I Telephone: MWXXX%6W 234-7941 A Federal Licensee under the Small Business Investment Act of 1958. Mr. Kenneth L. Per.ry Assistant City Engineer City of Newport Beach 3300 West Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, California Dear'Mr. Perry: Re: Harbor Permit No. A-1486 (Balboa Fun Zone) C Southwestern Capital Corporation June 5, 1967 Appropos of your letter of May 31, 1967 and our subsequent telephone conversation regarding the subject permit relating to the construction of a seawall bayward of the Balboa Fun Zone, I would like to say the following. Of the three alternate plans which you have clearly presented, we feel that Alternate No. 1 is the only feasible approach. To leave the water- line in place, as suggested in Alternates Nos. 2 and 3, negates essentially the very purpose of our becoming involved in this construction program. Further, from the point of view of the city and the ultimate utilization of the water area at the end of Washington Street, it would appear that a lowering of the waterline is the only prudent course to pursue. Actually, the problem of relaying the existing 1211 line should not be too great: I have been involved in a project of this sort before and, through the use of flexible joints, it is a relatively simple construction task. We therefore submit to you. that Alter- nate No. 1 is far and away the best solution to your problem. We trust this work will be expedited so that the seawall can be com- pleted before the rush of summer business at the Fun Zone is upon us.. RWK:c jc , cc; Croft & Neville Yours very truly, SOUTHWESTERN CAPITAL CORPORATION R. W. Kerns, President 1010 - 2nd Ave. Suite 2005. San Diego, California 92101 JUN ® D � J � Q p J 60, 2� o J (L NEM f-t'c. A ppc� E � —12.0 (ToP) 20 SLAT% 4�� LAY ExISr 12" t.AsT �RpN WAr0Z MAIN a A - i o�4 4L,U-- 2NATE Kja .1 5/2Co/67 �P, z u leu m 0 o- t7 �„ � k D1206EsA�rD L,NE L FX15T. 12" CAST 12oN W�Z"�'R MAIN TO (Z65MAIM : VS, PFOJEC.T LING 4 ��eI rZHEAD (r�MF- LIt41r ol= DgeDG046 \ Try -700 FT M.L.L.W, li, S. (3 u I.IGIAF— D LI NE s CcOos 2ucr SEAWALL----' g � 3 9 � II _ 150 'BF-Y N D A- 46 ALTaNATC tifo, Z s/zro /G-7 k.tr, P. A- I4-S(,, ALTEkNAT9 too. m C�- 51240/(P-) KLP A-re-oL MAW G PAT 31p IWT SOVUWMlk* CM#IrAL COMPORAT ION 0 #900S QW, trftft#A ATTltUr to*$ Wo It* W& Ktious SmeA4 r`s WON* ftM#r Nt p A•! " rom ZOO) �ttN'�raM�taEtt� ON rt*M*AV 14, 7r Toe ctiry CO" ft. APPMi WZD TW 00494'r HMOM :ft'MMN#T T6► SONSTRUOT At SCAVAw. Aw Lots 206" 9Lmx ST# Oasto t Taws nt h; SO MTiCATt� MSS WSCL fSO THAT T LOCA' tQW OrTtjg� G tTY ' S .1'2!'. N CAOT #!to" VA�TME R NA I N � WOUtA TNC Mlltr A1T WA S1 #W4W Wfta CARMi" IZIS W#TM tjW PMOV M tttC� R C:#A6MiMtlAMI;$ CftMMM.CI Mi1t��tA1S I*°� SCR+ MCAT# TH9 WANIR ft.N0*. T##S ASAAS#1 TORti PWT#CA►t. Aii.#MtA+► "T s— 1tlIwags or ACTtout L�M Ttg VATMCR 4fNt# C141tSIOW :' 'v , ►y AAA DUOU ALCM##it " P&"* . +� %A*" TO WAIM S k#W. tM MwhAt4io C~MtdC'i.T AC+1�► MAiltt��MlMt'1 STM�T. 14A 9 M WK'198 & #At IN M AU, STOP Tt9 SRA M. / APPM #MATM6t.T 10 1''CV 1IiCMi'ftgft l 4W WAWOW410lio +GWWWCt A ttM 0911 '0 T t P9*ft #M IA TO TMS StAW"& TO 4"TAIN "ML #IT#SCT>Muo ""v f AND *"*a MAP " TALC t #N# SUBJECTS HARBOR PESN IT Noo AwAN PASS 2 THE FIRST ALTERNATIVE WOULD 89 T INE+C¢NSUN I Ns AND 9XPCNs IVE p AL,TIMUSN Wt HAVE NOT All YET i{EEN "" TO SETA tN AN ACCURATt E$T INATC or tut Cs? or Dome THE Iloili* THE $990110 AtTIl NA0, TIVE WOU40 MICSTSICT YOUR UsE QP THE WATER AREAp AND ANY U" AUTHORIZED @REVS 106 on ERlis I11N or smo Moll NATURAL CAUSES NIGHT QAI4AOC THE VATIC* L INC r ENCI.0690 AMC BiICTCias I LLuerRAT I me THE D i rrtRENT CQURsEs OF ACTION• MAY W9 MATIC YOUR CO NTs? VERY TRULY Y4URss KENNETM L# PERRY AssT• CITY E:NSINEER KLPs NAJ ENsI,ffia MAY 22* 190 U#$. PIPE Am Foumoy COMPANY 2600 WILontog BouLtvAA® Los AwaeuS# CALIFORNIA ATT'ENT119NI MR McGoucaAL SUBJECT; WFAEIRWATER WATER MAIN FROM WA$1/1144T'ON STREET TO BALBOA ISLAND R�l4NTLEt1ElIf . EucLOSED PLgASEF I Mp TWO szvt OF PRINTS OF AN EX I $T I XG 12" CAST. I**" WATC* 11AIN CROSSINd UNDER NEWPORT HARBOR. 1449 LINE WAS O NSTRUCTED IN 1952 USING 6OLTC0 "IJSIFLEX" ,I(3W PIPE. JT tS OCSIRED TO CONSTRUCT A NEW 'CONCRETE SEAVALL AT TIME WA8bIINOYON STRECT END,, DF 049 TO ELEVATION <76'0 rexT MT.-L•W. s AND Lowe* Twit WATER. time To R I.EVATI4M *13.0 FEET. TIa QucatON I$* wiLL, Tot 15 YEAR OLD PIVZ 40INTS ffiTILI. ROTAT& OR CAN WE EIIPVCT THE 8EL1S *0 BREAK If ME 0*90 E UNDER T 4f^ P I P9 ANO LOWER IT? IN THE EVENT T14AT THE +ICIII TS ARE LOCK9Q# THE SUQG9STC0 PLAN TO &IUONKCT THE FIRST JOtilt BELOW CLE VAT tOit 013.0 FEET By tARJAN t1IG OFF INC DOLTS* THEN INSTAIL 4062 A NEW 22j* FITTINl1 IN INC OLD BI:CLa USING SAUVAGEO PIPE tOR VI C "OR iZONTAL RVIIF TO THE "AWALLF AND USING A NEW 450 FITTING A D PIPE FOR THE X I $V TO OADC AVOC ARS TO Be 'TAX $11 PLCST PMROCCOU11E If TUC OLD 4011INTS WILL NOT lROTATE. . W t" YOU C"E:EK WI t# YOUR RESEARCH ]DEPA[t'iFW*T Irk i NC i It !$OS ST lomS. WE NAVE HAD NO EXPtRIENCZ WIT" TtK1 $** TO itCALION THESE OLDER UNDCRWATC R P#F'ESo VERY TRULY You"$'* 1';*NcTit L. Peany OsT. CITY 1 N13INE$R KLPsNAJ 1r>�sr�.s i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH — PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMO TO v� J,E'C DATE FROM: SUBJECT: COPIEs To: J� IGNED PUT IT IN WRITING o ., e o e WRITTEN MESSAGES SAVE TIME AND AVOID ERRORS I -CUSTOMER'S COPY SA 8 66 STATE'_ 'ALIFORNIA 251W - 9-66 DEPARTMEN, _OF AGRICULTURE` BUREAU OF WEIGITS AND, MEASURES PRIVATE WEIGHMASTER'S CERTIFICATE -0F 1 d6mT AND . MEASURE THIS: IS TO CERTIFY that the following described merchandise was weighed measured or .counted by. a Private - Weighmaster..as;.prescribed ey the California Business an'dProfessions Cbde, Division B,,Chapter 7, and hiasignature. Is:a'+recognl3ed?'authority of.acc,�aey. "' .WELCH`'S COASTAL COXtlE'T.E COMPANY OTHER PLANTS IN ORANGE COUNTY WEIGHED AT . COSTA MESA 2901 Jamboree Rd pRANGE _. ORANGE 1501 W. Taft PLACENTIA EL TORd WESTMINSTER :: . P. 0. Box 421' 12705 S.Cambridge P. 0. Box 1907 360.S. Walnut 9961 Valencia Trask at; Hoover 893, 6.035 S4B•3318 - .'. 'b36%549 :. 63Z,9000 54Z-5606 5W8-1151, 837-1070 539= 441, ,. . Zorie bNo r'Date' Sold to. Address k y D LOAD COMPANY 4 OTh1ER Rl NO. ; TRU,CK NO . !, TRUGIC'::I I' IVE�4 ��a is.w is �tlne. WEIGHTS 1 DE RIPTION AMOUNT "✓ YDS. CONCRETE MIX SACK _Gals. Water d�Lbs:.Cement� r CEMENT, ;ar a '' + W 7 1.61. Sind 41 PIERS , Lbs. Sand/ BOLTS lbs. Rock( .;% RE-INFQRCING t A ! I� Lbs Ro k" ,?r� WATER ADDED _j 'GALS LEAVE i LEAVE JOB. M PLANT'): ARRIVEr ARRIVE JOB'. �bl4N' M PLANT s M 7. Welch's TIME AT BASED ON 5 MIN. Coastal Concrete Company'' JOB MIN'" PER`•CUBIC YARD '-TI£IVATE`+WOGHMASTER ALLOWED ALLOWED FOR TIMEMIN UNLOADING. BYt+ s t DEPUTY.,1� STANDING MIN TERMS: Tenth'l:of:month after delivery, customer will'as• >Customer.assRmmea sume collectlon. fees on accounta,: unreasonably past due.. responsibility' cTor TAX' Interest of I % 'per mooilt , charged on overdue accounts;..I water eddod on job.;, NOTICE: Our drivers will make every effort to place material•where:Customer desiphates, but the Company assumes.no responsibility for damages inside curb or property line.:'Claiina TOTAL.. - foe shortage will not be allowed. unless made `at"the .time this material was delivered. /' 7 (� /� RECEIVED, • C- 1 J `t r S PAPEa PATENTED BY NCR COMPANY PRINTED BY THE STANDARD'R§CISTRR COMPAI�Y� U:S:A- CUSTOMER'S COPY 5A B 66 .