HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 - Park Avenue Bridge Replacement Project – Award of Construction Contract – Contract No. 6155 (15R20) 15-1 NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CITY OF February 23, 2016 Agenda Item No. 15 ABSTRACT: The existing Park Avenue Bridge spanning the Grand Canal is more than eighty-five (85) years old. This bridge is currently rated as “Functionally Obsolete” by the California State Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) bridge inspection program. Public Works staff secured State/Federal Bridge grant funds to replace the existing bridge. Design plans and construction contract documents were prepared and recently advertised for public bids. Acceptable construction bids have now been received for this project and staff is requesting City Council approval to conditionally award the Park Avenue Bridge Replacement Project to John S. Meek Company, Inc. of Gardena, California for the total base bid amount of $6,326,030.00. Additionally, staff also issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for construction engineering/management and inspection services for this bridge project. After evaluating the proposals, staff is requesting City Council’s conditional approval to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Consultant, Fountainhead Consulting Corporation. The award of both contracts is conditional and will only be authorized for signatures after the City receives official notification of the Federal Funds. RECOMMENDATION: a) Approve the project plans and specifications; b) Approve Budget Amendment No. 16BA-033 recognizing up to $9,109,939.00 in federal funding from the Federal Highway Administration Highway Bridge Program (prior TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Fong Tse, Assistant City Engineer, ftse@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3321 TITLE: Park Avenue Bridge Replacement Project – Award of Construction Contract – Contract No. 6155 (15R20) and Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Fountainhead Consulting Corporation Park Avenue Bridge Replacement Project – Award of Construction Contract – Contract No. 6155 (15R20) and Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Fountainhead Consulting Corporation February 23, 2016 Page 2 15-2 year receipts of $451,270.45 plus future receipts of $8,658,668.55) and appropriating an additional $4,690,139.00 to Account No. 13501-980000-15R20 for construction and construction engineering management / inspection services; appropriating $50,000 from the General Fund unappropriated fund balance to Park Avenue Bridge Replacement Project, Account No. 01001927-980000-15R20 to augment funding for work items not eligible for Federal Funding; and appropriating $50,000 from the Water Enterprise Capital Fund unappropriated fund balance to Park Avenue Bridge Replacement Project, Account No. 70201932-980000-15R20 to include funding for water system work items that may not be eligible for Federal Funding; c) Conditionally Award Contract No. 6155 to John S. Meek Company, Inc. of Gardena, California for the total base bid amount of $6,326,030.00 and conditionally authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract after additional Federal Funding has been secured; d) Encumber a construction contract contingency allocation of $632,000.00, (approximately 10% of the total bid), to cover unforeseen conditions, work and quantities; and e) Conditionally Approve a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Fountainhead Consulting Corporation, at a not-to-exceed price of $845,000.00, and conditionally authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement after additional Federal Funding has been secured. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Funding is provided by a grant from the Federal Highway Administration administered through Caltrans on a reimbursement basis. In October 2011, the City received funding authority in the amount of $240,000.00 to begin design work. In January 2015, funding authority for design work was increased to $886,100.00. On December 28, 2015, the City received authority for the maximum allowable funding for construction and engineering management/inspection work in the amount of $5,284,186.00 for a total federal obligation of $6,170,289.00. Bid values exceed current obligation limits. After bids were opened on February 3, 2016, Public Works aggressively pursued obtaining additional grant funding based on the complexity of the project. On February 16, 2016, the City received notice additional Federal funding is tentatively approved, for a total anticipated federal obligation of $9,109,939.00. Final approval is expected in the coming days. By the start of this fiscal year, the City expended $697,806.08 on this project and applied for and received $451,270.45 in reimbursements. The Budget Amendment records $8,658,668.55 in additional revenue from Federal Highway Administration Grant BRLO-5151(026) and appropriates $4,690,139.00 in increased expenditure appropriations from grant funds. The revenue budget will be Park Avenue Bridge Replacement Project – Award of Construction Contract – Contract No. 6155 (15R20) and Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Fountainhead Consulting Corporation February 23, 2016 Page 3 15-3 posted to the Contributions Fund account in the Capital Improvements Program, Account No. 13501-431230. Costs will be expensed to the Park Avenue Bridge Over Grand Canal Replacement project account in the Capital Improvement Program, 13501- 980000-15R20. Additionally, the Budget Amendment appropriates $50,000 in increased expenditure appropriations