HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 - Verizon Wireless Right-of-Way Telecom - PA2015-094 o4�Ewr°Q COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT y PLANNING DIVISION u 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 c`�LfFOR�,P www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT September 10, 2015 Agenda Item No. 2 SUBJECT: Verizon Wireless Right-of-Way Telecom - (PA2015-094) 1 (CS) Narbonne (Northeast Corner of Spyglass Hill Road and EI Capitan Drive) • Minor Use Permit No. UP2015-024 APPLICANT: Verizon Wireless OWNER: City of Newport Beach PLANNER: Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Assistant Planner (949) 644-3253, bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Zone: N/A (Public Right-of-Way) • General Plan: N/A (Public Right-of-Way) PROJECT SUMMARY A minor use permit to construct a new Class 3 (Public Right-of-Way) wireless telecommunications facility within the public right-of-way at the northeastern corner of Spyglass Hill Road and EI Capitan Drive adjacent to Spyglass Hill Park. The applicant proposes to replace an existing city light standard with a new 35-foot-high stealth light standard that includes screening for three (3) panel antennas and one (1) GPS antenna. The proposed support equipment would be installed within a new underground vault approximately 90 feet southeast of the stealth light standard. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- approving Minor Use Permit No. UP2015-024 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 V� QP �P Verizon Wireless Right-of-Way Telecom MUP Zoning Administrator, September 10, 2015 Page 2 DISCUSSION • The subject site is located generally at the northeastern corner of the intersection of Spyglass Hill Road and EI Capitan Drive within the public right-of-way abutting Spyglass Hill Park. Being that it is located within the public right-of-way, the site is not designated by the General Plan Land Use Element and, therefore, is not located wtihin a zoning district. • The proposal is to construct a new wireless telecommunications facility which will entail the replacement of an existing city light standard in the public right-of-way with a new 35-foot-high stealth light standard. The new standard will include a 30-inch diameter radome housing three (3) panel antennas and one (1) GPS antenna. All support equipment will be housed within an underground vault adjacent to the light standard location. • Pursuant to Chapter 20.49 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities), the facility is defined as a Class 3 (Public Right-of-Way) Installation given that it will be located within the public right-of-way. Class 3 facilities require the approval of a minor use permit. The proposal will allow the establishment of a new facility that, as designed and conditioned within the draft resolution, will not visually dominate the existing development rather it will blend while providing improved coverage within the area. • Section 20.49.040(A) prioritizes wireless telecommunication facilities as follows: 1) collocation of a new facility at an existing facility; 2) Class 1 (Stealth/Screened); 3) Class 2 (Visible Antennas) and Class 3 (Public Right-of- Way); and Class 4 (Freestanding Structure). Although lower on the listing of priority facilities, the proposed facility is designed such that it will not visually dominate the surrounding area and is intended to blend seamlessly into the infrastructure of the neighborhood. The opportunity to collocate or construct a facility on existing structures (Classes 1 or 2) is limited given the lack of viable nonresidential structures in the area that would provide a similar benefit. • Being that the proposed location is within the public right-of-way, the City's Public Works and Municipal Operations Departments have reviewed the proposal and have provided conditions of approval to ensure compliance with the applicable sections of the Municipal Code while minimizing any potential damage or detriment to the existing improvements at the site (e.g., landscaping and pavement). • If approved, the carrier will be required to work with the City's Real Property Administrator to enter into a license agreement as the facility will be located within the public right-of-way. TmpIt:04-17-14 Verizon Wireless Right-of-Way Telecom MUP Zoning Administrator, September 10, 2015 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15303, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). Class 3 allows construction of new, small facilities or structures and installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures. The proposed project will include replacement of an existing light standard with a new stealth light standard that has been modified to contain screened antennas. The support equipment will be housed in a small vault below ground approximately 90 feet southeast of the light standard. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: a i . Zdeba, AICP ssistan tanner GR/bmz Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description ZA 4 Photographic Simulations ZA 5 Project Plans TmpIt:04-17-14 J Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 V� QP �P RESOLUTION NO. ZA2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MINOR USE PERMIT NO. UP2015-024 FOR A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED AT 1 (CS) NARBONNE (PA2015-094) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Verizon Wireless with respect to public right-of-way area located at 1 (CS) Narbonne requesting approval of a minor use permit. 2. The applicant proposes to construct a new Class 3 (Public Right-of-Way) wireless telecommunications facility installation at the northeastern corner of Spyglass Hill Road and EI Capitan Drive. The project will include the replacement of an existing light standard with a new 35-foot-high stealth light standard with a 30-inch radome screening three panel antennas and a GPS antenna. All support equipment will be installed within a new underground vault approximately 90 feet southeast of the stealth light standard within the public right-of-way. 3. The site is within the public right-of-way and is, therefore, not designated within the Land Use Element of the General Plan nor is it located within a zoning district. 4. The site is not located within the Coastal Zone boundary. 5. A public hearing was held on September 10, 2015, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15303, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act) under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). 2. The Class 3 exemption covers the installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures. The proposed project will include replacement of an existing light standard with a new stealth light standard that has been modified to contain screened antennas. The support equipment will be housed in a small vault below ground approximately 90 feet southeast of the light standard. Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 2 of 11 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.020 (Conditional Use Permits and Minor Use Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The site is not designated within the Land Use Element of the General Plan as it is located within the public right-of-way. 2. The site is not in a specific plan area. Finding: B. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district ` d complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The site is not located within a zoning district as it is located within the public right-of- way. 2. Zoning Code Chapter 20.49 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities) identifies wireless telecommunications facilities within the public right-of-way as a Class 3 Installation which is permissible subject to the approval of a minor use permit. Section 20.49.040 (Telecom Facility Preferences and Prohibited Locations) lists certain prohibited locations and the proposed facility is not a prohibited location. 3. Section 20.49.040(A) prioritizes wireless telecommunication facilities as follows: 1) collocation of a new facility at an existing facility; 2) Class 1 (Stealth/Screened); 3) Class 2 (Visible Antennas) and Class 3 (Public Right-of-Way); and Class 4 (Freestanding Structure). Although lower on the listing of priority facilities, the proposed facility is designed such that it will not visually dominate the surrounding area and is intended to blend seamlessly into the infrastructure of the neighborhood. 4. Support equipment will be installed in an underground vault located southeast of the site. As conditioned, the existing landscaping will be protected and replaced as necessary such that the streetscape and access along the street is unaffected by the facility. 5. With construction as shown on the plans and visual simulations with the implementation of the conditions of approval, the proposed facility will comply with applicable requirements of the Zoning Code. 03-03-2015 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 3 of 11 Finding: C. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed design will replicate that of a street light standard which will help to blend in with the existing development of the residential neighborhood. 2. The support equipment for the site will be placed in an underground vault such that the facility will not hinder use of the existing sidewalk or public right-of-way along Spyglass Hill Road or EI Capitan Drive. 3. The proposed telecom facility will be unmanned, have no impact on the circulation system, and, as conditioned, should not generate noise, odor, smoke, or any other adverse impacts to adjacent land uses. 4. The proposed facility will enhance coverage and capact' for visitors and to residents of the area by providing wireless access to voice and dat9kansmission services. The proposed facility will not result in any material changes to the character of the local community. Finding: b�N D. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. Adequate public and emergency vehicle access, public services, and utilities are provided to and around the subject site and the proposed use will not change this. 2. The proposed telecom facility will be unmanned, have no impact on the circulation system, and, as conditioned, should not generate noise, odor, smoke, or any other adverse impacts to adjacent land uses. 3. The Public Works Department, Building Division, Police Department, and Fire Department have reviewed the project proposal and do not have any concerns regarding access, public services, or utilities provided to the existing neighborhood and surrounding area. 03-03-2015 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 4 of 11 Finding: E. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, nor endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed facility will comply with the applicable rules, regulations and standards of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), thus ensuring public health and safety. 2. The proposed facility is not located in an area adjacent to a coastal view road or public coastal view point. 3. The proposed wireless telecommunications facility will be effectively screened based upon the design and location with the incorporation of the conditions of approval. As a result, the proposed telecommunication facility at this location will not result in conditions that are materially detrimental to nearby property owners, residents, and businesses, nor to public health or safety. 