HomeMy WebLinkAboutRestaurant Association BID Agenda Packet Special Meeting 05/04/2016CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH RESTAURANT BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA 1600 Newport Center Drive, Suite 120, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Wednesday, May 4, 2016 - 9:30 AM Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Members: Jim Walker, President Ronald Schwartz, Vice President Dan Miller, Treasurer Joe Campbell, Director Sheri Drewry, Director Stephen Joyce, Director Mario Marovic, Director John Robinson, Director Christopher Roman, Director (Vacant) Director (Vacant) Director The Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Business Improvement District and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Mary Locey, Management Analyst, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 644-3031 or mlocey@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the City Manager’s Office 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA AND NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited on agenda and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. IV.CURRENT BUSINESS 1.Approval of Minutes Summary: Review the draft March 23, 2016 meeting minutes. Recommended Action: Board to approve the March 23, 2016 meeting minutes. 2016-0323-NBRA BID Draft Meeting Minutes May 4, 2016 Page 2 Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Meeting 2.President’s Report (Walker) Summary: Strategic Plan Update. Recommended Action: None. 3.Board of Directors Nominees (Peak) Summary: Review Board Applicants for Fiscal year 2016-2017. Recommended Action: Board to recommend to City Council appointment of up to eleven nominees to serve on the BID board for FY 2016-2017. NBRA BID-Board Applications-2016-0504 4.Annual Marketing & Administration Proposal - (Walker) Summary: Review proposal from Newport Beach & Company for FY 2016-2017, for Marketing, Communication & Public Relations Services and BID Administration. (handout) Recommended Action: Board to review and recommend the City enter into an agreement with Newport Beach & Company for the fiscal year 2016-2017 NBRA BID marketing, communications, public relations and administration services. 5.Reduction in BID Penalty Fees Summary: Board to review reducing the BID assessment penalty fee structure to align with the City’s revised Municipal Code Section 5.04. Recommended Action: Board to approve aligning the assessment penalty fee structure with the City’s Municipal Code Section 5.04. Municipal Code Section 5.04.260 6.Annual Report & Budget (Peak) Summary: Board to review annual report and proposed budget for FY 2016-2017. (handout) Recommended Action: Board to recommend NBRA BID Annual Report & Budget to the City for approval. NBRA BID Annual Report-Budget-FY2017-DRAFT 7.Marketing Report (Peak) Summary: Spring Promotions and New Partners. Recommended Action: None. V.BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) VI.ADJOURNMENT May 4, 2016 Page 3 Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Meeting   Page 1 of 3 City of Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes – March 23, 2016 Newport Beach Tennis Club 2601 Eastbluff Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. II. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Joe Campbell Ruby’s Diner Stephen Joyce Newport Beach Tennis Club Mario Marovic Dory Deli & Malarky’s Irish Pub Dan Miller The Village Inn John Robinson Amelia’s Restaurant Christopher Roman CUCINA enoteca Ronald Schwartz Muldoon’s Irish Pub Jim Walker The Bungalow Restaurant Quorum Achieved Directors Absent: Sheri Drewry Wilma’s Patio BID Administrator Present: Polly Peak Newport Beach & Company City Of Newport Beach Officials Present: Keith Curry City Council Member Guests Present: Gary Sherwin Newport Beach & Co. Doug McClain Newport Beach & Co. Katy Dennis Newport Beach & Co. Michelle St. Amour Newport Beach & Co. Kim Thompson Newport Beach & Co. Jordan Otterbein A Restaurant Nicole Hay 21 Oceanfront Sahara Orosco Fairmont Newport Beach Samantha Michaels The Winery Alexandra Robinson Sapori Ristorante Justin Brown American Junkie Colin Orange Coast Winery Judith Marquez Innovare Environmental Marcus Seiden Jardesca Jason Brady Jardesca   Page 2 of 3 III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA AND NON-AGENDA ITEMS None IV. CURRENT BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes President Walker requested a motion to approve the minutes from the January 27, 2016 meeting. Motion: Director Campbell moved to approve the January 27 meeting minutes. Director Schwartz seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Campbell, Joyce, Marovic, Miller, Robinson, Roman, Schwartz and Walker 2. BID Financial Reports President Walker reviewed the BID financials ending February 2016. • Tracking ahead YTD on Income and expenses. • Received restaurant week grant from the City. Motion: Director Miller moved to accept and file the financial reports. Director Joyce seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Campbell, Joyce, Marovic, Miller, Robinson, Roman, Schwartz