HomeMy WebLinkAbout21 - Voluntary Water ConservationCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 21 (September 23, 2008) TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Utilities Department Steve Myrter, Utilities Director (949) 718 -3400, smyrter @city.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 08- ENCOURAGING 10 PERCENT VOLUNTARY WATER CONSERVATION BY ALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WATER CUSTOMERS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution Number 08 -_ encouraging 10 percent voluntary water conservation by all City of Newport Beach water customers. DISCUSSION: Background: The City relies on a combination of local groundwater and imported water to meet overall potable water needs. The City's current water supply plan for fiscal year 2009 requires that at least 31% of the City's annual potable water demand be met through imported water supplies purchased from Metropolitan Water District (MET) through their Orange County member agency wholesaler, Municipal Water Districts of Orange County. However, imported water supply and reliability issues continue in both the Colorado River basin and northern California, MET's primary sources of supply, due to a combination of events including: Two years of below- average rainfall and snow pack within the state, with 2007 one of the driest years on record in southern California. This dry weather increased overall regional demands for the period, further taxing regional storage. The spring of 2008 has been the driest spring on record with snow runoff for the Sierra Nevada mountain range estimated at only 55% of normal. Rainfall and snow pack projections for 2009 remain uncertain. Resolution Encouraging Voluntary Water Conservation September 23, 2008 Page 2 Continued restrictions on imported water deliveries from northern California of up to 30% due to a federal court ruling issued in late 2007 to protect the endangered Delta Smelt in the Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta. The Colorado River basin has experienced eight out of nine years of drought resulting in dramatic reduction in flow. These events indicate a continuing reduction in overall imported water supply reliability. As a result, MET recently implemented a 'Water Supply Alert" calling all municipalities to implement voluntary extraordinary conservation measures with the goal of preserving water in regional storage, thus avoiding the need to implement mandatory water restriction in 2009. Staff has been actively monitoring these events as they relate to a looming drought and further projected tightening of regional imported water supply going into calendar year 2009. Accordingly, staff believes it is the appropriate time to formally request customers to voluntarily practice conservation measures to reduce potable water use by 10 percent. Adoption of this resolution will further heighten public awareness of the drought and potential regional imported water supply allocations in the coming year. In order to assist our customers in achieving a reduction in potable water usage, staff is currently developing additional public outreach materials including a website dedicated to water conservation (www,watersmartnewr)ort.org , outreach to HOA's and interest groups, Municipal Service statement inserts, newsletters, and NBTV Television programming. This will further assist and educate our residents and customers in their efforts to conserve water. It is anticipated that through adoption of the attached resolution, potable water consumption by our customers will be reduced. It is generally accepted that up to 60% of household water consumption is related to outdoor use, and this outdoor usage offers the greatest opportunity for conservation. Accordingly, in addition to saving water for future years, these water conservation efforts will save energy and reduce harmful urban runoff. Submitted by: Steve WrterP.E ., Utilities Director Attachments: Resolution Resolution Encouraging Voluntary Water Conservation September 23, 2008 Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2008- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ENCOURAGING 10 PERCENT VOLUNTARY WATER CONSERVATION BY ALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WATER CUSTOMERS WHEREAS, Orange County depends on imported water from Northern California and the Colorado River to meet approximately half of its overall water demand; with the balance of the county's demand being met by local groundwater via a large basin under north and central Orange County, smaller basins in south Orange County, through local water recycling and conservation efforts; and WHEREAS, California is in the second year of a drought, with below - average rainfall, very low snowmelt runoff, and the largest court- ordered water transfer restrictions in the state history; and WHEREAS, on June 4, 2008, Govemor Arnold Schwarcenegger proclaimed a statewide drought and issued an Executive Order calling upon water providers to take immediate action to reduce water consumption for the remainder of 2008 and to prepare for water conditions that could worsen in 2009; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California ( "MET ") Board of Directors has declared a Water Supply Alert to help sustain reserves and to urge all water agencies in the region to encourage extraordinary conservation measures; and WHEREAS, the Water Supply Alert is the level immediately preceding the Water Supply Allocation level upon which MET will allocate imported water supplies to its member agencies including Municipal Water Districts of Orange County, imported water wholesaler to the City of Newport Beach; and WHEREAS, there are numerous resources and programs to assist City of Newport Beach customers in their water conservation efforts, including rebates for water- saving devices and information on water - saving strategies at City's website: W ate rS m a rt N ew oo rt. o rg . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Newport Beach City Council encourages all of its water customers to voluntarily reduce their water usage 10 percent through proactive water conservation, which will help the region get through this very dry time and regulatory reduction in State Water Project supply, extend available water reserves, and help reduce the severity of potential water shortages in the future; and Resolution Encouraging Voluntary Water Conservation September 23, 2008 Page 4 IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all City of Newport Beach water customers are encourage to reduce both indoor water usage and outdoor water usage on a voluntary basis by taking water conservation measures detailed in the City's water conservation website at WaterSmartNewport.ora. ADOPTED, this 23rd day of September, 2008. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk