HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - Ebb Tide Temporary Sales Office Limited Term Permit - PA2016-042 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT VPLANNING DIVISION low 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 cq�iFOw�avP 949-644-3200 Fax: 949-644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT June 16, 2016 Agenda Item No. 3 SUBJECT: Ebb Tide Model Home Complex (PA2016-042) 1560 Placentia Avenue • Limited Term Permit No. XP2016-001 APPLICANT: Ebb Tide, LLC. OWNER: Ebb Tide, LLC. PLANNER: James Campbell, Principal Planner 949-644-3210, Jcampbell(o)newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Zone: RM (Multiple-Unit Residential) • General Plan: RM (Multiple-Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY A Limited Term Permit (90 days or more) for a temporary sales office building, a 6-space customer parking area, temporary signage, and the conversion of a two-car garage to a design studio to support the initial sales of a previously approved 81-unit condominium development under construction on the site. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Limited Term Permit No. XP2016-001 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION • On August 6, 2015, the Planning Commission approved the Ebb Tide project consisting of the development of 81 residential condominium units on a 4.7-acre site located at 1560 Placentia Avenue (PA2014-110). 1 Ebb Tide Model Home Complex Zoning Administrator, June 16, 2016 Page 2 • In December of 2015, a demolition permit and rough grading permit were issued to remove the former Ebb Tide Mobile Home Park. • Pursuant to Section 20.18.020 of the Municipal Code, temporary uses within the RM (Multi-Unit Residential) Zoning District are allowed subject to the approval of a Limited Term Permit. Limited Term Permits may authorize uses that might not meet the development or use standards of the applicable zoning district, but may otherwise be acceptable because of their temporary or limited nature. In this case, the temporary improvements associated with the model home sales complex are limited duration uses that will cease prior to completion of the new residential condominium development. • Three of the 81 units will be used as model homes and will be constructed with the first phase of development. Utilities and precise grading for the entire tract will be performed at the same time. The applicant is requesting approval to place a temporary sales office structure, customer parking lot, and a temporary Fire Department driveway in areas adjacent to the model homes. The common area amenities will also be constructed with the model homes (Attachment No. ZA 3 - Project Plans). The garage within one of the models homes will be converted to a design center and will be restored to a functioning garage when the model home complex is sold and occupied by the initial homeowner. • The model homes, sales office, and temporary parking lot are proposed in the central part of the proposed project. The sales office will operate with a limited number of employees during typical business hours (10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., daily). A dedicated six-space on-site parking lot will provide customers a safe area for parking with a designated path of travel to each of the units. The guest parking adjacent to the common amenity area will also be available for customers and guests of the initial occupants of the project. A temporary Fire Department driveway will facilitate appropriate access for Fire Department vehicles during construction. Landscaping will be provided in front yard setback along Placentia Avenue and in and around the model home complex and temporary parking area. • After the model home complex is completed, production of the homes will commence starting at the southwest corner of the site near Placentia Avenue and proceed in a counterclockwise direction until the tract is fully constructed. Construction traffic will be routed along the northerly internal driveway and customers and future residents will utilize the southerly internal driveway. Temporary fences are included to separate customers and future residents from construction areas for safety. • Temporary signage, both internal to the tract and along Placentia Avenue, will be located entirely on-site. Illumination of signs will be residential in character and will comply with applicable standards of the Municipal Code. Fourteen banners will be located along Placentia Avenue in the landscaped area. A temporary monument sign (main project ID sign) is proposed to be located in the center median of the TmpIt:05-05-16 Ebb Tide Model Home Complex Zoning Administrator, June 16, 2016 Page 3 project access driveway. The project ID sign is 7-feet-high by 45-inches-wide and is setback from the street to ensure adequate vehicle sight distance. A limited number of on-site directional signs internal to the project are also proposed to help guide buyers. The number, size and location of the temporary signs as shown on the project plans are not excessive given the large size and frontage of the project site. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH No. 2015071007) was prepared for the 81-unit Ebb Tide Subdivision project in accordance with the implementing guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The use of a temporary modular sales office, customer parking areas and temporary signage are customary and incidental changes to the approved project. The temporary improvements will be removed near the end of the construction phase. Subsequent environmental review for the temporary improvements is not required to be prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 because the proposed project involves minor design changes to provide a sales office, to construct related parking spaces and signage for a limited duration of time. These changes do not constitute "substantial changes" to the project that would involve new significant environmental effects or result in additional mitigation measures. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: James Campbell, Principal Planner Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans TmpIt:05-05-16 Ebb Tide Model Home Complex Zoning Administrator, June 16, 2016 Page 4 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution Tmple05-05-16 f RESOLUTION NO. ZA2016-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING LIMITED TERM PERMIT NO. XP2016-001 LOCATED AT 1560 PLACENTIA AVENUE FOR A TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE AND PARKING (PA2016-042) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. On August 6, 2015, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 1990 approving the Ebb Tide project consisting of the development of 81 residential condominium units on a 4.7-acre site located at 1560 Placentia Avenue (PA2014-110). The Planning Commission adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act. 2. In December of 2015, a demolition permit and rough grading permit were issued to remove the former Ebb Tide Mobile Home Park. 3. An application was filed by Ebb Tide, LLC, with respect to property located at 1560 Placentia Avenue, and legally described as a portion of Lot 714 of First Addition to Newport Mesa Tract, requesting approval of a limited term permit (90 days or more). 4. The applicant proposes to operate a temporary sales office with related parking, temporary signage, and a temporary fire access driveway to support sales of the approved 81-unit condominium development currently being constructed on the site. 5. The subject property is located within the Multiple-Unit Residential (RM) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Multiple-Unit Residential (RM). 6. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 7. A public hearing was held on June 16, 2016, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1 st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. A Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH No. 2015071007) was prepared for the 81-unit Ebb Tide Subdivision project in accordance with the implementing guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The use of a temporary modular sales office, customer parking areas and temporary signage are customary and incidental changes to the approved project. The temporary improvements will be removed near Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 2 of 8 the end of the construction phase. Subsequent environmental review for the temporary improvements is not required to be prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 because the proposed project involves minor design changes to provide a sales office, to construct related parking spaces and signage for a limited duration of time. These changes do not constitute "substantial changes" to the project that would involve new significant environmental effects or result in additional mitigation measures. 2. The Zoning Administrator finds that judicial challenges to the City's CEQA determinations and approvals of land use projects are costly and time consuming. In addition, project opponents often seek an award of attorneys' fees in such challenges. As project applicants are the primary beneficiaries of such approvals, it is appropriate that such applicants should bear the expense of defending against any such judicial challenge, and bear the responsibility for any costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which may be awarded to a successful challenger. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.040(G) (Limited -64m Permit Findings and Decisions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following timings ari 'facts in support of such findings are set forth: 'A Finding: A. The operation of the requested limited duration use at the location proposed and within the time period specified would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, nor endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the requested limited duration use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The property is currently under construction with 81 new residential dwelling units consistent with the Planning Commission's prior approval. Three (3) of the units will be used as model homes and will be constructed within the first phase of development that consists of utilities and precise grading for the entire tract and common area amenities. 2. The temporary sales office, customer parking lot and a temporary Fire Department driveway will be located in areas adjacent to the model homes. The common area amenities will also be constructed with the model homes. One garage within the model home complex will be converted to a design studio and will be restored as a 2-car garage prior to occupancy of the unit by the initial homeowner. 3. The model homes, sales office, and temporary parking lot are proposed in the central part of the proposed project. The sales office will operate with a limited number of employees during typical business hours. A dedicated six-space on-site a5-26-2016 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 3 of 8 parking lot will provide customers a safe area for parking with a designated path of travel to each of the units. 4. The guest parking adjacent to the common amenity area will also be available for customers and guests of the initial occupants of the project. 5. A temporary Fire Department driveway will facilitate appropriate access for Fire Department vehicles. 6. Landscaping will be provided in front yard setbacks along Placentia Avenue and around to the model home complex and temporary parking area. 7. After the model home complex is completed, production of the remainder of the homes will commence starting at the southwest corner of the site near Placentia Avenue and proceed in a counterclockwise direction. Construction traffic will be routed along the northerly internal driveway and customers and future residents will utilize the southerly internal driveway. Temporary fences are included to separate customers and future residents from construction areas for safety. 8. Temporary signage, both internal to the tract and along Placentia Avenue, will be located entirely on-site. Illumination of signs will be residential in character and must comply with applicable standards of the Municipal Code. Fourteen banners will be located along Placentia Avenue in the landscaped area. A temporary monument sign (main project ID sign) is proposed to be located in the center median of the project access driveway. The project ID sign is 7—feet-high by 45- inches-wide and is setback from the street to ensure adequate vehicle sight distance. A limited number of on-site directional signs internal to the project are also provided to enhance wayfinding. The number, size and location of the temporary signs as shown on the project plans are not excessive given the size and frontage of the project site. 9. All improvements associated with this limited term permit will be removed during the final construction phase ensuring that the overall project is completed consistent with the Planning Commission's approval of the Ebb Tide project Finding: B. The subject lot is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the limited duration use without material detriment to the use and enjoyment of other properties located adjacent to and in the vicinity of the lot. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The subject lot is approximately 4.7 acres in size with approximately 325 feet of street frontage along Placentia Avenue. The site has been found adequate to support the 81-unit Ebb Tide project based upon the Planning Commission's approval of the Ebb Tide project. a5-26-2016 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 4 of 8 2. The development will be constructed in phases, with the model homes, temporary sales office, and parking lot constructed first after the utilities and precise grading is completed. Given the two internal driveways planned, construction traffic and customer/future resident parking conflicts can be minimized with construction traffic using the northerly on-site driveway and customers/future residents using the southerly on-site driveway. Once constructed, customers will benefit from safe access and parking to the model home complex and initial phases of construction while the remaining units in the development are constructed. 3. Given the size of the lot and proposed sequencing of construction, the lot can accommodate sales office parking demands on-site with little disruption to surrounding residential uses and adjacent public parking lot. 4. The model homes, sales office, and parking lot are located in the central part of the proposed project separating it from adjacent uses. 5. The number of temporary signs are limited in number and are appropriately located to ensure on-site wayfinding and to maintain adequate vehicle sight distances. Finding: C. The subject lot is adequately served by streets or highways having sufficient width and improvements to accommodate the kind and quantity of traffic that the limited duration use would or could reasonably be expected to generate. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The sales office will typically operate between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. daily, and is expected to generate minimal traffic given a limited number of employees. The conversion of one of the model home garages to a design studio does not eliminate parking for the future homeowner and these spaces are not used for the operation of the model home sales. 2. Customers and future residents accessing the site will utilize the main driveway from Placentia Avenue and the southerly internal driveway. Construction traffic will use main access from Placentia Avenue given there is only one access point from the public right-of-way and will use the northerly internal driveway. The ability to separate construction traffic and customer/future resident traffic using the two internal driveways reduces potential conflicts to the maximum extent possible. Finding: D. Adequate temporary parking to accommodate vehicular traffic to be generated by the limited duration use would be available either on-site or at alternate locations acceptable to the Zoning Administrator. 05-26-2016 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 5 of 8 Facts in Support of Finding: 1. A temporary 6-space parking lot will be constructed and maintained on-site in conjunction with the operation of the sales office. Additionally, 4 guest parking spaces at the common area will be available for customers and future residents during construction. 2. The parking lot will include parking reserved for disabled persons and accessible path of travel. Finding: E. The limited duration use is consistent with all applicable provisions of the General Plan, any applicable specific plan, the Municipal Code, and other City regulations. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The RM (Multiple-Unit Residential) designation of the Land Use Element of the General Plan is intended to provide primarily for multi-family residential development containing attached or detached dwellings. The proposed temporary sales office use and associated parking is customary and incidental to the efficient construction and occupancy of the proposed residential use. The limited duration uses and improvements will be removed at the conclusion of sales and will not impede the ultimate use of the site as a residential condominium development, consistent with the RM designation. 2. Section 20.18.020 of the Municipal Code allows temporary uses within the RM (Multiple-Unit Residential) Zoning District subject to the approval of a Limited Term Permit. Limited Term Permits may authorize uses that might not meet the development or use standards of the applicable zoning district, but may otherwise be acceptable because of their temporary or limited nature. In this case, the sales office and related parking and signage are limited duration uses that will cease operating prior to completion of the new residential condominium development. 3. The proposed use is conditioned such that it will comply with all other applicable provisions of the General Plan, Municipal Code, and other City regulations. Applicable ministerial permits must be obtained prior to construction. 4. The site is not located within a specific plan area. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Limited Term Permit No. XP2016-001, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. a5-26-2016 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 6 of 8 2. This action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 16TH DAY OF JUNE, 2016. Patrick Alford Zoning Administrator 05-26-2016 2� Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 7 of 8 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. Anything not specifically approved by this limited term permit is prohibited and shall be addressed by a separate and subsequent review. 3. The Limited Term Permit shall expire twelve (12) months from the effective date of the license agreement to implement this permit, unless an extension of up to one (1) additional permit of twelve (12) months is granted by the Zoning Administrator. 4. The sales office hours of operation shall be limitedetween the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., daily. 5. Temporary signage shall be limited to the signs shown in the project plans. Illumination of signs shall be residential in character and must comply with applicable standards of the Municipal Code. 6. All temporary signage shall be located outside the traffic safety visibility area, subject to the review and approval of the City's Traffic Engineer. 