HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Appendix J Part 2GI0[ _
C O N S U L T I N O ,
Prepared for City of Newport Beach
Planning Department
3300 Newport Boulevard
Newport Beach, California 92663
Orange County, California
USGS Newport Beach, California Quadrangle
Prepared by BonTerra Consulting
151 Kalmus Drive, Suite E -200
Costa Mesa, California 92626
T: (714) 444 -9199 F: (714) 444 -9599
February 16, 2010
Introduction ........................................................................... ..............................1
1.1 Paleontological Resources .......................................... ..............................1
1.2 Methods ....................................................................... ..............................1
Section 2.0
Underlying Geology .............................................................. ..............................2
2.1 Surficial Deposits ......................................................... ..............................2
2.1.1 Quaternary Younger Alluvium ( Qal) ................. ..............................2
2.2 Older Surficial Deposits ............................................... ..............................2
2.2.1 San Pedro Sand ( Qsp) ..................................... ..............................2
2.2.2 Marine Terrace Deposits (Qtm) (includes Palos Verdes Sand) .....
Section 3.0
Evaluation of Paleontologic Resources .............................. ..............................3
3.1 Potential Impacts ......................................................... ..............................3
3.2 Assessment Criteria ..................................................... ..............................4
Section 4.0
Paleontological Resource Assessment .............................. ..............................5
4.1 Qsp -San Pedro Sand ................................................... ..............................5
4.1.1 Quaternary Terrace Deposits (Qtm) (including Palos Verdes
Sand) .............................................................. ...............................
4.1.2 Quaternary Younger Alluvium( Qa) .................. ..............................7
Summary ................................................................................ ..............................7
Section 6.0
Recommended Mitigation Measures ................................... ..............................8
Section 7.0
References ............................................................................ .............................11
Table Pape
1 Paleontological Sensitivity of the Lithologic Units Underlying the Newport
Banning Ranch Project Site ................................................................ ..............................5
Figure Follows Pape
1 Map of Banning Ranch Showing Locations of Fossil Sites ................. ..............................1
R \Projects \NewportU015 \Technical RephgsS CulturalhPaleo Tech Repoa- 021810.doc I Paleontological Resources Assessment
The Newport Banning Ranch Project would be mostly constructed on the mesa in the eastern
portion of the site. Construction would involve grading of building pads, streets and parking lots,
and associated trenching for storm drains and utilities. Additionally, because of the erosion and
receding of the bluffs, slope modification, stabilization, and revegetation would be part of the
construction plan. All of these activities would affect existing and unknown paleontological
resources present at the surface and /or buried below the mesa. Because of the nature of this
type of construction, the presence of paleontological resources and the possibility of the
presence of unrecorded paleontological resources, the State of California and other
governmental agencies require a paleontological review consistent with the requirements of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and other legislation. BonTerra Consulting
conducted a Phase II paleontological study, which consisted of a records search, literature
review, and limited field reconnaissance in order to evaluate the sensitivity of the substrate
underlying the proposed development for the presence of fossil resources and to make
recommendations to mitigate the effects of the Project on those resources.
The Phase II study established that three lithologic units underlying the proposed development
have been mapped. These units are all relatively young, late Pleistocene to Holocene in age,
and consist of Quaternary San Pedro Sand, Quaternary Palos Verdes Sand (Qpv), and
Quaternary younger alluvium (Qa). The records search of the Paleontological collections of the
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Museum (LRCM), Departments of Vertebrate
Paleontology and Invertebrate Paleontology revealed the presence of previously recorded fossil
sites in two mapped units underlying the site. Therefore, the San Pedro Sand and Palos Verdes
Sand are considered to have high paleontological sensitivity, while the younger alluvium is of
low paleontological sensitivity.
To ensure that impacts to the paleontological resources would be mitigated to a less than
significant level, the following mitigation measures are recommended:
1. Prior to the issuance of the first grading permit and /or action that would allow for Project
site disturbance, a paleontological survey shall be conducted to record all
paleontological resources present at the surface for those portions of the Project site
where grading would occur that will affect Quaternary San Pedro Sand and Quaternary
Palos Verdes Sand. A qualified Paleontologist shall make collections of exposed fossils
from lithologic units of high paleontologic significance, especially in areas where access
to fossil sites is not permitted because of slope modification. All vertebrate and
representative samples of megainvertebrates and plant fossils shall be collected.
