HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-02 - Newport Balboa News Times~Out A. J . 1'\ylat Ill frequently eallf'd "Jack" by hla fr l"'d. · -.but ft:>w know exact lv w~at tht• ln ltlala atancl for-Jack let It be ~own the other clay th~y stOOd for Alexandt'r John Twist which Ia a .~Ia· tlngulahN! 1100ndlng name-!- -:- Uae Care i Racial hatFt-d Ia eomet,flln~ t.hf' ~rican ..-~lc muat ~ard agaln•t ~ · alowl_y one can Uf pre jud'~'ce fo~m aaalnst vatioua natlooaiiUea u the re•ult ot the American11 to halt' the poilU. cal governmrnta of the dic- tator nat1on11 but remember, a ma.n In thla country may be a truf' Amt'rlcan. rf'jrardleu of the c-ountry from WMOCJ caml' hill ant"f'lllora. -4 I -.___. ---l.- An economlat Ia one wtlo .~Ia you wtlat to dO-with ,..r mbMy after you've al,...dy doM tomethln·~-elae with 'f· • ' . ·Not O~ad Yet I Sometlmea thl'' public Ia arcuse<;_l 01 not being lnttl"f''t· f'(l In llnytl-ll'g, but an untn- tenttc.nal I'Xpt'r lmpnt at thf' City Hall Tue111c111y morning r~vcalt-d how to arnun tht' public, it ct.t~lrt'd It t f'«>ms tbt' ~merican nag had lll'l'l- dentally been ra 1114'd Upj!lde down nigh• Ou t flt'rgeant -Hw~ LaiHI • ~tew-~~ calli' anmt' "illf'arr, wantf'd to know If f"t y f'mplc•v~a had at&rt.d c.l4obratlr.~t t~ llt'W voice on tht' "Whllt'a UJl, Rf'vohr- tlon ?" clttuna were b4>g ln. • nln~ to prnte1t vuballv at · the ataUon. • ao Larf' w~lked outalde-M d aurf' enough ~ nag on lhf' Ctty HaJJ nllgpole wu upside down -It waa baatlly. changt'd to Ita cor- rect pot~ltlon. .. Ceneua7 'nlua far. aay Cbambt'r Co m m e r c e . official a, 4417 popula~ for --a .... baa been rai--.J by «MWJ oftlc:lal.t -.._."'. eo.el DOW ~ fOr 1MO ot ~ dt7, watM' deputm•t wtltett --• eoNldltat»>e dlffe~ace with that nvm!M!r -ftlmatd" bued OD the ~ of water. which have alwaya been fairly a.c:c:utate. ahow an ayeragE' population of 9000 for this city, with a peak of 20.· 000 In the aummer and a minimum of ~700 tn the wtn. ter a.nd theae liM' coo.er· valfve eartlmatu one woo- dera It a number Oil nOMa went uncounted In the cen. lUI. Jlri'JIIII'· ation~ fpr thr h11: T>f•ri~nnl;ll rPirhratlclfr' fft mnrk rnmJIIr- 1 Inn nf ,, rlc-r:HI,.-nf <<'l"\'1r<' hy ttil" !':r\•-pnrt ll:~rllflr l'ninn Hi~h !'rhnnl nnrl -11 ,h,ulrl h<• .a h umclina.:rr nnt only 11 J:lllA prngrnm. hut I hl"n-~Aill I'H' opPn hnu~ ... wttj) mnny llttrnr· tivl" rxh:hlls ISSUE» SEMI- WEEKLY EMBRACING qALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE Ctl-Y-GAII s WJI.EW~SI:AND~ ALLEY HO .MEl .QU~IIG 1940, 1 PAVE Pl1lJZLE . V~LU·ED AT $821~45'TO BE AIRED All-Time Building Value Of $1,040,122 lal pave Balboa IAlanot Recorded During Y~ar, Addition Of ~o 1m·r ~ .. t() ,...w. t~wm. ~ D---•.... T tal to That Ia th,. q1w•!l11n Wlllch wt,U DUUBut 0 be> a ln·•l In a pcthll' hrarln& ache- i.fon.llly nt~:ht J anpaey 1;~ thl' c oun.·ll • hambira. When ."litlls" was w ritte n o n the city bulldi,ng records H~:!,n7 .. :~ ~ moppoaenta o1 tbe 1 for 1940 by Ins pector A-M. Nelson Tuesday after~n. Dec. phto trc• rx('<"rtC'd to ~>e 00 hat1d 31. it was revealed that 208 n~w residences had been ercctro to Inform thr cc•uncll aa to thelr 'or had ~n started fn this cit v during thl' paSt tWl'Wl' · ren~ .. ('tlve. \'lew• 00 Lhe I . __ . · _ 1 whlc:b hn.• berome (.bf ~nter months. the greatl'St t>u1J~"'lhl' his to ry o r NC'wpor1 '"" t!!il1,.r·\blt· ......... ,.r•y 1 Harbor. . , •. 'JnltJut prOCt'f'dln~r• to form u I . Tht> 20R new homl'S repre~nlt"ftn invt>stment of on•r, 1"' e~l'nt tllatrk t for the 11"9-~ • . . . j('rt ""· i tll:.~:,•.l '•'' lh• council I ~21,945, a large portiOn Of the $1.040,122 bwJdmg total upon ri'C't'lpt of .... 'peUUOD au£t recorded for the record-shat· -mlttf'd by Gratn~rer Hyer.' t . --d'. r N tll•1mll:-a rc·· not t:UII!IId('rl'd. This nulrlng tn l!'ll.nl what.type ol I ermg_ year •• m lea ~n~ . ('W· I:-In kt•t•pin~: With the incl't'IJl'(' or I pavlnjt th~ lal~ndf'ra ~aired m.t. port Harbor s a mazmg df'· from \1-C{ homPII crm~trurt1'<i. 1!1 po~<tcard1 wf't"P _.,.to all prnp- Vt'lopmcnt as a reliiaenUaJ.I~:~, .. the• :..~. ~u~lng tlw ~~ erty ()'WMrt In the area by liM rente r _ ,,.;.,· city . Many of thf' re-cta were ,.... lrll'r ''""'' 111 ~ullding throu~hout tin ned. markert ••'t'it r tn favor ol ; he· p.ts t yc•ftr IS 4QOUocl nfnnt h by IIIJ'haJt or • I'Onc-rrte •mrfaclq. rncmlh. I ll•r<•mhc•r JIC.'l'mliS for 1940 v;hit. otber· bort· other au~tlt..t. Two (X'rmils Wt;'l'<' addl'd to the• ro>evnl" nwsday for tlw :'llewpc;rt und l1a I boa pl('fS con~trurtt:'d th<' lf\ta!c-.1 ~~.I flO ll!< I'Omp!tr-Nf lo lhl' IODII thf'\' c11d not dNII"' s~)-1 ,-1!17 \:tltl(• rcoc:onlc'<i II! 1!1;1~. &leo ('om nwrC't al • duma~:•·· tht• $1:.!0.000 valuation 1 h b 1 · 1 '· ,..,,.tt r at ,.u ~t:1ntu1 commN'<'ILt ......,perty ownera dt't'larlD~r hrmJ!IIIR tlw total or.cu y bu•ldJn~ rlr\'l"lnpml"nf, In kf'f'lllng with 1M u;; Carda BALB·OA ·Wt!x-END . . MES \,. 0 I~ • EDITION ·-s::.. ..') LIDO ISLE. NE;W~ORT MEIC~TS, B ALJIOA 'I~~A~D. CORONA DEL MAR, CO~tA MES~ IASt'AIU' ~. lt41. F.IUIIT I'AUF.M lfEifiAL -LOAN "T.UJH RATIER-CARE· :INi iDIYIDEND . LESSLY "AIDt~Q" 01 : s l0,4(Kl TOTAL I Hl~l·~-MRS.,_ MAXWELL , \Voman'tt Harbor Auodation cutW~ ('orinnand~r · Stanley l •rinripl~'' and Uenitts Shta C11fF' oof tlw 1><•111 ~VNir.o otf I'N'· I l:ft01111 Ill flt.o lihtco• v co( the• !'llt'W· l'"" "" ll•co•c ~o· ... t,.raJ l->avlniC• anll 1 A''"" lttllooll ,.,.. rc•Jt<lr1;..1 A e-. ''14Ck of Ever Objected l.tt'l'lntli-to tht" afHimE' hich ol IWI!'c· ,...1 hy l'f'looidt'ntilll ron~ruc· ~r~~~~~~~~~~~~ pc•rm1ts wc•r(' not nurtni;: thr pu~t tw('lvt• months c-umaxlnJ: a prr\'lnua mHt'nc tho: \'Pf)' last to rnllble the thc•n• w(•rc• 21 btJ!Iint-"~ !llructur<'5 • 1 f I I · ('I( th~ council aeveral wHka &CO tuta or al rc•~:u ar pri\HIP con· "n'<"lt..-1 or .~tanrd. ro•pn-~ntina a $1 """ 1""' d ' .. In which a num~r ·rtf falandera ~trucnnn, ·'-"""· ~-to stan II!> tntnl ... ~t imat1~ .,lnve<~tmrnt of a trut• mdication of Lh<' con.ostruc· S."i l Rl 9 Six Ml i!'tlnl: m mmE-rrial appeart'd betorr ttu• councll to lion pr cturt• for 1940 and to serv4" ,.tructun'11 Wl'r<' n·modi"INI nnd prnteat the prn'" t. II_ wu drred a~ the mar.k at '':'•hich thr building modl"mi~c'<l. r<'Pff'"''ntin~: an ad· lbal ln vtev.· •tl thl' nppoaiUnn. the tndl!~tf)' w11l st.rJV<> to £>XC('('(! du r ·1 llltional Jn\OC'fllm<'nt by prosx-r1Y roattu ,.. ~~~ftJlJI4"•1 1n1: t h<' <'ommg yrar. Nt>lson 1 ownf'n~ of StQ,OOO -A corr.mtt!rt' N'J"'rt from the stat <'d. -Thrrc• ,.~ ... N' npproxlm&tl"ly 32 Ba!'>Oa · rr-~~nct Improvement A.-I r.sceecla Paat n"!!ic11'n<'('ll )llhlch Wt>rl' n-morn-led Jl()('t&tlun c.letlantl that or.-•ru•· Studv. Of (hA bulldJn.. i"t'd)rdfl Rlld m('(l('mizf'd l!Ufticll.'ntJv tO' Lion QPpoel!d tO the project. 11w -' .. .. • r aJifd "mln9rity" report ~ for the y~ar .Plow tM tr-emmdoull qualify thrm '"' moc1c>r:n and up· ~~. H h tteaded the the dty hui t o-dati" ~tnnoturMI. All of t~ • .,.npr yer. ,., 2_ a . t.• ... ,:.. .. ~. • . ... ... -"'- "~ ll• c· t-"It .. tlltc P.oh •nd ..., ef al.,t«" who will .tppear .. tltt M.-a Community Church ._..., nl;ht, 7:~ p. n ... J;on, :>. .,,_. top to bottom .tr~ Bobby ... lftan, baritone; Kenn«th N«l- .., fl,...t tenor; Freder1ek ·Lind- ..., aeoond leftor; P •ul Myere, .,..... Payn., beaa; Lorin Whit- _,. ~anllt. UN OLE ED SEZ- P'At "t.ol& \\ fu" f '••"K' ,.,.,. tnlu•a u,. the '" ., lu ,1.11) Itt '.l1111tt11ry. Jo"HK will ''r•l•., .. • '' ul•·" ''"' tutt tu· h•.an't Mnl•l ""v M ~tyl,.·. hi' t'llll't al~tnll \ .. ·-~ 'l1lla ...... ~ Mly lila!l -.lormN le t.IM ....... a.pl ....... _ ... Mal aiM lilokla &D Or-.. O...t7 ~· t.:ourt deeRe. mak· .. • .................. 1\,LL a..-.& ,...u.-. Newport -Balboa N E W S -T I M E-S PHOS¥.8 It 6 IS .... , t d Every ,._..., Uld DundaY ~t.-rnoon11 \'ulunw X~'"XII -. -. Sutwcn~ Pa,yable &n .Ad.Jalnce · -42.50 IJl'r y~·fJr In Ur.rl~l' C'vun1 )'. $2.75 per year to 41h zone ; $3-:DO pt·r yc>ar tg-801/on••. ---,.....--.---' 25c ~r mo~th ~y caarat•r. .. a.red · u Second-chua mutter at' thl' Postorr~a> In Ncwpon Ht•~.teh, _____ Ca1...,_Jr_oa"•· under the Act of Mardi 3, 1879. 1 S. A. MEYER · -• J::OJT(JR AND ~IANAl:t-·;n l Prilalia& PW..t, ~ W. Central Avenue, ~rwpo~t Beach_: Call tva nut ( OJiftCIAL PAPER. NEWPORT BAUIOA;CAUFOKNIA A Dt,·rnlaHe IAc&I._Ut•Uoa Jo'qr Over 1: t'l'an _ Skinny Skribhles lltl'f" The~ Aad • Willi c ..... Ulki••Yl 81llaVIS M~~r Naliona.l Edl~lnl A..uo-@). ·1'hOM' ~hu live alonl_thc> ocean clition. ' .. k now romt'1hlriR about Ill 1'\:C<'n· MMT~bt-r "Colden ON:II'" llllt. CaU· lrtoltlea. , The:)'' have ~n miUI· fomll Nt'Wapeper Pubhdwl"li Ano· I kind enrrnarh upon 1t11 prednctl datJon. " -ar.ol havr ~tern thrm driV4"n l)at'k Mem~r Oi-an£e County WH'itl)• •Jain for wh&l.. mlU\Icmtl tllku Nf'WSpe_per PublUh.rl' A.uocla.tlon. nwey frr.m thr O<'t'IU\ It wiiJ te· .. I ., 1 rontinut-d 1 ... hn the drcllnl' an water levelll Jo'ollow10g tbe I08ll of the Bor-trroughout the county: chant Street wellll In St'ptember Deellne In Water Level• In F .. t , '19341 Mr Pitte1aon again aub-Area 1124·30 1t3d-3e 1124-341 I oliUad a report to tbe couuc.U ' !Surroundln~ I date•J Octobl.'r 29. 1934, analyzing Seal Beach :t the walt'r supply problem quite S or Talt;wrt thnr~>ughly anti ·r~ommendlng to Ocean 0 developln& of the 34-acre tra.ct W~atmlnater 10 and aale of the Borchard Street SurToundlng a.nd AdiUil& -street tl'&ct!l. Weat ol recommendation waa 11Upported by Wlnteraburg 10 Ult eltbaufiive • atudy of water South or 1 quality .and aoury:e of con~-Greenville 20 I ID&t1on I!Jiade by Dr. Carl ~!leon. N. and E. of Water Technolog1a. In hll reyort Surroundlni or August 28. 1934. ·be concluded Stanton 10 that Ule moat probable aource of S. E. of , Ule contamlnatft>n waa Ule oil 10 0 10 10 20 10 16 10 2~ 20 40 . 7~ ·~ tlonal t'fforts 01rr pt"eMnla t40 John Muef eld, England'• !llrlrrBhlv nMv.- per <'ent ~( thrml 'r~malned lgnor-lllut·eate. '!"rites to a frlen"d In "ltclr r n"!l." flo you wonder why lng In · lnr ri'M4"oJ rPplr.nlshmenl ant and on {hp vrrg.-llf atlln·atlnn, Americll : I hi' m ndnt'!<ll nf hom bing t!N!mt>li of thr grounolwalt'r frnm: nlnfall We artst()("rllttl ~>Wnr•l mrt~t Iff lpt' l•••nr .hm. ~n dllllnnt to ul'l 1\tltl why Wt' nnw J)f'nttratlon &nd 11trhm now. lantl and pat~ our he-1('1'1"11 little "''" hl\\'1' un•louhl ~'llly 'htl\rtl o fro'! th1t tht>rt>'ll always ~ an Wltr lhl' rl'tum oJ normal or dry faboUt 20 renta a dayt. To you ~·•l•l rlrRI abo_!!t c1ur unpr1'par4"d-F.ni!IBnd · \'t'&fl, wRirr leo\'tle will probably JOdd wome-n ot tbt-•·orld .. reacJ nr"!' of n ycl\r Rgo. AIUiou,:h Wf' 1 ReogardJo, , ~rl'(leo to thf' 19:\11 lnt ltl and wiU Do~ the ad .Wry of r olleh mar· hAd put ,lUI m&llk11 In "''"!)' homt •• J M . pmbAhly 11rop It Ill lo•·eora In tbe tynSom without taking wlle coun-11.nl1 liul[ trtnrheoa In the psrlce, f\Jture atl drAft on tbc Ssl\ta Ana eel. Work DOW t.o mAkt your roun.' II ~-un·t until Ull' No~t'lj[M l)f'· Da Deihl I I Vallf'y hilt! bf.t n tlteadlly UJCf'!U- try ~. 11•holt'J10mt and 1D· baC'II' 11\AI '1\"t' "really bt-gan to ve 8 In~ ·• ttllltrent. l.t ~"OU do nQt. you w1U maJt• ht'A~'&Y In lhf' anoamtnt Proud Father Thl11 aru 'A'U 27.00 a<;rea ln fl.ncl t bat !.beN' ll no appMJ to bul'inf'llll 1931. 7000 arru In 193&. ~ 1600 • ...:.,... ~ .lD ~ 1~em~~t ;•~.Of Baby G• _;;'~":dIn 193&. more tbaD n.. fell-lnt Ia 1 -1...-tdt from F.v~-;n·,;\•t. thP,.fn,., wu "•lck· v.•atn tablf' f\ fHt or more beloW 8 G,_k "'-•'· wtto haa alnce fll· t'nly familiar."' To bt •ureo. Ulueo F.litt llf Da\'ld Deihl cele-brated eea ltvt-1. It wtn be nO(ed that ._ 1ft tile eervlce ef fila ceuntry. ar. tlmf'll v.-hf'n -~ npt.ly lftOI"f'-thet tuft Ute rum crf a """ 'tll" M-a '"""1 1\ne In tbat y.ar •- Me wrttee ....,.. te h .. I'MittleP "' be biAaed to.-atgp&4lty or. amuc· )"t'Ar, fl'lr he became a pToud pnded . abo'#e Talbert AveDue, A..._.l neaa or lpora.ace. But thll, I be-tat.ber laat TUHCS&y. more thai! 4 miiH from the~- »ear"MCit!Mr: btlit'Yt'. waa not nn• of thoee • A .baby d&&&«bler -l«blllf 8 It ll tn be borN lll aUDd tbM , .au. U.. bMD ~r ....aa 6t Umea. Barbattlm we· bad t.bou1b1, pouhda. 7 ounrea, wu born to t.bHe .,... 111nn ""II for t.b• )'MI'. ~~~~~~-~~~-;-.. n;;-ttn .. IIP.rt~IIUiia ~a ..n• 110W ,...r-rlfmtf ef-the .,.._ hlt,V. ...... ~ •. ~.-,-u~.,.. ••-PM-ftnteb--of"~--fetM'-,._,... Aad ·It __. u thOUir'l all Uw ~ ot ,_,.. ow dl~ at t.be MaPoua HoepttaJ. Lontr l1evet1 ~ mud\ tow.. '---------.-------.~-..·-----·---at 1M N""" l"c* 11M~ ha\'f' tWOd Ia Ullbit~aUebed bMutJ 1 81edl. ITo be conUIIuedl ' ' ' ._I 1 " ,, ' • . .. ,~ '"" • J ( • .. .._.. ,. • ~r ... ; " » t..' ,. -l "" , ·,. r ... w ..... .. ... . \ ,L ... NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS.TIM&S. Newport 8lliiiiL Callfomin, Tlll!HS})AY. JANl ARY :.?. I LEGAL N o Tic Es i LEG AL N o T ICES ,I LEGAL NoTICEs LEGAL NoTICEs OFFICE OF THE TA,I( \1936 to 194U Inc. COLLECTOR OF THE • COUNTY OF ORANGE Ve-ar 1934 ... 8ALBOA ISLAND RESUB. SEC ONE I BLOCK t . LOT 16. Vur To Whom A .... oed 119'!,u1r,, t9St 1<• 1040 lou J •·. Md)<onn••ll ""' BLOCK 1!+411 Jno· Hu~)·1~:tl<>l• ll"rr" 742, LOT 21. To Wl'lom Auua~d Fr••tl \\• J•·nn.flttt~ BALBOA ISLAND S€C THREE B LOCK 20, LOT l . BLOCK 743, LOTS 1, l ANO !>. V~IAr To Wl'lom AeMaMd l ll34 1 .. 1940-ln• To Whom AoouMd t''TJUI k Y.' Utu l r v •• , 1!134 '" 110411 .... BLOCK !14. LOT B•ALL BLOCK K, LOT 4 BLOCK NONE. LOT J ALL . IE.!(. WI.¥. M0 f'T.). Vror To W l'lon> Aew ..... 11'36 1" 1~311 ltto• l'ni,JNI l!lall'o ,of 19!19 ...... l\1411 . :'1~1·· ,f ..... lf .. ="qa, , ~· t 'ttltf'\1 :-;,.,,.,. "' Arn•rtC'a -';~~ 7 :.o t~ l o,) I ? Vt.\J To Wl'lom ~uened l!f.tu a.u.t 1'•Jlr_. l.. .. utU,. R r•>·..-r t-~• t O• •c' tptli.>tt ch.tnged In 1932 ~ II! • \•• l I '/.,('0 \ " ...... d ••I II.. •n A LOCK 1<. SWL Y 60 f'T 01" LOT 4 '~ ,.. ................. .. r:~~ ~.~.: :1~;!•: ~·.~· Jr.:·,~~":\~~,1'?.'.~~"". 1!·'··· ~~~·· BLOCK ,.r.lt ,.,.,,, t•• "!•:Hi lrt• 1~·= 1 ti• t ••:J!.f I H• • , •• Athuu ,..,.,.,., 1 :-;'"''' "' (.'uhfnrum E J '' .. ., a:,.." 1<, LOT 7 To Whom Aaaoued 1,.,,, t ,,. I~ 1 "'• \ ••r ~l lt1tl. tt( \'lt llfHrllht 1 ,, Atl.!6m 1.-l·~r !'Hr.tr-••f ,-.~llfnrUki r.•; . .._r "-f> •~• ~4-LO: l.. ... Vur 1----iflll .l~LlULlit . ~&~;.th.,P ~,.iWL~i' NE"!~o!R~O~~H-'T:l'Sg... ____ !;;,.." BLOCM. 31, LOT 2. r·~··· " BALBOA TRACT EAST SIDE rAODITION Vur 81 Dr. frank Mon~haD HU.nrlfttl C--'•-• /w ' C...I~.U •I .4ji.rrif'• I 'Ill ... ····h··· ,.,, • .:••InK (l'\)f1l bftd I I :Ia 1\ •• "'"'' o•h•vtlll' It• "''"'' 1<<1 1111'1'1' 1•'1\>oull' I Our Oll!&nbaUOI'I la Jrtvlnl 1 ,;,.," lh Ul 1"'""'"111'111 1111•! wlu•l••·hl•llrh'll ~>UI'I"•rl to the Loe ''"""4"'''"' ,,.,. '" •·•·11l •••I ~tit• \lla.t••lo•• \ '•nml) tt•·lll"''"' l'lllnnlf\a ' •'II"-"ht~h tlM r.•.udtl.'d In the CummiN~Ivn. A OlmPf'C'hM\11.1,._ f,.,,..,"ll nrt ul 1111lr uft o•r milo-ttl l!'IUI'\)• llf lhv whlalo• !liluatlon In Loe -INIHI' "'"' •• •I ,,. n•l(~trd ,\nt<t•l•·~ '""lnl)' hn~ lwo.•n mutt.-by 11t11 I\ ,,.,., •• n~:•• II" pul•l••: IN•MI'IIt'-", <'lll(ino•o•no undt•r I he• intl'llhtt•nl a.nd ''"" ''"' lov lldm" "" '"""' l1111ol~ r•f·o•t•Jtlllol·· l,•tulo•a•hlp ul l ,11t•t •:n· 1\.•ptol'ifnl 111111 "'"'" Jll'l\'111•• J'' ,..,., \\'llll11m ,I 1-'otll. 11n1t a mAll" 1, 11,, 1 ,no ,,• till' ",till ,,.. I• pi 11 hu~ ,,..,.,, wut ko•ol out lnuk· ., '" '' 1•~1 "' ,,,.,. '"'" lh ol ,,,,. 11111 t\'1":u·•t ""' '" tto•~tl )'o!llr but· '······It"' I••''"''''" ~''''" "'"'""'ll '" '''"""'1411' tu·m••• ·nuat i•lttn In· '"'' s.u1 l•t•'to:" "ltt•'h '" ,,, Hrrtutr• •''tlrn• rho• ,,q,. tof •-··h h'Ada 11hlo• ft•l pnhllr t~o·•u•h '" ll<'h111lly lh.ol •ho1uhl b;. m·quh'l'•ll, llw lll n.K"- 1"''"'"' ltr '""' . 11\'nlh•J>I•• '" atw I,Hr,.. 1 hrll ~h1•uhl '"' t'\•ni<Wf'(l and fl411tlk. M IIJ'I' ~o•n.:hlt'f'rlna~ I •trurtu,_ :.: SJua·m· 111111 th•· ""'"""' lhnl •luualol l1t• h11llt l..nn1IJo. tlw o'IHII"'<' olf •'l"f"'ltlll htl\t' olt'•lrti)NJ' (lllt'f"h""'' '" wh1..t1 ill ~-­ Ill am· f111o• .. , ••·l~·h•·• ,,f ~~~nol)' .. rt. Jll'r· h•to'Cf ·In whnt Ill .t"tkod , ...... ·h lntut' 'utttt '"~"'· 1 t"'''' -uutt•· 'h•·tt ··~~• "r• •'' ••nM·rurnry .. '''"'!" ,.,.. IIH••flh•nhti.: ,.,,,,..,. "' t•urf'..._ .. Motif')' ...... ,, ... '""' ""''~' tv,:'" '""" "'''"!: , ............... ,., "" of )l>ll .... """'' ""'''' t-o .. •n """'"a.t lho· •lll•·~l hlfl th11t " """ """'" 1>1 """''"""" '""' h1" IWI'nl\· tour t1art-nn~ tmm nil ,..., tN!t ...,... .. ,.,. rwl4 ,_r ""f'htrlfrw BL6cK 22r LOT 7. 1'•31 utut 1'•:12 To Wl'lom "-"d ,.:tf\~tl \ H .. t..-rt .. --~ 1-:th,.t A ... k.••l..-r-t,. ,.., •J s. .. llhl'm 1•'1111folrnill .......... """ thr """'~·-nllhlll ii'OiW. rw .·uoantl''" nhw """ fnom. l~rt-'lH-vtt lt\Kt MN~~t.a..-1 _____ .;:;, .:••lo·-"'"'"" f'llrf'(UI 41tllty hy n.1r 11rnutlf'd te Itt ~....,. It wUI "l"':nnltntlom In f'MnnN'tiflfl with t.o qttltf' ..-tha. to N"" ,..,...... ' ,, ' ... ,.r .. n .. u 1·ruJIIIt r ... 1934 Lu 1937 In• R••) ;; t: .. tA·n • 1 • J!t~ klltl Pl!l'J !"\t4t1t• u ! ~ 'Af"'f •NliU ,.,., H.u) ,: f-t• t.,.rl• Stat,. ,., '· •• hf••t n•• BLOC~ lt; LOT 1 SEC. 2. TWP. 7 -,_ANQE 10 lOFT. ST"4P IN. 80 NEL.V. by LOT 7. BLK 22. BAI.I!OA TR EAST SIDE Vur To w"o"' Auuoed A00.1 SW LV by HIGH T IDE 1934 lo 1939 ""' ~·out•ll• M )l .. n I' Yur To Whom A...-d 1!'4<• Yann~ Jot. Mvrnll .:•• 11132 \o !!IS~ lnr • · ll••l" II ltllalh,...b<> • · "-.. l nt--1.,._19311 tnt• Rial., ,.f C'aiUurnla III.OCK ll. LOT!> 8 AND I. ~ ', " ~: A f'lln• Yau To Whom Aew•••d Jt39 ·~d 1940 !llall' .,f ('allf .. rniA 1!131 Ill. 1':111. a, .. k ,.r :: A 'l'r 1-'oo 4 ... ••Lao• TD•CT E •sT S tOE 1!<3~ t ... ll•l•r'll \'ull•' I. " v. ' , "' "' ""' "' 1~33 It• 193$ In~. A 'T (',." rt ADOI!AON' 1!1~1. 11n<1 1937 E&t-., ~~~~ Cuvo•ol 8LOCK 22, LOT I WlV. 30FT. ONLY 1938 anti 1~39 . .Ruy Bro••n II"'C. b~. aan1e a"d M-ean). 1~1.1 Statt' or CallfOfllla BLOCK J6. LOTS l ANO 4, Year 'To Wl'lom ~ 1'-W ...... ~-­f'. Jean HHh ROIM' H ''Ill her be tnlltf"'11T OitmYnna 1tlM-to tMO IlK'. k:-H . lhlrt1ndatl' ---..-Ulll JNO 8,;1~0 of'c!itr~~ CANAL SECTION tiLDCK M4, LOTS 1, I. J a..il 4. v•r T• w.._ AMJtMeM • tftf .f6 ,,. lac.~. w., Jll._lltfc'llett 1ta7 to i.MO t.ac--.Ahen n. Mltc'lleiJ .LOCK W . LOT I . -T o Wl'lam "-4 LAKE T,_ACT 8LDCK 1Ja, LOT 10. Vaar Taw.._~ ttl4 1o 1140 Inc. . Lu~r N. J••-• •LOCI( IN, ,LOT I .