HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 - Status Report on Six Council Priorities for 2008CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 16 November 25, 2008 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager's Office Homer Bludau, City Manager 949/644 -3000 or hbludau @city.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Council Review of Staff Status Report on Six of the City Council Priorities for 2008 ISSUE: Does the City Council have any comments or questions regarding the status of the six Council priorities reported on by staff? RECOMMENDATION: Review and comment, as desired. DISCUSSION: Background: On Saturday, January 12th, the City Council held a special Council meeting in the Friends Room of the Central Library to determine its priorities for 2008. Prior to the meeting, each Council member independently nominated three priorities for priorities consideration. During the special meeting, each Council member shared his or her reasoning for nominating their three issues. Since there was strong consensus, it did not take the City Council long to determine 12 priorities for the 2008 year. In order to ensure as much progress was made on these 12 priorities as soon as possible, the City Manager agreed to recommend key actions steps and schedules for meeting the key action steps in order to better manage our work on Council's priorities, and then to make reports on six of the priorities each month, starting in March. The Council approved his recommendations with some minor changes at its February 12th Council meeting. This is the eighth status report of the year. The six priorities being reported on in no particular order are as follows: City Council Priorities November 25, 2008 Page 2 • Taking advantage of the latest technology, Implement an effective traffic management plan that improves traffic flow throughout the City; • Minimize the adverse impacts of John Wayne Airport through the implementation of the City's airport policy; • Align the City's codes, regulations and policies with the General Plan; • Provide more public parks and recreation facilities, with emphasis on active and water - oriented facilities where appropriate; • Implement an effective communication plan which utilizes various communication tools to provide current information to our residents; • Develop a process to regularly review and update City fees in order to ensure most fee services pay for themselves. Additional status reports will be provided at the second City Council meeting of each month for the remainder of the calendar year. These reports will always be placed on the Consent Calendar, which will provide Council the opportunity to pull the item and discuss any or all of the six priorities being covered by the report. Environmental Review: The City Council's approval of this Agenda Item does not require environmental review. Public Notice: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Council considers the item). Submitted by: p i HOMER L. BLU U City Manager Attachments: 2008 Council Priorities Indicator Tracker City of Newport Beach 2008 Council Priorities Indicator Tracker Eighth Report Date published: November 25, 2008 Presented by: Homer L. Bludau TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY, IMPLEMENT AN EFFECTIVE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN THAT IMPROVES TRAFFIC FLOW THROUGHOUT THE CITY Objective Phase 1 - Complete Traffic Signal January 1, 2008 Completed Modernization Master Plan Council approval for purchase of Econolite February 26, 2008 Completed signal controllers, software and associated equipment i Award of Phase 1 construction May 13, 2008 Awarded May 27 (delayed due to disqualification process for apparent low bidder) Phase 1 fully operational and completed March 1, 2009 1 Delayed due critical equipment availability Phase 2 - Submit OCTA application for February 28, 2008 Completed Measure M FY08 /09 construction funding Complete design work ai .•�� ti� n onnconn Delayed due to change of January 23, 2009 ! scope and Irvine Avenue widening project and design revisions based on "Lessons Learned" from Phase 1 construction Award construction contract 2909 - -- -- March 24, 2009 — Phase 2 construction completed QGt9beF 16, 2949 December 18, 2009 Phase 3 — Submit OCTA applications for February 28, 2008 Completed Measure M FY09 /10 funding for construction Complete design work January 23, 2009 Delayed due to change of — Irvine Avenue scope and widening project and design revisions based on "Lessons Learned" from Phase 1 i construction --------- ..--- - — -- Phase 3 award of construction contract, if w'^uxr27,2009 OCTA allows advancement on FY09 /10 March 24, 2009 funding i Phase 3 completion, based on OCTA Osteber 16; 2009 funding advance December 18, 2009 Comments: Additional cameras and fiber optic connections for Phase 1 are added in Phase 2 per Council direction. OCTA applications for Phases 2 and 3 (Signal Modernization) were approved by the Technical Advisory Committee on May 28, 2008, and forwarded to the OCTA Board for their June or July meeting agenda for approval. Phase 3 was originally submitted with construction planned in 2009 or 2010; however after Board approval, City staff will request the funding be pulled forward to FY 08 -09 to accelerate the project.. MINIMIZE THE ADVERSE IMPACTS OF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CITY'S