\1 95M- 9 STAAGRICULTURE MA /CA e DEPARTM OF AGRICUULTLT URE BUREAU. OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES PRIVATE WEIGHMASTER'S CERTIFICATE OF WEIGHT AND "MEASURE- t THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that the following described merchandise was weighed, measured or counted by a Private Weighmaster as prescr,ibed:'by:the California Business!"and Professions. Code,. Division 5,'Chapter 7, and his signature is'a recogniied.authority."of accuracy. Wf;LS COASTAL: CONCRETE COAPAN:Y OTHER PLANTS IN ORANGE. COUNTY WEIGHED AT COSTA MESA ?ORANGE 29P. Jamboree Rd ORANGE "` 1501 W tall t_ PLACENTIA EL TORO WESTMINSTER - P: 0. Bax;421 833-0800 . 12705 S.tembridge P. 0: Box 1907 "637-5006,' 360"S. Walnut 9961'Valencie Trask at Hoover' 893-6035 548-3318 5383549., 547-5606 528-1151 • 837-1070 539-9441 Zone '¢' lo'b No.'Date Sold to Job .V ..r x,y 4 tee" wf� a . V P. O. No. fu x< . Address LOAD' a° COMPANY: �.. THER! R " a NO. t�a�'' TRUCK: NO; TRUr.W IVER 'f ' WEIGHTS DESCRIPTION - AMOUNT r. l J` Gals. Water ' Y ONCRETE'- MIXSACK Cement CEME b 69-Sand . "� PIERS Z Lbs: Sand Q/ BOLTS Lbs Rock " RE-INFORCING Lb' Ro k / WATER 'ADDED GALS. LEA �." JOBVE. _ M PLANT- M ARRIVE,;,-;,- ARRIVE ' ` - JOB' M PLANT " " M Welch's TIME AT MIN: BASED' ON 5 MIN. Coas!VtgeJ�6ncrete Company JOB PER CUBIC YARD IPRIVATF,aWE)GHMASTER ALLOWED . ALLOWED FOR TIME MIN. UNLOADING. STANDING MIN. @ TIME -TERMS: DTP .."of month after dellvery;,oustomer will as- Customer assumes r -sume- oolleemres n"feon accounts unreasonabiy- ipasf due. responsibility - for Interedt of 1%: per monthoharued.'on overdue accounts..) water added on lob. NOTICE: Our drivers will make every.effort to 'place material where Customer designates, but the Company assumes no responsibility for damn Be Inside curb or property line. Claims TOTAL for shortage will -not be. al, unless made at'the time this material was delivered. RlCRE VEP s' f. C-. 798.2 .5 �1 eY NcR DDNtPAur re'NTEP BY Tae sTAaoARR.p4ASSTFa 49MPA@rp V.CA,. PAPEa PATENtFD,. _ ...._ ...:....._�.., .._ _ . APRIL 10, 1967 TO. CITY COUNCIL J2 FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT. EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALK AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES, ADJACENT TO THE U. S. BULKHEAD LINE BETWEEN PALM STREET AND WASHINGTON STREET (HARBOR PERMIT NO. A-1486) RECOMMENDATIONS: I. AD.OPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALK, PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL, AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES, ADJACENT TO THE U. S. BULKHEAD LINE BETWEEN PALM STREET AND WASHINGTON STREET. 2. AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD THE EASEMENT. 