HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 - Development Plan & Sanitary Sewer Management PlanCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH
Agenda Item No. 12
October 23, 2007
FROM: Utilities Department
Steve Myrter, Utilities Director, (949) 644 -3011
s myrter(a.city. newport- beach. ca. us
SUBJECT: Approval of Development Plan and Schedule for State Water
Resources Control Board Sanitary Sewer Management Plan
State of California mandated Waste Discharge Requirements
That the City Council approve the Development Plan and Schedule for the Sanitary
Sewer Management Plan (SSMP) as required by the State of California.
On May 2, 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board issued the general Sewer
Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) to all public sewer collection agencies in
California with more than one mile of sewer pipe. The City of Newport Beach, as well as
hundreds of other cities and sanitation districts statewide, is subject to the WDR.
The WDR mandates specific "Plans" be developed and implemented. Together these
Plans constitute the SSMP, which has the overall goal of preventing sewer spills and
mitigating their impacts by ensuring proper operation and maintenance of the City's
sewer system. One of the major components of the SSMP is the development and
implementation of the "Capacity Evaluation and Assurance Plan," which the City's
consultant team is completing in conjunction with the update of the Sewer Master Plan.
The balance of the Plans will be completed as required by the WDR. The several Plans
that were initially completed under the Regional 2002 SSMP will be reviewed and
updated to meet the more thorough State WDR requirements.
SSMP Plan and Schedule Approval
October 23, 2007
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The attached Plan and Schedule shows the milestones required with due dates per the
WDR. The first two elements of the SSMP must be approved by City Council prior to
November 2, 2007. The first two milestones contain the following:
(i) Goal Development Plan & Schedule
(ii) Organization Authorized City representative
Titles & Telephone Numbers of staff responsible for the SSMP
(Organization Chart)
Chain of Communication for reporting SSO's
The remaining SSMP elements are being developed and will be due as deliverables
over the next two years, with the culmination of plan development coming in May 2009.
The City has been proactive with the operations and maintenance of the City's sewer
system for the past 20 years. We have been operating under the rescinded plan from
the Regional Water Quality Control Board since 2002. The City complied with the 2002
regional order by developing and implementing an SSMP and we will comply with each
of the updated Plans associated with the State SSMP.
Funding Availability:
The City currently funds maintenance and operations in the annual budget as well as
funding annual capital improvement projects.
Prepared by: Submitted by:
e esa Mor' dministrative Analyst Ste a yrter, Utilitie Director
Attachments: (SSMP Development Plan and Schedule)
October 23, 2007
SSMP Element
Completion .
(h) Goal
The goal of the SSMP is to provide a
November 2, 2007
October 23. 2007
The City will comply with
plan and schedule to properly manage,
the Regional Water
operate, and maintain all parts of the
Quality Control Board
sanitary sewer. system. This will help
Waste Discharge
reduce and prevent Sanitary Sewer
Requirements for the Goal
Overflow's (SSO's), as well as mitigate
of the SSMP.
any SSOs that do occur.
(tit) Organization
The SSMP must identify:
November 2, 2007
October 23, 2007
(a) The name of the responsible or
(a) The Utilities
authorized representative as described
Operations Manager is
In Section J of this Order.
responsible for overseeing
the SSMP.
(b) The names and telephone numbers
(b) A directory containing .
for management administrative, and
tides and phone numbers
maintenance positions responsible for
of staff and an
implementing specific measures in the
organization chart have
SSMP program. The SSMP must
been completed and will
identify lines of authority through an
be in the SSMP.
organization chart or similar document
with a narrative explanation: and
(c) The chain of communication for
(c) The procedure for
reporting SSOs, from receipt of a
communication of SSO
complaint or other information including
reporting has been
the person responsible for reporting
prepared. It will also be
SSOs to the State and Regional Water
included in the Overflow
Board and other agencies if applicable
Emergency Response
(such as County Health Officer, County
Environmental Health Agency,
Regional Water Board, and/or State
Office of Emergency Services(OES)).