from the General Fund and $50,000 in increased expenditure appropriations from the Water Capital Fund to cover expenses not eligible for grant reimbursement. Costs will be expensed to the Park Avenue Bridge Over Grand Canal Replacement project accounts in the Capital Improvement Program, Account Nos. 01001927-980000-15R20 and 70201932-980000-15R20. Funds will be expensed as follows: Vendor Purpose Amount Michael Baker Int’l Design Services $ 886,100.00 John S. Meek Co. Construction Contract $6,326,030.00 John S. Meek Co. Construction Contingency $ 632,000.00 Fountainhead Consulting Construction Engineering $ 845,000.00 Various Inspection Services, Permits, Incidentals $ 420,809.00 Total Grant Funding $9,109,939.00 Various Miscellaneous Items Not Grant Eligible $ 50,000.00 TBD Water System Items Not Grant Eligible $ 50,000.00 DISCUSSION: The existing Park Avenue Bridge connecting Balboa Island and Little Balboa Island is more than 85 years old and has received a “Functionally Obsolete” rating from State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) under its bi-annual bridge inspection program. Subsequent to said rating, staff applied for and secured 100% grant funding under the Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP) to replace the existing bridge. On November 24, 2014, the City Council adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND2014-002 for this project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. The necessary Permits and Conditions from the California Coastal Commission and the State Water Quality Control Board have been incorporated as part of the Project Plans and Specifications. Additionally, the United States Coast Guard is acting as the lead Federal permitting agency for this project so the US Army Corps of Engineers has withdrawn its condition for an Army Corps permit on this project. Throughout the design phase, numerous meetings with Balboa Island Association representatives, businesses, and residents from both Balboa Island and Little Balboa were held to seek input and address comments and suggestions on both the design of the new bridge as well as the necessary construction operation . Park Avenue Bridge Replacement Project – Award of Construction Contract – Contract No. 6155 (15R20) and Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Fountainhead Consulting Corporation February 23, 2016 Page 4 15-4 As a result, the project plans and specifications have included measures designed to address their concerns including:  The installation of a rented highway-rated full-width temporary steel bridge across the Grand Canal at Balboa Avenue for the project duration to ensure uninterrupted access between Balboa Island and Little Balboa Island for vehicles and pedestrians.  The placement of asphalt overlay pavement on the temporary bridge’s riding surfaces to minimize operational noises to the extent possible.  The deployment of “crossing guard” type traffic control personnel by the Contractor at the Balboa Avenue/Marine Avenue intersection full-time during peak season and part-time during off seasons to assist with pedestrian and vehicle circulation.  The temporary implementation of modified vehicle circulation pattern along some of the Little Balboa Island streets to achieve reduced traffic times for the residents.  The prohibition of material staging and parking vehicles by the bridge contractor and its operations on both Islands (except approved designated areas).  The requirement of providing uninterrupted driveway and garage access for the homes adjacent to the work sites.  The hosting of monthly meetings to keep the community abreast of the project status. At 10 a.m. on February 3, 2016, the City Clerk opened and read the following bids for this project: BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT Low John S. Meek Company, Inc. $ 6,326,030.00 2 KEC Engineering $ 9,743,380.00 The low total bid amount is substantially above the allowable Federal Funding and the Design Engineer’s Estimate of $4,471,237.00. A detailed review of the bids, discussion with contractors, industry professionals and Caltrans has confirmed the additional cost is a result of the extreme difficulty in constructing a temporary and permanent bridge at this compact site. The marine environment, the narrow and shallow Grand Canal, the dense site, the restricted and limited access, the environmental restrictions and the proximity to residences have all added to the complexities. Park Avenue Bridge Replacement Project – Award of Construction Contract – Contract No. 6155 (15R20) and Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Fountainhead Consulting Corporation February 23, 2016 Page 5 15-5 As discussed in the Funding Requirements section of this report, staff has aggressively pursued additional grant funding based on the complexity of the project. Additional Federal funding up to a total of $9,109,939.00 is anticipated. Final approval is expected in the coming days. Since time is of the essence, staff is requesting that City Council conditionally award both the Construction and Construction Engineering contacts and authorize the execution of the documents after additional Federal funding has been secured. In the event that additional Federal funding is rejected or modified, staff will return to the City Council for the appropriate approvals or actions including a request for additional funding or the possible rejection of the bids if necessary. The low bidder, John S. Meek Company, Inc., possesses a California State Contractors License Classification “A” as required by the project specifications. A check of the contractor’s references indicates satisfactory