HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05-1995 - Agendaa CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1995 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M. ORDER AND ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting, of August 1, 1995 III PUBLIC COMMENTS Members of the public are invited to comment on non agenda items. Speakers are limited to three minutes. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar (1 -3) are considered by the Commission to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. The Commission members have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending approval. There will be.no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Commission votes on the motion unless members of the Commission, staff or the public request specific items to be discussed and /or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward to the lectern upon invitation by the Chair, state their name and Consent Calendar Item Number, and complete the sign -in card provided at the podium. 1. Tree Removal (Report Attached) • Approve removal located at 2427 Holly Lane provided property owner pays for cost of removal and compensates City towards the planting of 15 parkway street trees at sites located on I Holly Lane. Y '.....M 2 • 2. Park and Tree Division (Report Attached) Report of Park and Tree Division activities during August and upcoming projects in September. 40 Z \/ 3. Recreation and Senior Services (Reports Attached) Report of activities during August for these two divisions. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Surfing Regulations (Report Attached) Review proposed changes to blackball regulations for board surfing. 5. Lincoln, Field Lights (Report Attached) Review request to use field lights on Friday nights. 6. Recreation and Open Space Element (Verbal Report) Progress report on Recreation and Open Space Element. 7. Facility Inspections (Report Attached) Review assignments for park and facility inspections. 8. Commission Calendar (Verbal Report) Review calendar for future Commission activities. VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Matters which Commissioners may wish to put on a future agenda or raise for discussion. VII. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEI-1 H Item II Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission "'tion �s Motion Ayes 3 August 1, 1995 Citv Council Chambers 7 n.m. G d� 'fp N a90 �> 6p 7 e d4 n "'tion �s Motion Ayes 3 August 1, 1995 Citv Council Chambers 7 n.m. Staff present: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director David E. Niederhaus, General Services Director Marcelino Lomeli, Park and Tree Maintenance Superintendent Sue Stein, Recreation Manager Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. ORDER AND ROLL CALL The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Roll call was taken. Commissioners Beek, Bonner, Compton, Demmer, Glasgow and Vandervort were present. Commissioner Schonlau was absent. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES x Commissioner Compton moved the minutes of the July 5, 1995 x x x x x x meeting be approved as presented. Unanimous. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR x Commissioner Demmer moved the following item be approved x x x x x x except for those removed from the Consent Calendar. Unanimous. Item #1 - Removed from Consent Calendar Item #2 - Removed from Consent Calendar Item #3 -Bench Donation Approve donation of one bench from Dr. Jan D. Vandersloot. Item #4 - Removed from Consent Calendar Item #5 - Removed from Consent Calendar ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR ,Item #1 - Change of Designated Parkway Street Trees in the Harbor View Hills Community Association In response to a question from Commissioner -Glasgow, Marcy Lomeli advised that a final report on the reforestation program of parkway street trees in the Harbor View Hills Community Association and Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association will be CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission G August 1, 1995 Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. presented at the Commission's September meeting along with a spreadsheet relative to disbursement of funds. Mr. Lomeli also amended the staff report submitted by adding Crown Drive; current designated tree, Ficus; and proposed designated tree, Little Gem Magnolia. Ebbtide Road's proposed designated tree was also changed to Little Gem Magnolia. The proposed designated parkway street trees should cause no damage to hardscape, utilities or sewer lines and will be compatible with the three year trim cycle. Trees removed will be replaced with root barriers and the hardscape repairs will be coordinated with the reforestation program. Moti on x Commissioner Glasgow moved to approve staff's recommendations Ayes x x, x x x x as presented. Unanimous. Item 42 - Change of Designated Parkway Street Trees in the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association Motion x Commissioner Bonner moved to approve staff's recommendation as ,� s x x x x x x written. Unanimous. Item #4 - Park and Tree Division In response to a question from Chair Vandervort, Director Kienitz advised that Recreation Manager Sue Stein is the liaison for Bolsa Park. Marcy Lomeli is the liaison from the General Services Department. Motion x Commissioner Demmer moved• to accept the report as submitted. Ayes x x x x x x Unanimous. Item #5 - Recreation and Senior Services Director Kienitz reported that as a result of the City Council approving the conceptual planning for the remaining CIOSA parcels on June 26, she recommends a short term task force be appointed to work with the architect and report back to the Commission. The Commission determined that Commissioner Compton will chair the Park and Open. Space Subcommittee with assistance from Commissioners Beek and Glasgow. In response to a question from Commissioner Glasgow, Sue Stein