HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Verizon Wireless Facility - PA2014-208 o4�Ewr°Q COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT y PLANNING DIVISION u 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 c`�LfFOR�,P www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT March 12, 2015 Agenda Item No. 1: SUBJECT: Verizon Wireless Telecommunications Facility - (PA2014-208) 4302 Ford Road • Minor Use Permit No. UP2014-048 APPLICANT: Verizon Wireless PLANNER: James Campbell, Principal Planner (949) 644-3210, Icampbell(a)newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Zone: PF (Public Facilities) • General Plan: PF (Public Facilities) PROJECT SUMMARY A minor use permit for a new wireless telecommunications facility on an existing building used as a switch center for the Pacific Bell Telephone Company (aka AT&T). RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Minor Use Permit No. UP2014-048 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION The subject property is located generally at the south east corner of the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard and Ford Road and is designated Public Facilities (PF) by the Land Use Element of the General Plan and zoned PF (Public Facilities). Bonita Canyon Sports Park is located on either side of the facility; however, the abutting area is landscaped open space. 1 V� QP �P Verizon Wireless Telecommunications Facility Zoning Administrator, March 12, 2015 Page 2 The property is developed with switch center building and owned by AT&T. The facility is an integral backbone component of the telephone network. The site presently supports several wireless telecommunication carriers at the site. The proposal is to a new carrier to the site by installing 12 panel antennas, 12 RRU's, 6 raycaps, and a microwave dish all wall mounted on the building's fagade and 5 outdoor equipment cabinets, 3 GPS antennas, and an emergency generator within a 375- square-foot equipment enclosure. Pursuant to Chapter 20.49 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities), the facility is defines as a Class 2 facility given that the antennas are visible from the exterior of the building. Class 2 facilities require the approval of a minor use permit. The proposal allows a new carrier to the site currently occupied by several other carriers meeting the City's highest priority preference even though visible antennas are not the highest priority. The proposed facility is designed such that it will not visually dominate the surrounding area. Proposed brackets, mounts, and associated equipment match other carriers existing equipment presently on the building. All antennas will be mounted on the building exterior and not extend above the roof and will be painted to match the color of the existing building. The vertical antennas partially mimic and complement existing vertical elements of the exterior of the building. Any future increase in the height of the proposed antennas above the roof of the building would defeat the concealment elements of the proposed design and would be considered a substantial change in the context of § 6409 of the Spectrum Act (codified at 47 U.S.C. 1455). These design features provide adequate screening of the facility consistent with Chapter 20.49 of the Zoning Code. The 375 square foot equipment area will be located at the northwest corner of the site and will be surrounded by a standard 8-foot high chain link fence. Although existing landscaping along Bonita Canyon Drive and Ford Road does a fairly good job of screening the proposed equipment enclosure from streets and the Bonita Canyon Sports Park, the equipment enclosure is partly visible from both streets. As a result, staff recommends permanent screening elements to be added to the chain-link fence and additional landscape maintenance and planting along the west side of the enclosure. These design features as conditioned provide adequate screening of the facility consistent with Chapter 20.49 of the Zoning Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15303, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). Class 3 allows construction of new, small facilities or structures and installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures. Examples of this exemption include up to four commercial buildings totaling 10,000 square feet and TmpIt:04-17-14 Verizon Wireless Telecommunications Facility Zoning Administrator, March 12, 2015 Page 3 accessory structures. The proposed project involves the installation of two antennas, two remote radio units, and minor upgrades to existing support equipment which is consistent with the Class 3 exemption. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: James Campbell Principal Planner Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description ZA 4 Photographic Simulations ZA 5 Project Plans TmpIt:04-17-14 J Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 V� QP �P RESOLUTION NO. ZA2015-0## A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MINOR USE PERMIT NO. UP2014-048 FOR A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY LOCATED AT 4302 FORD ROAD (PA2014-208) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Jacobs Engineering on behalf of Verizon Wireless, with respect to property located at 4302 Ford Road, and described as a portion of Lot 1 in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, as shown on a map filed in Book 65, Page 4 of Parcel Maps in the Office of the County Recorder and Lot 2 of Tract 16760, requesting approval of a minor use permit for a new wireless telecommunications facility (WTF). 2. The applicant proposes a new WTF on an existing building used as a switch center by AT&T. The project involves the installation of twelve (12) panel antennas, twelve (12) RRU's, six (6) raycaps, and a microwave dish all wall-mounted on the building's fagade below the roof of the existing building, five (5) outdoor equipment cabinets, three (3) GPS antennas, and an emergency generator within a 375-square-foot equipment enclosure. 3. The subject property is located within the PF (Public Facilities) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category of the property is Public Facilities (PF). 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on March 12, 2015, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15303, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act) under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). 2. Class 3 allows construction of new, small facilities or structures and installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures. Examples of this exemption include up to four(4) commercial buildings totaling 10,000 square feet and accessory structures. 