Productive sites yielding vertebrates should be excavated, and approximately 2,000 Ibs
of rock samples shall be collected to process for microvertebrate fossil remains. Dry
screening of fossil marine shell horizons in the Quaternary terrace deposits and San
Pedro Sand with' /8 -inch archaeological field screens shall be conducted to recover rare
types of fossil marine mollusks, bony fish, sharks, reptiles, birds, and marine and
terrestrial mammals. All fossil sites shall be tied to detailed measured sections showing
sedimentary structures and relationships with over- and underlying rock units.
a. For San Pedro Sand, prior to the issuance of the first grading permit and /or
action that would permit Project site disturbance, a qualified Paleontologist
shall prepare a detailed mitigation plan to sample the existing paleontological
sites that would be affected by slope modification. The plan shall be
developed in consultation with a local museum (e.g., the LACM or the San
R: \Projects \NewportU015 \Technical Reports \CAu,.ftPaleo Tech Report -021810.d.c ES -1 Paleontological Resources Assessment
Diego Natural History Museum) in order to describe the size of the sample,
methods of collection and processing, stratigraphic information, and other
pertinent information. A bulk sample of at least 100 Ibs per fossil site shall be
processed through fine screens, and all identifiable fossils shall be sorted
from the concentrate. Detailed measured geologic sections placing the fossil
sites in a stratigraphic sequence must be made. Bulk sampling that is
collected from matrix or sediment to recover rare invertebrates, marine
vertebrates, and terrestrial vertebrates must also be part of the mitigation
b. For Quaternary marine terrace deposits (Palos Verdes Sand), prior to the
issuance of the first grading permit and /or action that would permit Project
site disturbance, a detailed mitigation plan must be developed to sample the
existing paleontological sites that would be affected by slope modification.
This shall be conducted in consultation with a local museum (e.g., the LACM
or the San Diego Natural History Museum) to describe the size of the sample,
methods of collection and processing, stratigraphic information, and other
pertinent information. A bulk sample of at least 100 Ibs per fossil site shall be
processed through fine screens, and all identifiable fossils shall be sorted
from the concentrate. Detailed measured geologic sections placing the fossil
sites in a stratigraphic sequence shall be made. Bulk sampling, collecting,
water screening, or dry screening of sediments that contain rare
invertebrates, marine vertebrates, and terrestrial vertebrates shall be part of
the mitigation plan.
c. A qualified Paleontologist shall be notified and retained when earth- moving
activities are anticipated to impact undisturbed deposits in the San Pedro
Sand and Palos Verdes Sand. The designated Paleontologist shall be
present during construction activities on a full -time basis to assess whether
scientifically important fossils are exposed. Part-time monitoring is
recommended in Younger Alluvium. If any scientifically important, large fossil
remains are uncovered during earth - moving activities, the Paleontological
Monitor shall divert heavy equipment away from the fossil site until s /he has
had an opportunity to examine the remains. If warranted, a rock sample shall
be collected for processing. The Monitor shall be equipped to allow for the
rapid removal of fossil remains and /or matrix (earth), and thus reduce the
potential for any construction delays. At the Monitor's discretion, the Grading
Contractor may assist in the removal of the fossil remains and rock sample to
reduce any delay in construction.
d. All fossils shall be documented in a detailed Paleontological Resources
Impact Mitigation Report. Fossils recovered from the field or by processing
shall be prepared; identified; and, along with accompanying field notes, maps
and photographs, accessioned into the collections of a designated,
accredited museum such as the LACM, or the San Diego Natural History
e. Because of slope modification and restoration of the bluff area, most, if not
all, the fossil- bearing exposures of the San Pedro Sand and Quaternary
marine terrace deposits would be destroyed. If feasible, a few stratigraphic
sections with fossil- bearing horizons shall be preserved in perpetuity for
educational and scientific purposes.
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Nothing in this mitigation measure precludes the retention of a single
cross - trained observer qualified to monitor for both archaeological and
paleontological resources.
Following these specific recommendations and protocols would reduce the adverse effects of
the proposed Project on paleontological resources to a less than significant level.
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R: \Projects \NewportU015 \Technical ReportslCA ... AP.Ieo Tech Report -021810.d.c ES-4 Paleontological Resources Assessment
This report addresses the proposed Newport Banning Ranch development in the Newport
Beach area of Orange County, California (Figure 1). This paleontological report presents
archival information gathered by Mark A. Roeder, Orange County Certified Paleontologist at
BonTerra Consulting to meet California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and other
environmental requirements with respect to paleontological resources. The purpose of this
report is to (1) provide a paleontological assessment of scientifically important fossil resources
occurring within the Project boundaries; (2) specify procedures to be employed for
preconstruction sampling and documentation, and for later construction monitoring; and
(3) describe the methods to be used for collecting and curating any scientifically important
fossils that may be discovered during the course of work.
The proposed Newport Banning Ranch Project consists of development of the mesa or bluff top
of the approximate 401 -acre site. The construction would include grading or earthmoving
activities for pads for residential buildings, parking lots, right -of -ways for roads, and associated
trenching for storm drains and utilities to a depth of approximately 25 feet. In addition to the
grading, the faces of the bluffs are proposed for modification and revegetation. Except for the
bluff areas and the larger drainages, the mesa and wetlands are essentially flat - lying. The site is
underlain by three sedimentary deposits or rock units of Quaternary age (Late Pleistocene to
Holocene) that accumulated in the Los Angeles basin.