4. Although the proposed facility is adjacent to Spyglass Hill Park, it will be located within the public right-of-way and will not interfere with use of the park. 5. The proposal has been reviewed by the Building Division, Public Works, Fire, and Police Departments, and recommended conditions of approval have been included to limit any detriment to the City or general welfare of persons visiting or working in the surrounding neighborhood. In accordance with Section 20.49.060 (Permit Review Procedures) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following additional findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: a. The proposed telecom facility is visually compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed facility will include a new 35-foot-high stealth light standard with support equipment vaulted below ground. Installation of the new light standard will replace an existing light standard and will not appear out of character with the surrounding neighborhood as the facility will blend with existing infrastructure. 03-03-2015 2� Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 5 of 11 Finding: b. The proposed telecom facility complies with height, location and design standards, as provided for in this chapter. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed telecom facility will be of similar height with the existing light standard and will not exceed 35 feet in height above existing grade as stipulated by the design standards. 2. The stealth light standard will utilize a radome to screen all antennas which will be treated with exterior coating to match the existing light standard thereby creating a more inconspicuous facility that blends with the existing development and the surrounding neighborhood. 3. As conditioned, the design of the stealth replacement light standard will be consistent with the design of the existing light standard. 4. The support equipment will be located within an underground vault that is completely below finished grade. Finding: 011bb'X C. An alternative site(s) located further from a residential district, public park or public facility cannot feasibly fulfill the coverage needs fulfilled by the installation at the proposed site. Facts in Support of Finding 1. Alternative sites located further away from Spyglass Hill Park or nearby residential uses would limit the coverage objectives and would not fulfill the need demonstrated by Verizon Wireless to enhance coverage and capacity. The applicant has provided maps that demonstrate improved coverage within the immediate vicinity as a result of the proposed facility. 2. Alternative sites to serve the area are limited as the immediate vicinity is primarily residential. Finding: d. An alternative plan that would result in a higher preference facility class category for the proposed facility is not available or reasonably feasible and desirable under the circumstances. 03-03-2015 22 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 6 of 11 Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The opportunity to collocate or construct a facility on existing structures (Classes 1 or 2) is limited given the lack of viable nonresidential structures in the area that would provide similar service coverage. 2. The proposed stealth light standard (Class 3 — Public Right-of-Way Installation) will blend well with the existing residential development in the area and precedes Class 4 (Freestanding) Installation in order of priority. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2015-024 subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2015. Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator 03-03-2015 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 7 of 11 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, equipment plans and elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 3. The telecom facility approved by this permit shall comply with all applicable rules, regulations, and standards of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). 4. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain an effective license agreement with the City regarding use of the public right-of-way for private purposes. 5. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall Smit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans fonclusion in the Minor Use Permit file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by the Minor Use Permit and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are discernible from other elements of the plans. 6. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 7. The operator of the telecom facility shall maintain the facility in a manner consistent with the original approval of the facility and all conditions of approval. Anything not specifically approved by this permit is not permitted and must be addressed in a separate and subsequent review. 8. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher. Between the hours of 7:OOAM Between the hours of and 10:OOPM 10:OOPM and 7:OOAM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA 100 feet of a commercial property Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 03-03-2015 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 8 of 11 9. The applicant shall not prevent the City of Newport Beach from having adequate spectrum capacity on the City's 800 MHz radio frequencies at any time. Should interference with the City's Public Safety radio equipment occur, use of the telecom facility authorized by this permit may be suspended until the radio frequency interference is corrected and verification of the compliance is reported. 10. The facility shall transmit at the approved frequency ranges established by the FCC. The applicant shall inform the City, in writing, of any proposed changes to the frequency range in order to prevent interference with the City's Public Safety radio equipment. 11. The applicant recognizes that the frequencies used by the facility are extremely close to the frequencies used by the City of Newport Beach for public safety. This proximity will require extraordinary "comprehensive advanced planning and frequency coordination" engineering measures to prevent interference, especially in the choice of frequencies and radio ancillary hardware. This is encouraged in the "Best Practices Guide" published by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials- International, Inc. (APCO), and as endorsed by,'°the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 12. The applicant shall provide a "single point of contact" in its Engineering and Maintenance Departments that is monitored 24 hours per day to ensure continuity on all interference issues, and to which interference problems may be reported. The name, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of that person shall be provided to the Community Development Department and Newport Beach Police Department's Support Services Commander prior to activation of the facility. 13. Appropriate information warning signs or plates shall be posted at the access locations and each transmitting antenna. In addition, contact information (e.g., a telephone number) shall be provided on the warning signs or plates. The location of the information warning signs or plates shall be depicted on the plans submitted for construction permits. 14. No advertising signage or identifying logos shall be displayed on the telecom facility except for small identification, address, warning, and similar information plates. A detail of the information plates depicting the language on the plate shall be included in the plans submitted for issuance of building permits. 15. The telecom facility shall not be lighted except as deemed necessary by the Newport Beach Police Department for security lighting. The night lighting shall be at the lowest intensity necessary for that purpose and such lighting shall be shielded so that direct rays do not shine on nearby properties. Prior to the final of building permits, the applicant shall schedule an evening inspection with the Code Enforcement Division to confirm compliance with this condition. 16. At all times, the operator shall ensure that its telecom facilities comply with the most current regulatory operations standards, and radio frequency emissions standards adopted by the FCC. The operator shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining 03-03-2015 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 9 of 11 the most current information from the FCC regarding allowable radio frequency emissions and all other applicable regulations and standards. Said information shall be made available by the operator upon request at the discretion of the Community Development Director. 17. The applicant shall ensure that lessee or other user(s) shall comply with the terms and conditions of this permit, and shall be responsible for the failure of any lessee or other users under the control of the applicant to comply. 18. Any operator who intends to abandon or discontinue use of a telecom facility must notify the Planning Division by certified mail no less than thirty (30) days prior to such action. The operator or property owner shall have ninety (90) days from the date of abandonment or discontinuance to reactivate use of the facility, transfer the rights to use the facility to another operator, or remove the telecom facility and restore the site. 19. The City reserves the right and jurisdiction to review and modify any telecom permit approved pursuant to Chapter 20.49 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, including the conditions of approval, based on changed circumstances. The operator shall notify the Planning Division of any proposal to change the - ight or size of the facility; increase the size, shape, or number of antennas; change*e facility's color, materials, or location on the site; or increase the signal output above the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits imposed by the radio frequency emissions guidelines of the FCC. Any changed circumstance shall require the operator to apply for a modification of the original telecom permit and obtain the modified permit prior to implementing any change. 20. This Minor Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the City should they determine that the facility or operator has violated any law regulating the telecom facility or has failed to comply with the requirements of Chapter 20.49 of the NBMC, or this permit. 21. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within 24 months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 22. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 23. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Spyglass Hill Right-of-Way Telecom including, but not limited to, the Minor Use Permit No. UP2015-024 (PA2015-094). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of 03-03-2015 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 10 of 11 suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. BUILDING DIVISION 24. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. 25. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Notice of Intent (NOI) to comply with the General Permit for Construction Activities shall be prepared, submitted to the State Water Quality Control Board for approval and made part of the construction program. The project applicant will provide the City with a copy of the NOI and their application check as proof of filing with the State Water Quality Control Board. This plan will detail measures and practices that will be in effect during construction to minimize the project's impact on water quality. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 26. If any of the existing public improvements surrounding the site are damaged by the private work, new concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, alley/street pavement, and other public improvements will be required by the City at the time of private construction completion. Said determination and the extent of the repair work shall be made at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 27. The storage of all project related equipment during construction shall not be within the public right-of-way, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works and Municipal Operations Departments. 28. Prior to the issuance of building permits, an approved Encroachment Permit is required for all work activities within the Spyglass Hill Road and EI Capitan Drive rights-of-way. Any lane closures will require Traffic Control plans, which shall be prepared by a registered California Traffic Engineer, unless otherwise approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 29. All work in the public rights-of-way shall follow City's Municipal Code Chapter 13.20 (Public Rights-of-Way). 30. Although the proposed location is currently not within an Underground Assessment District, if or when there is an approved Underground Assessment District in the future, 03-03-2015 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 11 of 11 the applicant shall relocate the facilities underground pursuant to Municipal Code Section 13.20.030 (City Policies Regarding Use of the PROW). 31. The construction plans shall satisfy NBMC Chapter 13.20. 32. The applicant shall assume 100 percent of all costs associated with any alterations to the existing improvements along Spyglass Hill Road and EI Capitan Drive for development of the telecom facility. 33. The applicant shall be responsible for the repair and/or replacement of any curb and gutters, concrete sidewalk, alley/street pavement that may be damaged through the course of construction, as directed by the Public Works Department. 34. Appropriate informational RF warning signs or plates shall be posted at the access locations and each transmitting antenna. The location of the informational warning signs or plates shall be depicted on the plans submitted for construction permits. 35. The applicant is required to protect all City landscaping, trees, and irrigation in place. If any damage should occur, the contractor will be required to replant as directed by the City and guarantee work for a minimum of one (1) year. 36. The existing street light to be removed shall be salvaged and delivered to the City of Newport Beach Utilities Yard. 37. All exposed elements of the facilities including, but not limited to screening, coaxial cables and appurtenances attached to the reconstructed street light pole shall be color-matched or painted to match the pole to the satisfaction of the Community Development and Utilities Directors or their respective designees. 38. The replacement street light standard is subject to the review of the Public Works Department and shall match the design, style, color, height, and location of the existing street light standard to be removed. In no case shall any portion of the light standard exceed 35 feet above existing grade. 39. Prior to issuance of building permits, a letter shall be obtained from Southern California Edison acknowledging that a new single-meter pedestal will be installed as opposed to converting the existing single-meter pedestal to a double-meter pedestal. Said letter shall be documented within the building permit plan check set. 40. Stand pipe vents shall be per the City's 8-inch and 10-inch standard vents. Reference City Standards STD-537-L-A and STD-537-L-B. 41. A soils report shall be provided as part of the building permit plan check. If said document demonstrates that dewatering is required, a formal dewatering plan shall be provided. 42. A sound attenuation study shall be provided as part of the submittal for building permit plan check. 03-03-2015 27 V� QP �P sg Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 19 V� QP �P �o ^ F(Ilk o� �v y` •'� � 11 ��I��"�I � ., � t - ;" ProposedF ' �� "� ` �_ Replacement �•m •r, Stealth Standard a °` Ar r-iupu6ed' salt _ Sp 158, 44 1 �• i .� , � Hill Prk ,- 10' "Ilk !a - o Poi Qo f� �■ V�'I -. .,r � _ � ■ -`^ �° s iw Newport Beach Disclaimer: Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided,however,The City of GIS Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to ��E�'POgT any results obtained in its use. ° m 0 210 420 Imagery: 2009-2013 photos provided by Eagle a„ Feet Imaging www.eagieaerial.com ��IFOPN� 8/24/2015 22 V� QP �P Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description 23 V� QP �P PA2015-094 G= CORPORATE OFFICE Mountainville.NY (800)829-6531 Practical Solutions,Exceptional Service 2081 Business Center Drive,Suite 219 (949)502-8555 FAX:(949)502-8557 Irvine,CA 92612 w .tectonicengineenng.com May 8, 2015 City of Newport Beach Planning Division I Community Development Department 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 SUBJECT: Minor Use Permit Application for Approval to Install Wireless Communication Facility and Equipment within City of Newport Beach Right of Way-Bay Hill Search Ring Dear City of Newport Beach Staff: The project being submitted for consideration is the replacement of one existing light standard with a new wireless telecommunication facility stealth light standard. The light standard would be 35' feet high with a 30" radome and three antennas. The related support equipment would be placed within an adjacent controlled environmental underground vault as specified in the zoning drawings attached as part of this application. The project would be connected to exiting electrical and telephone connections needed to serve to the site. Contact: Ryan Birdseye, Agent c/o Tectonic Engineering and Surveying, Inc. 2081 Business Center Drive,Suite 219, Irvine CA 92612 Office: 949-502-8555 Cell: 760-712-2199 Location and Zoning: The light standard is an existing concrete SCE pole (3596) located on the east side of Spyglass Hill Drive approximately 100' north of El Capitan Drive. The sites are public right of way. Adjacent zoning is park and single family residential. Description of Proposed Project The project entails construction of an unmanned telecommunications facility for Verizon Wireless. The project would replace one existing SCE streetlight with one new stealth light standards with a 30" diameter radome and three antennas on top of the pole. The project would also construct a controlled environment T-71/2" X 17-11/2" X 16'-4 7/8" vault with manhole equipment cabinets needed to accommodate three remote radio heads, one electrical meter pedestal, twelve underground coax and one hybrid cable and connection to the existing electrical and telephone utilities as needed to service the site. PLANNING . ENGINEERING . CONSTRUCTION AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT An Equal Opportunity Employer 21 PA2015-094 Practical Solutims,EMceptioml Service Noise Post construction, the infrastructure installed would not generate audible noise. The project would not have a generator or related elements that would be a long-term source of noise. Wireless Communication Facility Site Plan See attached zoning drawings. Landscape Plan The project would replace one existing light standard and install and underground equipment vaults. The vault size was minimized to avoid impacts to an adjacent tree during construction. Construction would incorporate methods recommended by the City's Arborist to minimize impacts to the root system during construction. Post construction, the sites would be visually consistent with existing conditions. No new landscaping is proposed. Site Photograph(s)/Visual Simulations Site photographs and visual simulations are provided as an attached to this application. Justification for Location/Co-location Verizon Wireless currently has a gap in coverage in the residential areas including and in proximity to the Spyglass Hill Drive and El Capitan Drive intersection. Providing effective and reliable service coverage to fill this gap is important because of the development in this area. This site is an integral part of Verizon s network of services and is designed to facilitate the locationally dependent nature of cell sites. The Bay Hill facility has been designed to provide coverage and adequate call capacity to Newport Beach in combination with existing facilities shown on the attached coverage maps. With the growing amount of data usage and volume of calls over the past year,it is important to provide the coverage and capacity required to ensure quality service to Newport Beach residents and visitors. There are three facilities in proximity to the Bay Hill site:San Joaquin Hills Park to west, Newport Ridge to the east and St. Laurent to the south. As designed, Verizon Wireless's network in the Newport Beach area provides a dominant signal adjacent to each existing wireless facility. This dominant signal diminishes as the customer moves from one facility to the next. Facilities within Verizon Wireless's network are spaced and located to provide the most efficient use of each dominant signal from adjacent facilities. Verizon Wireless's facilities in Newport Beach also provide capacity relief to the adjacent sites. As part of a dynamic network, adjacent sites will off-load capacity from each other at times of high call or high data usage. Together,with the Bay Hill site,Verizon Wireless customers will be able to travel from one area of Newport Beach to another,while maintaining seamless voice and data connectivity. 20 PA2015-094 Practical Solutims,EMceptioml Service It is understood that the City of Newport Beach has requested documentation regarding the site selection process. The Bay Hill search ring was established to expand wireless coverage within a geographic area determined by Verizon Wireless to have less than optimal service. Because the Bay Hill site is located within a residential area,development options are limited. As part of the site selection process,VZW evaluated options at the San Joaquin and Big Canyon Reservoir sites. These are blocked by hills which would adversely affect radio frequency (RF) transmission. San Miguel Park was evaluated;however, the proximity to residential properties to the east was a concern for VZW. For that reason,San Miguel Park was dropped from further consideration. A right of way site in the median of San Miguel Road was considered;however, it was dropped based on construction constraints and access for equipment maintenance. Options to locate the facility within Spyglass Hill Park and on the traffic signal pole located at the San Miguel Drive and Spyglass Hill Drive intersection were not supported by the City. Other locations for a standalone wireless facility were evaluated in the field but rejected because of topography,zoning and related factors. There are no co-location options with existing carriers in the search ring. Verizon elected to pursue a lease agreement with SCE to replace an existing light standard as the preferred option for achieving coverage objectives while minimizing the aesthetic impact on the neighboring Spyglass Hill Park and residential properties. FCC/Signal Standards See attached Electromagnetic Energy Study Map of Applicant's Existing Wireless Communications Facilities A map showing Verizon's existing wireless communication facilities is provided as an attachment. Coverage Assessment As noted above, there are no alternative locations in the search ring that would achieve the coverage objectives. The proposed site and design was selected to achieve coverage objectives and minimize aesthetic changes to the surrounding residential