HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-07 - Newport Balboa News TimesII, , . the old pro\·~rb and F. Walther-agreu ·-th'at young man eojoye.J an ad..U.. tton to ltt3 famllv Of a little girl 9nd about'th~ .ume tim~. ,..._. given tht post o( local agi n't fu r the Cannery Work· t'rll Union. Local No. 9 h~> I!UCCI'<'dl! Delbert Fortunt', well known tt.hennan herf' an<.J 'f 1rst In serve llll agcnt of • the organization 'Tis atlmlttt-11 IIUH ht• •m•er· hPRtl ;roastng '" •ometliinc or a pu%ttt whrrt-It waa ))ullt 311 a atlfety feature, there bavc been nu~rou1 en!H•IOM. t~ lut bftftr $at"· \.4lday morning wh~>n a car plung~ over lhf' Southwe~t embanlUnehl to tbe-MIId -be- lov.· now a Blv<.l. 1t0p a t the top of an inrl!M may be a nvtsa.nce. but ~rb&Pfl the nulaance would bf' repaid by lea acCidenu. the majority of wbkb ~ to reeult be. tween cert comlnr off t he ramp1 onto Newport Blvd_- ~rhlpl th\! marking or four _Jllruu~th kt't"p to tbe two in.lide lanu. l«"avlng t)le oull!ldt-lllnt'l f ree to l'&r a turning ott the r amp• woul_<!_k • ..JWp-_bow,rv.u a J!_afl!£_ ex ..Pt!JJL~ CoW tblnk o(. a better aolutton--If -ameooe urged tbt'm to It let'a ur~re ·em. _ _MlotLll~Jua lnte~lttng note ~vealtd In • dl8cuulon or advantAgea and dludvanta&e!: of Metropoll-f.an water' belort council IIU<t ntrbt brau«ht out In conn.ec- Uon with conalderatlon of~­ alb~ l&Jie11 that whllf' avtr· a«e valut of Anaheim and .saou Ana lot. run a lltUe over pOGO, valuation ot New· port Ha.rbor pro~rty Is about S6.887. -:· ct .. n. Up- Work prOKJ'elllled ntpldly for eeveral day11 on taklnjt. up the P.E . Track11 -o11ow no v.•orkmen are to be aeen and -~ 11 the ri&ll -of·w~ i'lotll not look worse with pUet of aplku. rall11 lying cr loW!I<'roued &long the way -ula'n •tt did -bffM ='ttW" bn that once 11tart~>d. the trark all uaUon wlU be. .eleanctl up. Sl'ems T . H Rl'x noted hnr~rmnn of Ralboa. hu no- thing "" n f< "l'lhnrty" Blue whn rN•rnlly rt•turn<'tl Crnl'n his nld hAunt!~ in Wyoming with snml' ••-.:I'PII<'n~ AAdrllf horllt'!l. which nt''' bnn11U hH ,.,tnl•l•' •" 7 n111110ts inrhul- lnJ: n palnmlnn. VIolinist Yr11 sir,. th<' h!J:!h !ll'honl fAI'\111~· h n11 a · \'lolinilll In it8 mid11l. althnus:h .r .. w -rf'ftll7!' It lnnj!' not~d for' bl!l ability tn rnnrh hoy11 an11 hrl' w llv .lltrulg<'y or. tbr ~trit!l!nn nr baJ<k~AJI rourt. trw n.~ ,.,, l'VI'r l!Ul(pt•t'l crl mu!lirlll talrnt In Cnath Ralph R~t tor j!'A(~. , Co<:l:l ~lt'311 hnme n\'t'r thr \'uletulc, whCJl.V~I! propte gAl herNI nhout t n sing ChrlstmM C'"'lrnlq. RN•cly pro· ducf'd hil' 1 niRt" vlohn &ml though unnble tn rea<l " nnt,.. ot ·mu•:c. 11\Jecelll!flllly provtd. 4'd appri'IJ'rtat~> obligatO!' fnr all ronr;-A enjoved by tht' «roup qul«-wn d A . Gorton h~>n'• a ~m from the January 18· IUt . "Don't worry If yoifr JOb 11 •maJIL 'Ahd your rf'91•a.rda ~ f~-f'fl!lembl'r th.at tbe -miJfltr:<OU ..... ~~ like y01.1." .. ~ , .. .. . • I .. .. •• I ISSUED SEMI· ... WE~Ly · F.DlTION EMBR~CINC BAI:BOA PENINS~ WEST_N_EWP_O~R~T~, ~SEA~_::S~H~O~R£~~~~~L~IDO~~-~IS~L=E,~NEW_!_0R_!__!!_EIGHTS, BAL~O~_ISLAND, CORONA DEL .MAR, COSTA._.,. . . -\ -- BLA$~$-PROPOSAL" TO j JOII M.W.D. PROJECT I . . . I Council Informed Cost of Water, Taxes Would , Be P pate In P.lan to lns~ Future Water Supply nf>th-F:. l'>l (•rri~un, wh•) rro[>lllf ('~ .ltttl~•· I '11"f\' I' \\'rllt•o\'1'' of It'll· t,. .• h 1 "' ~ ;u I 1 .,. 1"'1• •\1 u1 th1~ I Vlll·l\' fotl 11 !llll )'I'Rrll . . Yrn;'J•!--1 n t'•hlt. lh ttl 11• .\n S f:WI"ORT BF.ACII. CAI»~RSI~'!V:sUAl·. "'"t'AR\ 1. UlU.--•• • ... • H•·w ur•ng l>•·lht-n For tunf·. mHn to !'><'I'Vt· 1" a~•·nt tr.r 1111• C'unne•r) \\'"' kt·l' l 'n111n, l~AI 1':1). 9, wl)n rrr,.ntly itUII thAI fl0'-1 , ·EITEISIOI -SUBTERFUGE ~TO GAll AUTO Pill'S '"'"' th"""""'' v•·Hrll """ Mayhe, 111 -nulh~r tw .. tiHtlll'fln•l )'f'llrl, tl1" /111171• OHtV bl' llbllt Ill ok; It, Wnhlngton Unlve~lty tluttent. when ••Ired t o name two a ncleltt I 1~ J fo' Wuhtwr. Wnlllwr 1\si" l~om,. w,-.JI kn()wn nmnns: thl' r11nn•·ry wnrkN'<C' nnl1 .. .. .. .. . .. .., . f"h"rm••n nf 1 h1~ f'll)' d1Jr1nl( l'tlr t 1m•· hi' had ~n <.'Ofm('Ctf'd with a lOCAl pltdl plant. -Trw ,..;........,....,.,.... ..... lr"11r"''I' .... 