A rock unit's paleontological resources consist of any preserved evidence of once - living
organisms in the rock. This pertains to fossils preserved either as impressions of soft or hard
parts; mineralized remains of hard parts; tracks, burrows, or other trace fossils; coprolites;
seeds or pollen; and other microfossils. These organisms may have been terrestrial, aquatic, or
aerial in life habit.
Fossils are an important resource to science as they are useful in demonstrating and
documenting the evolution of particular groups of organisms. Fossil remains enable geologists
to reconstruct the past environment in which the organisms lived and hence the environment
during the deposition of the rock unit. Fossils are also extremely useful in determining the age of
the rock in which they are preserved. Paleontological resources include fossil remains, fossil
localities, and formations that have produced previously recorded fossil material in nearby
areas. The paleontological resource is a limited, nonrenewable, sensitive, scientific, and
educational resource afforded protection under federal laws and regulations designed to
preserve environmental quality. In California, paleontological resources are offered protection
under CEQA and other similar legislation.
Record searches of the paleontological collections of regional museums were conducted to
evaluate whether previous records of formal fossil locality exist on, or within a one mile radius of
the Project. Record and literature searches of the paleontological collections and archives of
vertebrate and invertebrate departments of the Los Angeles County Museum (LACM) were
conducted to determine if any previously recorded fossil localities were in the study area of this
Project. Geologic and paleontological literature was reviewed including reports, papers, and
maps that cover the limits of the Project. A limited paleontological field reconnaissance of the
Project area was conducted by Mark A. Roeder and David A. Alexander.
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Map of Banning Ranch Showing Locations of Fossil Sites
Banning Ranch
we 500 250 0 500
Figure 1
C o N r�0
Earlier Cooper (1980) and later Langenwalter (1998) conducted field surveys and
comprehensive literature and record searches for the study area; the results were incorporated
into a paleontological assessment. Based on the presence of numerous previously recorded
paleontological sites in and near the Project site and on literature concerning the underlying
geology of the proposed Project site, preconstruction field surveys are recommended. Also, the
known paleontological resources on the site should be sampled and documented. It is also
recommended that all earthmoving activity is closely monitored for paleontological resources.
The geology of the study area has been summarized in Poland et al. (1956), (Morton and Miller
1981), GMU Geotechnical, Inc. (2008), Rogers (1966), and Vedder (1975). The Newport
Banning Ranch site is underlain by Late Pleistocene to Holocene sedimentary deposits (Figure
1). There are three distinct stratigraphic units present within the Newport Banning Ranch site.
The Quaternary sedimentary units are the San Pedro Sand (Qsp), marine terrace deposits
(Qtm), and river alluvium (Qal). The San Pedro Sand and Quaternary marine terrace deposits
are best exposed in cliffs, slopes, and drainages beneath the elevated mesa area of the site.
Very young surficial (Qcol) colluvium and artificial fill (af) cover portions of all three basic rock
2.1.1 Quaternary Younqer Alluvium (Qal
Present in the wetland area in the northern portion of the study area, this rock unit consists of
gravel, sand, and clay associated with the flood plain of the Santa Ana River. Quaternary
younger alluvium overlies a late Pleistocene channel of the lower Santa Ana River west of
Newport Mesa at a depth of 100 feet (GMU Geotechnical, Inc. 2008). Even though the age of
these sedimentary deposits increase with depth, they are less than 10,000 years in age, and do
not usually yield fossils.
2.2.1 San Pedro Sand (Qsp)
Although for the most part the San Pedro Sand has not been recognized in Orange County, the
best exposures of this rock unit lie in Harbor Hill, San Pedro and Palos Verdes Hills, in Los
Angeles County (Kennedy 1975, Langenwalter 1975, Woodring et al. 1946). The term "San
Pedro beds" was coined by Dall (1898:335) for "the extensive beds of unconsolidated
Pleistocene sand replete with molluscan shells in very perfect condition, best exhibited at
Harbor Hill, at the head of San Pedro Harbor, California ". Arnold and Arnold (1902) divided their
"San Pedro series" into an upper rock unit (now the Palos Verdes Sand, which in part equals the
Newport Banning Ranch Quaternary marine terrace deposit) and a lower unit (the present day
San Pedro Sand). They set the type section to match what is represented at Deadman Island.
The next year, Arnold (1903) cited the type region to be the San Pedro waterfront. Later, Tiege
(1926) separated the "upper San Pedro series" and named it the Palos Verdes formation, and
retained "San Pedro" for the lower beds.
Woodring et al. (1946) formalized the name "San Pedro sand" for these deposits. The term San
Pedro Sand is used for these deposits in the Palos Verdes Hills, but has not gained as much
acceptance for similar deposits in the Wilmington, Long Beach, and Signal Hill area of extreme
southern Los Angeles County (Poland et al., 1956).
