HomeMy WebLinkAbout5 - Corona del Mar State Beach ImprovementsCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 5 April 10, 2007 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Public Works Department Lloyd Dalton, PE 949 - 644 -3328 ldalton@city.newport-beach.ca.us SUBJECT: CORONA DEL MAR STATE BEACH IMPROVEMENTS — CONTRACT NO. 3461 — AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement with Robbins Jorgensen Christopher Architects (now known as Rossetti Jorgensen) for an amount not to exceed $29,925 and authorize the Mayor City Clerk to execute the Agreement. DISCUSSION: On August 9, 2005 the City Council awarded a contract to reconstruct public facilities at Corona del Mar State Beach. The contract provided for demolishing all existing structures and constructing a concession /lifeguard /marine life refuge building, two restroom buildings, a parking lot ticket booth, parking lot and entrance modifications, beachfront seat walls and walkways, site utilities, and new landscaping and irrigation systems. The contract also provided for demolishing, removing, and reconstructing the bottom portion of the Inspiration Point beach access trail that was undermined during our January 2005 storms. The trail was extended longer and deeper into the beach sand and buttressed with grouted rock in an effort to assure that the trail will not be undermined during future storms. Construction started on September 6, 2005, the day after Labor Day. All work was to be completed within 150 consecutive working days, or by May 11, 2006. Working day extensions due to unforeseen work, labor and materials delays, inclement weather, etc., extended the completion date to June 1, 2006; however, actual construction was not Corona Del Mar Beach Improvements - Contract No. 3461 — Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement April 10, 2007 Page 2 completed until October 20, 2006, 100 working days after the extended completion date (see attached Council report dated February 27, 2007). Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement: Architectural design and construction support services for the project were provided by Robbins Jorgensen Christopher Architects (now known as Rossetti Jorgensen) under a September 2, 2001 Professional Services Agreement with the City. This Agreement was amended on December 12, 2002, January 13, 2004, and October 5, 2005 to reflect changes to Rossetti Jorgensen's original scope of work. Rossetti Jorgensen has now requested payment for their 100 additional days of construction support services between June 1 and October 20, 2006 (see attached letter report dated March 19, 2007). Such services include attending and taking notes for meetings with the contractor, researching and responding to requests for information, evaluating field conditions and requests for change orders, preparing change order plans, etc. Staff has verified the $29,925 additional payment requested by Rossetti Jorgensen and prepared the attached draft Amendment No. 4 to their Professional Services Agreement with the City. Funding Availability: The City Council approved 10% of the award amount ($400,000) to provide for testing, special inspections, change orders, and unforeseen costs on the project. Ten percent is commonly provided for Public Works projects when exact construction costs are unknown prior to award. Sufficient funds remain in the following account to reimburse Rossetti Jorgensen for their additional services under proposed Amendment No. 4. Account Description Corona del Mar State Beach Improvements Prepared b Sig n Engineer Account Number Amount 7011- C5100569 $29,925 Total: $29,925 Submitted by; In G. Badum Works Director Attachment: Completion report dated February 27,607 Letter from Rossetti Jorgensen dated March 19, 2007 Draft Amendment No. 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. February 27, 2007 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Public Works Department Marcus Puglisi 949 -644 -3331 or mpuglisi @city.newport - beach.ca.us SUBJECT: CORONA DEL MAR STATE BEACH IMPROVEMENTS — COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT NO. 3461 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Accept the work. 2. Authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion. 3. Authorize the City Clerk to release the Labor and Materials bond 35 days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded in accordance with applicable portions of the Civil Code. 4. Release the Faithful Performance Bond 1 year after Council acceptance. DISCUSSION: On August 9, 2005, the City Council authorized the award of the Corona del Mar State Beach Improvements to Weeger Bros., Inc. The contract provided for the demolition of all existing structures and construction of a parking lot ticket booth, concessionflifeguard building, two restroom buildings, beachfront seat walls and walkways, site utilities, and new landscaping and irrigation systems. The contract also provided for the demolition, removal, and reconstruction of the bottom portion of the Inspiration Point beach access trail that was undermined during our January 2005 rain storms. The trail extension was designed to be longer and deeper into the beach sand and buttressed with grouted rock to insure that