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SS2 - SR-55 Access Study
Freeway ends short of the route terminus Freeway volumes forced to arterial streets Community concerns — local street traffic Severe congestion between 19th & 17th St. Major ROW, traffic impacts with freeway extension Projected traffic volume growth 15% by 2030 Improve mobility, reduce existing and future congestion on SR -55 in Newport Blvd corridor ■ Minimize adverse environmental and traffic impacts - Manage regional traffic impacts to local streets Consider existing and planned transit programs such as Bus Rapid Transit Improve system linkage & connectivity within context of local and regional plans lw 2011"1 nTi G= EXISTING SR- 55/KWPORT BLVD COMPONENTS ❑j MAINTAIN SR- SS/NEWPORT BLVD IN EXISTING CONDITION. ❑3 AGO SO RIGHT TAN LANE ON KWPOPT MLVO AT TTTN 57. M� CITY STREET IMPROVEMENTS ❑Q / NO LANES ON KNPORi BLVD GR011 ITTN ST TO 1lTH ST. ® RIPOOVE /17TN 5i AND SANTA AIM /I ITN ST CITY LIMITS INTERSECTIONS. TIMS. EXISTING OCTA BUS ROUTES ❑J 3 SR LANES ON NEWPORT BLVD FROM BROADWAY TO ITTN $T. 0 IMPROVE MOBILITY THROIGH 17TH ST. - - -- PROPOSED MY ROUTES R ❑ ADD AM SO LANE OM KIODIIT BLVD FROM ITTN TO MADMAN. ❑ENNAKE EXISTING BUS NIXITES WITH BRT ROMTES. SR -55 ACCESS STUDY ALTERNATIVE 1 NO BUILD /BASELINE Overview and Conceptual Alternatives February, 2008 s m OCTA YJ �r IT _`.'r 15ip$1 'f %f 1'18 %R.ja .: tj f Costa Mesa Freeway (SR -55) ends at 19th St in Costa Mesa SR -55 continues on Newport Boulevard through Costa Mesa & Newport Beach to Pacific Coast Highway (SR -1) .? ` I. Caltrans plans include future extension of the freeway to Industrial Avenue Source: California Department of Transportation, Freeway Agreement, April 13, 1986. TRC Solutions, 2007 Goal is to develop a full range of concepts o Screen to 3 -4 feasible alternatives Alternatives will be developed with input from: c, Study area elected officials o Technical staff * Stakeholder groups * General public Recommendations to OCTA's Regional Planning & Highways (RP &H) Committee and OCTA Board Pelf-. -t LEQM WBSISS PROPOSED FREEWAY EXTENSION C—I PROPOSED STREET IMMVEMEMTS SIEMENS PROPOSED RAMS BBBBBBBI BASELINE IMROVEIENTS CITY LIMITS EXISTING OCTA BUS RMITES —• PROPOSED MY ROUTES CURRENT FREEWAY PLAN (EASTERLY FREEWAY EXTENSION) 1 R/W SIT B I i i t f i REALIONEC SR -55 FREEWAY TYPICAL SECTION A-A NOT TO SCAL Mmeo16NTi �1 RMIGN/EXTENO SR -55 FREEWAY TO TIE EAST OF EXISTING NEWPORT BLVD FRUI INDUSTRIAL AVE TO JUST SOUTH DF BAY ST AS DEPRESSED FREEWAY, THREE LANES EACH IMPACTS DIRECTION. ® °ROVIDE STREET OYERCROSSINGS. ■ NITRELOCATION Of 65 XAND 40 BUSINESSES NTIAL Qj mROVIDE INTERCHANGES AT 17TH ST AND 19TH ST. ■ NIGH PROJECT COST 1 SR -63 ACCESS STUDY ALTERNATIVE 2 CURRENT FREEWAY PLAN (EASTERLY FREEWAY EXTENSION) 1 CIYM PANNED STREET IMPROVEMENTS o BBBBBBBI BASELINE IMPROVEMEMTS CITY LIMITS EXISTING OCTA BUS AOYTES ���• P1IWOSE0 BRT ROUTES PRWOBCD SIGNAL TIMING MOOIIICATIONS J EXISTING BUS STOPS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVE Dommmun Q ADD CE SIT LANE TO MAINTAIN 4 M9 AND 0 LAMES M WIMPMT BLVD AS CONVENTICNAL HIGHWAY EROM 19TH ST TO 1TIN ST. Q ADD BIIS TLBLNOUTS. QS MODIFY SIGNAL TIMING AT IMTERSECTIWS. DrAm POTENTIAL LOSS GP STREET PARKING . ADDITICNAL RIMT CA WAY REWIRED /A Miilfo SR-56 ACCESS STUDY ALTERNATIVE 9 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT AAA 1. o`_ IL(T LEG Y� BASELINE IYPIIOVEMENTS [� PROPDSEO STREET IYPROVEIENTS PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE CITY LIMITS EXISTING OCTA BUS ROUTES ���• PROPOSED WT ROTTES IWACTS ■ POTENTIAL LOSS OF STREET PAREIMO SR -66 ACCESS STUDY ALTERNATIVE SA SIDE STREET AUGMENTATION (APPLY TO TSM) COMPONENTS ppRRppppppSSEEpp YDD610Ailds TIMING O BLVDaS CONVENTIONAL AMIIRIRAYAFRWABTO ST TO 17TH St. ❑E CHANGE 19TH ST AND BRONDIIAV TO ONE -RAY STREETS - DON W199YH ASTE %TI�DNA CONTROLLED POTFMi1LL ROUNOABOIITS INTERSECTIONS SWAMI. © OPRE0L- CHANGE