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2.2.2 Marine Terrace Deposits (Qtm) (includes Palos Verdes Sand)
Along the western edge of the bluff and in larger drainages overlying rocks of the San Pedro
Sand are sediments that comprise the Quaternary marine terrace deposits. The most notable
interval within sedimentary formation is the fossil- and shell- bearing horizons that are present
over the entire length of the outcrop along the bluff edge and in larger drainages. Elsewhere,
these horizons have been named the Palos Verdes Sand (Kennedy 1975, Tieje 1926, Woodring
et al. 1946).
As mentioned in the Palos Verdes Hills and San Pedro area in the San Pedro Sand section,
Palos Verdes Sand referred to the upper portion of the "San Pedro series" (Arnold and Arnold
1902), which was later named the "Palos Verdes formation" by Tieje (1926). Later, these rocks
were referred to as the Palos Verdes Sand ( Woodring et al. 1946), and this rock unit only
contained marine sand and gravels that occurred on the lowest emergent terrace in the Palos
Verdes Hills of Los Angeles County, California. This name has been applied to similar deposits
on the lowest emergent terrace in the Los Angeles Basin from Pacific Palisades to Newport
Beach (Kennedy 1975). Usually fossils occur in distinct shell- bearing horizons.
In order to assess the paleontological resources of the Newport Banning Ranch Project,
available maps, reports, and papers that pertain to the geology and paleontology of the
lithologic units underlying the proposed pipeline route were examined for documentation of
fossil occurrences. The excavations for the Newport Banning Ranch Project on the mesa are
understood to be between a depth of at least 6 feet to approximately 25 feet. This large -scale
excavation would require mitigation.
Paleontological resources, including fossil remains and associated scientific data, fossil sites
and fossiliferous rocks, could be affected by the direct and indirect environmental impacts
accompanying the excavation activities for the construction of building pads, roads, and parking
lots and slope modification.
Direct impacts would result from the ground- disturbing activities associated with construction
and landscaping. If scientifically important paleontological resources are identified with the
boundaries of the Project site, excavation and construction could result in the loss of
paleontological resources, including scientifically important fossil remains, associated geologic
data, fossil sites, and fossiliferous rocks. Although construction would be a short-term activity,
the loss of fossil resources would be a permanent impact.
Easier access to fossil sites and the accompanying potential for unauthorized fossil collection by
construction personnel, `rock hounds ", and other amateur and commercial fossil collectors
would not disturb fossiliferous rocks to a significant degree, but could result in the loss of
additional fossil remains, associated scientific data, and fossil sites.
The level (high, low, unknown, or none) of potential significance of these adverse impacts in a
particular area is based on the paleontological sensitivity of the formation underlying the area
and the potential for disturbing fossil localities and remains therein. The adverse impacts on any
fossil locality containing identifiable remains, as well as on the fossiliferous bed that produced
them, depends on the paleontological sensitivity of the formation in which the locality and bed
occur, the extent of the impact, and the occurrence of other comparable remains nearby.
R: \Projects \NewportU015 \Technica1 Reports \CA ... APaleo Tech Report -021810.d.c 3 Paleontological Resources Assessment
Additionally, the feasibility of reducing impacts by scientific data collection must also be
The paleontological sensitivity of a formation or unnamed sedimentary unit, described as high,
low, unknown or none, is the measurement most conductive to assessing the sensitivity of the
paleontological resources within the study area. The paleontological sensitivity of a formation
reflects its potential productivity and the importance of the fossils it has produced in the area.
The procedures used in this study to evaluate the paleontological resources of rock units are
similar to those used by Wagner (1990, 1995) and the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
The potential productivity of a formation is measured as high, low, unknown, or none based
upon the densities of fossil specimens or localities within or near the Project site. Exposures of a
particular formation within the site would most likely yield fossils similar in number and kind to
those previously recorded from the formation in the surrounding area, and may contain a similar
density of fossil sites. The criteria for establishing the potential productivity of a formation
exposed within the Project site are described below:
• High potential: formation contains a high density of fossils sites or has produced
numerous remains locally and is very likely to yield additional remains.
• Low potential: poorly exposed or studied formation that contains a very low density of
recorded fossil localities and has produced few remains locally. Further investigation
could establish that it contains comparatively numerous localities and common fossil
• Unknown potential: formation for which no data or insufficient data is available about
the immediate vicinity to allow an accurate assessment of its potential for yielding
important fossil remains within the site.
• No potential: unfossiliferous igneous and metamorphic rock units with no potential for
yielding any fossil remains or Recent to sub - Recent sedimentary deposits that are too
young to yield organic fossil remains greater than 10,000 years old.
To evaluate the paleontological sensitivity for each formation exposed within the site, the
following procedures were utilized:
• The productivity of each formation was assessed based upon the densities of fossil
localities and remains it has produced locally.
• The importance of the fossil remains recovered from each formation was assessed.
• The importance of fossil remains that might be recovered from a formation if different
techniques were used to collect the fossils was assessed. The criterion is implemented
due to the effectiveness of screen - washing large volumes of matrix followed by heavy
liquid separation in extracting small fossil specimens where no fossils were previously
Based on the above criteria, the surficial Quaternary deposits on the parcel are ranked by the
sensitivity rating (see Table 1).