the trail will not be undermined again. On October 25, 2005, the City Council appropriated another $200,000 for additional design services and for materials observation and testing and geotechnical services. The contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. A summary of the contract cost is as follows: Original bid amount: $3,945,000.00 Actual amount of bid items constructed: $3,945,000.00 Total amount of change orders: ($141.52) Final contract cost: $3,844,858.48 Corona del Mar State Beach Improvements - Completion And Acceptance of Contract No. 3461 February 27, 2007 Page 2 The final overall construction cost includes eight Change Orders representing a savings of .0035 percent under the original bid amount. A summary of the change orders is as follows: Change Description Amount Order 1 Miscellaneous extra work: asbestos removal, $16,652.03 diseased palm replacement, roofing system upgrade, added water service, and added restroom optical flush valves 2 Extra work days 3 Miscellaneous entry booth extra work: additional $18,042.62 work to accommodate a toilet room, changed entry door, added countertop plastic laminate end panels 4 Miscellaneous building extra work: HVAC $16,166.18 modifications to the Lifeguard /Concessionaire building, filling of unforeseen void adjacent to the Westside restroom, ceiling modification to accommodate ceiling lights 5 Miscellaneous cost deductive items: temporary <$72,884.74> concession costs, deletion of new flagpole, replacement of destroyed stainless steel street light service, deletion of Abtech catch basin filters, and deletion of the artistic concrete portion of the contract 6 Miscellaneous building extra work including such $19,340.53 items as: substitution of double 2x6 Trex for HVAC screening, restroom structural steel design changes, powder coating of skylights, sewer grease interceptor relocation, and relocation of two large Washingtonian palms 7 Miscellaneous building extra work: added $2,287.28 waterproofing to Lifeguard shower wall, switching the down spout locations for nine roof drains, and adding venting for lifeguard water heater 8 Final miscellaneous site and building extra work $254.58 In addition to the Change Orders approved by the City, the Contractor has an outstanding claim. The Contractor contends that it is entitled to additional compensation due to alleged extra days and the performance of extra work. Staff has reviewed the claim and has determined that the Contractor's claim is without merit. The City has cross - claims against the Contractor for liquidated damages resulting from the delayed completion of the project. The City has retained $193,089 of contract funds within a third party escrow account for the resolution of liquidated damages ($150,000) and stop notices on file ($43,089.) Corona del Mar State Beach Improvements - Completion And Acceptance of Contract No. 3461 February 27, 2007 Page 3 Additionally, approximately $180,000 of unspent monies set aside for contingency will be returned to the General Fund. The total construction Cost was $3,944,858.48. Other Project Costs: In addition to the primary construction contract, this project involved other project expenses from the following funding sources, General Fund, American Trader Oil Spill Remediation Fund, FEMA contribution, and Proposition 12 Bond Act of 2000 — State grant contribution. Total project expenses are summarized as follows: Construction Architectural Services Preliminary Design Various Trades Materials Testing /Geotechnical Construction Inspection Surveying Portable Toilets Incidentals Lifeguard Facility FF &E Total Project Cost Environmental Review: $3,944,858.48 $ 259,650.10 $ 25,265.39 $ 56,479.55 $ 63,618.00 $ 9,445.05 $ 8,404.00 $ 39,200.05 $ 9,643.76 $ 49,000.00 $4,465,564.38 This project is categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA per Section 15061(b)(3), pertaining to the reconstruction of existing structures and facilities on the same site with substantially the same purposes and capacities as the existing structures and facilities. A Notice of Exemption has been filed with the County Clerk. Funding Availability: Funds for the project were expended from the following accounts: Description General Fund Proposition 12 Bond Act of 2000 — State Grant FEMA reimbursement for beach access trail repair American Trader Oil Spill Remediation Account 7011- C5100569 7251- C5100569 7251- C5100569 Amount $2,819,762.48 472,290.00 29,648.00 7295- C5100569 623.158.00 Total $3,944,858.48 All work was completed on October 20, 2006, 100 days after the scheduled completion date. Prepared by: Marcus Puglisi Senior Public Works Inspector Submitted by: Stephen G. Badum Public Works Director AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH JORGENSEN ARCHITECTS FOR CORONA DEL MAR STATE BEACH IMPROVEMENTS THIS AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, entered into this day of %. , 2007, by and between the, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and ROBBINS JORGENSEN CHRISTOPHER ARCHITECTS (now known as ROSSETTI JORGENSEN), a California corporation,., whose address is 2800 Lafayette, Newport Beach, California, 92663 (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant'), is made with reference to the following: