HomeMy WebLinkAboutN2000-0233SI"mtl\Enowrh\"xstas\EPA 7-99 EP Fo m.xls -71OI�O Z->11-tr7�lP ,6 641 6Dac' —1r.�,,J 1-j1�1ffC ICr-)® EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ENCROACHMENT PERMIT r (Please type or print legible. Press hard - makes 3 copies) [3] APPLICATION FOR: CURB CUT ermit#E.P.-- 7-33 (CHECK ONE) ❑ STREET EXCAVATION COUmount Fee Paid $ 3 ❑ UNDERGROUND UTILITIES �„ OTHER: Receipt# L. [2] ADDRESS OF WORK: 1 0 2T , 9.g . APPLICANT'S NAME;ADDRESS. p " :AREA CODE: —V SS L A^ -r) coIci1 MJ,PHONE:c[+f o-' O SS -7 1 [4] OWNER'S NAME:'ADDRESS: ;AREA CODE: / :PHONE: -A-+,n'T,) If [51 CONTRACTOR'S NAME: :ADDRESS:;Office Phone: �S � ^ Job Site Phone: _�� [6] APPLICANT HEREBY MAKES APPLICATION TO: o V -Z- Q-+ � 6Z1 tl` 11 L-QrIA O 1 Ck�i-Q'S....-. A-tAl ^ l.W A-1.4L� L.Tt -- �Lt� S Y7�A t 1 C.ft-Tl lir`iS 'CL �r4c� .i2/1j a4 -L(4,o2-L-b L (SEEATTACHEDPLANS) , 0Lc-L, SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL REQUIRED BY CITY: C- 4 C F- th of 7- L/ 4- P •V N E L g'Cocate and pothole existing City owned utilities (ie: water, sewer, or street lighting conduits) to verify locations prior to start of any work. Maintain a one (1) fool cleaarampi ove/r�[, unde_rei_stii2g_Cittyy owned utilities. To arrange for inspection of all connections to City Utilities or if a conflict should occur please coma ' !Z ' i7 l ZZ&*e of the Utilities Department, 48 hours prior to start of any work at (949) 644-3011. In add when a sewer cleanout is required, V.C.P. or P.V.C. SDR35 shall be used with a 47 box over the cleanout riser. ** ALL UNDERGROUND WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED CONTRACTOR** CONTACT "UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT" AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY EXCAVATION AT 1-800-422-4133 [7] CONTRACTOR'S CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO. T cf 0 O S 09.1 [8] STATE LICENSE NO. [9] WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (Section 3800 Labor Code) �� r ' ` PL' I�--- ❑ I certify that I have a Certificate of consent to self -insure, or Certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance or a Certified Copy thereof. Policy No.: Company: Expiration Date: Date: Applicant: (signature) [30] CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION (Section 3800 Labor Code) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation laws of California, If, aIf, after signing this this certificate I become subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of the State 4abor Code, I must comply with the p e , or this permit shall be deemed revoked. Date: Applicant (signature) 11] CONTRACTOR LICENSE EXEMPTION ❑ 1 am exempt from hiring a Contractor as I am the OWNER of the property and am personally performing all work within the Public right -M -way. Date: Applicant (signature) 12] HOLD HARMLESS STATEMENT ❑ 1 understand that I am locating minor encroachments within the City right-of-way/easement. It is my responsibility, as the property owner to maintain the encroachments. I will be responsible for replacing the improvements if the City removes them for maintenance of utilities or other public need; and I, the property owner shall indemnify and hold the Off harmless for any liability associated with the minor encroachments. Date: Owner Signature: 13] «««< 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE IS REQUIRED FOR ALL INSPECTIONS »»»> CALL(949)644-3311 The terms and rmit are printed on both sides of this form. Applicant hereby acknowledges t the has read and unders said s an s that he agrees abi em. � OG - OW OR HORIZED AGENTS SIGNATURE (DATE) [14] * * * * * TREES WITHIN THE CITY'S RIGHT-OF-WAY * * * * * NO TREES WITHIN THE CITY'S RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PLANTED, REMOVED OR RELOCATED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE DEPARTMENT AP AL EQUIRED DATE SIGNATURE - TITLE- h �MIT ISSUED BY: E ISSUED: 6 - - zo 0o EXPIRATION DATE OF PERMIT: MIT DENIED: White - Permit Pink - Temporary Office Copy Yellow - Applicant CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH EXHIBIT 'B' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I OF 2 SKETCH FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO, EP- 00 LEGEND: Q + = TREE Job Address [116> PO t 46£x, K& f = POWER POLE Owner 113L Pum M13 ,,l L• LC, Q = SEWER CLEANOUT Telephone No. Q = WATER METER BOX II R II pp I I II I Z II I I II II II i II J6 d �� I Existing Curb an Gutter TT) °s '�e�'c'% f�21inI 6�PPILc�✓�c k4 �SiD S«/�tiL. I Center line of street -� _ _ . 2,l lot, n e Please make a sketch of the Immediate vicinity showing all property lines, dimensions street names, location of trees, light standards, fire hydrants, parking meters or other existing Improvements which might be affected by the proposed encroachments. (SEE REVERSE SIDE) Works shall be done according to City Specifications and Is subject to City inspection.