- Year Ta W-Auaa...S lt34 tn 1940 In<· lA>tl Anvf~ MIIC l'ndttr• rlt~raJnr ...... liU.. 1114 1116 Jt3C l•l 1140 Clann~ J. Smith Nrllle A . 911110. OC~AN ,-,_ONT T,_ACT W. 1': YMI&r o 8 LOCK 57, LOT 4. Jtlt lll'c W illiam r: Yt'alt'r , Year T o Wl'lom AewaMd Slalt' or C';ollfv m la 1113.3 Itt llllt....lnr t:. l''ranl.,. aLOCK Nt. LOT 1. 19411 Stale of Calll~>n>ta Y .. r To WI'IDM ...__d ,_ESU8 . Of' CORONA DEL MA,_ IS34 I<• 1940 lnr. U~t'~n..f~~~-,~~-I BLOCK 34. LOTS !>. 6. 7 AND 8. Yen To Wl'lom Aew .. ed BLOCK 636. LOT 10. 1934 '" 1937 In< :"~111~ 1 , llarluw, t'l ul y T WI'IDM A ... -d I r v·KMihlr~n 1.J.••I h 1934 .. , Till ~uar a ~ Co ~ 1 lt3S to J!H(I l nr. Srllle T llnrl""' <1 ''' e No. 8 :1•70 t•tu Tfllr In~ It Tr r .. r. 101 1, lt:J!I•IU IIHO lnr • A. J . Will lamA .LOCK 131, LOT 11. CORONA DEL MA,_ Yaar To Wbom Aewued 8LOCK 311, LOT 1. 1931 1" 1937 tnt· W lllt1t11t l'•ulo•r y .. , To Wl'lom AaM...,. I 193R 11nd 1!139 s17.':o "{,.:;\'t'~:;;n~•:•. I•·• t9JO to J!IS4 fnr l"l'fl~}l A. Plll,.n.,r 1941.1 Slt<lr .,f (',.t;f·,;,,11 113.~ lo 1937 Int-o ../ .Kalhrr.ne D. 1938 • s1,.1,. ;;1 f"/111~~~T~ ' RIVER SECTt~f'ol 1939 """ 194U 1'11<11' tt l C'nlifumla BLOCK 34. LOTS 20 AND 13. "" K alloryn" p f'lll~n~t"r Year To W l'lom AoH• ·"" I ~~~· I,. 1940 I"' I~Mittt •• w II\; I ·11•1 BLOCK 3l2. LOT 1t. Yur 1134 In 1940 l nr To Wl'lom Aue .. ~d JIJhll (' ., ..... ,~ BLOCK 343. LOT 1. SI:LV. 7!1 FT. (Inc:. por . adj. ot. I Year 1934 '" 19411 !no· To Wl'lom Auuaed """""'" I' !'lmrpn BLOCK 43. LOT 1• I v~.,. # To W hom AIM\-1ofl"ft I :5~i t11 193f( l n1 r 11 \' ~~r~;~ Ill:, r ~~·.:''~~ 1!J3!• • ~tall' "' c·,~llf••rnah <. .. c·at)· 11f S•· ''''" ;:. r11v rot "'"'";••·r1 R,.wh I !lift BLOCK 43. LOTS 1!> ~NO t6 --.:ocec ~ t..OT ! ,...,. . ,.. w....... ~ Year To Wl'lom AoHIMd 1994 fn 1941) tnr JV<fro J"h""''" l~b .. 1!'t4u In~ Albtorli?!~ ... ~"l~' ~eioc~. t::OT6 flO A~D r. V~ar To Whom Al l t•vd BLOCK 432, LOTS 11 AI'ID 13 1'1~4 '" 194V In• "'·"' ··,. • Year -·1!!3• I" I!H•l lrlr To Wl'lor" Anu ..,d ~, ..... ,l A H,r ... -...a BLOCK 412. LOT 1!>. Vc.ar )Q1-t ,,,.,1 S9J:. 1'•~~;; •••·I l'•!t': ~~~' loo ~~ ... 1,1 B LOCK 4'6 \ e,,, l'n~ ,, 1'·.:7 111 Tn Whctn Aaar:asrd 1:-rr .. • Utll I ll<'tll 11~11 d ttl .I ... Uf \ H ' I " I .. :\:, .. .( ,. ""'rt'" I.OT<; I \f!d l T W tH"H \ A~,,.,,, d J •lf •'ll I fiLl • I hi t'l l\o: 1 ~·· •• , .. ,r '' • 'tl ' ,, .. .• , •• l•lli . . 1 II I 0 "' . E'LOCK ~<00 I OT 4 BLOC.K lU I O T~ II A'IIO \6 Vr,,, 1,,,. I • 1'•'', l tH l!+;t,l '' l '•. '• In 1u:r: ,,. 1!!'t~· 1 • • , .. ~~~ \~~~"+:';, ~U~~\~rtf r-, , n, ,.1\ .--.... '. ,,,, ,, , ., '~ I o ,, " t "· • r •'lltt ,, It BLOCK ~29. LOTC. 111 A'IIO 20 To Wh•) t ft 'v ''"d ,. BLOCK "10. LOT 2 CL~~!)t, LOTS A,-:, f Inc. ~ •~"'t .1;.d H·o~ -.r BLOCK 40. LOT I To Whom A••~•aed Vrar , .. ,f .. I I'' t!•:t'• h h 011• t: """ .. " ·~i :O:ta.t,., ~of r'ahrurnl• JV:t BLOCK 4\, LOT t I J:l. Ito 193\1 I n•. To Whom Aaae .. ed •: tlrun •• JO'"u#l....,.l 1 J~,.. BLOCK 41 LOT -,, I"' To W\'1..,.. AuuMd 11.-rnAr•l AITI#nd BLOC K 44, L"'T l. vu! 1'1'U t .. \~-411 l11t GLOCK o Sl. I 2!> ll2 I'T Of' LOT l )11'ilt l ho 19411 -BLOCK T . LOT 4, 't • .J• Ton Whom AIMIMd 1:o:CJ I· l'•l' II" Wollt~<m If Tlllrr ( Oc•"' ,gllon t hAnged In lilt ) BLOC.K T· LOT 4 ALL (Ec. Hwy ). J!•:n• t.ru~ •1!•~h 1 \\111114\rn lJ TOirr v~ .. , 19·33 t•• H•:Jt• lr~• unG , .. ·t:•!i-" 1w l!l:l!t .... V•• ,. '1"' t••·::-In 1'•, I ft1 '''"'' I. t ' I I 1 1 • • "''\1 '· , ••• lu ~·~ l 111 tlo d h "''I I ,, I I ···· I ... , •• 'T '• WHrofn "''"'''"d ··:·· l'•ti-J.J•· ' I· •• J 1• \ · u nl ft l .., ..... , Aaaia-t aiMOfll · ln•u~mntnllabl• .... -dNif)JIIr. brllriAf'h~. mo.-ii'I"J -Mia•l h••ry llllli&&l"d UDC'Ualni[IJ. Htr •• o••tOI hu bure~ to th~ poued. a .. betD lhrult'llf'd wltb G IIDrllttu by th,. tnrward marc-Ia or a N llroa.d wblrb 1 brMtened to 4• ••m" I)J•· """"~" """''"'" •If tho' ... .,. N>~tn· 11 J'f'OICrllm throu«hnttt Rout...,. 'ft}., un1l tfuo JU•uliidt-cttb. dMnon· f'..aUfoml11 l\bnllar to the JII"CCIN8 ,, rill I'~ '""' WI' hiiVf' lhf'rf' r)h· n llt'd ror In I ,((I A .... n.mtr't .. 111rl•'' '" ovrn'<W1'1f' it wr 1\N' In Mutf'r Plan tor 1Wdl tnd-.. pm.:n·•~ 1 I I trnnraft('f': 121 In· """ Ofo¥elopment. THE LOG 0:: LIFE . tiiHt'l"f'nM'. and I :ll prrjUittf'l' In 1t.•l\llnlt Wltlf thf''hl •• mn•t. •~lA 1 mollon thrN" fOf'f'•~ 11 1 Wr muat fila.tlllllf' t;ll Wt• mtUtl ...tiiC'IIlf'. Ant1 • r:.,t thr , ttr u , t '''" • 1\ ''''\: tl·•f'•ld <Attr•·n•1t ••f Jl'•llh•• • '•q1 h-i.\,1,._ '" fl · t••••P•'•" n t ~,.,. t• lt. y I Jf, • 1 tl "' tp f !I ' t'f•(• fll' f t t I",, t '" Itt ''"' f ,,, .. Afu••·l'l4 ., IIIII " ... ''"''•"'-'.., ""'"'d Ahr•n/11 vrth u• r ~•· .,, ,,,,..,,\l:tarq· I•''", '""'' P • J•'~ t,tfrd ~!u•, t~'lt•· H J"''Id .... 1 "" I' fl ~'•l vi••'"''~' 111111 h:o.t ~l ot•ll d I' ~otf "'' h '' ~ 111 ~·,,,,,.,'I J"•l So If,. v. 11 .. ............... 4 .. ,.. ..................... . .................. 111 .. ....;...-... ~ .. ~ ...... . .... ,_ ................. . __ , _ _. ..... f'JIJ\IHTIAN I'M'I F.SC'f: K F.AUISC. ROOM lUI IAal CA'nlrttl A VI'IIltf' Ualbt-. Hotel..,.eru is San Fr~utcisco's be't lo- . cated Hotel. .. ._. ... • Rat~ow', End ... on th qlomorou ~ Feother · :ver, Po,.lon. Col;lor· ! yeor rou')d re· v~ .. ,. 1934 1" 1,1•• In To WhOUI Aft•u<d F·~r ruu.•1· ~t l.at.•n•• t;!.~,';,',',: .. /''~~',"'1 1 \1"1. '; l""P .. ;;,', ~..-u·: whoee mnth,.r h •u• t r•••-.:tst tJIHa f ••n #lqllllft11L (r••U• fh#\' I ,,f),_, I \'htttry ,., rnul'!l• uu•l hu.f ""''""" plnv•>~l v. 11 to II~<· ~yrupll''" y ,,, • h• ~• 1 ., , , , R·t t u from $2 00 ,;"9'•: $).00d0ubli. Spade I Ftmily Retea. W i11ler ~port~ •.. De11c ing every eveni ng ••• BLOCK ~lO. LOT 17 Vca,. TO Wnt"'m ~''«'''"'d J!UI t•• ~~~~J~'K !)3~.:\:0il.f ~\ 'nnu' T o W,,m Attf'latd _ ,_,.,11,,.m t-· H'~ "'''"' BLOCK Sl6 LOT 7 Vt~' To \Vh"_, A., .. ,.,.d 1934 '" 1'1" It )fr.r• to A Rr·o'OI D BtOCK Sl6. LOT II Te NhO,., .Ae~•tf"d ttoro hi •· ''"ul•l•n•l h• ,,,~ In• t•,t) .-f ="""I • r\ H,..,.., '• !-.,_ ___ _.._ J.tau .. t CalJ.!OruiJ,.. r .. r11y .,f :-; .. ,r··rt ,.,.,.rh f'"lh "' ='···q •ft ...,....,. h 1~0 8LOCK Ut. LOTS S AND t Yeer To W"Om AaMate_d t ln! tn 1121t lnr ll-•l••m•>n 1111"11!1 Mil · ..... rot-Cahfvrnla eLOCK MO. LOT , .. ·, 0 ~.\~ · Ctly •'-ocM. .. ,. Loi '•· VMr Ta WIMM A..-4 .... .... ita-..-O.W w. Joll-.. -. ' ,... . ~ & L '1'-MRN~ fTPP'RITD tq. 110 w .. r~ Sata .u. PlaGM 1• · --------- 10 kl''' !-•·•••··n f• 4-·''-l·•t~ lt•A•h .,.,, ....... t.,.,' n••·r t ''' .t ,,,., ~· h nd •~~· "'" ,, \vo• '\4 'I ""I' h H l fl lr~>ftl•••t ''" ~~'"'r Itt 1'•("'-t• r ••I •••fii••Ut 1 ....... , l~•=ti·J'l'\Z ''" ftt) 'I :.·.~; v .. ,., ····~~ '" 1'·~~ t h• t'•1't ftUt! l't-4lf T 'l W"llm ~ ...... ed n .. \ tt"" • '' :-;,._.,. .. r , ..... , •. ,,.," ~ltlh ... q ,.J ,,,,,.•J..ar.•J ,,., .. u., .. :-.;., 21\7 s••r•• ,,r t.•·t t ••• I'S A--, entt •~"' 2 r·. ,,. ~· t '""''" H• ,...,... }4 T•s• 1\ ftlo ,.,.,..,,,.,, t•• !.,;, ... ,. •n \~•17 '"' ,,.llft-•IU"'Itt ... , ... , ,,, Jt•11• ,,.,, , .... ~ Nil r)f):o; R Mf)7.1.P:T ..- 1 Tal ~"•·ll"'l••r 1>t lh• ~"••IIIII(. l,( fJtuP Sia l• o.f r allft.r11 a Pub 1_. ltlh ontl :lflttt 1~1• J11n 2n4 and !~!~ 1~1-_ . G.-EATN£11 • j Nothlll« eao bf l rr-t wbk:b l8 not r1pt -'S&muel .lbho-. ..... I ftl\ "'•V~" V111uv•· ,,,,l•u l•ul "h' u 1,.. I'IJty~ol lw• 1111111' llil I•'Kullll , ''"''"' l••r Rnff 1\rt••th"r ..,,,., hllltl 1 .. "" • "" t•f 1111 r••lol'" I··••• h"r• .,..,.,,. '"'"'""'' "" t;rrltJnn "It""'~ ('f\11 11r y'ln" tl,.ul•t l h'"t lhrrr ltl" twit,. u many ()""""" "It""'" In 1 fllll rn•mtrv ""'"' lUI "'"'" w,.r.._ th,.n • U took a ,,,.. lar111tun r.f war ,ln · awak;n u• tll~n Why ~·t ~ w.-e wp DOW" wiUwut • Mr •nit Mn C:tlftnrd Ualllut1 nr Balboa hland "'" ~P"'n•ltnl( lh,. hr!ll<fly• with th.. Hllllar11. .IN , In Rurl)ullc I =~=~:.:rt~=:.;-;~.=,•;;. .. j1 --'f.hu.efDU. all. ttllrwl ~.h~V!."''!':!.- Y" "''""''' th,.l m,.n •h'•llltf ,,,, In ynu tl{> yf' f'Vf'n "'' tu th~m trw I lhl11 It ttM! taw u d lh,. proph"IJI I w.atthew 1 n . . SIN<·•' ••<·'·' .. ' lot .,.;,••• pe•· ..... v •• , ... to•abt. ret.1. - ...... s. c.-... 8y the llua a.y of ~oftttrey ~d WOftd.I.,W SrtefttJffl ·~ita 1 OrM ........ ffOft'l u.so. A 1\ • , • A •, · · .. ----~ '· ~ NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-'11MfE, 'Newpcd BMdl. C&lifomla. THURSDAY. JANl1ARY 2. 1!>4t .. --------~------~----~~----------------------------- Balboa 1slaQd News .. EVents~ Hilch McMillan, On Visit Here _ Preslnts ''Sea Gull Whispers" Interesting Notes About People Their Doings _. l'l..:vru·_.. ~·~ .r I :J Md _,_,._ E. A~.~ t I rt l•n ' -A I I I t f t -wuu.-. and Dorranee Santa Ana W('rt' Mr. and. Mn. •l a ami y p& y ....,_ nee t'8 v 11tllll .eervr•ol I IIU(l a r.d •lad c·ty Co 21 AAA ftftA M Walt Kelly Ill wetng pen v 0 I to ,-all four 0 t __ , khardt Arthur p .. &lW' of Ralboa bland. The Rny Shaver• of 324 11la· I anr1 ~lr fUirl ~In• Ralph Holdtll I nsumes uuw ....ore I 1\<'tlnn YMM rla~l' .. fintt-•trtn~e their row boa.t...comiDg ~ _....,~_ ... ....,._ =-:-~;:":!:~.:"Norton: M."'· Pt>aM• 11 tht-dau&htf'r ot Mn1. mont.l •tX!nt th" hnllday:o her co Mr W•·rr h"l'b rlunnl:' tl'te eo~ f f bukdbaU pls~t· ~t th! <;ollece of 1 tocetber. bUt only Frankle'a boat ,..,.__ lldt-a. LoWa 01--1 Dil'MI. Shavl!'r Ill tM nll(hl e<lllnr of thP I <•ur;or. WlntJtnf llfl (he marc!' ~.II ns of w I r D r· lftjlft the ~fie tn St~kton. He ..... II here now 'Mie olher;a are tbh· ... _ ..... DcaDa ......... I Oallhma hifllt'r and ynn filnC'P hi' L•ll Ang .. lf'a "MITW'II thr J!IW8lll r nt··rrol thf' home ol a 0 a e u IRK ""'In towt:~ ·~vtr the bolldayll but had lng out of Santa BarbiN. ~ 1 9 rrtval rnr tlw' holiday!!. Vl~nt Mn Jar k W lrlJI'm and •hu&h· ~lr• ~!lu-y J\•h! 1\bhott on ChAn· · I tn h urrv bark for a game with Robert Hoke .,,.. home from IIP~Iy of the South Bay Front &nd l«'r or c ... a Mr·•A ldt J'hur8dlly 1,,., 1 1. n•l r. r ., .. ~:.l'rt nr4l to put Newport Harbor . conaumed 000.000 gallorut of water during Whittier B<'hO(ll th•rlng vacation. ;., __ _;pJlJ~rJ:OI!II_JDJUJ~:JU~L~~~~~IJ...U:~e...Q~~~it-iht:J -f1•r Wy:•ming :!::_M~I' thf'y will J•~n I ~ll·· tin ... mtm twt>h:"' b«'ll.a. 21.000,000 gallon• mort-water lb" rf.unth or July. or 1.600,000 1 Report11 from Rtncltt.Qn say that Mnt. W. L Oavl.a, a rnldent ot rifle atll·n~d a fratf'mity dinner a.tr. "l•·h,.rn Inc mkll~f' r j r '" sto~ ' ttn• fl~urtn 1940 than It did In 1939 J:ftllun•-peT dsy -TJHO«M -lCa.l~ ~-to_ w.td, ~ lr:wtll Apa.rt.awlll f or tbl P.Ut,_ and Nt-.w Year's Evl' N'lf'bnttlon ,,.·rm&llf'nt .. bO.IJlf' ~'""~r· 11ncl ·~trnr>ll W l!la.m Kll-~ eor!1 • Cit ~.,.. R · S in•·•' thPre are on thf' averHe. t r.m·,. F.1111trr time. Student Body year. ,.,,.. thl' winner of onr of .:iv1'n hy-mMlhf'r!I-Of hill fratf'm lty Armrd wUh_ hlp btlot11 "'"'w111 111u.n 1 'I ak UlwJ•t•ll, K. V. OU.U, ac: ng to Y 8 'oeer · r...._._IV"'"•"r nttmiJCr of Jl!!'Jllf' ~r Pru'df'nt nf N .!! U.H S In \934. the turkeya at the Newport 1n 1..n11 Anstl'les. and burlcf't•, Mr Jl'h&ro 'Tar -1 • ": t ;11c(,. •· \\'llllam ~rJahr., Pa.tt.eriOil. home rJurlng ttw> 11ummer. aDd· Jtrry to gradi.Ultt r,f Pad fir. I!! I 'Mieater lut 1Mond.ay n1ahL Tur- Arrlvnl~ at I h., Mnrk UNity 1+~. a.c-..\UI'tJ1P'a ''uhi11Jn IUlcl Unlph Hnlrt .. ., .!f•·rt ~ ... Mn Record of lfl'OWUI <If ttl#' harbor 11tlll t~e-bula w•t•r conaumpUDn 1 ntl'W vlt'f'-f\rMident.. of an ilem.I!D-I'k•Y dln!£er on Ctl.rUtmu! Yee. 'nle duannll\& homt' of the p.,... hnmc• durinJ: thl' y11t .. wl1• l(f'llltl'ln ""'"' Jlt)rl JUhl Jtrnmy 1 .... ,. "' Ll•n.: ~luv Al ii~ Al'lhntl and WalUr t[X)mmynlty Ia revealed In n'Cilr<b fnr yord purpnM'II, etc. rl!'maln lhf' 1 tarv !l('hnol In ~torkton. . air. tela 0unc:ana of 311 Cry~~tal waa hov,.. tnrlw1NI Mr: llnl1 Mn1 Jnrk ll~af h olroJlJH'll 1ntu th•• n It trtn( k. of the city water department-. In l'llrn\'. 11 r·unservllttve Nllirnale on ·Bf'n Hltt. nt ~"" Jnll<' .11nc1 Nf'W· All of Don Csvanaugh'a frlend11 opened for a New Ytar'll F.:Vt• t-l'k-·1 Andrr·wll unci n 11rf'nl'f' Anllr ... wK, fan•ll'l huuw "" Ht~lbtNI llll~n.'l charge of F.ngtneer PatteriiOn. th .. amuunt nf wAII'r ~tllcc1 ~r ~r-: port. 11ays ~ hM b8rd the volre t are aure to feel &:lad he waa not brat.kln .men aullllnf'r n'lllc:k-nlll l und -Mr und Mn;. f1o•nnett Dick l•11t Munii"Y rnr Ill! a rtrrn•••n Ourlnl( the paat year e re . · . DID!y"'tnJared I1I ttl1! npla.ion ..a N!latlWri •Pf,br,nld · und Dab Dkk Jail of C'hll'agc,. Nrw t•l~<rn-•lllolt-:ln~ ~~·~111• 11 Thn· '.,.,.. MOODY HOME were 20~1 nl'w water cunnec•lluns '"·'l111!1-:< '~til w11trr ·u111111 In the clty.,rll!rn rncllo !ltatlon rerentl:v. Frt'd and flrt' II boArd the lda lut Sun- Speda.J I'Jf"''t' 1111a11 Edward Yl'ur'~ t:vr 4., nhM>rvf'd hy thfo cllrHII>r lflll'llb . '" nrl•h b"" tu ~l.u 18 compared to 1R5 new conne.-·-Pattrrliun polntrd out. l'pon this '"'"rrf'cl In many Of Harbor HI'!! day. Can you remt'mber the· tlrnt 'l'cJm,uo o1 thr Unlv~ty uf Stan· I \l11rk Jlt>aly~ 11t thl' Vktor Hugo ~:a, y l'h•lll!J~ In Hw l!lu ulo·l h•>lll• tiona during the aame period In l>nl'ls 'It •~ !!Non thnt thl' popu· flfllt dn~matlr producth>nl! Hill 1hf' "Big Sunny" blew up:' .('apt. ford ~ ~nw to tM South to l inn 111 Clttr Vlllngl'. th11t ''''"n1111: 1931l rt'curdll <-how Th£re llJ'l' nuw tatlnn rJunnR July wa.a about vounfo!f'r brother. Rlrhllrd. II! ,il'l.i Jlgga Oyaon wu In a . hn11pltal wtuw.a ttw .ac--Bowl C'JVC. Thr• Ht~rnlt1 lfoll7 ,,, Apnlo •nll Loynl. N.r l• r•· k·" 10 Hnlr1h ~1 111··• • t4l 1 a 10~1 or 3717 wnttr 1•11nnt'•'lllln!t :·o.ooo . r•<•fllrrnll Nf'w York C'lty etten.dln~"an acJ-1 for 11 tong tlml' lilt a result of Otlwn who pthenod about the lllrN'I ffl('rlvf'd 3 plrn~"r.nt ~,,,..,.,._..' an•! "'"u•ln. J"Urt"'t!...h~···· I '~" ROMJ) I • lil lh~ l'lly uf N .. wport Beat·h nurin~ th .. wmlf'r llt'IUino, whm"ln2 11rhnol Rlrhard mallf'rt pennv the acddl'nl whk h llhouk all Ntw- ~ table. ~"' MML Duncan this la~t WN'k wht>n FrAnk 1..11 thl'lr hnn ,. 111 IIPtl ""'~' In wl.· Watrr r1gurt'l rrvral fan h · a o·· th••r,. Arl' An IWt'rllRI' of about 3 ChrutJmut rartl11 to many of hi!! port i Hf ,.,. ~~ .J..ne. wll,lcil'.Jl¥11(''' ns-• •wl ,._. .. ~.., 1 h' .. ~pulat•on 1 rciul...w... ~ci!wl.a hiiUf't' and...!!'.!. 11~me lt>eal frlf'nda. H hi' maku good With Santa Anita opening -u, -.._... a.nd . the WN'k with ~h~.;, lnMudlng J!rld lrltn 1'11111111~" I •u rmt: ttrh the <'II. thr Vl'&r around. Patter-nmuunt nf "till' I •• U!!f'<l fnr yard tn tht' hiR rlty Bii1Xia wt ~tet.r f'ow~ Manttlall K~l,.r, ~l~hratlomc at t~ tum of tht "'"Y thPy wrr .. t /;r ~""lll o( Muaa ouw YEARS .on .Jtt>rJ that 3SO.()()(I oou ~:sl· ptfrp<lflt' th .. 11verRRI'" water ullt'd &nl\lher festhf'r In It'• boDJJ'et Orml.aton and Joe ~lllott e&n be Qiiiwlf Lawmua o1 ese.r.-Lake. ,. r .... \'/lm f' .Nonnn n ' tl~ll,.•a •I.I.Ln•l 1~ of watcor Wl!ls rumpPd ll'll'f'r J'f'TliOtl l'f'r day. by t~ t'fltlre W l\ltf'r M,..MIIlan Ill mad 11t 'expt"Ctfod tb give I'CeWMrt ~ IW wua a.&&b. Paul ctw.cter, )'f'ft,;. Or arid Canal tw)tftrt of Mf' _ 'l::)u.~ • MiD4' J':tf'&nnr And_ ~'I"''" ~~wpotl.. lleach: th.t ~L y e&r. r lty ,,. . abo_!! I 1 ta ~allone. l'uttt>r·' Retty A trw w-k11 ago he vlalt. 1 publ1clly with thl'lr' he)n;,l! "Bon. JUdaard ~. Frank Willhon. aA4 lira. Kenneth Morr;an rrt lAfll lt••n•lrl nf Haltwloft "'"n.t mntnr,.•t Thill ~~ 11140 000 ~~:all~nM dallv aun Jm.h.l Hl!'nce ..,, «'n l'l li colF.,.'i'tl elii•porrf'or the l ltWI tlmf' In 1 bll! l'frfi!Zt' and Hrtty'• Broom'-'-. Mn. wtW.un Hodekw. Mnt. Mar-r.ll• wu ~n.d New Year· a to Lon& 'llfollr h to attf'nrt thr 1'\r'IA' f'\.«Uring upon a buill nf · 1 T!'l v j-111,to rr·•l thnt tn Js nuary. when thl nnrly rive years and. didn't gPt I Cbarlu Langmade. atteodl.ng M ,._._, t.be ,...._ Barbara £ve and followlor; day to Mr Ynr'll Y.ve (·~lf'brat.lnn •••lh lona per ca pita per day, thl' ('tty hPl'l thr minimum of popula-n wrltl'-up nn th«' Soci!'ty Page. U.S.C.. and 011 Broo~mp. Jlodlldrw., J..-Jlod&klna o( Nf'W and Mra Paul ~nrth &Imp. f,.i.-n•llt thf'rt" r-;,.w 'rar,. •IHv •'" Y·~ll ' 1-.' •• "lh a n ~xe.p-average (lflpulatlon fnr ~1'\o\fl'lrt t iOI?' .• thPrt'. ·~~-gall~o• Alta Lorna Ill Wa1t'a temporary U.C I.... A .. Wf'rrt to to.,on r~ ~rlat- YOitr. ~ Davia. J~lne -f1l . 8ant A Ita o.tl Mr thtolr P"'ty tnok "n llll·cluy jn11n' 111.nnll\ Ill) ful '"'''"'"'" for Martt Beach Ia about 9000. ·Patter110n ln-pumPe<( for tht> ~. nt' abOut homf' wherrt he operalt'~ amateur m.u. JCe8w. Rutll BftltWy, Bamera a.nd ,.,.: Mo~iann C"oll el 1HnHv' 1 t" loH Raldy tnr lUI MIVIJm"lt'tn~ I. ~''""t~· whn lf"ft C'ht~-~ ~ dlcated 6~.0.00<1 ~all(lna per day. the -popu-1 The •lgu on Ule pier atlll •)'8: ~ llftd Mflllt'l!l Edwllrd Wdbd Mr and Mra Harnld c romp 111 tht anow '"'' "' s "'.. J.runr'.:co nuual.no u... Ellll~atlng the ~k porulattun laUon wu.abnut !1700 Thue fl~ Three Seek War "No i<'yclea allowed". ~W 1 1 J.,._ Kt'lft.r. J.S · Ml~ Oorf!l J«'an l'nnr~t•l u: Pr•"·llt•'Ot ( 1,•\l•l:~n.. tn t me to h p l r l"''flllf'rvallvrt uti 81leat f1l Loa Feltz and. Mr. and L>r"·ooln llri•hlll l'nlt•rCtlnrtJ MIB~ ·l'nltt• tpnl•· In th<' ~Pw Ye&l"a f•· durln~t lhl' aummt'r mont "'· a • Urt'll II"!' \'rt y . p • .... kline and ~·Joflhaon. Mnt Franklin Hanwn nf ll&J· ·~ ,.. " k... I I I ., tei"'IID aald the rlty pumped 4K.· m~tf'8. Patteraon Indicated. , Dept. er:mtts P'MtivtU~ C'Orltlnu.d fn~m I~ B«'tt9 Wrl~ht t•f Balhua over tbr '·'""" \\II I ., ... llllll > pMt ,..., In· boa .. land hollda .\!1 :\lo~>IIY'' r..t trrn In the Unit· F J ts HOST TO GROUP OM NEW YEAR'S! EV£ "Pamr; OF no: ·c oUNTY" ,_ ,..- AmonJ J!l!anllenl W!ln !"Xh'ndfod 1 Nt~.Year'll T'lly foUNt Mtn 111\·•·d Stult·,. (',lfll'' :Ill un Unt'x.pecttd l ..... nl· or mpro.vemen ~~tty~wYn~~m~Jean ~~tnl~K~~hwiUI ~~~~·~~d~a~-~ ~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~4~L~~~~D~~Q~~~~~~~~!~---~~u ~==---o~~f~;;~;;;;~.--.IIWiliWit=-+!=~ .. ~M ... J-pb NJcllz ·a· -•1. Tam erta and Mr. and lint. J'ranklln AIIL ••Ill• 1 '""' Who'n hi' first 1ll!tftd moortnJr nnats and ramptl In -•·•,•rr, ...... o( H&Aien who we!!