RECITALS: A. WHEREAS, City has constructed a new concession stand, restrooms, parking booth, and other improvements at Corona del Mar State Beach; and B. WHEREAS, -on September 10, 2002, City and Consultant entered into a Professional Services Agreement, hereinafter referred to as "AGREEMENT," for Consultant to provide the architectural services for the Corona del Mar State Beach Improvements (hereinafter referred to as "Project'). Under AGREEMENT, City agreed to pay Consultant $111,670.00 for architectural services; and C. WHEREAS, on December 17, 2002, City and Consultant entered into an amendment to AGREEMENT for additional professional services needed for Project, as requested by City (hereinafter referred to as "AMENDMENT NO. 1 "). Under Amendment No. 1, City agreed to compensate Consultant an additional $31,330 for their additional services; and D. WHEREAS, on January 13, 2004, City and Consultant entered into a second amendment to AGREEMENT for additional professional services needed for Project (hereinafter referred to as "AMENDMENT NO. 2. "), and City agreed to compensate Consultant an additional $71,500.00 for their additional services; and E. WHEREAS, on October 5, 2005, City and Consultant entered into a third amendment to AGREEMENT for additional professional services needed for Project (hereinafter referred to as "AMENDMENT NO. 3. "), and City agreed to compensate Consultant an additional $40,502.00 for their additional services; and F. WHEREAS, Consultant has provided additional professional services to complete Project not included in AGREEMENT or AMENDMENTS NO. 1, 2 or 3. Said additional services include architectural services connected with the delayed completion of construction of the beach improvements and are more fully described in a March 20, 2007, letter from Consultant to City (hereinafter the "March 20, 2007 letter') attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated in full by this reference; and G. WHEREAS, City desires to compensate Consultant for the additional professional services that were not included in AGREEMENT or AMENDMENTS NO. 1, 2 or 3. Accordingly, City and Consultant mutually desire to amend AGREEMENT, as provided herein (hereinafter referred to as "AMENDMENT NO. 4 "); NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Consultant shall be compensated for the additional services it has provided on Project, as outlined in March 20, 2007 letter to City 2. Total additional compensation to Consultant for the services performed pursuant to AMENDMENT NO. 4 shall not exceed Twenty Nine Thousand, Nine Hundred Twenty five Dollars ($29,925). 3. The term of Agreement shall be extended to December 31, 2007. 4. Except as expressly modified herein, all other provisions, terms, and covenants set forth in AGREEMENT and in AMENDMENTS NO. 1, 2 and 3 shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed AMENDMENT NO. 4 on the date first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:_j an�' C AssIstant City Attorney for City of Newport Beach ATTEST: By: City Clerk for City of Newport Beach Attachment: Exhibit A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, A municipal corporation By: Mayor for City of Newport Beach CONSULTANT: ROSSETTIJORGENSEN 0 (Corporate Officer) Title: Print Name: By: (Financial Officer) Print ROSSETiTJORR11NSW.ARCNR6CTVR5. [MR=$. RRARRICS. PLMIXDRS 2800 LAFAYETTE. CANNERY VILLAGE. NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92663 Tataphona. 969.566.0080 ROSSETTIM10EN5EN.CON Fax. 949.566.0082 MARCH 19. 2007 MR. LLOYD DALTON, P.E. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS 3300 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 RE: Corona Del Mar State Beach Improvements City of Newport Beach Contract #3461 Plan #P- 5189-5 Dear Lloyd, This letter is to request your consideration of additional construction administration services on the Corona del Mar State Beach Improvements project due to the Contractor's schedule overruns. The original contract completion date was May 11, 2006. The actual completion date as agreed upon by the City and Weeger Bros. Inc. was October 20, 2006, more than 5 months later. The completion of site improvements and punch list Items extend considerably beyond that date. At the City's request, we continue to be involved, now more than 10 months later (nearly double the170 working days established by the original contract) providing support during negotiations to determine the amount of liquidated damages that will be assessed upon Weeger Bros. While our original contract required that we get approval from the City before providing additional services, we have continued Our support in good faith, based on our conversations with you along the way that we Will eventually be compensated for our additional services. Because our contract was an hourly, not to exceed agreement and was not tied to phased completion of the job, we invoiced 100% of the contracted fee on June 30, 2006 for time spent through May 31, 2006. Following the payment of that invoice, we have worked without compensation for over 9 months. While we hope that our dedication to this project speaks as a demonstration of our commitment to provide quality service and enduring Architecture, we are currently realizing