HomeMy WebLinkAboutS32 - Recruitment and Selection of City Clerk PositionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. s32 June 10, 2008 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager's Office Homer Bludau, City Manager 949/644 -3000 or hbludau @city.newport - beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Resolution 2008 - Establishing a City Council Ad Hoc Committee to Make Recommendations Regarding the Duties, the Salary and the Process for Filling the Newport Beach City Clerk Position ISSUE Should the City Council create a City Clerk Ad Hoc Recruitment Committee in order to assist the City Council in conducting a successful City Clerk recruitment to fill the upcoming vacancy caused by the retirement of City Clerk LaVonne Harkless? RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 2008 - creating the City Clerk Ad Hoc Recruitment Committee, and approve the Mayor's appointments of Council members Henn (Chair), Curry and Gardner to the Committee. DISCUSSION: City Clerk LaVonne Harkless has announced her retirement effective November 17, 2008. Her announcement provides the City Council with adequate time to assess the needs of the position, determine and implement an appropriate recruitment strategy and to make an appointment so the new hire is available to begin their duties with a target date of November 1St, for transitional purposes. Past history shows it is customary for the City Council to create ad -hoc committees composed of three City Council members to deal with the issues surrounding the recruitment and selection of the positions (City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk) which report directly to the City Council. Among the issues which will need to be addressed in determining the recruitment process and which the Committee should be helpful in studying and making recommendations are some of the following: whether a recruitment firm should be used for the recruitment; whether a salary adjustment should be made to ensure a favorable recruitment environment; whether the job description City Clerk Replacement Process June 10, 2008 Page 2 and qualifications are current and accurate; devising a recruitment schedule and process that meets the City Council's desired time frame; and the decision of how "wide" to cast the recruitment advertising net in order to attract a sufficient number of strong candidates. The above mentioned issues involving the recruitment process do not qualify under the Brown Act for discussions by the City Council in Closed Sessions. Therefore, the Council subcommittee will meet, discuss these issues in detail and bring forth recommendations to the City Council in regular meetings so the public can be made aware of the recruitment process details. Once the City Clerk application date closes, decisions made regarding the screening and interview processes for individual City Clerk candidates do qualify for City Council Closed Session discussions and for efficiency, the Recruitment Committee can oversee that process. The City Clerk Recruitment Committee is an ad -hoc committee which is not subject to Brown Act requirements since it is being created for a limited subject, has a limited duration and involves personnel issues for a position subject to City Council oversight. The proposed expiration date for this Committee is December 15, 2008. A draft resolution creating the City Clerk Ad Hoc Recruitment Committee provides a general description as to the Committee's proposed duties. Environmental Review: The City Council's approval of this Agenda Item does not require environmental review. Public Notice: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Council considers the item). Submitted by: 9?ncv / , • , HOMER L. BLUD U City Manager Attachments: Resolution City Clerk Replacement Process June 10, 2008 Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2008- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ESTABLISHING THE CITY CLERK AD HOC RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the City Clerk has given notice of her intent to retire as of November 17, 2008; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes an efficient way of dealing with the details involving the City Clerk's recruitment and hiring is through the appointment of a City Council ad hoc committee to study recruitment issues and make recommendations to the City Council; and WHEREAS, since the City Clerk Ad Hoc Recruitment Committee would exist to provide to the City Council research and information for a limited issue and limited duration, it is not subject to the Brown Act; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach as follows: Section 1. The City Clerk Ad Hoc Recruitment Committee is hereby established. Section 2. The Committee shall consist of three members of the City Council appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Section 3. The Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities: a) To make timely recommendations to the City Council regarding the qualifications, job description, salary, recruitment process and other issues pertinent to the recruitment and hiring of a City Clerk in order to have the new City Clerk hired and on the job by November 18, 2008. b) Work with the current City Clerk to ensure a smooth transition for the transfer of duties. Section 4. The term of this Committee shall expire on December 15, 2008. ADOPTED this 10" day of June, 2008 EDWARD D. SELICH Mayor of Newport Beach ATTEST: LAVONNE HARKLESS City Clerk of Newport Beach CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LaVonne M. Harkless, MMC May 28, 2008 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Honorable Mayor Selich and Members of the City Council: I would like to officially inform you that I am retiring as City Clerk for the City of Newport Beach effective November 18, 2008. I want to take this opportunity to specifically thank the current and past City Councils for the opportunities for professional and personal development that have been provided to me over the years. I also appreciate all the cooperation and help I have received over the years from my staff, the Management Team and employees in other departments. While I look forward to enjoying my retirement, I will miss the interactions with fellow team members, as well as the residents of Newport Beach. Newport Beach is a wonderful city and has been a fantastic place to work. I will look back at my time here with fond memories and will value the friendships I have made during my tenure. If I can be of any assistance during the recruitment process or to make the transition a smooth one for my successor, please let me know. Sincerely, LaVonne M. Harkless, MMC City Clerk 3300 Newport Boulevard • Post Office Box 1768 • Newport Beach, California 92658 -8915 .. Telephone: (949) 644 -3005 • Fax: (949) 644 -3039 • www.city.newport- beach.ca.us