HomeMy WebLinkAbout23 - Master Fee ScheduleQ SEW PpRr CITY OF T NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report Agenda Item No. 23 November 22, 2011 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Finance Department Tracy McCraner, Finance Director /Treasurer 949 - 644 -3123, tmccraner @newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Evelyn Tseng, Revenue Manager APPROVED: � A k TITLE: Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies ABSTRACT: Attached for your review and approval are recommendations to update, revise, delete and add fees to the existing master fee schedule. This is an annual activity and it provides Council with the opportunity to adjust fees based on increased /(decreased) cost of service, CPI or other factors that the Council deems important. "Charges for Services" revenues are budgeted at almost $14 million for fiscal year 2011 -12. This is approximately 10% of the General Fund budget and represents a critical resource for the successful operations for all functions and services provided to our community. Department # of Fees Going Up # of Fees Going Down or Eliminated # of Fees Staying the Same # of New Fees Finance 15 18 9 3 Recreation 9 17 148 0 MOD 9 5 - 1 Library i - 13 i - Total 1 33 1 40 1 170 1 4 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council: 1. Conduct a public hearing. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2011 -108 approving the Master Fee Schedule (Exhibit "A "), as recommended by staff. Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 2 3. Introduce Ordinance No. 2011 -28 (Exhibit "B "), amending NBMC Section 3.36.030. 4. Introduce Ordinance No. 2011 -29 (Exhibit "D "), amending NBMC Section 5.04.200 and deleting NBMC Sections 5.08.040, 5.08.050, 5.08.060, 5.08.070 and 5.08.080. 5. Introduce Ordinance NO. 2011 -30 (Exhibit "F "), amending NBMC Sections 14.12.010, 14.12.090, 14.12.125, 14.20.010, 14.20.020, 14.20.050, 14.20.060, and 14.20.070 and deleting Section 14.20.030. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There is no expenditure of funds required with this action DISCUSSION: Master Fee Schedule The Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36.030 establishes the percentage of costs to be recovered from direct user fees. A fee may not be greater than the cost of providing the service. The actual fee for each service is set annually by the City Council's Master Fee Schedule resolution. To properly establish the cost of service, the City entered into an agreement in 2010 with MGT Consultants (Exhibit "H ") for a phased six year comprehensive review and update of departmental (General Fund) user fee calculations and the city -wide cost allocation plan. This schedule allows most fees to be reviewed every three years. Fees not being reviewed are updated as allowed in the Newport Beach Municipal Code and that is tied to increases in the CPI. The 1st phase approved by City Council on March 8, 2011, updated the citywide cost allocation plan, the Police user fee study and conducted the initial comprehensive Harbor Tidelands user fee study. In 2011, MGT studied fees within the following departments: • Finance • Library • Municipal Operations Department ( "MOD ") • Recreation and Senior Services ( "RSS ") For the purpose of the remainder of this report, only fees that were found to require substantive changes and those fees in which staff is aware of Council or public interest will be discussed. It should be further noted that all proposed fee adjustments have been rounded down to the nearest dollar. Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 3 However, if members of the public or Council wish to discuss any fee not specifically called out in the discussion part of this report, more information is in the attachments. Staff will be available to answer questions for all departments studied in this year. Summary of Noteworthy Changes: 1 - Finance Department Coin/Vending Machines Bulk vending machines, juke boxes, penny arcade machines, skill machines and merry- go- rounds are regulated because they were viewed as having the potential to be a public nuisance or danger. Our study revealed that none of these machines are a public nuisance, nor have they represented a danger to the public as once suggested. Staff recommends deleting these eleven (11) fees from the fee schedule, and amending NBMC by deleting Sections 5.08.040, 5.08.041, 5.08.060, 5.08.070 and 5.08.080. Short Term Lodging Permits ( "STLP') In 1992, the City Council approved NBMC Section 5.95 as a response to the increased demand for short term lodging units. These rentals impact the demand for City services and can, if not well- managed, create adverse impacts in residential zones. This code section requires all owners of lodging units who rent their units for a period of thirty (30) days or less to obtain a Short Term Lodging Permit ( "STLP "). The SLTP allows the City to recoup the cost of administering the provisions of this code relating to short term lodgings, as well as providing a base for Residential Transient Occupancy Tax payments. In 2011, there were 796 active STLPs in the community. Part 1 — New Permits The current fee for a new STLP is set at $92.00. MGT has determined that $146.00 is the amount that covers all City costs associated with administering the STLP process. MGT notes that previous calculations have not incorporated: • IT database maintenance, ad -hoc report generation and support • Dual -data entry requirements for each account (STLP and TOT) • Document storage costs Other costs incurred for the issuance of new STLP permits were again updated. These include: • Zoning confirmation (STLP are not allowed in "R -1" zone or designated as single - family residential) • Verification of valid business license • Printing /Mailing permit Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 4 • Compile annual report and conduct field inspections to verify STLP accounts, including review for delinquent accounts, valid business licenses and closed STLP accounts that are still renting • Customer interface /queries /assistance • Work with real property agents - determine what properties they represent, inform them of delinquent and non - registered accounts, conduct bi- annual open house to disseminate STLP information to agents and owner - operators. • Billing /Payment Processing Staff recommends that the new STLP fee be set at 100% cost - recovery. A significant component of our cost relates to outdated information systems that drive a manual process. Until the City can update its information systems and infrastructure, this is a cost of doing business. If Council approves the updated fee at 100% cost recovery, it would impact only new permit requests (not renewals), approximately seventy (70) per fiscal year, and increase revenue approximately $3,780 /year. Part 2 — Discontinuing Renewal Process Finance staff had traditionally performed a cumbersome and lengthy bi- annual STLP renewal process in order to properly maintain the STLP, TOT and customer databases, as well as to ensure compliance with NBMC Section 5.95. After significant restructuring and customer outreach, Finance has decided to discontinue the STLP renewal process. Instead, staff will work with the STLP customers and agents to identify a streamlined, less laborious and more collaborative process that benefits all parties involved. Neither the old process nor the new process results in fees being charged to the customer. Special Package Deals — Hotels NBMC Section 3.16 requires hotel operators to collect a tax for the privilege of occupancy in any hotel (TOT tax). The tax constitutes a debt owed by the transient to the City, which is extinguished only by payment to the operator or to the City. The transient shall pay the tax to the operator of the hotel at the time the rent is paid. In some cases hotels offer special packages to customers to encourage business, not all of the items in the package require the TOT tax. To be exempt from collecting TOT on all package items, NBMC Section 3.16.050(C) requires hotel operators to file a statement of special package, accompanied by a processing fee, which details the benefits of the special package and an itemization of the portion of the special package that is rent and tax. Staff audits the Special Package Deal to identify the appropriate transient occupancy tax due, thereby exempting certain payments to the hotel for TOT. MGT's analysis of the fee for this special package audit has increased the full -cost recovery amount from $75 to $139 due to the staff time involved in the detailed audit of the special packages and all receipts and documentation. This should not be a significant burden to the hotels as we had only 1 special package request last fiscal year. Staff recommends 100% cost recovery for this fee. Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 5 Transient Occupancy Tax ( "TOT') Delinquent Fee Transients (defined in NBMC Section 3.16.020) are required to pay TOT to the hotel. The operator of the hotel is required to collect the tax, and file a return to the Finance Department, accompanied by the tax amount. The returns and tax payments are due on the last day of the month, following the close of each calendar quarter, or on a day specified by the Finance Director (NBMC Section 3.16.070). When a hotel operator does not file its return in a timely manner, staff must identify and issue late notices to that hotel, also several contacts are required in these cases increasing staff time. MGT recommends a $37.00 fee to hotels and STLP operators to recover these costs and staff agrees with this recommendation to hopefully mitigate late payments and the costs incurred as a result of those late payments. There were approximately 140 late payments last year. If this fee is approved it would generate $5,180. Staff recommends 100% cost recovery for this fee. Vehicles for Hire Vehicles for Hire include pedicabs and sightseeing vehicles. MGT recommends that the total cost recovery amount for six (6) fees associated with Vehicles for Hire increase because of Police time required to process comprehensive background checks; including fingerprinting, DUI checks, arrest records and DMV history. This should not represent a burden to our business community since we receive fewer than one Vehicles for Hire permits in a year. Staff recommends 100% cost recovery for these fees. 2 — Library Inter- library Loan ("ILL") Books and certain materials not immediately available from the Newport Beach library can be obtained from other library systems. Nearly 700 such ILL requests were made last year. Although the fee of $5.00 has always been charged, it had not been previously included in the cost of services fee schedule. MGT calculated the full cost of services for the ILL program at $47 per loan. However, staff considers this to be a valuable service to our customers and does not want to charge more than we have in the past because it may discourage customers from using this service. This requires the addition of a Council- approved recovery rate in NBMC Section 3.36, staff recommends a recovery rate of 10% to maintain this service at the same low cost which would have no adverse impact to our customers. Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 6 3 - Municipal Operations Department (MOD - includes water utilities) Solid Waste Permit Application This fee applies when a new commercial waste hauler seeks a permit to remove construction waste and multi - family residential waste from anywhere in the city. This fee has been moved from Finance to MOD. MGT has found that full -cost recovery for this fee is $714 (up from $398). This increase is attributable to increased staff time as follows: • Collection of data from hauler • Verification of insurance requirements • Preparation of staff reports and attendance at mandatory City Council Meeting • Coordination of the preparation of the franchise agreement with the Office of the City Attorney The City has not received a solid waste permit application in almost 18 months, but expects this to not exceed four in any fiscal year. This would equate to approximately $1,264 of increased revenue in a high volume year. Staff recommends 100% cost recovery for this fee. Construction Water Jumper Service (Monthly and Establishment Fees) Staff recommends that both these fees be deleted. A construction jumper is a temporary device that is placed in the space typically occupied by a meter. Due to water conservation efforts and the need for water accountability, this practice is no longer used. Staff will now put in a meter rather than a jumper which alleviates the need for either the establishment or monthly fees in the fee schedule. Construction Water Meter— Establishment of a New Fee In the past, when a project was about to be constructed, the City allowed construction contractors to pick up a construction water meter free of charge, with relatively little paperwork. This practice resulted in damaged or stolen meters or meters that were simply not returned if the contractors went out of business. Staff recently changed the procedure for acquiring a construction water meter. After the applicant pays the appropriate fees, staff now delivers the meter to the construction site and locks the meter to a fire hydrant. This new process requires increased staff time; however, it will be more cost effective than replacing lost, damaged and /or stolen meters. MGT calculated this fee to be $365 for full cost recovery. However, to encourage participation and to discourage stealing water, staff recommends establishing a new recovery percentage within NBMC Section 3.36. This recommended recovery percentage is 30% which would lower the cost of this service to $100. Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 7 Delinquent Account Water Service Discontinuance and Turn on Charge When a water account goes delinquent, we discontinue service entirely. When the bill is paid up (and a fee assessed), we can turn on the water again. Previously, a delinquent account Water Turn -On Charge was $220 (during business hours) and $250 (during non - business hours). This fee combined the cost of services for shutting off the water, turning the water back on, and a penalty. MGT calculated the true cost of services for shutting off the water separate from turning the water back on. This is due in part to the fact that not all customers have the water turned back on because they have moved. The cost of services for shutting water off is $143, and the cost for turning the water service back on, upon payment, is $159 ($59 for staff time and $100 penalty) during regular working hours and $355 ($256 for staff time and $100 penalty) for non - regular working hours. Staff recommends separating the discontinuance (turn -off) fees from the turn -on charges to accurately recover the true cost of service, and recommends setting the fees at 100% cost recovery per MGT's analysis. In addition, Staff recommends amending NBMC Section 14.12.125 to clarify the hours and higher fee for service restoration during business and non - business hours as a result of delinquent account status. Hydrant Flow Test — Regular Hours A Hydrant Flow Test is performed to find out how much water flow and pressure is available in the water system. These tests are required by the Fire Department before a sprinkler system can be installed in a business or residence. MGT's analysis shows that it costs $405 (up from $210) to provide this service. The primary reason for the increase is due to the length of time in between fee studies. Staff recommends 100% cost recovery, but phasing in the increased fee over three fee schedule periods which would equate to $65 increases over each of the three periods. Hydrant Flow Test — Witness Staff recommends deleting this fee as a witness is not required. The hydrant Flow Test Witness fee was created many years ago to provide additional staff that could witness the flow test and sign the documentation. The witness service is not a requirement of the test; however, was offered to customers at their discretion. Records indicate this service is rarely requested by the customers and should be removed as a possible fee in the master fee schedule. Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 8 Water Service Installation Fee A water service installation fee is required when a customer installs a new or enlarged water service from the water main in the street to the property line. Several visits to the construction site are required to meet with the contractor regarding location, installation approval, meter installation and water quality tests. This activity occurs approximately 100 times in a fiscal year. MGT's analysis shows that the cost of providing this service is $524 (up from $160). Staff recommends 100% cost recovery, but phasing in the increased fee over three fee schedule periods which would equate to $121 increases over each of the three periods. 4 — Recreation and Senior Services (RSS) This year, MGT's study examined and added in facilities maintenance costs to all RSS fees (such as maintenance and repair of eleven buildings, ball field systems, playgrounds and sport courts) to fully realize the actual cost of providing the service. If applied at the current recovery rates (which range from 3% to 95 %) the inclusion of facilities maintenance costs in the fee would result in higher costs of services than earlier studies that did not include the facilities maintenance costs. Staff recommends accepting MGT's analysis for these fees, but adjusting the NBMC Section 3.36 (recovery rates) downward to maintain the fees at current levels. Staff believes that RSS classes, camps and other programs provide a valued community benefit and as such, Newport Beach residents and visitors may be discouraged, or unable, to participate due to an increased cost. RSS management has been diligent in the past several years to judge fees at the fair market value compared to our neighboring cities as well as implementing fee increases and decreases as a result of the last cost of services study in 2007. Staff is confident the fee levels are at a maximum to maintain class participation and affordability that will encourage continued strong use of these programs and recreation facilities. In order to streamline cost recovery rates as identified in NB Code Section 3.36, staff recommends bundling programs and providing a range of recovery percentages. This allows for flexibility in participation numbers and trends which ultimately affect program revenues within individual activities. Special Events - Appeals to City Council Previously, fees for Special Event appeals to City Council varied according to the level of Special Event (level 1, 2 or 3), ranging from $140 to $415. However, NBMC Section 11.03.060(H) (Special Events — Appeals of City Manager Decision) and 11.03.100 (Appeals from Action of the City Manager) only allow for level 3 permits to be appealed to the City Council with the payment of a fee. This fee had not been previously imposed. MGT calculated staff time to prepare an appeal for City Council at full cost to be $6,233. This includes all time from RSS, MOD, Police and Finance staff. Staff recommends Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 9 establishing a cost recovery percentage of 25% to lower the fee to $1,558. About two Special Event permits have been appealed to the City Council in the last five years. Conclusion Department # of Fees Going Up # of Fees Going Down or Eliminated # of Fees Staying the Same # of New Fees Finance 15 18 9 3 Recreation 9 17 148 0 MOD 9 5 - 1 Library I - - 13 Delinquent TOT Payment Total 1 33 1 40 170 4 The City's General Fund estimates approximately $14 million per fiscal year in "Charges for Services" revenue. This includes, but is not limited to, cost of services for building and plan check fees, junior lifeguards, paramedic services, recreation and senior services programs and more. This is a substantial component of our General Fund revenue base, and is net of significant subsidies, authorized by Council approval of NBMC Section 3.36. It has been this Council's desire to offer extraordinary Recreation & Senior Services and Library services at a significantly reduced cost to our community to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy our premier city programs. We have discussed the more substantive changes in the previous pages for those departments studied this year. Below is a chart of those fees, both before the study and the recommended changes for discussion. As mentioned earlier, staff is also available to discuss any and all fees in the schedule for Finance, MOD, Library and RSS. Listed below are the more substantive changes recommended by the consultant and staff for the Finance department: FINANCE DEPARTMENT Current Recommendations Per Unit Per Unit Annual Service Name Fee Description Annual Volume Current Fee Fee @ Policy Level Annual Revenue Increased Revenue Short Term Lodging Permits - Initial Flat 70 $92 $146 $10,220 $3,780 Review of Special Package Deals Hotels Flat 1 $75 $139 $139 $64 Delinquent TOT Payment New Fee 140 $0 $37 $5,180 $5,180 Vehicles For Hire Certificate Flat - $542 $1,009 $0 $0 Vehicle for Hire -Each Vehicle Flat - $88 $466 $0 $0 Annual Vehicles For Hire- First Vehicle Flat - $53 $449 $0 $0 Annual Vehicles For Hire- Addl. Vehicle Flat - $53 $449 $0 $0 Vehicles For Hire - Driver's Permit Flat $175 $881 $0 $0 Vehicles For Hire - Driver's Permit Renewal Flat - $105 $449 $0 $0 Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 10 If Council approves all recommended changes on the attached master fee schedule for Finance department it would generate approximately $12,000 in additional revenue, per fiscal year. The chart above represents 75% of that projected increase. Listed below are the more significant changes recommended by the consultant and staff for the MOD: MOD Current Recommendations Per Unit Per Unit Annual Service Name Fee Description Annual Volume Current Fee Fee @ Policy Level Annual Revenue Increased Revenue Solid Waste Franchise Application Flat 4 $398 $714 $2,856 $1,264 Construction Water Meter- Est. New 75 $0 $100 $7,500 $7,500 Delinquent Water Service Restoration - Business Hours Flat 120 $220 $159 $19,080 - $7,320 Delinquent Water Service Restoration - Non- Business hours Flat 24 $250 $355 $8,520 $2,520 Delinquent Water Service Discontinuance Flat 150 $48 $143 $21,450 $14,250 Hydrant Flow Test- Regular Hours - Phase in Flat So $210 $275 $13,750 $3,250 Water Service Installation - Phasein I Flat 1 100 1 $160 $2811 $28,1001 $12,100 If Council approves all recommended changes on the attached master fee schedule for MOD it would generate approximately $39,000 in additional revenue, per fiscal year. The chart above represents 86% of that projected increase. RSS and Library departments offer extraordinary programs to our community. The programs offered in Newport Beach surpass those of our neighbors and is one of many reasons Newport Beach is that "Shining City by the Bay." In order to maintain these high quality programs, without increasing fees to the community, Council has approved subsidies in NBMC Section 3.36 to ensure all community members can benefit from these premier services. The fees for both departments are relatively unchanged from last year, but some subsidies did need to increase in order to maintain those current levels. All recommended changes to the recovery rates are identified in the attached NBMC Section 3.36. Listed below are the substantive fee changes recommended by the consultant and staff for both RSS and Library departments: Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 11 Library &RSS Current Recommendations Per Unit Per Unit Annual Service Name Fee Description Annual Volume Current Fee Fee @ Policy Level Annual Revenue Increased Revenue Recommended Subsidy Inter Library Loan - Library Flat 683 $5 $5 $3,415 $0 $28,686 Special Events Appeal - to City $140 - Council Flat 1 $415 $1,558 $1,558 $1,558 $4,676 If Council approves the attached fee schedule and recommended subsidies, the overall impact to the customer is minimal. There is the potential for a customer, if they choose to appeal a special event permit denial, to have a fee of $1,558 which represents only 25% recovery of total estimated cost of this service. The significant impact related to Library and RSS is that the amount the City subsidizes will increase. This is due to the facility costs (such as maintenance and repair of eleven buildings, ball field systems, playgrounds and sport courts) which staff does not recommend passing on to our customers and is changing the Council approved recovery percentages in order to maintain costs are current levels. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Submitted by: & " 4 - racy M raner Finance i ector /Treasurer Attachments Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies November 22, 2011 Page 12 Exhibit "A" — Resolution with Master Fee Schedule Exhibit "B" — Resolution with Ordinance amending NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit "C" — NBMC Section 3.36.030 Legislative Draft Exhibit "D" — Resolution with Ordinance amending NBMC Section 5.04.200 and deleting Sections 5.08.040, 5.08.050, 5.08.060, 5.08.070 and 5.08.080 Exhibit "E" — NBMC Sections 5.04.200, 5.08.040, 5.08.050, 5.08.060, 5.08.070 and 5.08.080 Legislative Draft Exhibit "F" — Resolution with Ordinance amending NBMC Sections 14.12.010, 14.12.090, 14.12.125, 14.20.010, 14.20.020, 14.20.050, 14.20.060, 14.20.070 and deleting Section 14.20.030 Exhibit "G" — NBMC Sections 14.12.010, 14.12.090, 14.12.125, 14.20.010, 14.20.020, 14.20.030. 