HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 - Auditor RecommendationTO: FROM: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report June 14, 2016 Agenda Item No. 30 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Dan Matusiewicz, Finance Director PREPARED BY: Steve Montano, Deputy Finance Director, smontano(D_newportgeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3240 TITLE: Auditor Recommendation ABSTRACT: Per Council Policy F-15, External Financial Reporting, Disclosure and Annual Audits, the City issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for audit services dated March 21, 2016, to audit its financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, with the option of auditing its financial statements for four subsequent fiscal years. By the proposal due date of April 5, 2016, the following nine firms submitted proposals: Badawi & Associates; Chavan & Associates LLP; Davis Farr LLP; Gruber & Associates; Lance, Soll & Lunghard (LSL) LLP; The Pun Group; Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott LLP; Vavrinek, Trine & Day Co. LLP; and White, Nelson, Diehl, Evans LLP (WNDE). After a thorough selection process, staff is recommending, with the concurrence of the Finance Committee, the services of WNDE for City Auditor. RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine that the action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because it will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; and b) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a contract with White, Nelson, Diehl, Evans LLP to perform the City's annual financial audit for the Fiscal Year 2015-2016, with the option to renew the contract for four additional one-year terms. 30-1 Auditor Recommendation June 14, 2016 Page 2 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: The 2016-2017 proposed budget, if approved, includes sufficient funding for the first one-year term of this contract while funding for the four remaining one-year terms is contingent upon budget appropriation each fiscal year. If approved, an annual appropriation of approximately $45,500 would be included in the Finance Department, Audit Services account (01030302-811007). The total compensation over the four-year period for the City's annual audits shall not exceed $241,565 as reflected in the table below. Audit for Fiscal Year: Cost: 2015-16 $45,500 2016-17 $46,865 2017-18 $48,270 2018-19 $49,720 2019-20 $51,210 Total 5 Year Cost $241,565 DISCUSSION: Proposals were submitted in two parts, including a written technical proposal and a separate sealed dollar cost bid. Under the coordination of the Accounting Manager, proposals were reviewed and scored by a three-person Audit Selection Committee comprised of the Finance Director, the Deputy Finance Director and the Accounting Manager. The written technical proposals were reviewed and scored by the Committee before the sealed dollar cost bids were opened and scored. Staff evaluated each firm's proposals based on the following criteria: • Providing consulting services related to auditing, with an emphasis on government accounting and auditing of entities with at least the size and complexity of Newport Beach. • Quality, background, reputation, credibility and experience of the firm. • Quality of the staff with emphasis placed on educational background, time spent in the field, and valid certifications possessed by the project team members. • Practices and procedures used to carry out the requested services according to the City's expectations. 30-2 Auditor Recommendation June 14, 2016 Page 3 While all firms met the minimum qualifications, based on the technical content of the proposals, the quality and experience of the proposed engagement staff, comparable and prestigious clients, and other intangibles; the Audit Selection Committee rated WNDE as the top technical proposer as indicated below. Sealed dollar cost bids were then opened, and revealed annual cost as indicated below. Firm Annual Price Technical Score White Nelson Diehl Evans $45,500 97.0 Davis Farr, LLP $43,000 96.0 Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott $47,650 91.0 LSL $52,630 90.0 Gruber & Associates $37,000 89.5 Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co. $63,000 85.5 The Pun Group $43,500 72.0 Badawi & Associates $45,990 66.5 Chavan &Associates $35,000 61.0 Average $45,919 83.2 LSL was not considered due to the recent alleged embezzlement disclosure in the City of Placentia where LSL is currently engaged as the City Auditor. Allegations of this nature tend to damage the reputation and credibility of an auditor. Since auditors are hired to lend credibility to the City's financial statements, staff decided it was best not to consider LSL further, under the current circumstances. Due to the lower technical scores assigned to Pun, Badawi and Chavan relative to the other firms, staff did not advance these three firms for further consideration. After obtaining additional information by conducting an extensive reference check on the remaining firms, staff narrowed their selection consideration to Davis Farr and WNDE. Both reputable firms have municipal audit expertise, staff expertise, and the ability to provide high-quality consulting and tax expertise. While either firm would make a great choice, staff selected WNDE because of its longevity and reputation, having provided services to governments for over 80 years, including to the City of Newport Beach for the past five. The specific knowledge WNDE has about the City and its operations will enhance the quality of the audit. WNDE will be able to identify and focus on specific risk areas and will reduce audit costs as staff will not spend time training the firm on the operations of the City. To maintain audit quality and auditor independence, WNDE proposed to rotate the audit partner and audit supervisor for this second engagement term with the City. Davis Farr is a newly reconstituted firm of seasoned professionals who for the most part worked for Mayer Hoffman McCann (MHM). This firm no longer participates in the local government audit marketplace. MHM was engaged with the City of Bell at the time that the financial corruption scandal emerged there in 2010. While Davis Farr staff consists of highly experienced government audit professionals, staff believes that having a few more years as an established firm would make it more attractive. The Finance Committee concurred with staff's recommendation on June 2, 2016 30-3 Auditor Recommendation June 14, 2016 Page 4 The Government Finance Officers' Association (GFOA) best practices recommend governmental entities should enter into multiyear agreements of at least five years in duration when obtaining the services of independent auditors. Such agreements allow for greater continuity and help to minimize the potential for disruption in connection with the independent audit. Multiyear agreements can also help to reduce audit costs by allowing auditors to recover certain "startup" costs over several years, rather than over a single year. If approved, the WNDE contract would represent a second five year period. This is permissible under Council Policy F-15 "External Financial Reporting, Disclosure & Annual Audits" but this policy requires mandatory auditor rotation after ten consecutive years. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENT: Attachment A - Professional Services Agreement 30-4 Attachment A Professional Services Agreement 30-5 RROFEIEISIONAll EIE F % ICE EI AGREEME IS T W17H WF 118, NEI11.151Oh, DIEHL, 8VANS LUR ROF PROPHE191ONAll AUDIT SERVICES 1 F 19 RF OFE991O1` /IL EIER\� IOESS AGREEMEP 11 ("Agiieemeni ") is made .and en-laiied into as oil this '141h darl of JLine, 20'16 ("Eflecclive Date"), by and between the C MY OF NEVI FICIR-I E BACH, a Calilornia mUnicipal corporation and charier city ("G-111"), and WH17E, N BL9ON , 1118FL, EIVANEI LLP, a Caliilonnia limited liabili-ly partnership ("Consu1-1ant "), whose addiiess is 2875 N ichelle ❑riive, 9uite 300, Irvine, C alilonnia 92606, and is made with rie-lerience io the lollowin( : Mill AUS A. City is a municipal corporation duly onganized and validl)l exisilinc unden ilf a laws of the State of California with the power to a aiiry on its b is iness as it is now being conducted unden -11 a siatuie, oil -II a Silate of Calilonnia and the C1 ar eii of City. E , City deshes io engage Oonsul-lanil Io provide piiolessional aLidii services ("Flnoject"). CI. Consulilani posses ses the skill, expenience, ability, bah ( pound, cedilication and knowledge -lo provide the professional services described in chis Agneement. 11. Ciily has soliciiled and neceived a pnaposal from Clonsultan'l, has reviewed the pneviOLis expenience and evaluated ilhe expo r1 ise of Clonsullanil, and des ines to retain Con, uliant to iienden p nofessional services under the terms and cor diiions set 1lorlh in this Agneement. NOW, 11HEREROF 8, it is muivall)l agreed by and betvleen the undeiisigned parties as ilollows : 1. TE RN The ienm oil this Agneement shall commence on the .8flective Date, and shall terminate on June 13, 202 1, unles,, terminated earlier as sell for t henein. 2. SUR% KISS TO 88 PE RFOF N HEI Consultant s[all diligently perionm all the services de: cnibed in the Scope o-1 9ertiices attached f ereto as 9xhiL it A ar d incoiiporaied heriein by rie-leiier ce ("Services" oii "Wonk"). C1ilJ1 may elect -lo delete aerain Services within the Scope oil Services ai i-ls sole discretion. 3. TIMES OF PERROF MANCH 3.'I -lime is oil the essence in the performance of SeRlices under this Agiieemeni and Consultant shall perlonm the Elerviaes in acaordance with the schedule included in 9x1 ibit A. In t1 a abs ence oil a sfi ecillic scl edule, the 9ermices : hall be .OM perfonmed to completion in a diligent and timely manneii. The -lailune b)l Consultant to strictly ad[ ene to the schedule set north in Exhibit A, it any, or perionm the Sler%iices in a diligent and timely manner may nesult in -lenmination of this Agreement by City. 3.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, Clonsultant s hall not be nesponsit le -fon dela)ls due -lo causes beyond Clonsultant's neasonable contnol. F oweveu, in tl a case oil any such delay in the Services to be provided for the Project, each party hereby agrees to pnovide notice will in two (2) calendaii clays of the oaa unrence caul ing 1:1 e delay to tl e other par y s o tl at all dela) lo can be add nessed. 3.3 Clonsultan-1 shall submit all nequests fou extensions oil lime fou performance in wniting to the FInoject Administrator m defined henein no laden than filen (10) calendan clays aflen the s-Iari of the condition that punporedly causes a delay. The Project Administnaton shall neview all such negluests and may grant neasona ble time extensions ion urrloneseeat le delays tl at a ne beyond Cla nsultan-I's aontrol. 3.4 Ron all lime peuiods not s peci-licall)l set ilodh henein, Consultant stall nesq and in the most exp edienI and appnopniate mannen under tl e Circumstances, by l and-deliver�l or mail. 4. COMRBNSA71ON TO CONSUL11ANT 4.1 GI)l shall pay Clonsultant 'Ion the 9enilaes an a time and expense not -to - exceed basis in accondance wiilh the pnovisions of this Election and the Schedule oil Eilling Rales atilaahed hereto as Bxl ibis ® and inaornorated herein b)l ueilenenae. Clansultant's compensa-lion fou all Woo perionmed in accouclance will 'Il is Agneement, including all neimbursable items and sut consultant fees, shall not exceed Twa H undried Far y One llhausanc Five H unc ned 1liwly Five Dallars and OOA,100 ($241,565.00), witl out prion wnitlen aulhoniaalion ilrom City. IN o billing nate changes sl all be made clurin g tl a tenm oil -Il is AgueemenI wilhout the puion written appnoval oil City. 4.2 Clonsullant shall submit monthly invoices to City descnibing the Wonk perfourn ed the preceding rn onth. Consultant's bills sl all include the name of the penson wl o nerfa rimed the Ut ouk, a bnie-1 descniption of the 9eruices periormed anon the speci-lic task in the clIcopa o1 9ervrices to which it relates, the date the :lerviiaes were perfonrn ed, the n umt eu of hours spend on all Work billed on an t ounly basis, and a description of any reirn bunsable expenditunes. City shall pay Consultant no laten than thir y (30) calendar days after appnoval of the monthly inva ice b)l City slafl. 4.3 Clit)l shall neimbunse Clonsultant only fou those costs on expenses speci-licall)l idenlilied in Exhibit Bio this Agreement on specilica Ily anproved in writing in advance t y Ciiy. 4.4 Consullan-1 shall not receive any aomnensation for Elxtra Wonk perionmed witl out the pnior wui-lten a uthouization oil Clity. PIs used henein, "axtna VI on[ " means any Wonk that is detenmined by Cit)l to be necessar�l floe the propen corn pletion of the Rroject, but which is not included within the Scope oil Sermices and which the parties dict not neasonably anticipate would be necessar�l at the execution oil this Agneement. "I ite, Nelson, Diehl, Evans L ILR Rage I 30-7 Compensation fon any authorized Extra Wonk shall t e paid in accordance wit[ the Schedule o-1 Billing Rates as s et for h in Exhibit B. 5. RROJEC7 MANAGER 5.1 Consullant shall designate a Fnoject Manager, who shall coordinate all p hases of the Pnojeci. l [ is Pnoject N ana gen shall be available to City at all reason able times during the /Igneemenl term. Cons uliant has da signa ted Roben J. Callanan to be its Pnoject Managen. Clonsuliant s[ all not Remove on neassig n the Rrojec-1 Manager or any pensonnel listed in Bx[ ibit 11 on assign any nevi on replacement peri onnel to the Rnoject wit[ out the prior wnitten consent of Clity. Clity's appnoNial shall not be unneasonably withheld with nespecil to Iha nemoval on assignment of non -keel pensonnel. 5.2 Consullanl, at the sole discretion oI Clity, s hall ne move room the Rnoject any oil its pensonnel assignEid to the pedonmance oil Serviices upon Vini0en Request of City. Consulilanl warnants that ii will continuously furnish the necessaryl pensonnel to complele the Rrojecl on a timely bas is as contemplated bbl this Agneemeni. 5.3 If Clonsultanl is perfonming inspection serviiaes Ion Clity, the Fnoject N ana gEin and any othen assigned staff stall be equipped wit[ a cEillulan phone to communicate with City slafil. The Pnojeci Managen's cellulan p[ one number shall be p novided to City. 6. ADMIN ISTRA1 ION 1 [ is Agreement will be administered by the Rinance E epari meal. Ciiy's Rina nce Directon or des iglnee sl all be the Pnojeci pldminislnaton and s[ all [ ave the authonity to act far Clity undam this AgneemEmi. l I e Rnoject Admin istnaton shall nepnesent City in all n at -le ns per aining to the Services to be nendened purs uan t to this Agreen ent. 7. C117Y'S REJRON 31BIL1I11113S to assist Consultant in the execution oil its nEisponsibilities Linden -I[ is Agreement, City. agrees to pnovide access to and upon negUest oil Consultant, one copy oil all eA ling relevant infonmailion on file at City. City will pnovide all such matenials in a timely manners so as nol to cause dEilays in Consultant's Work schedule. 