'W't' n Mr SAn Ill A n11 If O'<Jl'i In I l:tff)t ha~ lx'<'n n~tmc.'d Patricia Louiou•. , ~ • • V'!"'t'.!' Clt7 J~dOt In the Pt ... ------~---1.:;:_.r Ull'-ettr, "e "a• been __ "Qad.llU_..... ~ ·paull cnt llf tM ,.,......,_ ODe true alm fl( :all rtcht bwua I Hart.W .lunlor Ch•mk r of C.om. uplratlona..-Vl .. t ,....., Q~ "" , .. ,. ....._ / .. ( ' .. . '- ~ - .. N£Wf0~ BALBOA NEW~'I'IIIIS. Nea,_t Bead), Calitomia._.nJEsDAY, JANUARY ';r.-tis.l\. .• I .. • rts . 1 Ne.W S jS.ilor..looPI*n li.e Two Weeb le Waals .lewpOrt -.Biac~ to -~ \ ·.to Pnpare -ror Leacue ---:,...1---• .. Wak• Up apt Seek _Busineis , -. ·HERE .IS~UR .JOB!---~ Boomer-Deakins IMd Dmlbl_es :--~,. Compe~tion Loal Keglars ~~lea Prize-In 'tourney ~ tbe ft.W of cloublee ........... u.. boqd&y boWUq ... -at tlpori'JuMI. "' to ......... ~til lluWW • .....-ol Booeer'a .,....,.., _. c. 11. .No.. 1 ... oa • Should ttw M'W Of'dlnance be .,.._ boat bu~ eoncem ln propoMd aew SOI11D• ol'diiWioe B&Jbo& Ja&D4 bad aa tbetr .,..t lilal.ow'• E1ut •. ~ ... tile tleMorous F.etfler ar..r. , ... C.Sfor..• Aie.A,._~,., tott • \.Summer eNf Wint.r !pOrta ••• Ou c i "9 ..,.,., eveftifl9 ••. s..c;.l fecila4t ,.,,;.. .. ~. c~Pitv•red tfw add.r'eu ~ It .. upeeted to elt.aaDaU U,e Harbor Dtetrtct ~ beaded ~~ a nunt eanventJoa ollmany ~f the rvtla and a.IWpd Ill-by WaJt,oo Hubbud. Jr .. waa m\AU busiMu mf11 and won ac-jUstlcf\11 of the old Qrdina~. par-J!'Uit.td an optJoo to ,_ the claim ror hla taUt. t irularly In ~?CArd to frunt rear ctty property adjace~t to the com- DOW tietON Ole eou~~~&l. &rllD reela reuooabJy certaJn o.er tbe bolkla,.. Mrs. Ludu Ra\&ITiln( of ltTeetl aao .... U,.t America would Dot DOW be I Powen at rr-ao. Mo\A6hl up be{ore tbe .councU llkely to modify her oppoaiUoa I --.-.,__ __ _ &Jld &Jl lntoriD&I mwttnc of UM to Japan·• "Dew order'· ln A.a&, 1 Lake Arrowhead waa tb• eel- council called for Monday. 1 p. m.l and U,.t a d1rect ci&Ql between UDC for a unique New Y•r'a at tbe city ba1J wbeo U,e matter the United Stah!l and Japaa I En ak&tiDC party which ,.... n,e bolml of dll"f'Ctol'l aeftpted and .ilde yard Mt.ba.ck ~ .,..ay'1 pr-t ltructun. to pro- an Invitation to ~t n.xt ~ t ~l ·ba k hav ._,"tab-.tde for De<:HMI)' expan.lon tn as th• au~ of Mr. and Mn. ~-in 1M c ;.,. :~ ae-eue tbe firm la rrant.td addl· Merwin ~~~. C:O.ta MHL rordln_g to conditions eldat~ Ia Uonal Navy cootra.cta. ~ option wiU 'be conaidend ·&lid cert&Ul would be .more tbaD Ukely. Tbat a~ Mr. aDd KrL C. HPnry Vaufhn huroctuo.d t»w ri I Uti •--·--"" o1 a wu rt;anttd at.~ cmlRCU ltreeta J~Ypec:ted. .• t.be 1DevU&IIIe . n.llt . wucdll :M I DOIDCil . - ....... S.. c.tO. . : . By the 1a.. • ley of t-4ont•'•Y e11d ....W.f~ ~elltHn·Mil. DtM ........ from $2.50. IIHITORY TrME JS HER·E!. -a.-Mr 'L·~.. ot thor pubUc va ou~ OC1l es, u .. .-. _._ --.-~· • · ,....... blankt>l requiremc-nt as In Ordln-...,.. Monday n1ChL relatlom dtop&Mmf'nt of the Stand· anct' 440 'Mie South coaat co .. wbic.-h ard 011 Co .. who llrellt'ntt'd Mund l A It · Jh Sl ndard Oil 0.. Ia two motion plctun'tl of • t~ <"OA&t, . t' 8 tht' tn th(' cit y 111 t•, C('nJII &Jl optloo on the untll part (lf'tm ii'Um ha!l playl'd In than thr pl"'('llt'nt gRIIonltet" price. July lit. 1941, with the rl~tht to dl-v.-lopmt>nt f'l ~~ Wf'!lt. thf' counC'il, upon inllillten~ of exercl~~e the <>P.tllln at any tim.-I --------I J:tmr~ S. Rmwn. nuthorlzl'd ad-they may ~iv~ <.~ontra.ct (rom VOlT nND otrr! l Vf'rtllwml'nt Cor hid.~. tbe Navy for lhr c·onstrucllon or 'Mie nrw JI:I!Cf'lll Protltl nu 1 City Attom ry Thom~n waa l&.rl'er wooden '\'n&elll than th~yj Jaw wtll ee11d th~d• nf bual-instruct~ to prt•plll"'(' a n>!!Ol utlon are now ca.pable of handling. neat~ trtrn and t.&ll UJ>efta to the l CIIOC"f"fin g tl\('' frnn<'hiM" hfofd by 'The option provldt'S for tht hooby·h&tch If It lln't rewritten. Dnrrf'IL ~jru;, I!Y~J!\'IU,....