14.20.050, 14.20.060, 14.20.070 Legislative Draft Exhibit "H" — MGT Agreement Exhibit "A" — Resolution with Master Fee Schedule RESOLUTION NO. 2011- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AMENDING THE CITY'S MASTER SCHEDULE OF FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR USER SERVICES WHEREAS, in 2010, the City of Newport Beach retained MGT of America, Inc. ( "MGT ") to prepare the cost allocation plan and cost -of- services studies for City services previously conducted by Public Resources Management in 2006 and KPMG Peat Marwick LLP in 1996; and WHEREAS, pursuant to its agreement, MGT prepared the Finance, Library, Municipal Operations and Recreation and Senior Services cost -of- services studies; and WHEREAS, the fees for services in the attached schedule of fees ( "Master Fee Schedule ") are no more than the cost to the City to provide such services; and WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach adopted Ordinance 2008 -14, amending Section 3.36 (Cost Recovery for User Services) of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, Section 3.36 of the Municipal Code contains cost recovery percentages for specific services, and provides that the City Council may modify the fee resolution upon a determination that there has been an increase or decrease in one or more cost factors relevant to the calculation of the actual cost of providing the service; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires the Master Fee Schedule to be updated to reflect the decreases and increases in the MGT studied costs, the changes in fees due to the Consumer Price Index, the cost recovery percentages established by Chapter 3.36, and to add new fees for City services or delete outmoded fees. NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach. as follows: 1. Most fees, unless precluded by law, are rounded down to the nearest dollar. 2. The schedule of fees for service, Master Fee Schedule, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A" and the 2011 Building Valuation Table attached to the Resolution as Exhibit "B" are hereby adopted. Except as provided in Section 3 below, all fees in Exhibit "A" shall become effective immediately. 3. The fees for development related services imposed by this Resolution shall take effect sixty (60) days following adoption of this Resolution. Adopted this "d of November 2011. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 a 9 10 11 u 13 14 1s 16 17 i6 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 n 28 n an 31 32 33 M M 36 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/22/11 RmmdnA A-m-.1 dntlwe sd6,ermnm Fmm Mv:n••e ye e. 2011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07% CPI calculation based on LA/OC adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date ALL DEPARTMENTS General Information Requests Pubilc Records Act Requests P.R. Act seenotes No Materials plo, 100% Fullv Loaded Hourly Duplication Raw Immediate Regular Photo Copies P.R. Act $ 3.00 $ Yes Materials phis incremental race per every 5 minutes of service Immediate Print Shop Copies see notes No Materials plus $10 Immediate Records on Computer DVD /CD P.R. Act seenotes No Materials plus 100% Fullv Loaded Hourly Duplication Rate Immediate Outside Copy Services seenotes No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate 8.5" x 1 V Copies from Microfiche Digital Images P.R. Act see notes No Materials plus 100% Fully loaded Hourly Duplication Rate Immediate 11' x 1T' Copies of Drawings from Microfiche Digital Images P.R. Act see notes No Materials plus 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Duplication Rate Immediate Collection Costs Costs and Charges for Collection of Delinquent Fees Resolution 2001 -46 see notes No 100'. of all third party costs and charges Immediate Return Check Fee First Retuned deck Within One Year Period California Civil Code 1719.0 (a) see notes No Maximum Permitted Immediate Return Check Fee Second And Subsequent Returned Checks Within One Year Period California Civil Code 1719.0 (a) see notes No Maximum Permitted Immediate Notary Fee Per Signature Gov. Code Section 8211 $ 10.00 $ NO Immediate Atlas Books Resolution 200146 see notes No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate "E' Size Maps Resolution 2001-46 see notes No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate "B' Size Color Maps Resolution 2001 -46 see notes No 1001. of Contractor Cost Immediate "D "Size Ades Sheets Maps Resolution2001 -46 see notes No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate "B' Size Atlas Map Book Sheets Resolution 2001-46 see notes No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate Penally and Interest If fees for services are not paid when due, then in addition to the fees for services a law payment penalty in the amount equal to ten percent (10 %) of the unpaid amount shall be imposed. see notes No 10' First Penalty / 10� Second Penalty / 10% Interest Immediate Fingerprint Processing With DOI Processing Charge Resolution 200146 see notes No Pass Through 100 %DOI Charge Immediate FINANCE - Finance fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments. Revenue Business License Initial Application Application Processing Fee Resolution 200542 g 44.00 $ Yes Immediate Business License - duplicate Reprint Certificate M.C. 5.04.200 $ 9.00 $ 7.00 Yes 30 days after 2nd reading Business License - change in infomption $ 19.00 $ 19.00 Yes This fee was not on the previous MFS, but has been charged. Immediate Dog License Per Month M.C. 7.04.060 $ 2.00 $ No Service is provided by a vendor. Immediate Dog LicenseSwrilized Per Month M.C. 7.04.060 $ 1.00 $ No Service is provided by avendor. immediate Dog License Tag Replacement M.C. 7.04.060 $ 4.00 $ No Service is provided by avendor. Immediate Dog License Late Charge, 10% first and second M.C. 7.04.060 see notes n/a No 10% first penalty, 10 %second penalty Immediate Second Hand Dealer Permit M.C. 5.20.060 $ 82.00 $ 20.00 Yes Immediate Second Hand Dealer Renewal + DOJ Fingerprint processing M.C. 5.20.060 $ 44.00 $ 11.00 Yes Immediate Vehicles For Hire Certificate (Plus Fee For Each Vehicle Shown Below) M.C. 5.12.030 $ 1,009.00 $ 467.00 Yes immediate Vebides For Htre Fee For Each Vehicle M.C. 5.12.030 $ 466.00 $ 378.00 Yes Immediate Vehicles For Hire Annual Vehicle Fee First Vehicle (Additional Vehicle Fee Shown Below) M.C. 5.12.130 $ 449.00 $ 396 Yes Immediate Vehicles For Hire Annual Vehicle Fee For Each Additional Vehicle M.C. 5.12.110 $ 449.00 $ 3%.00 Yes Immediate Vehicles For Hire Driver's Permit MC 5.12230 $ 881.00 $ 706.00 Yes Immediate Vehicles For Hire Driver's Permit Renewal M.C. 512.230 $ 449.00 $ 344.00 Yes Immediate 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 45 58 59 W 61 62 63 ss 66 67 0 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 n 78 79 80 at 92 83 84 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/27/11 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Fire Arms Sales Permit Permit For Retail Sales M.C. 5.80.040 $ 69.00 $ 7.00 Yes Immediate Adult Oriented Business Permits Permit M.C. 5. %.020(B) $ 736.00 $ 8.00 Yes Immediate Escort Service Pemut Permit To Conduct Escort Services M.C. 5.90.020 $ 700.00 $ 374.00 Yes Immediate Escort Service Escort Employee M.C. 5.90.035 $ 348.00 $ 145.00 Yes Immediate Live Entertainment Permit Permit M.C. 5.28.030 $ 149.00 $ .00 Yes Immediate Dance Permit Permit M.C. 592.040 $ 149.00 $ 5.00 Yes Immediate Short Term Lodging Permits - initial Permit M.C. 5.95.040 $ 146.00 $ 54.00 Yes Immediate Short Term Lodging Permits - reprint Reprint Certificate $ 8.00 n/a Yes New fee Immediate Sound Amp Permit Permit M.C. 10.32.020 $ 145.00 $ 45.00 Yes Immediate Delinquent TOT payment $ 37.00 n/a Yes New fee Immediate TOT reprint $ 9.00 n/a Yes New fee Immediate Going Out of Business Signage Pernit- Initial M.C. 5.16.030 S 74.00 $ 22.00 Yes Immediate Going Out of Business SignaLe Permit- Extension M.C. 5.16.030 $ 46.00 $ 41.00 Yes Immediate Film Production Permit Application - Without Film Liaison M.C. 5.46.030 $ 483.00 $ Yes The Film Permit process is being evaluated No changes to the fee level are recommended at tini time. Immediate Film Production Permit Application -With Film Liaison M.C. 5.46.030 $ 48.00 11 Yes The Film Permit process is being evaluated. No changes to the fee level are recommended at this time. Immediate Film Permit Fee M.C. 5.46.030 $ 270.00 $ Yes The Film Permit process is being evaluated. No changes to the fee level are recommended at this time. Immediate Review ofSpecial Package Deals Hotels Hotels Special Package Deals M.C.3.16.050(C) $ 139.00 $ 64.00 Yes Immediate Preferential Puking Permit MC. 1268.040 $ 16.00 $ 1.00 No Immediate COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING Administration Special Inspector Original Licenses Each Test Per Classification M.C.15.02.140 $ 96.00 $ 2.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Special Inspector Licenses Renewal Per Classification M.C.15.02.140 $ 64.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Record Management Per 81 /7'x11 °Page M.C.15.02 $ 1.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Record Management Per Sheet Of Drawing M.C.15.02 $ 200 $ - Yes 60 days after adoption Appeals Board Hearing Filing Fee for Appeal M.C.15.02 $ 6,494.00 $ 193.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Modification To UBC /Alt. Materials & Methods Each To Comply With Section 105 & 106 Of The Uniform Administrative item Code M.C.15.02 $ 257.00 $ 7.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Authorization to duplicate record drawings Obtain approval from owner & architect M.C.15.02 S 53.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Hazardous Material Disclosure Processing M.C.15.02 $ 15.00 S - Yes 60 days after adoption Flood Zone Determination Written Determination M.C.15.02 $ 53.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Plan Reviews $ $ Preliminary Plan Review Fee Per Staff Member, Per Hour, One Hour Minimum M.C.15.02 $ 179.00 $ 5.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Plan Check Hourly Rate Fee per Hour M.C.15.02 $ 146.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Required by Revisions After the First Approval of Drawings Or Excessive Rechecks Due to Unsolved Corrections Fee Per Hour, Additional Plan Review And Rechecks In Excess Of 2 Minimum Half Ham KC.15.02 $ 146.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Plan Review Buildings Or Structures M.C.15.02 72% of Building Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption lRepetitive Plan Review Similar Units In Tracts Containing More Than 5 Units After Model When Full Fee Is Paid For Model M.C.15.02 25% of Plan Check Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption lEnergy Compliance Review Title 24 compliance review of documents M.C.15.02 0.06% of Construction Cost n/a No Minimum $55. Maximum for 1 & 2dwelling $261.$469 maximum for a 60 days after adoption 95 66 87 as 69 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 96 99 IN lot Io2 Its 106 105 106 107 IN IN Ito 111 112 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/22/11 Rnnnded dnwnfn Fpm r.nvm..e ve.. 12011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07 %I CPI calculation based on tA/OC adlustment from Aux 2010 to Arta 2011 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental- (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Dale Disabled Access Compliance Review Tide 24 compliance review of documents M.C.15.02 0.1 % of Construction Cost n/a No Minimum SN. Maximum $803. 60 days after adoption Grading Plan Review by City Staff Cade Compliance Review of Grading Plans M.C.15.02 72% of Grading Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Grading Plan Review of Complex Projects by Consultant Code Compliance Review of Grading Plans M.C35.02 120 °1 of Consultant Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Solar Systems Up to and Includin g 3KW Cade Compliance Review M.C.15.02 $ 135.00 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Determirwtion of Unreasonable Hardship To comply with Disabled Access Requirements M.C.15.02 $ 248.00 $ 6.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Electrical Plan Review Code compliance review of electrical plans M.C.15.02 72% of Total Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Mechanical Plan Review Code compliance review of HVAC plans M.C.15.02 72% of Total Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Plumbing Plan Review Code compliance review of Plumbing plans M.C.15.02 72% of Total Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Drainage Plan Review for Alteration to Drainage Drainage compliance review of documents M.C15.30.070 $ 247.00 $ 7.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Water Quality Management Plan Review (Commercial Projects) Code Compliance Review/Inspections-Building Fee M.C15.10.070 $ 873.00 see notes Yes This fee was separated into 2 fees - Plan Review and inspection 60 days after adoption Water Quality Management Inspections (Commercial Projects) Code Compliance Review /Inspections -Plan Check Fee M.C15.10.071 $ 1,206.00 see notes Yes This fee was separated into 2 fees - Plan Review and Inspection 60 days after adoption Water Quality Management Plan Review /Inspecdons Residential Proiects Code Compliance Review Ins lions- Buildfn Fee M.C.15.10.070 $ 625.00 $ 18.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Water Quality Management Plan Review /Inspections (Residential Projects) Code Compliance Review / Inspection -Plan Check Fee M.C.15.10.070 $ 448.00 $ 13.00 Yes 60 days after adoption COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING Overtime Plan Review Request To Expedite Plan Check and Work Overtime M.C.15.02 1.75 X Regular Plan Check Fees, $271 minimum n/a Yes 60 days after adoption Plan Check Extension Request To Extend Plan Check MC.15.02 $ 53.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Harbor Construction Code Compliance Review M.C.15.02 72% of Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Waste Management Administration Fee Administration Fee Demolition M.C.15.02 $ 16.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Inspections Off -Hour; Inspection Request Per Hour, 2 Hour Minimum ®1.5 /hr M.C15.02 $ 180.00 $ 5.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Re-Inspection Per Hour Assessed When Corrections Are Not Completed MC15.02 $ 120.00 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Other Inspections Per Hour Inspections Not Otherwise Specified / One Hour Minimum M.C15.02 $ 120.00 5 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Permit Fees $ $ BuOdin Permit $1.00 To $2.000.00 MC.15.02 $ 96.00 5 2.00 Yes 60 days after adoption $2,001.00 To $25,000,00 MC15.02 $ 97.00 $ 14.92 $ 3.00 $ 0.45 Yes Base fee for the first $2000 + incremental cost for each addd $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $25,000 60 days after adoption $25,001.00 To $50,000.00 M.C.15.02 $ 438.00 $ 10.75 $ 13.00 $ 0.32 Yes Base fee for the first $25,000+ incermental cost for each addtl $1,000 m fraction of, to and including $50,000 60 days after adoption 50,001.00 To $100,000.00 M.C.15.02 $ 709.00 $ 7.41 $ 21.00 $ 0.22 Yes Base fee for the first $50,000+ incremental cost for each addd $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $100,000 60 days after adoption $100,001.00 To $500,000.00 M.C.15.02 $ 1,084.00 $ 5.74 $ 31.00 S 0.17 Yes Ease fee for the first $100,000 + incremental cost for each addd $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $500,000 60 days after adoption 113 114 us 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 IN City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption -11/22/11 R.-drd dn..,n to nur.at dnl ice. ea:...rm...r [mm n....:..... ve.. 1 CPI Adjustment% calculation based on D SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date $500,001.00 To $1,0001000.00 M.C.15.02 $ 3,322.00 $ 4.88 $ 98.00 $ 0.14 Yes Base fee for the first $500,000+ incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $1,000,000 60 days after adoption $1,000,001.00 to $5,000,000.00 M.C.15D2 $ 5,831.00 $ 3.34 $ 173.00 $ 0.10 Yes Base fee for the first $1,000,000+ incremental cost for each addd $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $5,000,000 60 days after adoption Over $5,000,000 M.C.15.02 5 19,154.00 $ 3.34 $ 570.00 $ 0.10 Yes Base fee for the first $5=,DOO+ incremental cost for each addd $5,000 or fraction of 60 days after adoption Harbor Comb-Iction $ $1.00- $2,000.00 M.C.15.02 $ 97.00 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption $1001.00 - $8,000.00 M.C.15A2 $ 97.00 $ 14.92 $ 3.00 $ 0.45 Yes Base fee for the first $2,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $8,000 60 days after adoption $8,001.00 - $50,000.00 M.C.15.02 $ 187.00 $ 12-88 $ 5.00 $ 0.38 Yes Base fee for the first $8,000 + i ner Irunual cost for each addtl $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $50,000 60 days after adoption $50,001.00 - $100,000.00 M.C.15.02 $ 730.00 $ 7.41 $ 21.00 $ 0.22 Yes Base fee for the first $50,000+ incremental cost for each addd $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $100,000 60 days after adoption $100,00100 - $500,000.00 M,C.15.02 $ 11095.00 $ 5.74 $ 32.00 $ 0.17 Yes Base fee for the first $100,000+ incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $500000 60 days after adoption $500,001.00- $1,000.000.00 M.C.15.02 $ 31390.00 $ 4.90 $ 100.00 $ 0.14 Yes Base fee for the first 5500,000+ incremental cost for each addd $1,000 or fraction of, to and includirig $1,000,000 60 days after adoption $1,000,001.00 and up M.C.15.02 $ 51852.00 $ 3.34 $ 174.00 $ 0.10 Yes Base fie for the first $1,000,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $10,000 or fraction of 60 days after adoption Strong Motion Instrumentation CA Stale Fee) Residential Structures ]ass Than Three Stories Itigh Sechon2705 Public Resources Code see notes n a No 100% of State Fee 60 days after adoption Grading Permit Fee is to be calculated based on Cut or Fill which ever is greater, plus permit fee based on valuation of site improvements COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING Grading Permit - Based on Cut or FM which ever is eater 0 -200 Cubic Yards Cut or Fill) MC.15.10.070 $ 789.00 $ 23.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 201 -300 Cubic Yards M.C.15.10.070 $ 809.00 $ 24.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 301400 Cubic Yards M.C.15.10.070 $ 828.00 $ 24.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 401 -500 Cubic Yards MC15.10.070 $ 848.00 $ 24.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 501 -600 Cubic Yards M.C.15.10.070 $ 886.00 $ 26.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 601 -700 Cubic Yards M.C.15.10.070 $ 924.00 $ 27.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 701 -800 Cubic Yards MC15.30.070 $ %3.00 $ 28.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 801- 900Cubic Yards M.C.15.10.070 $ 1,001.00 $ 29.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 901 -1000 Cubic Yards M.C.1510.070 $ 1,039.00 5 31.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 1,001 - 10,1100 Cubic Yards M.C35.10.070 $ 1,043.00 $ 365.14 $ 31.00 $ 10.87 Yes Base fee for the first 1,000 cubic yards + incremental cost for each addd 1,000 CY or fraction of, to and including 10,000 CY 60 days after adoption 10,001 - 100,000 Cubic Yards M.C35.10.070 $ 4,310.00 $ 364.63 $ 128.00 $ 10.85 Yes Base fee for the first 10,000 cubic yards incremental cost for each add010,000 CY or fraction of, to and including 100,000 CY 60 days after adoption 136 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 146 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 356 159 160 161 162 163 164 IN 166 167 IN IN 170 171 172 City of Newport Beach 12011 CPI Adjustment% 3.W7a1 CPI calculation based on LA OC adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 Date of Adoption - 11/22111 Rounded down to nearest dollar Admo tment Fmm Previous Year $ERVICENAME DESCRIPIION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental Cal Notes Implementation Date 100,001 Cubic Yards or more M.C15.10.070 $ 7,678.00 $ 354.71 $ 228.00 $ 10.56 Base fee for the first 100,000 cubic yards incremental cost for each Yes acrid 10,000 CY or fraction of 60 days after adoption Goading Permit Fees (Based on Site Improvements) Curb & Gutter, Paying, Erosion Control Same As Building Permit Fee Table n/a No 60 days after adoption Drainage Pemdts for Alteration to Drainage inspection Of Drainage S stem M.C15.10.070 $ 247.00 $ 7.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Electrical Permit Fees Permit Issuance MC.15.02 $ 34,00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Supplemental Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit M.C.15.02 $ 9.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Combination Electrical Permit Residential Construction M.C.15.02 7% of Bldg Permit Fee n a No 60 days after adoption Combination Electrical Permit Non - Residential Conswctirn, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 Story M.C.15.02 14% of Bldg Permit Fee n a No 60 days after adoption Electrical Unit Permit In In For Each Outlets, First 20 M.C.15.02 $ 1.00 $ .00 Yes 50 days after adoption Fee For Each Outlets, Aker First 20 M.C.15.02 $ 0.96 $ 0.04 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Lightung Fixtures, First 20 M.C.15.02 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Lighting Fixture, After 20 M.C.15.02 $ 0.96 $ 0.04 Yes 60 days after adoptlan Low Voltage System M.C15.02 Fee For Each Low Voltage Outlet, First 20 M.C.15.02 $ 1.00 $ .W Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Low Voltage Outlet After First 20 MC15.02 $ 0.96 $ 0.04 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Pole or Platform- Mounted Lighting Fixtures M.C15.02 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Theatrical -type Lighting Fixtures Or Assemblies M.C.15.02 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Residential Appliance or Receptacle Outlet (New Construction) M.C.15.02 $ 6.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Non - Residential Appliances and Self-Contained Factory -Wired, Not exceeding one horsepower M.C.15.02 $ 6.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- amperes, or kilovolt - amperes- reactive: M.C.15.02 Up to and including 1 M.C15.02 $ 6.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Over 1 and Not Over 10 M.C15.02 $ 16.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Over 10 and Not Over 50 M.C.15.02 $ 32.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Over 50 and Not Over 100 M.C15.02 $ 63.00 $ 2.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Over 100 M.C.15.02 $ 96.00 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each 100 Feet Or Fraction Thereof Of Bus ways, For Trolley & Plug -in Type Bus ways. Note: Additional Fees For Other Fixtures Connected To The Tro0ev M.C.15.02 $ 9.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Sign, Outline Lighting and Marquees supplied from one branch circuit M.C.15.02 $ 34.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING Fee For Each Service: 600 Volts or Less and Nat (Jeer 200 Amperes in Rating M.C15.02 $ 39.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 600 Volts or Less and Over 200 Amperes to 1,000 Amperes MC.15.02 $ 79.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Over 600 Volts or Over LOW Amperes in Rating M.C15.02 $ 158.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Miscellaneous A aratus, Conduits and Conductors M.C15.02 $ 23.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Special Event, Each Generator, Electrical M.C15.02 $ 34.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 in 181 182 183 IN 185 IN 187 Us 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 IN 197 IN IN 200 201 202 203 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/27/11 Rounded down to nearrat dollar I Adin .-1 Fmm Pmvimn Yoar 2011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07'9b CPI calculation based on IA 10C adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Special Event lighting M.C15.02 $ 9.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Temporary Power Service M.C.15.02 $ 34.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Temporary Service Pedestal M.C.15.02 $ 34.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Temp. Distribution System, Lighting, Ouflet, Decorative Site, Temporary Receptacles, Switches And Lighting Outlets In Which Current Is Controlled (Except Services, Feeders, Meters) M.C15.02 $ 17.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Mechanical Permit Fees $ Permit Issuance M.C.15.02 $ 34.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Supplemental Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit M.C.15.02 $ 9.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Combination Mechanical Permit Residential Construction M.C.15.02 5% of Bldg Permit Fee n a No 60 days after adoption Combination Mechanical Permit Non - Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 story M.C.15.02 12% of Bldg Permit Fee n a No 60 days after adoption Mechanical Unit Perndt Fees Fee For Each Forced AK or Gravity Type Furnace up to and including 100,000 Bm /h M.C.15.02 $ 19.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Forced Air or Gravity Type Furnace over 100,000 Btu /h M.C.15.02 $ 23.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Floor Furnace, including Vent M.C.15.02 $ 19.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Suspended Heater, Recessed Wall Heater or Floor - Mounted Unit Heater M.C.15.02 $ 19.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Installation, Relocation, Replacement of Appliance Vent M.C35.02 S 9.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Repair, Alteration of, Add'n m Heating / Cooling Applumces M.C.15.02 $ 19.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor to and Including 3lip M.C.15.02 $ 19.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Absorption System to and Including 100,000 Btu /h MC.15.02 $ 19.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Boller or Compressor Over 3 HP to and including 15 HP M.C.15.02 1. 34.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 100,000 Bm /h & including 500,00 Rm /h M.C.15.02 5 34.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 15 HP In and including 30 HP M.C.15.02 5 47.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 500,000 Bm /h & including 1,000,000 Bm /h M.C.15.02 5 47.00 $ LED Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 30 HP to and including 50 HP M.C.15.02 $ 70.00 $ 2.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 1,000,000 Bm /h including 1,750,000 Bm /h M.C75.02 $ 70.00 $ 2.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each BmIU or Compressor over 50 HP M.C.15.02 $ 119.00 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Absorption System Over 1,750,000 Bm /h MC.15.02 $ 119.00 $ 3.00 Year 60 days after adoption Fee For Fach AK handling Unit To & Including 10,000 Cu Ft/ Min Including Attached Ducts M.C.15.02 $ 13.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING Fee For Each AK Handling Unit Over 10,000 chn M.C.15.02 $ 23.