I reported the pool temperature has been• increased from 78 to 80 degrees. t�1" Sue Stein corrected the Community Services Department Activity Totals Report to show that the Spring /94 revenue totaled $106,380; CITY OE NEWPORT BERCH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission G August 1, 1995 v�Oti4,daiv °x Page 3 o 0 0 s o Citv Council Chambers 7 n.m_ the Summer /94 revenue totaled $210,550; and the Fall /94 revenue totaled $122,000. In response to Chair Vandervort's question as to why the 1995 revenue has almost doubled, Director Kienitz explained this could be due to a number of factors —more classes are being offered; fees have increased, including the $3 administrative fee; registration is more efficient with the use of the automated phone system; and the Newport Navlgator is an improved advertising publication. Referring to the Youth and Adult Sports Programs /Field •Use report, Commissioner Compton pointed out the large increase of players in Little League, Bobby Sox and AYSO over the last year. Commissioner .Beek explained that part of the increase is due to Little League expanding its boundaries, an increase in Bobby 'Sox enrollment and the addition of 5 year olds to the AYSO program. Commissioner Compton requested a brief analysis of the report and l the number of adult softball teams that are refused. This will be .provided for the Commission's September meeting. Motion x Commissioner Glasgow moved to accept the report as corrected. Ayes x x x x x x Unanimous. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #6 - Surfing Regulations Tony Melum, Deputy Chief, Fire /Marine Department, addressed the Commission and stated he would be willing to expand on the staff report submitted and answer any questions. Chair Vandervort opened the meeting to public hearing. Bill Sharp, 500 Cagney Lane, addressed the Commission. Mr. Sharp stated he has been surfing and representing the surf industry for many years. He is Chair of the Newport Surf Council which represents surfers, surf shop owners and surfing related business, a $250 million industry in this area. Mr. Sharp reported the surfing community has changed since the current regulations were imposed 30 years ago. Newport Beach is the only coastal city where surfers cannot surf all day year round. Recognizing that surfing is an important recreational pursuit, Mr. Sharp urged that a designated all day surf area be implemented. If there are budget problems to address, the 'Newport Surf Council will be happy to help with expenses. CITY OF NEWPORT 'Parks, Beaches & Recreation August 1, 1995 Page 4 BERCH Commission ti d4 City Council Chambers 7 P.M. The following people spoke in support of discretionary blackball and an exclusive area for board surfing. Comments included that surfing has become a large industry and would increase revenue if surf contests could be held during the,day and surfers were not 'forced to leave due to blackball regulations. Blackball encourages surfers to move toward the River Jetty which is a health hazard. Surfers cannot surf during peak hours and times when swimmers are not in the water. Newport Beach is the only coastal city that has surfing restraints. Blackball discriminates against those who are most protective of the ocean. The body boarders and body surfers have their exclusive areas. Swimmers could have their exclusive areas. Blackball is sometimes up from 11:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. There would be fewer problems if there were designated surfing areas due to the expense of enforcing blackball. Time, energy and resources are being spent in a negative way, and the benefits of an exclusive surf area would exceed the costs of implementation. Dan Horgan, 4802 Neptune Avenue, Newport Beach Steve Webster, 5204 Seashore, Newport Beach T.K. Brimer„ 6908 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Gary Gautier, 5123 River Avenue, Newport Beach Matthew Binswanger, 5515 River Avenue, Newport Beach Lance Collins (no address given) Greg Mungall, 214 -A Knox Street, Costa Mesa Doug Collier, 3105 Villa Way, Newport Beach Robin Sinclair, 216 34th Street, Newport Beach Chris Cullen, 5 Montecito, Newport Beach JohmGothard, 2016 Vista Caudal, Newport Beach Ted Demond, 112 E. Oceanfront, Newport Beach Cameron Sinclair, 216 34th Street, Newport Beach Barb Wagner, 221 23rd Street, Newport Beach Matt Roarch, 162 Baywood Drive, Newport Beach Matt Nielsen, 125 -1/2 Apolena, Newport Beach Stefan Jeremias, 444 Rivera Terrace, Newport Beach Ross Sinclair, 216 34th Street, Newport Beach Louis Maximillian (no address given) In response to a question from Commissioner Glasgow, Dan Horgan recommended the following areas would be a fair allocation for surfing only: 15th to 22nd Streets; 34th to 40th Streets; and 48th to 58th Streets. Peter Tarr, 5023 Lido Sands Drive, addressed the Commission. Mr. I Tarr stated surfers and swimmers do not mix and it should be remembered the beach belongs to everybody. Recognizing the 6 surfers have full use of the beach after Blackball and that it would be costly for lifeguards to clear the waves, he asked that no beach area be given exclusively to a special interest group. CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH Parks; Beaches & Recreation Commission August 1, 1995 Page 5 City Council Chambers 7 P.M. There being no further public testimony, Chair Vandervort closed the meeting to public hearing. In response to a question from Commissioner Compton, Tony Melum reported that, by Resolution, Blackball must go up at 12:00 Noon and cannot go down until 4 :00 P.M. Blackball can also be brought up earlier and taken down later for safety purposes. Mr. Melum stated his report was focused on the discretionary blackball issue, not exclusive surfing areas. He would be willing to meet with the surfing representatives to address their requests for an exclusive surf area and determine costs of implementation. Motion x Commissioner Bonner moved to form a subcommittee with