HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - MinutesAgenda Item #1 March 22, 2011 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Study Session March 8, 2011 — 4:00 pan. I. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Hill Henn, Council Membe 'Selich, II. CURRENT BUSINESS 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS 2. SPECIAL,EVENTS. City Manager Si$n'd`ressree( events representatives were r that another Study Session b for a vote. Council Member' process will most likely res suggested that another Study Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tern Gardner, Mayor Member Curry, Council Member Daigle CALENDAR -None ranch Member ? Rosansky s concerns that special r.� _ i >rmerlyznvited -to the Study Session and suggested aducted prior to bringing the item back.to Council insW explained that changes to the special event in /questions from special./event applicants and �ion'be conducted to receive applicant input. Public Information Manager Finnigan Ulized a P erPoint that included information on event support pre the the clu ages implemented, Fiseal -Year 2011 approved grants, new process for FY 2011- 2012�anottier revoiw di/the proposed pro' cess, applicant details, proposed changes to the evaluation criteiia� roposed�y changes, examples, pros and cons, and the next steps.// �j In response to Council questions, Public Information Manager Finnigan explained that 20% of the event proceeds must be donated to a local non -profit organization, .stated that the language has been softened to include events held outside of the City, and agreed to- change the language to not for profit organizati ons instead /o�f charitable organizations. ✓s In response to Council Member Daigle's concern, Mayor Henn believed thatthe City should have access to the applicant's financial information to ensure the - level of financial capacity. Administrative Services Director McCraner stated_iliat having the applicants financial information- is a typical contract clause for giving public funds to any organization. Council'Member Hill suggested that it be clear that the City will- only ask, for financial information for the event and not the organization as a whole. In response to Council Member Selichs question, City Manager Siff stated that staff encourages all event applicants-to apply, through the current process, indicated that events that reaffirm community value are not excluded from applying, and suggested that there not be an amouht threshold added to event applications. , Mayor Henn stated that Council will make decisions based on need and reminded Volume 60 - Page 73 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session March 8, 2011 3. Council that the process will be conducted during budget deliberating. Administrative Services Director McCraner explained that the current Police Officer hourly rate was most likely a fully loaded rate and stated that the proposed rate is the standard overtime rate without including overhead. In response to Council questions, City Manager Piff stated that special event applicants are encouraged to talk with the Police Department about using private security, stated that he is comfortable with the proposed rate, and explained that the Police Office hourly rate will be applied to every . ,,application. Mayor Henn expressed support for the proposed rate for Police servicea'at special events. In response to Council Member Selich's < Council has the ability to direct, staff to however, the. goal is to consider as many a: process. Council Member Curry stated that r�+he will event will be principally held within`Cit proceeds go to a charity because ma y \df expressed support for the changes to the Poh Jim Mosher believed that public injut is reports are not always available p onto,\ agenda titles should be clearer. Mayor Pro Tem,Gardner and Council Mem by staff is needed while preparing the,$tud, i6 Manager Kiff stated that ipplAtions during mid -year; as possible during the budget ndt support the requitement that the Jlimits and that 20 %�of�the event the events are not chanty- based. He e fees. ad concern that staff and believed that the er Rosansky agreed that a greater effort Session agenda and reports. In responseNtoo Council Member Hill' concern, Council Member Rosansky explained that event applications provide most b the information about the event. Mayor Pro TeemGarddnner ,reiterated.tliat`it is important that financial information be disclosed in. order- to,pprotect,the City. Mayor Henn re indeed�Council that the Special Events Committee will assist staff and Council wit speEi id, vents process. &t,was