HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 - Water Main Replacement Project - NOC and Acceptance of Contract No. 4920 (CAP14-0031) 6-1 NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CITY OF March 22, 2016 Agenda Item No. 6 ABSTRACT: On June 9, 2015, City Council awarded Contract No. 4920, Water Main Master Plan Replacement, for a total contract cost of $1,063,500.00 plus $100,000.00 allowance for contingencies. The required work is now complete and staff requests City Council acceptance and close out of the contract. RECOMMENDATION: a) Accept the completed work and authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion for the project; b) Authorize the City Clerk to release the Labor and Materials Bond 65 days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded in accordance with applicable portions of the Civil Code; and c) Release the Faithful Performance Bond one year after acceptance by the City Council. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Funds for the construction contract were expended from the following account: Account Description Account Number Amount Water Enterprise 7511-C6001000 $ 895,276.39 Total: $ 895,276.39 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Alfred Castanon, Associate Civil Engineer, acastanon@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3314 TITLE: Water Main Replacement Project - Notice of Completion and Acceptance of Contract No. 4920 (CAP14-0031) Water Main Replacement Project – Notice of Completion and Acceptance of Contract No. 4920 (CAP14-0031) March 22, 2016 Page 2 6-2 DISCUSSION: Overall Contract Cost/Time Summary Awarded Contract Amount Final Cost at Completion Contingency Allowance Actual Contract Change % Due to Directed Change % Due to Unforeseen Change $1,063,500.00 $895,276.39 10% or less -15.8% 100% 0% Allowed Contract Time (days) 65 Actual Time Under (-) or Over (+) 0 The Water Main Master Plan Replacement project (Contract No. 4920) addressed replacement of old cast iron water mains identified in the Water Main Master Plan for the Corona del Mar community. These were older water mains installed in the 1930’s that deteriorated, had experienced higher levels of line breaks in the past and have now outlived their useful life. The contract provided for the construction of new water mains, valves, services, and fire hydrants for Goldenrod Avenue, Marguerite Avenue, First Avenue, Alley 18-C and Alley 23-C. The contract was completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. A summary of the contract cost is as follows: Original bid amount: $1,063,500.00 Actual cost of bid items constructed: $800,450.00 Total change orders: $94,826.39 Final contract cost: $895,276.39 The actual cost of bid items constructed was 15.8 percent below the original contract amount. During the construction, the contractor did encounter unforeseen underground conditions associated with the existing pipelines, utilities and connections. During the construction, it also became necessary for the contractor to request financial assistance from their bonding company in order to settle numerous claims made by subcontractors and suppliers. As a result, Public Works and Municipal Operations staff spent an extraordinary amount of time and effort assisting the contractor to keep the project moving forward to completion. During the construction phase, the contractor also requested deletion of the water main work for Goldenrod Avenue and the Coast Highway intersection and Marguerite Avenue from the original scope due to staffing and financial issues which limited/hindered the resources needed to complete the work in a timely manner. City staff felt it would be Water Main Replacement Project – Notice of Completion and Acceptance of Contract No. 4920 (CAP14-0031) March 22, 2016 Page 3 6-3 prudent and beneficial to both parties to honor this request to delete the work as well as avoid traffic-related issues associated with the holiday season approaching. The contractor was substantially completed with all work by November 1, 2015, excluding the two streets mentioned above. However due to the Christmas holiday, street trench re-paving efforts were rescheduled and completed by January 18, 2016. The water replacement work for Goldenrod Avenue and Coast Highway has been repackaged and re-bid for consideration by City Council within a new project. Staff will look at options to rebid and complete the water replacement work for Marguerite Avenue in future water projects. A summary of the project schedule is as follows: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: City Council found this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301(c). This exemption covers the minor alteration of existing public facilities with negligible expansion of the facilities in areas that are not environmentally sensitive. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). In addition, the City Clerk will be filing a Notice of Completion for the project as a result of this action. The Notice Inviting Bids was advertised in the City’s official publication and in construction industry publications. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Location Map Estimated Completion Date per 2015 Baseline Schedule August 28, 2015 Project Awarded for Construction June 9, 2015 Contract Completion Date with Approved Extensions January 18, 2016 Actual Substantial Construction Completion Date November 1, 2015 6-4