7. All temporary improvements shall be removed after the conclusion of initial sales to ensure completion of the construction of the tract as approved by the Planning Commission. 8. An accessible restroom facility shall be provided and available to the public for the duration of the sales office use. 9. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. 10. Per California Fire Code Section 3312.1, an approved water supply (fire hydrant) for fire protection shall be made available as soon as combustible material arrives on the site. 11. Prior to occupancy of the sales office, an all-weather fire access road shall be provided consistent with Newport Beach Fire Department Guideline C.01 standards. 12. Prior to occupancy of the sales office, the emergency fire access road needs to be marked No Parking on both sides, consistent with Newport Beach Fire Department Guidelines C0.1. a5-26-2016 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 8 of 8 13. Per Newport Beach Fire Department Guidelines CO.1, any locked gates shall have a lock approved by the Fire Department for emergency access. 14. Prior to the occupancy of the sales office, the automatic sprinkler system installation shall be tested and approved by the Fire Department. 15. A 2A 10BC fire extinguisher shall be installed on a wall in an accessible location within the sales office. 16. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval, Exhibit "A," shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 17. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to the City's approval of the Ebb Tide Temporary Sales Office including, but not limited to, Limited Term Permit No. XP2016-001 (PA2016-042). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, the City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of the City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which the City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. a5-26-2016 12 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 13 VICINITY MAP Costa Mesa Lt • fY Y' A I y-. � -• � _ 'Tk NG A EUR TIDE OR PRODUCTION PL Newport Beach o . HD If ALYAN� ���r�1F 1)IIPL�'r •� ��� WS�O. � �J`I Limited Term Permit No. XP2016-001 PA2016-042 1560 Placentia Avenue 14 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 15 PA2016-042 Landscape Construction Documents for: PAD j ebb TIDE gaa.cap.aFN �Asa�F�s.2El N�,�,woaA9Fe,e ,o MODELS LANDSCAPE Newport Beach, CA (Tract # 17772) Prepared for: ebb TIDE LLC PO BOX 19583, Irvine, CA 92623 aV � 9 � � AmF v H Nc� a aa�A a ABBREVIATIONS: CONSULTANT TEAM: SHEET INDEX: VICINITY MAP: w �� SITE odo e_No �» u d e , a LOCATION MAP: .N o � SUBMITTALS: a IF z �.. CHEER e SHEET EEIS ,•,• e, .� , me rvO'. EnomF-v — xa,.. ,. E (p UNOEROROUNC UR FIR SERVICE ALERT OFSOUINERN CALIF SEEN ene'xei anu IL(8001£272 ® 4s wmLer �_� rvuUMOF,wo CS-0.01 PA2016-042 CONSTRUCTION KEY NOTES: PAVING SCHEDULE Ell .. El El .e.,¢.d�w.w.�.nH,me,a,mun�<ry^..nw� ® e w e�xim - larnsrape a.mn�me El eznigz.avi,sienn EEumnlo.uamse ® ry Q Snoesso- xeepeam e.wr,wrew z n.d�w^d.Y.,,o,x-.w. SIGN SCHEDULE. 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MM9E401J�'pA MW 1INDIM'N IOU101mew24NN _ 1 PA2016-042 w'M^'$+�W.pcmmmigi wry �Ne,S an ,m. ni> Q mew� vmntr�srvivw?ma [imams. µn� mnum emswxuanwewei wew w mm,manww.mMna+d \ pavm vv.amw mmw+m+neu. ,ns M u� vn. ra� pma��mn�n av a�apgnm GARDEN ART '^��^° .,m•°e`m" ^•�^•n• 4 4 .mem.q.�mw::.ea,..nn: lar pe armn�me uoae`�wry Id�� ..wa.e � �'a ovu. 93A¢ I,SN31G stu 1 �:.y.:,n waiAy y,lyApp im ,.Y„w nexami ug \ NMN .G9365[ i )tW ae�am a , Cl 13 DECORATIVE POT [SA-11 iD DECOMPOSED GRANITE PAVING[P-5] 7 TRAP FENCE[F-2] 1 CONCRETE PAVING JOINTS[P-1,2] ..r,aei+na a= aw — r-nw.,gsxaatrmdawa:v "�pa�n a ¢V Nr Jd 9 mtv inn V6 ❑ m W �zr v Dae minion 5 VINYL FENCE&VINYL GATE(F-112 CONCRETE PAVING [P-1,21 owmiwa�'q - p - [Winn. ium,Lv mee !a m.wm 55 ^ninon w�mg5n`s1°W� �aCON51RUC➢ON Y bh Nu.'. ;EE iIOeM kW_ E LM1e]e1. PqD 9aM Num. LC-5.01 151 WOOD DECKING [P-3] 6 BACKLESS BENCH[SF-11 3 MEXICAN BEACH PEBBLES[P-6J PA2016-042 . _. larnsupe a.mn�me ■ 12k1—I,I.I. NMNeo,G9365[ i'.9/91108530 wnw.SluEn paE.am a_^ -�or,ervssme L1G • r QW. _ - .,..... . Km 13 10 SIF PARKING DIRECTIONAL SIGN [5-4111- ✓ 8 SIF NYLON FLAGS IS11 •5 _ t2 �� •V U J .■..- .■.-.,-, A, J men.�n n•d =_. _,v,�r... .., � � Y c10 ,.'3_m' __ m. _ 141 11 DIF MAIN ID SIGN SALES OFFICE[S-5] --a 5 DIF MAIN ID SIGN [S-21 06 x3 _ PAD L a ■.. ., ■ ._ s.:a gig. r r`_ _ '_■ CON9RUCnaN onaL5 �j _ E kW. PADE _ LMtle1. PPD N LT _ _.... mem Nomba'. r LC-5.02 151 121 SIF GATHERING I COMMON AREA INFO SIGNS-fit 6 SIF DIRECTIONAL SIGN [S-31 «�cez.z.wo nwl,lzme�za w, >cnww.zap=m.> s�nrv*nwo,'.'I�nauz'.�o.n,sw�.as �+ PA2016-042 aEmn6 �me NMNeo,G9365[ .. 1919.1108530 m �® � e■_Y IUEn paE.a 131 101 7 F 7 SIF MODEL I.D.SIGN[S-7] a ¢V U J d 9 m J � inn d ad Dae minion 141 2 as CONiROCTION ona�s JADPIND I.. kW_ EDaa, o00 LMtle1. PPD SaMNUMAAA, g LC-5.03 151 121 9 1 3 PA2016-042 eo.o t6 aEmn�me � 93Ai¢wI,5N31G e m,�nme�Nn��pmw�Nn � �\ Nho Neo,G9365[ i�919.1108530 � P ,1 IUEn paEa swubP^+3 -I ! m 1\\Yy w ¢V U J _ N LL, c m ar :2Nan d a d = r= a CONgROCTION DnaLS e m m ND. cw�noNa — kW_ Eoaa., o00 LMtle1. PPD 9aM DIUM.. g LC-5.04 75 DECORTATIVE HORIZONTAL WOOD FENCING(SA-21 AAADAAw.13.wD w 17-1:.x.w. >c»w+.wawa=m�> s�„*uwol.vN�auc.�ln,aiww�.9 PA2016-042 UaND 0o w�+A�vww. lar pea hlt�ure �:!nN>a,amwwPw�dn 4 �n:Yi, F 93Ai¢wr5N31G 3m I ���,sNpapm NMNeo,G9365[ is.ywmmwsepaarcmi i'.9/91108530 :ee,�ima wnw.SluEn paE.am i ¢V �, aa3A a w �za v - oae minion 0000m �000 e*�4-�,At coNgRUCnax onaL5 wnxD. cw�now — kW_ EDaue., o00 LM1e]e1. PPD � uzEMmu� 9aMNumFq'. g LC-5.05 h5l TEMPORARY TRELLIS®SALES TRAILER(SA-31 �WZ1 wD , 17uue 1:.— >cnww—�wo,uxo+wuc win,siw+,aw PA2016-042 FINISHGRWNG PA.I�GdERALNNMIDXS PAFI R.FX. . PPNf I�EMENNIXI sr oxve m er irevmgwrgyrq xv su are i.xmwaxmam.wergaexwtP pabaxai.:eeyaapemameewnmmmyypmm p wne3ar rmwsrepine muodru'Wkv"nuammrcmmaa mvw;.tenawam¢meemmmmlopnmrmen wememaarym iwmeienaver v'eW�mmnmwovxnmuuwmYm, rvryumm mmnmumq. mmwn aovagrva tlaiowmpaewne ersmmeu`e,e,°mw AY�Y9AY -wutlm mml Ampxnanmenx'eam A. .Adl Aogmdnam�r We µx sewnmea,wl -11 A. "i'eeuaursuminmaYgwuxen mipvewe,memameoenee,pi.smpsww rdeenmpr ¢ num. emm, lar pe MCFIIncure 'wW+:wn• mm. --m—Ar tl'merwWKeam�w, xxs°wen"mxewmq. me pvu`tlireuPn �emsumwmx a atremmmaPammep peta¢mummmuaeiumer 93A,W—1 I.I. pbAeevsWvrivm'myreq %rcemago�exmen wmmanimeneeeexmue9pem PPRii-lePiERINS Pa.*mmelm.rn,rtewmsnmee> ry "M NMNeo,G9365[ imwnmmmdwvmP+iam,o lees s.x smn un AAHmmiwxemum Al YnKnecu. Apmmveemv niaro iemr°mgmwvw.na. i.9g9110B530 xnuvx uzmM1mmm APA"Al—Amenamn Wmamam --AAAA—lemepmmmmiw%zadv mevpmmvummuay.4erµaq wnw.SluEn paE.am vmnpwmAA.