HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-10-1984 - AgendaCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes - Meeting of June 5, 1984
4. Adoption of Agenda
5. Seating of New Commissioner Sterling Wolfe
• 6. Election of Commission Officers for FY 1984 -85
7. Beach Study Committee (Report Attached)
8. Request for Volleyball Courts
9. Goals and Objectives for 1984 -85
1-0— Demmer Dedicated Tree Request
1'1.. Recreation Division (Report Attached)
12. -Park and Street Tree Division (Report Attached)
Item No. 3
n Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission
2 G June 5, 1984
City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX
Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley, Director
Staff Present: Tom Line, Recreation Supt.
Dottie Flohr, Secretary
Item #1
Call to
The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission
was called to order at 7:10 P.M.
Item #2
Roll Call
Roll call was taken. Commissioners de Boom,. Capretz, Cohen,
Hopkins and Springer were present. Commissioners King and
Stuart were absent.
Item #3
Approval of
Motion was made by Springer and seconded by Cohen to approve
the minutes of the May 1, 1984 meeting. Unanimous.
Item #4
Adoption of
The agenda was adopted as presented.
Item #5 - Proposed Fee Schedule for Use of 'Recreation
Ron Whitley pointed out that the corrected proposed fee
for Use of
schedule has been provided and that staff recommends the
Commission adopt this schedule for the coming year.
Mr. Whitley added that six regularly scheduled users of
facilities were granted reduced fees, upon their request, by
the City Council in 1980 and 1981, and these should also be
reviewed by the Commission. Ron gave a brief review of each
of the user groups and suggested the fees remain the same
with the possible exception of the Balboa Power Squadron.
The Balboa Power Squadron uses Las Arenas, which fee is well
below market value. It was also pointed out by Commissioner
Springer that women are not allowed in this group except as
auxiliary members. In addition, Mr. Whitley made mention of
the fact that the Commission may want to delay negotiations
with this group until the Marinapark lease issue is settled.
N Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission
�� NG
Page 2
City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX
Tom Line reported that staff approached each of the user
groups concerning�an increase of $5.00 per meeting to cover
such costs as electricity, etc. All groups with the ex-
ception of the Balboa Power Squadron agreed to pay this
Following questions and discussion, Capretz moved the pro-
posed fee schedule as presented be transmitted to Council.
Cohen seconded. Unanimous.
Item #6 - Beach Committee
Commissioner Capretz, Chair of the Beach Study Committee,
passed out minutes summarizing their meetings which included
their observations,'comments and recommendations. Capretz
pointed out the committee specifically focused on the
Commission's role and that of the three involved agencies,
namely, the Marine Department, Public Works, and General
Services. He noted they received full cooperation from the
principals of each of the agencies and that Dave Harshbarger
of the Marine Department is particularly well versed in the
details of both the Department and the City. The agencies
are all responsible to the City Manager, however, most
matters are resolved informally.
Capretz also noted that Mr. Harshbarger would be willing to
appear periodically before the Commission to keep them
informed, however, Harshbarger felt Council should first
direct such a mandate.
Capretz discussed the erosion problem at Little Corona and
the need to find funding to make long term improvements in
.this area. Possible sources might be the General Fund, Tide-
lands oil revenues and Federal funds. Capretz then gave a
synopsis of each of -the seven recommendations made by the
committee as a result of their study.
Chairman Hopkins thanked Capretz for all his work on the
Beach Committee and said he felt his excellent presentation
brought a very worthwhile matter to the Commission's
attention. 'Ron Whitley also thanked Capretz for a job well
done and Hopkins suggested the subject be brought before the
joint meeting with Council.
n Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission
yG Page 3
City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX
Following questions and discussion, it was decided the
Commissioners would review the report and report back with
their comments to Capretz by June 15 so that the report can
be revised and formalized for the joint Council meeting on
June 25. Objectives will be to clarify agency responsibil-
ities, funding, how the Local Coastal Plan (LCP) can be
implemented, and a method whereby more public input is
Chairman Hopkins moved the recommendations be moved to the
front of the report.