a significant financial loss on this job and we hope we can recover the income proportional to our efforts. As t mentioned in a letter to Marcus Puglisi nearly a year ago, most projects, especially those with a combination of new and existing amenities, phased construction, and occupancy during construction have unforeseen conditions that have to be resolved during construction and thus cause delay. On this project, some examples of unforeseen conditions which occurred were unknown existing underground utilities locations, discovery of asbestos in existing buildings and delayed move out of the concessions tenant. Some trade Coordination issues had to be addressed in the field, such as the detailed interrelationship of steel columns embedded in masonry walls. These are ordinary hurdles in most projects and are the reason that project schedules typically include contingency time. Construction of this project extended far beyond what anyone would have anticipated as a reasonable time contingency however and the Contractor is responsible for the extreme delays in completion. As early as pre -bid and at pre - construction meetings, everyone involved (Owner, Contractor, and Architect) discussed that the construction schedule was critical and cooperation and communication would be important to meet the completion date. It was ROSSI& EXHIBIT A _ IGEQaRalR - Page 2 anticipated by the City that this schedule would be reflected in the bids and indeed this was the case. Typically, when construction time is critical, there will be larger work crews of various trades conducting simultaneous activities on the site. Instead, the job site was lackluster on most days. It was surprising that many work tasks which could have been scheduled concurrently instead occurred sequentially: Concurrent scheduling typically means that some trade work has multiple starts and stops, thus increasing subcontractor costs. On this job, it appears that the Contractor scheduled subcontractor work in order to minimize his expenses and maximize profit versus scheduling the job to be completed by the contract completion date. Another critical aspect to successful communication during all construction projects is the RR process.. This too was discussed during pre -bid and pre-construction meetings. It was noted that while we as the Architect would respond to issues quickly, that the contract allowance for processing issues is 20 working days. We requested that in order to decrease the response time to RFI's, the Contractor take a proactive, cooperative, problem solving approach when submitting questions. As one with global knowledge of the project and as the overall coordinator of the project construction, the Contractor's role is to review their subcontractors' issues, resolve them if possible, and then if still necessary, pose a question to the Owner Architect / Engineer in a comprehensive manner. In our opinion many of the RFI's that came to our office were so basic that they should have never been submitted. Seldom were RFI's posed with a suggested resolution. There are many possible reasons for this, however, in our opinion the problem' resulted primarily from a combination of inexperienced personnel and failure to review subcontractor questions prior to submitting them to the Architect. Contractor submittals also became an issue. Despite numerous reminders to the Contractor to include submittals / shop drawings on their project schedule as required by their contract, neither the City nor the Architect ever received such a document We also reminded the Contractor that the Architects responsibility in reviewing submittals is limited to verifying their general compliance with the contract documents. The Contractor is required to review all of their subcontractor's submittals before sending them to the Architect Additionally, detailed review of dimensions, full compliance with the specifications, etc. is the responsibility of the Contractor prior to submittal to the Architect Despite numerous discussions and reminders of the standard of practice, we continually received submittals which had not been reviewed by the Contractor, did not comply with the specifications, or were not required by the contract documents. The Contractor did not stamp and sign submittals indicating to the Architect that they had been reviewed by them prior to submitting to Architect In many cases, we spent considerable time discovering inconsistencies which should have been filtered out by the Contractor prior to being submitted to us. Substitutions must be allowed for public contracts. However, in order to be approved, they should be dearly marked as a substitution and submitted to the Owner / Architect along with the necessary comparison and backup information to indicate that the equivalency of the item. Because review of substitutions is time consuming, our specifications typically list multiple acceptable manufacturers, sometimes up to seven. Despite this, we received many submittals which were not by one of the listed manufacturers and were not indicated as a substitution. This created additional review time because we not only had to discover for ourselves if the product was a substitution, but then incurred additional time to review for