properties. Thank you in advance for your and consideration of our application. Please contact us with questions or requests for additional information Regards, Ryan Birdseye, Principal Birdseye Planning Group Agent to Tectonic Engineering and Surveying, Inc. 27 PA2015-094 \ / VerIZQnwireless Radio Frequency Exposure Pre-Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Site Specific Information Site Name Bay Hill Categorically Excluded? NO NE CORNER SPY GLASS HILL Street Address DRIVE AND EL CAPITAN DRIVE 1% Contributor To Areas YES City, State,Zip NE PORT BEACH, CA 92662 Requiring Mitigation? Multi-Licensee Facility NO Max %MPE Predictive 10.0% Structure Type Light Pole Max %MPE (Measured) N/A Broadcast Equipment YES Assessment Date N/A #of Access Points 1 Assessment Purpose I Site Audit Compliance Status IN COMPLIANCE X Worst-case RF power density levels are BELOW the MPE for General Population/Uncontrolled Environments in accessible areas. ❑ Worst-case RF power density levels are ABOVE the MPE for General Population/Uncontrolled Environments but BELOW the MPE for Occupational/Controlled environments. Worst-case RF power density levels are ABOVE the MPE for Occupational/Controlled Environments but BELOW 1 Ox the MPE for Occupational/Controlled environments. ❑ Worst-case RF power density levels are ABOVE IOx the MPE for Occupational/Controlled environments. Compliance A NOTICE • AGAUTION aWARNING Requirements .wo',.EW�`�_� «»�. • - • Ocg) Tn�szvewnwo-.iesa Guidelines Notice Caution Warning NOC Information Barrier Access Points ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Alpha ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Beta ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Gamma ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Additional Compliance Re uirements(s): Site Access Locations No Action Required. Alpha Sector Location No Action Required. Beta Sector Location No Action Required. Gamma Sector Location No Action Required. Consultant Legal Name Telnet Inc. Phone/Fax 301-840-7110 Address 7630 Standish Place, Rockville,MD 20855 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 22 PA2015-094 Contents 1. Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................................................3 2. Proposed Site Characteristics .....................-..................................................................................................................4 a. Structure........................... .......................4 b. Accessibility.................................................................................................................................................................4 c. Verizon Wireless Signage............................................................................................................................................4 d. Antenna Inventory.............................................................................................. _ .......5 3. Analysis ...........................................................................................................................................................................6 a. Predictive Model :All Transmitters ............................................................................................................................6 b. Predictive Model: Significant Contribution of Verizon Wireless.................................................................................7 4. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................................................10 a. Conclusion Narrative.................................................................................................................................................10 b. Compliance Requirements........................................................................................................................................11 Signage/Barrier Diagram...................................................................................................................................................11 Signage/Barrier Installation Detail....................................................................................................................................12 5. Appendix C: RF Consultant Certifications .....................................................................................................................13 a. Preparer Certification................................................................................................................................................13 b. Reviewer Certification...............................................................................................................................................13 6. Appendix D: Reference Information.............................................................................................................................14 a. FCC Rules& Regulations...........................................................................................................................................14 b. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Requirements..................................................................14 c. RF Signage.................................................................................................................................................................15 d. Barriers......................................................................................................................................................................15 EConfidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless �9 PA2015-094 1. Executive Summary Verizon Wireless has contracted with Telnet Inc. , an independent Radio Frequency consulting firm,to conduct a Radio Frequency Exposure (RFE)Compliance Pre-Installation Assessment of the Bay Hill cell site. The following report contains a detailed summary of the Radio Frequency environment as it relates to Federal Communications Commission (FCC)and Occupational Safety&Health Administration(OSHA)Rules and Regulations for all individuals. The Verizon Wireless antenna data was provided by: Name Emanuel Higgins Title Assistant Project Manager Date 4/9/2015 Region CA This post-installation compliance assessment and report has been prepared and reviewed by: Preparer Reviewer Name Steve Fruit Keihan Farhadian Title RF Engineer RF Engineer Date 04/14/2015 04/14/2015 This report utilizes the following for predictive modeling of the ambient RF environment: MPE Modeling Program: Roofview 4.15 Required Modeling Assumptions: 100% Duty Cycle and Maximum Total Power Output. Additional Modeling Assumptions: General Model Assumptions In this report, it is assumed that all antennas are operating at full power at all times. Software modeling was performed for all transmitting antennas located on the site. Telnet, Inc. has further assumed a 100% duty cycle and maximum radiated power. The site has been modeled with these assumptions to show the maximum RF energy density. Telnet Inc. believes this to be a worst case analysis, based on best available data. If at any time power density measurements were to be made, Telnet Inc. believes the real time measurements would indicate levels below those shown in this report. By modeling in this way, we have conservatively shown exclusion areas (areas not to be entered without a personal RF monitor, carriers reducing power or performing real time measurements to show real time exposure levels). Use of Generic Antennas For the purposes of this report, the use of 'Generic' as an antenna model, or 'Unknown' for a wireless carrier, means that the information about the carrier, their FCC license and/ or antenna information was not provided and could not be obtained while on site. In the event of unknown information, Telnet will use our industry specific knowledge of equipment, antenna models and transmit power to model the site. If more specific information can be obtained for the unknown measurement criteria, remodeling of the site is recommended. If no information is available regarding the transmitting service associated with an unidentified antenna, using the antenna manufacturer's published data regarding the antenna's physical characteristics makes more conservative assumptions Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless so PA2015-094 2. Proposed Site Characteristics a. Structure Physical Description Light Pole Site Latitude (NAD 83) 33.612556 Site Longitude (NAD 83) -117.847722 Site Elevation(AMSL) N/A Structure Height(AOL) 33' Overall Structure Height 35' b. Accessibility Open Area. c. Verizon Wireless Signage ®NOTICE® • QCAUTION .n�.� a�;��a�e�.e�es, Existinsr a es SiEnase aoo -0� Guidelines Notice Caution Warning NOC Information Barrier Access Points ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Alpha 111#1 ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Beta ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Gamma ❑ [#] 1-11#1 ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Existing Signage Adheres to VZW Signage& Demarcation Policy? N/A Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 31 PA2015-094 d. Antenna Inventory t TX Freq ERP Azimuth X y $ x ID Operator Type Model Q 3 w r (MHz) (Watts) (deg.) E -0 0 ba a mo MW V (ft) (ft) C9 N Q m N 1 LTE Panel 746 1443 SBNHH-1D65A 90 4.6 66 103 100 29 0 1 PCS LTE Panel 1900 4562 SBNHH-1D65A 90 4.6 64 103 100 29 0 1 AWS LTE Panel 2100 4668 SBNHH-1D65A 90 4.6 62 103 100 29 0 2 LTE Panel 746 1443 SBNHH-1D65A 210 4.6 66 99 97 29 0 2 PCS LTE Panel 1900 4562 SBNHH-1D65A 210 4.6 64 99 97 29 0 2 AWS LTE Panel 2100 4668 SBNHH-1D65A 210 4.6 62 99 97 29 0 3 LTE Panel 746 1443 SBNHH-1D65A 330 4.6 66 99 103 29 0 3 PCS LTE Panel 1900 4562 SBNHH-1D65A 1 330 4.6 64 99 103 29 0 3 AWS LTE Panel 2100 4668 SBNHH-1D65A 1 330 4.6 62 99 103 29 0 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 32 PA2015-094 3. Analysis a. Predictive Model: All Transmitters at Ground Level 3 o i 0 N 2 v W 200 ft - Max Verizon Simulation Level 10.0% x+-33 ft--+- Exterior Wall Rooftop Object CARRIER RE Screen ---- VERIZONSPRINTMETRO PCSCIRT nNRNOWN Cable Tray ANTENNA: Barrier Area Anchor Point ❑. TELNET,INC., 7630 Standish Place,Rockville,MD 20855;Phone:888-883-5638/Fax:301-840-0162;Web:www.Telnet-[nc.com Color % Occupational MPE 0 to 20 20 to 100 Greater Than 100 _j Greater Than 1000 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 33 PA2015-094 b. Predictive Model: Significant Contribution of Verizon Wireless at Ground Level Ad SWI 3 � 1 O N 2 200 ft Maz Verizon Simulation Level 10.0% -4-33 ft--f- a Exterior Wall Rooftop Object CARRIER RF Screen .as.. SPRINTMETRO PCS ANTENNA: Cable Tray RarderArea Anchor Point O TELNET,INC., 7630 Standish Place,Rockville,MD 20855;Phone:888-883-5638/fax:301-840-0162;Web:www.Telnet-inc.com Color % Occupational MPE 0 to 1 ® > 1% Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless S4 PA2015-094 c. Predictive Model: All Transmitters at Light Level I 3 O 1 O N _ 3 200 ft Max Verizon Simulation Level 1795.5% X33 ft--+- a Exterior Wall Rooftop Object CARRIER RF Screen ——— VERIZONMETRO PCS ANTENNA: Cable Tray Barrier Area Anchor point Ei TELN ET,INC., 7630 Standish Place,Rockville,MD 20855;Phone:889-883-5638/Fax:301-840-0162;Web:www.Telnet-Inc.com Color % Occupational MPE 0to20 ® 20 to 100 Greater Than 100 Greater Than 1000 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 35 PA2015-094 d. Predictive Model: Significant Contribution of Verizon Wireless at Light Level AdIr N 3 x 0 0 N 2 200 ft Max Verizon Simulation Level 1795.5% -4-33 ftp a Wed.,Wall Rooftop Object CARRIER I RF Screen ---- ANTENNA: I