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 2 of 11 3. The proposed project involves the installation of 12 new panel antennas, 12 RRU's, 6 raycaps, and a microwave dish all wall mounted on the building's exterior fagade below the roof of the existing building, 5 outdoor equipment cabinets, 3 GPS antennas, and an emergency generator within a 375-square-foot equipment enclosure. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.020 (Conditional Use Permits and Minor Use Permits) and Section 20.49.060.H.1 (Required Findings for Telecom Facilities) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Minor Use Permit Finding: A. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The subject property is designated Public Facilities (PF) within the Land Use Element of the General Plan, which is intended to provide for public facilities, including public schools, cultural institutions, government facilities, libraries, community centers, public hospitals, and public utilities. Other uses may be permitted in accordance with the PF land use designation. 2. The proposed WTF is accessory to the existing telephone switch building, which is a utility consistent with the PF designation. 3. The site is not in a specific plan area. Finding: B. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The site is zoned PF (Public Facilities) and Section 20.26.020 allows WTFs pursuant to Chapter 20.49 of the Zoning Code. The proposed WTF is defined as a Class 2 facility by Section 20.49.030(G) based upon the fact that the antennas will be visible. Section 20.49.060(D) requires a Minor Use Permit for new Class 2 facilities. Section 20.49.040 (Telecom Facility Preferences and Prohibited Locations) of the Zoning Code identifies certain prohibited locations and the proposed facility is not a prohibited location. 2. Section 20.49.040(A) prioritizes wireless telecommunication facilities as follows: 1) collocation of a new facility at an existing facility; 2) Class 1 (Stealth/Screened); 3) 07-22-2014 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 3 of 11 Class 2 (Visible Antennas) and Class 3 (Public Right-of-Way); and Class 4 (Freestanding Structure). The proposal allows a new carrier at the site currently occupied by several other carriers meeting the City's highest priority preference despite having visible antennas that would be a lower priority. Visible antennas are acceptable in this case given the proposed design and screening elements identified in the plans, findings, and conditions of approval. 3. The facility is designed such that it will not visually dominate the surrounding area. Proposed brackets, mounts, and associated equipment match other carriers existing equipment presently on the exterior of the building. All antennas will be mounted on the building exterior and not extend above the roof and will be painted to match the color of the existing building. The vertical antennas partially mimic and complement existing vertical elements of the exterior of the building. Any future increase in the height of the proposed antennas above the roof of the building would defeat the concealment elements of the proposed design and would be considered a substantial change in the context of § 6409 of the Spectrum Act (codified at 47 U.S.C. 1455). 4. Support equipment will be located in a 375 square foot area that will be located at the northwest corner of the site and will be surrounded by a standard 8-foot high chain link fence. Existing landscaping along Bonita Canyon Road and Ford Road provides some screening from Bonita Canyon Sports Park and abutting public streets; however, the equipment would be visible from these public vantage points. As a result, permanent screening elements need to be added to the chain link fencing and additional landscape maintenance and new landscaping needs to be added to the west of the proposed enclosure to ensure proper screening consistent with Chapter 20.49 of the Zoning Code. 5. With construction as shown on the plans and visual simulations with the implementation of the conditions of approval, the proposed WTF will comply with screening requirements of the Zoning Code. Finding: C. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The principal use of the property is a telephone company switch facility owned and operated by AT&T. Other wireless telecommunication carriers have installed facilities at the site and the proposed facility is compatible with existing equipment. 2. Bonita Canyon Sports Park is located to the east and west of the site. Bonita Canyon Drive abuts the site to the north and Ford Road abuts the site to the south. The existing building and proposed WTF is effectively screened by mature landscaping. 3. See statements B-3 and B-4 in support of this finding. 07-22-2014 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 4 of 11 4. The proposed telecom facility will be unmanned, have no impact on the circulation system, and will not generate noise, odor, smoke, or any other adverse impacts to adjacent land uses. 5. The proposed facility will enhance coverage and capacity for commuters and residents of the area by providing wireless access to voice and data transmission services. The proposed facility will not result in any material changes to the character of the local community. Finding: D. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project site is approximately 2.8 acres and developed with a telephone company switch building used by AT&T. Several other telecommunications carriers have developed wireless telecommunications facilities at the site. The site is well screened by existing landscaping along Bonita Canyon Road and Ford Road. 2. The proposed telecom facility will be unmanned, have no impact on the circulation system, and will not generate noise, odor, smoke, or any other adverse impacts to adjacent land uses. 3. The Public Works Department, Building Division, Police Department, and Fire Department have reviewed the project proposal and do not have any concerns regarding access, public services, or utilities provided to the existing development. Finding: E. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, nor endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. See statements B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-4 in support of this finding. 2. The proposed facility will only require periodic maintenance and will not generate any type of adverse impacts to the environment, such as noise, odor, smoke, etc. 07-22-2014 2� Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 5 of 11 3. The proposed facility will comply with the applicable rules, regulations and standards of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), thus ensuring public health and safety. 4. The proposed facility is not located in an area adjacent to a coastal view road or public coastal view point. 