representatives from the Marine Division, surf industry and the Commission to formulate a compromise for the Commission's final recommendation at their September 5 meeting. Commissioner Glasgow stated he felt the current law is outdated and that it is now timely to cooperate with the surfers and bring the City back to its natural resources which will also.help the economy. Ayes x x x' x x x Vote was taken on Commissioner Bonner's motion and unanimously approved. Commissioners Bonner, Demmer and Compton will represent the Commission, on the subcommittee; Tony Melum will be the staff liaison; Mr. Sharp will represent the surfing industry; and Mrs. Sinclair was also invited to participate. The committee will meet August 8 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers Conference Room. Item #7 - Goals and Objectives Chair Vandervort presented the Commission's Goals and Objectives, Calendar and Guidelines for 1995 -96 which she prepared and thanked Commissioner Demmer for editing them. During discussion Commissioner Compton requested the General Services Director to provide current and future reforestation programs; and that the Recreation Division provide a statistically valid study of trends in recreation. Motion x Following Commission review, Commissioner Glasgow moved the is x x x x x x Goals and Objectives, Calendar and Guidelines for 1995 -96 be approved as edited with the proposed minutes. Unanimous. VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - None CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH -Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission August 1, 1995 m� o'^o��o���^cd�o� o� G�`ox Page 6 City Council Chambers 7 P.M. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 9:45 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted July 24, 1995 at 9:30 A.M. 1 outside the City Hall Administration Building. g Agenda Item No._R -1 • September 5,1995 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Tree Removal Recommendation Approve the removal of the Ficus rubiginosa(Rusty Leaf.Fig) tree located at 2427 Holly Lane provided that the property owner, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Covington pay $195 for the cost of the removal. Additionally, that the property owner compensate the City in the amount of $1500 towards the planting of fifteen parkway street trees at sites located on Holly Lane. History Staff has been in contact with several residents on Holly Lane since June relative to concerns of a property owner initiated Ficus tree removal at 2415 Holly Lane. Approximately, six property owners on Holly Lane were concerned and opposed the tree removal. . • The tree at 2415 Holly Lane was allegedly causing private property damage to the sewer lateral and the property owner requested tree removal. This removal has been, on hold since the property owner has not verified with staff that the sewer damages are being caused by the City tree. Staff has met with Mr. Brad Avery, the property owner at 2406 Holly Lane, who is the informal spokesperson for the Holly Lane residents addressing concerns for replanting vacant City .parkway street tree sites and making recommendations on changing the designated street tree ( Ficus rubiginosa) to a more desirable species. Mr. Avery has not concluded his survey and discussions with the property owners on Holly Lane in order to give staff direction in this matter. Discussion The Public Works Department sent the attached Encroachment Permit request on August 1, 1995 to the City Urban Forester, John Conway, for review since the permit involved a City tree. Mr. Conway completed the attached Tree Inspection Report on August 3 and determined that the tree was valued at $2,442.70 (copy of Tree Appraisal attached) and recommended to the Public Works Department that the proposed' driveway should be aligned to keep the tree or that the of owner compensate the City for the removal of the tree. The Park and Street Tree Maintenance Superintendent concurred with the Urban • Forester's recommendations. • Mr. and Mrs. Ron Covington, the permit applicants, subsequently sent the attached letter requesting that the tree be removed and confirming they would compensate the City by planting another mature tree in close proximity to the Ficus tree that is proposed to be removed. The existing tree has a trunk diameter at breast height (D.B.H.) of fifteen inches. A comparable tree would cost approximately $2500 and cost another $2500 to plant at the site. Staff feels that it would be in the best interests of the City and the neighborhood to have the Covington's pay for the removal of the Ficus tree. The removal cost per the attached quote from West Coast Arborists is $195, which includes grinding of the tree stump. Staff also feels that once Mr. Avery makes a recommendation on the change of street tree designation on behalf of the property owners on Holly Lane, staff would use $1500 contributed by the Covington's to have West Coast Arborists plant sixteen trees at existing vacant sites, including a tree at the Covington's residence. Staff feels that the planting would take place sometime this fall. Additionally, prior to the tree being removed, staff requests that the Covington's provide a check to the City for $1695 (cost of removal and tree replacements). The Covington's are amiable to these recommendations. • Very respectfully, • lb David E. Niederhaus DEN /mgl Attachments • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT TREE INSPECTION REPORT Phone Number 600- 739?, 115= a-3 /"Q✓1��`�`'� -- �i^Q Tu C���w / K/� -..� LC- LC�'7�"O.