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Evaporative Cooler Other Than Portable Type M.C.15.02 $ 13.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Ventilation Fen Connected to a Single Duct M.C15.02 $ 9.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Ventilation System Not Connected to Any Other System M.C.15.02 $ 13.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption 2041 20S 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 2n 222 211 224 225 226 227 226 229 230 231 x32 233 234 235 236 City of Newport Beach 2011 CPI Adjustment % 3.0744. CPI calculation based on to /0C adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 Date of Adoption - 11/22/11 SERVICE NAME DESCRIMON REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Fee For Each Hood Served by Mech Exhaust, Including Ducts M.C.15.02 $ 13.00 $ Yes 50 days after adoption Fee For Each Domestic Type Incinerator M.C.15.02 $ 23.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Commercial or Industrial Tvpe Incinerator M.C.15.02 $ 96.00 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Other Equipment or Applimmces Not listed in This Code, Fee For Each M.C.15.02 $ 13.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Plunabirig Permit Fees issuance of Permit M.C.15.02 $ 34.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Supplennentall Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit M.C.15.02 $ 9.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Combination Plumbing Permit Residential Construction M.C15.02 10% of Bldg Permit Fee n/a No 50 days after adoption Combination Plumbing Permit Non - Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 store M.C.15.02 10'. of Bldg Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Plumbing Pemut Unit Fees Fee For Each Plumbing Fixture, Trap, Set of Fixtures on One Trap M.C.15.02 $ 13.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Building Sewer, Trailer Park Sewer M.C.15.02 $ 32.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee Per Drain In Rainwater Systems M.C15.02 $ 13.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Cess opl M.C.15.02 $ 47.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Private Sewage Disposal System M.C.15.02 $ 96.00 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Water Heater and /or Vent M.C15.02 $ 1500 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each industrial Waste Pretreatment Interceptor, Excepting Mtchen TyTe Grease Inter. Functioning As Fixture Traps M.C15.02 S 25.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Water Piping, Water Treating Equipment M.C.15.02 $ 6.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Drainage or Vent Piping Fixture M.C.15.02 S 6.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each lawn Sprinkler System on One Meter, BackBow Protection Dee. M.C15.02 $ 19.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption 1 To 5 Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers M.C.15.02 $ 15.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each When More than 5 Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers, M.C.15.02 $ 3.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Other Backflow Protective Device 2Inches & Smaller M.C.15.02 $ 15.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Other Backflow Protective Device Over 2Inches M.C.15.02 $ 32.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Gas Piping System of One to Four Outlets M.C.15.02 $ 6.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fee For Each Outlet Gas Piping System of Five or More Outlets M.C15.02 $ 1.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Certificates and Reports Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Partial Or Temporary Occupancv Approval Prior To Final M.C.15.02 $ 193.00 $ 5.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Renewable Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Partial Or Temporary- Occupancy Approval Prior To Final Re, issuance Fee M.C.15.02 $ 75.00 $ zoo Yes 60 days after adoption Residential Building Report Single Family M.C.15.02 $ 161.00 $ 5.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Residential BlrikiIn Report Duplex M.C.15.02 $ 187.00 $ 5.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Residential Build. Re rt Multi-Family per Unit Charge for Each Utt overTwo. M.C.15.02 $ 187.00 $ 11.16 $ 5.00 $ 0.33 Yes Base fee + incremental for each Unit Over 2 60 days after adoption Residential Building Report Re- Inspection M.C.15.02 $ 85.00 $ 2.00 Yes 60 days after adoption ?3i 23! 29 241 24: 248 245 246 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 260 261 262 263 264 265 2" 267 268 269 270 271 272 274 275 276 277 278 279 28D 281 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/201 CPI Adjustment % dculation based on U SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- PLANNING Amateur Radio &SatelliM Dish Antenna Pemdts Application M.C. 20.50.050 $ 1,379.00 $ 40.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Amendments - General Plan Application - per hour CC Policy K -1 $ 166.00 S 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Amendments - Planned Community Application -per hour CC Policy K -1 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adopton Amendments - Zoning Code /Specific Plan Application - per hour M.C. 20.50.050 $ 166.00 S 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Appeals to City Council Application M.C. 20.64.030 $ 4,187.00 $ 125.00 Yes 50 days after adoption Appeals to Planning Commisaion Application M.C. 20.64.030 S 4,466.00 $ 133.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Approval in Concept Application M.C. 20.50.050 S 699.00 $ 20.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Certificate of Compliance Application M.C. 20.50.050 $ 10100 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Coastal Residential Development Permit Application -per hour M.C. 20.50.050 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Compliance Letters / Minor Records Research Application M.C. 20.50.050 $ 353.00 $ 10.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Condominium Conversion Permit Application M.C. 19.08.040 $ 1,281.00 $ 37.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Comprehensive /Innovative Sign Permit Application - per hour M.C. 20.42120/130 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Development Plan - Plamhed Community Application -per hour M.C. 2050.050 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption_ Development Agreement Application- perhom M.C. 15.45.030 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Director / Staff Approval Application M.C. 20.50.050 S 870.00 $ 26.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Extension of Time - Subdivision Code Application M.C. 19.16.020 $ 102.00 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Extension of Time- ZC(except Abatement Period) Application MC 20,54.060 $ 102.00 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Environmental Documents Application - per hour M.0 20.50.050 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Heritage Sign Review Application - per hour M.C. 20.50.050 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption In -Lieu Parking Application -per space MC 20.40.130 $ 150.00 $ - No 60 days after adoption Limited Term Permits - less than 90 days Application M.C. 20.50.050 $ 350.00 $ 10.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Limited Term Permits -more than 90 days Application M.0 20.50.050 $ 1,466.00 $ 43.00 Yes 6D days after adoption Limited Term Permits - seasonal sates Application MC 20.50.050 $ 64.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Lot Line Adjustment Application M.C. 19.76.020 $ 1,392.00 $ 41.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Lot Merger Application M.0 19.68.030 $ 1,370.00 $ 40.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Modification Permit Application M.C. 20.50.050 $ 2.353.00 $ 70.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Non - Conforming Abatement Period Extension Application- perhow M.C. 20.50.050 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Off -Site Parking Agreement Appliration- perhour M.C. 20.50.050 $ 166.00 S 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Operators License Application Application M.C. 525 $ 676.00 $ 20.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Operators License Appeal Application M.C. 5.75 $ 676.00 $ 20.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Planned Development Permit Application M.C. 20.50.050 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Reasonable Accomodation Application M.C. 20.50.050 No No fee is charged for this service. 60 days after adoption Site Development Review - Zoning Administrator Application M.C. 20.50.050 $ 2,329.00 $ 69.00 Yes 60 dam after adoptlon Site Development Review - planning Commission Application - per hour M.C. 20.50.050 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Subdivisions- Parcel Map Application M.C. 19.08.040 $ 3,164.00 $ 94.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Subdivisions - Tentative Tract Map Application -per hour M.0 19.08.040 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Subdivisions - Vesting Tentative Map Application -per hour M.C. 19.08.040 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Telecom permit- Council Application - per hour M.C. 15.70.070 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Telecom Permit- Planning Director Application - per hour M.C. 15.70.070 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 20 2e! Zat 201 ME 29f 291 292 293 294 293 as 297 290 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 300 309 310 311 312 313 314 319 316 317 316 319 320 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/27/11 CPI Adjustment % dculation based on u SERVICE NAME DESCRIFFION REFERENCE Taal or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Traffic Study Application - per hour M.C. 15.40.050 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Transfer of Development Rights Application - per hour M.C. 20.50.050 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Use Permit (Conditional) - Planning Commission Application - per hour M.C. 20.50.050 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Use Permit (Minor) - Zoning Administrator Application M.C. 20.50.050 $ 1,998.00 $ 59.00 Yes 60 days after adoption variance Application - per hour M.C. 20.50.050 5 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Zoning Plan Check Application - per hour M.C. 20.50.050 $ 125.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption CITY CLERK Passport Execution Fee Authorized by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Passport Services. Maximum permitted by Gov't Code. U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Passport Services see notes No Refer to Passport Services Immediate Passport Photo Fee $ 10.00 $ No Immediate FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS Fire Response Services Battalion Chief Unit (one person) 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour M.C. 9.04.030 $ 219.00 $ 6.00 Yes Immediate Paramedic Unit (two persons) 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 35 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour IVLC. 9.04.030 $ 277.00 $ 8.00 Yes Immediate Fire Engine (three pessosss) 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. hocreulent Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour M.0 9.04.030 $ 419.00 $ 12.00 Yes Immediate Fire Truck (three persons) 1 Hr. Mountain To The Nearest 15 Min. increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per How M.C. 9.04.030 $ 523.00 $ 15.00 Yes Immediate Stand -bv Firefighter (per person) 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour M.C. 9.04.030 $ 104.00 $ 3.00 Yes Immediate Emergency Operations Services Advanced Life Support M.C. 5.60.020 $ 359.00 $ 10.00 Yes Immediate Basic Life Su rt M.0 5.60.020 $ 243.00 $ 6.00 Yes Immediate Emergency Ambulanx Transportation Transportation Charge M.0 5,60.020 $ 725.00 8 21.00 Yes Immediate Emergency Ambulance Transportation Mileage Char M.C. 5.60.020 $ 17.00 $ Yes Immediate Emergence Ambulance Transportation Expendable Medical Supplies M.C. 5.60.020 $ 32.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Emergency Ambulance Transportation Oxygen M.0 5.60.020 $ 81.00 $ 200 Yes Immediate Medical Supplies Other Than Expendable Medial Supplies M.C. 5.60.020 Cost plus 100% n a No Cost lus 100% Immediate Paramedic Subscription Service Annual Fee - Resident M.C. 5.60.020 $ 48.00 $ No Immediate Paramedic Subscription Service Annual In - Business + 10 employees M.C. 5.60.020 $ 48.00 $ No Immediate Paramedic Subscription Service Annual Fee - Business, each additional 10 employees M.C. 5.60.020 $ 1200 S No Immediate Construction and Inspection Services Plan Check Commercial Fire Department Plan Check M.C. 9.04.010 20% of Building Plan Check Fee n a No 60 days after adoption Plan Check Residential Fire Department Plan Check - per hour M.C. 9.04.010 $ 160.00 $ 5.00 Yes 60 days after adoption InspectionCornmercial Fire Department Permit Fee - per hour M.C. 9.04.010 $ 160.00 $ 5.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Permit /Insp. Residential Fire Alarm & Life Safety Systems Base fee + M device clear a M.C. 9.04.010 $ 323.00 $ 9.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Permit/ Imp. Residential Fire Alarm &Life Safety SFSterns per device M.C. 9.04.010 $ 1.00 $ Yes 60 days after adoption Dan Check es m-i al ire Life Safe ty Systems M.C. 9.04.010 13% of Permit Fee n a No 60 days after adoption Permit/ 'on Special Fire Protection Equi meet Spray Booths, etc. M.C. 9.04.010 72% of Building Permit n/a No 60 days after adoption Pleas Check Special Fire Protection Equipment Spray Booths, etc. M.C. 9.04.010 36% of Permit Fee n a No 60 days after adoption 311 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 339 339 340 MI 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 3s4 City of Newport Beach 12011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07'.1 CPI calculation based on lA/OC adjustment from Aug 2010 to Awil 2011 Date of Adoption - 11/22/11 Rounded down to nearest dollar Adiusbnent From Previous Year SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Permit/Inspection Fixed Fire Extinguishing Svstems Sprinklers, Standpipes, etc. M.C. 9.04.010 72% of Building Petit n/a No 60 days after adoption Plan Check Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems Sprinklers, Stand i es, etc. M.C. 9.04.010 36% of Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Permit /Insp. Commercial Fire Alarm & Life Safety estems M.C. 9.04.010 72% of Building Permit n/a No 60 days after adoption Plan Check Commercial Fire Alarm & Life Safety Svstems M.C. 9.04.010 36% of Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Inspection Fuel Modification New and /or Change to Existing Plan Per Hour -1 Hour Minimum M.C. 9.04.010 $ 705.00 $ 20.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Medical Gas Inspection (New Construction) Doctor, Dentist & Vet. Offices M.C. 9.04.010 72% of Building Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Medical Gas Plan Review Doctor, Dentist & Vet. Offices M.C. 9.04.010 36% of Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Fire Access Gate Programming Per hourly rate - 1 /2hour Minimum. M.C. 9.04.010 No 60 days after adoption Reinsection without Corrections Engine and Truck hupections M.C. 9.04.010 $ 195.00 $ 5.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Missed /Not Ready Inspection (Bureau) MC 9.04.010 $ 7100 $ 2.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Special Services 60 days after adoption Plan Check Expedite Request Per Hour -1 Hour Minimum MC 9.04.010 $ 246.00 $ 7.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Inspection Expedite Requot Per Hour -1 Hour Minimum M.C. 9.04.010 $ 290.00 $ 8.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Special Event Permit Single Event Permit M.C. 9.04.010 $ 195.00 $ 6.00 Yes Immediate Special Event Expedite R uest Event Within less Than 2 Working Days M.C. 9.04.010 $ 390.00 $ 11.00 Yes Immediate Annual Fire Permit Chapter l New permits M.C. 9.04.010 $ 162.00 $ 4.00 Yes Immediate Chapter l Annual Permits Truck /Engine Inspection Renewal M.C. 9.04.010 $ 138.00 $ 3.00 Yes Immediate Candle Permit - first time and special event Single Event Permit M.C. 9.04.010 $ 51.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Off -Hours Inspection Request Per Hour -1 Hour Minimum M.C. 9.04.030 $ 290.00 $ 8.00 Yes Immediate Technical Assistance of Complex Fire Protection Systems Code Compliance Review - Plan Check and /or Inspection Services M.C. 9.04.010 see notes n/a No 120% of vendor proposaL Fee is consistent with Building dept 60 days after adoption FIVE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS Weekend Holiday, or Non Contiguous & After Hours Request 2 Hour Minimum ®1.5 (100% Fullv Loaded Hourly Rate(appmdlx) $530 base fee + howty M.C. 9.04.010 see notes n/a No Hourly rate of $180 will be applied after the base rate. Immediate Special Event, Pre-Event Inspection Services Per Hour -1 Hour Minumum M.C. 9.04.010 $ 240.00 $ 6.00 Yes Immediate Site Inspection, Increase Or Evaluation Of Oct. Load M.C. 9.04.010 $ 258.00 $ 7.00 Yes immediate In Service Building Public Radio Coverage System Service in Private Structures Service to privately owned bi- directional amplification systems by the Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Communications Division on behalf of the City Police and Fire Departments. 100% pass through of CC Sheriff - Coroner Communications Division Chug. M.C. 9.04.010 see notes n/a No Service to privately owned bi- directional amplification systems by the Orange Counf), Sheriff- Coronet Communications Division on behalf of the City Police and Fire Department. 100% pass through of OC Sheriff - Coroner Communications Division Char . Immediate Nuisance Abatement Service Weeds, Rubbish And O0mer Nuisance. Actual costs 45% M.C. 10.48 see notes n/a No Weeds, Rubbish And Other Nuisance. Actual costs +45% Immediate Special Event Fire Dept. Stand-by Personnel 2 Hour Minimum (100% FuRv loaded Hourly Rate (appendix) $550 base fee+ hourly M.C. 9.04.030 see notes n/a No Hourly rate of $180 will be applied after the base rate. Immediate Lifeguard Services Per How M.C. 3.36.030 $ 66.00 $ 1.00 Yee Immediate Lifeguard5upewisor Per Hour M.C. 3.36.030 $ 152.00 $ 4.00 Yes Immediate Junior Guard- Resident Per Participant M.C. 3.36.030 $ 695.00 $ 20.00 Yes Immediate junior Guard- Nonresident Per Partici and M.C. 3.36.030 $ 809.00 $ 24.00 Yes Immediate Special Plan Review Services New Occupancy Per How -I How Minimum M.0 9.04.010 $ 159.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Pre - submittal Review Per Hom -1 How Minimum M.C. 9.04.010 $ 558.00 $ ]6.00 Yes 60 days after ado -- 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 366 365 366 367 369 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 979 379 390 381 382 383 396 385 386 387 388 389 City of Newport Beach Data of Adoption - 11/22/11 Rounded down to nearest dollar I Admsmaem Frnm Pr iaas Year 2011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07516 CPI calculation based on 1.A/0C adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Fire, Life So", Or Special Hazard Consultation Per Hour -1 Hour Minbnum M.C. 9.04.010 $ 404.00 $ 11.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Closure Report Review M.C. 9.04.010 $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption RMPP Consultation Review Actual Cost- Initial Escrow Account Deposit Minimum $1,000 MC 9.04.010 see notes n/a No Actual Cost- Initial Escrow Account Deposit Minimum $1,000 60 days after adoption Temporary Change Of Use Use Of Retail Occu ancv As Place Of Assembiv-Special Use M.C. 9.04.010 $ 471.00 $ 14.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fire Lane Plan Review (Fire Master Plan) Per Hour -1 How Minimum M.C. 9.04.010 $ 399.00 $ 11.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Fuel Modification Plan New and /or Change to Existing Plan Per How -1 Hour Minimum M.C. 9.04.010 $ 489.00 $ 14.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Special Hazard Services Permit/linspection Tank Installation Or Removal Above Or Below Ground, Per Tank M.C. 9.04.010 72% of Building Permit n/a No 60 days after adoption Plan Check Tank Installation Or Removal Above Or Below Ground, Per Tank M.C. 9.04.030 36% of Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption Permit /Inspection Hazardous Materials Piping Includes Underground Flammable Liquids Piping MC 9.04.010 72% of Building Permit n/a No 6D days after adoption Plan Check Hazardous Materials Piping Includes Underground Flammable Liquids Piping M.C. 9.04.010 36% of Permit Fee n/a No 60 days after adoption State Mandated Inspections Places Of Assembh• Annual Fee M.C. 9.04.010 $ 182.00 $ SAO Yes Immediate Clinics, Offices, and Treatment Facilities State Fire Clearance M.C. 9.04.010 $ 8100 $ 200 Yes Immediate Care Facilities Annual Feel- 99Occupants MC. 9.04.010 $ 173.00 $ 5.00 Yes Immediate Care Facilities Annual Fee 100 +Occupants M.C. 9.04.010 $ 252.00 $ 7.00 Yes Immediate Hospitals And Convalescent Facilities Annual Fee 1 -199 Beds M.C. 9.04.010 $ 175.00 $ 5.00 Yes Immediate Hospitals And Convalescent Facilities Annual Fee 200 Or More Beds M.C. 9.04.010 $ 7,183.00 $ 213.00 Yes Immediate Hotels /Motels Annual Fee 50 -299 Rooms M.C. 9.04.010 $ 186.00 $ 5.00 Yes Immediate Hotels/Motels Annual Fee 300 Or More Rooms M.C. 9.04.010 $ 315.00 $ 9.00 Yes Immediate Day Care Facilities Annual Fee M.C. 9.D4.010 $ 127.00 $ 4.00 Yes Immediate High Rise Buildings Annual Fee M.C. 9.04.010 $ 1,160.00 $ 34.00 Yes Immediate Residential High Rise Buildings Annual Fee M.C. 9.04.010 $ 815.00 $ 29.00 Yes Immediate Residential Care Facilih Pre - License Inspection Per How -11-lour Minimum CA Health and Safety Code, Section 13235 (AB 09-46) $ 240.00 $ 7.00 Yes Immediate Hazardous Materiels Business Plan, Inventory Disclosure And Applicable Permit Medial Gas Permit Initial Filing Doctor, Dentist & Vet Offices tities Less Than 1,000 Cu. Ft. M.C. 9.04.010 $ 50.00 $ No Per Health and Salety Code, total fee cannot exceed $50 60 days after adoption Medical Gas Permit Information Change Filing Doctor, Dentist & Vet. Offices Quantities Less Than 1,000 Cu. Ft. M.C. 9.04.010 $ 50.00 $ No Per Health and Safety Code, total fee cannot exceed $50 60 days after adoption Aboveground Storage Tank Per Tank M.C. 9.04210 $ 176.00 $ 5.00 Yes Immediate FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS Gasoline /Service Stations, Per Site Retail Dispensing Dispeming of Fuels M.C. 9.04.010 $ 170.00 $ 5.00 Yes Immediate IA Chemicals > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Fee4 50D Pounds M.C. 9.04.010 $ 583.00 $ 17.00 Yes Immediate 5.6 Chemicals >or= 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet 500 Pounds M.C. 9.04.010 $ 679.00 $ 20.00 Yes Immediate 7 -10 Chemicals > or= 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet 500 Pounds M.C. 9.04.010 5 6%.00 $ 20.00 Yes Immediate 11 -14 Chemicals >m= 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet 500 Pounds M.C. 9.04.010 $ 797.00 $ 23.00 Yes Immediate 15 -20 Chemicals >or= 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet 500 Pounds M.C. 9.04.010 $ 89200 $ 26.00 Yes Immediate 399 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 40 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 416 419 420 421 422 423 a24 425 426 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 12/27f11 Rounded down to nearest dollar I Adivstmem Fmm Previous Year 12111 CPI Adjustment % 3.07 %] CFI calculation based on lA /0C adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date 23-40 Chemicals > or = 55 Galore, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds MC 9.04.010 $ 926.00 $ 27.00 Yes Immediate More Than 40 Chemicals > or— 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds M.C. 9.04.010 $ 1,179.00 $ 34.00 Yes Immediate LIBRARY SERVICES - Library fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments. Cancellation Charge Central Library Commumily Room Less Than Three Days Before Event Council Po' 1 -7 $ 31.00 $ No Immediate Refund Chaarge All Other Programs and Facilities Program Or Facility Rental Resolution 2001 46 $ 31.00 $ No Immediate Arts and Cultural Services Library Services Materials Rental Video /Book Per Unit MC 3.36.030 $ 1.00 $ No Immediate Materials Rental -Best Sellers Video /Book Per Unit MC 3.36.030 $ 1.00 $ No Immediate Inter Library Iran Per Unit M.0 3.36.030 $ 5.00 $ Yes Was not on previous MES, but this is not a new fee Immediate Facility Rentals Insurance, Deposits And Set -up Fees May Be Required Availability May Be Limited Other Restrictions May Apply Immediate Deposits Central Library Coommud r, Room Non - Refundable Cleaning Fee Use Of Kitchen And /Or Food $ 60.00 $ No Immediate Central Library Community Room Refundable, Use Of Public Address System $ 100.00 $ No Immediate Refundable Cleaning Deposit Refuriclable (leaning Deposit $ 105.00 $ No Immediate Setup And Cleanup Fees Central Libras• Community Room Setup M.C. 336.030 $ 75.00 $ Yes Immediate Energy Surcharge Additional Charge Necessary To Recover Energy Costs No Director Has Authorih• to Establish Charge Depending on Cost Immediate_ Meeting Rooms Central Library Communitv Room Non - Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 50.00 $ No Immediate Central Librar • Communi • Room Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 95.00 $ No Immediate Central Library Community Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 80.00 $ No Immedlate Central Librdry Community Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 160.00 $ No Immediate POLICE Administration Civil Subpoena Govt. Code 680997.2B $ 150.00 $ No This is a deposit Immediate Initial Concealed Weapons Permit 100% of5tate Established Fee P.C.I2.050(A) see notes n a No 100% of State Established Fee Immediate Concealed Weapon Permit Renewal 100% of State Established Fee P.C.12.050(A) we notes n/a No 100% of Slate Established Fee Immediate Environmental Service Filling $ 460.00 $ 13.00 Yes Immediate Disturbance Advisory Card /Res e $ 59.