5. The proposed wireless telecommunications facility will be effectively screened based upon the design and location with the incorporation of the conditions of approval. As a result, the proposed telecommunication facility at this location will not result in conditions that are materially detrimental to nearby property owners, residents, and businesses, nor to public health or safety. Telecom Facilities Finding: F. The proposed telecom facility is visually compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed facility is screened as required by Chapter 20.49 of the Zoning Code. See statements B-2, B-3, and B-4 in support of this finding. 2. Conditions of approval require additional screening elements for the proposed equipment enclosure. Finding: G. The proposed telecom facility complies with height, location and design standards, as provided in Chapter 20.49. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The antennas will be no higher than the height of the existing building. 2. See statements B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-4 in support of this finding. Finding: H. An alternative site(s) located further from a residential district, public park or public facility cannot feasibly fulfill the coverage needs fulfilled by the installation at the proposed site. 07-22-2014 22 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 6 of 11 Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposal adds a new carrier to an existing facility that accommodates several other carriers meeting the City's highest priority preference pursuant to Section 20.19.040(A) despite having visible antennas that are a lower priority. Visible antennas are acceptable in this case given the proposed design and screening elements identified in the plans, findings, and conditions of approval. 2. Alternative sites located further away from Bonita Canyon Sports Park or nearby residential uses would limit the coverage objectives and not fulfill the need demonstrated by Verizon to enhance coverage and capacity. The applicant has provided maps that demonstrate improved coverage within the immediate vicinity. 3. Selecting an alternative site nearby would result in an additional telecom facility within a nearby public right-of-way (a Class 3 facility) or a new free standing structure (a Class 4 facility) both being lower priority locations than the proposed project pursuant to Section 20.49.040(A) to provide service to Verizon customers' increasing demands. Finding: I. An alternative plan that would result in a higher preference facility class category for the proposed facility is not available or reasonably feasible and desirable under the circumstances. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposal allows a new carrier at the site currently occupied by several other carriers meeting the City's highest priority preference despite having visible antennas that are a lower priority. Visible antennas are acceptable in this case given the proposed design and screening elements identified in the plans, findings, and conditions of approval. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2014-048 (PA2014-208), subject to the conditions set forth in "Exhibit A," which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 (Planning and Zoning), of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 07-22-2014 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 7 of 11 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 12 RD DAY OF MARCH, 2015. BY: Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator 07-22-2014 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 8 of 11 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, antenna and equipment plans, elevations, and photographic simulations, except as noted in the following conditions. 2. The telecom facility approved by this permit shall comply with all applicable rules, regulations, and standards of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). 3. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City Building Division and Fire Department. Prior to the issuance of any building, mechanical, and/or electrical permits, architectural drawings and structural design plans shall be submitted to the City of Newport Beach for review and approval by the applicable departments. A copy of these conditions of approval shall be incorporated into the drawings approved for the issuance of permits. 4. The telecom facility shall comply with all regulations and requirements of the California Building Code, California Fire Code, California Mechanical Code, and California Electrical Code. All required permits shall be obtained prior to commencement of the construction. 5. The telecom facility approved by the permit shall comply with any easements, covenants, conditions, or restrictions on the underlying real property upon which the facility is located. 6. The operator of the telecom facility shall maintain the facility in a manner consistent with the original approval of the facility and all conditions of approval. Anything not specifically approved by this permit is not permitted and must be addressed in a separate and subsequent review. 7. Proposed brackets, mounts, and associated equipment affixed to the exterior of the building shall match, to the extent possible, other carriers' existing equipment screens. All antennas mounted on the building exterior shall not extend above the roof and shall be painted to match the color of the existing building. If the building is painted in the future, the antennas shall be painted to match the new color. Any future increase in the height of the proposed antennas above the roof of the building would defeat the concealment elements of the proposed design and would be considered a substantial change in the context of § 6409 of the Spectrum Act (codified at 47 U.S.C. 1455). 8. The chain link fence that surrounds the proposed 375 square foot area to house telecommunications support equipment shall include a durable screening material such as vertical or diagonal, plastic/vinyl slats or screen cloth. The screening materials shall be repaired and maintained as necessary. 07-22-2014 -1 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 9 of 11 9. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect. The plans shall be limited to an area within approximately 15 feet westerly of the proposed equipment enclosure where additional screening plants in the form of shrubs, hedge or small trees can be planted to provide added screening of the facility. The existing large tree directly west of the proposed equipment enclosure shall be properly pruned, or if necessary, removed and replaced with a fast growing tree that will provide similar screening in the future. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices, and the plans shall be approved by the Planning Division prior to installation. All planting areas shall be provided with a permanent underground automatic sprinkler irrigation system of a design suitable for the type and arrangement of the plant materials selected. All plantings and maintenance required shall be completed prior to final inspection by the Building Inspector. 10. All landscape materials and landscaped areas shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 11. If any of the existing public improvements surrounding the site are damaged by the private work, new concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, alley/street pavement, and other public improvements will be required by the City at the time of private construction completion. Said determination and the extent of the repair work shall be made at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 12. The storage of all project-related equipment during construction shall be on-site and outside the public right-of-way. 13. All work (if any) in the public rights-of-way shall follow City's Municipal Code Chapter 13.20. 14. The applicant shall not prevent the City of Newport Beach from having adequate spectrum capacity on the City's 800 MHz radio frequencies at any time. Should interference with the City's Public Safety radio equipment occur, use of the telecom facility authorized by this permit may be suspended until the radio frequency interference is corrected and verification of the compliance is reported. 15. The facility shall transmit at the approved frequency ranges established by the FCC. The applicant shall inform the City, in writing, of any proposed changes to the frequency range in order to prevent interference with the City's Public Safety radio equipment. 16. The applicant recognizes that the frequencies used by the facility are extremely close to the frequencies used by the City of Newport Beach for public safety. This proximity will require extraordinary "comprehensive advanced planning and frequency coordination" engineering measures to prevent interference, especially in the choice of frequencies 07-22-2014 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 10 of 11 and radio ancillary hardware. This is encouraged in the "Best Practices Guide" published by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International, Inc. (APCO), and as endorsed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 17. The applicant shall provide a "single point of contact" in its Engineering and Maintenance Departments that is monitored 24 hours per day to ensure continuity on all interference issues, and to which interference problems may be reported. The name, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of that person shall be provided to the Community Development Department and Newport Beach Police Department's Support Services Commander prior to activation of the facility. 18. Appropriate information warning signs or plates shall be posted at the access locations and each transmitting antenna. In addition, contact information (e.g., a telephone number) shall be provided on the warning signs or plates. The location of the information warning signs or plates shall be depicted on the plans submitted for construction permits. 19. No advertising signage or identifying logos shall be displayed on the telecom facility except for small identification, address, warning, and similar information plates. A detail of the information plates depicting the language on the plate shall be included in the plans submitted for issuance of building permits. 20. The telecom facility shall not be lighted except as deemed necessary by the Newport Beach Police Department for security lighting. The night lighting shall be at the lowest intensity necessary for that purpose and such lighting shall be shielded so that direct rays do not shine on nearby properties. Prior to the final of building permits, the applicant shall schedule an evening inspection with the Code Enforcement Division to confirm compliance with this condition. 21. At all times, the operator shall ensure that its telecom facilities comply with the most current regulatory operations standards, and radio frequency emissions standards adopted by the FCC. The operator shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the most current information from the FCC regarding allowable radio frequency emissions and all other applicable regulations and standards. Said information shall be made available by the operator upon request at the discretion of the Community Development Director. 22. Prior to final of building permits, the applicant shall schedule an inspection with the Planning Division to ensure that landscaping and screening elements are installed and that materials and colors match existing architecture as illustrated in the approved photographic simulations and in conformance with Municipal Code Section 20.49.050, to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. 23. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by the applicant, current property owner, or leasing agent. 07-22-2014 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 11 of 11 24. The applicant shall ensure that lessee or other user(s) shall comply with the terms and conditions of this permit, and shall be responsible for the failure of any lessee or other users under the control of the applicant to comply. 25. Any operator who intends to abandon or discontinue use of a telecom facility must notify the Planning Division by certified mail no less than thirty (30) days prior to such action. The operator or property owner shall have ninety (90) days from the date of abandonment or discontinuance to reactivate use of the facility, transfer the rights to use the facility to another operator, or remove the telecom facility and restore the site. 26. The City reserves the right and jurisdiction to review and modify any telecom permit approved pursuant to Chapter 20.49 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, including the conditions of approval, based on changed circumstances. The operator shall notify the Planning Division of any proposal to change the height or size of the facility; increase the size, shape, or number of antennas; change the facility's color, materials, or location on the site; or increase the signal output above the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits imposed by the radio frequency emissions guidelines of the FCC. Any changed circumstance shall require the operator to apply for a modification of the original telecom permit and obtain the modified permit prior to implementing any change. 27. This Minor Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the City should they determine that the facility or operator has violated any law regulating the telecom facility or has failed to comply with the requirements of Chapter 20.49 of the NBMC, or this permit. 