HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2005-00170 -,H 6,� L IA� ' ti AA& JIM VICiNtry SKITC &Ay CAL-1940"iA, W+IY 3'x 2 A-,, -5 �A ObA"'?�4 "Aow Aolvam 6v -7- J t �j Nadyne Foster 903 N. Bay Front N,ewport Beach, CA By Swift Slip WORKSHEET FOR BUILDING / FIRE PERMIT APPLIC� ')R -',CES W, RESOU� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REA PLEASE PRINT OR TY . PE BUILDING DEPARTMENT Main �114k64C 1. PROJECT ADDRESS (NOT MAILING ADDRESS) FLOOR SUITE NO. A/. LEGAL DESCRIPTION f No. UNITS LOT BLOCK TRACT �-ld — USE PPJ6;�7t- 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK 4 # OF STORIES VALUATION NEW F-I ADD F-1 ALTER DEMO 0 SQ FT '40�r - I(NEW/ADDED/EXTG) 1 fl f -g C, MIT6 Check ADDr - mriate Box for Applicant 3. OWNER'S NAME ST -e �/' FIRST OWNER'S ADDRESS 2 0 OWNER'S E-M6ZADDRESS CITY S2�. ZIP S, Cl - PHON NO. 4. ARCH ITECT/DESIG N ER'S NAME LAST FIRST LIC. NO. ARCH ITECT/DESIGN ER'S ADDRESS ARCH ITECTIDESIGN ER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 5. ENGINEER'S NAME LAST FIRST STATE LIC. NO. ENGINEER'S ADDRESS ENGINEER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 6. CONTRACTOR>9,NAME BU��ESS LIC. STATE LIC. f -2 N o. "? Class CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS 6t --t,, (4-111 -/9-1� CONTRACTOR'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CI STATe,�,� zlpqe5�� OFFICE USE ONLY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY- GROUP PERMIT NO. PLAN CHECK NO. PLAN CHECK FEE $ PLAN CHECK ENG. Forms\bIdg.application 6/21IU4 HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 Pier Permit Conditions November 19, 2004 Property Address: 903 N. Bay Front, Newport Beach, CA 90662 With reference to the plans currently under consideration to reconfigure or modify the dock system, the following conditions will now be in effect on the above referenced pier. 1. The pier permittee is aware of the Harbor Permit Policies and Chapter 17 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. The pier permittee understands that the above referenced r)ier is under the r)urview of these Policies and Codes. 2. Any future work on the above mentioned pier requires permits with the City of Newport Beach and any other applicable agencies. Painting, replacement of rub rails and work considered to be cosmetic in nature does not reauire a Dermit. 3. The conditions set forth in this document pertain to the current, proposed dock system under consideration. Any future modifications or alterations to the dock system may require new conditions which mav override or chanae these conditions. 4. Only marine oriented uses are allowed on the pier, pier platform, gangway and float. Patio furniture, plants etc ... are not permitted. 5. When side tied to the east and west sides of the float, vessels will be allowed to extend channelward the width of their beam. 6. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted on the west side of the float is 20'. 7. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted on the east side of the float is 9'. Signature: Chris Miller, Harbor Resources Supervisor Applicant Signature Print Name Joint Pier Applicant Signature (if applicable) Print Name W P Aar HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 APPROVAL IN CONCEPT APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH as required for permit application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code. Sections 13210 and 13211. General Description of Proposed Development: Remove and replace float, gangway and pier, like for like. No new pile. Address number must be stenciled on I bayward facing pile. Pier conditions must be signed by applicant prior to final approval. Wroperty Address: 903 N. Bay Front, Newport Beach, CA 90662 1 Legal Description: lHarbor Permit Number: 151-903 Man Check Number: 3053-2004 jApplicant: Nadyne Foster I Applicant's Mailing Address: 903 N. Bay Front, Newport Beach, CA 92662 Phone Number: 949-631-3121 I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application. And find Page 1 of 2 X -They comply with the current adopted Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and anv applicable specific or precise plans or, c That a variance of exception has