R: \Projects \NewportU015 \Technical Reports \Cultural\Paleo Tech Report -021810.doc 4 Paleontological Resources Assessment
Lithologic Unit
Quaternary younger alluvium
Quaternary Marine Terrace Deposits
Quaternary San Pedro Sand
The following is a description and evaluation of the resources found in each lithologic unit that is
mapped on the Newport Banning Ranch site.
Underlying the marine terrace deposits are sediments of the San Pedro Sand (GMU
Geotechnical, Inc. 2008). This rock unit is present at the base of the western edge of the mesa
and in large drainages. The San Pedro Sand consists of gray to dark gray to reddish - yellow
(rust)- stained siltstone and clayey siltstone with friable, interbedded fine to gravelly coarse -
grained sandstones. Based on sedimentary structures and variable lithologies, this rock unit
represents a wide range of depositional environments. These environments range from near -
shore, shallow marine to lagoonal, to back -bay tidal flat (GMU Geotechnical, Inc. 2008). The
upper contact of the San Pedro Sand with the overlying marine terrace deposit in most
exposures is an angular unconformity.
In the San Pedro area, the San Pedro Sand has yielded crustaceans (Rathbun, 1926); marine
mollusks (clams and snails) (Arnold 1903, Arnold 1906, Arnold and Arnold 1902), Valentine
1961, Valentine and Meade 1961, and Woodring et al. 1946); bonyfish and sharks (Fitch 1967);
amphibians (Langenwalter 1975); and birds (Langenwalter 1975, Roeder, unpublished data).
Large late Pleistocene extinct mammals found here include Bison, Mammuthus (mammoth),
Paramylodon (sloth), Equus (horse), and Capromeryx (very small antelope) (Langenwalter
1975, Miller 1971, Scott and Cox 2008). In addition to the large extinct mammals, extant pond
turtle, rabbits, rodents, and marine mammals (Langenwalter 1975, Miller 1971) also occur.
Recent amino acid dating of marine mollusks from the San Pedro Sand in the Palos Verdes
Hills has yielded dates of 330,000 years before present (Ponti 1989, Scott and Cox 2008).
The record search revealed no previously recorded paleontological sites either on the site or in
adjacent the area (McLeod 2009).
Although not identified in previous paleontological resources surveys (Cooper 1980,
Langenwalter 1998), during the course of the limited field reconnaissance, three sites were
found (BAN- 11,13,14) in rocks mapped as San Pedro Sand. These sites were fossil shell -
bearing horizons. The fossil sites represent the first recognized fossils from the San Pedro Sand
in Orange County.
4.1.1 Quaternary Terrace Deposits (Qtm) (including Palos Verdes Sand)
Underlying the younger alluvium and just below the top of the bluff in larger drainages, road
cuts, large excavations, and overlying rocks of the San Pedro Sand are sediments that
comprise the marine terrace deposits (Qtm). The most notable intervals within the sedimentary
formation are fossil- and shell- bearing horizons that are present over the entire length of the
RAProjects\NewpanU015 \Technical Reports \Cultural\Paleo Tech Report -021810.dcc 5 Paleontological Resources Assessment
outcrop along the bluff edge and in larger drainages. Elsewhere, these horizons have been
named the Palos Verdes Sand (Kennedy 1975, Tieje 1926, Woodring et al. 1946).
In the Newport Beach and Costa Mesa area, the Palos Verdes Sand horizon of the Quaternary
marine terraces deposits has been exposed in natural outcrops and man -made excavations. A
number of fossil shell- bearing horizons have been found (Bruff 1945; Cooper 1978; Kanakoff
and Emerson 1959; Peska, 1975, 1976, 1984; Powell et al. 2004). Unfortunately, most of these
sites have been destroyed (Fitch 1966).
In the northern and southern portion of the study area, underlying the young alluvium are
primarily marine sands of the Quaternary marine terrace deposits Palos Verdes Formation
( Tieje 1926). The rock unit consists of greenish -gray, fine- to medium - grained sand with traces
of silt and clay, and is located on the lowest emergent terrace in the Los Angeles Basin from
Newport Beach to Pacific Palisades.
In the past, construction has exposed a number of fossil outcrops in this rock unit. Although
primarily known for its fossil mollusks (Kennedy 1975), the Palos Verdes Sand has yielded
remains of sharks, bony fish (Fitch 1970), birds, and marine mammals (Langenwalter 1975). In
addition to the marine fossils, a number of large, extinct, Ice Age land mammals such as
mammoth, mastodon, bison, horse, and camel (Jefferson 1991b, Langenwalter 1975, Miller
1971) were found. Usually fossils occur in distinct shell- bearing horizons. The Palos Verdes
Sand is estimated to be at least 120,000 years old (Fanale and Schaeffer 1965) and represents
a time when coastal waters off Southern California were several degrees warmer than today
(Fitch 1970, Kennedy 1975).