(iii) Legal Authority
Each enrollee must demonstrate,
November 2, 2008
November 2, 2008
The City will review and
through sanitary sewer system use
revise its existing legal
ordinances, service agreements, or
authority to ensure that It
other legally binding procedures, that it
complies with the WDR
possesses the necessary legal
standards. The legal
authority to:
authority will address the
items (a) through (e)
(a) Prevent illicit discharges into Its
included on the left.
sanitary sewer system (examples may
include 14, stone water, chemical
dumping, unauthorized debris and cut
roots, etc.):
(b) Require that servers and
be properly designed and constructed;
(c) Ensure access for maintenance,
inspection, or repairs for portions of the
lateral owned or maintained by the
Public Agency;
(d) Limit the discharge of fats, o ®s, and
grease and other debris that may
cause blockages, and
(e) Enforce any violation of its sewer
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SSMP Element
(iv) Operation and
The SSMP must include those
November 2, 2008
November 2, 2008
elements listed below that are
appropriate and applicable to One
Enrollee's system:
(a) Maintain an up-to-date map of the
(a) An up-to-date map of
sanitary sewer system, showing all
the collection system
gravity line segments and manholes,
pipes, manholes, pump
pumping facilities, pressure pipes and
stations, force mains,
valves, and applicable stoma water
valves, and the storm
conveyance facilities;
drain system currently
exists in the geographic
information system (GIS).
(b) Describe routine preventive
(b) A Preventative
operation and maintenance activities
Maintenance Program
by staff and contractors, including a
exists for regular cleaning
system for scheduling regular
based on CCTV review,
maintenance and cleaning of the
as well as known hotspot
sanitary sewer system with more
areas. This program is
frequent cleaning and maintenance
managed through the GIS.
targeted at known problem areas. The
Preventative Maintenance (PM)
Program should have a system to
document scheduled and conducted
activities, such as work orders;
(c) Develop a rehabilitation and
(c) The rehabilitation and
replacement plan to identify and
replacement plan is
prioritize system deficiencies and
augmented by CCTV
implement short-term and long -term
inspection. The City
rehabilitation actions to address each
expects to televise the
deficiency. The program should include
entire system within the
regular visual and TV inspections of
next 5 years. The work
manholes and sewer pipes, and a
will be performed by City
system for ranking the condition of
staff utilizing the National
sewer pipes and scheduling
Association of Sewer
rehabilitation. Rehabilitation and
Service Companies
replacement should focus on sewer
(NASSCO) standards.
pipes that are at risk of collapse or
The structural deficiencies
prone to more frequent blockages due
will be included in the CIP.
to pipe defects. Finally, the
rehabilitation and replacement plan
should include a capital improvement
plan that addresses proper
management and protection of the
infrastructure assets. The plan shall
include a time schedule for
implementing the short and long -term
plans plus a schedule for developing
the funds needed for the capital
improvement plan;
(d) Provide training on a regular basis
(d) Training programs for
for staff in sanitary sewer system
new hires will be based on
operations and maintenance, and
the CWEF certified
require contractors to be appropriately
trained; and
(e) Provide equipment and
(e) An equipment
replacement part inventories, including
inventory database will be
identification of critical replacement
City of Newport Beach SSMP
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SSMP Element
. Description
(v) Design and
(a) Design and construction standards
May 2, 2009
May 2, 2009
(a) Current City, adopted
and specifications for the installation of
APWA, and adopted
new sanitary sewer systems, pump
County standard plans
stations and other appurtenances; and
and specifications will be
for the rehabilitation and repair of
reviewed and revised to
eAsting sanitary sewer systems; and
meet this requirement
New standards will be
added as necessary.
(b) Procedures and standards for
(b) The current
inspecting and testing the installation of
procedures for Inspection
new sewers, pumps, and other
and testing will be
appurtenances and for rehabilitation
reviewed and updated as
and repair projects.
(vi) Overflow
Each Enrollee shall develop and
The eAsting emergency
Implement an overflow emergency
procedures will be
Response Plan
response plan that identifies measures
documented and updated
to protect public health and the
to comply with the WDR
environment. At a minimum, this plan
as needed.
must include the following:
(a) Proper notification procedures so
(a) The City has an
that the primary responders . and
eAsting plan that outlines
regulatory agendas are informed of all
these procedures.
SSOs in a timely manner,
(b) A program to ensure an appropriate
(b) The City already
response to all overflows;
responds to SSO's within
one hour of notification.