equivalence. Whereas the contract and standard of practice suggest that such submittals be rejected, in F:W23. CdVXCA lB STft Pmgp OISICA MN Vv 03.15-0r.0 Page 3 most cases, we reviewed what was submitted in order to keep the project moving without delay. Our contract with the City is unclear as to the number and frequency of meetings that we were expected to attend during construction. On many projects, we attend construction meetings on an every-other week basis. Nevertheless, when we were requested to attend weekly meetings, we agreed in order to aid in keeping the project moving. This has been a large commitment of time and resources for us and is compounded now by the schedule extension. Because the City continued request our involvement, we are confident that you found our additional services beneficial the during the extended construction period and recent contractor negotiations. During this time, we made every effort to work efficiently while still providing the City with the support needed to complete the project. At the time of our last discussion regarding our additional time on this project, you requested that we keep track of our time until the completion of the project and submit it as a fixed cost at the completion of the project rather than project an inaccurate fee at that time. While that seemed reasonable then, none of us imagined that the 'completion' was so far away. Our resulting unpaid time has become a significant burden to this office and our contribution to the overall performance of the firm. We hope that you can help us to come to a resolution quickly. We request compensation in the amount of $29,925 for 204 labor hours recorded during the 9 months since our last invoice dated June 30, 2006 for time spent through May 31, 2006. Attached is a summary of our time spent for that period. Lloyd, thank you for your consideration of this request Please call Roberta Jorgensen or me if we can answer any questions regarding this matter. F50223- Cr%TTCNAmcisV:ee Pmpo 10CP..Vdsery W- 15 -0i.doc Project Detail Report Monday, March 19, 2007 ROSSETTI Transactions for 611106 - 31 6/1412006 Hours Description Reg 2006206.00 Corona Del Mar State Beach Im Type: BAKER, HAROLD Pdncipal: 7/17/2006 Project Manager: 3 Client: 50100 Contract Type: E +0: '1 Building Type: Labor 50100 E C/A OFFICE ' 1 PROJ MGMT 12 :42:00 PM Amount Ovt Total Reg Ovt Regular ROBERTA JORGENSEN Comp: 108,675.01) Budgeted OH Rate J J BRISCOE Consult Fee: 0 Revenue Meth: Reimb 0 Multiplier/Amt: Fixed Fee Start Date: Percent Compl: 0 Office Bldg End Date: Labor Pct Comb 0 Expense Pot Compl: 0 B 50100 BAKER, HAROLD 6/1412006 3 3 F 50100 BAKER, HAROLD 7/17/2006 3 3 F 50100 BAKER, HAROLD 7/31/2006 '1 1 F 50100 BAKER, HAROLD 8/1 /2006 2 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/7/2006 2 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/14 /2006 4 4 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/15/2006 4 4 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/1 /2006 4 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/5/2006 0.5 • F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/8/2006 6 " F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/16/2006 3 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/19/2006 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/2012006 2 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/21/2006 2 .2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/2212006 3 3 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/23/2006 1 1 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/2612006 0.5 0.5 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6127/2006 2 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/28/2006 3 - 3. B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/29/2006 2 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 6/30/2006 1 1 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/32006 2 2 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 71512006 1.5 1.5 ' F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/6/2006 2 " F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/7/2006 2 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/12/2006 2.5 2.5 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/1312006 4 4 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/14/2006 1 1 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/1812006 1 1 F 50400 BRISCOE. J J 7/19/2006 9 9 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/20/2006 8 8 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/21/2006 1.5 1.5 F 50400 BR&OE, J J 7/24/2006 1.5 1.5 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/26/2006 2 2 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 7/27/2006 5 5 " B 50400 BRISCOE. J J 811 @006 3 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J 81212006 4 4 F 50400 BRISCOE, J J at4/2006 2 2 F 50400 BRISCOE. J J 6/10/2006 7 7 Selected By: Project: 2006206. 00, Pdorpedod overhead missing 2006206.00 Corona Del Mar State Beach lmpr (RJ, v8.0e (tract' lantto) - Page 1 Project Detail Report Transactions for 611106 - 31, March 19, 2007 -12:42 PM Hours Amount Description Reg Ovt Total Reg Ovt B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 8/15/2006 9 9 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 8/162006 3 3 • B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 8/1712006 3 3 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 8/232006 2.5 2.5 B .. 