the consensus of Council that the item be brought back on March .22, 2011 to Deputy PuMd Works.Director Webb utilized a PowerPoint that included information about what selenium is, selenium mobilization, selenium hot spots, selenium TI%ML compliance, the Cienega .Treatment Plant, Big Canyon Creek, strategies, and the selenium mitigation program. In response to. Council questions, Deputy Public Works Director Webb stated that there has been 'a lot of discussion about the data, noted that the parts per billion (ppb) has been as: high as 100 in Big Canyon, and discussed a possible solution for ,keeping the lakes at the golf course. Mayor Pro Tem. Gardner indicated that Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) would Volume 60 - Page 74 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session March 8, 2011 like to move forward and stated that she believes that it is too soon for the City to make that decision. She added that there are no guarantees that the City will not receive more requests to clear the selenium in the future, suggested that the City wait until there is more information, and noted that the grant can be used for other purposes. Council Member Selich agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Gardner and stated that other Cities should do more to contribute. In response to Council questions, Deputy Public Works Director Webb stated that the City could be forced by the Water Quality Control Board to make changes but it will take a while. He stated that using Measure M funds can be considered; however, it will need -to be approved by the California Transportation Department, and stated�that\the County has done a lot of research which has not resulted in enoughd�ata to determine what the selenium limit should be. Council N up at this to providing funds for selenium clean In respo,!�fo Council Member Hill's questions, Deputy Pubic Works Director Webb stated tha't•the ABMET system has evo`�lved but he believes there will be a more defined proccess, for .tree mg selenium in�)the future. Mayor Pro Tem _� iK. Gardner added that the real fruus�ration_is that no impact has been observed and that the study will take manyyears. 1 /" Jack Skinner expressed opposition too�Ithe City funding the selenium project because there is not enough information to sl6 w that it causes almorm -a ities and the amount of money needed. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jim Mosher reminded Council that the Brown Act requires not just invitation" to the public to comment on agenda items but is also an announceme a of what tiieAopics will be, commented on performance evaluations listed on the Closed Session agenda, noted that City's department structure should be changed by Cou ail through the adoption of ` -B, ordinance, and suggested that the City Attorney furnish the ordinance summary information that is published to ensure that correct and complete informations given. Mayor Henn asked for Mr. -Mosher's forbearance with respect to time needed to deal with other issues and not raise the same items brought forward in the past that were already addressed by the City Attorney. He verified with the City Attorney that announcing Closed Session items is not necessary'for compliance with the Brown Act and invited Mr. Moslier to bring up only new items before Council. J I IV. ADJOURNMENT -5:27 p.m. The agenda for the Study Session was posted on March 3, 2011, at 2:10 p.m. on the City hall Bulletin ' Board. located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. Volume 60 - Page 75 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session March 8, 2011 Recording Secretary Mayor Volume 60 - Page 76 11 1 1 111 111' All '111 1 ., City Council Minutes City Council Regular Meeting March 8, 2011— 7:00 p.m. I. STUDY SESSION - 4:00 p.m II. CLOSED SESSION.- 6:27 p.m A. Conference with_Leaal Counsel - (a)): Four matters: 1. State Farm Insurance us. City County Superior Court Case No. 30- 2. Savon, Byron us. City of Newl County Superior Court Case No. 3. Everest National Insurance Court Case No. 30- 2010.00439£ 4. Luigi Abinader us. State Superior Court Case No. 30 B. Conference with - I ee`al (Government Code 4 64! 1. Potent \rmtiatii M�cIlwaiinn ak�St /ec C. Public E' mulovee P fo Council will meet nlclose ' erformance. discipline, or M. RECESS IV. RECON` of litigation fellwain of 4, City Manager a'I City Beach (Pon- Sullivan), Orange Estate of Grace Inez`Howald, Orange Abinader, Orange County Superior Beach, Orange County Puna McLlwain aka Punahele Aikala Drive valuaiion (Government Code S 64967(b)(1)): The City to consider the appointment, employment; evaluation of of two public employees. V. ROLL CALL V Present:, Council Member Hill, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Gardner, Mayor Henn, Council Member Selich, Council Member Curry, Council Member Daigle VI. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Regarding Closed Session Items A2, A3, and A.4, City Attorney Hunt reported that Council voted 7 -0 to authorize the defense of those matters. VII. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Council Member Curry Volume 60 - Page 77 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes March 3, 2011 VIII. INVOCATION -Mayor Henn IX. PRESENTATION - None X. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC XI. CITY COUNCIL ANNOUN DISCUSSION ITEM) Mayor Pro Tem Gardner announced that the Harbor Commission died the vision for the harbor at its last meeting. //f Council Member Daigle discussed the Jamboree Road Widening Project and thanked staff for working closely with all the agencies involved. C/ Council Member Curry announced that he, Council Member Hill, and City Manager Kiff visited the John Wayne Airport (JWA) terminal that will openin Noember and the \� room/complaint center that tracks all flights. ' �Y Mayor Henn announced that the next Meet the Mayor session will take place on March 19 in the Central Library Friends Room from 9:00 -10:30 a.m.; C tyt Manager Kiff will be speaking tomorrow evening at Speak Up Newport at the Newport Beach YaAt�Club at 5:30 p.m. to discuss committee reorganizations; he and Council Member Rusansk, y participatedim Youth Government Day on March 3; he toured JWA's new terminal with Co Council IVlember Rosansky ,and attended the Airport Working Group (AWG) annual meeting with many out her Council- Members. XII. CONSENT CALENDAR A. READING OF M 2. READING OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. Waive reading in full of all ordinances and re's'olutions under consideration, and direct City Clerk to read by title PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES, INC. (PRES, INC.) OFFICE BUILDING B1cPA2007 -213) - 4300 VON KARMAN AVENUE - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. GP2007 -009; PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT tU AN AMENDMENT NO. PD2007 -006; TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. NR2010 -006 (COUNTY TMP NO. 2008 -123) - NEW 11,960 GROSS SQUARE FOO �COMN'XRCIAL OFFICE BUILDING. (100 -20111 Conduct a second reading ,)=" adopt Ordinance No. 2011 -8, approving Planned Community Development Plan No. PD2007 -006 to amend the Koll Center Newport Planned Community text. D. CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS 5. 2010 -2011 CITYWIDE SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM - AWARD OF CONTRACT NO. 4604. 1381100 -20111 a) Approve the project drawings and specifications; b) award Contract No. 4604 to American Asphalt South, Inc. for the total bid price of $566,500, and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract; and c) establish an amount of $57,000 (10 %) to cover the cost of unforeseen work not included in the original contract. Volume 60 - Page 78 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes March 8, 2011 NO 6. LIDO ISLE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PHASE III - AWARD OF CONTRACT NO. 4520. [38110020111 a) Approve the project drawings and specifications; b) award Contract No. 4520 to E.C. Construction Company for the total bid price of $574,559.50 and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract; and c) establish an amount of $57,455 (10 %) to cover the cost of unforeseen work not included in the original contract. 8. BRIDGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM - AWARD OF CONTRACT NO. 4687. [381100 -20111 a) Approve the project drawings and specifications; b) award Contract No. 4587 to Truesdell Corporation for the totall bid price of $129,129, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the.Zntract; and c) establish an amount of $13,000 (approximately 10 %) to cover ` e cost of unforeseen work not included in the original contract. 