Item #7 - Theatre Arts Center Marquee
Arts Center
Tom Line summarized the results of a meeting with Mr. and
Mrs. Winston, Commissioner Springer, Jim Slack, Theatre
Arts Center representative,, and himself concerning the
marquee. An agreement was reached as to the relocation of
the new sign, which will be purchased by the City. They
will meet again on June 7 to discuss the design of the new
sign so that it can be ordered by June 15. A xerox copy of
the selected sign will be available at the next Commission
Commissioner Cohen reported the present sign has been
Item #8 - Park and Street Tree Division
Park and
Street Tree
Ron Whitley reported the City's tree crews, rather than an
outside contractor, planted the Palm Trees on Newport
Boulevard in a 3 -4 day period,, and that we are very proud of
the job they have done.
Commissioner Cohen suggested the City Council be informed
when work is done in -house resulting in a savings to the
Item #9 - Recreation Division
Tom Line reported we are in the middle of registration with
walk -in commencing June 4. We will be holding sports camps
again in conjunction with the Newport -Mesa Unified'School
Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission
2 G Page 4
City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX
The Corona del Mar Scenic 5K Run will be held June 9. Pre-
registration is now close to 750 and we anticipate 900 by
June 8. We expect approximately 1400 -1500 total runners
which would exceed last year. Tom also reported that
Chairman Hopkins has volunteered his help and will present
the awards at the conclusion of the race.
Harbor Area Baseball enrollment is down by about 200, the
slack being made up by Little League.
Ron Whitley reported the joint meeting with City Council will
be held on Monday, June 25, at 2:00 P.M. It should last
about 30 minutes. The subject of beach responsibilities
and,Capretz' report will be presented.
Chairman Hopkins reported that due to the July 4 holiday,
the next Commission meeting will be held on July 10.
There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and
Recreation Commission adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Dottie Flohr, Secretary
F- 1
Item No. 7
June 26, 1984
FROM: City Manager
During the study session of June 25th, your Com-
mission expressed a concern for continued coordination and
cooperation in maintaining the beach areas. The purpose of
this memo is to reinforce your concept that whenever your
Commission would desire input from the Marine Director, the
General Services Director, the Public Works Director, the
Police Chief, or any other Department Director, these Directors
are to be invited to either attend a Commission meeting or
render a report /opinion in writing to your Commission.
• Department Directors have, and will continue to co-
operate with all of the Commissions of the City, in providing
input and necessary information to permit the Commissions- -to
perform their responsibilities.
Section 709 of the Charter, charges your Commission
to "Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all
matters pertaining to Parks, Beaches, Recreation, Parkways and
Street Trees. As a staff person, if you sense that input
would be helpful from another department, please contact the
department for assistance and the necessary input. Your Com-
mission can then perform the duties as imposed upon them by
Section 709 of the City Charter.
CC: Marine Department
General Services Department
Public Works Department
. Police Department
S• �
June 5, 19841
TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission
FROM: Beach Study Committee James T. Capretz Chairman
The Committee Consisted Of:
PBR Commissioner Capretz, Citizen J. Michael Ray, Citizen Carol
Martin and Commissioner Diana Springer.
History of Committee:
A. This Committee was formed in October of 1983 as a result
of inquiries of Commissioner Capretz and others about the role of
the PBR Commission in monitoring and preserving one of the most
important assets in the recreational portfolio of the City of
Newport Beach, that is, its beaches. After reviewing the formal
role of the PBR and its responsibiiities pursuant to city charterl
and related documentation, the Committee elected to meet with the
various agencies within the city that dealt with the beaches and
study their relationship to each other. The agencies and the
individuals responsible for them include the Marine Department
under David Harshbarger; Ben Rw�dVl)tepartment of Public Works
and Wade Beyeler, General Services director.
B. Recommendations of Committee.
1. That the policy regulations of the PB &R be reviewed
and appropriately modified to include a clear and more decisive
explanation of the responsibility and functions of the PB &R
Commission for the city maintained beaches.
2. That the PB &R Commission assume an active role
as beach "watch dog" and monitor the use and maintenance of these
most valuable resources.
3. That the Commission request the City Council to
direct the Marine Department, the Department of Public Works,
and the General Services Administration to orally report no less
1 Section 709 states that the Commission shall have the power
and duty to (a) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council
in all matters pertaining to ,parks, beaches . (d) Establish
policies for the acquisition, development and' improvement of
parks, beachs. . . .
than quarterly on their activities and on the condition and usage
• of this resource; it is further suggested that at the first pres-
entation each. department briefly explain their duties and liabil-
ities to the Commission. Also, the Commission should consider
reports from the Police on public safety issues.
