HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/2/1999 - Agenda PacketCOMMISSION Meetings March 2, 1999 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REVISED Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Tuesday, March 2. 1999 — 7:00om FEBRUARY 26. 1999 City Council Chambers AGENDA •I. ORDER AND ROLL CALL 11. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Enclosed) • February 2, 1999 III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Members of the public are invited to comment on non - agenda items of public interest. Speakers are limited to three minutes. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar (1 -8) are considered by the Commission to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. The commission members have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending approval. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the commission votes on the motion unless members of the commission, staff, or the public request a specific item to be discussed and /or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward to the lectern upon invitation by the Chair, state their name and Consent Calendar item number, and complete the sign -in card provided at the podium. Speakers are limited to five minutes on agenda items. 1. Correspondence (Item IV -1) • From: Todd Swanson, February 24, 1999 • 2. Park and Tree Division (Item IV -2) • Report of Park and Tree Division during February and upcoming projects in March. • 3. Recreation Services (Item IV -3) • Report activities during February. 4. Senior Services (Item IV-4) Report activities during February. 5. Bench Donation (Item IV -5) Bench donation for West jetty View Park. 6. Tree Donation (Item IV -6) Tree donation for Buffalo Hills Park. 7. Tree Planting at Castaways Park (Item IV -7) Planting of 84 California native trees at Castaways Park. 8. Street Tree Redesignation (Item IV -8) Street tree redesignation for Balboa Boulevard. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 9. Bonita Canyon Park Review / Approval of conceptual and financial plans. 10. Volleyball, Court Removal Appeal (Item V -10) Discussion of request to remove volleyball court at 2406 W. Oceanfront 11. Tree Removal Appeal (Item V -11) Discussion of appeal to remove one Brazilian Pepper at 2327 Arbitus Street. 12. Tree Removal and Planting Appeal (Item V -12) Discussion of appeal at 2118 Serrano Avenue. 13. Subcommittee Reports • Budget • Community Services Award • Liaison • Naming of Parks • Oasis Liaison • Park & Open Space • Skateboard • Tree VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Matters which Commissioners may wish to place on a future agenda or raise,for discussion. VII. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting February 2, 1999 — 7pm CONVENED AT 7:02pm ROLL CALL Present: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Staff Present: David Niederhaus, General Services Director Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Manager Teri Craig, Executive Secretary 11. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Skoro to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 5, 1999. Motion carried by acclamation. 111. PUBLIC COMMENTS Liz Parker, 1048 Irvine Avenue, Newport Baseball Association stated that a community meeting had been held and that they were pleased that approximately a dozen households attended. She • requested that this item be added to the March agenda. She reiterated that it is their desire to be good neighbors, and were surprised that parking and noise were more of an issue with the residents then the additional lights. Steve Rausch, Newport Soccer Association stated, that he supports Ms. Parker comments. He stated that soccer is not interested in playing games at night but do need the lights for practice. Practice would not extend after 7:30pm, but would request that other youth sport groups not be allowed to use the park since they pay field fees. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Park and Tree Division 4. Senior Services .Motion by Commissioner Glasgow to accept items 2 and 4 from, the consent calendar. Motion carried by acclamation. The following items were removed from the Consent Calendar 1. Correspondence - The following correspondence was received after posting of the agenda • A.M. McGrath, February 1, 1999 • Marvin Gaebler, February 1, 1999 • Andrew Couch, January 22, 1999 (received January 27, 1999) • • Dorothy Beek. January 28, 1999 (received February 2, 1999) • Kenneth Russo, January 29, 1999 Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting February 2, 1999 is Page 2 Correspondence to Mayor and Members of City Council, January 7, 1999; as well as the items listed above were acknowledged. 3. Recreation Services — Senior Recreation Manager Hunt reiterated Ms. Parker's comments regarding Mariners; he stated that the concerns expressed were the existing parking and the lights. 5. Bench'Donation — Commissioner Glasgow questioned why a homeowner would send a letter disapproving the bench. Director Niederhaus• displayed pictures of the bench at 6`h street, stated that he had talked to several residents and the association, and noted that there does not seem to be any adverse reactions. Director Niederhaus, stated in the past there has not been a need to even locate a trash container at 6`h street. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to accept items 1, 3 and 5 on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried by acclamation. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 6. Bonita Canyon Park — Chair Beek stated that at the January 25 City Council meeting a check was given to the City for the development of the park. She stated that $5.7 million will be used for the build -out leaving approximately $200,000 for architect fees. She stated that there • will be a study session on Feb 23 to review the revisions provided by the architect. Chair Beek also thanked the architect and The Irvine Company for their support. After discussion staff will look at the possibility of changing the time for the study session to 3pm. Balboa Beautification Program — Chair Beek stated that this item had been pulled at the request of the Balboa Point Peninsula Association. 8. Lincoln Athletic Center — Senior Recreation Manager Hunt stated that staff had received this request from the Newport Beach Little League. The request is for access to the fields on Friday and Saturday until 9:45pm for make -up games only; and for the installation of a permanent scoreboard. Manager Hunt stated that he had met with the Newport-Mesa Unified School District and that their staff made it clear that this project must be approved by the state architect for installation. Commissioner Skoro asked if the scoreboard would face the homeowners. Manager Hunt stated that it would face Pacific View and the residents across the street next to the church. Chair Beek asked if the Little League had requested and received approval for use of the fields on Fridays for make -up games in the past. Manager Hunt stated yes. Chair Beek opened the public hearing, Tim Pinkerton, 22 Crest Circle, stated that numerous calls have been made to the police • department regarding, the lights being on as late as 11 pm. Hestated that the lights should be turned off at a reasonable time. He also noted that it was not just during little league but also during soccer season. He stated that they have to endure the lights and the noise on almost a daily basis. He suggested the Little League hire a security guard to assure that the lights are turned off appropriately. U Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting February 2, 1999 Page 3 Manager Hunt stated that the lights at field #2 are turned off no later than 9:45pm, depending on the schedule, sometimes earlier. If the lights are on past 11 pm, staff is unaware of this. Staff will contact police to review the reports. Commissioner Skoro asked staff to look at the timing of these lights. Bob Kopicki, 10 Crest Circle, questioned Manager Hunt under what conditions would it take for Friday and Saturday evening use to be refused. Manager Hunt stated that the fields can only be used for make -up games, which would not include practice. Mr. Kopicki stated that that to approve this request is an abuse of the system to the residents. He stated that lights are tolerated during the week, but they need the weekends. He urged the Commission deny the request for any additional use of field lights. He also noted that if his numbers are correct that the scoreboard would be 24 feet high and would be at the top of his townhome because of the slope. He stated that this scoreboard would be visible to traffic and would become an eyesore and possibly a distraction. He also asked if an environmental study had been done. He urged the Commission disapprove the installation of the scoreboard. Chair Beek stated that this request makes no major change regarding Friday night, as this has • been approved seasonally for the past three years. The fields can only be used in the event that there is rain or water main breaks creating a need for make -up games. Mr. Kopicki stated that it seems that the Little League request something new every year. BJ Johnson, 23 Canyon Crest, stated that the quality of life is impacted because of the noise and the lights and to expect residents to endure Fridays and Saturdays evenings is just too much. Karen Kopicki, 10 Crest Circle, stated that she lives directly across the street from the field, and have had to endure the noise and lights daily from 8am in the morning until late at night. She then shared one minute of the noise (from a tape recorder) that she describes as a typical weekend occurrence. She stated that she taped this from her.bedroom balcony. Ms. Kopicki stated that the residents need . Fridaay and Saturdays evenings for their own well being; there needs to be a balance. She urged that the Commission not approve the additional field light use. Give us Friday and Saturday evenings and to vote no to a permanent scoreboard. Commissioner Sinclair asked Ms. Kopicki if the problems have gone from bad to worse. Ms. Kopecki stated that 7 years ago lights appeared, without notifying any homeowners, it was just imposed on them. Everyday an6 night there is more.noise and more kids. Commissioner Glasgow stated that Lincoln has been an active field for over 40 years. • Ms. Kopicki stated that for several years it was not used as an active park. Sandy Strick, 20 Crest Circle, faces Pacific View. She stated that several years ago the lights were installed and play increased. She emphasized that they have kids and enjoy watching Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting February 2, 1999 • Page 4 children playing. She stated that there use to be a maintenance guy that turned off the fields. She stated that there is a continuing problem of the lights being turned off at the appropriate times. She also stated that play begins 6am and that concession trucks arrive at 6:30am. She stated that the lights go off at 9:45pm, but that there are some nights that they stay on all night. Ms. Strick stated that there seems to be a total lack of control of usage of the fields and lights. Ms Strick stated that this is just a quiet residential neighborhood and to have a 16 foot scoreboard is excessive, and urged disapproval. Chair Beek asked what days has she observed children playing in the park at 6am. Ms. Strick stated on Saturday and Sunday mornings., Jim Manning, 3841 Ocean Birch, representing, the Newport Beach Little League, stated that there is simply no place for these kids to go. All other surrounding communities have Little League play on Friday, Saturday and Sundays. In terms of the lighting, he would like to narrow down who is abusing the lights, as the Little League pays for the light usage during their season. Mr. Manning reminded the Commission that the scoreboard was approved for installation in Center field last year, they are requesting to change the location which would locate it at 50 yards past the outfield. Mr. Manning stated that he would like better policing of the lights. Mr. Manning also requested that the Little League be allowed to practice until 7:45pm on Friday and Saturday nights. • Senior Recreation Manager Hunt stated that this extra practice time was not part of the request in front of the Commission. Chair Beek stated that this was not part of the request currently in front of the Commission. She recommended that Mr. Manning request this in writing so that Commission could look at this at another meeting. Chair Beek asked Mr. Manning if he was aware of teams playing at 6am. Mr. Manning said no, they have trouble with the children getting there on time for their games at 8:30am. Mike Wade, AYSO 57, stated that his only concern of the scoreboard is that it be placed 'so that it is not a hazard to soccer players. All games begin at 8:30am. Soccer does not play or practice on Sundays. Chair Beek asked if he was aware of any concession trucks coming before 8 am. Mr. Wade stated that they do not utilize them. Chair Beek closed the public hearing. Commissioner Sinclair asked who has the light cards, and how many are out. Manager Hunt stated that there are approximately 80 cards -out. He stated that they will be . more stringent with the use of cards, also staff will have an electrician look at the timer on the lights. Motion by Commissioner Franklin to approve option B for only Friday evening use. • Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting February 2, 1999 Page 5 Chair Beek stated that possibly it is helpful to decrease the time on Saturday to possibly 8pm. Substitute Motion by Chair Beek to approve the request by Newport Beach Little League to use Lincoln Athletic Center fields on Fridays until 9:45pm and Saturdays until 8pm during the season of March 1 through June 12, 1999 for make -up games only. Specific dates and times for these make -up games must be requested through the Senior Recreation Manager. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Glasgow, Skoro, Beek, Sinclair. Nays: Tobin Pfaff, Franklin. Commissioner Skoro asked staff to report monthly on complaints /problems at Lincoln Athletic fields. Motion by Commission Pfaff to approve the installation of a permanent scoreboard. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None • 9. Request for Reforestation — Director Niederhaus stated that this item was request for reforestation has met all requirements of the City G -1 Policy. Staff has not received further correspondence on this issue. He stated that Mr. Fluter would pay $1,300 for the removal and replacement of the trees with 24 -inch box. Chair Beek opened the public hearing. Virginia Herberts, stated that she was on the Commission when these trees were approved, and that the businesses and associations had actively participated in and agreed to the trees. them. Ms. Herberts stated that the business should just spend $39 and have the trees trimmed. She urged that the trees not be removed. Elaine Linhoff stated that drives or walks by Cannery Village almost every day and that the trees do not block the view of his business. Jan Vandersloot, SPON, stated that this request for reforestation strays away from the City G -1 policy. He also stated that planting Queen palm trees would not solve Mr. Fluter's problem. Chair Beek closed the public hearing, Russ Fluter stated that he has owned the property at Newport Pier Plaza since 1980 and apologizes if people think that he is asking for this reforestation only for financial reasons. He stated that if he knew back when the trees were planted that they would Took like they do • today, the businessmen's association would never have approved the planting of ficus trees. Director Niederhaus stated that staff did agree that the ficus was the best tree to be planted at that time, but more is known about the ficus and it is not the case now. • • J Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting February 2, 1999 Page 6 Commissioner Sinclair questioned that aside from the aesthetics, are these trees doing any damage? Director Niederhaus stated that the trees are not causing any damage but that the request does meet the reforestation standards. These trees have been severely trimmed already. Commissioner Sinclair stated that these ficus trees are beautiful. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to approve the reforestation request Ayes: Beek, Glasgow, Pfaff, Skoro Noes: Sinclair Absent: None Abstain: Franklin, Tobin 10. Tree Removal Appeal — Director Niederhaus distributed photographs of the trees on Antiqua Way. In addition, he detailed additional correspondence and photos received from Ms. Palmer. Staff has offered to plant a Magnolia tree, but that would still not give the owner any uniformity and that is she has requested. He stated that this request does not fall under the reforestation policy and that the pear trees do not lend themselves to be replaced. Chair Beek stated that this item would be deferred until staff can contact Ms. Palmer regarding other suggestions to pay. Jan Vandersloot stated that this topic of discussion is totally outside the realm of the G -1 policy. He stated that this request does not meet any of the requirements. Director Niederhaus will contact the homeowner. 11. Subcommittee Reports • Liaison Committee - No new information. • Open Space Committee - No new information. • Budget — Skoro asked staff to keep them informed as to any schedule. • Liaison with Oasis - No new information. • Naming of Parks - No new information. • Community Services Award - No new information. • Skateboard — Commissioner Franklin stated the Committee .met on January 19 and reviewed the report submitted by purkiss -rose and received good comments from the public. The committee will hold a public hearing at the Newport Shores Association Club House on March 16. VI. Future Agenda Items Volleyball Court Removal Balboa Beautification Program Tree Removal Appeal (Ms. Palmer) VII. ADIOURNMENT- 9:45pm SUBMITTED BY: 'j— Lr✓ = e TERI CRAIG, COMMUNITY 5ERVICES EXECUTIVE SECRETARY P • 02/24/99 12:46 V909 625 3592 Todd Swanson 1048 Irvine Avenue, 9474 Newport Beach, California 92660 February 24, 1999 Attention: Terry Craig Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92658 RAI' SWANSON & CO Re: Objection to the removal of the volleyball court at 2406 Oceanfront. IN (iv -i) 110-rc' . a, 1999 I wanted to formally state my objection to the removal of the public volleyball court at 2406 Oceanfront. I have enjoyed the public beaches of Newport for fifteen years, and have been a resident for the last eleven, and am shocked to hear of this proposal to remove a public facility. Public facilities have always been available in Newport Beach; whether it be the boardwalk, the pier and restrooms, or the volleyball courts. It would be a shame to see a public facility that is enjoyed by so many spoiled because of the views of a small minority. Respectfully, 11 11- � Todd Swanson 0 i .f PB &R Commission Agenda Item No.—I\—/ — a' March 2, 1999 General Services Department Parks and Trees Divisions February 1999 Activities Report Park Division Activities 1. Staff continued coordinating construction projects regarding Bonita Canyon, Arroyo Park, Bonita Creek Park Sewer Project, and the Irvine Terrace Storm Drain Project, with the Public Works Department. 2. Staff completed irrigation renovation and plant replacements at various sites. 3. The City has accepted the Peninsula Park Field Renovation Project. Staff will be evaluating the maturity of the grass on the field before it opens to the public. A delay in opening the Park to general use until April 1, 1999 is expected due to the slow growth of the turf. 4. Staff attended a presentation of the Irvine Ranch Water District relative to maintenance issues when using reclaimed water. Fortunately, reclaimed water is so refined that adverse affects to plant growth shouldn't occur. This training was arranged to educate staff before reclaimed water use goes on line at Bonita Creek Park, which is presently scheduled for this summer. 5. The Park Division's Pesticide Applicator, presented staff with an Annual Pesticide Safety Training, as required by the Orange County Agricultural Department. This assures that City pesticide use is safe for both the employees and parks users. Upcoming Activities for March 1. The planting of replacement shrubs and ground covers will continue Citywide. 2. Staff will continue to monitor the Fletcher Jones Mitigation Site in the Big Canyon area. Preparation is being made to commence two CIP projects: in the Canyon area. 3. Staff will continue coordinating the annual control of rodents by contract services. ■1 0 Tree Division Activities During the month of February, 576 trees were trimmed, 6 trees were removed, 47 trees were planted and 6 emergency calls were responded to regarding trees. The Urban Forester received 152 tree maintenance requests. The City tree- trimming contractor, West Coast Arborists, completed work at several locations within the Peninsula area. 2. The Urban Forester coordinated the Citywide Sidewalk Replacement Program with the General Services Department Concrete Supervisor. This involved the Urban Forester inspecting City street trees as related to sidewalk repairs. 3. Tree removals were performed at the following locations during this month. Replacement trees were planted at alternate sites whenever the existing removal location prevented any street tree planting per the City Council' Policy G -6 guidelines. Removals were as follows: a. 620 Orchid Avenue - One Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus) tree removed per Commission's direction. One tree planted. b. 1734 Santiago Avenue — One Canary Island Pine (Pinus canariensis) tree removed due to property damage. One tree planted at alternate site. c. McFadden Square — Four Ficus (Ficus retusa) trees removed per Commission's direction. Four trees to replant. 4. The following trees have been posted for removal as indicated: a. 500 West Bay Avenue — Two Indian Laurel Fig (Ficus nitida) trees recommended for removal due to decay and property damage. Two trees to be replanted. b. 427 Hazel Avenue — One Ironbark (Eucalyptus sideroxylon) tree on Second Avenue recommended for removal due to property damage and driveway access. Park and Trees Maintenance Superintendent MGL1pw Attachment 10 • 0 /J / 4 411 / 3 -'Rry Cry RAO'pfh I f/ S01 102 101 1 J 11 ^ 1Q6 T 10g ( j 9 108 107 .71 ( 770 1 p9A&C f 112 oils j1 711 ! 114 114 j 113 / a 116 176 715 1 h 11A A6 ( 717 i 47 1 120 /122 121 ,i 124 126 (j 123 f 126 j / 'ysalp� 12> 1 13 A l -o qe % - 201 w 2p6 % ?05 J 1 zo2 r ?IQ 2 >os r J tqr �o / 7s 2 3q8 f b� 206 ?0> 1 ?7Sgo ✓ / l 200 311 � 1 i l ^7 � 1 R J 4 06 > •"� 9d d 3o1 ` I Oa _ti +� Lpa N•�,_ 3r� ■ r a 18 621 y 619 % 614 I s1> I. 615 �ln 10 1 613 a % 60A j an 1 606 �n j 609 g06 N N 605 o 60, ti� • 5 w v N rY.u� Al2p J /l W _ / 20g �o ZLJ s / /f JO JOrq A eC 3p >AAC �6Z 6 309 / c -ABC k, , v ' /` • JeoQ �p F ! Pa y \. 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" R R2 0/86• RJS• Po» % RJJ �� / 11R, OtY,� R21 g \p 6, �r if ✓rr \r'' RR236A2 /i /ERR II ✓ 5 7* R2R' � i R '�, RRJO 4 %; r l • , a Js r JJ R ?B r� >r 1 \2p Il v . \po % J sr, !� ✓ 'o,� '0 B? ` ``\ S n RSJ ; R r RR 0 RO N x .k d" -� N tse � y/ \594 •` Rsj i" RR % � RR 5; "� rr�a ,[.�G .'O a •�. 4s9 �. `�` i • RS2 P �\O R 31\ R^�y, RS V V l05 RR R RO `'1ti RJ'?2 0 1100 'L +0 w •�, A`' - _ 505 y a i' !\iQ 4$6 448 409 }1•--- ^•— �•'— '6�G,� r R' f f N 4$> 4 452 440 3 4'" 6• (ITEM IV -3) MARCH 2, 1999 • COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Arts & Cultural - Library - Recreation ' Seniors To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Manager Re: Monthly Activities Report Lincoln Athletic Center Use Update — February activity at Lincoln was relatively slow due to the temporary closure of Field #2 for turf and infield renovation purposes. Field #1 was used at night for adult softball, youth soccer, youth baseball and adult rugby. Staff did not receive any calls regarding lights this month. Staff met with the vendor that installed the key card light system. The system was checked and no problems':were found. A new set of cards will be activated and issued for the spring season. Instructions for use will be attached to each new card and old cards will be deactivated. The status of last month's Newport Beach Little League request to install a permanent scoreboard and to utilize field lights on Friday nights is scheduled for review by City Council on March 8, 1999. Staff will supply related reports and information to Commissioners when available. • Youth Sports Commission —The spring,season for co- sponsored youth baseball and softball associations began in February. Each group will conduct their respective opening day ceremony in early March. The sites will include Mariners Park, Bonita Creek Park and Lincoln Athletic Center. Youth Basketball - The 1999 winter basketball regular season concluded on February 20: The City tournament began February 27 though March 13. The winner of the City Tournament in each division will go on to represent Newport Beach in the Orange County Municipal Athletic Tournament in mid - March. 1999 City of Newport Beach Youth Track and Field Championships - Preparations are underway for the track and field event scheduled for Saturday, April 24 at Newport Harbor High School. Registration forms will be available the first week of March. The event is open for ages 6 -15. Beginning March 22 recreation staff at six area Newport Beach Elementary Schools will conduct weekly clinics. Arbor Day Ceremony 1999 - The annual Arbor Day ceremony will be held on Monday, May 3 at Mariners Park. The third grade classes from Mariners school will take part in the event. The ceremony will begin at 10:30am. 16th Annual Easter Egg Hunt — The 16th Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Eastbluff Park will be held on Saturday, April 3 at 10am for children ages 2 -12. Eastbluff Village Center will again be sponsoring the event. The children will receive a prize bag filled with candy and prizes. The guest of honor will be the Easter Bunny. Beach Clean -up Dav — The Newport Beach Youth Council will be hosting a Beach Clean -up Day on Saturday, March 27 from 9 -1 lam from the Balboa Pier to the wedge. Each of the participants will receive lunch. ' E Monthly Activities Report Page 2 • Classes /Instruction - The spring Navigator arrived in Newport Beach homes the week of February 22. Winter registration participants totaled 1,645, up slightly from winter of 1998. New Instructors For Summer (Proposed) LCS Sports (LeRoy Irvin and Lucious Smith) — Offering a 1-day offensive and 1-day defensive training. Focusing on skill development, goal setting and motivation. Camp counselors consist of former NFL players. Keith Nighswonger — Offering a one -week fish camp for kids and Academy of Bass Fishing for adults. Both work on basics of bass fishing. Jan Tuffnell /Joy Fekete — Manicure and Pedicure parties for girls. Featuring how to polish and design your nails. MaryAnn Mahajan /Christy Boychuk — CA Writing Academy. Three different writing workshops for children from,mystery to science fiction to art. Nancy Brooks -Rayl— Writing workshops for adults — Focuses on creative writing and personal history journals. Sara Shorey — Teaching beginning and intermediate Spanish to children. • Cindy Bollman, PhD — Conducting a seven -week class with strategies and help for parents of teens. Aquatics -This report is from January 17 - February 17 and includes revenue and participation. Pool Rentals $1,890 NBAC Water Polo $1,350 NBAC Swimming $2,900 Lap Swim Fees $736 Annual Pass $400 Punch Pass $120 Total Revenue $7,396 (NCAA — $390, Newport Water Polo Foundation — $1,500) (9 enrollee's)' (19 enrollee's) (368 cash - paying participants) (4 passes sold) (4 passes sold) (Lap Swim Participants — 983) Special Olympics Basketball —Tournament date is Saturday March 13 at Corona del Mar High School. Mayor O'Neill will open the games at 8:45am. Boat Repairs — Community Services boats are being repaired in preparation for the spring and summer seasons of 1999. Estimated cost is approximately $1,500 for fiberglass work, cleaning, replacement parts and labor. At 16th Street, eroded sand will'be leveled, and a new storage box will be built for the sailing equipment. One Lido and one Catamaran will betaken out of service. Repairs — The walkway connecting CYC with Harbor View School has been reconstructed to make it a much safer and smoother route. This included a new concrete walkway, fencing, added railings and demolition of the storage shed in the parking lot. (ITEM IV-4) MARCH 2, 1999 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Arts & Cultural - Library - Recreation - Seniors To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: Celeste Jardine -Haug, Senior Services Manager Re: Monthly Activities Report Osteoporosis Lecture Series —The Osteoporosis lecture series was again a hit this month with an attendance of 55 people. This month's topic was "Exercising for Strong Bones ". Physical Therapists from Corona del Mar Rehab Agencyy gave an interactive lecture which included helpful exercise tips. The next lecture will be on Wednesday, March 3 and will cover nutritional guidelines for preventing bone loss. Financial Protection Information Lecture — The Orange County Council on Aging and Fast — the Fiduciary Abuse Specialist Team, gave a very informative presentation on financial abuse and what to do if this happens. The presentation was well received by 85 people, and it gave the audience a wealth of Information to protect themselves. Volunteer Recognition — This annual event was celebrated on February 17. A Mardi Gras theme was used which included a Dixieland Jazz Band, masks, party favors, and a catered . lunch. The Recreation Coordinator planned this event and the Friends of OASIS paid for the cost. 150 volunteers were honored and they thoroughly enjoyed the day. Special Lectures — Two lectures were held this month. The first was on Medicare, which was presented by Julie Shoen from The Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program. Participants were able to hear the most recent changes in the Medicare laws and ask pertinent questions. The second lecture was given by DMV. Attendees were given the opportunity to get their questions answered by a DMV safety officer. Linda Wager discussed several topics including, assessing your own driving skills, vision screening, restricted driver license, what to look for if you are going to take the practical driving test and maintaining your driving capabilities as you age. Comouter Friends Meeting — A Turbo Tax representative from Intuit gave a demonstration on this tax preparation program. A very informative presentation was given including visual step by step procedures and how the program highlights ,IRS audit triggers. The computer friends meetings continue to be very popular and well attended. Approximately 150 people attend each month. 