ORANGE AVE AND SANTA AIAA AVE 10 OIE-NAY IIA EIISTIW BUS STOPS ❑j MODIFY SIGNAL TIMING AT INTERSECTIONS. © COMSTR11C1 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE ACROSS NEAAVTT BLVD AT BRCADMAY. IWACTS ■ POTENTIAL LOSS OF STREET PAREIMO SR -66 ACCESS STUDY ALTERNATIVE SA SIDE STREET AUGMENTATION (APPLY TO TSM) w loco zoao 1 , MY PROPOSED S'REET IMPROVEMLN IS 00000001 BASELINE IMPROVEMENTS CITY LIMITS EXISTING OCTA BUS ROUTES -- -- PROPOSED MIT BUS ROUTES COMPONENT$ Q !W OVE NOBILITY THROUGH CORRIDOR KEEPING NEWPORT BLVD AS CONVENTIDNAL MIGX'RAY FROM 19TH $T TO HOSPITAL WRY. 0 AOD LAIKS TO NEIIPORT BLVD TO IIPROVE OPERATIONAL LEVEL OF SERVICE TO "D' OR BETTER. INIPACT IMPACTS RESIDENTIAL ANO BUSINESS ■ HIGN PROJECT COST SR -55 ACCESS STUDY ALTERNATIVE 4 IMPROVED CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAY (NEWPORT BOULEVARD ONLY) s as a VERTICAL TERMINAL ENHANCEMENT r¢r IEUM PROPOSED STREET IYPNOVEWNIS a� PROPOSED RAMPS �BBBBBWB BASELIK IRPRJYEYENTS CRT LIMITS EXISTING OCTA BJS ROUTES -- PROPOSED BRT ROUTES suPinitll SB NB 0 1 1 1 v N I I 1 I TYPICAL GECTION A -A NOT TO SCALE COMPONENT IMPACTS 1]I IWROVE ]MOBILITY TO 19TH ST M THE WEST SIDE % NEWPORT BLVDI 11, VISUAL IWACTS - ADD RAW BRAID AT SIT NEWPORT BLVD TIE -IN AT SR-55. - A FREE RIGNT E 19TH ST "0 NEWORT KW BY RELOCATING DO 1. ADD'TICML RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING BUS TURNOUT TO THE HEST. REOUIRED - ADO EFT 19TH ST TO NB SR -55 FLYOVER. MODERATE PROJECT COST © IWROVE NOBILITY AT ITTH ST M THE HEST SIDE M HEWp1T BLVD$ - SIGNIFICANT ME TRIO IWAYIENENTS AT NEWPCRT/1TTH/ SIIPENIOR INTERSECTION. - PARTIAL WIDENING ALONG 5V 91011 AW MY K REWIRED. w SR -66 ACCESS STUDY ALTERNATIVE 6 VERTICAL TERMINAL ENHANCEMENT LEGMD MISSION PROPOSES ELEVATED FREEWAY C RROP05EO STREET INNMVEIENTS MISSION BASELINE 116TBOVEFENTS B� PROPOSED RASPS CITY LIMITS EXISTING MIA B0S ADUTES - - -• PROPOSED MT WITS SR -55 FREEWAY SS I I Na A J I S9 I Y 1 I I DANCING 1 WSFIAT SLID I 1EWPORI SLID li ELEYAIEO 50-55 FREEWAY TYPICAL SECTION A-A NOT TO SCALE COMPONENTS al SR -55 FREEWAY ELEVATED OVCR MEMPMT SLID FROM 19TH ST TO INDUSTRIAL WAY. a CONTROLLED ACCESS FREEWAY OVER NEWPDRT BLVD. ❑D SIDE STREET ACCESS FRW NEWPWT BLVD. ❑A PROVIDE INTERCHANGE AT 19TH ST. IMPACT HIGH PROJECT COST EN11AOI11ENTALLY SENSITIVE SR -55 ACCESS STUDY ALTEAIATIYE ALTERNATIVE S FREEWAY ELEVATED OVER NEWPORT BOULEVARD D CUT /COVER FREEWAY ALONG NEWPORT BOULEVARD ALTERNATIVE FIAT x 1EGE PERSON PROPOSED FREEWAY E XTENSION r PROPOSED STREET HPROVEIENTS PNDPOSED RAMPS SESSION BASELITE IWPROVENENTS CITY LIMITS EXISTING OCTA BUS ROUTES -- PROPoYO SRI ROUTES DammmEm SB NB H OFMT �VW DRFR�p/S 159TNi•AtOALONG N. P.RNiNG SHOPS rN USTRIAL WAY. 02 COOTROLLEG ACCESS FREEWAY UNDER NEWPORT BLw. NE WOTIi SS xB NPORI ❑B KM STREET ACCESS fRpN IEWPgiT NE BLw 1 { 1 1 BLw A❑ PROVIDE INTERCHANGE AT 19TH ST. sR -SS FREEWAY LpALTS SR-55 ACCESS STUDY TYPICAL SECTION A -A ■ HIGH PROJECT COST ALTERNATIVE 7 ROT TO SCALE CUT /COVER FREEWAY ALONG NEWPORT BOULEVARD SR -55 Access Study OCTA Overview Study Purpose How You Can Participate The Costa Mesa Freeway (SR -55) is the primary north -south route from northeast Orange County and the Inland Empire to the beach and tourist attractions in Orange County's coastal communities. The freeway portion of the SR -55 ends in Costa Mesa at 19th Street, with the SR -55 continuing on Newport Boulevard to Newport Beach. From 19th Street south toward Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), drivers experience high levels of traffic congestion along Newport Boulevard. Alleviating traffic congestion on the SR -55 is a top priority for Costa Mesa and Newport Beach Study Area The study area extends south from Victoria and 22nd streets to PCH and east from the Santa Ana River to Upper Newport Bay. The study focuses on key intersections and arterial streets in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach while minimizing environmental and community impacts in the greater study area. The goal of the SR -55 Access Study is to reduce congestion on Newport Boulevard by identifying safer, faster and more efficient transportation solutions that will alleviate traffic congestion and optimize travel time for drivers within Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. Current plans for the SR -55 include a proposed extension of the freeway from 19th Street to the surrounding area of Industrial Way, rejoining with Newport Boulevard. Due to land use impacts on adjacent businesses and residential areas, OCTA is working closely with Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Caltrans through the SR -55 Access Study to develop a broad range of transportation alternatives to the freeway extension. Study Process The SR -55 Access Study will identify conceptual alternatives and screen those concepts down to three or four feasible alternatives. Those alternatives will be evaluated in detail in a subsequent study effort. In addition to technical analysis of potential transportation alternatives, the study also will include a public involvement process to assess community ideas for improvements and concerns that may not have been anticipated by the study team. The SR -55 Access Study began in Spring 2007 and is expected to be completed in Summer 2008. • Attend upcoming open houses (Spring 2008) • Sign up to receive newsletters, surveys and e-mail updates • Schedule a presentation for your organization, club, neighborhood association, business or other group For more information, visit the web at www.octa.net or contact Sarah Swenson, OCTA Community Relations, at (714) 560 -5376 or sswensson @octa.net. P iy !� J N .• Orange County Transportation Authority 550 S. Main Street, PO. Box 14184, Orange, CA 92863 -1584 • (714) 560 -OCTA • www.octa.net 02/11/08 o soo +ooa zoos NO BUILD / BASELINE ALTERNATIVE .d� r. .i ea, 1 EDEN EEEEEI PROPOSED FREEWAY EXTENSION 0 P110POSED STREET IWROVEWENTS ST• PROPOSED RAWS SIEEEE BASELINE IWROVEWNTS CITY LIMITS EXISTING OCTA BUS ROUTES - - - PROPOSED BRT ROUTES C TRC x e Faa lone CURRENT FREEWAY PLAN (EASTERLY FREEWAY EXTENSION) FEET REALIGNED SR -55 FREEWAY TYPICAL SECTION A-A COMPONENTS NOT TO MILE E1 REALIGN/EXTENO SR -55 FREEWAY TO THE EAST OF EXISTING NEWPORT BLVO FROM INDUSTRIAL AVE TO JUST SOUTH OF BAY ST AS DEPRESSED FREEWAY, THREE LANES EACH DIRECTION. �2 PROVIDE STREET OVERCR05SING5. �j PROVIDE INTERCHANGES AT 17TH ST AND 19TH ST. IMPACTs ■ RELOCATION OF B5 RESIDENTIAL UNITS AND AO BUSINESSES ■ HIGH PROJECT COST SR -55 ACCESS STUDY ALTERNATIVE 2 CURRENT FREEWAY PLAN (EASTERLY FREEWAY EXTENSION) January 2008 e m so TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVE ren a� SIDE STREET AUGMENTATION (APPLY TO TEN) FEET 1 EGM 11111111 BASELINE IMPROVEMENTS O PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENTS WBBOBBO§ PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE CITY LIMITS EXISTING OCTA BITS ROUTES - - -- PROPOSED BAT ROUTES OTRC L S n 1n_ary ffi'3 COMPONENTS AC PROPOSED IONS AL TIMING 01 ���� BLVD AS CONVENTIONAL AHICHWAY FPOMAI%IN SO NEMPORT ST. POTENTIAL LOSS OF STREET PARKING O CHANCE ONE-WAY STOPT STREETS: SROUNDABBUTS WET SSIIBLE EXIS POTENTIAL ROUNDABOUTS INTERSECTIONS ON 19TH ST AND BROADWAY WHERE SHOW. ❑O OPTIONAL: CHANGE ORANGE AVE AND SANTA ANA AVE TO ONE-WAY SR-55 ACCESS STUDY B ❑ EXISTING BUS STOPS ALTERNATIVE 3A aj MODIFY SIGNAL TIMING AT INTERSECTIONS. SIDE STREET AUGMENTATION (APPLY TO TSM) ❑S CONSTRUCT PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE A[R035 NEWPORT BLVD AT BROADWAY. 