4. That a public comments section be added to the
agenda of each PB &R Commission meeting whereby the public is
allowed to comment on matters affecting our beaches. The time of
each speaker is to be limited to three minutes per person.
5. That the Beach Committee be dissolved and the PB &R
Commission take full responsibililty for the "watch dog" services
that we are recommending be a part of our responsibility;
6. That the Commission report to the City Council that
the informal relationship existing among the various departments
and agencies which impact our beaches is currently working but
that a review and evaluation should be made bythe City Manager of
the organizational structure for maintaining a long -term liaison
between the various agencies as well as establishing a formal
procedure for resolving any problems which may occur as the City
grows and the respective agency heads changes, to ensure that the
beaches which are maintained by the City are maintained at the
highest possible level.
• 7. That the particular problems that exist with that
beach, known as Little Corona, be studied. by a qualified engi-
neering firm or other outside resource and that the funds for such
a study be initially solicited from the General Fund or from
tidelines funds. Little Corona Beach is a popular, state owned
and city maintained beach that has diminished in size due to ero-
sion apparently caused by the long -term actions of the sea as
well as by certain increased drainage that has flowed down Buck
Gully and which may be exacerbated by a certain dam construction
whereby the beach meets Buck Gully. The problems are not only
beach erosion but also concern the type of sand present (black
sand) as well as a rock bottom that has developed off shore. At
a minimum, it is recommended that the City Council consider that
an environmental impact report be deemed necessary before any
further building is allowed which property would drain into Buck
Gully. This recommendation is particularly important inlight of
the pending construction projects in the5th Avenue Corridor and
as proposed for Pelican Hill and related areas.
C. Minutes of Committee Meeting.
The Committee first met with Dave Harshbarger in the
Marine Department. After meeting with each of the agencies and
their various responsibilities for the beaches it is clear that
the Marine Department has principal responsibility for most beach
related activity, including the responsibility for marine safety
• and the tidelands administration. The Department_is divided into
I -2=
a marine safety division and tidelands operations division. In
• his presentation, Mr. Harshbarger gave a very descriptive expla-
nation of the three agencies and their various responsibilities
as well as the details of the workings of the operations of his
two divisions. Mr. Harshbarger made the following observations:
(1) that his department would not mind periodically reporting to
the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission; (2) that although
there is no strict line of division between the various agencies'
responsibilities and although various problems do periodically
surface as to which agency bears the responsibility, should any
conflict arise, the city manager's office would be responsible
for resolving a problem since the City Manager is in charge of
administering the affairs of the city and in so doing directing
the various agencies. Mr. Harshbarger did indicate that there
was a good working relationship between the various agency heads
and if, for example., the Marine Department noticed certain main-
tenance work needed, a call to the General Services Administra-
tion would usually insure completion of the task. The specific
problem of the diminishing beach at Little Corona as well as the
rocky surface of the current be was brought to Mr.
Harshbarger's attention for his comment. Mr. Hashbarger
apparently has been involved with the city of Newport Beach for a
period of years and was well aware of the eroding beach as well
as the swath that cuts across the beaches as a result of heavy
drainage of water from Buck Gully. While Mr. Harshbarger indi-
cated he did not know the solution, he indicated that an engi-
neering question was involved and perhaps a study should be
• undertaken, and money should be allocated for a study of the.
Little Corona situation. Mr. Harshbarger would support a review
of that particular beach area. Mr. Harshbarger did provide a
very informed description of the effect of the waves.and storms
on the various beaches of Newport Beach. He used a large map in
his headquarters which was very descriptive to outline the
beaches available and the effect of the storm waves on beach
areas. It was concluded that Mr. Harshbarger is very
knowledgeable about beach erosion and the cause of same and also
very aware of the impact of the various storms and seasons on
this most valuable asset. A history was related by Mr.
