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March 14, 2015
Written Comments - Consent Calendar
April 14, 2015, Council Consent Calendar Comments
The following comments on items on the Newport Beach City Council agenda are submitted by:
Jim Mosher ( iimmosher(o),vahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949- 548 -6229)
Item 1. Minutes for the March 10, 2015 Special Meeting /Joint Meeting
of the City Council and Finance Committee and the March 10, 2015
Study Session and Regular Meeting
The page numbers below refer to Volume 62 of the City's minutes. The passages in italics are from the
draft with amended numbering. Suggested changes are shown in sirikeaut underline format.
Page 238: "The agenda for the Special Meeting was posted on the City's website and on the
City Hall Electronic Bulletin Board located in the entrance of the City Council Chambers at 100
Civic Center Drive on March 16, 2015, at 1:30 p.m."
I find it curious that mention of posting in the "agendas binder" in the Council Chambers lobby has
been omitted from recent minutes, because it's doubtful the City Hall Electronic Bulletin Board
meets the Brown Act requirement [Gov. Code Section 54954.2(a)(1)1 for publicly - accessible
physical posting of the Council agenda for the full 72 hours preceding the meeting. Not only is
the Electronic Bulletin Board occasionally non - functional, but even when it is working, it spends
the great bulk of its time displaying a black "Touch to Activate" screen - saver, with no indication to
the public that the purpose of touching it is to view the agenda. And even for those who do
activate it, the agenda is displayed automatically scrolling with other documents, with no
capability to pause to study the individual pages. The physical binder, no longer mentioned in the
minutes, seems much closer to what the Brown Act contemplates, but even it seems less
compliant than the traditional locked glass case that assures paper postings cannot be removed
or altered.
Page 239, paragraph 6: "For the next Council agenda, Council Member Duffield requested that
Council consider restructuring committees, specifically Harbor - related committees, to be placed
under the Harbor Commission's oversight."
Page 244, Item XVIII, paragraph 2: "Council Member Curry reported that, as a member of the
Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Board, he had the opportunity to go out on the
research vessel used to monitor the ocean eu#lew outfall."
Page 246, last paragraph: "Council Member Muldoon asked whether the this is a
tax or a fee, ..."
Page 247, paragraph before substitute motion: "City Attorney Harp reported that Council
Member Duffield can vote on this matter due to the public general _generally' exception as it
impacts all businesses in the City."
Page 248, amended motion: "Amended motion by Council Member Curry, seconded by Mayor
Selich, to a) introduce Ordinance No. 2015 -6, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of
Newport Beach Amending Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 5.04 to Update Business
License Provisions, as amended relative to changing a business license tax violation from
April 14, 2015, Council Consent Calendar Comments - Jim Mosher Page 2 of 6
a misdemeanor to non - criminal conduct and only allowing entrance into businesses
during regular public hours, and pass to second reading on April 14, 2015; and b) adopt
Resolution No. 2015 -23, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach to
Reduce the Business License Tax Charged to Outof- Town Licensed Contractors to be Equal to
that of In -Town Licensed Contractors, as nded relative «^ ^h°^^'»^ a business IiGens
" [note: the amendments refer to the ordinance, not
to the resolution]
Page 248, amended motion: "Amended Motion by Council Member Curry, seconded by Mayor
Selich, to a) introduce Ordinance No. 2015 -6, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of
Newport Beach Amending Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 5.04 to Update Business
License Provisions, as amended to change the right to enter to during regular public
business hours and changing a provision so violations shall not be considered criminal
conduct, and pass to second reading on April 14, 2015; and b) adopt Resolution No. 2015 -23,
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach to Reduce the Business License
Tax Charged to Outof- Town Licensed Contractors to be Equal to that of In -Town Licensed
Contractors, as amended to Ghange the Fight to enter- to duFing regular- public business
Pages 252 -257: Have the members of the Finance Committee been invited to review the draft
minutes of this Joint Meeting prior to their approval to ensure their remarks have been properly
memorialized? Committee member Tucker, for example, in his role as a Planning
Commissioner frequently requests changes to the draft version of his comments in the Planning
Commission minutes, and these Joint Meeting minutes seem particularly poorly written and
difficult to relate to what was actually said.
Page 252, Item 1, paragraph 2: "In reply to Mayor Selich's questions, Public Works Director
Webb explained the proposed funding amount for Neighborhood Enhancement District A, ...
Fire Chief Poster ... commented on the long -range solution for the service hole in Newport
Coast and believed that there is not another Fire Station included in the Facilities Finansfal
Planning Financing Plan (FFP)." [note: as to what FFP stands for, the expression suggested here is
what the Mayor called it in his question in the video. Director Webb's slide of the Lido Fire Station a
moment later called it the "Facility Finance Plan," however within the City's adopted budget there the
relevant divisions of the CIP come under the heading "Major Facilities Financing Plan," which agrees with
the Mayor's terminology.]
