HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 - Ocean Blvd. Law Enforcement IssuesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item 16 April 10, 2007 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager's Office Homer Bludau, City Manager 949/644 -3000 or hbludau @city.newport- beach.ca.us . SUBJECT: COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF REPORT ON OCEAN BOULEVARD LAW ENFORCEMENT ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATION TO IMPLEMENT FURTHER MEASURES TO INCREASE NEIGHBORHOOD AND BEACH SECURITY ISSUE: Should the measures already put into place and those soon to be implemented be allowed to test their effectiveness, prior to further discussions on a decal parking program for the Ocean Boulevard neighborhood? RECOMMENDATION: Allow identified public safety measures to be continued and/or implemented and trial tested in order to determine whether further measures are needed to provide Ocean Boulevard residents with the security they deserve. Have staff return with a status report at the July 24th meeting. DISCUSSION: On January 23, 2007, the City Council conducted a Study Session whereby staff provided a review of the then - current measures of providing law enforcement attention to the Ocean Boulevard and Peninsula Point areas. A large number of residents attended and spoke of numerous incidents which caused them to feel either unsafe or that a higher level of law enforcement presence was needed for the security of their areas and the beaches. The City Council discussed the potential of a decal parking program, including the idea of allowing area residents to express their support or opposition by mail to such a program. The City Council directed the City Manager to identify measures which would address the concerns citizens expressed at the Study Session. On February 13, 2007, Chief McDonell provided a further report on measures he recommended for providing increased security for the Ocean Boulevard neighborhood. He felt the current deployment of personnel on Peninsula Point was adequate for that Ocean Boulevard Neighborhood Security Enforcement Issues April 10, 2007 Page 2 area's needs. Chief McDonell made three recommendations to Council regarding the Ocean Boulevard area, all of which were approved by Council action: 1) Approve funding in the amount of $10,000 for a metal security gate at the entrance of the City municipal parking lot at Corona del Mar State Beach. 2) Obtain approval for researching low -light cameras in public beach areas for law enforcement monitoring purposes. 3) Implement a two- person patrol team on a trial basis to be assigned exclusively to Ocean Boulevard and the surrounding area on Thursdays- Saturdays, between 9:00 PM -3:00 AM. CURRENT STATUS The metal gate has been ordered and will be in place by mid -May. The low -light camera system has taken more time than first thought, as a vendor currently under contract with the City on a related project has so far not been able to supply equipment which would meet the Department's performance expectation /needs. Several other vendors have been contacted and the results of that effort look promising. Initial field tests with one of those companies were satisfactory, and if further field tests with a slightly improved camera are successful, the Department intends to return to Council in early May with a budget request for the cameras, installation and support equipment. It is our intent that this system be in place and operating by June Vt if at all possible. The two - person patrol team has been operational since March 1st, working 15 shifts during the month. Attached you will find a report on the field results from Area 3 Watch Commander Craig Fox. As reflected, 32 (76 %) of the Municipal Code violations (or 2.1 per shift) were for beach curfew, with an additional 19 citations (1.2 per 6 -hour shift) issued for alcohol related citations. On Thursday, March 8t", the Police Department held a neighborhood meeting with Ocean Blvd. residents in order to listen to their concerns, answer questions and talk about measures to be taken. The sign -in sheet listed 63 people in attendance, and the meeting was well received. Thirteen residents signed up to host Neighborhood Watch meetings. A decal parking program for the neighborhood was discussed, and there appeared to be little support for such a program. CONCLUSION The Ocean Boulevard residents have responded very favorably to the increased Police patrol presence in their neighborhood; however, the Police patrols have not been in effect during the summer, when neighborhood and beach activity is at its high point. The security camera system, once installed, should help obtain a high level of beach curfew compliance, which should translate into less late night activity in the neighborhood from visitors. It is the recommendation of the City Manager and Police Chief that we continue Ocean Boulevard Neighborhood Security Enforcement Issues April 10, 2007 Page 3 the Thursday- Saturday increased patrols until July 22nd, at which time we will return at the July 24th Council meeting with a status report on the patrol's continued effectiveness and the results of the experience we have gained with the camera system. In considering whether a decal parking program would be justified for the Ocean Boulevard area, the Coastal Commission would look at whether the City made all reasonable attempts to resolve the issues which are prompting a decal parking program request. The City Manager believes allowing the described safety measures to be implemented and developing a statistical history is something the City needs to do, if a decal, parking program is going to be considered. Environmental Review: The City Council's approval of this Agenda Item does not require environmental review, however a Coastal Permit would be required if the City proposes a decal parking program. Public Notice: This agenda item may be noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the public meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Submitted by: Homer Bludau City Manager Attachments: Minutes from the January 23, 2007 Study Session February 13, 2007 Staff Report from Chief McDonell Minutes from the February 13, 2007 City Council Meeting Draft Letter to Residents Sample Postcard CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT April 1, 2007 TO: John Klein, Patrol Division Commander FROM: Craig Fox, Watch Commander / Area 3 SUBJECT: CDM/ Ocean Blvd. Enforcement Update The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of our recent enforcement efforts in Corona Del Mar, specifically CDM Main Beach, Little Corona Beach and Ocean Blvd. After a City Council study session in January 2007, the Watch Commanders along with the Patrol Division Commander met to discuss the concerns expressed by a number of citizens at that meeting regarding the Police Department's enforcement efforts in the area of and