0 iJ`J 0 0 OASIS SENIOR CENTER Utilization Report January 1999 PARTICIPANTS ATTENDING RECREATIONAL CLASSES PERSONALIZED SERVICES PROVIDED Includes: 7,501 CUSTOMERS 2,649 CUSTOMERS 2,037 CUSTOMERS Another Passage 4 Front Office Blood Pressure 108 Housing counseling 50 Braille 72 Information /Referral 1y335 Counseling 61 Legal Assistance 8 Eldercare 5 Senior Assessment(hrs), 40 Employment 25 Telephone Reassurance 315 HICAP 3 Visual Screening 11 SENIORS RECEIVING TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Care -A -Van 562 Shuttle 328 CUSTOMERS RECEIVING NOOMMEALS AT THE CENTER VOLUNTEER HRS. OF SERVICES PROVIDED AT THE CENTER Includes: Front Office Kitchen & Home Delivered Meals Gift Shop Travel Office Instructors Library Treasurer Pancake Breakfast Over 80's party, PARTICIPANTS IN FRIENDS OF OASIS TRAVEL PROGRAMS 890 CUSTOMERS 1,370 CUSTOMERS 1,621.75 HOURS ( "equiv. to 10 full -time employees) 111 CUSTOMERS Day Trips Long Trips LA Museum of Minatures 25 Las Vegas - Golden Nugget 44 Long Beach Aquarium 42 ATTENDEES TO MEETINGS AT OASIS Board of Directors 18 Newsletter Collating 14 81 PERSONS General Membership 49 PARTICIPANTS AT SP ECIAL EVENTS Over 80's Party 110 363 PERSONS Pancake Breakfast 193 Osteoperosis Lecture 60 r6 PB &R Commission Agenda Item No. I V — 5 March 2, 1999 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: General Services Director SUBJECT: Bench Donation Recommendation To accept one bench donation from Mr. Chris Sullivan that will be installed at West Jetty View Park. Additionally, that the verbiage and size of the donor plaque conforms to City Council Policy G -5 (Attachment A). Discussion Staff received an inquiry from Mr. Chris Sullivan regarding a proposed bench donation for West Jetty View Park. Subsequently, the donor submitted a letter dated February 11, 1999 requesting the approval of one bench donation (Attachment B). The donation would replace an existing wooden bench at the Park and this donation would be an improvement to the area. The bench will be the Santa Monica type bench model that was selected from the Official Bench List. Mr. Sullivan, the President of the Balboa Point Peninsula Association .,will receive a copy of this report and a notice of the March 2 Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission meeting. Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN /MGL /pw Attachments: A. City Council Policy G -5 B. Letter from Mr. Chris Sullivan 1 .7 G -5 PARK AND STREET IMPROVEMENT DONATIONS The City Council recognizes the need to provide residents with the opportunity to donate trees, benches, drinking fountains or related park and street improvement items. This policy establishes criteria for donations to assure attractiveness, usefulness and the capability to be maintained. Tree Donations The tree-lined walkway at Oasis Passive Park beginning. at 5th Avenue and Marguerite in Corona del Mar shall be identified as one area where a tree with a bronze plaque can be installed. Other trees with plaques can be donated and installed at locations recommended by the General Services Director and approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. Bench Donations It shall be the responsibility of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission to designate the type, style, design, and placement of City -owned benches on City property. Areas of placement may be parks, streets, along the beachfront, witlun villages, commercial districts, and neighborhoods, on a specific island, etc. Once an area has• been designated with a certain style or type of bench, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission may require that the designation be changed only by a formal request for a redesignation. The factors to be addressed in preparing the list of approved benches for the City as well as the final design for a specific site will include at a minimum: size, usage, vandalism, traffic, security, view obstructions, location, style reflective of neighborhood and cost. The Arts Commission will provide design review assistance as required. Donation requests will be submitted to the General Services Department and meet the following requirements. a. Bench donations along a City street or beach front will require the approval of the General Services Director and the Traffic Engineer. b. Bench donations within a commercial district will require notification of, and an endorsement from, the local business association. c. Bench donations for parks within a residential community will require notification of residents within 300 feet of placement and an endorsement from the homeowners association, when applicable. ' /Y G -5 Park and Street Amenities Items such as benches, drinking fountains, tables, etc., can be donated to be included in the public park system. Recognition on the item shall be a 2" x 6'::. plaque and limited to Donated by (Name) or Donated for (Name) as a means of identifying the donation. Donors of major park improvement gifts may elect to provide a dedicatory plaque not exceeding 5" x 7" with name, date and appropriate text not exceeding 25 words. All donations must be approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. The cost of a donated item, including identification plaque, shall be borne totally by private funds. The City will assume ownership and maintenance if accepted and placed in a public park or on a sidewalk unless other arrangements have been agreed upon. The City will not assume responsibility for replacement due to vandalism or theft. Adopted - July 22,1992 Amended - January 24,1994 Amended - June 27,1994 Amended - June 24,1996 Formerly I -15 2 11 0 FEE- 17 -19'9y 15; 29 2/11/99 ULH CONY SRLES Mr. Marcelino G. Lomeli Park and Trees Maintenance Superintendent City of Newport Beach Post Office Box 1768 Newport Beach, California 92658 -8915 Dear Mr. Lomeli 714 956 6508 Pursuant to our recent telephone conversation, I am writing to you regarding donating a park bench to the City of Newport Beach. As we discussed, I would like to have a bench placed at the West Jetty view Park in Balboa facing Look Out Point in Corona Del Mar, along with the standard 2" X 6" plaque with the permitted verbiage that will read "Donated for Maureen "KIWI MO" Bates ". I understand that this request is subject to app val by the City of Newport Beach, and will be brought up at the next Parkeaches and Recreation Commission meeting scheduled for March 2nd, 1999. (Please submit this letter by March- 24'h to ensure placement on the Commission agenda.) If you should have any questions or need any more infonnation from me please do not hesitate to call me at 714 -956 -6526. Thank you very much for your assistance with this matter. P. 01/01 TOTAL P.01 W PB &R Commission Agenda Item No. 1V— to March 2, 1999 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: General Services Director SUBJECT: Tree Donation, Recommendation To accept one Firewheel Tree (Stenocarpus sinuatus) donation and plaque from the Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club (NBSRC) •that will be planted at Buffalo Hills Park. Additionally, that the verbiage and size of the donor plaque conforms to City Council Policy G -5, (Attachment A). Discussion Staff received an inquiry from Mr. Jeffrey W. Heileson, representing NBSRC regarding a proposed tree donation to observe National Arbor Day. Subsequently, the donor submitted a letter requesting the approval of one tree donation (Attachment B). Staff feels that the 24" box tree donation would enhance the park. The size of the donor plaque will conform to the City Council Policy G- 5 in size, 2" x 6 ", and verbiage. Mr. Heileson has received a copy of this report and a notice of the March 2 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission meeting. Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN/MGL /pw Attachments: A. City Council Policy G -5 B. Letter from Mr. Jeffery W. Heileson I G -5 4 PARK AND STREET IMPROVEMENT DONATIONS The City Council recognizes the need to provide residents with the opportunity to donate trees, benches, drinking fountains or related park and street improvement items. This policy establishes criteria for donations to assure attractiveness, usefulness and the capability to be maintained. Tree Donations The tree -lined walkway at Oasis Passive Park beginning, at 5th Avenue and Marguerite in Corona del Mar shall be identified as one area where a tree with a bronze plaque can be installed. Other trees with plaques can be donated and installed at locations recommended by the General Services Director and approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. Bench Donations It shall be the responsibility of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission to designate the type, style, design, and placement of City -owned benches on City property. Areas of placement may be parks, streets, along the beachfront, witlun villages, commercial districts, and neighborhoods, on a specific island, etc. Once an area has been designated with a certain style or type of bench, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission may require that the designation be changed only by a formal request for a redesignation. The factors to be addressed in preparing the list of approved benches for the City as well as the final design for a specific site will include at a minimum: size, usage, vandalism, traffic, security, view obstructions, location, style reflective of neighborhood and cost. The Arts Commission will provide design review assistance as required. Donation requests will be submitted to the General Services Department and meet the following requirements. a. Bench donations along a City street or beach front will require the approval of the General Services Director and the Traffic Engineer. b. Bench donations within a commercial district will require notification of, and an endorsement from, the local business association. c. Bench donations for parks within a residential community will' require notification of residents within 300 feet of placement and an endorsement from the homeowners association, when applicable. 0 pi�� G -5 .4 .. 0 Park and Street Amenities Items such as benches, drinking fountains, tables, etc., can be donated to be included in the public park system. Recognition on the item shall be a 2" x 6':: plaque and limited to Donated by (Name) or Donated for (Name) as a means of identifying the donation. Donors of major park improvement gifts may elect to provide a dedicatory plaque not exceeding 5" x 7" with name, date and appropriate text not exceeding 25 words. All donations must be approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. The cost of a donated item, including identification plaque, shall be borne totally by private funds. The City will assume ownership and maintenance if accepted and placed in a public park or on a sidewalk unless other arrangements have been agreed upon. The City will not assume responsibility for replacement due to vandalism or theft. Adopted - July 22,1992 Amended - January 24,1994 Amended - June 27,1994 Amended - June 24,1996 Formerly I -15 0 2 2-3 L� 0 11.• I•I. VJ Ild• l-l. I11 1.11.1 I t•IJJt-, 64J Suite 900 500 South plain Street Orange, California 92868 Telephone: 714 834.1005 CA'License: 0519882 IEFFERY W. HEILESON, CLU, ChFC Special Agent Tim Templin, General Agent February 18, 1998 Mr. Marcelino Lomeli City of Newport Beach General Services Department Parks and Tees Division P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659 -1768 deli a0d htmbee llelleson Re: Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club Arbor Day Project Dear Marcy: Per our conversation, this letter is to confirm our desire to donate 'a tree to be planted at Buffalo Hills Park in the city of Newport Beach. You were helpful in helping us with a similar project last year, and hope you can help again. This 24 inch boxed tree is being donated by the Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club to observe Arbor Day. The tree we would like to donate is the Firewheel tree. We also propose to place a plaque on a small concrete block near the tree noting the Club's name. Please contact me for any further details. Thank you for all your help. Sincerely, Taff Heileson THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 6 Milwaukee 101001 h� r PB &R Commission Agenda . Item No. _LV— 7 March 2, 1999 TO: Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission FROM: General Services Director SUBJECT: Tree Planting at Castaways Park Recommendations To approve the planting of 84 California native trees at Castaways Park. Background Dr. Jan Vandersl'oot's application for a tree planting grant for Castaways Park was approved by the Tree Society of Orange County letter dated January 18, 1999 (Attachment A). The Grant and subsequent request to the City is for the purpose of planting trees in an area of Castaways Park that is a riparian area and currently has very few California native plants. Discussion My congratulatory letter of February 8 to Dr. Vandersloot indicates my intent to include the request on the PB &R Commission Agenda of March 2, 1999 (Attachment B). Dr. Vandersloot is proposing to direct the project with volunteers from Newport Harbor High School. Staff feels that this will be a significant enhancement to the Park. Attached is a copy of the plan that indicates the specific proposed planting locations of the trees. (Attachment C) The Dr. Vandersloot has received a copy of this report and a notice of the March 2 Commission meeting. 