_. bolb for Ontario wu thl' .teatlnatlnn of \t o·~ l\tl)tM!y nt thf'ir home, 409 l'!itV~,,rt Bay have been received trta'lda fl'om Loe Ancttea u~ IIAaa Pbllllpa of N-port Helghl.l ":\'1" 'I r•·l'l, IJnlhoa. it wall thoulflt . • • 1 \IY the Unll.t'd States War t>e-, .Eat~e to Udo bJe · Prloe8: l6e • :t~ • lOe " PIIMe%11' Hollywclod \ hi' "uulcl arrive for Cbria&alu. 0\lef' 100 eatrtH m..,.ked -•t.e the lul day of <'t•mpf'tltlon. I partment llotortni to Rlvenkle tor tbe N,.w Year·• P:Ye llowl'vtlr, hi' wall joyf.ully weiCIII!"· aa.nual Cbr111t..m&a Regatta betd Wlnnln~t lh«' flrllt three. placea I An application baa been rec:elv· 1 ib-:",t-t-rl::&aa...-====.J..;:si-a-t boUd&J'I and. attendbaa tbe Tour-1 "" hy his family for the Nf;w UDder tba auapklea ot the Newport I out of ~ conteatanl.l were W . T . ed from ·Jack Frtucb of ~ Of . a-...,. Mr. Ud Km· sf ather In : I \'N1r's ~lf'brallorl. I Jlutlal> Yaeltt Club '[)ae.. 28th Hurtoo'• Lulu. Slater' a Lana! and I OrandYt-An .. Culver Cit~. who I c. &. BUiliDOIMl. • Upon hi• rt'tum to Ulla country, &D4 lith. 'nita_ uceeda Ule record Spear' a Rebel. I.D the t Meter I'• -ktn!I a permit to conJitruct a A.lao w1tn..tq the color pa-Lead For High I ~r. Mondy. who Is In lM euto-·entry Uat of llpproltlmately 85 aaa.. • Nrrlp, moorin!I noat and appur· r-.de -re ~e J. B. Edwardl at mnbill" hu~lne~s at Shanghai, uJd entt Ia the event laat year. Firat 3 PC. wmnen1 out of a tf'nancn tMI"l'to In the ch•nnel Ill Opal Bowlt·ng Sen·es h•· Wit" hr•rt> for both bUIIlnfta and O&la IOClaJ acUvttlea. Including fltld of 7. were Gldding•' C\jc-1\1 Weal Nl!"ttloport. llouthe~ at~re ~tcon~d I • . ('llt'a!'ur!' and that hi• stay wu in-a dtnDer and danet> aUmded by rarat'hs. Bill B11niCII' Mnlolo and Albert Rf'dden. 8M3 Ev~een 1---------------1 do·fmtlo'. posslhly four or five crnr 140 yat'ht.meo and frtmda FrY• Tem~ V. Walton Hubbard. A\•t . Southgatf'. hu rf'quelted Many Harbor S&m Ktnat•thu'a Plumbera nnw nwnlh~ llnwf'Vr'r. Mr. Moody lntJ·1-re on tht holiday race pro.. Jr . .ailed HI-Jinka to vlctoryo In permit to coorrtruct· a s imilar .j hntd the lf'atl tnr the trophy lti mat•'<i lw would not rt'tum to the (T&m. the Rhodell Clu11. followed by lmprovemtont ln that al"l'a. Folk See Indl•anS the ftvto -Vlan r~pon!IOftd ttam o n .. nl un111 c·nndilton.'l Wf'rt' bf't·j Trophtea """re a,.~antect on lh,. :>.tilltru". Pltr: and Hebel. Clark F M Strobridge of Hollywood I lflllmlml'nf. " fi'Aiurrt of' thr 1l•·r • , dub'a d«k Immediately fol1ov.·mg :\lllllkan. 8.1Jd pro~rty owner In the HArbor Wi Bo I Tilt holiday competition bf'lntc hPict "1 Th·· Balhtlil man dr'<'hu~d lM "'""' h ~"'ilf'<' hv F1eltz. captur-arl's hu requested an exltnalon rent~r t···ll·•nt nllhmu~h thf' lr1P wu ln· triM. follr)Wt'd by Myron Leh. [/t'C. 31. 1940· tn complf'te work m w . thf' RalboA ~pnrll&llll bowllnlt \'ti).IC<' hl'nll' to hll\'t' bfton f'll" ''LI' CHTS OUf' f'll thf' Star f'Vf'Dt from 11 en-for a pertod of tbl"l't' yeara from Amocll: maay partlea enjOyinjl 'Mila Wf'f'k. l••r<rv•r.oo'fi wtth !lubmllriM IICAI"l'e, man·11 Srnut 11. and Cowle'11 Ram-f\f cJredjring rix small pleai!Urrt '"" rum<'r,•a ncl ~;nslllp. VI <'OfTlme" hunctioull .Jk!yd'a Whalne wu bnat 'WIIpt te a depth of 6 ~t 1 SPOITUII-BOWUit"ILLEYS ._ · Ulao.\ PAVILION IIOWLDfG UIOU ·-B.AI.a.a _. ~UIPJIIZNT nuc.a1 lie Anluu .. ~ Mr &..-.; toe~ ~'at., t'-. Holldaya ~ntilla • Sales PAUL NO-.uf ... A ........... O.... •"' 2li.t at.. Me Wpolt ....., ........ ''f .. ~uphnnrtl: ftrl't 11mnn~ thr P .I.C ·a. followed mean low wa,trtr level. V~ith a bot· ~:vo•t·~ 1"'"''' "1 rw•rw'r ur luac SOUNDED FOR by Slat«'r·a Sf'venth Heaven and tom .... -ldth of 22 ff'll!t on tM North P'""" nf "0011 !<<'rn flootin~: on the \t<~rll~'""." A,::illta l'tdl' nf the rounlv channf'l. • 11 (ac·r' "' thr wat.•r wn' bound t.:trk 11 1-;Kiotw wfln th~ Alba. f'rNII:"<I mlltPrtal from th,. pro- "' hnn~; an •''CCIIM wnmtng fnlftl t,.nu ev .. nt, with Morrill' Pooa JlMI'ol prfljM't will bl' deposltrr1 nn tt•r merk ••f "''"'' fll""'ni!•'r thnt thr rc was • d thl' 11djarl!l'lt upland end remain. ~!Uclnl! 1\ncl •llhmnnn•• i'l fiJII'Oilrh•nl.!. or a LOTIIECARSONii'"'"'ll'll Rhlll'~l'l<l\'. III'N)n(J IU\ tl.-r nlnng lht> orl'an front ootwN•n t'lull -.mut1c" ll f ... mnk•• nn lhr horizon . thltd nmnn~ a flr lcl ryf 7 MPsger:e 311th an.t 39th strt'ell!. j1111t "~s "lll•l ~urr• 10 hf> 11 wnn~hlp,.. \\'l,dnc1.-r won thr F1nttlr trophy ------ tUII\'t••l In ~,..-n,t th•• "'1" th•• wnv Mr Moot!~· lnud\· m n flrlcl of 4 I t·<•ntcndl'rS 111<:1~ clo•wnt; •• rl nrtinn-or r<•rtaln :\lnl\lo) Willi llo'(l)l\11 nncl Tnvr ll'll 1 .. 1,, ,,•n•·••t·' ·nu·r,. w11, twthln<> •o ~prr'r Cirl tpnk third. " ~ " When thr tn11t not•• olf "l,i,.;htR 1 u· p 1 1 1 1 fl t \l••r·r.v ,.,,.,11j :\lr Mnr'l't~· ~11tf! ... t uue ~ a r 1: a ('lime n rs Out•· WAll llnllndr.t h~· 3 o•WIWifl 1\mnn.: G flnltll'l!. roli(IW!'d by HarbOr Sea S•·""' Bu!(lnr!l at mi<J· J••nes· ...Qolcc: aruJ Gale!!' urprl11t'. ~lioall-4-tll~f. \)'Wtlf'1tt~'i'M~ 1nnlnlf' fl\~ n~ ~rf'i" P' '"t..-Geor841 <.;ordOO..to Uuo..-the trom-l Smpe conte.ndtre were awttc·h that "hla~krol •'ut" the ~ll'trni~JI l'atun. t;r~Ntl!'l! Uipprr blulo~t_ U~;ht!! p f thr ll.IICtcnt :o.ul-11 :uuJ PI!.Cplel!' Ft.ro. Jla rdcr·s lng Vt'llll«'l, whtr·h hal'! rnmpr1!11'd Harpy. Do>lhy'll \'nlln nt nrd PAIOI· Nl'wport Harhur Chnstm:\.~ shrtnl' rr·s F r•\tr1 \\t'l" llw wlnno'!l! 10 anti ~rcl.'lin~t t•• tht• <'<~IU!l un•a thl' ~nil·'"~' One Dellijtll Elllntt'" F.srapRrJt> WIL'I wtnner In t.he 4:'>· fnot riM!! M t•yrr·ll ~ ... l~ma and Moore's Fantally wt're lll'<'nnrJ and third among 11 ri:\d nf 10. "" ~-t'fttft . T a flvf' ra<'t' eve-nt 43t.., polnlfl. ShepRr,r was aecond w1lh 41..~-Terk£U's SuJu look th•rd wtth 3& polnlll. whtlt' r.uth- rle was fourth V:•tth 32 Wt'rr 11 entrtea. lol R yor G<-1 r.Jc 1 r. tn u rr• «'11\lln y ., _________ ...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ perf11rrnt'<l .. n.• ",., k ••:lrlwr ha<l turn,'() th«' *'J4111<' aw1h h to li,~;bt ne&rl)l 2:.00 o•lr. lnr hull>l! whlr h outl ll!'tl t',.,.,.y l'"'t ,,f lht> !!hlp :: r•\1 t l( 1 ••. 'Iii! pnr.,.,, , ;11,·~1" 1""' "rt'k m th•• llnrRce F"r~IJ:TI h"f'"' In :'\r11 f"lrl Htl~tliU Wr'TI' \lr IIIIo! ~lrll ~~ )11\ tn Stil\~1 n nol ol •• ucltt•·r nt11 l ~~"nrJ:I' !o'rl'nl{er· Anrt lt.w rl~lt'"g ORANGE COUNT-'5 ''THf: Pt .. CE TO (;()" "Super-Pay-Me" Lt:Aitt., Tllf:,\ Tt ;H ~ It Pa) • Tn r1"' WEST COAST •;:::..A.;: Broadway British Merchant Skipper Ourln~ lhl' p~rln.l in "huh t.h•· Lotti<' c·nr~~nn ~~l'~med wllJl !'Cin. Ulls t.n~ \ljltlt11. th•• vrM~l atlT~t­ ~• thiiUII&Ildl' ,.f IIJ'•·•·tnl!>r!l anol tx'<'AU~t o\( 1l.Jo lllllll!UI!J bf.'aut y. ll('t'<'tllli'Yl' \\ hn l'h'Wf'ol olnwn l•• Ylt'"' l ht• AL it• Ill' I hl'y pr•1\'l't>tl<>d elonjit <'•>ast llt~hwny ;·au1'rol n ronl(rl!tlon · olf autn!'l whrn_ traf~ Now 10 Tu•• 1 J:.,. 7 \, C•ry OrAnt -t<Athartne Hepburn -J•m•• ltewa t -•n _ "THC PHILAOEl Pt·IIA ST OAV" l . Eajays Quiel.Df Newport Harbor .... , '' ''" ~t:mtn· llar·\lt•n nf I hi' l••r,•~<l•ni: ""l'''""'t•• I'!< 1,> l'l'l&te I · l'o\1\1 t'! IIIII): ho!< III'IIVttl In tJae htu undrr~:n~.-h••mh 11ml 10h,.ll flrt> In th•• n ,d•·nt· l••hl friPn,ls lh11t all hf' wantll tr oil• whtle on his ll'll\'1' t•f 1\h~··no t• 1~ I" rnJ"Y pcno I' 1\ntl flll ll't, lll\tl thRI ltl\lbon Bt'l'ffil! to !»· thf' ldf'&l Jllll(•to t11 a,·hll'vt \\ Kll h1•a\·y . So llflf'l'I M IIIIH nnol fllllllt:\1\dlni: 1 nssn. I -A LSo- "CHAO HANIIIA" -A LIO-"IIOMAIIIC~ ~~ t"• -.10 OIIAND&~ FOX FULLERTON ...._m l!ndo Tomor?ew (lat .. .,..,, •t "YOU'LL ,.11110 OUT" -A LSo- "ANOI.LI OVUI a-.OAOWAY" kft.. , .. " .. Tw•. (J•"· 1·1·11 "KIT CAII.ON" -AL.So- "II.VI.III IINIIII.-.1" .... ,. -.,. tol-. ....... 11) "IAIIITA F'£ TAAIL'' -A~SO­ IIICHAAD A"L IN- AHOY DI:VI NE-1111 "A DANCEAOUS GAME" FOX ANAII1':1M J>ttoM·Mel E.nde tomorrow tS~t., Ja".-•J "COM-.AO£ ll" .._ALio- "DULCV" s,,.. Mo,. .. T .. u . IJ•"· 1·1·1) "THE THI£" OF a AQOAD" -ALSG-"CH-.IITMAS IN JULY" w•. ,. aat. (.n... t +t .. H) "All NA" --t\1~0 -- --·********" 1£$(1¥0 fOI YOU ..• A fills* sut at tM tid's '""' lilt S,.C! Al'NT MAGGIE~" "T.~D\' ftARRIE . Wf'd. Oa,. Dee. I I.LOl'D SOLAN "CHARTER Pll..oT or.sr. Atrrav "RIDE TENDERFOOT, . ··ltmt" S S ·CASH NITE $ $ ttu.oo 8r •·oo ( ...................... ..., •. .... .. "OV.E~THE-TOP" Do.or Equipment · TRR!:E SE(.'OSDS-AND IT'S OPES Automatic openerr )Weathcrt.J.&ht. low beadroom...111o. ~ lions on side walls, or pasta to lnterfere w ith s1dc door en· trances. work benches or lockers. T\me·tcstl'd. trouble-frt'(' rq~tlpmel\t. NEW DOOB8 NOT NUE88A&Y -~ type of Oanp Doer Caa Jle Ueed wtU. ~ MOwer •• Top" E4al,.._L l L • " ... TeWINKLE HARDWARE FunguS _:_ ROaches -F1eas Moth-Proofing, Etc. Coast Termite r& Fungu8ConfroJ· Co. -· · 1227 So. Main ~A ANA . ·-Phone: s..ita .ua,_r IRVIN GEORGE GORDON -, Ne~ and Used ~ . BUiLDlNG~TDUAL Wood -Used Briclcs • • WRIGHT ·LVMBER YARD· 11&1 Newport Blvd. . •' DONALD BEACH KIRBY 'A. LA. ARChiTECT Ba.lboa Wa.d. CalliOnua C.M.TRUSTY A SONS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTJ)RS • Boomer BuiJdinK, 2626 \\'. ~ntral. Newport Beacb Phon;·m COMPLETE CABINET and CARPENTRY SERVICE · • ISLAND CABINET SHO CH.AS. NORRIS. Prop. FUJ'Ditu~ ~produord aad RefiJlPhfld 116 Agate Avenue Balboa Wand BRASS HARDWARE -'QUALITY TOOL;S - W. P. FULLER PAINTS _:_ YACHT FIT'TI.1'\GS 210-212 Martae Avrnue Balboa bland PbOIM Newport !%%4 ·• .. ~~ •• • 0 • ... a. .. , ..._ •• <I -• , ....... , . . '• ., 1!1" 0 ·Donald B Kir~y Poilll to lew _. N_t:w _ BALBOA sToRE \\'t"'i' ···'"'""·'·~~r 1{,';;,:;"~;:;.~~ 6.1 ... :~\ • 1 • -• • ~~ I'ROC1URE IN .... ~_...-;;,.;:;=ll~";:"~~r;;-;n5,i:,.-=:n~,;t~i-,~;tmrZ.r~~~;;t-nio~t1"-tt,;,;;,_ __ _J 1111.111{ J--ds fO,_ 184f 61 .. rr11·r tm "'" 11..-at branrh nl t.be the Y••r wnuld be an exceptional _ • · ~ I lJ ~RAPID PROGRESS I'C11Uih11rn l'allrurnla Tl'l•l•hone j one for the local bliUctlt\1' lllctu. · N'I:I'?O&T BF.ACH Pf'nalta Total _ 1 d.'•"· will t. .,_ ul lbe .IJWAl JIW&L~WUA~-~ CILbll\1oa1 e,..,ad •t1tl~.•·a..lla '""' p•nrl"l 1-ltnt'" th• ball uf rain In U'lla \ern aftd l\and..o111e bwlln•• ~n· ttwo Ml~fkln DolLar'm&rk. -- 0( ...... bloclt11 A '"'"'1)'. hf'lptul + '!"''~nunlly. raphl atritlN havf' ~ unit. lhr IIIIIM hl•ork f'O· 1 ,,..,.n ma•l•• hy Irvin <:N•rJ" Onr-fj. 1930--~ ............... ;.::-... .$726,5-JO Wllh .Nt>Wport Harbor ha\'lllg 1931 391 ....... -..... :.. ....... 505.344 C'OmJl\fted a ~.t brnklnat yur 1932 307 .................. -.. ~47.690! of f'onlltructlon. a lar~rr part of 1933 293 ....................... ..Jl36.~9 which comprt.....S n~w · homn. 1934 298 ............ ~ .......... :l35,07• come~~ the-pt"edlctlon by muv 1935 ~ ........................ 497,..0 promlnMl mf'n· fiU1llllar with 1936 5.23 .............. ~ .. , .... 766,0891 tlulldlnr: throuJhout thf' United 1937 563 ... -.. -.......... -... 908,090, Stat~" that l&t.L •Ill be a p-eat- 1938 5M .................. , ... :. 911•6371 n "ho'm~ bulldlnl"' year than waa 1938 5t2 .. ~~ ..... ~ ...... fl8l,7~~194:jy_,"« with thla oplnloo ta ...... za . .. . ..$ SS,842 Donald Bfoach Kirby, A.8 .C, ' promlnent la .. nd arcbl· Qualify J,umber and Building Materials r.ntC'r momln~t.• snd co:rt •\'f'lllnc~ 1 made miMrahle by ~~ tuu and 1 cUrt 'If t_h.,. old-f&Minn"'CS Wf!Od _,., roal '" ·~ • . "'.... . ~ ,, ., j I t '''"" , .. · , '• IIMie • to ~ltplnlt dKyllxht ln11hlf' 1 dttn In th4' <'<NIIItmr Uon u( l.be U.. ...._. U tully '"' wr w~nt. folr I nrw I ,.,.,.l'\l'f' RH"<I hUIIIDNa •true. .. -~ privacy, II"" lilffturlllrl turf' At ralm and C.nlral AW , 'ol ~ U\41 lnaulallon In jtrnrmu• Ralboa. .... -I --A tiW-d aiJ'Illflunt 1 non•J Ia t•l· WRIGHT'S HAVE ....,. ~I aaf~ty In thf' -.-.~ bMt way to rut <town BOTH NEW, USED • Mdcketa In the hnml" Ia to waW... home lf'u-hu.arooua." 1 '""UMBER, MA TERJALS !•· ~n Uled "l'l l ••r IJolb llw t~l•l '" ' til•• •,," \\',;tl•l• ....... u "" tit• ., ,,,.j,,. ,,, tJ, .. )·,.,. ~,., A ,.,,,,,, 'I''' I" ;.ht , t••l tor •hi" h t; " 1··11 H "'. •'~''' lfp.e of f,u~U•, ,.,.,t ,, '~' T~e ,,,,,,. t t ,...,,~ ''"'"' u~ t H th,. .,, ·I . ; • t}'l,t'' •ld • '•'" h•utJ•I It•· ~1•• 'l"'"' No •on~ ,..,.. ~ thal th•• 1 w1nt.f'f ,ou Wt)llld hsw u • eh•..,.ry. hl!alllltul. n!lrulaW hr~ ol SOL· OA8 l '•• ~ry I ll n~""' •" \II I ,..,, •. h •tH'l"·~ l .. t lur,..-.r than (1h h ,, •• ,..t,.• t..,•l fu m I• d ,y,.. "' ., h• d ONI the ,~l tAJ' lh••I.IU'" I. •"'l "~"" I hnm•·'"· tl•l-rlll••lr a. I VIII It,.. &n4 4own apouh al-rMit! b<o lu •'•rra h,,,, ... ~ IIOOJ"'' ~1••1J ••.~ ."'''''' ""'"' 't ~.,,I It , .. .~ •••• ,,,., t1•1 ,,,. UA"d fur w ltJ''''•"' Hll l tlwtt•• h• ''"'~'"'' H *'m" t•lt•flr ru•·'•' lu u • •l llat>l Will n11l, lb .. h••l"-· .. ,,,~.tf "ow Ia Uw-t.l.6w to .-pan! for Nal bftUIIC -ren \bAa wtoW t.ft ,_. dftMr tell JOU how euftJ ·"'·"'-·' r··~l• ,,, .. ,llnr•l ll vJn~~;. )f'l ln It '"'"""'· l·lrll\ all 1 !•• ~l .. m•-nt~ 11n· car .. tull) ~~ waa ua.-•l''t, ronv011 "!•'"' t.l .. nd,..l to m111tr ror rnmf'lrt a n•l "' t.,. a.efet~t t'IO'JMiamt _,,.., u, .. '"~'t of Ita \b-&a Met 7an •c•• Y.'IUI"' ""1•1•' r ... ... . .. .I ,.,,. ''""M•·•I hJ U1l~ n1"'"' <11•~•-n will P4ir-trt ll tiMtlfl" fl( IMM'ta 1.() '"'""lAW lbtt boua-. Ci->mplet. Office 51d Res. 1065-M J. M. MILLER COntractor and Builder WINDOW 8HADM-VI!NJ:'I'IAN III..IND8 I.INOi~IM FLOOR& ud ~$Jto~ .. AuditA T&X Advke -S,_IM • aoao..t ..... Mllr. p. .. 011 Jlf•pwt .. CONRAD SHOOK OONTRACTO& ud 8tJILDD ) OOMP~ 8UIJPINO ...... .._. N.....,t liM-. tiJ •U'tll!t An. P. 0 .... ltl ............. o.Mf .. ... GORDON . B. fiNDLAY "Bulldt>r uf Houle' ol DW:lnctJon" CONTRAGI'OR and BUJLbER BEACON BAY F1uctrRt r.rowln5( Community Jll•vrlopnK•nt In the Ffl1'11e~~t (;rowlnJ{ ()(-.•lin O mmunlly In Cullrnr'l'll~. s ~= )'; Boat Covets·· . -~, Canvas Marine • NJc;WPORT-'AWNING CO. r· • Urd ~Cout lSIYd. Phoae MO , , - .. PAUl. RACOBS: Owner .(! • -...... ... - • ----..--,_.. -. -·- • -----:r~rh~·e~N~EJI-1-W~S.L__-~rl.,~IM~· .E~·~~·-· ~P~·i-o~· g~r~am For, 1·94[1 NEWS Having completed one of the~ m~t epochal yea"rs in its history, Nel'•port Harbor p~ to stride ,forward to meet 1941 with renewed vigor and con, fidenl't'. ·which will continue to truthfully .rerord the history- making ~t~. the growfh &nd development ·or the • HarbOr area as ,~·ell as the· many activities of civic and social QrgaRizations nnd individuals. During the ~3 year!' in which N~wMrt Harbor h.as g rown f1'0m an ugly duckling.' beset with mud flats. to a dty of sphmdid homt>S that surround 'the nes p ~asure a r r on t c ac 1c oast. t e NEwS-TIMES has battled for civic improvements: .. ,. ... 'fn((?~h· ~ ye;v-s .. tht-N.E;W"~~:~MES has dl- rect«il every e7fo•1· in. bringing to its readers many inU>resting features in a<Jditlorl to a we ll rounded \·a ricty of news. --. • • =·~ -· ... -. ~Reader.t ¥L offered news _and comment concem- ing the many fithletlc and sports events which occur th~ year around in thls community as well as boat· ing. waterfront activity and yacht ra~ing. Activlties of schools; ci»Jrches, civic and service- ·.organizations and generar news'are all to be found in the NEWS-TIMES. A complete page is dev<;>ted each week to .the Newport Harbor building industry. which reached its greatest peak dw-ing 1940 ,\•jth building permits going "well over the long-sought m111ion dollar goal. · t: TIMES are m~Wy ~ltprlal features. Latest or these are Letters From London l)y &>n Bt-vin. noted English CQJTespons:lent. Each week 200 choice words from a prominent wr-it er will present a true picture or what is going on in war-tom Britain: Assisting n>aders of the NEWS-TIMES to l{Ilder- staud the 1 apidly OC't'Urlnl;l'Vel11rln the-roreTgn sit· uatian are the timely articles ef Fleetwood Lawton. wt-11 known writer and commenbttor. Interesting odditit'S are offered ~fS ·o(:,J.his paper by Ed Stolz. whOjf column is enti~lcd "Uncle Ed Sez." • . To continue this polil'y and to jnitiate an even Another ·feature the NEWS-TIMES offers Its '}::renter number· of fea tur~ rovt-ring a wide fieJd of interest is the resolve of the NEWS-TIMES Staff readers is·semi-wN'kly publi cation. Printed Tucsda). 'the NEWS-TIMl:S contains informat:ion conccru.ing_ for the coming year. the many we<"k-cnd at'tivlties in the Harbor District ~--:----1nctu~:nll0f'igflie '·• .rovera e o news y _ -wJiHe the Th ay ISSUt> n~ot only enab~ tne !"Cad- . FAS1~ GROWING DISTRICT ON GREAT SOUTH ·coAST SERVED BY -~EWS.TJ.MES . ' With the 1940. census showing the population of tlw Harbor District as· approximate ly. 50CX}(a ~ain of 124~ ) this area la 5('('rl as 9flt' of the fastt'l\t ~rowinK I .t&.rtHI"t• ·on the entire South Coast. Building nctivity Thr~l' mnrhinr• ~'•'"'f'l"''' and ca,:r rhr "1»', I•• '"'' '1\H'sday and Thur-.:dn~ ,,. 11UI"'':._\)f th1' l"F.\\'~·TI "F~~. and ar(' ('()ui"ptlt'<t \\tlh 1111 proximalf'ty' lhtrt ~ • hn> lflf· f('l't'nt f:IN'~ pf I);•· ••• handle' 'tht' ,·ost nmo1mC·rlr eommrrt"htl print In~: m,lrrl' that havt> M ad(' thl~ plant ont' of thr bu~h·~l n'h thl' enUre South ~utt, rect·mau pl«'r~. 1 ='a.:ws- TII\fES' Annual South Co&.~ Supplf'lllE'nt. broadcrd('!l, kt· t~rtu~a<h. tid(> books. rnn:l~ and all t)'J)P11 of printinl: eomt> frwn thit shop. locntrd in eur own mod.m bulldin& ln N"'JIC)rt 8«-adl. J\nd this mean~ ju.~t unc thing-that there is a vast pnrkC't book \\ :.itin~ hC'I't' to be Op(:>nN l hy advertise•"' <d<'rt to the pos.<;ibilitit'S tha t are offt'rcd here by con- :-;ist4'nt Rclwrtil'ing in th" 1\:E\\'Spaper that. haa aerved this l'iC'l t ht' l<lSf ::2 has important part in its NEWS-TIMES advet1isers reach · the eatJre Harbor District-Newport. Beach: Balboa. Balboa Island, Udo . Isle, Corona del Mar, Newport Heights, Balboa Perlin· sUb.. and Costa Mesa. Clrculatlon that gives a comprehensiv~ cow~ on an -entrrery .-..r liM&"=-no -rn-e clrculatron to ~ct from the Importa nce of the advertiller's message. COMPOSING AND COMMERCIAL ROOM STR.EAMLINED FOR EFFICIENCY AND SPEED Over 6500 printed sheets per hour i~ the f-apadty of tht>se automatic pn>SSeS in the romm<'rcial print- Ing ctepartmt'nt. Many of the color pi~ fhat Aft produN'd hl'rt' art' ctone on tht>SC macl}in('S, whiCh ofl('rntl' to full ca(lflcity, six days a wcck. Almost nil the arln•rti~rs in th<' NEWS-TIMES '' u.w this r lnnt fo r th<'ir 'comm€.'rcial work-further =~.. ~ t\ta* wr~U.t • .aD hc>twN'n tn<' llarhor Dis t rid m<'rchnnts a net the ·I<X·a l NE\\'Sprtfl('r. ---... ... --·- .... "CLASSifiED$~ ..... ~ECONOMICAL~ -' ... ' . ... the NEWS-TIMES is a woman's page. dealing with ers to .keep pace with local activities as they occur, the great number of social activities of interest to but prov;des tnrormatlon-roncerning coming events women of the Harbor D~trict.