HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1988 - PB&R CommissionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Motion Ayes J Item No. 3 arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission October 4, 1988 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley Staff Present: Jack Brooks, Park and Tree Maintenance Superintendent Mark Dever, Recreation Super- intendent Dottie flohr, Secretary I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item #1 - Call to Order Call to Order The meeting of the Parks,'Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Item #2 - Roll Call Roll Call Roll call was taken. Commissioners Brenner, Grant, Herberts Konwiser, Springer, Taft and Vandervort were present. Item #3 - Approval of Minutes Approval of Minutes x Commissioner Herberts moved the minutes of the September 6, x x x x x x x 1988 meeting be approved. Unanimous. Item #4 - Adoption of Agenda Adoption of Agenda The agenda was adopted as presented With the addition of Parks and Recreation Commission and Board Members Academy in Culver City. II. ACTION ITEMS Item #5 - West Bay Regional Park 4est Bay Regional Director Whitley referred to the presentation made before Park this Commission by the County of Orange and reported that the City Council adopted the Commission's recommendation that the County deed their one -half interest in the -20- acres in North Star Beach to the City. The County, however, objects to this recommendation and, after review, staff 'does not object to the parcel being jointly owned. The State Lands Commission put certain condi- tions on the land which would have to be addressed. In addition, the County has put a considerable amount of effort into the project and has a great pride in its result. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Since the parcel would be co- owned, there is also co- liability which would be in the -best interests of the City. The City will still review the design of the park and the County will maintain the Back Bay 6- acres. Director Whitley pointed out that as long as the public is served, which will be widely used by Newport Beach residents, staff feels administration is not a concern. Mark Deven reported that the County has the responsibility to maintain the North Star Beach area and provide those facilities which the Aquatic Center does not provide. In addition, the County has never expressed an interest in 'having their programs at this location. During discussion, Commissioner Taft stated h� would prefer a statement be included that would keep the 6- acre parcel open for ownership negotiation should the site not be used as a park. Commissioner Springer agreed, however, she also felt the City should get something in return for the 6- acres. Director Whitley explained the Deed restrictions on the property which is designated.as a park site only. This Commission will be reviewing the preliminary design. Should the Commission not approve the County's request, he will transmit that the recommendations are approved as originally submitted by this Commission and the City Council. Motion x Commissioner Springer moved to sustain the original approval Ayes x x x x' x x and request that-the City exchange the 6- acres at West Nay x Bay Park for North Star Beach. Motion passes. Item #6 - Council Policy Review' Council Policy Director Whitley reported that, by Policy; the City's Review Policies are reviewed annually but can be changed at any time. He bri'efly,summarized each of the Policies, during which time the Commission made recommendations. Following discussion on each of the Policies, Commissioner Motion x Taft moved to adopt the I Series of the Policies as Ayes x x .x x x x x recommended by the Commission and-staff as follows: I -2 - No change. 3 -3 - No change. LI I -4 - No change. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ks, Beaches .& Recreation Commission Page 3 City Council Chambers 7 P.M. INDEX I -5 - Under Fees and Deposits, add Item #3 as follows: "The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department may waive facilities'fees•for use of recreational buildings, meeting rooms and athletic fields when requested by community based, non - profit, youth - serving organizations if the request does not require additional staffing, maintenance or occupancy costs. (During discussion of -this item, Mark Deven reported Commissioner Grant and he will be working on a new policy which will prioritize the use of fields for purposes of scheduling. Policy I -5 will reference this policy when it is implemented.) I -6 - Replace the third.paragraph• with -the following para- graph: "A total of 20% of"the registration fees from tennis instructional classes shall be set aside annually for refurbishment of existing tennis courts or development of new tennis courts." I -7 - No change. I -8 - No change. I -9 - Under Preservation of•Nei hborhood Trees, add Poppy, Helioope•an Seaview. tr (Jack Brooks reported the Tree Division is compiling a list of all•City trees and their existing designa- tions for the Commission's review-at their next meeting.) I -10 -No change. I -11 -No change. I -12 -Add to Item #5: "Some exceptions can be trees of special value and beauty that in themselves enhance either the overall beauty of the area or are included in Preservation of Special Trees in I -9." I -13 -No change. I -14 -No change. I -16 -No change. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Motion Ayes Motion Ayes arks, 'Beaches &' Recreafiion Commission Page 4 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX I -17 - Under Financial, add .Item #6 as follows: "A total of 10° of t e rental fees collected.from the public use of facilities at Oasis Center shall be set aside annually for equipment replacement and /or required refurbishments at Oasis Center." I -18 - Under Definition of•a Community Theatre, add effort, often using non-equity... I -19 -'(The Street Tree Division ..will compile a list of designated trees and planting requirements which will be periodically reviewed and incorporated into I -19 as an exhibit to the policy.) Page 4 - Change the phone number to 644 -3151. I -21 - (The License Division will be asked to review with the consideration that the policy be administered by them. The Commission will- review at their 'November meeting.) I -22 , No change. Unanimous. Commissioner Grant recommended that the policies be numbered Page 1 of 2, etc.. Item. #7 - Review-of Boards, Commissions and.Committees Review of Boards, Director Whitley reported the City's Manual of Boards, Commissions Commissions and Committees is reviewed each,October and and staff Ts not recommending any changes as theype'rtain to Committees A -4 for the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. x Commissioner Vandervort moved to approve A -4 as written. x x x x x x x Unanimous. Item #8 - State Bond Program State Bond Program Director Whitley explained the State Bond Program and the funds available to be applied-to the proposed project for the West Newport Community Center which will be serving a deficient area. X Commissioner Brenner moved to adopt the action recommended x x x x x x by staff.'. Unanimous. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS CITY OF •NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 5 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #9 - Capital Projects Schedule Capital 'Projects Director Whitley referred to the schedule in'the-Commission's Schedule packet and explained that the Department-lists the-projects which are annually transmitted to Public Works. *The schedule shows when projects are to be planned, constructed and completed. Although not all projects meet the time - frames, smaller-projects should be implemented within the fiscal year. Director Whitley briefly reviewed, the projects and pointed out Item #2, Backstop and Fence at Grant Howald Park, has been put on hold until the third phase is implemented. Commissioner Springer-questioned Item 19, Newport Blvd. Slopes, and,Director Whitley explained that since the bids were too high, this.Department will do the•project. Chair Konwiser suggested the schedule be kept updated and any changes be so designated. . Item #10 - West Newport Community Center. West Newport Community Director Whitley updated the Commission on the status of Center the acquisition of the Newport Christian School complex and noted that staff is excited about the opportunity to acquire the facility. It will not only serve a deficient . area, but the.Department will be able to expand its programs which will be used by the entire community. Commissioner Grant voiced'his concern over asbestos and Director Whitley replied that, although the owner. says it is asbestos -free, the architect will also investigate -the matter. Commissioner Grant referred to the many seniors in the West Newport area who could use the facility and asked if they had been contacted. Mark Deven reported the Department met with those in the nearby mobile homes.and.they are most interested and desirous.to participate in the project and programs. In addition „ the Friend's of Oasis have been encouraged to get involved-in senior programs at the new site. r' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 6 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Mark Deven also•adJised'there may be some financial impact as far as staffing. costs., however, the adult and youth sports programs will generate additional revenue to possibly offset staff expenses. Item #11 - Commission Committee Reports Commission Committee (a) Capital Improvements - No report from Chair Konwiser. Reports Jack Brooks explained the information presented in his report to the 'Commission. Commissioner Grant,referred to the - format he had written for analyzing capital projects and Director Whitley explained that the projects are under the auspices of Public Works. As such, their'rules, regula- tions and'forms apply. However, their forms and Commissioner Grant's original proposal can be included ( in the Commission's packet for their November meeting. Also included will be a summary by District and type of project. (b)•Street Tree - Chair Herberts reported the committee reviewed and made recommendations•on•12 trees. Chair Herberts read a letter from the City Attorney requesting the Street Tree Comfmi•ttee approve the removal of 3 'specific trees on Poppy believed to have contribu- ted to an accident. Chair Herberts pointed out the Corona del Mar residents do not want to lose these trees She reported the City Attorney will'be asking the City Council to take action at their. October 10 meeting•to remove the trees due to a•libelous, situation. The Street Tree Committee hopes that the action,is•postponed until 'after October.25, at which time a residents meetin will be held at 7:30 A.M.'at the Community Youth Center to obtain input-on the matter. Director Whitley recommended the'Street Tree Committee invite the-City Attorney and General Services Director to attend the meeting.. Commissioner Grant suggested a representative•from the Traffic Division also be invited to answer any technical "questions. (c) Recreation Program - Chair Vandervort reported the committee will meet on October 18 to review the winter brochure. Q 0 ' ( CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 