HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/27/2014 - Council/Citizens Aviation Committee
ITEM TITLE: January 27, 2014, Meeting Minutes - Draft
Review/approval of minutes from January 27th, 2014 meeting (all)
Draft Meeting Minutes - January 27, 2014
MINUTES of the
(draft until approved by the Committee)
MEETING DATE & LOCATION: Monday, January 27th, 2014 at the Newport Beach City Hall, Community Room
Committee membership:
Leslie Daigle Council Representative not present
Rush Hill Council Representative present
Tony Petros Council Representative present
Kay Mortenson District #1 present
Don Hecht District #1 (alt) present
Eleanor Todd District #2 present
Gerald Scarboro District #2 (alt) present
Tom Anderson District #3 not present
BonnieAO’Neil District #3 (alt) not present
Tom Meng District #4 present
Jock Marlo District #4 (alt) not present
John Cunningham District #5 present
Craig Page District #5 (alt) present
Shirley Conger District #6 present
Bud Rasner District #6 (alt) present
Suzy Casey District #7 not present
Jim Dunlap District #7 (alt) present
Dave Kiff City Manager present
Aaron Harp City Attorney present
SPON/Air Fair Rep. Melinda Seely present
AWG Representative Tom Naughton present
Roger Ham Newport Coast Rep present
Vacant General Aviation Rep N/A
Others present: Nancy Alston, David Browne, Lynn Cathcart, Richard Easton, Dennis Hughes, Jim Mosher,
Nicole Shine (OC Register), and Robert Strang.
JWA Representatives present: Alan Murphy.
Representatives from Corridor Cities present: Liz Vasquez-Avila (Laguna Beach).
City representatives present: Tom Edwards.
1. Welcome. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hill at 5:00 p.m. People introduced themselves
around the table and room.
2. The minutes from the October 2013 Aviation Committee meeting were approved without amendment.
City of Newport Beach
3. Review of Aviation Issues
o NextGen, STREL, and RWALZ. Tom Edwards provided some background information on NextGen
(the PowerPoint he presented is onAtheACity’sAwebsite). Comments were generally as follows:
Mr. Petros asked if there was any way that the departure pattern changes could or would be
used to change sound footprints within the Settlement Agreement EIR. Mr. Harp replied that he
thought not, but that City staff would follow that issue.
Mr. Hecht asked if planes were flying lower as a result of not using the traditional power cutback.
Mr. Murphy responded by reminding committee members that the power cutback was an
airline-approved procedureAthatAis/wasAusedAtoAachieveAJW ’sAnoiseAmonitorAthresholds:AA sA
because they are below the noise thresholds without the cutback. Not using the power cutback
can in some cases cause the planes to be at higher altitude above areas like the Peninsula. Mr.
Hecht noted his concern not so much about altitude but about power and thrust used while still
over residences – “that’sAwhereAtheAnoiseAis,”AheAsaid:
Mr. Cunningham remindedAtheAgroupAofApreviousAdiscussionsAyearsAagoAofAaAproposedA“hardAleftA
turn”AafterAtakeoff:AAMs. Conger notedAtheApoliticalAimpossibilityAofAthat,AevenAasAitAwouldA“saveA
theAcarriersAmoney:”AA Mr. Edwards noted that NextGen itself is not subject to environmental
one area.
Mr. Hughes and Mr. Naughton both discussed ADS-BAtrackingAversusAradarAtracking:AA“MoreA
planes have ADS-B ability than the FAA thinks,”AsaidAMr. Edwards.
Mr. Browne and Ms. Alston discussed the desire to have departing flights using the STREL go out
likely that the carriers would make changes, but Browne thought that staying offshore a bit
Mr. Edwards noted how the STREL is not a fly-over way point, but a fly-by way point.
o Settlement Agreement – Current and Proposed, including EIR Update. Mr. Kiff reminded
Committee members that information about the Proposed Project that is being studied in the EIR is
website, and where to find the information. Ms. Alston wondered if the addition of 10 Class A
ADDs starting in 2021 meant that the MD-80s are coming back. Mr. Edwards answeredA“not likely
– they’reAnotApartAofAaAmodernAfleet:”AAA Kiff mentioned that the draft EIR should be out in April -
May 2014 with hoped-for adoption of a Final EIR by August 2014.
o CityACouncil’sA viationAPolicy. Mr. Kiff remindedAtheAgroupAofAtheACity’sA irportAPolicy,AandAnotedA
that it had not been revised since 2006 and might need doing so. He asked for any volunteer
interest in reviewing changes to the Policy. Mr. Hecht wondered if the Policy should state the
City’sApreferenceAforAaAlowerAnoiseAthresholdA at noise monitoring stations than within the
Settlement Agreement. Mr. Kiff said that doing so would be virtually meaningless in terms of
effect. Mr. Murphy and Mr. Edwards noted that the 1990 federal law known as the Airport Noise
and Capacity Act (ANCA) made further restrictions on noise subject to FAA review and approval and
o How can the Committee best serve the community? Ms. Alston mentionedAthatA“ThisAisAoneAofA
approved by the OC Board of Supervisors in December to encourage more airlines to use JWA,
especially on a Washington DC direct route. Discussion ensued about the funding for these
incentives. Mr. Edwards noted that he had mentioned the pending incentives in two previous
monthly reports. Mr. Kiff discussedAtheACity’sApastAandAcontinuedAsupportAforAOntarioAAirport, and
how the City hopes that Ontario can serve to allow regional demand to be shared with ONT versus
just at LAX and JWA.
4. Current Business
o JWA Operational Updates. Mr. Murphy spoke about trends at JWA – the most recent numbers
showed an uptick of passengers in December 2013 from December 2012 (but fewer commercial
operations), and that the 2012 Year End numbers show that JWA served about 9.23 million annual
passengersA(M P),AupAaboutA4%AfromA2012’sA8:8AM P:AA
o Clarifications on Tom Edwards’AMonthlyAReport.A Discussion ensued about a few aspects of Mr.
EdwardsAmonthlyAreport,AincludingAtheABoydAGroup’sA2014AreportAthatAsaidAthatA“NextGen.AA llAtheA
Hype About NextGen is Just That – Hype:” Mr. Mosher was perturbed that the format of the report
5. Public Comments on Non-Agenda items. Mr. Mosher was perturbed that the meeting time had been
moved from morning until evening by staff.
6. Items for an Upcoming Agenda. None were offered.
7. TheACommittee’sAnextAmeetingAwas set for 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 28th, 2014 in the Civic Center
Community Room.
8. The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m.
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