Page 254, paragraph 7: "In response to City Manager Kiffs question, Mayor Pro Tem Dixon
discussed the possibility of having a mutual benefit agreement with the City of Costa Mesa for
the Banning Ranch Project." [this sentence, relating to comments starting at around 52:00 in
the video is so hopelessly garbled it cannot be corrected without completely rewriting it: City
Manager Kiff suggested that if Banning Ranch is annexed the proposed community
center site will not seem so much on the edge of town, and in any event, Costa Mesa
might be interested in contributing to the funding if they could use it. Mayor Pro Tern
Dixon concurred that a mutual benefit agreement with Costa Mesa might be possible.]
April 14, 2015, Council Consent Calendar Comments - Jim Mosher Page 3 of 6
Item 3. Non - Exclusive Solid Waste Collection Franchise with Skyline
Construction Services Inc.
As former Council member Nancy Gardner frequently pointed out, having a multiplicity of trash
franchisees operating in the City is not necessarily in the public's interest. Although it may not
apply to this construction debris hauler, there would seem to be cases in which if there were
fewer choices some of the trips, such as those for adjacent alley pickups currently handled by
different vendors, could be consolidated, leading to fewer trips by heavy vehicles.
Item 4. Adoption of Ordinance No. 2015 -6 Amending Newport Beach
Municipal Code Chapter 5.04
The language in City Charter Section 412 placing the text of an introduced ordinance in the
custody of the City Clerk and prohibiting its alteration, with the exception of "the correction of
typographical or clerical errors," before its adoption presupposes the existence at the time of
introduction of an agreed upon text definitive enough that minor typographical corrections can
be made to it.
In view of that, and despite the present agenda announcement, I do not believe this ordinance is
properly before the Council for a "second" reading, and adoption, because the precise text I
assume the Council wants to adopt was not "read" at its purported introduction. Indeed, it is
uncertain what text is being proposed for adoption since the undated version attached to the
staff report differs from the undated proposed version posted by the City Clerk on the "Proposed
Ordinances' portion of the City website.
This confusion arises because at the Council's March 24 meeting, Council member Muldoon
suggested, and the maker of the motion, Council member Curry, accepted a couple of changes
to the text City staff had presented for first reading. To avoid the need to re- introduce an
amended text for first reading at a later meeting, at roughly 22:50 in the video City Attorney
Harp attempts to state the changes orally. But he only succeeds in stating one of the two
proposed changes with clarity, namely that in Section 5.04.290 the words "at any reasonable
time" will be replaced with "during regular business hours." The second change he says he
will make is to add a passage (he is not specific as to where) saying "violations of the
provisions of this chapter shall not be considered criminal conduct." He considered some
additional words but appeared to conclude they were not necessary. He did not say if the
existing language citing misdemeanors would be deleted.
Given the vagueness of this, and the subsequent discussion at roughly 28:00 in the video about
the difference between "infractions" and the "administrative citations" that could be issued in the
absence of criminal conduct (none of which led to any publicly stated revised language), the
City Attorney would have been wiser to say staff would attempt to make the requested changes
and present a revised version for introduction at a later meeting.
As it is, the version attached to the present staff report contains neither of the City Attorney's
stated changes. The version posted on the "Proposed Ordinances" page contains the first, but
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not the second. Instead, in Section of the second version the words "shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and subject to the penalties provided for by the provisions of this title" have
been replaced with "shall be subject to administrative citation as provided for by Chapter 1.05"
and in Section 5.04.300 (which was not mentioned on March 24), the words "shall be deemed a
violation of this ordinance and a misdemeanor' have been replaced with "shall be deemed a
violation of this ordinance and be subject to administrative citation as provided in Chapter 1.05"
and it is possible other changes have been made. It is very hard to see these latter two as
typographic or clerical corrections to the first reading language publicly stated by the City
Attorney on March 24. It might also be noted that not only was the deletion of "and subject to
the penalties provided for by the provisions of this title" from Section 5.04.290 unasked for, but
unlike the language stated on March 24, and despite Council member Muldoon's concern about
it, the new language in the proposed ordinance fails to clear up whether violations of other
sections, such as a proceeding over evasion of the business license tax under Section
5.04.270, are a criminal or a civil matter.
I also find it disturbing that none of the draft ordinance versions seem to have either a clear date
or a legible and clearly identified signature for the person claiming to sign on behalf of the City
Attorney, whose preparation of the same is a required duty per Charter Section 602(f). Instead
the public sees just an undated and unidentified scribble.
In addition, the public announcement of the ordinance published in the Daily Pilot on March 28
seems wholly inconsistent with the of the requirements of Charter Section 414, which in turn
defers to California Government Code Section 36933 calling for either a "a fair and adequate
summary' of the ordinance or a one - quarter page ad. Yet the entire, but highly incomplete,
summary published in a small ad says:
"The proposed Ordinance would. Among other things, exempt real estate agents from
business license requirements since they are in effect employees of a brokerage which
also pays the tax, and reduce the business license tax for out -of -town contractors."