9. SPORTS OFFICIATING CONTR AUGER (C- 4757). [38110020111 A between the City of Newport Beach services as a softball umpire. -6-1 E. MISCELLANEOUS 10. PLANNING COMMISSION and file written report. N, ;VITH FORMER EMPLOYEE DAN the Independent Contractor Agreement rmer City employee Dan Auger for his t MARCH 3, 2011. [10020111 Receive Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Gardner, seconded by Coundil`Member Rosansky to approve the Consent Calendar, except for the items removveed (1�4`aiid 7). The motion carried by the following roll call vdt` : Ayes: Council Member Hill, Council Member, sansky, Mayor Pro Tent Gardner, Mayor Henn, Council Member Selicb, Council Member Curry, Council Member Daigle 1. MINUTE S- FOR,,THE,STUDY SESSION AND REGULAR MEETINGS OF FEBRUARY 22,1011. [100 -20hl \\� Pro Tem Gardner requekted that page 68 be amended to reflect that Mr. Persol was ing the Bicycle Safety Committee and is not a member of the committee. Jim Mosher noted than Council Member Curry's abstention should have been noted after Item 1, not Ite�m~2.. e alsolexpressed concern relative to abstentions as listed in Council Policy A- 10. ``\' M waive reading of subject minutes, approve as amended, and order filed. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Hill, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tern Gardner, Mayor Henn, Council Member Selich, Council Member Curry, Council Member Daigle 4. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING A WATERSMART PROGRAM GRANT. 1100 -20111 Jim Mosher took issue that the WaterSMART grant proposal was not attached to the staff report and expressed concern with committing $700,000 to the project. Volume 60 - Page 79 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes March 8, 2011 Eq-0 E9 Motion by Council Member Rosanskv, seconded by Council Member Curry to adopt Resolution No. 2011 -25 authorizing and supporting the submission of a grant application to the USBR WaterSMART grant program. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Hill, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Gardner, Mayor Henn, Council Member Selich, Council Member Curry, Council Member Daigle JAMBOREE ROAD BRIDGE WIDENING OVER STATE ROUTE 73 - AWARD OF CONTRACT NO. 3724.[38/100-20111 Robert Hawkins requested and received confirmation that-the City received the funds from the Sholley project and that the money was used for thJis prof ct. Motion by Council Member Rosanskv, seconded by Mavori Pro Tem Gardner to a) approve the project plans and specifications / ;J-b) award Contract No. 3724 to Beador Construction Company for the total bid price of $3,194,703 and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract; and c)�establish�an amount of $320000 (approximately 10 %) to cover the cost of unforeseen work mot inch}ded in the original contrac� The motion carried by the following roll call vole Ayes: Council Member Hill, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Gardner, Mayor Henn, Council Member Selich Council Member Curry, Council Member Daigle PUBLIC COMMENTS Nancy Skinner referenced requested that the statue natural park. 10 Dudley Johnson explai and suggested ralssoo mo, Tim Stoaksrep" orted tl AirFair/ffieeting, and also available on their, Mayor Pro Tem Ga Chamber of Comm) smuggling issues s placed on the City's action fromTebru&y 22 relative to the Ronald Reagan statue and placed at Castaways Park since the park was intended to be a for placing'the Ronald Reagan statue at Back Bay View Park Council Member Hill, and Council Member Curry attended an ing system for planes at John Wayne Airport (JWA) is #ed that she and Council Member Selich attended the Newport Beach Committee meeting where they heard from the Harbor Patrol about charters in the harbor. She recommended that this information be Council Member Daigle reported that the Aviation Committee meets monthly and noted the importance of airport issues. She also discussed State legislation relative to greenhouse gases and requested that staff assist in understanding how the legislation would affect the City. Council Member Curry stated that the Finance Committee met with the auditors and reported that they did not identify any deficiencies and only had minor administrative suggestions. He also reported that the committee discussed the restructuring of parking lot administration. Volume 60 - Page 80 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes March 8, 2011 XVI. PUBLIC HEARINGS 11. CODE AMENDMENT NO. CA2010 -010 (1637 SANTANELLA TERRACE) TO CHANGE THE FRONT SETBACK ESTABLISHED ON SETBACK MAP S -9A - IRVINE TERRACE FROM 34 FEET TO 19 FEET FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1537 SANTANELLA TERRACE. [100 -20111 Jim Campbell, Acting Planning Director, provided the staff report and noted that the Planning Commission recommends approval. Mayor Henn opened the public hearing. Hearing no testimony, he closed the public hearing. fJ& introduce Ordinance No. 2011 -9 approving Codi front setback established by Setback Map S -9A pass to second reading on March 22, 2011. The motion carried by the following roll Ayes: Council Member Hill, Council