�% ' Botanical Name /�coS �%j;y;n;Od -cam Common Name Avs4y le- Designated Street Tree Estimated Tree Value '�3G6 3, �j� q� �✓� Q f a-a¢. T� .0.pn.ta,• Damage Parkway: Concrete Brick—_ Turf ✓ • 5,�,inenl ..r1i�h�. �fo a/l/I /// � Other Comments a A-A 14 1 y n�.oblems, Inspected by DateeJ 91-3-75- Recommendation r /�1 /1- /�1 /ice' by / Date 3 �S 06 -95 C� City of Newport Beach General Services attn: Mr. Dave Niederhaus Dear Dave: The intent of my letter is to follow up on our converstion of Monday, August 21, and request the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Committee's approval of a tree removal at 2427 Holly Lane in the neighborhood Community of Newport Heights. The mature ficus lies within the public easment in an area planned for a driveway entry 'into our garage. The center of the tree is situated four feet in from the eastern edge of the proposed driveway. Its root system extends much further. In order to make a safe automobile entry from the street or an exit from the garage to the street this tree needs to be removed. We will compensate the city by planting another mature tree in close proximity to the one that we need to remove. We also plan to plant • additional trees on the property that will conform to the beauty of the many mature trees on the street. We hope you will grant this approval in .order that we may complete the driveway as planned and move into the house. Should you have any questions or concerns please call me or my wife. n U Si -y �.Criv� (2, Owt- Ron and Cherrie Covington j2 n .J 4 3 -29 -1995 9:21AM FROM STATE CONTRACTORS LICENSE #366764 LIABILITY INSURED P. 3 FAX (714) 739.2396 1'7 PROPOSAL FOR TREE WORK Customer Name: Address: Attn: Marcy Lomeli Fax: 714/650 -0747 CITY OF NBWPORT BEACH Phone: 714/644 -3162 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92661 Job Address: Description: 2427 Holly Lane Map Coordinates: Remove Ficus_rubiginosa Itemized List of Work Remove (1) 15" DBH 1, Ficus rubiginosa .............$13 00 /inch 2. 3. � 4. 5. 6. 7. Total Quotation: $195.00 Extra: Estimated By: �/� Keith Hennig Date: August 28, 1995 Price good for 3 months from date. Estimate invalid is scope of work aftered by more than 66%. Payment due upon completion of work, a cannot be held liable for subterranean pipes and lines on stump removal jobs union prearranged in writing. Accepted.8y: Contractors are required by law to be licensed and regulated by the contractors state license board. Any questions regarding a contractor may be referred to the register of the board at: Contractors State License Board r] 0 H -a rn m M -o a ti n w a m a CL 0 O m N N N V ol< r w CD CD m z MO rr cn m <m mIV wo °mom �0 m = 61 N a s o co ID of m Z v rn Z °z m U) 9 m a M 0 n CA) coCO O CD w (n -0 n m CD o N N O Z W A n0 alo So wU) ? V O Z N r AO 4� CD 0 c N :-4 NO Z N IM V O H -a rn m M -o a ti n w a m a CL 0 O m N N N V ol< r w CD CD m z MO rr cn m <m mIV wo °mom �0 m = 61 • • 0 I 5 7 hard • make 3 (CHECKONE) O STREET EXCAVATION makes Pamd 0 ER Amount Foe Cl WATERCONNECTION I Sower Foe Rocapl0 n MR GR� Water Foe Rocaril M Phat. 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The two concrete benches adjacent to the basketball court at Bayview Park were removed per the Commission's request. • 4. Staff has been coordinating construction projects at Balboa Boulevard median, Bonita Creek Park and Bolsa Park with the Public Works Department. 5. Twenty- eight concrete mower ramps were installed by the General Services Department concrete crew on a Citywide basis to improve safety and productivity relative to landscape median maintenance. 6. A new donated bench was installed at Cliff Drive Park. 7. Staff has completed all maintenance activities for the upcoming soccer season at various City facilities. 8. Several items were completed that were listed on the Park Facilities Inspection Report and tentative completion of all items is scheduled for next month. Upcoming Activities for September 1. Staff will continue to fertilize all athletic fields to achieve improved turf grass. 2. The completion of the irrigation renovation at Bonita Creek Park with contract services. • 3. The annual renovation of all turf grass will begin at parks and facilities. 11 • 4. The completion of the Park Facilities Inspection Report by all divisions of the General Services Department. Tree Division Activities During the month of August, 1380 trees were trimmed, 26 trees were planted, 14 trees were root pruned, 13 trees were removed, 17 emergency calls were responded to regarding trees and 296 tree maintenance requests were received by the Urban Forester. 1. Staff worked with the General Services Department concrete crew on root pruning trees for sidewalk, curb, and gutter replacement throughout the City. 2. Tree removals were performed at these various locations during the month: 1000 Santiago Drive, l tree due to property damage 1707 Paloma Drive, l tree due to property damage 520 Iris Avenue, l tree due to tree decay 1731 Port Westborne Drive, l tree due disease 1814 Sandalwood Lane, 2 trees due to property damage 1709 Highland Avenue, l tree due to water line damage 1715 Paloma Drive, 2 trees due to property damage • 1215 Pembroke Lane,1 tree due to property damage 1230 Berkshire, 2 trees due to disease and decay 1301 Antigua Way,1 tree due disease 3. The Urban Forester evaluated the recent palm planting on Riverside Drive and made recommendations to the Public Works Department on how to improve the condition of the declining trees. The condition is reversible if the recommendations are implemented( copy attached ). 4. The City tree trimming contractor completed scheduled work within the Cameo Shores, Cameo Highlands, Westcliff, Newport Heights, Jasmine Creek and Eastbluff areas. Attached are areas tentatively scheduled for the remaining fiscal year representative of a Grid Tree Trimming program which reflects a Citywide three year trimming cycle. ieli Park and Tree Maintenance Superintendent • Attachments i" 0 August 18,1995 To: Horst Hlawaty, Public Works Department From: Urban Forester Subject: King Palms on Riverside Drive I conducted a field inspection per your request on August 4, 1995. Since the palms were planted there has been a gradual decline in their condition and it is imperative that the following be undertaken: 1. Remove the concrete grates and add more soil to cover the exposed rootball, due to settling. 