1n_ary ffi'3 o 1. zoos IMPROVED CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAY ALTERNATIVE (NEWPORT BOULEVARD ONLY) LEGEt� IMPPOSE STREET IMPROVEMENTS !i BASELINE IMPROVEMENTS CITY LIMITS EXISTING OCTA BUS ROTES —• PROPOSED BRT BUS ROUTES OTRC LSn COMPONENTS ElI IMPROVE MOBILITY THROUGH CDRRIDOR KEEPING NEWPORT BLYD AS CORVENT1OMAL HIGHWAY FROM 19TH ST TO HOSPITAL WAY. O ADD LANES TO NEWPORT BLVD TO IMPROVE OPERATIONAL LEVEL OF SERVICE TO "0" OR BETTER. IMPACTS SEVERE RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS ■ HIGH PROJECT COST SR -55 ACCESS STUDY ALTERNATIVE 4 IMPROVED CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAY (NEWPORT BOULEVARD ONLY) , YO 00 I pR VERTICAL TERMINAL ENHANCEMENT FTtr LEGEND O PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED RAWS BASELINE IMPROVEMENTS -- CITY LIMITS EXISTING OCTA BUS ROUTES -- PROPOSED BAT ROUTES OTRC L S A SLPPEEIOR SB ,�(� NB ,1Y I I I *% I I I I L TYPICAL BECTION A -A NOT TO SCALE COMPONENTS IMPACTS QI IMPROVE MOBILITY TO 19TH ST ON THE REST SIDE OF NEWPORT BLVD: ■ VISUAL IWACTS - ADD RAW BRAID AT SB NEWPORT BLVD TIE -IN AT SR -55. - ADD FREE RIGHT FROM! 19TH ST TO NEMPORT BLVD BY RELOCATING . ADDITIONAL RIGHT OF MAY EXISTING BUS TURNWT TO THE REST. REQUIRED - ADD EB 19TH ST TO NS SR -55 FLYOVER. MODERATE PROJECT COST © IMPROVE MOBILITY AT 17TH ST OY THE REST SIDE OF NERPORT BLVD: - SIGNIFICANT GEC141M[C IMPROVEMENTS AT NEWPORT /17TH/ SUPERIOR INTERSECTION. - PARTIAL WIDENING ALONG SUPERIOR AVE MAY BE REWIRED. 51 SR -55 ACCESS STUDY ALTERNATIVE 5 VERTICAL TERMINAL ENHANCEMENT Jonuary 2008 o z o Bw two FREEWAY ELEVATED OVER NEWPORT BOULEVARD ALTERNATIVE '¢T I EGEND SOMEONE PROPOSED ELEVATED FREEWAY (� PROPOSED STREET MPRUYEIENTS SIEMENS BASELINE IMPROVENENTS SIEMENS PROPOSED RAMPS CITY LIMITS EXISTING MIA BUS ROUTES - -- PROPOSED BRT ROUTES CTRC L S A COMPONENTS SR -55 FREEWAY HIS ❑1 FREEWAY L WY NEWPORT BLVD FRgI 9TH STTORWSTRI A. CONTROLLED ACCESS FREEWAY OVER NEWPUNT BLVD. 0 SIDE STREET ACCESS FROM NEWPORT BLVD. �q PROVIDE INTERCHANGE AT 19TH ST. 58 I NB AM I Y h ' PARKING IMPACT ■ NIGH PROJECT COST NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BLVD ■ ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE SR-55 ACCESS STUDY ELEVATED SR -55 FREEWAY ALTERNATIVE ALTERNATIVE 8 TYPICAL SECTION A -A FREEWAY ELEVATED OVER NOT TO SCALE NEWPORT BOULEVARD lanuc y 2008 zo ao CUT /COVER FREEWAY ALONG NEWPORT BOULEVARD ALTERNATIVE "Ez rJ LSA ASSOCIAT ES. INC. SR-SS ACCESS STUDY EE PTEMBER 30B) PURPOSE AND NEED STATE ROUTE 55 ACCESS STUDY PURPOSE AND NEED 1.0 INTRODUCTION State Route 55 (SR -55), also known as Costa Mesa Freeway, provides north -south access in Orange County (County) from the SR -91 (Riverside Freeway) to SR -1 (Pacific Coast Highway). It is the main route connecting the Inland Empire Counties to central and south Orange County. It is also the main route to the beach and tourist attractions in the County's coastal communities and provides connectivity to the east and west sides of Downtown Costa Mesa. SR -55 is part of the local arterial system in the Cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa from Finley Avenue to 19th Street. North of 19th Street to SR -91, SR -55 functions as a part of the freeway system. Prior to 1992, the freeway portion of the SR -55 ended at Mesa Drive, merging with Newport Boulevard. in 1992, the freeway portion of the SR -55 was extended to 19th Street. The California Department of Transportation ( Caltrans) relinquished Newport Boulevard between Mesa Drive and 19th Street to the City of Costa Mesa for local control in 1996. Newport Boulevard south of 19th Street to Pacific Coast Highway experiences high levels of congestion during weekday peak periods and on the weekends. The SR -55 carries over 100,000 average daily trips (ADT) at 19th Street. The Newport Boulevard corridor south of 19th Street and north of 17th Street carries over 87,000 ADT. South of 17th Street to Pacific Coast Highway, the Newport Boulevard corridor carries approximately 55,000 ADT. Although SR -55 south of 19th Street is currently an arterial highway, the ultimate plans for this facility include implementation and construction of a freeway extension from 19th Street in Costa Mesa to industrial