HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-09_BVAC_Minutes_Approved CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BALBOA VILLAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Location: City Council Chambers at Former City Hall 3300 Newport Boulevard Wednesday, December 9, 2015 - 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Dixon called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. The following persons were in attendance: Balboa Village Advisory Committee Members: Diane Dixon, Mayor (Chair) Tony Petros, Council Member Gloria Oakes, Balboa Peninsula Point Association Ralph Rodheim, Balboa Village Merchant Association Grace Dove, Central Newport Beach Community Association Tom Pollack, ExplorOcean Representative Jim Stratton, At-Large Representative Staff Members: Brenda Wisneski, Deputy Community Development Director Benjamin Zdeba, Associate Planner Tony Brine, City Traffic Engineer Eric Loke, Associate Civil Engineer Caryl Bryant, Fiscal Specialist II. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS (comments limited to 3 minutes) Interested parties were invited to address the Committee on Non-Agendized Items. Jim Mosher asked whether there will be discussion at this time regarding Heritage signs. Staff responded that it will be discussed under General Updates regarding the Fagade Improvement Project. Committee Member Stratton commented on the importance of addressing the governing body overseeing the Parking Benefit District Funds in the near future. III. ITEMS FOR REVIEW 1. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 14, 2015 (ATTACHMENT 1) Recommended Action: Approve October 14, 2015 Minutes. Mayor Dixon opened public comments. Seeing none, Mayor Dixon closed public comments. Committee Member Stratton moved to approve the minutes from the October 14, 2015, as presented. Committee Member Rodheim seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 — 0. 2. GATEWAY SIGN (ATTACHMENT 2) Recommended Action: Authorize proceeding to construction. Deputy Community Development Director Brenda Wisneski presented a copy of the Gateway sign previously approved by the Committee. She reported that the Balboa Village Merchants Association (BVMA) had authorized the design as proposed with the consideration of adding electrical outlets and that the matter is being brought to the BVAC for approval and authorization to proceed with construction. Committee Member Rodheim provided a brief history of the area and commented on the name of the area, leaving it as it currently exists and the BVMA's agreement to move forward. Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski noted that Eric Loke with Public Works will be responsible for project management of the sign and that construction will likely begin in the fall of 2016. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of an earlier construction date, avoiding construction during the summer season, installation of the sign, timing for going out to bid, the logo, the possibility of getting a rendering of the sign in a "lit" condition, specifications, and the importance of making the sign "pop". Staff indicated it will bring back a rendering at the next meeting of BVAC, as an informational item. It was noted that the plan for the sign is approximately 90% complete and that developing the specifications is very important so that it coincides with the approved design. These will be part of the overall bid package. Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski confirmed that electrical outlets will be added to the specifications for the sign. Mayor Dixon encouraged staff to do what they can in order to expedite the project. Mayor Dixon opened public comments. Jim Mosher expressed confusion regarding the logo and the design and commented on the Fun Zone component. He asked whether there will be a designation regarding what constitutes the Fun Zone. Committee Member Stratton commented on outreach and on the identifiers for the area. He noted that the area is still known as the Fun Zone to residents and visitors alike. Committee Member Pollack noted support for the sign by ExplorOcean. Kelly Carlson commented on the current use of the BVMA logo and expressed a need for consistency. W.R. Dildine expressed support for the sign and the name (Home of the Fun Zone) but expressed concern with lighting. Mayor Dixon closed public comments. Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski reported that staff will return to the BVAC with a construction schedule and will attempt to streamline the process as much as possible. Committee Member Rodheim moved to direct staff to proceed with the monument sign, as presented. Committee Member Pollack seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 — 0. 3. PARKING METER AND VALIDATION PROGRAM UPDATE (ATTACHMENT 3) Recommended Action: No action required. Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski provided the staff report addressing the Parkmobile program and introduced Fiscal Specialist Caryl Bryant who will provide detailed information on the program. Fiscal Specialist Caryl Bryant provided an overview of the Parking Meter and Validation Program addressing the Parkmobile application, payment methods, the registration process, parking rates, use statistics, other Parkmobile facilities, setting up merchant accounts and validation. In response to a question regarding validation payments and fees, she reported that the Resolution approving the item, specifically states that the City does not absorb any costs; however, the City will be covering the transaction fee to utilize the service. Discussion followed regarding potential incentives and the need for a Parking Management governing body to address such issues. Committee Member Rodheim requested that Fiscal Specialist Bryant attend the next Balboa Village Merchants Association meeting to explain the program to merchants. He added that the Association meets the first Tuesday of every month. The next meeting will be on January 5, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. Mayor Dixon opened public comments. W.R. Dildine asked whether the program can be used for the residential permit program. Mayor Dixon closed public comments. Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski noted that the program can be used in relation with the RP3 program. Fiscal Specialist Bryant provided an overview on the various parking permit programs including the Balboa Village Parking Permit Program for merchants and their employees. Committee Member Pollack spoke in support of parking permits. Committee Member Stratton expressed concerns regarding employee turnover and the possibility of abuse. Fiscal Specialist Bryant recommended that the business owner apply for the employee to avoid potential problems of abuse. In response to Committee Member Dove's inquiry, Fiscal Specialist Bryant reported that people will still be able to pay the "old-fashioned" way. It was noted that this program will not apply to the RP3 area but rather will apply to commercial areas and meters. Kelly Carlson commented positively on the program and suggested emailing merchants with information. Fiscal Specialist Bryant reported that all of the information is online and stated she will email Ms. Carlson pertinent information for her to share in her email. Mayor Dixon commended staff for their work on this matter. Fiscal Specialist Bryant presented details of a permit program that will serve to encourage residents into the Village during the off-peak season. The program is only for Newport Beach residents. Committee Member Rodheim recommended issuing a press release regarding the program. Mayor Dixon offered to make a public announcement on all of the available programs. Staff will provide her with relevant information. Discussion followed regarding ways of determining City residency. 4. GENERAL UPDATES a. Fagade Improvement Program (Attachment 4) Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski provided an update on the Fagade Improvement Program. Discussion followed regarding Balboa Bike needing fagade improvements. Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski reported on the recent designation of heritage signs in Balboa Village. Mayor Dixon opened public comments. W.R. Dildine reported that the Gallery is no longer in business. Jim Mosher commented on heritage signs and provided a brief history of the matter noting that there was supposed to be a list of heritage signs but it was never developed or adopted. He expressed concern regarding other more iconic signs within the city as those not on the list have to be removed by 2020. Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski clarified that signs can be designated as heritage signs at the request of the property owner with approval of the Planning Commission. Mayor Dixon closed public comments. b. RP3 Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski reported that the application will be submitted to the Coastal Commission tomorrow and the Commission will have three days to determine its completeness. Mayor Dixon opened public comments. Seeing no one wishing to comment, Mayor Dixon closed public comments. c. Outdoor Dining Pilot Program Associate Planner Benjamin Zdeba stated that the first Outdoor Dining Pilot Program permit had been issued to Patty Macs Restaurant and he further noted that positive feedback has been received. Mayor Dixon opened public comments. W.R. Dildine inquired about permits for other outdoor dining areas. Associate Planner Zdeba noted that Code Enforcement is making every effort to educate the business owners regarding the program. Mayor Dixon closed public comments. d. Shuttle Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski reported that she will be attending a meeting with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) to review the application for the grant program. She added that the grant application will be due in February. As such, she will request input from the Committee to finalize details of the grant in January. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT Committee Member Rodheim requested adding an item to the Committee's next meeting agenda to consider the possibility of stringing lights across Main Street. V. ADJOURNMENT (Meeting End Time: 5:30 p.m.) The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Next Meeting Date: January 13, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. — Location: Bay Island Room, Marina Park