28. This approval shall expire unless exercised within twenty-four (24) months from the date of approval. 29. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Camelback Telecom Update including, but not limited to UP2014-048 (PA2014-208). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 07-22-2014 27 V� QP �P sg Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 19 V� QP �P �o 1t �2141 2152N6a 2,166 � ,0592069. 20]>1$ m, � `�..x.91 a� �•, 4` 11j44 � 215894153.�.. 2265 2C68 X20]02064_ 2066 52161 `2065;2060 '027.7 0] Rtfyl c 0011 21 6 ]1553156' — 073m _ * / «i3 g162 zondo. -�' ' ' I910 i 2162163 068} J'7. 21521]6 M2063� -5 21]81] 2083 o O 21]�211>t 208b - 2i50 O 21j5 2090. 2 8��I44 2085107 . U �$:S Ar d00B 1215-1.G3 21]]� 2089, 3U8�2 2081 ,x2080 . � ^ ^ � 8 y _ _. 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' i._ L--�'• n� '•-� Com$ � `� w Q ,M��RFtE�O� � •• • �� . r ` .nr. :' ,,�� 9pott•Pant r, T FORD RD q .ski p �•� � ���,� � PORT Hills'Pirk a' OR -� E•fia0 P lit Disclaimer: Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data 0 R q B Newport 0 333 667 provided,however,The City of Newport Beach and its employees and Beach agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results Feet obtained in its use. GIS q<�roaw. Imagery: 2009-2013 photos provided by Eagle Imaging wwwea leaerial.com 3/2/2015 22 Attachment No. ZA 3 Photographic Simulations 23 V� QP �P , F " 11 1 l t i ',- . . +l 4 •M I EXIS G I ,ifyt^' 7l t Y I• � tt!.if•i i9 � fJ J PROPOSED CABLE SHR6IJINK DSI . 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U 4,r�;b(5 r' i m 4s' SII+�+�r air A .,Y r A, � a•� f M1f'ts' I yWY�' o-r �-. � '1, �. � �, 1 �� ��� � . . ria. � �re1 �Yy':r.r:..� ,,.• '�, Wy '�P�1�*y�t! +�I + �.F �'�U�j+rati �I 'n� �° 1 w . � t� v Y h'i i,� w 15 .� '+ ali �k����r��. r rhe „ ,�;, �. i r �t � i�� a�J^t�: � ��� 1� i^'U'� !rua �. ti,� �1� Ys �Y :� af'(f � r A a� w^u1�, 'Murar�� ��a- i � r� ; - k'�'r �� i. .. � y EXISTING t,,�. 4 M�1' i j•� .( i _;'y!..__ � � �.. � LL�p ,�(� �rrt y Pt �-til � a R� JJ��Yy' y pi y� I x jTlr', .{ 1 3{.pP�M SOI Y/��y!j�!��� •Y.. 1 L" ti4 f ,. . �4' r'`r` � .� �i� � , � � 22$ t � °n �� a'"��rS�WI` � � r r �l���q, � Y�" r� * Trt�. w w a � 1 � r s '; � .;..�1 s ' � w . � 1 � ��� � i til 'ry �!' � i w � �f 1 I i r ai.rxai � , b/ f � I� 5 1' l - � � . . ., ' yv.� ' � - �„'e .. of .f: \l. .. ... i `� _ PROPOSED • • �• - _ � � ra - �-- S M PARK j ARTISTIC engineering V@!`►Zo11wrreless 4302 FORD ROAD NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 AEsims.com 877.9AE.sims ®2014 Goo le Ma s All 4 IT 'td sK1 , - �� �� . ^�. ..�w. y..e••.: �iY � ,-.�_.��.>•yKMi�n '�Ly�w�.�4(+y.lA .1x ��4���.1� ��' �. YI R_ , . �ry ;Tt eAh Y ����' �'�PF . '1D)'+ �.. Ail :. '. it .. • + v oL y 'h ':*• _ -_rye 1 1�1� it 4 r, - - • LOOKING NORTHWEST FROM FORD ROAD aa11 ACCURACY OF PHOTO SIMULATIDN BASED UPON INFORMATION PROVIDED 61 pR�JYµAPPU CANT. . - . - . . . IN Q Qb OV / ♦` y H A r r air rt• A+.n / f'>µ'•yy_ �' 1T. ��h 1 .. ` 71 • Y. x ti•r:����IN� � y,Y E 1 � J i 1 t4i v F fi + Ilk. PROPOSED . • • - - • . - • - . Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 29 V� QP �P 30 PA2014-208 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Plans vermin 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' 1st FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 ULSANG veryzq� RCHITE TE202 34]1 VN VW, BIIITE 202 _ NEWPORT BEACH, CA v26s3 `,i' PNONE (918) 038-4139 SEAL SM PARK 4302 FORD ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92666 VICINITY MAP CODE COMPLIANCE PROJECT DESCRIPTION SHEET INDEX 1Hows WIDE 1coP Pc. Beg 00. W I SHEET DESCRIPTION ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN UNMANNED WIRELESS CELL SITE FOR T-1 TITLE SHEEP INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH HE CURRENT EDITIONS OF VERIZON. HE CODES AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING LS-1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY cissa AVE AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS IS TO BE PROJECT CONSISTS OF; CONS RUOEDTO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING TO HE . (12) PANEL ANTENNAS LS-2 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY • (12) RRU'S, (12) RRU-A2'S, & (8) RAYCAPS A-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN • (5) OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS & (1) GENERATOR A-2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN vs (1) MICROWAVE DISH ( A-3 ANTENNA PLANS 3) GPS ANTENNAS g (1) CHAIN LINK FENCE EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE A-4 ELEVATIONS i' CONNECTIONS AS REQUIRED FOR POWER AND TELCO A-5 ELEVATIONS SERVICES. A-7 ANTENNA SP CSECTION SPECIFICATIONS gpN(s'A sT uR ISSUED FOR: ZONING REVIEW PROJECT TEAM PROJECT INFORMATION ISSUE DATE 07/23/2014 SITE � '�a PROJECT No. FAI11003 ARCHITECT APPLICANT/LESSEE DRAWN BY: NW CHECKED BY: EF FULSANG ARCHITECTURE INC. VERIZON 1 3471 VIA LIDO. SUITE 202 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. SUBMITTALS N NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BUILDING 'D' 1st FLOOR CONTACT: ERIC FULSANG IRVINE, CA 92618 REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY PHONE: (949) 838-4139 24 HR EMERGENCY CONTACT ._ PHONE: (949) 266-7D00 0 05/09/14 ZONING REVIEW NW DRIVING DIRECTIONS SURVEYOR PROPERTY OWNER 1 05/15/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW STARTING FROM VERIZON IRVINE OFFICE: BERT HAZE & ASSOCIATES PROPERTY OWNER: AT&T I 1 1 2 07/14/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW 3188 AIRWAY AVE #K1 3 07/16/14 RF UPDATE NW 1. DEPART SAND CANYON AVE TOWARD BARRANCA PKWY COSTA MESA, CA 92626 CONTACT PERSON: ALAN R. CAMPBELL 3. A2. TEXIT4. TAKE RAMP RIGHT FORP RIGHT AND FOLLOW GNS FOR JEFFREY RD405 N CONTACT:TOWARD PHONE. (714)THAZE 5577-1567 CONTACT NUMBER: OFFICE 25) 8-9891 7 COAXIANTENNA SCHEDULE 4 7/23/1 CLIENT COMMENTS NW UNIVERSITY DR CELL' (925) 989-9891 4. TURN LEFT ONTO JEFFREY RD PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS: 4302 FORD ROAD pNaQ AZIMUTH ANTENNA MAKE/MODEL COAX CABLE 5. KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO UNIVERSITY DR PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LENGTH SIZE S. TURN LEFT ONTO CULVER DR 110' KATHREIN 800-10766 300' 1--5FB' 7. BEAR RIGHT ONTO BONITA CANYON DR CORE COMMUNICATIONS 200' KAHREIN 800-10766 2Q5' 1-5 8 & TURN LEFT ONTO MESA VIEW 2748 SATURN STREET 9. TURN RIGHT ONTO FORD RD BREA, CA 92821 PROPERTY INFORMATION 2D' KAHREIN 800-10766 215' 1-5/e kL 10. ARRIVE AT 4302 FORD ROAD CONTACT: ASHLEY SCHROECK (LEASING) - 290' KATHREIN 800-10766 735'_ 7-1/4' PHONE: (714) 319-1727 A.P:N.: 458-361-02 & 458-361-10 145' TBD 300' 1-5/8" CONTACT: SONAL THAKUR (ZONING) JURISDICTION: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH N/A TBD 20' 1 2' PHONE: (714) 328-4349 CURRENT ZONING: PF (PUBLIC FACILITIES) �6I`onnoN,�M uu,� VERIFY a I-E LDW"RSPMO DA�s1Oo SM PARK OCCUPANCY TYPE: - B/U 4302 FORD ROAD TYPE OF CONSTRUQTIDN: V-B NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 v ADA REOUIREMENTSi NOTI ORIHUM"ANN HABITATION. APPROVAL v GENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTES DISABLED ACCESS NOT SHEET TILE N REQUIRED. 