and Walker 3. President’s Report President Walker reported on the following items: • Reviewed the Mission Statement and provided an overview of NBRA. • The NBRA is on track with the 2015-2016 Strategic Plan goals. • Suggested that NBRA allocate funds to develop a new strategic plan for the coming 3-5 years. • Reviewed the recommendations from the Membership Advisory Committee for the new NBRA BID structure and fee schedule. • The City will be accepting applications for the FY 2016-2017 NBRA BID Board of Directors. Applications are due to the city by Friday, April 8th, and the board will vote to recommend board members to the City at the next meeting. • NBRA needs to schedule a special meeting of the board on April 13th to vote on recommended board members for the coming year, review the annual contract for Newport Beach & Co. and review the proposed budget for FY 2016-2017. Motion: Director Miller moved to have the board approve the Membership Advisory Committee recommendations for changes in the NBRA BID stakeholder & fee structure to present to City Council for approval. Director Joyce seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Campbell, Joyce, Marovic, Miller, Robinson, Roman, Schwartz and Walker   Page 3 of 3 Motion: Director Marovic moved to approve a special meeting of the NBRA on April 13, 2016. Director Walker seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Campbell, Joyce, Marovic, Miller, Robinson, Roman, Schwartz and Walker 4. Marketing Report • Ms. Peak provided and overview on Newport Beach Restaurant Week: o Reviewed event highlights o Provided an overview of the event advertising, outlets, media spend and results o Reviewed the PR campaign highlights and results o Reviewed website stats year over year o Provided overview of the results from the market research conducted for the event o Reviewed the event metrics from the past three events and reported a 19% overall growth in the event since last year. • Ms. Peak reported an overview of what the NBRA and Dine Newport Beach has done throughout the past year. V. BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS, WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEMS) President Walker asked to have funding allocated for a new strategic plan placed on the next agenda for discussion. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10.40 a.m. The next board meeting will be Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at Newport Beach & Co. NBRA BID FY 2015-2016 Annual Report | Page 1 of 10 Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Annual Report As required by Section 36533 of the California Streets and Highways Code, the annual report of the Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District (NBRA BID) contains the required information as follows: 1. Proposed Changes to the District Boundary There are no changes proposed to the district boundaries 2. Improvement and Activities for the Fiscal Year of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 Mission, Values and Goals Pursuant to its Strategic Business Plan 2013- 2016, the NBRA BID will continue its mission through adherence to defined values and guiding principles with the following priority initiatives from the strategic business plan: Marketing | Promotion • New marketing and media partnerships investigation • Enhanced website/social media engagement • Targeted and measurable annual marketing strategy Communication | Education • Engaging investor outreach strategy and program execution • Relevant educational program development based on member needs • Ongoing calendar of events development Community & Stakeholder Relations | Education • Top Foodservice issues identification and advocacy • Clearinghouse set-up for charitable causes • Targeted and measurable annual communications plan with appropriate messaging Financial Resources and Administration • Updated rolling year strategic plan review • Aligned program of work and budget allocations • BID fee structure evaluation and approval • Board manual development NBRA BID Vision 2020 The NBRA BID is a strong investor and community partner marketing group extolling the city’s quality foodservice and brand experience. • Enhanced foodservice sector brand marketing • Increased communications of BID stakeholder benefits • Strengthened community and industry partnerships with higher leveraged results • Stronger selective communitywide foodservices event involvement and promotion NBRA BID FY 2015-2016 Annual Report | Page 2 of 10 Objectives 1. Promote Newport Beach restaurants and stakeholder and showcase the local culinary community to increase diner frequency and generate stakeholder sales. 2. Grow awareness of the Dine Newport Beach brand and the Newport Beach dining destination. 3. Foster the Newport Beach culinary community in order to increase restaurant, stakeholder and partner engagement. 