2. Install Lutz palm tree fertilizer spikes per the attached product information. 3. Increase the watering schedule to insure proper moisture to the root ball. 4. The General Services Tree Division will be responsible to trim and remove any dead or unsightly fronds. Please contact me if you have any questions. • J 6 Conway cc: Park and Tree Superintendent Attachment - - General Services Department Tree Division • Tentative Grid Schedule FY 95 -96 Month Tree type/Location July Cameo Highlands Cameo Shores August Broadmoor Spyglass Hill September Coral trees, City -wide Eucalyptus, E. Pacific Coast Highway Fan.palms, City -wide October Fan palms, City -wide November Fan palms, City -wide • December Balboa Peninsula Balboa Island January Balboa Peninsula Balboa Island February Corona del Mar March Corona del Mar April Miscellaneous tree sites, City -wide May Miscellaneous tree sites, City -wide June Miscellaneous tree sites, City -wide • �0 • • • 2,2- Item IV -3 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: August 23, 1995 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director SUBJECT: Monthly Commission Report Adult Sports The 240 adult summer basketball and softball teams completed the season the last two weeks of August. Thirty nine league champions were awarded team plaques and individual awards. Deadline for the fall season in both sports was August 18; play begins again September 11 with over 170 teams participating. A two week down time on the Bonita Creek, CYC and Lincoln softball fields will be utilized for renovation work such as grading, painting and irrigation. Summer volleyball at West Newport on Sunday nights is in full swing with 20 coed teams. This compares with 11 teams last year. Outdoor volleyball tournaments are also going well. On August 8 and 9, 62 doubles teams competed in a combined Men's A and Women's A at Corona del Mar Main Beach. Other scheduled tournaments are August 26, Men's B; September 16, Coed A at Corona del Mar Main Beach; Labor Day, a four - person team tournament at Mariners Park. Aquatic Evaluation Swim program participants were asked to respond to a brief survey and the results were very positive. The rating ranged from "Needs improvement" to "Excellent." 1. How well did the instructor utilize class time? 52% excellent; 44% good 2. What is your overall rating of the class? 51% excellent; 45% good 3. Overall rating of the instructor? 69% excellent; 27% good 4. Did your child improve? 55% excellent; 35% good 5. How did you register? 35% phone; 20% mail; 46% walk in; 10% pool 6. Do you plan on participating next year? 89% yes; 3% no • Phone -in Registration r1 L Phone -in registrations have proved very popular. May 15 to August 15 totaled 1,110 registrations, with $73,188.50 in revenue. Special Events The next special event will be the Balboa Arts and Music Festival scheduled for September 9 and 10 from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at Peninsula Park. Flyers have been distributed through the water bill; posters and banners have been hung throughout the City. There will be a variety, of live entertainment throughout both days. Admission is free. , Field Use and Team Composition, At the August 1 meeting, the Commission requested an overview of the use of fields and the number of teams, recent growth, etc. Recreation Manager Steve Hunt has prepared a preliminary report which is attached. �13 • DATE: August 22,1995 TO: P B & R Commission FROM: Steve Hunt, Recreation Manager SUBJECT: August 1995 Monthly Report At the August meeting Commissioners requested more data on the use of the parks, including impact of increased demand. YOUTH SPORTS COMMISSION We have many youth sports organizations gearing up for the fall season. Most start practice in early August with games scheduled to start after Labor Day. Here is a list of each group and the corresponding City facility that they utilize for practice or games: AYSO Region 57 - Lincoln, San Miguel, Eastbluff, Buffalo Hills, Irvine Terrace & CYC AYSO' Region 97 - Mariners & Peninsula Orange Coast United Soccer - Lincoln, Mariners & Bonita Creek Junior All American - Bonita Creek Newport Harbor Little League - Mariners Newport East Little League - San Miguel, Lincoln, CYC & Bonita Creek Pony Baseball Newport East - Eastbluff Pacific Coast Bobby Sox - Bonita Creek Community Services Youth,Flag Football - CYC • (FYI- Community Services Adult'Softball - Bonita Creek, Lincoln & CYC) NMUSD Facilities in Newport Beach that are utilized - Anderson, Eastbluff, Newport Heights, Newport Elementary, Harbor View, Mariners, Ensign, CdMHS and NHHS. ANALYSIS Commissioner Compton has asked staff to briefly analyze the growth trends in our youth and adult sports organizations and how this impacts the utilization of our City sports fields. After obtaining input from key youth representatives we believe there are many contributing factors affecting the surging growth of the youth organizations. All groups have seen a "demographic bubble" with an influcuation of 5 to 10 years olds. The East side of the City has seen both the Newport North and Newport Coast developments move in many new families. Soccer has had a recent increase in popularity with the World Cup, greater retention of participants, and improved coaching through better training. Baseball, since the split and formation of the Newport Harbor Baseball in 1992, has seen a strong development of two organizations that are able to better service the entire City. The City Adult Softball program has had a recent overall drop in team registrations due to the loss of Loral teams (There was a high of 50 in 1985 and that dropped to 20 in 1993, their last year); a drop in stockbroker teams (we have had up to 16 teams, but last year we had 10); poor weather • drastically effecting last Spring's registration; and a more complicated factor is the days that teams want to play versus the fields available. We generally have the use of two full sized lighted fields 