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Support Services Bike Licenses M.C. 12.56.025 $ 2.00 $ Yes Immediate Finger Printing $ 29.00 $ Yes Additional DOj fee mav apply Immediate Arrest Reports P.R. Act $ 10.00 $ Yes Immediate Crime Reports P.R. Act $ 10.00 $ Yes Immediate Traffic Collision Reports P.R. Act $ 10.00 $ Yes Immediate 427 426 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 436 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 446 449 450 451 452 453 455 456 457 456 459 460 451 462 463 466 467 469 470 471 City of Newport Beach 1 CPI Adjustment % calculation based on U Date of Adoption - 11/27/11 Rn..ndod dnwn In naa.ee4 dnll- SERVICENAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Clearance letters P.R. Act $ 35.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate City Jail Booking Fee California Government Code 29550.3 $ 347.00 $ No Immediate Vehicle Repossession 100% State Established Fee see notes n/a No 100% State Established Fee Immediate Vehicle Release M.C. 3.36.030 $ 34.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Solicitors plication -up to 10 names $ 37.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Solicitorapplication - greater than 10 names $ 89.00 $ 2.00 Yes Immediate Re'trant- narcotics M.C. 3.36.030 No No fee is charRed immediate Registrant - sex M.C. 3 %.030 No No fee is char ed Immediate Subpoena Duces To= Statute California Evidence Code 1563 $ 6.00 $ No remen c arge ns per quarter our man). low in rs incremental charge plus $0.10 per Ell std, $0.20 per pg co v microfilm Immediate Alarm Application Monitored or Unmonitored M.C. 5.49.030 $ 59.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Alarm - Monitor Fee Annual M.C. 5.48.080 $ 236.00 $ 7.00 Yes Immediate Triennial Renewal Fee Residential Alarm Permit M.C.5.49.0455 $ 48.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Annual Renewal Fee Commercial Alarm Permit M.C.5.49.045 $ 48.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate MonlactringSign Telephonic Alarms stem M.C.5.48.085 $ 29.00 $ Yes Immediate Monitoring Decal Package of Ten Decals M.C.5.4B.065 $ 22.00 $ Yes Immediate CAstion Sign Off Fee Per Sign Off $ 15.00 $ Yes Immediate Animal Control Impound Fee DO& Cats And Other Similar Size Animals M.C. 7.16.050 $ 40.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Impound Fee Small Ammals M.C. 7.16.050 $ 40.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Boarding Fee Animal Shelter A eement see notes n/a No Fee based on shelter agreements Immediate Boarding Fee Small Animals Shelter Agreement see notes n/a No Fee based on shelter agreements Immediate Ado tion Fee Am, Animal Shelter Agreement see notes n/a No Fee based on shelter agreements Immediate Rabies Inoculation Impounded Dog Shelter A ment see notes n/a No Fee based on shelter agreements Immediate Spay & Neuter Fees Other than Original owner Sheller Agreement see notes n/a No Fee based on shelter agreements Immediate Misc. Animal inspection Services Pet Shop M.C. 7.08.040 $ 119.00 $ 3.00 Yes Immediate Misc. Animal hupection Services Pot Bellied Pig M.C. 7.08.040 $ 59.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate POLICE Misc. Animal Inspection Services Wild Animal Permits M.C. 7.08.040 $ 59.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Kennel license 4-9 animals $ 89.00 $ 2,00 Yes Immediate Kennel license 10 -29 animals $ 150.00 $ 4.00 Yes Immediate Kennel License 30 -59 animals $ 180.00 $ 5.00 Yes Immediate Kernel License 60- animals $ 210.00 $ 6.00 Yes Immediate Patrol Emergency Response Billing Govt. Code 53150 Gov. Code 53150 see notes n/a No Per Govt Code 53150 Immediate Detective Second Hand/ Pawn Dealer Tag Check M.C. 3.36.030 No No fee is chaNed Immediate Massage License Technician Application M.C. 5.50.035 $ 670.00 $ 19.00 Yes Immediate Massage License Technician Renewal M.C. 5.50.035 $ 357.00 $ 10.00 Yes Immediate Message License Operator M.0 5.50.020 $ 760.00 $ 2200 Yes Immediate Massage License Off Premises M.C. 5.50.045 $ 985.00 $ 29.00 Yes Immediate 472 473 474 475 476 4" 478 479 460 481 482 483 4s4 485 486 aa7 488 489 4% 491 492 493 494 495 4% 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 Sm so 5m 507 508 City of Newport Beach 12011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07% I CPI calculation based on tA/OC adiustment from Aug 2010 to Amil 2011 Date of Adoption - 11/22/11 R,.,,..Aod A....,.. 9„11.. ea ;.......... e...."x..e:,...�v.�. SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Massage License Transfer M.C. 5.50.070 $ 156.00 $ 4.00 Yes Immediate Message License Holistic Health Operator M.C. 5.50.070 $ 760.00 $ 22.00 Yes Immediate Massage License Holistic Health Practitioner M.C. 5.64.030 $ 581.00 $ 17.00 Yes Immediate Massage License Manager -Stand Alone MC. 5.50.030 $ 760.00 $ 2200 Yes Immediate Massage License Chair M.C. 5.50.030 $ 156.00 $ 4.00 Yes Immediate Massage License Manager -Add On M.C. 5.50.030 $ 63.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING Map Check-Simple $ 365.00 $ 11.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Map Check- Moderate $ 2,243.00 $ 67.00 Yea 60 days after adoption Map Check-Complex $ 3,406.00 $ 101.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Encroachment Permit Without Other Dept /Div. Review NEC 13.06.020 $ 236.00 S 7.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Encroachment Pernvt With Other Dept./Div. Review M.C. 13.06.020 $ 311.00 $ 9.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Encroachment & Eng. Agreement Prep M.C. 3.36.030 $ 879.00 $ 26.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Document Recordation Fee M.C. 3.36.030 $ 204.00 $ 6.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Engineering Field Inspection Curb/ Gutter /Sidewalk /Driveway /Non - standard Imp. -Each Ins ctionl /30' Resolution 206146 S 150.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Engineering Field inspection Sewm /Water Meter /Fire Servim /Underground Utilities -Each Ins . /location Resolution 200146 $ 150.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Engineering Field Inspection Park ea y Drains -Each Inspection Resolution 2001 -46 $ 150.00 5 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Utslitim Field Inspection Sewer Connection/ Water Service-Each Inspection Resolution 200146 $ 193.00 $ 5.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Lot Line Adjustment Checking Fee M.C. 3.36.030 $ 1,063.00 $ 31.00 Yes M days after adoption Easement Deed Research, Reviews/Processing M.C. 3.36.030 $ 107.00 $ 3.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Certificate of Compliance Review M.C. 3.36.030 $ 281.00 $ 8.00 Yes + hourly rate if <3 hours 60 days after adoption Street Easement and Vacation Processing. Fee M.C. 3.36.030 5 959.00 $ 28.00 Yee + hourly rate if <8 hours 60 days after adoption Covenant Agreement Research & Review. Fee Charged hourly M.C. 3.36.030 see notes n/a No 100% Loaded Hourly Rate (appendix) 60 days after adoption Traffic Subdivision Plan Check Charged hourly M.C. 3.36.030 see notes n/a No 100% Loaded Hourly Rate (appendix) 60 days after adoption Traffic Control Plan Check M, x 11" M,C. 3.36.030 $ 53.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Traffic Control Plan Check 24" x 36" M.C. 3.36.030 S 136.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption TTafficStady Utilizes outside consultant M.C. 15.40.060 see notes n/a No Will be charged based on consultant billings. 60 days after adoption Plan (heck with Pre - Permit Review Charged hourly M.C. 3.36.030 see notes n a No 100% Loaded Hourly Rate (appendix) 60 days after adoption Tract Plan Check Up To $100,000 M.C.19.24,M see notes n/a N o 6.5% of value up to $100,000. $361 minimum 60 days after adoption Tract Plan Check $100,000 To $400,000 M.C19.24.030 $ 8,680.00 n/a No Base fee for first $100,000 + incremental costs fm amount over $100,000 60 days after adoption Tract Plan Check Over $400,0W M.C.19.24.030 $ 28,710.00 n/a No Base fee for first $400,000 + incremental costs for amount over $400,000 60 days after adoption Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit Depth Of Encroachment 0.5.0 Feet Council Policy 1,12 $ 330.00 $ 9.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit Depth Of Encroachment 5.0 -7.5 Feet Council Policy 1,11 $ 496.06 $ 14.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit Depth Of Encroachment 7.5-30 Feet Council Policy 1112 $ 661.00 $ 19.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit Depth Of Encroachment 10-15 Feet Council Po' 1,12 $ 993.00 $ 29.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Dining Encroachment Permit Application Council Policy L -21 $ 365.00 $ 11.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Dining Encroachment Permit Transfer Council Policy L-21 $ 161.00 $ 5.00 Yes 60 days after adoption 503 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 538 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 533 so 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 5541 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 so City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/22/11 Rounded dnwn to npamst dollar I Adi- ifti -I Fmm 1WWn -Yaar 2011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07% CPI calculation based on tA/0C adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Dining Encroachment Permit Annual Use Fee Outside Dining Area 100 Sq. Ft. Or less Council Policy L -21 $ 137.00 $ 4.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Dhurg Encroachment Permit Annual Use Fee Outside Dining Area Over 100 Sq. Ft. Council Policy 421 g 258.00 $ 7.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Escrow Account Administration Escrow Account Administration Section 22300 CA Public Contract Code $ 289.00 $ 8.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Records of Survey Review Map Check $ 94.00 $ 200 Yes 60 days after adoption Monitoring Wells Permits (EFTEA) $ 483.00 $ 14.00 Yes 60 days after adoption News Rack Permits Permit M.C. 5.70.020(C) $ 61.00 $ 2.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Deposits Crane Deposit Refundable M.C. 3.36.030 $ 11000.00 n/a No 60 days after adoption Underground Utilities (Q00 LF) Refundable Resolution 2001-46 $ 624.00 n/a No 60 days after adoption Underground Utilities (100+ LF) Refundable Resolution 2001 -46 $ 2,080.00 n/a No 60 days after adoption Improvements Required By City, Refundable Resolution 2001-46 Determined by Public Works n/a No Determined b • Public Works 60 days after adoption Street Ckel Permit Temporary Closure Of Public Property M.C. 1262020(E) S 53.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption Temporary No Parking Signs Temporary No Parking Signs $ 1.00 $ Yes Immediate PUBLIC WORKS - HARBOR RESOURCES Plan Review Appeal Hearing Filling Fee for Appeals - charged hourly. M.C.17.65 see notes n/a No See hourly rates exhibit Immediate Harbor Structures Permit-Dredging M.C. 17.55.020(d) $ 1,690.00 $ 50.00 Yes Immediate Plan Check Fee New Construction w/ Agency Approval M.C. 17.50.020(d) $ 666.00 $ 19.00 Yes Immediate Plan Check Fee Maintenance M.C. 17.50.020(d) $ 166.00 $ 4.00 Yes Immediate Pier Permit Transfer Commemial and non commercial piers M.C17.60.020(d) 5 278.00 $ 8.00 Yes immediate Wait List for Balboa Yacht Basin Slips and Garages M.C. 3.36.030 $ 35,00 $ 1,00 Yes Immediate Live Aboard Permits Annual Permit Fee M.C. 17.40.040 $ 304.00 5 9.00 Yes Immediate Live aboard Waiting List Fee M.0 17.40.110 (b) S 35.00 $ 1.00 Yes immediate Eelgrass Survey $ 583.00 $ 17.00 Yes Immediate Marine Activities Permit - initial 17.10.040 $ 395.00 $ 11.00 Yes Immediate Marine Activities Permit - renewal 17.10.040 $ 197.00 $ 5.00 Yes Immediate PUBLIC WORKS- WATER QUALITY Water Quality Inspection- Construction Related Inspection MC15.10.070 $ 58.00 $ 1.00 Yes 60 days after adoption MOD - MOD fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments. Water Related Fees Water Service Installation Fee New Or Enlarged Water Service M.C. 14.12010 $ 293.00 $ 121.00 Yes Increase to full cost over a 3 period phatse in 30 days after 2nd reading Water Service Establishment Fee $ 63.00 $ 1.00 Yes Immediate Water Service Establishment Fee Online $ 57.00 $ 21.00 Yes Immediate Commodity Charge - Potable Water Water Use Per Hundred Cubic Feet Of Water M.C. 14.12020 Mond Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every January Immediate Commodity Chare - Recycled Water Recycled Water Use- 80: of the current potable water rate M.C. 14.12020 Muni Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every January Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -Under 1 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12020 Mund Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every January Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -1 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 1412020 Muni Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every January Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -11/2 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12.020 Mund Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every January Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -2inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12020 Muni Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every January Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -3 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12029 Mum. Code Schedule No Rates adjusted even, january Immediate 564 $65 556 567 566 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 sn 576 579 Safi Sal 582 584 5B6 567 588 589 590 591 592 593 597 599 5% 600 603 604 605 606 Gas City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/21/11 Rmrndad Amon rn nmwer Anlla. 1 ... -... 2011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07% CPI calculation based on LA/OC adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Non Implementation Date Water Service - Domestic Meter -4 inch Monthl Water Service Charge M.0 14.12.020 Mom Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every January Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -6 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14,12.020 Muni Code Schedule No Rates adjusted ever, jamum Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -8 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12020 Muni Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every juncture Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -10 inch Monthly Water Service Char M-C 14.12.020 Muni Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every January Water Service - Domestic Meter -12 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12.020 Muni Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every January Water Service- Additional Single /Multi-Family Units Monthly Fee Per Unit In Excess Of One M.C. 14.12.020 Muni Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every January Immediate Water Service- Additional Bedrooms Or Units Monthly fee /unit in excess of one -hotel /motel /hospital /care home M.C. 14.12.020 Muni Code Schedule No Rates adjusted every Janu Immediate Private Fire Line Service -.625 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12.080 $ 3.13 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -.75 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12.080 $ 3.75 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -1 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12.080 $ 5.00 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -15 inch Monthly Water Service Chaze M.C. 14.12.080 $ 7.50 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -2Inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12.080 $ 10.00 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -25 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.0 14.12.080 $ 1250 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -3Inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.0 14.12080 $ 15.00 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -4 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12.080 $ 20.00 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -6 inch Mont0y Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12.080 $ 30.00 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -8 fruh Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12080 $ 40.00 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -10 finch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12,080 $ 50.00 $ No Immediate Private Fire Line Service -12 inch Monthly Water Service Charge M.C. 14.12,080 $ 60,00 $ No Immediate Delinquent Walter Service Restoration Business Hours M.C. 14.12125 $ 159.00 $ 61.00 Yes A fine of $100 is included in the total amount. 30 days after 2nd reading Delinquent Water Service Restoration Non Business Hours M.C. 14.12.125 $ 355.00 $ 105.00 Yes A fine of $100 is included in the total amount 30 days after 2nd reading Delunquent Water Service Discontinuance M.C. 14.12090 $ 143.00 $ 95.00 Yes Ibis service was broken out into lis own cate ory this year. 30 days after 2nd reading Water Shut Off -Tag Placement Pink Notice M.C14.12.120 $ 15.00 $ 33. Yes Immediate Construction Water Meter Establishment Charge KC. 3.36.030 $ 100.00 $ Yes This is a new fee. 30 days after 2nd reading Construction Water Meter Meter Deposit $ 973.21 $ No Immediate Construction Water Meter Monthly Rental Char $ 90A0 $ No Immediate Hydrant Flow Test - Regular hunts Resolution 2009 -86 $ 275.00 $ 65.00 Yes Increase to full cost over a3 period phase in Immediate Hydrant Flow Test - Nighttime/1-fighway, Test Resolution 2009 -86 5 551.00 $ 41.00 Yes Immediate 1 Inch Meter Box For Pazkwav & Sidewalk Resolution 2009 -86 $ 11.42 n/a No Actual costs Immediate 1 Inch Meter Box Lid For Parkwav & Sidewalk Resolution 2009486 S 34.26 n/a No Actual costs - Immediate 2 Inch Meter Box For Pazkwav & Sidewalk Resolution 2009 -86 $ 22.84 n/a No Actual costs - Immediate 2Inch Meter Box Lid For Pazkwav, & Sidewalk Resolution 2009 -86 S 5274 n/a No Actual costs Immediate 1 Inch Meter Box For Traffic gr Allev Resolution 2001 -86 $ 11.42 n/a No Actual costs Immediate 1 Inch Meter Box Lid For Traffic & Alley Resolution 2009.86 $ 34.72 n/a No Actual costs - Immediate 21nch Meter Box For Traffic & Allev Resolution 2001 -86 $ 22.84 n/a No Actual costs Immediate 21nch Meter Box Lid For Traffic & Alley Resolution 2009 -86 $ 195.75 n/a No Actual costs Immediate MOD - MOD fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments. 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 627 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 fi4a 649 City of Newport Beach Dale of Adoption - 11/21/11 Rn,mdnd down rn ­-.1 Anll., I .... ..... ­4- ­- 2011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07] CPI calculation based on tAIG: adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or ease Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Dale 3/4 Inch Water Meter $ 95.60 n/a No Actual costs Immediate I Inch Water Meter $ 138.88 n/a No Actual costs immediate 1.5 Inch Water Meter $ 368.95 n/a No Actual costs Immediate 1.5 Inch Turbine Water Meter $ 670.45 n/a No Actual costs Immediate 2 Inds Water Meter $ 510.31 n/a No Actual costs Immediate 21nch Turbine Water Meter S 1,123.62 n/a No Actual costs Immediate 3 Inch Water Meter $ 3,354.65 n/a No Actual costs Immediate 4 Inch Water Meter $ 4,407.87 n/a No Aclualcosts Immediate 61nch Water Meter $ 7,130.82 n/a No Actual costs Immediate 8 Inch Water Meter 5 7,239.96 n/a No Actual costs Immediate Sewer Related Fees Immediate Sewer Service Fee Monthly fee for connection to sewers stem MC 14.24.065 $ 4.50 $ No Immediate Sewer Service Fee - No Water Use Monthly connection to sewer system- water from another agency M.C. 14.24.065 $ 6.25 $ No Immediate Sewer Service - Additional Living Units; On Connection Monthly connection fee / unit in excess of one - all customers MC 1424.065 $ 2.00 $ No Immediate Sewer Use Fee Per Hundred Cubic Feet Of Water Used M.C. 1424.065 $ 0.35 $ No Immediate Waste,aterSurchairge Ali Non-cringamon Connections Monthly Fee Per Connection For Meters 2Inches Or Larger M.C. 1424.065 $ 10.00 $ No Immediate New Sewer Connection Fee -Gh, Per New Connection MC 1424.050 $ 250.00 $ No Immediate Sewer 417 Box (Main Line) Resolution 2009 -86 $ 25.57 n/a No Actual costs Immediate Sewer 4TT Box Lid (Main Line) Resolution 2009 -86 $ 29.15 n/a No Actual costs Immediate Miscellaneous Trench Plate Rental -4' x V Weekly Rental for covering construction sites, one week minimum Resolution 2009 -86 $ 18.60 $ No Immediate Trench Plate Rental- 5'x10' Weekly Rental for covering construction sites, one week minimum Resolution 2009 -86 $ 21.70 $ No Immediate Trench Plate rental- 6' x IT Weekly Rental for covering construction sites, one week minunum Resolution 2009 -86 $ 24.70 $ No Immediate Lifting Eye For Trench Plates Deposit Only No Rental Fee Resolution 2009 -86 $ 121.00 $ No Immediate MOD -GENERAL SERVICES Administration Washington Street Trash Bin Resolution #97 -70- Variable Resolution 200146 site notes n/a No Resolution #97 -70- Variable Immediate Recycling Service Fee Per Residential Unit Per Month MC. 2.30.030 $ 3.00 $ No Immedate Solid Waste Franchise Application M.C. 12.63.050 $ 714.00 $ 316.00 Yes Immediate Grease Disposal License Annual pee M.C.1430 $ 655.00 $ 19.00 Yes This fee was transferred from the Comm Dee section and was not studied this year Immediate Demolition Demo Deposit - Valuation of SO to $4,999 Demo Deposit - Valuation of $0 to $4,999 M.C. 15.02.035 $ 564.00 $ - No Immediate Demo Deposit - Valuation of $5,000 to $9,999 Demo Deposit - Valuation of $5,000 to $9,999 M.C. 15.02035 $ 1,127.00 $ (1.00) No Immediate Demo Deposit - Valuation of $10,000 and above Demo deposit - Valuation of $10,000 and above M.0 15.02035 $ 1,69200 $ - No Immediate Waste Management Administration Fee Administration Fee Demolition M.C. 15.02.035 $ 184.00 $ 7.00 Yes Immediate RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES Administration Admen Processing Fee Applies m program and facility rental charges $ 5.00 $ - No Immediate Marine Preserve Tours M.C. 3.36.030 $ 69.00 $ - No Immediate Finger Ming $ 29.00 $ No Additional DOj fee may apply Immediate 6.511 651 652 653 654 655 658 659 660 661 662 663 665 666 666 662 6611 669 670 671 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 No 691 Gas 687 688 689 690 691 02 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/22/11 Rrinnded clown M nesrost drills. I e �" V... CPI Adjustment % Ilculation based on V SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Bane Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Class Refund For classes $74 or less M.C. 3.36.030 $ 10.00 $ - No Immediate Class Refund For classes $75 and over M.C. 3.36X30 $ 20.00 $ - No Immediate Badge Replacement M.C. 3.36.030 $ 5.00 $ No Initial badge is provided at no cost Immediate Centennial Books $ 5.00 No This is a pass through cost Immediate Special Services Relocation Of Sand Volleyball Cowl Resolution 200146 $ 800.10 $ No Requires contractor Immediate Cancellation Fees Refund Charge All Other Pr ams and Facilities Program Or Facilih, Rental (less than $75.00) Resolution 200146 $ 10.00 $ No Immediate Refund Charge All Other Programs and Facilities Progrann Or Facility Rental (S75.00 or more) Resolution 2001 -46 $ 20.00 $ No Immediate Adult Sports Volleyball Resident League Team M.C. 3. 