7 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Ad) Oceanfront and Beach Chair Taft reported the committee will meet this month to-further review requests for volleyball courts located between the Balboa Pier through "D" Street. The Commission approved Commissioner Taft's recommenda- tion for approval of an additional volleyball court between 42nd - 43rd-Streets. The courts will be adja- cent, rather than tandem, because of-the narrowness of the beach at this location. Commissioner Taft also referred to the courts by the Santa Ana River where there is additional width and a need for tandem courts. Although not on the approved list, he recommended the courts be approved as a preferential location. Commissioner Grant questioned the "reserved signs" on courts at Corona del Mar. Director Whitley reported only courts used for tournament play are legally ( reserved and posted in advance, however, the Department will monitor the situation next summer. (e) Facility Evaluation - Chair Grant reported the park list.has been divided between Commissioner Taft and' himself and'will•be presented to the Commission. Randy Kearns is the contact man in the Parks Division. (f) Budget - No report from Chair Konwiser. (g) Ad Hoc Bond Issue - Chair Grant reported the committee met and only Director. Whitley, Commissioner Taft and he were present. He asked for the Commission's directio on this issue. Director Whitley suggested the committee meet after the election to determine their direction and identify viable projects and conditions. Commissioner Grant suggested input from various groups be solicited for their recommendations.' (h) Chair's Report - No ,report. Item #12 - Commission Liaison Reports Commission Liaison (a) Friends of Oasis - Commissioner Brenner reported she Reports was unable to attend their meeting, however, there are no pressing issues and the fund - raising kick off is October 5. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I rks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 8 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Commissioner Grant questioned the roof over the arts /crafts room and Director Whitley explained that.the' final design has not been completed. (b) Friends of the Theatre Arts Center - Commissioner Herberts reported she attended their meeting and found the group to be very active and interesting. Their budget is in the black and the musical comedy, The Company, will run through October 23. There is a problem with the Thursday night tap-dance class whereby the instructor holds private lessons after the class and'-the noise impedes the Theatre group's use. Mark Deven reported this will be resolved since the Theatre has priority use. He suggested the Recreation Program Committee peruse, those classes-scheduled at the Theatre Arts Center and consider that no classes be scheduled after a specific hour. He also asked the Commission to support /attend the Theatre and Chair Konwiser advised he has never received anything from them. Commissioner Vandervort presented their'Newsletter for the Commiss•ion's information. Commissioner Brenner offered to be a liaison to the Community Youth Center Booster Club which was accepted. She reported their Open House is October 15 from approximately 2 - 4 P.M. Item N13 - Park and Street Tree Division Park and Street Tree Commissioner Brenner recommended the trees /bushes around Division the fencing at Harbor View need trimming and that the asphalt /cement be put in from the playground corner of the school yard to the steps /gate to replace the dirt. Mark Deven advised the.asphalt will be layed temporarily, however, this is a• potential project including general improvements and access to the school fields which the Commission will review. Commissioner Grant reported the irrigation is,being corrected for the turf at Bonita Creek Park. Chair Konwiser stated the Oleanders on Bayside need to be replanted and Jack Brooks advised'they plan to replace them. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 9 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Item #14 - Recreation Division, Recreation Division Report received and filed. Item #15 - Future Agenda Items Future Agenda Chair Konwiser'brought up the Commission's Annual Items Christmas Party and it was decided it would be held the week of December 12. Location to be announced later. Chair Konwiser announced that due to Holiday vacations, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation'Commission's January 3, 1989 meeting has been changed to January 10, 1989. Commissioner Grant recommended local Olympians be recognized in some manner. Commissioner Brenner suggested this Commission transmit to City Council that they be honored. If Council prefers not to become involved, this Commission will follow through. Director Whitley will transmit to the City Manager for City Council 'consideration. V. SPECIAL, URGENT OR LAST MINUTE -ITEMS Commissioner Vandervort reported Commissioner Herberts, Mark Deven, and she attended a workshop /conference in Culver City on September 21 for Commission and Board Members in the Los Angeles Basin. She briefly reviewed the conference and specifically referred to the advisory and liaison role Commissioners play. Commissioner Herberts briefly reviewed'the park aspects and both Commissioners thanked the Department for the opportunity to attend. VI. ADJOURNMENT There'being no further business, the'Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 9:35 P.M. The• agenda for this meeting was posted on September 27, 1988 at 9:10 A.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. Dot�ieFlohr, Secretary