2A • (Bonita Creek), plus a coed -only lighted field (CYC -due to the short right field fence) and sporadic use of aturfed infield with a mound lighted field (Lincoln #1): Working with these restraints, staff has become very adept at finding field space to match the scheduling requirements. Although these methods have been very, effective with our immediate needs, the long term effects such as overuse of the fields and disjointed scheduling (i.e. Too many teams playing in one league causing extra byes and longer seasons, one league playing on many different fields, and a on -going overuse of the fields causing deteriorating conditions) are no doubt turning some teams off. We feel that our administration of the leagues is excellent and compared to other cities our size we,have a large program. Costa Mesa, 330 teams; Fountain Valley, 320 teams; Cypress, 180 teams; Garden Grove, 250 teams. So, how many teams are we turning away? Mondays and Fridays we generally do not turn teams away. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays we turn down an average of a dozen teams per season. This includes teams that won't play on a less desirable night or field (non Bonita Creek). - ZU M I VWAN I • ki I L91 ml 1=011 2M Inn FB 91 -92 94 -95 LITTLE LEAGUE - EAST 776 NEWPORT HARBOR - WEST* 356 PONY BASEBALL - EAST 115 BOBBY SOX SOFTBALL 375 AYSO SOCCER - REGION 57 1000 EAST AYSO SOCCER - REGION 97 988 WEST* • 730 62 430 1400 1 INCREASE % -180 374 -53 55 400 392 ORANGE COAST SOCCER 270 275 5 J. A. A. FOOTBALL 240 120 -120 CITY YOUTH SPORTS 112 115 3 4232 5108 876 *Both West side groups estimate that registrations is about 60% Newport , Beach residents CITY ADULT SOFTBALL TEAMS (15 per team) a� 442 410 -23 105 -46 15 40 ,l 2 -50 3 21 32 -7 • COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: August , 1995 TO Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Celeste Jardine -Haug SUBJECT: Senior Services Division - Monthly Commission Report Senior Services have been most fortunate in receiving a $30,000 donation from an OASIS participant and client of the senior transportation program. It is a dedicated gift for the purpose of purchasing a new van with a wheelchair lift. The current van has accumulated 118,000 miles; its service is also complicated and diminished by the retrofit of the wheelchair access. The donation is not expected to provide the total cost, estimated at $37,000- $40,000. However, the Friends of OASIS have offered to pay the sales tax; and • Senior Services have just recently received a grant of $9,070 from OCTA for providing a transportation programming which significantly reduces emissions. The Senior Services Manager has been working with General Services staff in reviewing options available. It is anticipated that the matter will be on the City Council agenda on September 11. F -)JO The Friends of OASIS are having a fundraising event which highlights the Marine Corps Band. The event, to be held on September 10th, is FREE, but food and beverage will be sold. The, Fall classes will be starting next month. One new course offered by Coastline College is Money Management for Seniors. We are looking forward to this course because this seems to be a problem for many people. 0 U `J al OASIS SENIOR CENTER July 1995 MONTHLY ACTIVITIES /UTILIZATION REPORT CLASSES /GROUP 3286 HUMAN SERVICES Another Passage 24 Blood Pressure 55 Braille 65 Caregiver Support Group 5 Case Management 65 Chair Exercise 36 Counseling 60 Eldercare 4 Employment 25 Information /Rental 1282 Legal Assistance 12 Life On Your Own 26 Medicare Assistance 3 Shared Housing 52 Telephone Reassurance 438 Visual Screening 4 VOLUNTEER HOURS 2277 VAN TRANSPORTATION Care -A -Van 214 Shuttle 269 NUTRITIOUS LUNCHES 1482 SPECIAL EVENTS Sunday Movies 62 Senior Resource Expo 430 Financial Planning Seminar 55 LONG TRIPS Las Vegas 42 DAY TRIPS Quail Gardens 17 Lawrence Welk 24 Festival of Arts 20 Queen Mary 9 Jet Propulsion Lab 26 Del Mar Races 26 MEETINGS Board of Directors 10 Executive Committee 6 Long Range Planning 4 Newsletter Collating 76 General Membership 119 0 n U • -�l Item V -5 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: September 5, 1995 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director SUBJECT: Lincoln Field Lights on Friday Nights Steve Lauzier of AYSO Region 57 (east side) has requested a lighted soccer field to accommodate regional games this fall. With current practice and regular game times, there is a premium on field usage. One suggestion was Lincoln on Friday evenings from approximately 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. At the Commission's November 1, 1994 meeting, a staff report to the Commission regarding Lincoln Lights and Activities ,Reduction Request included the following statement: "No lights are utilized Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings as a concession to the residents to ease the lighting use concerns." The minutes from the meeting do not contain references to this statement. Staff is currently enforcing the entire report as policy. It would be helpful for the Commission to again review this policy since there has been a request to alter this concession for a number of dates in the fall and have the lights on until approximately 7:30 P.M. on one field. • COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: September 5, 1995 RE. Lincoln Lights and Activities Reduction Request The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission received the following report at their November 1, 1994 meeting: The Lincoln Athletic Center under went refurbishment for six months in 1989 culminating in the facility utilized today. The facility includes two baseball /softball lighted diamonds, two tee ball fields, three full'sized soccer fields (two of which are lighted) and two mini fields and improvements to the gymnasium. • Following the relighting of the field lights, which had been dark during the construction period of six months, staff, commissioners and