4. Leverage the Dine Newport Beach brand and assets to generate incremental revenue for increased program marketing and promotion. Priority Initiatives The NBRA BID has identified and will work in Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-2017 to implement and exceed current and long-term NBRA BID goals and objectives through key activities to realize its vision over the next year. Brand | Dining Destination Awareness NBRA BID will deploy integrated online, print, broadcast, public relations and social media campaigns throughout the year during restaurant need periods, dining holidays and local signature culinary events. Website The NBRA BID website, DineNB.com, will add relevant content, improved imagery, additional dining guides, curated dining experiences and user-friendly navigation. Blog content will not only be provided by staff, but also by food and lifestyle bloggers and influencers. The website will strive to improve its search engine optimization best practices and focus on Newport Beach dining and restaurant keywords to index higher in organic search. Focus will be on keyword research, volume and competitor analytic tracking. Mobile As the majority of diners use mobile devices to explore culinary offerings and events, the NBRA BID will create an enhanced mobile experience for diners to easily search restaurants by neighborhood, cuisine, price point and location. In addition to user-friendly access to dining guides and curated dining experiences, the Dine NB mobile experience will be optimized for easy online reservation capability. Digital Marketing The Newport Beach dining destination, culinary promotions and events will be advertised with targeted paid search ads on the major search engines and social networks. In addition, the digital marketing team will leverage key industry and media partners to promote the Newport Beach dining destination, Dine NB.com and program messaging. Email The Dine Newport Beach weekly newsletter will deliver relevant information to diners in a timely manner. The newsletter will provide motivating content including culinary round-ups, dining trends, restaurant offers and promotions, and dining events. The NBRA BID will continue to focus on acquisition strategies to grow its subscriber list, as well as leverage partner channels to deploy program messaging. NBRA BID FY 2015-2016 Annual Report | Page 3 of 10 Social Media Trending culinary topics, images and video content on the existing social channels will drive followers and build online engagement. The NBRA BID will conduct strategic outreach to key culinary, travel and lifestyle influencers in order to engage with these personalities to broadcast to the larger social population and expand the networks. Media Relations The NBRA BID will develop relationships and grow engagement with food and travel writers, influential lifestyle bloggers and media professionals to ensure that the local culinary community, its stakeholders and their promotions and events receive editorial coverage in local, regional and national media outlets throughout the year. Advertising Marketing campaigns with fresh creative and messaging will generate consumer awareness and keep the Newport Beach dining destination, the local culinary community and DineNB.com top of mind in the market. Advertising will appear in a variety of media including online, print and broadcast outlets, as well as in partner channels. Signature Event The NBRA BID will produce Newport Beach Restaurant Week that not only promotes the participating local restaurants, but also positions Newport Beach as Orange County’s premier dining destination. Concierge Service The NBRA BID will provide a toll-free phone number serviced by the Newport Beach & Company concierge located at Fashion Island. The concierge service provides restaurant and dining recommendations and reservation assistance. Promotional Materials Marketing collateral will be created to promote DineNB.com and its comprehensive online dining guide. Collateral will be distributed throughout Orange County at airports, hotels, office centers and key visitor locations, as well as at a variety of local events throughout the year. Partnership Opportunities Open to individuals and businesses that want to connect with NBRA stakeholders and Dine Newport Beach Diners, the Partner Program will generate new income through partner fees, advertising and sponsorship opportunities. The NBRA BID will continue to develop additional valuable assets to leverage for incremental income. NBTV Messaging and content about Newport Beach dining will be produced in partnership with Newport Beach TV. An increased library of video content will be utilized to tell the story of Newport Beach as a dining destination and deployed through a variety of NBRA BID and partner channels. Industry & Community Relations The NBRA BID will support organizations and events that assist in promoting the local restaurant and culinary community. Support will include cooperative marketing, online and social media support, public relations assistance and promotion of events with local restaurant and culinary components. NBRA BID FY 2015-2016 Annual Report | Page 4 of 10 Stakeholder Communications The NBRA BID will engage NBRA restaurants, partners and local stakeholders with email and occasional