—mnxaxisme`rnmp weegvenexnumdwYrm�menewoax rarwrpeaiwnnmm e.uapmxfaeemsvApum PeeN9.uiwmane wWmawmmiwmmeaman4nimnmryu aarvmndnunmaaens mmni�me<��Ypi rowsgan¢emPne,iw � veurpavginwawaepeeameniw eeWUY eL s unnenmimmeyary Wmnmmvee. namvneu nm,mpwvsaies.'cn=me nvewpu.n%umwee ym PmvarieNemi9 o.<AAAA.r�Wrmry mORYYuem¢mavmrml Auun �Pn 'Avmv' nmp�omsnWmP�mr mmaRumxrem nmmarWp]mem eer ip[9vwimm nlmnm au nnp me.anerry,iA .- edY mwNvemvnumnaya.mnwam mm.H, xruvusdva v':a uquaaeµmasmr. ydmrr wem euremeiwier Wieeeymmemaaun. ,?owpmrsuy + mYna.pmmxeina,mn m,¢m.nedva¢mre'm PPRiI EIINPp! ssseeme ermemme. wimmmmm enmpeeµ�smy¢.rareneaay.mµrrserevnwt ar"P.smesdxe[vama. _ me%mP�mmmemidmmna e l-A.lues.,W- - -AAA:,— m¢mma«ma. re+e.mn mm -¢.a me.m. .�`r mrr .e. e rmervn»."wu.ewmaa.d.'a,YPe*mm."semi" r�'.m�„ed b'�mme'e°'Y° emv� raaau..agaPme¢w.e.m e..m swrwW..p�®,wp.ama x¢auma..u.,w.*mw.asmee.,wm¢ saws.d w.mmwE�xw evnm.,m�pa"a'. .emadwrrl m o wnmaa.xwnm.w,n,wmmun �,iN°eerm.�a��emY.��a W,awWm,Y..eruw.uWsx m.,,m,utlmmxmane^ .Kaxnu. .tiy-am.�ro.¢ex,...iwwea AII am.mm,d�d'.°wemme""mwA".Aem.Ay.AmeAm,nVrmma®.®re."a„nna"smxa¢iw,mYmww..".n kna=nsu"m ,?cwW��e.mem,�eeWmmladamm_am.��e,wmWxnmmW..nmer�mWeY®mm.me.=l¢.me�d.g.m ?.[e.nWdx.meweewn.mrePo.mWm�aeema.meYm5.eim4.",mada"?..w,mwqm�nme.weYe.,e.y..�awm?,:mm5?ppwv".'.AA.adx"rqa.w.ma..roa,e.m_4a'a"lae,m.baY Am AAA&. ° m m i :t..... °1¢°,meers[e�Wmmm,ma¢ewememwne,emw.,al.nsere�a d m xaBs P xw PE.,nma.wWew,+..AmaexnmYm4wam __ .mmen we."re°"m«ems '•`''.saw .nrsemmdmAsuoso.rmamPmelme.sea. a roex.wre. �ndo-mnme..ee". Ymrsm x..emm mrs,m.e�,rn.�mr,em®,mm.am"ew Pahl-esrvERa Molnoxs .—A,— PART 2 PARi]MAiERWG mreaz.Kmr[ne v Wmdeme�mem�nsmrmnmvuxxsyamdnemxe wr[wuvs ue mp. xv xemumry edie¢rm ppeimdm¢ amM-A—mv'awem�Wa�p'nmmn . tdeemxa�mm ucwµmuaxmmrmildmrcwmemmvewmxm� cea AAW rmumwm--A. .m dxmwu mw eieucaal PAPifXfLNIGN mn.Nwtdmpmn a.enq:awLpWrmvdnmsmn uarxmaervpwdee°anmetredpw,Weamur.m. ss ttn anenmxiwn it s"na[pmmm'.pm MmmaxwenuysWm emwgesem'n snugeemvuewnummmlvmeneem `n am a manwdce� xxo —.AAA armgmrse4merpmrage8r¢tim°vavaewtd a _X uw—,A.A,rm oaw.,unsmemv A. erohewunmvwerme0 :emµm x iweurxrmermnmwawAn nep um um'hpevemudeuxv ee Wse mme meimrcyreeYm,mnm a ° iiWximmr, moue moll u amvonmlwanmµev emmen PP0.r Ir�GEXEFALGOMIIXWs aeon pm eu xulnnvieaenA—A Aim A—A.A,—..AAAA— ss cmmarers st ormpian eivumuypovwiumaorme'mueummmgmeeY.a�xwr ¢V maemnmenpammurs,ttuegmeemgnwee [ J ¢ie'wamfe m imoiunieww'mmwuum .a&•DYm�wubnnwamvrav vembmx idmtleun ♦wat uum xtaryw® n� ibxavurerea'er. 9 m J ax.dm[Yemg r?sure.. wmomm�A^,v mr+a.5eomd YIM1ss.wAumin.bu,alMlM1rngawgerW � �o� eemwygaravawmabmmme Am..+Iranuwm.=em.lnvenwlr.mvgremyynmrm _ mnpN�-m.A—Awe4 AAA.pdee asm uveiwaeeuonuvedrvemopmypae m¢c'emy eaexmwivueylwW amWnmo.mnrmam.aemmrmmi nemMv}mpgamnr,ewPauMwrnymleN m r�µmma,alinmem umlo.M�meme mssmn nm,re e»�.[ �dm„m.rWneem"em..�d..w >n,`�.��°"''xen mee mm.wm a Ago®ammmex,Percmmwm mm.' °°°,�emmdn,�.q®er¢en..�m.mm >3PP en„dmmmanee� a a 3; 0AM .a�rmmoammm.em�eme .wmmp.m�a a%a =amdWa", amdmrdmm >o,namm�n w z p v '' M` PARr].NAifRULs vea a'.nacul� maeme,mmoavmah dA— g', Wiev'rep au:aaunmme. �im.q ud`e'miWSM1ea:°xe4ay rv"%wvy APA. n .ee°pw•waw"aa"a°".m""°:e°meti:.wem°"nes pdnmm srvdrn.xrmm`enaeercmameM,vn,emerwmrm.Yvvr:w mawm�aueemelmd<..nmoati WmK.mnmmwWme amue qammmp � ePomuPxe swwm m m`°ew+. sxo oae mmlm mmmeeMBimeWicmrmamvm unnlpdmxaee sWS Wpaevuwrcquwmew Peary x? tiawmwKmmASArcergmweesirmmermum A.wm n+mnmmranwevmamx e 'mv ¢.maxam,mnevw anumWwamem�m,.emrevsomemugmen e®egq" `d'emnuveuupremmnwa v xe7mums zaega.namM"mummrvrspivp� Kumas,mgA'.A. m wwfelu.lRrmenm PAR]Y-IIALERIALG ea.m3w4mmvrsleaevvesermungrgareu epevpuuap4pmueremxesmn vxmmca�n imnfmmw,Am¢e^ynnenmpmm,Aemammmm'�maemm'xnvpsrmmvmrrzmmaJAnn x?gwttmepe!mmnmmgeWwap'epaeaaµ,wYnnee-imixexa'mmu muprve.,Bmmnm reav!pmteayne¢xrnv r¢rmwmiuennnevamd �nnw'PNa sewdm e, Auw ?ePmPAAAxmwnwewumm --AAA A W AAA,--.Am—mmeuwm pmmeseYxmr mue %MNAmmmo,mnnmmanmm -md agavme°m4 swd cm..uv. ..= m. —huAAea mvae�a tl rn�bpnayramwmadmairtt.ei nmeavaemvtie eg e mw.umrremm nePppoaxywmaaegaWmepixbmm,2nmin er ?z mrydasenm egppuaA...AA6wrymmem . AAA,A u��.. bemb,awmeemmmBdm`m umv a w.eos+Yce�A�[+aears+m+v, emwrmMWarcz+aeRe.m,breniw,nna�smmmpwgeraumpmndu r �mop mea d �-uya,AAneAnu.,AnnAqA A .usi W¢aa,esanmerwmnn mm.eammwenmxue amerrimw,a empd,,.nm.vmm,an..e.ed �a 'uob'."AAAmae�sw,m AA-- +w mAPA-Al"',nfes' ,xtteoea nx plruam Amnied AI^Y ettAe MmmmPm,cePmgavmm. mo pwymWw "W 'p—Al". L _ ryw mam n rm oium E. W—hlxmv Nv.m . RAL �nraven m4nn mgl m 11 A01-11A s xnveWmxeurwnm[wme en a n.. mrsn , PAKI RPLf.ONd11Gr6 p se 1—r,.rev A, mom a¢eu a --1 T `arsars ,wnmgryrmsPmamrq uavmew versemuees _ wrtammf. A... cn[mzepw"eymuwuiav eraremsay. vuwnemmnemmucanemnmen vasouson.www eWwree.vempwmw nwvnrn ux. Lz ow•wuee PiAr].fXELMGN �i09pp lllk'. kuwe"��mynm e ' CONSTRUCTION ,.ximeumanm.Y.Aesemaem mnmarw Lorne a "m maa<mn x.wm.n x meamawwem naela."+n �eameeeamae"M.roYpe°:'ema..m.aagpx. SPECIFICATIONS memdb"¢nnwWm+n dRgawoe me.ry,mmy-Pmeu, ��r�e "[�we readnAwan eweemr em � em au x e m.Wrsmeue.e..e,amreammmeeq E_ P4Fi3.W1FAwLs mmwmeeuemn am"mew im�' mrw°mn isamaegmtraprsmlmpuumMcmbu �M1erseraaA,�m u�ywpl--.°rpen de� YYr Ne.'. EEE r10eM meee. mr rsenme.R vmaemmvyn'xm,`w'n•v me. ru YYp. E ?`,..°ea"`"ameep°iAtl...mm�:a¢"m�:SAPdw."`nmmWempo-, ,bi Ls ummm. drn,o..rearrom. oa'vl', eb exw' mneywemae.mrsda¢„mme�nmY m.gmm¢mna.¢mummwaaaw r m. mr¢x40mPdpwegremmaamm,om Ymv. xpma`eindv°inagamnep s'earewmxmmgxuvs vee cevm a e. ovmreivaey LM1e]e1. PPD w`m»�APAu.gemmewmm enmrPxaa erm/.m�'n9mmrs - ge'eentle aa,r veen,umamnraeeaemry mr+eemrwmmme.evaxdewxmma"nemena mn°uepexYeo psgryeW [77LC-6 0 1 ,.xnuFxm— NPA'rxan°,xara ca gdeW..x«w.aa rwmLrm,mePAx,'al.m.=t.AN..... �� PA2016-042 REMFDRGHG 6 MDRiAR ANFlGRWi ume.`ssmpxsa:mnn.¢ar>a E'ee'ry,ewmmeac PARII�GENfRAI LDNDITIDbS PppN.CD.T1.3 PAMI�GfNfRAILDNCRNNG E cw npamp¢egxqux.wsm zr nmm:w. u unvrpqum. rr flr gaq„cawmy. .xm.e:me.a x.n.mn�e�rra:rwavxw.ar m.awaa:mmpem 6mn: x ewea:q"m larnsrape MCM��ure w-M^¢wmr krmm::mm-.aa wi`mw:eu°e,aem"e`r`:"w wmmmrR peon vamvm,n ueex+wmp » nn aOmmneAmmameeenmmu ti�amm v¢emvreans me Mmmnu Ermsmz�tleeb¢'mrauwmame:panmymrw:M1m narmgadsm�ma¢®memaanvmme¢e'momrewre4vvm:rnme xs pwswd aYlp¢s.�—1 ssereM­ i9A�4V9sAp1rN¢N51uswlE¢b IG,5N9 39615G[ a ueanncva+Wspxrsawq roww:w:m vusn:nm�¢YepuenmemnY�^wmumnam eup rsm+v qn a ¢'�'ex r m.¢a:au=:a°+ws+w¢rw..r.w »rommowm^a. was rmre e,e:w m,e::e:mw»,s 6 n.wa ,nxw::waow.en:mr.,mpxae Pmewew,. aP�mxamam�=a:.,ar"'�:w:,��m:p wmn��^ee ,.r.,.mr:o.be mmmaanm a�,.em:mAm�¢mm.m.aea.aapwm:mm:eryN .omaawm esti rw,ew:m� ¢"'wm.a'",aae.'"'w'�.:��P��.a'°.m":mar��``•r.