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June 14, 2016
Written Comments
June 14, 2016, Council Consent Calendar Comments
The following comments on items on the Newport Beach City Council agenda are submitted by:
Jim Mosher (iimmoshernyahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949-548-6229)
Item 9. Minutes for the May 24, 2016 Study Session, Regular Meeting,
and Joint Meeting with the Finance Committee
The page numbers below refer to Volume 63 of tate draft minutes. The passages in italics are from the
draft with suggested changes shown in s*.�i it underline format.
Page 3: paragraph 2, sentence 2: "Public Works Director Webb stated the study provided a
better opportunity for funding."
Page 3. Item SS5, paragraph 2, line 2: "..., provided background on the Highway and
""a�'s Mariners' Mile segment, .. „
Page 3: paragraph 3 from end: Manouch Moshayedi stated Uber and
driverless cars were coming in the future." [?, is this based on a speaker card? The media
uniformly reported the recent purchaser of properties on Mariners' Mile as indicated, and
that seems how he introduced himself in the video.]
Page 3: paragraph 2 from end, sentence 2: "City Manager Kiff stated {# the area would still
be at Level of Service E with six lanes."
Page 4: paragraph 4: "Council Member Petros stated that businesses appreciate some
level of certainty in their decision making; however, he believed there was a complete lack
of certainty on Mariners' Mile ..."
Page 4: paragraph 5: "In response to Council Member Selich's questions, Public Works
Director Webb explained that the curbs would be moved #e on the insia land side of the
road, not on the water side, the sidewalk would be reduced from twelve to six or eight feet,
and the right-of-way would need to be obtained." [?]
Page 9: Item 6 (Establish a Trial Anchorage Area West of Lido Isle — Harbor Commission
Recommendation): Although the draft minutes don't get into that level of detail, I believe the
Council was assured that as a condition of using the Trial Anchorage every visiting vessel
would be required to submit to a dye tablet test to demonstrate they had a functioning
waste water holding tank system. From the subsequent Harbor Commission meeting it now
appears that statement may have been incorrect, and compliance with the request to test is
Page 13: paragraph 9 from end, sentence 2: "He suggested undergrounding be done
when the alley was is upgraded."
Page 13: paragraph 6 from end, sentence 2: "He noted that Council can still decide to not
form the district even if 50% or more voted in favor."
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Page 14: paragraph 1 after motion: "Mayor Dixon expressed frustration with the
n dissension in Newport Heights and believed that voting on the issue would
resolve the matter."
Pages 15-17: Joint Meeting with the Finance Committee: to the best of my knowledge,
these minutes have not been submitted to the Finance Committee for their review or
Page 15: paragraph 4 from end, sentence 2: "Finance Director Matusiewicz discussed
PERS limited eaFnin earnings which might increase the unfunded liability."
Page 16: paragraph 2 from end, last sentence: "He stated the Cityeeld should not make
irresponsible choices based on politics that were not financially sound." [?]
Page 16: last sentence: "He suggested extending the schedule for replacing docks be
extende and selling the hotel property."
Item 3. Resolution Authorizing the Temporary Closure of Selected
Streets for the July 4th Holiday Period
I appreciate that the City sponsors a fireworks show at the Newport Dunes, but the resolution
does not logically explain why visitors to "ocean front beaches between the Santa Ana River
and the West Jetty" would be expected to create traffic problems on San Joaquin Hills 'Road and
Back Bay Drive.
Item 4. Calling the November 8, 2016 General Municipal Election
The proposed schedule for reviewing the analysis and filing arguments regarding the Charter
amendment seems to end well before the due date for submitting the materials to the County
Registrar. Is there any reason the intervals couldn't be expanded to give more time for each
Attachments A and B refer to "the election of members of the City Council to represent the
Second, Fifth and Seventh Districts." This is incorrect. Until such time as Newport Beach
changes to district elections, I believe it should read: "the election of members of the City
Council from the Second, Fifth and Seventh Districts." City Charter Sections 400 and 401 call
for elections from districts, not by district. The representative elected from each district is
expected to represent the entire City, not just the district in which they live.
Attachment C, page 4-13, first paragraph ("B"). "The County will print and mail sample ballots
and candidate statements to all voters in Spanish and r hinesa English." [Is this a typo? The
following sentences say materials will be sent in Spanish and Chinese to those requesting them.
Why would we pay to also send translations to "all" voters, including those who did not ask for
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Attachment C, page 4-14, first paragraph ("3"'): "The candidate shall be required to pay for the
cost of printing the candidate's statement in a foreign language requested by the candidate
per (B) of Section 2 above, in the main voter pamphlet." [?? Section 2.6 says nothing about
candidates requesting translations. Was this intended to be a reference to provision A.2 of
Section 3 (the present section)?]