&mel oprr-rtgbt to leaH the city prorerty., Hf'rf''~ a atn~lr eentenre fTom :tlor. on lht' ~rwpnrt ""r. 1\~ of DOW Ulltrl lUI a @tt•r&gc yard for &ectlon 7~2 tbl 141 ; "In uie c:ue ~~mbtr 31, 19~. city trucks and equipment, .tor a 1 of an nchan~r~ &ltn · th~ ~gtn-l perlbd or, th~ )'t'ln. wtth r l~tbl nlnll of thf' f ll'llt ta.able y~ar UD·I Hubbard Howe to renew the leue for another I· der thl• aub-<-haptrr of any t riUIIII-thrt't yrar11 lr thl' prnJl('rty Is 111111 • f•r or tr&OIIft'rf't l,lpoo IUch till· nr· ects Pia' ns In Ul'le ror constructl!ln lo kt'eplnjt r halllf"· lnvolvlnjt two or mort' r . with the lh•ftn8f' program. Thf' tranaf...,.lt'll. or nne or more trane-F c c M t a«J'Mm~nt c&Jill for lbf' pa yment ''"'"'· and onf' or mort' ether pt'r-Or • • ee tn advance ot Sl:;ocl for 2!1 month~ .. ..)IJUD~IIUI'"'-~Jfr.;.l.,tl~ u --1-..e &nd a llliJhlly tugtlcr _xear. Hiffi 11m ltn~·, ~ ~n ap-l'y Mltal tr c.-onffiiit~ - pninh.'1J lty the :'\ •wJ,K>r} JiarbQr c;_ty .Utomcy ,R.ula.nU n-iAm..,_r rtf f'nmmi•T't'r Prr~11tent. ton wu llllth9rfud Jo prepare th• J n..' W.atklnt.. 11$ chJiinnan of e option to loc.ludtt t~ l'tlpulatlon rommitl•'1' ·to rhro'f't f'n'f)llrntl~ll th11.t Uw p•opl'rty tiP Ulll'd only' Or lhc _.oq;an.IZAIU\J'I~ fDr deJHWe \lo'Ork. lt W88 Nl-1- 'lll"f't log, l'l lw hrlrl Thur<:day, . mattd c.-o11t tn lhl' c.-lty will .be lnn1111ry :lOth :11 thf' :'l'•·":port a bout $4:'100 h) remov" ils hulld- 1 IIArMr Y:~rtlt C1uh. lnp 'tl~where In c.-&M the firm l)thrr< n!lmt'll ''" thr rommlttt"e ex~n.·tM!t 11.3 option ~,.. f'r . ('o(lf'fioo M r.nandy, Clyan Thomp110o ~·u alilO mst nar ll'•l !tr.•ll. S""' lo>inl'fatlw r. t .. mn•" Vtn· to rrrp~rr a rr:onlutlon t.o amend Janua·ry is 'the period when business firms · -ef thei-F Supplies and requ ire office .forms them quickly and effeciently. · · take stock to itemize """'. Ornlo(ni'Y \.Mhy nntt !j F. thl' ll'Mf' of J011 A &>eli: ••f l'lty I \\'!lftirnl'f"r:.t ~' property lltlj&ef'Ot til e eacon 1\Av , • I ThP rrnuf>-111 hrolrl It• flftt alnc~ Nlt property Ia being ,e. crc:~tnn tl'l !'tnM pro>llminllfy 111MI TI111r<t1a~ ... 4 p m 1n th•• ~.,m~ We have laid in a complete stock of such among them list a few, as follows: forms and _5 eolumns with description spae~. eaeh 5 coiumns kiU, description spare. ·ead1 r 10-~lumfls with description spaee, ~~eh 11 rotum~s with description. spaee,.. ~aeh. ,. 14 cofUnuia with ~ription spa~e, ~~ch PENCILS -All Degrees of Hardn~ss and IEWPOIT-111101 . P-11 L I S II II C 0 M P II Y 35c 35e 35e 75e 75c Quality Phons: 12 or IS I • I Newpc)n Beach, Calif. ht•r orrkf'!'. • . n.·~utt nr tho• •·lrr-firln nf <1t"l'C'" t11r.< will llf' :111nn•mrf"1 nt lh,.. 11n· nn:tl <•••lr-.n Th,.. C"hnmh•'r dl· ' ,.,..,.,o,... "''11---:1rr•oomt "'' .-ll'f'tlon ~;nrnl')"lt t•"' to rAm · ""' lh~> ·b•l· lr>tln~: n t thr nr'l:t mN'tin~. nr• nnr or morr of lluclt otbe,.. ...... ll(>f\to ""' In c.-cmt rol or lbfo tran. ff'rf't' and If 1111rh •xrhan~ l• a rxrhnngt' dPih'rlhfood In 8ed.io1l ttl tbl '~' or ,..., much of IK'rtl• Ill! 1l'l or 11:? '"' u ,.,e,.. to !Of'('flnn 11 :? thl 1~1. tbe h~h!.t hr11rkrt RmOU"l of 'it.ny nd tnuutforor for any taXable )'ear alter the ~chanp aball ~ .. &m<'IIOI f'q\181 to tt. hiJbtat h..-e- bt amount lmmf'dlalt'ly prt<'.._ lnl' ~ Ut'baop--w '\fr11 R.. S. c-.,J~. KN. Addle Haup a.nd hrr .iu8t. llr .... w,... H•acy FooD~ .-t K-. ID SUi DtetO. - ..................... ,a .. ,z .. ...__ ................. ,75 ..................... •I ... .__ .... ..__.,lA I I .. llie-tMDII ,. , 'f .. t tt (pY JTB~J'f IT' . . -a. w~ HARTtEY, IIC~ I day .WUD« relall~-ea and ~~--~~-:----.... ::=::~:-~::::~=~-..,..~~-= .. :-=-===~~--~==~~~=~~-~ ... __:. ~~-::-~~D ~H.~ ·.~~o.-~~~-:.....:_:~~~~!~ --IIJIIIII_ I 30th St. t:nd. ~e~ntr~l;, A Y.~·-~r. ... • .. ·--::-.. ___ : ..... ~-•. .N.ewport Beaeh, Calif. ' . .. ~ II:Yer'J n-4aJ' ud Tllunday ~ v ...... XXXIII -.....:rtp!'Gn Payable tn Advanee:--$2!10 per yiar tn Orance <l:luDty; J3.'r.5 per yeer to Cth ~; 13.00 per yev 1D lth ~. 25c: per moaUL ~ ct.nier. ... NEWPORT BAt BOA NEWS-tniES. Newpalt a-cta. CallromiA. TlJF.SOAY. JANUARY 7, 19&1. Co.tl Of l yatem' The co.t of conatrucUon &nd operaUob of tbl .,.wtem wtt.heut the prOvWon of reU~meot of tbe bond prtDclp&l In ·····~ wu t2 centa per 1100 of annnrd yalu· aUoa and lD 1~1 la to be tl ceata ...,..-ItO& or-.a.out---·ha»~-::,..=--­ -Aj..,..-~rAi .... lJ wit- IWAl. aiTATW ""' IAU ~ .. .,. .. _ ..... ....... M ._..,. .. ca ....... , ce., _r.._.__....,....._._ _...,...._ .. _..,..... REAL EsTATE F oR RENT oaaa,.T ,..,.,...~...~ ,._ ..... c ..... , •• ,. '" ... ..,.... ..,,....,,.. .. ,._._... P~-... er-n aiiCJM .... ttett.,.. c.aU et lM O&I&"T VILLA, c ...... , •• C:l\11 ............. ........ v...--~ ..... ,., ...... . .. .. ........ Te.._ _,. a.e,,.. Itt ............................. .... ·MtSCELLANKOU8 A, t CLUH&U &. .LAUJdUlY IPaCtAL.e-i!"' .... , ~ ... I ~MtiM .. I ............ .. HIM, -.ar, ..._ eNt. .. ... PO" IALa, .. ,.. _. ... ,..... .......................... , ..... ,~ ............. -HOUSEWIVES I Llltl-,_ ............. _ _,..IN ... elltlle. WI ..... t lleM •• ••-wr _..._,, ~,,..,._ .. ,, ... ..._ ~ .............. ._ ....... --.~ ......... ~ .... -)lrlll .... --...... ....... ,., ........ ~ .... '=-' tM ~ ..... MoL .. le-.~ ..... . flf .................... ... ------·-- MIICOIIDIAN -... , ..... Tllll ••• ~ •. c-. •• -o........... ~-De.. -"-"'11 ....... .._.. ..... • ....... ~IANO IALa-.... 1111... .... ..... _,. ...... '" ....... ... ... _... ........... .... ............................... ........ .,..... ......... ....._ ,__,., fW ............. . o-.......... ~-.... -........... ._ ......... ..... ~lANG IALa • .,.. ..... .. -... ....,... .......... , .. ...... ......... ...... ,_, w .... ' .......... --· --............ c. .. -... ....... ........... . .... POll IAL._. ............... W.. ~ ................. _. ...... . -,. • Cl II ""''" ,,....,.. ~•'"' .. rl .... ). --~-+--_.w.M.~~-~~~ u...---. -T ___ .,...... ............... , .... ~ ~~~----.. -.------~~~ .. lllillll _. Pro~onl_ ~irectorj ·---.---....... ~ ..... 1100.00, N012.oo . ltft.tO ·lt.tSO.S10 fll 42c per ~ Arthur Loula •Mark• nf 1013 .:Ut SAn Rf'mantlnn l'ltrHt. prob- ably O'I'U tht' flirt th11t he Ia unlllju~ to lhr faC't that hr fell out of bl8 autl1moblle M•rka' mac-hine wu Involved a coJIIIIIon ,..turday ~omlaf w1UI a car driven IUid own~ by William I! J>mvla of 237& ll':ldrn Ave., eo.t.a Meaa Alkr the lm· pect, Martu fell or aUd out ot eM1 or b.. coupe oato tbe Ju-t .. tracUoll of .. ·--· ................. " .... ,.,,, ......... Feur tniurta .In Auto Crash On 17th . St Curve ............. " CALiiOf!"'IA IGHOO\. Of' IWilfiiH ~---t ~HVIICAL CUL TUfla LM"' tllle .,. ....... , .... &"mil "ow, ,...., &1-... ,.. -· o., & ·-· ... ~·-· .. ~"c. ..... .,.. ........ -u, ..... .... . . ... . ,....-----------...., ,....------------1100.00. Pt.eot.tO': · b&..-e to be proceeNd a t the rau 1940.41 19.728.785 fl fte per j Of IT.QO per 'acre foot and UM LEBOY P. ANDDSON 1100 00. 141.881.1&. co.t l)llft be abawn to be ., hi(tl No Deflnlta eo.t 1 lbat I queatton tt any of the -==i~~rf~~~~--m--o•n••1!1UIIr"•lllillllllllr-ttNiiiiiTbi~ere •• and c&n be no ~ntu : Jrrtptlon Dlat rtrta can be Ju.tl· '"'tlltl or illy OUier; crty nea lD JOIDIDI' the Metropolitan everi-~pproxJm&Uiy fixed wben ' Water Dllltr1<'t. unlu& \heir Yot#ra the rKelpt. fpr the 1&1e ot un-Cell be inl81~ lnto a belief Ulat ...,.: ••u a.m. & 1·5 ~ na. ~JII; .... 'Jt·l Coeta .... property intrre~ to a point fit ward Newport ant1 thr bollpltJLI 11ulfu1n~t lnjurlf'll Uthrn ...,.,.,. te 11111 M •• ..,,_ 11 P.V.PAUD' polltall Water report.JI ~v~ntnal ·"onnl'<'•tto" by t h • Provla wu driYinlt arr•-thr In Ulr IU'I'hlrnt wf'rf' • twvy ,....,,, .. •r ''-.. ,, .. ., .. , IIIII -'Dr. Oordoll 1(. OI"'IBCCJ "~ lntere11ted with 111arh 11\.alc>· Metropolitan Watt>r Ola~rtrt for brlda-•. al11o1 hf'n•lf'!l t llW&rd Nrw.l BH"hmnn nn•l F»y \\'t•hh nf (.,. -~"' .t>Ahlo l wte. Per ...,,. flf . ~ ...... ~ Wa~ ·,.......-....,.,._ mcnl11 ai'"eu<'h rate tn be madp j non-pllyment of taxe11. port. Doth ml'n rllllmf'•l It bapprn.ll..'""" F\tollt'h. the law,,.,,....,,,.,,,_.,.,....- New.-rt 8eedl ROIIIJital 2102 Ocan Front. Newport efff'<"llve only In the ev,.nr that 1 ~Ul If W(' joint•! with th• dther ld eo •mlfif'nly thl'y •lin "'It llf'r' nw h•~:hwllv w11~ n•·•u·ly hl11rk· •••"11 , • ._ • •••-...._.. {}etatral Aw. at NlaU. EKpert ltwfllt Watdl ••••'.,.,_. 1 there 111 a pnaltlve ,UIIllrlU1!'t that five In fflrming onl' Dl11trt<'t re· each ulher f"ruvl~ th'<'l~trNI It Willi ,.,1 lur ~llflll' ,·1,.11' ufl••r 111,, l'rll h Tl,...., Now~ri •ach. C.llf. u Oftlcle Bn.: 1t-ll a.m.; 1·1 ........ r:,.. Glaun lletlelred ur-aufflrlenl to jl&llllfy 11.8 adOJl· I woul.i hav~ but Ul~. nne v~ In *n lnYHI,YNI In ,~. Y""'" M llriV· K ttua'll I rll•'k fronl Ulf' lflllly. Y.vrryt hlnll' In IIVf' for •nry. o.N Plattq 1" w ill re11u1t In lncre&~ed water gardll'llll of iUIIOf'IIIN'tl YjlluaUon we the flrat ll!'l'lill'nl In whlo•h h•· h"'l '" wul'km,.n utt••mpto"l 1,1 rr•rnnvt• ---- Tel ... ae S'J ALL WORK GUARANTEED tlon .. ~ , lllx IDf. . thlnr In !llr f•1r, ln 2 ahort yMn L-____ ....; _______ _, ~;:===========::; If ,..,. jolnrtl lh~ Mr\ropolltan 1\lh l'nl~l!ll "A't' nJ'W'rlltl'tl a ""'",;,"' will r•'IC'"' ''' '""'" nt I N•• f•lrt·r.f uturr Ulan that •A 'tn. I Watt'r O•~tn<'t lhht yur 1~41 ~<'JlHr&tl' unit fnr riltrrlnji! a nd D£A TH ! AKES MISS . lu·r •l<·lllh •• •·<>nlly "' hrr """'" 1 hAnkrr'a h.•nd•lme antt popular RABOLD K. GRAUt;L CIIAPEL "We Ounetvn th~ ~tter Se~ JIJy ~nc Others BHt" PttoiM Newport 581 OMta ...., C.IJfomla ~OIL ....... ~ ................. ,... .... ...,-~. ... ._ ,_ "WOMI ,.,. ........ _ .......... -.-.-.... ----------- .. ._ · 1 "''" Utrn hla wlte 41lell w11h a and dltl no" u~ tne Wfllt>r. our 11nrt Pn1rg. wr WfiH I•I hiiYr· III.H pru-h 111 l'hlr •K" 1 . •L annual lax rnt.e wolfld 1>4' in<'rrM· J'"rUnnalP adllitl•mal ,.:,..l uf flit. PEARL CLA"K• A Ml~ll l'llork IA'I\10 111,. 11l11trr "' l 11111"t In hrr hNlrt. hi• wralUJy Ptl C)n thP f 100 ~UU~ea.~ed v .. tuallnn erin~t and 11oftrnmg the water of I FORMER VISITOR I Mr. MnriiAn 1'1rmmlu• .,, 1:l7 fllth,.r wr•nt t" prt•m tryLn• to IJO c-pntJI. • th,. lrrlgaMon Ollltrlr!Jt for lrrl· Ah11 l11nr Av•• l'-lbnft l•l~tn•l. In •••" him, frlenlt.-llhAndotlf'<l him, It we jnlnrd tht> • Dl11trkt 8Jl 1 Kallon wat<'r In llddltlon to thPir . "· ,..,,.,.,. ,,, .. .,. ~lu• "'1111 o l('lo•·11l olur-1 ~tn•l 111~11lTmr, rr}Pilr•l him ·~ Ull<'d ~w ~A·at..r, flltet"f•tl Md ""ft. I oiii!TU!IIllt' watrr 1 Newport llnrl••r •··~l•lrnl,. wt ... "'!! thr• 1111rumrr nto1111h11 Mr11 k 111"'1 '".,. ltl'l.•l I hi• lltrana,. .rntd. lhfiiC would-ht a <'t,.t nf ftel!~<'tfully 1ubmltud, bec:amr t rlr·n;l• .. r 1\ttll~ ~,.,.rl fo1,.rnmonJ[ rrvtal,..t l10l•· Iaiii WC't'k "'"l..hf,. tratc,..IY In 11111 Amrrlran 3.44 1'001.8 J'W'r 100 cuthc f('l"t. or LEW H. W AU.ACE. Clark whf'n llh" v'"''"'' ,,,.ro• Jut 1 hr mr"'"'IC'' uf ''"' "'"'"'" II,.. I h.. W,...kly, tl\r ma•u lnr •ll•trlhutlld --------------''----...---------------------·--------------....!..------------------_ with nr111 w..,.k'a ,....,. Anrelea 1 F:11amlu~r Adv. CO.TA ..aA "UJ'NITUR. oo- ... ~ Jtbtti .. -Y.taK -~-.. ............. . ..... .. ... flf ...-..... .-. ......... ·...-........ -,.,.... ...... ......................... -- ...,_ .... -I •••• ~~ .......... Mr. aDd Mrt. Dnna.ld Ca .. ot 8arD&rd lti'Mt, Oollta ....... ..... Ul11 .p!U"eftta . rt1 • ion bona at lit. Jc»eph'• tl~lt&l, O.C.mber a Movtnc from n.J'boa WIMf'f thq bAn naad11 Ulelr hom11 for ... .,.... y~~~on~, J)r IUld .,,... f' A. Cha.aa- berlalll ar• now reoldlnr In <'oAa ...... Mr. · antt .,,.., Wondrow C. r,,.,,,.r, f11rm•rly of ()'lela .. ._ and who Jlv ... l In tfumbnldt Ooua· ty for many y•v-. havtJ m0¥ee! twu·k t•• lhr Mua . Muvlnlf from t hf'tr Oc-l!an Dr1" home to 330 Ranta AM Av• . .,.,.. I h11 W. H. Trulrt.T' at Jlf"'J)OI't Thl' f WHO'S WIO .Ill 111101 DISTIICT , . . A I"PP.I A ~(1J"~ 1 c;aa & flf'<'fTII'. May1a&, RCA VIctor Sftv. Merritt Whtt.e. Ph . .,.II. • AUTO 8 UJ•PUP'.A a "POIIT aooDfll- llunllnteton fwach Auto luppl'"--:zfl) MadnJt.~ ~ IIAKF.K\' UfHlU~ • Nrwr10rt B11krry, 2112 Oc:.a.n. Ba)l.ry 'nlat Ia &.tt..: P'er a...., REAIJTY fUinP-fo:thrl~h"fl, IAA.'l l"fp~:d.2 C'.neta M .... Ph. 31J·W. ~n Otl Wa~ -Macy.'a-lalAnd..&aut.y . . lA..MI~,;. .aldla.d ~ ........_ ('ARI~F.T fmOJ>-_.. ----1-~-- iM •1H~t0 Ot: '(OV C OMINc;.. Wn'~ '{~ "'("AQVSE RS -ro~N ~ 'fOu CAN - -'3US"'I" Go OP S'rAI ~NO MEND 'EM ';buR !.Et.F I blffnll r..o~t.ln~l. N<Nfill)' Shop. J\Jmllure l'fl)r'd. Jll Aaate. Ph .... illlrlMtr rllllllfl•t ... Ntrvelty Shop', l2(X) VI. C..tra!. ~ -· f"IIIF.I'I.A('F. ANU KINUI.INU WOOO- JI W W.rlt:ht; 171M Npt. UIVf1 , roocta MtoM. ll-.d Lumber. Ph. --J. P'CU :NDARIF."'-• t' • t ' 1\riiM fo'oun(jry. J~1·Ca•tlnc. 110 VI,..._ Pl., C..ta ...... ~KaAI. ()OW~<11'011-. r.orw.n Jl f"lJidlay, ~10 Cnut Blvd. Pll. ta2. ~ alld O..truodf& J.JQtiutta.- ojiUit llhchwa)' Dnep, Uquof'f, Wlnft lr DNra. Dr Al'dMa. ..... ~ · ( • .. ·~ •'\. .l • r . ... NEWPORTI.BALBO.A NEWS-TIMES,.Nca'po.~ Beach, California, TUESDAY. JANUARY 7, l941 . T ceRONA DI.L MAR I -....: BALaOA ISLAND .. ,IJDO.ISLE • Jolan L Lanoa ·· ----L· ___ l wEDNEaDAV, JANUA"v I-1l Newport Harbor &ervlc~ Club. li(ra. Velma )Jarber RaiL 1"11 Ba.Jbna (".off .. Sbop. IIOOP 1 boa llland aaaOUDc-. th~ Nev.'J)Ort ~acll Olrl Srouu., ftace. ot· bu d.au,:httr. ~ tttnder1ui»n -&ltet--~ - ao .,...... 1·•-~~-. Pol l Hatbic tnnd Rat ~. 1ft COli Bay . NeYo-port Harbor ~1anne Avemtr. Durtnr a double Nt!wport ·nrcae o( w.s.c .s. yoan,rc ('01.11)1• ~re ltnlted tn hnly THU DAY, JANUAftV t- wedlex. by RArY, R. M · Hnprtb I Tbel cllcenAial e.elebrallua, Ne,w· at lift.. lhry'1 P!pfecopel rbUTt:h. flQI"l H~r Untdllt""lt1'tch KhiM>I (4w\a IIJ"dt. nn Ju. 2. 1H t 1JO p. .m ..... ~dttottwD. · _at 8_P. •· Buairltll ~tnll Prof.-u lnn$1 open eeraaka and palDUnp In lA· p.a· JIMdl ...... U..y Will .u. l.betr home and wtft, aleo. have u ._bftitt til t.be n4tt ,..tUval ol Alta, ~ Jaa. ~ they wlll be ~ ._.. at 2U Waft 8l.~ Lacuna ...... Wbil &"t Balbo~& lal&nd Red Crua1, we " M&&1lle Ave. '"''II tjm r .... IK>, 10 gal't· ll"-H. E c Club. 2 p m. I erin• ur. tb• looa, enllt .... e f£·•1 Newport Ikoach Ebt-11 Gan:Jen akin to Phillip C'bb• whu wro~ Section. 2 p. m. , Nt'Wport. Harbor Realty Rctl[tl IN PENSIV~ MOOD ... \\t• 8:30 a . m . Whlt~'e•B&lbo& CoUt.c: 1 r .. l~lr thf' !ifi•odf' •1f th~ jun1•1r Sbop. "tuhuoll". tTn thla ca.~~ b,. wn• ltlh:ntile Par-.Jyela B«te1tt rom-l.tberel who. weat to pure~ -.;,h._ 4t .. t Movie Hit•; Benefit P~rty Jan. 30 . NEWPORT ' BEACH COSTA MESA BALBOA... An Hononcl 81 H. E. Stahlen • --I ·-.. TM l.even or ll'nd~ret..andln~r 1 WAIII'r F . Tfptr,.. •·rnrr.lnP•t Th~ Latin acc~nt oul ·shone war lhl'l torlc rtiii!'WI&ed bv Mn. IIOC'inl eel Vi<'e worker and h~ad Callfomla mottre at the R. M~ White, StLu ChaUman or · ot Ule S&nta An·\ -Hr;~l)vtloull?7" promf!u o u(tet IUpJWr~ I be the ~uMt 'l'f!RI<~>r "t I h•• eveiiliic lD th~ H. E. here nl the 1\(ewport 84!a('b Ebell Nt~rt· H11rbor BustnP«~ An<l peninsula home whl'rc Mr and ~ub Tbureday aft.tomoou when ~feuion&J Women'• c 1 u b, Mr!l. _ lll'nry F~untaln ·or 1..u 1!ft ~~:.O:d _lllf.JJWr Iket t1tt.:.., Tlau.....,. when they flOihefle f~, N~~kl&-w.n ~ • 1 on n ·. · 1 th .. l! ru-st mectin,IZ of 1 !141 ln ed auuta. ·· After telling or Ole. cinema art Whlte'a Ba.Jboa laland · Cofte~ S p1\nl11h . m111lc providPd color With whJcb abe I• we.ll acqualnt.ed r S!rop. --. to tb~ buf(t t which was Italian In Wra. Whill' recomm.-ndl'd plrtun•IJ · ·•r1 1 11• 1 d u Orange C"nuntv prl'lJdent. u! tl•• ..,'" I' y. ,px can l'Cora •ma w~re to Mt> In the 'arly part or tP41 A latl f ,.. t arttullv arrang~d th!' Another aaoc on or uoe o , and Mill! Paula Cll.atl~ who played aevera l piano numbers for the ClUb. . • Announcement wa• made bV Mra. Ida Deaklna. proftTam chal~­ ma.o. t.bat .ura. Donald Oouglu, I Ntwport ~ach Librarian. will be .-111 adt'quatily reveal lh~ neetl tor juyenil~ IM!rvice work. He It l"onn~ted with the Sheriff'• of· fl!'f' Jn char,:P o( lh~ eollre evl'- nln, Is !.tla< ~arv Alu::• 0Pinn• , •• of ~ewport Beech. • The OiJitr.ct meet"ng ll<;hPduled Lat n Aml'rirnn otmnsphert" form•! unu lmpr .. r-ptu gRm•'ll lowed. The F\Junt.ain11 hRv~ tx>Pn the how.e gueall o( ~tr~. Addle Haugh t his \lo'l'ek an!l the gather- Ing Sunday tb~ cludt'd on thl' gut'!ll list w~re bata Wurth Hotel. Reaervatt0111 ~ee11r11 an.! Mmu . Victor Crace. be boatHaet. 1 mu.t be made w.ftb Prealdeqt Kra Ben ~oeller. Roy Worlev, Evert'tt 1 • During thf' bual.neaa &eNion Vera Miller aa 1000 aa PGU;ble. · "Morna. W. A. Kirk. T. Weeton ft.rRlD........... • ...... .W. • ..adliM ,_ WMt. ..._ whlcb waa prnlded over by ~fre.J Announct"m~nt has t. 1'!1 F. .·ut Joy. John Hlllma:~, Milton Nation, IN. 11 ,..n. It I • .._,... ... _,......, .. In .a Ia ....... ""'1'!l.~l!. ... lt.-~'lWS!!~lh.r,4t~ .'l.f~-Lhat .. M~P. ,.JA'IW.&4.,au.t.-.l.:.l~ ... ~. •lforcl. Loru!l~ Vlnt!ent. Ver-~1 WOitr ..... .._ ..... K .... ·--.;&.;_,.. .. *Ill_. m~mebrll \loert lnrtodUIC'~ In·, Hf'rllhey will be tn chat'g~ of lhe non ..,_,roollr. Mr11. Addle. Haurh. :iadl • Ia a... ._. t , lhct • 1M -_..... !"" ('ludlng Mrs. Fred Reinhold. ~fra. I Jamuuy 23 meeting whlcb ·will Mrl. Vlr(inla Caatle, Mra. June ~ 8IPt at t _....clllcL.. J..ILia_... ... a_. WaiMr il!l ~ H•l Will Smith and Mra. Ro~rt 1 !eat.u.._. a-boo~'"'-•d .