Harshbarger of the West Newport erosion problem and how that
situation was corrected. Mr. Harshbarger also discussed the
lifeguard responsibilities including the number of guards used
and the part -time or seasonal system that is used for providing
back up during busy times. He further gave a detailed presen-
tation on the meaning of the tidelands administration which
includes the management of harbor activities and property. He
further discussed the Marine Department's activities in rela-
tionship to the maintainance of the various piers.
C. The Committee next met with Ben Knowland, head of the
Public Works Department. In addition to committee members,
Mr. Harshbarger also attended this meeting. The Committee
explained to Mr. Knowland its role was to discuss the role of the
• Department of Public Works in the preservation and maintenance of
the beaches of the city of Newport Beach; to discuss problem
• areas such as the Little Corona beach erosion and to discuss the
role of the three agencies. Mr. Harshbarger informed us that
informal meetings were typically conducted among the three agency
heads or between any two which may be involved in any given
problem areas. In certain instances, more than one agency.would
be used to resolve the problem. Typically, it was a smooth
working relationship although isolated problems sometimes occur.
One particular instance was recited by Dave Harshbarger about a
report of a floating dock in the bay whereby there was some• con-
fusion as to the proper authority to respond.. Someone also men-
tioned the fact that they knew of a situation where a further
bathroom facility was needed on one of our beaches but no one
seemed to know where to go in the City for action, even after
talking with city personnel. One of the ideas that came from the
discussion of these issues was the possibility of having the PBR
Commission and /or staff act as a forum for any citizen request
for action concerning the beaches or for the resolution of any
problems concerning the beaches. It was at this meeting that it
was reinforced that the Marine Department might periodically
report to•the Commission on beach activities and that it would be
appropriate for the Commission to request the City Council to
direct the Marine Department to report on the beaches as a
recreation area. Further discussion was held with Mr. Knowland
and others including how capital improvement requests were made
through the City Council; through various departments in the
city; through citizen action groups such as the homeowners asso-
ciations, etc. A discussion followed as to how the resources are
allocated that are available for capital improvement projects;
the highest priority being given to projects which resolve those
things which are a hazard to life and property. It was reported
that approximately ninety percent of the beach capital project
requirements are made through the Marine Department including
those items that require a specialized study or report. The next
item discussed at this meeting was a discussion of the Little
Corona beach situation. Mr. Knowland acknowledged the- beach ero-
sion and other problems stemming from (among other things) the
increased drainage that is flowing through Buck Gully as a result
of improvements in the area and nearby areas that drain through
the canyon. It was suggested by Mr. Knowland that the one remedy
he knows would be the installation of a drainage pipe that would
empty some distance off shore. He estimated that such costs,
however, may run as high as $1.0 million and this would probably
make such an improvement prohibitive. It was also mentioned that
the installation of a groin such as those that were installed in
West Newport may stabilize the beach area but that, too, would be
a very expensive project. Mr Knowland also mentioned that he
believes any future housing or other projects would' probably add
to the erosion of the beach as a result of the increased drainage
through the canyon.
D. The Committee then met with Wade Beyeler, head of the
• General Services Administration. Mr. Beyeler discussed in detail
ID -4-
the beach cleaning detail that he. uses, the beach cleaning per-
• sonnel and equipment that he uses for the year -round maintenance
bf- our beaches. The details discussed included the starting
times and the amount of times per week the beaches are cleaned
(including variances for heavy summer traffic). Mr. Beyeler
discussed the aging condition of his various items of equipment
as well as his organizational structure. A beach foreman is
responsible for getting certain areas cleaned when returning to
report to his operational foreman. Mr. Beyeler mentioned that
certain beach maintenance remedial jobs are of such magnitude
that a contractor needs to be hired to get the job completed,
particularly where special equipment is needed or the size dic-
tates it. Mr. Beyeler mentioned how he has a small budget for
any outside contract work that needs to be done and that if a
more substantive project need be undertaken, he will typically
meet with Public Works and Public Works will hire the outside
contractor to complete the job. Mr. Beyeler also mentioned the
pick up and servicing of the various bins of beach trash. In
reference to the Little 'Corona beach, Mr. Beyeler mentioned that
due to the steep and narrow roadway leading to the beach, he can
only get certain small equipment in for the cleaning. A
discussion was held on the obvious need for more attention and
better procedures mentioned at that beach site. One of the
recommendations made at that particular meeting was that there
needs to be a procedure established for the organization and
periodical clean up of the Little Corona Beach area. Mr. Beyeler
also suggested that there is a satisfactory level of cooperation
between the various agencies and, despite their various limited
budget, they were able to do an adequate job; although it was
generally agreed that the city's beaches could use and would
benefit from improved upkeep and cleanliness. In addressing the
general problem of erosion and drainage that exists with the
Little Corona Beach, Mr. Beyeler indicated that he too was aware
of the situation at that beach. He would suggest that an eva-
luation be made of the controversial dam that had been
constructed some years prior to see if it is doing the job
intended or whether or not it should be removed. He further felt
some channelization work needed to be done upstream which would
channel the water in a direct and clear method. One of the ways
of cleaning this channel would be to talk with the Fish and-Game
Department about clearing out the current dense growth area.