Elsewhere in the Newport Beach and Costa Mesa area, the Palos Verdes Sand horizon of the
Quaternary marine terraces deposits has been exposed in natural outcrops and man -made
excavations. A number of fossil shell- bearing horizons have been found (Bruff 1946; Kanakoff
and Emerson 1959; Peska 1976, 1984; Powell et al. 2004). Unfortunately, most of the Palos
Verdes Sand exposures in the Los Angeles and Orange County area that were studied in the
past have been destroyed during the construction of housing projects, shopping centers, and
road and freeway construction (Fitch 1966, Long 1993).
Although the records search (McLeod 2009) reveal no previously recorded fossil sites on the
parcel, properties adjacent to the Newport Banning Ranch site have a number of known
paleontological sites. During grading of the lower parking lot at Hoag Memorial Hospital, a fossil
horse (Equus) (McLeod 2009) and a variety of marine shells were collected (LACMIP 4007)
from a shell horizon (Palos Verdes Sand) in the Quaternary marine terrace deposits (Lander
and Roeder 1997). Langenwalter (1998) noted a number of Palos Verdes Sand sites in the
Quaternary marine terrace deposits of the adjacent Newport Banning Ranch. Some of these
sites are Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley (UCMP) and Natural
History Museum of Los Angeles County Invertebrate Paleontology sites (Bruff 1946). The
intersection of 19th Street and Anaheim Avenue (LRCM 3267) in the City of Costa Mesa
produced a specimen of a fossil elephant (McLeod 2009). UCMP V -93124 (Long 1993) and
LACM 4219, located along State Route 55 (SR -55) near Santa Isabel Avenue, yielded a wealth
of fossils during construction of the freeway. Over 200 species of marine invertebrates (Mount
1981; Peska 1975), 41 species of marine fishes (Long 1993), pond turtle, birds, and 7 kinds of
mammals (marine and terrestrial), including Camel and Bison, were discovered (Long 1993,
McLeod 2009).
The main fossil shell- bearing horizon, which varies from six inches to two feet in thickness,
identified by Bruff (1946) and in later paleontological resources assessments by Cooper (1980)
and more recently by Langenwalter (1998), is present just below the top of the bluff in road cuts
and other excavations and in drainages from along the western edge of the mesa. From the
R: \Projects \Newp.nU015 \Technica1 Reports \CA ... ftPaleo Tech Report -021810.d.c 6 Paleontological Resources Assessment
literature and records search, this horizon has been assigned the following field and
institutional numbers from north to south: JDC -BL -5, JDC -BL -4, JDC -BL -6, JDC -BL -7, JDC -
BL-6, JDC -BL -3, PEL 1998 -19, PEL 1998 -18, PEL 1998 -17, UCMP A -3106, JDC -BL -2,
LACMIP (UCLA 2321/2), UCMP A -3105, JDC -BL -1, BAN 5, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 15. (Figure 1).
During the limited field survey, BonTerra Consulting found this horizon in the southeastern
corner of the site (BAN -1 and 2). In looking closer to the stratigraphy of the Quaternary marine
terrace deposits, several fossil shell- bearing horizons were found that were 10 to 20 feet
stratigraphically below the main shell horizon (BAN -6, 7, 16, and 17). These horizons had a
different mix of invertebrate (marine clams and snails) species and may have been deposited in
slightly different marine environments. Also, there were two localities (BAN -3 and 4) that appear
to be mudstone - filled lagoonal channels. One of them (BAN -3) yielded fossil oyster shells,
freshwater snails, large mammal bone fragment, and small bones of small mammals on the
surface. It is recommended that collection and water screening is completed using bulk sample
matrix with fine mesh screens to recover the bones of small vertebrates. Also, a tibia fragment
of a Bison or a large, extinct Ice Age mammal was collected in a very disturbed area of the site.
Though the locality could not be pinpointed, about 10 years ago, a fossil whale skull was
uncovered during geotechnical trenching on the site. It is recommended that this specimen be
relocated and collected. Fossil whale skulls and skeletons are rare in Late Pleistocene deposits
in Southern California (Demere 2009, personal communication).
Some of the Quaternary marine terrace deposits in part may be non - marine. In similar deposits
in the City of Huntington Beach, large, extinct Ice Age mammals such as mammoth, horse, and
bison were found (de Barros and Roeder 2001, 2009; Wake and Roeder, in press). Additionally,
pond deposits dated at 40,000 years before present yielded more than 2,000 fossils specimens
from the Quaternary marine terrace deposits. Virtually all of the specimens were recovered as a
result of processing (waterscreening) one ton of fossiliferous rock recovered from one fossil site.
