HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/8/2013 - City Arts Commission - 01 Draft MinutesDRAFT City of Newport Beach Newport Beach City Arts Commission Thursday, July 11, 2013 – 5:00pm Central Library Friends Meeting Room Convened at 5:02pm 1) Call Meeting to Order Chairperson Smith called the meeting to order. 2) Roll Call Commissioners Present: Robert Smith, Chair Carole Boller, Secretary Arlene Greer Caroline Logan Rita Goldberg, Vice Chair Michaell Magrutsche Commissioners Absent: Gilbert Lasky Staff Present: Councilperson Nancy Gardner Library Services Director Cynthia Cowell Library Services Manager Tim Hetherton Public Present: Jim Mosher, resident Heather Katz, business owner of TKOart Councilperson Nancy Gardner stated that when City Council conducts the interviews for Committee and Commission positions they encourage people who are not selected to keep applying. She congratulated new Arts Commissioner Magrutsche on his appointment. Robert Smith introduced Councilperson Gardner. She is the City Arts Commission representative and is present at the monthly City Arts Commission meetings. 3) Public Comments – Mr. Mosher noted that on the first page of the June 13 minutes he felt it was unfair that the minutes were quoting his written comments. It would be easier to follow if the second sentence began “He said an item not included…..” and that way it would be understood that he’s speaking and that it is not the written comments being talked about. He found it hard to follow. Then later on the minutes alternate from the present tense to the past tense. Mr. Mosher commented on agenda Item B.1. Election of officers and appointment of commissioners to ad hoc committees. He commented that Ad Hoc committees are committees that are set up for a limited time for a specific purpose and when that purpose is accomplished the committee dissolves. If they continue to exist they are standing committees rather than Ad Hoc. The definition of agenda item B.2 Presentation of Sculpture Exhibition for City Council consideration is hard for the public to follow on the online agenda with the multiple pages, and DRAFT 2 it was not entirely clear on how they were put together. He hopes there will be some clarification on whether the Civic Green is ever going to be part of the sculpture area. It appears there is only concentration on just the area north of the developed Civic Center. He noted that on the page titled “The Inherent Magic of Newport Beach” in the packet, that Leed should be LEED. 4) Approval of Minutes Commissioner Greer noted that on pages 3 and 4 of the minutes under the Arts Foundation Liaison Ad Hoc Committee Item 5, lines 2 and 3, that the Rex Brandt oil painting is located at the City of Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce rather than City Hall. In Item 5, page 4, lines 4 and 5 the sentence, “The remaining sculpture at the old City Hall was discussed, and Chair Smith stated that the City was going to arrange this and is hoping that the City will consult the Arts Commission on plans for this piece.” should be added to the Fine Arts Ad Hoc Subcommittee report. Also, page 4, line 9 “The upcoming Hilbert event will be held in the Library on August 9th. It will be a small reception to thank Mr. Hilbert for his loan of art and will be catered and handled by an outside contractor.” should also be added to the Fine Arts Ad Hoc Subcommittee report. Chair Smith stated that he did make the comment about the sculpture and that comment should be put in the Art in Public Spaces/Historical Preservation Ad Hoc Subcommittee report. Commissioner Boller noted that on page 4 line 10, “….Mr. Hilbert for his donation…..” is a loan and not a donation. On page 3, Item 1. Art in Public Spaces/Historical Preservation Ad Hoc Subcommittee report “Councilmember Selich spoke with Chair Smith…..” should read “Councilmember Selich spoke with the Committee and asked to use Palm Desert’s format to develop the program ….” Page 3, Item 4. Museum Tour Ad Hoc Subcommittee “Commissioner Boller will find out and report back.” should be “Commissioner Greer ……” Page 4. Item 6. Publicity Ad Hoc Committee “Commissioner Trela will be the Editor……” should be “Christopher Trela is the Editor ……” Commissioner Goldberg asked about the timeline for agendizing items as it was discussed at the June 13 meeting under Item 6. “….. Future Agenda ……” and the possibility of going back to a single month since the City Arts Commission meets only once a month. Council Member Gardner noted that the minutes stand as written, and yes only one month instead of two is required to place an item on the agenda, if the City Arts