36.030 see notes $ No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee Immediate Volleyball Nonresident League Tearns M.C. 3.36.030 see notes $ No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee Immediate Volleyball Resident Toumament Plaver M.C. 3.36.030 see notes $ No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee Immediate Volleyball Nonresident Tournament Plaver M.C. 3.36.030 see notes $ No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee immediate Volleyball/Basketball Drop In M.C. 3.36.030 $ 3.00 $ No Immediate Softball Resident League Teams M.C. 3.36.030 $ 635.00 $ No Immediate Softball Nonresident League Tearre; M.C. 3.36.030 $ 685.00 $ No Immediate Basketball Resident League Teams M.C. 336.030 $ 685.00 $ No Immediate Basketball Nonresident League Teams M.C. 3.36.030 $ 735.00 $ No Immediate Adult Soccer M.C. 3.36.030 $ 1,685.00 $ 255.00 No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee Immediate Adult Sports late Registration Fee Late Registration Fee M.C. 3 %.030 $ 30.00 $ No Immediate RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES Aquatic Activities Swum Lessons Resident Group M.C. 3.36.030 $ 51.00 $ No Immediate Swim Lessons Nonresident Group M.C. 336.030 $ 56.00 $ No Immediate Swim Lessons Resident Serm-private M.C. 3.36.030 $ 127.00 $ No Immediate Swim Lensom Nonresident Send-private M.C. 3.36.030 $ 137.00 $ No Immediate Swim Lessons Resident Private M.C. 336.030 $ $5.00 $ No Immediate Swim Lessons Nonresident Private M.C. 3.36.030 $ 95.00 $ Nn Immediate Recreation Swim 17 yra, old &under Drop In M.C. 3.36.030 $ 2.00 $ No Immediate Recreation Swim Adult Drop In M.C. 3 %.030 $ 3.00 $ No Immediate La Swim Resident Armual Pass M.C. 3.36.030 $ 160.00 $ No Immediate Lap Swim Nonresident Annual Pass M.C. 3.36.030 $ 190.00 $ No Immediate Up Swim Senior Resident Annual Pass M.C. 3.36.030 $ 110.00 $ No Immediate Lap Swim Senior Nonresident Annual Pass M.C. 3.36.030 $ 140.00 $ No Immediate tap Swim Resident 20 Punch Pass M.C. 3.36.030 $ 50.00 $ No Immediate 693 694 695 696 697 699 699 No 701 702 703 704 705 706 701 706 709 no 711 717 713 714 )15 716 717 71a 719 7m 771 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11127/11 Rmmdnd dl vn m nnarwel dnllnr ed:nannem c.,..e Preo:,...e ve_ I CPI Adjustment% calculation based on V SERVICENAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Lap Swim Nonresident 20 Punch Pass M.C. 3.36.030 $ 60.00 $ No Immediate Lap Swim Senior Resident 20 Punch Pass M.C. 3.36.030 $ 35.00 $ No Immediate Lap Swim Senior Nonresident 20 Punch Pass M.C. 3.36.030 $ 45.00 $ No Immediate lap Swan 5Punch Pass M.C. 336.030 $ 15.00 $ No Immediate Lap Swim Senior 5Punch Pass M.C. 336.030 $ 10.00 $ No Immediate Parent& Me Swim Resident M.C. 336.030 $ 30.00 $ No Immediate Parent& Me Swim Nonresident M.C. 336.030 $ 35.00 $ No Immediate MBAC Pool Use Fees Shared Use Rate Non- Prolit - Resident / per hour M.C. 3.36.030 $ 46.00 $ No Immediate Shared Use Rate Non- root, Non - resident/ how M.C. 3.36.030 $ 85.00 $ No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Non- Profit - Resident/ per how M.C. 3.36.030 $ 75.00 $ No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Non - profit, Non- resident /per how M.C. 3.36.030 $ 95.00 $ No Immediate Shared Use Rate Private, Resident per/hour M.C. 3.36.030 $ 90.00 $ No Immediate Shared Use Rare Private, Non - resident per how M.C. 3.36.030 $ 110.00 $ No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Private,Residentper /how M.C. 3.36.030 $ 165.00 $ No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Private, Non - resident per how M.C. 3.36.030 $ 190.00 $ No Immediate Shared Use Rate Commercial, resident per how M.C. 3.36.030 $ 215.00 $ No Immediate Shared Use Rate Commercial, non - resident per hour M.C. 3.36.030 S 250.00 $ No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Commercial, resident per hour M.C. 3.36.030 $ 305.00 $ No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Commercial , non - resident per hour M.C. 3.36.030 $ 330.00 S No Immediate Enmgy Surcharge All groups M.C. 3.36.030 see notes $ No This isa 0trou cost Immediate Additional Lifeguard Staff Perstaff rhow M.C. 3.36.030 $ 30.00 $ No Immediate School Dist Maintenance Fee Pass through cost we notes $ No This is a pass through cost Immediate Youth Sports Youth Sports - Football Resident Per Person M.C. 3.36.030 $ 75.00 $ No Immediate YouthSports-Football Nonresident Per Person M.C. 3.36.030 $ 80.00 $ No Immediate Youth Sports- Basketball Resident Per Person M.C. 3.36.030 $ 75.00 $ No Immediate Youth Sports - Basketball Nowesident Per Person M.C. 3.36.030 $ BOX $ No Immediate RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES Youth Sports -Track and Field Resident Per Person M.C. 396.030 $ 10.00 $ No Immediate Youth Sports -Track and Field Nonresident Per Person M.C. 396.030 $ 13.00 $ No Immediate Youth Sports Late Registration Fee Per Peson M.C. 396.030 $ 5.00 $ No Immediate After School Programs Resident Per Child Trimester MC. 3.36.030 $ 355.00 $ No Immediate After School Programs Nonresident Per Child Trimester M.C, 336.030 $ 365.00 $ No Immediate After School Pro am Late pickup charge - per minute M.C. 336.030 $ 1.00 $ No Immediate Da Fee Resident Per child per week MC. 336.030 $ 145.00 $ No Immediate Da Cam Fee Nonresident Per child per week M.C. 336.030 $ 155.00 $ No Immediate Dav Cam /Pint Sized Cam rs Cancellation 6 days or less notice M.C. 396.030 $ 50.00 $ No Immediate 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 740 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 769 766 767 7611 769 no 772 773 774 ns 777 77a 779 780 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/22/11 R n„nAoA An,un ,n nn��ac, An1Ia� 2011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07 CPI calculation based on to /OC adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 SERVICENAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Day Cam /Pint Sized Campers Cancellation 7- days notice M.C. 3.36.030 $ 25.00 $ NI, Immediate Day Camp Fee - Hardship Fee Per child per week M.C. 3.36.030 $ 108.00 $ No Immediate Day Camp Additional rash guard M.C. 3.36.030 $ 15.00 $ No Immediate Day Camp Additional T -shirt M.C. 3.36.030 $ 10.00 $ No Immediate Pint Size Campers Resident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 125.00 $ No Immediate Pmt Size Campers Nornesident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 135.00 $ No Immediate Preschool 101 Resident Persession T /TH M.C. 3.36.030 $ 295.00 $ No Immediate Preschool 101 Resident Per session M /W /F M.C. 3.36.030 $ 435.00 $ No Immediate Preschool 101 Nonresident Persession T /TH M.C. 336.030 $ 305.00 $ No Immediate Preschool 101 Nonresident Persession M /W /F M.C. 3 %.030 $ 445.00 $ No Immediate Teen Leadership Program - Summer, Resident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 115.00 $ No Immediate Teen Leadership Program - Summer, Nonresident M.C. 336.030 $ 125.00 $ No Immediate Teen Leadeshi Program - Annual Pass, Resident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 195.00 $ No Immediate Teen Leadership Program - Annual Pass, NonrResident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 205.00 $ No Immediate Registration and Contract Classes M.C. 3.36.030 Classes Per Person M.C. 3.36.030 see notes No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee. Immediate Nomesidenl Additional Charge - Classes Per Person Fee Less Than W5.00 M.C. 3.36.030 $ 5.00 $ No Immediate Nonresident Additional Chare - Classes Per Person Fee $75.00 Or More M.C. 3.36.030 $ 10.00 $ No Immediate Nonresident Additional Charge - Camps Per Person, for fees $124 and below M.C. 3.36.030 $ 10.00 $ No Applies to contract summer camps onl • Immediate Nonresident Additional Char - Camps Per Person, for fees $125 and above M.C. 3.36.030 $ 20.00 $ No Applies to contract summer camps only immediate Contract Camp Refund Fee After cmp has started M.C. 3.36.030 No Fee is calculated based on number of days attended. Immediate Special Events Surf Contest - Amateur Resident Per Person Prior To Registration Deadline $ 30.00 $ No Immediate Surf Contest - Amateur Nonresident Per Person Prior To Registration Deadline $ 35.00 $ No Immediate Special Event Permits Level l Permit Resident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 434.00 $ Yes Immediate Level l Permit Nonresident Routed To Other Departments No Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits Required By Other Departments M.C. 3.36.030 $ 855.00 $ Yes Immediate Level l Pemrit Resident late Charge 20 Calendar Days M.C. 3.36.030 $ 570.00 $ No Immediate Level l Permit Nonresident late Charge 20Calendar Da•s M.C. 3.36.030 $ 1,141.00 $ No Immediate Level 2Permit Resident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 901.00 $ Yes immediate Level2Pemtit Nonresident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 1,928.00 $ Yes immediate Level 2 Permit Resident Late Charge Complex Evens Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments 60 Calendar Days M.C. 3.36.030 $ 1,447.00 $ No Immediate Level 2 Permit Nonresident Late Charge Complex Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments 60 Calendar Days M.C. 3.36.030 $ 2,885.00 $ No Immediate Level Permit Resident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 2,555.00 $ Yes Immediate Level 3 Permit Nonresident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 4,88200 $ Yes Immediate RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES Level3 Permit Resident Late Charge 120 Calendar Days M.C. 3.36.030 $ 4,494.00 31 No Immediate 281 283 ]84 285 ]88 289 790 791 292 795 7% 297 70 299 Soo 801 802 803 804 sas WS Sot 809 SO slo all 812 813 814 815 816 61] 818 City of Newport Beach 2011 CPI Adjustment °/s CPI calculation based on 1A /0C adlus[ment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 Date of Adoption - 17 /2]jll SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Level Permit Nonresident Late Charge Major Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Perndts By Other Departments & 1 Pre -event Meeting 120 Calendar Days M.C. 3.36.030 $ 81988.00 $ No Immediate Bundled Event Permit Fee For every 20 events M.C. 3 %.030 $ 2,832.00 $ 2.313.00 Yes Immediate Deposit - Level 2 Level M.C. 3.36.030 $ 815.00 $ No immediate Deposit - Level 3 Level M.C. 3.36.030 $ 1,746.00 $ No Immediate Special Events Appeal - to Cih• Council For levels 1, 2 and 3 M.C. 336.030 $ 1,558.00 n/a Yes The appeal categories were reclassified this yew. Immediate Senior Services Transportation Van Service M.C. 336.030 $1 -S3 $ No Total charge is based on destination. Immediate Senior Recreation Classes M.C. 336.030 see notes $ No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee Immediate OASIS-WELLNESS Fitness Center Annual- Resident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 125.00 $ No Immediate OASIS - WELLNESS Fitness Center Annual- Non - Resident M.C. 3.36.030 $ 175.00 $ No Immediate Facility Rentals Insurance, Deposits And Set -up Fees May Be Required, Availability Mae Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply M.C. 336.030 Immediate Deposits Gvmmasiums M.C. 3.36.030 $ 185.00 $ No Immediate OASIS Event Center Room No Alcohol M.C. 3.36.030 $ 200.00 $ No Immediate OASIS Event Center Room With Alcohol M.C. 336.030 $ 400.00 $ No Immediate OASIS Large Classroom M.C. 336.030 $ 185.00 $ No Immediate OASIS Small Classroom M.C. 3.36.030 $ 100.00 $ No Immediate Meeting Rooms And Parks Under 75 People M.C. 336.030 $ 100.00 $ No Immediate Meeting Rooms And Pazks 76 And More People M.C. 336.030 $ 150.00 $ No Immediate Kitchen Security t M.0 3.36.030 $ 300.00 $ No Immediate Cleaning Fee M.C. 336.030 $ 150.00 $ 50.00 No This is pass through cost Immediate Security Guards per how M.C. 336.030 $ 36.00 $ No Immediate A /VDeposit Applies to all facilities M.C. 3.36.030 $ 100.00 $ No Immediate Setup And Cleanup Fees G •mnaulmos Setup M.C. 3.36.030 $ 65.00 $ No Immediate AB Others Setup M.C. 3.36.030 $ 40.00 $ No Immediate Energy Surcharge Additional Charge Nece To Recover Energy Costs we notes $ No Immediate Meeting Rooms Balboa Communally Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Comarnmity Youth Center, Marinels/V C, Balboa Coomounity Center, West Newport Community Center, NCCC Commercial Resident Raw, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 144.00 $ No Immediate Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 290.00 $ No Immediate 819 828 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 $31 831 $33 834 835 836 837 838 $39 840 841 842 843 644 845 896 847 648 849 aso City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/27/11 2011 CPI Adjustment% 3.07 %. CPI calculation based on WOC adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 45.00 $ - No Immediate RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES Non-Prof ft Nonresident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 85.00 $ No Immediate Private Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3. 36.030 $ 7200 $ No Immediate Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Pet How 2 How Minimum M.0 3.36.030 $ 143.00 $ No Immediate YouthSports Commission Member Organizations M.C. 3.36.030 $ 20.00 $ No Immediate Resident Non profit Youth Service Organizations M.C. 3.36.030 $ 20.00 $ No Immediate Council Chamber Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 How Minimum M.C. 3,M.030 $ 23400 $ No Immediate Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 462.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 How Minimum M.C. 336.030 $ 46.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 85.00 $ No Immediate Private Resident Rare, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 7200 $ No Immediate Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 143.00 $ No Immediate Youth Sports Commission Member Organizations M.C. 3.36.030 $ 26.00 $ No Immediate Resident Non profit Youth Service Organizations M.C. 3.36.030 $ 26.00 $ No Immediate New ort Theater Art Center Dade Rate, Equipment and Operator Fees Council Policy B-6 $ 390.00 $ No Immediate NCCC and CYC Rentals No Room rentals me 20`.b higher as they we staffed facilities Immediate Multi- Purpose Facilities OASIS Event Center Room Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 5 360.00 $ No Immediate Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 5 645.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 S 135.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Non - Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 S 205.00 $ No Immediate Private Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 200.00 $ No Immediate Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 330.00 $ No Immediate You th Sports Commission Member Or antzations M.C. 3.36.030 $ 75.00 $ 44.10 No Immediate Resident Non profit Youth Service Organizations M.C. 3.36.030 $ 75.00 $ 44.10 No Immediate OASIS Large Classroom Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 270.00 $ No Immediate Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per How 2 He" Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 519.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How M¢dmu n M.C. 3.36.030 $ 66.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Non - Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 13200 $ No Immediate Private Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minwdum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 126.00 $ No Immediate Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 246.00 $ No Immediate 851 8.52 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 am 861 862 863 866 am am 867 am 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 an 678 879 no 881 U2 893 am City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/22/11 Rn -A.A A- o, nea.aer A..11e. I Aw:--r_... o- ....:.....v..- 2011 CPI Adjustment % 3.07% CPI calculation based on LA/OC adjustment from Aug 2010 to April 2011 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPl Notes Implementation Date OASIS Small Classroom Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 160.00 $ No Immediate Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 336.030 $ 318.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 336.030 $ 50.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Non - Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 336.030 $ 94.00 $ No Immediate Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 How Minimtun M.C. 3.36.030 $ 79.00 $ No Immediate Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 158.00 $ No immediate Gymnasiums - Lincoln and West Newport Communih, Center Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 336BM $ 319.00 $ No Immediate RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 611.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per How 2 He. Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 72.00 $ No Immediate Non - Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per How 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 124.00 $ No Immediate Private Residential Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 98.00 $ No Immediate Private Nonresidential Rate, Fee Per How 2 How Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 176.00 $ No Immediate Youth Sports Commission Member Organizations; $ 33.00 $ No Immediate Resident Non profit Youth Service Organizations $ 33.00 $ No Immediate Special Ball Field Services Lights Additional Charge When Provided Fee Per Hour Per Field M.C. 3.36.030 $ 30.00 $ No Immediate Field Preparation Additional Charp When Provided, Fee Per Field M.C. 3.36.030 $ 45.00 $ No Immediate Ball Fields Insurance, Deposits And Set -up Fees May Be Required, Availabilih• Mav Be Limited Other Restrictions May Apply No Please see R.S.S. rental packet Immediate Bonita Creek Spans Complex, Buffalo Hills Park, East bluff Park, Grant Howald Park, Lincoln Athletic field, Mariners Parks, Peninsula Park, San Miguel Park, Bonita Canyon Sports Park Commercial Resident Rate (Lights As Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per How 2 How Min, M.C. 336.030 $ 145.00 $ No Immediate Commercial Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. M.C. 336.030 $ 287.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Resident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per How 2 Hour Min. M.C. 336.030 $ 65.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 How Min. M.C. 336.030 $ 104.00 $ No Immediate Private Resident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 How Minimum M.C. 336.030 $ 85.00 $ No Immediate Private Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Haw 2 How Min. M.C. 3.36.030 $ 143.00 $ No Immediate Youth Sports Commission Member Or tiara, M.C. 3.36.030 $ 1.00 $ No Immediate Resident Non profit Youth Service Organizations M.C. 336.030 $ 15.00 $ No Immediate Public Areas Insurance, Deposits And Set -up Fees Mae Be Required, Availability May Be Limited Other Restrictions May Apply Please see R.S.S. rents] packet Picnic /Park Areas Commercial Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50 %) Fee Per Hr.2 Hr. Miry M.C. 3.36.030 $ 200.00 $ No Immediate Resident Non profit Youth Service Or and ations $ 15.00 $ No Immediate Commercial Nantes. Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50`0) Fee Pm Hr. 21Ir. Min M.C. 3.36.030 $ 401.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50 %) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. M.0 3.36.030 $ 36.00 $ No Immediate Non -Profit Nonresident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50 %) Fee Per Hr -2 Hr. Mim M.C. 3.36.030 $ 7200 $ No Immediate 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 692 893 City of Newport Beach Date of Adoption - 11/27/11 Rnnnded AM,— SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental CPI Notes Implementation Date Private Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. M.C. 3.36.030 $ 4200 $ No Immediate Private Nonresident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50'X) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. M.C. 3.36.030 $ R3.00 $ No Immediate Commercial Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Peninsula Park Gazebo Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 200.00 $ No Immediate Commercial Nomesident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 3.36.030 $ 400,00 $ No Immediate Non - Profit Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 How Mbrimum MCC 3.36.030 $ 36.00 $ No Immediate Non-Profit Nonresident Raze (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per How 2 Hour Min M.C. 3.36.030 $ 72.00 $ No Immediate Private Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra), In Per Hour 2 How Minimum M.C. 3,36.030 $ 45.00 $ No Immediate Private Nonresident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra), Fee Per How 2 Hour Minimum M.C. 336.030 $ 90,00 $ No Immediate Resident Non profit Youth Service Organizations $ 15.00 5 No Immediate Building Valuation Table - 2011 Exhibit "B" Cost per Square Cost per Square Cost per Square Occupancy and Type Foot, Average Occupancy and Type Foot, Occupancy and Type Foot, Average 1. APARTMENT HOUSES: R -2 7. HOTELS AND MOTELS: R -1 12. PUBLIC GARAGES: S2 Type IA+ IB $170.00 Type IA $170.00 Type IA $101.75 Type IIA + IIB $165.00 Type iB $170.00 Type IB $96.75 Type IIIA +B and Type IV $160.00 Type IIA $165.00 Type IIA $92.25 Type VA $160.00 Type IIB $165.00 Type IIB $87.75 Type VB $150.00 Type IIIA $160.00 Type IIIA $79.00 Type IIIB $160.00 Type IIIB $74.00 2. BANKS: B Type IV $160.00 Type IV $84.00 Type IA $154.25 Type VA $150.00 Type VA $63.50 Type 1B $148.75 Type VB $150.00 Type VB $58.50 Type IIA $144.00 Type IIB $137.25 8. MEDICAL OFFICES: B 13. RESTAURANTS: A -2 Type IIIA $125.00 Type IA $154.25 Type IA $154.25 Type IIIB $120.50 Type IB $148.75 Type 1 B $148.75 Type IV $132.00 Type IIA $144.00 Type IIA $144.00 Type VA $120.00 Type IIB $137.25 Type IIB $137.25 Type VB $110.00 Type IIIA $125.00 Type IIIA $125.00 Type IIIB $120.50 Type IIIB $120.50 3. CHURCHES: A -3 Type IV $132.00 Type IV $132.00 Type IA $180.75 Type VA $120.00 Type VA $120.00 Type 1B $174.50 Type VB $110.00 Type VB $110.00 Type IIA $170.00 Type IIB $162.25 9. OFFICES: B 14. SCHOOLS: E Type IIIA $152.00 Type IA $154.25 Type IA $166.50 Type IIIB $147.00 Type IB $148.75 Type IB $161.00 Type IV $156.50 Type IIA $144.00 Type IIA $156.25 Type VA $137.25 Type IIB $137.25 Type IIB $149.50 Type VB $131.50 Type IIIA $125.00 Type IIIA $140.25 Type IIIB $120.50 Type IIIB $133.00 4. CONVALESCENT HOSPITALS: R-4 Type IV $132.00 Type IV $144.50 Type IA + IB $170.00 Type VA $120.00 Type VA $123.50 Type IIA + IIB $165.00 Type VB $110.00 Type VB $118.75 Type IIIA + B and Type IV $160.00 Type VA $160.00 10. Private Garages 15. SERVICE STATIONS: B Type VB $150.00 Type VB $80.00 Type IA+ 1B $116.00 Open Carports $30.00 Type IIIA + IIB $115.00 5. DWELLINGS: ONE AND TWO FAMILY R -3 Type IIIA + IIIB $120.75 Type VA + VB $160.00 11. PUBLIC BUILDINGS: B Type VA + VB $103.25 Basements finished $160.00 Type IA $154.25 Canopies $48.50 Basements unfinished: U $60.00 Type IB $148.75 Type IIA $144.00 16. STORES: M 6. FIRE STATIONS: B Type IIB $137.25 Type IA $111.50 Type IA $154.25 Type IIIA $125.00 Type IB $107.25 Type IB $148.75 Type IIIB $120.50 Type IIA $102.50 Type IIA $144.00 Type IV $132.00 Type IIB $98.00 Type IIB $137.25 Type VA $120.00 Type IIIA $89.75 Type IIIA $125.00 Type VB $110.00 Type IIIB $87.00 Type IIIB $120.50 Type IV $93.25 Type IV $132.00 Type VA $80.00 Type VA $120.00 Type VB $80.00 Type VB $110.00 2011 Valuations 6/11 2011 Valuations 6/11 Building Valuation Data 2011 - Continued Exhibit "B" Cost per Square Cost per Square Cost per Square Occupancy and Type Foot, Average Occupancy and Type Foot, Average Occupancy and Type Foot, 17. THEATRES: A -1 ( *add 15 %w /stage) 22. TENANT IMPROVEMENT (TI): 29. WOOD FENCE per s $5.50 Type 1 $177.75 Office /Retail Services (TI) per sq.ft. Type IA $171.25 Type I or II construction $44.00 30. RETAINING WALLS $18 -$27 per sq.ft. Type IIA $167.00 of wall depending on height of wall: Type IIB $159.25 All other types of 0 -4' hi $18.00 Type IIIA $148.75 construction $35.50 4'1" - 10' hi $21.00 Type IIIB $143.75 Medical Offices (TI) 10'1 "+ hi $27.00 Type IV $153.50 Type I or II construction $53.00 Type VA $134.00 All other construction $44.00 31. Skylights (each) $800.00 Type VB $128.50 23. POOL /SPA per sq.ft. $70.50 32. Loft/Storage per sq. $35.50 18. WAREHOUSES: S -1 Type IA $101.75 24. DECK /BALCONIES per sq $26.50 33. Carport Encl. per sq $21.00 Type IB $96.75 Type IIA $92.25 25. BLOCK WALLS per sq.ft. $14.50 34. Garage Conv per sq $72.00 Type IIB $87.75 Example: 100' long x 6' high Type IIIA $79.00 X $14.50 = $8,700.00 35. Portable Spa (typica $6,560.00 Type IIIB $74.00 Type IV $84.00 26 FIRE ALARMS: per sq. ft. 36. Solar Voltaic Valuation Per Watt: Type VA $63.50 New Commercial $1.48 Residential $6.00 Type VB $58.50 Residential $0.83 Commercial $4.00 Big Box Retail $2.00 19. HARBOR CONSTRUCTION: Valuation per roofing square Docks (per sq.ft.) $40.00 27. ROOFING: With tear -off Piers (per sq.lineal foot) $40.00 Built -up /rock roofs $355.00 Without tear -off Gangways (per lineal ft) $137.50 Composition Shingle $345.00 $268.50 /sq Seawalls (per lineal foot) $2,062.00 Wood Shake /Shingle $550.00 $268.50 /sq Piles (each) $3,436.50 Tile, or special product $650.00 $500.00 /sq Earth anchor tiebacks Sheathing $130.00 (per tieback) $2,089.00 Metal Roofing $713.00 Tieback repair (per tieback) $687.50 Tieback replacement (per tieback) $2,695.00 28 FIRE SPRINKLERS: 1 -10 heads $1,000.00 min. 20. PATIOS & RES. REMODEL: per sq.ft. 11 -100 heads $1,000.00 for the first 10 heads + $100.00 / each additional head Patio Covers: 100 + heads $10,000.00 for the first 100 heads + $80.00 / each additional head Open Trellis $13.50 Solid Roof $30.00 ADD EQUIPMENT COST: Patio Enclosure $72.00 AIR CONDITIONING: Res Remodel $80.00 Commercial $7.50 Modular Home $70.00 Residential $6.00 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: $4.50 21. TEMPORARY SHORING: per sq ft. Soldier Pile /Lagging $50.00 Res Dewatering (Total) $30,000 2011 Valuations 6/11 Exhibit "B" — Resolution with Ordinance amending NBMC Section 3.36.030 ORDINANCE NO. 2011 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 3.36.030 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach ( "City ") funds certain municipal services, which are typically performed without request by the user, benefit the public generally and are traditionally funded by tax revenue; and WHEREAS, the City performs other services which are funded in whole or in part by the person requesting the service; and WHEREAS, Section 3.36.030(E), Exhibit "A ", provides that the City's cost of providing Revenue Services shall be recovered as follows: Revenue Parking Reviews 0% Parking Hearings 0% Admin. Cite Hearings 0% Dog License — Sterilized 50% WHEREAS, Section 3.36.030(E), Exhibit "A ", provides that the City's cost of providing Library Services shall be recovered as follows: Library Services Meeting Room Rentals 0.2% Rentals— Book /Video 5% WHEREAS, Section 3.36.030(E), Exhibit "A ", provides that the City's cost of providing Recreation and Senior Services shall be recovered as follows: Recreation and Senior Services Adult Sports Volleyball 60% Soccer 70% Basketball 85% Park Rentals 80% Facility Rentals 95% Park Patrol 85% After School /Camp Programs Vacation Camps 30% Summer Recess Camp 30% KidScene After - School Program 20% Teen Program 15% Aquatics CdM Pool 35% Water Polo 35% Lap Swim 50% Rentals 8% Lessons 40% Fee Classes 75% Youth Sports Basketball — Winter 50% Youth Flag Football 50% Tiny League Football 50% Basketball Tiny League 50% Basketball — Summer 50% Track and Field 50% Special Events — Levels 1, 2, and 3 80% Senior Services Oasis Transportation 3% Classes 11% Oasis Rentals 95% WHEREAS, Section 3.36.030(D) provides that City Council may modify the cost recovery percentage for any service by amending this chapter; and WHEREAS, the Dog Licensing Program was outsourced, so the reference to the subsidy is no longer required; and WHEREAS, the Library cost recovery percentage for Meeting Room Rentals should be rounded up to 1 %; and WHEREAS, Library BookNideo Rentals are now processed more efficiently, and therefore, the cost -of- services percentage recovery should be increased, and the name changed to Material Rentals; and WHEREAS, the cost of services study for Recreation and Senior Services now includes the cost of facilities, the costs of services has increased. Council desires to maintain fees at current levels to encourage residents to participate in a valued community benefit, and therefore, the cost recovery percentages must be modified accordingly to maintain the current fees; and WHEREAS, to streamline the fee schedule and Section 3.36, some categories in Recreations have been combined to create new categories, which include Adult Sports, Adult Drop -In Sports, Rentals, Camps, After - School /Teen Program, Aquatics, and Youth Sports; and WHEREAS, Council desires to add cost recovery percentages for Badge Replacement, Class Refunds and Fitness Center; and WHEREAS, the fee and the cost recovery percentage for Marine Preserve Tours is now moved from Harbor Resources to Recreation and Senior Services; and WHEREAS, Council desires to bifurcate the cost recovery percentages for Special Events fees between Resident and Non - Resident, and add a cost recovery percentage of 25% to appeal to City Council; and WHEREAS, Council desires to add a cost recovery percentage of 30% for the new fee of Construction Water Hydrant Establishment in order to encourage participation in obtaining a construction water hydrant and discourage water; and NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: SECTION 1: Section 3.36.030, Exhibit "A ", of the Newport Beach Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Service Percentage of Cost to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Building Preliminary Plan Review 75% Planning Appeals to City Council 50% Appeals to Planning Commission 50% Recreation and Senior Services Adult Sports Adult Sports 62% Adult Drop -In Sports 15% Rentals 50% Badge Replacement 45% After School /Camp Programs Camps 40% After - School /Teen Program 20% Pre - School Program 40% Aquatics 20% Contract Classes 60% Class Refunds $74 or less 29% $75 or more 59% Youth Sports 25% Special Events — Levels 1, 2, and 3 Resident Up to 45% Non - Resident Up to 85% Appeal to City Council 25% Senior Services Oasis Transportation 5% Contract Classes 50% Oasis Rentals 45% Fitness Center 50% Marine Environment Services – Marine Preserve Tours 15% Library Services Meeting Room Rentals 1% Rentals —Video 20% Inter - library Loan 10% Fire and Marine Emergency Operations Services Advanced Life Support— Escorted Up to 80% Advanced Life Support—Not Escorted Up to 80% Basic Life Support— Escorted Up to 80% Basic Life Support—Not Escorted Up to 80% Construction and Inspection Services— State - Mandated Inspections Day Care Facilities 25% Police Initial Concealed Weapons Maximum Permit Permitted by Law Concealed Weapon Permit Renewal Maximum Permitted by Law Bike Licenses 17% Subpoena Duces Tecum Maximum Permitted by Law Vehicle Release 91% Domestic Violence Reports 0% Missing Persons Report 0% Second Hand /Pawn Dealer Tag Check 0% Registrant —Sex 0% Registrant— Narcotics 0% Public Works Engineering Encroachment Permit without Traffic Engineer Review 88% Encroachment Permit with Traffic Engineer Review 57% Finance Parking Reviews 0% Parking Hearings 0% Admin. Cite Hearings 0% MOD Construction Water Meter Establishment 30% SECTION 2: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 3: The City Council finds that this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. SECTION 4: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the same to be published once in the official newspaper of the City, and it shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, held on the day of , 2011, and adopted on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEMBERS NOES, COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE QWTWCITY ATTORNEY AARON RARP, CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: LEILANI BROWN, CITY CLERK S,a Exhibit "C" — NBMC Section 3.36.030 Legislative Draft LEGISLATIVE DRAFT Chapter 3.36 COST RECOVERY FOR USER SERVICES Sections: 3.36.010 Findings. 