Attachment D: My recollection is the proposed Charter amendment itself (placed before the
electorate by Resolution No. 2015-44) was brought forward rather hastily in 2015, with no
committee review or study session, and with little or no discussion, let alone debate. At the time
I did not understand the haste, and doubted it was well -considered. It still seems strange to me
that a proposal to change the City Charter would be presented to voters with so little review or
vetting of the actual language. Rereading the action from May 26, 2015, it seems to me what is
being proposed is more of an amendment to Section 1108 ("Tax Procedure," which says the
procedure for levying taxes "may be prescribed by ordinance") or Section 412 ("Adoption of
Ordinances and Resolutions") than a new stand alone provision. If inserted as new provision, it
would seem to me it would more logically replace the "reserved" Section 1107 (which once
limited the taxes that could be levied without approval by three-fifths of the voters) than reserved
Section 1115 (which until recently had to do with registering warrants for payment of City bills).
The opening phrase "Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of this Charter" (such as perhaps
Sections 1108 or 412?) suggests how this change meshes with other parts of the Charter has
not been carefully thought out, and may force future generations to analyze the order in which
the "Notwithstanding ..." provisions were adopted (the most recent presumably taking
precedence over the earlier ones?). Finally, the cumbersome (and completely unnecessary)
legalistic style of repeated representations of small numbers ("at least five (5) of seven (7)
votes") is inconsistent with the style of the remainder of the Charter (in which numbers are
simply written in plain English).
Attachment F proposes to authorize just one Council Member to "file" an argument in support
of the Charter amendment. Does this mean the other Council Members are not authorized to
sign as co-authors?
Item 5. Senate Bill 272 - The California Public Records Act: Local
Agencies: Inventory
1. Near the middle of the second page of Attachment B, I assume "Biddging"s should be
2. In that section and the one following it, the items listed under "Purpose" actually seem to
be "Product" names, and no statement of their purpose seems to be given.
3. Some of the statements of purpose and types of data collected are so cryptic as to leave
a lot of guess work to the public. For example, what type or category of data is
4. The "Custodian Dept." (Police?) is not listed for Sungard ONESolution.
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5. Is this list really complete? For example, I believe Library Services collects patron
information through its computer reservation system as well as in connection with use of
services offered through its "eBranch," which I believe are separate from Millenium.
Does the City regard such things as exempted as a "cyber security" or "access control"
Item 6. General Fund Budget Surplus Utilization Policy
1. Section 1 of the proposed Resolution is missing a comma after "reference."
2. Section 2 is missing comma after "resolutions."
3. 1 find the policy presented as Exhibit A slightly ambiguous as to the extent to which the
determination of the exact amount of the Budget Surplus is left to the discretion of the
City Manager and to what extent it is the result of a wiggle -room -free predetermined
mathematical calculation (such as subtracting year end expenditures, encumbrances
and commitments from year end revenues). I assume the intent is to provide discretion?
Item 7. Adoption of Fiscal Year 2096-97 Appropriations Limit
The staff report is less than clear about how the Gann limit, and in particular the
"appropriations" referred to in it, relate to the City budget. I believe it is trying to say we
don't have enough tax revenue available to be mathematically able to spend more of it
than the "appropriations limit" imposed on us, but it's hard to tell what taxes and which
appropriations it applies to.
2. The second "Whereas' of the proposed resolution implies the California Government
Code contains a Chapter 1205. That does not seem technically correct.
a. The Government Code contains no such chapter. Division 9 (Sections 7900 —
7914) was in fact added by Chapter 1205 of the Statutes of 1980, with Section
7910 being last amended by Chapter 263 of the Statutes of 2007.
b. I would suggest: "WHEREAS, Government Code Section 7910 was added 4e ALY
Chapter 1205 by Statute of the Statutes adopted at the Regular Session of the
California Legislature in 1980;"
3. Section 7910 contains a 15 day noticing requirement, in advance of the adoption of the
resolution, during which the basis of the proposed determination is supposed to be
available for public review. I am unable to find anything in the staff report or resolution
assuring the public this requirement was fulfilled. Indeed, the last sentence of the staff
report saying notice of the meeting was published on June 4, 2016, might be taken to
suggest only 10 days was provided for public review, and that notice appears to have
only announced the proposed limit, not the basis of its determination.
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Item 10. Purchase of Command Post Vehicle
This staff report presents an interesting contrast to similar vehicle purchase requests from the
Fire Department, which generally include as an attachment what seem like hundreds of pages
of detailed component specifications. The present method seems to save paper.
Item 11. Approve of Purchase Agreement with Haaker Equipment
Company for One CNG -Powered Sewer Cleaner Truck
As Item 16 at its March 26, 2015, meeting (page 148 of the 183 page agenda packet), the Costa
Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors approved, for similar purposes and also relying on the
NJPA process, the purchase of a 6 cubic yard VacAll sewer cleaning truck for $329,618.22.
Since 6 cubic yards appears to equate to 1212 gallons, is the present proposal to order a
smaller unit (700 gallons) at a higher price ($498,636.64)?
It might be noted that CMSD staff chose VacAll over the Vactor brand (the City's chosen
vendor), and didn't even seek a demonstration from them, in part "because historically Vactor
trucks have been more expensive than their competitors."