print communications. The quarterly NBRA newsletter includes information on BID news and meetings, promotional opportunities, as well as industry information and events. Stakeholder Activities The NBRA BID will develop stakeholder events designed to engage and educate members on NBRA activities, promotions and industry issues. These events include neighborhood mixers, workshops and seminars. Civic Event Participation The NBRA BID will participate and contribute to a variety of local civic events including the Annual Newport Beach Mayor’s Dinner and the Newport Beach Police Appreciation Breakfast. Professional Relationships The NBRA BID will maintain a variety of industry relationships and memberships with, but not limited to, Newport Beach & Company, the OC Visitors Association, Anaheim/Orange County Visitor & Convention Bureau, California Restaurant Association and the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. Annual Meeting The NBRA BID will hold its Annual Meeting at a local business, where it will provide a review of the financial standing of the NBRA BID, review marketing and promotion results, discuss goals, objectives and programs for the upcoming fiscal year, and obtain feedback from the general membership. BID Marketing, Administration & Accounting The NBRA BID will contract with an appropriate, full-service vendor to handle all marketing, communications, public relations, website management, administrative and accounting services. BID Operational Costs The NBRA BID will continue to pay for all its operational costs including approved contracts, postal mailings, insurance, bank fees and other administrative expenses. NBRA BID FY 2015-2016 Annual Report | Page 5 of 10 3. The Cost of These Activities is Projected as Follows: EXPENSES TOTAL Advertising | Media $31,500 Event Marketing & Operational Expenses $55,000 E-Newsletter | Website Content | Bloggers $12,000 Digital Marketing | SEO $10,000 Collateral $7,500 Website Maintenance $5,000 Graphic Design | Branding $2,500 Social Media Promotions $2,000 Public Relations $2,000 Annual Meeting $2,000 Community Event Participation $2,500 Strategic Planning | Miscellaneous Expenses $6,000 Research $5,000 Marketing Consultation | Agency Fee $60,000 BID Administration $18,000 Operating Expenses | Insurance $12,000 Dues | Memberships $500 Total $233,500.00 4. The Method and Basis of Levying the Assessment Shall be as Follows: The benefit assessments will be collected by the City in one installment. Assessments shall be collected at the beginning of the fiscal year, and shall be pro-rated for new businesses that open during the year. For establishments with less than eleven (11) employees, the assessment shall be a flat $95.00. For establishments with greater than ten (10) employees, and whose business license tax is less than $600.00, the benefit assessment shall be equal to the City's usual annual business license tax as established pursuant to Chapter 5.08 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code plus an additional $65.00. For establishments with greater than ten (10) employees, and whose business license tax is $600.00 or more, the benefit assessment shall be equal to the City's usual annual business license tax as established pursuant to Chapter 5.08 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code plus an additional $145.00. The penalty for delinquent payments shall be equal to that established for delinquent business license fees pursuant to Chapter 5.04 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, providing that the penalty amount added shall in no event exceed fifty percent (50%) of the assessment amount due. 5. Surplus Carryover from Fiscal Year 2015-2016 The NBRA BID estimates that $37,000 will be carried over from FY 2015-2016 to FY 2016-2017. NBRA BID FY 2015-2016 Annual Report | Page 6 of 10 6. Sources of Contributions Other Than Levied Assessments In addition to the income received from the levied assessments and late fees, the NBRA BID FY 2016-2017 budget includes $40,000 in funds from the City. NBRA estimates receiving $25,000 in fees from participating restaurants for signature events, in addition to $10,000 in potential grant funding from the City for a signature event. 7. Accomplishments in Fiscal Year 2015-2016 FY 2015-2016 was a year of substantial growth and much success for the NBRA BID as it completed the following projects and initiatives: • In partnership with Newport Beach & Company, the NBRA BID continued development of the consumer facing Dine Newport Beach brand in order to market restaurants, foodservice establishments and the local culinary community to diners. • NBRA BID continued the development and ongoing maintenance of the NBRA BID website, DineNB.com, with stakeholder listing information, photos, menus, reviews and online booking capabilities. • The website was updated throughout the year with robust content and videos on the Newport Beach Culinary Community, dining guides, stakeholder offers and events, restaurant industry news and NBRA BID information. New online dining guides created for the website include: o Happy Hour Guide o Live Entertainment Guide o Group Dining Guide • NBRA BID executed three promotional campaigns throughout the year for destination and brand awareness to communicate the unique dining options available in the city. o 2015 Summer Campaign – Find Your Official Flavor of Summer o 2015 Fall Campaign – Feed Your Curiosity o 2016 Restaurant Week Campaign – Feed Your Inner Food Critic • Print advertising appeared throughout the year in a variety of media outlets with in-market distribution through subscribers and in local retail stores and markets, regional hotels and concierges, visitor centers, airports, timeshare and vacation rentals and luxury apartments. o Newport Beach Visitor Guide o OC Guestbook o OC Official Visitor Map o DiningOut Magazine o Orange Coast Magazine o Locale Magazine o Newport Beach Magazine o Laguna Beach Magazine o OC Weekly o The Daily Pilot o The Coastline Pilot INCOME TOTAL Carryover from 2015-2016 $37,000 Stakeholder Assessments ($150K Less 10% Uncollected) $135,000 Assessment Late Fees $6,500 City Funding $20,000 Event Income – Participation Fees $25,000 Event Income – City Grant $10,000 Total $233,500.00 NBRA BID FY 2015-2016 Annual Report | Page 7 of 10 • Digital advertising throughout the year helped to boost brand and destination awareness, as well as increased website visits. Online advertising and promotions appeared in the following media outlets o Google Display Network o Google AdWords o TripAdvisor o Facebook • The consumer newsletter boosted distribution to weekly to its diner subscriber base in order to keep the Newport Beach dining destination and NBRA BID stakeholders top of mind in a competitive Orange County culinary marketplace. The newsletter includes blogs and stories from respected local food and lifestyle bloggers, as well as timely information on stakeholder offers and local culinary events. • The NBRA BID conducted ongoing outreach throughout the year to food and travel writers, lifestyle bloggers and key media in local and regional drive markets to generate awareness for Dine Newport Beach the Newport Beach culinary community. The PR team hosted a national food media FAM group in October during the Newport Beach Wine & Food Festival, as well as (61) media at a reception to kick-off Newport Beach Restaurant Week in January. • Through consistent and strategic social media outreach on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, NBRA BID experienced tremendous growth in the social channels, as well as increased online engagement with consumers and stakeholders. • The NBRA BID outreached to key culinary and dining influencers in order to engage with these personalities to broadcast to the larger social population and expand the network. • The NBRA BID conducted messaging and promotion through its social channels on restaurant offers, culinary events, dining trends and restaurant information on a weekly basis. • The NBRA BID published a quarterly industry newsletter to its stakeholders that includes timely information on industry and association news and events, as well as promotional opportunities. • Through the partnership with Newport Beach & Company, the NBRA BID and Dine Newport Beach continued providing a toll-free phone number and live concierge assistance to diners seeking information on Newport Beach restaurants through the on-site concierge desk located at Fashion Island. • The NBRA BID and Dine Newport Beach provided promotional support to local culinary events including: o Balboa Village Fest – Taste of Balboa o Golden Foodie Awards o Newport Beach Wine & Food Festival o Balboa Craft Beer Festival o Newport Beach Film Festival NBRA BID FY 2015-2016 Annual Report | Page 8 of 10 • The NBRA BID produced the 2016 Newport Beach Restaurant Week with (61) participating restaurants. The event celebrated the 10th anniversary of Restaurant Week marking “10 Years of Good Taste.” The marketing and promotional efforts included: o Advertising – Print ads appeared in Orange County Magazine, Locale Magazine, DiningOut Magazine, Newport Beach Magazine, The Daily Pilot, The Coastline Pilot and Laguna Beach Magazine. Digital ads appeared online through the Google Ad Network, Facebook, TripAdvisor, Los Angeles Times Digital Media, GreersOC.com, Eventful, VisitNewportBeach.com, DineNB.com and OpenTable. Broadcast advertising appeared on 104.3 MyFM, KOCI, and Pandora. Out of home billboards for the event appeared in Orange County off the 405 and 91 freeways, in the Tustin Marketplace and banners were located throughout the city of Newport Beach. Paid and in-kind advertising generated over 6.6 million impressions. o PR Campaign – Editorial content, blogger coverage, calendar listings and a reception to promote the event generated (75) articles, (481) social media posts and over 519,000 social media impressions in media outlets In Orange County, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Inland Empire, Palm Springs and San Diego. On air coverage of the event appeared on the So. Cal Restaurant Show, KOCI, 104.7 MyFM and NBTV. The campaign resulted in generating 169 million