0 045, 0 Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN /MGL /pw Attachments: A. Dr. Vandersloot's letter from the Tree Society of Orange County of January 18, 1999. B. The General Services Director's letter dated February 8, 1999. C. Dr. Vandersloot's letter dated February 11, 1999 and planting plan. 0 0 From: Jan D Vanderalook M D. Hundngton Beach Dermatology Fax: 949-6504006 Volce.949 649-6326 To: Marcy Lomeli Pape 1 of 7 Sunday, January 31,1999 7.68.21 PM d TREE SOCIETY OF ORANGE COUNTY FULLERTON ARBORETUM - CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY- FULLERTON, CA 928346850 January 18, 1999 Jan D. Vandersloot, M.D. Stop Polluting Our Newport (SPON) P.O, Box 102 Balboa Island, CA 92662 Dear Dr. Vandersloot, It is with great pleasure that the Tree Society of Orange County awards a Community Tree Planting Grant of $905.10 to SPON to purchase trees for planting at the Castaways Park in the City of Newport Beach. Your group's project is a fine one, and your voluntary efforts will help make the environment of Orange County greener and more livable. A check for $633,xv, sv enty percent of the total grant, is enclosed along with a Final Report Form. When we receive your final report with the receipts for all approved expenses, we will send you the remaining thirty percent of the grant. Please sign the enclosed Confirmation Form and return It to me right away to indicate that you have received the check and approve of the arrangements. Also please include your planting dates. If you do not yet have a firm date, please call me when your plans are made. We would like to send a representative if possible. We invite your membership in our organization so that we can continue to develop a stronger urban forestry program in Orange County. A brochure is enclosed with information. Sincerely, I� r Cum Dorothy C lison Community Tree Pinting Grants Committee (714)992.4967 Enclosures: Check Final Report form Confirmation Form Return Envelope Brochure 0 Califomia ReLEAF Network Member (7-1 P10111. Jan U. van0elaluot, 6f U. MmltdnUlon cleaU1 UeuneloloUy Fax. 9494004006 Voice. U044U6J21i 10. Macy Lowell Page I of L Sunday, Janumy.l 1. 19U9 1 01.]9 FM JAN D. VANDERSLOOT, M.D. -s ,�;�1,i••�•� 2221 East 16th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 548 -6326 FAX (714) 848 -6643 F i_ 0 January 31, 1999 Marcy Lomeli Park and Tree Superintendent City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: 1. Castaways Tree Planting Weeding 2. Cliff Drive Park New Plants By FAX to 650 -0747 Dear Marcy, 1. Castaways. Attached are the letter approving the grant from the Tree Society and the list of 135 plants which I have ordered from the Tree of Life Nursery. I now need to make arrangements with students from Newport Harbor High School, probably from the Da Vinci Academy, to plant the trees. I have started this process. I envision students, on a Saturday morning, from 11AM to 31"M, in early March. I would like to make sure everything is OK from the City side, including an observer or helper to help spot the plants, and assist with the irrigation. ,I would hope the ice plant and other weeds are removed from the planting area, basically about 20 feet cleared around the cattails, and up the slope above the existing willow grove. Extraneous concrete blocks and other debris should be removed. A quick coupler or two should be available for irrigation, which will be done with hoses and water wands. It will be helpful to walk the area before the planting and spot the plant holes with stakes. We can talk and arrange things beforehand. I will be at a Dermatology conference from February 14 to the 22. I have started to pull weeds from the newly planted areas at the north slope below the houses and the swale, and left a bag of weeds at the fire hydrant area. Mustard, sow thistle, ice plant, castor bean, tree tobacco, and mallow is beginning to appear. I wonder if I can get the OK from the City to bring volunteers in to start weeding the whole area. A lot of people are walking around on the weekends and someone might challenge us as to what we are doing. I would like to say that we have your (the City's) approval. The good news is that.the bunch grasses seem to be coming in very well, with germination of some encelia, sagebrush, poppy and lupines. 0 AM .. From: Jan D. VanEeraloot, M D. Huntington Beach Dermatology Fax 949650 -0966 Voice: 9496494326 To: Marcy Lomeli Page oil Sunday. January 3f, 7999 7.62:67 PM N P 0 0 JAN D. VANDERSLOOT, M.D. 2221 East 16th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 548 -6326 FAX (714) 848 -6643 2. Cliff Drive Park. I wonder what the status of the grant from the Newport Heights Community Association is? I believe the resolution passed by the City Council allocated the money for both sides of the park. I have submitted a list of plants which could be used on the west side, but i have not heard anything yet. I think we need to do the planting fairly soon, before the rainy season ends. I have been doing weeding at the west side and I think it is currently looking pretty good. Thanks for your help. I'll be talking to you soon. Attachments: Letter from Tree Society List of plants ordered from Tree of Life Nursery Sincerely, Jan D. Vandersloot, M.D. 0 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 -8915 Dr. Jan Vandersloot 2221 East 16`h Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Dr. Vandersloot, February 8, 1999 This letter is in response to your correspondence dated January 31, 1999 regarding proposals for Castaways and Cliff Drive Parks. Congratulations on receiving a grant from the Tree Society for the California native trees that you propose planting at Castaways Park. Since planting these trees would be a significant addition to the landscape at the park, the planting project needs to be approved by the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission. I will prepare a report for the March 2, 1999 agenda and ask that you provide me with a planting plan by February 15. Councilperson Norma Glover has asked me to give her information of any plantings for Castaways Park. You may be advised to familiarize her with your proposal. Your offer to coordinate volunteer efforts to weed Castaways Park is a very worthwhile and welcomed idea. Staff will provide release forms that are required of all volunteers who perform work on City property. The Newport Heights Community Association may contact you regarding your request to have some plants purchased from their donation, for Cliff Drive Park. Please contact Marcy Lomeli at 644 -3069 or me at 644 -3055 if you have any questions. Sincerely, David E. Niederhaus, Director General Services Department DEN /MGL /pw Cc: Councilperson Norma Glover Acting City Manager 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach 0 L� JAN D. VANDERSLOOT, M.D. 2221 East 16th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 548 -6326 FAX (714) 848 -6643 February 11, 1999 David E. Niederhaus General Services Director 3300 Newport Blvd P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 -1768 Re:. Castaways Tree Grant Planting Plan Dear Dave, As you suggested in your letter of February 8, 1999, 1 am submitting a planting plan of the Castaways Tree Grant which SPON obtained from the Tree Society of Orange County on January 18, 1999. I have made and enclosed copies of this plan to submit to the PBR Commission if you wish. The topo map was copied directly from the Castaways blueprints, so the scale is correct at 1 inch equals 40 feet.The symbols of the different trees and bushes are color coded. The Tree Society was gracious enough to grant my request for the mulefat to complement the habitat provided by the willow trees. As I mentioned in my letter to you of December 1, 1998, the Willows would be placed at 12 foot centers at about two feet above the line of cattails. The Elderberries would be placed at 18 foot centers about 6 to 8 feet above the water line. The Oaks would be planted at 30 foot centers and the Sycamores would be planted at 18 foot centers. The Mulefat would be interspersed between the other trees. The taller species such as the Black Willow, Sycamore, and Oak have been placed in the bowl above the existing willow grove so as not to create view obstruction problems from across Dover. The willows, elderberries and mulefat behind the cattails should not get tall enough to get in the view plane because they are being planted at 40 to 45 feet above sea level and the bluff top at this portion of Castaways is at 81.3 feet above sea level. The planting will be mostly done by students from the Newport Harbor High School Da Vinci Academy, coordinated by Denise Jones (515 -6328) once we get approval from the PBR Commission. Adult supervisors from SPON will be available, and assistance from City staff would be appreciated. The planting hopefully will be done in March, on a Saturday. Watering of the trees and bushes will be done by 'I JAN D. VANDERSLOOT, M.D. 2221 East 16th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 548 -6326 FAX (714) 848 -6643 hand with a hose connected to a quick - coupler which staff has provided. The watering will be done once a week until the trees are established and the roots reach the water table. If you have any questions, please call me. I will be out of town at a medical meeting until February 22. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Jan D. Vandersloot, M.D. 11 32? .� 55 r ^� / G •w� / ss:�� � I 0 U , u 40 50 ww�n _ 0 PB &R Commission Agenda Item No.__ j/ — $. March 2, 1999 TO: Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission FROM: General Services Director SUBJECT: City Parkway Street Tree Redesignation for Balboa Boulevard Recommendations To change the designated parkway street tree from Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) to Queen Palm (Syagrus romanzofflanum) on Balboa Boulevard from A Street to Channel Road. Background . Staff received a letter from Mr. Ralph Bernard, President of the Balboa Peninsula Point Association (BPPA) dated February 11 requesting a change of street tree designation for Balboa Boulevard (Attachment A). Staff also received petitions from the affected property owners, indicating their approval of a street tree re- designation (Attachment B). Discussion Staff and BPPA feel that the Queen Palm would be very appropriate since there are already 18 similar trees located between A Street to Channel Road. The planting of trees at vacant parkway street tree locations and the planting of additional trees on an as needed basis would be an improvement to Balboa Boulevard. Mr. Bernard has received a copy of this report and a notice of the March 2 Commission meeting. Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN/MGL /pw Attachments: A, B. Letter from Mr. Bernard dated February 11, 1999, and property owners petitions. 3� ) P.O. BOX 826, BALBOA, CALIFORNIA 92661 FEB 1 1 t9S9 February 11, 1999 Mr. David E. Niederhaus General Services Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92658 -8915 Re: Street Trees Dear Mr. Niederhaus: The Balboa Peninsula Point Association hereby requests a redesignation of our street tree species from Magnolia to Queen Palm on Balboa Boulevard from A- Street to Channel Road. Sincerely, Ralph Bernard President (949)675 -0375 cc: Marcelino G. Lomeli VIA FAX (949) 650 -5643 • B.P.P.A. Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted inappropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE DATE 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 0 36 0 0 0 B.P.P.A. Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing. Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. /P/R- INTED NAME 7 10. ADDRESS rj DATE Ff 3� 0 0 !r Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE DATE 1.. _Tob W We 1(2-o c. BRl &A 61P 2-v C.t112 / C ;92-A Tr I 1 zo E' i �4. ,/ ay f BALJjD4 �GrD, /V ab -�4ri' 39 0 E 9 Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plamof undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific. requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We.request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS SIGN.T-QRE I DATE 1. /� /P•'r /� /rS .:�C,.�r��/�ditai��3'� /� �e�6C�. �ip �2�/ �j 2. ++_ \ 3 G-, cC 'V \CGMC k 'C `-' \ a: l_ - '�' >•, Y t?, . 7 37 9 is bALMUA YC14114JVLH rvuv I B.P.P.A. HOMEOWNER'S Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and, providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated •plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting res�rictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions acid conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE DATE III f� 0 F HOMEOWNER'S Jan. 11, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an u exception n and easing of the,planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. PRINTED NAME HOOF MIMM ADDRESS (-/f\ !3/E) 0 re ./v 'l NATURE DATE r, t -- — f I a7� E a4euZbc� /346 \?,l\2 E. 9lyy /z31ee,� 'q i q tp t3ALt5UA rr-NINOUL.H rvul I HJJV� B.P.P.A. HOMEOWNER'S ASSOC. Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated, plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. 10 0 10 AnnpFRq SIGNATURE DATE oMU i� /� %_�:�/ • � r I"Y tSALt5UA rClWrrvauLA rvuv I B.P.P.A. HOMEOWNER'S Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. 7 • PRINTED NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE/ j DATE 1f3 • 0 r� u ll& Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the I proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from'Main Street to the G- Street Island r, through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. is] PRINTED NAME J�lC K-1 LI ADDRESS SIGNATURE DATE i���`7 I 0 B.P.P.A. Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As.part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE DATE r3-Z- K 1] ASSOC. Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard: 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. 1 7 1 PRINTED NAME ADDRESS TURE„ DATE • (. � lam,- / /sr DovS�/tsM (Jost/ //ojh� ILI Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa'Boulevard from;Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 ,Policy difficult, or impossible. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE DATE T za k, 2-7 71 ahf 0 �l Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception" and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G -6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE DATE /elort°,Oa.dlarrL OW- A /i/l.1 - , /.. Ir 7 0 vi E. N )`f199 41�/ -tq Ify Jan. 12, 1999 BALBOA BLVD. BEAUTIFICATION PETITION We, the undersigned residents and homeowners, are informed of the proposals to improve Balboa Boulevard from Main Street to the G- Street Island through an integrated plan of undergrounding utilities, repaving the boulevard, and providing for additional plantings. As part of this integrated plan, we have two specific requests regarding the planting of additional trees to supplement the existing Ficus trees on Balboa Boulevard. 1. We request the designated tree species for Balboa Blvd. be changed from Magnolia to Queen Palm. 2. We request an "exception° and easing of the planting restrictions listed in the existing G-6 Policy to allow for Queen Palms to be planted in appropriate locations along the boulevard where space restrictions and conditions make full compliance with the G -6 Policy difficult, or impossible. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE DATE 0 �lbod v�l�nU.:Uu, {{�� c t, ai ......, I� ,mi2' 2, % ca jbj 7 0 t (ITEM 10) MARCH 2, 1999 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ARTS & CULTURAL - LIBRARY - RECREATION - SENIORS To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Manager Marilyn Fisher, Recreation Manager Re: Volleyball Court Appeal RECOMMENDATION Maintain the volleyball court at 2406 W. Oceanfront. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION City Council Resolution Number 92 -93, approved August 24, 1992 established the regulations controlling the installation and maintenance of volleyball playing areas on the public beaches in the City of Newport Beach. Item 7 of that resolution states: Applications for removal or relocation of existing courts shall be submitted for approval by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. Submitted applications shall include a map and written acknowledgment or proof of attempt to notify by certified mail the property owners. The location must be posted thirty days in advance with a notice of the proposed removal. 0 BACKGROUND At the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission meeting on January 5, 1999, the Commission reviewed a request by Charles Hartwell, a tenant at 2408 W. Oceanfront, dated September 1998, for the removal of a beach volleyball court at 2406 W. Oceanfront. After discussion and public input, the Commission voted 7 -0 to retain the volleyball court. To appeal the Commission action of January 5, 1999 Charles Hartwell resubmitted an application on January 7, 1999 for removal of the volleyball court at 2406 W. Oceanfront. The application from Mr. Hartwell included a letter from the owner of the property, Rene Barge, endorsing the application. Staff waived the required survey and proceeded to properly post the 30 -day notice at the volleyball court to announce that the public hearing would be held on March 2, 1999 to review the possible removal of the court. In an effort to respond to residents' concerns, the Community Services staff has been monitoring the court on a frequent basis since December 1998. During the winter months, the courts are not used as often as in good weather. Currently, the courts are generally used on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. One staff site visit resulted in a discussion with players and a concerned resident. The result of the discussion was that the players expressed a commitment to work with the residents to lessen the impact of their presence at this court. Attachment - Request for Removal, January 7, 1999, with attached letter from Rene Barge 50 V o1IN bcLA I LL' LLV+ or) J/-Z9[99 J City of Newport Beach COMMUNITY SERVICES NOTICE The Community Services Department will be reviewing the volleyball court playing area at this location: 2406 West Oceanfront This volleyball court location will be reviewed for removal at the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission meeting of Tuesday, March 2, 1999. All Commission meetings are conducted in the City Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Boulevard, beginning at 7:00 p.m. If you wish to make a statement concerning the removal of this court, please attend the meeting. Should you have any question, please contact Marilyn Fisher, Recreation Manager, at (949) 644 -3151. 5r El J, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY.SERVICES DEPARTMENT _ _ 1 f APPLICATION // FOR THE ��j OC�}I�F BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURT NAME C Y4 y &Tn 5 ,�.�Y�'—�✓ I/ PHONE I, S -0373 ADDRESS ZIP Cf PROPOSED; LOCATION TO: S G EE' The aforementioned person has applied to have a volleyball court placed in the location listed above- The City requests your input on this issue. Once the city has received all of the necessary documentation, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission will determine whether or not to approve the request. If you have any questions, please phone the Community Services Department at 644- 3151. ------------------------------------------ -------- ----------- - - - - -- 1) PRINTED NAME %`1 A /Z J (9 R r E r7 e a( D PHONE ZL - G ADDRESS a �a y mom, �j�oW� ZIP Ia G 3 YES NO COMMENTS WE 2) PRINTED NAME PHONE '*/ V &11 VY0Y- ADDRESS ZIP i7�loG,3 L SIGNATURE APPROVE: YES NO COMMENTS 3) PRINTED NAME PHONE '% 1L a A N ADDRESS 40,6 w, 4� Q ZIP 72 663 SIGNATUR /� M M APPROVE: ES NO COMMENTS! IU E� 7 l��Ti gSS Wi'ndoa/S coh CY k 4) PRINTED NAME p(^ 7-OA / T!9 d�',P� PHONE � prold ADDRESS() o ZIP SIGNATURE aT�C Ai 0 APPROVE: YES NO COMMENTS Q/S 7—o vs 1 0 `s 5) PRINTED rr�nnt.ae SIGNATUR COMMENTS 6) PRINTED ADDRESS L. rte! . i APPROVE: YES NO 7 / ZIP 9) PRINTED NAME PHONE APPROVE: YES NO COMMENTS * Please make photocopies if additional signatures are required. ------------------------------------------------------------------- * CITY USE ONLY * APPROVE: YES NO MARINE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DATE COMMENTS APPROVE: YES NO GENERAL SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE COMMENTS ,53 SIGNATURE APPROVE: YES NO COMMENTS 7) PRINTED NAME PHONE ADDRESS ZIP SIGNATURE APPROVE: YES NO COMMENTS S) PRINTED NAME PHONE ADDRESS ZIP SIGNATURE APPROVE: YES NO 9) PRINTED NAME PHONE APPROVE: YES NO COMMENTS * Please make photocopies if additional signatures are required. ------------------------------------------------------------------- * CITY USE ONLY * APPROVE: YES NO MARINE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DATE COMMENTS APPROVE: YES NO GENERAL SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE COMMENTS ,53 1 HAR'TW. ELI. CONSTRUCTION 0 I* MEMORANDUM Date: January 5, 1999 To: City of Newport Beach Community Services Dept. From: Rene Barge Subject: Volleyball Court Removal Cc: Charles Hartwell Steve Hunt I Rene Barge property owner of 2408 W. Oceanfront, Newport Beach, authorize Charles Hartwell to file for application for removal of Volleyball courts located at 2406 W. Oceanfront, Newport Beach. You may contact me at (949)64.6 -6620 should you have further questions on this matter. Rene Barge /',r_ 54- PB &R Commission Agenda Item No. 11 —1 L March 2, 1999 TO: Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission FROM: General Services Director SUBJECT: Tree Removal Appeal Recommendations Deny the removal request of one Brazilian Pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) parkway street tree at 2327 Arbutus Street. Background Mr. James M. Parker requested the removal of one parkway street tree located adjacent to his residence, by letter dated November 7, 1998 (Attachment A). The Urban Forester and Park and Trees Maintenance Superintendent reviewed the request on site in December. Subsequently the Urban Forester completed a Tree Inspection and Tree Appraisal Report (Attachment B). He noted the tree was healthy with no apparent property damage and that two other trees which were nearby and located on private property, could possibly be the cause of sewer damage. Discussion The Urban Forester's letter dated December 28, 1998 (Attachment C) to Mr. Parker denied his tree removal request and advised of his option to appeal the decision. Mr. Parker's letter dated January 4, 1999 (Attachment 'D) requested an appeal to the PB &R Commission. The General Services Director's response letter dated January 26, 1999 (Attachment E) informed Mr. Parker of the pending Commission meeting and that staff would prepare his appeal for inclusion on the agenda. Mr. Parker has received a copy of this report and a notice of the March 2 Commission meeting. 0 J5 Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN /MGL /pw A. Mr. Parker's letter dated November 7, 1998 B. Tree Inspection and Tree Appraisal Reports C. Urban Forester's 'letter dated December 28, 1998 D. Mr. Parker's letter dated January 4, 1999 E. General Services Director's letter dated January 26, 1999 F. 'Mr. Parker's letter dated February 1, 1999 0 9 5 JAMES M. PARKER ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 9107 TELEPHONE: (949) 710.9971 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92658 November 7, 1998 The City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 RECF!VFD Attn: Office of the City Manager NOV 1 6 1998 Re: Tree Removal G6 I_ Gentlemen: FAX: (949) 640-MM My wife Marie and I reside in Eastbluff, at 2327.Arbutus. We have lived there for twenty seven years and, when we first moved in, we didn't much care for the City's Brazilian Pepper tree planted in the parkway because of prior bad experiences with that type of tree but, it was relatively small so we didn't complain. Twenty seven years later the tree is about forty feet tall and has a trunk diameter of about two feet ! It's enormous ! Besides the fact that it is a dirty tree, shedding pepper pods virtually year round, preventing the parking of cars under it and discoloring the sidewalk, it has caused us a lot of expense due to its roots creeping into our sewer lines from time -to -time. We have spent a lot of money with Roto- Rooter over the years and your Building Department has visited us several times, checking on the City's liability. In fact, on one occasion, the City dug up our parkway and installed a sewer clean-out at no expense to us. In the last few years, your tree's roots have raised the gutter in the street in front of our house so that drain water now collects there. It is unsightly and, a nuisance. We have a small, decorative brick wall on the inside side of the sidewalk that we have replaced twice due to both the roots from your tree and, some roots from our tree. A few years ago, the City replaced the entire sidewalk in front of our house due to the uplifting of it by the trees' roots. Your people came out last year and ground down the raised portions of the sidewalk due to the roots from the Brazilian Pepper. In short, your tree is a real pain ! I want you to remove it. More significantly for both of us, is the potential for personal injury to pedestrians who 0 51 City of Newport Beach November 7, 1998 Page two might easily trip over the uneven sidewalk. This risk must be the City's alone now that you have been advised of this problem. We have recently trimmed some of our trees and completely removed another. The contrast with your tree's size is now even more dramatic. Please advise us of the schedule for the tree removal. I* parker.genlcity.ltl is Sincerely, ,G4e JAMES M. PARKER 5�' 0 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT TREE INSPECTION REPORT Name: Mr. 7ames'M. Parker Address: 2327 Arbutus Street Phone Number: 720 -9931 Request: Remove Brazilian Pepper tree due to property damage. Botanical Name: Schinus terebinthifolius Common Name: Brazilian pepper Designated Street Tree: Magnolia grandiflora Estimated Tree Value: Total Value = $3,518.08 (see attached appraisal report) Damage: Maintenance records indicate last trimming was completed summer 1998. Parkway: Concrete Brick Turf Other X Comments: A field inspection determined tree was healthy. Additionally, sewer damage as a result of the City tree and its location could not be confirmed since adjacent to the sewer lateral on private property were 2 Ficus trees that could be the cause of the reported damage. Inspected by: Reviewed by: J fib? m.", tree. _ Date: December 22, 1998 December 22, 1998 5 �1 9 1 .Ws w z LL O H C) 0 z W IL W W V W N qJ LL W z W N 2 co , N E a Co N a M W N a yN 0 o a(D u W N N J a C6 W Lq Lq > M M 6% CO. ZO N f N H N �g ° W LR OV co Ce) J z O n N r m O U UD. U z O N W a r `� V o W CD Ns U 0 ma CD z CIO w �(n wy gO U CL w w m u? _ (A ZO N LO _ V N 2 o: W U N N Y K 2 H 7 � FOD N N o a 0 �°-� a a tw-i 6w. C N U C N N N C/) F�- '' m wil 0 E CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 December 28, 1998 Mr. James M. Parker Post Office Box 9107 Newport Beach, California 92658 Dear Mr. Parker, Your request for the removal of a City Brazilian Pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) parkway street tree located at 2327 Arbutus Street has been reviewed and examined on site. The field inspection determined that the tree ,is healthy with no apparent property damage evident. However, in order to further evaluate your request; please provide me with copies of any sewer repairs that you may have incurred due to the City tree. Alter I receive this information I will complete the tree removal evaluation and will inform you of my decision. Additionally, I have asked the City Public Works Department to confirm any sewer lateral repairs that they may have completed recently at you address due to City tree roots. Please contact me at 644 -3083 If yon have any questions. Sincerely, Johii Conway Urban Forester JC /pw 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach (P ( JAMES M. PARKER ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFPICE BOX 9107 TELEPHONE: (949) 720.9971 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92658 January 4, 1999 The City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 Attn: 'Mr. John Conway, Urban Forester Re: Tree Removal Dear Mr. Conway: Tl2is will acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 28, 1998 cop- Prni2ta the City's Brazilian Pepper tree growing in the parkway in front of our home it X327 Arbutus m. Eastbluff. It's difficult for me to fathom the comment in your letter that there is "...no apparent property damage evident." Didn't you, my wife and I stand together during your on -site visit and each observe the large crack in the concrete curb next to where the tree is located, the raised concrete gutter where water now ponds and the two places in the sidewalk that had to be ground down.by City workers in order to avoid a hazard to pedestrians all due to the roots of the tree ? Didn't you spray paint the area of the curb that had to be replaced after the City removed the tree and, didn't you give me Lanny Kelbo's name and number so that I could call him to replace the curb and gutter ? Didn't you spray an arrow on the curb indicating the place where a replacement tree was to be planted? Are we referring to the same tree? According to City Policy G -1 a copy of which was supplied to rn,, by Da4 Niederhaus in his letter of November 25, 1998, if a City tree damages sidewalks or curbs, or if it interferes with street or sidewalk drainage and, if a private property owner requests the removal of the tree, a tree inspection report is to be prepared by you as the City's Urban Forester to determine if the tree meets the criteria for removal and, if it does, the City is to remove it after a notification procedure. I believe all of the above has been satisfied except for your suggestion that there is "...no apparent property damage evident." I am enclosing a copy of a bill from Roto Rooter dated July 10, 1998 indicating "main line" problems. It was during that visit by Roto Rooter that City employees were present and 69-- 0 0 City of Newport Beach January 4, 1999 Page two volunteered to testify that it was the tree that' was causing the problems. Please start the notification procedure as soon as possible. Sincerely, qOjAAMES M. PARKER cc: Dave Niederhaus parker.genk ty.IC �n CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 January 26, 1999 Mr. James M. Parker Post Office Box 9107 Newport Beach, California 92658 Dear Mr. Parker, I am in receipt of copies of your sewer repair bills that allegedly resulted from damage caused by the City's parkway street tree adjacent to your ,residence. An onsite inspection was made by myself accompanied by the Park and Trees Maintenance Superintendent and the Urban Forester regarding your request to remove the offending City Brazilian Pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) parkway street tree located at 2327 Arbutus Sheet. It has been determined that the tree is healthy and that there is no apparent property damage evident. Additionally, it appears the probable cause of your past sewer lateral obstructions were from the two Ficus trees on your property. Your recourse in this matter includes an appeal of Staffs decision to retain the tree to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. If you wish to do so, please send a letter to me at Post Office Box 1768, Newport Beach, California 92658- 8915, for inclusion on a future Commission agenda. Please contact Marcelino G. Lomeli, Park and Trees Maintenance Superintendent at 644 -3069 if you have any questions. Sincerely, David E. Niederhaus, Director General Services Department 0 DEN /MGL /pw 3300 Newport Boulevard', Newport Beach �P FLb- LU -1y' 1 J1 :4Y CIII' HIIORI1EY'S OFFICE 714 644 -'•1:59 P.U1 %Ul James M. Parker COPY Attorney At Law POST OFFICE BOX 9107 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926.58-9107 Phone (N9) 720.9971 F4X (949) 640.6560 E•Mail oquWawrono) February 1, 1999 City of Newport Beach Post Office Box 1768 Newport Bea b, CA 92658 -8915 1999 Attu: David Niederhaus, Director, General Services Department ULJ�` Dear Mr. Niederhaus: This is in response to your letter of January 26, 1999 rejecting my request that a Brazilian Pepper tree owned by the City, be removed from the parkway in front of my home at 2327 Arbutus. I wish to appeal your decision to the City's Parks, Reaches and Recreation Commission, Please place this appeal on the Commission's agenda at the earliest time. Thank you. V parker generallcity ltrI 4 e CER TOTAL P.01 1.125 0 7• 2112 bti ti ° 21 Q 10 2129 I I •] I y0\ Y 2N8 ' 21]1 i 525 i S. 1�9� •nP ?y0 ,�'� ?2JJ I 529 o N N G N NE ?