___ for tM next week:end . • . __ Eighty f~r(eJtL.oLNew.port _Bar. ·rArea Ail\'ertisers . . Use The NE\_VS-TIMES Year In and Year Out-Why? . . Th€.'re's only one rea~n why such a vast army of advertisers t\Jms repeatedly to-the NEWS-TIMES. month after month. for more and mqre advertising -and that reason is REStTLTS. Results that rome from the constant desire or the paJX>r to ke<"p abreast of the times. to further help the Harbor District forg<' ahead. Results tha-t have come tram the fact that the NEWS-TIMES has "Custom &ilt'' itself to exactly fit the pattern of th<' p('culiar n<'<'ds of the distrlcfit serves. The nt'eds of the reader. tht> sub- et'riber :-::-.1iiiild ~ ltlh~ ~"~~:-~ T tw ptw nomenaJ )..;I'U\\ lh <.~nd den:-lopm~nt thill h:_ts1 ht'\'11 tlw ottkoml' of lht• !':.! ~~~10.0011 Ol'roging. program at :"t'\\'(1(11'1 l lat'hor-lransfnrming it intn tlw fin<>SI n~t-,·l·ar-l'rltlltd 1\'"111'1 •'ll thf' l ';r\'ifiC' Coast ' .. -han' l'Ont·ributPrl I•> llw pr~~Ptll d:·~· n'stllt , .. n . community that has developed thousands of "needs'' and that automatically turns to the NEWS-TIMES to find out where and what to satisfy them with. So. it can be safely said that the m~gc of the ~ advertiS<'r "Fits like a Glove" over the needJOi of the I'Csirlents of the Newport Harbor area ... and the bringing of th<.' two together gets us right back tb wher<' we started-RESULTS. For both the ad\,er- tiS<'r JD!cLlbC:.~!tdC.r.-!or botb...Jm.ro..I;JeAd& ~~. . itt: l'n ttS'n""'l'<f!'" ~ .... I ~/ And -that's the why-of RO'; of 1'\c\\ por-t Harbor area advcrt:isels ~the'" NE\V~TtMES y~r fn anrl yC'nr out -a nd it's a why \\'(1 knew-you 'd tx> in- tr>rC'stro In-and a wh~· you'll rind the answt>r by'' .. using tlw nd,·ert i~ing C'Oiumns of the NEWS-TIMES in your sdwdul1• fnr 1 !1 11 ! .. -Dominant • • ln . the 'Entire Harbor Are·a \\'l' h~t\'C hl'rl' mnlin<'d ra lls f!ll' ntfll'\' than ,ittsl a p1'001i~· of St'l'\'i('£' . . . +~ i=- in itsdf a gr•m1inP r~spnnsihilitY-il n~ponsihility to Olii'·N':Hil'l'l'. our sub!'crillf'l~ a nd o\n· ad\'l'rtiS<'rs. T Q maintain th<' dl'finit l' I.EADERSIDP that has bc<>n -C!'Ot nl)Jish~ '''<' must l'Ontinut> to I<' ad in <'\'E'r~· d<'· J)<1rtrrlent ... t<1 continue to l'('nrt('r th<' cowrnge or NEWS tha.t. n•nch<'s into 1'\'t'f'Y nook and cr;mny of €.'rngt> of our cireulati(ln that N'aches almost <'Vf'ry O("('{fplt'd -horm-;n ttR--dhch itt'. ~tnd -r1Hnftmtain tht> steady ma rch forwartJ in our service .to, t h\" ad\'€.'r· tlst>I"S".ThAt is ~t rt'fft-cted-irr 1he l'-'l"f'kly incrt>O!IIP .. in th TDn:s: Sueh :l tC'stimopinl is the' l~st thnt an\· nrwspaper can hope'for .. :and ('('rtainlv onc• th~t thl<i :"\fi:\\'Spafl('r i:-; clrc•ply ~J"<Itl'ful for. · · st the ,;NEWS-TIMES P~m For 1941" is one I thnt is rea lly your PJ"'WIUTl. for it is devoted to \'OU, plannC'rl for ~·ou. anrt is always <tt ~·our S<'n'iet'~·News itC'ms are a lways welcome. civic -problems are nl-.. gi\'<'n 'a helping h and. advertisers are given every ~rviee that-they mAy <k>sire . ~~~rt. t his is- YOUR NEWSpaper :-won't you US<' it even more -for l~U? . . ,...,. FOR .PROMPT_ SERVICE · CAL~ 12 OR 13 ·g· -:-1 ... . . l' .. . News Of The Churches MT. CARMEL I neac:la}'. 7 :30,,p. m. CATHOLIC CHURCH •1 Sunaay mornln&. 9 a. m., Rev. "· J . Beary, Prien paratory Membership .Ciua. )(&AMI! at 8. a. m. and 10 tL. m. \u\\ ~ l••''lurnwll. () tiuul tl .'' ll2 Ealt Central Avenue '-"·"'''' pta)"'· 1111 o tltf't' ~··nil all I . Newport Beach. 1!1 "" .l'"'il"·" Tl,.._,. "'"'''1 ol t il•· A br&nclt of The t.lotber C'..hurclt. I .-.111.1•>1 '"" llu• liul<l t·n T't'~l 10 l tht• l.t'.,. lllJ :'111 11\1h;\ Ull ... ;U\1 l)fl , Tbe Firat Cburc.!!__o.! Chrla , .• Scltonttat. In Soliton, MILN. ~:~:.",';::.;~In nil !'hut d1..a of \;hrt•t. • Sunday School at 9:SO a. m. ~JUOlU: th•• '8\·rt11tural citation• In 8UDOaY Servl~ at 11 a. nl. "Wed· Ill•• l.t·>~Oo·Sttl ntWl are tbno Vlln!t'e ~y Teatimonlal Meetlne at 8 l1u111 Joll: .. ,. nut ~;od lo tile bt'ight p. m. Re~lrwt Room. \18 Central ul 111'a v .. n! a111J bdtold tbe bel&bt Ave., o~n from 1 to 4 p. m. ex-ur tht' l !l<ra, ho"'' hleh tbeJ are! cept Sund&ya apd holld&ya. . .. Atquntut uu~~o II•Y~t>lf wltb bhu, Tbe public Ia cordially lnvltfd and be II I"':L~'": ttu•reby cood a ball to attend the. eervlce and u.e the I come unto thf'e r~celve, I t hl'e , the Ia,. trow hla mouth kaadtog Room. ---lay up his worll:t Ia thine · a·1siness and ~rofessional Direcfory GREENER ftJBNmJRE SHOP ...,_. . ....,. l"'anthan Wbldcnri!MdMAD41 V_.....BllDCI- .,. 175i N.wport Blvd. Phonllfr7·W Co8ta Mesa ........ ., .. __ ....... .................. ..... DIC""OONUD &IC&Iil& .., ............. ocnc. lt'r tl .. lltr.t N..,.rt ...._ a-n: ICHJ a. a. a 1·5 p.-. ~ 111: ... ,.., Dr. GOI'doa M. Grady ... ,...... ... ....,.._ N_,ortiiMC!ItlleepiW c-tna Aft. at Nllla. Offlee Bn.: 11·11 a.m.: 1·5 p.aa. T~I"J RABOLD K. .GRAUEL CHAPEL "We Ou~lves the ~tter By Servlnc Others Best" Ph-. Newport Ml Ooeta Meaa, C.llforala I ~ - Telestlltat N_,_. --•*-"' ........ ....... 'LDOY P. ANDmaJOlf Co*·-....... , P,V.P':AilJQ8 W•t ' tw · ~ · llllpawr 21D2 Ocean Froat. N.w.,n &qM.rt ---......... .,.._ Oold ,...., Eye G.._.....,.. ALL WORK GtiARANTEED JAP~OIL ... ...-a.HM~t .......... ....., .... _.... .... f/CIIU a..c- .......... WOMI/1111/1...._ ........................... ,.. __ ..................... - I ... --.. ._ N oTICEs l"ou. l!tltll Mcn'U't: ut· tl \l.t: t 'Ut:M &U:t:U Ut' ~K1'NT .. C LAS S 1· F I E U A D V -£ R T IS INC . . - rhoaf' RENT BUY • 12 or IS 1 Nan(1-: I!' 111-.HFii\ (~1 \'1-:!1:_. that .\IM!I rm·t 111111 T'll lo• 1 ;llarnnty C~'· u .~,up•n ,et~t •f\ ·•' t iU"' ~ -~r rr, .. , l'I'Aot,in' "·~'<1 ·or:., __ ll!!l_iiii _________ ~ _____ .;. _______ ~~I!I!!!I------~~~~~~~-::----~._:__:J I Nat l'l!n.lr.lo'\1 Ill llolt\k l("lt1, Ill I Pa ..• 10. nf llflti'UII Ho..-.IJ"lb uf ~UTOMOBILE!-; ,. Housi!WAR£9 MusiC AL INSTRUMENTS -On... Cuunly. l'nli1m'Jtln. to -- whldl f'\'h•t't'lll'l'' I• ltf'l'l'h~· made> , HOUiaWA!!JI- Mr ·l'nrtii111un• IIIH1 JlUr-• YOUR U$£0 CAR! "0 " SAl ..-.,~• ,.._ ......,...._ lluaftt to thnl ('••t111l;,· m•\1\'t• of lerw l Ou .. trla•rat!l. ... La~ brwedl and 1'1•'\'llun '" ,,.II unl\.•r RT£ • rodu<lio"• .....-.ratbee f wrnth•-. ckedftl·t ~~l, ro'<'lll'•l•OCI on Htf' 11tth1 HEADQUA R$1 ,.,.,,.., »4 Mal" 8'·• •rNa. daJI ftl &-ptt•mlll'r, 194<'. in Rook • 1 ... , ... 1082, at ~~· ~:1. 11( ()fflf'inl flt't'· ) 11J1!U -'llE A YEW --;1 Nl ALI- ordl ttl Oran.:•• l'••unty. Cnlllnmla. OY Olla 8PIU'IA~ ,...,,., WaetMre Hn ......, null~ II I~ l"tt~lii'P(I th11t J · _ -"CA ....... t- Il ~ of lho· uhh.:alhtn~ for 1!1:17 t~o·\'rttlo•t Mnlill'r 1110 Vk""'" c ...... ,. ~ IUt'h do'<'<f olf 1111>-1 Ill li4'<'Ur·, I )o·l .uoco• s,,.,,.11 • . • ""e"• trt M Af\er 1 p. "'· Icy Mtd ()('('ltrr.'t1 1n t hnt IIII)'TT\4'nt ----• , DOWN 1 ol the print'llt.:tl anrl tnlrro-st ctu•· ... ,.,. '!!I. 1125l MISCELLANEOUS I ; ..... ,.. I CLt.ANa "I i LAu,;-ci,.v- DOWN I PI CIAL • t ulh 4tt! t)-'751 fltt; Panh "' llolrle tee Clilarl18 0~~ Harul, 'liar. ,. ... ,.. 1!'00 ... ,._ -, -$50 -;o,. 'ALl!-lloy• veed lllcycla. 'I Good co,.dlllon, 11.10 Ill AIIM DOWN A v• • Nowpof"' H•lthte. Ht~t. H. W. HARTLEY,In~.l HOUSEWIVES! alllttet _,....._ ftlf ~.._. .. .. f'AAUDUL&NT aM .. . ... ..,.... ., ......,. .... .... fW ......... ft/1 ...... ., -- .. -. '" ...... ft/1 , ...... .. -~· ... ~· .... ----··· ~ ... te •n era....-. .. - ~,,... • .., tile wtct htll ..... Law et title ...... P~ .-., .t .... .... flfrfNr ....._ .... ..... ....... '-· ...... ...... T._, .......,.. ....... Cellf. W Q".AT JANUA"V ~IANO .. La -Rellllll-· ....... .. lew .. ..... ~.... .. .... -......... , ......... ••o. .. . --Tllll •• • ·"·-., • .. .. . ''-· 0. ,... wall. c--· T.,._ ""• ........ baM ..... ... ~lane ea.. -~~~ ..... . ...... "--. •·ttt. fiOIA"fO .,_La . JaniH, .... ,._ et lt ... In -~·--.._ .. ·-..... : .... '"· ..... ...,, .... -' ACC~"OION now •"'! ....... TPIII II a Navt,., C-al -· -oanl k ..... l.. ....... c... .. ""~" Main ... ,... A,.. tll-tfll. lpiMUa• eU ... ••·-• •·~-o•••"' .. ian~ary. hlr 1 .._ ••" ellllf. Da"l·k""'IIU Pia ...... , -"•"'" ...................... .... ,.... .. ,.~ ~'-e. .. ....... ............ REAL EaTATII ~ ................ ...... ............................ tillar .... -.,....,... .. • .. . ... ..... ._ ........ ......... ........ • .... ,. •• lf!!!e!l· .... o...e .................. . ,.....,.,.-.....m. . ...... . RE~ .ESTATI: . FoR Ra:NT ' Dela"T "·NTALI ...... , .. ..... ...... , .. ,. '" .... - __.. .... ft/1 ... ....,., ........ . -......... ._ ....... .. O.MfiiT VILLA.~~ c:.t)' II..,,._ fM Palflt ._,,.._. •• .... _,. .... ..._.W.L.I...-... --· ,....,. ~·"" .,._.,... n• .. , ....... M._ Ludlll' Drtnkpm, ~ t•r of Mr. and Mn. w:.n..t K. Driftkpm, Ull 8out.b .,..._1:. 8L, Oranp, •nd • former ttudlftl at thr Jnhnaton Built,.. IMtttute ol Sant• Ana. hu IK'C:f"i)tAoft • po~~ttlan • with ttM-Gfof•,...-f bunton Ford Alrf'IW'Y nf 8anta Aft&. APPUAMat:a----__ • Gu 1r Et.ctrk. May1aa. RCA Vk1or s.rv. Memtt White.~-,.,.. ... AUTO tJVPPUU a IJI'OilT OOODA-. 'L llwftlnl(lon !Wadi AultrSuppll", 210 M•ln lt.-~na. AmmunJtka. ftAIU!RY 0000"- 1 N-110rt Hllk .. ry, 2112 Ot'Htn. Rakft')' 'Mwlt r. _O.ttH P'or &.... ftr:A ttTY "'"or-• t.t h<'l'• !ibnp, IJCH:l Nlfl. ntvd. Coata MI'M. Vh. 311·~. All Otl WI.-. I Mary'• J~l11n1l Or'"''' Shop, 218 Manne.· .Sklllf'd IWuc:ln& Methodl. f 'ARJNP:T lltttuf•-1 IAinnd C.11 hln••t. Nrwrlty mtop. P'umlture r.prtt tl!i Ac,.t•. f'h ~W I lla.rhtor ('nlllrt<'l "' NirYf'lly ShoJI, ~2()') W. C.ntral. Mione 399 ..• YIKF.I'I.ACr: ANU KINOI.f)fO WOOD-. II. W Wrl~:ht. 17R-t Npt. ntvd .. CMt11 Ml'tlll. U~ l.umher. Ph. 1116-3. I f'U11NU~KIFA-' 1 1-" 1ft t' Jlruu t 'nundry. Jobln.-cullnll. til) Vl,..tnla Pl., C.oeta ...... 1 ur:Nr.RAI. •~»NTRACI'OR-·-• -f~orltun h •·lnt!lay, ~10 Coul JUvd. l'h. 402. Plan• and Corultructkla. 1.1~ I IORK-c 1111111 l ll~:hwny Orucw; Llquon, Win~• A """"'· fty Ardwtl. P,h. 1-.- I.UMftEK C.:CJMPANIJ',.,._ . C'oat11 M•-l.hr. Co.--~I.At ua lwlp yna piJan )'nuT home.".Phone 41. rJ ialrk:t J.umber Co. Pt1one lf50. Coa•t HJahway at Ard-.·,. ' ' f_: ~~··-· ~ . NEWP<)Jri'.BAikA NEWS.~~wpn 81Mb,' OalUJ.... 'I'HURSDAY, JANUARY 2. 1941. • CORONA QEL liAR BALBOA ISLAND yx>ISL£ THE • WO ·MA _N·'S PAG·E NEWPORT BEACH COST A: MESA 0. S. Maboa Home Ia SuD. Of fcwmal tlolidaJEftDt • l Miaa Evauell Nelaon Na .... Date T~ I ~ eel Ralph ZiiiUIMI'IDAD I -~~ by Holiday fOI"''Il&b and. yu~ de<:· 1 A.DDouacement of the d&tor cwaUurill allr1red -u.e va-=-tloe I her eppt"OaChlittt m•utaae •• 1"P'4--~~ .. I--t EVELYN party ,n.n by Ml• Bartl&ra Mat-vealed thl.i *eek by 'Mpllt A IPPIIEL Costa Mesa 11 THESE~ 1?~ OF INCOMI: MEAN A lOT TO ·US~ -. .. -·· .. ,hat-~ dollan of iocofM our aavinp ntn for Ul in a f~cral Sav) -leis aad Lout AIIOciatioft'mno .. loc 10 Moiher and ~ . ~ 1 extra romfon• ••. cxtri convenia~ces ... no~ ou.r active workins day• ~ crtu: Aod ~ ol all, ~·re noc rilltins the a.luy ol ou.r hard eamcd ~D<~My to Jft them." Words like chete an spokeD ia hWidredl of thousands of homn through; ouc Ameria today 1VMre ~ a biUioo and • quanu doUan of aavins• an eojoyins che federaUy iuarecf aafery aod hiJhu mum off~~ them ~ [ec!el'!-l_!a~inJI a!MJ to.n. A~acioos. · Pcrhapt fOU, too. could'* IDOft incocnt. Puh•pt rou. ·coo. an ~kins are abto-' · latlely sale .•. .intu~ apinlr aU Iota up tO 15,000 for each pcnoa by a rea ~r ol cbc Ua.iud Scates Govcf'DIDCDC. --- Current Dividend Rate 4~'(. .......................... r.an..,. ...... ,_ ... -.... ., ... ,. ... sasi Via Udo ........ 1500 ---· -· :~~-:;..··.:.~~~ ... ,. ...... ~ ......... __ ...,,. ____ _ -. -.. ft •. (Betty ~Je .•. "'ones 12 pd 18) BALBOA . Mi .. Jean Palmer Coming Events Rev. £: D, Goodell I 1 ~---~~---.-------___, I HERE IS YOUR J.OB! wed to Lo. Aaplee .In Harbor Area Hoat To. Epworth Man On New Year' a DaJ I --I Leape (;roup ~ P'MDAY, JAI\IUA .. V s- C"t~rnlltl: Ill-a l;-OmJIIt'(t' aurprise Ct e;:-u-~-Friday-At'teTnooa-Epworth LPaKUnll of the cinut H• h••J' lll<HI) .~~~..)lllr· u ' 2 P·..l!b ":omen~ clubhoUK Church-by-tb.-8n-w~l'llti l t.or "a.< th•• ="•'"' Y•·11r's rnqraln& II-.P'I~ea•(lub. 7:t6 P· m., of Rn. and Mr1. E. D. Goodell « •~lrtan~ ul !\II)." J ean paim;-r, nre tfall. · 1 l!fond&y evening for a pre-holiday .. v 5--. T" t!llllft IPta•kiW:-.... lng the M. L. Rsbbltts of Bueoa Vlelft Boull'vanl. BalhM. are tbe Th!'o•IOrf' P oln!lt'll::terA. -....,... Traditional yuh•tlde feAtlv!tles Group Haila New Year ln·C. F. Watta Home were enjoyed by guuta of Mr. I Conr~tU a nd ~~erpentlne In a Mol. 111d Mrs. R G Waterlue of Bal· 1 of color wa:< thr ~:ay porti()n ol boa ll!land st 1\ family gather· • thr !<f'llinJ;: in thr C". ;F . Wnth IJIIf Chriatmu 0 11y. I homt> nn Chnnnf'l J,;land wher Followfn~r t urkey din!U'r. gifta 1 thrlr gu1•:<t ~ hnllrll lhr nPw yPnr. w~ u chanleLM,d ths...!X,~!!~%11 L ~-l!Q{I oJ JPt' .rvenii),IO ~mi wu spent rtiiy~ caM !P,-0\iiK'tr;.nrft s:smwl'~ 7-;t!-:. 'Wntl~ "<''"'·(;r'fiT t.ncluded lllr~. Olar k RiinMI). mulniL:ht ""1'1"'1' nfl••r the 1:.! Larr y BffbPf' nnll W 11llam Bee-o·duck nwrr~ mnktnJ: Gu•':<ts in· -. of LM AnjZf'leA and Mr. and f'lud!'ll ~lr rmrl Mrs. IJoolnz K:li<rr· Mra. W F. ''"•on nf Newport :'1!1· nnr:i ;\ln. S:•m J.im,fnth•·r 01nr:i -.a.c!t --Mr1 11rnl Mr-< F. l. Mon"'• CEATIFJCATE...-OF 8US INEift FICTITIOUS F lAM ·NAME Till-: t·:-onF.R~tC::-oF.P da. ~~~·lw •'Pitlfv th111t h,. t:o "'"' rondur tln.: R;Hhlln_~: Matrrl&l ~up. rt~· ,( 31•14 \\'r10t t'!'nlral, New• port n.-su h. C'~tl•forrpR lll)il!'r t.be rwtti i•HI~ rum nAn;,•• ••f :-.; .. ,Ypart Bulhlrr~· ~upply rnmpnny, aad th'lt •111.1 rtrm tl' ""'111"'~1'" or tbe fulh1\\ i)l): I'' r•••n• ~ • w h 0 11 n&Jnl'l •l rtncl :ulrlrf'l'q"'"' '' I RJ'9) ,,JI f,•llttY. ~ ,,~ •• , II L t.. ll!hdl, :1 H\4 \\' I'I•MJ'M A v.-""· :" ''" rc••·t u, .. 1,.1, callr \\"llnl'!'l.• "''' t:~nol t h1~ :!n<l 1.'-7 ,.( · .!nnuRry, 1!141. 1 •. L I~IIF:LI •. ~TATE l)fo' I'AJ.Ifo'f'IIC'\I A. c~cw:-oTY f'IF 0RA7-:(~fo: On ll('r!>rt' mr (' ' Watt11 a :-.lnll\1)' Publlr In and tor t hl' ll\l1t count~· a nd natf' .• f'Hid. IOJ:' therr•n . 1lulv N1mmlulnned an,( !'WOrn. pt'TIIOnAJiy tlp~U'Id L L Isbell known to mr to " th~ ~rec:>n(sl ~·ho~ nsme111 ta 1 a~ l AUbe<.'ribed to t t.~ within • 11trum"nt. s nd ar kno'lllo')l'd'f'd t. ' me that hr n t'<'uted tht> arne. ! IN WITNESS WHE~..OP', I ha\'f' hereunto M't my hand ... A Woman Looks On W kSHINGTON POLITICS By :Mary Pattenon· ~utt It I• welt thnt (l\lr nmh&l<lllldl•r to · Rnmr. \\'lltlam-Phtll!p~t. i!! rt'.O: turning to hl" no11t . F<•r II<'Vf'rnl monthJO th~> t "n''"'' s tatrA • hAs ~n repre11c<ntt'd In Italy bv-n chllrf!e ~·&trl\lrl's. nu.e to lllnPM. r. Phillip" W I\!' fon·e<l to rrt11r11 " •·mlnP'!Ifjml'ntl' frm11 thr lrt lll" II•'' nnJy. &If King of lbly \n1t al11o Rr Empt>tor nf Jo~thlopln .Th•• )lnltt>•l ~tl\l!'.tl )"ll'n itfn11t1y hnll 'rc•fllsr•l ln re<;n~mlr.f" thr lt111l · hm <.'nnqu!'lll of F.thhlf'lll ~inc.­ WIIHttm Phlll(f'll h'a,t -h<>1•n Af'fiPint · months a~o r .. or ~edl<.'!ll lreat. · plnn 'l't>fnJm!tlnn qur~t ion bf>raml' "'ent and reet. DurinJr t hat lim<' an luul' Anti bt'fort' thl' rt'~Jlatlon ltaly·1 part In the F.uro~an w.ar v.·ent Into /"ffe<:t.' no 111r~ment baa cbanJrtd d~nnttely. has l>l>t'n' rl\~!'d In referenre to the , TbeiMI months hsve been " American ~Jl'lltlon. and Jl Duct period wh"n the pN'~DC'I! Ill Romr hilA mru1r n~ deml\nde thAt th•l f1l 111 Ami rlcan • ambaallador United . Statt'l mutt rh~l' 1t11l aJcht have proved of tr,f'mtndnu~ altttude But If 11 new amb&u&- bDportance. J>Heident Roolle\'t'lt dor had been Mnt to Rome when tau been aware or thla and under llr PbUIIp~~' departure ~Ami' ord!Dary clrcumatan~• undoualt· nf<'"-ry. the eneulnr situation ecn would have named a n~ en. woUld bave be~n 1.nconveftll"Dt ud wy re ac . . embUrt.ultlr UMre wi!Ty extraordtnary condt·l ~ The ItaliAn t ltuatlon •·Ill bear Uaaa whl& made euch an &p-cloee wat<.'hlnc by thll country ,-.tJIMollt unwtM. It may be poealble t.ba~ Italy wtll . C. F . WATTS Alter tM conq\M'It of f:thlopla.' play a dedlll....._,art In t hl' Prott· Notary ~. ~ fOI' _.. t111e n.u ... rovemmmt qeatec'! ~ rue or t.be endlnc ot tM , .... A County and iii:ali. , ftC'IIAUOD t.hat all envoys to I wt• and upertenced ~rk.QI 1 rom.,~ ltwlo•.-~··~~· _ ..... ., t .. .., -w. tM~. dtplcaat. u .a. ~~r ... PtdWpa.._,l 11, lN:t. • t ''" 0 r·. ~rr •r~·::-.·,. '" \"•ctnr .,. al mome.ntoua I.JIIpo~ hi Pub .lan -:. 0. 1u, .:3 1 ~!1. &, .... 1 nt. a u.lt re..-eiYe their 1:r at the 1 rcl'('nt t!lr" \ NATION-AL DEFENSE --n~JIORE - Traiaed OFFICE NaUnA&I Defen.e baa Ju.at al.&r1ed-yet lu<i,.y the,.. •• • JC•••ier dem&Dd lur, tr11-111~d uflt<'e w<>rk..-w ttula a n ~ auppll~d. We cvulil pllt.('e. at thll 11111~. 1tol leql lllteen UtJetanea If they were prop<'r!y lrltin~d. II you ,.,.,. •lu,.hly. y .. u •h,.uld ...., ua .. t, ort<a. II )'UU aN 11<•1 qualified. you ahuuld atU'I your lr&lnlq now. You ahould prepan. to h<llp Mia doela,_ . to l•~lp )'HUF'IN!It tu a fiiOIIlaanl. hu·rallve ·pv•lliun In privata or ""'\'ernrn•nt lndu»l ry. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Complete P rofaaato.,at CourMa e Individual Proere~ e Accredited lnatruetora e Eatabliahad 14 yearo • P ooltron Secured .. 41!> NO .. TH &YCA~Ec -SANli" AIIJA. ~ PHONf:~ New Year'• Day P•rtr Hon~rt 4th I I Y ouna P~ple Fete New y~,. ._, __ _ FOR GOOD CLEANING and PRESSING Dre e 50o ap HURLBERT CLEANERS SANTA ANA GRACE SIOPMAN SCHOOL of DANCING Tap. Ballet, Toe, Acrobatic and Ballroom 219 Ma rine Ave. Balboa I!<IRnd Woman'!' Clubhouw Co!lta Mella 41~ South Main Snnta Ana PRI\'AT.: LESSOSS -•1.00 ('L1\8S LESSON8--50o ~-t"l"WQ ~~CJ #~j;.i ---=--..;.. -Childr<'n 10 to 13 yeaN! and Jli~;h S<.'hnol H to 17 yrars • "WE KNOW . OUR t"OOn IS 'GOOD!' • • • BUT. • • Due to the unt•Xfl('ctcd imT<'iiSt' in busincss anrl lh£> ll't·r'r'lcotlous 1'\cw Ycar·s 0:\y n~h . WI' f1•<'l \\l' ow<' 111 cHtt· i';c lrnn-. ..•. AN APOLOGY fqr u~1· h<-ing tJnabl<' to gi\'!' 