Fossils recovered included pollen and spores of 30 kinds of plants and trees; shells from 4 kinds
of freshwater ostracods; 8 kinds of land and freshwater snails and 1 slug; a freshwater clam,
bones of 2 species of freshwater /marine fish, 1 variety of freshwater fish, bones of 3 kinds of
amphibians; bones of 12 kinds of reptiles; bones of 2 kinds of birds; and bones and teeth of 10
kinds of small mammals (Wake and Roeder, in press.). These types of fossil sites that produce
small vertebrates in abundance are rare (Jefferson 1991 a).
Unfortunately, most of the Palos Verdes Sand exposures in the Los Angeles and Orange
County area that were studied in the past have been destroyed during the construction of
housing projects, shopping centers, roads and freeways (Fitch 1966).
4.1.2 Quaternary Younger Alluvium (Qa)
The records and literature searches revealed no fossils are known from Quaternary younger
alluvium on or adjacent to the site.
The usual mitigation measure included in a paleontological resources assessment is to provide
paleontological monitoring during earthmoving activities associated with construction. Most
properties do not have paleontological resources exposed at the surface, and fossils are usually
found during the earthmoving activities as grading exposes the overlying geology. Newport
Banning Ranch in many ways is unique; paleontological resources are exposed in natural
outcrops, borrow areas, and drainages over most of the site. The first fossils were found in the
San Pedro Sand in Orange County. Several shell- bearing horizons were found during the
limited field survey. Most of the site had a prominent two- foot -thick shell- bearing horizon in the
Quaternary marine terrace deposits (elsewhere called the Palos Verdes Sand), which can be
R: \Projects \NewportU015 \Technical Reports \CNWr.I\Paleo Tech Report -021810.d.e 7 Paleontological Resources Assessment
traced from the northern to the southern end of the site. Additionally there are several shell -
bearing horizons below the main shell bed.
The procedures recommended below would mitigate to a less than significant level adverse
impacts on the known paleontological resources that would occur as a result of the earthmoving
activities (e.g., construction activities of Newport Banning Ranch and slope stabilization). These
procedures would allow for the recovery and preservation of some highly significant fossil
remains and associated scientific data that might otherwise have been lost as a result of
indiscriminate earthmoving activities associated with construction. The recommended level of
mitigation effort in particular areas reflects the paleontological importance of the underlying rock
unit, the type and magnitude of the impact, and the potential for loss of fossil specimens and
associated geologic data due to earthmoving activities and unauthorized fossil collections.
When appropriate mitigation measures are initiated, earthmoving activities could prove
beneficial by exposing fresh rock and allowing the collection of fossil remains and associated
data that otherwise might not have been collected, particularly with regard to sediments from
which no remains had been previously recorded. Mitigation programs containing measures
similar to those presented below have resulted in the recovery of abundant fossil remains in
beds from which few or no remains had been previously reported. Moreover, these programs
have usually caused little or no delay in construction.
This mitigation plan follows federal, State, and County agency mitigation requirements for
protecting paleontological resources on lands under their respective jurisdictions and is based
on the results of the archival and literature search. Its implementation would reduce adverse
construction - related impacts on paleontological resources to a less than significant level. The
following measures constitute the mitigation program:
MM -1 Prior to the issuance of the first grading permit and /or action that would permit
Project site disturbance, the Contractor shall provide written evidence to the City
of Newport Beach Planning Department that the Contractor has retained a
qualified Paleontologist to observe grading activities and to conduct salvage
excavation of paleontological resources as necessary. The Paleontologist shall
be present at the pre - grading conference; shall establish procedures for
paleontological resources surveillance; and shall establish, in cooperation with
the City, procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit the
sampling, identification, and evaluation of the fossils as appropriate.
Any earth - moving activity associated with development, slope modification, or
slope stabilization that requires moving large volumes of earth shall be monitored
according to the paleontological sensitivity of the rock units that underlie the
affected area. All vertebrate fossils and representative samples of
megainvertebrates and plant fossils shall be collected. Productive sites that yield
vertebrates should be excavated, and approximately 2,000 pounds (Ibs) of rock
samples should be collected to be processed for microvertebrate fossil remains.
If any scientifically important large fossil remains are uncovered during
earth - moving activities, the Paleontologist shall divert heavy equipment away
from the fossil site until s /he has had an opportunity to examine the remains. If
warranted, a rock sample will be collected for processing. The Paleontologist
shall be equipped to rapidly remove fossil remains and /or matrix (earth), and thus
reduce the potential for any construction delays.
R: \Projects \NewportU015 \Technical Reports \Cultural\Paleo Tech Report -021810.dcc 8 Paleontological Resources Assessment
If scientifically important fossil remains are observed and if safety restrictions
permit, the Construction Contractor shall allow the Paleontologist to safely
salvage the discovery. At the Paleontologist's discretion, the Grading Contractor
may assist in the removal of the fossil remains and rock sample to reduce any
construction delays.
All fossils shall be documented in a detailed Paleontological Resource Impact
Mitigation Report. Fossils recovered from the field or by processing shall be
prepared; identified; and, along with accompanying field notes, maps and
photographs, accessioned into the collections of a designated, accredited
museum such as the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM) or
the San Diego Natural History Museum.