Way near Newport Beach. According to Caltrans, "The 1986 Route Concept Report (RCR) and tins 1996 update include as part of the Concept the extension of SR -55 from Mesa Drive to Industrial Way. Freeway extension between Mesa Drive and 19th Street was completed in 1992. However, construction of the freeway between 19th Street and Industrial Way may not be fiscally feasible for some time because of existing development. Freeway construction through this area would require major right of way acquisition. In recognition of the potential impacts associated with the freeway extension, the City of Costa Mesa has requested that the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) commence a study to delete the designated extension of SR -55 between 19th and 16th Streets from the Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH). This SR-55 Access Study is an initial step in an alternatives analysis that may result in a modification to the segment of SR -55 between 19th and 16th Streets. Caltrans District 12 Division of Planning, Route Concept Report, State Route 55 Costa Mesa Freeway, 12- ORA PM 0.00 /G17.86, December 1996, p. i. PAOCT070ITurpase End Need Stawmentl.doc R09l13107D 0. LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. 5 E PTEMIIER 2007 SR -55 ACCESS STODV U PURPOSE AND NEED The Countywide Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) and City of Costa Mesa General Plan Circulation Element designation for the non - freeway segment of Newport Boulevard is a six-lane divided Major roadway. Realizing that existing traffic volumes have exceeded the capacity of the current six lane section of Newport Boulevard, the City of Costa Mesa has planned and/or programmed capital improvements between 19th and 17th Streets. Construction will soon commence on a fourth northbound lane along Newport Boulevard, and the City of Costa Mesa is planning the ultimate construction of a fourth southbound lane in the near future. These new lanes will provide some capacity enhancement and delay relief in the near future, but will not address long -term travel demand and congestion relief. 1.0.1 General Purpose To evaluate circulation alternatives within a defined study area to address mobility and planning issues of SR- 55/Newport Boulevard between 19th Street in Costa Mesa and 16th Street in Newport Beach. The circulation alternatives evaluated are in direct response to, and will substitute for, ultimate plans for the extension of SR -55 between 19th and 16th Streets. This marks the first step in a greater regional issue and provides an opportunity to get people into the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa with minimal delay. 2.0 STUDY AREA Overall Study Area The comprehensive study area for the SR -55 Access Study is defined as the area bounded by Victoria Street -22nd Street to the north, the Santa Ana River to the west, SR -1 (Pacific Coast Highway) to the south, and Upper Newport Bay to the east, focusing on key intersections within the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. Focused Study Area A focused study area encompasses the direct Newport Boulevard corridor between Victoria Street - 22nd Street to Pacific Coast Highway. 3.0 PROJECT PURPOSE The purpose of the SR -55 Access Study is to determine the appropriate improvements to the transportation infrastructure system that would reduce existing and future traffic congestion and delay within the SR -55 Freeway/Newport Boulevard corridor and the adjacent street system while minimizing environmental and economic impacts through a cooperative process that includes the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. The ultimate improvements recommended as part of this study are a response to the current long -range plans to extend SR -55 between 191b and 16th Streets. Any set improvement alternatives advanced will address the linkage, mobility, and congestion relief that would be provided