adjacent to Ocean Blvd. From that meeting, short and long term goals were discussed and immediate steps were taken to enact those measures (see Attachment A). One long term goal discussed was to explore the possibility of creating hired extra assignments for targeted patrols in the area. The recommendation was to hire two officers (working together) to work seven hour shifts (2000 -0300 hours), with the specific purpose of providing high visibility patrols in the effected areas. As this was a budgetary issue, it required approval from the Council and City staff. The City Council approved the additional patrol officers, on an overtime basis, pending the installation of a nighttime camera system. We started this targeted enforcement on March 1, 2007. During the month of March two officers were assigned to the area on an overtime basis on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, between 2100 -0300 (the start time changed from 2000 hours as originally discussed). Prior to working this assignment, each officer was required to review the enforcement expectations for this assignment which was posted with the overtime sign up list (see Attachment B). As part of those expectations, the assigned officers were required to patrol only along Ocean Blvd., CDM Main Beach and Little Corona Beach. They were only allowed to leave this area on emergency calls, or with supervisory approval. TARGETED ENFORCEMENT RESULTS: Over the course of the month, each two- officer team was required to submit a Daily Field Activity Report (DFAR) after each shift to provide an overview of the evening's activities, along with any statistical information resulting from their enforcement efforts. Below is a recap of those efforts for the month of March 2007: Municipal Code Citations Beach Hours — 32 (76 %) Alcohol — 6 (14 %) Other — 4 (1 %) Business & Prof. Code Citations All Alcohol Violations Health & Safety Citations Parking Citations Field Interview Cards Warrant Arrests Misdemeanor Arrests CDM /Ocean Blvd. Enforcement Update 42 13 5 1 5 2 1 (Illegal Lobster Fishing) From my review of the DFAR's submitted and from discussions with a number of those who worked this assignment, the officers did not believe there was sufficient activity in the targeted area to warrant their presence over the normal patrolling levels for this part of the city. It was clear from their feedback that they met the expectations by providing high visibility enforcement as instructed, as well as taking enforcement action and issuing verbal warnings as deemed necessary. Over the course of 15 shifts, each team of officers averaged 4.1 citations per six -hour shift. Although these statistics are slightly above normal enforcement levels for the area, it is my opinion that the activity levels in the targeted area do not warrant this level of specialized enforcement on a sustained basis. Normal patrol levels seem to be sufficient to provide for the safety and security of the area residents and city beaches. If extra patrols are preferred by area residents and/or city staff, perhaps these targeted patrols would be better served during the summer months when activity levels are traditionally higher. The overtime assignments for CDM/Ocean Blvd. have been continued through the month of April 2007 and this will be evaluated each month to determine the continued need based on the progress of the night time camera installation. Respectfully Submitted, Craig Fox, Lieutenant Area 3 Commander Attachments: A. Short and Long term goals for CDM Enforcement B. Patrol expectations for CDM / Ocean Blvd. Enforcement 2 ATTACHMENT A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT January 24, 2007 TO: PATROL DIVISION COMMANDER FROM: C. FOX, WATCH COMMANDER SUBJECT: CORONA DEL MAR AND PENINSULA POINT ENFORCEMENT Below is a list of recommendations, both short and long term, to address the area residents' concerns in both Corona Del Mar and Peninsula Point. Each recommendation also indicates which supervisor will be responsible for implementation and follow through. This list was created after a meeting with all three Patrol Watch Commanders and the Patrol Division Commander. Short Term: 1. Create electronic data bases for both areas (POP files) to assist in tracking enforcement efforts. Will also assign area POP officers to these assignments. (Lt. Fox and Lt. Hartford) 2. Assign field supervisors to monitor enforcement efforts in the areas and direct officers as needed (Lt. Fox, Lt. Hartford and Lt. Johnson) 3. Assign Mid Watch beat unit #345 with the responsibility of ensuring the nightly closure of CDM Main Beach at 2200 hours. (Lt. Johnson) 4. Have the Reserve officers spend their spare time driving the areas with high visibility patrols (Lt. Johnson) 5. Have the Accident Investigators drive the areas when possible for high visibility patrols (Lt. Shulman) 6. Instruct area officers to document activities in CAD whenever possible (i.e. foot beat patrols, beach closings, ped/vehicle stops, etc...) to more effectively capture our enforcement efforts. (Lt. Fox, Lt. Hartford, Lt. Johnson and Lt. Shulman) 7. Night Bike officers to focus on high visibility patrols along Ocean Blvd. in winter months. In addition, their unattended vehicle (4x4 marked pickup) will be parked along Ocean Blvd. at entrance to CDM Main Beach as a visual deterrent to crime (Lt. Johnson) CDM /Ocean Blvd. Enforcement Update 8. Create informational flyers for distribution to area residents soliciting their support in reporting any criminal behavior and/or disturbances, etc.... This will likely involve the use of police explorers and volunteers. (Lt. Hartford) 9. Work to enhance the effectiveness of the existing neighborhood watch programs in the two involved areas (Lt. Hartford) 10. Communicate with Dispatch regarding the need to not hold calls and to use caution in the wording used to callers regarding deployment of officers. (Lt. Gazsi) Long Term: Explore the possibility of creating hired extra assignments for targeted patrols. The recommendation would be to hire two officers (working together) to work seven hour shifts (2000 -0300 hours), with the specific purpose of providing high visibility patrols in the effected areas. This will be a budgetary issue requiring approval from the Council and City staff. The above enforcement efforts should make a significant impact in addressing the concerns of the area residents and their perceptions regarding our patrolling effectiveness. These steps will also bring focus to the problems each area is experiencing and they will familiarize our personnel with the concerns of the area residents. Respectfully Submitted, Craig Fox, Lieutenant Patrol Division Watch Commander 4 ATTACHMENT B CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT February 15, 2007 TO: All Sworn Personnel FROM: Craig Fox, Watch Commander SUBJECT: Corona Del Mar /Ocean Blvd Enforcement Expectations At a recent City Council meeting, a large