50400 BRISCOE, J J 61242006 2.5 2.5 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 81312006 4 4 B 50400 BRISCOE. J J 9172006 3 3 B 50400 BRISCOE. J J 91142006 1 1 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 91182006 2 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 9/192006 0.5 0.5 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 9202006 1 1 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 1013112006 0.5 0.5 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 11!1!2006 2 B 50400 BRISCOE. J J 11!9!2006 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 11 /10 /2006 1.5 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 11 /16 /2006 1 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 11 /17 /2006 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 11122!2006 1 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 1216!2006 0.5 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 12/11/2006 3 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 12/20/20156 0.5 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 12/21/2006 3 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 1/2/2007 0.5 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 1/5/2007 1 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 1/9/2007 1 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 1/17/2007 4 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 1/18/2007 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 1/24/2007 0.5 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 2/6/2007 0.5 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 2/1612007 1 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 2/28/2007 3 F 51100 JORGENSEN, 7/19/2006 1 3 TECHNICAL B 50100 BAKER,HAROLD 6/262006 3 B 50100 BAKER,HAROLD 628/2006 4 Subtotal for BAKER, HAROLD 7 7 296.73 • F 50300 BRANDT, 6/122006 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 9/12/2006 3 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 9/1312006 2 Total TECHNICAL 12.5 12.5 515.99 8 CONTADMIN B 50100 BAKER, HAROLD 6/6 /2006 2 B 50100 BAKER, HAROLD 6172006 2 B 5040Q BRISCOE, J J 10/162006 2 B 50400 BRISCOE, J J 11212006 0.5 2 2 1.5 1 2 1 0.5 3 0.5 3 0.5 1 1 4 2 0.5 0.5 1 3 1 3 4 296.73 0.5 3 2 515.99 2 2 2 0.5 ' Subtotal for BRISOOE, J J 2.5 2.5 103.2 103.2 Selected By: Project 2006206.00, Prior period overhead missing 2006206.00 Coruna Del Mar State Beach lmpr (RJ1 v8.0e (tract' larrdo) -Page 2 Project Detail Report Transactions for 611106 -31' March 19, 2007 - 12:42 PM i ! Hours Amount Description Reg Ovt Total Reg Ovt Total CONTADMIN 6.5 6.5 354.96 354.96 •: 9 GENERAL 8 50100 BAKER, HAROLD 6/1312006 3 3 F 50100 BAKER, HAROLD 7/3/2006 1 1 .... F 50100 BAKER, HAROLD 7/5/2006 4 4 F 50100 BAKER, HAROLD 7/6/2006 1 1 8 50400 BRISCOE, J J 2/21/2007 2 2 Labor Total 204 204 Account Totals Reimbursable Expenses Project Totals 204 204 Breakdown of hours: Name Title Rate Hours Subtotal Total Roberta Jorgensen Prinicpal 175 2 350.00 Jason Briscoe Senior Associate 150 173 25,950.00 Hal Baker Director of Construction 125 29 3,625.00 204 $ 29,925.00 Iii I i ijorgeR§,en June 26, 2006 Mr. R. Gunther City of Newport Beach Public Works 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658 Re: Fee for Additional Services: CDM State Beach, Construction Meeting Minutes Dear Mr. Gunther, Thank you for the continued opportunity to provide architectural services to the City of Newport Beach at Corona del Mar State Beach. Per your request, Jorgensen Architects will record meeting minutes for the weekly construction meetings. The duration for this service shall commence on February 09, 2006 and will continue through July 25, 2006 Meeting minutes shall be prepared for each weekly meeting and distributed the following week at the construction meeting. Minutes will be provided in hard copy as well as electronic, Microsoft Word format at the completion of construction. This service can be provided for a lump sum fee of $4,862 including reimbursable expenses. If the ,construction schedule is extended significantly beyond what is currently scheduled, additional meeting minutes can be prepared on a time and material basis according to the attached rate schedule. We would be happy to discuss any details of this proposal in order to negotiate an agreement that suits your needs. Sincerely, _ -L- g 2800 LAFAYETTE CANNERY VILLAGE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 949 0080 TEL 949 566 0082 FAX www.JWCH.com Jorgensen Architects" Table of Hourly Rates June 1, 2005 Principal Senior Associate / Director Associate / Project Manager Project Architect Interior Designer Designer / Job Captain Intermediate Drafter Clerical Staff $175.00 /hour $150.00 /hour $125.00 /hour $110.00 /hour $100.001hour $90.00 /hour $80.001hour $50.001hour Reimbursable Rates Reproduction / Copy Expenses 1.15 x Cost Photography / Developing 1.15 x Cost Delivery / Overnight Expenses 1.15 x Cost Travel Expenses f.15 xCost Mileage 0.40 / mile 2800LAFAYETTE CANNERY VILLAGE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 949 566 0080 TEL _ 949 566 0082 FAX www.jaARCH.00M _