by the planned freeway extension. In order to meet the current and proposed development needs in the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, there is a need for a seamless connection from the regional freeway system to the Pd0(.T0701 "ose ®d Need SMlement3.doe 09/13107D LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. SR -55 ACCESS STUDY SEPTEMBER 3057 PURPOSE AND NEED communities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. As General Plan/Master Plan of Arterial Highway studies have assumed the continuation of the freeway system as currently envisioned, alternative strategies that would result in similar transportation enhancements should be considered in the SR -55 access study. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to develop a set of feasible alternatives that meet the following goals to the extent feasible and practical and may lead to the development of a locally preferred alternative in a subsequent study phase: • Improve vehicular circulation through the corridor and adjacent street system by managing (short- term) and/or enhancing (long -term) capacity. • Improve system linkage and connectivity within the context of the SR -55 Route Concept Report, the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP), the MPA1, and the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach Circulation Elements. • Provide a corridor function that complies with State and local legislative requirements. This corridor should be functionally compatible with the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach General Plan Circulation Elements and maintain correlation with the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach General Plan Land Use Elements. • Enhance mobility within the Newport Boulevard corridor to reduce neighborhood intrusion onto adjacent neighborhoods in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach to maintain quality of life and livability. Enhance mobility to promote circulation alternatives to enhance existing economic vibrancy in Costa Mesa's downtown and eastside areas and promote circulation alternatives for new future developments. • Consider existing and planned transit usage and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) programs. • Maintain pedestrian accessibility within the corridor; address safety of the pedestrian system and improve any existing or potential safety hazards based on accident data within the study area. 4.0 PROJECT NEED Currently, Newport Boulevard south of 19th Street to Pacific Coast Highway experiences high traffic volumes during weekday peak periods and on summer weekends. The SR -55 carries over 100,000 ADT at 19th Street. Newport Boulevard south of 19th Street and north of 17th Street carries over 87,000 ADT. South of 17th Street to Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Boulevard carries approximately 55,000 ADT. Transportation improvements to Newport Boulevard south of 19th Street are necessary to address existing and projected deficiencies regarding mobility, access, safety, and environmental/economic conditions within the corridor. Existing traffic volumes, traffic congestion and travel delay along the SR -55 Freeway/Newport Boulevard corridor are anticipated to grow as a result of projected transportation demand, which will be generated by forecasted increases in population, housing, employment, and intercity/county travel, as the corridor is currently the only primary, direct transportation facility linking Orange County cities to the coastal communities of Central Orange County. As a result, local arterials within the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach are used for regional travel due to the lack of north -south capacity. PAOCT070ITu pose and Need Stetement1doc P09113/071 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. SEPTESIEER 2007 SR-55 ACCESS STUDY PURPOSE AND NEED The need for a regional improvement