2010. CBC SECTION LANDLORD: 11038 EXCEPTION 1 PROJECT MANAGER: a DIMENSIONS ANDCTOR LL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS ONP HE JOB ITEWITH I AND SHALL CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: TITLE SHEET n w m y IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY RE ARCHITECT IN WITH TNG OF ANY RF ENGINEER: O BE REIB BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR -- c BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME SITE ACQUISITION: N v ZONING MANAGER: SHEET NUMBER 4 ti c UTILITY COORDINATOR: T ryo N O NETWORK OPERATIONS: a j 31 PA2014-208 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Plans COORDINATES:0 BASIS OF BEARINGS: Y APN.458-702-01 CENTER OF THE CENIERINE OF NEWPORT HUs DRIVE BEING NOHIN W3EIr EAST V@r �.l WIIeIBSS LATITUDE 3737 .M 43.28'N PER TRACT NO. 6821. N . 244/1-0.RECORDS OF CHANCE COUNTY. LONGITUDE 1175136.51'W HAD 1683 GEODETIC CDDRgµVES AND ap,A1wN5 WERE ESTABLISHED ASSESSOR'S IDENi1FlCATION: 15505 SAND CANYON AVE m "ia USING MRJEY GRACE 'A9RECA'G.P.S. RECEIVERS AND AFRECH BUILDINGE, CA 792618008 SURVEY GRACE PREaDIDN SOFTWARE FOR I Mr-PROCESSING. ORATE COUNTY AP.N. 456-361-02 k _- -- W�EV-�S f�p1C�ALS-2 to A.P.N. 458 T-351-1D (PARHO SHOWN MWGIF MR CURPM PHONE (949) 286-7000 F 0R✓MA T A NB_T43'OD•W - L - -- AREA: ,�r� z76*ADMPER ORANGE COUNTYASSESSOR ULSANG PARCEL, MAP I BENCH MARK REFERENCE: R C H I T E C T U R E PMA, 65 / 4 I —— LSCS. BFNGI MNK DINT ' 3AWW OP VOR%f0, SUIT2 204 NEWPORT 9E68T SCALE' 1 = 2O' T_ - UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BENCH MAK'8I1 205'AS SHOWN PHONE ( G 536-4136 �T\ I ON THE'NSRN'7S MINUTE QUADRANGLE MAP. 5 EAL ** • 1 I I ELEVATION: 207.5 FEET AM.SL (MINDING) (DATUM VERIFIED IN FlETD 10 �� ��fi .� � I - - BE WITHIN 1-A ACCURACY STANDNms) TITLE REPORT IDENTIFICATION: ' REPORT NO. 081 IAN'TTHE cOMS OF PRELIMINARY TITLE a a� • 'EMS11NG BUILDING, I i I REPORT NO. DeDzzm, DATED As OF APRIL 5, 2x14, Na RLI ' I EASEMENT A Fiy.3-JT-16 k LEGEND: � I ® I PdFL PAROL 2 1 EASEMER(5)NOTES:HEREON ARE PER COMMONWEALTH UAD 7171E COMPMIY, AC A�FIN.T CCRCEIE $ ^+x 4 2, PRDJ=S)TIRE REPORT NO.09022177. DATED AS OF MAIN.8. 201A ANi ANTENNA I \� I I PARCEL R OF I 2 COVERANRS, CONDITIONS, RES'NICDONS AND EASEMENTS, RECORDED JUNE BID TIIEDNG IqZ$ m • I LEGAL DESC. 1 . 1881„ N BOOK 706% PAGE 256 OF OFFICIAL�S. I 1 3 AN EASEMENT GRANTED TO CRY OF NEWPORT BEAM FOR S7TEfT AND BIM RACK O HOW. RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1970.IN BOOK 6493. PA 363 OF BI BACK OF WALK 1'+ CDT caNO6T ' cEDDEnc 41�- I aFFIaAI. RECORDS (CO.VrUDn'D WNTEE1`Paan aD.) CR. CONCRETE FLOW LINE td . ODORDINATE CLF CHAIN LINK FENCE w i LOCATION .A) I 5 M EASEMENTCRMRED 1Q CRY OF IRJNE FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY. PREPARED BY: CPD CNCRETE PAD I O RECORDED �BOOK 13127. PAGE 1776 OF OFFICIAL REWRDB. '�j�j11� MAS�/�,y DK DECK CT CABLE TRAY A I w WJTAMW BEAST 3�AS DDOOR DUCT 'ASPHALT PARKING, ODENOTESDENOTESITEM POTTED HEREON AND ASSOCIATED, F IN Q z I LAND SURVEYING & MAPPING � � �D I < _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3188 AIRWAY AVENUE,SUITE K1 EP EDGE OF PAVAULTT �' I - - COSTA MESA.OALff7faFF 82ez8 T4 557-1667 OFFICE EVLT ELECTRICAL VAULT CTP GAIE POSTAI; I ED FOUNDI Tr ty�'__ I 1 PARCEL A 714 667-1665 FAX ,My.gptae4 OF ORANGE STATE OF GV GAS VENT R "r I I I 1 CAUFWMIAPARCEL 1. IN THE CRY OF AS SHOWN ON A"E�FltIDEDIN"•BOK 6"x.5, A PARCEL HCP HANDICAP FARMING 4 � I I WI GUFOPNNITHE A OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RIB%NDFR aF ORANGE COUNTY, LED LANDING IW HAND HOLE I UN UDDER $in EIILEPT THEREFROM THAT PORION DESCRIBED AS PARCEL.300180 IN THIS LR I DIMING RW I CERTAIN FINAL ORDER OF CoBDEMNNTON,SUPERIOR COURT CASE 737614,A MP MONOREE 4 , `a'1 CERTIFIED COM OF WHICH WAS RECORDED NOVEMBER 27, IND AS INSTRUMENT EL ROT RNO. 19850521235 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE MWD MICROWAVE DISH i I 4XISTNGBUIDING, ` I COUNTY. SUBMITTALS NG N NAIL AND TAG A M EKGEPTING THEREFROMTHEREFROMAL GLL OIL, RIGHTS,MINE AL RIG S, _.AS REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY RFL RINATURAL GROUND " PT OT LIE TIR]RCI I e 1 RESERVED BY THE IRVINE COMPANY IN DED RECORDEDJUNE 4, 1974 IN {— BOON( 11161, PAGE 177 OF SAID OFFICIAL RIEDORDS.(SM TAW ASIMINP 1 64/24/14 ISSUED FOR REVIEW CWW SCO E CLEAN OUT \ I:a4 •, I I ,,. EDN s AMORAL MDICEP ) SP SIE2 /01/1 TITRE INFO.TINFO. JA STP STEPS �� m d� '�\d1 Taw PARCEL e: TO TIP OF CURB B ra ry �° EL 0 I PARC2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 16760, IN THE CRY OF NEWPORT BEACH, D TW OF GRATE I •,A1 b OF W T� mZw I "1 .1 I BOOK 6 P�4 OFPARCEL MAS, IN THATE OF E OFFICE OF T S PER MAP E%COUNTMED N BY TRN TRANSFORMER RECORDER OF SAID ODUNM UBX UTILITY BOX am NIF DROUGHT M ONUMENT I FENCE qq e a el 'p I DATE OF SURVEY: R YARD LIGHT 4 ANTENNA -�? \ g ? � � 1 APRIL 17, 2014 ® BOLLARD WdR 4' • Fi * `', I I LINING PLANTS STATEMENT: —O— CHAIN UBIR RNIB / •1 .a�@y ?� W I "4'\CS+.M {4 THE HEIGHTS AND ELEVATIONS FOR THE TREES, GUSHES AND OTHER LIVING LFNTODNE ,�, --*a - • ,+ 1 _ PLAITS SHOWN REN11M.SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROMITE(+/-) • FOUND umluuENT . M396N0'E T'ETYAr 1W3I a _� AN ONLY VAUD FOR THE DATE OF THIS SURVEY. THEY ARE PROVIDED • GAS TENT \ 8AT " w ' 1 REFERERCE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR DESIGN SM PARK CRATE `'761' PURPOSES.'SIDEWALK, I 4302 FORD ROAD ® OO WENPARING R.1210.ar 1.149.011'1.149.011'ar IM,NAar �4� S NEWPORT BEACH, CA ® SERER CLEAN GUT �n °* z st 92660 e UTILITY W% N2217W E ` 272' t� LJ,(63.Go' WROUGHT IRON FENCE \ �\ /� �1'� 1000.DC' SHEET TITLE / -- °•T07T-- V YARD LIGHT a�'zoo�� _` ��er R� --NBsz63gw_ —�� "� TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY N0633'24'E 4g gVgV r 7.91' � R1C $ - —1 SHEET NUMBER TRACT N0. 6621 $I MM 244 / f-8 ppF{T �} r ROAD LS-1 SEE SHEET LS-2 FOR SITE DEfALS PA2014-208 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Plans VVV r►lwireiess T cu 75505 SAND CANYON AVE I m � BUILDING D' let FLOOR ,mss° f& ffi CHAIN uNK FENCE IRVINE, CA 92818 PHONE (949) 286-70DO , •- Cf 19).6! ULSANG 1 / WROUGHT IRON FENCE 0 \ ejN n •ASPHALT, RCHITECTURE SCALE- 1" a 10' M I 4 34x0 VIA OPORTO, SUITE 204 T,'y 91 i NEWPORT BEWK CA 926M ° s �n �o• 5 �& I »% +r PHONE (94G)BSB-139 per✓ �� po' \ SF1N. S NF `ASPHALTS � W4 � ..