completion of bridge projects for us and other public agencies. Furthermore, staff understands that John S. Meek Company, Inc. has extensive experience working in the marine and heavy civil construction industry and with similar types of projects, features, and site constraints. Given the need to expeditiously complete this project so as to return the community back to normalcy at the earliest opportunity, the contract requires John S. Meek Company, Inc. to reach substantial construction completion within 225 working days. To achieve such a milestone, John S. Meek Company, Inc. is allowed to work extended daytime work hours from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. To further expedite completion, John S. Meek Company, Inc. may request approval for extended working hours (until 7 p.m.) on weekdays and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays for work that can be performed with minimal noise and at the same time provide meaningful production progress. Liquidated damages in the amount of $5,000.00 per calendar day will be assessed in case of unjustified tardy completion. When completed, the new bridge will appear essentially the same as the current bridge as requested by the majority of the Island residents. However, it will have slightly wider pedestrian sidewalks and traffic lanes over the Grand Canal; code compliant “switch- back” ramps and staircases at all “four corners” of the bridge connecting the Grand Canal promenade to the bridge sidewalks; a reduction of support piles to minimize the project footprint within the canal “floor,” landscaping at both bridge approaches to enhance the overall aesthetics; and new seawall sections at the bridge abutments. Additionally, staff also requested proposals for construction engineering management and bridge inspection services from professional engineering firms specializing in bridge infrastructure construction and inspection. Eight proposals were received. The City’s review team consisted of staff from the Public Works Department. Using Caltrans Local Procedures Manual for consultant selection, a detailed and exhaustive qualification- based selection process was undertaken. Each proposal was evaluated based on the consultant team’s project understanding, experience, qualifications, planning and Park Avenue Bridge Replacement Project – Award of Construction Contract – Contract No. 6155 (15R20) and Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Fountainhead Consulting Corporation February 23, 2016 Page 6 15-6 approach, construction ideas, public outreach plan and projected level of effort. Three firms were shortlisted for interviews. Fountainhead Consulting Corporation was selected by the review team as the most qualified and responsive firm for this project. Fountainhead Consulting, with specific experience and strategies for this project, scored the highest. A check of the references indicated a high degree of satisfaction and experience having completed similar scale work for various agencies throughout Southern California. Construction is expected to begin at the end of March beginning with the installation of the temporary bridge on Balboa Avenue. Completion of the new Park Avenue Bridge is expected in early 2017 along with the removal of the temporary bridge. In the coming weeks, staff will be working with the contractor and the consultant to develop a detailed schedule and work flow. Staff will also host a project specific community meeting prior to the start of construction to share these details. A comprehensive public awareness plan is being incorporated including 24-hour telephone number, project fact sheet, project contact cards, weekly updates to the community through email and social media, project website, and weekly and monthly community information meetings. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was adopted by the City Council on November 24, 2014. The MND did not identify any component of the project that would result in a “potentially significant impact” on the environment per CEQA guidelines. Specific mitigation measures have been incorporated in the Contract Documents to reduce the potentially significant adverse effects to a less than significant level. NOTICING: Extensive public outreach and community involvement was undertaken to develop and refine the new bridge concept and discuss the many aspects of the project including, the temporary bridge, access, construction staging and activities, etc. Several community meetings were held with Island residents to discuss and review the project. The project plans and specifications have been publicly bid in accordance with applicable governing contract law and copies of said plans and specifications are available to the public for viewing or purchase at the Public Works Department. This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). The Notice Inviting Bids was advertised in the City’s official publication and in construction industry publications. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Location Map Attachment B – Budget Amendment CRYSTAL AVENUE P A R K A V E N U E JADE AVE ABALONE GRAND CANAL S O U T H B A Y F R O N T AVENUE RUBYCOLLINSTURQUOISE AVE AVENUE AVENUEAVENUE SAPPHIRE AVENUE AVENUE DIAMOND CORAL AVENUE AMETHYST AVENUE AVENUE APOLENA MARINE AVENUE AVENUE ONYX P A R K A V E N U E S O U T H B A Y F R O N T E A S T B A Y F R O N T A V E N U E C R Y S T A L N O R T H B A Y F R O N T B A L B O A A V E N U E B A L B O A A V E N U E P U B L I C W O R K S D E P A R T M E N T C - 6 1 5 5 0 2 / 0 9 / 1 6 GRAND CANAL BRI D G E R E P L A C E M E N T P R O J E C T LO C A T I O N M A P A T T A C H M E N T A 1 5 - 7 15-8 ATTACHMENT B