The staff report is also unclear as to whether the "Equipment Replacement Fund" account to
which this is to be expensed is part of the Wastewater Enterprise Fund or part of the General
Whatever the source of the money, it would seem ironic if the Council is being asked to
authorize paying premium prices for equipment when we have been told the City's wastewater
effort has insufficient revenue to support itself.
Item 15. Agreement with the Laguna Beach County Water District
Being a good neighbor certainly seems like the right thing to do; but intuitively, assisting
LBCWD to use water pumped from the same source the City uses must have some affect on
the supplies potentially available to the City. Should this item perhaps be deferred until after
discussion and certification of the City's new Urban Water Management Plan (Item 24)?
Item 19. Request to Install Three Sidewalk Cafes along East Coast
Highway within the Newly Constructed Corona del Mar Entry Area
This staff report is curious in that it assures the Council (under Discussion on page 2) that "three
Use Permit Amendments to allow for outdoor dining were reviewed and approved by the
Planning Commission on June 9, 2016" — yet the report appears to have been prepared and
distributed to the Council before the June 9t" hearing took place.
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It therefore fails to inform the Council that with the hastily prepared planning staff reports given
to them, the Planning Commissioners were poorly informed of how these requests deviate from
standard Council Policy (primarily by the installation of permanent barriers effectively ceding the
public property for exclusively and permanently private use as if it were part of the abutting
private parcels). It also fails to communicate to the Council the one thing the Planning
Commissioners most wanted communicated: namely that they thought the compensation to
be paid by the applicants to the City for use of the public sidewalk (something City staff
vaguely thought was in the range of $258 per year) was wholly inadequate to compensate the
public for the loss of their amenity or to reflect its private value to the applicants.
It seems not very long ago that the Planning Commission (Item 3 on August 21, 2014) and City
Council (Item 13 on October 14, 2014) were considering the propriety of portable A -frame
("sandwich") signs along PGH in Corona del Mar, and considered them acceptable only if they
were kept strictly on private property. Now we allowing, if not encouraging, permanent private
usurpation of the pedestrian right of way.
Not only are we allowing the public sidewalk to be taken away, but we are giving it away before
even seeing how the $500,000 sidewalk expansion will work. In funding it, taxpayers were told
the widening would create a public gathering space. Permanently dedicating it to private use
severely restricts that potential. At the Planning Commission hearing I suggested the City wait
at least a year to see how the new area is used before making any decision about it. I think that
remains a good suggestion.
The only justification for these requests that I heard was that it allowed dining with dogs. Since I
do not believe dogs drink alcohol, my suggestion was, and continues to be, that the sidewalk
dining at these locations be limited to non -alcohol service. That would eliminate the need for
the barriers, allow the tables to be taken in when not actually in use, and generally free up the
public sidewalk when outdoor dining is not taking place (which is likely to be a substantial
portion of the year). I believe that not only serves the intended function but is much more in
keeping with the kind of use of the public sidewalk for outdoor dining envisioned by Policy L-21.
It should additionally be pointed out that, despite what the staff report implies, the Avila's
request has nothing (at least that I am aware of) to do with the recent sidewalk expansion at
PCH and MacArthur. It is, instead, a proposal to permanently barricade off a substantial portion
of a long existing nearby sidewalk, forcing pedestrians to walk over a manhole cover. It seems
to me this sets a very bad precedent for further encroachments into the long existing and
currently unobstructed sidewalk along PCH.
Finally, I share former Mayor Pro Tem Daigle's written concern that the sidewalk expansion has
been relentlessly promoted, and repeatedly voted upon, by a BID Board member who (as a co-
owner of the Bungalow) is clearly affected by it differently from the average citizen. To me, that
invalidates the entire process.
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Item 21. Annual Measure M Fund Eligibility Requirements
This report seems less than completely self-explanatory. For example:
Page 21-2 of the staff report says "Newport Beach will receive approximately $1.9 million
in fiscal year 2016-2017 for city street projects under the Fair Share Program." Yet the
table on page 21-3 shows a total of $4,842,000 under "Measure M Fair Share (12201)"
and a total of $1,958,500 under "Measure M Comp. (13501)" (a program that I am not
sure is explained).
2. It similarly asks the Council to certify that the City has complied with OCTA's
"Maintenance of Effort' requirement by spending at least $8,868,393 on street related
items out of discretionary general funds. But under "General Fund (010)," the table lists
only $7,764,900 for FY 2016-2017.
3. 1 am also not sure I understand the significance of programs with all zero entries. For
example, the second one on page 21-9 and the first on pages 21-10 and 21-11.
Item 22. Board and Commission Scheduled Vacancies - Confirmation
of Nominees
It seems worth noting that, to the best of my knowledge, at least some of the nominees have
never shown enough interest in the positions for which they are applying to have attended, let
alone spoken at, a meeting of the relevant body. I don't know if the question of their prior
participation was asked by the nominating committee, but I would think it might carry some
weight in considering their qualifications.