VERIZON METRO PCS Cable Tray Barrier Area Anchor Point a TELNET,INC., 7630 Standish Place,Rockville,MD 20855;Phone:888-883-5638/Fax:301-840-0162;Web:wynvJelnet-Inc.com Color % Occupational MPE 0 to 1 > 1% Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 3o PA2015-094 4. Conclusion a. Conclusion Narrative Description of MPE-Limit Exceeding Areas: (Ground level) VZW Alpha sector is not exceeding 20%Occupational population limits VZW Beta sector is not exceeding 20%Occupational population limits VZW Gamma sector is not exceeding 20%Occupational population limits Verizon Significant Contribution Areas: (Ground level) VZW Alpha sector is exceeding 1% Occupational population limits VZW Beta sector is exceeding I%Occupational population limits VZW Gamma sector is exceeding 1% Occupational population limits Description of MPE-Limit Exceeding Areas: (Light level) VZW Alpha sector is exceeding 20%Occupational population limits VZW Beta sector is exceeding 20% Occupational population limits VZW Gamma sector is exceeding 20%Occupational population limits Verizon Significant Contribution Areas: (Light level) VZW Alpha sector is exceeding I% Occupational population limits VZW Beta sector is exceeding 1%Occupational population limits VZW Gamma sector is exceeding 1% Occupational population limits Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 3:7 PA2015-094 b. Compliance Requirements Signage/Barrier Diagram Sector C Sector A 3 O A 1 N ha 2 Sector B 200 ft X33 ft--+-- Exterior tpExterior Wall Rooftop Object CARRIER RF Screen —-— r •• [RICKET UNKNOWN ANTENNA: Cable Tray Barrier Area Anchor Point O TELNET,INC., 76305tandish Place,Rockville,MD 20855;Phone:888-883-5638/Fax:301-840-0162;Web:www.Teinet-inc.com Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 38 PA2015-094 Compliance ®NOTICE Requirements ( QCAu7roN �<< '�) a•a Thu• .mow,..,. ....NN Guidelines Notice Caution Warning NOC Information Barrier Access Points ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Alpha ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Beta ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Gamma ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Signage/Barrier Installation Detail Site Access Locations No action required. Alpha Sector Location No action required. Beta Sector Location No action required. Gamma Sector Location No action required. Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 39 PA2015-094 5. Appendix C: RF Consultant Certifications a. Preparer Certification 1, Steve Fruit,the preparer of this report, am fully aware of and familiar with the Rules and Regulations of both the Federal Communications Commissions(FCC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)with regard to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation. I am also fully aware of and familiar with the Verizon Wireless Signage &Demarcation Policy. I have reviewed this Radio Frequency Exposure Assessment report and believe it to be both true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. stege qua b. Reviewer Certification 1,Keihan Farhadian,the reviewer and approved of this report, am fully aware of and familiar with the Rules and Regulations of both the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)with regard to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation. I am also fully aware of and familiar with the Verizon Wireless Signage&Demarcation Policy. I have reviewed this Radio Frequency Exposure Assessment report and believe it to be both true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Ke uwvFCwha&anv Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 40 PA2015-094 6. Appendix D: Reference Information a. FCC Rules& Regulations The Federal Communications Commission(FCC)has established safety guidelines relating to RF exposure from cell sites.The FCC developed those standards,known as Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE)limits,in consultation with numerous other federal agencies,including the Environmental Protection Agency,the Food and Drug Administration,and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The standards were developed by expert scientists and engineers after extensive reviews of the scientific literature related to RF biological effects. The FCC explains that its standards"incorporate prudent margins of safety." The following represents explanations of the most applicable information: Two Classifications for Exposure Limits Occupational—Applies to situations in which persons General Population—Applies to situations in which are"exposed as a consequence of their employment' persons are"exposed as a consequence of their and are`fully aware of the potential for exposure and employment may not be madefulli,aware of the can exercise control over their exposure". potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure". Generally speaking,those without significant and documented RF Safety&Awareness training would be in the General Population classification. Environment Classification Controlled —Applies to environments that are restricted Uncontrolled—Applies to environments that are or"controlled"in order to prevent access from members unrestricted or"uncontrolled"that allow access from of the General Population classification. members of the General Population classification. Limits or Occu adonal/Controlled Exposure Frequency Power Density Averaging Time Range (S) E 2, H', or S MHz) (MW/CM2) (minutes) 300-1500 f/300 6 1500-100,000 5 6 Limits or General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure Frequency Power Density Averaging Time Range (S) JE12, IH12,or S (MHz) (mW/cm2) (minutes) 300-1500 f/l500 30 1500-100,000 1 30 f=frequency in MHz Significant Contribution to the RF Environment Any carrier contributing an aggregate MPE percentage of 5 or more(to the applicable RF Environment Classification) is defined as a significant contributor. This means that if any area is determined to be out of compliance with FCC rules, all significant contributors are jointly responsible for correcting any deficiencies. b. Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)Requirements A formal adopter of FCC Standards,OSHA stipulates that those in the Occupational classification must complete training in the following: RF Safety,RF Awareness, and Utilization of Personal Protective Equipment. OSHA also provides options for Hazard Prevention and Control: Hazard Prevention Control • Utilization of good equipment • Employ Lockout/Tag out • Enact control of hazard areas • Utilize personal alarms&protective clothing • Limit exposures • Prevent access to hazardous locations • Employ medical surveillance and accident • Develop or operate an administrative control response program Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 41 PA2015-094 e. RF Signage Areas or portions of any transmitter site may be susceptible to high power densities that could cause personnel exposures in excess of the FCC guidelines. These areas must be demarcated by conspicuously posted signage that identifies the potential exposure. Signage MUST be viewable regardless of the viewer's position. GUIDELINES NOTICE CAUTION WARNING Used anytime hazard signage is Used to distinguish the Identifies RF controlled Denotes the boundary of employed to achieve FCC compliance. boundary between the areas where RF areas with RF levels This sign will inform visitors of the General exposure can exceed the substantially above the basic precautions to follow when Population/Uncontrolled Occupational/Controlled FCC limits, normally working around radiofrequency and the MPE but below 10 x the defined as those greater equipment. Occupational/Controlled Occupational/Controlled than ten(10)times the areas. The limits MPE. Occupational/Controlled associated with this MPE. notification must be less than the Occupational/Controlled MPE. i ® NOTICE ® QCAUTION -Awl NG GUIDELINESFOR WORKING IN RADIOFREQUENCY ENVIRONMENTS P wess bay"'tltllwaeleNRao Wwe IEMQ ISM. ®NRwaelel emarbglM¢¢tte mml Geallvrkat ��•�� �Ohryell poNwl¢pa. ®AwmeaY .. . ..em . . Av) anmenn mtlfy wnerseMaimEkepgapik ®Mairdain"i .3Fwla®ra—h—sO.rder— YFa4ae 8,d wa Rola 11ne Fs,Poem: ®NMabpinfiwM1daKmao Nle'PUIm� YemeaemeFCC Rale Fraeawms-edea,Xi-. RJb!,plume FWIeaTienile ®14e0aINe1PFnMlpnwMleNOatYg lmrerllvxeA 0—I Pwer exe intt FCCNulu niim gRoanael M®ror �nlano ®Nwe+WaMe"areaitlenwYbts"19asarYg mrnelocemlon, aeinpaRvw®' "ewe m la ®WMOW+Ie M¢e sllbna�mr¢Nqulpmad rtcrn. "'^'"•n• twOr~.M'u wu�m� W��ram�.�r..e�'.w�.�v INFORMATION SIGN • • Information signs are used as a means to provide contact information for any questions or ""naY`.��.si "IeS concerns. They will include specific cell site identification information and the Verizon Wireless — Network Operations Center phone number. d. Barriers A barrier is any physical demarcation employed as a preventative and/or notification measure that one is entering into an area with RF power density levels greater than the General Population/Uncontrolled limit. Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 42 Without NTEATERS 9� BISON ZO 11 BIG CYN BE 0UCI 11 111119111 BAY ■ w SANTA BARBAR NEWPORT CTR NJ IR BAY HILL NEWPORT RIDGE ■ BIG ■ SJ HILLS PARK ALBOA ISLAND 07 0 -' NEWPORTER VB LTE RSRP 7CL 4+° To Or: RSRP(dBm) NBUiLDING ST LAUREN 0 >=-75 >.-65 N . >--95 ON FOOTIL IRVINE COAS Y >--105 MARGNAL Confidential and proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only.Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by Written agreement. i VerIZOnwireless NTEATERS BISON ZO BIG CVN TBAV RE C 1 F ' ■ SANTABARBAR NEWPORTCTR RVOIH ■ BAY HILL NEWPORT RIDGE rBIG SJ HILLS PAR 3ALBOA ISLAND NFwPnR O Efl �E7J LTE RSRP 'fie 7CL Cir: RSRP(dBm) .� >=-75 INBUIL STIAUREN >=-85 INCAR ■ >=-95 ONFOOT ' >=-10SMARGINAL FRANE COAS �f Confidential and proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only.Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 2 B . y Hill - Coverage ANTEATERS R of BIS0N a 4 BIG CV TA RESERV� O „UCI' ORT BAY Y a\a m p 1 a �1 '(NEWPORT.S A BARBARA CTR ■ CC a NEWPORT RIDGE �yp,T�P� ' � BAV HILL 1 p P SJ HILLS PARK BALBOAISLANO f ttk y+ 0 NE DATER �W SI{fsr�7r ■ RSRP 7CL VE{i Of: RSRP(d6m) i IN >=-75 INbUILDINC G ST 1 >=-85 IN CAR E >--95 ON FOOT MARGINAL Ri COAST E \od 45 Confidential and proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only.Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 3 V� QP �P Attachment No. ZA 4 Photographic Simulations 47 V� QP �P �g '44, olf 20' ft 5C 'A 0081C E Wi ,.�+ J TECTONIC if . . PA2015-094 MF •1 r,y� �� .. , �3 �1 ( y+h i.�_ '. f,�►. �' 1 -t{f. R four;' +—. . Looking east from Spy Glass Hill Drive. P-1 Proposed antenna will be visible from this location. Practical Solutions,Exceptional Service NOT TO SCALE—RENDERINGS ARE FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 8$•23 PA2015-094 FEE&" Ilk i • ' u ;,.. nr- •:#sem t �� Yy�• r r �z _ s.' �• / .tea . Looking easantenna is t from Spy Glass Hill Drive. �-� Pro posed visible from this location. Practical Solutions,E.cepaonai Service NOT TO SCALE- RENDERINGS ARE FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 88.23 k' ,� �'" {2` -?1. 'i.L'' ..►' �����! �-�---ter. i��. �,,_ . - � � _ •F. �� _- -�. I Looking TECTONIC Proposed antenna will be visible from this location. P-2 ,� • rO Y. _.16 ., e TECTONI Cvisible: Drive. -Y TECTONIC ' TECTONIC ' PA2015-094 L s . Looking east from the intersection of Spy Glass Hill Drive & EI Capitan Drive. �- Proposed vault & vents will be visible from this location. 4 Practical Solutions,Exceptional Service NOT TO SCALE— RENDERINGS ARE FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 88.23 PA2015-094 L i Afa }...c.. r . .0 t r ri- . Looking east from the intersection of Spy Glass Hill Drive & EI Capitan Drive. �- Proposed vault & vents are visible from this location. 