3.36.020 Definitions. 3.36.030 Cost Recovery Percentages. 3.36.040 Late Fees and Charges. 3.36.050 Severability. 3.36.010 Findings. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach finds as follows: A. The City funds certain municipal services such as fire, police and residential trash collection using primarily property, sales and other tax revenues. These municipal services are typically performed without request by the user, benefit the public generally, and are traditionally funded by tax revenue. B. The City performs other services and offers certain programs which are funded in whole or in part by the person or entity requesting the service or participating in the program. These services and programs are typically initiated by an application submitted by the person requesting the service or program participation, primarily benefit the person requesting the service or participation, and are traditionally funded in whole or in part from fees charged to the person who initiates the services. C. The City Council has retained consultants to conduct cost allocation plan and cost of services studies. Cost allocation studies determine the general City and departmental overhead rates to be used in calculating the cost of City services. Cost of services studies determine the costs of providing certain City services by, among other things, identifying the City employees performing the service and the amount of time spent in performing the service. The City Council has thoroughly reviewed and considered the studies prior to adopting the ordinance codified in this chapter. In order to ensure that fees charged for services are an accurate reflection of actual costs, the City Council finds that cost studies should be conducted at least every five years. D. The Finance Committee of the City Council has conducted public meetings to discuss the cost allocation plan and cost of services studies, the factors relevant to the appropriate cost recovery percentage for the services studied, and to receive public input on the issues. The Finance Committee has submitted recommendations to the City Council regarding the appropriate cost recovery percentage and those recommendations have been reviewed and considered by the City Council prior to adopting the ordinance codified in this chapter. E. The City Council has fully complied with provisions of State and local law in establishing the cost recovery percentages specified in this chapter, including, Section 66000 at seq. of the Government Code, and Articles XIIIC and XIIIB of the State Constitution. (Ord. 2008 -14 § 1 (Exh. 1) (part), 2008: Ord. 97 -8 § 1 (part), 1997) 3.36.020 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: "Actual cost" means the estimated cost to the City of providing a user service to a user as initially determined by analysis of the cost factors in the studies and as modified from time to time in accordance with changes in cost factors. "Cost factors" means the various factors identified in the studies relevant to the calculation of the actual cost to the City of providing user services to a user. "Cost recovery percentage" means the percentage of the actual cost to the City of providing a user service that the City Council determines should be recovered from the user. "Cost studies" means the Cost of Services and Cost Allocation Studies conducted by the City's consultant(s). "Fee resolution" means the resolution adopted by the City Council pursuant to this chapter which establishes the fees and charges for user services. "User" means the person or entity who requests, by filing an application or otherwise, City performance of, or user's participation in, a user service. "User services" means the services or programs identified in the cost studies and which are funded, in whole or in part, by fees or charges imposed on the user of the service. (Ord. 2008 -14 § 1 (Exh. 1) (part), 2008: Ord. 97 -8 § 1 (part), 1997) 3.36.030 Cost Recovery Percentages. A. The municipal functions the City Council has determined to be user services and for which the City Council has initially determined the actual costs and the appropriate cost recovery percentage are described in the fee resolution. The cost recovery percentage appropriate for each user service shall be one hundred (100) percent with the exception of the user services listed in Exhibit "A" and those services for which the fee is limited by statute. The City Council may include in the fee resolution a schedule to phase in specific fee increases over a period not to exceed four years. B. The City Council shall establish, pursuant to the fee resolution, the actual fee or charge for each user service described in the fee resolution. The fee or charge shall be based upon the actual cost of providing the user service, multiplied by the relevant cost recovery percentage. C. The City Council may, without amending this chapter, modify (increase or decrease) the fee resolution to amend the amount of any fee or charge for, and the actual cost of providing, any user service upon a determination that there has been an increase or decrease in one or more of the cost factors relevant to the calculation of the actual cost of providing that service. D. The City Council may modify the municipal functions determined to be user services in the fee resolution and the cost recovery percentage for any service only by amending this chapter. E. Fees for service established in the fee resolution may not be waived without prior City Council approval, except that the City Manager may waive fees imposed on non - profit organizations for non - profit sponsored events in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per year. Exhibit A The City's cost of providing the following services shall be recovered through direct fees charged for services in the percentages indicated. Service Percentage of Cost to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Building Preliminary Plan Review 75% Planning Appeals to City Council 50% Appeals to Planning Commission 50% Recreation and Senior Services Adult Sports VG4ayba4l 60% SocceF 70% Rasketbal4 lia% Adult Sports 62% Adult Drop-In Sports 15% D.••L Rentals 9940n FaaMyReRtals 9"0 Rentals 50% Badge Replacement°°"ratrol 45 %8&0/6 After School /Camp Programs Vasatiea Camps 430% S ;- IFA.....r o...... .. Camp 39% '.,aoc.°^° After- SchooUTeen Program 20 %28% T°°° m ccUU� 45% Pre - School Program 40% Aquatics 20% CdA4 Pno4 W%, Watpw -o° °I.. 35% 5 0/ RRRta4s $/0e Lessens 4G% FeeContract Classes 75%60% Class RefundsYGuth- Sper4s $74 or lessR; ;c;k°'b Rter 29 %500 $75 or moreYoutl cam° �^ 14 59 %50% Youth Sports TR -Leaqu F� b ': 25 %50°k `a0°!a ❑nn L�H�nl w 50°6 Track and C' °IrIC'°Id 5Ba /� Special Events — Levels 1, 2, and 3 800/ resident Up to 450/6 Non - Resident Up to 85% Appeal to City Council 25% Senior Services Oasis Transportation 35% Contract Classes 440450% Oasis Rentals 95°/45% Fitness Center 50% Marine Environment Services – 15% Marine Preserve Tours Library Services Meeting Room Rentals 1 %G.lq°m Rentals— Beek{Videe Materials 20 %&°k InteLlibrary Loan 10% Fire and Marine Emergency Operations Services Advanced Life Support— Escorted Up to 80% Advanced Life Support—Not Escorted Up to 80% Basic Life Support— Escorted Up to 80% Basic Life Support—Not Escorted Up to 80% Mar Re PreseFve 4"0 Construction and Inspection Services—State-Mandated Inspections Day Care Facilities 25% Police Initial Concealed Weapons Permit Maximum Permitted by Law Concealed Weapon Permit Renewal Maximum Permitted by Law Bike Licenses 17% Subpoena Duces Tecum Maximum Permitted by Law Vehicle Release 91% Domestic Violence Reports 0% Missing Persons Report 0% Second Hand /Pawn Dealer Tag Check 0% Registrant —Sex 0% Registrant— Narcotics 0% Public Works Engineering Encroachment Permit without Traffic Engineer Review 88% Encroachment Permit with Traffic Engineer Review 57% Finance°^•, vnu ^ Parking Reviews 0% Parking Hearings 0% Admin. Cite Hearings 0% Dee LiGeRse SteF size d d"% MOD Construction Water Hydrant Establishment 30% (Ord. 2011 -10 § 1, 2011; Ord. 2009 -32 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2009 -21 § 1 (Att. 1), 2009; Ord. 2008 -14 § 1 (Exh. 1) (part), 2008: Ord. 2004 -4 § 3, 2004; Ord. 2002 -26 Exh. A, 2002; Ord. 2000 -24 § 1, 2000; Ord. 98 -18 § 1, 1998; Ord. 97 -8 §§ 1 (part), 2, 1997) 3.36.040 Late Fees and Charges. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the City Council shall establish, in the fee resolution, late fees and interest to be paid by any user of user services who fails to make payments when required by this Code or any resolution, policy, or program adopted by the City Council. To the maximum extent practical, the late fees and interest shall be uniform for all user fees. (Ord. 2008 -14 § 1 (Exh. 1) (part), 2008: Ord. 97 -8 § 1 (part), 1997) 3.36.050 Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this chapter. The City Council declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this chapter and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. (Ord. 2008 -14 § 1 (Exh. 1) (part), 2008: Ord. 97 -8 § 2, 1997) Exhibit "D" — Resolution with Ordinance amending NBMC Section 5.04.200 and deleting Sections 5.08.040, 5.08.050, 5.08.060, 5.08.070 and 5.08.080 ORDINANCE NO. 2011 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE ( "NBMC ") SECTION 5.04.200 PERTAINING TO DUPLICATE LICENSE FEES AND DELETING NBMC SECTIONS 5.08.040, 5.08.050, 5.08.060, 5.08.070, 5.08.080 WHEREAS, duplicate license fees are cost -of- services fees identified in the Master Fee Schedule, which updates are approved by the City Council; and WHEREAS, MGT of America, Inc. studied the cost of services associated with providing a duplicate business license, and found the cost of services to be $10.00; and WHEREAS, NBMC Section 5.04.200 identifies a specific fee amount and cannot be updated concurrently with the Master Fee Schedules; and WHEREAS, City Council now desire to revise NBMC Section 5.04.200 to reflect the cost of those services, as updated by the Master Fee Schedule; and WHEREAS, in the past, bulk vending machines, juke boxes, penny arcade machines, skill machines and merry go- rounds were regulated because of their potential to be public nuisances, however, none of these machines have been found to be nuisances; and WHEREAS, City Council now desires to delete NBMC Sections 5.08.040, 5.08.050, 5.08.060, 5.08.070, 5.08.080 which regulates Coin Machines, Games of Skill or Amusement, Penny Arcade in the "Fun Zone ", Amusement Business in the "Fun Zone "; and "Merry -go -round or Similar Devices ". NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: SECTION 1: Section 5.04.200, Duplicate License, is hereby amended to read as follows: A. The Finance Director shall charge a fee as set forth by resolution of the City Council for each duplicate license issued to replace any license issued under the provisions of this title, which has been lost or destroyed, upon reasonable proof thereof. SECTION 2: Sections 5.08.040 (Coin Machines), 5.08.050 (Games of Skill or Amusement), 5.08.060 (Penny Arcade in the "Fun Zone "), 5.08.070 (Amusement Business in the "Fun Zone ") and 5.08.080 (Merry-go -round or Similar Devices) are hereby deleted in their entirety. SECTION 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 4: The City Council finds that this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. SECTION 5: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the same to be published once in the official newspaper of the City, and it shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, held on the day of , 2011, and adopted on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEMBERS NOES, COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS I•Y9 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF TbltpTY ATTORNEY �s AARON HARP, CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: LEILANI BROWN, CITY CLERK G� Exhibit "E" — NBMC Sections 5.04.200, 5.08.040, 5.08.050, 5.08.060, 5.08.070 and 5.08.080 Legislative Draft LEGISLATIVE DRAFT Sections 5.04.200, 5.08.040, 5.08.050, 5.08.060, 5.08.070, 5.08.080 5.04.200 Duplicate License. The Finance Director shall charge a fee as set forth by resolution of the City Council of twe dollars ($2.00) for each duplicate license issued to replace any license issued under the provisions of this title, which has been lost or destroyed, upon reasonable proof thereof. (Ord. 1757 § 1 (part), 1977) lilial I: 1 1111: 1 111: 111 1 A: 2111 Xi 111:111:9111 Li�T •t�TeT�1.T.7T.7t /.RST.R71�1:T�L JR:f _ C n R n7n1 Am. c nt C. c in ♦L... "F n Zone." Exhibit T" — Resolution with Ordinance amending NBMC Sections 14.12.010, 14.12.090, 14.12.125, 14.20.010, 14.20.020, 14.20.050, 14.20.060, 14.20.070 and deleting Section 14.20.030 ORDINANCE NO. 2011 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 14.12.010, 14.12.090, 14.12.125, 14.20.010, 14.20.020, 14.20.050, 14.20.060, 14.20.070 AND DELETING SECTION 14.20.030 WHEREAS, water service installation fees for the installation of a new meter or a change in meter size to an existing water service, delinquent water service discontinuance fees and delinquent water service restoration fees are cost -of- services fees identified in the Master Fee Schedule, which updates are approved by the City Council; and WHEREAS, Sections 14.12.010, 14.12.090. 14.12.125 did not previously specifically reference the Master Fee Schedule for fees; and WHEREAS, City Council now desire to revise Sections 14.12.010, 14.12.090 and 14.12.125 to reflect the cost of those services, as updated by the Master Fee Schedule; and WHEREAS, the 2011 MGT of America, Inc. ( "MGT ") cost -of- services study separated the charges for water service discontinuance and restoring water service, and for purposes of restoring water service, identified two separate charges for regular and non - regular work hours; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to revise Sections 14.12.090 and 14.12.125 to separate the charges for water service discontinuance and water service restoration, and revise Section 14.12.125 to reflect two separate fees for regular and non - regular work hours for water service restoration; and WHEREAS, City Council desires to change all references from Public Works to Municipal Operations Department in Section 14; and WHEREAS, a consumer's presence is no longer required for meter testing, meter testing shall be conducted by a contractor selected by the City, and a meter test deposit is no longer required, Council desires to revise Section 14.20.020 to reflect these items; and WHEREAS, a meter deposit is no longer required, therefore Council desires to delete Section 14.20.030; and WHEREAS, MGT identified a new fee for the Construction Water Meter, and City Council desires to add Section 14.20.070 to NBMC. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: SECTION 1: Section 14.12.010, Service Fees, is hereby amended to read as follows: A. The fees for the installation of water services, water meters or water services including meters, or changing the size of those services already in place, shall be paid in advance. B. The installation fee for a water service shall be the city's costs including all labor and materials, plus twenty -five (25) percent of such cost for overhead. The installation fee shall be as established by the Municipal Operations Department, and the cost shall be paid to the Finance Department by the person applying for such installation before the work of connecting the main with the property is begun. C. The installation fee for a new meter or change in meter size to an existing water service is identified by City Council resolution. (Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -56 § 1 (part), 1993) SECTION 2: Section 14.12.090, Delinquent Water Service Discontinuance and Fees, is hereby amended to read as follows: 14.12.090 Delinquent Water Service Discontinuance and Fees. A. Water service to any premises may be discontinued because of nonpayment of a bill or violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or ordered turned off by the owner or tenant, or for failure to establish a water service agreement with the City. B. The City is not responsible or liable for damage done to the customer's premises that may result from the discontinuance or restoration of water service pursuant to this chapter. C. Service may not be discontinued for nonpayment on any Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or at any time during which the business offices of the City are not open to the public or in any of the following situations: 1. During the pendency of an investigation by the City of a customer dispute or complaint. 2. When a customer has been granted an extension of the period for payment of a bill. 3. When such discontinuance would be especially dangerous to the health of the customer or a full -time resident of the customer's household. Certification from a licensed physician, public health nurse or social worker may be required by the City. 4. When the customer or full -time resident of the customer's household is temporarily unable to pay for such service and is willing to arrange installment payments satisfactory to the City, including arrangements for prompt payment of subsequent bills. D. The fee for discontinuance shall be the city's costs including all labor and materials and is identified by Council resolution. (Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -56 § 1 (part), 1993) SECTION 3: Section 14.12.125, Delinquent Water Service Restoration (Delinquent Account Water Turn -On Charge) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Service that has been discontinued may not be restored until payment of all delinquent water service charges, including the restoration charge and $100.00 fine has been received by the Finance Department. 1. Upon payment, service shall be restored during regular or non - regular working hours. 2. The restoration charge for meter turn on during regular and non - regular work hours is identified by Council resolution. 3. Regular work hours are Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. B. Any service wrongfully discontinued shall be restored without charge for the restoration of service, and a notation thereof shall be mailed to the customer at the customer's billing address. A credit shall be applied to the customer's next municipal services bill. The credit shall be set by Council ordinance. (Ord. 2011 -11 § 2, 2011; Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -56 § 1 (part), 1993) SECTION 4: Section 14.20.010, Property of City — Damaged or Lost Meters is hereby amended to read as follows: A. All meters, unless otherwise authorized by the Utilities Manager, shall be and remain the property of the City and will not be removed unless the use of water on the premises is to be entirely stopped, or the service connection discontinued or abandoned. B. In all cases where meters or meter boxes are lost, injured or broken by carelessness, or by the negligence of the owners or occupants of premises, they shall be replaced or repaired by the Utilities Division and the cost charged against the owner or occupant; and in the case of nonpayment, the water shall be shut off as provided in Section 14.12.090. C. In the event the meter is out of order, or fails to register properly, the consumer shall be charged on an estimate made by the city on the average monthly consumption during the last three months that the meter was in good order, or from what he may consider to be the most reliable data at his command. (Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -56 § 2, 1993: Ord. 92 -31 § 15 (part), 1992) SECTION 5: Section 14.20.020, Meter Tests, is hereby amended to read as follows: Where the accuracy of record of a water meter is questioned, it shall be removed at the consumer's request and shall be tested by a contractor selected by the city. A report will be provided to the customer. Both parties to the test must accept the findings so made. If the test discloses an error against the consumer of more than three percent of the meter's registry, the excess of the consumption on the three previous readings shall be credited to the consumer's meter account and the city will bear the entire expense of the test. On the other hand, where no such error is found, the person who has requested the test can be charged the full fixed costs of the test. (Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -31 § 5 (part), 1992) SECTION 6: Section 14.20.030, Meter Test Deposit, is hereby deleted in its entirety. SECTION 7: Section 14.20.050, Meter Placement, is hereby amended to read as follows: All meters of the City shall be placed at the curbline of the street or near the property line in alleys, whenever and wherever practicable, and be protected and maintained as a part of the operation of the City. SECTION 8: Section 14.20.060, Meters Inside Premises, is hereby amended to read as follows: When a water meter is placed inside the premises of a consumer, for the convenience of the consumer, provisions shall be made for a convenient meter reading and repairing by representatives of the city. Failure to make such provisions by the consumer shall be sufficient cause for removal of such meter at the option of the Utilities Manager and the withholding of service until connection is made at the curbline as herein provided. (Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -31 § 5 (part), 1992) SECTION 9: Section 14.20.070, Construction Water Meter, is hereby added to the Code: All persons requesting water from a city owned fire hydrant for the purposes of construction or other uses shall obtain a construction meter. Individuals who request a construction meter shall complete an application and pay the appropriate related fees identified by Council resolution. Applications are available at the Revenue Division located at City Hall. Once the application and fees have been accepted, a hydrant meter will be delivered and installed at the site. SECTION 10: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 11: The City Council finds that this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. SECTION 12: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the same to be published once in the official newspaper of the City, and it shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, held on the day of , 2011, and adopted on the _ day of 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEMBERS NOES, COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: Owr/�- Y ATTORNEY , AARON HARP, C ITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: LEILANI BROWN, CITY CLERK M Exhibit "G" — NBMC Sections 14.12.010, 14.12.090, 14.12.125, 14.20.010, 14.20.020, 14.20.030. 14.20.050, 14.20.060, 14.20.070 Legislative Draft LEGISLATIVE DRAFT Sections 14.12.010, 14.12.090, 14.12.125, 14.20.010, 14.20.020, 14.20.030, 14.20.050, 14.20.060, 14.20.070 14.12.010 Service Fees. A. The fees for the installation of water services, water meters or water services including meters, or for en!arging changing the size of those services already in place, shall be paid in advance. B. The installation fee for a water service shall be the city's costs, including all labor and materials, plus twenty -five (25) percent of such cost for overhead. in additieR, there shall hi; gn11AgtAd the R1 -M C) fifty dollars ($59.00) far the first Ana ingh of meter diameter, Or fraGtienal pertion thereof, plus twenty five dollars ($25.00) for each additional one-half inch of meter diameter, or fraGt onal portion thereof. The installation fee shall be as established by the P ib4is INcirks Municipal Operations Department, and the cost shall be paid to the Finance Department by the person applying for such installation before the work of connecting the main with the property is begun. C. The installation fee for a new meter or change in meter size to an existing water service is identified by City Council resolution. ThA rpst;;r est°blisha ' by the Pub ,,. Works Qepa4ment s „u he thA estimated average Gast of de ng the wark, plus twenty f ve (25) parGent, and shall be frern time te time to reflect exper o and changes in the aGt al cost of perform ng the wore (Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part). 