-.. l.a.naford ~ Wal~ .Hubbarct, .,.. • ...... • ...... -Ia....... a~!''· L 1 cal e.nte~ent. Jr. • · .. ,.._ C. . Thom of Lido Jale · "' ---------------- ~ ....-~ WU Ole ectltDr 0/ tbe ~ ..at.10a ol tiM IWboa pq. far. tM ~ Oout Ntwa It wu d~Boetllllued ud bad aJ.o, ~ to tbat ..... a "Pincb-.......... Ia tile tau oe tht ,...._ mltlee mHtlnf, 12' o'clodl. I fl•h t:-nt llifh•lracked wlt ll Newport Beac!l Towuand Club a fn;~t tl"l'r lc·r . <"umpromlwd city ball, 7:30 p. m. 'j oo buylnr propacattnr cupplea. Women~.a Relief Corpe . Altar SocWy, 7:30 p. m. T J , and didn't al~ep 1 Wink that nliJll •. • JobNiton bome. f28 Cl,ruation t becauw he ranclf'd hlmMif In w • ._ To lnatall Offaceta T. F. Stephenaon Tella Excitinc Hiatory Of State To Frida1 Club will open her bom~ Thuradav, I January 9. tD member11 or t.h~' Robert Powella Hold Garden Se<'llon when the dliiCua.! 0 u T Fra'en"da .MmTJ4· All .. n. Re.vmond Parker, Gordon Findlay. Bailey Cook, L 8 . Ba.uh. E. N. Harvey, Harley Hubbard. Mn. C .. 1... Hubbard, .......... ~ eo~u ....... .......... ,. ....... -tiM deeoendant Ave.. caroaa del Ku. role of ~ anxi<MJe fat.b.t\r ; .u I p bl' C '"fOAV, JANUA"V 1o--he put It "You 1·an Me what'll n U , IC eremony ol r alon It'd bv Chairman Mra. w. A. pen ·• ,ouae o Youllg pr.t..atne to aprinc n owent. I "Modem Greece" 11 Ule 1 A portion of _ holiday 1 Mre. R. 8 . Powtll. Mra. Homer m~rrl. Daly WhltU~r. Mlu Betty Ba.aab, -·-...._ w.-Col. Wm.. ...... G1nkn Section. 2 p. m. · Willi ynu Fp1nl.11h ~r~ntJJ anti lfor· for their January 14 lle!llion In fire In thf! Robe•t Powell home on --..,_ •• uau \t 1 t h t ... tnt '" Furmlll ln•lftlll\tlnn nf lPfl ol• •· h J -• tl t t ,...,._ ..... ., o1 0.0. Wulltnr. eo..t e~rana of Forel~rn or • r an!:e 0 ,...r.r . 0 .,.,,. n,. ranc u n n aa on o pre~n the Donald Beach Kirby home" on Balboa, lliand when they hetd Orallln. Mre. Henry Freeman, Or. a.od Mrt. Gordon Grundy, FI'1Lilk Scott and L&Dcy Shuman. t.; Col. Qeoeop IIJarbour. bona Wan AwtUlary 8 p. m.. lhaa j future andU ~,~ .. '-YOUDof .!.~~~~ Jflanr!!',"',·Rrywllll"-~ l"nb.~f't~e~rl<·oTmmhu~tyv. dav C'RIP'fomlsa where compa~-by U do Ill~. Mrt. Howard Se~er ! open houae oo aeveral oceaalona . ... .. end. na W1llo ~and-LtcSoa Hall. , a proepec v~ a.u~U ~g ... I' ..... 'Ferry t~ ~nn, ~, .... ge announcet~ a field trip Ia pllnn~d EI'J'DOI aDd &CC<ap&nlmeul.t eel a ___ _. ta' UN Rftoluta, EI.D.F. Club, Alma Ratb bome, vUier than .J!Ih ~ l"lwrrh MX'I&l hnll In C"Oita .,_ t'ounty'a un·nrtld RI hil'ltorian. laat for the A.ntlqut' Section January~ere ~rved to m.any local aueata A portion ot the holiday• waa ·--by mfmber11 of the Womf'f\'11 Rf. k at ttl# Fri :1" Afternoon r IDcl din ... tile ....., Douthitt brothen Newport ~acll. 7:30 p. m. • u~r C'nrrll lllrll _follt!'lll' c -ay """ WPI' • y. 23. --I u c Mea.n. and ~mea. enjoyed by thl! C. Harold Hop- • ltlie ftclaU.. 1111*). w .. n.-.n·a m•Unr. 7:46 LOOKINO •AT • TH£ CAL£N· hrr ataft from ~•nt.. ~r~ art ~ ~~!· progrllm merlin~ l~ Colrta Mn Victor Grace Ia ln.c ·;:;b;;;a;;rg:;.e;...Ro_be_rt __ AJ_:_ICD __ u_vry_:__Ea.r __ Nib& __ w~,_:.:lt_w __ ln_the;__deee __ rt.="""'"====;;---ft-l ==::-:---..,;~::..;r;;!~~~;';j~~~f'!~..:P_·_m___::"_nre-==bal=l=.====-DAft • , . w~ flml.....AL UWL.«Nnltht tht• C"M?mmty ~ ~~--·~t-v w-u th; m:=:--r of .,.. •&dlt <&Jd' patty ., r: .ariy dll~ ll'lmf' brok~n r~lWIIU-.,... n~ ~ ...... day . January 30. to ~ jtlvtn by I o~ to lhe pubUc · lnvl'ntlnn · ftnu lnc.luatrv In the T_l.. 11001 IU<'h u "Ne~ tp r rillrlsr · the way11 and me&nll com mlttH Ln aaea ,.. _... 11 .__ b ,_ Final plaNt w~"' made at ""'" diiV" In this AllltP. ac:cordlpg the E ....... 11 clu .. '"~·-. ,. .... e .,...er 1~ 0,._. ev~n .Wucu e. lJI Thun!da)"r WU1011 tn tllf' MD to Strpi !'rsnn whn outlmf'd the """ ""~~ lki'Jirie'lll IUIIIY ol tbetr Nnv· port Harbor ffleoda, )(Ia Mu1n~ !'Mk.k.yo &..ull'ford of Ba.lboa aftd -Gene 8wan.oa ol N.ewport BMc:h were wed JMIIU'y ~ 1D quiet rit.u beJd <Ul tbe ~11an p&r'len· ..... y,..._ .vue-. r= IInde, wbo • U.. daupter ol Mra. E. aHa o1 Cllt.o, C&llf .. ~ltf'r drt'eeed.. Alway• 1 HOIIlehell for lhl' day w.r~ dfWI" u ctwdln.J to the •lena oo wh ch ws... condur tl'd hy Mra. llttpll to " modf'rn California. be· membera ot Ut•-w•H•N' t"nmmt . tht" hlrhway (If you· doubt thl• {'lara M• Murtry · ~·"l:TftnJ.i l)nft;-~lnnlnl! w.tl]l h;ertrtion of mla· J tee under tht direction of !11 r1 ont. lnvellli<•te th~ accident ~L h N.;""j' offll"e~d !