(c) Procedures to ensure prompt
(c) The plan includes
notification to appropriate regulatory
procedures for informinig
agencies and other potentially affected
the appropriate agencies.
entities (e.g. health agencies, Reglonal
It also lists the contact
Water Boards, water suppliers, etc.) of
information for the Santa
all SSOs that potentially affect public
health or reach the waters of the State
in accordance with the MRP. All SSOs
other agencies that must
shall be reported in accordance with
be notified of a SSO.
this MRP, the California Water Code,
other State Law, and other applicable
Regional Water Board WDRs or
NPDES permit requirements. The
SSMP should identify the officials who
will receive immediate notification;
(d) Procedure to ensure that
(d) City staff has been
appropriate staff and contractor
trained to implement the
personnel are aware of and follow the
plan. Contractors
Emergency Response Plan and are
performing work in the
appropriately trained;
City will be provided a
copy of the plan and will
be required to comply with
City of Newport Beach SSMP
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SSMP Element
(vr) - continued
(e) Procedures to address emergency
November 2, 2008
November 2, 2008
(e) Procedures to protect
operations, such as traffic and crowd
the public from overflow
control and other necessary response
exposure and for
activities; and
containment will
addressed in this
(f) A program to ensure that all
(f) The plan will include
reasonable steps are taken to contain
procedures to minimize
and prevent the discharge of untreated
the discharge to waters of
and partially treated wastewater to
the state. Itwill also
waters of the United States and to
include procedures for
minimize or correct any adverse Impact
cleaning up the SSO.
on the environment resulting from the
SSOs, including such accelerated or
additional monitoring gas may be
necessary to determine the nature and
impact of the discharge. '
(vii) FOG Control
Each Enrollee shall evaluate Its service
November 2, 2008
November 2. 2008
The City has an existing.
area to determine whether a Fats, Oils
FOG program. The City
& Grease (FOG) control program Is
will verify that the WDR
needed. If an Enrollee determines that
regulations and standards
a FOG program is not needed, the
for FOG control coincide
Enrollee must provide justification for
with the standards
why it is not needed. If FOG is found to
described in the legal
be a problem, the Enrollee must
authority. It will Include
prepare and implement a FOG source
the prohibition of
control program to reduce the amount
discharging FOG into the
of these substances discharged to the
collection system, as well
sanitary sewer system. This plan shall
as the requirements
include the following as appropriate:
(necessity and
maintenance) for grease
(a) An implementation plan and
(a) Currently the City
schedule for a public education
provides brochures,
outreach program that promotes proper
posters and training CD's
disposal of FOG;
to Food Service
(b) A plan and schedule for the
(b) The City will
disposal of FOG generated within the
coordinate with the
sanitary sewer system service area.
Orange County Sanitation
This may include a list of acceptable
District for disposing the
disposal facilities and/or additional
FOG collected in the
fadlifies needed to adequately dispose
sewer system.
of FOG generated within a sanitary
sewer system service area;
(c) The legal authority to prohibit
(c) The legal authority will
discharges to the system and identify
prohibit the discharge of
measures to prevent SSOs and
FOG into the system.
blockages caused by FOG;
(d) Requirements to install grease
(d) legal Authority and
removal devices (such as traps or
FOG ordinance will
Interceptors), design standards for the
require grease removal
removal devices, maintenance
devices, proper
requirements, BMP requirements,
maintenance, and
record keeping and reporting
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SSMP Element
(vin) - continued
(e) Authority to inspect grease
November 2, 2008
November 2, 2008
(e) The program will
producing facilities, enforcement
include procedures to
authorities, and whether the Enrollee
monitor grease producing
has sufficient staff to inspect and
enforce the FOG ordinance;
(f) An identification of sanitary sewer
(f) The City's GIS
system sections subject to FOG
database will be utilized to
blockages and establishment of a
record FOG blockages.
cleaning maintenance schedule for
Staffs knowledge and
each section; and
CCTV inspection data will.
provide input into this
(g) Development and Implementation
(g) The plan will address
of source control measures for all
source control measures
sources of FOG discharged to the
for frequent FOG
sanitary sewer system for each section
identified in (f) above.
(viii) System
The Enrollee shall prepare and
May 2, 2009
May 2, 2009
The City developed a
Evaluation and
implement a capital improvement plan
hydraulic model of its
Capacity Assurance -
(CIP) that will provide hydraulic
system in 2005 for
capacity of key sanitary sewer system
compliance with the WDR
elements for dry weather peak flow
issued by Region 8. The
conditions, as well as the appropriate
model could not be
design stone or wet weather event. At
extensively calibrated due
a minimum, the plan must include:
to lack of adequate flow
monitoring data.
As part of its Sewer
Master Plan Update, the
City is developing a well
calibrated hydraulic model
of its system for
evaluation of the gravity
collection system, and is
evaluating the capacity of
its pump stations.