1996: Ord. 92 -56 § 1 (part), 1993) 14.12.090 Delinquent Water Service Discontinuance and Fees. A. Water service to any premises may be discontinued because of nonpayment of a bill or violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or ordered turned off by the owner or tenant, or for failure to establish a water service agreement with the City. B. The City is not responsible or liable for damage done to the customer's premises that may result from the discontinuance or restoration of water service pursuant to this chapter. C. Service may not be discontinued for nonpayment on any Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or at any time during which the business offices of the City are not open to the public or in any of the following situations: During the pendency of an investigation by the City of a customer dispute or complaint. 2. When a customer has been granted an extension of the period for payment of a bill. 3. When such discontinuance would be especially dangerous to the health of the customer or a full -time resident of the customer's household. Certification from a licensed physician, public health nurse or social worker may be required by the City. 4. When the customer or full -time resident of the customer's household is temporarily unable to pay for such service and is willing to arrange installment payments satisfactory to the City, including arrangements for prompt payment of subsequent bills. D. The fee for discontinuance shall be the city's costs including all labor and materials and is identified by Council resolution. (Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -56 § 1 (part), 1993) 14.12.125 Delinquent Water Service Restoration (Delinquent Account Water Turn -on Charge). A. Service that has been discontinued may not be restored until payment of all delinquent water service charges, including the restoration charge and $100.00 fine, has been received by the Adrn n' trAtive Services Finance Department. 1. Upon payment, service shall be restored during regular or non - reqular working hours. 2. The restoration charge for meter turn on during regular and non-regular work hours is identified by Council resolution. 3. Regular work hours are Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. B. Any service wrongfully discontinued shall be restored without charge for the restoration of service, and a notation thereof shall be mailed to the customer at the customer's billing address. A credit shall be applied to the customer's next municipal services bill. The credit shall be set by Council ordinance. (Ord. 2011 -11 § 2, 2011; Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -56 § 1 (part), 1993) 14.20.010 Property of City— Damaged or Lost Meters. A. All meters, unless otherwise authorized by the Utilities Manager, shall be and remain the property of the City and will not be removed unless the use of water on the premises is to be entirely stopped, or the service connection discontinued or abandoned. B. In all cases where meters or meter boxes are lost, injured or broken by carelessness, or by the negligence of the owners or occupants of premises, they shall be replaced or repaired by the Utilities Division and the cost charged against the owner or occupant; and in the case of nonpayment, the water shall be shut off as provided in Section 14.12.090. C. In the event the meter is out of order, or fails to register properly, the consumer shall be charged on an estimate made by the I Iiilities- Division city the average monthly consumption during the last three months that the meter was in good order, or from what he may consider to be the most reliable data at his command. (Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -56 § 2, 1993: Ord. 92 -31 § 15 (part), 1992) 14.20.020 Meter Tests. Where the accuracy of record of a water meter is questioned, it shall be removed at the consumer's request and shall in his presence be tested by a contractor selected by the city. he e Utilit as Div sion by Fneans of the apparatus there pray dad, and ;; A report will be provided to the customer. Both parties to the test must accept the findings so made. If the test discloses an error against the consumer of more than three percent of the meter's registry, the excess of the consumption on the three previous readings shall be credited to the consumer's meter account, and the ' It 'it es Dims en ci�will bear the entire expense of the test, prescribed °so4 be returned. On the other hand, where no such error is found, the person who has requested the test can be charged the full shall pay the Gharge& fixed costs for sash of the test. (Ord. 96- 22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -31 § 5 (part), 1992) 14.20.050 Meter Placement. All meters of the City shall be placed at the curbline of the street or near the property line in alleys, whenever and wherever practicable, and be protected and maintained as a part of the operation of the city Division. (Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -31 § 5 (part), 1992) 14.20.070 Construction Water Meters. All persons requesting water from a city owned fire hydrant for the purposes of construction or other uses shall obtain a construction meter. Individuals who request a construction meter shall complete an application and pay the appropriate related fees identified by Council resolution. Applications are available at the Revenue Division located at City Hall. Once the application and fees have been accepted, a hydrant meter will be delivered and installed at the site. Exhibit "H" — MGT Agreement PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MGT OF AMERICA, INC. FOR COST ALLOCATION PLAN AND USER FEE SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of this 14th day of April, 2010, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a Municipal Corporation ( "City "), and MGT OF AMERICA, INC. a Florida Corporation, regionally based in California, whose address is 2001 P Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, California, 95811 ( "Consultant "), and is made with reference to the following: RECITALS A. City is a municipal corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of California with the power to carry on its business as it is now being conducted under the statutes of the State of California and the Charter of the City. B. City is planning a six phase (during a period of six years) comprehensive review and update of General Fund departmental user fee calculations, initial comprehensive Harbor Tidelands user fee analysis and update of the citywide cost allocation plan. City also wishes to create a detailed breakout of departmental user fee services which directly links to City revenue codes (collectively, the "Project "). Cataloging the user fee services along with the corresponding City Revenue Code will allow the City to more efficiently update charge levels and create a better linkage between user fee services and general plan revenue accounts. C. Consultant, in 2006, had calculated the City's cost allocation plan. At that time, Consultant was PRM, a company that has since been merged into MGT of America, Inc. Because of Consultant's familiarity with City's organization, and the ensuing cost savings, City desires to engage Consultant to complete the Project in accordance to the schedule shown in Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. D. Consultant possesses the skill, experience, ability, background, certification and knowledge to provide the services described in this Agreement. E. The principal members of the Consultant for purposes of the Project, shall be Brad Burgess, Erin Payton and Mike Adams. F. City has solicited and received a proposal from Consultant, has reviewed the previous experience and evaluated the expertise of Consultant, and desires to retain Consultant to render professional services under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOUN, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the undersigned parties as follows: 1. TERM The term of this Agreement shall commence on the above written date, and shall terminate on the 13th day of April, 2016, unless terminated earlier as set forth herein. 2. SERVICES TO RE PERFORMED Consultant shall diligently perform all the services described in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. The City may elect to delete certain tasks from the Scope of Services at its sole discretion. 3. TIME OF PERFORMANCE Time is of the essence in the performance of services under this Agreement and the services shall be performed to completion in a diligent and timely manner. The failure by Consultant to perform the services in a diligent and timely manner may result in termination of this Agreement by City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Consultant shall not be responsible for delays due to causes beyond Consultant's reasonable control. However, in the case of any such delay in the services to be provided for the Project, each party hereby agrees to provide notice to the other party so that all delays can be addressed. 3.1 Consultant shall submit all requests for extensions of time for performance in writing to the Project Administrator, as defined in Section 6, not later than ten (10) calendar days after the start of the condition that purportedly causes a delay. The Project Administrator shall review all such requests and may grant reasonable time extensions for unforeseeable delays that are beyond Consultant's control. 3.2 For all time periods not specifically set forth herein, Consultant shall respond in the most expedient and appropriate manner under the circumstances, by either telephone, fax, hand - delivery or mail. 4. COMPENSATION TO CONSULTANT City shall pay Consultant for the services on a time and expense not -to- exceed basis in accordance with the provisions of this Section and the Schedule of Billing and Rates attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference. Consultant's compensation for all work performed in accordance with this Agreement, including all reimbursable items, shall not exceed: Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) during 2009 -10 (Year 1); Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) during 2010 -11 Year 2); E Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) during 2011 -12 (Year 3); Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) during 2012 -13 (Year 4); Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) during 2013 -14 (Year 5); and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) during 2014 -15 (Year 6) without prior written authorization from City. No billing rate changes shall be made during the term of this Agreement without the prior written approval of City. 4.1 Consultant shall submit monthly invoices to City describing the work performed the preceding month. Consultant's bills shall include the name of the person who performed the work, a brief description of the services performed and /or the specific task in the Scope of Services to which it relates, the date the services were performed, the number of hours spent on all work billed on an hourly basis, and a description of any reimbursable expenditures. City shall pay Consultant no later than thirty (30) days after approval of the monthly invoice by City staff. 4.2 City shall reimburse Consultant only for those costs or expenses specifically approved in this Agreement, or specifically approved in writing in advance by City. Unless otherwise approved, such costs shall be limited and include nothing more than the following costs incurred by Consultant: A. Approved reproduction charges. B. Actual costs and /or other costs and /or payments specifically authorized in advance in writing and incurred by Consultant in the performance of this Agreement. 4.3 Consultant shall not receive any compensation for Extra Work performed without the prior written authorization of Project Administrator. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work that is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which is not included within the Scope of Services and which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Compensation for any authorized Extra Work shall be paid in accordance with the Schedule of Billing Rates as set forth in Exhibit "B ". 5. PROJECT MANAGER Consultant shall designate a Project Manager, who shall coordinate all phases of the Project. This Project Manager shall be available to City at all reasonable times during the Agreement term. Consultant has designated Erin Payton to be its Project Manager. Consultant shall not remove or reassign the Project Manager or any personnel listed above or assign any new or replacement personnel to the Project without the prior written consent of City. City's approval shall not be unreasonably withheld with respect to the removal or assignment of Project Manager. C] Consultant, at the sole discretion of City, shall remove from the Project any of its personnel assigned to the performance of services upon written request of City. Consultant warrants that it will continuously furnish the necessary personnel to complete the Project on a timely basis as contemplated by this Agreement. 8. ADMINISTRATION This Agreement will be administered by the Administrative Services Department The Revenue Division Manager shall be the Project Administrator and shall have the authority to act for City under this Agreement. The Project Administrator or her authorized representative shall represent City in all matters pertaining to the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. 7. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES In order to assist Consultant in the execution of its responsibilities under this Agreement, City agrees to, where applicable, provide access to, and upon request of Consultant, one copy of all existing relevant information on file at City. City will provide all such materials in a timely manner so as not to cause delays in Consultant's work schedule. 8. STANDARD OF CARE 8.1 All of the services shall be performed by Consultant or under Consultant's supervision. Consultant represents that it possesses the professional and technical personnel required to perform the services required by this Agreement, and that it will perform all services in a manner commensurate with community professional standards. All services shall be performed by qualified and experienced personnel who are not employed by City. By delivery of completed work, Consultant certifies that the work conforms to the requirements of this Agreement and all applicable federal, state and local laws and the professional standard of care. 8.2 Consultant represents and warrants to City that it has, shall obtain, and shall keep in full force in effect during the term hereof, at its sole cost and expense, all licenses, permits, qualifications, insurance and approvals of whatsoever nature that is legally required of Consultant to practice its profession. Consultant shall maintain a City of Newport Beach business license during the term of this Agreement. 8.3 Consultant shall not be responsible for delay, nor shall Consultant be responsible for damages or be in default or deemed to be in default by reason of strikes, lockouts, accidents, or acts of God, or the failure of City to furnish timely information or to approve or disapprove Consultant's work promptly, or delay or faulty performance by City, contractors, or governmental agencies. 12 9. HOLD HARMLESS To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, boards and commissions, officers, agents, volunteers, and employees (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties') from and against any and all claims (including, without limitation, claims for bodily injury, death or damage to property), demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever (individually, a Claim; collectively, "Claims "), which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to any breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, any work performed or services provided under this Agreement including, without limitation, defects in workmanship or materials or Consultant's presence or activities conducted on the Project (including the negligent and /or willful acts, errors and /or omissions of Consultant, its principals, officers, agents, employees, vendors, suppliers, consultants, subcontractors, anyone employed directly or indirectly by any of them or for whose acts they may be liable or any or all of them). Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall be construed to require Consultant to indemnify the Indemnified Parties from any Claim arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Parties. Nothing in this indemnity shall be construed as authorizing any award of attorney's fees in any action on or to enforce the terms of this Agreement. This indemnity shall apply to all claims and liability regardless of whether any insurance policies are applicable. The policy limits do not act as a limitation upon the amount of indemnification to be provided by the Consultant. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR It is understood that City retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and Consultant is not an agent or employee of City. The manner and means of conducting the work are under the control of Consultant, except to the extent they are limited by statute, rule or regulation and the expressed terms of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute approval for Consultant or any of Consultant's employees or agents, to be the agents or employees of City. Consultant shall have the responsibility for and control over the means of performing the work, provided that Consultant is in compliance with the terms of this Agreement. Anything in this Agreement that may appear to give City the right to direct Consultant as to the details of the performance or to exercise a measure of control over Consultant shall mean only that Consultant shall follow the desires of City with respect to the results of the services. 11. COOPERATION Consultant agrees to work closely and cooperate fully with City's designated Project Administrator and any other agencies that may have jurisdiction or 5 interest in the work to be performed. City agrees to cooperate with the Consultant on the Project. 12. CITY POLICY Consultant shall discuss and review all matters relating to policy and Project direction with City's Project Administrator in advance of all critical decision points in order to ensure the Project proceeds in a manner consistent with City goals and policies. 13. PROGRESS Consultant is responsible for keeping the Project Administrator and /or her duly authorized designee informed on a regular basis regarding the status and progress of the Project, activities performed and planned, and any meetings that have been scheduled or are desired. 14. INSURANCE Without limiting Consultant's indemnification of City, and prior to commencement of work, Consultant shall obtain, provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement, a policy or policies of liability insurance of the type and amounts described below and in a form satisfactory to City. 14.1 Certificates of Insurance. Consultant shall provide certificates of insurance with original endorsements to City as evidence of the insurance coverage required herein. Insurance certificates must be approved by City's Risk Manager prior to commencement of performance or issuance of any permit. Current certification of insurance shall be kept on file with City at all times during the term of this Agreement. 14.2 Signature. A person authorized by the insurer to bind coverage on its behalf shall sign certification of all required policies. 14.3 Acceptable Insurers. All insurance policies shall be issued by an insurance company currently authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact business of insurance in the State of California, with an assigned policyholders' Rating of A (or higher) and Financial Size Category Class VII (or larger) in accordance with the latest edition of Best's Key Rating Guide, unless otherwise approved by the City's Risk Manager. 14.4 Coverage Requirements. A. Workers' Compensation Coverage. Consultant shall maintain Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance for his or her employees in accordance with the laws of the State of California. In addition, Consultant shall require each subcontractor to similarly maintain Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of California for C. all of the subcontractor's employees. Any notice of cancellation or non - renewal of all Workers' Compensation policies must be received by City at least thirty (30) calendar days (10 calendar days written notice of non- payment of premium) prior to such change. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against City, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by Consultant for City. B. General Liability Coverage. Consultant shall maintain commercial general liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage, including without limitation, contractual liability. If commercial general liability insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the work to be performed under this Agreement, or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the required occurrence limit. C. Automobile Liability Coverage. Consultant shall maintain automobile insurance covering bodily injury and property damage for all activities of the Consultant arising out of or in connection with work to be performed under this Agreement, including coverage for any owned, hired, non -owned or rented vehicles, in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit for each occurrence. D. Professional Errors and Omissions Insurance. Consultant shall maintain professional errors and omissions insurance, which covers the services to be performed in connection with this Agreement in the minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000). 14.5 Endorsements. Each general liability and automobile liability insurance policy shall be endorsed with the following specific language: A. The City, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant. B. This policy shall be considered primary insurance as respects to City, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers as respects to all claims, losses, or liability arising directly or indirectly from the Consultant's operations or services provided to City. Any insurance maintained by City, including any self- insured retention City may have, shall be considered excess insurance only and not contributory with the insurance provided hereunder. C. This insurance shall act for each insured and additional insured as though a separate policy had been written for each, except with respect to the limits of liability of the insuring company. 7 D. The insurer waives all rights of subrogation against City, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. E. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to City, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers. F. The insurance provided by this policy shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, or reduced in coverage or in limits, by either party except after thirty (30) calendar days (10 calendar days written notice of non - payment of premium) written notice has been received by City. 14.6 Timely Notice of Claims. Consultant shall give City prompt and timely notice of claim made or suit instituted arising out of or resulting from Consultant's performance under this Agreement. 14.7 Additional Insurance. Consultant shall also procure and maintain, at its own cost and expense, any additional kinds of insurance, which in its own judgment may be necessary for its proper protection and prosecution of the work. 15. PROHIBITION AGAINST ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS Except as specifically authorized under this Agreement, the services to be provided under this Agreement shall not be assigned, transferred contracted or subcontracted out without the prior written approval of City. Any of the following shall be construed as an assignment: The sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Consultant, or of the interest of any general partner or joint venturer or syndicate member or cotenant if Consultant is a partnership or joint- venture or syndicate or cotenancy, which shall result in changing the control of Consultant. Control means fifty percent (50 %) or more of the voting power, or twenty -five percent (25 %) or more of the assets of the corporation, partnership or joint- venture. 16. SUBCONTRACTING The parties recognize that a substantial inducement to City for entering into this Agreement is the professional reputation, experience and competence of Consultant. Assignments of any or all rights, duties or obligations of the Consultant under this Agreement will be permitted only with the express written consent of City. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work to be performed under this Agreement without the prior written authorization of City. 17. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Each and every report, draft, map, record, plan, document and other writing produced ( "Documents "), prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant, its officers, employees, agents and subcontractors, in the course of implementing this Agreement, shall become the exclusive property of City, and City shall have the sole right to use such materials in its discretion without further compensation to Consultant or any other party. Consultant shall, at Consultant's expense, provide such Documents to City upon prior written request. Documents, including drawings and specifications, prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by City or others on any other project. Any use of completed Documents for other projects and any use of incomplete Documents without specific written authorization from Consultant will be at City's sole risk and without liability to Consultant. Further, any and all liability arising out of changes made to Consultant's deliverables under this Agreement by City or persons other than Consultant is waived against Consultant and City assumes full responsibility for such changes unless City has given Consultant prior notice and has received from Consultant written consent for such changes. 