Mem6 Henn, Council Member Selich, Council 12. APPROVAL OF MASTER 20111 Administrative Services what is involved in Department fees related and highlight new (fees Proposal (RFP)i -will be g Chief Johnson confirmei fiscal sustainability,p an Police Chief-Johnsonn ani 1&4ee schedule tha Building Division's a new operator license, hiehliehQ,the Fire explained bv' Council Member liosanskv to ;ndment'No. CA2010.010 to change the ine Terrace m 34 feet to 19 feet, and sky, Mayor Pro Tem Gardner, Mayor Curry, Council Member Daigle CHANGE IN SUBSIDIES. [100- Director McCraner utilized -a PowerPoint presentation to highlight '_ ipdating the fee schedule; discuss significant changes to Police to 'ail bookie 1 g� eea'Aammal impound fees, and massage license fees; nd fees that will/not be charged. She indicated that a Request for ring out for anim�l shelter services. Regarding impound fees, Police jthat the cost has "decreased. Council Member Curry noted that the regwres the City to.recover fees unless Council decides to subsidize. ,the MGT nsultani, Mike Adams, noted that no city they surveyed strants and narcotics registrants. ec$br McCraner reported that three departments had changes to no reviewed by the consultants this year. She discussed the ualityJmanagement plan review fee and the Planning Division's or license appeal, and planned development permit fees. She also rtmenes fees which were mostly reduced. Fire Chief Morgan fee. In response to CWhicSil's concern relative to outdated and unnecessary fees, City Manager Kiff indicated that it would be more efficient to remove those fees from the Municipal Code. He also noted that not all the departments' fees were reviewed at this time. =Administrative Services-Director MCCraner reviewed Recreation and Senior Services fees. In response to Council Member Hill's question, Recreation and Senior Services Director Detweiler explained that the fees imposed if a person pays for a class or program with a credit card helpa with administrative costs. Administrative :Services Director McCraner discussed Municipal Code Section 3.36.030 ielative to frill cost recovery, but, noted that Exhibit A includes subsidies. She highlighted the 'subsidies that should be removed from the Section, like the emergency transport fee for Volume 60 - Page 81 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes March 8, 2011 residents, and subsidies that should be included in the Section. Mayor Henn opened the public hearing. Robert Hawkins point out that there are fees involved in appealing issues to the City Council and Planning Commission, but nothing is mentioned about appeals by the Planning Commission to the Commission or appeals by Council to the City Council. For operator license appeals, he believed that there should also be a similar waiver for the Planning Commission and the City Council. He also recommended creating a substantial,in lieu parking fee. City Manager Kiff expressed concern that Council may be appealing Planning Commission items to bypass someone else from paying the appeal fee. F,ul&r, when the Zoning Code was adopted, the City might not have adopted the appeal procedure properly. Mayor Pro Tem Gardner indicated that she will move the motion, but directed staff to bring back the appeal fee issue at a later date. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Gardner. ,seoonde by Council Member Rosansky to a) adopt Resolution No. 2011 -24 approving the Masie'r Fee Schedule as recommended by staff; b) introduce Ordinance No. 2011 -10, amending-AMC Section, and pass to second reading on March 22, 2011; and c) introduces Ordinance No. 2011 -11, updating NBMC Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) to refer to�the appropriate fees, and pass to second reading on March 22, 2011. C ` L In response to Council Member Dai . indicated that the Police fee used in or MGT. She noted that the Fire Dc annually. Hearing no The motion Council Member Cc registration roll Selich, e Services Director McCraner calculated by her department :wed, but are adjusted by CPI closed the public hearing. er Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Gardner, Mayor Member Curry record to reflect his "no" vote to subsidising the sex 13. WAYFINDIN6SMGI- )`PROJECT - AWARD OF CONTRACT NO. 4040. [381100 -20111 Public Works Diredor Badum reported that the project was put out to bid and the low bid was under $100,000 for the 65 signs. Motion by Council Member Hill. seconded by Council Member Selich to award the project and proceed with the work as follows: a) approve the project drawings and specifications; b) approve Budget Amendment No. 11BA -037 recognizing a contribution of $60,300 from Visit Newport Beach, Inc.