& pym f^ F�.3-71116 1P ' I vn P � H✓b � � I � � qg.'P iWo l OF CAl �mVV, >wA'W I 6 Ion ' m y 199 I I(�}{M COORDINATE� � 11.JI � LOCA110N $y PREPARED BY: M 'IYIm RH�'r Wr H E k I AND ASSOCIATES ING zvao LAND SURVEYING . MAPPING Cf 315T AIRWAY AVFNBE,A 2 6KI 2 COSTA MESA,56-1557iOF 02828 ,jam \ y¢°p ,g1,Oj O M 4rmb 614 665-1156 OFFICE b6W tld Cl yv,� 674 655-1518 FAX JN.BD1.3B4 a4� 1ExlmNc Bunrattc, I I I ASPHALT PARKING, oft, SUBMITTALS t't 'P PW 4�y KG �_w/ REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1 D4/24/14 ISSUED FOR REVIEW RF I t4M 2 05/01/14 ADDED TRLE INFO. JA Z n O• t �� axx °`� A c` a LEGEND: ' SM PARK ! AC ASPHALT CONCRETE HH HAND HOLE h YACO UGFTT ANT ANTENNA LDS LANDING T ANTENNA 4302 FORD ROAD BTM BUILDING BOTTOM LR LADDER '11' ® SO1ARO NEWPORT BEACH, CA BW BACK OF WALK NWD WCFGWAVE DISH —0— CHAIN WE FENS 92660 I CDT CONDUIT N/T NAIL AND TAG q [ENTWINE ( CFL CONCRETE FLAW LINENt3 NATURAL GROUND CLF CHAIN UNE FENCE PT PATCIED iRFO- FOUND NC'NIINENT N01 SHEET TRLE CPD CONCRETE PAD 161. ROOF LINE O GAS VENT RV ROOF VENT INK DECK TRAY SCO SEW CLEAN OUT N 'RATE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Wp OR DOOR SP SEL PLATE DT D ♦}. HAf81 CAP PAPo(DIG fIXISTNG 9JILDING� LOT SIP STEPS fea'R I EBX EDGE OF CONCRETE RON TO TOP OF CIAO ® ROOF YFNT EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT TP TDP GRATE O SEWER CLFAN OUT ! EVLT ELECTRICAL VAULT TR TREE E jT(D(ry Box SHEET NULIBEFID R 1 IIER GNP GATE N POST UH.K UTILITYD THIN BOX 'coo- WROUGHT IRON FENCE V GAS VENT WIT WROUGHT IRON I i HCP HANDICAP PARKING WNN WELLNONUNENT .+. YAM LIGHT LS-2 L I S—n 9EE SST LS-1 FOR BOUWAW Ate Tn LE Pr-0. G 5 PA2014-208 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Plans NOTE, ver�w PROPOSED VERIZON POWER E 15505 SAND CANYON AVE \ / TELCO P.D.O.WITHIN BUILDING BUILDING 'D� 1st FLOOR. / IRVINE, CA 92616 — �� ULSANG \ w\ �#It PROPOSED VERIZON R C H I T E C T U R E ` WAPMENf LEASE AREA NEWMIRf BEA UITE S202 \ 315 50.FT. PFroNE. (� �ersea PROPOSED ITM TO LEASE AREA TRORC \ ♦♦ (FJ MONOPOLE BY O1NER GABBIER P 6 T FROPOSED VERIZON COAX $ ® TRM ICH TO LEASE AREA ® (E)UPPER ROOF \ ♦♦ 4 LL 2 r / ' PANEL ANTENNA5 BY OTHER ® Lam? P ♦♦ �'' ISSUED FOR: ZONING REVIEW \ \ ! ® ISSUE DATE FA1110 3 / (E)EA5EMENT,5EE SURVEY 014 PROJECT E' 07/23/2 ♦♦ ® �! ! DRAWN BY: NW CHECKm BY: EF SUBMITTALS \ �L♦� � (E)LOWER Roar / � ' \_ -_ REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 0 35/09/14 ZONING REVIEW NW \\ ♦♦ / /v e I 1 )5/15/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW 2 )7/14/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW PROPOSED VERI7DN 12b°WIDE ffi / i 3 37/16/14 RF UPDATE NW NON-EXCLU5IVE TECHNIC,LAN PARKING ® / / AND ACCESS PATH OF TRAVEL \ ` 4 37/23/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW I I !E)TRANSFORMER><F5082114 - �\ A3 � �, ♦`�� SM PARK 4302 FORD ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Ab 244 W 2y _ SHEET TnLE N MAG-N OVERALL SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER OVERALL SITE PLAN 6E®mow+^ a� v +s® �y PA2014-208 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Plans venzw 15505 BUILDING DD'CANYON AVE A— Ax- OR IRVINE, CA 92818 ULSANG PROPOSEDVMIZON BWPMENTx—xo AIEA AT SRADE LEVEL. /� rrt—ort—vrt—wr—wr � (E)PANEL ANTENNAS BY OTHERR CH I T E C T U R E (E)EQUIPMENT AREA AT GRADE GABBIER i� T 34"WA UDD, Wn w2 6Y OTHER GABBIER `\ I mom (IMM amM 92M iu PROPOSED VERIZON UTILITY , 1 I SEAL TBENGH TO LEASE AREAI j TOT �hNELT PAM a ED TO MATCH dJILDINS,SEE I/A-3 - PROPOSED VERIZON COAX TRENCH TO LEASE AREA / i 0 I - ¢� I PROPOSED VEI2IZON RRU ZTED BEHIND ANTENNAS,6TAGK MOUNTED I NTH RRU-A2 ABOVE I ® Q (F)VENT (FJ GABLE TRAY I PROPOSED VERIZON DOAK I RI5M TO MATCH(E) GENERATOR EXHAUST VENTED FOR: ZONING REVIEW H I ISSUE DATE. 07/2,3/2014 PROJECT No. I 1 PROPOSED VEKIZON RAYCAP,TYP BRIDGE I DRAWN BY: NW CHECKED BY: EF (F) DELI SUBMITTALS --4 PROPOSED VERIZON(5)OF(I2) -- i REV. DATE I DESCRIPTION BY TOTAL PANS.ANTENNAa,PAINTED ® 0 5/09/1 ZONING REVIEW NW �y TO MATCH EUILDINS, 4/A-3 PROP05M VERIZON(8)OF 02) 1 05/15/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW \ # TOTAL PANEL ANTENNAS,PAINTED _ TO MATCH BUILDINGNS,,S 5 EE 2/A-9 i 2 07/14/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW 3 07/16/14 RF UPDATE NW PROPOSED VERMON CABLE TRAY ALPHA 4 7/3/1 CLIENT COMMENTS NW \I ® (E)GENERATOR FJCHAll5T VENT I ® PROPOSED VERIZON N 2.'-0" (E)PARKINS I 0 DLA MIC7D AVE DI5H, 1 ® PAINTEb 7o MATCH�IILDINS \\\\\ R2�05B7 VERIZON(S)OF 0?) TAyi ® TOTAL PANEL AHIENNU+S, I PAINTED TO MATCH I SM PARK 4302 FORD ROAD (E)ROOF ACCESS LADDER I NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92680 1 I \I I I SHEET TITLE ENLARGED SITE PLAN I \ 1 � 4, +6 t6 � >6 V SHEET NUMBER ENLARGED SITE PLAN """®""""" SCGL720x3s:t16^= - 0' 0' 9' t6' s5 PA2014-208 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Plans ver4 15505 SAND CANYON AVE PROP05ID VERIZON-- BUILDING 'D' 1st FLOOR GABLE TRAY IRVINE, CA 92618 (E)EOUIFRIENT AREA AT SRADE BY OTHER CARRIER a 0 U L S A N G PROP05M VERIZON(9)MS FROF051D VERIZON(1)RAYCAP MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS,STACK 05ED VERIZON(U RAYCAP MWN1»NUT1H PM-A2'5 ABOVE PROPOSED VMZCN R C H I T E C T U R E (B)8'PANEL ANTENVAS, aaT1 Yw 1 su 204 NEWPORT(9) CA 41M PAINTED TO MATCH BULLDIN6 � PHONe (eas) ess-rise SEAL M'PC-P ROOF 2. LOWER ROOF (FJ ROOF ACGE55 LADDER I-- W —. PROP05ED VERIZON(5)IW4*— p MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS,STACK u (E)PANEL ANTENNAS BY MOUNTED WITH RRIJ-A2S ABOVE OTHER CARRIER PROPOSED VERIZON ( kL Q.pp PROPOSED VERIZON 5)8'PANEL ANTENNAS, tj O wt G .ty OA5LE TIRAY CABLE TRAY BY PAINTED TO MATCH BUIIDINS m n 1� 1U' OTHER CARRIER Lv 16�'- ANTENNA PLAN - BETA " Le°""'°'" ® 3 ANTENNA PLAN - GAMMA s'",•®++.+v:+ra^= w• scn�e®sa.vu�m=ra• v r r a• swc®wmstm=tw^ o• r r a. ISSUED FOR ZONING REVIEW ISSUE DATE 07/23/2014 PROJECT No. FA111003 DRAWN BY: NW CHECKED BY: EF PROPOSED VERIZON(U RAYO _ SUBMITrALS REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY PROPOSED VERIZON(I)RAYOAP O 5/09/1 ZONING REVIEW NW PROPOS VERIZON(5)V PAIR ANTENNAS,PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDINS 1 5/15/1 CLIENT COMMENTS NW PRS VERIZON - 2 7/14/1 CLIENT COMMENTS NW (3)W PANE_ANTMAAA (E)CABLE TRAY BY OTHER CARP FIR PAINTED TO MATCH BUI)DINS 3 7/16/1 RF UPDATE NW PROPOSED VERIZON(5)RRUS 4 7/23/1 CLIENT COMMENTS NW MOUNH�BEHIND ANiENNA5,5TAOK FROP05M VERIZON(9)M S TA 5ECTOR MWNTE7 WITH RRU-A25 ABOVE HIXMTID BEHIND ANTEINA4,STACK 290 AZIh•UT}`{ MNTED WITH PJC-A25 ABOVE --- O (E)VENT ALPHA SECTOR ILOUO AZI. s�m i SM PARK 4302 FORD ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 PROPOSED VERIZON PRS VERIZON CABLE TRAY GABLE TRAY SHEET TITLE L� DIAIM ��MVVEI P1551;u2-0 '`f ANTENNA PLANS SHEET NUMBER - ANTENNA PLAN - DELTA 4 ANTENNA PLAN - ALPHA