1 lw SPI'\'tl:l~ ancl Food that it is our sin~:en• ,d<'sirt• In :-t•n·c our l'ttstoml•rs '' ilh our outstandin~ din'nC'rs. Any patron "ho in trw ll'IISI ft•l•ls thnt tt1is. was' 1 he c·asl'. and ":t". not 1 horoughly pleaS<'d on New Year's Ony. \\'l' will be morC' than happy to hH\'(' ns our _guP~t. ~ra tis -·, As "Our· Customers Must Be Satisfied" We thank you for .your consideration for WRiting. I Signed I YEHUDI .. Dinners Mo U.IIOI'I SOc to SSe , .. .. • .. ~-~ .._=-.::;:::-;... "'_. ~·-·....:· ~~~-~--..;;;~.:;;,;;;;:~~ ... ,... . . --· ., ........, 1-''r• ... , ,--• .. / ·,l- J' (~ .. 8)' T. N. "BRICK'' GAINES m.. u lt'l • uw. ~ Uma, w. depArtment a. cotnc tO pree- eat a '-on.tmaa" at.ory. J.coordinc t.o one of my numer· oua eecret operavvee. • ~a,.,. bual· r.-Of'I'&IUaUon wu"p~,t.nntnc • • YW.Ude event tor lt. employ.._ Out ot acona o1 worke~Abere . two, IIJC•IV~IUI think .o much ot eacll "'ther. WeD, part of the bull· ne11 eoncam'l pl&n wu t.o have everyona d r a w na~ and buy a ....... . .• • ULUUNO 01'" iro,_a AND HERP.:'f>' A UlTLt HIST arou lAin anJ:It'r h~t." tlt•<'n mukm~t ~e catchl!a of yf'll<l'A•ftn. hilr'nll. 1n the aut:f almOI!l evtory night . A word. to Ulr wllle 114 I'IUftl'lhent! ... . . NEW Vf=AB'r(-STAKTM ALL .'JWSO Dapflnt', my duc-k, 11hout whom I've been hrn~t~t•'lll' ~ hr11rtily be- cauM llhl!'a been prodw•n~t an egj' a day. hu ;tfne on 11 14lrike. Etfg• no Jon«el gracce tlie aven of . b&rbecut' ptt and later the aklllel J au11pec-t sabollllfe ~ .. . . . ... ~ ... \ -· .. ; .... .. .. and Guests Have Gay Yule Party Ia Weii-Repreaented Ia i'rollea .Parade N-.oft Hanof Ull Oaat& ~~~­...,_ -u rep ..... t.s, Mtal .., pei'Uclp&nt. IUI!I .,_.....,at Ullll I . .......... "._ ... . 0 • ftl1ll ...... 4 A t m;m •r of U.e ~t ~phlly df.\•t4••1'111J ...... <&f th_, ('aJI(III"OII' lk>UtJa or Cout> lflatrtrt . ~~-..-1111 • NUMBER".- s· APP"'"Imat•l)' 40 memben of allnua.l New ,...,, ... ~ In .0\to Nt'wpc1h &e.cb tlremen'l u.o-Santa Ana, wiUcb wu wttDeMecl <"latlon IUld au:~~lllary and a rroup by un~nt.d nowdL lrnfjcatetl by ~ Water Used ,,r ·~·••I cue~~t. were ln att.end-Hea4inl Ole noat .. vtltotl wu an«> .,.riday l)tcftt at tM ""'""'_',•! UN automobUe can"Jtnl Ma.-Juye with country·•tyle dinner Mrved b)' White'• 'Park A\•enue cafe, 8&Uiaa t.land. the tovi'nanc wu devot.cl to rafl\aradene and 1ood. telJcnnblp Jam lo'twL .-oolaUon ,...... a-lcll n&'. • l()-yNr M'r\'l<-e pin wu con - u'pun BIU llm.lt.h by Jan IUIIIIatant fire chiet · ot Ole "Queen ot U.. ...,...... Ai8o OC• eup,UW Ule "l'o,... .............. ... .._.,.. 0. ....... .._. 'Cuba' Morna. f'lrlt ahd ..._. ..._,,.... denta, ~Uwt)' ot Pte Rewport Hartlor Jllfticw a...m'-r ot Oom· me,_. Pr llltJnt K•t Hltcllloock WlUI unable 'to aocompu~y tbe 1mup due to In Ole JIUtll to 11hamr l't'niWI f'IUne wu· announn~d toj(jay by City .._..,.._, R. t •. Palte....,n. who 1!0~ ... ly MUmatl!d • JIOpulatloft fill •··· ooo-s--w\11 cS~artna uw .......... ... monU\a 11nd an a--.• ,_,.. aro~and lola! of 11000 ,.,__ ·~"'''' nn a ....... ot eo th•l . th•• """rqe wat.r ~ .. c-e-prulct.nt or the at.at. ,.._ rotlowtnc . ckMiel)' beNnd tM du'rlnc the lllttlllh of Jwr ........ m~n'1 aMOCiaUon. Brtet ~ Junior ebamiMr puty WM U.. 000.000 &alkma, w l.tOO.OOO .. :ere flvt'n by .,,. OW ..,.... lemur e...,.WI enUy, • ~ ay, ....,wlnea ,_ by 10,00. M • .:ro<elat'r, Johyor lrvtnr o.or,. 0«-f'IUre ol "Mxkey Moulll," ftNt tor taw ft\Jonth. 1 . utd otht'n. Honorwd f\IMb and rnoet tamou~~ ot all LIM W&lt Pattrrwnu ba-t h"·..U~n&t. • :~rt.C!._IliUf\i. In Uw altair .,.. D .. ne)' IAaonUoM. Dr& .... OW .llVJII .... pupW&U... oliOOO,.... M•)'vr nnd MMI.' Oonloft, Cit)' entry •-l-IIMII&utJ-41 •••II lfQ!Yl thf't\Aih the y.ar CML.a ,. Jourwl:rMn RoMrt AU.. 0 . & cll&met.n wtUI a..wtoa~ i.u6aM l'tlptt• -· f'lt Ut plk!M ,_. -- t-.1. and Bob Bruwn and U..U and Dkk ,._,..... ...,.,._. U.. the f'lty ptlmplf\1 :..000,010 ,U. •ftlpectlw •1YM . Counci.lman and NOUve poww. eo.-.-.'-lllNl of wat•r durtnc tHO, • ,.ae Mn. U oyd Claire W.re l&ft&b&e to --..... ., Jll'rr. ~ o1 ll.OOil.OOO over U.. ,......_ attvld. M~~nben ot tM N~ )'Mr. .. a.ac:t' CU)' 0ouaeU UIO ~pat· _ &boWlAI a.nuUw at&r'WIII pia .. Ill U.. ,.,..... WU Owl\ O( Wat-r 00111~ .. NewCountyOfficers to Assume Duties -. . Next Monday Dlstreu S~gnal FHPM Over Cit): Hall -0 Old Year Ends •n« tor • new tire ,_, llhQw.cl U.,t U.. .... _, •uon at&,rUd ,...... ...._ way In June. wtUa an • ...,... ..,. ulatton ot u .ooo ,....,_, rau.- .. ld. ,.,. ..... ,..., ........ - 10,000 ftcure tor Jul)', aM ~ dro~ llloWIJ llaek to .... .. &&a tor · Oct""er Jua.q ... Ole low•t rnnntll, 'WtU. ~ ... 000 1aUoNJ P'UI',_ dlillJ ._ M ....... po~laUon ot .,. ...-.. . Death CJoe.ea Career \ r Qroal. woo"wall a n.UYe et ,._ Ynrk. t-am• t•; C11ilfl1fl\la at aa •••tty "'"" ... 11 !WI y•ara &fb wu ""11"1"'1 In lltr • nn!ltn~ellnn t...- JII Annh rl111. lt11•11 nr.naa oountJ'I -lr•dllll( \'I I )' A lwn)'ll lnt~NIIt.cl lll rurthrr-lnjl 1""11'"""· he h• llll~­ ,.,,.lfllf'11 "II h loull•llrtK UN! II rat lr· , lll~<ll•m • "'"'IJo 111 tht.t area. !4t•l VII "" "'roo• lwlcl Ill 1.ona a..ch ,,,,.,,.,..,., '""1"11 t•l,.,.,. In lhll •m• rtt)' UIF.M AT IIAI'UIIT F.I\'14 HONE J ,h, t ,,., '" Y.nyttr1, • r.,.ldent ,, 1 ·,.,.,., M,.,.... ,,,, I he ~t t __ )'t!HIJt. tL~tl Mv111la.y at tM fM-. .. r haro U111111hlrr. Mf'll HafT}' Aid- flo 11. 111t1 \\' \\'""''" .,.r.,.,t. Mr. t<:u v" ot v. "" " ",. N 1 v••ll no "' ace. W IIIO " Ill• 1 .... 11 1111 , ...... , ,, tho-Odd h •ll••...," I '"'•" '""' olutll rellriftl ;.,..._.,. •tw. ._... ......... "'" ''''"'''!: '"''""''v l~•lh t-ame Hpt , .. ,.ult ••' l•,lmr pntJ~un•Ufll", ~""''""!: '" lou; w111f•w . Mrtl . ...... ..... tht'lr dream• """'"' rumina ''"" ,,,r t~ !ail GiY of 0\• iif~ •lUIIJ.:~I•" reu•l t "'!4''"" ,..uneraJ !.l \1•··.., \.\i , ..... ~u·•hJ• l-•d al ~ .... II· • .A ••• I• n ... •I• ~ ..... ,... tl tnnd• hLI ()b~terven w .. r-. hurTtn.-d ''' n••t .. 1,,,1, •• •··• , ,, ,,,.. 1,, .. ,, ''' runalnl ttu.t th; at>mewhat d,..;r,.pil • "''" 1(, 1 ., "' \1• '" .h .. •d•auartton~ epparllnUy w1111 "' dire -dWilJ-.uod .Jn da.ncr.er !if FltfF..,,..., 'rr.w ~r.w ttttMI'! rrountSoorlnl( Tht~ llnolf'(l K~•lt•ro Mo ,,..1 M o ~ w 11 Trol•ty'l ~1•« wu flylna up11td• duwn .,,.,~ ,.,,111 11.,111, ,,1 :11,1 .. ,.0111 Ana \)tmatderabt~ •1rt1Ual a~llvol )' llf\11 1 n\, '"" ., IIH .. 1 ,, , ,,.,. .. n-Tu,.llday lnvrroliiCilllln •had• -.I HUll llo.: ' ••.• IIIII~ ''"" IP '"'I' ,,r '''""' lrlt~ll'tll ,.,,m .. what •h.aky tuunu·tJ•MI Mtn•• ,. .... ,,,,,, '"''''~·•n••l ,.1 "1,1M.j .. \lift' wun't, Mil m•ny .tv•poed. niMout l I .. \ •' rl V Until c....-Uf1 , •' V • tl • t• •..,•• • t•• alnk, but thltt n .. a11r•l"''' j'"', toll; 11,. 1-,,~'~" ''""'' re•lded had madoo a mllltl\k• and h11 ttlrt~·· ·•l 4,,·, 111 """· •lttv•. :1/fiWJ)Clrt ~d Ute na tl•onat ~mblern In lht! ,. •. II• 1•1;1 ... .,,.,.,. ,,, ItA ''"""' pn11ltl•m. u"'" ' dlllltlayln& the r•C"nc nta.d ••IC""' ,. \\ 1111 if t: \""~I"TAS.T "' t1111l~M at ""'" rt. hu bHn hinted that ..... 1\f'tlt "111nk1n1" !Jf U•• • lly h•ll '"'""' 'h.ve e-n di'e rf'lllllt ''' wlt<hf•.l think In« />n the. rart ,,, th .. '". ,,., Mt ooo•l ,.., .. I I •VIII It .,..lhl, ,..,.,, '!'' o" •ol lit•· II"''"'' H~utlne~l.­ •r\ "I "''''1'1'' rw """' •. n n•' -tht' par- ' 1 u •·~"'' v •I tJ.t;rn -~ , .. .. eOROI BALl L . o. s. Mattoa Sc:... Of Fo Holiclay£.-. . - ......... ". port .... .._. • Vleles BohNieualon aa Qompttmea.t to Eutera VWtor Mr. and M... rtank Viele, 387 Hamilto n •treat. were tdta Bun- day at a famUy Nunton bonorl~ th• former'a father, Qua VIele, of Uncoln. Nebr.L wtlo pulled_ holiday aeaaon In Coat& Meaa .. First Aid Grad.._tes PlaD to 8poDaor DemoDStratloo Thirty-four Joca]-r.Adlnt.t, wbo have recenUy (l'aduat.d hom J.)r. Allen B. Ran.aen'a Wednaeday nt(ht cl.&.laetl In flnt aid tn.lnlllr, ~ ~tq a pubLic demona~UO'l Ot emergency tint aid treatment: Memben ~f -oo.ta Mesa, M.O.A', l'lub, tht!ir huabandll and fam11j .. , The nat card wh..U ~ auoaa II&W O).e old year nul at a ..,.t.eft Hveral hundred mil..a to Lu Ve•· party" t.o.Lecl by Mr. and Jtrs.1...;,.?'1....t..-ot·...-·blrb1r-dillunter u. ~u.&da. .JnjUJI~UnLRl..l!lUI.~~'-f-llr~~.tph ~-2109 Huborbout~ E velyn Showalter ana Tucker who UMd to hve on 18th \'anS. The t'ventng WIUI paued at and NelLie and Mary t:111 •• ht6r. Kay. former r••ldenta of , • .:.........t. In Newnnrt Beach. I You'U AI----·-at .. ,. -.: w.... .---an intereattnr llt'rltll or gamu, ,..._ lAu. wen NCenl -.ruee... ., .•• '1 U n •.• who have been U""R• -m·m"-r -~he wu a llllter·ln· ·-__ .. ,.. C~l ~ ... -~-•u• ·~ ~ ""' -· fre&hmenta bel~ s"rved a t a .. te the boma ot Mr . .._ -ra. .7~' n 0 rt'l'on fnr 80m! time put .,net llw of the late AI Andenon and Vu Kef,..~ 61l_ver Acrea. 1r.-·114)w lnrfUd at Belvedere Oar-an aunt bf Harry a11d Chandler ho~~~&enl were Mr. and Mn. J . c . Kr. and Mn. MtJea Conll'y, !HI t .. M . wert' Sunday •ueata at the Johi\IIOn). T1W" -ruckera have lived Mclnto~h. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hart- ....._ 8trMt. lett Sunday for t= t l:.mld H. Hawley ho me, 1568 Or· a t Laa Vecu for neu ly 10 ye&n llhorn and chHdren. Mr. a nd Mrs. -"-' •lalt wtUl the former.'~ • • "'!:" nv•nue. ·, nO'IIP-r-t":""'J=My h•w~a powu boat Eltpt'y WIJIIAma. Mr. and Mn. An· lMW, Mrs. Jl(aJ(tne ·Hei'J and Lena C'IAlld•' F ord and"IOn, DonaJ4. .-.. 'l""nd lo"-of , t_lme cruitln• M waJ•-... P'tancac ~ _, r -uo ·-. ~Lupton, Mr. and . rs. ""' Ololey, bdtl'l of ... n °· 120 P:. t8ttl IJtrMt and two of the over Boulder Dam and explort.~ M~hbanlc And dnught~r. Elaine, .. • . .. CORONA DEL:R Mn. C. &. Dority apeDt - maa wt~ NJaU~ at bra. Vert• Moore· of Ule U.S .. La· ~ton 1IWU WlltJ.nr old rrtend. here th'-~ Mr. and Mn. Robert Orant ot -. San Olero were recent cUnner .-a'-•L U.. H. C. ao· ~114-MI-,-1-U,., Tot Orchid av•nue . of Bln:b attaaL ¥r. a nd Mn. Davl~ Lloyd and M1111. L izzie Uoyd, al' of Ae&eta 11tret't.-were recent dlhner ,...ttt at the F. A. Roberta home, I...A&'\&Da ~ach. Mr. and Mn. W. H. J\&lrbum, ,~n. 009 ore~nS. apent part of tba holiday aeaaon In Puadena w1UI • the latter's parent.a, Mr. and Kn. Bratton. Vern Wentworth home, 2101 A.ca- CI& &tl"t't't. were Mr. and Mn.. ~­ Otckenon and daurhter. Joan, qd Earl F ne11. or Paaackna. Thl H .· C. Smlttua, 2821 BUda 11trt'tt. enterlMf~ I'*:AAUy at & turkry dlnnc>r honor\~ Mn. Grant Sherrard of Perry, Okla. OtMn t'njoylng the repaal were Mr. and Mnt. Thomtol' SmiU,. Rl~ und Mrs. Pt'arl Lockard, Coat& Mua. Kn. J~ Lockwood, 1800 lutl&r'll Yflllni rriendl. David Oard-canyona and a ncit'nt Indian camp: Mr11. i.ucllle PlnJH-~..0!1, Mr. and N.wport boukvard, .t... ahuw1na oer nnd Albfrt Miller , enjoyt'd a 1 eltu ... ''Aunt" Dora made MVI!!r· Mr11, Gordon Almund and Cli:i!Cfrtr., 110111a llnproveme~t alter • week'a trip t11 Loa Angelea county play-I aJ trips to San Clflht'ntt I.aland Albert and Julia. Mrs. Anna Smltl'l, Oar En1 ~ WneM. For 1"''0 daya HU~e ~round In the San Bernardino I during her ynr11 at Nt'wpof1. an4 MMI..,.Jt'n nle Qua !lope wu baJd for her recovery. 111mmtllln11, Friday, wht'l'e they I alwa)'ll held it up u eort of an f.A>I!tef D R·"''.'--------'OW.-o!II.'&,,.-MIU___ · '~J>eft e diy In •now aporti. Incomparable Never-Neve r land • · ~IIi m•~ ·uu. a.ltemoon at Mr. and Mn. Petn J .. Kujawa, Yr t, In ht'r card ahe aaya, "There u n. t~uU G011pel A-bly !!00 Newport Blvd. "Praiee wai~Ul r.or ~. 0-Ged. Rev. Gerald L. Toller, Putor m8TOIUAN TO li'I'EAK ga;,~ Elht'l Gill, a •tudent. tn Slon : and unto thee ahnll the Sunday school, 8:t5 a. m . U. eodaJ ball of Comlllunlty 1818 Whittier a\·enue, ha.d aa Mon· are Iota of canyona here juat u .....,_ wbape plana are to be made day event~ ,.UHt:a U.. lattar'a wild and beautiful u on lila 'Ia-fw IMtaii&Uoa •mce~~ late" thla brother-in-law and -~r. Mr. Uld land. but lnat.ead of wild roata ...... fok~ J , IJ, ~t el ~: 01Ue ~ Wlld ~ ed -mowt· ~--1-,...----.,..1~~-~-....--llt.~-...e 11ft; lt:'~Yurray Mr. and Mn. l"red Dulty and ta1n aheep .. .'' • ·... ........_ M&r7 LoujjN and dauftbll'r. Elaine. of Tanana, and • • • TefTY. Sleph!naon, preelclant ,,_,.t.. the WHkend with her vow ba ~rtorm~. 0 thou that Morning wonliij). .... U :00 o'clock. .... _ r..------~-•u Hi~Merieel ,..... ttPilrert P'"'Yft'· untn ttrft"Whlrtt aH Evan"'ells(lc Mrvlcea, 7:30 p. DL -....,.._~ .....,_v-'J'arents. MI-. and Mf"'l. J ohn 0111, ,. ctet y and auf¥r of acveral 367 Bay 8treet. Durin• the Chrlat· flesh come." Thea.. worda of the 1 Pmyn meeting, Tunday ..,..... I Calif •-.... to will be . .., Pu lml&t a re the G<llden Text In 7 · 0 '\ .. of ow ·an by ... nc .. ....,t ._.. ltollclay J"'NN'U at the Jamn Flaher, O..Moln•. Iowa.. 'nlere'• a brief meMare from ..... ol U. formar'a parenta. Mr. Mr. and Mra. H .-t.. Lienau. ~ Bc!ule Oool who uaed to Jive on .... ~ S. M.adfurray ol VIctoria atreet. had aa Chrlalmu the Ocean Front between 23rd ancl Iaiita Ana. •-t ... -1 _ ...... •h 2•th 11tret'~ where aht! ke'pt houae ..... and Mrs. EmU OrHner and dlnn .. r ~run.. '"" r 80n a,,.. .... u • .. _.. t t I • M a-..... _ Harold 1... ro~har father, the late J im Dodd, l(n. ~ 8chwat.au, 1757 .. r. n-lt14, r. nu ...s•. ~ ,.--:... bcxdevaf'll _,.. hoUday LienAU •nd 110n1. H~rt a nd ij.ob· wh for 17 yea rs.11pent hl1 w1ntera ·-,..... • art 'f Polm Sp-'n"• and a 110n-ln-at N~wport ... A wWow when ~ --· a~t ....... home of lila latter'a ~ · " " '' .. · , ~ •--....,_ 1 d .... ht Mr a-.. Mra kne"'' h•r. eht' hu •ince married a ---and niece. Mr. Uld Mrs. 1\W All w•UJ: •r. . .... . -...--N -"'n I' .. of Qlan .. ·Je man named F loyd ~>'ox. They live ftkh&rd Rundle, ot HoUywoocl. 0 • '"110 i" 1 u a ~ .... • r lira. llartba W•ver and 80ft. Mn . ••toyd Llndlll~y and d8uJrh· on a 'cherry ranch' at Freewater; • -• .-.~ PMrmaln Way, an dt-. l · u c. LllVf'mt'. 20!SJ Nt'wport bouJe-Oregon. and ha ve rt llummer tlome .._, ,_ ..,... 1 In th• Blue mountatna . . . .... harne tJW1 week after •-... ~~~~-Vllr'CI, huv~ I>H-n enJoYLng , a vta t -..-~.. " l ""'-to M Mna. Oolqres Morrtaon. who the boUda.,. wtth the· former'• wifn rll•nda a t ... ra w. f"'l., -~~ .... .....-,-t t _.._....,., .. .,. O'(M'J"at~ a flOrtirt -...u ... -..ur aM h~band, 'Mr. Litfltllll)' I'Xpe<' lnl' t o re U .. 1 nvn" .... __ .. '-v .__ 1 at 17th and New""'rt ~ulevard &ad Mn. Elmer Ortf'n of HOlly· thl.ll Wf't'kend . ..-rrM. w..., 11 con-r-r • ____. \'1\I,.!<CinjOt from a recent 11Jneq1 will and had l•glona or friend& In Coata -1 t M-. 111 manari"J' an a)'l6rtment .......... Hoatet.Jet. ot t•th atr.et rf'mAIII o n the ch-Mrt or wo more ....n hollllt' 11l Wilmington. 18omehow, Uld Oftnre avenue, ~ n!tumed wr·•·k~t. n: c M M ilo fl'om two'W-ka' trip .to the l!!u t: ·~ Mt nnd Mrll. A. L. R oWllnS. t48 }Uarlne ment•on o "'· orr n ... ~ h<)lid dl brin~l to my mind the play ahe we Ur~tted 8tatett WMn! he took r-:. llllh att"Mt . h~td"" llY . n-wrotP and ;.,roduced at Co!!l8 Meu daUvery of a ne~ car and la ter 1 'll'r "ur><tA U1e Jatler'a pansnta, ,. _ _. ..... _. ... f'"'•nda and rel•th·u ~•·· nnd Mnt.' Vai"J!tlne Arm of C\onununlly r hurch IIOmt' 14 yean .. _._ ...... " t ,,.,o: ·"They strur k Ott." 'Twu llflt&naa. (' •AtR M"111l: a ''"n 11nd dau1h er-" 60.. 1 f durin« nne or our rurnnt oil boonu ltln. Ray Llahter and 80M, Alletf 111·111\\. Mr nnd !'ft& ~il Arm o ...,_......._..~~-RAil --=-•w4 •-CiitlcO. U. ~ -•4Mr"' ronald• red ont' of the m<>8t !lliC<'t'N· a( the bome or th• former'• moth· .I»OJ+:ht••r. Mr. nnd Mrs. C C. Slur· Mn. Irene Northf'rn. The nnnt. rorunndo. rut rray~~ver star ed In this com· !ItT'. a:nd Mft.-fttetttrd' T. J.:&1tr.o. ~~ • • • ;"" -; • r rwe. trou Kllrl>w' bou)t\'ard. are Thare'a ..&...alJ"d rrom llr. ano -+....,.;.,-~!-hnmr II II~ "<'<'k attn Mrl!. \\'altf'r Wth'hP)' whn uJOl'd to J. H. Walth, prominent Old-«<ft' ~prnthn~: th1• hulh1ny vnr11tlolf 14'11h lt\'r In tht' Hun!lark~r Phlre p.naton y,•orku 'ot Coata Mna. evl-th••"r 1~<11•'1\t~. Mr. 11n<1 Mnt. R ichard •·n ,,.,,. Prhblell" oh 24th lltrHt, cSenU.:r proV1ded the me11l for 110nie-1 ,\• ll'llt ,. sr ... r Tmna. and Mr. , :'l:rwJ"('rt. They mu11t hll\'f' ..rrowTI one'a holiday dinner bu_t' ,Just •••I Mi lO L \'•1111'1, or HN!landl. T ht'y nttnr ht'd to HtP nllrnl' nr tl<>methln« """"'-Jaa cloeen'l know.. Walah ...,, pl.uw~ tu ,-u lt Death Valley (Cir wnrn fhl';l' l<'fl ITf'l't', Hl Y"",. ported to •"""n fra ofrt"""'· S~ttur·· I• nnJ; thc-1r s•'.l••um. o~ro. they l<••·atf'd a t ~ •• ,,1,0 rt. On!. day a.lt emooq.. that thr~ Mut<'O\'· w. • k••tul h''IL'It'~uest& at tht' ln.:1df'n1Aih·. lhl' Btll PontlnJ'II via· ey ducka. v~uad at $1 ~-"-'l \!.1r~ 1ra'l ,J,•trf'ry h.Jmt', 223 20th ltf'd lh<'m 'when they Wt're up 1n t..n atolen from a pen at htl! , ,, , t, W<"l<' Mr.<. Jefff'ry's ~n-tn-thollt' pni'U! ln.st Allgullt. homt, 1'38 Santa laabel streeL 11• 111nt llnu)(hlrr. Mr. and Mr11. C. , .. ~");"rei 111111 rhii<Jren. Rnlifort And ; ... 1'11111. <If l..l~ UeAch: her aun n,l lln .lghtf'r-lfl-la~·. Mr. and Mra. 1 • F .ll'ffPn' 11f Lon~ Beach -11nd '• \\'n 1t r r .i. Wood or cOrona. ' · ·f"r ~mtlh. who rect'ntly ,lltln- •1 I hf' I'. S. Apny air 00rp11 and , ... lnt •n•~<•d nt r.l11rch F't .. td. n - ., I 1 ' h\.~ dUtil'll. todny aftt'r •• r lttoa.: t ho• pn11t lhrt't' day1 with Tl)•·rt' '.!' r" other' ciW'dJI. tuo . . . ,..'"'~ -\\1lh lh" brlt'frl!t or me.ll- !ln~e.~. ~liit' wltll onl)1•11 t~ignAtUre. Mr!t Frank . 1-~ll~wvrth, ~·llu llll('<j to hvt• '" Ne'~ port Helt;ht.~. Is .fow \\1th It ·r sl~<tf'r 1\t Pnniona ... Chnrh1• SC"hlt'\< Ill t<IAIICIIW<t on " hntttr<:~lllp at Pt•arl Htlrhor. Hawaii. Chr.t·:~t' L t>\\'1!1, <'l•l<tn Mt•lln'll f1r,1<t fiN> •'hil'f d ntH• uf our on ear Y 01"-.... ry, rnaa holiday. Mtu OW wu employ· , Ice, ;.; P· m. lt'UUt apeak•r at tomorTOW'a meet-. b ... _ the Lel\.~n-Se~on on "God" on Pral~ Aervlce, Thu may, T:JO ..._.da All ed u a "stnrtn1 meaaenrer', Y u -._, c1 · 11 Chur('he& of Chrllrt · tng or the Coata Meaa r., y • Postal Tel~graph comp.ny or t...o. .,un ay '" a . ~'?alia Day M ... taat em oon club, at whldl time be Will 1 ~<'lc>nt•lll-· ('burc•b ttl C'ltrtft BWr •• W.a..t 1M. di8Cuaa "California Randles." Mr. A':~esHArry Aldrich 11\e Wlt.on Among the Scriptural citations Sallbnth achool. Saht,.,r ~. Stepht'IUIOn, who ta Wt'U·known for I street. lc>arnl'd Mon~y afumoon In tht' Leason-S~~on. are U... Prea ching service, 1,1 ,. m . hill abllltlea u an er~J'A«1nc apeak· or th.e d•nth of h tT 80-,.