8. STANDARD OF CARE 8.1 All of the 11:Ienflaes shall be performed by Clonsultant on unden ClonSLiltant's supervision. ClonSLiltanl nepnesents t1al it possesses the pnoilession al and technical pensonnel requined to perlonm the Seniices nequined bbl ilhis Agreement, and that it will perfonm all Services in a manner commensurate with commUniiy pnofessional standands and with tha ondinaN degnee of skill and cane thal woUld be used bbl other reasonably competent pnaclitionens of the same discipline under similar cincumslanaes. All Serviices shall be perlonmed [ y qualiilied and experienced pens a nnel who ane no -t employed by City. Ely delivEiny o1 comp leted Wonk, Cons uliant cer ifies that the Won[ W[ ite, Nelson, I iehl, Evans LL_FI _ Page 3 o :j cor forms to the iiequiremenis of this Agreement, all applicable - ederal, sia-le and local laws, and legally recognized professional standards. 8.2 Consultant rep lies enis and warrants to City that it has, shall obtain, and shall keep in full force and efleat during the term hereol, at its Sole cosi ar d expense, all licenses, permi-Is, qualillications, insurance and approvals of wl aisoever nature that is legally iiequired oll Cor suhlant to pracilice its procession. Cons ullar 1 shall maintain a Ci-ly of E ewporl Beach business license dining the term of this Agneement. 8.3 Cons ullant shall not be nes pons ible fon delay, nor shall Clonsultant be responsible fon damages on be in defaul-1 on deemed to t e in dellatill by reason of s-lrikes, Io6 ouils, accidents, acts of God, or the failure of Ci-ly to furnish timely inllonmalion or to ap piiove or disapprove Consultant's WorN promptly, or delay oii -lauliy pedonmance by City, aon-lnacilons, on governmental agencies. 9. FOLD HAFN LESS 9A I l o the fullest exten-1 penmitted by law, ClonSLiltani shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Ciiy, i-ls Clity Council, boards and commissions, officers, agents, volLinteens and employees (collectively, the "Indemnified Flar ies") room and agains-1 any and all claims (including, without limitation, claims fon bodily injur)j, death on damage to pnoperiy), demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes o-1 ac -lion, suits, losses, judgments, tines, penallies, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, wilhaui limiilation, attorneys' fees, disbursements and tour costs) of everyl f ind and nailune whatsoeveii (individually, a Claim; collectively, "Claims"), which may arise from or in any manner uelale (directly oii indirectly) ilo any bneaah oil ire lenms and conditions of this Agreement), any Wonk nerfonmed or Serviaes grbvided under chis Agreement) including, wilhoutl limitatlion, defects in wonkmans hip on maienials on Consultant's pnesence or activities condUcled on the Pnojeci (including the negligent, reckless, andilon wilHul acus, ennons and/or omissions of Cla nsultant, its pnincipals, officens, agents, employees, vendors, suppliers, consultants, subconinacions, anyone employed directly on indirectly by any olihem or for wf ose acts Ihey may be fiat le, on any or all of Them). 9.2 No-Wifl slanding the -onegloing, noll ing heneir shall be constnued to requine Consultant to indemnify the Indemnified Radies from any Claim anising room the sole negligence or willful misaonduct of the Indemnilied Par ies. Nothing in this indemnity sl all be conslnued as authonizing any award of attorneys' lees in any action on on to en-lonce the teams of this Agreemenl. This indemnify shall apply to all claims and liabilitly regandless of whelhen any insurance policies are applicable. -Ihe policy limits do noel act as a limitation Ripon the amount ofl indemnillication to be provided by Consull1anl. 1( . IN UERENDEN I C ON 1 FACTOR It is underslood -II all City retains Clonsultan-1 on an independent con-Iraclor basis and Clonsul-lani is not an agent on employee oll Cify. The manner and means of conduating the Wort are unden the control o- Cons ullant, except to the e)rtenl they ane While, Nelson, Diehl, Evans LLR Page z 30-9 limiied I: y stailute, rule oil uegulation and the expuessed -lenms ofl this plgneemenil. N o civil service stailus on othen riglht oil employment shall accrue to Consullanl on its employees. nothing in Il is Agiieemen-1 shall le deemed to consliiu-le approval -Ion Clonsultanl or any of Cons ullani's employees or agen-ls, io be the agenils or employees oil Ciily. Clonsultan'l shall have the responsibility fou and conilrol oven the means of perlo iming -If• a \A onl , provided ilhal Clonsultant is in corn pliance vilth the -lenms ofl this plgneemeni. Anything in -11 is Agreement that may apps au 10 give Clity ilhe righl 10 dinect Clonsultanl as to -l[ a delails oil the perfoiimanae of the Work or io exercise a measune of conlnol over Consulilanl shall mean only that Consuliani shall follow the desines o-1 Ciiy with iiespect to the results o-1 the SeRiices . 11. COORERAlION Consultant agrees 10 wor6 closely and coopenate 'lull)l v+iith City's designa-led F nojecl Administna'lon and any oihen agencies ihat may have jurisdiction or irrlenest in -11 e Wonk to be performed. Cily agrees to coopenale with the Clonsul-lani on ilhe Pnojecl. 13. CIT4 ROLICY Consullanl shall discuss and review all mailers nelaiing to policy and Piiojeci lineation wil1h Clity's F nojeat pl(lministnalor in advance of all cnilical decision points in ondeu 10 a nsune the Flnojeat proceeds in a mannen consisileni wiilh City goals and policies. 13. RROGRES.I Consultant is nes pon s ible -Ion keeping the F roje& Adminisilraion inilonmed on a negulan basis regarding the s'laius and pnogness oil the Flnojeat, activities performed and planned, and any meetings that have been scheduled on ane desired. 14. INSU RAN CH Without limiting Consullant's indemniflica-1on of City, and pnion to commencement o1 Won[, Consul-lani shall obtain, provide and maintain al iils own e7ipense duning ilhe tenm a 1 this Agreemeni on lion oihen periods as speciflied in this Aglreemeni, polio ies ofl insurance o-1 the I)lpe, amounts, teams and conditions described in -I[ a Insunanae Aequiremerrls atilao hed heneilo as Exhibit C, and inconponated herein by nefeiience. 15. RROHIBITION ACIAIN US -I'll ASSIGN NUN IS AND IRAN 9FHRS Except as specilically aulf oiiized unden this plgneemeni, the r-lertrices lo be poovided Linden ihis Agreement shall not be assigned, lnansilerred contraated or s ubconliiacied oui viithoul the piiion v+inililen appnoval o-1 My. Anil of -Ihe following) sl all be constnued as an assignment: Me sale, assignment, than sler on othen dis posi lion ofl any o-1 the issued and outstanding capital slocl of Cons uliant, on oil the inla nest of any genesial parnen on joint venlunen or syndicate member on c&enant it Clonsuliant is a partnership or joint-ventLrne or syndicate or co-ilenanay, wf ich shall result in changing) the as nilrol oil Clonsullan-l. Clorrlrol means li11y pencenl (90''/x) on mane o1 the voilingl Whiie, Batson, C ieh1, Evans LLP Fage 5 30-10 power or twenty-five pencent (25%) os mone of the assets of the conporation, par nessl ip on joini•-ventune. 