been approved and final. A copy of any variance, exception, conditional use permit or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concer)t and said ar)r)roval has been written uDon said olans. sianed and dated. Should Newport Beach adopt an ordinance deleting, amending or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act or 1970, and state and local quidelines adopted thereunder, this development: XHas been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. o Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). Ei Has received a Final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approvals legally required of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to reiection in Drincipal bv Newr)ort Beach unless a substantial chanae is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes and regulations of Newport Beach. See attached conditions to the pier permit. Tom Rossmiller, Manager, Harbor Resources I Signature Mika Chris Miller, Harbor Resources Supervisor November 19, 2004 Attachments: Worksheet for Building Permit Application Drawing Pier Conditions Page 2 of 2 WORKSHEET FOR BUILDING / FIRE PERMIT APPLICAMROR RESOURCES DIV. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE BUILDING DEPARTMENT I Im 16� 1. PROJECT ADDRESS (NOT MAILING ADDRESS) LAST FLOOR SUITE NO. '?0 S WNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION No. UNITS LOT BLOCK TRACT 2. DESCRIPTION OF NEW K ADD Ej Check ADDroDriate Box c r ) ALTER 0 DEMO E] SE M134 f""' OF STORIES VALUATION $ -Z Z/ ppl), j SQ FT (NEWIADDED/EXTG) 3. OWNER'S NAME LAST FIW T OWNER'S ADDRESS '?0 S WNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. F� 4. ARCH ITECT/DES I G NER'S NAME LAST FIRST LIC. NO. ARCH ITECT/DESI GN ER'S ADDRESS ARCH ITECT/DES IGNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. F] 5. ENGINEER'S NAME I -AST FIRTS� STATE LIC. NO. ENGINEER'S ADDREaS — �Qs ENGINEER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS ST NA zip PHO kf yp,:5�� F-] 6. CONTRACTOR'S NAME 'R"8USINESS /L -Y- LIC, e,>,,? 7 STATE LIC, 2.N o. 1? 17 o5-2—clasA— CONTRACTOR'S ADDUII�s 7 CONTRACTOR'S E-MAIL ADDRESS LC11 I T 0 1 A I ZIP 9 PHONE N OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NO. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION. PLAN CHECK NO. OCCUPANCY- GROUP PLAN CHECK FEE $ PLAN CHECK ENG. - ...... -y-.py"-u- --o-V4 INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department Date: Inspection Requested By: Inspector: Don Duffy Pier Address: C) Pier Transfer Reinspection GFI Present Yes Need None Needed Yes Need Anti -Siphon / Backflow Present Other Comments Yes ,­ No Presentl -," I -pump Out Pier Location Yes No Operational Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description _CF Number Location on Dock Comments Observations Other Request ep, Ire - 903 N. Bay Front Pending 5/27/03 Eel Grass Found Wait to hear from Brady DRY 17 CE-RIV PIER YICINITY MRP EFEr PROF I LE 1 40' DlfCS RRE Da-y-SSED IN FEET AND DENOTE O—EVRT-IONS BASED ON �E� WeE)R LOH HATER. IV4V L) 7-2.' LOA 3 Ivew 3 ',� -> q I I - C- K" SIX Ir I FFPLIWIS W�c rC 30 16 1 [ 7 JOB RDDRESS 00V �6'oe PLAN VIRI v /(:;�91?'TMTE 46 - o3 133 v - ?,Oc:p CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWORT BERCH kEb7 LFPEDR a9y My r-Icipic OcEalv PIER YICINITY MRP ZTTY EFST PROF I LE 1 401 JETTY DINGS RRE D?RESSED IN FEET RND DENOTE O-EVRT'IONS SASZ-D CN MF� LUkU LOH HATER. 27' ao' 9 S'y /v4v Y 7-2. 3 ,,Ivew 3 2q u 3o FFPLIW'S NRE PLAN VIEW iv = 4o, 03 �RDDRESS VICINITY / swui - C� 4FI! I Z- / "', � WSWPOWT DAY, CALIFCMMA, dr.rA*v4rjt&d A;o ogna ck-qc,,,A� t=tna= "00wp doml�- .-C,V,9W 010' IV� dWpWOYIA4%QeW1Y 7WO avrjo,,�Im 1-11 A 54� 7,15, -77� L F k 10/0 I'V ZC' INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department Date: Inspection Requested By: Inspector: Don Duffy Pier Address: Pier Transfer Reinspection GFI Present Yes Need None Needed Yes Need I I F__ Anti -Siphon / Backflow Present __1 Other Comments elgrass Yes N o Presenti L�i Pump Out Pier Location Yes No Operational Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description CF Number Location on Dock Comments / Observations Other Request 115�j - C�41 -- ---- ---- VICINIrY S K ITCH "Ali &-rAvv"ed '6+ A04'r A4�fc" 'qw cw ly'doo dAwojr4ww.