•r-otd \'er&el! rrom Job . Ia not Ood In Wednesday ntcht ae.rvtce, T :JOo r1 11 hedulecl lor ' J-· the hetRht of ht'aven7 and bebold er, wu o 1'1~11 y ac (ather, J H. Enyart, of Monte· tb• hl't..rht ur the JOtaF'I!. how htrb . C'l~u"'la, of 8t. Aad...,...a the Ja,r.uary 1. t1"1eelll\l.-the date IM'IIo w~ wa.11 a victim of lobar th"¥ are! .. _ Acquaint now_ tl'IJ'• Wome. a Uubh-. N-port..,.. having ~en ad\'unced by arnt.nge-pneu~onla. In a~ltlon to Mra. """ With him. and be lit peace: Rev. Richmond Burae1 P~tor ment With the procram commit · Aldrll'h, the dt'C'eA!Ied t.ae aur-thereby good llhall Cl)me..unto thee. Sunday, 10 a. m. Children ~ bout. tt't'. \'h·ed by Mrs. Enyart, and ·t our Receive, 1 pray th~. the law trom 11 a . m. Preach lnl' Mrv1ce. Mrs. L. R. Pnurhenbaugh wu l>thft r dau"""t--and four -011. • W_..ne-""sy 8 p m ,...,__ In • ti • "" ~•o -· hi• mouth, and Ia•• up his worda ll1 • ""-' "" • · · "-hi>tott'llll at lallt Frtday a m.;e ng lo{r. ~.Ma. W--Cfr~lt-'J!gnd, l~t,;.,...-ti'Ptlr+.--ff-t:tM!J _retunt tlr apltlluAl metaphy,atca at_ UT Vtr- <>f the c~l ... w aeellefl. alw4y of 12 1 Ct'CII place, entertalnt'd a built. u••, ginla p1ace. Chru!lmall l'nrola featuring the g roup .of relattvH at a "watctl" r l't!lllllltn. rtu rt" Tuellday evenln•, the 1\Jt'lt.a thou llhalt put .away Iniquity far CHRI!'ITIAS SC'JJ;.NCZ LI:C'I'UU • p J eo rr~m lhy LAWrnacles ... For then lll!!p n!m•1nln1t for dinner New shalt l,llou ha.~·~ thy deligh tful 1n TO iSJ: BIUlADCAsr Mesa Chil~ren-Join · TEitrslfil.y"7 Tncluded wer" M'r. and the Almighty, and &halt llft up v wul rzt dto lilltent'ra may heu, i Bed C Mnt. Harry Pavl a nd lion, Mrs. A. thy face unto Ood .... ·Thou shalt ·•n 11ul horlzed Chrilltlan Sttwn~ JUO Or rOSS L. Webb, and Mlu Na.ncy O,wna, a ll!() decree n thing, and It 1hall lt'durc 1m Monday, January •• at Cotlta· Mtlln'~t 800 achool children tJII of Long Beach. and Mi'. and be ell,la bllshf'd unto th~: and tbe 8 f' m .. "'"'"" Peter B. BIIJ1Nt, are now t>nrnJI~d 100 pt'r cent In M n . EdWin Ackerman, Glendale. ll~hl 11hull 11hlnl! upon tby wll.ya." C.S.B . of Seatlle, Wult., a mem- the Nllllonl\1 J unior Red Croas; ac· Mr. and Mr11. Leonard CAMell. Selt'ctloruJ from the Chrt.sttan hP r .af· t he Board of Lectureabip ot ng to Mill$ ~ Menywea-367 W. W ll11on atreet, were Chrlat· Sclen<;.e-le"!tx!sl:!bo-"~t:e~~A!IIIM.t~ ~ ~ ~-.... --=-• 1tlfoor •• f''h•lr'ltYIIPi' nf"1N eeMa 1'1IU ~·~ta to •,.,........, lJu ttfi ·~::y'ffi-fr~y Q e crip-Chureh of Chrtst, Sclt'ntllt, In Boa- .runlur ~e rour. Mc>mbtn of ••( ram1ly member~~. Oue&t.a lnclud· turea" by Mary Baku Eddy, &tate: (on: Ma.~i'l., leCtures over ICJ'OX befJ h school Junlo~ R e,g r. and•>fra, PhiUp Cueell, "The Prtnc lp le of davin~ mdap~-1l 2SO ke • for fi'tnrt• etrurcr of h11w rPMm y t11ken u -"•--t-..,...._11~: "M'r. a M Mn.-M~ )(tt. 1<'11 ·is God; the practtc~ 9( Aivlne Chrtat. Sc1rnt1at 1 Lonr Beaeb.- ,..,t tht' 11\!'t.'llrin.: nf IICrap , 11otr. 11nd Mrs. ~e. A~n. lnt'taph)'lllt'B-t!rrile utllizaUon ot af..:han knltl•n!l. a t'OM111kn1blei 'l>tr:. and Mn . Ct11ude AndeMIOn1 the power or T ruth o\·•r error; qu11nt1ty or whu•h haa alrea dy bt'en Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mitchell. Clyde •ta rulu demonsttate its Science.'' turned '" to pmducUon beadquar· Mlt<'ht'll. 'ctyde Elvin Mttchell, Jr., God Ia the dh1ne Principle> of all trrw:. nnd thl' C&.'MI:s aon and dau~rhtu, tha t l't'pre~~enlll H1m and or all Kntttlng lind ~wtnc for war re· Warren and Vtrglnla., all of Coata thAt really ex.islll." l~f '1111111 be reaumf'CI aa aoon u ma-MYa. Tht' dinnH" wu a lao In the ------ lf'rial u. •vallablt'. •Y. Mn. J . ·c. nature ..of a fA~,.u party for Pa~'n•. chaplt'r' chairman. \\'arrt'n. v,ilo rt!Cently t'n.l'-ted In _, the na\'y and wu caned Into Mf\1· Ice l&:il'l Tue&day. • ' The> Pr~u Ia onlY\" $1 .00 a year. Btll Rnbm110n, the famoua NCICJ'O tap dam·er IS now moA tllan tCI Y•'llr!l rtf age, and he'a aWl ~ot rhythm where moa• folka ba•• beWlUlLtsm. The Pn•!lll Is o~y $1.00 a yev. PECAN PERFECTIO~ PrE at G11rdfn Qr.t\'~ ••• Emma Oor· tlell, who wu ht'1nr on a rahch at COt!t&_ ){6-'lll. 69 y.an aco, I k>n« llf'f11re thf' tqwn wu ewr thought M •. 111 11llll hl\le ancl hearty and 11\l'll 'ln Orungr ... L. T. Brad- ford. plont'er Meaa realtor. Ill re- ·tlred nnd hu n l>eautlful home In ::<nn Marlnn; (CunnCRI\tlany. I'D WIIJr••r he 111..-ndtl a rOod ahare 9! hi~ tlllll' drt•runln~ or the .old <b.ya PERILS OF TELE\'ISION For months l'\'e d ialed a certain IlLAtion As m.y radln hero came on the 11tr. I've always pictured him t&U and tla ndso lT\1! ln~rt"d~nts: One-third cup buUer, 1 cup chopped pecan or walnut meats, one-half teaspoon sa.lt, one-haU cup light br.own sugar , 3 eggs, 1 cup karo, one-half cup mllk, one-half teaspoon \'anilla.' With a s mart mustache and ~avy hair. But. alu! My televlaton aet Method: Qteam butter11nthnrgar; add nutll, -eombUSE eggs. salt, syrup. milk and vanilla. Add t9 sugar mix- h ire and-!JliX welL Tun\ into unbaked pie cnwt and bake ••• <'I'N!. ~•J)f'ru 111~"' un, rn11m Rnd lAnd prlcett '11 ""r ho~uh~'·•ud .. Mrs. J ennie Jl:m-~f'f'vtcl' llll\,tll'n a t Harrlfhur,.. 'ore. "''t'rn1~ht n11<l fortlin• Wt're mad!! his forehead ,.. ..._ ............... 150 .. •2 OM ,._•WIIIlSioew ............ 175 ~--Wlltl ,,. ................ s 2 ,.. ,...,:.., .... Sloe ............. 2 53 •rwl< tof ~11111 1\ Ana wu aLIIt> a The Hill R•>~·helltc>nt, who ('flftlf' nnd IO!!t 'uy d4'alt'rs fn The Oood ,t'nds o:-------:o.------:.-•--------------"" rLtl:t\ 1=11·~• nt the Viele hom... hrrc-ll<>mf' :tn Yt'llN! n~o. b1111t thr-f~Rrth ... 1 r\nr where hl11 neck ~g1nl!! The Worfd'a Ntwt Seen 1ft ....... ..L. \f1 """ Mno. \\'nrrt>n L. CN~k. pn•!'l'n! f\r Hu11tnn h1Hru• c•n E • ~ -MRS. BLANCHE BAKER TH C ~vwpa 'till ~fllh ,.IN't't. .h11vr ~ n )oy· 18th llll"f'.-t nnd \\'t'l't' rr-~tt'<>nslblf' Thl~< 111 nnly " handful -· · A Corona del Mar. E HRJSTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ~ 'I ,.,~It (rum the fOrmf'r'• ,... fl•r hlU('h llr thl' t'llrh.· .&N't'lt•l•mrnt ll.'lrr ll<'f'l\ll'ht~• or the IIUT'face -. . .. I I I __ .,_, D I N .._ ., tht' ntt If rr"• ,,... ., y t't&!Jf¥, ·• :\1'"" l.c-nA Coflk. who 1.1 m•t· ,,f thP ''''"'"·.are nnw O""rnUnlt a \\'hal or the FTt'fman Oaleya. •orp Bt-..n • ....... ••• ...,.__,G..,. ~ ..- ,.. ... "< au~ --. """"' -• ~-., Tit.! CRar"' tAN SCU:SCP: rUI LISHINQ 101CtnY •n "( lht' FIN'f~e Crlttt'ncko J'f•ltPry-.-tay minf' 111 'l'rftbt«'ll <'~~n· ·Mt'm r ks 11nd PAirt'&. the K eF ..... BV LOCAL POUC'E . _Ow,~----.__ v-~~-~~ Ill' II 0!'ft\'f'r. Tile Cooka Wt''tf Y''" Tht' Bill Bn•Wnll llrr In '"'"· Duartt'l. Garloeka. McCoys. .. Trwchr.r-c-... .ca:u u ......... _p,_y,..! <•II ,,, oln\' ~llt'lltll •t thlo RAlJib Wltlt'n HnkPnoru•l<i . _ "Lark'.' Mnrtln. 1 ·,,n~rna. \\'hltcup11 ploneen all BurglaN! who lllpparenUy attal --JWiteriei. An n..t, aed ~ ....... 111 ta.lr ••lilt' In SAn .Jo~•m•ndo And t'>t" rnundt'r of t tno Gl7•bt'-Ht•nlld, and mrn 11nd womf'n wbo came and hothlng, but w ho dote-0'""~1~1;";P~tnc~~--,:~C~~~ia~with~' ~~dM=••W;:HllyF ~--,_... .... ·~.'(! (:rtwCII' homt In Chat.won lt. .l.h· · JMd .,. '-'~ • dM Ho-. lfr 11 "' \\1th lht•lr. di!Uifhter. II I<IPd In ttll M\'Pinpme.nt and pre-Nt'wport Bnch ~lice. Jttb •u.oo Yael,, or 1.00 a Moocla... •11n8 Rtt hard and Donald. 573 W. l\urc>lt\)' f'tpu, allu a former-noe--""""' t ht> .,_..,.for ttw ..-t dt ua , · Bill 0Wt'rt. 50f F'lnHnt.ll atra.t. .._..., f.-a., indudi"A Maaua-S.CUon, U .60 a Y-. IOUI tttrl'1't, ~pt'nt Chri8lmu ne •df'nt t•f tht' Mun ... Mr. and Mra. lhl'n l!('altt'red h• thaJOW.: wt.nck. :'lit'w por t Hel~th~. told offlcert that • Inttocl~ ••r, 6 1-1S c-.. "1111 thr f••nnf'r'll'pllren~. Mr. 1\nd Ro\l)('rt Sf't'nct'r, ~·mt' .mort urly Whf'tht'r their etft•rt.a are btlnc at· Mmt'Ont'hohad brok~n Into the fh; Oh='-·hla at1 ' 'fr.o r w. F'tf'lda or• Corona. On <tt•veloJ"'rll. """ no"' tntel't'sted In lf'no.l~ hy ~(11)(1 t•r til -may n~vt'r Monil me at t.lle reartheo btdll C H R I$ T IAN S "I£ N C £ -~£AD IN,. I 0 0 I rt l'hn~t mn~ t1~tv th~ f:mw' '111'1111' n J~lnll..~ fn<'tory at Walnut Park. kn.,w. hut at lhl' bfopnl~ of th'-n.ltknce, hll~ &lept ~n ed b II 8 ~'""'"' n t 11 f\;:,..lly l"f'Hnto1n hrlcl In ' ftu'<t!,.ll Hf!,111 pt••n_ ••nf'-tlm .. own~r new yr•ar~ \HI. W f can at leaat but llp('llrent !..,!}:d rm.. not • nYM .. :II1liiA •. ~ Mra Olto:a..mnu.t, ol the. Madel l)ha ~~ton,•~ ltr1Mt .-tUDt'-ttrU....•11""'7·aDil ~.'HUe; ... _ .. Wra. F. M. 'J'bomu ot Santa Ala n rd a nd m,..n&,linf a dnC ..,,. to the day1 .pt Auld ......_. 8)'M. nrr .. na "'\. •• I J# .... , -- -~ ... ,. ; J.--~ ."" '-.-. ....:...::.::..:::... ___ ~_ ..... (to-;.-....._ L,--. --- . ... ' ..... . , .. -·~· --- -. .. \ -. ' . .. ,. . • I , . . ., ' .. ALONG 'l'HE \\'ATER t'RO!Io'T l By, SUE HITCHMAN . Racln& Ia credited with making Ilk Ill In boat handlin~, to take all PQIII!iblt> ad.>·antage or U.. whid and necesJutult>s keeping ~ .. t f h .,_-Hun hla boat In top fom1 res ... \\.,t .. ; paint &end re11ponR1V"" '" tht> tiller. Mnn. The racu here Sunday. l!punsurl!d Tueil by the Newport Ha rl>ur Yat•ht Wed. club, wouldn't lmpro\'t• 1 he t<'<'h· Thurs. a • r. 6 '7 .IS 9 TIDE TABLE 4.1 4.2 .:a 4.6 4.1 ~.t 6.5 7:01 8:U 10:24 ll:M ll:q ,. 1: .. I :U 2.4. ~.1, us l.t 1.6 0.0 -" "'rifT 1 f :ll t.a t-•:u.. .... , ll:ll .J. 11:11 t.O 11:4t t .l nique of a boy In tt kayak w1th on umbrella, but they llld mul'h t•l lu 11<' h(•re. He dock~ In Pedro a eacourage that grandt>st part ut '"''' da)'S ago with MrR. Varden and GA~BUSU MHI .. HUE f"'il PIMMAN'I'UNO . (. NEW~·BALBOA.· PI\~ -L DIRECroRY OF IIAJUIOK DaTUOI' OIIGANISA'l'IONS :----:S--:-:8-F--~-, p~• 8---. INow: ~""• cbr.etory • ,.a.....,_ ,_ U. -...rn or ,_.,... ot Ole Pnoea. ,.. .... ,.no ('harn fa~> aa.u.,. ln UUa .... n..m.nt lt errore 1are noted, or addtt_loNI _ct.irecl. P*-pllone Newport 1•11 I --_._ mar IIChool auditorium, 2:SO p m. ------4-------------------------------------------N....,..n ...,.., Yet'•& ,,_., 710 WMl .._,Y ....... u. Jlalboa. Com· modc1re Geo. P . C"onvrl'llf: Vtl't' C'omm~. 'Diavwt Howard:· R.r Comm~rt'. j amf'll V. 'Outhrlf'; .B«"~ry; Byron H . h~ell. ...._ \'.,..& n.a.~:'itt~ward K. Beker, -....,..: Joa. Boell, _. ... tary. HMdquartera. 1108 II. Bay JI'IVnl, Belboa lal&nCL ---------........ ...... Yedlt ~~ Bob Clemmer, ccmunodore; . Kay Jobneon. eec ... t.ary. Balboa blancS. . . OVerstuffed H .... ain ASU A ~ol'(rf u•· t-.t•-n& .. ~ ,·~· ........ "¥ ........ -...... .., ..... ~· ··a\'1' .. ,., .... PKKMANtr..NT!f."'lt.ll tJio , ~..... .... .,....,.."' .. ' . ... ~ ..... ,. , ........ _ lftoft Walf'f I ML Harl}' s DDPIP ~Kr.KT C'Ot't'&& ... .,.hALRHA" 102 ........... 1 hf h 11 lrHll and (N'e·fur-Llll'lr two children, havmg ~ ----~------------------aU~f~u~nu_a~nd~a~se~ns~e~ .. ~,~~~h~tt~r~m~g~h~u~-k--!"t~~mn~t ~s~n~~~rgma"bn ~~~~~~~~oonra~~IT;~ffr.~r.flfi~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~ when the wind lor thl' htC·J< <1! Itt 1J..III'IIIy he had hookec;1 pa.~&&ge on ~lmg !rd'ly UIJ'\.IIJ&hout the "' h " " I • " a a t a A • a M .. .,. aiC'II BAM&'ft"'l Sllt;LL • t. klq.-the club off1rf'r.~ did th .. ir a lu1cr lo V&neouv~r rxpec:tlns to bur ®tract. lh~ onc;e-palaual part . . . but the "'!"ather "'"" :<pt•nd his !urlou~ thf're. but h&IC cw.mbHng ahJp "Rex" haa been the waa "&IIO 'em." , .111 h"ur bt-(ore IIJIIhnll: hm~ It W&a center of attf'ntion aU\ce l .. t Frt· Complele.ly {oruakt•r• hy the tiiiiHIIIII<'~ the ahip had been corn-day when at wu to'A'ed mto wind each sailboat luokt•J "11:< ldlt• ~nnndt>r•-d by thf' adfttrallt:v.. purl1farl>or.-'' ~~_. ............... ' .. a painted slltp upvn a p.u ntc;'l tt rly d•sappwnllnJ: thl' 2~ lnt.eret~t uf U~ local cltl%.enry • .ocean." Almost unpert·eptlhly, they ..:••••:. who "Rill'<! With thrlr ticketa .... ,... arvuaed by an early nport cb:Ut.ed W'll.b the 1lde lo}\'a.r:s.l lhr p "'l(J•~•·ts. ,.,l,·clnatlnn rrports •"'* t.nut the cr~afl wu to be anchored mark In the c'hannl'l, spe.><lum ettors 'Ill lh!' wett .. r or red tspe ldl'fttttl· 1n the ntrlat.erlnf!' zero. nu better •>!t lhnn 1 alton tht':V hn•l l!trslnt'(l fur WHka 11wank lllllat dub. Latu namora lf their aaiLI had lwt>n rurlt>d. Th<'n t .. J:l'l. Vflrth·n, ..!nrlunatt-ly. bfo· wert' that the "Rex" would be out· t.hry codldn't get bal'l< ttnd tlw run ....,.,,.,_ IW hiUI tlltlh'd Chana· wat.era ntttd r~r gambhn• puf1X-anct bec&cn. Some pnddh·rl •. ~:~hure M '"' :!ll Y•'llrll lind Ill wrll k~wn In upt•ratt'<l off the Newport-Halboa anm11oea anchor. nth('r:< Wt•rP t •IWt..:l h:pp•:1~. t>hlnlnl'<l flll!ll!lllll:t' on lhr rntl!lt 111 a at'ml·lrgul mlinner, · mtn"r c .. 11tiwm11 I' •••~:ht.•r two dsy11 hltf'r. tnut·h a s ll functwned oft L0n1 ally .teamed the "VIdn," IJu l sht' I,, .... r~: mnnl il tlle dM lr, II lltl'lln~te~ proceeded w1th ('are and cnn.:1•ru . ._, (I• n ·tl In drwe t~t'm to Holly- the aallboata IICatt .. n ·d 10 rlustHH ;,,(,n t•l look up Mrw. Vardrn'• Hewpett ...,._, ,.._._ ._.. ... I Kra. Qeorwttt.e Maaw•ll. nN.aidUlt, Mrw. Hany ll'.e.JMhaw. Nefttary. lat ~)' an-lJII .JV~'Io,..lillaiWII~~. W•. Maxwell home, u• W .18&Y 4 .... ll&lboa. N-,.n ~ ....,. l'lllll: Clyu Hall, pr M1eiolt; Marion C Dodd. _.retar>'. Tu-'-Y ever.lfll•· 1:30 at ~te'e Putl Annue we. C:OO.Ia M_N_,.~ llartMtr U... 0.1 H.._ Ita._,, ,.... dan.t; LM StilfteMen. NCretary. 1\iellda)' noon, Bay lhore oale, 17th and Cout Hlt}lway. ' Wocnea'• UutiaU.. ,....pe_,.. U.._ el 0... .._,lrln. Minnie V. Reid, prt'llldf'nt: Mlaa a&rah c-a. M.,. ... c,....: Mre. J . C. Pa)'NI, dl&lnnan; lllrw Ralpt_l vte&e. MCR\&rY. 4lh 'l'\aMdil)' event~ at ~-..,._ J'\roJIMU, 121 Rocheat.er alrML ,. ............ vm ·a -,li:AUQlJA.IITal Harold I. JobntiOD RADIO "DVX. m Auto• Ho ... aiHl_.... betw .. n 21 and It eMil tM .., N4WJ)Qt:L.J.>.b9.M -~ ....., out ot ha.nnll wny, nru1 rtllc•l;ettlt'r ,..! 1!1\'''" Th•·:v _nt!_l'ptf'd hLI cou':· It made a ~re J)K'tlll'f' t .. d~l)l(hl l• ~v. I'X('t•(·Nn.: ~ drlvl! or a ffW the of a manne photo.:raphl'r. !>!owk-< "Ancl tht• l''"'r \'http miMt'd t------:----------------::::w;ffi;r.1iv;::.,:Jii winds, hJ:h u .~Mi':' Yw I dt'n. h~~.:.....:~r-:orm<UO'IIf~'Hl'rm...--nor-1-iri~Oil~'rJ~III~" ahJity 10fng out, plpt'<l up t•omm.: Til•· •h•Y war Wlu~n't drdarrd oo ... rnvntf'd Into hotf'l a ccornmoda· ··-~~ ..... -...... ,_._. "._.. ., ......... ...,._, . ... - ' l ln and thrre was u gno od 't-J,•r: I' 'hlll.t hut th.: fiJ:htlnll: at.ertod, lions wath dmm~t and danen'& fa-A~)' Klrlc who~~e "KIIl lihr" 1 1\ml' rn • ;I ...... h•l'."' .. rdi< '"'x l lua U1 Ta.ku l'lhltftl, ai'MJ the WhuJe. to be lncor· tint In the Albatr11ss d aAA s.ud 1 ''1 ,. l)l>nlbnrded. H.f' IOUJ:hl rf'f· Jourated m HnttGn'• n .. w yachllfll that one Alb&tmllM f'"t nfl fn.· ~ mt:nui~ lfl~fy KI1'H"f•t-••• -•. ~ lfnif anC'hllrtl~f now betnc eourH. many follnw!'d." a nd tlu.t's l '" II d.tr rnr thrl'e :Vt'B~ tht'Y havr o·onatnactf'<J oppo~~lte Udo !Jile. bow I happenrd w wm " Rt•nttod-1..r11J..1'•·•1 In Hon~kllrtlt. Wf'lhllt· Tht> hull. 1t ta believed, w1U be ed of trophlu wun at lh•' """'""'r · • 1 ~han.:tuu. At'k('(i hnw tht' , .-,~tPll'11 to thr Atlantic ca&at Nl'&tta of the Rnlboa Ya··ht d uh \ ""'n' ''" coluny rarl't' In Shan~· tht'rr: to bt> outrltiC'd for Brlllah Mra. Vua Miller, pruldent: Wlklrect Locllhut. eecretarJ. 1.t and Jrd ~)'II· and t.be Pacific' Culll!t C"hn mr1~>n-1 1 11 :O.t r \"ill·den aaJd. "Moat tit nu·rchnnt marmr use. a!Up aene., "A II won nn llukt•s" "I• 111 hn ,.,~ • tn ~tUrk. PIUIM!fl' 1.11 , __ _ he ln.llllt.ed, a rmc wny f••r a l1•ad ·j <I HI• 1111 Rntl I hi' raru prvhlblttvf' I~ yachtl!mlln In tlllk. 1 ~·h· \''rl' nlrlj:ht If thry 11ta.v In "I.C)1TIJ: c:AI&JoiON"- AUAIS DARK Jn addition to thP :":!'wport H:ir-,l"~' ,., • .,.,. 1111 .. IC'~ ,,,.~. China bor Yacht r luh tr••phy. A ncly w 111 1 "' 1 .... ,.. \11 hr'.'ttklllJI: matrht'll In ...cetve tht' JX>rJWtual t rophy !<Jl'>ll· '• '' •lllrl ·"lf''\11 h:t ~ "" Hb~~<,lutr aored by thf' ThrN• R<ml d ub. r11m-I t• II .. r o· .. tt••n. but t)u• war ••an'} polled of D1an .. H1llnwn . .,;,.,.,. .. tt, 1"!1· lw :uld•·<l .. Worrta, And Andy K 1rk. "Tht• twu 1.)••· _VIII'<kms ur(' rf'untted hrn.' 1t»e'fW p&J fCJt lt1f tfiiphy dhiliti.''j U. lit ft:unuiM H( U lMU)< )IMfl lb:t explained Mr. ):I LIIru:u t. "But th•·~ 1: ,,. \\ ,.flt·yr~ 1>( Balbo&. Varden wlnner hill! to pay r1•r tht' I'IIJ!ra1·• ·' t.< r:rHt of~ll'(•r or thr boat which 1~ on hla own trophy." added ~ r '" •II .t1 n:· \\ orlt>y on her !I rat trtp Kirk. •1p l hf' ) ttngr~te river In 1821. 'The lla)' we alao llWIIrd Andy Kirk'11 ~"'" Enghlltunen lut laW Meh "Kalohe" wtlh lhe lntii:pcnsiVIl Uti~ oUtcr on the ~·.ck In Sha~hal ln "Boat of the Week?" ' l!1':t -' • "It " JW:ll •'(Ill hf'l'f', .. Mr Varden ... I The murh -puhlfriT.NI rtnmlollnJ: ball':•· "Rrx" WRl'l t'''' I'd Jn ··a rly Fnday mornln,~: ••n unP •oJ lh•• tv~:n · 1 eat t ldea or the yetU" ~Uid ,,._._ l!cs.- a nl'horecl at ,Yt'rnf'J. Bt1tt11n ;: pl.<• 1' on UpJX>r Ntwport.. PITCHI~G •tween 28 "'' t 'l "" fllllllhf'cl h la Torn and ,, •'' ,, I l<•rt ll'llh Mr. Worley to ~<I , r l l.h "'" 111 HnlllO&. 1 I: I t .. t ·' !lute Fulluwlng 1.1 " l ··p1urt .. r ll~ttf'r 111 the "Clearing 11"11'•·." S,oniH Ana !IR1ly Rf'li:llllr:r. l>'t l 11111111: t u l'l<tahll8hlnll: a llllb· \...,;.,;.;;,.~.;.;..;._..;;_;.:......:.....:..:..:..:.......:.... __ ..:..:...:.....!l•u•nn•· hust" at :":t>wpnrt llarbor t. ---------------::--------.~ Ff'llh\\' ('lllf.t'n!l . JALENCIA LAUNDRY '"(ru r fln:.n l''M 9tl[lf'rvii'Orll hAl SHIP'S anrl HOME \VASH OLEANI~O and I'RE~SISU Pl'lnnf' 1~0 1~4 Nt"4'J)(Irt Rh·d. CO!'ITA ~EM Ro_wartl \\' .• G~ra·ish 1111 w. ('flltn! '""' !"ARI~t: Al'TO RO~SI:HOLD -AC'C'IUt:~T ._. un; p,~o;,.,t1 n ri'!'OluHrm c·t'llhnjt the at - l•·nl to'l 11( thr J:"''"rnmt nt tn our '\,-\q o•oll Hru hnr nnd Uj"'fl"1'1bA)' AI! , ~·~• .1 :<llhll'ln r 111•· hast' Sr11J1ellme •• ,., .. .," n •'•1m nutlf'e ••( jtOvf'rn· nl ,.,,~mcer" slz~d up the bay's holrlll'll. :-:ow whut are the o,:hl14 >-plnlo'o.J I'll 17.1"1111 O( ( ,,,111 1y 1:'""1: 111 do ? ArP Wl',mp· II' ~:•• "!: '" l:ly •Ill f)llr oar and II .. J••• 1hr1t !Nio•rnl nuth11r iUN1 In hr1~ ""JifloiHI·Il wl.'l(!clll1 rtnagc-nrr- ~11 v "Ill. phwk 11 spl,.ndld prf'llrnt ' •Ill lh•• < til! 111·e and "ur· ~o mdi>!l lt h n ( nur I'IAtr. \.VIthln r~r mil•· radtu11 "'., r,ooo 1 urrn~; ph•nlll. r>O.OOO rrUt.ll nd l.CKKI,(l()(l h•1me11 In thlll ftr<·ll 1:0 n•rr hllhl)n dllllllr alf'· 1 n•l I• trv 1\ n•1 •m r 2!