16. E L SCION-iRpuniNG 1I a SUbcontnactors authorized by City, if anal, to perfonm Work on this Rnoject ane identified in Bxhibit A. Consultant shall be sully nesponsible to Ciiy 'ion all sats and omissions of any subcontnaaton. Nolhing in tI is Agneement shall cneate any contractual nela-lionship between Ciiy and any subcontnactor non shall it create any of ligla-lion on the par ofl Clit)l to pay or to see to the payment of any monies due to any suc[ subcontractor other t[ an as otherwise sequined by law. City is an inlended beneiliciary ofl any Wonk perfonmed by the subcontractor lion punpases all esiat Iia hing a duty o-1 caiie tetween It subconinacton and City. Except as specifically authonized henein, the Services to t e provided under chis Agreement shall not be otherwise assigned, tnansflenned, contmated on subconisacted out will out the pi ion wnitten appnoval o-1 Clil)l. 17. OWNS RE F IR OR 1110CUME3NTE '17.'1 Each and every neport, draft, map, reaard, plan, dacument and cithen writing produced, including but nat limited lo, websites, blogs, social media accounts and applicalions (I eneinaflen "Documents"), prepared on caused to be pnepaned l: y Consul-lant, i -Is officers, employees, agents and sut contnactans, in -Ile coUnse of implementing 11his Agneemenl, sl all become the exclusive pnoper y oll Ci-ly, and Clily stall have the sole rig[ 1 to use such matenials in its discretion withoLrt furthen compensation to Consullan1 on any other parol. Additionally, all material posted in cyI enspace by Consultani, its officens, employlees, agents and subcontractors, in the counse oil implementing) this Agmement, sl• all become tI a exclusive properly of City, and City sl all have -Ile sole nig) t to rise such materials in its discretion withoul further compensatian to ClonSUltant on any other party. Consultani shall, at Clonsultant's e)ipense, provide such Eocumenls, including all logins and passwond inlonmailon to Clil)l upon piiion writlen request. '17.2 ❑ocuments, including iding dnawingls and specifiica-lions, prepaned by Consultani punsuant lo this Agreement are not intended on nepnesenled to be suitable fan neuse E y CH)I on others on any othen project. Any use oil aomplelled ❑ocumenlls for othen prajeats and any use o'1 incomplete Documents wit[ out specilic written authorization 'Isom Clonsultanl will be al City's sole nisi' and wit[ out liability 110 Consultant. E'uriheii, any and all lial: ilii)l anising out oil changes made to Clonsultant's deliver ables under Ihis Agneement by Clit)l on peiisa ns other than Clonsultanl is waived against Clonsultanl, and Cily assumes fill responsibility ilon such changes unless Cli)l I as given Clonsultant prior notice and has received ilram Clonsiiltanl wiiitten consent for Stich changes. '17.3 All wiit-len documan1ls shall be transmitted to Clity in formats compatible wi-lh Microsoft Office andilon viewable wit) AIdobe Acnobat. WI ite, Nelson, Diehl, Evans LLR Ragle 6 30-11 18. CONFIDENTIALITY All Documents, including drafts, preliminary drawings or plans, notes and communications that result from the Services in this Agreement, shall be kept confidential unless City expressly authorizes in writing the release of information. 19. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNITY Consultant shall defend and indemnify City, its agents, officers, representatives and employees against any and all liability, including costs, for infringement or alleged infringement of any United States' letters patent, trademark, or copyright, including costs, contained in Consultant's Documents provided under this Agreement. 20. RECORDS Consultant shall keep records and invoices in connection with the Services to be performed under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to the costs incurred under this Agreement and any Services, expenditures and disbursements charged to City, for a minimum period of three (3) years, or for any longer period required by law, from the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. All such records and invoices shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City to examine, audit and make transcripts or copies of such records and invoices during regular business hours. Consultant shall allow inspection of all Work, data, Documents, proceedings and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. 4 TAIITIII:I:IQ4911ZrCV City may withhold payment to Consultant of any disputed sums until satisfaction of the dispute with respect to such payment. Such withholding shall not be deemed to constitute a failure to pay according to the terms of this Agreement. Consultant shall not discontinue Work as a result of such withholding. Consultant shall have an immediate right to appeal to the City Manager or designee with respect to such disputed sums. Consultant shall be entitled to receive interest on any withheld sums at the rate of return that City earned on its investments during the time period, from the date of withholding of any amounts found to have been improperly withheld. 22. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS In the event of errors or omissions that are due to the negligence or professional inexperience of Consultant which result in expense to City greater than what would have resulted if there were not errors or omissions in the Work accomplished by Consultant, the additional design, construction and/or restoration expense shall be borne by Consultant. Nothing in this Section is intended to limit City's rights under the law or any other sections of this Agreement. White, Nelson, Diehl, Evans LLP Page 7 30-12 23. CITY'.1I RIIGH711O SIVIRUOY C IIHER CON 9UL11ANTS Cily nes er\ies tl a nigl t to a mpla y othen Clonsultants in connection witf the Flnojeat. 24. CON FUICIIIS OF INT®RIEST 24.] ClonSUItant on its employees rn ay be subjeat to the pnovisions ofl the Claliilonnia Floliiical Refonm Act of 1972 (the "Ac "), which (1) aequires such pensons to disclose any finanaial interest that may foreseeably k e matenially affected b)l the Wonk performed unden tI is Agreement, and (2) prohibits SLch geasons tlnom making, on participating in mal in g, decisions That will lloneseeabl)I financially affect auch inlerest. 24.2 11 subject to the Act, Consultant shall conilonm io all requinemenis of the Flat. Railune to do so constitutes a maienial k neach and is gnounds for imn ediate termination of tI is Agneemeni by Clity. Clonsultant shall indemniily and hold harmless City ilon anal and all claims flor damages ne9 ulting fnom Cons uliant's violation of this lection . 25. NOTICES 25.1 VIII notices, demands, requests on appnovaN, including any change in mailing address, Io be given unden the ienms oil This Agreement shall k e given in waiting, and conclUsively shall be deemed served wt en delivered pensonally, on on -If a ihind business day a'Iten the deposit iheneotl in the United 1Itate8 mail, postage prepaid, ilirst- class mail, addnessed as I ereinafter paovided. 25.2 All notices, de" ands, nequests on approvals room Clonsultan-I to City ahall be addnessed to City al: Aitn: Dan Matusiewicz, Flinance Dineatoa Finance C epartmeni City oil Newport 9eacl 100 Clivic Clenten Drive HO Ho)i '179 8 Newport Oeacl , CA 92658 25.3 1111 notices, demands, nequests on approvals room Clity to Consultant a hall be addnessed -lo Consultant at: At -in: Rot er J. Callanan WI ite, Nelson, Cliehl, 8vans LLFI 2875 Michelle Dri�ie, Suite 300 Invine, CSI 929 06 White, Nelson, Diet I, 8vans LLR 30-13 26. CUAW"I L nless a sl or en time is specified elsewheiie in this Agneement, before making its -lin al iiequest lion paymeni Linden tf is Aglreemeni, Consultant sf all sut mit to City, in writing, all alaims lion compensation under or anising out of this Agreement. Consultant's acceptance oil 1 he lir al p aymeni shall constitute a waiven oil all claims for compensation unden on anising out oil this Agreement except those previorisly made it writing and identilied by Clonsciltant in writing as Unsettled at -If a time o1 its linal negluest -Ion payment. Consultant and CWy expressly agree that in addition -lo any claims -liling requirements set -lor h in the Agreement, Consul'lanil shall be required to lile any claim Consultant n ay have agair si Ci-ly in striat conibrmanci e with the Clovennment Cllaims Act (Clovennment Clode sections 900 ell seq.]