AIRPORT POLICY Objective I Target Action Hold Aviation Committee meetings January through Meetings held each month monthly to discuss JWA issues and gain November, 2008 since January, with exception greater understanding of factors that of August and December. influence JWA's operations and growth Last meeting was on pressures - �N-ovve -mber 24 "- Hold joint meetings with AWG /AirFair/ January, April, July and Last meeting held in June. Council Aviation Committee on a quarterly October, 2008 AirFair has said they no longer basis to discuss JWA issues and maintain seek to have such meetings, open communication i Hold Corridor Cities meetings with City February, April, June, September meeting held. Managers and City Attorneys every other August, and October, November meeting cancelled month to strengthen the group's 2008 due to cancellations in understanding of JWA issues and its attendance. political clout. Explore mechanisms for formalizing the coalition, including participation by elected officials Hire a consultant with technical expertise March 15, 2008 Richard Cox under contract as in airport operations and FAA procedures ? of March 13'. Consulting to increase the City's understanding of factors which influence ( contract with Thomas Edwards by Council April could growth approved on pressures or could minimize JWA impacts 8 to provide interaction with on the community, airport advocacy groups and residents _._ .. . - . --- . -. --- ..... - .... -. -. Submit a joint "Go Local" grant application -__. __.- _- . --- .. _ . -_... _.. __ March 1, 2008 .. .... ..... ... - Joint application submitted to OCTA in partnership with Costa Mesa and funded by OCTA. for a preliminary determination of whether an effective transportation means is feasible for Orange County residents to utilize in traveling to airports other than JWA Conclude the "Go Local" funded study July 31, 2008 Final report completed and submitted in November. rProvide the City Council a presentation of September 9, 2008 Presentation provided to both the "Go Local" study results and consider Newport Beach and Costa other studies needed to complete the Mesa City Councils at the 9/30 assessment j joint meeting. MOU of j cooperation adopted by both City Councils. Comments: ALIGN THE CITY'S CODES, REGULATIONS AND POLICIES WITH THE GENERAL PLAN Objective Complete review of draft Zoning Code and March 2009 First Committee review of draft LCP Implementation Plan by staff and to be completed in December, GPILCP Implementation Committee, and j s followed by review of revised begin Planning Commission hearings sections. Coastal Commission approval of land use ! January 2009 Staff and consultant met with amendments to Coastal Land Use Plan CCC staff and commissioners and narrowed areas of disagreement to four issues; I} staff report issued and hearing continued to January to resolve remaining issues._ Submit updated Housing Element to State Department of Housing and Community July 11, 2008 October 24, 2008 HCD comments received late October and are under review Development (Comments due from by Planning and City Attorney HCD) staff additional work on site inventory required. Complete Nexus study for Fair Share i February 2009 (City Traffic and fee consultants Traffic Fee, with City Council adoption of Council adoption of fee) preparing responses to public fee comments. GPILCP Committee recommendation on October 2008 Streetscape recommendations infrastructure and fee for residential complete; Committee review development in Airport Area, with City on hold pending progress on Council adoption of fee Zoning Code. -- - — -- _ - -- -- -- Affordable Housing Task Force January 2009 (City _ _ - ._.. -. GPILCP Committee requested recommendation on Inclusionary Housing Council adoption of fee) revisions to ordinance and Ordinance and In Lieu Fee with City j additional time to review Council adoption ( revisions- -- ..__.,- ----- City Council adoption of Harbor Area - _.._. -._._ __._a_._...._ - . Further review in early Draft HAMP is currently under j Management Plan 2009 review by the City Attorney. Aspects of the HAMP relate to a Bay Issues Committee review of the City's eelgrass strategy, which is also ongoing. City Council adoption of revisions to April 22 Draft to City Attorney for Measure S Guidelines regarding variable review FAR Comments: Committee has made good progress on review of Zoning Code, but has held up some other projects to accomplish that. Staff and consultants have been working on Committee requested revisions and will return sections to the Committee beginning in January. Significant additional work is required to respond to HCD comments on Housing Element, and may require additional consultant assistance to achieve certification. PROVIDE MORE PUBLIC PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES, WITH EMPHASIS ON ACTIVE AND WATER-ORIENTED FACILITIES WHERE APPROPRIATE Objective Target Action Mariners Park Restrooms — Building permit April 10, 2008 Completed approvals are expected I -- ----------- Bid award -------- - I Bid opening April 22, 2008 Award May 27, 2008 ----- ---------- - ------------ I . ....... .... - --- ------ ----- Restrooms open for public use ---- ---- May 2009 ---- -------------- ------- ------- Completed and opened I October 2008 Sunset Ridge Park— Obtain PB&R, i June 24, 2008 1 PB&R approved May 20, Council conceptual