number of residents in the Corona Del Mar and Peninsula Point neighborhoods expressed their concerns over our lack of enforcement efforts in their respective communities. While statistical data may not support the need for additional policing efforts beyond our current levels, the fact is that there is a perception in the community for this need, and the police department must be responsive to the concerns of our residents. As a result of the community input, the City Council has directed the police department to provide additional focused patrols in the Corona Del Mar area on a Hired Extra basis; specifically targeting CDM Main Beach, Little Corona and Ocean Blvd. Listed below are the expectations for our enforcement efforts. These patrols are intended to provide a high visibility police presence to ease the concerns of the area residents, while also targeting any criminal activities observed. Enforcement Expectations: CDM Main Beach — ensure closing of the beach at 2200 hours, with follow up patrols to prevent the gathering of people at later hours. Ocean Blvd. — provide high visibility enforcement. This applies to the entire length of Ocean Blvd. between Carnation and Poppy, including the 100 and 200 blocks of the flowered streets adjacent to Ocean Blvd. Specific citizen complaints center on people in vehicles and on foot along Ocean Blvd. after the closing of CDM Main Beach (alcohol, trash, urinating in public, etc...). Little Corona Beach — conduct foot patrols of Little Corona beach. This includes enforcing the beach closure hours and any other violations of law. At the conclusion of your Hired Extra shift, please complete one DFAR for your two officer team (mark the "HE" box), and then submit it to Sgt. Whisenant. Assigned officers are to remain in the targeted areas throughout the assigned hours, unless directed otherwise by a supervisor. City Council Study Session CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Study Session January 23, 2007 — 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Page 1 of 6 Present: Council Member Henn, Council Member Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor Rosansky, Council Member Webb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner CURRENT BUSINESS 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR. Council Member Webb had concerns about Item #10, Newport Ridge Park, and will bring them up later when the item is discussed. Council Member Curry asked to have item #10 continued at the request of the homeowners. 2. RESIDENTIAL PARKING ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH THE OCEAN BOULEVARD AND PENINSULA POINT BEACH AREAS AND POLICE RESPONSES TO INCIDENTS FOR THESE AREAS. [100 -20071 Mayor Rosansky presented the procedure for this item by saying the staff report will take 30 minutes and residents discussion should not exceed 1 Y2 hours. He notified the audience that no vote will be taken and Council will give staff direction of how they want to proceed after listening to the public testimony. City Manager Bludau provided the staff report by presenting a PowerPoint. He stated that the staff report will be given by several City employees and will cover the problem, locations, parking control alternatives, what the General Plan and LCP say, police enforcement, administrative and cost issues and alternatives. He spoke about the residents wanting resident only permit /decal parking which could be implemented between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am. He went over the noticing process and spoke about parking control alternatives used citywide. City Attorney Clauson spoke about the planning and public access issues. She reviewed the preferential parking authorization allowed under the State Vehicle Code. The General Plan recognizes the lack of parking along the coast. The Coastal Commission looks at access and views to the beach. She feels that most of the issues aren't lack of parking but nuisance and safety concerns. In order to have the parking plan approved by the Coastal Commission the City should provide survey data of why parking permits are needed and show that there isn't impact for public access during the hours requested by residents. In response to Council Member Daigle's question, City Attorney Clauson talked about the differences in the areas and how the public is allowed to have access to the view of the beach when it is closed. The Circulation Element of the General Plan would have to be supported for the Coastal Commission to approve the parking plan. The Coastal Commission will look to see if the City has looked at all other alternatives and studies showing impact and whether it's been mitigated. The Coastal Commission might have issues in Corona del Mar because the parking plan will limit access for people to view the coast at night. She stated that the more studies and information that can be shown to support the program the better chance of the Coastal Commission approving it. The Coastal Commission could ask the City http:// newportbeach. granicus. com /MinutesViewer.php ?view_id =16 &clip_id =411 02/21/2007 City Council Study Session Page 2 of 6 to mitigate the access by enhancements such as improvements to street ends or bathroom facilities prior to approving the parking plan. The parking issue could also bring attention to the 10:00 pm closure of the beach. Senior Planner Alford reviewed what the Coastal Commission decided in the City of Carmel and Coronado for parking permits. He stated that in the past the Coastal Commission has considered preferential parking if it didn't restrict public access or the impact was minimal. Capt. Klein stated that there are current enforcement policies in both areas and there is a staffing need to implement the preferential parking program. In the past the Police Department implemented use of helicopters to identify presence on the beach and the use of fire rings and received complaints about the noise from the helicopter. He said that in both areas the majority of contacts with late beachgoers are initiated by officers. In response to Council Member Henn's question about quality of life and criminal activity, Captain Klein said that the quality of life is when the law is not being broken but affects the lives of people involved. Captain Klein stated that it is the officer's discretion about whether to warn or ticket anyone found on the beach after it has been closed and it depends on the potential for additional crime. Council Member Curry asked about the enforcement of vehicle vandalism, graffiti and gangs. He wanted to know if it is recurrent issue and what has been learned from this activity in that neighborhood. Captain Klein responded by saying that the activity has been common in the areas for over 25 years. He said the best thing is to have the issues reported because the more cooperation the Police Department gets from residents, the more they can respond. He also stated that the