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Marine Education Office
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The Area
Bordered by Poppy Street to the North and Cameo Shores sc
the South
A "Marine Protected Area" (MPA) designated to protect all Irving and non - living marine
resources from commercial and recreational exploitation, and may also limit non -
consumptive uses thatwould compromise such protection.
Currently the State of California has three MPA designations.
Marine Reserve (restriction of recreational and commercial uses)
Marine Park (restriction of commercial uses and limited recreational uses)
Marine Conservation Area (limited commercial/ recreational uses)
Little Corona aka Robert E. Badham is designated a State Marine Conservation Area
Why develop and maintain Marirr
Protected Areas?
Habitat protection
Maintaining of biological diversity
Provide natural areas for research
Preserve locations for educational and recreational
Marine Protected Area (MPA) and Area of Special
Biological Significance (ASBS)
Robert E. Badham State Marine Conservation Area (SMCA) and ASBS.
Marine Protected A. [AP(e) PGCI
'Mari oul.ctedarea'(MPA)meanza named, diurctei phis ma'm or estuarine arcaseaward of the hy(Is tide line
orN <mouthofa c=lriver.includinga ➢yareaofs rertWal or wbtidal retrain. mgeNerwiN its orerlys gwartr
and asscciated flonand fauna that has bee desigmtedbylaw. adminiuntive action, or voter initiame to protect or
marine IJ <anit habiut. MPA cl.aufcatmns include marine life re serves (the Tt ivalea[ of the state marine
rtssrved sa fim[ioo), sate marine pa ks, whicM1 allow reoeational fishinn88 and Dmhibit mmmercial eatramon.and
sate marina mmemtionarcas, whahallow for specified commercial and recreational attirities. indudin8 fishing
for cemin =but not others, fishingwN cerum mac[ices but not uNets.and kelp lu;J s-- z provided Nat
these activiuesare comistem! with the objeolives of he area and the goals and guidelines of thh chapter.
sate Marine Comervation Area (yloo(c) PRQ
A "sate marine conservationarca; isa noo-mrresuial marimor estmriw area Nat is decignared so the managing
agency may
achieve one or more of [he following:
. protemorresrore rare,andin&repreendangeormerile marinVerieshabiuuNmadnintavi;
3. prorctt or «uore ouuravding, represenu[iveor imperiled marine specie +, communities, M1abiuuand
pr ted
d. prorem or restore diverse marine gene pools:
o. contribute totheundersorchin and management of n therew,,efil nd eco: balutby providing Ne
pp preserve forseiending or uniginovtsucal features; or
tivearimperiled marine habiu tcoremzycrtms:
y ovideoutManinableiving grin resourceuregor
6. provide for sustainable living marine resource harvest.
Res[rimiona �ypo(e7 PRC4: it is unlawhsl m injure, damage take or possnany specified living, geological or rulmral
marine resources for certain commercial, recreationah or a combination of comm<rcbl and recreational purposes. In
g�n <ral,any commercial a ndlor recreational uses tha[would comp i protettion of the stories of imerest.
mnl Community, habitat or geological(eaurea may be restrined by the designating entity ormanaging agency
Mlowable uses jyytoO PRQ re+earch, education and recreational activiue+, and cerium commercial and
recce rforul harvest of marine resources may be permuted.
Facing Marine
Protected Areas
Visitor foot traffic
Urban runoff
Sewage and Industrial
Unlawful harvesting
Human manipulation
of intertidal rocks and
Oil or other toxic spills
Orange County Marine Protectea
Areas Council Alap
( OCMPAC) is a collaboration of city and county officials,
institutional representatives, environmental
consultants, academic faculty and nonprofit
organization members. Our goal is to set the model for
localized implementation of rocky intertidal marine
conservation efforts through regional communication
and cooperation. OCMPAC accomplishments have
included county wide signage, enforcement training,
teacher workshops, research, management and
education programs.
Our Focus
The City of Newport
Beach along with the
other Orange County
Marine Protected Area
managers have
developed a set of rules
to assist people with
enjoying this fragile
habitat. This
information is handed
out to program
participants as well as
the tidepooling public.
Located at Big Corona
Staffed with a Marine
Protection and
Education Supervisor
and roughly to part -
time Marine Educators.
We utilize Robert E.
Badham SMCA, the
tidepools at Big Corona,
Pirate's Cove and the
jetty in our programs.
Help Keep our Tidepool
Animals Safer
1. Never remove animals,
shells rocks or plants from
the tidepools.
2. Never pick up animals,
observe them where they
3. Walk gently, taking care not
to step on plants or
4. Never turn over rocks.
In the Past...
The past primary focus
was to protect Robert E.
Badham SMCA or what
most call Little Corona.
programs focused
on a tour of Little
• Monitoring
included Rangers
at Little Corona
and explaining
tidepooler rules
and Fish and
Game regulations.
Marine Education This Year
There are over q,000 students attending
our Tidepool Exploration Program,
including K -8 programs and Scout
Participation in io environmental fairs
where we contacted over 7,000 school
age children.
Facilitation and coordination of 2-3
beach clean -ups per month at Big
Command the Robert E. Badham SMCA
with over t,000 participants annually.
Coordination of the California Coastal
Clean-up day includingg,, Big Corona,
Little Corona and the Newport Pier with
over qoo volunteers on that day alone.
Staff provides interpretation and
monitoring of Robert E. Badham during
low -tides and heavy visitation.
We facilitated 6o University and
Research groups this year.
-he Impacts
Staff has developed the Mission Statement:
"Foster stewardship ofrocky intertidal
ecosystems through education, outreach
and service."
We work to share our passion in a
positive and informative manner. We
strive fora greater awareness of the
marine environmentand how we all
impact it.
We reach over 15,000 people each year
formallywith this message and make
approximately too,000 public contacts.
• Provide information and education
on the marine environment and how
we all impact it.
Beach clean ups.
Monitorand guide human behavior.
We collaborate with and involve
local stakeholders in our programs.
We extend our message to user
groups outside of our county.
Moving Forward
This year t
interested volunteers.
Continued expansion and
improvement of the current program.
A Traveling Tidepool
program was success .
this month and will 1
implemented in the t
A possible NBPLTidm
*% 410
Robert E. Badham Marine Conservation Area's status
grants certain legal protections that ordinary coastal areas
do not have. Primary enforcement relies on the State of
California Department of Fish and Game.
Enforcement of regulations are not adequately applied due
to staffing levels and enforcement priorities.
Our program emphasizes education. We strive to teach
beach goers about what the area is, why it is important and
how we can reserve it for future generations. But, we can
do more.... Currently the cities of Laguna Beach and Dana
Point have municipal ordinances to ensure local authority
for MPA management.
Back Bay
Working with the
Program Committee to
collaboratively run
Orange County Natural
History Lecture Series
Developing positive
worldng relationships
with Fish and Game
Orange County Natural History Lecture Series
As of March 2009, the
City hosts this lecture
series. It is held at the
Back Bay Science Center
on the first Wednesday
of every month from 7 to
9 p.m.
Why This Is A Great Program
Location, location, location...... our "product" and our