HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1996 - PB&R Commission1 : ; 1 COMMISSION Minutes December 3,199,6 Item II CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parlis, Beaches and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting December 3,1996 - 7:00 P.M. Staff present: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director David E. Niederhaus, General Services Director Marcelino Lomeli, Park and Tree Maintenance Superintendent Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Manager Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. ORDER AND ROLL CALL The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. Roll call was taken. Commissioners Beek, Compton, Demmer, Glasgow and Schonlau were present. Commissioners Bonner and Dunn were absent. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Compton moved the minutes of the November 5, 1996 meeting be approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Compton, Demmer, Glasgow and Schonlau III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Virginia Herberts addressed the Commission and stated that the area on Balboa Boulevard near the library is in need of trees where the paving work is being done. Director Niederhaus advised he will pursue the matter. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Compton moved that the following items be approved except for those removed from the Consent Calendar. The motion carried by the following vote: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission December 3, 1996 Ayes: Beek, Compton, Demmer, Glasgow and Schonlau Item # 1 -.Removed from Consent Calendar Item #2 - Removed from Consent Calendar Item #3 - Recreation and Senior Services Approve report of activities during November for these two divisions. Item #4 - Leeward Lane Approve status report of Leeward Lane pilot tree program. Item #5 - Removed from Consent Calendar ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR Item #1 - Communications In response to a question from Commissioner Glasgow, Director Kienitz explained that the letter from Marian Bergeson regarding the future of the Harbors, Beaches and Parks program in the restructured County government is for the Commission's information. A previous notification had been given the Commission. According to the newspapers, the Board of Supervisors have implemented the reorganization. Commissioner Glasgow voiced his concerns over recreation being pushed to a lower priority and recommended that concerns such as the future impact on facilities and programs be transmitted to the City Manager. Item #2 - Park and Tree Division In response to a question from Commissioner Glasgow, Director Niederhaus explained that locations where no replacement trees will be planted are in accordance with the City Council "L" Policies. The Department attempts to plant replacement trees in suitable locations provided the adjacent property owner agrees to maintain them and underground utilities are accessible. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer concerning the Palms on Riverside Drive, Marcy Lomeli advised that the trees are watered by the merchants and they are starting to show new growth. Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission December 3, 1996 Page 3 Director Niederhaus reported Commissioner Demmer's request to include the West Coast Arborist report in a water bill cannot be done until at least spring. Commissioner Compton suggested it be included in the March issue of the Newport Navigator. Directors Kienitz and Niederhaus will pursue the matter. Marcy Lomeli presented photographs of the Manning Tract Park site landscaping which the City now maintains. Mr. Lomeli also presented pictures of the recent Scout projects which include planting the median at Clubhouse and Finley and landscaping improvements at the Oasis Center. Mr. Lomeli passed out an informational memorandum from the Public Works. Department regarding the Lido Isle improvements at Via Genoa. The City will maintain the trees and the Association will maintain all other landscaping and irrigation should the project be approved by Council. Director Niederhaus reported on the results of the recent wind storm. Although there were 62 responses to tree damage, the accelerated trimming of Coral and Palm trees prevented any major damage. Item #5 - Candlestick. Glenwood and Sandalwood Lanes and Starlight Circle Director Niederhaus reported the subject Eucalyptus trees in these areas are 40 -60' tall and are in danger of falling should root pruning be undertaken. The report submitted explains the pilot program which has been delayed until next year. Reforestation funds have been exhausted, however, staff will address individual requests. Chair Schonlau opened the meeting to public hearing. Mark Byers, 1839 Leeward Lane, asked if he could address the Commission concerning Item #4, Leeward Lane Status Report, since he was not aware it was on the consent calendar.and voted upon. The Commission concurred. Mr. Byers reviewed the background of the Leeward Lane tree issue. It was his understanding through the committee process that if a tree is safe and does not Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission December 3, 1996 Paee 4 present a liability, it will not be removed. Therefore, the option of tree removals at a homeowner's discretion is not a consistent policy. Director Niederhaus explained that tree removals are addressed under City Council' Policy G -1, Retention or Removal of Park and Parkway Trees. If a tree is causing private or public damage, it can be removed. Valerie Hart, 1733 Candlestick Lane, addressed the Commission. She gave a brief history of the problems caused by her trees and requested the damage to her sidewalk be corrected. Director Niederhaus advised that one of the two parkway trees in front of her home is recommended for removal due to private and public damage. Jeanne H. Wanlass, 1700 Candlestick Lane, addressed the Commission and asked' when the trees on Candlestick would be trimmed. Director Niederhaus stated the trees will be trimmed in January and that staff will coordinate the stability tests with residents once sidewalk repairs are rescheduled. Jeanne C. Wanlass,1700 Candlestick Lane, addressed the Commission and requested the trees be saved by grinding the sidewalks. There being no further public testimony, Chair Schonlau closed the meeting to public hearing. Commissioner Glasgow moved that the status report on the street tree and hardscape replacement program for Candlestick, Glenwood and Sandalwood Lanes and Starlight Circle be approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Compton, Demmer, Glasgow and Schonlau V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #9 - Preliminary Capital Improvement Projects, FY 1997 -98 Director Niederhaus reviewed and corrected the report submitted from the General Services Department, pointing out that it is anticipated those items in the "A" category and some in the `B" category will most likely be the projects approved. Parlcs, Beaches and Recreation Commission December 3, 1996 This is a preliminary list which will be brought back to the Commission at their January 7 meeting and submitted to the Public Works Department on January 13. Per City Council Policy, there will be no carryovers from fiscal year to fiscal year. Director Kienitz and Steve Hunt reviewed, clarified and answered the Commission's questions concerning the preliminary capital improvement projects submitted by the Community Services Department. During discussion Commissioner Demmer requested that the San Miguel Athletic Field be added under Priority "A ". Commissioner Glasgow recommended adding Buffalo Hills Park. Commissioner Compton recommended changing the priority for Irvine Boulevard Median from `B" to "A." Commissioners were encouraged to submit changes and additions to staff as soon as possible. Commissioner Compton moved to approve Item #9. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Compton, Demmer, Glasgow and Schonlau Item #10 - Park and Open Space Committee Commissioner Compton reported the committee has been meeting on a regular basis and they have requested the consultant add a meandering trail, landscaping and exercise or par course to the Freeway Reservation site conceptual plan. The plan was presented and the concerns of the General Services Director addressed. Final approval by the Commission is scheduled for their meeting on January 7. Commissioner Compton moved to table the conceptual plan until Commissioner Glasgow discusses the tree plantings. and plan with the adjacent homeowner associations. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Compton, Demmer, Glasgow and Schonlau Commissioner Compton reported, that Lawrence Associates was selected as the consultant to update the Recreation and Open Space Element. The consultant's proposal was presented for the Commission's information. Commissioner Compton reported names are being solicited for Hoag Linear and Freeway Reservation sites. Recommendations will be agendized for the Commission's January 7 meeting. I Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission December 3, 1996 Item #11 - Subcommittee Reports Director Niederhaus reported the City Manager and SPON will meet December 5 to discuss Council Policy G -1. Commissioner Glasgow presented a draft policy for the Commission's Community Service Awards. Commissioner Beek recommended adding "To recognize individuals and groups that "...(state criteria). The policy will be agendized for the January 7 meeting and, when approved, be included in the Commission Handbook. Chair Schonlau reported the opening ceremony for Bob Henry Park has been rescheduled to Sunday, May 4, 1997. VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - None VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 9:15 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted November 25, 1996 at 11:00 A.M. on the City Hall Bulletin Board outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building.