Because of slope modification, fossil- bearing exposures of the Quaternary
marine deposits may be destroyed. If feasible, a few stratigraphic sections with
fossil- bearing horizons shall be preserved for educational and scientific
MM -2 Prior to the issuance of the first grading permit and /or action that would allow for
Project site disturbance, a paleontological survey shall be conducted to record all
paleontological resources present at the surface for those portions of the Project
site where grading would occur that will affect Quaternary San Pedro Sand and
Quaternary Palos Verdes Sand. A qualified Paleontologist shall make collections
of exposed fossils from lithologic units of high paleontologic significance,
especially in areas where access to fossil sites is not permitted because of slope
modification. All vertebrate and representative samples of megainvertebrates and
plant fossils shall be collected. Productive sites yielding vertebrates should be
excavated, and approximately 2,000 Ibs of rock samples shall be collected to
process for microvertebrate fossil remains. Dry screening of fossil marine shell
horizons in the Quaternary terrace deposits and San Pedro Sand with '/s -inch
archaeological field screens shall be conducted to recover rare types of fossil
marine mollusks, bony fish, sharks, reptiles, birds, and marine and terrestrial
mammals. All fossil sites shall be tied to detailed measured sections showing
sedimentary structures and relationships with over- and underlying rock units.
a. For San Pedro Sand, prior to the issuance of the first grading permit and /or
action that would permit Project site disturbance, a qualified Paleontologist
shall prepare a detailed mitigation plan to sample the existing paleontological
sites that would be affected by slope modification. The plan shall be
developed in consultation with a local museum (e.g., the LACM or the San
Diego Natural History Museum) in order to describe the size of the sample,
methods of collection and processing, stratigraphic information, and other
pertinent information. A bulk sample of at least 100 Ibs per fossil site shall be
processed through fine screens, and all identifiable fossils shall be sorted
from the concentrate. Detailed measured geologic sections placing the fossil
sites in a stratigraphic sequence must be made. Bulk sampling that is
collected from matrix or sediment to recover rare invertebrates, marine
vertebrates, and terrestrial vertebrates must also be part of the mitigation
b. For Quaternary marine terrace deposits (Palos Verdes Sand), prior to the
issuance of the first grading permit and /or action that would permit Project
site disturbance, a detailed mitigation plan must be developed to sample the
existing paleontological sites that would be affected by slope modification.
R: \Projects \NewportU015 \Technica1 Reports \CA ... APaleo Tech Report -021810.d.c 9 Paleontological Resources Assessment
This shall be conducted in consultation with a local museum (e.g., the LACM
or the San Diego Natural History Museum) to describe the size of the sample,
methods of collection and processing, stratigraphic information, and other
pertinent information. A bulk sample of at least 100 Ibs per fossil site shall be
processed through fine screens, and all identifiable fossils shall be sorted
from the concentrate. Detailed measured geologic sections placing the fossil
sites in a stratigraphic sequence shall be made. Bulk sampling, collecting,
water screening, or dry screening of sediments that contain rare
invertebrates, marine vertebrates, and terrestrial vertebrates shall be part of
the mitigation plan.
c. A qualified Paleontologist shall be notified and retained when earth - moving
activities are anticipated to impact undisturbed deposits in the San Pedro
Sand and Palos Verdes Sand. The designated Paleontologist shall be
present during construction activities on a full -time basis to assess whether
scientifically important fossils are exposed. Part-time monitoring is
recommended in Younger Alluvium. If any scientifically important, large fossil
remains are uncovered during earth - moving activities, the Paleontological
Monitor shall divert heavy equipment away from the fossil site until s /he has
had an opportunity to examine the remains. If warranted, a rock sample shall
be collected for processing. The Monitor shall be equipped to allow for the
rapid removal of fossil remains and /or matrix (earth), and thus reduce the
potential for any construction delays. At the Monitor's discretion, the Grading
Contractor may assist in the removal of the fossil remains and rock sample to
reduce any delay in construction.
d. All fossils shall be documented in a detailed Paleontological Resources
Impact Mitigation Report. Fossils recovered from the field or by processing
shall be prepared; identified; and, along with accompanying field notes, maps
and photographs, accessioned into the collections of a designated,
accredited museum such as the LACM, or the San Diego Natural History
e. Because of slope modification and restoration of the bluff area, most, if not
all, the fossil- bearing exposures of the San Pedro Sand and Quaternary
marine terrace deposits would be destroyed. If feasible, a few stratigraphic
sections with fossil- bearing horizons shall be preserved in perpetuity for
educational and scientific purposes.
Nothing in this mitigation measure precludes the retention of a single
cross - trained observer qualified to monitor for both archaeological and
paleontological resources.
Following these specific recommendations and protocols would reduce the adverse effects of
the proposed Project on paleontological resources to a less than significant level.
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