residents worked together to improve the negative effects of the revitalized lights. The lights were re -aimed and shielded. Hours of use were cut back. New timing clocks were purchased to better control the light use. Each field was individually lighted so that if only one field is in use, the whole facility is not lit up. Additionally, another timing mechanism was located outside the main electrical box which may be controlled directly by the field user. It may be both turned off and on. Both field lights -are on a master override system which automatically shuts down at the designated hour. The current schedule is attached. This, of course, does not include the school schedule. As you are aware, Lincoln School is a functioning elementary school on the fields prior to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Soccer season has just begun. They are practicing or playing games six days each week on the three fields and six days on the two mini fields. The City's adult softball rprogram utilizes field one (the field closest to San Joaquin Hills Road) Monday through Thursday evenings until 10 P.M. Field two's lights are utilized by the Orange Coast United Soccer Club • Monday through Thursday up to 10 P.M. 3� . No lights are utilized Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings as a concession to the residents to ease the, lighting use concerns. Specifically, in response to Mr. and Mrs. Kopicki's proposed controls: Field lights are currently scheduled Monday through Thursday evenings. The lights are out by 10:15 P.M. on Field 1 or sooner on Field 2. 2. Saturday play begins at 8 A.M. and concludes between 2 P.M. and dusk. Currently, teams are not allowed to begin play until 8 A.M. 3. The two fields referred to as make shift fields are designated as mini fields for the very youngest players. During the baseball season these are the tee ball fields. 4. Amplified sound is used rarely during the Little League season and only with the Community Services Department approval. Whistles are utilized by the soccer coaches and referees and are essential to controlling a game.situation. A suitable substitute fora whistle'has yet • to be developed. 3q 5. No events are scheduled for Sundays on an on -going basis. Traditionally there are two dates in November in which AYSO will utilize the fields on Sundays for playoff games. The same holds true for Little League playoffs. CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission O c C y s November 1, 1994 City C(]unni 1. CFiamha rc 7 ., rr.mry YI1LV/� item T10 -Lincoln Athletic Center Chair Glasgow opened the meeting to public testimony. Bob Kopicki, 10 Crest Circle, addressed the Commission and reviewed his letter submitted requesting relief from the activities, noise and lights at the Lincoln Athletic Center. Activity at 7:00 A.M. is too early and lights are often on after 10:00 P.YI. that shine into his home. He personally turned off the lights Friday evening when they were not in use. He also suggested noise blockage adjacent to Pacific View which, is in the direction of the prevailing winds. Carol Fallon, 2672 San Joaquin Hills Road, addressed the Commission and presented a petition signed by 11 residents of the Bayport Apartments in support of more control over excess noise, trespassing and lighting. She stated the lights are often on after 10:15 P.M. and she feels 9:00 -9:30 P.M. is a more reasonable hour. In addition, practice sometimes • starts at 6:30 A.M. Karen Kopicki, tO Crest Circle, addressed the Commission and requested the activities start later in the morning and end earlier in the evening. She stated more neighbors would have been present had they known about tonight's meeting, Terry Coville, 2431 -A Irvine Avenue, addressed the Commission on behalf of 0range County United Soccer Club which utilizes the fields. Mr. Coville explained their program and stated their coaches are all informed of the rules. He agreed access to the timer is too easy and that unauthorized people use the fields. He asked that any complaints concerning their program be directed to him. In response to a question from Commissioner Grant, Mr. Coville stated their group would help contribute towards a better timing device. Pat Beek, 523 S. Bay Front, addressed the Commission. Ms. Beek stated she is President of Newport Beach East Little League and explained their program which starts the • end of February. They supply trash receptacles and instruct their managers on the use of the lighting system. The area closest to Pacific View is used by the younger children whose parents are more energetic and vocal. They hold a U mini parade by special event permit on opening day, ivlarch I 1, and use no whistles except on closing day. r� Motion Ayes • E yI X x x X Russ Hardt, 1943 Port Albans, addressed the Commission on behalf of AY5O. Mr. Hardt explained their schedule, noting, that players arrive at 7:30 A.bl. for 8:00 A.M. games. He pointed out their participation has increased to 1,350 and field space is at a premium. There being no further public testimony, Chair Glasgow closed the meeting to public hearing. Director Niederhaus commented that his staff have also complained about the trash problem after athletic events at this site. Chair Glasgow motioned that the light problem be corrected with all user groups contributing to a new lighting control system; that letters be written to user groups addressing the trash problems and, if needed, proper signage be implemented; and that the feasibility of a tree scape be researched to address sound and light barriers. Unanimous. The Commission determined that, although policy states the use of fields is from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., groups be encouraged to start activities at 8:15 A.M. and schedule completion of events at 9:00 P.M. Item V -7 • COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: September 5, 1995 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Steve Hunt, Recreation