. '17. 1 ERM IN Al 11M 27.1 Ir tf e event tf at eiihen party fails on neluses to perform any o-1 the provisions ofl this Agneemenl a-1 the lime and in the mannen required, That par y shall be deemed in defaul-1 in the perfoiimanae ofl this Plglneemer t. If such defaul-1 is no'l cuned wiilhin a peniod of two (2) aalenclar (lays, on it mone Than two (2) calendan days ane reasonabl)I required Io cure the dellault and the deilaulting parly fails to give adequate assurance of die perfonmance wilhin two (2) aalendar clays aiten neceipt oil written notice oil de-lault, speaifying the nature of suaf dellault and the steps necessaryl to acne suah cleilauli, and theneailten diligently 'lake steps lo cure If a de-lault, the non-dallaulting pary may tenminate the Plgneament ilodhwilf by giving -lo the defaulting pary written na tice hereo-l. 27.2 Nolv+iithstandingl 11 e abode provisions, Oii)I shall have the night, al its sole and absolute discnelion and without cause, of ienmina-1ri91 this Flglneemeni at any time b)I giving no less than seven (7) calendan clays' prian wntilten notice -lo Consul-lant. In the Eiven-1 ofl termination Linden this clection, (lil)I shall pay ClonsLillant tbii Slervices satisflac-lonily perionmed and cos'Is incurred up to the effective dale oil tenminatior flou whicf Clonsultant has no -1 been pneviously paid. On the efleative date of termination, Consultant sf all deliver Io City all reports, Documents and othen infonma1ion developed or accumulated in -If a perlonmance o11tf is Agneement, wf athen in dra11 on -linal dorm. 28. STANDARD PROVISIONS 25.1 REiciials. Chily and Clonsultant as knowledge -If ail ilhe abode Reci-lals are nue and aonrect and are heneb)I inconponaied by ne-lenena a into ilhis Plgneement. 25.2 Compliar ci e with all Laws. Clonsultant shall, at its own cost and expense, comply with all sta'lutes, ordinances, regulations and negUinements ofl all governmental er cities, including -lederal, state, county on municipal, whether now in 1lonce on f eiieinaften enacted. In addition, all Wonk pnepaned by Clonsultaril shall conform Io applicable Ciiy, coun,ly, slate ar d fedenal laws, rules, negulations and permit negluinemenis and be subject to appnoval of the Flnoject Admir is tnaton and Clity. While, Nelson, Diehl, Evans LLR Page 9 30-14 98.3 Waiven. A wahien by eithen par y of any bneaah, of any team, covens n11 oil condition contained henein shall not be deemed to be a waiven al any suksequenl bneaat of the same oil any o -It en term, covenant on condition contained herein, whe'lt er of the same or a differen-1 aharacien. 98.E Integrated Contnact. 111 is Agreemen-1 nepnesenls the lull � nd aomplele undensianding of eNier}l kind on na-ltine whalsoeveu between the parties henelo, and all pneliminarNI negoiia,lions and agreemenls o-1 wha-Iso even kind or nature ane merged herein. No verbal agneement ori implied aovenan-1 shall be t eld 10 vagI -It a provisions henein. 98.5 Conllicls on InconsislenciEis. In the event Il ere anEi anal conllicis on inconsistencies between this Agneemen-1 and IhEi 9aope of 9erviices on any ollhen attachments ails ched hcneio, 11he tenms of It is Agneemen-1 91 all govern. 98.6 Inteupne-1 lion. The teams of 'Itis FlglnEiemeni shall bEi construed in acaa rdance with 11' El meaning of thEi language used and sl• all not b(i construed lion or agains'l eiir en party by neason of 11 he au -It oast ip of thEi Agreemenll on any olhen nulE1 o'l construction which mighl ollherwlso apply. 98.7 Amendmein-Is.. This AIgreeimein-1 may be modi-lied or amended only by a written documont execu'led b)l both Consullanll and Clity and approvEid as to fonm by thEi City Ailonney. 98.8 9evenabilij� . If any ienm or portion o-1 this Agneement is t eld to t e invalid, il[Eig� I, a ii o -l[ erwise unEiniloraeable by a court oll competen-1 jurisdiction, the remaining pnovisions o-1 this Agreemen'l shall continue in lull lonce and er ec1. 98.9 Contnolling Law and %enue. The laws of thEi 9IalEl of Cali-lonnia shall goveuin It is Agneoment and all matters relating to it and anal action brougt 1 nelating io this AIgneemeni st all be adjudicated in a court of competent jurisdiciion in II e Clounl)l o11 Orange, Stale of Clalilornia. 98.10 E gual Opportunil_y_9mploymenll. Consul-lani nepnesenls that i1 is an Equal onportunil)l Eimployen and it shall not discriminate against any subconia cior, employlee on applicant fon employment tecause noel, nEiligious cneed, colon, nalianal origlin, ancesiryl, physical handicap, medical condition, manital sialus, sEix, sEixual orienlatio n, age on any oll hen impenmissible bas is undEir law. 98.11 No AlionnEiys' REies. In the evEini o11 any dispute or legal action arising un den 1 his Agneement, 11 he pnevailingl early shall not be entitled to a ltonn eys' lees. 98.19 Counienpads. It is Agneement may k e axeicuted in t\Ala (2) or monEi counlonparls, eiact of -which shall be deemed an original and all of whict Iogle-lher shall conslitule one (1) and It a same instrument. [SIGN ATL R99 ON NE)11 RAGE] While, Nelson, Diet 1, Elvans LLF M gEi '10 30-15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the dates written below. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNtY'S OFFICE Date: C, r By: _,A0 - Aaron C. Harp [AM WlcxallU City Attorney ATTEST: Date: an Leilani I. Brown City Clerk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation Date: By: Diane B. Dixon Mayor CONSULTANT: Evans LLP, a partnership Date: White, Nelson, Diehl, California limited liability By: Robert J. Callanan General Partner Date: By: Nitin P. Patel General Partner [END OF SIGNATURES] Attachments: Exhibit A — Scope of Services Exhibit B — Schedule of Billing Rates Exhibit C — Insurance Requirements White, Nelson, Diehl, Evans LLP Page 11 30-16 EXHIB11 AI SCOPE CIF SE RMICES 1. General Scople al Services The City of � ewpor Beach desires the Consultant to express an opinion on the fain presenia -lion of its basic 11inancial statements, and an "in-nelailon-to" on inion on the combining and individual non -major fund 11inancial statements, including budgetaryl companison scl edules in confommity witf auditing standands glenenally accep-led in the United Stales of An erica and Goverinmenial Auditing E tandards issued by the Comptroller oil the L n ited E. tates oil Amenica. Cons ultant will be mequii ed to perlonm I[ a following tasks: 1.1 Perfonm an audit examination o11he govern mental activities, busin ess talpe activities, each majon Iund, bridgetar�l companison o-1 n ajor governmental ilunds, the aggi egate i emain ing fund inionmation, and the i elated no les whicl colleclively compnise the basic finanaial statements of tl e City of Newport eeac[ ibis the Ci-ly ofl IS ewpor 9eac[ for the Hive yeans beginning witf the liscal year ending June 30, 2016. Consul-lani will also examine the naguined sunplementaryl in-lonmation ("RSI") and sunpiemeniaryl in-lonmation CE -.1"). -1he examinations will be conducted in acaondance with auditing standands generally aaaep-led in tle L nited Ctate9 oil Amenica, Clavarrnier�l