\0.000.000 ~'I •111 1nrtu"try, n11t forl(eltlnR '11T•I S.:ln nt Aqurdurlll. Hoover lh•· grf'llt llnea'lhat -----------~ ..,.._ A••Y..,., ef u...a M-• Mane rt.her, pr•l· dent; M.arpret OICkeOMJn, .,cretary. Second Monclaf, ~~-mMt· 1n1 at 1A1km Hall, 4th Munday, ~1&1 mMUIIJ at homM of rnem- bep. JII'I•JCTnm went ahead In llf'lle ot the r .. w prule~. and today Lon~ (lc•Ac·h Ill thl' third lf'elltt'at City o( t hr Rnul hlftnd. And Ill! bt'af'hf'fl ~ ·unnn~e 1 h•' ~ll~Mt porllu on lM '''Ialit, whllf' the tourtit crop growl! nu1rt• nhundant each yeAr. • It Ill tim" lhll t'OUnly &II ll wtwle l'lh•1uld IC" after this df'v.lopme11t In dead earneat. The Oovernmf'nt .. AU f!""lPl'I• Ada to t.k contrary, the 1ar11e rnajortty or army and n~ •1p1nlhn hM alwayA ~.,that uur r~11l t"n,.my Ill not In Europe hut a,.,..,,.. lh,. Pac ific: ocean. Our .1-·~11uw 'CltiMrut: Early thl11 llllllthwf'l'..ern rout demllnda ·the month fo'red VoUmer had an l()('atlnn Cur suhmarlnell and t ll'le 111 thf' Claarln« Hnuae con- h«ht VI'81'4'1Jt tllllt 'Cim bJrnbtatned. h-1'TTI'Inlr a fl~ INbm&rtM baJie Whr rf' rrum Fnaco to Mexico 1.1 In th~ upper. bay. at Newport therl' l'lll'h an Ideal loca tion tor ReAr h. that I e~ •plendld. thltl purpc~~~e 1111 Nt'wpnrt harbor! It W ill' '""flt'"'lally well Written with I.Aok, at lt. Np rock In Ill! bottom an f''I(<:(•IJ,.nt ... mblaJt Oil taclll to makr drrdglnfl' expenalve. The cllntrrnln( the project and 1hoWII141' uprw-r bay IIJ\it'lded on all 111~11 by 110mf'lh1n1t of the la"'t' bf'netllll prntt'4·(1n« hills. It 18 u If divine that wo11ld accrue to thll county If wflldom had (tUthloned.Jt with vU· It llhuuld be ado~ by the fed- lftn th;i ~<>n:t" (Jay hulllan lnlelll· t'ral IC"''rrnmenl. I have been ~eenN• wrrtiil1 awl! lee linG u~~e It ·t£, Willi hlnl( r .. r 80me rractlon to that prott'C"t th" llbertlt'll of a great peo-!lrtlrl<· 1\nd 10 far havr lnrnl'd plf'. Hundreda or· mllllona of dot(ar" l')f non~ h:o_ye been. are, an1l wiU be 1pent T hrrf' · c·uu.&d be a 'movement on t!Rtw'll In the ta.r rtung talanda of Mtart,rt lo Incorporate ll '1"hue. th,. Paclflr, In Cf'ntrlll America ~tlrlnj( t'llrlp ~ lhr w..at 111de of 1ra. 1t not eqU.lly Important tn foll\'f' 'mnrP lmmf'dlatr j"'l'llll'r,llcm t.o the• h!'Rrl n ( our weJ~trrn cout! And rrom a ~~elflah IOI'a.l vlrwpol(l\ what wc,uld the development of S r wport ha.r bor a nd the upper bay mc-Bn to WI.! It would ·really put tht.ll area on the ma.p. WlllioNI v.-f')uld 'be apent for labor. La,..e frm'"" nf 11kllled mrchanlcs wou&d bf' maJntJIInf'd at dockA. -.-.Mwa· M~<llll Thl'r<' ta a tine, 1row1nlf, un- tn,.ufJ"oratt><t town of runaldenihlt' ~~, .... th10t nll~ht be tndu<'ed to Join 11torh r.n lntfll"fll~Uon or '"'" part 11f It It nM'dl'l the CO»>pertltlnn of lhf mn u .. nlrAI r iU.rut ol-\"hr onunty ,,, bnng ~ two .wntA about. Thr pr~ .. Ia the 1real.ftlt aln&le moul•l .. r ,,, public opinion r lcnow "' H()"' wc,uld It do for \he rdltortl ,., all Ule (;c,.ta M.._ Oardf'R nub: Mra. (lf'orle Morelafl4, prellldent , Mrrt 1.. Ji. 8mnll"Y· ...._.r,.l1uy hit 'l'trellday at homM of memben. ... "onH'ft'• Rrtlftf ()ftrpct uf C'011ta M-1 Mra. Clara McMurtry. p,.,..1df'nt. Mn~. In l:tlf', a,.n••l•ry. l•t Wl'dn..cla.)', bwal-. mHtlll!r Ill eocll.tl ~II ut Coal.ll MeliA <..:cmHnunlty church; IN Wed.-Jay11, IIUCial mH(IIIjt 11t hltmf'tl of fllf'fllbf'ra. -... ~-llii.w-Ouli: Mlaa befiit.ca -.~. phlllolknt; "1111i Mane Htan:k , _.nt.a.ry. lit Thuni\ay at hom• of ~~ ---.,~n··. Au'IUIM)', s-port "-'II: Mra. Hem.rt 'MiumpAun, prealdf'nt, MTIO. ltr.ll•h lt11ndAI, ,.,., rrtary. 2nd 'Miuracla)'. Hume11 uf m~~"'- ""T b ~·· A_,..tat ..... , N-.. ~""'••• ..... ...... o.pta.: Jamee E Yr•,rot , pr,.IIH1r nt, RlliJJh R R.andeJ, aec:retary. lhcornd Mun· day. ""-'• -'-'laU-: ('noota MNe Ftre IIJ~ rt. AI C'Jd .. n. preald•ut. W1J111rd Minor , -·rrtAry lfrldaJ eYIIIIln•• at fl,.t\all o.__...u .. c;..u,...u fff Newprtft ...,._, a. M . Devt~n. pr.,ifl dent . Mrll. {kora•·tl• Muwell . ..,.,...t.ary. Jl'lrat Thul"'day at Newpo Hw.rbt.r l.;nllm H t&h lk:hu!JI, R•Mif• 102. lllth and Irvine avenuf!. AI'-lfucAitJ, fNr IAdJ of M..-at (....,... Oat" lr tll11•nil: Mr11 T. J .ffJhl\llloll. pr .. aldent. M.r11. W. J. Neville, MUatary. Firat 'rhur" u.rar "<'t••rY. H2:1 w. Centhl avr., ~rt IMa~h;~ flol)' ,..,... Kt>C'kty, fNr 1.-.y of ..;;.-; u.n..-1 t:.U..UC t:11 .. F.11: ., J Rull1n11, . """'""" IAimarct, NC: ... tary. tMcnnd Rundl1 y ('0111ta M .... n,.,.,,., 11~: U uru IC. Delau, m.uter: Mr11. Rl•l~<·rl •• ltstpter, ,.,..,r,.t~ry !iw·"ntl and 4th 'J11uraclaya, To~nd hall, 7~114 H .. rbor Ul\'d , f"l)fot.e """""· \ .._ .Kr-...... ·~ llf ,._. ,._ o .... ,.. 11!1 """' ~-loll' u~. chlo1nnan, Mra """''ld Eddy, eecret.ary. lhc:oncl and 4tt• .Tu .... d.a~..JL{ b.umd of me':'benl. ~ w-·· , ... of (; ......... , M18a Betty J>odae, pr,.ol dent, MIM fi:y,.Jyn Urace, .cret.ary. l'trwt and Jr4 Tuelda)'ll. (;filtU. Mf'a& d uhhrntH , • point rnanty fn &nne .,...a.re to . Otrt ..-... N...,_.. a-r11 T,_.1 M". o. 111. BrU~coe: 1 .. ~, woukl 'lO puhhl' crplftioft; ~ 01'!'4f••· MJ.U Martha t"taher, on·ltaader Orammq. ~ IUnderfarl.en ruom, _::_·----·====::.~1 hfo<oum~ ~ Ideal ptac~ fof' Ule man '""" l'* dMilrftrlt.. lhti lwa '"..cJIW'ii!nuday att.nwoo &ct 3.30.. • , , ntf\nulacturtnc and t.Hunc of hyd· Cahfomlll IJ. 8. aena(ora &end the roplanr• TMNJ wnuld be notllln« l'r .. llidf'nt • I can UMI\II ot nothlllf; "·-·•·,._..., ttl U.rht ... ....-......,.,. •• .,.., Mn. ~CAT)'. t , tosrnJW~~ry about lhla that wo~ II() flT'I'It r .. r Orana• county 'than StA "I~y. pr ... l&>nt: Mr11. (~. Hmnn. aecretary. 8econd 1\ieaday, TRY THI HI, H II 4! 1 Mta.. Mnalt: of l.aCllftA ......... -. ffllltWa)' •••• t:o rnf' 1"1" 11 n11d t~lljcoy ( 1t1r flund ... ,.;.J "'"' t•,,. kt nllll ,.~YY.. ~:AH. Nl lli lf 6 THROAT . , Dr. R;tlph_ D. Hoard , ... , .... lan -· Mur,_ .... ~·· . • 'ft... Kallli ...... Araa6r UAJ.UO-\, ('Al.IY. How Many ·in Your B . 1 osmess ., fp1tf I• \\ ~,&.fi•dt•PUII•· ••r rf'lAU II• II"' '\#11•1•1 fh •nl Wlth thai· ~,.1,.j ltt1l I h•• rr•l~tll II,Ual· 1• II 01l t•ll ll y lliHI An Item ... t '" I~ lltr rn ... .,,. 1•' .,,, 1• I ~no! l\fl mlllt kt"'"'• ... • ~t rn l•·l., nnd wU.h· •••II t •• ,tf n l l""' "'h·r,.. MCfl ,.,.,, f'\ ••• v ''"" ,;. t.1 uvl,; lhrrr ,.,.. f11ur thou· ""'"' ,!Wk~·~ lt., ... &A uu.a.. hill ALLEN'S PHARMACY ... --~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~,n~m~ri~~u==~~~=~~~~-~hw~·~·" -~.~-~ 2·~m.•t~~~~~~~n~ou~~~~. ~~~..-......... ... :wtt!Rliii.aF1111 ........ _.:::::.;..,.;m-.~h-. .. ~ . ..J.:::::;:-;_~-E£fG:··:~I:'a~. ciiiiii:u ..... ~ ~ ~.-ii~ . .,.lllft .... ~~~·--·-·~!fl!:.Y.h~ t---:::==;;:;a;:; ,. I furlh .. r d .. yrlnpm•nt..of thee bay and CH48. .... ~,..., _...,..~ 11iC• .... ird ,.~,. .. ~-or -mben • ... -----"""'!-------..o-:-~----,._-----• thr. uae "' palt o1 t_.t _fo_r .commer-1138 South Roel 1L, llanta Ana. --.. -. -----) ' . . -. -• • -" eJ .. ·- f ----"-7 -... --i . . ~ ... 0. S. Mateoa Sc:.... Of Fe HolhlaJE.-. HoUd&,-r~ amUoD.a ..JD&n_. party ,twn br 111 ...... aa. J• the o. s. Mataot ~~- 'c1eata at Sut.a A ~ .... u. liar hiab' TJfto ...,ard ucl til C&ltfomla enje>ye u ' .a P.rt of a YW~at!Oil ... Pwlcb .net 00 atfW4 by the b• ..,..... aDdu• Uaat A 11101d qt C ~ eAarwUft8 katta. wt.o .. to br'lftl'" UMtr ~ n-t and wbo f ... ,.~ 1: Jadi &Dyd, Jla Mcwbria, lid .._ .u.aa, WUHaal C: Iller. WUiiuD Air ___ .._. ~·0. ... , ........ -~ Jfia. D. IL -... A,_u., ,_ lira ICtiMI •. ·Ud,..... ,....., wlto .. AooaNinf ... ;:::::.:::=-_ .. __ lrwoodttt-••wUJ .... ~·.---'-·L., ·- ...... ,- --.c»B ... ·BALBOA PIIB~ ~.U::.~r~o)l BUILDINfi BL~KS All INDQ~~~;Nl)l>,.,.lA.II"At, NtJWSJ•.AI'i;R 8tepben Fountain, wbo wtth h'-· • · By W. KE.B: MAXWI:I..L OOitwUa father hoklll the m&1l franc... TwO tot.a of equal acre sat on the. fioor on ChNtmai Pttrt t e9W7 'nlundaJ •nn1JII' at Newport Bead~, from Santa Ana to Coet.a W~ ,. ca. ... ~ Pla.Dt at 2211 Cout IIIYd.-Telepbonl illt fliewport, &Jboa and 1.quna rooming t~ out thejr gifta. Each had a eet of bu.ilding i.-..· u MCODd~ n:_ltar June 18, 1HO, at the poet omce -;i deach. Ill fut aatntq rec:ot"n.IUon blocka, neatly cut and brightly colored. One wu abeorbed in ~ a-d. Calltorrua, under lhe Act ot Warcll a, 1171. -u Or&n&e county'• outat.andiq making .1 crude aort of castle~ patiently and earneetly he r-tenor. Only recently returned from -f··--..a WK. A. 11AXWEJ..L, EdJtor and Publiaber a triP to Fort Morran. Colondo, set the piece. one upon the other. Hia little companiqo Y-.a w . .a. lll'l'Ciou.N. Advut.Wna' and QrwlaUoA-where he &ave· a ~Jt.al Prov&m and pouted; he rattleathe atone..pieCeft fn&ether Delt.ullantJyl --RJII~rtftfftB~dtOER;--N.W. IWI4tor -under the •poMOri1U}ror Ole L&-or ecattered them about in anger. Presently, leaving hia own -------dl"s Malmee Muaical of that 8UB8CR1PTluN BATES :. · . Fountain'• late.t pe1rto1muqL.lllrM.f h!ocka,.he began interf~ring' with th~. work of the other tot, Ia 0n.11p eopty,' a1.00 per yea.r. OtJt.e1de of Oranr• County, fl.IIO 1,t Santa Ana Firat t>ventually kicking 'over the laboriously conatruC:ted cut.le orn anH were thaD a blllion''dollara in taxes in 194 0 und nobody ha.s any Ida .bat Uae btu will be In .1941. --------·------~- . .. <'hurch, where he . -... r :A .. , •', .. -"1... • • . ,. .~ . ). -.t ...-. . . .. -- .. 1 • Tbureday, Juuaary 2, 1861 OPEN NlOHTLY ~ . -___ ;_ -. ,~, tUU:i, 4 • • .... C) cr.~ ON THI CUFP-_9.Y_IRL0o~J·NG BALBO.\__fAY ' .. -- 2110 Ocean Froat, Newpol'l • BEI:NZ -(KAISER) • ......_ OPEN ' . . . ,. .. J ..... I. .,. ....... ~ ..... :.:::,_, .~ .. -· . \. . ~ "· . ,. . , . - ' . -.... I :: ' In lhi8 ~¢nit~. l1kewis.: marlu one of lbe few times on rf'(·· ord that ap y Orange county City. out.alde of Santa Ano. has etwt't"d- ed tbe million dollar niark for nt>w OQCialNcllon In a 111nglo> yt'Ar. Included In the yo>ar's cunstruc- w.,.~ •1&2 n~~ hOmt>!l, buJit at~ a verage oo.~t of $3600. Thir- ty-two ~rmltJI IIIJ!ued during the current month totAled $58.150. th" &IiCht , d~re&M 0 VI' r prt•\'IOUS a,10 nlha being attnbuted ·by run· ttacton w the Ullual hollday-~~ea­ IU'!MOVING P. E. Tll~C&S Remo\·al or the old Pacific Elec· In c tracks between Newport and IOn &Jump. , 4fw•l-had.Lbe d1atin~tlui\..C>f bt>il!(_ ~,lt>Oa Is ~rocreut,. rapidly, l!'" It40'a banner month in Harbor d l!l-mH~ 1tlf'eftdy he¥lnc been lift.d Md tnct build~(. 73 ~1t'l ~~t-lies l~:JJ" a1Lee1 I~ llt3.81U -bn.vlng been ilil!Oed b' 15th street. a dt.tance of 1.4 ml'-. ~ local buildl.ni!JUtaJK'c.lor's · T~e rails. It Ia undentooct w iU be Included In this number were 31 J•hlppt!d to England u aerap Iron. new homee, most c<'stlv or wh•ch 1 the prl'llt'nt great need for lhla wu tbe Jamu Cugno ~eSJdence at • ommod1ty having haatened remov- 212 0eun boult>\'ard, bmlt at an al of the trac k& whle!_l have b:Mn eap;ndUa te '"'Of 1 18._~. r , .. rt"e11)' abap"nped 11N'4t rail..,._,.._ Due to national deff'Mt' al"tl\'i-~ It~ :,.·u replaced with buaee lut U.. ce ntered In Soothern Callfor-~ sum~t>r. a&&. w.rbor dlatrlet contntt"t"Or.o """ a.n.pc:tpettnc even jCreatel'-C<~ -Bulltlin~ Perm.iti!J Uoft pin& for 1941 than during U.. ,.u ju.at encHod. IX'<". 24. C. H. Reed. concrete • _.__ s tort> building at 613-511) E. Cen- • ~ Mtfoady t (AI a\'~nue, Balboa. per Irvin Ceo. : DMplte "·ar. un~mployml'nt. In· (:<;nJon. ~· t.tftatlonal unnoat and other dis-P ..c-. 21. AI Rothcary, 2118 Ser-quMU~ effKtJI. · buAini'M condl-rnnu 8\"l'nUI', enla rg1ng garace. per UOnl In thf' Harbor a rea h.-ld I C. R. Erlck~n. $300. •'-dy throughout 1940. Mo~<t firm!< 1 1><'(' 3 1. Lc!roy Zf'ntner, 3-room nport a sam, COill!Uill'nt Wllh Nlll· cl" elltng and attached (an(e at Unued improvemt'n~ And 11t.-ady ;n. :~b 30th st.reet. per owner. MOO. CNUe of populallrm. C. F . Watts, Pt.l'~RISG PERMJTK mana«er of lhl' N(•wport BeaC'n l~c. 26. C. H. Reed. 513 IC. Cd · branch. Bar* of Am.-1·u·n. r!'portll tn<l, per J . H. EAtua. an lncreal!f' of 10 l'f'r t'f'nt In regu· I lei". 2&. Mr. Wynne, 3t14 Be&· Uon to a substantial lnc.rl'ase trare· able to nl'w out.alde buslnl'&'l. IJec. 2&, Chu. ,Caldrellll, per H olbrook. 1 Dec. 26, H. 8 . Thompaon, 220 IUCRFD:LD tn'~TION LEAl:IEP. 30th street. per Holbrook. _ Ar}QOUOCtmenl ..w•a mQ4. Dec. 2&. E . ltf. Harvey, ~7 E. week that Mr. and Mn~. Roy Pt'<l-per Holbrook. enon ot Bent!lll'Y. Minn .. 'fili~ ~--28. Stelt~y S.W)'ff, rotl&~ • leue with the Rtrhfteld <'on &y. fM'r Holbrook. ou company and Will lmmf'dlRt('IV l lt>t', 28. Mrs. M. Macculloch, 822 ... um e manAgf'ment n( tht> nl'wly-1 F: B.1y U\'f'nue. per k olbrook. built Richfield 11tat.on At 178 4 :-.'ew-ELt.t'rRU'~l. Pf'.JlMIT8 port boulevard. • I t ~o~ !!'!. }\'. F'. Porter, 3 19 3eth The station. whh·h 111 nf nlt-stl'el ~1-T•'"I. Jlf'r Snyder. conlltruct1on. wna bm rt fo r thf' 1 ,,.,. ::0. Sc·h1lllng yacht. "lnvad· company by HnrTy W. \\'n~;:ht. who r ,•r.' l'«'r T ru!<ty. o~rl\tu 11 lumbl'r a nd W<l'od)'t1rd 1 lld . :11 . C' R. Johl\liOn, 114 Col· adjolnlnjt. Co11t nt t11" projr•·l wns fln:o. :11< •mtlt>ll<, ~r Sid Blackbenrd. approxlmat~Jy fr,()(\0. nnnlhPr XumiX'r n( rH-rmlls IMued 10 $2000 In equlpnu•nt h,l\'llll( hern n,.,., .. mber. 32, totAl amount . Ina tailed by thl' Rl('hfid d eompany. $:11>,1 :10 HI-octAne. Ethyl ond Fln~<h County Bulldrr!l' ExC'han~;:t-will hr held J anuary 14. nc•c•o •nhn~ I•• Gnr- don F indlay. Tt>lmn~:: prt'~ldf'nt, who haa appolnt\'d n rnmmlttt>t> -- All k inds of furnl!< And ~t.Hit~n· ery printed at lhP P rPR...-~hop 11 -\'F.AR RnLDlSO RE<'ORD Oflt.OUK F'OR 19-U GOOD ' Ltwnl bu1ldulg eulhorl~ll aay t loP nutlnnk for hnml' building In tlua area for 1941 ill e)teellenl ea11 THE PAINT SHOP Fb R !STla,fATES ON PAIIl(l 'Illf;-·:_DBCORAr7fiNfi Plaoae 647 L. C. RILEY. Prop. 117-15th St., Newpor1 W. -B. Mellott- GENERAL CONTRACTOR PHONE 1857·W NEWPORT AWNING CO. -'"" ~ ~ "'" . ~ .. r -:.r """ --. I.... v ~ Thta twn-bt-dromn h•lllle Ia lo· cated In the S.•uth'ur &uthM.IIt, but Ita furu:tlunal plao anrl 1101.1nd constna·Uon mnkt' 1t 11dnptable to ll!lY "':<'tlton'tl•f lht• ,· .. unlr y. Butld· erw Rnd 8rt"tlrt~n-n~ tP~tMI!lii; ~ <IAAIAoblhty of ~mJr " bath· rooct 30 toea lt.od t hut U. 1,11 ac<•eaalble Without f\IUI"ID~ t h t.o u.~;. h _ utber n:~<oms, nnd 11 plan of t'hllr"''(jnd Ia . ,__ ~ ,,;' _,. .. . ..... '-• 1-. - worked uut here. A mortgAge of .. _.., 12:JOC? wu insured on this proper· ty by the Ft'<lerlll Ho•UPllliC Admfn· / . --. ill!"'hon:-M<Wr""f' piiylllt'hta .... ,....r-ll---<----------- 25·year mortgagr ur tlnr-lhhount. exclualve or ta.Xt'll and hazard In· auraMf', total about fl4. _A n.Y. cont ract."o~UL...Lt.J"'-"-1.1'-""'.JIUU..._. Ha rbur art>a nr <.'<1!-!ln MeM Will be .... pleaaed to dl!leuM~ lh111 pla·n or .. _..:=:E;:::..;;II-- aey oltll'r hun_. J>lotn w1th proe· peclh~e homt' bUIIden~. PLAN j I • -- &tter Homes 1l. Bay_ Shore Camp .Atr ~ Improvements Now - ~ . ~ Better ·Living. U nd~r Way , · /Jf t/ttJiot.•lillf fdiW Heln:r. K&Wt'r'• Bay Rh11rl' caf(!, tmtler court ._net yactlt a11t bol-aae, A door mirror ad<ls w lul'h hPraldll llNif to tht' travel· door-length m irror will do much to make a new home more 11\'abl\! and enjoyable for the lAdle~~ of the houae. Decora.Un .. )!ct IM•~c..ddor.· length mirrors will f'nlarg.. and -~ 81lt.lllet!t homl'l!l. M~rror doorw ~are AYHIIAbte In AhK'k Rt alrnrn!t all m:1 tf'nal denl- 1'1'11 and mny bo• f'Aillly m,.talloo to rt>plnrl' nn rordmary d•.M•r . ::: -,~ ______ _, •. . ~ • I •tALl 0' riiT ·p ' tp ,, · Q~est~n~,JI tnd ~1\nswers lllllula.Ullj.(. wallbual:d. Walla abouW l10· •:lt>a n nn<l frt'f' from rtny ,urfll« 1rre.:ul:1rltll'll wtllrh mlrtlt ahow I lorll\1)/lt lht> 1 lo\'t'rllltl 'Jtt,.~tl"n \\'rll 11 <In any harm l•• I"IUII tl .. • ,.,, .. ,..,r wuud aldln( of Itt\' hnu~<•· lmrnl'<lantely after a ''""Y llp•·ll ~ An""''' l '•llnlln~.llhuuld alwaya '"' tJ<•rt•• •lotr 111.: rtry wrath(!r and Kah<rr. wh" hH~ ,..,, \'I'd fnr t hP "ho•tt Itt•• I• nq ... rRturr Ill 1\00Ve 40 p.1 .. t yPnr au• p1 t'.1ul••nt of ,hr1•I•·J/"'"" I II ""ultl llf' artvtaable ,.,,,.,., MI'Nt-:-;'••"'J~•rt lla rbo1r Llun,.fr .. Wl1\t 1'''''1 lhl' umlerlAI 111 dry, 1 ltth, lUkf'l! Hn IH'Il\'o• llllf!r~At lh 1111 I' IIIII' n "l!ollU•• Wllh•h 11111)' fa· all civic alfaira and haM lonr bc>en '"""' Ill til•· "'uf•d after PAinll~ • ,.,,. .. ly lllhl'd w1th JI Hr '"'r dev~l+p· \\'Ill be 11rnwn lo the llurleoe and ""'nt work. , . .,. prott<lo·<l 1.,. tttr ~<rlt• ('fTit:J4 fOHUWINO" rlrr lhf' 1""111 flllltl 'n\1" will event· 111111,\' 1•·1<1111 111 Jlt•t•ltnl(. 'l•u·~l tf!l ( '11n lori<'k Ill' IAid~dur· 1111: lho• •·7·1•1 Wlnl•·r munthll ? What I''' • '"''I"'" ,)l .. uld I~ tnkf'n to In· I l' \\'h••n lhf' I t>m'""'rRtur• ~'• •• p .. pulllllun "''" • .. nlltruct .. ut. ,.. ~ --.--,·--rn., ~'-'""r<•rl fl,,J,.,, nrl'il -:1".,-,-:-f-W'u., ...... ~._ 4-ll-•lf'I(F--,.., ... hfo IIIII..'< wPrl' IIIIIUed '''' In• ore lhruo lor '' k "'"'' Hn<l llllncl llhuuld boo urw mlllllln d<>IIRr~ '" ,L••n,.lrltf'llOttl ho· 1,1• ol ltr '' k Mhu••ltl n•ot l.lfl mnlat · ~1•olll of lh111 "XIJ• rt•lolllll' Wl\8 f11r '•••:t 1"'1"JI' IH)'llll{ (1101' Only II<'V. homf'H otnd flu• llvtlcltnjt V.'Mil '''':.t:" Iiiii" fo lliAkf',.fh" mr1rtar ~:rnPrlll thro~h "" <l1l'lr1ct Uul-"" ·"•1" l'r••1'"'' thf' flnl•neo ll<lll lllltcnrt. N",...l"''' l:ollwoll. O•lll'l 1''''1·""1k ''""1 Crr•rzlnl( fl)r et " lnstallnl!Hn'rof n kltl"t-c>n·\'t>nbla t- log flln Will drew out cooking codurll and grt>ll!<t'·IAdr·n 11ir And Jlfl'· wnt lht'1r ~ttllng 1111 fnhrw!< au1d <'UrtAins. ' With ll k •lrhP.n·\'{•nt llntlog fan ihe atm"spht•re all thr•>)IJ;:h, thP hou~ rrnminM ciN<r onr! inviting. Ca re muMI hf' tflk('n In thr inMlAIIA· tu.m n( lh•• (an to prt•v••nl llll lnler- fl'rt>nce With rurlnlnll wllh th,. THI'MR·SAII. Dt:tl!'"ITIOS ,O t' ~('('f't:I"MtTI. PF.~IfiS Th~ .!1\lf'('f'li:Oful .dP!Illnl nr _!!mAll· hnu!'f' I'XtPrtror~ 111 lnr~~ly n m~tlt~r Of t1r11t llbtJiilllnj( All f'frPf'ti\'P hill AIJ1lPif' l''lfiiJl'llllli"n. "liiiP'I th" Ft'd· eraJ Houl!lnJ: Adrntmlftrallun 1n a recl'nt J "••hntra I ltull"lln Thill I.A ltrhtP\rd thiQtlll:h almJ>If' rvof hn"" 11nd • nr .. In thf' d.Niprllll· llon of doUr 11nd Wlndr•w-'IJW''"~·· ThP aecond--objt"ct tTe --~oqd pro- p(lrtl'ln11 In thl' v. iitth ~or h•nrth of ~·alla w th~LI' he,..bL Ttwo ltllr.t t• IJl<" uv ,.., l lmple \•arlalt~•M Anti .. ''"''"1 iAill v.