Commission agrees to do so at the meeting prior to the meeting the item is being placed on the agenda. It was moved, seconded and passed (Commissioner Greer /Commissioner Boller) to approve the June 13, 2013 minutes as amended. Motion carried by all Commissioners present. DRAFT 3 5) Current Business A. Consent Calendar - 1. Cultural Arts Activities – Library Services Manager Tim Hetherton reported that the Hollywood U2 concert was a success with a proximately 1,800 attendees. He gave an overview of the upcoming events. Commissioner Magrutsche reported that car alarms went off due to the radio waves from the band. Chair Smith would like to thank staff and Commissioner Goldberg for their effort in making the concert a success. 2. Correspondence and Press – Library Services Manager Hetherton distributed individually addressed incoming mail to Commissioners. B. Items for Review and Possible Action – 1. Election of officers and appointment of commissioners to ad hoc committees. Chair Smith opened the floor for nomination for Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary for 2013/2014. He announced that he will not seek another term as Chair. He asked for a nomination for Chair. Commissioner Boller shared her thoughts before she nominated Commissioner Goldberg for Chair. She noted the roles and backgrounds of the City Arts Commissioners. Each Commissioner is a prospective Chair. There are seven Commissioners who may serve up to seven years if they choose. If a Commissioner serves as Chair for two years then that leaves the opportunity for only four Commissioners to serve as Chair. The opportunity for the others becomes dim. Other City commissions who don’t re-elect their Chair seem to thrive. Our Mayor rarely serves two consecutive terms and for these reasons she nominated Commissioner Goldberg as Chair. Commissioner Logan seconded this nomination. Commissioner Magrutsche nominated himself as Chair. Nomination died for lack of second. It was moved, seconded and passed (Commissioner Boller/Commissioner Logan) to elect Commissioner Goldberg as the City Arts Commission Chair. Motion carried by all commissioners present with the exception of Commissioner Magrutsche. Past Chair Smith turned the gavel over to newly elected Chair Goldberg. She thanked fellow Commissioners for their confidence in her and thanked Commissioner Smith for his work over the past years. Chair Goldberg opened the nominations for Vice Chair. Commissioner Logan nominated Commissioner Boller as Vice Chair. Commissioner Smith seconded this nomination. Commissioner Magrutsche nominated himself as Vice Chair. Nomination died for lack of a second. Commissioner Greer nominated herself as Vice Chair. Chair Goldberg seconded this nomination. DRAFT 4 Commissioners Greer, Boller and Magrutsche made brief statements of their expertise to serve as Vice Chair. Commissioner Boller and Commissioner Greer both received three votes each from the six Commissioners present. Another vote was taken. Commissioner Boller received three votes after which she bowed out. It was moved, seconded and passed (Commissioner Greer/Chair Goldberg) to elect Commissioner Greer as City Arts Commission Vice Chair. Motion carried by all commissioners present. Chair Goldberg opened the nominations for Secretary. Commissioner Boller nominated Commissioner Logan as Secretary. Commissioner Greer seconded this nomination. No other nominations for secretary were made. It was moved, seconded and passed (Commissioner Boller/Commissioner Greer) to elect Commissioner Logan as City Arts Commission Secretary. Motion carried by all commissioners present. Appointment of commissioners to the Ad Hoc Committees will be postponed to the August 8, 2013 City Arts Commission Meeting. Staff will work with the City Attorney on the protocol for Subcommittees and Ad Hoc Committees and will report back to the City Arts Commission at their August meeting. Commissioner Logan stated that the only Ad Hoc Committee that doesn’t sunset now is the Master Plan Ad Hoc Committee which sunsets in February 2014. 2. Presentation of Sculpture Exhibition for City Council consideration. Commissioners Logan and Boller made a presentation on the proposed sculpture exhibition for City Council consideration as detailed in the agenda/packet handouts. It was proposed that the exhibit be comprised of 18 pieces of original, high-quality sculpture which would be installed throughout the length of the new Civic Center Park. It would start at the very end of the Civic Green with at least one sculpture to help pull the audience back into the park. The sculpture pieces would be on loan to the City for a two-year period starting with an exhibition, dedication celebration of the May 2014 one-year anniversary of the new Civic Center. The contracted Public Art Coordinator/Site Manager would start the process of a public call for entry to the artists during August 2013 and would work with the City Arts Commissions - Art in Public Places Committee throughout. 