Although it was not directly said, one of the messages from
this meeting was that if funds were budgeted for extra clean up
and the moving of sand for Little Corona that would provide some
relief of the current problems although that would not provide a
long term remedy or solution to the problem. Mr. Beyeler also
indicated that a further study of Buck Gully and the long term
problems would be desirable but that he recognized getting the
.funds for the study may be difficult. He suggested that the
Committee check to see if the General Fund would be available for
such a study. He then suggested that one examine the-question as
to whether or not the Little Corona Beach area was in the tide-
. lands area and if so, it may be that tidelands oil revenue would
be available to pay for whatever studies and /or remedial work
• is necessary. Mr. Beyeler closed his remarks by indicating that
he may need an additional beach cleaner with equipment in the near
future if he is going to be able to continue to adequately per-
form his job. The meeting with Mr. Beyeler concluded the
Committee's interviews. The Committee then met on two separate
occasons. to discuss their findings and to formulate a response to
the PB &R Commission. The observation is made that each of the
agency heads was cooperative and informative and that there did
seem to exist a good working relationship between the respective
11� -6-
Item No. 8
FROM: Marine Department
SUBJECT: Volleyball Courts
DATE: June 26, 1984
The Marine Department requests two Volleyball Courts to be installed in the
B Street Parking Lot area. The area is located, as shown, on the attached
Marine Department
Marine Department
ach Maintenance
Parks, Beaches, and Recreation
13 `�
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June 28, 1984
Ron Whitley
PB & R Director
City of Newport Beach
Newport Beach City Nall
3300 Newport Boulevard
Newport Beach,, CA 92663
Dear Ron:
With regard to the Marine Department's request for two
• volleyball courts to be installed just east of the
B Street parking lot here on the peni- nsula, a's you know,
we are just adamantly opposed to additional volleyball
courts on the peninsula.
It was in January of 1983, after several months of
Commission, Committee and Council hearings that the
Council decided against permanent courts on the peninsula- -
or so we all thought at the time.
I -n the continued interest of safety (traffic conditions
the way they are here on the peninsula), and-with the
additional Toad in summer - -with limited ingress and egress
for police and emeryencve_hi- cles -- PLEASE do not add the
additional vo leyGa1 cl ourts.
NOTE: There is an existing court for use now in front of
n 1008 East. Ocean Front.
Plehge attach this request to you
Co fission peeyng to be het -d, Jul
nk you / /ver
ueconao d. f lombero
• cc: Balboa Peninsula Pt. Assn.
Balboa Improvement Assn.
Pat Eickenhofer
r report to the PB & R
10, 1984.
.Dona Colombero
Senior Citizens
Item No. 11
All activity classes are maintaining excellent interest. Yoga and physical fitness
classes are some of the new activities beginning for the summer at OASIS. Many of
the OASIS activity classes for the summer are programmed in conjunction with the
Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department.
Special activities included:
1. Aging Managers meeting on June 8.
2. Explore the World BBQ on June 6.
3. Films on June 2.
4. General Membership meeting on June 1.
5. Ukulele BBQ on June 11.
6. The U.S. Olympic Committee met for planning sessions.
7. Physical Fitness met June 18 and will hold class Mondays and Thursdays.
8. Senior Citizens Council met June 18.
9. Board meeting on June 18.
10. New classes on June 20.
11. Long Range Planning Committee met on June 25.
The OASIS men's softball team (Newport Peers) is currently in second place in the
"C" Senior Softball League.