�=:� .ra:¢a, r.yeymamwamar.ma¢¢m °io9"�°^'�"° Am z.wa36Rwfls awapN.mawr:oaewe4p.,.mm�m.«PerPoap.mrv. 5¢me:oo ¢,¢mm.aaema.m,e¢eem,a®.ae emNnNmNnan .x::>.amee..srmoamN,p¢.gamix o eap«'m�»emaan�:a .em:raapeeere:m¢a.. ,.®, mpmp„o4Men,aagee^em.eaee,:m. d ¢ C� .ate' E SexPaarenmm,mn.mmnemam:mgx,.:m.,p.w �:w:::�,: a �w °'"`a"e:'" "a.�r'aa�am PAn z-wATFA6A15 �r`m°m.eur�r`ae;eev mw, r.�°mm�;d:e¢an:naeawnrq :.e.,.be,.°­. .n,ax.mm¢awa Pexr3�Nerzniasnrw.,e nww �. .mmna�m:re.m��apNm rx�amre�mrI m,rom.mxc.,m,m,P„m.aGenN.smera:mn ea^=� ,we, ,�°�ymam,,,exm. °:^m E axes,e�arr,9.eemrm�°,¢,.Mm.amm.:w9¢w>m�¢: r,ee.samox r.-�,.eaaa:,sdrwN„m„m.:m.e � mr93B,x„' ry¢n :xopw m.sraux mme,..e:n a,amrvp�araaemra¢ar�n,mxremm°ma..,ae onb°:au+n sme`ree wo emyvetleeexuwvaaaamrvg vmy,wmu. m: edrt mvbM6ae:¢memsermaaMpa, «apoysrsaeua:mmeMar:g prmbex arvnP°'pgmm appwvo:ynnve v u:rc essuewl.,;ses LpLIxWGAN05FAlING ”�mmmrNrbe'rmiM1zemw�'ww�mmmtl¢aaV¢nuv evrzrz ngvayaeuagunmv m mm¢mae�.q� ampeepaw Peye:Pex:nmemenvd mllan eed°faRm,YON^.uN' um PPRI I.GFNF9NGCXWIIOIb 5vem:mrzp:m mumrsmnaJ¢aenrvrnzr5wee xexleee(yem%wexee,namNermrm }e Pmbem�m:b:w�areem�m..mma...n wtrum�eam= ararwnyvru%rswr¢mmemnunyniuJmw:wt u oeamns 'r SLA m m mvepamawmmapesn.. a sm:eemamrmfassi,xmmame::mn:m Q ♦rm W1:9tlX G WI.N,i u. ♦wavmswa PRi 3.6MELNgN ¢V xs, w+a.RM1^+.emnere P maE m:e�ssnwmmmnx:mreeq uc U fluamvv9mereov::aa m:pM1 �, he m vaare ���p" iv mpeadsamma:¢m. ummvree:mnm � 9 pN J Su::ywpsam�m:eurcnweamnrpdeevuymmewA Ill. man �beB�mxmee, .� inn saw.pvan0eanvap m rmPrte:mrm LI—NA¢n:enbgm°e: mpemammnemmanmPPonluaeueeaa Mnaq°`w Ee..mmnmjE�,P nn9wimwnmsamxiveea ~ 0-2 a — renua,ambemn:me¢mm� r rm(tlseeraeem9e.emmgemue¢a nye h.„:w�.�1�aa zr xmmaa..m.xwmnmmvbwr,:me•memnremr. � a3q a :m�¢m:Pwarme.eammm.�er 9m.a:m.aa:an u.a'eow'mm, W �zr v Peine w6ernnry a m'aeeremne�em.o" W x¢x,aa.rame.naae."wmrar:wmaeemea°re®:n sr sm.¢be:w:n°x xwsrea¢�m:�„wers.:¢wearm"'aw`"�`e�` uwmasra+mwn¢.n e.aew re^e meem�a�*ep�Wsee:awrmm¢,m.mw, +meaw9�.mm.ew:ver:m"rm.°:r°ikm„.m pmrbenwerm �emr:er:r..een. manmwa,..mnnua m.anemmm.¢eeeremr'` PARiz. AT6was em.¢m.r axeere:erenewnn¢.deEa^erewa,aem a..em, Dnp minion�r�r��mn°wea:e�new,ravwa¢¢:e�we. . a.a r., em °naeM1wmwe m wdmm " rw"ee�e"g ow�^eae"e°�¢ve:"Po°�...�ri mwGNreP,me.,rr ma .¢¢ a:mm m„„„amrPn¢�:mew saw¢.e grim °mna,m� 23..nAemm swnmamnne:awam+�amx.roye¢ a:ew,+ wr�xim ma r:a vaamn .m¢mTrm,w, .n'o nr.:bm9om;:ma.,::aabtlr.m:m.: mh-.. ¢,¢m:¢,r.vuw.m Pa"ma. :�em." ',axvsm:aaa,:rel a bemawr:aemregNN eee11ae'umx:memarme1 rwm,mememr�an'...m.remmma.Nem®xe.m.N v xma ssmmmnemywvmawevure. xean egvyvg.rxmyeanrvnmgxmnepapeuexwerv: ma nvas anweam950mmnan°`am�areamµue ioperya:erarempeea4nevMa¢mmea:re^awad s'smpmaysaarmrmamaem¢aex:m wmen¢aonuesewy¢ve 00 °5 5¢w¢�Ae lLaer•.. evmenwma v«�r`nx�anmvammr pM1 �:� ertnrno a N10 ]sn:n:gamnmlmwrtymeaacanm¢¢pmmq¢:�y mespmx rgmsa¢mm�a9 W:¢arsaewme¢ew dmem:evmemary Unmirssl.` nm:mmaaa aj�saeNrmvem:`yMwaaammeersswsmi>pp'm _ e.e¢.ae.m.myammrmsermw.e:rwmm�'" ��' PAat 3-Ert[Hd N �� nrsagay.mpeem w¢m �p¢°d'evs'�"avw:rm°:muu�ewrer¢sse yppeee EMi° sr ywrbeeserae urvars. x`'^�RamIDbs�indnmPe°apmmrmeye:ngmmm. q�[e'vnw°NngmnwPasumen:�umee:wuax u¢ re:nWvaxwgmaaMv ie aaemnxmpnwvnaepmeymmex. nuvewm,m emenArweoarywnum:semnm e q .mom%emea.m" e. nmw einrn:gM sw:m—wmm Ll ^eM1 M'em r w,ae_ q v °ersY+vM. s u xeamn 4 � rrc we nan eIII iE kdmm gdmfaye h nvaF N ea e¢wn rvse vapammmu p ees esnamnmxemg r++9 mn^ueu;q,mene+vrr®em r ¢5.na.Ne.amm:ppeyamumm ss rm: wwmeemrt unem 0.a".MAn'miasm:mFanb:v eaaehnm ermanmet mn^ermennaa m uwgemmmmzsgx..meenaapnmerevrz:gr� e.Benwrmmmmgp awemmmng:¢mars uaum:ve eb¢gem 9pp lllk'. n m:vve Glu: °a amlpmswTsmppw.We:neumu Qea ems ummaxae m¢re: e.me me an.nraxeaN¢rwmmm usweeirn `P""e^nrnpam CONSTRUCTION mem.,.mmrmmq.,a":. emmmxu:,mWrRee�nm..mne:nm¢rw.a o�N a aeme,ea=mmaamnm.mm¢ma"r mwuw SPECIFICATIONS � n.°nntir"n°wnm�mm rm«�rm¢mv: x�prc«aagemv:.a n Sx pmemmgbeemmnmiemmmwu amea'mnanram [xo [empaaen.:a°ew.en:wn mv:a n{weaywwu m mm"mgame:ryuyvmapmma¢n eavuw,w:anm .w°rq^Mµis°w yp Nu.'. EEE Ill flrwpn%e�pnn gnmewe::n ap:mssmmeev:w wmmgrweov °Yemuq m:gemn:� 4W. E =.p*a,rm4mea-:n¢m,mwmn�ww eam,<tlars Damn =ap [rvx LMtle1: PPD Sl PIT. LC-6.02 mmwmll �11llPe,,­ l m,Nxwwe.a.—Tlll 20 PA2016-042 ��,a�md�,ewnde,Y,xpmaMmaa Y adMre. ,nx.��mY..n�. amaeemeM.n., �- eeama°gm..gY�mf�,,�ee„are�.xYp. � .p�Yee��xemem�aM:Mq��: q „�dwp.m,p�Y . 1 x,. re,xr.�.q�mre..� f� _ :m»,rx° me larnsrape MCMt�ure eexarygvefwavengm ° sa.w,pnfwnxmmasuwm pxvrvN. 93k —I,5N 1. em maeweiwmvpym er,mrt.swmenaiavvasemremumaua.auampevem NMNeo,G9365[ I s 91 SluEn stuff 30 amra-[ncunox v uevarm,waeae wnw. paE.am i,weimxg d �'a rypum - veipwiYawon.aq u.a smrev wrepy�vrpwfeampagwfegpavdegeuumvema,yray mfes ry e_....,. .. i,nmmaPmevememne ErwM�'m:Mwnl Rnwgsuwgeeseeennuvn,pmuimmxeepvw. w rv.s - ggnfegnywm aepwmrereveminsa,vbian mmm,wn .v vgen,lasmye,wn vmYmgdw�eupmmpexxerta�ppNn ewvlmvlv°eame'rvvtmmen �v M neeu �� ndMian.m esvyepeMmartnvsmeuvrsmm�uv p e. arepaen�Phnubwu,ve_p.a[e•. Yirm,cwm,xueeaatiyve5mx n�mam,unv,vlinxalrfvmseumee+epa,mm.tdamiv{rtpnY:muy D.a wyeq invMm Mes:gmenf'y,vr'�Mdwvnm +e'eagerwevrt vHdrxmmnwemwm,mnnemgvenvuei mamm cwdmeaieuianMmexxfuven nauepnxdmmitxi se:.n:mnef vvap wvsmmrm ananaeme�e,Mmebm wvntwmfy. �gmeian�vneaaea3vdenu�u�yebs�umva axepmgokammmaisunmmreuexeenyf monmmmwmvoweuruvu Yf bery�resm �rmmf en m rypw4dnbmunmmt,uegned.uuer. YY vmre rmq. vfmMwlxn o "mMiie ee'rem f'b�mrane�irevon,mwmrennsene nnnwmx,WeSemM'Aaee.+NOganee'enq.uwmavegmum m e m mpin'elo. ,dnrsemNm vpumlm,mipenewwm eapivmeae"nnmm mrm.ue esmam ryq,m.un:nneiuJw�imnd�aceur.,mvNa?maxum:mere f,ryyr wy eevpe�wpmmeam ¢V dY,eameunsu vpu,em,oeenq D.be?vmmvamn xwm.wgwo amnwmnegnuu v u U mwi,vemmurvmmursq v ♦xrymr�wap,adawfbrbMepvruE adwarevWLxbexMuendx � Lmty J a zeveunxiervem neinwgwdnapa Pm,tivvem'wm'ueumend¢vomiepw ywry,mn w.dnapgel mn V6 B 50 of,maafr.mq m.MMeb�f..pe,en,a.d�raM:gdM„Id a — � w. wl«madd.f�r.,md,eMem — ex��d.,R.,va.Y�®merve�a�„emee,n.,f d..,ere.�,.efo.dd.a�epa.. �`«�m.e,e.dnn xa�.,re... w �d oae tumid: pwon.oel�d.�ra mxaYamarrmoegY.�..md..ewf.f wreewwre�efe.n. �aD°�,anxvmrxeene"� r web '�'e3.eq»+•a .a .+meq ,awao=w� ere:p�a:Ydem �nre»w ,a".'—I�"vo°.bpaa9apre.�fe�.,�.f m,araen eaarz-wrmus CONSTRUCTION "°""'' SPECIFICATIONS ¢.mn�.a avnrevxvne,smrex.mMe ve� E �re•R 4NNu.'. EEE r10eM vaumm wempihewwm'vv~wae'a.'pau�.�e�9 �vm', aw. E smia�evrr^<rarw yaw.pmw nevme LMtle1: PPD SMMNumE&: g LC-6.03 Aa 4—"D x+Yl—e,smlm m1PN0r+eY,uam�wm'x'NmdJYcmmexm.reN /� PA2016-042 WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS: NOTES IRRIGATION SCHEDULE �i,ssue �eo,ccx.wyx° m.uam Pko VYlo.G9ffiB w,w-iiyaeur.ms,am iay.vo.o.