PA2014-208 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Plans verizon 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' 15t FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 PROP05ED VERIZON 2'-0"DIA (E)PANEL ANTENNAS BY (E)ROOFTOP GABLE PROPOSED vezJZDN e'PANEL — U L S A N G MIOROWAVE DISH,PAINTED TO OTHER CARRIER TRAY BY OTHER CARRIER ANTENNAS,PAINTED TO MATCH MATCH BUILDIF45 D ILDIN6(GAMMA 5E01 ' S RM71Hv u o,MM 202 R E -- I NMPOW BEACH, IlA 92663 PHONE (849) 83&-4139 17 F T re SEAL �e in P g�4Ra � 6E 1 (E)EQUIPMENT AREA BY OTHER CARRIER $' < LLLLLJLLLLLJ 11 A NORTH ELEVATION 5CA 6®""""" scaLEmxa:sfi:ire•=ru^ rc 4. r �6. ISSUED FOR: ZONING REVIEW ISSUE DATE 07/23/2014 PROJECT No. FA111003 DRAWN BY: NW CHECKED BY: EF SUBMITTALS REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY PROPOSED VERIZON COAX PROPOSED VERI7AN 8'PAI'!EL (E)ROOF ACCESS LADDER RISER TO MATCH(PJ ANTENNAS,PAINTED To MATCH 0 05/09/1 ZONING REVIEW NW GENERATOR EXHAUST VENT BUILDING(DELTA SECTOR) 1 05/15/1 CLIENT COMMENTS NW PROPOSED VERIZON ROOFTOP CABLE TRAY 2 07/14/1 CLIENT COMMENTS NW —(E)GENERATOR EXHAUST VENT - (E)PANEL ANTENNAS BY -- OTHER CARRIER 3 07/16/1 RF UPDATE NW CIX 4 7/23/1 CLIENT COMMENTS NW -(E)TRANSFORMER 9P50521I4 ow qJ 4302 FORD ROAD f" w 5 a _ NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER WEST ELEVATION 5CP 6�""""" "-0" ® 2 A-�3� SCALE®R9XJ fi:LB^='1'-0 0' 6' B' 'IC PA2014-208 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Plans verizon 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' 1st FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 (E)ROOF ACCE55 LADDER PROP05M VERIZON W PANEL (E)PANEL ANTENNAS SY _ ANTENNAS,PAINTED TO MATCH OTHER CARRIER BUILDING(BETA SECTOR) ULSANG RCHITECTURE t ' W1 v MO. Butte 202 REYlPON1 BEACH, C4 92683 PHONE (949) 838-4139 Z_ �g - J ro W�N _ (E)TRANSFORME2 #P5052f14 SOUTH ELEVATION 3E°E°"""""""" scALE®z4:36:va=r.9- o• a• a• "° � ISSUED FOR: ZONING REVIEW ISSUE DATE: 07/23/2014 PROJECT D; FA111003 DRAWN BY: NW CHECKED BY: EF SUBMITTALS (E)PANEL ANTENNAS BY PROPOSED VERIZON 2'-0" PROPOSED VERIZON 5'PANEL REV, DATE DESCRIPTION BY OTHER CARRIER DIA MIGRONAVE DI5H, NS ANTBiJNA6,PAINTED TO MATCH 0 05/09/1 ZONING REVIEW NW PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING I BUILDING(ALPHA SECTOR) 1 05/15/1 CLIENT COMMENTS NW I 2 07/14/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW 3 07/16/14 RF UPDATE NW OR 4 07/23/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW z Oa d m� 4� SM PARK aL f'I 4302 FORD ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Q SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS SHEEP NUMBER EAST ELEVATION Z SCALE®2438:118-1•W p 4' W iC PA2014-208 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Plans PROPOSED VERIZON verrmp 755IL SAND CANYON AVE. PROPOSED VE2120N(4)RAYCAPS (3)UTILITY LIGH75 BUIIRVINE, CA Ist Oft H° STACK MOUNTED ON H-`RAND 6" 4,' 4'-0' x 4�° PROPOSED VERIZON GABLE TRAY U L S A N G PROPOSED VERIZON(3)LTE CABINE5 HOU14TED VV �'"". 1 : ,.-X,.,_,x-'%--x-- - . 0)&F5 ANTENNAS,MOUNTED R C H I T E C T U R E ON CONCRETE PAD b N 3471 VIA IJpO. 9UpE 202 NEWPORT 9440), 91363 v T O —xl PRONE (949) 9368-4139 PROPOSED VERIZON UTILITY I - PROPO5ED VERIZON SEAL CABINETS MOUNTED ON H-FRAM€ a A 4'WIDE ACCO SATE a n PROPOSED VERIZON(2)RBAT2 \ BATTERY GA5JW-E--E 5 MOUNTED ON CONCRETE PAD � I t PROPOSED vTSZlzow y D CHAIN LINK PENCE PROPOSED VERIZON CONCRETE BOLLARDS O * Q ® (E)FENCE */ 2, (T'`-0rn__ 2" 3b" 11-6° 3'-O" 1'-II° 2'ti° (Ij�DGP�6T -BY&ENEERATOR 1W° 13'-6° tom° MOUNTED N CONG?M PAD LEASE AREA EQUIPMENT AREA PLAN SC"��""" 'E'=''"" SGIILE®za%sE:zia'=nm p. 3. c ISSUED FOR: ZONING REVIEW ISSUE DATE: 07/23/2014 PROJECT No. FAI11003 PROPOSED VERIZON DRAWN BY: NW CHECKED BY: EF (B)UTILITY LIGHTS SUBMITTALS REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY PROPOSED VERMON UTILITY CABINET-MOUNTED ON R-FRAME 0 05/Dg/14 ZONING REVIEW NW 1 05/15/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW 2 07/14/7 CLIENT COMMENTS NW PROPOSED VERJZON(2)RBA'72 _- BATTERY CABINETS MOUNTED -- PROPOSED VERIZON(4)RAYGAPS 3 07/16/14 RF UPDATE NW ON CONORETE PAD 5TAGK MOUNTED ON H-FRAME 4 07/23/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW _ o PROPOSED VMZON CHAIN LINK FENCE _ —_ (E)PENCE PROP05W VERIZON CONCRETE BOLLARDS :t 4U g �Y A x SM PARK a 4302 FORD ROAD R' ; N NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 A O _ _ SHEET TITLE _ EQUIPMENT AREA PROPOSED NERIZON CA Lr TRAY PLAN & SECTION PROPOSED VERIZON(I)DG STAND-BY GENERATOR MOUNTED ON CONCRETE PAD PROPDTED N(3) LTE CABINETS MOUNTED W/ SHEEP NUMBER ON GPS ANTENNAS,MOUNTED �® ON CONCRETE PAD ® EQUIPMENT AREA SECTION SCA E®""""°""'" 2 SGiLE®9.4X7&11Y e1'.p^ E, X, 1, a. 3 PA2014-208 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Plans 60070766 HHTHHEin 700 MWDO81 Gana B',65 Degree Antenna 1' UTHINI F11M loo MHZ Owl Band e•.65 D®9rea Anletma Vere SCALA DIVISION RET SCALA DIVISION HET 1550.5 SAND CANYON AVE. •xlw(mJPlswess� BUILDING 'D' 1st FLOOR •uv,«m.nat�m,.a�„» ss'A UNs am w mm, IRVINE, CA 92618 -YhJ.rm ArWu,pAlv0.NmJup 0. 9 a°Bt�v s(a mci>a •DCWeinNolnMrt lmiNi gilw w(uaavrn 1 g .PL1 mlM bdwWmNFlM1fwhn.m�6(v„q.lapgiy �`t} � INMs:Mfli 14nw1y IW (ffi IA Pr RYw ,w ma Glla' a �:R;�,,.� «{:w•-amp------• U L 5 A N G �59YL4.w1m,Wu. W.a+`nlpp.i. Ymmm'xiei Am IA(EB.tN.',q�mm R C H I T E C T U R E r RrECAsvw' a.- p I. a e. ux ® NEYRORr(949) 38 41M„ PHONE(B49)838-4138xVe tl ww= #- . .Hair,.x. IFY Ragl waame�M •'E••^ + 9 4a3knN smar..e4� «...iw< m.«i.eti .ii�(ro +mewue xre.nx u+a _' mev au«�a•(vn'.w a.. u ses aa. r a F,me6+iN s.`w rt, i m aw 'io hbd,emalFilftBnckds m .i"w`es•. -atZan(+.o ua+ x w w w.nxa lima ,ewele %Ylye xeNx� �pccmN .i`N•E r.rmnw 9P,9+pnn ITNixwie. Fff VW sm4 6C„m�en0 �wmm 66yA6b,MV) 4 6 kd B E 'kA E -P Imo ._Wim- •��� A i - LJ RE Y }S pal, 9®1YCM MY1 ryp i4 fl1•,�yy, Y p "�V• Hw xsm .F OXrtO. �i�ji?I1M1R_ 9%_FK' P 449,rLY -05H f�0.' :i atlxYbe,aIDi� `.J6 N YS Mcd9 IXci,moi P �An �m,�: ",..,pry,._,w�w, r�4•.a.m(«..�lde,'"85` .�a2,'� g 1 xlquBealin¢axveira,eerympa�tlueneree tMLWfpeYaebmerevnllNir,wvA'bNainzelea.n +xwr.•e¢w Eeee•. riumsme.Re nmo-tn4'.�,+:RN hunC,>,aa[xi rtn eam,>oxa, K.nwela....a W.n auw.mm AfYM1+A1R.rcmll6n PmafYi,> [,oIi ONWWpY(N.gnpT WgMWryYn1WaM flmll ymmiL•sM+BlYlem mtvtl aFirWuin,ed A'ren MWnf 1��” ISSUED;DATF- ZONING REVIEW ISSUE 07/23/2014 PROJE FA111003 DRAWNNW CHECKED BY: EF BMITTALS REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 0 5/09/1 ZONING REVIEW NW i )5/15/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW 2 )7/14/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW 3 )7/16/14 RF UPDATE NW 4 )7/23/14 CLIENT COMMENTS NW SM PARK 4302 FORD ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 SHEET TITLE ANTENNA SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER AM1740