The Golden State Senior Discount Program is off to a good start. Discount cards are
being sold for $1.00 in the front office and 25 businesses have responded in order
to be included in the discount book.
The Human Services program is rapidly growing.
1. Legal counseling on Mondays and Thursdays.
2. Medicare and Social Security lectures.
3. Homeowners and renters assistance.
4. Senior aid employment program.
5. Various conferences on senior care.
Various services include:
Aquatics and Sailing
. A two day training session was completed in June for all aquatics staff. Staff
were given procedures and policies to follow in emergency situations plus extra
training in first aid and C.P.R.
Swimming and sailing classes are picking up in attendance. The warmer weather seems
to enhance swimming and sailing lessons. The added sailing classes are providing
good revenue and they have stirred up a lot of interest.
The Newport Beach aquatics team has hired a new swim coach. Greg Tye has come
on board to train Newport-Beach swimmers and develop them for summer swim meets.
Greg is on contract with the City of Newport Beach, and he works cooperatively with
the parental support group of Newport Beach Aquatics.
The Recreation Division has welcomed a new staff person. Robert Payton has brought
15 years of experience with him to Newport Beach in the area of facility maintenance.
Robert's starting date was June 11, and his current responsibilities include the
Theatre Arts Center, OASIS and other multi- purpose facilities. Eddie Flores and
Joe Blanchette are given special credit for taking up the slack while the City was
short handed.
Irrelevant Week
The City's involvement in the "Super Stars" portion of Irrelevant Week has concluded.
•"Super Stars" which took place at the Balboa Bay Club on June 28 provided fun competi-
tion among teams of Newport Beach residents, restaurants and businesses. Approximately
25 teams put up $249.00 each to participate in "Super Stars." The City again provided
special services and staff in order to conduct the event. A good portion of the
revenue went towards the development of the Newport Aquatics Center.
Youth and Adult Sports
There are currently 215 teams participating in the adult softball program in Newport
Beach. The summer attendance is up slightly from last year and the program is running
very smoothly. A breakdown of the leagues is as follows:
1. 18 Women's teams
2. 82 Coed teams
3. 115 Men's teams
This summer's basketball program has 24,teams participating. Basketball is running
smoothly and approximately 80 officials each week are used for the basketball league.
Girls softball currently has 112 players from 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade teams
participating in the City's recreational program.
Registration will continue through early July. Both 7th and 8th grade teams will
combine into a league with Costa Mesa and Laguna Beach girls.
Contract Classes
. Summer registration for the first session of classes has gone very well. People
are continuing to register for later summer sessions at a very fast rate. Children's
classes offered at the Boy Scout House were well attended, and the class schedule
at the Scout House for the fall should be increased.
Day Camp
Day Camp registration is again light this year. Sessions are attracting well under
20 participants and it looks as though it will become an extinct program. Although
all of the kids are experiencing an excellent fun filled two weeks, attendance can't
match what is needed to make Camp Newport a success.
Work on the fall brochure has begun. Class and facility scheduling is already taking
,place for the fall recreation brochure. The fall brochure will be, mailed out
August 17 with classes beginning September 17. Anticipation of a good fall registra-
tion is already achievable with the addition of several new classes.
July 4
Approximately 500 participants were pleased and delighted to participate in the
Newport Beach July 4th celebration at Mariners Park. The July 4th Committee worked
for months on an excellent program for Newport Beach residents, which included
picnics, games, bicycle parade and fun for everyone.
Tom L ne
Item No. 12
Our Park Crews performed the following tasks during the
month of June:
Installed lawn at Eastbluff Boys Club
parking lot.
Top dressed ball field at Buffalo Hills.
Planted shrubs, soil prep, graded and seeded
lawn areas at the Scout House and finished
landscaping -and drain installation.
Jack hammered eight areas for concrete removal
so Palms could be planted near Newport Pier.
Worked with Tree Crew to install Palms at
Newport Pier.
Our Street Tree Division performed the following:
• Trimmed 456 trees.
Planted 19 trees.
Removed 14 trees.
Root pruned 2 trees.
Areas being trimmed are 4th Avenue north of PCH and Westcliff.
ShoreclA ff Corals have been completed.
M, W1 M"". e " I �