approval 1 2008; Council approved June 10, 2008 Environmental clearance for park I DeGembeF 31, 2008 In process; delayed due to (based on Mitigated Neg Dec) June 30, 2009 negotiations for access Coastal Commission permit approval -2 expected D=ecemter 2009 After preparation of construction December 2009 documents and bidding, award bid Park open for public use June 2011 i Marina Park — Conceptual plans prepared I July, 31, 2008 and approved by PB&R, City Council Environmental clearance on project September, 30, 2009 In progress expected Coastal Commission approval expected June 2010 Completion of construction plans and specifications, all water quality, Army Corps, etc- permits August 2 010 Advertise, bid and award multiple November 2010 construction contracts _F Construction completed and open for I December 2014 I public use Coastal Peak Park — Construction permits February 10, 2008 Approved February 5, 2008 approved Construction period with The Irvine May — January 2009 in progress, on schedule Company overseeing and paying for the construction City assumes ownership of park April 2009 Open to public use June 1, 2009 Comments: IMPLEMENT AN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION PLAN WHICH UTILIZES VARIOUS COMMUNICATION TOOLS TO PROVIDE CURRENT INFORMATION TO OUR RESIDENTS Objective Target Action Hire a Public Information Manager to January 7, 2008 Completed. develop and oversee a comprehensive City communication program. ------- ------ . ....... ....... ........ ..... . ..... . .. ..... . .............. . ..... ...... Update the City's existing Communication April 22, 2008 Completed. Plan presented at Plan by working with the Council Media & 4122 Study Session. Communications Committee and City Council, and by presenting a recommended update to the existing plan to Council Work with the City Manager to complete December 31, 2008 Seven issues have been and distribute a minimum of eight issues of distributed by mail and posted the City Manager's newsletter to the I to the City's Web site. The community eighth and final issue for 2008 will be mailed in late December. Evaluate the number and content of NBTV March 15 to April 15, Completed initial scheduling programs and start incorporating program 2008 and programming changes. enhancements Three new programs are being produced. Staff is working with the Media & Communications I Committee on suggested new programming categories and ideas. Begin improving and expanding the March 31 through Changes to PIO page and City content of the City's Wet site and continue December 31, 2008 home page completed. Web making improvements I site redesign consultant agreement approved by Council at 10128 meeting. Project will begin in December. —'--t-6-uireach Create a community outreach process for June 1, 2008 process determined capital projects to be implemented by the and form provided to Public Public Works Department Works. Increase residential subscriptions to E- June 1, 2008 Ten percent increase SelectAlert by 10 percent achieved. Staff continues to promote program. Create and implement a new Council June 30, 2008 Council approved revised Communications Policy that includes an I Media Policy in October. Staff updated media policy and incorporates is working with City Attorney's new Web and NBTV policies Office and the Media & Communications Committee on new NBTV and Web site ................... .... -- --- – ----- .. ... ..... . . ... ..... policies. ....... . .. - ---- -------- ------- - - --- Objective Target Action Oversee and coordinate a staff Starting in February, Committee continues to meet communications committee composed of 2008 and share information about employees in all departments who each department's activities distribute information to the media and the and to determine methods for community by meeting with the committee I improving external and internal each month communication. Comments DEVELOP A PROCESS TO REGULARLY REVIEW AND UPDATE CITY FEES IN ORDER TO ENSURE MOST FEE SERVICES PAY FOR THEMSELVES Objective Target Action Draft study completed. Complete February 5, 2008 Completed — February, 2008 Departmental review of services study summary Consultant presentation to Finance February 29, 2008 Completed — February 27, Committee (FC) of Cost Allocation Plan 2008 and Cost Study; FC determination of cost recovery policy levels; FC develops recommendations to City Council on Cost Recovery Ordinance and periodic reviews by the FC and staff Consultant presentation of Cost Allocation March 11, 2008 Completed — April 22, 2008 Plan and Cost of Services Study at Study Session Introduction of amendments to Cost i May 13, 2008 Introduced on May13, 2008, Recovery Ordinance on Council agenda continued to June 24, 2008 Adoption of Cost Recovery Ordinance and July 8, 2008 j September 9, 2008 Master Fee Schedule Resolution at Council meeting Cost Recovery Ordinance becomes July 24, 2008 September 9, 2008 with effective, with development related fees development fees effective on taking effect 60 days after November 8, 2008 Finance Committee receives oral report February 2009 Will be scheduled for Finance from staff on whether needs exist to revise Committee review in the new any fees, based on initial experience I Calendar Year. Comments: The goal to have the Cost Recovery Ordinance adopted and the revised fees in place for Fiscal Year 2008-09 has been accomplished-