Auditing Silarioaros as set -lor h by the Govennment AccoUntability Office ("GAKY), and the nequiremenis of the Anieeucan lrs.Iitu1lE1 0A Clanliflea Audlic � ccaunilaritls' induslryl audii guide en'litled, "Audits of State and Loaal Goverinmenial L niis." City E. tall will draft and word pnocess the Clampinehensive Annual Financial Replar ("CAFR") cif -Ihe Ciily cit Newplart Beach. Consulianl will pnepame the govemnment-wide linancial statements and appnopniate reconciliations to these siatements in confonmity wish the lienor ing standards set -lor h by Govennment Finance Offlicers Association ("G FOA") Ion thein C/IFR awamcl pnognams. Consul-lant will finalize financial sAtemen,Is opinion by -Ile second wee[ of Decembem each yean. The Cons uliant will n novide their audilons' report ihemeon. Consultant will apply to rnanaclerrentl's discussicin arc analysis those nrocedunes negluimed by IhEi auditing standards to le applied to nequired supnlemen1laryl inlormalion (understanding the method oil pnepanation, tl a sounce and basis for the inilormalion presented, comnaming Ion consistency to the audited data pertaining to -Ile City, and ascertaining the rrariaclerrentl's ciscussian anc aralylsis conlains all the intlormalion iegluii ed by C overnmenl Accounting .1: tandards Boand ("GAC B") %'--.,lalemenl No. 3z and does not contain information pmol ibited io be pnesentEid in the nianaglenienf's oiscussion aria arialylsis). 1.2 Consultant will perform a single audi-1 for the dears in whiah the City expends grea-len than $750,000 in federal landing in accondance with 'I[ e L n ilorm Guidance. -Rhe single audit will aover all ledeiial grants meceived by the City and its component units eitl er as a n pima ryl ori secondary recipien 1 fon fiscal years ended June 30, 20'16 thnoug[ June 30, 2020. 111 e Clit)l will provide to the Consultant the Schedule White, IS elson, Die[ I, avans LLP Rage A-1 30-17 of Fec eral Financial Assislance encompassing all direct and pass-through llederal Finds received by the City and component units. ConS Ultant will render reports on the single audit in accordance with single audit requinements of tle Unilanm Guidance. Consuilan'l will also pnepai a the electronic submission oil the data collec-lion foi m nequined to be 'liled with the Single Audit Central Clleai inghorise. 1.3 (lonsultant will perform agreed-unan audit piiocedunes la test and nepart on the Qil)l's Gann Limill for tl a bun (4) yeans beginning wish the fiscal dears ending June 30, 2016 througl June 30, 2020. 'I .z Consultant will pra vide the City's Finance Cllornirnilllee with communications nequired by the auditing standards: tl e Consultant's resnansit ilil)l under genenall11 accepted auditing standards, signi-lican-1 accounting policies, management judglment and aaaounting estimates, sign ilicant audit adjustmen-Is, tither in-kinmaiicin in documents containingl audi-led finanaial statements, disagreements with management, management consultation wish other accountants, majan issues discussed witl management prion io retentian, diflliculties encaun-lened in performing the audit, ernors, inieglularities, and illegal aats detected in the aourse of the audit. '1.5 Consullani will irn media-lel)l rienart in writing any irregularities cin illegal acls Thal crime to their altention to -Ihe City Clouncil, City Atlanney, and the City Manager as negluired by the auditing standards. '1.6 Far each dear al thein engagement, Consuliant will prepane a letter 10 the City Clounail neporling mailers, dealing with internal contnol that meed the threshold of being reparlat le candiiicros, as defined by pnollessional audiling slandands. 1.7 When applicable, the Clansullani will pnepare a management letterlhat will pravide athen reccimmendations to the Ciiy ensuing ilram their neNiiew o-1 the Clil)l's infernal aorrinol pracedunes. It is leiten will address non-nepor able conditions (those constnuative aomments nal nequiried to be included in the nepcirtable conditions to (lit)l Council or in the single audit report). Cansultant will discuss those commends wish 1he Finance Dinea tan an I is designee prion to its linalizaticin. 1.8 Ccinsulta nt will keep Ciiy staff abi east cd all new develcipments affecting local governmeni linance and nelevant aaaaunting issues, ClonSLiltant will advise and assist City stafl in undenstandingl cif and irnplemenlaiicin cif new GAME pnonoL incements. 11.9 Cansul-lant will be available to asp int with all er picifessicinal assistance negluining reseanch and answen accoun-ling and reporting issues naised by the Cily. Such assistance may include, bu-1 is not limi-led to tax mattens, review ofl I and documenis, aosi allacaticin plans and empIglee benefit program:. 1.110 Consultant will penceive tl a scape of it ein woO as being advisons io the Clity all l`ewpar Beaah negaiiding generally accepted acaaunting principle:, debt issuances, and ather ma-Ilei s nelaIing tci the Clity. White, Nelson, Diehl, Bvans LLR Page A-2 30-18 'I.'I'I -1he Gill oil Newport geact CAM is aunren-lly prepared and nepnoduced by Clity s-1aill. As an optional seRiice, the Consultant may be asked to pnepane tt e govennment-wide linan cial staters ents and nea onciliations to tt ese statements in a manner that is 'Icill�l compliant with all aUnrent CIAI9B pnonounaemenis. '1.12 Consultant offens a wide nange ofl consulting services to govennmenlal agencies. Linden the attestation slandands, the City may negUest a speciflic ll noaa dune on study i1 wishes -lo have perfa nmed. Clonsultan-1 would then per onm chose ll nocedures and nep or on Thein lindin gs. 9uch special services ane not part of Cons ultanl's standand fee and would be subject lo a sepanate 11ee quotalian. 2. Auc icing 9tandanc s 110 be Followed To meet the neq uiremenis al It is nequest flop proposals, the audit st all t e perlonmed in aaaondance wish genenall)l acaepting audiling slandands including, but not limited to, the following: 2.'I Genenally accepted auditing standands as set lbrlh by the Ameiiican Inslitute oil Ceriillied Public Accountanis; 2.2 _1I1 e standaiids all plicable to °linancial audits conilained in the most cunneni version oil the Generally Accepted Govennment Auditing 9tandands (Yellow Boo[), issued by the Clompiiiollen Genenal of the L niied 1Itaies; 2.3 -11 a pnovisions of the Single Audit Act as amended in '1996; 2.4 11 e pnovts is ns oil L.3. Office of Management and Budget (OMEI) L n iflorm Grant GuidanceA9upen Clircular Audits of Stale and Loaal Governments and Non.•Piiolit Oiiganizations. Note: the City does not contempla-la using a aosi allocation plan for the punpose changing indineat cos -19 to federal pnognams. 3. Reports to be Issuec Following the comple-lion al the audit ofl the fliscal yean's 'linancial statements, the Cons uliant shall issue d e following reports in accondance with audiling sianclarcls outlined above in a flonm canllonming to aunrent generally accepted standands including the curnent equivalent neporls on as amended by Standard setting auihoniiies: 3.11 An independa nt auditons' nepa r with an opinion on the 'Iain n mesa ntation ofl the basic financial stalements, and an "in-relation-io" opinion on -It a combining and individual non -major Hund financial statements, including t udgeiarYl aomp anison schedules in con'lommit)l with auditing standards generally accepted in the L1ni-led Slates oil Arserica and the standards applicable to finanalal audits contained in Generally Accepled Governmental Auditing Standands issued by the Comptnollen oil tt e U niied Eltates o-1 AImenica. Consultant will provide an eleatnonic cony of the independent opin ion letier in RDF ilormat and one hand copy. White, � elson, Diet I, E vans LLP Hage A•..3 30-19 3.2 Consultant will piepane tl. a single audit a port and nenden an a pinion on IN sahedule oil expenditun( s of fledenal awands in nelation lo -Il a basic llinancial statements Taken as a whole. The single aUdii neport should include an appropriate sch( dule off ( xpenditunes of * denal awards, footnot( s, findings and questioned casts, including any delicienaies identified during the audit and a lbllow up on Anion audit findings, whene nequined. Consulta n1 will complete the data collection ibnm and n( quired filing witf the Fed( nal Audit CITE aring H ouse and pnovide the City will one electronic copy in RDF lonmat and live bound copies. 