18 pieces plus three alternative pieces would be presented to the City Arts Commission (CAC). Upon approval by the CAC the selections would be brought before the City Council for review and approval. The artists chosen would receive an honorarium of $2,500 and would be responsible for getting the approved pieces to the site at their own expense. The City would provide professional installation. All proposed art must be in compliance with the application guidelines as well as City policy I-11 Donation of Art to DRAFT 5 the City of Newport Beach, requirements for permanent or temporary art acquisition. The proposed project has a strong built in educational component which would include docent-lead tours for school children, adult reference materials and, scripted signage for self tours. More detail was presented as indicated in the printed handouts distributed at this meeting. Although an incomplete budget was presented, it was stated that theprojected total for this exhibition would be under $200,000. A PowerPoint presenting samples of sculptures was shown presenting an idea of what may be seen in the proposed sculpture exhibit. Chair Goldberg thanked the committee for their presentation. A question and answer period followed. Commissioner Smith noted the committee looked at other programs in other cities to help integrate ideas. The Civic Center Landscape Architect Peter Walker provided a site plan with ideas on where sculptures could be placed. This document will be used as a guideline in this project. Comments were made on the artist’s honorarium versus the cost to the artist for transportation of the sculpture. It was agreed that a line-item budget including insurance and engineering costs should be prepared. It was moved, seconded and passed (Commissioner Smith/Chair Goldberg) to move forward with this recommendation of the project as it is described and shown in the documents presented at this meeting with the understanding that further clarification is needed on legal costs, engineering costs, insurance costs, and alternatives to the budget. Commissioner Boller wanted to abstain from the above motion as she announced that she may be an applicant for the Arts Coordinator/Site Manager position. Library Services Director Cynthia Cowell stated that as verified with the City Attorney that no Board or Commission member may apply for this position until one year has passed since their last date of service as a Board or Commissioner member. Motion carried by all Commissioners present. The staff report for this project will need to be finished by Thursday, July 18 in order to be put on the July 23 City Council agenda. C. Monthly Reports – 1. Art in Public Spaces/Historical Preservation Ad Hoc Subcommittee – Commissioner Greer reported that The City Arts Commission will host a reception to honor Mark and Jan Hilbert for their loan of the Hilbert Collection to the City of Newport Beach. The reception will be held on Friday, August 9 at 6:00 p.m. at the Central Library. City Council Members and City Arts Commissioners will be in attendance. Gordon McClelland, writer and historian specializing in California history and art, will speak about California Scene Paintings from 1930 through 1960 relative to the paintings on view from the collection of Mark and Jan Hilbert. The invitations are being processed. Commissioner Greer thanked the City Council, Arts Commission/Fine Arts Committee and Library staff for their contributions. 2. Fine Arts Ad Hoc Subcommittee – Commissioner Boller reported that the City website Artist Only page has not been changed or posted yet. The subscription to “Ask Art” is not accessible as it has not yet been funded. The expanded Hilbert exhibition will be reinstalled around the DRAFT 6 first of August. Two more Hilbert exhibits are scheduled for November and February. Commissioner Boller asked Commissioner Greer to report on the Hilbert reception as noted in report above. Artists have been scheduled from May 2014 through April 2015. Commissioners Boller and Logan have met with Assistant City Manager Steve Badum to discuss the placement of art at City Hall. Staff will finish cataloging the City’s art collection and then the City Arts Commission will decide which art pieces will need restoration. Funding for this area of the fiscal year budget 2013/2014 was also discussed. An update of the art exhibition application submission was given. 