- and various business improvement districts, and appropriating $60,300 to Account No. 7251- C3002011; and transferring $48,700 in project -savings from Account No. 7013- C2002014 and $3,000 in project savings from Account No. 7017- C8002026 to Account No. 71014- C3002012 for a total appropriation of $112,000 to cover the cost of the project. All contributions are to be collected and deposited in the project account prior to proceeding with the contract award; c) award Contract No. 4040 to Volume 60 - Page 82 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes March 8, 2011 Censource, Inc. for the total bid price of 897,551.16, and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract; and d) establish a contingency of 814,448.84 (15 %) to cover the cost of unforeseen work. Council Member Rosansky took issue with the sign's appearance and readability, and noted that he will be voting against the project. Mayor Pro Tem Gardner believed that the signs are hard to read, although she supports the idea of having signs. Gary Sherwin, Visit Newport Beach, stated that the purpose of the signs is important in assisting with making Newport Beach a destination. He believed)that any way the City can help visitors navigate through the City is important so they can,ppend money in the City. Robert Hawkins noted that the Economic Development Committee (EDC) led the charge for this program. Mayor Henn noted that Visit Newport Beach and t &e vari' ous Business Improvement Districts (BIDe)aze in favor of the signs, so he will be supp ortmg the project.` Council Member Hill requested that the support bands that hold the signs to the poles need-to be tighter. 1�w \��J The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Hill, Mayor Henn, Counc Member Selich, Council Member Curry, Council Member Daigle Noes: Council Member Rosansky, Mayor J er\ 14. TIDELANDS CONSULTANT - LASE DOQ6ME SAND LEASE NEGOTIATIONS (01756). [3&100-201-11-) �J City Manager rKiff rep orfted that this, consultant has expertise in doing tidelands fee evaluations and 'let the JRequest for Proposals (RFP) was quality- based. Mayor Pro-Tem. G \�er /mdi ated-that she e� support the action, but stated that it would be helpful to- include references or a b ?iebogiaphy in the report. Council Member Rosansky reported that he p ticipated in the Coral interview and believed that Mr. Kotin's firm was ,(ralified and will b an asset during negotiations. In'*sponse to Council�Member Daigle 's question, City Manager Kiff stated that the scope of work\1ndudes looking at commercial activities that are currently making annual permit paymenbWand moving wards a long term lease arrangement. Jim Mosher resse concern with the City entering into long term leases. City Manager Kiff indicated that the term of the agreements do not have to be on a long term basis. City Attorney Hunt stated that the Municipal Code requires the City to make this move pursuant to existing provisions. S15. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -26 RELATING TO COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS AND THEIR LINK TO THE COUNCIL'S 2011 GOALS; COMMITTEE TERMS; APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES AND DESIGNEES TO JWA SETTLEMENT GOAL DISCUSSIONS. [100 -20111 City Manager Kiff provided the staff report and clarified the amendments to the proposed resolution. He reported that doing committee reorganizations links the committee and commission roles to the 2011 Council goals. He also discussed the reasons for sunsetting the Volume 60 - Page 83 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes March 8, 2011 Economic Development Committee (EDC). Mayor Henn noted that the Environmental Quality Affairs Committee (EQAC) initially only commented on Notices of Preparations (NOPs) and not Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs). He believed that the Water Taxi Committee duties could become one of the Tidelands Management Committee's duties with support from the Harbor Commission. Council Member Hill stated that the Water Taxi Committees duties might also be done by the Mariners Mile group as it deals with revitalization of that area. He noted that he was one of the founders of EDC and supported what they did; however, it is now a different environment of limited resources and limited time for staff, Council and the public. He stated that it is appropriate to look at reorganization that maximizes limiWa resources in order to achieve maximum benefit to the community. He believed that —the Neighborhood Revitalization Committee can