HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 - Insider's GuideJune 14.2016
Insider's Guide
From: Kiff, Dave
Sent: Thursday, June 09,2Ol63lB PM
Subject: Insider's Guide for Tuesday, June 14,20l6
Happy Friday and happy ^a|mnst'start'of-summer"toyou.
Here's what's on the schedule for the Newport Beach City Council meeting of Tuesday, June 14, 2016.
More detailed Council meeting information is at the end of this e-mail, and here is a link to the full Council agenda.
don't summarize every item onthe agenda.
Our afternoon Study Session starts at5.00 p.no.(versus its more typical 4:00p.m. start),and there are only ahandful of
items onthere:
• We'll talk about one way tnadd value tomooring permit holders — that being a"fnee"vessel punopoutprogram that
would enable permit holders tonot have togotothe pumpoutstations. Instead, they could call this service for a
pumpoutintheir mooring location. Could help water quality inthe Bay, too.
• As the drought has eased up (but wait, there's a La Nina ahead!), the State has changed the way it asks localities to
address drought. The State's new plan is to have us all "self -certify" and (ae|f-oe|ect)what actions wewould take to
conserve water. There will not be a 28% or 21% or whatever reduction mandate by the State, but we'll have to do
something based on our water supply sources and local wishes (I wish for longer showers again). We'll kick around
some ideas with the Council as to what might work well here in Newport Beach. Frustratingly, mygut sense isthat
rain forecast (not looking good there).
The nighttime Regular Session at 7:00 p.m. iselong one, but mostly justintemnsofthenumberofkems(notthe
relative level nfcontroversy about them). Items nfnote include:
0 Ratifying recommendations from the Finance Committee as to the private firm that would audit the City's finandal
reports as well as on a proposed new Council Policy that looks at how the Council would apportion year-end
surplus funds when that circumstance occurs. The suggestion is to roughly split the surplus half and half between
one-time capital improvements and retiring or saving up for long-term debt.
0 1 didn't mention this in the Study Session section, but there is a really complicated item on there about how we
might try and get reimbursement for uncompensated medical transports of MediCal-eligible persons. Whoa. |
almost fell asleep writing that.
m The Marina Park project comes back with its formal "notice of completion" meaning that the last box gets checked
off relating tothis impressive project. |tcame inunder budget and nnschedule.
0 An interestinQgrant'funded water quality improvement to the Santa Ana/Delhi Channel (that's the major storm
drain system that drains into the Upper Bay by the Peter and Mary Muth Center) is up for approval — it is a creative
way to help take out trash and other pollutants before that stuff gets into the Upper Bay. The City's water quality
committee has been working onthis with our Public Works staff.
0 The restaurants near MacArthur and West Coast Highway are interested in using the new improvements there for
some outdoor dining.
w Step #1ofthe two-step process for naming new appointees to Boards and Commissions occurs atthis
meeting. The Council may ratify the candidates selected by an Appointments Committee at this meeting, then vote
on the actual names at the next meeting. 8oards/conomitteeswith available appointments include the Board of
Library Trustees, the Building and Fire Board of Appeals, the City Arts Commission, the Civil Service Board, the
Harbor Commission, the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission, and the Planning Commission.
* Our annual budget is up for review and possible adoption at this meeting as a public hearing item. The budget has
been through the Finance Committee and multiple public sessions. General Fund revenues are at about $199
million, with expenditures proposed for about $190 million. If you're interested in the budget, please read the staff
report scroll to Item R23). It's kind of a long read, but I still find it pretty interesting to talk about. To me, there is
nothing more important that the Council acts on than the once -a -year budget adoption.
• For those folks who ask us"how do we know that the City will have enough water to accommodate current and
future residents?" (I do get that question a lot), there is a public hearing on 6-14 on the proposed Urban Water
Management Plan (UWMP), a plan that must be updated at least once every five years. If you're interested in this
issue, take a moment to thumb through the draft plan online here. This 6-14 meeting is not the formal adoption of
the plan (that would happen on 6-28) but it is a great chance to provide comments.
• An appeal comes forth for a residential project in Newport Heights. The address affected is 336 Catalina and 333 La
• Renewal of the two existing Business Improvement Districts (BIDS) occurs at this meeting, along with the
appointments of BID boards (Corona del Mar BID and the Newport Beach Restaurant BID).
• We'll ask for the City Council's consent to move forward on looking at ways to improve kids' bike safety in and
around Newport Heights (for starters).