That is hardly adequate notice to the public of the eight or more other substantive changes to
the business license system in Newport Beach that would, as highlighted in the March 24 staff
report, go into effect if the sixteen pages of ordinance text are adopted.
The lack of a clearly introduced initial text and the lack of proper public notice both,
independently, make a second reading invalid at this time.
Some other oddities about this matter noticed in reviewing the staff report from March 24:
1. Under "Funding Requirements' it mentions the fiscal impact of changing the tax on real
estate agents, but fails to mention the effect of the resolution which reduced the out -of-
town tax to the in -town rate.
2. The revenue reduction related to real estate agents is presumably based on the
assumption that they will go from paying the $154 or $162 charged an independent
business to the $16 that would be charged as an employee of a broker. However it's not
clear to me that it will actually work this way since the proposed Section 5.04.115 says
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that to qualify for the exemption their broker has to claim them as employees, but both
Section 5.08 (whose separate definition of "employee" is not changed by this ordinance,
and remains in full force and effect per Section 5) and the City's webpape explaining the
business license tax amounts suggest the $16 rate applies only to "W -2 employees" and
I thought we had been told real estate agents weren't really employees of the broker (if
they are, it's not clear why the exemption is required).
3. In the present and all the draft versions, Section 5.04.040 contains a double (or triple ?)
negative. I believe that in that amazingly convoluted sentence, the word "deny' should
be "affirm," or else "not conducting" should be "conducting". There are probably other
grammatical flaws, but I have not attempted to read it all.
Item 5. Revision to Council Policy L -Z Clarifying Requirements
Regarding Curb Cuts on Corner Lots in Residential Areas
1. This report shows signs of having been hastily prepared:
a. On page 1 of Attachment A, it might be noted that clause "G" refers to the
"General Services Director," a position that I believe no longer exists.
b. On page 3, in the second paragraph under "C ", "driveway approach botton" is
presumably meant to read "driveway approach bottom'. It is also not clear why
the word "conditions" has been deleted from the end of that paragraph.
c. The proposed resolution (Attachment B) refers to an "Exhibit 1." Exhibit 1 was
presumably intended to be a clean version of Attachment A, but no Exhibit 1 is
provided. A clean copy would have been especially helpful since the marked up
one is difficult to read.
2. Both the report and the existing and proposed policy language refer to the "depth" and
"width" of corner lots. It is not at all obvious to me what those terms mean.
3. Following the paragraph on page 3 cited above, the proposed new list item 3 is phrased
in such a way that it appears to have been meant to apply all residential properties
abutting alleys, but it is formatted as a subheading that applies only to corner lots. It is
unclear if this was intentional or not.
4. It is also unclear, at least to me, how this policy fits within the context of the Municipal
Code and what levels of discretion and appeal are possible.
5. Should the Planning Commission have been asked to review staff's work and make a
Item 6. Amendment to the Orange County Waste Disposal Agreement
I have not attempted to read the full multi -city agreement, but the idea of selling space at the
County's landfills as a way to generate revenue seems extremely short- sighted. Whatever the
current level of usage, it seems inevitable the landfills will eventually fill up, and cost of finding
new ones will make us regret squandering the capacity we had.
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Item 12. Multiple Buildings Painting Project
Without seeing either the RFP or the proposed contract, I find this proposal very hard to follow.
The list of 20 buildings on page 2 says they are the ones that will need paint work in the next
three years, but the contract seems to be for 125 days. Is it for all 20 buildings? Or just a year's
worth? Or are the 125 days to be spread over three years?
Item 13. Request to Construct Private Improvements within the Public
Right -of -Way at 1717 Bayadere Terrace
The observation that there are other unpermitted steps to Bayside Drive seems like a limited
justification for these, especially since they seem to be so rare. The bigger question would
seem to be the extensive grading and alteration of the bluff face in connection with the recent
construction at this site, in at least questionable compliance with the intent of the Coastal Act.
Item 16. Request for a Fee Waiver for the Environmental Nature
Center Preschool
This seems to be in effect a request for a gift of public funds to a private institution, with a hint in
the staff report that an even larger gift (in the form a waiving additional costs and fees) may be
requested in the future. It would seem good if the City had a clearer policy on when such gifts
are appropriate.
Item 17. Request for Fee Modification for Lido Live
Even if the quantity was more than needed, since the police services were agreed to and
provided, I see no reason why the City should be forgiving its already accrued and outstanding
costs and refunding earlier payments.
Item 18. ABC Licenses, Crime Trends, and Options for Balboa
Regarding the Part 2 recommendation to "Hold quarterly meetings with Mayor Pro Tem Dixon,
interested residents, representatives from the restaurant and bar committee, and Police and
Community Development staff," I would hope that these quarterly meetings would be publicly
noticed, since parties that were not initially interested may become interested, and those
organizing the meetings would have no way of knowing that. The City should not be conducting
activities open or known only to a small "in" group.