°aui _1_ v.wm .rcreemeewe i�&&9PPd5A en<us .wanes uem GMlrvpalmn -�rvn vnow.w.rwowrewwmwrwuywvmx�orvu wmnm uvrwu umuu vuum.vw�a==1 WTI=, Tm iu uemo n,ne. x ® iw� roon uuwmwmnnaan we. 711 -11 wge.xwa c ny 0 rvreiw V mm�,. �w�.ewmmiaannnrwuwoux.�w.es °'°uae.a.,.aw wm.°emwnyrm ryrm awnr.we+.rw°r aaw ♦ w.aiw ,ewe °'a^�^^'v Ym uwr IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS 6 .uw....y. ® ••r 6U IRRIGATION SCHEDULES nns..ai+..iw�.n.wr.... ...w..».we..'.,:`ay..�,�..w Mw....,......e...,.... w»!p♦♦lq�Nrn.lpyaxMeY.lp�+4 scxeouM axo xona Z. _ a .ia xa: Emra.Po-xo�ae vrer.r a^ of .o eneam: van a swwmr 'p uolEs: MMnmyrewi.Nam g �_ a msnaOUFsniaw.ozmr img.u�muue. :;M1.^®:`, ,® �I U.O.01 z a�xrm snn�i�s.ai ro<iyymt�»,sca�ama. � PA2016-042 o - I .. L �-` •.l ... _-_ 2 - ��. ,-_I POINT OFC ECTION= °w°.. n _ - _ � 1 . _ 40- M1_ 40- STUB NOTE lm�nPa ArtM1MecWn _ szaw�,a sceno PRIVATE SR!'ETA PIdYA1E A as veio,usmsa - �11_I- -_ - � ••��^• - r�wsnoasm w CONTROLLER•A" M1 r r Br Bo 79 _ ._._.__ — I Will lk • � .10 P I______ fV�"'__ __ • —_____ f � �- I - fiIVA1E SiREiD _ I N " POT IRRIGATION NOTE 1 a Ou STUB NOTE I I STUB NOTE _ STUB NOTE m. PBNA7E B q TA CONTROLLER W 0 IBRIGA PUN a NOMS .lao xa: EmraaPo-m�ae eneam: van a R.W. ® srwxwm. I BarwmsM1wu KEYMAP c.o.o{mrMamw cwswm°o saeamw a.a rww. Q �Q PA2016-042 om- = Nwneut sce]IP w< ' i _,. wm,m wwe�x_w�eu Pko VYlo.G9ffiB ,.,u ..w - _ n � ne�mmmv,woe r m.manre w,.iww. i�&&9P4d5A mdl�P�mn TRENCHINGrew xT9 BACKFLOW PREVENTER "T" MASTER VALVEp "Ts FLOW SENSOR -. .,,�..,.,,...°.. a.,, -- 11 c t c� gym.° � DRIP VALVE ASSEMBLYNTS CONTROLLER "rs. �1 GATE VALVE xs. 1 QUICK COUPLING VALVE "rs. p- WAND LARGER SUPPLEMENTAL a EIMITTER TUBING AT TREES LAYOUT warERiNG AssEMeLV Ar rREEs mpOT IRRIGATION 9 xrs 10 �� xn .ia xa: Emr"avo-m�ae s..y, eneam: van a stwwmr 'p- U-s.o1 30 PA2016-042 ue.s.v.e • �•_ �.��'re,ri^ ' P6o V01o.G9IB58 • � • �r^ .ae .re +rie � • mr....tatll�Peffon — —.`neewvva mrou —r u..u...rr - • y$.r s �____ • ieeenn.ere.wn v .Sr _— • • • _ �,u em Com• • �� _i , _r.. _��• ���er .nv..uv vm.v auu.wv.meu�nLLe�vv .n..�.n.s. •� _ �� +,� 1 EMITTER TUBING INTAKE HEADER MANIFOLD �:_ ,— — _��,__ — _.-_�'-'^•^••—• IRRIGAe SPEQFILAMA➢ONS REMITTER TUBING INTAKE HEADER MANIFOLD14 N..: NOMS yi1Mei°` Rafm.SM1 LUAAOlEB— rL.6.�11 ,mw nft zn %eetucVL02 m,In9aW bik F z. swsneetM.Dlbrliansculaam" $ 31 PA2016-042 GENERAL PLANTING NOTES: I. amm•>r:'v .wnw�+ �me""ve.";•'"�,n,�aa,wa•.s,.w,aa..,� w rm Ty m.,mp.mme.'.w.bw.w TRFF SCHEouLE_ lar peM hlt�ura wwm 12 Il —I,5N 1. a [vwemrtvmmsumm's mrmwnpua mmnetmmm�ma peucuxau[ aux NMNe�o,G9365[ mmp, 1.9191108530 wwvns�amnnvnau�mvna�nfvmmun man,mom � �- w'.51uEn paE.am ,.avm aaWmvin z ��9wivnmre�svlrtimau9nnugmmpumue�yam�mm�ixx�m t� aavM�vvenmvlmm�^rvA wmmmaa�i,b.�ine"mmi�vn�q.-,w,�n�m. sue.�a v n es Imm ng, omennnnvvws,pramam�a�me nmevmm� mm mmuagpe.,agamiwuwyxapm¢mau¢pvamaim nammmenaimaearcm � m eyaw®mnpmmm pwnflPw f m sgaw.weiypvd myumepmreuxmammnmawmmwawomaq aPo�.ama��:�mo paww,, a�a.M�_a a�.nm��womwwa�.�w mwop,��m.wmn�m�xm��.�.mae.m�ma�m�m� I�ar ¢V aapna iaim.aw.eamre�mmgwm��guygl��)wamsanmivomw.ym nv _ J n um smpmmmxaw..seenpnpavnvceuu SryRU85CHE0ULE n ovvmaovr„se>ar..wmmnmew.mnue..uw.auw,sswamw..m.v....., WR w �N�n d e�o+naxiw�wee a'+Poaw� ~ al j� 'o m wann�µ�m:a nma,won�a.am„wmaa,ni a.,.wpne xwwO >< aap�n.p=� m�m,m.,Fmmapn ...m.mn.,Ene'in�n= w.umriv.e n va vvw rmmvmwmmmv epmmq¢aa.vn ® Ope RevSm a. xnmmnyaasvunryavamnaysveuryvsvuqunsmw,reW.de � anM>e�nvuw�Mtl' w�M+tanw' e n umenv miee®w e.pphw^aa^ueen+wv esmaww zamswp ® Fo.v. Ommye®awedm'wsmr sm,arevam O wmam uumaev Fleaty F1 aa"ww v O snmgiavaaaM amu ryaea,Mxuwy e upununwna PonvTM ry+® �M uuWNocwH�s a W.µAMs SNE wlc�.s w M!amYbnvur aenaaa•wMe. e tv mvnmo-® ewaeMTr. 1. :(Y m•n��•` a�Omi 9e&lNk'. WOOD MULCH SCHEDULE: TREE ROOT BARRIER SCHEDULE: SYMBOLS LEGEND: pLnxnND .s,zomcrsiw-mw.m. mfn pwnw.,ra.eai.emnaep,_w.n �,re SCHEDULES », —T a,rs a�.ew.a�mwwm.paanmm iw.ns,.on.n na.sn - gyp... "` z zvrcm..wv.p.mea.lpwmrsu. mm.ivmvlmnwrtun:wu=mv, 2�xn- E E w,e.mpapp+.a o..ivpuasnvai,sc m.s,e,maem.,menaa.awvnr..e r eavamueeweeawnpga trmpmamum+amnvn UwuwuSvemwmmmwmawin ndwvn vresn r1 a^' LMtle1. PPD o womnni�assnam,csm ./ ibwsmexnsn SMMNump¢I'. g LP-0.01 32 w PA2016-042 �� w / I__ lams p nxnn�me .' PRVA7ES7IEL7A / —PI#VA7E 3IPff7A 11A¢ I.I. r / 'Bell�i0la NIsoN�,G 65[ �I Lan Cup Se Ole eur na noesao B 15 wPwf oewgeam 1 36 4 36 1 8&8 � c I 1 / 3A RH y R 'L BI 6L Ole eur PIdVAlE STMETD - lh 1 B&B 1, II 5Y AI w _ A A A as c zA >ides L------- � C Se At Str __ _ Rhu Lan — , Gel Par Dme mmm M uy �.. PRVATE8TEE7B 6 36' 4 21 1 36 ,A 3 15g- I��/ __ — — — — �f�-�rr•�r�1 ri a� �1 R'a 'y .�\ a� TREE SCHEOOLE SHRUB SCHEOUIE weO +msv�wn'� w.. cuxwx[ 2Muw rtwe A O am us P2b nmo 9o-+xlvn�m ® pn ^�f ® O m.q -ep wmoes q WAn mae®:wwnwae vw® ® auweeav Ae.ore®ne mµm+aum _ g � E.igrewwua enlMilw O mum wrenm My h.uly _. �- — Zd NLAYIING ® nh'w'nry ♦ PI/lA �Memwa• :tlaun O ne.q w eema pemimmatrPUJ:H S E vnv Tat of .qf... YdWNu.'. MT. E ' LMtle1. PPD - .re2�f mm.nm.mre Flren ® j SMM Num* I OTES RHx10 Seel L➢AD1 lm Mdsle, alami.gs hddu ego xmes. KEVMAP LP-1.01 �w..sf.wo mv.,vme,:.m�, svmxn'na�.emsmxsaDn*uwo,'.'wmau�.,m.�se..ac 33 PA2016-042 inn, cDY wnxwnaurew Wnsm- +n4 aerrturyroot ba er m e .,® .. �».,•� u.ere...,..Kd �.� larnsupe MCMt�ure uv. 93A¢wI,5N31G NMNeo,G9365[ m � W i�919.1108530 m IUEn paE.a f " 18 ROOT BARRIER 7 TREE STAKING(TRISTANIACONFERTA) 4 SHRUB PLANTING(DRIP) 1 VINE PLANTING w �za v K - - a 14 8 TREE PLANTING(DOUBLE STAKED) 5 SHRUBPLANTING 2 VINEATTACHMENT �cuv �mwAam.::r.�,•.aiw re�o,..a ��n,N.e,....,aio.:�o ��ti.n.m.,..o a�en;,a.n...�..... ' o��mrow..wn.,o.er..�,xe. a+y�;«.m.•.., ea.. ...rte '.an®�..+®�:."w�=r ..ewe,tea.. wa•�n:ad..,,. o•�.b.a mA... m '(D � {_ • • • • • • PLANTING DETAILS o R i O mNo. ceo Now Or 'O • • D2vm, n' • ��4 • • • LMtle1. PPD — 4 — • • • • • • 9aMNump¢i'. g bm4AW LP-5.01 15 112 1 9 1 TREE PLANTING(GUYED) p 6 TREE STAKING QTAUAN CYPRESS) 3 SHRUBIGROUNDCOVER SPACING - —.11...wo 4 3 PA2016-042 VNDSG➢E PLOMWGSPELIfILPAMS PPRi1�GENEIGLCpIglIGHS PPPii-MOiEAN13 ss rteaowr WougrmxvgMmuexrmesa� ,m mulgmuwmparuv WnrM.eunmewenrmmw3rveepagrmieuvaw mynmeruesse mmrepagmwveitreurm vnev,mveeey. n vmmxfinem m�mum.eWmrmm.�bgme m nwm,mu larnsupe MCMt�ure .,wrew anm.,.wmmm wmmmmibep+a wnuvgvrmi 93Ar¢rauE 5N31G �wnwiw61dneome4e nmtlemm�'. Wore liemiwrvrm¢awusfvwnrmemwmwagivirvwsuevre .a mrnixmey rwewy¢arysmmaµvgmrvas eymemla°tt�mamraeeewsgMwe�mne+.