be augmented by including homeowneAa ations, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), and stakeholders. rl/ Mayor Henn concurred that revitalization broadens public input an that the City has a new view of how it fulfills its economic development role. h In response to Council Member Daigle's que"etiori'regarding border committees, City Manager Kiff indicated that it is the intent that the `Finance Committee would work on these issues and then the full Council would become involve&& Regarding EQAC, City Manageriff `'K're 'reported that he\ received an email from Arleen Greer, EQAC Chair, who is supportive�of EQAC meeting as needed and having more focused direction. \� Tim Storks, EQAC member, e \ V QA��%%���� xpressedls\,pp�ort fo�eting�on an as-needed basis. Robert Hawkins"Texpre1ssed concernlf_ei the EDC Business License Subcommittee. He requested that �the EQAC resolution be modified so that the committee reviews and provides comments to the Banning Ranch EIR andAhat Council Policy K -10 be amended. He believed that the new oommitleedrshoul'd-beBrown Act committees. Mayoi Pro TeniMbLrdner4equested and received confirmation from City Manager Kiff that it A Ithe intent that`�\ hen t6 aarger group meets, the meetings would be in a public setting ith a posted agenda\Howeve\;,when the Council Members need to confer, they can do so in private. City Attorney Hunt clarified that subcommittees of the City Council are not considered legislative llodies and are not Brown Act committees. Jim Mosher believed' that the recommendation stifles citizen input and circumvents the Brown�Act. FIe 4uestioned sunsetting the Media and Communications Committee and recommendedOamend(n g the duties and membership composition of the Aviation Committee. Mayor Henn emphasized that the intent of conducting committee reorganizations was to match Council committee involvement with 2011 Council goals. One of the principal goals was related to John. Wayne.Airport (JWA) „so the Aviation Committee will be heavily involved as it relates to the Settlement Agreement. He believed that appointments to the Aviation Committee should be deferred until its mission and purpose can be revised. He also noted the amendments to the resolution as discussed earlier by City Manager Kiff. He stated that the recommendation, as amended, would establish the Tidelands Management Committee and the Neighborhood Revitalization Committee, and designates the Finance Committee to have purview over retirement cost containment and staff reorganization issues. He discussed his recommended appointments but stated that Council Member Daigle has also been very 'involved in bay issues and lobbying efforts, and expressed the view, as supported by Council Volume 60 - Page 84 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes March 8, 2011 consensus, that she continues in that role on an as- needed basis even though not appointed to the Tidelands Management Committee. Motion by Mayor Henn, seconded by Council Member Curry to a) adopt Resolution No. 2011 -26, as amended, creating the Neighborhood Revitalization Committee and Tidelands Management Committee, and ending or changing the term of specific committees; b) affirm the Mayors appointment of Council Member Hill, Council Member Selich, and Mayor Henn (chair designee) to the Neighborhood Revitalization Committee, and Council Member Selich, Mayor Pro Tern Gardner, and Mayor Henn (chair designee) to the Tidelands Management Committee; and c) direct that EQAC would be changed to meet onnan as- needed basis, EDC be sunsetted with the understanding that staff will be coming back with a proposal on how to fulfill the economic development role appropriately. It was the consensus of Council that EQAC be changed 6 bbomment on only NOPs and, if Council wants them to comment on the Banning Ranch EIR, Council will make that request at that time. The motion carried by the following roll call /1} �� Ayes: Council Member Hill, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem�Gardner, Mayor Henn, Council Member Selich, CouncU'Member Curry, Council Member Daigle XVIII. MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION XIX. ADJOURNMENT - 9:06 p.m. The agenda for the Regular Meeting was posted oii March 3;'2011, at 2:10 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the`City oVNewpor each Administration Building. The supplemental agendd2or the Regular Meeting was posted on March 4, 2011, at 3:05 p.m. on the City Hall:�hulletin Board Iodated outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Buil"a. �f \-& City Clerk Recording Secretary Mayor Volume 60 - Page 85