/J? ,YA 27J5 I I 577 I / M I yy N / I32 I I 575 I «FOR 7UN A•4• /nrr •sr� So dY / 2L)9 I I 579 1 ^ti F ! ��•• yyy �G as bl I 1 o m ti N a D\ 005 1 547 'pb o �,` $$ $ r• Nb 4N `!yi •rN RI i _ `545 41 $ �h,• .' • C z09 1 ' i 4-3, 4� �' $1 v. '4 Og Ivq LJ r' 4 5 % OB i i 1i `.�yP F4pRA ,. m 554 1-11 501 �' I,•1 lN"'- y�bby 0 1 I ,y w N ui 1n 1 �. 1 .a I µ N �•'• to 1, N 5jo i_____ l O - - - -" 4;15 p4__ -- P1 41, O 61 stzz o IA r, alai - _r -i�($i V _ / / V" N \\ \ •�-' '''_• --..�_ r'-. ,.II.V�,Rr d Luz: 1 90 t d u I tt00 pti F 7 ayoo e 2' C' peg" `• �Y y y rry�V� �, a 407 au coax ti ap R �'• 10u 424 \, p• p 427 , t +t ° r\ 11.4 L4P1 m ^'� d, 1' - -007Y OIll .y 20t L. y. ' N ppr4 . •� VISTA lzzz I 001E 1 4 4 .. `•�' " ,ay � . LOLL I Io 11� T 6 4N yL7 41' ,(L,, COLE iii tlZi 9L z 1W" - - - - - -� p1 ur `C / "C" b: Prop Sou 111 %ZZ 9Lld 1,Y\' ' 1. ' rr ~ I ryo, 4 aou 1 �_ x g 5 022 J a L p[zz 11 `y�'I; //21 V � ���VJJ a ^� ^r•- .- - - -1-` - •- '-- •- FiA$i'.BG U.FF� /z 2x04 IX o � n "4 r P'•a Pr•7p ..- •— '-»_. � Pry •1 yti \ N N w W W N lNi4 j j NI w 10 O N •-Y 17•Y tlY-• -^ �I w I 90L - 1^LnC O11 ` 712 O 707 I 718 715 i 724 �"- 721 I 800 --- 727 I _ 806 801 N N O � = A N V N V A G1 N 0 s Volleyball Petition Newport Residents Newport Businesses Non - Residents Total Signatures 276 m 328 647 Marilyn Fisher Recreation, Department Manager for the City of Newport Beach Newport Beach City Hall 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Ms. Fisher, It is my understanding that removal of the volleyball court at 24th street is Under consideration by the city recreation department of Newport Beach. I have lived and worked in Newport Beach for over 20 years. I own a home in Newport Beach and a portion of my property tax -goes to the city of Newport Beach. Since moving to Newport Beach to the late 197Ws, I have enjoyed many of the recreational opportunities in this community including surfing, bike riding, and playing volleyball on a regular basis. I have enjoyed recreational volleyball at a number of courts in Newport over the years including 24th, 28th and 30th street. • I am very much opposed to the city removing, any of the volleyball courts and specifically the court at 24th street. I have enjoyed playing .volleyball at 24th street for many years. I am not aware of the specific rationale for considering removing the court but my experience at 24th street has been positive. I am cognizant of the fact that some ocean front residents may not want a volleyball court "on their beach" or "near their house" for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, the ocean, beach and volleyball courts are here for anyone who comes to enjoy these resources. I urge you not to remove the volleyball court at 24th street and I appreciate the fact that the -city continues to support and maintain the courts. Many of the people that live in Newport do so because of all of the recreational activities that are available. Sincerely yo rs, Barry Macp Ison Licensed Educational Psychologist 15 Mojo Court Newport Beach, CA' 92663 u • February 26, 1999 Mr. Steven Hunt City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Post Office Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Re: Proposed removal of volleyball court Dear M. Hunt: I am writing you in regards to the proposed removal of the volleyball court at 24" Street in Newport Beach. We spend a great deal of time at this court playing volleyball during the weekends. It is a popular court for the many recreational volleyball players out there. It seems that there are fewer places to go and play sports for free these days. Newport Beach, specifically 24' Street, has provided our family a safe and inexpensive place to play volleyball. I think that the removal of this court would be a big mistake, and will greatly impact the few other areas around where people can gather to play volleyball. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Your consideration to this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, Vicky Fults • r1 LJ BROKERAGE SERVICES February 25, 1999 Mr. Steven Hunt City of Newport Beach 3300Newport Blvd. P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 CB 11 Richard Ellis CB Richard Ellis, Inc. 5800 South Eastern Avenue Suite 200 Commerce, CA 90040 w .cbrichardellis.com Re: Proposed removal of volleyball court at 241h Street on the oceanfront of the Newport Peninsula. Dear Mr. Hunt: I am writing you today as a concerned oceanfront homeowner. I am an owner of the property at 2806 West Oceanfront. My family has owned the property for over 55 years. • I would like to register my support for the continued existence of a volleyball court at 24" Street in Newport Beach. It has been brought to my attention that a request has been made to have the court in question removed. As a long time member of the beach community, I believe that would be a terrible mistake. The 24" Street court is one of the last courts in Newport, which continues to have consistent play. To remove it would be a terrible mistake. Thank you for taking the time to hear my opinion. Please call me at either phone number below if I can be of any help. I will see you at the March 2 "d City Council meeting. Sincerely, (Dovid A. wk 323 - 838 -3138 hm 949 -673 -8036 • IN �Ns T I11 M n � C/ r i �jI 7 1 00 „ N , N of J 4� 1 � I O C O � U Z 2 '/, U T o F 3 � w nnM1 \ bM1M1�O' \Oft /i \♦ \\ \ Z g c+ 2 v� N a\ di Q Y IW _548. 00 N N N O\ N �yg5 N -1� u 00 �N N 0 190 ry$O O �N !��' • �0 �N rypti0 r !! �O N N 10 N r SI SN to N J� i1 .1 H SI ��0, o , a I r t � � l 0 �` l m 0 i 00 N N N O\ N �yg5 N -1� u 00 �N N 0 190 ry$O O �N !��' • �0 �N rypti0 r !! �O N N 10 N r SI SN to N • • • MRR 03 198 06 :24PM IRC March 3, 1998 Ms. LaDonna Kienitz Community Services Director City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658 l 1 ., ,=011018-A Re: Lincoln Athletic Field Proposed Improvements Dear Ms. Kienitz: P.2/2 As you are aware, there is a meeting scheduled to be held today at the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission to discuss the Lincoln Athletic Field improvements. Irvine Apartment Communities as the owner of the Bayport Apartments, 2650 San Joaquin Hill's Road, wishes to express our concerns regarding the proposed improvements to Lincoln Athletic Field being reviewed by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. Bayport Apartments are adjacent to Lincoln Field and the activities of the park impact the residents of Bayport. IAC generally supports the City of Newport Beach's efforts to make improvements at the Lincoln Athletic Field. The City has always demonstrated their commitment to improving the quality of life for all the residents of the city. However, it is important that the interests of the users of the park as well as the adjacent residents be included in your deliberations. While balancing the needs of the users, please consider the impact to safety, increased ball field usage, parking, noise and nighttime lighting on the adjacent residents. Please feel free to telephone me if I may provide any further information. Sincerely, eW X&f k A Kenneth A. McCarren Director, Operations ..f)k e- C a, 0.(1 SM Newport Center Drive, Sub 300, Newport aaeoh, l It • • • MAR-e3 -1998 1107 Iro SHEIDON & GOODMAN ATTORNEY AT t.AW A naurrw.cma wo r• �� r orange Commerce Center TeleM W55.14e1n 6tteet. Sute720 Feeelm Orange, Cermnir g2 M4627 E4M ei Prwcrhs EdWitiAN ! AAarch Z, 19% r':'^� �. a n ^- .•.r.�.r• U I . •' T• 1111 1 1,: I. • :q:• . • (amo"ials , �'�.'.y'pitee ftsy'yCw+rrwA kim you failed to ova consider the r^ )ed at 7 __ ...`^ ..y tot OVernnz Since same of you have been involved in the Little League, I am pro Edda League bias which you may have so as to avoid any pole " to what some neighbors have to say. 714 724 4527 P.02 1. Kleto Wly. when the games are over in the evening, nobody field lights, thereby allowing them to shine auto the Canyon Crest oornpi X gone. Requests to the Little League oft' Wdorn to have the catstesy of t soon as the gaff" we over have fallai upon deaf ears. Edates Homeowners BIli of VW Aeioclati ri i will be addressing at 1• • • t. you to Get 861de any of kdef" and Baton I bring the fdowlrrg boom to abut off the *V Mar everybody !s' Aft dF the lights as stand has attractaO . MPP-03 -1998 1107 DALLAS S211CON SW Lett9r'to Palm, Beaches and Recreation Commission • City Of Nw4 c t B98d►, Catifomia March 2,19913 U 3. Peraortt associated with Wm Little League habitually drive the field at high rates of speed 4. LR6er left by the partic;iparb and the SPedsh" has been .. 714 724 4527 P.03 1117t, 1. Then is ab5drft no need for a dedication wail Persim and crgartiz itiorta C0rTftUfitg to this Lou Leapua am doing so out d dtartable moftallon, rxt to get their names on plaques ff the uraeded *xkauan wall ie eliminabed, @ten ltm6 eGminatei the heed for ddMiortei lighting, the sole purpose of wttich is to fight up titd dedication well. 2 There is no need to expend the etude stand in any v enough litter already end enough rats ktstead the operation ofthe e gosety satti i ed and it shoaid be shut down if It dowl comply with 3. Thera is no need to add adffwml picnic tables arcl ba number of persons at the iaicitity and will keep paum two long played while they hold noisy, atended pirxtics at the expense of ttte r While all of us, can 89MO that it is politically o nX9 to support farrwll want to:kaup our young people involved in wholesome activities, it is also this witttot# totally diwapartfing the right of quiet enjoyment beicngirg to t Crest, which right up until now has been trampled upon and which right w you y approve the Proposed Plans as wAxlnitted, instead of ttiiquii'it take into aonsidaration the foregohtg suggestions and oomplairtte before arggestiona and complaints are merely higMights and which do not addn whether Lille Leaguers really need at aiecft sooreboard, evert if it is N negative effect of noisy batling cages, so as to make d a wit -win situation. wheteoever. There is snadc stand should be This vnll Jn0MM the and alter games are of the Asaodaftm vakm and that we all VMM to aocortlpiiah e residents at Canyon I be further Impaired If them to be modified to mu vote again, which W other items much as wport 13each, and the TOTAL P.03 r•aNl`II• a Item No. 3J3 _ March 8, 1999 • COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Arts & Cultural - Library - Recreation - Seniors To: Mayor and Members of City Council From: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director /City Librarian Re: Newport Beach Little League Lincoln Athletic Center Field Requests RECOMMENDED ACTION Review and approve two requests by Newport Beach Little League (NBLL) at the Lincoln Athletic Center: 1. The installation of a permanent scoreboard in proposed location on field no. 2. Final approval contingent on Newport Mesa Unified School District. 2. Seasonal utilization of the field lights on Friday nights in 1999 until 9:45pm for games and practices. The season extends from March 1 through June 12. BACKGROUND • On February 2, 1999 the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission reviewed this subject in a modified form. The commission approved the installation of the scoreboard and use of the field lights for make up games on Fridays until 9:45 p.m. and Saturdays until 8:00 p.m. On February 8, 1999, the City Council responding to a resident appeal, called for the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission ruling. In the interim, NBLL retracted its request for Saturday night light use and now requests light use every Friday night until 9:45pm in 1999. The City of Newport Beach leases Lincoln Athletic Center from the Newport-Mesa Unified School District and is responsible for scheduling and maintenance of these fields. The NBLL is co- sponsored by the Community Services Department and relies heavily on Lincoln fields, due in large part to the availability of lights. History • The field lights at Lincoln were originally installed in 1974. • In 1989, the current lighting system was installed as part of an overall renovation of the entire field and gymnasium facilities. In preparation for this project a Negative Declaration for the proposed improvements was approved by City Council. • In 1990, the light fixtures were realigned in response to complaints from residents on Spyglass Hill. • In 1995 a'key card system was installed to replace a simple timer and toggle switch system. This enables staff to better control the light users and the times of,use and includes a master override system that automatically shuts down the, lights at a preset time. Newport Beach Little League Lincoln Athletic Center Field Requests Page 2 • In March 1998, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission approved a project proposed by the NBLL to enhance the backstop and surrounding area of Lincoln field no. 2. This project, still in progress, is being funded and constructed by the NBLL. All required City building permits have been properly obtained. The project includes expanded concrete pads to add batting cages, storage bins, a plaza area and a dedication wall, security lighting, a scoreboard and shade trees. This project does not increase the amount of field space to be used at this site. NBLL has stated that operating hours of the batting cages will be limited to regularly scheduled times and will require adult supervision. Effected resident management representatives and specific residents that have contacted the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission about Lincoln Athletic Center issues have been given notice of this agenda item. REOLIEST 1 - INSTALLATION OF