·hJch IPnd 1nt,.rr11~ tu th" wall a.reu Mt'"" 11nd. Lldn 1111· ,,I) fi'Jl<lrt l uh- slanUa.J acUvlty. :-;,,"'' w1th .the rcu ~•Kn !Jtotng I(IVen un lhP H<oulh MAin !<lrrrt1 l'lllC'MIOII 11••111 ~lHltJl ~Ill' rol'tlvlty Ill 1!<'1ng ""'"'' 111 the O>r-,.,,,. dl'l Mar MCII•Hl At f...81(11nl\ P'"MIII ll< rr,r m (.re tlutn $700,0()() w.-r ,. '"'"''t'tl by the hlllld1ng IMJl"<'tHr A~ 111 the Nrw- Jlflrt IH'f'l\, mHilt of I ht~ 11111n~y Wa.l ••XJif'ndcod fur h"""'ll 111 the art ,.,,h,ly. lluntlnl(t.nn u',,,., li r• 1•·rlll build· 11'111: J>ftrrnlll< lor u ... ,,.,, wi)J be • lwu• tu h11lf a rru ll11•rt d•,llan "l-...11101( IJ( ~wu 1111~ "")"I up f)n ytollr ~ttpply ol •lat,.menlJI. Jetterhead.ll, .-nve~ 1 10nd ••lh .. r pnnlf'd 11111tl•·r f•J r the ~~~...-. )'"a r Thf' P ri'IUI ,. '"•I•J hke to J, ''"'' 4 '< t,, 111nt . ~~ trl-: ltvlHI•·r,. ,,( 11111, P"lo:" arp 1111 •••·•I I•• '" wJ In '1"""11""" nn lh· 11 lo•;ilrhro.: awl lt••mt f lnllnt•tnr pr,,r,, •. "'~" · - ISLAND CABJNET SHOP (''""''"'" ('abiMt ucl ("arpo·ntr,· Ho-rvb ('liAS. 'llt'fiRRIM Ill\ Acatr fla,lboa a..d "'" . ~. . .. RVRTON without ~}"'odm ang " r""'l"""' •P· ==~~~~~-..wru~~~~~~==~--~~~~~ -2!.!.'!~':'.L ··~~~·z:k ~~ pr'lrN "1'WIM 1tf~ 111flt ._._, • .. l • ' ~· ~ ... jA 'I .. ~ •• ~ • ' • .... ~·--.. __ .. ' .... -.::. -·~ . . ... .j •.• ' 11 .. ~ •. .-=--.-.... --;-.-..:::..=u.....:-_ __; _ _; .. ' .. ...: .. .. ... .. ... . . . ,...r· . ·-1( • unl)' U 00 • y~ar. man Will o·all. 1 • BUILDING . . FIRMS I N S · U R A . N C E -. -· -~ -~ .. MARINE CDMl=tENSATICN-· AUTOMOBILE- ---tF~IRE • COMMERCIAL .•. PRIVATE EARL W. STANLEY O .. ~.ITE .. OaTOr-riC £. OALB O Ao !OLAN O ~~ M. .UILDING CONTRACTOR 1806 NEWPORT BLVD. DOfiALD HEAClL KlllliY A. I. A. .. ~ ~ ~ ·~ 1 r :f ~ r .. • ........... G"="e=-n-=-er.,.-,a_.l._...C,...._qiili~ac or / / / 307~d .C ORONA Telehone 222 DE I. MAR CONRAD SHOOK C~NT"ACTDA AND BUILDER DOM .. LETI: •uiLOIN$1 8£AVICI: --. aoY ... saart:a .. aad Repaln ...... 353 aU4w ... c.atraJ -aa•e·L~-- lllils • Rlftiprlttrs · W.~ ., Cltaners · Rllios ...... II. Kewpoat lheei-Metal wo .... A Cop1plete Sheet M~t~l S~rvice -"I O.lnl Jlf-port .._. .. ........ ,., .... ......... La 0. ,POTEET, ... oprletor IUROI.n 1 .• umsso~. lilt . .....,., .. t.e itt., lt<-l~·o•f'rt :!II l&flll :t9 "" , ........ ,. ... --. .).- ~--..., ...... -~--··-......·-··-·~ .. -... ...... .._._., ............. ,~ Pnat& Overh.-..ad (iaraJ.;t! Uoont .................. 8CIIIAOE LOCKH OLD OOLONY1 PAINTM (; 0 M T A f t \\ t)J''( J.l>t'tll<i. . . .. . _,_ _____ , r .. •\ ~ • I NEWPORT-BALBOA PREss TbUJ"eday, January 2, 1861 CC>a( 8AL 1 Scelle ~End ol A•~embly ltine at California Willys Plan CL.ASSI.FIBD· 0. s:-u.~ 5c.eDe Of f , 116li41ay Ew -·--N.H . .Y.C.Members See Old Year Out Ho&Jday r~ at Gala Party oratioN marti Jean Palmer Married at Quiet.Rites in FamilyJJ.ome party ~tven by 1 S!!_f!Ounded by, uurnedlate rtla· M.cmbcr¥~~ -.ua4 111111 Je Uvea &lid elow friendll. Mlu Jean Y~tcllt d 11b ~&nd thto1r frutndl aped t.be 0 . 8.-Mata • ~fmep.of 8&1~ llllttnd and Frank lh4" Old Y,•;lr 1111 Its way Tue8day )lleea Bat•rdaJ "•l:hl at lh':. r h1h'11 annual New th,an 40 .cllool f W , Preaton of Loe Angelu Wfl're \LNir'H ·'''''' thnnt•r Wll't'. hoeted ___ __ ,--j wANT~- v•·•u--...'" Balboa Illane! bri<l&e.l WANTED 'l'O BORROW paQI.- Iady'w wNte · lhOt!. o"-'TI«>r may I Will j1ve 11t-t:rult deed 011 mod· hav" lame by-proo.••nK property I er.n b1.11lnue buUdln6 ln Balbo& and paying tor th11 notice. Call ' a• Security. Phone 1~. ..tt at Pre~~a ottice, 2211 Cout Blvd. ._..t--ti~J._;;;;~~;;;;:;;-___;_--=----:_l NURSING HO~ I HEST A NUR,SJNO H OME pad. WANTED -Loc~ I"ltal\tn&'. nurllt'; priv. tms .. tray aerv .• eatabllll)lment WJHil.8 man ' · mmor j po>o plt>. Phane 1318. pt lDYitatlon.e w macrled.Ne'fi Year·• momln« at a hy filii: •1tfu·••r11 11nd arranged by •t:__.:___.!IIIIU..L.J.LJS&illi.IL..---------'1lili:.L...t.c:U.b:Ulll.lf_LD.._llllt.....nill!!.!...J2llt.~ Bu ruM, r lu b rna na er. Mualc L: ,...,, pr•7\·ldt.ft hy~·rvan ·ottiiid a• alterations and repairmg gttr·J · ==t= :::_~:/~~~~':~~B~bo~ ~.~~~t l CHURCH. SERVICES bllh· Two autard IIDd t Callfomla ~nJO) u & partl of VKaliOII. Punch and • •n.ct by the " ........ ..t .. Uam Arnold ~ pub ptcture~~ c ... " Jack Boyd, .n. Norbera'. l:d Ml .._, WUII&m .ter: WUHua A. .. &Dd_BQ~led Mn. Ethel . ToPuWW... llook ,ODI Word wu I "' lira. D. a .._A.--. ,.._ Mn. ._ •• ead ,__ ,....._t no 11 A.CICOI'Cilna " LDclrwood ..... ..ua aboard I • Oar Ea . I 128 Abalone atreet. The bridfo~ Who .WU clven tn 111Arr1&fe by ~r father, wu un· attended, Robert Wood· of Holly- wood, an Intimate frleod of ttw bridegroom. acunc u bellt man. The Rev. 11:. D. Goodell, putor of Community l(elhoctlat churcll, of Newport !Mach, read ttw aervlce. Glad, Norman.· The youna couple 111ft lmmed•ataly for a weddlna tnp ID &all Jl'ranei8Co "and _polnll! north," and upon thelt return wtll reelde at Pa.aadena, Mr. Preclt.on beln& 130nnel:led wtth ttw ~ An· 1tiM offlce ol the 8outhem Call· fomta Telephon. oompany. • • • y oung~ial Set In Buffet Supper and Yule Dance hiJI urrht>11tra. '1 The· cluh bullroQin wu beauU· fully dt'Corated In l llv4'rt'd pine· ··•mf'll, ft~rt•llt ltTHill'ry and anow Hre(·ta. 7:14) vi\J;I·<·olurf!d ballooNI IH"Ing r~lt'~t.."<l!fl 1m Lhe atruke of mldnt)(ht Twl'h;t . m4'tallc. c:l\ande· ller·t ype hun~t1n~:• aiM! addf!d to the ~eneral l"ff,..·t fnd1vldual nut· • up>1 uf ~rr .... n. "11ver~f!d pap.r "QUa h. A uumhJ'r ur g'UC'IIt.t rt'matned "~"r U\¥ hohdlly, 8e\•eral Openillfl t hc'tr hnm.,ll; uthera makJn& their 'lt'tulqullrtrrw Ill tht> club: Thklnt: (lNmJn.-nt part In the d1.11nu dane. '14'U the newly-.l«t- t•d C'ommndure 0&\'ld Howa rd and Mra. Huward who wne f'ntertaln· lnl( a pnrty nf :lO; partlell uf 14 gut>lfll f'AI h wcore entl'rtalntd by Hr St•ff C"ommc.don-Al~rt Soil· nnd. 8tatr C'nmmnduno E. D. Dor· rt~<. J W ~unondll And Erie Halli· burfnn • H•"'llnlf pt~rtiN of 10 e&t'b Wet'e Twelve -mben ot the Harbor d'-trlct'a youqer aoclaj Mt, ·the Jam11• V Gutllrlt' and John ~- O.U. and Beaux. wen tntcortaln· ~t••rt. nlnt> runta betna entertal,. ed P'rtday evenlna ·at a buffet JU)r •·It by V 0. Wmolle Fcoltx Farwell .,., •rved In the Belbola-bland .. ott Robert ·Me~erve wtre h01tl.8 home of Mlal 1M tty Anne Rocerw. tu pn rflea nf t'itcht : Reftr Cummo-lur,. J W. Condtm and Ia Con-,._, Beverly R.obuda acllnt u ----~~--~QA~~~ .. ~ ·--·"~ ~~~~~~w-~-r-, ~nd Bub HAmptoo. J>llrhel 11f ollx. w:yt:anc~ ..,.,,,r JCUesta · e1u·h wcore f'nlcortAin- O&rtler, Shan Heldt. •-d by MUle Ann H atl'h, U.n Aufl• Pa4J~y...BeyaAt_ l'pra~ttlt. C: R Colrord, Wnltun _<I-.I_INl,._. ffiitihnrd: lt , · C'ha• W Jarne. Harvey,· Robert BoudJnot, Joh~ Shamcol. l'.ldwazd Chapman, Manball Rk'k · U'd. Jack Yale., Robert Moody a.ld Ha.rokl K ... J'ollowtni the pi-nt nput. ~ldl wu· 8erved to a YuleUde •tUIIJ. the rroup adjuumed to eo.ta x.. Women·, dubhoWit wtMn mon than..IIO younr: people n•!Wf'd the evenln~ In a ~rata ·t,r ••tmu party and formal dance. !.., c: 8. Holman and Mrw. VlciDr l)r:~rt' pre~~lded at the rtfrMiunent table. School Chums Feted at New Year Party in Maxwell Home YOUNG WO MAN To 'canvass in I ··oua-IADY OP IIOCMT N_ewport Harbor dh.tr1ct. Wnt" I CA.IUd!L Box A·4, care Ntwport-Balboa I C'"THOU(: ('H UacB Prt-1111, 2211 Cout Blvd., Newport RI*V P . J ~Ji~A RY. Prieat Beach. ' I Sunday M.-at 1:00, 1 :10, l •• t .. r:~ .. t II " Ji'tunol II• ;;tu MUISU'AL INSTRl'Mt:STS YOU'lL 00 BETTER AT W X "NOTE J.ll:SIC CO. 420 WEST 1·10.00 and u :oo ._ m. rKJUS'I' CHl'B(.ll BY '1'8& E. D:' Goodell, Ml.nloiW Sun.1ay II( hool at 8:SO a. m. T\\,, ~ tlnl11f hwrnlnJ Mr,YSeee. at 9,:i(l ond 11 n .-lock. I d 30 p. m . Jutumedl&q ... H ·~ h 11chuul Leacu~ at U. c'hurt'll. ~ p. m: Ev..eJ1l.o& ~ 4TH ST. ~,A:-.:TA ANA. 2/l tlR."T ( III'RC 'Il OF CH&I8T, • Located In nne~~t rutdtn481 MctJOn of Balboa. d "''net" w1ll S~rifice For $825 • ~o bund~ nftr .es~P!"stnt'nl~ .lf•rdAn, '1'\\l!'lt An1t l'a tk••r; 7110 E . Central Ave .. Ba ll:ktiL Ph .. IW 153. ~>'C lt.:\' rai'iT CALIFORNIA SCHOOl ............... Playalcal Calt.ue l:amU now, £::. oa._ at.arU Day aDd f:\·conlnc a....il Blvd.. c by 'a bu!~t 11upper, the 111~ ;\l vrtlt Nickell. 1921 Mnn-"'1-: the hltSinl'!'lll 8o•!<11ton. A !'Om· ~-----------·- the M ·'" \\'Pit "" II numhfor or frJpl'l((ll lll r!•,.l'nt tlinn••r r~Y j:l\'1'11 lly t ''" •l •·nue. wa& hof;teN FridAy l'llt···· \\'HI< :lf'fl<lllllt•d to a rrange A . th OPENING f h NEW ..... _..._ ,_,. CconA """ .:llthrrNI In '141tnf'IUI the mnr-I f•>l'llll'l''ll lllfllhl.'r. M r!'l llt>nn · J)l('rl! • \ ''1!1111: Ill fl party complimenting (nr tht' nnnnal nwn'll nlf'Ptlng lA DDOUDC1D9 e 0 t e ..... ..__,. Wopechall. and daugh· f ~ t& A 11 • · 1 · . ' • 1 . t.er·ln·la'lt' )( Pa I w halt Ill•' 4'111MII', Wt>rco conterlamed Sat-,, • nn n I 1-:1'•141' •·( youn~t frlt'nd.~. A l'I'IIV· l•·r thiS mnn(h MM!. ~lltt:V And a· ht• ld s . s . all f ~de.... u opec . •lrdli\' \'\'f'nlng lit An lnfornml ' ~rlwdult•!l nil j.;IH'~I !lpt'llk<•r nt ' Ill):• I hll~l and otht,_r jtllml'!'l pro-Mr!< A M. :'lit•I!'IC>n \\'('re nnmt>d liS I I" II arul"l aaaan • ... >'OUIII coupe .,.. to ~ mu· · • Ft •II ·t11h 1 •t · r• M \\'h t . • ' ~-na .. 1 •·u••ktull l)llflV held at the Evert>lt 1 ''"'"''" llll'l'lln.,: "' :-.;,.,,port JIP:IIJh 1 'lll••rl I Ito· ""'eMIIOft of the evt'ning,l dt•lt·J;Rit'S tn th(' County Jo~xel'ullve I II II ned ~ ewf\l of J.-nua Mnrn11 hnnw 111 Hlllbue. rolluwmg · '' 1 11 "~~~ ' Ill' " j~'' lr··~hlll• ··tl! or Pndwlchell, cook -1 ommlth·l' mel.'tllll>! at Full••rton. , • 1'\laU F ~ ry 10· et I th•· rRrf'. ~~~'" A n:z.-1•'11 Mlulo• l'hlll rn~:~n nf ,., ·"'" •rtr.t'd tea being 11cnred. I l\lr:<!'l Ellllf' Newland rrnd 11 letter SVECIALIZJNG IN Dr ~bt~~ M ll!~rienf ~urch, • t;11,,,.111 llh'hHil'd l"untmnt'lnrt' 1111d '''"''1111: piC'IIIr••~< lt••fn·~hiiH'nt.• '' 111 t :•it"·l • •nl'luded the M~SSt'll Lo1!l f t'fllll ;\Irs. \Vurll')', n fnrmer mem. SIMBNIZING •·. POLISHING • LUBRICATION otticl&liq The c ul:: ~ ::::.':: !'t1 r~~ llnv~d llownrd; Vlce·I'Onllll\1· 1'" "''1'•·d· hv IIH• h"H••:<!I ~''•Ill · "'"'"' ,. lnyce Wedel!W!'tlf'r. Mllr· ltrr .,(the lw•nl l 'nl .. n 1.\'hn Ill nowi - 1 1 . y:... IA 'IIaft&f~~-~n,, ~-Y' ~,JruJ..ll$u -, • .-.. l,.u. UI~J.~nq.. a.-£ *l"i"trJI-M. Cla-.o • . ..,. • Aft& )( :--;; n 1\a ~~C\\'}lllrt HrlrhorV.II'ht r lf(h St'C'rt':j ~rll. :r .. J . .o\tll'•ll'•' tll6 ')(\HI " II• I. 11 ftnd MeMrs. J ork Htrt· M:•!l J\11('(' Hrtm-ox. Mr!l. C:eoqte 11ALA' R -... -i'_JIIII ...... na. ... . eon~ect~ ... ~rclb: a..er:l.n\ndtr~ tury Lnul,.lkti:Jelillnl1;\f rs Urll:l:"· -~~·:··~ ... "11 ro•lllllt••tl h .. n ... :tft··r .. l I ••• ,,,. Rpmk, Rog t'r Nl'lh. •;····lrlnl'r A'fid ,\fr!l. l..towman al!!O Cill ICnFIEuu S&nvltiftRnan aon law otflct' In .CO.t.A ~I'M fo Pr ''"" M111 It t-: Htultlt'r nnd '~'' k :< 'll!rl "tlh IH'r Mill;. at 1 J•· II • 1\ 11, \er, Bob Sankey, John ,,onclt11'!ed pnrtto~ns 11( lht'_l),r rn?KJCrllm., U. put"'"' " r ;'\1.elw:.\.auJ....'h'll''m .. n,.9atd CAa,t'"nd (In :O.~v,111,1a.1; :.h~&lll .. 'll<~tl\ .. w l ~"-..... 1 ~,.,. ---At lht' riOM uf the mffilii,r;"rl'· 1 • 1778 Ni~PORT IL_V_D •• .CO.UA W(SA ,... . 'J~>m•"' r '"''· F.dwln C':llh!tnj,!'/1, ~r-' '*"" :t ~rry·. n f>"~rnwl l •'~l·l··nl • • • fn ·•lmu·nlll Wl're llf'rved. by Mn!. + ·-------------------· \\Ill ·'""""· l'111l Fll><!'t•ll. R,.h<,.•k l"f.tlt• lh rl><•r •h~trt•t """1"._11"\\l ll(\t ,t,\\''"RASIH'II,!!;-p l.;•Wnlun. wlr•l WOII :tS.'IIIIlCd by _ _ ,--------------~~-... .lnhn ltaml'l". P. L Rc•Uz, lnln~ AI Hllk<"rrll.-lrl • \I 1 ~fr.~. CIArl'nt·l' R.~"lllnn. 1-:\:1 Jo;u,~. 11--------·--------------------------- r ;,.,,, I-•' ~"' hnuu. l.;f'nrwlh Sar1110n. • 1111 "''"'~" fr••rn •h1t~<·,. "1111 lhC'' ·-' • · t. Avenue., Uull)o.a Is la nd. I Youth · Tputh la a. um .. of lite -It u a matter m'tnlnd; 00 ODe rro~ .. old by mt're. ly IIVIIIJ a number of yurw. Peop~ emw o1d by kte· lni their lcSMla. You an u ynuntc lUI your hope. IU! t•ld lUI vo ur doubta, ·u young IU! ~~-.. hr Mlt-conlldence, u old u your re11n1. •• In the .ccontu of your heart then Ia a \(!1"'1<'11.~ 1taUon, and u Jon" O!l you can rec.'elve the mt·ll· ...... of bop.. bi.-Auly. l'llrll'lotn llurJ:t'!',.., .l .. hn Ff'lll\1.\'11, rlr :rsl, ;o.r, I• hnrtt ;\I •rt·" lrt !'hm.1.l • .I 4Wt'r arrt,·al ur 1\ nrw \SSOf'SC t:~ F.SHAflf:~I:ST t-Aitt tllttd 1 .... k .. Hl'nry g MC'Kny, !''ljll :•nil ;\fr .. ~l"t lllt'\' l:.lrll•·n Hntl I ·I ' " who was l>nrn n N't'nl· ;\1L'Il' R•>!<t'nlllry Ball. <laugh fer of ~ Jl . \It• land B n "t "r HArland f:-tmlly h~<\ •' l•·u~··d !l ll•••f ,. ot :1111 I •: :•• o1 :'lint1o)k. Vs . The youn~-!'tfr.o. \'Pima BArber, 2:!5•, Opsl ltc•o~~u~l<>t'. \\'1lllllttl Hor1.on. Rlch-j l. str~t . Bnll••a .. nl •I plar1 l• ~ro·nJ 1 '''' ~ · "••'r. Harlan Ro>wmRn v•hn 1vPnut>. 8Aiboil IIIIAnd, thiS week tr.l r,., kt'l. J nhrl S 1:r1tf1tll. Clark th" 111 xt "'" •1w tlh;; •·n h•\'11.~; ltw -• ,, t manhood in tht> Hnrhor 11nnounrtd hf'r tnl('alrfment tn John H .\lolhk .. n. (' " \\'Rtr:ntr. Wnltnj po·n~,, ·lind t'JIIIO'f ol( lit(' llar l••r . I I I ,, ••nhllt.ed In the llft\'Y m'\'fW· J~ Utr!ll.'n. al!lfl or 81\lbnA. No dt'fl· I 1-r "'~. llul>bard·HO\\'t, Edwtn.Cor· .;\.'~t~llll'l'llru;_t\1 ~~port ~<'h j tl '·•-Hor a~ •nd hall ~ 8th· nt1l' pii\M hnve btl'n made for tht> tun (;l.to'tttt P ttanf' \\'. A K1.rk. \\ S.C:.~. ''111 1"' ht·l11 lnnunry/1~·' .,,j "" n dutruyt-r "1 Gnh·ell· ,,,><Jfitn!'f. 1\<'l'nrdtng IO Mti!A Ball. .r .. r.n lltllmun FNrtun F.llmllhAw. 111 thr fhu":h rnrlu~ nt \\{~., hj i• • T·' •s. tor AOmt' tlmt' pal!t. • I NEWPORT THEATRE ('ionUnuou., Sb m\s ~ntu ''·'" nnlt "nntfa)'!l from I :45 "•'4'1. U,,,, lruiU 6:1~ Chadn·n, t\;1~:-Timl', 10.· ---r\11 Sl'ah until 5 P~ M., t5c: F:''fn.!_!!~t": 1 ... ~,.., II"· -HMw:.ol .\tllllt"i"n S.lt· -!Sludeate %5c I , • · ( t•a.,., F "lkrul Tu" • T "'''"''"' ,ln.v :-.:nrmr.n Nt•lln!l', 11"'1' 1-t.:-.: l~.,ll,.•nn•' 11 11!1.111!' "' , .• lt•r '''lf)Ortant_ evtnt ne1lfed he Mr anrl, Mr10. ClaAoe.t~l'e .~· 11 .. 11 ry Knnt~'l'rll, Kt'nl lllh'hu >t'k. Lt •:o Alll(l'ltl' r ll!l111lllllt1 ~·····nt ••r'''"!·' ~I· • 1lyu'i trtp to .-"1(lrfol~ ar· 111;111,,224 Coral avenue. BAlboA t11.1 1'at. • On4' 1lll~ onl)' ~ Jan. ~ \\t••l·'l'huno-•·rt, .laa. l ·f·IO H.Ury c·~~•k. llt•nry F'rt'\'1111Ul. Ver ·l bl• • 1:'\II'J;l "l'"'·lk•·r l:'n\t'fl'<hh~tll ' ''' ~"~c "t~t In ttmt to W4'1romt' his land. •h11d All holiday-week; ltlltlllll.l BAI:!Y SA:-.:roy m 1\ Thllllln~ Book, '"'II \\·.,~·llr, llownrfl y,,11nglovt.l lundwnn \\'til "•' l't>n •••I a t '""'" ' '""' upon arrival. t ht•tr dnuJ:hter. M~. \-'lortnt'e I 'SANOY GETS HER MAN' ,\ Mll~lllfH't'nt Plctur_e H ';\f "'vri•T· :O.II'l\. \'t'nl Mlll!'r, • Mr 111111 Ml':< C' 11 llud.t, :!:!~ • • • Shnprru and grand·d!I\Jght"•-·nt...t.....; .'lr ... _lt.tro.'l'l Ahl•·ndt. llil'hllrd ~-A~nto• R\'t'nltt•. BnH'"" lsliiJtJ . hnd J•]fl()J'!l Fitzpatrick ~'·'" Frandse"o. \\'lth Stunrt Enn.n, L'na ME'rkel 'Esc BP£' I\\,., ....... \\lilt on Hubhnrd, \VIIIIam All hPitd!t)' """"'I' S''·''"~" Atr. 11111(. '1 • A tUruwn. ~rn-.nl MrNAII~·· RAmey Mnt. \\'ill <'rlllln:<, c t.•anl a ter.! nnd u.s.c. Man t-•. E. and MBIIV Other Sllln! l.f'h"""'· Snndy Fl111t ('lld William 1 lb~'fllt>ncl t'. Colltn~. llrll<t·r~fteld ; Plfll t W d 'AIKo _ I :'tarnng :'li(IRMA SHEARER I I (Ill,.,.~·. • • • . I :\fr lllltl ~I I'll H lrr\ .T. ll•: llt-1 ··rlv ( 1 0 e 1 • • · Hi ll~. onrl :o.t .. ~ ,lnhn ~ unk-1\Jdlxl.'l \1 ~:I nora F'lt.&J).trick . ·dau~h-11111nnd . Wt'rt' ..,.,,.,., p<>lntJI. 1 1':0\\' ARD G. f{()nJ:-.;S'(lN tn :.m""~ t h.-l:llf'JOIII rntr rll\lnt'l1 Sun- j •lny f'\'l'nlltl: At tht> J B. W tlbur ..... _....;, _____ -:-------....! lu '""' 1n A n:r hr~m I !I 'I nil• \II:<~ (' ·•1.• ~,,.,,1 \\ t .. rr lfh'IUd•·•t ll' :1 ~ r•'llfl p ( J:: l lr tll).:t" ~·'11nt ' Jth'n\1..~1 :--of :-:.1~1.,"\ 'fnu I'J<I !<\•r .. nt~ \\h·• hd.l" ~1 111 ····h·hrllllll!l ttl .t:.u~l l ';u~o•ll ,. ,,.,. :11 umnt u: 1..-All):l'l.-.• :;.,turtl,l\' •'''f'llln~ Tht• 11ff.ur "n" tllin1111 1t,•J hy n theAtre l'nrt~· , "'· hall formally onnounc· • · ~AJC'nlt'nt In Graham ZAtt I. ~ 88cll. VI• r1n1t to learn •np.ndlng n1111'11"ll" IH-Ina · .. , .. m!Horw of tlf<' Wut~ ' I '.~:.L.A .. wht'l"t' MIN F'ltZ· ' • • ~< 111 a Mnlor. V1~<rt11r tb th; o;tlccos or the I l'rf'!<>-thu• wcot>k was HowArd \V. fkrrlllh. Wf'll·knm"-n lr>CAI immr- 'lDi$patch from Reuters' <'artoo1n, "('a.Jilnc Dr. Pork¥" P•,__•f s_.. AIIIO ~ted 8bort S.jeota Wltb l:verj p,..,._ ~TUGHT By ROBERT FR.A:-.:ns • • I The lights go out onl' afh.·r onl' ' ol··flntte datt> hM bf.fn IN'l ., , 1 ~. ,,·ed!Qnc. Mr. Zllff t11 • 11tu- ., • · •: ~ Unh·•rwlly of Snuth4'm • ,, "' .:bool of mfdlcln4' And :tn•···mnn Gl'rrtllh among o~f 1 thulJ,:s llt&lf'd 1940 '14'U defmltcoly a hf>tlt'r )'I'Ar than prf'\'IOU.I On4'JI. "bu t thl1 1P-t I Will bt ~tter lOT N'rn·ont> workln« In ttw Harbor dl.,-tnrt." :o.u'n ~ .... T-.-.laa. U.'7 • Groucho . Chl~o • Herpo Th,'IM Mf'IT)' M11d Marx Broa. in CO MillO TO THlS TREA TRII: SOON: I J And others may be i:'"ing lniVII. But not the stars lltld not the sun And ~undny 1'\t•mq: J:t~o·~tJ< at th1• ll :\f C'nmpi"WII h•'nl" ~::7 ~a n H. r- t;o\rdln•' tl\'t'l111t' \\frl' :\ir nnd Jtn. S1d :-.;_.\4. HeJJth.U: ow~~~~U.~;,;~~~~e~~~·u~h•fu"1~~ .. ~~~~._----------it--~p;;;~;;~~~~~:--T~11~~~~6TRL~f.n~;r-1--~~~~tt- .• the Important 11tcop. Thmu~:h 11n lnAd\'f•rtconN lbe'ncow ... ;;;. _ ........... "1_.....__.. .. 1:, II f\ :O.t r """ :O.t1 ... F1 "·•' L S1111th '1)3 :-.:. &y Ff\•nt K~l~><•ii ls lnnd ''e b.actu l'f'<'<'nt.-'ue'ta, Mr. anli 1 • l fh~ hr'ldP·to=tltP~ ~"11 l~t!Ur ~ nf fttollt' Natwn. ••t f Newport Hubor Unio n :-.:.•w port Bh·d .. w .. mconUonecl u hnol and FuUcorJnn Jumor t ;\.'.-wport Bh·d. Llqunr Stort, f'ntcortamt'd a l[mUp or I "h,.n>n.. It llht'uld ha\'f ~n tnf' t\IP 8CbC101 a.nd rtollcogt' t ll.·ulo•\'IH'd Ltquor Stol"t' Sow open . t "' the Bll.tmol"t' Bowl. Loe1 IM ml'rf' than A "'""· O.ne ,... \'.J:fJ• •. f'l"td&¥ nenifl&. .• pot:Y IMw .. ar ..........._ ~ u.u&l . .... .. - .......... _ -~ ... . ... ' ,. ' ~ ..... . . • o; ,; 1., ... "Duley" "Fiig~t ... Co~~~ .. ~ . -,.:'~ . . . .., . . . .... ... . . J.' "t .. . ..,. ..