3.3 A neport on compliar ce and internal contnol oven financial nen or ing and a n corn pliance and other ma,ltens based on an audill a 1 -Il a financial statements. It a neport should L e addressed io the Clity Council and pnovided to the City in an electronic flonrn in a F DF lonmat. 3.4 A nepor on complianae for each major pnoglnam and on inlennal contnol oven aompliance. The report should be addressed to the Ci'ly Council and pnovided to the City in an electronic fa nm in a H❑F lonmat. 3.4.1 In the r(quired nepars on compliance and inlennal aonlnols, it e Coni ultarI shall communicate any delicienaies in inlennal conlnol found during the audit to the Finance Clommililee and the City Council. A delliciency in intennal aontnol exists wher the design on a penaJons a 1 a conlrol does no -1 allow management or employees, in the nonmal counse of perlonming their assigned funclions, to pnevent, or defect and cornecl, missialements on a timely basis. A matenial weakness is a defiaiency, on a combination of delicier cies, in inlennal control s uch that thene is a reasonable possibility Thal a material misstalement of the City's financial sllatemenls will not be nnevenled, on detected and connected on a timely basis. A sign iflican-1 deficiency is a deficiency or a combination oil de-liciencies, in inlennal contnol that is less severe Than a ma-lenial weal' ness, ye'I impor ani to menit attention by -Those changed will governanae. Bilhen a 1 the above menlioned deficiencies shall be communicated in the nepor. . 3.4.2 ❑efficiencies of lessen signiflicance discovered by the Consultant sl all be neported in a sepana-le Ieiten to management. 3.5 When applicable, l l e Consultant s l all issrie a sepanale "management let -len" that includes necommenda-lions lion imp novements in internal control. Me management letter should L e addressed to the Clity Clouncil. -The Clonsultanl will provide one eleatnon is copy in PDF format and on( hand copy. 16 Ill a Consulilani will issue a sepanate ►etlen, Slatement on Audi'Jng Standards ("EIA19") '122, °communicalion to Those changed with goverr ante at tl e conalusion o-1 the aLidil," that include sign iflicant findings and other mail ens. This should also be addressed to the Clity Council. 3.7 Clalilonnia Clonstitution, Ar icle XIIIB App mop nialions L imit pnoaedunes letten: 111 e Consultant will pnovide the (Ey an electronic aopy in PDF fonmal ar d one hard copy. White, IN elsor, , Diehl, avans LLP W� Hage A-4 30-20 4. O11hen Carriplliance Reparl s and Ague ec L pon Rrcicec ures Occasionally, ii may be necassar) ion 11he Ci11y to contracil viith 11 a Clonsultan-1 Ion addiflonal services and compliance nenor s. -Ihe City will solicill fee pnoposals -Isom Consul -la nil as needed bL11 nes er�ie9 11 a nigl i to u-lilize other accoun-ling iinms if necess � ry. . 5. Innegulariilies and Illegal Ac11s Cla nsultan l shall be nequined -lo mE ke a n immecliaie, wni-1-len nepor oil � 11 inregula dillies and illegal acts on indicalJons of illegal acils aIwhict They become awane io 'lhe following par ies: City Manager, David Al. h iff City Aiilonney, Aanon C. F a np Rinance Dineaton and Cli ly-Ineasunen, Dan Malusiewicz 6. Warking Rapen Releniliian and Access to Wanking Rapens All wonkingl papens � nd neports mus11 be nelained, at 11he Consul-lanil's expense, ion a minimum of three (3) yeans, unless Consullani's finm is noiiilied in wniiling by -11 e G)l of J a need to e)itend the netention peniod. The Clonsullan-1 will 1 e requined to rn ake wonking papeiis available, Ripon nequest, io the Clil)l on its designees. Whila, Nelson, Diehl, Evans LLR Page A-5 30-21 EGF IB IT B SCF E®UL 8 OF BIU U IIS C RATES fro moire Than 901M, oil 11he iolal flee may be billed puion to pnesenialian o-1 final aLidil nenor s ar d finanaial s-lalemen-19. Fees will be payable in (lull negaiidless ofl -lindings ilhal nes till ilrom this engagemenil. While, � elson, Diehl, avans L LF F age E -1 30-22 Fuca f Yea r Opticr PeCuld S4in111c 2(135-2136 2030-2037 2017-1018 1a19-201.9 3019-,Ia20 City a f Neviport 8racl - F In ant [at Audit 37,930 $ 38,115 $ 39,370 40,559 41,365 City c f Neveipart Bcacl - Single: Audit 6}100 6,190 9,790 0,999 ],:105 5utiol.als 43,930 z4,E115 =19,1110 47,549 41,970 OMtiona l Se n is e: Pre11ara1!on of Gv ernmdr t - wide Fin aaalai ltale:menis and re4aled Hacaneiiiatiaim. 1,990 2,090 :I,lla 7,179 1,140 Tatal ail-ir c hisirie rna:ijrnun prise 'I 45,.900 '. 45,8115 $ 01,21( 49,710 5.1,211 fro moire Than 901M, oil 11he iolal flee may be billed puion to pnesenialian o-1 final aLidil nenor s ar d finanaial s-lalemen-19. Fees will be payable in (lull negaiidless ofl -lindings ilhal nes till ilrom this engagemenil. While, � elson, Diehl, avans L LF F age E -1 30-22 H) F IBIT C INSURAN C9 R9QUIREMENT9 — PROFESSIONAL 99RVIMS 'I. Flnovision ofl Insunance. Without limiting Consultant's indemnification of City, and pniorr to commencement o-1 VI onk, Clons Ultant shall obtain, pnovide and maintain at its own expense duning -Il a term o1 this AIglnea ment, policies of ins unance oil the type and amounts described below and in a Iorm satisfactory) io Ciiy. Consultant agnees to n rovide insurance in accondanae witl nequinemenls set flor h here. If Clonsultant rises existing covenage -lo comply and ihat aoverage does not meet these nequinemen-1s, Clonsultanl agnees to amend, supplement or endonse the existing coverage. 2. Flaceplable Insuners. All insunance policies stall be issued by an insurance company curnently authorized b)l the Insurance Clommissione n to tnansacl business o-1 insunanae in the 9ta le o-1 Calilbrnia, wish an assiglned nolicyholdens' Ratingl o-1 pl- (or higher) and Financial Size Category) Class 'v11 (on langen) in accondance with the latesi edition ofl Rest's Key Ra-lingl Guide, unless otherwise apn rove d k y the Ciiy's Risk N anagen. 3. Cloverage Reguii emen is. A. Wonkens' Clompensation Insuranae. Consultant shall maintain Wonkens' Compensation Insunance, s'laiutoq limits, and Emn loyen's Liability Insurance with linits ofl at lea9t one million dollans ($1,00a,000) each accident -Ion bodily injury) by accident and each employlee Ion bodily injury b) I disease in accondan ce v+iith the laws ofl tI a State o1 Cla liflornia, 9a ction 3700 oil the I abon Code. Consul -la nt shall submit to City, along with iI e cer ificate of insunance, a Warren o1 Subroglation endonsement in favor o-1 Clity, its City Clouncil, boards and aommission9, officers, agents, volunteers, employlees and any penson on enti1)1 owning on othervruise in legal control of the pnoperty upon whia h Clonsultanl q erfonms the Rraject and)lon 9eruices contemplated by tI is Agneement. 