A PERMANENT SCOREBOARD THAT WILL SERVE FIELD NO. 2 In the initial NBLL proposal for the field no. 2 renovation project a request for a permanent scoreboard in the outfield was denied and an alternate location for a temporary scoreboard was approved. Since the Commission approval, NBLL has decided that this option would not be effective and is • now proposing a permanent location adjacent to the right centerfield pole. The scoreboard would be mounted on two poles with its back to the light standard and face Pacific View Drive. It would span 16 feet across and the top would reach 16 feet above the ground in order to be visible over the outfield fence. The board would feature incandescent light bulbs that would indicate score, inning, balls, strikes and outs. Staff met on site with NMUSD staff and agreed that the proposed location would not interfere with the multi -use capabilities of any of the fields. However, it is clear that addition of a permanent feature would require approval of the Division of State Architects (DSA) as a District requirement. NBLL has indicated that they are moving through that process. NMUSD staff have stated that acceptance of this proposal would depend on DSA and City approvals, along with consideration of public input. Request 2 —Field Light Usage on Friday nights The NBLL is requesting field light usage for the 1999 baseball season on Friday nights from dusk to 9:45pm because of the need for additional practice and game field space. The season will run from approximately March 1 through June 12. The lights would be kept off if the fields are not needed. This Friday night usage would be in addition to NBLL's regularly scheduled times of: Monday through Thursday 3 to 9:45pm Friday 3pm to dusk* • Saturday Sam to dusk Sunday 10am to dusk * Over the past fours years seasonal Friday night field light use at Lincoln Athletic Center has been granted by formal approval of Parks, Beaches'& Recreation Commission. Newport Beach Little League Lincoln Athletic Center Field Requests Page 3 • Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act The project has been reviewed by the Planning Department related to Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. It has been determined that the project is Categorically Exempt from its provisions. The field light use hours is exempt under Class 23: Normal Operations of Facilities for Public Gatherings. This based upon the fact that there is a past history the facility being used for the same or similar kind of purpose. In this case, for the past four years extended Friday night use has been approved for youth baseball and soccer seasonal use. The installation of a scoreboard is exempt under Class 11: Accessory Structures; and Class 14: Minor Additions to Schools. Class 11 exempts the placement of minor structures to existing institutional facilities, including signs. Class 14 exempts minor additions to existing school grounds, where the addition does not increase student capacity by more than 25 %. Since the scoreboard is a type of sign commonly found on an athletic field, and the project will not provide for any additional student capacity of the school, these exempts apply in this case. Attachments: 1. Negative Declaration 2. Lights at Lincoln, dated 1986 3. Proposed Site for Scoreboard • 4. Letter from John Della Grotta, President, Newport Beach Little League • 0 • SEW POST CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U 2 P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 c94 Fo aN�P NEGATIVE DECLARATION TO: Office of Planning and Research ❑ 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 Q County Clerk of the County of Orange P.O. Box 838 Santa Ana, CA 92702 NAME OF PROJECT: Lincoln Athletic Facili FROM: Planning Department City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 PROJECT LOCATION: Lincoln Intermediate school Site PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Redevelopment of a former intermediate school site into a multi - functional activity and athletic complex. FINDING: Pursuant to the provisions of City Council Policy K -3 pertaining to procedures and guidelines to implement the California Environmental Quality Act, the Environmental Affairs Committee has evaluated the proposed project and determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. MITIGATION MEASURES: See attachment. CNITIAL STUDY PREPARED BY: City of Newport Beach INITIAL STUDY AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT: 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: Environmental Coordinator , 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach • APPENDIX I ENVIRONMENTAL CHECYLIST FORM Environmental Checklist Form (To Be Completed By Lead Agency) I. Background 1. Name of Proponent I°rT,l & 1Is',I.tzlprr Cre-CCty L 1 2. Address and Phone1Number of Proponent �3�;l1 /� ` /l1;,� Il- r(3l.r _••! 3. Date of Checklist Submission 4. Agency Requiring Checklist 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable i i';? rr /yl Ai" Lr ��i,. rt'1 II. Environmental Impacts• J` • (Explanations of all "yea" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) YES MAYBE NO 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in i changes in geologic substructures? b. Disruptions, displacements, com- paction or overcovering of the soil? c. Change in topography or ground / surface relief features? d. The destruction, covering or modi- 'fication of any unique geologic or physical features? _ e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify • the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? 73 g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise availaL•le for • public water supplies? i. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? _ 74 YES MAYBE. NO • g. Expo °.ure of people or property to geological hazards such as earth- quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deteri- oration of ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? 7. Water. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? b. Changes.in absorption rates,, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? • c. Alterations to the course of flow of flood waters? V d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? _ e. Discharge into surface waters or in any alteration of surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? _✓ f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise availaL•le for • public water supplies? i. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? _ 74 0 U YES MAYBE NO 4. Plant L. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, — crops, and aquatic p f b, uniqu . rare oreendangeredfspecies ✓ unique, of plants? c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? • 5. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms, or insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? C. Introduction of new species esult inani- mals into an area, o barrier to the migration or movement of animals? d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: / n existing noise levels? a. Increases i b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new li� glare? • R. Lan_ d Ose: Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? 75 • YFS MAYRF. NO 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? b. Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource ?' V .10. Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? i 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? 12. Homing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand ; for additional housing? • 13. _Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c. Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? , d. Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and /or goods? e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic hazardous to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an eff:ct upon, or result in a need for new or • altered governmental services in any of 'the folic wing areas: yi 76 'X �3 • • PPS -2A:24 a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c: Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. other governmental services? 15. Iners Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new Sources of energy? lb. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial niteratioris to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? b. Communications systems? C. Water? d. Sever or septic ,tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? 17. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? YES MAYBE NO • i • 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? 7!_/ 17 V V i • u U M. 5_ IV. YES MAYBE 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Archeological /Historical. Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the•project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self - sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate s plant or animal•community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short -term, to the disadvantage of long -term, environmental goals? (A short -term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief definitive period of time while long- term impacts vill•endure well into the future.) c. Does the project•have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will adverse effects on either directly or cause substantial human beings, indirectly? Discussion of Environmental Evaluation P.etermination (To be completed by the Lead Agency) 78 Mn i V 0 • • On the basis of this initial evaluation: Q I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant affect *on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ` I find the proposed project NAY have a significant -effect on the environient, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. Date (Vote: This is only a suggested fora4 their own format for initial studies.) 79 $lgnatu /re G ✓ For Public agencies are free to devise • • E Photos from Lincoln Athletic Facility Regional Competitive Project Proposal Submitted to Park Recreation Grant Program Submitted September 22, 1986 Lights shown in pictures were installed in 1974 Existing temporary backstop used for softball play. Present lighting system will be recycled as much as possible. Athletic Field and Baseball Diamond. The proposed redesign would reverse the existing diamonds and playing areas and permit three diamonds to be used simultaneously. •:: ': is s I, 1 1. . } /ems Z ,4 R!16 4AR 01 '99 12:21 T0-4437174419496443155 FROH -PHA OC T -173 P.02 F -645 \Azwvort Beach AMe Lea v 9 e 1280 BISON AVENUE, #B9 -491 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 (714) 668 -6210 John F. Della Srotta President March 1, 1999 The City Council City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92658 -8915 NT MAN Ladies and Gentlemen: In preparation for the March 8, 1999 City Council Meeting, I wanted to clearly state the position of the Newport Beach Little League C'NBLL') regarding the scoreboard and the use of lights on Friday and Saturday evenings throughout the baseball season. • For two years we have had discussions with the City of Newport Beach and the Newport -Mesa School District regarding the installation of a scoreboard at Lincoln 2 in connection with our Lincoln 2 ocna21az2 • 0 0 MAR 01 '99 12:21 TO- 4.37174:19496443155 The City Council March 1, 1999 Page 2 FROM -PHS OC T -173 P.03/12 F -645 renovation project. When I appeared before the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission (the "PEAR Commission ") over one year ago, the challenge was to find a place at Lincoln 2 which would allow the facility to have a scoreboard, but installed in such a manner so as to allow the field to continue to be a multi - purpose facility. In the spirit of those discussions, a semi- permanent installed scoreboard to be placed immediatly behind the right- centerfield' fence at Lincoln 2 (approximately 200 feet from home plate) was approved by the PB &R Commission. That design element was set forth on the working drawings and the building plans which were approved by the City's Building Department. Semi - permanent was defined as a scoreboard which was placed in below -grade cement sleeves with a below -grade electrical box at the foot of the scoreboard. The concept was that the scoreboard would come down after the end of the baseball season and be put back 'up at the beginning of baseball season. The electrical box, however, would remain underground on a permanent basis. After the electrical contractor studied the installation and the site further, he was of the view that the safer and more cost - efflclent approach would be to find a permanent location which did not conflict with soccer's use. We found such a place approximately 120 feet farther away from the Lincoln 2 Little League field fence. We consulted Mike Wade of AYSO Soccer and Eric Jetta of the Newport - Mesa School District and everyone agreed that this was the perfect location; namely, directly in front of the largest light standard in Lincoln Field. While in the best of all worlds, it would be better if the scoreboard were closer to Lincoln 2, we believe that this compromise was the safest alternative and was in the best interests of all the youth Sports activities. On February 2, 1999, the PB &R Commission approved the placement of this scoreboard at the new permanent location. 0011421422 T-173 F',Odi12 -o »a MAR 01 '99 12.22 i0 R�31174119d96443155 FROM•PMB OC • The City Council March 1, 1999 page 3 On the basis of the PSU approval, the consensus achieved to Pull and the fact that the seoreb�oved, we committed $21o000eS1apn 2 nn the initial plan which was 0PP e $4,100 t Lincoln on a electrical wire and have installed fields. new also havesspent t and the surrounding for installation costs. scoreboard and have committed $ 4200 who have We were then informed that the same two people were been on campaign to dead ase eo use C nts. H Athletic hey were able to able to stop progress n prior assert n challenge is difficult for me to comprehend. Let's look at the • facts 1 The PB &R Commission originally approved the scoreboard in a place closer to the two Canyon Crest residents. We have now positioned the scoreboard farther away, over 560 feet from the Kopicki s residence. and the size of 2. The placement o for someone at that d stance t tsee lights make it virtually impossible the tiny lights. and, in the back of 3. We have planted trees on the sides the s ght I ne of the In the dedication wall at Lincoln 2. The trees Kopicki s residence, making it more difficult de well below Lincoln 2 field to see the addition, the Kopicki s residence is of the scorebonr d. and is not even in the direct p , . seems a bit of a 4. At night, with the field lights on, it stretch to say that the scoreboard enseal nehdicta es that itgdoesitnot�on a • Lincoln. In fact, common HAR 01 '99 12:22 TO- 1.31174.19496443155 FROM -PHA CC T -173 P.05/12 F -645 • The City Council March 1, 1999 Page 4 5. As we have maintained all along, the scoreboard is an essential part in the renovation plan at Lincoln 2. Each of the other Little Leagues in South County and across Southern California have electric scoreboards. Many Leagues have multiple electric scoreboards. If you have any doubt about this statement, please take a drive down the 405/5 to the La Paz exit. Make a left off the La Paz exit and proceed to Gilleran. Look at the fields to the left and the right. All have electric scoreboards. You also should note the type of housing surrounding the area. All upscale Mission Viejo single- family dwellings. 