~uck: •lonll alfln~t lhl" c01tlrt A pOrtion E. E. Boudinot.' Bright calf'ndula<~ whk h OC'curred Saturday a. m. on anc " u awl\, pre• m : ar-or lhe hllppy phiiOIIOphy of th~ and irta made-the gay touCh or 1 the overhead bridjt'l! at thl' t n· gart't ~an. aenlor vici'·Prflllideltt; Calltorala ·Spanlab 1-' evident lo-tbe deuert table and 1ahout th; •--A t .., w rt Bal....... Alkl' K1nr;. junlnr \'lCe·preclct.ftt; day Stephf!ni!On aald wheq. he &eld clubroom. At th ....... ullf 11 ........ " 0 •• e po ......,.., · lea Clark treaaur~r· Ptarl Browa CJ4 ll 1 th 1800' ~ """a u Y ap-1 To etay away -t roll\. the Santa I . ' · 'I ltRY evrn n e 1· polnttd tabl~ hoet ullell served .. lt..a d ... .. ..... ,.. __ .. • .. _, conductrl"flll . Clara McMurtry. In the ebllen<"t of Mrs. Gunnln~t plced ld ·d d b ,_ AD an o .... er .....,&-....,..a ,....., eecretary· lela Bilker -·&I'd· . . • r er an oug nu..., 11 unle• you havt anot.h'r bQt l · · .. -·I Butlf'r, pruidPnt. Mr11. rorb Sar. u . . To be . b rf I I Marpret Lon~. chaplain; aara. t'kt, vlce-pruldc.nL called ll!e M A. J R T Pdl ~1__: .. · t U U 10 ,C,._ee u Rnlllne. lhullll"ian: Phoebe Moltl· ~e111on to order tollowinlf the n . · utter 0 ::. .,... ..,.. :lat • b mea w-t no; ·mer,_ p&trtotlc lnrtruclor; Clal" poup tlnciDg of ~everal aonga ::: ~an 0: your :;eac:_ 0 Wrt~tht. tlnl color bearer: Iva S«t'on IUIDouncementa Included .Be Gueat Soloiat :.. I .:::;., h-om :Ur':'or: exc:: <:ne, w c0ft4-color bea.rer: n oreDCe the Gard.en SecUon meetloc P'r1· -,• 1 . ble tn.id.T) and lA(t,e ClevelaPcS. tJIIrd color bearer; aDd day altel"'loon at 2 p. m.. In the Mre. A. J . Rutter. proaun~nl ~--e&n~ellt ~It · wbo :OUid Etta" Teed. fourth cotor a-ret': I c:tubbouw Ule Well Baby Cltnlo On.nge · County vocallat red<knt ........_. ._ iiii:ICtlptAd ,.,.... a dull IWt accented wttl\.a ~~d~t1=~ .. =.:......,. ~ tM .............. ol ...... ~'ado~! ~ .J:aiaillllllll~ ........ ~---AU s;stber CIJJUSTL~ SCI.E.'ICE llEADINO ROOIII 118 E.ut Ceatlal J\veaue Bal';--Callfomn • • • • . - 1be Flnst In DINNERS • "YDIUDI KNOWS" .. Semac t~w Ftnest In Stftka • av..ne..._. 50eto85c 17th and 'Orange Shwt CHOP SUEY .... tM ..,....,..... aotber. Vr•. ll.,...,..c lwauaa ot New- port a.dl. ftft. R. C. Ac.berwon ~ad the r1J11 ctretrlOII)' at 12 o'clock noon In tlii pretence, 0( the rroom'ti J!l_otJMr and R. T. l"tlelpa. Prtor to bft-marrtace the n~w Mra. ew..n.oa UfiO('lated bft!D COD• nected with the N""'JX>rt • &utr P'lre Department tor tbe' put •veral ,..,...-<nte-~ make Utelr boale (n San Otero wbere tbt brtcleJrOOIQ '-employ · ec1. Stiqarette Club PartJ In M,_ Broob HonM FRIED SHRIMP. . t&Jit t.IP .,.. .Peu'1 Goodman. preaa c:onupoad· at 1 ol Balboa l•land will be Ule ctetped to r.ful• their claim .. 1 e 011 ur reee a , and the Book l.lkl Study Secti011 10 ollt, of lbf Costa • Mea Wo· ba•e kept all my r.olutlona u ce will 11ppolnt their own aa~l.t.anll meetln~t January :zo_ In the club· men·• Socl!!'ty ot Chri1Uan Ser, January tat:· IC(IftfldeftUally Wt' In <"hlflte of ,arran~mtnl.t fM , hou.w 1urrroom. · viet' when they convt"ne Thur$. h& 't ' 1 lhl' affair. a re Marpnt DeaD, Plan,. are undfloway for lh~ day at 2 p m In th~ 1oclal hall Yell · Clair~ Wrtlfhl. Florence CSen · reciprocity day tea January ti of the C'ommunlly churl'h • land. Clara Rollinll. Ida Wood and wt..n w.-.. Mary Ba(ten Stepb!!'n· The muaicale Ia ll portion of 1 LDVEa OLD IWEET . IONC I Ida BaJI..r. r.treehmenta and de<'· aon of Corona del Mar will be the tnt' program u announc~ by . . . Oun~ from Wuhlng'lon, oratlona; Clara McMurtry a.od ha. AS WE ENTER Till N&W YEAR-· -" • Special Luncfieon - --35c May We Take This Means of Assuring Our · Thou$ands of ' ~ Management llt-8118o. llalla St.-SANTA ANA Bay Distrid L~ntber €o. ·---~~~~ ..... u .. • ;..·,·,. .., ~. , . . , -. . Friends and Patron~ Will Be ~iaintained In ' THE FUI .Z91E; ·PA~BOA As Has Been Given In the Past. The Entire Zone Painted. and Re-decorated and Will Be I OPEl M=IRCH ·FIRST AL AND.E·RSON, . . .. ' .. •' •... .,. Ia Being Prop • r ,. .