police can't address every single crime and requires active participation by the community. Mayor Pro Tem Selich said that he received a complaint about people on Corona del Mar beach after it was closed so he went down there himself on several Fridays from 11:00 pm - 11:30 pm and observed numerous fires in the fire pits. Captain Klein responded by saying the fire pits shouldn't be used after 10:00 pm, however they may not always be able to get someone down there at 10:00 pm because it depends on police activity. Captain Klein reviewed staffing needs for the Police Department and stated that there is a need for an enforcement component. He feels that it is not reasonable to use police officers and recommended enforcement be done by parking patrol. The parking patrol person will get out of their car and walk each street two to three times per night. Captain Klein recommended that the City hire two Parking Control Officers to cover the areas for a year. Another major component of the preferential parking plan would be signage to make sure people are aware of it, and additional lighting may be needed in some areas. Captain Klein reported that the permit program may deter people from coming to the beaches, so it could reduce the number of problems. Fiscal Operations Manager Thompson reviewed the potential costs of the parking permit program and stated that the parking plan is not revenue producing since the start up costs are high. City Attorney Clauson said that the coastal policies indicate that any excess fees would be used to mitigate costs. Fiscal Operations Manager Thompson discussed the administrative details and some of the issues that may come up. Permits would have to be issued to a vehicle and not to a household and proof of address and vehicle ownership would have to be produced. She showed examples from other cities to show the problems that may occur. She reviewed other http://newportbeach.granicus.com/MinutesViewer.php?view—id= 16&clip_id=41 1 02/21/2007 City Council Study Session Page 3 of 6 issues, such as short term visitor permits for overnight guests, maintenance vehicles, late night events, long term visitor permits, in -home care providers, rental vehicles, and student vehicles. Fiscal Operations Manager Thompson stated that other cities have required inspection of garages to make sure residents are using their garages for parking. Council Member Henn stated that if the Coastal Commission is involved there has to be a safety case demonstrated, so it should be done in advance or along with the application. Dennis Baker said that he feels that the parking issue is an enforcement issue and seems like an indirect fix to a crime problem. He would like to see people support more police officers and enforcement be taken as the first step. Charles Umsworth spoke against the preferential parking plan if it requires Coastal Commission approval. He feels that the Coastal Commission may determine that the beach can't close at 10 pm and require alternative access by extension of the bike path and construction of restrooms at the Wedge. He said that enforcement by adding police officers without going through Coastal Commission is the best way to maintain the quality of life for residents. Marvin Neven said he thinks that signs on Ocean Blvd. will be counterproductive because they obstruct views. John Hamilton spoke in favor of permit parking and noted that the problem is safety, crime and security. He said many residents need the permit parking because their property is being damaged and the fear of gang crime. He presented a petition signed by 200 residents asking for the permit parking. Lee Payne says that the problems in Peninsula Point are different from those in Corona del Mar. He feels to add an additional layer of parking restrictions on top of street sweeping would be way too much. Louise Fundenberg, Central Newport Beach Community Association, stated that they did not receive any notices about the meeting and asked that when further consideration is given that they be notified. Jill Schreiber said that she started the petition one year ago because of increased crimes in the neighborhood. She cited examples of activity in her neighborhood and said it's a public safety issue that has increased over the last several years and she supports the restricted parking. She says they have fear of calling police for fear of retaliation. Ms. Schreiber stated that she would prefer the beaches stay open later. Kent Moore echoed John Hamilton's sentiments and said that trash, broken bottles and cans are evidence of overnight camping and he is concerned about crime and safety and supports the decal program. Cindy Peck said she thinks that the crime on her street has been drive -by types of crimes and feels that permit parking would not address that situation. Dr. Elmer Drews stated that people who come to Peninsula Point don't come there for the views but to commit criminal acts. Roberta Schmitt said she has had problems in her neighborhood. She thinks the Peninsula needs more enforcement and patrolling. http:// newportbeach .granicus.comJMinutesV iewer.php ?view_id =16 &clip_id =411 02/21/2007 City Council Study Session Page 4 of 6 Philip Mark stated that he has tried calling the police and it's not working so he feels that the residents need to try something else. Eric Welton said he signed the petition in favor of the parking program and challenged Captain Klein on the number of patrols. He supports parking restrictions as a means to augment the enforcement. Del Brandon said he feels that the residents need more enforcement and patrols and is opposed to the parking permit program. Cathy Hamilton stated that she and her neighbors have had graffiti on their fences and property and was told by police that they were gang symbols and should be removed immediately so there wouldn't be any gang retaliation. Roger McKinnon reported his experience with the Police Department and when he has called to report noise disturbances and fires, he has been told there is not enough staff to handle the complaints. He said he signed the petition and supports the parking proposal, but he think it's really a police patrol issue. Bambi Wilcheck said she feels the administrative costs for two Parking Control Officers seem very high. She proposed a visible and intense police program to stop the problems. Leslie Cazarian stated the she has never had a problem and think that the residents should be contacting the police and not restricting parking. Linda Mankard said she is in favor of permit program and also feels there's a need to beef up the security. She feels that it is a safety issue and the parking program will deter people and the traffic in the area. Barbara Peters stated that she doesn't want the beach open until midnight. She stated that the calls to the police are treated as noise complaints which don't receive the same response. Deanna Reposa said she is in favor of