3. APPROVE A BUDGET AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,600 TO PAY ONE- THIRD THE COST OF DREDGING AND CONSTRUCTING A CONCRETE BULKHEAD ACROSS THE STREET END OF WASHINGTON STREET. DISCUSSION: THE 7PROPOSED EASEME'N-r TO BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY IS 10.33 FEET WIDE, AND IS LOCATED ADJACENTf TO THE E�ULKHEAD BETWEEN PALM STREET AND WASHINGTON STREET. THE LOCATION OF THE EASEMENT IS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DRAWING No. RIW-51 10-LV. THE PURPOSE OF THE EASEMENT IS TO PROVIDE FOR A LATER DEVELOPMENT OF A PUBLIC SIDEWALK AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ADJACENT TO THE BULKHEAD. THE GRANTOR IS THE SOUTHWESTERN CAPITAL CORPORATION, SAN DIEGO. THE GRANTEE IS THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. HARBOR PERMIT No. A-1486 WAS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 14, 1967, SUBJE'CT.TO'SEVERAL CONDITIONS; INCLUDING THE DEDICATION OF A 10-FOOT WIDE EASEMEN TO THE CITY, AND THE CONTRIBUTION BY THE CITY OF ONE-THIRD THE COST OF DREDGING AND CONSTRUCTING A BULKHEAD ACROSS THE STREET END AT WASHINGTON STREET. J SEPH EVLIN l �LIBLIC W s DIRECTOR KLP:VR ATT: .=-, / 1-- go, J V , •el�41VGT- 79 Coll/w 61- A (�. 8.4 YS Df (J) A-1 46.4 y @1 %J %J Q CITY OF NEWPORT BPEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT lo, 3.3 -* ill4z lex-4 y ozzazl Ic unL / ril c45,6ugNr .4D-14CW'1V7 TO 8UZhWC.4D I-11VE ,67'WIV. A.41-M .4VG* 44f W461-11,V670AI Sr. DRAWN -Z--/"- DATE APPROVED,.05 A697: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR R.E. NO. DRAWING NO. QlkV-5110 F_ JARY 14, 1967 T0: CITY COUNCIL FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMIT APPLICATION NO. A-1486 (BLOCK B-7, BAYSIDE TRACT) APPLICATION TO: CONSTRUCT A CONCRETE SEA WALL AND DREDGE BAYWARD OF FUN ZONE PROPERTY APPLICANT: SOUTHWESTERN CAPITAL CORPORATION 2005 U.S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDATIONS: DISCUSSION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. THAT THE OWNER DEDICATE AND IMPROVE A 12' WIDE EASEMENT ADJACENT TO THE.U.S. BULKHEAD LINE FOR PUBLIC WALKWAY AND PUBLIC EASEMENT PURPOSES. 2,, THAT THE CITY CONTRIBUTE 1/3 OF THE COST OF DREDGING AND CONSTRUCTING A BULKHEAD ACROSS THE STREET END AT WASHINGTON STREET. 3. THAT THE CITY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RELOCATION OF THE EXISTING CITY -OWNED STREET LIGHT AND ANY STREET END SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS. 4. THAT THE.LENGTH OF THE CONCRETE SLABS BE INCREASED TO 20 FEET. THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL IS REQUIRED BECAUSE: 1. THE ABUTTING PROPERTY IS ZONED COMMERCIAL. (SEC. 5-C-3) 2. COMMERCIAL PIERS BETWEEN "A" STREET AND ADAMS STREET ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIAL PERMITS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. (SECTION 23-D) SHOREWARD OF THE PROPOSED BULKHEAD THERE IS AN EXISTING CONCRETE WALKWAY THAT HAS BEEN USED OPENLY AND CONTINUOUSLY BY THE PUBLIC FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS. BAYWARD OF THE PROPOSED BULKHEAD THERE IS AN EXISTING BEACH PARTIALLY ON TIDELANDS THAT HAS ALSO BEEN USED BY THE PUBLIC FOR A NUMbtR OF YEARS. SO AS NOT TO DIMINISH THE PUBLIC'S RIGHT IN THIS AREA, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A 12 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT BE DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC UTILITY AN,D WALKWAY PURPOSES, ADJACENT TO THE BULKHEAD LINE. THE OWNER HAS STATED THAT .HE WOULD CONSIDER THE DEDICATION OF A 5 FOOT WIDE EASE- MENT IF THE CITY WOULD FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED CONCRETE WALK. FEBRUARY 14, 1967 PAGE 2 SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMIT APPLICATION N0. A-1486 SECTION 16—G OF THE ADOPTED HARBOR PERMIT POLICIES PROVIDE THAT IN AREAS WHERE THERE IS EXISTING DEVELOPMENT, AND IT IS OF DIRECT BENEFIT TO THE CITY TO HAVE A BULKHEAD CONSTRUCTED, THE CITY MAY CONTRIBUTE 1/3 OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING A BULKHEAD ACROSS STREET ENDS. THE COST TO THE CITY FOR 10 FEET OF 20 FEET LONG SLABS WOULD BE APPROXIMATELY $1,000►00. -THE COST TO THE CITY FOR DREDGING AT THE STREET END WOULD BE APPROXIMATELY $600.00. IF A BULKHEAD IS NOT BUILT ACROSS THE STREET END, THE APPLICANT WILL BE REQUIRED TO BUILD A RETURN WALL TO PROTECT THE STREET END BEACH. IF THIS IS DONE, THE REMAINING BEACH WILL BE ONLY 28 FEET LONG, AND PARTIALLY UNDER THE PUBLIC PIER. IT IS FELT THAT THIS BEACH WOULD.BE TOO SMALL TO BE OF ANY REAL BENEFIT TO THE SWIMMERS. SEPH T.4Ks DEVLIN BLIC DIRECTOR KLPsrH . ATT: The public hea9`' g was continued to March 13, "67. Motion Ayes 1x1xQxQx At the request of Dr. R. W. Kerns, and with the consent of the Council, Harbor Permit Application No. A-1486 was considered at this time. APPLICATION FOR HARBOR PERMIT: A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated February 14, 1967 regarding Harbor Permit Application No. A-1486 of Southwestern Capital Corporation to construct a concrete sea wall and dredge bayward of fun zone property (Block B-7, Bayside Tract). Dr. R. W. Kerns, President of the Southwestern Capital Corporation, spoke from the audience. John W. Olson, operator of the Fun Zone, spoke in favor of proposed bulkhead. A discussion was had. Harbor Permit Ai2i2lication No. A-1486 was granted, subject to the following conditions recommended by the Public Works Director, as amended: 1. That the owner dedicate a 10' wide easement adjacent to the U.S. bulkhead line exclusive of the coping for public walkway and public ease- ment purposes; '%wams— 2. That the City contribute one-third of the cost of dredging and constructing a bulkhead across the street end at Washington Street; 3. That the City be responsible for the relocation of the existing City -owned street light and any street end surface improvements; Page 192 Motion x Ayes x��X�X�4�x February 14, 1967 ITY OF NEWPORT BEAT _ COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 193 \� N r ��(01 -0 �1 \s�'_ Z 4. That the length of the concrete slabs be increased to 20 feet at the street ends; and 5. That the existing sidewalk be kept open for public use until an easement to the City has been ap- proved and dedicated. It was. agreed that completion of the work should be accomplished within six months. The regular order of the agenda was resumed. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1204, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REPEALING SECTION 15.16. 040 AND AMENDING SECTIONS 15. 16. 050, 15. 16. 060 AND. 15. 16. 140 OF TITLE 15 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO ABOLISH THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND TO TRANSFER THEIR FUNCTIONS TO THE PLANNING COM- MISSION, was presented for second reading. With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor Gruber stated that the further reading of the ordinance was waived. Ordinance No. 1204 was adopted. Motion Roll Call: Ayes x 2. Ordinance No. 1202, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTIONS 20. 02. 135 AND 20. 02.235 TO CHAPTER 20. 02 OF TITLE 20 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING CHAPTER 20.53 TO TITLE 20 OF SAID CODE RELATING TO DRIVE IN AND OUTDOOR RESTAURANTS, was presented for second reading. CROFT & NEVILLE MARINE CONTRACTORS 223 TWENTY-FIRST STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 TELEPHONE 675-3728 March 28, 1967 Public Works Department City of Newport Beach 3300 W. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, California 92660 Re: Proposed seawall at Fun Zone Froperty and at end of Washington St. Gentlemen: In accord with your request we herewith submit the following price and specifications for proposed seawall at the end of Washington St., Newport Beach, California. The 30 feet of seawall to be constructed at the end of Washington St. will be constructed of 1011 thick precast tongue and groove concrete sheet piling 20 feet long reinforced with 7/$" deformed steel bars, and a 2011 x 2211 poured concrete coping reinforced with four 3/411 deformed steel bars. All steel will be tied to insure even spacing, and all construction will be in accordance with plans and specifications set forth by the City of Newport Beach Engineering Department. The cost to the City of Newport Beach would be $970.00. This cost constitutes 10 feet of seawall at the end of Washington Street. Thank you for the opportunity of presenting this proposal. ADP/jm Very truly yours, CROFT & NEVILLA CO.7 A. D. Penhall BULKHEADS 0 DREDGING 0 MOORINGS 0 FLOATS 0 PIERS 0 TOWING CROFT & NEVILLE MARINE CONTRACTORS 223 TWENTY-FIRST STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 TELEPHONE 675-3728 March 28, 1967 P ublie 'u`+orks Departwnt G"ity of New► ort Beach 3300 +. Newport Blvd. "r emj)ort Beach; California 92660 Re: Proposed seawall at F m Zone Property and at end of Washington St. Gentlemen: In. accord with your request we herewith submit the following price and specifications for proposed seawrall at the end of Washington St., N _ prt Beach, California, The e o seawall to be constructed at the end of 4+ashingtcn St. will be c© ��uad of "101t thick precast tongue and groove concrete shay' it n 2 t long reinforced with 7 812 deformed steel bars„ -and a,�t''�°��C�. r" poured concrete coping, reinforced with four 3/41' deformed 04 bars. steal will to tied to insure own spacing, and all. co � , don will. be i accordance With plans and specifications set Earth k &qy of Newport Beach Engineering Department. The cost to the City of Newport Beach would be 4970.00. This cast constitutes 10 .feet of seawall at the end. of V-aashington Street. Thank you for the opportunity of presenting this proposal,. AD.P/jm Very truly yours, CROFT NEV T, WIL y )i A. D. PenhaJ.1 BULKHEADS 0 DREDGING 0 MOORINGS 0 FLOATS 0 PIERS 0 TOWING CROFT & NEVILLE MARINE CONTRACTORS 223 TWENTY-FIRST STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 TELEPHONE 675-3728 January 16, 1967 Department of Public (forks City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport B lvd. Newport Beach, California Gentlemen: In accord with your request we herewith submit the following price for the construction of a seawall in front of Washington Street, Balboa. For the sum of 6860.00 we will furnish all labor, equipment, and materials to construct 10 feet of 181 concrete slab seawall to specifications set forth by the City.of Newport Beach. In the event that you decide this -wall should be constructed of 20' slabs, the price would be $960.00. Approximately 300 cy. of sand needs to be dredged and this would cost 42.00 per cu. yd. The removal and disposal of the existing City pier at Washington Street would cost 320.00)providing that this was done at the same time the wall is constructed. Thank you for the opportunity of presenting this proposal. Very truly yours, CROFT 4h1-,V:: By Swanson I hereby authorize the above described work By City of Newport Beach (agent) BULKHEADS 0 DREDGING 0 MOORINGS • FLOATS 0 PIERS 0 TOWING