HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/9/2015 - Harbor Commission NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Oasis Senior Center, Room 1 Wednesday, March 9, 2015 6:00 PM 1) CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:04PM. 2) ROLL CALL Commissioners: Brad Avery, Chair David Girling Duncan McIntosh Joe Stapleton Staff Members: Chris Miller, Harbor Resources Manager Shannon Levin, Harbor Analyst 3) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4) PUBLIC COMMENTS—Non-agenda Items None 5) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner McIntosh made a motion to approve, with Commissioner Stapleton seconding. All ayes. Motion carries. 6) CURRENT BUSINESS f. Mooring Review The Harbor Commission will discuss mooring administration in Newport Harbor along with all of the rules and regulations concerning moorings. The Commission will eventually forward their recommendations to the City Council at a later date. Recommendation: 1) Receive and file. Chair Avery gave an introduction as to how he envisioned the rest of the meeting to proceed. A final decision on moorings will be made by City Council at a later date. The Harbor Commission is collecting public input for the best recommendation. The discussion today will be about fees. This is an opportunity to discuss solutions. Dave Girling thanked Scott Karlin who sent in fees suggestions. What is the purpose of the fees? State Lands Commission requires the City to charge fair market value for use of public property. All revenues go directly into Tidelands. (Harbor fees should feed into a Harbor Fund.) John Burzan: Reminded the group to refer to work done years ago by Mooring Master Plan Subcommittee. Bill Moses: The former transferability document didn't address fair fees. Fees should be equitable, non-discriminatory rates. Tom O'Keefe: Increases violate Prop 218. What's the objective? Highest revenue market will bear? Is it legal? What is the cost of the services the city is rendering? Wallace Cook: Mooring permittee for 20 years. Has a mooring in Newport and Avalon. Can sell his Avalon mooring for$350k. Supports Avalon style transfer. Newport fees have unknown property tax fee. Carter Ford: Avalon fee is 5-10% of purchase price. Avalon posts final transaction for transfer. Those who wish to sell may voluntarily list on Avalon's website. Another method for fee comparison is to look at appraisals for residential docks. Could charge for space occupied by boat. He also clarified that the rates have increased 200% (not 300%). Megan Delaney: She stated that the two submitted fee studies are valid. The City solicited mooring installation which reflects the reasoning why people believed they have a property right to the mooring space. Basket of slip fees(book rates vs. actual rates offered at marinas) are two different things. George Hylkema: Every boat in the harbor uses the water in the exact same way. Other Speaker: Over the years, the mooring paperwork for transfers was sloppy. The old technique was to pay a large sum for a small 8' dinghy. He wanted to write off this fee on his taxes. Dan Gribble: Moorings have been private property being transferred from person to person. Making private profit and public property isn't real, Brian Ouzounian: Suggested charging the same as for docks. Should be fairly priced. There's no standard as to how State Lands charges. Should be some type of parity with piers. $0.50/sf of footprint. Length of boat vs. length of boat pricing. Nigel Bailey: H310. Disagree because taking up the same amount of space that is"occupied". Don't base on slip percentage. Patricia Newton: CPI based analysis. LA/OC/Riverside wages. Yielding about$25.30/If/yr. Mooring Master Plan Subcommittee analysis previously used LACMSA CPI. Dave Girling: Asked how mooring rates increased overtime from$10,$15, $20? Chair Avery: Transferability should be transparent. Dan Gribble: Back into costs like a business does. Add up costs and spread out over moorings/piers/harbor users, etc. Other Speaker: Has there been a study of the commercial usage vs. a mooring? Should there be a limit on the number of moorings one can hold? Fees should be reasonable, and should charge a percentage of the annual fee. What should that percentage be? Jim Gross: CPI is the standard for government revenues. Perception of taking of property or right. Value has been diminished. Means of compensation. Jamie Woodworth: Reduce to$25/ft. Other Speaker: Fee should be tied to what dock owners pay. Richard Dom: Has to be equitable. Carter Ford: Commented how the Harbor Commission and staff are going through the process. No one would be here if it wasn't for the pier permittees who spoke up and wanted change. What would pass the reasonable test? Patricia Newton: Defended her use of using CPI. Commissioner Stapleton: Wanted to clarify CPI and nail down the proper CPI standard to use. He also asked why there was a wait list if it's a waste of time. Carter Ford: Stated that an auction is not the way to go. What is the harm in allowing the private sector to negotiate? Periodic auction is not a good idea. Megan Delaney: Concerned that the dock owners are allowed to rent, but not the mooring permittees. Karl Bruse: Favors transfers and lower fees. Operating costs should be considered too. Commissioners all made closing comments, thanking everyone for attending and participating. 7) SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS None to report at this meeting. 8) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WITH COUNCIL LIAISON ON HARBOR RELATED ISSUES None to report at this meeting. 9) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WITH HARBOR RESOURCES MANAGER ON HARBOR RELATED ISSUES None to report at this meeting. 10) PUBLIC COMMENTS ON SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS OR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WITH COUNCIL LIAISON OR HARBOR RESOURCES MANAGER None to report at this meeting. 2 11) COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION,ACTION OR REPORT(NON-DISCUSSION ITEM)-None 12) DATE AND TIME FOR NEXT MEETING: March 23, 6:00 PM, Civic Center Community Room for the mooring related Harbor Commission meeting. 13) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Harbor Commission, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM. The Harbor Commission will also be meeting on Wednesday March 11, 2015 at 7PM. 3