0. Genenal I iability Insurance. Consultani 9I all maintain commencial general liak ility insurance, and H nacessaryl urn brella liability insunance, with coverage at least as k noad as pnovide d t y Insunance 9erviices Office Jorm CG 00 01, in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) ner occurnenae, two million dollars ($2,000,000) general aggregate. The policy sl all aavei liability anising Isom pnemises, oneiations, personal and advertising injuryl, and Irak ility assumed under an insuned contnacl (including tI e tori liability o-1 anothen assumed in a business coniract). CI. Au'lomobile Liability Insurance. Consultant 9 hall maintain automobile ins unance at least as broad as Insunance Services Oflice foi m CA 00 01 covering bodily injury and properly damage llor all activities oil Clonsultanl anising out o-1 or in con neation with Wank to be performed under ihis White, Nels a n, C iehl, 9van s LLFI_ Rage CIA 30-23 �Igi eemeni, including coveuage fou any owned, hired, non -owned a u nenled vehiales, in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit each accident. CI. Flnofessional LiabilVy (anions 81 Omissions) Insurance. Consultant shall maintain pnoilessional liability insunance Il ail covens the Services io be periormed in connection with ilhis Agreement, in tI a minimum amount oil one million dollars ($1,000,000) pen claim and ilwo million dolla ns ($2,000,000) in the ac giiegate. Piny policy inception date, continuiily date, or neIroac-live dale mus -1 be before the Effective Oale ofl this Plgreemeni and Consul-Iani agrees to maintain continua us coverage 'II roLigh a period no less than II nee yeaus afteu comple-lion o1 -II a Services uequired by this Algneemeni. 4. Othen Insurance Flequijemenis. Me policies are to contain, on I e endorsed to conilain, I1he11ollov+iing pnovisions: PI. Waiven oil rlubnogation. All insunance covenage maintained on procuiied punsuani to this Agneemen-1 shall be endorsed io waive SLibiiogation againsll City, its City Council, boards and commissions, offliceus, agents, volunteers, ern ployees and any person on entity owning on o'lherwise in legal control oil the properly upon which Consulilani performs the Pnojeci and)lor 9ery ices contempla-led t y this Agneemeni on sI all sneciilically allow Consultant on o'lhers providing insunance evidence in compliance with these negluinements to waive (heir right of necover�I pnion -lo a lass. Consultant henek y waives i-ls own night oil necoveny against (Fi y, and shall negluiin" simHan wrilten express waivens from each of its subconsuliants. E. Pkldi-lional Insuned 9taius. Pill liability policies inaludingl genenal liability, excess liability, pollution liability, and au-lomobile liabililly, H uequined, bui not including proflessional liability, shall puovide ou be endorsed to R novide that Ci-ly, its Clity Council, boands and commissions, officers, agents, volunteens, employees and any gersan on en-li-ly owning or olI erwise in legal control cifl the properly upon which Consulilani performs the Pnojeci and kir Services contempla-led t y this Plglneemeni sI all be included as insuneds unden such q olicies. CI. Flnimary and Non Cloniributory. PIII liabilily aoverage shall apply on a primary basis and shall not negluine contribution flnom any insunance cin self-. insunanae maintained t y City. CI. N o -lice o-1 Cancellation. Pill policies shall provide City wilh -II irly (30) calendan days notice ail aancellation (e)icepi flor nonpayment akin which .len (10) calendars days natice is nequined) an nannenewal all aoverage ficin each negluiued covenage. 5. Additional Agneements Between the Rarlies. The parties heneby agree to -II e -lallawing: Whiffle, N elson, Diel I, E dans LLIP Rage C-2 30-24 A. ®videnae oil Insurance. Consultant shall provide certificates of insunance to Clity as evidence of the insurance covenage negUined henein, along with a waiNieii oil subiiogation endonsement for worl, ejis' aomnensation and oihen endorsements as specilied herein for each covenage. InSLInance certificates and endonsemenl rnust be appnoved by Clity's Risk Manage n prion to aomrnenaement of perfoumanae. Clunrent certification of insunance shall be N epi on file with Clity at all times (luring the lenm of this AIglneement. Cliiy neserues the night to nequire complete, aer ified copies oil all required insurance policies, at any lime. H. Clity's Flight to Revise Requirements. Clit)l reserves the right at anal time duning -I[ a tenm of the Agreement to changEi the am ounis and types of insunance requined by giving Clons ultant sixty (60) calendan days advance wnitten notice oil such change. Ifl such change nesul'ls in substantial additional cosi to Clonsultant, City and Consultant may reneglotiate ConSUltant's compensation. C. ®n_florcement of _Agneement Pnovisions. Consultant acknowledges and agrees tha'l any actual or alleged -la iluue on the part o-1 (lily to inform Consultant oil non -corn pliance wit[ any uequiremeint imposes no additional obligations on Clity non does it waives any nights t ereundeui. D. Aequiremeni: not Limiting. RequiiemEints oil speaifia coveuage lealures on lirnits contained in this Section are not intended as a limitation on covenage, limits an othem nequiuemenis, or a waiven a1 any coverage normally pnovided t y any insurance. Specifia ne'lenEince to a given aovenage fleaiune is fou purposes of clarifiaaiion only as it per ains to a glivEin issue and is not intended by anal party or insured to t ei all inclusive, or -lo the exclusion o'l othEir covenagle, on a wa ivei o1 any typC. li the Clonsultant maintains higher limits 'It an the minimums shown above, the Clity uequires and shall be einti-lled to coveragEi for higt eu limits maintained by the Consultanl. Any available ins ui a nce pnoa Beds in excess oil the speci-lied minimum limits of insunance and coverage shall be available to the (l[I)I. B. 9E1f-inSLVed REilentions . Anil selil insured nelent ion s must t ei declared to and an proved by City. City reserves the right to require that selUn,uiEld nEllentions t e eiliminated, lovieuied, or replaced by a dEiductible. Sel-l- in surance will no -1 be a onsideued to comply wit[ these nequinements unless a pproved by (lit)l. R. Clity Remedies ion hon.-Clompliance. If Consultanl on any subconsuliant fails 'lo pnovide and maintain insunana a as requined henein, then Clity shall [ ave the iiight t ui not the obligation, to pLinchase s uch insunance , -lo lenmina'lei this AgiEiemeni, on to suspend Consultant's right -lo proceEul until n noper evidence of ins t.inancEi is provided. Anil amounts paid by Clity shall, at Ci-ly's sole option, be deducled flnom amounts payable to Consultanl on neimburs ed k y Cons ultant upon demand. W[ ite, h els on, Diehl, ®vans LLFI Page C-3 30-25 CL Timely hoiice ofl_Claims. Contnaclon stall give Clity puompt and timel)l notice of alaims made on suits it stituted that arise out ofl oii result -Irom Contuactor's perlonmance Linden this Contnact, and that involve or mail inva Ive aovenage unden any ofl J a requitied liabili-ly policies. Cily assLimes no obligation on liability It y suah notice, but has the right (but not 11 f• e duty) to mor itoii -Ile handling al any such claim on claims if they ane likely to involve City. F . Consultant's Insunanae. Clonsultanl shall also puocure ar d "ainlain, at its own cost and exper se, any additional kinds oil insurance, which in its own judgment may be necessa ry ion Hs fl nopen pnoiection and prosecution of tl e Wonk. White, Nelson, Cliehl, 8vans LA Page C -z 30-26