media impressions. o Promotions – Over 100,000 promotional cards and posters were distributed throughout the local area in hotels, visitor centers, airport, apartment communities, at local events, participating restaurants and in City of Newport Beach water bills in December and January. Outdoor promotional signage and banners appeared throughout Newport Beach and Corona del Mar. o Email Blasts – Email communications went out through Dine Newport Beach, Visit Newport Beach, OpenTable and a variety of partner channels to over 640,000 consumers throughout LA and Orange County. o Results – OpenTable reported a year-over-year increase of 17% in the number of diners participating in Restaurant Week, making this the most successful Newport Beach Restaurant Week for OpenTable in the history of the event. There were over 176 million advertising and media impressions generated for the event. The overall event resulted in an estimated consumer spend of $3.1 million which is 19% growth over from the previous year. • The NBRA BID worked with the Newport Beach Chamber and Wake-up Newport to promote a Minimum Wage Forum to its stakeholders in October. • In conjunction with Dine Newport Beach, the NBRA BID created a Partner Program for individuals and businesses that want to connect with NBRA stakeholders and Dine Newport Beach diners. The Partner Program generates new income managed by Dine Newport Beach through partner fees, advertising and sponsorship opportunities. • The NBRA BID participated and/or contributed to the following community programs and events: Newport Beach Mayor’s Dinner, California Restaurant Association CEO Panel, Newport Beach & Company Annual Marketing Outlook Dinner and other community events. NBRA BID FY 2015-2016 Annual Report | Page 9 of 10 • The NBRA BID continued to maintain relationships with Newport Beach & Company, OC Visitors Association, Anaheim/Orange County Visitor & Convention Bureau, California Restaurant Association and the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. • Newport Beach & Company is under contract with the NBRA BID to handle all marketing, public relations, communications, website management and BID administrative services. • Accounting services were provided by the City of Newport Beach. • The NBRA BID continued to offer credit card processing services for members to pay their assessment and event participation fees online using a credit or debit card. • The NBRA BID conducted outreach and recruited new stakeholders to serve on the NBRA BID’s Board of Directors. • The NBRA BID held its Annual Meeting at a local stakeholder restaurant, where it provided a review of the financial standing of the NBRA, reviewed marketing and promotion results, discussed goals objectives and programs for the upcoming fiscal year, and obtained feedback from the general membership. Fiscal Year (FY) Operating Results During FY 2015-2016, $68,354 was carried over from FY 2014-2015. NBRA collected approximately $131,000 in stakeholder assessments and approximately $6,300 in stakeholder assessment late fees. The City contributed $20,000 as the third installment of a five-year commitment to support the BID. NBRA received $26,000 in participation fees for 2016 Newport Beach Restaurant Week, and a grant of $10,000 from the City in support of Newport Beach Restaurant Week. Total income for FY 2015-2016 is expected to be approximately $261,654. NBRA will spend by fiscal year end approximately $224,571 for approved activities, funded by the FY 2015-2016 income. NBRA's ending cash balance at June 30, 2016 is expected to be approximately $37,000 will carry over to FY 2016-2017. Conclusion The members of the Newport Beach Restaurant Association thank the Newport Beach City Council for its continued financial support and efforts on behalf of the NBRA. NBRA BID FY 2015-2016 Annual Report | Page 10 of 10 Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Operating Budget July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 EXPENSES TOTAL Advertising | Media $31,500 Event Marketing & Operational Expenses $55,000 E-Newsletter | Website Content | Bloggers $12,000 Digital Marketing | SEO $10,000 Collateral $7,500 Website Maintenance $5,000 Graphic Design | Branding $2,500 Social Media Promotions $2,000 Public Relations $2,000 Annual Meeting $2,000 Community Event Participation $2,500 Strategic Planning | Miscellaneous Expenses $6,000 Research $5,000 Marketing Consultation | Agency Fee $60,000 BID Administration $18,000 Operating Expenses | Insurance $12,000 Dues | Memberships $500 Total $233,500.00 NOTE: The NBRA BID has an amendment to its stakeholder categories and assessment levies before the City Council. Should the amendment pass, the NBRA BID would amend its FY 2017 budget as follows: INCOME TOTAL Carryover from 2015-2016 $37,000 Stakeholder Assessments ($150K Less 10%) $135,000 Assessment Late Fees $6,500 City Funding $20,000 Event Income – Participation Fees $25,000 Event Income – City Grant $10,000 Total $233,500.00 PROPOSED AMENDED BUDGET TOTAL Stakeholder Assessments ($210K Less 10%) $189,000 Advertising | Media $75,000