-Iw/y /a /"'Wa *q)WdMZVA*e A;* 7W* Scyy' - 2!& �--. PE� F4 �>'l � "F Q & , A - e., j C" - '-3 C) - AT, A 73 -"C Z 133 y - 17" �--7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEHCH CITY OF KEkPORT SERCH kE5T LFPER Bi�y --- It ERY 121cipic 0 PIOR YICINITY MRP �o # JETT� EFST PRDF I LE 1 40" K� Yt(l JETTY tcs -T AND DENOTE SXtCI ARE D?RES�= IN FEE EZVRTUNS BASED ON ME� L%U LN RATER, 15 1—� 6) 31 ',re � &ted n g A �vwJ nL 3'Vew 2� f, le su --,vtF, ------------- v pic P, ��Zple� or /v4v " 1"pile- I rk 00 30 7 16 PLAN V I EW I Y' RT JOB RDDRESS �X-rVDATE ::DnSS California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region Winston Hickox Internet Address: bttp://www.swrcb.ca.gov Gray Davis Secretaryfor 3737 Main Street, Suite 500, Riverside, California 92501-3348 Governor Environmental Pbone (909) 782-4130 FAX (909) 781-6288 Protection July 1, 2003 Beth Swift Swift Slip Dock and Pier Builders 2027 Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 PROPOSED REBUILDING OF BOAT DOCK., NADYNE FOSTER BOAT DOCE., 903 N. BAY FRONT, NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY Dear Ms. Swift: If standard dock construction methods and materials are utilized, this project should not adversely impact water quality. A statement has been submitted that there will be no waste discharged from the proposed project. Based on these assurances, clearance is provided. However, should the Army Corps of Engineers deter -mine that this project requires a Section 404 permit, it will be necessary for the project proponent to obtain from this Board a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Should you have any questions, please contact J. Shami at (909) 782-3288. Sincerely, ii Martirez, Jr., j Chief, Regulations Section cc: California Coastal Commission, Long Beach Anny Corps of Engineers — Erik Larsen City of Newport Beach, Marine Department - Tony Meller JIS/blutagl 81 let California Environmental Protection Agency C�*' Recycled Paper 0 m u -'a M ma C) 0 m 0 2: 0 n W C: G) C: 0 El 0 0 F -I 1:1 n z Z 0 0 0 z z a > S-1 9 1501 - 9 VICINITY SKETCH Navvpowr ISAY, cAwpoftNfA. I - Lol A"W\ I LW 'V 01 C'1�79LO= 4?.ZO, ressoof /,,7 X�t anoo mo Afa* aworox.,"0200,/y /0 Awet. Ma'-bor /,~s gww estahl"Ishad /0'7 this swcjoi7n '80y. 70 e - L" J LW STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS TRANSFER Location Lel� Date Application Received Oral Request for Inspection Escrow Co. Permit # Fee Rec1d Date (—/Date Inspection Made Date Deficiency Letter Sent (if applicable) ,-- Date Deficiency Corrected (if applicable) Date Orange County Notified (if applicable) ,../-../4�?bate Transfer Completed TMNS7rR OF PERMIT, +- rovided by -:he City I-larbor annlicatior, in quairuplicate oil carcts ';naor. DO NOT RIL­VC)VE CA�MN FROM MR21 SETS. Com '-I follow 'y') `�. �- � P le I- i �­",),—,ation on carels: — L a. Nime: Name of new owner. Kingsley Y. Rogers and Audrey 0. Rogers b. Miress: Street ac'.Jress of PMC_;Iity� 903 N. Bay Front, Balboa Is.,Ca. Of,new owner. Same as above lone r. ? 673-7466 C.7 epl er, Of- new o,.Me e. Fee: $100-00 enclosed 90-369 Bank and'! acccu= num, ber. Example: 1222 90-1702 Check Number: Cashier's check 4151786996 Date: Date of check. 10/24/74 App'.4cation .on: known. If not kn-own, leave blank 74 number in pe the number will be s=rliecl by t`ie Marine Depart7nent. I �: I print names c_f sellers anC. buyers. ,2) Type o_ i -C '3) Cb�.-ain signatures oll sellers, buyers and joint owners, appropriate, reCt,4- Con of the application sigried I ''I' V approve(:, -he a')I-Ca"t '111.L- - V_ to '-]ic "ar!)or Ccordin,,M-or� Any spec"' conditions pertainin,, C j L.Y f I, k, y w"! be "isteJ on tl,e ca-r,� pnd tlae (:ates of -Qreviously rova-I s by other a-encies will Ibe indicated. .�-,;.ts or app ID JeS4 0 f t,:, i he r e--7- res a copy _e <jra,,�jng of the :Eac 1-t ay jew o%,� �,,_,,rc'-.ase one from the City Pia-l-lbor Coor(Llnator for 0 > n 0 > > z M 7 E �7 El 7 [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 r. IV m 0 z T >'Q m 0 in .7E) > r- 3:0 C: 0 > nT 0 m < 0 > 0 > n 0 > > z M 7 E �7 El 7 [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 r. IV m 0 z T >'Q m 0 in .7E)