18. CONFIDENTIALITY All Documents, including drafts, preliminary drawings or plans, notes and communications that result from the services in this Agreement, shall be kept confidential unless City authorizes in writing the release of information. 19. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNITY The Consultant shall defend and indemnify City, its agents, officers, representatives and employees against any and all liability, including costs, for infringement of any United States' letters patent, trademark, or copyright infringement, including costs, contained in Consultant's drawings and specifications provided under this Agreement. 20. RECORDS Consultant shall keep records and invoices in connection with the work to be performed under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to the costs incurred under this Agreement and any services, expenditures and disbursements charged to City, for a minimum period of three (3) years, or for any longer period required by law, from the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. All such records and invoices shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City to examine, audit and make transcripts or copies of such records and invoices during regular business hours. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, Documents, proceedings and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. 21. WITHHOLDINGS City may withhold payment to Consultant of any disputed sums until satisfaction of the dispute with respect to such payment. Such withholding shall not be deemed to constitute a failure to pay according to the terms of this Agreement. Consultant shall not discontinue work as a result of such withholding. Consultant Lo shall have an immediate right to appeal to the City Manager or his /her designee with respect to such disputed sums. Consultant shall be entitled to receive interest on any withheld sums at the rate of return that City earned on its investments during the time period, from the date of withholding of any amounts found to have been improperly withheld. 22. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS In the event of errors or omissions that are due to the negligence or professional inexperience of Consultant which result in expense to City greater than what would have resulted if there were not errors or omissions in the work accomplished by Consultant, the additional design, construction and /or restoration expense shall be bome by Consultant. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to limit City's rights under the law or any other sections of this Agreement. 23. CITY'S RIGHT TO EMPLOY OTHER CONSULTANTS City reserves the right to employ other Consultants in connection with the Project. 24. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Consultant or its employees may be subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act of 1974 (the "Act "), which (1) requires such persons to disclose any financial interest that may foreseeably be materially affected by the work performed under this Agreement, and (2) prohibits such persons from making, or participating in making, decisions that will foreseeably financially affect such interest. If subject to the Act, Consultant shall conform to all requirements of the Act. Failure to do so constitutes a material breach and is grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement by City. Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless City for any and all claims for damages resulting from Consultant's violation of this Section. 25. NOTICES All notices, demands, requests or approvals to be given under the terms of this Agreement shall be given in writing, and conclusively shall be deemed served when delivered personally, or on the third business day after the deposit thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid, first -class mail, addressed as hereinafter provided. All notices, demands, requests or approvals from Consultant to City shall be addressed to City at: Attn: Revenue Division Manager Administrative Services Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA, 92663 10 Phone: 949- 644 -3144 All notices, demands, requests or approvals from CITY to Consultant shall be addressed to Consultant at: Attention: Brad Burgess 2001 P Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95811 Phone: 916.595.2646 Fax: 916.914.2372 26. TERMINATION In the event that either party fails or refuses to perform any of the provisions of this Agreement at the time and in the manner required, that party shall be deemed in default in the performance of this Agreement. If such default is not cured within a period of five (5) calendar days, or if more than five (5) calendar days are reasonably required to cure the default and the defaulting party fails to give adequate assurance of due performance within five (5) calendar days after receipt of written notice of default, specifying the nature of such default and the steps necessary to cure such default, and thereafter diligently take steps to cure the default, the non - defaulting party may terminate the Agreement forthwith by giving to the defaulting party written notice thereof. Notwithstanding the above provisions, City shall have the right, at its sole discretion and without cause, of terminating this Agreement at any time by giving ten (10) calendar days prior written notice to Consultant. In the event of termination under this Section, City shall pay Consultant for services satisfactorily performed and costs incurred up to the effective date of termination for which Consultant has not been previously paid. On the effective date of termination, Consultant shall deliver to City all reports, Documents and other information developed or accumulated in the performance of this Agreement, whether in draft or final form. 27. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAMS Consultant shall at its own cost and expense comply with all statutes, ordinances, regulations and requirements of all governmental entities, including federal, state, county or municipal, whether now in force or hereinafter enacted. In addition, all work prepared by Consultant shall conform to applicable City, county, state and federal laws, rules, regulations and permit requirements and be subject to approval of the Project Administrator and City. 28. WAIVER A waiver by either party of any breach, of any term, covenant or condition contained herein shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition contained herein, whether of the same or a different character. 11 29. INTEGRATED CONTRACT This Agreement represents the full and complete understanding of every kind or nature whatsoever between the parties hereto, and all preliminary negotiations and agreements of whatsoever kind or nature are merged herein. No verbal agreement or implied covenant shall be held to vary the provisions herein. 30. CONFLICTS OR INCONSISTENCIES In the event there are any conflicts or inconsistencies between this Agreement and the Scope of Services or any other attachments attached hereto, the terms of this Agreement shall govern. 31. INTERPRETATION The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship of the Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 32. AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written document executed by both Consultant and City and approved as to form by the City Attorney. 33. SEVERABILITY If any term or portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. 34. CONTROLLING LAW AND VENUE The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement and all matters relating to it and any action brought relating to this Agreement shall be adjudicated in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of Orange. 35. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT Consultant represents that it is an equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, ancestry, sex or age. 36. NO ATTORNEYS' FEES In the event of a legal dispute under the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall not be entitled to attorneys' fees. 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first written above. APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: Lennie Mulvihill Acting City Attorney ATTEST: By Leilani Brown, City Clerk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, A Municipal Cor oration By: Keith Curry Mayor CONSULTANT: B (Cor or a Officer) Title: 5'r. i 6riner Print Name: 3.$r449 49 j��tss By: X21. '' I (Financial fficer) Title: CFO Print Name: MICHELLE JUAREZ Attachments: Exhibit "A" — Scope of Services Exhibit "B" — Schedule of Billing Rates 13 Exhibit "A" Scope of Services Project Organization The project shall be divided into the following six phases: Year 1 (FY 2009 -10): Update citywide cost allocation plan Perform initial comprehensive Harbor Tidelands user fee study Update Police user fee study Catalog user fee services for all user fee departments listed in project years 1, 2 and 3 along with developing a linkage from each service name to the corresponding City revenue code. e Year 2 (FY 2010 -11): Update Administrative Services, Library, Recreation & Senior Services and Utilities user fee studies. Year 3 (FY 2011 -12): Update Building, Fire and Code Enforcement, Planning, Public Works user fee studies. Year 4 (FY 2012 -13): Update citywide cost allocation plan, Harbor Tidelands and Police user fee studies. Year 5 (FY 2013 -14): Update Administrative Services, Library, Recreation & Senior Services and Utilities user fee studies. o Year 6 (FY 2014 -15): Update Building, Fire and Code Enforcement, Planning, Public Works user fee studies. Detailed Project Description: User Fee Updates For the fee study departments described above, the areas of update /analysis will include: The addition of any new fee services. Review /revise all time estimates included in the previous study and capture new time estimates for new services. Note — the initial Harbor Tidelands study will be conducted with all new time information, which will be gathered on site from City staff. Update annual volume and revenue statistics for all fee services. o Update all staffing and expenditure information. ® Update all cross - department support calculations. Provide revenue forecasting based on recommended fee levels. • Update department overhead rates. • Prepare for Council approval the annual citywide service fee schedule reflecting the results of the year's user fee update and cost allocation plan (if applicable), and the changes to the 14 Consumer Price Index from the previously adopted service fee schedule. The staff report for the Council presentation will be created by City staff. • Following Council adoption of the service fee schedule, for each department - create individual comprehensive user fee service and copy & duplication charges catalogs. The user fee catalog will be created in a manner that creates a better linkage between individual departmental user fee levels and the corresponding departmental general fund revenue by tying service fees and transaction counts to general fund revenue accounts. This catalog will allow enhanced revenue forecasting and budgeting by incorporating staffing changes and volume statistics. • Any department not included in that year's detailed analysis will have their user fees updated by the local CPI (i.e. the Planning fees will be updated by the CPI factor in years 1 and 2; the Police fees will be updated by the CPI factor in years 2 and 3).These updates will be applied and forecasted revenue information will be provided for each department. Detailed Project Description: Cost Allocation Plan For the cost allocation plan, the areas of update /analysis will include: • Review /update of all central service departments (add /remove any divisions) • Update cost plan structure /receiving departments to reflect the current city budget structure o Update all functional areas within allocating departments Update all staff time analyses within functional areas o Update all allocation basis used to allocate functional costs o Update expenditure data to reflect current budget (or previous year actuals) ® Compare allocations to prior cost plan results 15 Exhibit "t3" Schedule of Billing and Rates Year 1: Update citywide cost allocation plan - $12,500.00 Update Police user fee study - $2,500.00 Perform initial comprehensive Harbor Tidelands user fee study - $25,000.00 Catalog user fee services for all user fee departments listed in project years 1, 2 and 3 along with developing a linkage from each service name to the corresponding City revenue code — included Total - $40,000.00 Year 1 will be billed as follows: 50% after all initial department meetings /interviews are conducted 30% upon receipt of first draft of cost allocation plan, Police and Harbor Tidelands fee study 20% upon receipt of final cost allocation plan, Police and Harbor Tidelands fee study and departmental fee service catalog Year 2: Update Administrative Services user fee study - $3,500.00 Update Library user fee study - $2,500.00 Update Recreation & Senior Services user fee study - $4,500.00 Update Utilities user fee study - $4,500.00 Total - $15,000.00 Year 2 will be billed as follows: 50% upon receipt of 15t user fee draft for all departments 40% upon receipt of 2nd user fee draft for all departments 10% upon receipt of final report and presentation Year 3: Update of Building user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Code Enforcement user fee study - $2,000.00 Update of Fire user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Planning user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Public Works user fee study - $4,500.00 Total - $20,000.00 Year 3 will be billed as follows: 50% upon receipt of 151 user fee draft for all departments 40% upon receipt of 2nd user fee draft for all departments 10% upon receipt of final report, presentation and departmental fee service catalog 16 Year 4: Update Police user fee study - $2,500.00 Update Harbor Tidelands user fee study - $10,000.00 Update citywide cost allocation plan - $12,500.00 Total - $25,000.00 Year 4 will be billed as follows: 50 % after all initial department meetings /interviews are conducted 30% upon receipt of 1St draft of cost allocation plan and Police and Harbor Tidelands fee study 20% upon receipt of final cost allocation plan and Police and Harbor Tidelands fee study Year 5: Update Administrative Services user fee study - $3,500.00 Update Library user fee study - $2,500.00 Update Recreation & Senior Services user fee study - $4,500.00 Update Utilities user fee study - $4,500.00 Total - $15,000.00 Year 5 phase will be billed as follows: 50% upon receipt of 1St user fee draft for all departments 40% upon receipt of 2nd user fee draft for all departments 10% upon receipt of final report, presentation and departmental fee service catalog Year 6: Update of Building user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Code Enforcement user fee study - $2,000.00 Update of Fire user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Planning user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Public Works user fee study - $4,500.00 Total - $20,000.00 Year 6 will be billed as follows: 0 50% upon receipt of 1St user fee draft for all departments e 40% upon receipt of 2nd user fee draft for all departments 0 10% upon receipt of final report, presentation and departmental fee service catalog Will Hourly Billing Rates For any services outside or in addition to the Scope of Services ( "Extra Work ") described in Exhibit "A ", City shall pay the Consultant for the services on a time and expense basis in 1110'" hour increments at the following rate(s).. Senior Partner: $250 Senior Associate: $185 Associate: $165 Senior Consultant: $155 Production Coordinator: $85 Project related expenses (mileage, air travel, car rental, lodging, meals while on site, duplication) shall be billed at cost. m Fee Schedule —Year 2 Cost -of- Services City Council Regular Session November 22, 2011 Cost of Services —Year 2 Departments selected for study: Finance Recreation & Senior Services (RSS) Municipal Operations Department (MOD) Library CPI 3.07% All fees rounded down to nearest dollar Summary of Fee Changes Department # of Fees Going Up # of Fees Going Down or Eliminated # of Fees Staying the Same # of New Fees Finance 15 18 9 3 Recreation 9 17 148 MOD 9 5 1 Library 13 Total 1 331 401 170 4 Finance 12 fees eliminated, 6 fees decreased Most increases immaterial except: Vehicles for Hire Special package TOT audit fee 3 new fees ($37 TOT delinquency; $9 TOT reprint; $8 STLP reprint) STLPs: New permits increased $54; Eliminated STLP renewal process (also discussed w /agents & owners) # of Fees Going # of Fees # of Fees Down or Staying the # of New Department Going Up Eliminated Same Fees Finance 1 15 18 9 3 12 fees eliminated, 6 fees decreased Most increases immaterial except: Vehicles for Hire Special package TOT audit fee 3 new fees ($37 TOT delinquency; $9 TOT reprint; $8 STLP reprint) STLPs: New permits increased $54; Eliminated STLP renewal process (also discussed w /agents & owners) I� MOD • 3 fees eliminated, 2 fees decreased • Most increases immaterial except: • Water Installation Fee (phase -in period) • Hydrant Flow Test — Regular Hours (phase -in period) • Solid Waste Franchise Application • Delinquent Water Service • Discontinuance vs. Restoration • $100 fine paid before restoration • 1 new fee — Construction Water Meter Establishment • damaged & stolen meters • Recovery percentage 30% = $100 # of Fees Going # of Fees # of Fees Down or Staying the # of New Department Going Up Eliminated Same Fees MOD 91 5 -1. • 3 fees eliminated, 2 fees decreased • Most increases immaterial except: • Water Installation Fee (phase -in period) • Hydrant Flow Test — Regular Hours (phase -in period) • Solid Waste Franchise Application • Delinquent Water Service • Discontinuance vs. Restoration • $100 fine paid before restoration • 1 new fee — Construction Water Meter Establishment • damaged & stolen meters • Recovery percentage 30% = $100 RSS &Library Department # of Fees Going Up # of Fees Going Down or Eliminated # of Fees Staying the Same # of New Fees Recreation 9 17 148 - Library - - 13 - Total 9 17 161 0 • 16 fees eliminated, 1 fee decreased • Most increases immaterial except: • Cleaning Fee — pass through cost $50 • Special Event Appeal to City Council $1,558 • Time intensive — preparation for City Council • Cost recovery percentage 25% • Most fees remain constant with previous year • Adjust cost recovery % to keep fees unchanged • "Shining City by the Bay" NBMC Section 3.36 "Cost recovery shall be 100% for user services unless listed in the `exception' table shown as Exhibit A in the Code, or as limited by statute" RSS & Library have decreased cost recovery %'s to maintain fees at current levels What is Next? 2nd Reading: November 29, 201 1 or December 13, 201 1 2012 MGT begins work for: Community Development Fire Public Works Questions? PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of Los Angeles; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to' or interested in the notice published. I am a principal clerk of the NEWPORT BEACH /COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on September 29, 1961, case A6214, and June 11, 1963; case A24831, for the City of Cpsta Mesa, County of Orange, and the -State bf California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Saturday November, 26, 2011 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. . Executed on November.29, 2011 at Los Angeles,: California Signature RECEIVED 1011 DEC - I AM 91 53 OFRCE OF THE CITY CLERK Wy OF PORT BEACH (m OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINAN(E SUMMARY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Novem. bar 22, 2011, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, Califor. nia, introduced an Ordi- nance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2011 -28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEW- P O R T B E A C H AMENDING SECTION 3.36.030 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MU- NICIPAL CODE The proposed Ordinance would provide that the City's cost for providing Finance, Municipal Operations,Library, and Recreation and Senior Services, among other fees This Ordinance was in- troduced by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, Califor- nia, at a regular meet- ing thereof on the 22nd day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: Hill, Rosansky, Gardner, Selich, Curry, Daigle, Mayor Henn NOES:None ABSENT:None Second reading of Ordi- nance No. 2011 -28 will i occur at the December 13, 2011 City Council meeting. If adopted on December 13, 2011, the Ordinance shall become (final and effective thirty (30) days after adop- tion. Dated this 23rd day of I November. 2011. r: PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of Los Angeles; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the notice published. I am a principal clerk of the NEWPORT BEACH /COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on September 29, 1961, case A6214, and June 11, 1963, case A24831, for the City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, and the State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Saturday November, 26, 2011 I certify. (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on November 29, 2011 at Los Angeles, California Signature RECEVED 2011 OEC - I AM 9- SS "a OF T�' OP C:ERK CITE" ^CRT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBU(NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that on November 22, 2011, the City Coun- cil of the City of New- port Beach, California; introduced an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2011- 29 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING NEWPORT BEACH MU - NICIPAL CODE 5.04.200p)PERTAINING TO DUPLICATE LICENSE FEES AND DELETING NBMC SECTIONS 5.08.040, 5.08.050, 5.08.060, 5.08.070, 5.08.080 The proposed Ordinance would amend NBMC Section 5.04.200 to re- flect the cost of ser- vices associated with providing a duplicate business license, as up. dated by the Master Fee Schedule. The proposed Ordinance would also delete NBMC Sections which reg- ulates coin machines, games of skill or amusement, penny ar- cade in the Fun Zone, amusement business in the Fun Zone, and merry -go -round or simi- lar devices. This Ordinance was in. troduced by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, Califor. nia, at a regular meeting thereof on the 22nd day of November, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: Hill, Rosansky, Gardner, Selich, Curry, Daigle, Mayor Henn NOES: None ABSENT: None Second reading of Ordi- nance No. 2011 -29 will occur at the December 13, 2011 City Council meeting. If adopted on December 13, 2011, the Ordinance shall become final and effective thirty (30) days after adop- tion - Dated this 23rd day of November,2011. /s/ Leilani 1. Brown, City Clerk City of Newport Beach Published Newport Beach /Costa Mess Daily 6: Pilot November 26, 2011 PROOF OF RECEIVE[ PUBLICATION 7011 DEC - I AM 9. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of Los Angeles; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the notice published. I am a principal clerk of the NEWPORT BEACH /COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on September 29, 1961, case A6214, and June 11, 1963, case A24831, for the City of Costa Mesa, County.of Orange, and the State of California.% Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Saturday November, 26, 2011 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury. that _the,foregoing is true and correct. I Executed on November 29, 2011 at Los Angeles, California Signature C_7 CE OF Ci?r' CLERK CITY Cr , ._,,. -,: �!T -PEACH CRY OF NEWPORT BEACH POBEFC NOTICE OROINANCE111`9T OTICF IS HEREBY IV- 9 that on November ?, 2011, the City,Coun- I of the City of New in Beach, California, troduced an Ordinance titled: RDINANCF NO. 2011- 1uNS 14.12.010, 1 4 1 2 0 9 0, , 4. 1 2. 1 2 s 4. 2 0. 0 1 0, 4 2 0. 0 2 0, _4 . 2 0. 0 s o TION 14.20.030. The proposed Ordman would amend NBh Sections to reflect t. cost of services aSsol ated with water servi, installation fees for If installation of a ne meter or a change meter size to an existir water service, delir quent water service di: ^ontinuance fees, an Jelin quent water servic 'estoration fees, as up fated by the Master Fe to 114.ZU.030' since u deposit is no equired. 'dinance was in- d by the City bf the City of I Beach, Califor- 1 regular meeting on the 22nd day ember, 2011, by wing vote: nance No. 2011 -30 will occur at the December 13, 2011 City Council ing- If adopted on tuber 13, 2011, the ,once shall became and effective thirty days after adop- t this 23rd day of nber, 2011. City of Newportll Published New Beach /Costa Mesa Pilot November 26, __.PROOF OF RECEi� /EU RUBUCAT169 -JAN 26 AM 10 54 OF ICE OF THE QTY CLERK STATE OF CALDFORV IAY"F I- _;'+ "ORT BEACH ) SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of Los Angeles; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the notice published. I am a principal clerk of the NEWPORT BEACH /COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on September 29, 1961, case A6214, and June 11, 1963, case A24831, for the City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, and the State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Saturday, December 17, 2011 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on January 18, 2011 at Los Angeles, California Signature RECEIVED PROOF ®F_- . 2012 JAN 26 AM 10 54 ` i O-i ICE OF T E UY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA) CITY C= ":'?ORT BEACH )SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of Los Angeles; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the notice published. I am a principal clerk of the NEWPORT BEACH /COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on September 29, 1961, case A6214, and June 11, 1963, case A24831, for the City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, and the State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Saturday, December 17, 2011 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on January 18, 2011 at Los Angeles, California \- �l �� �LCtteC�7 Signature