project is established based on existing traffic conditions and projected traffic levels in the General Plans of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. As the current alignment of SR -55 Freeway extension may not be viable, alternative strategies need to be considered. A significant share of regional traffic that is destined to Pacific Coast Highway and beyond is currently reaching there by passing though congested intersections in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, using alternative parallel arterials and cutting through residential areas. There is a need to accommodate this demand and to manage the existing severe congestion in Downtown Costa Mesa and adjacent residential streets in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. 5.0 PROJECT PURPOSE AND NEED 5.0.1 System Linkage • Develop a set of alternatives that maintain and/or improve system linkage, as the SR -55 corridor is currently the only significant transportation facility directly linking [range County cities to the coastal communities of Central Orange County. • Develop a set of alternatives that diminishes regional travel use of local arterials within the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach due to a lack of north -south capacity and congestion on the SR -55 corridor. 5.0.2 Capacity and Transportation Demand • Develop a set of alternative designs that provide additional capacity to accommodate projected 2030 traffic forecasts by improving traffic delay on the SR -55 Freeway/Newport Boulevard. • Develop a set of alternative strategies that address the needs of local, short- distance traffic while providing capacity for regional, long - distance travel purposes. 5.03 Legislation • Pursue an alternative analysis approach that does not compromise the ability to seek outside funding for capital improvements within the corridor. • Pursue a set of alternatives that are functionally equivalent with the current SR -55 Route Concept Report, or pursue modification to the SR -55 Route Concept Report for consistency. Pursue a set of strategies and processes consistent with provisions of the [range County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Cooperative Study process. Develop a set of alternatives that continue to provide the Land Use Element correlation demonstrated in both the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach General Plans. S.OA Social Demands/Economic Development • Develop a set of alternatives that address actual "cut- through" traffic on neighborhood streets due to existing and projected congestion on the SR- 55/Newport Boulevard corridor. • Develop a set of strategies that do not diminish the existing economic activity for businesses within the Newport Boulevard corridor. • Develop a set of strategies that promote circulation and mobility for new future, planned/programmed developments within the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. P: \0CT0701\P rpo= and Need SlRtement1doc oO9/13/07D LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. S e PTEMeER 1007 5.0.5 Modal Interrelationships SR-55 ACCESS STUDY PURPOSE AND NEED • Develop a set of alternatives that do not preclude the provision of regular, fixed -route transit service. • Develop a set of alternatives that do not preclude implementation of future BRT systems planned within the Newport Boulevard corridor. 5.0.6 Safety • Develop a set of alternatives that do not exacerbate vehicular accidents and incidents within the Newport Boulevard corridor by virtue of its design and implementation. • Develop a set of alternative designs that maintain/improve pedestrian accessibility within the Newport Boulevard corridor. 5.0.7 Roadway Deficiencies • Identify general design deficiencies that may contribute to vehicular accidents and incidents and develop a locally preferred alternative that reduces these design deficiencies. PAOM70IWI5pose and Need St Mmt3.doc«09 /13/07*