4 Practical Solutions,Exceptional Service NOT TO SCALE— RENDERINGS ARE FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 88.23 V� QP �P �g Attachment No. ZA 5 Project Plans 59 V� QP �P �o PA2015-094 Attachment No. ZA 5 - Project Plans LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP verunwireiess d/ b/ a 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILDING "D" 1ST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 Practical Solutions. Exceptional Service TECTONICEngineering Consultants P.C. 2081 Business Center Drive, Suite 219 Irvine, CA 92612 Phone: (949) 502-8555 (800) 829-6531 www.tectonicengineer'tng.com PROJECT APPROVALS ve ri 0 nWer APPROVED BY: INITIALS DATE e ess LANDLORD ZONING VZW SITE ACQ. VZW RF VZW INTERCONNECT VZW UTIL COORD. VZW CONST. MGR. SITE NAME VZW PROD. MGR. WORK ORDER NUMBER DRAWN BY 7288.23 TJ B NO. DATE ISSUE BAY HILL ROW 0 03/11/15 FOR COMMENT 1 03/25/15 UPDATED VAULT LOCATION 2 04/01/15 FOR ZONING ADDRESS 3 05/01/15 UPDATED CEMH SIZE 4 7/27/15 PER CITY COMMENTS E /S SPY GLASS HILL DR, APPROXIMATELY 1007 N/O EL CAPITAN DR NEWPORT BEACH , CA 92662 N VICINITY MAP SITE INFORMATION SHEET INDEX CODE COMPLIANCE �' sy ea P1 IQ. z PROJECT NUMBER: 20141105921 SHT. DESCRIPTION REV REVISION ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE I4�343 LOCATION CODE: 306160 NO. NO DATE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE CODES AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING EXP•L ?o 17 AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT seaba �\pJ c SITE NAME: BAY HILL ROW T-1 TITLE SHEET 4 7/27/15 CONFORMING TO THE LOCAL CODES. l9lF C(VI1 SITE ADDRESS: E/S SPY GLASS HILL DR, I OFCAI�� A Kai �a 9 0 APPROXIMATELY 100' N/0 EL CAPITAN DR LS-1 SITE SURVEY 1 3/17/15 ¢ ` y MUNICIPALITY: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PROJECT DESCRIPTION 7/27/15 ryP/SO!) o 1' y Z-1 SITE PLAN 4 7/27/15 COUNTY: ORANGE A� .91 �. o ac Z-2 ELEVATIONS 4 7/27/15 Z-3 EQUIPMENT DETAILS 4 7/27/15 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ZONING DATA Z-4 CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTAL MANHOLE DETAILS 4 7/27/15 0 9 (D COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT A FACSIMILE OF J P' m Z-5 VENT DETAILS 4 7/27/15 THIS IS AN UNMANNED WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY FOR VERIZON THE SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED SEAL OR n ZONING DESIGNATION: N/A WIRELESS CONSISTING OF: m O � ORIGINAL STAMP IN BLUE OR RED INK OF THE O EXISTING SITE USE: ROW LIGHT POLE REPLACE (1) EXISTING STREETLIGHT WITH (1) NEW STEALTH LIGHT STANDARD WITH 30" PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT OR LAND 5 a ME s 1' DIAMETER RADOME WITH (3) PANEL ANTENNAS AND (1) GPS ANTENNA ON TOP OF SURVEYOR SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED VAUD COPIES. i y PROPOSED SITE USE: TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY POLE, VERIZON WIRELESS CONTRACTOR TO PLACE (1) 7"-6"X17'-6"X19'-8.875" (D) o 1 2 3 Va�r v - Q (CEMH #616-12RJM-40) CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT MANHOLE WITH 40" RISER, (1) ELECTRIC METER PEDESTAL, (18) UNDERGROUND COAX AND CONNECTION TO THE A ° _ ; £ ^� CONSTRUCTION DATA EXISTING ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE UTILITIES AS REQUIRED TO SERVICE THE SITE. ORIGINAL SIZE IN INCHES a. 7 7 c yo+ o c PROPOSED EQUIPMENT LEASE AREA: 178.7 SQ. FT. ° c"N SITE INFORMATION d ��°3a F/fid ` San PROPOSED STRUCTURE HEIGHT: 35'-0" BAY HILL ROW 'q 0 0j4') F OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: U m D 61 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V—B 'a PN: 2141105921 0 THIS SET OF PLANS SHALL NOT BE UTILIZED AS CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS UNTIL ALL ITEMS Pacific View Memorial c`ay d "o o d Q ° OF CONCERN HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED AND EACH OF THE DRAWINGS HAS BEEN REVISED AND LC: 306160 Park and Mortuary yQ� o 36 ° 0r o ISSUED "FOR CONSTRUCTION". a SITE ADDRESS SPY GLASS HILL DRIVE DIRECTIONS PROJECT TEAM INSPECTIONS 8c APPROVALS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION NOT FOR USE OR DISCLOSURE OUTSIDE VERIZON WIRELESS CITY OF NEWPORT B EAC H EXCEPT UNDER WRITTEN AGREEMENT. PROPERTY OWNER ENGINEER ORANGE COUNTY FROM VERIZON IRVINE OFFICE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TECTONIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS P.0 CA 92662 MERGE ONTO 1-405 NORTH FOR 2.61 MILES, TAKE THE CULVER DR EXIT. TURN LEFT ATTN.: JIM AUGER 2081 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE DO N 0 T SCALE DRAWINGS ONTO CULVER DR, FOLLOW FOR 2.81 MILES. CONTINUE ONTO BONITA CANYON DRIVE, 100 CIVIC CENTER DR IRVINE, CA 92612 SHEET TITLE FOLLOW FOR 1.51 MILES. TURN LEFT ONTO PRAIRIE RD, TURN RIGHT ONTO FORD RD, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (949) 502-8555 TURN LEFT ONTO SAN MIGUEL DRIVE. TURN LEFT ONTO SPY GLASS HILL RD AND PHONE: (949) 718-3477 THESE DRAWINGS ARE FORMATTED FOR 22"x34" FULL SIZE AND 11"x17" HALF SIZE. TI TLE FOLLOW FOR 0.71 MILES, SITE WILL BE ON LEFT. SITE ACQUISITION ZONING OTHER SIZED VERSIONS ARE NOT PRINTED TO THE SCALE SHOWN. CONTRACTOR APPLICANT / SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANS, EXISTING DIMENSIONS & CONDITIONS ON THE JOB SITE & SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFORE SHEET VERIZON WIRELESS SITE ACQ: PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME. 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. TECTONIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS P.C. BUILDING "D", 1st FLOOR 2081 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE IRVINE, CA 92618 IRVINE, CA 92612 CONTACT: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (949) 502-8855 PHONE: (907) 286-7000 SHEET NUMBER ZONING: SURVEYOR BIRDSEYE PLANNING GROUP, LLC AMBIT CONSULTING (760) 712-2199 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (480) 659-4072 T-1 01 PA2015-094 Attachment No. ZA 5 - Project Plans r 562.4 p� 1 TREE 1 LEGEND LIGHT VICINITY MAP 1 CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT N. T.S. CONC EDGE OF CONCRETE � FIRE HYDRANT ■ s� PROJECT AREA 523.1 / 54 R/by I / N 543.5 FC FACE OF CURB POSITION OF v rwiZ=o �0�ss Fc TREE / LP LIGHT POLE GEODETIC COORDINATES o ® FCgpTgNpR N / NATURALNG ON 30' R/W 1 /W RIGHTOF WA GRADE � TOTOE OF SLOPE �� WATERCONTROLRI OL VALVE e / ' TOP TOP OF SLOPE © GAS VALVE 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILDING "D" 1ST FLOOR WALL TOP OF WALL IRVINE, CA 92618 BELL SYSTEMS / 1 WIF WROUGHT IRON FENCE I MO MpN CITp MANHOLE / S283 TREES PLANNING WIF 0 ENGINEERING cBEL SYSTEMS c) TOP SR SgNTip/To pR MANHO €/o CMU WALLS ® COCONSTRUCTION7p qHQpR SRp � Ftp 1 WROUGHT IRON FENCE MANAGEMENT / F/0� F o / CURBLINES TECTONIC Engineering & Surveying Consultants P.C. / POSITI01� 0 _ 2081 Business Center Drive, Suite 219 GEODETIC w 526.7 525.6 _ _ _ - STREET CENTERLINES Irvine, CA 92612 W DIRECTIONS TO SITE COORDINATES I WIF �NG 561.2 - - - - - - RIGHT OF WAY LINES Phone: (949) 502-8555 FROM THE VERIZON OFFICES IN IRVINE CA: ' n TREE - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fax: (949) sot-8ss7 /�. � - MAJOR CONTOUR INTERVAL 524.0 1 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tectonicengineering.com NG / - MINOR CONTOUR INTERVAL START OUT GOING SOUTHWEST ON SAND CANYON AVE / 4 PROJECT APPROVALS TOWARD BARRANCA PKWY. MERGE ONTO I-405 N SANPULLBOX J 523.6 � 5680 APPROVED BY: INITIALS DATE DIEGO FWY N. TAKE THE CULVER DR EXIT, EXIT 5. TURN ' J I NG f T--# REE LANDLORD Ls25 LEFT ONTO CULVER DR. CULVER DR BECOMES BONITA I 552.4 1 CANYON DR. TURN LEFT ONTO NEWPORT COAST DR. / LAMP 523.5 52 / ZONING NO TURN RIGHT ONTO SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD. TURN RIGHT co ING ONTO SPY GLASS HILL RD. SITE IS ON RIGHT. 528.2 / 5.5 523.4 ' VZW SITE ACO. WALL ' Q ' PEDESTALS CONIC NGVZW RF 526.5 "^' J WIF n 1 VZW INTERCONNECT / -� 523.5 I TREE / VZW UTIL COORD. NO 528.3 LESSORS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 5T EE 1 W T554.6 REE NO VZW CONST. MGR. VZW PROJ. MGR. TO BE PROVIDED BY TITLE. ' h WIF 3 WORK ORDER NUMBER DRAWN BY / 5.19 / 1 CK 523.7 ' NO. DATE ISSUE ' NG 524.8 0 02/27/15 SUBMITTAL SCE VENT W �� j NG 1 528.1 UTILITY NOTES 03/17/15 UTILITY LOCATE 1 / SURVEYOR DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ALL UTILITIES / GG�ONC 524.2 5217 / ARE SHOWN OR THEIR LOCATIONS ARE DEFINITE. IT IS CONIC `NG 557.7 ' J THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND TREE DEVELOPER TO CONTACT BLUE STAKE AND ANY OTHER / 527.6 INVOLVED AGENCIES TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO -E E E5248 1 CONSTRUCTION. REMOVAL, RELOCATION AND/ OR E� MANHOLE O 55, ENG WALL' REPLACEMENT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE E� 2 CONTRACTOR. / �E\ E o 23.4 524.91 I ONC NG 1 COMMUNICATION PEDESTAL APs 527.3 BENCHMARK / 0 /528.1 roE� 5281 521.2 SCE VENT TOP NG PROJECT ELEVATIONS ESTABLISHED FROM GPS DERIVED / FC 525.4 I �524.9 ORTHOMETRIC HEIGHTS BY APPLICATION OF NGS 'GEOID / WALL / NG 12A' MODELED SEPARATIONS TO ELLIPSOID HEIGHTS / CABLE PULLBOX X \ STORM DRAIN DETERMINED BY OBSERVATIONS OF THE 'SMARTNET' O O GRATE REAL TIME NETWORK. ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON 1 526.4 ARE REFERENCED TO NAVD88. 535.6 / STORM DRAIN 521,2 NG 1 \ TOE 1 b 'ot TREE MANHOLE FC 525.6 / �NG \ LIMITS OF LANDSCAPING \ ` 5 8.1 \ ® o BASIS OF BEARING / TO 528.3 527.9 BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON U.S. STATE / 553.1/ TREE TOE �NG 428 MAIN STREET SUITE 206 528.2 PLANE NAD83 COORDINATE SYSTEM CALIFORNIA STATE 535.1 CMU TOP HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (480)659-4072 PLANE COORDINATE ZONE SIX, DETERMINED BY GPS TREE Q RETAINING OBSERVATIONS. / WALL 526.8 NG 525.3 NG / %� 526.6 528.8 525.3 NG l 527 4 TOP 535.7 WALL _WANG LL SURVEY DATE TREE ¢ FC1.6_ � NG 02/22/2015 / 525.3 WALL 524.7 } ` 535.7 / CONC 525.3 532.3 523.9 TREE TREE CONC NG POSITION OF GEODETIC COORDINATES \F \ %,526.3 _ LATITUDE 33' 36' 45.2" NORTH (NAD83) / -E 525.2 NO SITE INFORMATION LONGITUDE 117' 50' 51.8" WEST (NAD83) / N szt C NG�\ BAY HILL - SPY GLASS GROUND ELEVATION © 523.5' (NAVD88) S35.9 REE 524.7 CONIC \ WATER METER HILL ROW 528.5 WIF ® 528.1 STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 526.3 NG 536.1 coNC SITE ADDRESS / TREE / NEWPORT BEACH, 2 OX / \ 525.1 CONC ORANGE COUNTY / o FC CA 92662 E 536.1 TREE / l rJ,,, \ ` CAPSTAN pRIVE SHEET TITLE S / GRAPHIC SCALE 525.6 10 0 5 10 20 40 WALL \ SITE SURVEY 535.7 518.8 ( IN FEET ) TREE FC SHEET NUMBER 1 inch = 10 ft. 522.0 - - 1 519.9 FC 554.3 L S FC LAMP L J 02 PAa@15W4 Attachment No. ZA 5 - Promect Plans NOTE: ITEM# DESCRIPTION VAULT IS TO BE EQUIPPED WITH PULLING IRONS (LID TO BE MARKED VZW) O IBER VAULT TO CEMH 624"1 SCH. 40PVC POSED FCONDUIT (VZW FIBER) ven7onwireless NOTE: 8'-6" MYERS METER TO CEMH CONTRACTOR TO STUB AND CAP 2' OF SCH. 80 PVC CONDUIT OUT FROM ALLO 1-2" SCH. 40 PVC CONDUIT (VZW POWER) VACANT PORTS ON VAULT BEFORE SLURRY BACKFILL IS POURED 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE 3-4"O 3 VZW SITE CEMH PULL BOX BUILDING "D" 1ST FLOOR 3-4" SCH. 40 PVC CONDUIT (VZW COMM) / / IRVINE, CA 92618 3'-0"t PULL BOX TO SITE POLE / / VERIZON WIRELESS SITE POLE MAKE READY INFORMATION O 3-4" SCH. 40 PVC CONDUIT (VZW COMM) / / VERIZON WIRELESS CONTRACTOR TO PLACE (2) 21.25" DIA X 42' TALL VENTILATION STACKS 16'-5" / A. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE EXISTING 31.7' TALL STREET LIGHT POLE# 1 (SCE / (VENT STACKS TO BE PAINTED SURROUU NDINGS)MATCH LANDSCAPE POLE# 963462E) AND 31.2' TALL STREET LIGHT POLE# 2 (SCE POLE# 9634161E) / � AND REPLACE WITH NEW 35' TALL STEALTH LIGHT STANDARD 1' SOUTH OF / EXISTING. / CTR OF VENT Practical Solutions, Exceptional Service / STA: 9+55.22 P B. VERIZON WIRELESS TO PLACE 5" VERIZON WIRELESS COMM. CONDUIT IN BASE OF / 1. OFF. 108.44' LT / TECTONIC Engineering Consultants P.C. NEW CONCRETE FOUNDATION. '000p 2081 Business Center Drive, Suite 219 CTR OF VENT Irvine, CA 92612 C. VERIZON WIRELESS TO PLACE RADOME WITH (3) DIRECTIONAL ANTENNAS ON TOP 00000SUEAGNETIC OFF: 98.44'/ STA: 9+54.93 OF NEW CONC. STREET LIGHT ANTENNA POLE. / Phone: (949) 502—LT (aoo) az9-6555 sst M D. VERIZON WIRELESS CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT AT&T (SBC) INSPECTOR A MINIMUM / / I / www.tectonicengineering.com OF 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR CONDUIT INSPECTION BEFORE BACKFILL TO COORDINATE TO HAVE AT&T (SBC) PENETRATE THE AT&T (SBC) MANHOLE. / / / I PROJECT APPROVALS / N / \ / APPROVED BY: INITIALS DATE LANDLORD NOTE: CRNR OF CEMH I ALL FACILITIES INSTALLED SHALL MEET ALL CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS FROM / EXISTING LANDSCAPING ' STA: 9+67.30 ZONING OVERHEAD POWER LINES AS SPECIFIED IN GENERAL ORDER NO. 95. / OFF: 89.88' LT 3 VZW SITE ACQ. VZW RF / 0000, SIDEWALK I VZW INTERCONNECT N 0000 \ VERIZON WIRELESS CONTRACTOR TO PLACE h 47'-6" VZW UTIL COORD.,a (1) 17'-6-X7'-6-X19'-8STREET WIDTH-6"X19'-8 7/8"(D) (CEMH 616-12JM-40) � VZW CONST. MGR. \ CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT MANHOLE WITH 40" RISER SPY GLASS HILL PARK \ NOTE: CONTRACTOR " THICK OW VZW PROJ. MGR. CRETE PAD AROUND ACCESS HATCH. I / R J � WORK ORDER NUMBER DRAWN BY 7288.23 TJB CRNR OF CEMH NO. DATE ISSUE i APPROXIMATE ROW � � ��� I 2 I STA:9+66.73 a! 0 03/11/15 FOR COMMENT OFF. 72.78' LT Q 1 03/25/15 UPDATED VAULT LOCATION 3 ����� O 2 04/01/15 FOR ZONING EXISTING TREE (TYP) VERIZONPROPOSED UNDERGROUND COAX CONDUITS 3 05/01/15 UPDATED CEMH SIZE - — PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS — I / PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS FIBER VAULT � �.��� U 4 7/27/15 PER CITY COMMENTS / W METER PEDESTAL ON PAD — — — ------ -- PROPOSED GAS 11 EXISTING CMU MAIN CROSSING / / � 7lt t �� / RETAINING WALL (TYP) Z-2 /I 1 PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS GAS GAS AS GAS 3x5' PULLBOX GAS — GAS ; AS GAS Y J PROPOSED PULLBOX FOR I / LJ EXISTING UG ELECTRIC w STREETLIGHT DISCONNECT— 4 ---- EXISTING , / (TYP) O EXISTING SCE / COMMUNICATIONPEDESTAL V) PE / VENT (TYP)_ A u ASS _ C S GAS GAS _ E E — — — — E — — E — — — i7 At EXISTING SCE EXISTING UG GAS MAIN W oFcauF� II MANHOLE AND VAULT W EXISTING STORM (TMP) EXISTING HYDRANT W DRAIN MANHOLE EXISTING BELL SYSTEMS MANHOLE EXISTING PULLBOX I I EXISTING PEDESTAL (TYP) 0P) 7/27/15 x EXISTING CABLE I W oa 3 EXISTING BLOCK AND CTR OF LIGHT POLE W PULLBOX METAL FENCE TYP PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS STA: 8+81.19 (TYP) / COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT A FACSIMILE OF a w LIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT Z-2 OFF: 31.52' LT THE SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED SEAL OR STEALTH LIGHT STANDARD ORIGINAL STAMP IN BLUE OR RED INK OF THE <n PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT OR LAND SURVEYOR SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED VAUD COPIES. 0 1 2 3 9t,00 w 1 _ 1 00 8+00r I -- -- ORIGINAL SIZE IN INCHES I SITE INFORMATION EXISTING UG FIBER ` SPY GLASS HILL DRIVE BAY HILL ROW (TMR) PN: 2141105921 EXISTING WATER VALVE (TYP) w o on0f LC: 306160 Y 03 oSITE ADDRESS U) SPY GLASS HILL DRIVE -- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - - - - - - - - ORANGE COUNTY - - - - - - - _- CA 92662 SHEEP TITLE SITE PLAN NOTE: COMBINED GROUND LEASE AREA FOR NOTE: CEMH AND CABINET IS (178.7 SQ. FT.) SITE INFORMATION BASED ON A SITE VISIT PERFORMED BY TECTONIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS P.C. ON 02/25/15, AND THE "SITE SURVEY" BY AMBIT, DATED 02/27/15. SHEET NUMBER SITE PLAN • CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (DIGALERT) BY DIALING 811 PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AT SITE Z-1 SCALE: V, = 20' (11x17 SIZE) • CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE AND VERIFY ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND �� 1" = 10' (22x34 SIZE) UTILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION • ALL EXCAVATION WORK WITHIN 36" OF EITHER SIDE OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MUST BE DONE BY HAND EXCAVATION METHODS 0— PA2015-094 Attachment No. ZA 5 - Promect Plans ven7onwireless 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILDING "D" 1ST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA TOP OF GPS ANTENNAII� TOP OF GPS ANTENNA PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA PROPOSED 2'-6" DIAMETER RADOME 35'-0" AGL 35'-0" AGL PROPOSED 2'-6" DIAMETER RADOME • G1 CURBFACE Practical $OlYtIMIs. Exceptional SerVks TOP OF RADOME TOP OF RAYDOME 9�� 12:00 TF4TONICEngineering Consultants P.C. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNAS 34'-9" AGL 34'-9' AGL PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNAS 9 9 2081 Business Center Drive, Suite 219 1 LUMINAIRE (1 PER SECTOR, 3 SECTORS TOTAL) (1 PER SECTOR, 3 SECTORS TOTAL) Jam+ Irvine, CA 92612 (INSIDE 2'-6" DIAMETER RADOME) (INSIDE 2'-6" DIAMETER RADOME) �. C'� r r , moo. $ Phone: (800) 829-6535 i ww w.tecto n Tce ng i n eeri n g.co m ANTENNA RAD CENTER ANTENNA RAD CENTER I I PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA PROJECT APPROVALS 32'-5" AGL 32'-5" AGL PROPOSED 8' BRACKET ARM AND APPROVED BY: INITIALS DATE PROPOSED 8' BRACKET ARM AND— I I LUMINAIRE TO MATCH CITY OF LUMINAIRE TO MATCH CITY OF L I L J NEWPORT BEACH STANDARDS LANDLORD NEWPORT BEACH STANDARTDS EXISTING POWER TOP OF POLE � � TOP OF POLE (STREET LIGHT) ZONING PROPOSED STEALTH LIGHT STANDARD 29'-3 AGL 29'-3" AGL ALPHA SECTOR VZW SITE ACQ. (TO REPLACE IXISTING)(BY OTHERS) 9:00 • • 3:00 AZ 90' • VZW RF VZW INTERCONNECT 4-4" VZW COMM VZW UTIL COORD. PROPOSED 2'-6" DIAMETER RADOME VZW CONST. MGR. PROPOSED 6:00 VZW PROJ. MGR. SUPPORT POST WORK ORDER NUMBER DRAWN BY \ � ^0 7288.23 NO. DATE ISSUE TJB ry `PROPOSED STEALTH LIGHT STANDARD ti� A (TO REPLACE IXISTING)(BY OTHERS) 0� T 0 03/11/15 FOR COMMENT 1 03/25/15 UPDATED VAULT LOCATION 2 04/01/15 FOR ZONING 3 05/01/15 UPDATED CEMH SIZE 4 ANTENNA ORIENTATION PLAN 5 RISER DETAIL 4 7/27/15 PER CITY COMMENTS Z 2 SCALE: 1" = 4' (11x17 SIZE) Z 2 SCALE: 1" = 4' (11x17 SIZE) 1" = 2' (22x34 SIZE) 1" = 2' (22x34 SIZE) EXISTING FENCE PROPOSED 3'x5' PULL BOX PROPOSED 3'x5' PULL BOXY (BEYOND) VERIZON WIRELESS CONTRACTOR TO PLACE (2) 21.25" DIA X 42" TALL VENTILATION STACKS (VENT EXISTING SIDEWALK STACKS TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH SURROUNDINGS) o33Y IVO �L EXP.C 30 17 EXISTING CURB slgr CIVIL II I I I I I I 7/27/15 PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS I I UNDERGROUND COAX IN CONDUIT I I PROPOSED VERIZONWIRELESS ICOPIES DOCUMENT WITHOUT A SOR L J FACSIMILE_ _ UNDERGROUND COAXXIN CONDUIT THESIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED SEAL �L _ _ J ORIGINAL STAMP IN BLUE OR RED INK OF THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT OR LAND OSURVEYOR SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED VAUD COPIES. PROPOSED FOUNDATION PROPOSED FOUNDATION 3 ORIGINAL SIZE IN INCHES PROPOSED BASIN W/SUMP PUMP—/ SITE INFORMATION PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS (TYP OF 2) BAY HILL ROW UNDERGROUND COAX IN CONDUIT PN: 2141105921 VERIZON WIRELESS CONTRACTOR TO PLACE LC: 306160 (1) 17'-6"X7'-6"X19'-8 7/8"(D) (CEMH 616-12JM-40) CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT MANHOLE WITH 40" RISER NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO PLACE 12" WIDE x4" THICK SITE ADDRESS CONCRETE PAD AROUND ACCESS HATCH SPY GLASS HILL DRIVE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE COUNTY SOUTH ELEVATION r2WEST ELEVATION 3 EAST ELEVATION CA 92662 SHEET TITLE Z-2 SCALE: 1" = 8' (11x17 SIZE) Z-2 SCALE: 1" = 8' (11x17 SIZE) Z-2 SCALE: 1" = 8' (11x17 SIZE) 1" = 4' (2204 SIZE) 1" = 4' (2204 SIZE) 1" = 4' (22x34 SIZE) ELEVATION SHEET NUMBER v-4 PA2015-094 Attachment No. ZA 5 - Promect Plans HINGED HOOD �� � DEMAND RESET REMOVABLE METER \ \ COVER. HINGED, ® SOCKET COVER ver► wireless METER READING PADLOCKABLE, AND t SEALABLE MANUAL BYPASS (TEST 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE WINDOW METER v METER -a SAFETY COVERS) W/SEALABLE METER GPS ANTENNA BUILDING "D" 1ST FLOOR ADDRESS 0 ° SOCKET SECTION UTILITY LANDING LUGS 30" IRVINE, CA 92618 SEALABLE PADLOCK HASP MAIN P.E. CELL L NAME BREAKER WINDOW REMOVABLE UTILITY . PLATE LOAD CENTER ° LATCH ACCESS COVER 12 CIRCUITm o W/PADLOCK Practical Solutions, Exceptionalervice S NEUTRAL BAR ��� iw TECTONIC Engineering Consultants P.C. Vyy 2081 Business Center Drive, Suite 219 F Irvine, CA 92612 CUSTOMER SECTION � I Phone: (949) 502-8555 HINGED (800) 829-6531 DOOR PADLOCK www.tectonicengineering.com � o HASP PROJECT APPROVALS APPROVED BY: INITIALS DATE 0 FRONT VIEW FRONT VIEW (INSIDE) SIDE VIEW LANDLORD ZONING O VZW SITE ACQ. RADOME (30"0 X 60") VZW RF VZW INTERCONNECT VZW UTIL COORD. VZW CONST. MGR. 36" X 10" MINIMUM CLEARANCE VZW PROD. MGR. 20.2 REQUIRED PER NEC 110-16, 18.75----t36" RECOMMENDED GROUND TYPICAL FRONT AND BACK. WORK ORDER NUMBER DRAWN BY ROD LOCATION. 7288.23 TJB RECOMMENDED 3' MIN. NO. DATE ISSUE SERVICE ENTRANCE 3.00 /,I}�\ CONDUIT LOCATION. 0 03/11/15 FOR COMMENT L6'H—I 6" 1 03/25/15 UPDATED VAULT LOCATION \�I}�/ LINE 2 04/01/15 FOR ZONING 17.25 L 1 12.25 14 3/8" 0 0 t' 2„ 3 05/01/15 UPDATED CEMH SIZE 7„ 4 7/27/15 PER CITY COMMENTS 2.00 P. LOAD -- 4I 17 01/4" 3� MIN. 4 a I . d SLOTS FOR BASE INSTALLATION a � . ° J 2 RADOME DETAIL BOTTOM VIEW PLAN VIEW SIDE VIEW Z-3 SCALE: I"-1• 1/2"-13 OR 5/8"-18 BOLTS Q I- 3 MIN. SUPPLIED WITH BASE FY 6" MIN. FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS 013"M AND DEPTH PER JOB EXID 30 17 SPECIFICATIONS 1/2" OR 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS 9lFOf CAU��Qa ALTERNATE ANCHOR AS REQUIRED BOLT INSTALLATION 7/27/15 USE 1/2"-13 BOLTS OR 5/8"-18 BOLTS FRONT VIEW BASE DETAIL COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT A FACSIMILE OF THE SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED SEAL OR ,> ,> ORIGINAL STAMP IN BLUE OR RED INK OF THE 11 .9 7 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT OR LAND P 0 WE R PEDESTAL IFS--mil IFS--mil SURVEYOR SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED VAIJD COPIES. 0 1 2 3 Z-3 SCALE: NTS FINISHED GRADE, TO MATCH SLOPE ORIGINAL SIZE IN INCHES AND THICKNESS OF EXISTING SITE INFORMATION TRENCH WARNING TAPE (TYP) BAY HILL ROW t ��, _� PN: 2141105921 10�\\ �%` LC: 306160 UNDISTURBED SOIL SITE ADDRESS i LO SPY GLASS HILL DRIVE COMPACTED BACKFILL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH \i LEAN CONCRETE ORANGE COUNTY OR SAND BPDDING PER IFCATIONSnuTM 00 CA 92662 6" MIN 7Y" (TYP) PROPOSED SHEET TITLE POWER/TELCO CONDUITS 1. BACKFILL SHALL BE CLEAN NOTES: EQUIPMENT DETAILS 1. FILL WITHOUT STONES AND SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 12" LAYERS BY TAMPING OR APPROVED EQUAL METHOD. NO BELLYING OF TRENCH SHALL BE ALLOWED. 3.87" 2. SCH 40 PVC CONDUIT SHALL BE USED BELOW GRADE. 