enforcement and not sure how the parking plan ties into this. Ken Drellishak distributed photos taken in the spring and summer that show the problems they are having in the area. He spoke in support of the restricted parking program. John Bonner stated the police have been present at board meetings and said that they don't have enough officers to support the areas. He said that a lot of the problems are from the fishermen who fish on the jetty and requested that the area be fenced after hours. W.R. Gilding, Central Newport Community Association, said there are many legal nonconforming units in the area and many units without onsite parking. He said the problem is the fisherman, travelers to Catalina and employees from local restaurants that park on the residential streets. Dick Barker presented pictures of graffiti and other nuisances. He stated that the reason this parking permit idea came forward is because the police enforcement is ineffective. Council Member Curry said it is appalling as to what is going on in the community and enforcement needs to be stepped up in both of the neighborhoods to address the issues. Council Member Daigle spoke in support of the parking program. She stated that if there is an agreement to move forward to Coastal Commission, that the City needs to move forward http://newportbeach.granicus.com/MinutesViewer.php?view—id= 16&clip_id=411 02/21/2007 City Council Study Session with reports, particularly in Corona del Mar. Page S of 6 Council Member Gardner said that permit parking won't solve the problems if residents are talking about gangs and guns. She stated that the City needs enforcement, resources and refocusing in the areas. Council Member Henn ratified Council Member Curry's idea of police enforcement. He also believes that the City needs to move ahead right away to analyze the parking permit idea. He stated that the City must identify the mandate from the citizens and briefly describe what the program would look like and hear from a cross section of the residents before taking it to the Coastal Commission. Mayor Pro Tem Selich suggested that a postcard vote be used to try to ascertain the support for the program. The City would need to develop some kind of proforma program for people to look at before casting their vote. He feels the City needs to get statistical data and will have to move ahead on both the decal parking and police enforcement. Council Member Webb stated that only a couple of people indicated that they want permit parking. He has had calls from residents not wanting it and only wanting increased enforcement. He said that in Corona del Mar he can't tie parking problems with what is going on and that it is a serious enforcement problem. He said the City should not move forward with the parking permit program on the Peninsula but wants to address the enforcement issues. Police presence might need to include a walking police officer patrol at all times. Police Chief McDonell noted that there are a tremendous number of visitors to the area, especially Corona del Mar beach. He notified the residents that police calls for service are all posted on the website which includes who responded and the disposition of the call. He stated that they prioritize calls so there will be delays in some calls but response times are excellent. He encouraged residents to cooperate and make the calls and if they are not satisfied, notify the Watch Commander or his office to get answers. He stated that a permit parking program will not deter people who are there to commit a crime. Mayor Rosansky stated that he hasn't seen a clear consensus in both areas but the City needs to take a harder look at enforcement issues. He suggested that residents call the police because it's the only way they will know there is a problem. He stated that City staff will look at the problem more and come back with a program. PUBLIC COMMENTS • None ADJOURNMENT • 6:19 pm The agenda for the Adjourned Regular Meeting was posted on January 17, 2007, at 3:00 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. Recording Secretary http: / /newportbeach. granicus. com/ MinutesViewer .php ?view_id= 16 &clip_id =411 02/21/2007 City Council Study Session Mayor City Clerk Page 6 of 6 http: / /newportbeach. granicus. com /MinutesViewer.php?View_id =16 &clip_id =411 02/21/2007 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. February 13, 2007 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Police Department Bob McDonell, Chief of Police; (949) 644 -3701; bmcdonell @nbpd.org SUBJECT: POLICE DEPARTMENT PLAN TO ADDRESS COMMUNITY CONCERNS IN THE OCEAN BLVD AREA OF CORONA DEL MAR AND PENINSULA POINT RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve funding in the amount of $10,000 for a metal security gate to be installed at the entrance of the City municipal parking lot at Corona del Mar State Beach. 2. Provide policy direction on the use of remote low -light cameras in public areas for law enforcement purposes. 3. Should the Council deem it appropriate, approve funding in the amount of $32,376 on a trial basis for overtime for two officers to be assigned exclusively to the Ocean Blvd and surrounding area on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays between the hours of 9 PM and 3 AM through September 30, 2007. DISCUSSION: At the January 23, 2007, City Council Study Session, the topic of preferential parking was discussed as a means of addressing the residents' concerns for public safety in the area of Ocean Blvd and Peninsula Point. During the public testimony by those attending, a number of individuals expressed their views that the areas were unsafe, and the Police Department was not providing an acceptable quantity of service to address the level of safety. Some of the views expressed were a fear of walking guests to their cars at night, increased crime, increased littering, public drinking and fighting, fear of calling the Police Department because of retaliation from individuals thought to be gang members, increased graffiti, and slow response or no response from the Police Department after a resident placed a call for service. It should be noted that many of the incidents that were spoken about had not been reported to the Police Department. The majority of the residents that expressed safety concerns were from the Ocean Blvd area with the Peninsula Point residents expressing similar views, but in smaller numbers. Some residents from both areas had opposing views, with a few indicating they felt safe in their communities and others who did not. Police Department Action Plan February 13, 2007 Page 2 A review of reported crime indicates both areas have a low crime rate during the hours which were being considered for a preferential parking permit. While we recognize that a number of residents who spoke at the Study Session suggested that calls for service may not have been made due to a fear of retaliation, we believe that