(a) Evaluation: Actions needed to
(a) The hydraulic capacity
evaluate those portions of the sanitary
of the collection system
sewer system that are experiencing or
and pump stations is
contributing to an SSO discharge
being evaluated with the
caused by hydraulic deficiency. The
use of a well calibrated
evaluation must provide estimates of
hydraulic model and
peak flows (including flows from SSOs
specific studies of the
that escape from the system)
pump stations. The
associated with conditions similar to
hydraulic model of the
those causing overflow events,
gravity System is being
estimates of the capacity of key
updated with the use of
system components, hydraulic
the sewer GIS and as bull
deficiencies (including components of
plans. Model flows will be
the system with limiting capacity) and
based on land use data,
the major sources that contribute to the
and unit flow factors
Peak flows associated with overflow
developed from flow
monitoring and water use
records. High
wastewater dischargers
were also included in the
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SSMP Element
(viii) - continued
Model will then be
calibrated with the flow
monitoring data. and the
calibrated model will be
used to evaluate the
hydraulic capacity of the
entire gravity system.
The pump station
capacities are being
evaluated based on the
estimated peak wet
weather flows and field
measured pump
(b) Design Criteria: Where design
(b) The design criteria are
criteria do not exist or are deficient,
currently being updated
undertake the evaluation identified in
as part of the Sewer
(a) above to establish appropriate
Master Plan Update.
design criteria; and
(c) Capacity Enhancement Measures:
(c) The Master Plan will
The steps needed to establish a short-
include capital
and long -term CIP to address identified
Improvement projects to
hydraulic deficiencies, including
address all verified
prioritization, alternatives analysis, and
capacity deficiencies.
schedules. The CIP may include
increases in pipe size, 1/1 reduction
programs, increases and redundancy
in pumping capacity, and storage
facilities. The CIP shall include an
Implementation schedule and shall
identify sources of funding.
(d) Schedule: The Enrollee shall
(d) The capital
develop a schedule of completion
improvement projects will
dates for all portions of the capital
be prioritized based upon
improvement program developed in
the potential impact of the
(a) -(c) above. This schedule shall be
capacity deficiencies on
reviewed and updated consistent with
public health and the
the SSMP review and update
environment.. The capital
requirements as described in Section
improvement program will
D. 14.
include a recommended
schedule for
(ix) Monitoring,
The Enrollee shall:
May 2, 2009
May 2, 2009
(a) The City will complete
Measurement, and
(a) Maintain relevant information that
the tasks of the SSMP as
can be used to establish and prioritize
scheduled in this
appropriate SSMP activities;
Development Plan
(b) The City will
(b) Monitor the implementation and,
constantly monitor the
where appropriate, measure the
efficiency of the current .
effectiveness of each element of the
(c) The City will also
(c) Assess the success of the
evaluate the success of
preventative maintenance program;
the preventative
maintenance program.
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SSMP Element
fix) - conrfnued
(d) Update program elements, as
(d) The City will make
appropriate, based on monitoring or
adjustments to the SSMP
performance evaluations; and
based on the program
(e) Identify and illustrate SSO trends,
(e) The SSO trends will
including: frequency, location, and
be illustrated on the GIS
maps. .
(x) SSMP Program
As part of the SSMP, the Enrollee shall
May 2, 2009
May 2, 2009
Internal audits will be
conduct periodic internal audits,
performed periodically as
appropriate to the size of the system
necessary or, at a
and the number of SSOs. At a
minimum of, every two (2)
minimum, these audits must occur
years. The City will
every two years and a report must be
prepare a report that
prepared and kept on file. This audit
evaluates the
shall focus on evaluating the
effectiveness of the SSMP
effectiveness of the SSMP and the
and the Cdy's compliance
Enrollee's compliance with the SSMP
with the SSMP
requirements identified in this
subsection (D.13), including
Identification of any deficiencies in the
SSMP and steps to correct them.
(A) Communication
The Enrollee shall communicate on a
May 2, 2009
May 2, 2009
The City will Inform the
regular basis with the public on the
public of the development
development, implementation, and
of its SSMP, tivough
performance of its SSMP. The
means such as bill
communication system shall provide
stuffers, local television,
the public the opportunity to provide
local newspapers, council
input to the Enrollee as the program is
meetings, the City
developed and implemented.
website, and the school
The Enrollee shall also create a plan of
communication with systems that are
tributary and/or satellite to the
Enrollee's sanitary sewer system.