Manager SUBJECT: FACILITY INSPECTIONS The following locations have been determined as those to be inspected by each Commissioner. Appropriate forms are attached. Inspections should be completed and returned to staff by November 15, 1995. Jo Vandervort Grant Howald Park/ Community Youth Center San Joaquin Hills Park/Tennis Cts. Inspiration Point Old School Park Bayview Park • Phil Glasgow Buffalo Hills Park, Phase I & Il Lincoln Athletic Center West Newport Community Center Begonia Park "L" Street Park Spyglass Park Ken Bonner Cliff Drive Park Ensign View Park Lookout Point Westcliff Park Harbor View Nature Park Veterans Memorial Park Bill Schonlau Bonita Creek Park Las Arenas Park 38th Street Park Bayside Park • Kings Road Park Rhine Wharf Park yZ Pete Compton Carroll Beek Community Center Mariners Park West Newport Park Channel Place Park Lido Park Spyglass Reservoir Park Gale Demmer Eastbluff Park Oasis Senior Center/Passive Park Galaxy View Park Newport Island Park West Jetty View Park Pat Bee Irvine Terrace Park San Miguel Park Jasmine View Park Peninsula Park Newport Shores Park CdM State Beach Park came of Facility: Please Check One: 1. Approved CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department MAINTENANCE SAFETY INSPECTION REPORT 2. Standard Service Required I. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE • 3. Immediate Service Required (Safety) Date: Time: 4. Capital Improvement Project is ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 11/6/89 -Over 1 2 3 4 Comments Athletic Fields (turf, lighting, goals and diamonds) < Tennis Courts (surface, nets, windscreens, gates & fencing) Basketball Courts Handball Courts Drinking Fountains /Picnic Tables/ Benches /Trash Receptacles General Grounds (building ex- teriors, parking lots, turf) Playground Area: Sand Surface 8 " -10" deep) Bouncing /Climbing Equipment Slides Platforms /Bridges Ladders Swings Fall Zones (min. 8' clearance) Walkways Restrooms: Floors Sinks /Counters Commode is ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 11/6/89 -Over II. BUILDING MAINTENANCE Comments Ac'tivi'ty Room: Floors Windows Walls Doors Furniture Trash Receptacles Kitchen: Floor Sinks ,Counters 'Restrooms: Floors Counters /Sinks, Commode Equipment: Tables Chairs Blackboards /Bulletin Boards ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: INSPECTED BY: 0 RISK MANAGEMENT ON YOUR CITY PARK PLAYGROUNDS The providers of children's playgrounds have become increasingly aware of the risks involved through recent liability suit awards. Lawsuits are likely to include those who manufacture, purchase, install and maintain these structures. In short, legal'liability may be shared among all those who have, had responsibility in bringing the structure to the children who use them. Current court cases have outlined weaknesses in the process of bringing facilities in line, which a carefully planned and recorded risk management program is likely to eliminate: Listed'below are the most important aspects of providing safe playgrounds. These materials are part of an on- going, effort to improve the quality of children's play environments. Falls from equipment account for 72% of injuries. Fall absorbing ground cover is a key. Exposure to liability in a playground setting is greatly increased with inadequate ground cover material. 1. Depth of ground cover under and around playground equipment. Check Consumer Product Safety guidelines for details. Ten to twelve inch depth is advisable if sand is utilized. 2. Entrapment areas in equipment/height of equipment. Does your older equipment meet the Consumer Product Safety Guidelines? 3. Safety fall zones around equipment of 6 to 8 feet around the play structure with 12 feet or more around swings. • General Conditions • Check for worn surfaces around equipment. • Concrete footings should never be exposed. • Equipment should be free of rust. • All protruding nuts and bolts should-be covered. • Sharp edges on, pipes should be capped or removed. • Check for bent, broken or severely worn pipe. • Test overall stability and rigidity of all play equipment. • Check for repair damage caused by wear or vandalism. • Check wood equipment for decay and termites. Climbers • Check to be sure all fittings are tight and that the bars and pipes do not move. • Check to see if wood is splitting or cracking. Slides • Check surface area around the exit for erosion. • Examine bedway, bedrails and hand rails for foreign objects, holes and rough edges. Swnas • Inspect S Hooks. S Hooks must be completely closed. Worn S Hooks must be replaced immediate. • Test for free movement of'swing'hanger and moving attached parts. • • Check for proper grease in tire swing assemblies. • Check for worn or damaged seats and belts. LL / • 0 • JULY Item V -8 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission 1995 -1996 CALENDAR Seat new Commissioners -Elect new officers Report on Recreation's Mtg for Fall /Winter pool /field users AUGUST Adopt the years' Goals & Objectives SEPTEMBER Park & Facility Review Assignments in packet r General Plan review OCTOBER Review of applicable City Policies Winter brochure update /any proposed changes Park & Facility Reviews due in to appropriate agency Report on Recreation's Mtg for Spring /Summer pool /field users NOVEMBER Park & Facility Review discussion Review of applicable City Policies DECEMBER Discussion of City Policy Amendments Commission Holiday Dinner Field Maintenance Schedule review JANUARY Park Facility update Spring brochure update /any proposed changes Recreation's Meeting for Summer pool users FEBRUARY CPRS Conference MARCH CPRS Conference Review Goals and Objectives Summer brochure update /any proposed changes APRIL Arbor Day program am Nominations for Commission Community Service Awards JUNE Commission Community Service Awards Presented Goals reviewed for next year Youth Sports awards presented Recreation Meeting for Fall users of fields Special Event for outgoing Commissioners ("No host ") IL