°Tydm �nm�+mM Wmviw ma+py���lvwe:eay.mnmuk ud m�evemnm. b 9a9 T Neo.G9365[ mym�uM wzgveuwepeva:emw e,e°mmm,mm : 110B530 bewyro me wev paag wnw.SluEn paE.am ouaavmmmreIms—NlemhiMvms wvpmewmypw:m.,fmieedgmem.aitlfmngawq vaemarvfineigwemenedw,vnwanembef pevm imvmagaginewmrvnnaryvnwea nemv�uraaroxuMmv�we vmuercPvayndmve} wmm iganmtarexeemmemenvam:re fueM°eamv¢wmwcaessmmy rventlmnweundenaryv mmris aaivgrvaiu remremnyeepremamen u imvmaemmwmvws iwamv �vrMd:vAwmMmmpwrm�meaweerommn Waufn°mendnav�ynv rmmuesue msamryeumegxfeibparmmmm9amyMm:mmnpsfw evywmeseegwempe.mnmumm vmi .sspw.mpnwre ssmayrgaaiesrereaw.mvm av beam +dwxvnvmnrvwmemwmY+ravwersmmmrmi xa aunt/ vxvcwaeevmmramf Wsmf:epndewl+M'mymw __ a namm .rirmuemeeemevmwimesavfxwmampormmpm=mynmmun Saw medewq�Mmmmv aiupmwmidieuesmmaP punwweummpwxwendnemrymuvgsnmgenlmargv n n vvam,wy°msmgMp ldmrfw MuemurvmoMmt¢ epmmgwmuemv wurermnewv pmn9wemmMpwmsrveweNnzmvevvvagpque Mbem. 1ergnmveYdM.:eiwnmmdmrtee¢eMm..wnrcm. pew xan Menm¢mrmwnMnmrmmmmmevmrry mimy,:vyrvmygrvemf W�mn nyoveapv"n.MyeeremavnntiN mmamry v,semeufsm rvsmmpo-w Wnmwtlgmw.mmsbemp,mwng ss mvq.vwn.¢. .vn,gircwmeneiaupvmiyamm�fupnw Bunman mpN hms mrmm PARIS-WPROSffDINGN:ATERaB M mepm vnruse mm�nm �nmem+n�pmv�i krtlsemsmime�mwrymwwvykr,iNelrvg wneipmemw'newammrmvwvepwaNr n iam earp.onmau wnpmgrvaeurcmm w.mrvwnmew�mio.mrgwfe nxrymuune euw ym .iml,renempymw mmryryu fuNwmmn mieemnemsegmsexw�eymermsm umueweevu pnlryqnnmyrc�emsamagwwvemeuw ww smrmwaehaadyenvanrvmue xe­eIIgwme.wrI III aeeI—Iuay. ammxm. wmfamurrwmmvnmmartium simM Mxo-eeraM umnvuurf r B. I'., IN s wwwvTmevmmdfee frveive.u.emewyae pum%re a epwwnxvvsmevnunl evmn rmmyekdrwdrmemgmvwrmnxewrvvmememgmdvrryvµ smunm re,mpeeimwe4im3bemnmrvswmyx eeaµav rmNgdwaenw.mrtnnaesemv,W a ummumeumfemiwmpeimvgerymveemenmrq wmmsq� PARIS.EYELNpN s.wmmwwu%rymmurve vkv-avmmeNnemrMwn¢'M�m 4.o amrv11 11 narwwa ep n eew et/ .r sane won�e *111 eaarvwvew �a gammmpemumgnfmm�rOry++Auexendmmmev waarne�d�mviene�mmmemeeeunuwm Q [9yary.aopmpazumM w^m^�Ym^nM+agw:mwe wnwmumpgryw9eemvv m�^w�fi mm mraw.mnm agomymtlenaawwni wegvgaiummsmixsmvuummmewpmrs eanvnwrWwrc.N ¢V reaa�eNmgiaMeoarmaumrwmwrvywgvnmm J .wmq:,�mpxm®: mMxgrmrsgnewee d 9 m ar � mused wmMSMemsrmmixm�M w s aueq§m,nm a:Wsepmxemuz mmeM Mwnmxmam Wwrvameduvmmrdwaew ewdena uaivwwmmaah vawem.Mneryvwmm9pwAd b,i rsmgmovtq+µeinem JCgmn '�6 mnYvaunfreaumuneeommgo-MW ~ '^O e,waewwmm,mq.nwwWwmwmwm ommWo.mrmren�.,memmrenmam�xaemm.e Mm�ad.rme,m,e,m:.m aa3q wain xap%. [rmmupamsmtlmumnvnrnyemneemleo-Y mN. gampryvgrt wnm Mewxwaremumr w `�2H d mO�nr Lq s.5vnnmfmaevnimimiwnwm Wrmguuvwrvnxnew mma9uwMme�cowry re.u.eieue mmvm.mnaee:gemmm. rregwp¢rerMumarvmsamxmemya.m,am win. ..eedvnmmmwmme a, 0OP R¢Alm cdppe.I wfname.,m.ramm Na9°�Idmmam"m � mef ..pamwm m.pmMaem �x M ns�e —I,1rtm mw:oeH dMieNmemm Mmm..ee.merw'm,:°i" oeemener.,wame..emmemwder0MlIem'wd. e.mw ,5ammerw.memrwm.b.mmexmmw.eW.mnm xxemm mmewwmr.r.,mwm�ymrw.xme,�ao.aew.ei .yes+w:a�.rmmmmmwmemmmm�mc,em:wrxm� ..n,i� rm,nmwepxfmrvmemwewemmmrmr.wynbwmmrvn.ny. gM°.`,'r"«.e ,rr.k�.mq•emm.rveawm.mme.ww.r.4WwaMtr.�, .a..pex.fewkew W.,a..mmmnm,9nrm°. EII fw"°�ewYwwm i.o.em.nm..aw.bemee.wmwewwmn .mwwe:.me,m°"d�`m""�a:o:+�e.m.wm.,m,am a geeeewieene.wm.gdn�wa:.wmn wm�eece�m�a,�a` �ne;a«mm ee°iRwW.m,w.rmbYam.mem.mrea.>•ev9mm¢ ewmme,�wy¢ ww. nlraeWpaurvs.wssw q MrmmRkxr+eemowa. ear:®emr.mmm... ,�rmm r.m smg:ermmn. mem `w�.Mm°gdwa°na'we"wrat.we�xwmmwnnem¢m.r.mme« .:m .wnew. ien mnviypw ms4Mvuuyev{imrtrgxw wxn wdeys µ smn.nmMv u Rmm mnvmperenemM'. pmmemer,evMuircrgma ewvm�fineexsvmmnmw a.wryinawi..-....naaa„e..¢.ar..^ P9 L r nw M A pmaq csmeemm e°nrev 11 pNIM19I mfsP- w ed � % re¢ky PAR1E 0.NINKxlpif5 ....er. mmumw.. �� °eym pM m.m:qwm`�w'nerefanm".`•"anem'roksenvneemwr°nmwmawemv sc Wpmmam ew. umavge[m mme:bnvrp yr s,mvmmmgvM wamo-awwssgM�w�w.a� PLANTING f mY,.aowr urnwegmmewmnfdenaemmmngbemq mamemamrmfefm- SPECIFICATIONS ummem:wv my mmxem p�mme mm em.,reem�muns.W wr a m m a .> _-a: 'x ur°nmxnv aumm,raoaM.rmpe.mxaa.a. mae.mew...i - ,ea.ezWmhame keeum w wMa¢nmemu .Sam aAmam e s clveYnsmu.-, i.a:x...mrvv.o-,eyswwe ummvnigmnn.rmmwneun.smewee.mmenee:nmeee mNu.'. EEt imeM L re.m.nmammse.n "•voaruyaemm.atrame mwymMmeieiemmma yw:rrauva travm', sin E aenmgmmwex.emarv.®tlann.em, kss LMtle1: PqD SMMNumbry'. LP-6.01 Main M IlI m,11 Tne,xmm slAymwrnKwzm,>w Fm>mmpdm','Nwdwg4sOn.waKw.,and �5 PA2016-042 lar pea hlt�ure e um+wmv ®maw.m vr= .w.wrvvnn 93k —15N 1. .mam..v.�..y�.n Wm gy yspµ i'.9/91108530 `TM- ^�•^m^^� wnw.SluEn paE.am 4�5W�ff� ..ux.vmmu m. mim.m.n..mm.++b misme m:anru wi .xw..¢em.g u r®awx�gm��iw e.aM4 �n.mo s nwrv.xrz�w��V�wu.mawxa � �_' wn^am..mnm ryvrv�nvniy memeawm.mu� vce®mmnm ��"wmnn ELI `�2 H N PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS m o.. FLP6.02 3(o PA2016-042 x� v� N t lardsupe axnl,�lme PBlYA7E¢TRE.7A PBMAIE A exn 9 I,sNan T )IPB530 ��� Elog6am LI • l • { t l r ll II • 3A ZB IB 1 Q I b•� • 91 80 ]9 _O. ��/+��/� �r t. .I R q e I •_ ,.lir •I . _� W a 1 PRdVAlEBBEE D IPC— a _ Q N ww--j3o :2 s. P • • 6t J ;7 gO tO L ----------- ------ ------ _ ---_—_J '✓ oNe mmi� jr... 1 Y— . ~91 1 , PRVAIEBIBEETB� _ _ FWATESn EETB To ®IN-GROUNDELUSHMDUNTLEOUPLlGM TREE UPLIGM,STAKED CLOW-VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER. y LIGHTING SLHEGULE rnia[amno[w P,V rciuL Wu fwui um Tenp .r MLS• �.0 44n xx.a- I �H GIN. 0 uuwevPembmn. wasma. rmwartwl,mWnnrwm4nsrsaanWnimus®anetiPomW4lsvq..eexr,savms. re mex Perot . LIGHTING wne�xCOURMNAON PAN * ea•. rvLLonswagawan vaa wam ameeeu.mx IxN uwxawx MT. — YW_ Eoa.0 A g LMtle1. PPD T `S' SMMNumbry'. g KEVMAP ® LL-1.01 nax W rl,.wa NWr17 •ae t:.mJLL-tm-xenm-xory 3 PA2016-042 CITY OF COSTA MESA � 1 PHASES-6 UNITS PHASE 7-4 UNITS "Gy GE .III _ E�tt V.K MA y m CITY 0f �. - I..CEemn MIA NEWPORT BEACH W,esf zfv KTGY PmJW No: muA i P�ranlFnwn DeveloW e � �I "'^K"a MEM(Homs ,. REC W/PHASE 1 A MEM FHo er IUW _ B/0-9 - .a.,a MIA — — w1oNENo. wama2ul I FA%Np 9A9]�Bu1 MODELS-3 f a U ,r� W ;QQ 3 m Z W Z fp °.til • PHASE 3-10 UNITS Na. Dm Debaipuon NEWPORT HARBOR APARTMENTS MOBILE HOME PARK rwwlwlwavrtwwfbrmeuanwreiEVExcEaE.xEsm roan oruWfnsrw ____ ___ __ eYaWAlgxgl EfRON88EfNYlgl{clFeals.maaxc.rxxsx wMEs.ewaxavMAxo —_-_—_—_-- p}pglClaF a.Y9ElEiNy1i1W1E1FVAlgXS.SiREE14.IM9ff[WHY.B _ }RFFEx MYVMUR bn.0.WE4 EEFVIM'v uo.wt rRFxMwuWKs iTx INO W 41E VMIS µ }IEffA T11NQY..R a CM aaYnNSSiW R/x1Xp,PRMrKM.W.LLMtxvB.VAIgB.ylE y e�/, IIa11NSNf0 MO i01T4 COW>'I MEAS .f�, ..MCw1ER b xar xFSPTbW EE iai ALfESLBEM xEO W E4Exr8 xFUr W J M an F�IC9 WCM illaVgxWr xJr WxRaIOIH AWECi&[EWNxE M9 �.1\ �, SCliW rxE pEapEppif.bR t4ANlEEpI WVM'Igrt MIEf VUYiC Wf ipNYv e vrEMosuxnucssrow awxwEvwExmacreorolrx slxEE]noxuawMae ARCHITECTURAL SITE s.zlfuixMMnfa.EouueWxs.mE cm ENfMEEA PLAN P/R EIWa�IME8.4xNK0.5 ViFAE 4VY 1EG4lf ieCYINE 91r6friRplllW r1g wFRxT e M AIN11E i 145T. OCRx VAblrx;BVN.4 W SiIE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN _ 1 AO-61 se