• Council Member Peotter has asked that the Council look at a possible amendment to the City Charter relating to
incurring debt other than General Obligation Bonds as well as call at par provisions. That will be the final action
item of the evening.
• Lastly, acknowledging that our community has gone through a rough few weeks, we'll adjourn the meeting in
memory of We were all broken hearted to hear of the death of , a young man whom most of
us never met. Thanks to the graciousness of the family, we were able to learn more about him. I went
away from that visit ever the more sad that, while is in a better place, our community and his family needed
him on Earth a lot longer than his brief 8 years. What a neat kid. Ourthoughts and prayers remain with the
family, friends,schoolmates,teachers, our first responders, and our community as a whole.
Some notes:
• I'll offer our usual warning that summer is upon us, and lots more people (including lots of visitors) will be on bikes,
walking, driving, dashing across streets, not looking around when they cross intersections, and more. And Junior
Guards will gear up each morning and afternoon M -Th and head to the Balboa Pier as soon as June 274". Let's be
extra safe out there.
• Those of you who drive down Newport Boulevard should be getting more peace now, as the road is practically done
(it has one more final layer of pavement to go — right after July 4) and the landscaping is going in. My thanks to all of
you who have been patient with this improvement project and to our fine Public Works staff who helped get it done
before Summer crunch time.
• Lastly, a note of thanks to our well -skilled lifeguards, especially Lifeguard Captain Mike Ure (who recently
completed his 30`" year of service with us) and Lifeguard Officer Andy Matsuyama (a longtime seasonal guard who
recently was promoted into a permanent position), in the rapid response provided to ocean swimmer
on Sunday, May 29". 1 think all of us were stunned to hear the news of a shark bite off of our beaches,
and if you're an ocean swimmer on any regular basis, your world is still upside down. Mike and Andy's awareness
and immediate response, the location of their boat, as well as actions and her fitness level, likely combined
to save her life. We wish a speedy recovery, and offer our sincere thanks to Mike and Andy (who'd say
humbly that they were just doing their jobs).
As always, thanks for reading. Feel free to forward this e-mail to family, friends and members of your HOA if you
represent one. I always like hearing from you, too, so please don't hesitate to ask a question or offer a comment.
Dave Kiff
City Manager
d kill@ newoortbea chca.gov
City Council Meeting Information: The Newport Beach City Council "u m
| meetsonthe 2 and 4~ Tuesdays of most months
(the exceptions are August and December). Typically, there is Study Session that starts at4:OU p.m. Study sessions
are times for the Council to take a deeper look ata specific issue, orhear a presentation, that might eventually lead to a
specific and more formal action. Aclosed session often follows the Study Session. Closed sessions are typically to
address legal, personnel, and other matters where additional confidentiality isimportant. The Regular (evening)
Session typically starts at 7:80 pm, and often has specific listing of2O'40different items ready for formal
votes. Items on the "Consent [a|endar" are heard all atonce, unless Council member has removed (aka "pulled") an
item from the Consent Calendar for specific discussion and separate vote. If an item on the agenda is recommended to
be "continued", it means that the item won't be heard nor voted on that evening, but will be pushed forward to another
noticed meeting.
Public Comment iswelcomed atboth the Study Session and the Regular Session. The public can comment unany item
onthe agenda. If you want to comment on a Consent Calendar item that was not pulled from the Consent Calendar by a
Council Member, you will want todosoat the time listed onthe agenda — right before the Council votes onthe entire
Consent Calendar (h,sRoman Numeral XIII nnthe posted a8enda). |fanitem ispulled, the Mayor will offer that
members ofthe public can comment asthat specific item isheard separately. Additionally, there isaspecific section of
Public Comment for items not on the agenda, but on a subject of some relationship to the city government. If you
cannot attend a meeting and/or want to communicate with the City Council directly, this e-mail gets to all of
them: CityCouncil2newportbeachca.gov. Please know that | get acopy ofthat e'mai|,too, because inalmost all cases
it's something that the City Manager follows -up on. It's myhead'start.
The Council meets inthe Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive, off of Avocado between San Miguel and East Coast
Highway. There isplenty ufparking in the parking structure behind City Hall. You are always welcome to attend in
person, but you can also watch onTV(Channels 3/3l)oronyour computer.
This Insider's Guide is not an attempt to summarize every item on the Agenda —just the ones that seem of specific