most of the Part 1 crimes (or the most serious) would in fact have been reported and included in our review. In 2006, during the summer months of June, July, August, and September between the hours of 10 PM and 6 AM, there were a total of 17 reported crimes (Part I & 11) in the Ocean Blvd area, 8 of which were the result of officer- initiated arrests. Many of the reported crimes were the result of officer - initiated contacts, which ultimately resulted in arrests. In 2005, for that same time period and location, there were 13 reported crimes (Part I & 11), again many the results of officer- initiated contacts. On the Peninsula Point, there were a total of 21 crimes (Part I & 11) between 10 PM and 6 AM for the entire year starting July 1, 2005, and ending June 30, 2006, 9 of which were the result of officer- initiated arrests. At the beginning of summer 2006, the Police Department increased patrols in the Ocean Blvd area to address the concerns of the residents. Teams of officers were used at various times to close the beach. The documented officer- initiated activity in this area between 10 PM and 6 AM for the summer months of June, July, August, and September went from 128 incidents in 2005 to 168 incidents in 2006. Our calls for service in the same area and time period went from 67 calls in 2005 to 132 calls in 2006, the result of efforts to encourage residents to call when they observed a problem. During the Study Session and as a result of comments in the days that followed, there were implications that the Police Department was overstating our presence in the Corona del Mar (CdM) beach area during the period surrounding the beach closure times. We reviewed the data from all of our calls for service and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) events during the summer months of 2006 and assigned one of our staff to review each one of those events. It is important to point out that there is no requirement for our personnel to notify Dispatch when closing the beach at or around the 10 PM hour, nor is it required to notify them when conducting a consensual encounter or other minor enforcement contact. As a result, those events are not captured by our CAD entries. With that said, in 2006, there were 122 calendar days in that four -month period from June through September. During that 122 day period, officers verbally notified Dispatch and placed themselves at CdM beach or Ocean Blvd near or during those closure hours on 116 of those days. This does not account for the many other times officers were in the area on routine patrol or other enforcement contacts, but did not have any noteworthy activity warranting a dispatch (CAD) event. Police Department Action Plan February 13, 2007 Page 3 For the Peninsula Point area, there were a total of 101 calls for service or dispatched events between the hours of 10 PM and 6 AM for the one -year period starting July 1, 2005, and ending June 30, 2006. This included calls from the public as well as officer- initiated activity, such as vehicle or pedestrian stops. Twenty six of the calls related to parties held by residents. The remaining calls were a combination from residents and officer- initiated activity. We recognize that the reported crime and level of calls for service in both areas may not accurately reflect how some residents feel about their neighborhoods. Quality of life issues have always been a concern for the residents of Newport Beach, as well as the City government, including the Police Department. However, those issues are substantially affected by the unique characteristics and location of each neighborhood, as well as by the number of residents and visitors who frequent or utilize the amenities in that area. The improvements sought by those affected will take the active participation of the Community as well as the involvement of various City Departments. We intend to re- double our efforts to engage those neighborhoods in assisting us with that effort. Community participation is a key element in addressing the concerns of residents. Officers need residents to be alert for suspicious activity and report that activi t immediatelv. Even if an officer is in the area, the officer might not have seen the same activity as viewed by the resident. A call by a resident will have the effect of directing the officer to the suspicious activity and providing that officer with the additional information necessary to resolve the situation — hopefully to the resident's satisfaction. The Police Department has implemented many of the short-term objectives in an effort to address the expressed issues by a number of the residents. Long -term recommendations have been included for review and direction. Short-Term Actions: 1. Improve the exchange of information between residents and the Police Department. a. Use the existing Neighborhood Watch Program and Homeowners Association as a conduit for the required information exchange. b. Schedule Community meetings for residents and the Police Department to discuss issues, identify our plans to address them, and jointly develop a course of action for those which may be brought up in that forum. A meeting for the Ocean Blvd area has been scheduled for March 7, 2007, and a Peninsula Point meeting will be scheduled shortly thereafter. Residents will be notified of the meetings by the Neighborhood Watch Block Captains, Homeowners Associations, and as a result of the door -to- door distribution of Police Department flyers. (Please see attached flyer.) Police Department Action Plan February 13, 2007 Page 4 c. Provide residents who call the Police Department with the option of being called or contacted by a dispatcher or officer after a call has been handled. d. Provide residents with information on how to review a call for service on our Website, www.nbpd.org or if not satisfied with the level of service, to contact the Patrol Watch Commander at 644 -3730 (24 -hours a day), Patrol Division Commander at 644 -3720, or the Office of the Chief of Police at 644 -3701. Each situation will be reviewed and the caller contacted. 2. Increased Patrol. a. Assign a specific officer each night to coordinate the closing of the beach at CdM and an additional officer on Peninsula Point, using additional officers as needed. b. Instruct officers to increase time spent patrolling each area. c. Require the field supervisors to oversee the areas and make staffing adjustments as needed. d. Instruct Citywide units, such as those assigned to Transportation and Accident Investigations, to include both areas as part of their routine patrol. e. Continue the use of ABLE helicopters to direct patrol officers to individuals or groups on the beach after hours. f. Temporarily redeploy the night -shift bicycle officers from the Peninsula to Ocean Blvd for periodic patrols, and direct them to park the marked police unit they use for transportation to various patrol areas on Ocean Blvd for high visibility. g. Ensure calls in these areas are dispatched and assigned as soon as possible, even if it involves assigning an officer from a neighboring area. This will not always be practical, as calls regarding subjects on the beach will still be prioritized lower than a call involving violence or the imminent loss or destruction of property. h. Continue to address the lighting issues at CdM main beach by leaving the lights on until midnight, and set the timers to allow officers to turn on the lights as needed in the course of their duties. 