6. To also refresh your recollection, at our Opening Day last year, we dedicated the scoreboard in the memory of Frank Rhodes, • a League volunteer who died of cancer. It was his wish that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Newport Beach Little League. With those monies, the Board of NBLL dedicated those funds to purchase the scoreboard. It was fitting because, for years, Frank would bemoan the fact that we were the only League without an electric scoreboard; he therefore carried around with him a battery operated scoreboard from game to game. If we were not sure that we had the approval last year, we would never have had a dedication ceremony. This is an important issue to our League and we hope that you look at the facts objectively. The issue is not one of lights. This delay has cost 720 children and their parents the pleasure of seeing a scoreboard operating on Opening Day, March 6, 1999. The scoreboard was scheduled to be installed on March 3, 1999. Please do not deprive us the use of the scoreboard for the entire season. • For at least the past four years, • NBLL has played night baseball games at Lincoln 2, utilizing the field until, 9:43 p.m. When we ocn421az.2 • 11 MAR O1 '99 12:22 TO- 4437174 =19496443155 FROM -PHA 00 T -173 P.06/12 F -645 The City Council March 1, 1999 Page 5 did not use the field that late (for example, a game would finish earlier), the lights would be turned off earlier. Suddenly, this has become an issue. Last year we expanded to nine Major Division Teams; this year we expanded to ten teams. As I hope you all are aware from my multiple appearances before you with respect to the Bonita Canyon annexation project, we are out of fields. There is nowhere else to go, especially at the upper division where lights are essential. We need the three practice times on Friday evenings at both Lincoln 1 and Lincoln 2 to give the teams access to the fields. Our practice times are from 3;30 -5:00; 5:00 -7:30 and 7:30 -9 ;00. We also use the time for make- up games from 5:00 -9:45. This is not a new request for Lincoln 2; only Lincoln 1, the field farthest away from the Kopickis and the field used for adult soft -ball. The need for Lincoln 1 is because the League has been stretched beyond the number of fields available, particulary lighted fields. When we have a make -up game situation, we easily will fill all available times at both Lincoln 1 and Lincoln 2. The times that we propose are no different from the time adult softball uses the Lincoln fields during the week and less time than the lights are used at Bonito Creek. It is my sincere hope that the answer is not that it's O.K. for adult softball but not O.K. for Little Leaguers. When this issue was brought before the ps&P Commission on February 2, 1999, I was unable to attend. Only make -up games were approved because, apparently, the full request was not clearly stated. Not approving those practice times has been devastating for us because teams have been practicing since February 8, 1999. Our regular season starts March 6, 1999 and the Friday field availability is crucial to us. Our request is to be allowed to use the lights until 9,45 p.m. every Friday night on Lincoln 1 and 2. To the Ocn4214z2 0 n LJ MAR 01 '99 12:23 T0- 4.37174119496443155 The City Council March 1, 1999 Page 6 FROH-PHJW OC T -173 P.07/12 F -645 extent we do not use the fields) on a particular evening for the full time, we will continue to be responsible and turn the lights off. In light of the fact that our request is for every Friday evening, the condition to Friday night usage by the PB &R Commission that we call the Community services bepartment every time we want to use the field becomes unnecessary. We have never been subject to such a procedure before and we do not think that it is appropriate now. Again, I do not see adult softball or other sports groups being put through the same type of procedures. It is my hope that we can resolve the issue on March 8 and not have to go back to the PB &R Commission. We just do not have the time to continue to hold up our entire season over these issues. I ask that you help us on this point. For some reason, our request was blown out of proportion and the truth distorted. All that we asked for was use of Lincoln 1 and 2 on Saturday nights for make -up games in the event of heavy .rains like last year. These make -up games would only be played if we had more make -up games than Friday evenings could handle. Our request for Saturday nights would be usage until 8:00 p.m. Newport Beach parents of Little Leaguers, unlike the parents in other District 33 Little Leagues, do not like to play on Saturday nights. We would avoid playing on Saturday nights at all costs. It would not be probable that this would even happen in light of the Na Nina' condition this year. In light of the remote possibility that 'NBLL will need to use Lincoln 1 and Lincoln 2 on Saturday nights for make -up games, we are withdrawing our request for the use of Lincoln 1 and Lincoln 2 on Saturday nights. Use of both fields on Friday nights should take care of the issue. OC1142147 2 • • 0 MAR 01 '99 12:23 TO- 4437174:19496443155 The City Council March 1, 1999 Page 7 FROM -PHAIC T -173 P.08/112 F -645 " :'Jord Abo��+ the Konicki� and the N&L We have tried on many occasions to speak with the Kopickis about their concerns. We have curtailed our efforts 'because, absent shutting down the Little League Program at the Lincoln Athletic Facility, nothing will ultimately make them happy. Each element of our renovation plan, from hard scope to softscape, from batting chges to a barbeque, upsets them. They even objected to the dedication wall, the trees and The security lighting, even after it was sclentifically proven that light from the security lighting could not travel through metal, which was the only way the security lighting could be seen by the Kopickis if they were in their residence. We have come to realize that the diversion which they have created concerning use of the lights is only a means to an end; namely, to curtail the use of Lincoln Athletic Facility as an active sports park. NSLL is a volunteer organization and all the money raised for the field renovation program has been donated by Newport Beach residents and companies like The Irvine Company, each of whom want to make our active parks better. The budget for this project, which started at $40,000 has ballooned to approximately $120,000. This is in addition to the $53,000-$60;000 that NBLL expends per year take care of the fields that we use throughout the baseball season. The some fields are then turned over to soccer in the late summer /early fall. it strikes us as odd that persons who choose to live across the street from an active school and active park have the right to dictate to the rest of the community that those facilities not be utilized in their intended and historic manner. Ocn4214z2 r'1 U 0 • MAR 01 '99 12:23 TO- 0137174219496443155 The City Council March 1, 1999 Page 8 FROM -PHA CC T -173 P.09/12 F -645 NBLL is the focus because we are is doing what no other youth organization has done; namely, commit substantial amounts of money to improve both the hard scope and the park as a whole, as well as the playing field. When we are done, Newport Beach will be proud of the accomplishment. We hope that our work will serve as a model for other similar efforts. There is just so much time that volunteers like myself can spend on projects like these. When you create unreasonable obstacles, you take time away from constructive community service work to devote to nonsense like the issues that the Kopickis are raising. It is my hope that you: 1. Approve the scoreboard installation; 2. Approve the use of lights on Lincoln 1 and 2 on Friday evenings throughout the baseball season for practices and make -up games until 9 @.45 p.m., without the need for call -in approval from the Community Services Department every week; and 3. Embrace the entire scope of the Lincoln 2 Renovation project so that we are not continuously having to rehash issues which have already been addressed (See Exhibit A hereto). In light of the large turnout expected in the City Council Chambers on March 8, 1999, I respectfully ask the Mayor to take our Agenda item out of -order as early in the evening as possible, as many children will be attending the session. Ocn42+4z2 MAR 01 '99 12:24 TO- 407174419496443155 FROM -PHJW OC T -173 P,10/12 F -645 The City Council March 1, 1999 Page 9 This coming Saturday, March 6, 1999 at 9:30 a.m. is our Opening Day for the 1999 Season. We start with a parade through the streets surrounding the Lincoln Athletic Facility, lead by the Newport Beach Police and Fire Department. Our ceremony continues on our renovated Lincoln 2 field with our guest speaker, a surprise internationally -known sports personality, followed by first ball ceremonies in which Scott Boras, Kevin Brown's agent who negotiated the $108 million contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers, and a senior representative from The Irvine Company, our two highest level Capital • Campaign sponsors, will participate. During the afternoon, we have a picnic lunch provided by Carl's Sr. and a carnival, with activities, games and prizes. 0 I invite each Member of the City Council to be our guest and attend our Opening Day ceremonies, What you will see is a touch of Americana; Newport Beach families coming together to have a good time. Along with the American flag and the Little League Baseball flag we will be flying the flag of the City of Newport Beach. Hopefully, by looking over the sea of residents, over 1,700 people are expected, the issues before you on Monday night-will be more relevant. If you plan on attending, please call me at (714) 668 -6210 and I will arrange for five complementary lunch tickets to be delivered to you for you and your family and friends. If you have any questions on any matter discussed in this letter, I would be happy to meet with any Council Member either OCl142147,2 HAR 01 '99 12:24 i0 -3 *37174319496443155 FROM -NA OC T-173 P-11/12 -r -645 • The City Council March 1, 1999 Page 10 individually or in a group prior to the March r 'Meeting to discuss the matter more fully. Respectfully Submitted, ". , . Dot^ q� ' �k- John F. Della Gotta,/ � President cc: Mr. Dennis Danger, Interim city Manager • Robert Burnham, Esq., City y Ms. Patricia Beek, Chairperson, PW4 $ Dire tar Ms. LaDonna Kienitz, Community Mr. Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Manager NBLL Board of Directors 11 OG1QW.2 • MAR 01 '99 12:24 TO- 343717419496443166 FROM -PHJW OC T -173 P.12/12 F -646 Exhibit A Lincoln 2 Renovation Project 1. New electrical system installed at Lincoln 2, 4 and 5. 2. New irrigation system installed at Lincoln 2 and the common areas surrounding the field. This systems also benefits soccer's usage. 3. New landscaping, including trees, flowers and shrubs at and surrounding Lincoln 2. 4. New semi - permanent baseball fence. 5. New foul poles. 6. • Two new lighted batting cages. 7. Security lighting around Lincoln 2. B. New turf behind home plate and along the sides of first and third base. 9. Reseeded and leveled the rest of Lincoln 2. 10. Poured over 10,000 new square feet of cement to create walkways and gathering areas. 11. Donor wall which creates a focal point for several of the baseball fields. 12. New covered dugouts. 13. New bullpens complete with astro turf. 14. New permanent fencing throughout Lincoln 2. 15. New raised scorekeeper's platform behind home plate. 16. New open -air barbeque center to replace the run -down trailer. 17. Flag poles to fly the U.S., Newport Beach and Little Leegue flags. 18. Refurbished stands for safer seating. 19. Installed backstop pads. 20. Two new storage bins. 21. Electronic scoreboard. 0 [Please note that the above- referenced items only represents the major items. The entire project has additional elements.] Zoe�!e000.J � ofNewportBeach COMMUNITY SERVICES • 0 March 2, 1999 P.O. BOX 1768, 3300 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 -8915 Dear Contract Instructor: PHONE 714. 644.3151 FAX 714. 644 -3155 Please CAREFULLY look over the enclosed information and reply no later than March d"-with any corrections /changes. If I do not hear from you, I will assume that your information is correct. If your class description is highlighted gray it means that it has been sent to our editor for review. 'If you have )o= where a -class number, should be, it means that we have not assigned a number to it yet. Please note that this Summer I assist 60+ instructors, 700+ classes, and I supervise our summer swim lesson and aquatics program. I probably will not remember anything you tell me verbally, so please put it in writing so we are both covered! You may want to follow up with a phone call, e-mail or fax if you need a quick response. Furthermore, any questions, etc. that can be handled by the front office should go there first. Thank You and have a great Summer!! Sincerely, C /n L_Ikl� Christine Pearl Recreation Coordinator J � it of Newport Beach COMMUNITY SERVICES r� LJ March 2, 1999 P.O. BOX 1768, 3300 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92'658.8915 Dear Contract Instructor: PHONE 714. 644.3151 FAX 714. 644 -315.5 Please CAREFULLY look over the enclosed information and reply no later' than March 5 wit�rrections /changes. If I do not hear from you, I will assume that your information is correct. If your class description is highlighted gray it means that it has been sent to our editor for review. If you have xxxx where a class number should be, it means that we have not assigned a number to it yet. Please note that this Summer I assist 60+ instructors, 700+ classes, and I supervise our summer swim lesson and aquatics 'program. I probably will not remember anything you tell me verbally, so please put it in writing so we are both covered! You may want to follow up with a phone call, e-mail or fax if you need a quick response. Furthermore, any questions, etc, that can be handled by the front office should go there first. Thank You and have a great Summed Sincerely, IFA Christine Peart Recreation ,Coordinator E PUBLIC NOTICE Revised February 3, 1999 A Study Session of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission of the City of Newport Beach has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 23, 1999, 3pm, City Council Conference Room. City of Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Tuesday, February 23, 1999 — 3pm City Council Conference Room STUDY SESSION AGENDA I. Call to Order and Rol I Cal I II. Public Comments • Members of the public are invited to comment on any non - agenda items of public interest. Speakers are limited to three minutes. III. Bonita Canyon Park Site Planning Review of planning for Bonita Canyon Park. IV. Adjournment •