3. SCH 80 PVC CONDUIT SHALL BE USED UNDER SHEET NUMBER ROADWAY. VIC-100 GPS ANTENNA COMMSCOPE MODEL SBNHH-1D65A WEIGHT = 10.58 OZ 3 TRENCH DETAIL (2) GPS ANTENNA 5 ANTENNA DETAIL Z -3 Z2 SCALE: N.T.S. Z-3 SCALE: N.T.S. Z-3 SCALE: 1"=1' PA2015-094 Attachment No. ZA 5 - Pro'ect Plans REV DESCRIPTION BY DATE venzonwreless 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE 1 Fkd&WdGrade BUILDING "D" 1ST FLOOR \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Dwm//x\x/�,�x IRVINE, CA 92618 Z Nell /\\//\\//\\//`%/\\ \ � BILL OF MATERIALS — PARTS LIST\/ /�/ /\ \/\/ /\// / // ITEM QTY NAME NOTE�\\/\�\� \ \ \ \ \,, Practical Solutions, Exceptional Service j\//\/\//\//,\�// , , � 1 1 CEMH Slabtop Avon 3636 Hatch 36" x 36" Clear 0 enin ��gy/pEngineering Consultants P.c. XWO \ 2 1 40" Riser /, / �,�`/� ryao /\ / 2081 Business Center Drive, Suite 219 \ \ \ \ 3 1 CEMH 610 Doghouse Special Irvine, CA 92812 \ 4 1 CEMH 616 Top Standard Phone: (949) soz—sees (800) 829-6531 \ 5 1 CEMH 616 Bose Standard /\ \y\�\/\/ �\/ �\ \/ ('7 WWW.tecton iceng i neeri n g.com O Ductwork / � 6 1 3" Threaded Cou lin Assembl Electrical Entrance �\ ,Q/\y1' \\/\,\\/\\/\\/�\/\\/\\, \\ \\\ / (By Others) //\//\//\// //\//\//\//\//\//\� // 1'-52 g g g 7 1 3" Threaded PlugApply Recto Seal PROJECT APPROVALS �\ /\\/\\//\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ \\ \\/\ %\ \\ 6 1 2—Hole Copper Ground Plate APPROVED BY: INITIALS DATE /\ 3'-102" T'\\'\\�\�,'� \//\\//\\/I,\\//\\//\\//\ \ \ \ \\/\/ //� " ) , pp (Interior and Exterior See Detail Sheet 11 \/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\ /\ \\ GROUND PLATE DETAIL" LANDLORD � �\ ------ — /\/\/\ r /� 9 50 12 Joint WrapWraps Around Doghouse Joint -- / / / / / /\ ��/ " ZONING --------- 10 40 Gasket 1.5 CS-101 ShipLoose See Detail Sheet 11 "Keyway r\ 22 \\ \\r\\ \ 0 0 0 12 13 T ( ) Detail ( YYVZW SITE ACQ. � 40 \ o o° o° 20 12 12 5" Int./4" Ext. Threaded Coupling See Detail Sheet 11 "COUPLING EXTENSIONvzw RF\ e DETAIL" VZW INTERCONNECT I Recto Seal 7 6 ,\ 13 12 4 Threaded Plug Appy vzw UTIL COORD. 14 1 6" Threaded Coupling For DC Fan VZW CONST. MGR. \ ® /\ \/I\ V-10" /� 15 1 6" Threaded Plug Apply Recto Seal /�\\� \/�\ 16 2 Link Seal Ship Loose, See HVAC Seal Detail on Sheet vzw PROJ. MGR. I I "VentVault—Detail-1" WORK ORDER NUMBER DRAWN BY 17 2 Foam Seal Inlet & Outlet Oof HVAC Units, See HVAC Seal 7288,23 TJB Detail on Sheet 'VentVault—Detail-1" NO. DATE ISSUE \ 19 8 1-1/2" Coil Insert Tie Down Inserts o 20 1 Sump Discharge Piping do Washed Rock Backfill Supplied do 0 03/11/15 FOR COMMENT Installed By Others 1 03/25/15 UPDATED VAULT LOCATION 21 2 Vent Vaults Exhaust k Intake (SEE "VENT VAULT" SHEETS 1 & 2) 2 04/01/15 FOR ZONING 22 2 RL-24 8—TON PLATE ANCHOR (JACKET SIDE) See "CEMH616-12JM-40—C 3 05/01/15 UPDATED CEMH SIZE 7'4" 4 7/27/15 PER CITY COMMENTS EXTERIOR ELEVATION VIEW "A" EXTERIOR ELEVATION VIEW "B" FkrA&WCaride %�% /�`ii \\/i\\/i\\moi\\�i�\/ /\� -� e \\i 44343 2'-2" 3'-2" 2'-2" /\, Exp7 -Z/ C&/ \ \/\/ /\/ //\ o �% \/ /\/\\//\//\//\/ \ \�\ \ \ Ductwork \ >\ \ F \// i\\\ / \ li- //\ NOTES: OfCAU� x\/ � (By Others) n . Int. 1. Locations and Installation details of ower connection and 16 meter pedestal shall be submitted to City Engineer for approval. N. ,/ 17 //� 2. Submit location and installation details of sewer connection for ��2�� 5 �`�ii` �T`i\`/\>'\y\`/\ `/ /� \�/ --------------------- _ -------------- the sump pump discharge and A.C. condensation to City Engineer for approval. m COPIES OF ��mEAoOO / SIGNATURE ANDAN EaSEAL R 40 C) 0 12 , ORIGINAL STAMP IN BLUE OR RED INK OF THE \\�\\ r+ty o o , /\, PROFESSIONAL SH Lei OT BE ARCHITECT ERRED v DLANDCOPIES. 20 1 _ 8„ 8„ 1' 62" \//\\ 14 15 0 1 2 3 ORIGINAL SIZE IN INCHES SITE INFORMATION BAY HILL ROW Oldcastle Precast' 411 E.FRYE RD.CRAMMER,AZB577bP N. 21411059 21 PHONE:,4., FAX,480,M,937 LC: 306160 THIS SUBMITTED FOR REE�HCE RJRPOSMW ES ONLY,�SHALL ReCkSTNOT BBIT E USED IN ANYR WAY IN1uRICIUS TO THE INTERESTS OF,OR WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERNLSSION OF OU ASU SITE ADDRESS PRECAST,INC. COPYRIGHT 07014 OWC45U PRECAST,INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED � CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT MANHOLE SPY GLASS HILL DRIVE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 17'-6" 7'4- MODEL:CEMH616-12JM-40 ORANGE COUNTY CUSTOMER CA 92662 EXTERIOR ELEVATION VIEW "C" EXTERIOR ELEVATION VIEW "D" -- SHEET TITLE DATE SALES I DRAWN ENGINEER CHECKED SALES ORDER Vent Pipe Caps and All Vent Piping 12/1612014 — RL FS — — CONTROLLED is to be Supplied and Installed by Others. IIRAWINU NUMBER ITINIM SHEET CEMH616-12J" RE�,DATE 3 of ,a ENVIRONMENTAL MANHOLE DETAILS SHEET NUMBER 1 CONTROLLED ENVIROMENTAL MANHOLE Zaaaaa4Z-4 SCALE: N.T.S PA2015-094 Attachment No. ZA 5 - Promect Plans PROPOSED EXCAVATION REPLACE BASE AND ver► nwireiess FINISHED SURFACE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN EXISTING AS PER AGENCYSTANDARDS AND APPROVAL OF CITY, COUNTY OR STATE INSPECTOR. 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE �//\// //\// \//\// /\//\� BUILDING "D" 1ST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 PLACEMENTNOTES: 30' MIN. 1) Vent stacks shall be used in conjunction with CEMH model#616-12JM-40. Final location and COVER installation details shall be submitted to City Engineer for approval. 2) Vent stacks shall not impede with the pedestrian traffic or egress to on street parking and shall maintain 4 feet wide sidewalk or path of travel around the vent stacks. 3) Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer the face of the vent stacks must be located in the furniture zone and 24 inches from face of curb and a minimum of 5 feet apart. 4) The vent stacks shall be located outside any visibility triangle of all street comers,25 feet from Practical .Salons, EXcepkional .SsMae any bus stop,passenger or commercial loading or unloading zone,alley Intersection and ACCKFILLOF ORDANCE TO PIPES SHALL BE IN I \ driveways. TECTONIC Engineering Consultants P.C. ACCORDANCE TO GREEN BOOK I 1 5) Vent stacks must haves minimum Sfeet clearance from any hydrant,streetlight standard, 0' TD 20' 2081 Business Center Drive, Suite 219 SECTIONS 3061.2 AND 3]61.3 I 2.5" 1 utility pull box and its access,parking meter,street tree and tree well,and storm water CTYP.) Irvine, CA 92612 AIR VENTS Infiltration systems. AIR VENTS 6) Unless otherwise approved by City Engineer no vent pipe shall be located under any vehicular Phone: (949) 502-8555 traffic or any loading other than pedestrian traffic load. (800) 829-6531 AIR VENTS DETAILwww.tectonicengineering.com IDENTIFICATION NOTE: 18" TO 30' IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EITHER VERIZON WIRELESS OR THE SITE CONTRACTOR TO PLACE PROJECT APPROVALS AN EMERGENCY CONTACT PLAQUE ON THE VENT STACKS LISTING THE FOLLOWING: APPROVED BY: INITIALS DATE NOTE: PVC SCHEDULE 40 VENT PIPE SHALL BE MANUFACTURED FROM A TYPE I, fii \ i 1) VENT MANUFACTURER-ARMORCAST NO.(818)982-3600 GRADE I POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) COMPOUND WITH A CELL CLASSIFICATION OF LANDLORD 2) VENT MODEL NO.P600-2610-SND EDISON 12454 PER ASTM D1784. THE PIPE SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN STRICT ___—_ 3) VENT OWNER-VERIZON WIRELESS COMPLIANCE OF ASTM D1785 AND D2665 (WHERE APPLICABLE), CONSISTENTLY ZONING DETAIL"A" 4) OWNER EMERGENCY CONTACT-N.O.C.NUMBER(800)299-0826 MEETING AND/OR EXCEEDING THE QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST REQUIREMENTS OF 5) SITE I.D.NO. THESE STANDARDS WITH REGARD TO MATERIAL, WORKMANSHIP, BURST PRESSURE, VZW SITE ACQ. FLATTENING, AND EXTRUSION QUALITY. THE PIPE SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN THE NOTE:PLAQUE TO BE I/8"THICK ALUMINUM PLATE 4NIS 1/2"WITH ENGRAVED LETTERING VZW RF ATTACHED TO VENTS WITH EPDXY OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. USA, USING DOMESTIC MATERIALS. BY AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED MANUFACTURER, 11 1 STANDARD LENGTHS OF PIPE SIZES 6" AND LARGER SHALL BE BEVELED EACH END VZW INTERCONNECT TOP CAP INSTALLED ON VENT BY THE PIPE MANUFACTURER. VZW UTIL COORD. 19"0 OPENING UNDER CAP GREEN BOOK SECTION 30612.9 FIELD JOINTING OF SOLVENT—WELDED PVC PIPE. SOLVENT—WELDED JOINTING OF VZW CONST. MGR. S.S. N0. 14x10NE WAY ROUND PVC PIPE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED MANUFACTURER'S VZW PROJ. MGR. HEAD SHEET METAL SCREWS(4x) PRINTED INSTRUCTIONS WHICH SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CONTRACTOR. SOLVENT CEMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 207-17.3.3 FOR PVC PIPE. WORK ORDER NUMBER DRAWN BY MINIMUM NG 250SQ.INCHES - VENT PIPE PLACEMENT MINIMUM OPEN ;' 2 7288.23 TJB 2.5" I( c-5 SCALE: N.T.S. NO. DATE ISSUE 21.25" AIR VENT i/ 0 03/11/15 FOR COMMENT 20.75" 4 EACH LEVEL (24X) SEE DETAIL BACKFILL OF VENT PIPES 1E IN 1 03/25/15 UPDATED VAULT LOCATION ACCORDANCE TO GREEN BOOK 20.75' D.D. VENT STACK SECTIONS -1. 2 04/01/15 FOR ZONING 3.75" 3 05/01/15 UPDATED CEMH SIZE NOTE:20" LOUVERED VENT SHALL FINISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE CONFORM TO GREEN BOOK SECTION 207-19 a 7/27/1 s PER CITY COMMENTS POLYETHYLENE(PE)SOLID WALL PIPE. I DETAIL"A" I I 15" I 1/4"-20S.S. HEXHEAD UNDISTURBED SOIL I UNDISTURBED SOL � I L i BOLTS WITH WASHER I I & NUT(4 TYP.) I I 42" 114"0 HOLES WITH I ) �--2.5" BOLTS ATTACHED(4X) POLYETHYLENE 1/4" POLYETHYLENE VENT I 21,2`-5 r® s SCH.40 PVC 2(r I 18' TO 30' (TYPJ I O.D.PIPE EXCAVATION LIMITS 20.25" 144343 �c Exp.L 3o 17 ac FINISHED FINISHED 3 VENT STACK PLACEMENT `��'7 Fof CAli C GRADE GRADE a —5 SCALE: N.T.S. SILICON SEALANT 727/15 114'-20S.S. HEX HEAD � ��j 18.743" (I.D.) �j�� BOLTS WITH WASHER BETWEEN PVC AND i POLYETHELENEALL &NUT(4 TYP.) \j �j' a AROUND a OF THISDOC _ 1 \\/ " THEI SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINALO OUT EMBOSSED ST OF SCH. 40 PVC EAL LE OR 2 3/4 y ORIGINAL STAMP IN BWE OR RED INK OF THE VENT PIPE �� /� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT OR LAND 20" O.D. SURVEYOR SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED VALID COPIES. GREEN BOOK SECTION 306-1.2.9 0 1 2 3 FIELD JOINTING OF SOLVENT-WELDED PVC PIPE. 20"0 SCH,40 COUPLER 2125"X42" TALL 20" LOUVERED VENT SOLVENT-WELDED JOINTING OF PVC PIPE SHALL BE IN PVC VENT PIPE 1" PVC SCH 40 PIPE VENTILATION STACK ORIGINAL SIZE IN INCHES ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED MANUFACTURER'S H H SANDSTONE FINISH - PART #20SPVA PRINTED INSTRUCTIONS WHICH SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE PULL ROPE SITE INFORMATION GRANITE FINISH - PART #20SPVAG CONTRACTOR. SOLVENT CEMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE POWER CONDUIT TO CEMH BAY HILL ROW WITH 207-17.3.3 FOR PVC PIPE. GRADE T° AN PN: 2141105921 VENT DETAIL LC: 306160 C 5 SCALE: 1"-2" j/ PUMP OUTLET TO CURB SITE ADDRESS \\/�\ SPY GLASS HILL DRIVE 20" DIA. A/C UNIT AIR—/ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INLET/EXHAUST PIPE SUMP PUMP— _ I__ 7 ORANGE COUNTY CA 92662 �%//%//A��/AA//�j/A�jjAA//�jAAA SHEET TITLE 12" 3/4" GRAVEL BASE—" CONTROLLED VENT DETAILS VENT DRAINAGE MANHOLE DETAILS 4 SHEET NUMBER Z-5 SCALE: N.T.S. Z -5 To: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Subject: ADDITIONAL MATERIALS RECEIVED Item 2a: Verizon Wireless Right-of-Way Telecom Minor Use Permit (PA2015-094) From: Fred W Daniel [mailto:fred.w.danielCa)4mail.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 10:12 PM To: Zdeba, Benjamin Subject: PA2015-094 Comment in support I am a homeowner in the adjacent Harbor Ridge community and I support the placement of the Verizon cellular installation, as proposed. The city and Verizon have worked together to serve the needs of the community with a clever and nearly undetectable improvement. I will not be able to attend the hearing, so please use this email in support. Fred Daniel 33 Saint Tropez Newport Beach 949-640-8899 i