3. Performing Arts Ad Hoc Subcommittee – Chair Goldberg announced that the last Concert in the Park held on the Civic Center green was very successful. Publicity and upcoming concert information were noted and discussed. An event manager and security for these events are now required. Chair Goldberg asked staff to prepare a final tally of the costs for each event hopefully by the next meeting. 4. Museum Tour Ad Hoc Subcommittee – Nothing new to report. 5. Arts Foundation Liaison Ad Hoc Subcommittee – Commissioner Greer reported that the Arts Foundation held their last meeting in June where they held an election of officers for the year 2013/2014. The officers are: President, Marie Marston; Vice President, Lila Crespin; Treasurer, Dan Weddell; Secretary, Carmen Smith; and Parliamentarian, Pat Jorgensen. Foundation members are planning a Gallery Event to be held in August or September. Art in the Park is scheduled October 12 on the City Hall Civic Green. Applications from 28 artists have been accepted and there is room for 72 booths. She gave an update on advertising, banners, and sponsors for this event also. The Arts Foundation announced at their last meeting that they are in the process of a Sponsor Campaign and have contacted several companies and individuals to obtain support for marketing and advertising. Chair is Peggy Spaulding and she may be contacted at Spaulding@pegasus92663@roadrunner.com. The next Arts Foundation meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, July 16, and Commissioner Greer will send a notice with the location once it is decided. 6. Publicity Ad Hoc Committee – Chair Goldberg noted that the Newport Beach Independent is running something about the Shakespeare event as is the magazine that Chair Goldberg edits. Library Services Director Cowell noted that Janis Dinwiddie has sent information on press for this event. Chair Goldberg asked if staff would forward this information to the City Arts Commission also. 7. Budget Ad Hoc Committee – Library Services Director Cowell reported that the budget was approved as presented to the City Council and can be found under approved budget in the City’s website. Chair Goldberg asked for this information to be included in the monthly City Arts Commission agenda packet. 8. Cultural Arts Grant Ad Hoc Committee – Commissioner Smith asked if rather than handing over a sum of money to an organization that maybe the City Arts Commission could share their thoughts in August for a more collaborative manner. It was agreed to bring it to a future meeting for discussion. 9. Master Plan Ad Hoc Committee for Visual & Public Art Installations – Commissioner Logan reported that this committee continues to look at the overall future and potential of Cultural Arts DRAFT 7 for the City of Newport Beach as a whole. They are also working on the inclusion of both the performing and visual arts for the upcoming Civic Center anniversary event in early May, 2014. 6) City Arts Commission Announcements or Matters Which Members Would Like Placed on a Future Agenda for Discussion, Action or Report (Non-Discussion Item) – August 8, 2013 Agenda: Discussion of grants to incorporate a collaborative effort for grant distribution, and discussion to finalize the grant application. City Council Policy I-11. Delegation of Ad Hoc Committee and Subcommittee appointments. 7) Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items – Mr. Mosher hopes that the newly appointed Chair will reconsider allowing the public to speak on items only at the beginning of the meeting. He suggested having the public involved in the selection of the sculptures in the park at a public meeting. He will make comments regarding this at the City Council meeting at which this item is being presented. He stated that Commissioner Smith was correct that if you want to have action and discuss something in depth it needs to be placed on the next agenda for discussion or action. Secret ballots are not allowed in Brown Act meetings. He commented that when an item comes before the Arts Commission that is not ready for prime time and it has a time constraint, the Commission has within its discretion the ability to schedule a special meeting to discuss a single topic; they do not have to wait a month if they wish not to. It was moved, seconded and passed (Commissioner Greer/Commissioner Boller) to approve adjournment of this meeting. Motion carried by all Commissioners present. 8) Adjournment – 6:47 p.m. Submitted by: _________________________________________________ Chair Signature for Approval of Minutes