3. Enforcement Documentation. a. Maintain electronic files regarding enforcement actions in the affected areas to facilitate the exchange between the different officers assigned to those areas. b. Select specific Problem Oriented Policing (POP) officers for the overall responsibility of each area. Police Department Action Plan February 13, 2007 Page 5 c. Officers will be required to track all contacts, beach patrols, and time patrolling both areas through the utilization of dispatch records to effectively document enforcement activities. Possible Long -Term Actions: 1. Installation of a metal security gate at CdM municipal parking lot. a. Approve supplemental funding in this fiscal year in the amount of $10,000 for the replacement of a metal security gate at the entrance to the municipal parking lot. Prior to the recent construction, a metal gate was in place to prevent vehicles from entering the parking lot after hours. The present gate system is a wooden arm that will not sufficiently prevent access to the parking area. The wooden arm can be broken or moved to allow vehicles to pass. This item was not part of the original construction project, but according to the Fire /Marine Department, they plan on requesting funding for the security gate in the 07/08 budget. We request that funding be granted now so it can be in place before the summer season of 2007. 2. Provide policy direction on the use of remote low -light cameras in public areas for law enforcement proposes. a. The City is in the process of having a remote camera system installed in several public areas for use by lifeguards. The locations include CdM beach and the Newport Pier. These cameras were intended to be for water safety purposes. Presently, there are no City cameras intended for use by the Police Department for law enforcement purposes. Low -light or night- viewing cameras, with the ability to be remotely monitored and placed at locations such as CdM main beach, Little Corona, Pirates Cove, and the Wedge, would allow the areas to be monitored by our Dispatch personnel and Watch Commander. The intent would be to gather evidence and direct officers to areas when illegal or disruptive activity is occurring, thereby improving the utilization of our available resources and improving our responsiveness to the concerns of residents — in some cases prior to their realization that there is a problem. We would hope for the capability to rotate the cameras to cover as large a portion of the beach as possible with camera placement, while at the same time preventing visual coverage of any neighboring homes, thereby insuring their privacy. The Police Department has not conducted an in -depth investigation of the use of public area cameras for law enforcement purposes and is seeking direction from the City Council prior to doing so in order to determine if this is an area that should be explored Police Department Action Plan February 13, 2007 Page 6 in detail to determine available options and costs. We believe it has significant potential to add another dimension to our effort to respond to the expressed concerns. Depending upon our research, we may expand any recommendation to include the proximity of the Wedge, due to its remote location and lack of easy accessibility to officers patrolling that area of Peninsula Point other than on the beach. 3. Approve the trial use of officers on an overtime basis for specific assignment to the Ocean Blvd area between the hours of 9 PM and 3 AM on selected days through the end of September. a. The ability to hire officers on an overtime basis would provide the area with officers that are dedicated to enforcement in this specific area for a six -hour period. The officers would not have any other responsibilities except patrolling and responding to calls for service in the Ocean Blvd /CdM beach area. Even with assigned officers, the cooperation from the Community in the form of reporting suspicious activity would be critical to the success of this option. The cost of this option would be approximately $1043 for a three -day period covering Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. To staff this assignment until the end of September would require an overtime expenditure of $32,376. To staff this assignment for an entire fiscal year would require an overtime expenditure of $54,208. b. A recommendation for the ability to use officers on an overtime basis for deployment to the Peninsula Point is not being made. There are sufficient officers assigned to the Peninsula area to meet the increased patrol time for Peninsula Point by shifting assignments and responsibilities. The Peninsula Point, unlike Ocean Blvd, is part of a larger oceanfront area, and we are confident sufficient Police resources are in place to address the safety concerns for the entire area including Peninsula Point, based upon the controlled access to that portion of the Community. Respectfully submitted by: I"" ` Bob McDonell CHIEF OF POLICE Attachment NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 870 Santa Barbara, P.O. Box 7000, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -7000 CRIME PREVENTION UNIT 949 -644 -3699 E 1 i e .+ • i -4 GEM Wednesday, March 7, 2007 6 PM Newport Beach Central Library 1000 Avocado Ave Corona del Mar The Newport Beach Police Department strongly requests your presence to discuss Neighborhood Watch involvement in the Corona del Mar area. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING FOCUS ❑ Develop a more robust Neighborhood Watch Program in Corona del Mar - and specifically the Ocean Blvd area. ❑ Engage the Ocean Blvd area residents in a dialogue to discuss our specific efforts to deal with their concerns. ❑ Demonstrate how residents can view our response to calls for service in their area as they are handled. ❑ Explain the methods available to address any dissatisfaction in Police response to those calls for service. The Newport Beach Police Department would like residents to report suspicious activity to the Police Department immediately. EMERGENCY 911 NON - EMERGENCY 644 -3717 For further information regarding this meeting, please contact Crime Prevention Specialist Kathy Lowe at 644 -3692 City Council Regular Meeting Page 9 of 13 because of the toxic chemicals being used. He asked the City to request of the state that this process be monitored at a local level. Beverly Bernstein was also concerned about the fumigation materials and related health concerns because of the number of people living in her complex who have severe ailments. She asked the Council to be caring and compassionate about this issue and help the residents. Bill Ficker was disappointed that the City was rushing to stop thinking about a City Hall at the library site. He had encouraged public exchange of information and tried to do that in his proposal to bring opportunities to the City Council. Many people could enjoy the site for City Hall and its employees. Newport Center has in excess of 8 acres that offers an opportunity for park areas and covered parking. He asked Council to afford him an opportunity to present his plan to the community. Lori Morris entered a public record Notice of Addendum that was originally requested on December 12, 2006. Her inquiry sought disclosures for City departments and staff members for the years 2004 through 2007 to determine any possible conflict of interest. Debra Allen, Chair, Park Development Committee, said it was very important for the City Council to move forward with plans to implement the Newport Center Park. The PB &R Commission voted unanimously to not include a soccer field at the site. The Committee raised $1.2 million and the City's delay has cost the project $600,000 and further delays are likely to result in additional costs. This is money that was raised through private donation at the behest of the City Council. She urged the Council to move forward and build the park. Barry Allen took exception to Mr. Ficker being allowed to make a presentation at the next Council meeting because in his opinion, Mr. Ficker should not be allowed to do so until there is a scheduled public hearing on the matter. Bernie Svalstad said he agreed with Debra Allen and felt it would be redundant to have the issue brought up again and that it should be approved at the next meeting. The McFadden Square Centennial Legacy program continues and is accepting donations. He hoped the project would be built by the end of the year. M. ORAL REPORTS FROM CITY _COUNCIL ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES - None N. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA AND ORAL STATUS REPORT 17. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 8, 2007. [100 -20071 Staff Report Action Agenda Planning Director Lepo reported on the following Planning Commission items: Santa Ana River Vision Plan Advisory Committee formation; Planning Commission email policy; Planning Department website; standard project conditions of approval, update on Planning Department organization; and, Isla Vista Homes (PA2004 -123) — 1499 and 1515 Monrovia Avenue. O. CONTINUED BUSINESS 18. POLICE DEPARTMENT PLAN TO ADDRESS COMMUNITY CONCERNS IN THE OCEAN BLVD. AREA OF CORONA DEL MAR AND PENINSULA POINT. [100 -20071 Staff Report Chief McDonell recapped the recommendations he made during a previous study session. He felt it was important to discuss crime statistics for the 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. timeframe http: / /newportbeach. granicus. com/ MinutesViewer .php ?view_id= 16 &clip_id =419 02/21/2007 City Council Regular Meeting Page 10 of 13 because it was intimated that enforcement overstated its presence in the Corona del Mar beach and Ocean Boulevard areas. Although this is not the situation, the department intends to address all possibilities and in the short term intends to improve communications with the public through scheduling Neighborhood Watch meetings; providing increased patrol in the beach area of Corona del Mar and the Peninsula; re- deploying bike patrols in the beach areas; establishing adequate lighting, and documenting encounters and document graffiti. On a long -term basis the department proposes to install a metal security gate at the Corona del Mar parking lot; seek the Council's input and direction on securing a low light five camera system for the Corona del Mar beach and Peninsula Point and other pertinent areas at an estimated cost of $75,000 including a storage system. Chief McDonell said that he would not recommend adding overtime usage of officers in the Peninsula Point area at this time. Council Member Daigle asked for more information on the Neighborhood Watch program and Chief McDonell elaborated with emphasis on attempting to get more public participation. Anyone interested in becoming a block captain should contact the department. The City Council spoke in support of the Chiefs recommendations and and commended him and the department for their responsiveness to this issue. City Manager Badum responded to Mayor Pro Tem Selich that the gate would be installed at the entrance. Chief McDonell said the gate would be electronically controlled. Dick Nichols said he supported use of cameras and suggested a later enforcement time of 12:00 midnight or 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Motion by Council Member Gardner to 1) approve funding in the amount of $10,000 for a metal security gate to be installed at the entrance of the City municipal parking lot at Corona del Mar State Beach; and 2) directed staff to return with more information on the use of remote low -light cameras in public areas for law enforcement purposes. Substitute motion by Council Member Henn to 1) approve funding in the amount of $10,000 for a metal security gate to be installed at the entrance of the City municipal parking lot at Corona del Mar State Beach; 2) directed staff to bring back info on the use of remote low -light cameras in public areas for law enforcement purposes; 3) approve the use of overtime on a trial basis for two officers to be assigned exclusively to the Ocean Blvd. and surrounding area on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays between the hours of 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. until the cameras are implemented; and 4) approve a budget amendment (07BA -044) appropriating $10,000 from the unappropriated General Fund balance to 3140 -8040 for the installation of the security gate. The substitute motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Henn, Coucil Member Webb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner Noes: Council Member Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor Rosansky S22. APPOINTMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL/CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON INTENSE RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY. (100 -2007] Staff Report Motion by Coucil Member Webb to confirm the Mayor's appointments as follows: Mayor Rosansky, Chair; Planning Commissioner Michael Toerge; Board of Realtors representative Craig Batley; West Newport Beach Association representative Jim Miller; Central Balboa Association representative Louise Fundenberg; and at -large members Robert Rush and Jeffrey Myers. http:// newportbeach. granicus. com/ MinutesViewer .php ?view_id= 16 &clip_id =419 02/21/2007